AxemanChapter 7 free porn video

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Within days, my post was confirmed by others. (and disputed by countless, faceless, nay-sayers.) Teams came back scarred and scared. People were complaining of lost teammates and the insane speed of the ghouls. I was even attacked for downplaying their danger.

How much stronger of a warning did they expect? I stated twice the danger of the second floor and its dual bosses.

My original post shot up the forum rankings, by Friday, it had over a half-million views.

Saturday, I, we, received a visitor. Nat didn’t have to work until later, so was relaxing with her besties when the doorbell rang. I was in my office working on a new Project for a customer that Paula’s father found for me. She herself had a doozy of a Project, which would take her months to finish. Not that my reclusive partner minded at all.

“Jase, it’s for you!” Jude called out from the living room. The Terrible Trio was playing around on the Xbox and were too lazy to walk to my office.

Saving my work, I went to see who came calling on a Saturday morning.

A fortyish man in a suit, stood next to a kid in a sports jacket and slacks. My initial guess, was that the older one was a lawyer and the teen’s father.

“May I help you?”

“Jason Blakely?”


“My son would like to join your team. I’m willing to pay. May we come in?”

The peanut gallery behind me went silent, their game paused.


“Jon Getty. This is my son Roger.”

“Please enter. I hope the kitchen table is fine.”

Three sets of dark eyes followed us to the kitchen where I sat my, our, guests at the table.

“Why us? And what does your son offer to our team?”

“You have demonstrated that you can clear the second floor of Indigo without losses, before any other team in the area. Also, your team has a registered Healer and you only have four members.”

Six was the maximum number of participants per Portal run, and considering the dangers of the Portals, most teams were trying to meet that number.

“Roger, what is your profession?”

“I’m an archer, sir.”

“We already have three ranged Weapons on our team. If anything, we need another frontline.” The girls’ word for my position, not mine.

“I’m willing to offer ten thousand dollars per every successful run of the second floor and lower in an Indigo Portal as long as Roger gets an equal share of the treasure.” Mr. Getty offered.

I heard the three sudden exhales from the peanut gallery in the next room. that would be twenty-five hundred dollars each.

“Roger, have you been in a Portal before?”

“Once, sir.”

“Which one and when?”

“When they first came out. And it was a Violet one in the school locker room.

“How many of you died?” The way the kid had talked about his experience, it had to have been a bad run.

Looking at his father, Roger hesitated before answering. “One, there were just the two of us. Kenn didn’t know what to expect and the ant bit his ankle. I couldn’t stop the bleeding before he was swarmed by other ants.”

I nodded to myself. An archer versus giant ants at close range, while they swarmed his friend, would be fairly useless. “How long have you been practicing archery?”

“Since I was eight. Dad started to take me hunting when I was eleven.”

“Ever get a buck?”

“Once, last year.”

“Congrats. Bow hunting is hard at your age. So, Roger, how old are you?”


“What year, make and model of car do you drive?”

Roger hesitated at the curveball question, “a 2026 Mercedes 300, but what does that have to do with anything?” There was a slight edge to his reply.

“Roger, how would you describe your personality? Are you outgoing, shy, artistic, flamboyant, jock, nerd, band geek, computer nerd, arrogant, strait laced, cocky, girl chaser, gun shy, bookish or something else?”

The clean-cut young man looked at his relaxed and blank-faced father and hesitated. The sudden realization that the girls were still watching occurred to him as his head followed his blue eyes. Still silent for a count of ten, “I guess, I’m outgoing. You can say I’m a jock; I’m on the basketball team.”

“Anything else?”

Looking at his father for help and not getting any, “I have a girlfriend, and I guess I can be confident.”

“Confident or arrogant?”


“Okay.” I took his reply at face value, whether or not it was accurate was a question for later.

“Do you wonder why I asked about your car? Do you see those three girls behind me? Your car is probably worth more than they will earn in the next three years combined. Can a rich, privileged, good-looking young man like yourself; treat three average girls from the slums as equals?” I paused to let my question sink in, “you made a significant mistake when you asked to join my team.” I saw the young man tense. “Do you actually believe that a grown man approached three high school aged girls, to join him in Portal runs and go into danger, instead of them asking me to join them?”

The lightbulb lit, “they asked you.”

I was no longer a ‘sir’, apparently.

“Correct, the team is theirs, not mine. My next question is; are you trying to hire three high school girls to be your bodyguards in Portal runs?”

Seeing his hesitation, my guess was that he really didn’t know how to answer that question.

Mercilessly, I continued with my attack. “Do you expect those girls to take a bullet for you for that ten thousand dollars, or be teammates with them on an equal basis? Roger, if you are paying that ten thousand to join our team, would you take a bullet for any of us?”

I ignored the whispers behind me. I knew he wouldn’t right now. Maybe in the future, if he lived to grow up. Again, Mr. Getty made no change in posture nor facial expression.

“Thank you for coming by. Roger, we will discuss your offer and get back to you,” I stood.

“What would I need to do to join your team?” Roger saw his chances fly out the window.

“Those girls need a partner, not a boss. In our last run, two of us came close to dying. We don’t have time to worry about others who stand apart or try and stand above. No team does. Look at your basketball team at school, if your shooting guard thought he was running the team, how would the other players react? Consider that, when searching for a new team.”

Unmoving, “I can do that.”

“I’m not sure we can, trust is our main concern when choosing a new teammate. Please let us discuss your offer. I’m sure your father has a card. I’ll let you know what we decide in a couple days.”

I received Mr. Getty’s personal card and a handshake at the door. His thank you held a subtle smile. I wasn’t quite sure what it meant, but hoped that he approved of my interview of his child.

Roger was quiet and visibly unhappy. His shoulders slumped when he walked off of my front porch.

“What a TOOL!”

“What do you mean average?” Jude was not pleased with my description of the trio.

“It got him out of here didn’t it?”

“Asshole!” No, Jude was not pleased with me at all.

“You know, I don’t believe that any of you are average.”

“It still was...” she was fuming.

I pulled up a chair, “I know you were all interested in his money. The cost was too high. He wanted you to be his bodyguards. That, I won’t accept.”

No way in hell, was that kid coming with me.

“Thanks, Jason.”

“We aren’t average.”

“Thanks, Jason, for saving us from ourselves,” Nat added in.

“I have to get back to work.”

I considered Roger’s visit as a win. They learned, and Jude was more effervescent in my house since moving in.

They ambushed me on the way to my office and made me play games with them for the next hour or two. I only stopped when the phone rang, Joe called to go out to the bar with the guys, which sounded great.

I didn’t return until almost two.

“You stink go shower,” Nat greeted me on entry to my own home.

Only a bit...

“Jason, Jude needs to rub your back, remember? Go shower and leave your towel on.”

“Okay,” I shrugged. A shower and back rub sounded great.

I washed off the cigarette, cigar and alcohol odor then crashed on my bed head first. I might have had one too many.

“You were supposed to leave the towel on,” came an exasperated voice. Kate didn’t sound unhappy though.

My damp towel was roughly placed over my ass.

“Jude, you can come in now.”

“He’s not tied up,” she complained weakly.

“Jason saved your life. Just sit on his butt and give him his massage. I promise he won’t bite you.”

My mind wandered in dangerous places, at that suggestion.

I felt the small girl climb on me. They all were small, as none of them weighed more than a hundred and twenty pounds fully clothed and soaking wet. The cold oil spread unevenly over my back felt great. Fighting the urge to roll over. I manhandled my pillow, crossed my arms under it and relaxed.

“That feels great Jude, thanks,” I mumbled into my pillow.

“It’s OKAY.”

“What Skill did you get?”


“Was there a description?”

“The Skill just says; critical damage if target is caught unaware.”

“Excellent,” I mumbled tiredly. “We need more Skills for everyone.”



I did not pass out while a girl straddled me and rubbed my back. NOPE!

I was a tad slow on Saturday. The girls teased me relentlessly. Hiding in my office, I placed a couple of calls and made arrangements for Sunday. Revenge would be Mine!

Maybe not.

Later on Saturday, Amazon delivered an extra twin bed for the guest room. three on a queen was a bit much. Nat didn’t spend too many nights at my house, but enough to need to sleep somewhere not too cramped. Katie and Jude shared the queen without a qualm so far. I was strongly resistant to give up my office, the only place I could move my computer equipment would be my bedroom. Or the basement. That wasn’t going to happen. I spent too many hours working there to settle for a cramped space.

To be honest, I doubted that any of them even considered asking for more bedroom space.

They would have to deal with a shared smaller room. I wasn’t charging rent and it was safe. Kate had all but moved in. I hadn’t asked, but understood that she had only left a change or two of clothes in her stepfather’s apartment.

Nat split her clothes between the two of our places, I also cleaned out an area in the basement for the girls to store anything they desired.

Nat came home Saturday night, a bit grumpy. Her boss at work hired a new driver, giving her less deliveries.

I consoled her by saying that it would make it easier to take off for our Portal runs.

She didn’t buy it.

Sunday morning, I woke everyone at 7:30, after I showered, of course. “Wake up sleepyheads, we have a visitor coming in a half hour.”

“Who?” they chorused.

“Her name is Nancy. Be nice to her, she is going to help you learn to fight.” That motivated them.

Nancy Luck was my friend Joe’s wife. During our bar outing on Friday, I brought up the possibility of his wife teaching my team. He said he would ask. The razzing started shortly after when I admitted to having three high school girls on my team.

Those fuckers never let up all night.

All day yesterday, too. The assholes kept sending me old-man / cradle-robber, jokes.

When I contacted Nancy yesterday, she couldn’t agree to help out fast enough. I just knew that Joe couldn’t wait to spill everything, once he got home on Friday. I privately wagered that Nancy was coming to help them, not me. And also to make sure that I wasn’t abusing those poor girls.


“Hi, Nancy.”

“You, go play somewhere for an hour.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I rolled my eyes. She wasn’t serious. Mostly.

“Just go hide in your office for a while. I’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out.”

“Be careful with Jude,” I reminded her quietly. “Girls, we have company. This is Nancy. Nancy, these are Jude, Kate and Natalie. Nancy is a combat instructor for the Chicago police. She is here to see if she wants to teach us how to fight. Be honest. Remember Roger from the other day? Don’t be like him. I’ll be in my office.

Grabbing a Coke from the fridge, I hid.

A half hour later, Nancy didn’t even knock before entering my office. Closing the door behind her, “are you starting a shelter?”

“They found me,” I protested.

“I bet they saw you coming a mile away.”

“Probably. Can you help them?”

“Are you really taking them in those stupid Portals to god knows where?”

“If I said no, they would go anyway.”

“And die.”

“And die,” I agreed.

“What about you?”

“When I first touched my Axe on that day, I healed everything. I hadn’t felt this good since training camp freshman year. Even my high school injuries were gone. I’m stronger, faster and in better shape and health than ever in my life.”

“How do you measure up against those monsters you face?”

“They aren’t even close to me.”


“We won’t be moving from the second floor for a while. All of us need to improve. If you can help them learn how to defend themselves, we will be fine for a Level or two. We will need a full team before touching the fourth floor.”

“Any clues on more teammates?”

I told her about the ‘Roger’ kid. “There will be others. What we need is another head-on attacker, we have three support or ranged ones right now. I can’t block more than two bosses and bosses aren’t that simple.”

“You can’t exactly advertise.”

“Do you know anyone trustworthy?”

“I might,” she hedged.

That meant she did, but was reluctant to introduce us for some reason. I wasn’t going to push.

“Do you only want the girls today or do you want me to come too?”

“Just them. You are a beast. I want to evaluate those girls first. I’ll see if anyone knows how to fight with an Axe. You might have to go to SCA or something like that.”


“A bunch of Medieval wannabes. They get together and fight with ancient weapons and armor.”

“See who you can dig up. If not, I’ll try them.”

“I don’t like you taking kids in those Portal things.”

“I don’t exactly like it either. We need to get a whole lot better before I will let us go further. I plan on playing it safe.”

“Humph.” she didn’t believe me. With reason. We hadn’t exactly played it safe so far.

The Terrible Trio had their winter coats on and were waiting for Nancy to come out of my office.

With a chorus of ‘Byes’, they piled into her minivan and headed to the gym that Nancy and the rest of her Precinct used for training.

I got some rare work done on a quiet Sunday. Ever since I met those girls, Sundays had become lively. The last run scared me. Kate admitted that she had to heal Jude for five more days after returning home from school and at night, while the concussed girl slept. Only on Friday, did her healing not activate on Jude, meaning that she was perfectly healthy only then.

Worrisome, since Kate’s own wound looked so much worse and had healed in just a few days. Nancy had some excellent recommendations for better gear. She told me about reinforced motorcycle outfits. Their external pads could be switched out and the whole thing had a Kevlar lining.

They weren’t cheap, since the outfit was all parted out, but that was what the professionals used in racing. They weren’t the only ones, as gangs had long since started using cheaper knockoffs, along with the all-too-easy-to-get thin standard Kevlar vests which came in all sizes and thicknesses now.

I took her advice and ordered a set for me and one for the girls to try on. Their body types were all very similar. Same weight, height, build, even their chest sizes were near identical. Maybe a cup separated Nat’s As (I suspected, ) from Jude’s fuller Bs. They were all on the small end. Malnutrition had taken its toll through the years.

In the last couple months, I noticed a slight filling out of the hips of Kate and waist of Jude, with my help. I knew they were eating better than ever. (Mostly, from my larder.) The complaints of their clothes not fitting had only recently started taking weight.

Another shopping trip was in the works. I’d have to word it as an early graduation present. Their armor too. The healthier and safer they were, the better off I would be.

At 2:20, three very tired teens stumbled through the front door, bringing me out from my seclusion.

“I’m going to die.”

“Me first.”

Kate wordlessly stumbled by me and headed for the shower. She went straight to her room to sleep after rinsing off. The other two didn’t even bothering to shower. I figured I’d get the rundown later and returned to my project.

Nancy had already pulled out of the driveway before I could question her.

“I hate footwork.”

“I hate her.”


Ah, Footwork must have been their first lesson. Kate didn’t seem like she was going to wake up anytime soon.



“Can you drop the pizzeria two days a week? Nancy wants you three to go to the Gym with her. She thinks you have potential.”

“Can’t afford it,” she replied without opening her eyes from my couch.

“I’ll pay each of you a hundred dollars a week to go to Nancy’s gym and learn how to fight.”



“The better you three are, the safer it is for all of us. What happens if there are three ghouls next time?”

They looked at each other and shuddered. Two were bad enough. Jude suffered a major concussion and Kate had a chunk of flesh bitten out of her shoulder.

“What happens when the numbers of zombies doubles? We know it will eventually.”

“I get it. You don’t have to pay us. We aren’t dumb.”

“I just don’t want any of you to get hurt.”

“You suck. What days?”

“Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays from four to eight.”

“Okay. I suppose that you will be paying for that too?”

“Is that a problem?”

“Thanks, Jase,” Jude interrupted her friend.

“Thanks, Jase,” Nat echoed. None too pleased.

“Let sleeping beauty know. Oh, your training starts tomorrow.”

I heard a ‘fuck’ in the background as I closed my office door. I wasn’t surprised.

Nat couldn’t have it both ways. I prioritized safety. I could probably clear floor two by myself, if Kate just stood in a corner and healed me once in a while, and she would feel like she contributed. The other two Needed to be involved. That increased the danger to them, especially when the ghouls were involved.

Natalie missed the first two sessions with Nancy. She couldn’t get anyone to cover for her at work.

Wednesday, the armor arrived. The pants were too tight in the legs and too loose at the waist. I would need custom-tailored ones. Same with the jacket.

I wasn’t too surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised.

Both Kate and Jude tried the woman’s armor that I bought, Kate loved it. Jude was a bit uncomfortable. She needed a wider range of motion in the shoulder area. After some discussion, we agreed that a triangle cut out at the back of the shoulder would work. “At least it’s better than that bulky jacket you make us wear now.”

It was.

Those skin tight suits also looked damn good on them. That was a thought I kept to myself.

I ordered three more fitted sets for them, and I went to a seamstress for three larger sets for me. Kate offered to sew it, but I wanted a professional leatherworker, to see if they could modify it. The larger size would give the seamstress room to play and the extra suits were in case she made a mistake.

The seamstress that Nancy recommended could, but it would cost me a fortune.

Thursday, I delivered the armor to the gym for Kate to use while training. She said she needed to get used to wearing it while moving. I agreed. Practicing in pads, I felt offered superior training, at least in terms of my body learning what I could and could not do with the added restriction on the football field. Hopefully, the uniforms would not be too restrictive.

When I handed off the outfits to the girls at the gym, Nancy sent me off to a Dojo across town. She had found someone to help me. The evil grin warned me that the training would be painful.

I paid our silver tax at the police station on the way to Kyle MacRoy’s Brutal Dojo. The Scottish lass, carrying two beers in each hand on the sign, added a certain something to the atmosphere.

Mr. MacRoy wore a T-shirt and a Kilt. He was the caricature-sized Scotsman from the cartoons, but didn’t have even a partially-affected brogue, his accent was pure midwestern. Or lack of accent, we Midwesterners, didn’t believe we had accents.

The north wall of his dojo was lined with real weapons. From claymores to fire Axes to K-bars. The man had a good variety.

The fifteen men and women in his small converted abounded warehouse were striking rubber wrapped dummies with staffs. I received an appraising eye on entry, while the instructor rudely kicked at his students’ feet to move them while lecturing.

I felt comfortable. He reminded me of all too many of my old football coaches.

“Are you Jason Blakely?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Call me Kyle. I heard you want to learn the Axe.”

“I hope you can help me, Sir.”

“You have one of those Weapons, right?”


“Let me see it.”

I brought my Axe out from my inventory and passed it to my instructor.

He whistled, “can you use this thing at all?”

“Some. I feel that I am pretty decent with it, but know I have a lot to learn.”

Handing it back to me, “see that 4x4 over there? Cut it in half.”

He had a four-foot tall brace to hold the 4x4 in place. There were a few side by side. Only one had anything braced inside. That was my target.

I chopped twice on the right and twice on the left, making a wedge on both sides. The fifth easily cleaved the post through.

“Your stance is not bad for chopping wood. But against people, you are a sitting duck.”

“That’s what I’m here for sir.”

Like the girls, I learned footwork in my first session. Unlike the girls, I was used to training. Agility drills were nothing new to me.

Kyle MacRory gave me his dojo’s prices and class availability. Expensive, but I felt that I needed his help, and that he would be worth it. Chopping zombies was easy, even the ghouls weren’t too bad. The Orcs were a lot harder to fight, and the Orc boss was a pain. I felt that two Orc bosses might be more than I could handle right now. They were also smarter. If a second one decided to sprint after one of the girls, while the first engaged me, I feared for the consequences.

The girls had a long weekend coming. A half-day Thursday and full day off for Friday, the third week of April. Teacher maintenance or something similar. They joked that all the teachers should be ‘fixed’.

We were going to do another Green run that weekend, since we could do an Indigo any weekend.

I did ask Nancy about that other person for our team but she refused to let us talk to them or give up any names. Again, I didn’t push.

Our fourth Green run was decent paced, despite the fact that every hut now held three Orcs, one male and two females.

The Terrible Trio were more aware, and I had become better at blocking and antagonizing (‘aggroing’, in game terms) one of the two females while engaging the male.

Same as Axeman
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How to Hang a Wolagon

The big tiger pulled his BMW into the parking lot of a bar that accepted furries. He wanted a drink, and if he was lucky he might get something more. He put a hand over his eyes for a few seconds to let them adapt, then opened the door, stepped inside, and looked around. The tiger spotted a hot young wolf/dragon mix, unusual even in this bar, and took a stool next to him. "Hi, youngster," he asked, "can I buy you a drink?". "Um, sure. What's the catch?" asked the wolf-dragon. "No catch. After...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 39 Overwhelmed

March 22, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, you have to come see this!” Elyse called from the great room. “What’s up?” I asked walking in. “They had a clip on CNN, but I switched over to ESPN. Some hockey player had his jugular vein and carotid artery sliced by a skate on the ice.” “That’s pretty much fatal,” Jessica said. “Maybe if you had a trauma surgeon right there...” “He lived,” Elyse said. “They don’t have too many more details, but the team doctor and some other doctors stabilized...

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bath tub fun

written for and about ivy-girl []now where do i start this story about the best fuck ive hadwell it all started when i was online talking to 1 girl called ivy-girl.she was super sexy with nice jucicy breasts all full of milk. long black hair and a set of the most amazing eyes ive ever seen. after a few days of non stop dirty emails she couldnt stop her self from soaking her pantys every time she thought of me.thats when i got the "message" husband is gone for a...

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Ton a Tits TessChapter 19

When Tess eventually came back from her forced march in the woods, she was dry-eyed and more-or-less normal looking. We all three lazed around for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I wasn't feeling communicative so I broke out a novel I'd been neglecting and used it as an excuse not to engage in conversation. There was a pall over the proceedings, and I'm sure Kim noticed that something was amiss. But she didn't say anything. After dinner I needed a shower. I first considered...

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Cam4 Squirt

Do you enjoy watching camgirls that squirt all over their cameras? I wouldn’t blame you if you did! There’s nothing that gets me hotter and bothered than watching a hot piece of ass rub her clit, only to juice all over herself in pleasure. Goddamn! My pee-pee is so hard just thinking about it!Well, there isn’t a better place to see squirting beauties like on The platform has a plethora of amazing camgirls ready to get the juices flowing for your pleasure. With so many beautiful...

Live Squirt Cams
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NubileFilms Cindy Shine Tiny Tina Girls Getaway

It’s romantic bath time for Cindy Shine and Tiny Tina. The girls start out at either end of the tub, but they eventually meet in the middle to have a Champaign toast. Then Tiny Tina presses Cindy onto her back and crawls on top of her girlfriend. Putting her mouth to work, Tiny Tina kisses Cindy’s breasts and mouth, then leads her out of the tub and into the bedroom. Once they’re in bed, the girls take their times exploring each other’s tight bodies. Cindy gets...

4 years ago
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Schoolgirl Dares with Sarah Part II

After our adventures in the park, Sarah and I go into McDonald’s for a milk shake. It also gives us the chance to use their toilets to clean up. Sarah’s sticky pussy juices are starting to dry on her thighs, so I help her wipe them clean. I also wash her juices off my face and hands, making sure I don’t smell of girl cum too much. We both put our panties back on, and I put my blazer on over my blouse, to hide the fact that I’ve still left my bra off. I can’t be bothered to put it on...

2 years ago
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Baby Conceived in Church

Tom Swan looked at his wife of ten years next to him inside of their car as he drove home from the doctor’s office. “Darling, I think your mother is right.” Mary looked over at her husband. “You’ll let me do it?” Tom had no choice. The doctor basically let them know what he is shooting blanks. They have been trying for the last year. He had to admit that he is having fun doing it but no baby has been conceived. “Yes. Tell your mother, we will go her way.” Mary moved a hand to him and...

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Another First for Sarah

All of that was in the past now, though she had kept taking the pills… with everything that had happened, she didn’t dare to go off them. This particular night, Sarah was back in her old job at the elder care unit. When they had asked her to fill in for the regular nurse who was on vacation for a couple of weeks, she had hesitated, but decided that she might as well, as long as it was a temporary assignment. It had already been a long shift at the nursing home when the night took a...

3 years ago
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Latent DesiresChapter 3

Wiping my hands on the sheet, I jumped from the bed with renewed energy, like a child running to the Christmas tree on that special morning. My son would be my savior. Throwing on a black silk robe that ended three inches above my knee, I tied the sash and flung open my bedroom door. When I reached Mike's bedroom, the door was closed. I gently knocked. "Mike, you awake?" "Wh-What?! Oh yeah!" "Can I come in?" Not waiting for a reply, I opened the door and saw Mike dive under the...

1 year ago
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Janes Adventures in Self Bondage Bravo and Towser

Jane took a deep breath. Everything was ready for her six hour ordeal ? if that was the right word, for she was already damp between the legs at thethought ? and she checked yet again the operation of the electro-magneticallyoperated latches which would release the padded cuffs around her wrists. Ashadow fell across the sunlit patch in which she stood. She turned to see 'Bravo,'the large Alsatian that was her temporary guest. He padded in and sat at herside before raising his handsome, foolish...

4 years ago
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Cock Master

There was an adult theater on my way home from work, I’d gone in once just to see what it was like. I’d since read about these theaters on the internet that you could get a hand job or maybe a blow job, sometimes see women in there playing around. So one Friday night, my wife was out of town, I thought I’d check it out again. I sat down about two thirds of the way back. After a few minutes I saw a guy walk through a doorway I hadn’t noticed and a few minutes later a another guy come came out....

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Mosi Ki Beti Ki Gand Mari

Hi readers. My name is tom(not real). So yeh kahani he meri and mere mousi ki beti ki. Lets name her gudii. Yeh aj se perfect 1 year ki baat he. Mera bsc ka 1st yr ka exam khatam hua tha. Mein vacation me mausi ke yahan gaya tha kjr. Its a very beautifull place. So mein 2 saal mein ek baar jata hoon. Wahan mere mom ke sare ristedar rehte he. Halaki pichle saal mom mere sath nahi gaye hue the. So sidhe story pe ata hun. Mein ush din sham ko 8 baje kjr pohoncha, mere mamaji aye car le kar aur hum...

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Mass effect 4

It was over the reapers were gone shepard gave his life to save everyone els. as the crew made it back to earth thay landed in what use to be new york now just a pile of rubbel not a city enymore. as joker looks out the window edi walks up jeff talks about how the city use to be you can see the sadness in his eyes. jeff not only lost a good friend in shepard but most of the earth was destroyed as well. edi grabed jeff and said she love's hem and will allways be there for hem. over in shepards...

3 years ago
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Finally she opened up

For years I have wanted to attend an adult party but my wife wasn't hearing that. I had found a group nearby that met at a local hotel and blocked rooms off for their private entertainment but also had a area where the group could meet and get to know one another. I emailed the leaders and over time became familiar with them on line. I had mentioned it to my wife a few times and she continued to be reluctant about it. Finally after me bringing it up enough times she agreed and stated she...

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Introducing Georgina Part Two

Introducing Georgina(the sequel) I left University at the age of twenty-one with a good degree in Media and Business Studies, and set about the task of finding myself gainful employment. By this time I was sharing a flat with two other girls, Katie and Jade, both of whom I had been introduced to by Jessica, and whilst we had a lot of fun and some pretty wild times together, after three years of communal student living I was beginning to feel the need for my own space. Jess herself had kind...

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Bunny Boy Betsy Boss and the Butch and Bitch Bistro

Bunny Boy, Betsy Boss, and the Butch and Bitch Bistro By Pamela ([email protected]) It's pretty funny but my three best friends, who I've grown up with since childhood are named Tom, Dick, and Harry. We've had a lot of laughs over the years because of that. A funny coincidence. The four of us are now in our twenties, still single, still living in the same town and we're getting on with our lives. My name is Blake and I share a two-bedroom apartment with Harry while Tom and...

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Truth Will Out

This is a continuation of Just Plain Bob’s story, Orgasms. When I had finished his story, I had an OCD moment and wrote this the next day. Please read his story first to get the background. Addie’s Story: I sat at the conference table looking out at the absolutely spectacular view and saw nothing. Not the snow on the mountains, the murmur and bustle of the employees outside the room I was in ... not a thing registered in my conscious mind until the door was yanked open and I saw Jolene stride...

1 year ago
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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. “Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

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Bua ka bhosda Maa ki chut

Main meri bai Sejal ki chudai karna shuru kar liya tha. Ye sab uske bad hua. Raat ko khana khane ke baad mere mummy papa jaldi sone chale jaate hai. Main aur meri bua ek sath mere kamre mein sone chale jate hai. Meri bua mujhse hass kar kehti hai, “Chutiye, tu ne uss randi Sejal ke sath sex kiya na? Teri bua tere sath hai aur tujhe Sejal ko chodna hai, kyun?” “Bua ji, sach bolu toh mujhe aapki chut bhosde jaisi lagi aur Sejal ek number ki item hai,” maine kaha. Meri bua ne mujhe lafa mara aur...

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PornstarPlatinum Miss Demeanor Sexy Vanessa Sexy Vanessa in Family Threesome

After fucking my stepson, I brought him into the living room to relax, he still had a freaking hard-on. Just then Miss Demeanor, happened to walk in. I’m sure you can guess what happened next! Miss Demeanor had no problem, joining in on some family play. Sit back & watch, me, my stepson & his girl friend keep it in the family, with a hot fucking threesome scene! Enjoy Part 3 of this 3 Part Series with my stepson Sergeant Miles & his new girlfriend Miss Demeanor. Keepin’...

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Some Work in the Garage

This is a real short recap of a cute little situation my husband and I had a few weeks ago. It was during the week and my husband had a vacation week so he was home and doing a lot of fixit up stuff around the house all week. I, on the other hand, have been working some really long hours as it’s been incredibly demanding at work. So occasionally I come home and go back to work in the evening after a few minutes with the family. This evening everyone was out of the house although I new my...

Quickie Sex
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Hot Daughter Hotter MomChapter 6

A few nights later when Hope and her big brother were home alone, they were fucking on the living room couch. "Oh, sweet baby," she whispered, feeling him fucking deeper and deeper, bringing more joy with ever fuck-plunge. "I love it when you fuck me." Matt stared down at his kid sister's hard little cone-shaped tits. It was obvious that she wasn't much more than a child, and that it was wrong for him to be fucking her, but her little pussy was the tightest, hottest, sweetest damn...

4 years ago
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The Fall Of The Poet

"It's getting late." "Indeed." I didn't look up, my eyes still scouring across the typed pages before me, trying to locate another error. "You best go get him then. I've only just had that painting in the hallway restored." I got up with a heavy sigh and put down my pen. I looked over at Edgar just once before I left the room. He was wearing khaki slacks and a blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up, his forearms submerged in the soapy water. The washing up was done and put away and...

3 years ago
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Iam the Neighborhood Cock SuckerPT2 Gay

Sucking Again and Kelsey’s SurpriseIt was hard to think of much else for the next two days, other than sucking his cock again, and after having mulled over what I did for Bryan, I realized that I not only loved sucking his cock and eating his cum, I also like the feeling of being submissive to him. I made an excuse to Emily that I was helping Bryan with a project when I went over there at 7:00 pm on Tuesday.Kelsey had already been gone for about twenty minutes, and he led me down to their spare...

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Fantasy encounter with a transsexual

I was chatting with a guy on here about something we both are obsessed with, and he asked me what my ideal fantasy encounter would be. I couldn't boil it down to a short answer so i just started writing and this is what i ended up sending him. He really enjoyed it, even though it's not really finished, and so did several other friends i sent it to, so i figured I'd put it out there for everybody.I'd love to be on my knees, burying my face in the big soft bulge in some hot chick's panties,...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 7

Secrets and Suspicions The rescue went smoothly, without delay and without weather problems. Michael was flown straight through to Christchurch, NZ for medical evaluation and treatment. He was delighted to hear the physician say that his leg would be "fine, just fine." "You are one lucky fellow, considering what could have happened with that wound. It seems you have a strong immune system, to resist serious infection. And I compliment you on your first aid skills. This isn't the neatest...

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Lara Croft and the jungle of Biggo Cocko

At first, it had looked like an easy jump. Of course, the clearing was small, barely wide enough for an experienced parachutist to make a somewhat safe landing, but the tall mountains that surrounded the jungle of Biggo Cocko on all sides shielded it from the wind, and Lara's descent had been a piece of cake. This was a good sign: that jungle was renowned for being especially unforgiving, and a good, swift start was mandatory if she wished to complete her mission and be back at the pick-up site...

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My Wife an Accidental Whore

I love truly slutty women. Let me tell you how my first wife turned into a 14 carat slut. I was a law student at the time. Perhaps, because of my studying, I wasn't paying enough attention to her, but nights when I was studying and she felt restless, she'd pick a fight, storm out of the house, go downtown and spend the night in an all night movie. It gradually began to dawn on my that she probably wasn't spending all that time alone. I wasn't terribly disturbed by that realization -- we...

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Private Jan

I was on the verge of burnout. I had been an instructor in the Army, teaching helicopter mechanics for almost four years. It was always the same thing over and over again. Every few weeks I would get a new class of Privates, teach them what they needed to know and send them on to the next section. From time to time, there would be a female student, but every instructor knew better than to fraternize with them. Occasionally we would hear about someone getting busted for doing just that. I had...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 534

Back at the cave after their hunt, Jasmine had told Morales that she was going with him to take the meat to the ice cave. Too tired to argue, he cut enough steaks for their meal, including the wolves, then went to get potatoes from their stash. While the potatoes were cooking, Jasmine made a sling for her husband’s arm. “Are you sure you don’t want me to put a note on our board outside so we can get a doctor to look at that shoulder?” “Jas, Baby. Think about what you just said. No matter...

4 years ago
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Janet couldn't help but blush as she looked at herself in the mirror and bit her lip lightly. "I've never done anything like this before." She said to her partner as he stared at her reflection. She was stood naked in the looking glass pardon pardon a thick collar around her neck that had chains leading to two clamps that were lightly squeezing her nipples.Her 'master' smiled as he stood up. "That's why we are doing it. Because it's new. I know you will like it.""I trust you Eric." She said...

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Harlotsville Ch 06

(c) Embers The commotion at the top of the stairs was fast becoming thunderous, vibrating the walls that surrounded Betty. She could hear the thumps of heavy boots, and the guffaws and hoots of men who sounded nearly as agitated as they were happy. With a biting prescience, the expression ‘thrown to the wolves’ dashed through her mind. The frameless mattress rumbled underneath Betty’s legs. Her rear end hung halfway off its side as she balanced herself with her palms against the floor,...

2 years ago
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Slutty Awakening Part 2

The internet had many offerings for me. For a small town girl who had so far only had consensual sex twice with one boy it was all very wild and strange. In researching incest on the web I stumbled across several sites that had stories and short videos. I read lots and lots of daddy daughter stories, fingering myself to cums as I imagined these stories to be about me and my daddy. I’d read so many in a month that I actually began to feel it was ok to want my father’s cock, I just had no...

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Dont Tell Mommy Part Two

I couldn’t help but smile when driving. I was briefly absorbed in daydream… **My pussy was dripping wet as Bailey kept tonguing my lips and asshole. It felt so wrong… ** I was imagining my wet pussy thrusting into Bailey’s wanting teenage face, but I was suddenly pulled back to reality as I came up to a red light. I thought, Holy shit. I was just in the hallway with my wet panties on the ground and my fingers deep inside my pussy as I joined my naughty fifteen-year-old daughter in...

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The Alpha bet Ch 03

Authors note: This is the sequence of previous chapters, with a little reminiscence at the end. Tell me what you think. ~~~~~~~~~~ Part One (The treat) That night they would have a second round of make-up sex, and that was the best treat he could get after the train wreck of a day he had just endured. He had woken up and went to the bathroom, his hangover had passed and his semi rigid limb was ready to play again and this time it wanted to have a workout. When he got back on the...

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DadCrush Chloe Temple Stepdads Home For Horny Teen Girls

My mom is such a bitch, I am not gonna keep living under her roof! I have the perfect plan. I will show up at my stepdaddys front door and ask him to take me in. He and mom were only married a short time, but I know he will remember me. He was always so sexy, we definitely had a connection. I will do anything he asks of me, as long as I can crash there. Maybe I will show my stepdaddy how good I am at sucking cock. I will even surprise him by running my tongue down his shaft and all over his big...

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Pining for MamaChapter 2

After our intense experience out back by the pine break, Dad and I put away our spent packages, zipped/buttoned up, and started making our way back to the farmhouse as the sun disappeared behind the Rockies. Instead of struggling through an awkward silence after all that was said and done, the experience seemed to liberate us and bring us closer together. By the time we reached the wide porch, we were already back to one of our favorite pastimes: arguing about regional and national...

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Visit to Aunt Vicky Ch 1

I was 18, and had just graduated from high school. This was my last summer of freedom before going off to college. I had never really had a serious girlfriend in high school, so I was looking forward to going off to college and losing my virginity finally. I was going to be going to one of the biggest party schools in the state, so I was counting the days until college started. The summer had just begun, graduation had only occurred a couple weeks ago, and there was quite a bit of time to do...

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Teacher teacher chapter 6

You should read the previous chapters to get a handle of their adventures so far. ***** Sandy woke to the alarm clock. It was still dark and she wasn't sure where she was or how she got there. She looked over at it and blinked her eyes trying to focus on the numbers. She rubbed her eyes scrapping off the crust coating them making it hard to focus. It was five thirty. How she got in her bed was a mystery. The last thing her foggy brain recalled was lying on a table and swallowing the...

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I Believe You

This really happened. Believe us. Johnny's left hand flew up and down his cock, rubbing the head on each upstroke. At the same time, his right hand played with his balls. His eyes were focused on the porn DVD playing on the brand new wide flat screen set he had purchased with his last modeling paycheck, a purchase his parents could well afford on their own but who chose not to over-spoil their children. The movie showed the grotesquely big-titted blonde taking the black stud's eight inches...

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Dot 3

Dot 3 After that, the two children felt they were on top of the world. Dick could live openly as Dot's companion, as long as he remembered to go limp and hold still whenever Nurse was present. They were always careful to play quietly; it would not do for two young voices to be heard emanating from the girl's chambers! Whenever they came in from the garden, Dick had to remember to clean his shoes; dolly would not be walking around getting her footwear soiled! When it rained, or...

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Summer EmploymentChapter 7 The Tucker Sisters

Elizabeth rode in the front seat on the way to work. We had her husband's permission to have sex, any time I wanted to fuck her, and there was no reason to keep up appearances. "Did Tuck remember giving me permission to fuck you any time I want?" I asked. "Yes," she said, grinning from ear to ear. "I woke him up this morning, and reminded him of what he'd said. Would you like to sneak down to the van at lunchtime, or do you want to wait until tonight to take advantage of your...

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