Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One
- 3 years ago
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Two weeks after Megan’s cruel departure, I felt I was at a place where I could cope with my turmoil. I decided to drive three hours to see my mom and dad. Both of my brothers and my youngest sister were there as well. We visited for a few hours over dinner while I convinced everyone I was good. No one believed it, but I was glad they pretended to be satisfied.
Dad was Dad. He had little to say but his eyes betrayed his love for me and deep anger toward Megan. I imagined in his mind he was considering organizing a biblical stoning of the guilty woman. Mom tried to avoid talking about Megan at all. I think she would still like to get a pound of flesh from the woman that hurt her boy. My brothers and sisters all wanted to hug me and pound Megan to a pulp. The hugs and affection really did feel reassuring, and my visit home made me even more thankful for having a loving family.
As I drove home from my parents, plans for my future started to form in my brain. I decided Megan’s actions set the stage for me to evaluate lots of things in my life. She forced the big change. Now, I was going to determine how things would go in other key areas of my life.
The first on my mind ... I had a job I loved with a company I couldn’t stand. My direct supervisor was a prime example of the “Peter Principle.” He was in over his head and tried to cover his shortcomings with bluster, bad attitude, and constant ridicule of his charges. I started the New Year with a new life, and I wouldn’t be held back by working for fools. I was headed out on my own. Those were heavy-hearted days in my life, but I felt a great weight lifted off of me as I organized my future.
As the months passed, Bobby and Sarah continued to keep me secure through their friendship. I said it before, but if you Googled “perfect friends,” they were the benchmark that popped up on the screen. I didn’t have dinner with them every night, but Friday became a regular time together along with weekend gatherings. Since I was no longer a “couple,” many of the other couples that Megan and I used to hang with drifted away. I sort of expected that.
I noticed a trend in my visits with Bobby and Sarah. They both found time to pull me aside to tell me about some great woman that I should ask on a date.
“Would you two match-maker-wannabes please stop? I’m not ready to date yet.”
Sarah looked hurt. “Ben, you’re not the type of guy that can be alone. We just want you to be open to finding somebody new.”
“I know your hearts are in the right place, but it’s too soon for me. And now that I’m starting my own business, I can’t spare the time to do a lot of trial dating. I’ll know when I’m ready and I’ll be more open to your suggestions. But for now, let nature take its course.”
I was twenty-seven years old and was not planning to be a life-long bachelor, but my trust in the fairer sex was deeply shaken. I wanted to be sure not to bring too much of that baggage into the next phase of my love life.
Megan was true to her word. There was very little that she wanted beyond what she had packed that day. I pondered a thought of thankfulness, but a bitter taste covered it up quickly. Sarah mentioned Megan had asked her to talk to me about a few furnishings that were heirlooms from her family, and some kitchen supplies that were gifts. I told Sarah to bring her and whoever she needed to move them on Saturday morning, and let her know I wouldn’t be there. I totally trusted Sarah, and I didn’t think Megan would abuse the opportunity. What I did know for sure was that I didn’t want to see her.
Several months later, the divorce was final. I followed the advice of my Pastor and friends. I had to find a way to forgive Megan. She needed it, and I needed it to let my heart move on. With lots of prayers and introspection, I searched my soul and truly forgave her. I would never forget, and I thought I would always have a trace of anger, but I was convinced that Megan was fighting something within her. I didn’t think she could even begin to explain it.
Sarah notice some kind of change in my attitude and decided to talk to me about it.
“Ben, it’s been a few months. Are you coming to grip with the whole Megan fiasco?”
“I think I’ve reached the point where I’ve accepted the whole mess. I can’t change it, but I know I can move forward and choose to live well.”
“Early on you were pretty angry but you remained gentlemanly about the whole thing. I’m curious if you ever had thoughts of revenge.”
Her question struck me as humorous. I imagined she was testing me.
“In all honesty, there were times my inner thoughts were not so kind. I guess we’re all like that or revenge movies wouldn’t be so popular. What Megan did was totally unfair to me. I didn’t deserve what she did. Even she said that. But what would justice even look like, and how could I live with something bad happening to a woman I used to love.”
“Do you still have feelings for her? I mean, if her new partner turned out to be a creep and she tried to come back, would you take her?”
“I’ve considered the same question. No, I couldn’t take her back nor could I ever feel the same way I did about her. I’ll always care, I’m not able to turn that off, but I’ll never trust her with my heart again. But I can say for sure that I’ve forgiven her. I’m moving forward and I hope she is too.”
“I do see her once in a while, and she always asks about you.”
“I’m glad you’ve stayed friends with her. I’m sure she needs a rock like you in her circle of friends. Do me a favor, though.”
“Sure. What?”
“Don’t tell her that I’ve forgiven her ... at least not yet. For her own good, I think she needs to ask for forgiveness directly from me.”
Sarah, Bobby, and other friends tried to fill the void in my life. I was not good at being alone, but the energy going into my business kept my thoughts occupied.
I knew when the time was right, love would be out there somewhere for me. I wondered what it would be like. Would it just be a comfortable love or a hot and heavy passion-filled love? I hoped for the latter but felt myself willing to settle for a companion and friend. My prayers started to include a request for the right woman to come my way, and I asked that I would clearly recognize her when I saw her.
As I slowly worked my way out of my self-imposed shell I started to make more friends in the neighborhood. Megan and I moved there in September, which was about three months before she left. The fall and winter in Illinois didn’t provide the ideal setting for outdoor cookouts or casual meetings, so I hadn’t really met any neighbors since the lovely woman next door and an older couple welcomed us to the neighborhood with cookies and some freshly baked bread. Other than that, most neighborly contact consisted of friendly waves and smiles.
Warm weather made its welcomed return. With yard work and casual strolls, I started to get to know more of the folks in my neighborhood. Tom and Fran were the nice older couple that lived across the street and had greeted Megan and me with a loaf of bread when we moved in. Peg and Bill lived next to them on the right with their 3 teenage sons. They were good kids but dealing with three boys that age kept them hopping.
Joe lived next door to the right of my house. He was in his seventies and since his wife had passed several years earlier, he started considering selling to live near his son in a retirement community. He was a sweet guy but pretty lonely. I liked it when we could share a beer once in a while just to chat or watch the Cubs on my big screen. We were two lonely guys keeping each other company over adult beverages.
I frequently saw my neighbor to the left because our driveways ran parallel and only a few feet apart. I never saw the man-of-the house, only Laura and her two girls. Laura was the sweet woman that greeted our arrival in the neighborhood with homemade cookies. We exchanged a number of friendly waves and smiles and I felt an instant like for her. We talked briefly on occasion, but I never liked to interact with women when their husbands weren’t there to avoid any appearance of impropriety.
Even so, I couldn’t help but watch her as she interacted with her children. In a brief conversation, as she loaded her girls in the car one cold winter day, she introduced her two daughters. Hanna was a bright and cheerful nine-year-old. Her three-year-old sister, Mattie, was the cutest thing ever and entirely precocious. Hanna and Mattie played outside a lot, so I saw them frequently and often had the chance to talk with them.
As the weeks passed, I often felt my mind drifting to warm thoughts about Laura. I still didn’t know much about her, but what I knew for sure was that she was a beautiful woman. It wasn’t hard to see how nice she was. She was always smiling. And as a mother ... her girls were sweet and obedient to her. I never heard a raised voice from next door. In contrast, I heard Peg and Bill shouting a lot of threats and rebukes from across the street. Maybe it was the difference between raising boys and girls. Somehow, though, Laura seemed like gender wouldn’t matter as to how her children were raised. I hoped I would meet her husband sometime so we could comfortably become friends.
Spring threatened to turn into early summer. I noticed I still hadn’t seen nor met a man living in Laura’s house. It became even more evident that there may not be one since Laura did all the yard work and maintenance chores including the trash. That was a dead giveaway that there was no man in the picture. But I wasn’t going to jump to conclusions. Maybe he traveled a lot. But I never saw a car other than the one Laura drove. I considered asking Joe about her during one of our beer visits, but I shrugged it off and guessed I’d just figure out Laura’s home dynamics at some point. Joe would tell me what he knew, but leaning on the gossip grapevine was not my style.
Mattie and Hanna constantly played outside as the weather warmed. Both were very outgoing and VERY talkative, so when I worked outside they often came over to see me. We enjoyed teasing each other and had a lot of marvelous chats. I found myself really looking forward to their impromptu visits. I learned of ballet, Veggie Tales, JoJo Bows, and tons of other things I never knew existed. These two girls were beyond adorable. They started calling me Mr. Ben and it warmed my heart every time they did. They adored their mom and mentioned her often, but never anything about Dad and I didn’t feel I should broach the subject with them.
On a very hot Saturday late in May, I decided to do some weeding, which was a job I hated with a passion, but it had to be done. I was busy pulling the offending growth from the ground while I hummed quietly to myself to make the task seem more pleasant. Hanna and Mattie were playing hop-scotch in their driveway and decided that having a chat with me would be more fun.
As we talked, and by that I meant that they talked and I listened, I sat back on the lawn to take a welcomed break from my despised task and enjoyed my two visitors. The girls playfully plopped down with me on the grass. Hanna was telling me with great enthusiasm all about her favorite TV shows with Mattie chiming in. I was having a great time with these two treasures.
Then I noticed Laura wandering toward us.
I had admired her from a distance for months. Somehow, all those pleasant thoughts of the past compressed within me and caused a surge of powerful attraction. The pleasant sensations felt foreign and strong. Every nerve was stimulated. Every thought my brain could produce was rushing my full attention to the vision heading my way. Goosebumps popped up over every part of me. Yes, she was a beautiful woman. But whatever I felt was more than admiring God’s handiwork.
I remembered first seeing Laura shortly after we moved in. I recalled thinking she was a very attractive “girl next door” type. At that point, I thought I was happily married, so my brain never wandered to consider her otherwise.
But now I was freed from the marital bonds I held sacred. I saw her walking towards me as if I never noticed her before. I couldn’t control what I was feeling.
Her smile radiated from a place deep within her. I beheld her beauty as if I had never witnessed it before. Bright blue-gray eyes captured my attention and drilled deep into the core of my very existence. Something stirred within me causing butterflies and a warm glow. Her long, light brown hair flowed around her perfectly framing the most gorgeous face I had ever imagined. I swore I could see an aura around her that would put the sun to shame. In one instant, unfolding before me in slow motion, I felt like I could see the depths of her soul and a sweetness that captured my imagination. I wanted to envelop her and all the sensations that were bombarding me.
I chastised myself, realizing I was seriously crushing on a woman whom I still somehow believed was someone else’s wife. The conflicts in my mind were driving me to distraction. I struggled for composure.
“Hi, Ben.”
Was that angels singing?
“Laura. You’re just in time for a debate about favorite TV shows!” My voice cracked a little in a failed attempt to stay cool.
“Girls, are you driving Mr. Ben nuts with girl talk?”
“Mom!” Hanna whined. “Mr. Ben is fun to talk to!”
“Misser Ben is fun!” Mattie parroted.
“Well, Mr. Ben, I was just coming out to see if the girls would like some lemonade on this hot day.”
Hanna gave a dramatic “Yeah” as if she’d been wandering in the desert for days without water. Mattie jumped up and down repeating “Yes ... yes ... yes” with every leap.
Hanna looked at Laura all excited. “Can Mr. Ben have some too?”
Laura looked at me and smiled. I heard harps playing and I was melting into a puddle.
“Mr. Ben, would you like to join us?”
“Sure,” I blurted out as I tried to curb my enthusiasm and all the other sensations I was both fighting to control.
“Great! I’ll bring it out to the back patio. There’s a cool spot in the shade. It will be nice to talk with you a little, Ben. We live so close, but we haven’t really had a chance to chat. Girls, why don’t you show Mr. Ben where we’re headed, and I’ll go get the glasses.”
I heard the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ in my mind. What was happening to me? I was trying to gather my composure while hoping to remember my manners.
“Can I help you?”
“Aw, thanks for your offer. I’m good. There’s not much to carry and I think the girls would love you to go with them.” She smiled and quickly turned. Before I could think, she was gone and two giggling little beauties each grabbed one of my hands and started to pull me to our destination.
The back patio was beautifully landscaped with pavers in a semicircle framed with a low raised wall along the perimeter that doubled as extra seating. Annual flowers were freshly planted in raised gardens on the outside of the wall. Eight outdoor chairs were placed around a fire pit, perfectly staged for nights of friendly conversation with friends and family. The fragrance of spring flowers filled the air.
The girls led me to another seating area with four padded Adirondack chairs set in a grouping around an outdoor wooden coffee table. The area would have been in the sun during the morning hours, but at one in the afternoon it was shaded by surrounding maple trees. The setting had a peaceful, lazy feel. It was perfect for relaxing or for a long comfortable conversation. I found myself hoping this time with Laura would be both comfortable and long. Even so, my nerves were on edge. The onslaught of emotions in the past five minutes had shocked my system with adrenalin and I fought against nearly uncontrollable energy. And I still had to assume she was married. I was completely conflicted about what I was hoping I would learn about Laura and her relationship status.
“Mom has me hooked on watching all her favorite movies from when she was a kid,” Hanna said as she continued our conversation that started on my front lawn. Mattie squatted a few feet away focused on a bug.
“Really? What movies have you watched lately?” I asked.
“Princess Bride!” she shouted with glee. “That’s my favorite!”
I smiled and said, “Wuv ... TWU Wuv!”
“That’s the best part!” she giggled.
“What other movies have you two watched?”
“Well, we watched ‘Groundhog Day’ last weekend. I really liked that.”
I smiled and couldn’t help myself. “You won’t believe this, but that’s my favorite of all time!”
“Mom said there were some things in it that were a little old for me, but I got it. He started out as a jerk and ended up learning how to be a good guy.”
“That’s what I like about it. It shows someone could change if they really wanted to.”
She pondered my comment and her mood went a little somber. “I wish that had worked for my dad.”
Until I knew more, I had to let that drop. But what didn’t escape me was a great glimmer of hope rising within me that there was no man involved. I instantly felt guilty when I realized that meant those awesome girls may not have a father around.
“So, what are you watching next?” I was trying to avoid the “Dad” topic for now.
“It’s gonna rain tomorrow so we’re gonna binge watch the “Back to the Future” movies!” she explained with a beaming smile. “Mom’s so excited about it she keeps talking about it every night at dinner!”
I had to chuckle at the energy she could bring to any conversation.
Laura suddenly appeared from behind me with a tray of glasses and sporting that electric smile. “Are you giving away our secret plans for tomorrow, Squirt?” As she put the tray on the coffee table, Hanna’s shyness appeared as she reacted to one of her mother’s pet names for her.
“Sheesh, Mom!”
“LENNONADE!” Mattie shrieked as she came over and grabbed her glass. Laura and I chuckled, Hanna took the opportunity to correct her little sister’s pronunciation.
We shared light conversation for about ten minutes while sipping on our refreshment and we just enjoyed the two girls. Once Hanna finished, she and Mattie returned to the front of the house to play.
“Laura, you have two amazing girls! I wish I had their energy.”
“They are real blessings.” Her face was filled with love and pride. “They are really sweet and well-behaved, which makes the challenges of being a single mom a lot easier to bear.”
I admit it. My heart jumped with joy while I allowed thoughts of sympathy to show on my face.
“You’re raising them all by yourself! You’re doing a fantastic job. I just assumed you were married when I saw your ring.”
She looked down with a rather wry smile. “I should tear it off and melt it down. I’m just so used to it, plus it stops me from getting hit on so often. Of course, there are jerks that don’t care and hit on me anyway.” Her smile morphed into something between a smirk and a look of frustration.
I wasn’t sure if I’d regret what I said next, but I couldn’t help myself.
“I imagine someone as strikingly beautiful as you finds themselves forced to deal with a lot of rude advances.”
“Please,” she said, a little embarrassed but thankfully still smiling. “I appreciate the compliment, but I don’t feel all that beautiful after two kids and a few really stressful years.”
A look of shock took over my face as I almost did a spit-take. She giggled a bit seeing I almost sprayed a mouthful of lemonade. I couldn’t believe she could feel that way. I quickly scanned the person sitting next to me and I couldn’t see a hint of imperfection. I regained a little composure and looked at her with what I hoped was a friendly but serious gaze.
“Please forgive what I’m going to say,” I begged. “If someone has made you feel that way when you look in a mirror, then they are the problem! I hope I get to know you well enough that I’m comfortable telling you what I see sitting next to me.”
I could feel myself blushing with a bit of embarrassment. Thank God, her smile widened.
“Ben, you’re really sweet ... and thank you. My ex, and now late husband said a lot of uncomplimentary things and I guess I took them too much to heart.”
“Wow, I’m sorry Laura. I know we’re just getting acquainted, but I feel like I opened some wounds that haven’t completely healed.”
She grimaced and bowed her head to stare at the ground in front of her. At first, I was concerned that she regretted telling me that much detail, but I continued.
“If it’s too deep to get into right now or if you’re not comfortable we can let it drop. But if it helps you at all to talk about it, I’m a really good listener.”
Her look changed to a wry smile.
“Well, neighbor, I did jump in the deep end first.” She laughed and projected the feeling that she was more comfortable with the subject than I thought she’d be. “Before we know what each other does for a living or normal stuff we’re right into the dirty laundry!”
“Do you want to take a step back?” I asked.
She gave a reflective laugh. “I guess I already opened the door to the tough stuff. I don’t know why, but for some reason, I think I’m comfortable telling you. I’ll forge ahead if you think you can take it!” She wore a smile, but I sensed a little fear too.
“If you’re sure, I think I can handle it. Well, I hope I can, at least.”
“Be careful what you ask for!” She chuckled looking both relieved and a little timid. “Tell you what ... before I launch into my sordid past, how about if I get us refills on the lemonade and add a little Jack Daniels to grease the wheels?”
“I like how you think!”
When she returned with the more adult version of our refreshment, she looked like she was pondering where to start.
I smiled at her. “I have to admit I feel a bit guilty. You said he’s both an ex and has passed? That sounds like a pretty intense tale and I can’t help being curious. But I’m giving you another chance to chicken out if you want!”
“I thought about chickening out while I was getting our drinks!” She chuckled. “You sure you can handle this?”
“Give me your best shot!”
She laughed, then quieted into a more somber, reflective mood.
“Where to start?” she asked herself while trying to organize her thoughts.
“I’ll begin by letting you know a bit about the end so you know my mindset. I don’t miss him at all. I’m not glad he’s dead! But I’m thankful he can never be around me or the girls. I think you’ll understand when you hear the whole story.”
“Good to know! I’ll fasten my seatbelt!” I think she wanted to smile, but couldn’t force it.
Laura launched into details that blew my mind.
Her husband, Kevin, was a sales manager with a large industrial firm headquartered in Charlotte where he was originally from. He spent about half his time at the headquarters and the other half here in the Chicago sales office. She met him at a wedding in town about eleven years ago. They were married about a year later.
She thought it was odd that he had no family at the wedding and only a few friends from the office, but he told her that his parents died and that he had no family remaining. His travel patterns didn’t change after they had Hanna and she wondered why he had to be away some major holidays. It wasn’t every year, but when he was away over Christmas or another major event he would usually claim to be on an extended business trip in Asia or in Europe.
She was pregnant with Mattie when she really focused on trying to put the pieces together and the puzzle didn’t fit. Once she told him she was expecting, he seemed to be in Charlotte for more than half the time, claiming there were office shake-ups and reorganizations requiring his presence.
In my mind, I figured he had been cheating on her or something like that. When she told me the truth, it took the wind out of me.
Laura’s face took on a pained look.
“I was so wrapped up being pregnant, a mom, and a teacher that time just kept passing. But with less and less help from my mostly absent husband, all sorts of suspicions started to consume me.” Her lip started to quiver a little bit.
“One day a friend from church visited and I confided in her that I thought something was going on behind my back. We talked a little when she suddenly suggested I Google him. I hadn’t thought of that.
I started an online search and saw bits of info mostly tied to social media. I never liked social media, so I wasn’t all that familiar with it. Most of the information seemed to be tied to Facebook, so I created an account so I could read the things coming up in Google.”
Laura was starting to shake a little. She was mad and desperately trying to hold it in.
“You okay?” I asked.
She shook her head, “Yes” and took a big breath.
“I found two profiles. They were both him, the pictures couldn’t lie. One seemed mostly about his job. The other ... the other had family pictures... but not ours!”
I thought she was going to lose control, but she gathered herself quickly.
“I thought of a lot of possibilities, but I wasn’t prepared for that! The jerk had another family! They lived in Charlotte. His parents, brothers, and a sister all lived there and were very much alive. He was married two years before we got married. And according to his Facebook profile, he still was!”
She let me put my hand on hers and seemed to welcome it. All I could come up with was, “Holy cow!”
She hired a private investigator who confirmed everything she had learned. She pressed charges and the authorities arrested him. His other wife was a high school sweetheart and she had three children with him. She didn’t know anything about Laura.
She continued the bizarre details.
“Kevin’s other wife’s big brother didn’t take the news well. I’m told he’s not very bright and has a real mean streak. But he was very protective of his little sister.”
She paused and took a very big breath, and looked around I think to be sure the girls were still out of range to hear. She took on a very somber countenance, then continued in a subdued voice.
“The day my ... my bigamist husband ... was let out on bail pending trial, the brother paid him a visit with a shotgun. His first shot ... well ... neutered him. I was told he let Kevin writhe in pain for about an hour, the whole time inflicting other forms of pain. I guess he figured he suffered long enough from that, and he shot him twice in the belly hoping death would be slow, then left. They found Kevin two days later.”
I couldn’t help but wince in sympathetic pain. As grateful as I was that Laura was unattached, I wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone.
I watched in awe as she told her story. She still felt the impact, but I believed her when she said she was getting past it. Her eyes welled up as she told the tale, but she never broke. My own eyes let a few drops fall as I felt the immense pain she’d been put through. I think she felt more anger and embarrassment that the jerk fooled her for so long.
As she finished she looked at me with a strange, but comforting look. “So, what do you think of my soap opera life?”
“I’m stunned! I mean ... how can you expect that? God bless you! I mean, how did you deal with it all? You had to feel like you were being pulled apart in so many directions!”
She got serious but also seemed to look relieved. “I guess I have to confess that the anger still gets to me. It’s funny, though, I was certainly mad at Kevin, but I would never want to have what happened to him. I mean, I felt something for him once. As much as I wanted him out of my life, I didn’t want it done that way. It feels strange to say, but the way it went down it ended up working out as well as it could for us.” Her face scrunched up with a deeply troubled look. “I feel guilty saying that, but it worked on a lot of levels.”
“So why are you still feeling anger?” I thought I knew the answer.
“I’m angry at myself for not seeing Kevin for what he was and then letting him pull the wool over my eyes for so long. I never thought I was an idiot, but he made me feel like one!”
“You asked if I could take it. I wasn’t prepared for that, but I’m really glad you felt you could share it with me. Frankly, I’m amazed at your strength!”
She sweetly smiled at me. “Before all that I never thought I was very strong. I never faced a trial like that. I mean, really, who’d expect to face something like that? But my faith, my girls, my family, and my friends were all I needed. They brought the strength I didn’t have on my own.”
“I can see how Mattie and Hanna would help you face the tough days. I can’t help but smile when I’m around them.”
“They’re my sweeties! They brighten my day no matter how dark it feels.” The reflective, loving smile that lit up her face signaled a welcomed change in mood.
“I can see how that would be true. You mentioned your faith played a big part, too?”
“Yeah. I may not know all about the bigger plan, but I trust in my faith in God. Plus, the people at my church have been great.”
“I know I always find faith is important, but its importance is really evident when stuff like this hits, isn’t it?”
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What are Broken Latina Whores good for, anyway? It’s kind of a trick question, and the answer is going to depend a lot on your perspective and honestly, your masturbatory preferences as well. You’ve probably figured it out from the title, but this next site ain’t your typical premium Latina site full of big bubble butts and Spanish-speaking bimbos. I mean, you’ll find them in spades around here, but the action is a bit rougher than you’d expect from a joint like SexMex, MamacitaZ or Culioneros....
Premium Latina Porn SitesIn the basement of a local church men were gathering together for their weekly meeting; making cups of coffee and engaging in small talk. As it was almost eight o’clock they began to seat themselves in the folding chairs arranged in a circle so they could all face each other. They were all seated when one of the men stood up and began to speak, “Good evening everyone.” “Good evening Paul,” the group recited in unison. “I call to order this meeting of the broken penis support group. It looks...
Breaking in my daughter’s bestie at a hockey match....She was wincing. Close to tears. I was applying real pressure. Yes I was taking in her thighs and close heaving busty chest but Krystal was still fully dressed. Suddenly I was actually pervy happy I had been roped in as the emergency first aid officer for my daughter’s Robyn’s hockey match. Here was her bestie needing close personal attention and boy oh boy was I in high spirits dispensing it, even as she flinched again.“Krystal, it’s a...
The Broken Chain Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown I wrapped the light nylon jacket more tightly around my chest, but the chill of the night was still seeping into my bones. My shivering was as much from cold as hunger. It had been almost two days since they gave me food at the shelter ... two days since they laughed at me when I said I'd been thrown out of my home because I'd told my parents I wanted to be a girl. My legs were starting to cramp from crouching in the shadows of...
Crysatal Maid Crystal Broken Mariam eyed him with her big doe eyes as Hamid entered the room. He gestured at her to join him at the small padded bench in the middle of the room. With a single finger he slipped the bra strap of her shoulder. No words were needed and Mariam unhooked her red demi cut bra and stepped out of her matching knickers. He noted with satisfaction her little cock was standing erect. Hamid patted the bench and obediently Marian climbed up and knelled on all...
The secret diary of tiny broken jadeNOTE: Below is a series of journal entries I found anonymously posted on the web. I do not know the author and I do not know if I have the right to publish those journals as my own, but I was fascinated by those journals, as they are almost mirror images of my own internal feelings and of my own existence. I edited some minor misspellings but left most of the content intact. I do not know how much of this is true, and how much more just the ramblings of a...
I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to flood the passage way. It only took twenty minutes in the cab but I knew that by the end of the night this was going to be the longest time I had sat down between Molly and her partner James and not spoken a word. It was always awkward in a cab with those two. Molly would have to at any given moment...
Introduction: Part 1. Black tutu, silk stockings, 6 inch heels and the skimpiest bra I could find. I couldnt be arsed with knickers they would only get ripped off and lost forever. I didnt want to loose any of my sexy clothes they werent designer but they were mine. Silk handbag with the essentials in it. I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to...
I was broken, not broken like the "Need Help Guy" standing at an intersection. Broken in the sense of being lost inside. It wasn't like my life was in a shambles or anything. I had a great job, a great house, and a new car. Most people would say, 'What does he have to be broken about?'I couldn't feel anything, not for my wife of twenty-five years, not for my grown daughter, and not for my granddaughter. Feeling anything just manifested itself as physical pain, so my life was only...
ThreesomesBroken Glass By Jenna Hitch and shalimar "Thank you Mr. Spielberg for coming here to listen to my story," I said to the famous producer. "I know you want to record stories of the Shoah by those of us who witnessed and played a part in the Holocaust. As I was not born Jewish, I hope my story is not wasting your time. The incident of the returned box of cigars occurred on November 9, 1938. Yes, Kristallnacht. I met Maure, my husband, on May 8, 1945, the day my country finally...
BROKEN ECHO by Jenny North Antanaclasis /ant-an-uh-KLAS-is/ n. From the Greek, antanaklasis ("echo" or "reflection") from anti- ("against") + ana- + klasis ("breaking or bending") 1. A play on words in which a key word or phrase is repeated in a different, often contrary, sense. **************************************************************** STORY ONE: The Ballad of the Broken Blade (Act I) **************************************************************** It was the...
The following is my response to a Craigslist ad. The secret sissy in question claimed to be a young, successful man, heading his own department at work and living the good life. But he yearned for his teen years, where he would passably dress up and meet men off the internet. He wanted to be completely broken and feminized to the point of no return. Here is what I had to say, and after writing the little scenario at the end I thought it might be a good enough start for my first...
Jessica walked alone along the dark sidewalks towards the bus stop after another Saturday late-evening workout at the university gym. Some weights and a swim followed by a nice, hot shower left her feeling refreshed and energized. Not that she had anything fun lined up for the evening to put that renewed energy to good use. No, she was heading home to study. To look at her, people would be forgiven if they questioned why a pretty and personable, 19-year old university sophomore like herself...
Broken Little Thing: Chapter 3 "So, how is she?" My sister-in-law asked me from the other side of the line, from all the way south, in Florida. Ava was upstairs showering again, getting dressed so I could take her out to dinner. And I thought, how was she? Perfect. That's what I thought. The loveliest person and the best sex I ever had. A girl who had for only a couple of years stepped into her teenagehood, who still struggled with how her body developed, and that had graced me with the...
Catwoman Next Door by: Shawna Summers [email protected] It's funny how a casual conversation can have a serious impact on your life. I still remember vividly one conversation that resulted in my first female dominant relationship. I was just about to finish high school, and had just turned eighteen. It was also the winter when Batman Returns had come out. As a fetishist and comic fan, with Michelle Pfeiffer in a vinyl catsuit as Catwoman had me very interested in seeing the...
She could arrive unannounced at any moment, unceremoniously push him up against the wall or flatten him on the filthy floor and have her way with him, using his body to sate her pleasure, defiling his body and wearing down his resolve one pounding at a time. She would usually visit once in the morning to deliver him his ‘breakfast’ and while the food he was given was a poor substitute for the diet he was used to in terms of taste, Ariela was making sure to give him enough to ensure he didn’t...
There Are Things Far Worse Than Death by Millie Dynamite NOTE: This work contains material not suitable for anyone under the age of eighteen (18) or those of a delicate nature. It contains descriptive scenes of graphic sexual nature, graphic rape, graphic violence, and graphic depictions of abuse or torture. By reading this eBook, you assert that you comply with your local or state laws. This book is purely a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product...
Beth’s Agony Light was fading as the sun fell beneath the rolling hills. He couldn’t stop staring at her swollen face, her right eye closed, her eyelid purple, angry black bruises beneath both eyes from her broken nose, lips distended. Her fine blond hair framed a hideously disfigured face. Her fragile form remained still beneath the hospital blanket. The constant rhythm of the respirator was the only sound in the room. A nurse arrived and hung another bag of fluids to be drained...
Any pop psychologist knows of the catch phrase, ‘The broken wing complex.’ It refers mostly to a man who will go out and shoot quail, pheasant, ducks and geese, never giving a thought to the pain and death of the bird’s experience. But if the same man comes across a bird with a broken wing, out of pity and compassion, he may very well nurse the bird back to health and turn it loose. It is sort of like the ‘damsel in distress’ who is saved by a knight on a white horse who slays the fire...
I moved into a Town House in a new area after my divorce. Soon after I needed an electrician to undertake some repairs to a fan in the bedroom. Not knowing anybody, I went on-line to see who was available and selected a local contractor.A few hours later there was a ring on the door bell and obviously the electrician.I opened the door to see what I believed to be a familiar face.“My God is that you, Mike,” I exclaimed.“Jan,” was his reply.I was a little flustered as the memories of another time...
Love StoriesThe phone rang in the middle of the night. Paul fumbled through the dark reaching for the phone he saw that it was nearly three in the morning. “Hello,” he answered somewhat in a daze. “Hi, is this Paul?” “Yes.” “Paul it’s Walter from the meeting a few weeks ago. I don’t know if you remember me but you gave this number to call if I had any problems.” Paul remembered Walter just as he remembered many others who had been to meetings of the Broken Penis Support Group. Paul had come to the...
This story contains NON-CONSENSUAL SEX and VIOLENCE, and depending on how well received this is, it will contain TORTURE and EXTREME contents in the following episodes. *READ ON YOUR OWN DISCRETION.* The rest of you, enjoy it and leave me comments if you have any constructive criticism, would like this to keep going, or have your own ideas on how you would like this to follow. I pay attention to what my readers have in mind. (If you are worried about the other stories, don't. I will keep...
I had been married to my husband for over thirteen years and we were not getting along together very well. The love that once existed had gone for no reason. We still lived together but had decided to divorce.Bill decided to take a break and go back to where he had lived as a teenager to see if some of the old families still lived in the area. My guess was he wanted to look up a few of his old friends and decide if he wanted to return to his old hometown. I was aware before we were married, he...
CheatingShelly, I hope you don’t have any deeply hidden secrets in there that will shock me. Not that there is much that would surprise me these days. She still had a few hours to go on their replacements and had some screws in her vertebrae to replace with stronger ones for the upgraded brace. I shouldn’t go into someone’s head to poke around in their memories, but I felt there is a reason I wanted to do this for her. The place in my head has done a pretty good job guiding me to do things for...
Note : This story is completely fictional! The hurricane did lots of damage to our area but thankfully our condo complex was spared.The fence between our backyard and our neighbors was about the only thing that was damaged;two slats were broken out.The damaged part is in front of the garden and is hidden by a bush on our side. I guess thats why our neighbors never noticed it.Our neighbors Terri and Sal are both county police officers and Terri is the only female Sargent on the force and a real...
VoyeurA/N: More Vincent-oriented stuff. Not so kink-filled this time. All human forms. Small bits of boy love fluff here and there. —– SemiBroken Eggshells Denver, CO: It seems that these young people are still on their hunt for their friend. The head of the group, Nathan Winters, had this to say, ‘It’s apparent that Vince doesn’t want us to find him, but we are going to. If everyone else drops out, I am, at least, going to continue my hunt for him.’ Vincent Fox, 23, left his home city of Denver...
The feel of the cool cement floor against his face allowed John Anderson to be revived momentarily. Drool pooled beneath his cheek, seeping uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth. A single, uncovered red light bulb hung precariously from an extension cord that had been duct-taped to the ceiling in the middle of the basement, providing the only source of illumination in the make-shift dungeon that had been his coven for the past three days. He was still disoriented from the pain, pain...
I broke both of my thumbs in a car accident and I was plastered up both arms to mid-level with thumbs locked outward. I had the use of my fingers since the casts stopped at knuckle level but I was finding it literally impossible to masturbate with just use of finger tips. With just one week in the casts gone and 5 more to go, I was going insane. My 14 year-old sister, Lynn, bounced in after dinner and plopped down on the couch next to me. She was a petite 5 foot 2 with her blond hair...
I took a walk around the dark cellar that I had prepared for her, taking in her body. I had not cut away any of her cloths and she was still drop dead gorgeous. The picture of her I had found online did her no justice, those pictures that I had spent my lonely nights with. She was just what I had been looking for. Young and naïve. She was a solid ten out of ten, her ass was a nicely curved and she had perky c-cup tits but why she had become so popular online was her face. It was perfectly...
Affairs of Angels: Bruises on a Broken Heart A Christmas romance from Calibeachgirl Copyright December 2012 An entry in the 2012 Holiday Contest …edited by Bill, Deep Blue… * Kevin turned his head to the other side of the car wondering where the quiet tinkle of a glass wind chime was coming from. Unseen, the angel sat next to him watching the traffic which he had forgotten about, making sure the man who had once been her husband was safe. She reached across and kissed his cheek, something...
The wife and I were on our first vacation alone without family or friends in quite some time. In fact, it was the first time the two of us were totally alone in some time, and we were really looking forward to it. From the time the plane landed, we were in "party" mode. We grabbed a few beers at the airport waiting for our ride to the resort. When we arrived the room was not quite ready and they treated us to some champagne, as we waited and toured the grounds. When we finally got to our room a...
I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of walking in on her fucking that douche, Jones, refused to leave my mind. I never saw the car, before it hit me.* * *An annoying beeping sounds wakes me up. My eyes are slow to open, and even slower to focus. What happened, and where am I?"Ahh, Mister Dickens, glad to see...
Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-One Spreading Her Broken Wings Year 1 A.S. Day 173 The sound of the washing machine rumbled through the kitchen. Jenny had just turned it on after loading it and walked into the dining room. She needed to sit down. The effort of loading the bedding had made her a little dizzy. She saw Derek at the table. He had his laptop open and was writing down some notes occasionally on a scrap piece of paper. He flipped between the open tabs and frowned before writing...
Broken The feel of the cool cement floor against his face allowed John Anderson to be revived momentarily. Drool pooled beneath his cheek, seeping uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth. A single, uncovered red light bulb hung precariously from an extension cord that had been duct-taped to the ceiling in the middle of the basement, providing the only source of illumination in the make-shift dungeon that had been his coven for the past three days. He was still disoriented from the pain,...
Chapter 3 - Broken For the following days and weeks I settled into a routine of Masters design. With my resolve to comply with the commands of my Master and see out this month I surprisingly found satisfaction in the simplicity of being a slave and following orders. I had worked so hard to follow all of Masters rules and apart from a couple of unconscious misdemeanours, that Master accepted were not malicious I had found myself enjoying the life. I mean I would have preferred my...
"I, Amanda Claire Stephenson, do solemnly swear, that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God." There was some polite applause. The Army Surgeon General reached out to...
The following characters appears here and in other parts of the story: Fritz Herkimer Ley Line Wizard, 6’-2’’ tall, 220 pounds, 38 years old, blond hair, blue eyes The Guardian Keeper of the Books, about 5’-6’’ tall, neither young or old, very long blond hair, deep blue eyes “Stop here and turn left,” Al told me. He was sitting up in his cat seat and looking out the side window of the car. We were on our way back home from the bookstore and still had a good ways to go. “You need...
"Soft little balls ... So sweet..." The woman played with my dick and balls like she'd never seen any before. "It's almost time to go," the man sighed and stroked my hair lovingly while I moved my tight, soft lips up and down his long cock. "I don't want to!" Stephanie pouted from behind me and I felt her mouth on my hairless little sack, her tongue playing against it. She had her nose pressed against my butthole like she wanted to fuck me with it. "I know, believe me." The man,...
Somewhere nearby an alarm went off, or maybe some lights blinked, it didn't matter. I'd gotten barely three meters through the door when a large black man with a dragon tattoo flying around his massive bald skull stopped us. "Excuse me, miss ... Would you like to check your purse?" He was polite about it anyway and I had little choice in the matter. "Whatever," I shrugged, slipping my purse off my shoulder. Ransom and Viv exchanged looks, but didn't say anything. I seriously doubted...
Friday: Twenty-five miles due west of Venice, California, a naked woman sunned herself. Dana Featherstone lounged on the deck of her custom built forty-foot cabin cruiser. The fact was it had been custom built for someone else was immaterial to her. All she cared about was it had been custom built and it belonged to her. She lay on her back, baking her well-oiled body in the hot sun. The radio was set to an oldies station and she hummed along to the music as she slowly rolled over and over...
I posted tomorrow's chapter this evening. Tomorrow I shall probably be gone. Not many people have responded. However the ones who have were all supportive, unless I missed something. Another FBI agent came up and yelled over the noise of the people. "You can't do that. I have a federal warrant here. She is coming with me." Two big outlaw bikers in full colors knocked people out of the way. One yelled in a hoarse voice, "She goes where she wants to, pig." He weighed over three hundred...
I broke both of my thumbs in a car accident and I was plastered up both arms to mid-level with thumbs locked outward. I had the use of my fingers since the casts stopped at knuckle level but I was finding it literally impossible to masturbate with just use of finger tips. With just one week in the casts gone and 5 more to go, I was going insane. My 14 year-old sister, Lynn, bounced in after dinner and plopped down on the couch next to me. She was a petite 5 foot 2 with her blond hair in a...
Nacht in Gotham City. Doch friedlich ist es nicht. Während in den Straßen Gangs randalieren und die Polizei alle Hände voll zu tun hat, die Ausschreitungen in Grenzen zu halten. Im riesigen Büroturm des MyersElectronics war es ebenfalls nicht ruhig, auch wenn es von außen den Anschein hatte. Im Treppenhaus des Wolkenkratzers rannte Catwoman so schnell sie konnte die Stufen hoch. Schweiß lief unter ihrer Maske herunter und tropfte auf ihren schwarzen, hautengen Catsuit, der ihren kurvenreichen...
GENTLEMEN’S CLUB RENDEVOUZNOT BASED ON A TRUE STORY IT IS FICTIONOne day, I woke up from a sexy dream and said to myself there is something that I want to do out the ordinary that no one would have never thought that I would never do. That fantasy is to visit a high-end gentlemen’s club in mid-downtown DC‘s business district. I have always been this ‘good girl’ always expect to do the right thing and follow the rules. Some say that I am somewhat prudish and on a conservative side. I want to...
Kelly was so frustrated, she had no idea how to cope with this loss and was feeling helpless. When suddenly she heard a chime notifying her she had a new email. She got up wondering if it could be a new lead in the search. But she found that it was actually a video attachment with an email that said only; "Watch your daughters." Kelly nervously opened the video and began to watch. But what she saw broke her immediately. Her youngest daughter Krista hitting her elder sibling with a hammer....
Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Sixteen: Broken Rules By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I stared in awe at the door. I had edited it after it had been edited. That should be impossible under the old rules. I glanced down at my phone. At the increased abilities of my editing app. My heart pounded in my chest as this rush shot through me. I'd doubled my number edits for the day. After my new modifications, the door...
Chapter 1 - Awakening A young blonde woman named Daisy had woken up from a drug-induced coma. A few weeks ago, she had overdosed heavily on heroine. She didn't do it with the express purpose of killing herself, but she had done it knowing full well even though she knew it was a possibility. Her life had fallen apart and she just wanted the high, and to not feel anything anymore. When she awoke, the nurses at the rehab clinic told her that she would have died if it weren't for her best...
Abby was having a dream that she was having sex with a man. He fucked her for what felt like hours, until he stopped and went down to her pussy. She watched as his incredible long tongue pushed itself impossibly deep inside of her. Pleasure overtaking her, she quickly woke up, continuing to feel the same exact feeling. Abby's head jerked up and she saw Buster licking her pussy. "Buster what are yo-" Abby's disgust at the situation changed almost immediately after Busters tongue licked...
Chapter one His pain was excruciating yet he would not allow these blood suckers to see it on his mangled face, he would be dropped not very gently to the cold marble ground in the extravagant hall. A pair of pure bloods watching him set his calm resolve to a burning rage, if only he had his weapon. "Oh look yet another human at our feet." came a voice, he would trace the source to a silver haired woman setting on a step of the grand staircase. She lazily stirred her finger in a...
Repair your broken love Characters: Molly and Mike Location: Home Word count: 1,518 Character count: 6,290. Pages: 4 Disclaimer: Please note that the story contains themes of sexual acts and language, if this offends you. Don’t read it! Molly is running out of the bedroom and through the living room, wearing only panties and a bra. She then bolts down the short hallway to the bathroom where, shaking and yelling, she darts into the bedroom. She lets out a loud yell of surprise as...
Kat Reborn Alice and Kat spent many hours together after her meltdown. The women understood. Kat had finally broken through the scars of denial, pain and humiliation and now had to learn to deal with the hideous reality of what had been done to her. Michael could not swim with his stitches, so he spent time in his gym, practicing old skills. He was working on the heavy bag when Lynne came in. He was dressed in workout pants, and athletic shoes. He was naked above his waist and...