Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 393: SCS's Outside And My Get-Inside Projects Begin; The Clinch free porn video

Saturday, August 18, to Friday, September 7, 2007 (Continued)
"Oh boy," said Nevaeh, remembering what happened last time she swore to God. She thought about it for a moment, then put her hand up ready to swear.
A couple of them, with considerably less reason than Nevaeh, were reluctant, one saying, "There's no need for that. We won't tell anyone."
"You're failing to understand how important my families' safety is to me. I would give my life to protect them, so I will certainly get you to swear an oath. If you don't, I will call your Principal in five minutes and tell him I don't trust you on my property, asking him to remove you from the project and to call your parents to explain what my reason was."
The two girls had their hands up even before I'd finished.
I said, "Repeat after me, 'I swear to God'."
Eight of the nine did so, including Nevaeh proudly and with a loud voice. I NP-caressed her cheek again. To the ninth girl I said, "Emily, if you don't participate I will call your Principal."
"I DID say it!"
"Your mouth moved but you weren't exhaling or saying the words. Re-raise your hand and say the first words now by yourself or I will call your Principal."
"I don't think you should make us swear to God over a personal matter. It's disrespectful to Him and we shouldn't do things like that."
In answer I called out, "Angel, am I being disrespectful to God?"
The angel appeared, the usual process occurred to my cellphone, then it floated to me. I refused to take delivery of it, instead saying, "Send it to Emily. She needs to read it herself."
My phone flew to her. She expected that she was about to lose her argument so wasn't happy, but she took it.
I said, "Read it out loud, Emily."
Emily read: "God thinks protecting Mark is very important. God wants the oath, and It wants to add on the end, 'I swear to protect the quality of Mark's life.'"
I didn't really care if other people heard that I couldn't commit a sin. It'd probably be best to keep it quiet because it was so silly, but otherwise it didn't matter. I was just using it as the reason for the oath because it sounded better than getting the girls to swear to keep my sexual game a secret. By wrapping the two issues together I got what I wanted in a way that reflected well on me. Plus I got to find out whether swearing a 'real' oath to God was an effective tactic [I write more fully about another of these tests quite a long way below (I can't really say "quite a lot later", for a reason you'll understand at the time)].
I pointed out, "I think that pretty much destroys your point about disrespecting God, doesn't it?"
"Yes. I'm sorry. It's amazing that you can communicate with God so directly."
The other girls chirped in to express their amazement too, but I quieted them down quickly, "We can talk all you want AFTER the oaths, but I want them first. Let's start again, with everyone's participation this time.
I took them through all the phrases of the enlarged oath, with all of them doing it properly. That the oath ended with a blinding flash of light surprised all of them except Nevaeh, and probably not you either.
Nevaeh was the first to speak, "Oh boy!"
After the first couple of, "What was thats?" I answered, "That was your oath to God taking effect."
You're probably also not surprised to know that they had some follow-up questions. One was an almost accusatory, "You knew that'd happen?"
"I've seen it happen once before several weeks ago. I thought it MIGHT happen this time, and I was hoping it would because I take my families' safety very seriously. Now you can't break your oath."
"What would happen if we did?"
"I've never bothered to ask. I'm sure it'd be serious though, so you should behave yourselves."
Predictably, they wanted me to bother to ask, so I did so. The answer came back: "God would be very angry. Oathbreakers would have a short life full of misery and pain, and then they would be killed. Their souls would be destroyed rather than moving on to the next stage."
"Oh boy," from Nevaeh.
The other girls were NOT happy and they started telling me all about it!
I suddenly yelled, "Shut up!" It worked very nicely. "I told you before that those of you who aren't interested in becoming part of my life should leave and you all elected to stay. I also told you that this isn't some schoolyard gossip session; that it is SERIOUS business! I've got my own angel and God looks over my shoulders. Did you think God's so involved with my life because He's got nothing better to do? Don't be so stupid! It seems I'm incredibly important to the human race. You can't simply waltz into my life, bat your eyelids at me, then enjoy a life of luxury, high-living and flitting around the world in private jets to buy as many high-fashion clothes as you want. That's absurdly naïve. My girlfriends and Carol LOVE their lives, but there are serious responsibilities that go with being in my life.
-- "You swore a binding, powerful oath to God, and God is holding you to it. But if you don't like it, all you have to do is walk away from my life. No one is forcing you to stay in it. You're safe to carry on doing the projects for the next couple of weeks because you're not going to learn any more secrets or have anything weird happen to you doing those, and after that you can leave and never see me again. If you really want to, you can even leave right now and never come back. Your life will be unaffected if you keep your mouth shut about what you've learned so far. I'm sure you all know how to keep secrets; you're teenage girls, so you'll have dozens of those you're hiding from your parents..."

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