Seven Days in Purgatory
- 2 years ago
- 35
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But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather
– I Dreamed a Dream, Les Misérables
Zach had just gotten out of the shower when he heard the pounding on his front door. It wasn't unexpected. Allie had returned Shannon back home late yesterday morning. The look on his face had told her things hadn't gone as she'd hoped. She'd tried to talk to him but he'd shut her down quickly.
But that was yesterday, today he prepared for the proverbial shit to hit the fan.
Quickly he dressed and went to the door. Looking out the window, he saw both his mother and sister standing there, waiting impatiently. It was obvious they were upset. Zach looked over at Shannon playing on the floor as he opened the door. He was met by two angry women who verbally assaulted him at the same time.
"What the hell have you done?" Allie yelled. "I can't believe you'd be that cruel!"
"Damn you, Zach!" Ginny screamed. "Do you know what you did to that poor girl? She looked like a zombie when I saw her."
"Daddy? Gamma?" Shannon's scared voice froze both women.
Zach forced a smile for his little girl and he spoke to her in a funny cartoon voice.
"It's okay, Cupcake, Gamma and Aunt Gin were teasing your daddy."
Shannon smiled at him.
"Daddy, you're silly!"
She giggled and went back to playing on the floor.
"Zach, I—" Allie began.
He put his finger to his lips as he stepped out onto the landing, making sure to close the door behind him. His face was dark with anger when he turned and faced the two women.
"Who the fuck do you two think you are?" he hissed, making sure that his voice didn't carry past the front door. His language and intense rage caused both Allie and Ginny to step back.
"Where in the hell do you get off coming to my home and yelling at me in front of my daughter? I told you that I'd take care of this once I got stronger, and I did. If you don't like the way I handled it then that's too damn bad. Didn't you see this coming or were you so full of yourselves that you thought I'd just take it?
"You knew how I felt about Bree but it didn't matter, did it?" Zach seethed as he glared at his mother. "The only thing that mattered was what you thought was best! Well here's a little news flash, Mom, right now what you think doesn't mean shit. From now on, I'm going to do what I think is best for Shannon and me.
"If you want to keep us in your lives, you'll honor my decision and back off," Zach said coldly. Then he walked back into his apartment and closed the door, leaving the two stunned women.
"Are you sure, Zach?" Maria Grymm said later that afternoon in her flat no-nonsense voice.
"Yeah, Maria, I need to get away for a while and figure out where I want to go from here. The project down in Florida would give me some time to think."
"Are you sure this is the best decision?"
Zach smiled to himself. He could see her mind processing, as she worked through the multiple scenarios of his request. He was certain she would come to the same conclusion; this was good for both him and the company.
Their client in Florida was struggling and growing increasingly frustrated with their project. That was souring their business relationship with GBES. Zach's presence would help the situation and possibly encourage them to continue past this initial project. This first project was supposed to take a couple of months to complete but if successful, it would lead to many projects that would span several years.
"All right," his boss stated. "It appears your reasoning is solid and this trip will be beneficial to both the company and you. I'll go ahead and approve it. When do you want to make it effective?"
"I can be there by the end of the week. That should give them enough time to get ready for me."
"Agreed," she said and then flashed Zach a thin smile.
"You know, Victor and Roland will be very disappointed if you decide to stay there and not come back to Brownwood. I would too but I think both of them might actually pout!"
They both chuckled at the thought.
"I don't know what I'm going to do, Maria, there are too many distractions around here."
"Well then," she replied softly, "the best of luck to you. Go to Florida and get things sorted out, or at least make an action plan on how to begin doing that."
Zach walked back into his living room after putting Shannon to bed. The tension in the room was intense as he sat down and faced his mother and sister again. He almost smiled as he looked at the two women. Their faces and appearances were very similar, as were the stern looks that each had as they stared at him. Ginny really was a younger clone of her mother.
"Zach, about yesterday–" Allie began.
"No," he interrupted, much to the surprise of both women. "No Mother, whatever damage was done yesterday is done. This is my home and my meeting. Tonight is about moving forward. I asked you both here so that I wouldn't have to repeat myself."
Allie was alarmed at her son's coldness.
"Mother, have I ever been a bad father to Shannon?"
"No, you've always been a good father, probably even a wonderful father to her. But what–"
"Please, just humor me for a moment. I also believe that I'm doing very well at GBES. So, I haven't heard any complaints about me as a parent or employee.
"During my divorce and even with Susan's cheating, I don't believe I acted overly destructive did I?"
"No, but you were so angry and sad," Allie stated cautiously.
"Yes, me and a million other poor souls who've had to go through a divorce. I was hurt and frustrated by the failure of my marriage, but I don't remember anyone telling me I was bitter after the divorce."
"Then my ex-fiancée came back to town and my mother pushed me into going to the reunion to see her. After that, my mother just knew it was in my best interest to go talk to her, even though I got my 'panties in a bunch.' But she'd said I'd made my point, right Mom?"
Allie's face blanched.
"But apparently that wasn't the case though, because after my ex-fiancée's psycho ex-husband shot me in the back, my mother must've had an epiphany. She, in her infinite wisdom, decided it was best for me to be trapped in my own home with the same bitch that'd brought all this joy into my life!
"But even with as bad as you must've thought I'd handled my break up with Bree, I doubt that it could've compared with how you dealt with Ginny's and my sperm donor, Jerry, abandoning us. I wonder how you would've handled some well-meaning individual forcing you to spend that summer in the same house with Jerry and Belinda Big Tits. Just so you could get over any anger or abandonment issues you might've had.
"You see, Mother, I remember a little of what you were like when we first came to Brownwood. I also remember all the tears and screaming when you first started dating Dad. At least he allowed you to work out your issues at your own pace.
"I also remember that you didn't find it necessary to intervene when Ginny was trying her best to destroy her engagement with Hector. Why was that Mother? Why didn't you get in the middle of her relationship but had no trouble interfering in mine?"
Allie and Ginny were silent since all three already knew the answer. Mother and daughter were so much alike that what few fights they'd had over the years were monumental meltdowns.
"I've got to think it's because Ginny would've told you to go to hell, while I ... well that's not something I'd ever do, right? With me, you must've felt free to try to manipulate me to do whatever you thought was best. However, last time I checked I wasn't twelve anymore. So tell me, who the hell gave you the right to make those kinds of decisions for me and my family?"
"Well," Allie responded cautiously, "I am your mother and right now you are acting like a child."
"And you're acting like a manipulative bitch."
Both women gasped
"I don't–" Ginny started.
"I would shut the hell up, little sister," Zach snarled. "You're one sarcastic comment away from losing both a brother and a niece."
Allie reached over and touched Ginny's arm. Ginny saw the concerned look on Allie's face and remained silent.
"You asked me yesterday what I was doing," Zach said coldly. "What I'm doing is cleaning house. To start with, Shannon and I will be going away for a while."
"Zach," Allie said, her voice trembling. "Don't take my little girl from me."
"You still don't get it do you, Mom? She's not your little girl, she's mine! And I'll be damned if I end up having to fight you for her. I'm her father and you're not her mother.
"Now, as I was saying, we'll be gone for at least a month, maybe longer. I have an onsite project down in Florida."
"But who's going to watch her?" Allie asked quietly. "If you need she could stay—"
"Are you even listening to yourself?" he said, cutting her off. "What part of stay the hell out of our lives aren't you getting?"
His mother's face paled as tears ran down her cheeks.
"The place we're going has a company condo they use for guests. They also have a daycare onsite so I'll be close to Shannon all day. Like I said, the project should last at least a month, maybe two. By that time, I should've made some decisions about our future. It's possible I may choose to stay down there but whatever I decide, I'll be taking back control of my life. I'll be making choices for us and I won't be fighting my mother or sister over every little decision they don't agree with. Now, I'm sure you both have questions or comments?"
"What, now you'll let us speak?" Ginny spat sarcastically.
"Sure, as long as what you have to say is constructive. I'm not going to sit and argue with you though. If you're just going to bitch, then this meeting is over. I'll give you a piece of advice. The first thing that should've come out of your mouths during all this was 'I'm sorry.' Of course that phrase isn't one the women in our family seem to be familiar with. I would, however, encourage you to learn it before you destroy any more of your relationships."
Both women spent the next thirty minutes expressing their concerns and fears with his announcement. Surprisingly, it was done without too much drama. In the end it was Allie who looked at her son with tears in her eyes and asked the question that ended the evening.
"There isn't anything we can say to change your mind is there?"
His response was flat and detached.
"Not a damn thing."
The trip to St. Petersburg was smooth and Zach and Shannon settled into their guest condo quickly. The late summer weather and the beautiful surroundings helped ease any homesickness Zach had.
Within a week, he'd received three emails. The first was from his mother, apologizing and begging him to sit down and talk to her. The second was from Ginny, a short contrite apology. He didn't respond to either of these initially.
The third was from Bree.
Dear Zach,I'm so very sorry all this happened. I know it seems like I keep saying that again and again but it's true. This isn't what I planned or even considered happening when I came back to Brownwood. Things just seemed to go to shit quickly didn't they?
You told me that I didn't have any idea how badly I'd hurt you and you were right. I know that now. The Zach I knew could never have done what you did to me. What breaks my heart is that I know I'm the one who helped make you that way.
Zach, you hurt me in a way I didn't think was possible anymore. I know I'll be able to someday forgive you but like they say, forgetting may never happen. I hope in time I'll be able to forgive myself for all those foolish things I've done that helped ruin a man I once loved.
I really do wish the best for you. I hope one day that you heal that hole in your heart. You've so much to give and I pray you find it again someday.
Before I close, I need to say one more thing. I know this request won't mean anything but I have to try because it's too important. For both you and Shannon, I would ask that you reconsider your relationship with your mother.
She took a chance on some things she believed were worth taking the risk for and now she's paying the price. She gambled and lost, although I'm sure she never realized how much she could lose. I can speak from experience about that. Unfortunately, her loss affects both you and Shannon.
I ask you to look at the reasons behind the things she did. I'm not trying to justify her actions, but I believe her heart, for doing those things, wasn't selfish or evil. I'm asking you to consider it, please.
I'm headed back to California to start my life over. I'd like to say I'll miss you but right now I can't say that. I really can't wait to put as much of this nightmare behind me as possible. I will however miss Shannon. Please tell her goodbye for me? I hope one day that I'll be able to find someone that precious to call me 'Mom.'
Bree's letter brought up issues he knew he'd soon have to address, not only for himself but for Shannon as well. During the next two months, those issues became evident with two instances, one at Disneyland and the other on St. Pete's Beach.
When Zach had first arrived, he'd met with Howard Peterson, the project manager he'd been sent to work with. Howard and Zach had dealt with each other in the past via the phone but really gelled as a team when working face-to-face. By Zach's third week there, the project was flying again and the atmosphere around the office was much more relaxed.
That weekend, Howard and his wife Sheila had convinced Zach to let them watch Shannon for the day to allow him to see the local sights. Their daughter, Kayla, had offered to give him a tour of the city. It helped that Kayla was a pretty little brunette who had started her senior year at the University of Central Florida.
Kayla and Zach had a wonderful time exploring the city, so much so they ended up sampling the local nightlife. A night of dancing and drinks led to the couple having a serious make-out session.
The next weekend, he and Shannon had gone to Disneyland with the Peterson family. The day was full of fun and laughter but Zach felt his attention had been continuously torn between Shannon and Kayla.
A perfect example was when they entered the park. Shannon had gotten a glimpse of Ariel, the Little Mermaid. "Bee!" she'd squealed. Zach had told the others that Bee had been her babysitter. He was surprised at the number of times Shannon spotted the Little Mermaid. He'd noticed however that every time Shannon shouted out that name, Kayla pulled him closer.
A week later, Zach found himself walking hand-in-hand with Kayla along St. Pete's Beach. The mixture of the beautiful tranquil Gulf Shore and the party atmosphere of the bars and live music led to a magical evening.
Zach realized two things that night. The first was sex on the beach with a young, pretty coed, while exciting, has one major drawback ... sand. It had the ability to get everywhere!
The other was that the nightlife scene, while fun on occasion, held no real draw for him. It was obvious he desired a woman with more maturity than was normally found in that lifestyle. He knew there wasn't a future with Kayla and she must've realized it as well since she stopped coming home on the weekends to see him.
Come on man, he chuckled to himself, she's only 22. What did you expect, for her to be ready to be a wife and a mother of a three-year-old?
He knew the type of woman he was looking for. What he wanted was someone like Bree. While that was obvious to most everyone who knew him, for Zach it was an epiphany. He knew Shannon missed Bree and he admitted to himself that he did too. He needed to decide on how to handle his confusing, and often frustrating relationship with her.
He also needed to figure out what to do about his mother. Shannon needed a good female influence in her life and Allie, even with her faults, was one of the best role models he knew.
A couple of weeks later, Kayla's mother cornered him.
"I heard Kayla has started dating a young man at college," she started, fishing for a response.
"Good, I'm truly happy for her. I hope he realizes what a lucky guy he is."
Sheila smiled.
"You don't seem too broken up about it."
"Sheila," he said cautiously, "Kayla is a wonderful girl—"
"But she's still just a girl, right?" she interjected.
Zach smiled and nodded.
"A very special girl, just at a very wrong time," he said gently.
She stared at him for a moment and then grinned.
"It wouldn't have anything to do with Bee, the babysitter, would it?"
He looked uncomfortable.
"Relax, Mr. Morgan. Your secret is safe with me."
She looked at him and couldn't contain her laugh.
"Well, me and Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and the other several thousand Disneyland visitors that day! Every time your little girl yelled out that name it was written all over your face. It was so obvious that even my sweet but self-obsessed daughter could see it!"
Zach flinched and his body tensed. He watched as her smile faded.
"She must've hurt you very badly," she said softly.
He nodded.
"And then I returned the favor," he said in a voice as pained as the look on his face.
"I'm so sorry, Zach," she said.
"Me too."
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Finally after 10 months of chatting exchanging photos and even Skyp'ing twice, by a miracle of fate, I was going to actually be with Kim. Kim is my FANTASSY, ON-LINE TRANSEXUAL LOVER. Kim lives in the UK so it always was just a mutual fantasy that we would ever meet. Then fate smiled on both of us, Kim is earning her PhD and has taken a sabbatical. She is coming to the states to attend a world class mathematical seminar at the Courant Institute in NY City. She will be here for two whole weeks!!...
I never knew my natural Parents my adopted Parents names are on my Birth Certificate along with my adoption Certificate. I only found out when my Father a Solicitor and my Mother told me on my s*******nth Birthday what a gift along, with the news of my birth came a gold locket no inscription but it was hallmarked which the adaption society told them my natural Mother asked them to give me the locket when I was s*******n . To say the least it was shock I love my Parents and I wouldn’t do...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaaga teen age pennai thuki vaithu eppadi usar seithu oothen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar praveen vayathu 19 aagugirathu. Naan oru auntyaal nandraaga ooka katrukonden endru thaan sola vendum, naan ippozhuthu coimbatore kalluriyil muthal aandu padithu varugiren. En pakathu veetil oru aunty irukiraargal avargal vayathu 38 irukum, avargalin kanavar matrum kuzhanthaigal veetil ilatha pozhuthu ennai aval veetirku azhaithu aval mulaiyaal...
After my first year of college, I went back home for the summer. I saw one of the younger guys who had been in the D&D club with me. We chatted and he invited me over to his house to play on Friday night. I got there Friday night and found he invited 5 guys, all were young and very geeky. He said his parents were out of town for the night so we could play all night. We played for a few hours and they asked about college. They asked if college was filled with big orgies. I told them if it...
September 1958Fucking Mrs. Criscola Rosemary had just cum violently and was leaning back against Vic. "God, that was so fucking good!" she told him while shimmying her ass in his lap, his cock still enjoying the feel of her wet and loose pussy. "You're absolutely amazing, Vic baby! You're soft, and yet, you're still big and hard! I'll bet you could fuck me again and again if you wanted to. Do you want to do that, Vic baby? Do ya?"He really did, but he had other ideas first. If her son...
Ah, the world of teen porn! The tightness of the pinky pussies you will find in these 18-year-olds. That's what you get when everything is packed in its place. All you can imagine are the sweet sensations rippling down your spine as you see these little sluts walking down the street in their shapely bums and recently sprouted boobs. Few things slap harder than a teen pussy. After all, these bitches are just learning how it feels to have their meat pockets full of hard cock. What they lack in...
Teen Porn SitesNatured Or NurturedBy: Londebaaz ChohanWhen Arthur asked Ruby out for the eats and movie; she surprised him in more ways than one. Actually, it was their first meeting at a dinner gathering to revel the High School graduation of a distant friend’s younger brother. Ruby first surprised Arthur with an immediate acceptance of his invitation but much more when she told him that it would be a double date because she wanted her twin brother be also present. Ruby was 19 years old, more beautiful than...
Hi everyone, my name is Daksh, A 21-year-old , super rich guy from Delhi. this incident happened a week ago. please send me your reviews on Ladies feel free to contact me for a good time. 100% confidentiality guaranteed. Last night Abhishek and I went out for a night out and unfortunately for him, he forgot his wallet in my car. Next morning I called him to inform him this but he didn’t pick up my call. he was probably still asleep because of the booze and the hangover from last night. I...
Tonight was the last time, for real this time. I had planned to stop being my lover’s mistress. For one we were becoming emotionally attached—no surprise there as it seems to occur in almost every lengthy affair people have. Secondly, guilt has been eating me alive lately. I mean he’s a married man. For 15 years now to be exact. I remember the day we met 8 months ago like it was yesterday. I had just got out of a bad break up and just wanted to drink my sorrows away. And then I met him. Trav...
Fuck! The line at this hotel is taking way too long and you’re getting impatient. The blizzard outside is getting worse by the minute. If you don’t get a room here, there’s no way you can go back outside. “Next.” The receptions calls out. There’s only one girl in front of you and then you’ll finally be able to book a room. “Sorry, Ma’am, but there’s only one room left. We’re packed and we can’t offer you any other choice.” “That’s okay.” The lady says. “I’m fine staying in any room.” Your heart...
I like my women on all fours, and if you think the same, how about checking out r/WomenBendingOver/? This subreddit is exactly what you would expect it to be, filled with chicks posting their pictures as they are bending over. There will be loads of nudity and suggestive content, and if you are in the mood, you are bound to love seeing it all.Now, keep in mind that Reddit is not a porn website. This site is dedicated to all the Redditors who would love to post NSFW or SFW content… which brings...
Reddit NSFW ListAs I watched my wife Sam and son Kevin horsing around in our pool, it made me smile and I couldn't help but reminisce back to a time when I was a younger man.Unlike the loving relationship I can see Sam and Kevin sharing. Mine was a bit different with my own mother. To try to explain how it came to being that way is kind of hard to do. However, I'll try my best and then maybe you'll understand.It all started almost before I was to turn 19. I lived with my Father Chris and my Mother Jenny in a...
Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: This is a Novel. 79. Planning If there is one place a man does not want to be, it is in the middle of a bunch of women planning a wedding. In this case we have three well-to-do men, marrying three totally different women....
CHAPTER 12: RE-NEWED BEGINNINGS So much was changing. And so quickly, again. And it seemed to be touching on so many parts of our life to give us the impression of our “New Life” being renewed to another beginning. At the wedding and then re-affirmed after our honeymoon, our life took a dramatic changes in commitment and adventure at least in our private lives or very deliberately expanded our sexual life. That had led to many wondrous experiences so far. This new change gave every indication...
What Helen likesA lot of you have asked questions about my dear wife, Helen – what she likes and does not like.Physical things first – she is in her mid to late 50s. She is 5 feet 10 inches tall. She weighs about 80 kilogrammes – (which is about 175 pounds)She is a size 14, sometimes 16. She has a narrow waist but quite full and curvy hips and a round full bum.Her bust size in the UK is 34E or 34F. Her tits are full, but heavy and I like them a lot because whilst they are heavy, they do not...
Picking his way carefully through the gravel along the ridge of the hill, Harper had a quick look around him over the undulating countryside covered with patches of woodland, trying hard not to look back at the swamp behind him. Satisfied that there was nothing out of the ordinary he turned around to see the rest of his Fist stark against the skyline as they followed him. Taking a bearing from the sun again he tried to work out the best route over the next hill to the river. The plan was to...
My son is 24. Two months ago he called me and said that he had gotton hurt playing flag football. He said that he tore his groin and that he was on crutches and needed bed rest for a few days. He asked if he could come to my house to recover and so I could help him with any of his needs. I told him that was fine.A few hours later, his friend dropped him off and helped him into my house. He brought along a gel pac that you put in the freezer for an hour or so until it hardens. Three times a day...
Priest Telkin said, “I don’t think about it the way you’re describing it. If there’s a serious injury, I just ... heal it. The details have never really mattered. I’m either strong enough to heal someone or I’m not.” “You mean the magic works even if you don’t know what needs to be fixed, or how?” Treya asked. She’d gone to visit him that morning to ask for advice about using her healing magic. The weather was chilly, so they’d left the courtyard and moved to a side room off the main...
Hello ISS readers this is Sathish ,I’m 23 years old and I want to tell my story that happened previous year in 2009.This encounter was between my aunt (school teacher)and me. Her name is Priyanka .She is hot with great assets 36.32.38 approx..She is 30 years old with two kids both goes to school and her hubby is an worker (gov).I used to visit their place frequently and I enjoyed to stay with my cousins ,with that I could see the beauty of my aunt.(I used ask doubts in math for mam in meen...
A big THANK YOU to Blackrandi for agreeing to clean up my mess. It was the last thing that I needed at that point in my life, but it was the one thing to which I could not say no. My mother called me and told me that I needed to come home to run the family business because my father had suffered a stroke. Someone needed to keep the business running, and she said she couldn’t do it and still take care of Dad. Home was six hundred miles away, and I hadn’t been there in almost two years....
When we got back to McDonalds, Mikah and I left the Lincoln for the Hyundai. It wasn’t as cool, but I liked the Accent fine. It had a story. As was her training, Mikah took up the whole back seat, which was fine with me. After five miles I heard her snoring. It was so peaceful I almost forgot to watch my six. I saw the NC highway patrol car following me. I was in violation of only one traffic law. I hadn’t registered, or bought tags for the Accent as of yet. I couldn’t believe he was...
A Little Dab Will Do You Copyright (c) 1999 Chilli TNG This story is dedicated to Janice Dreamer and Wendy-J. Without their influence, pleading, begging, brow-beating, hand-holding, critical eyes, and gushing praise, the story that follows would never have been started, let alone written. You two are THE BEST! My life is forever richer for having you both in it. Disclaimers: This...
Ben's First TimeThe following story is for readers of legal age or readers who have interests which lie in the direction of BDSM. If you have comments or suggestions, feel free to E-mail me at [email protected]. I do try to answer any and all that I get. You can also find me on line under Jennistoy for Instant Message, (I will not accept an IM if you do not have a profile), or you may check out my website at was the typical college...
On the way there, I told her about the errands we needed to run – she agreed. Upon reaching the address I told her to switch to our other rings. Her mouth opened to ask, and then she understood. It’s funny how she compared changing the rings to that moment in DIE HARD 2 when the bad guys changed the ammunition from the blanks to the live fire. Wow. A woman who can make a legitimate DIE HARD reference. Now, there’s a perfect woman. After walking in, I said, “Sorry it took so long, there...
Today we got lucky when we found this hot sports bar waitress on the way to her car. We pulled up and convinced her to play our fun games for some cash. We had her flash her tits before finally getting her inside the van. We talked to her for a bit before we got her twerking more money. Tony notices that her shorts have a small hole and decided to help. He tears her shorts all the way off and we let her know that we would pay for them to calm her down. Tony started touching her after we noticed...
xmoviesforyouIgnoring Elizabeth’s horrified reaction Peter, Andrew and the guards dragging the prisoners made their way to one of the farm trucks where the guards unceremoniously dumped all the prisoners in the back oblivious of the screams of agony from Pretty Boy. With the prisoners secured in the truck Peter, Andrew and the Ghurkhas changed into rags under the shearing shed. Khukuris were still prominent. Standing to one side, Peter and the RSM quietly reaffirmed the strategy for the remainder of the...
Doris Dayton had always been a well-behaved youngster and she was quite circumspect in high school with the possible exception of pulling her best friend Doreen's brother's business as a favor so his sister wouldn't have to do it and commit a terrible sin of incest. It was a win-win situation for Doris because not only did she gain valuable intelligence about how to turn a boy on but she felt it was simply a "good deed" that could only make her more pleasing in the eyes of the Lord....
Rogues Story– Part Five (a) – Admission. Due to the length of the final chapter, I have split it into two parts. This part is the build-up to the exceptionally passionate end. I hope you enjoy x Rebecca is traveling at high speed, sat in the passenger seat of Travis’s car. Out of the window the motorway is speeding past her eyes, but it is not the passing cars or the road side she sees. In her mind she has replaced these sights with memories of the previous night. She remembers the fervent...
I ran my hand over my clean-shaven face, having gratefully accepted the return of my laser knife. The iPhone had also survived the journey intact. "Beats a safety razor any day of the week," I'd observed as I performed my ablutions. Several men watched with awe, having never seen this particular piece of citadel technology before. I offered it to one of them and he used it to remove several days of stubbly growth. I sat before a panel of five, their sceptical looks turning more amenable...