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Author: Lisa Teez
Story: Thong Girls (1 of 14) →
Thong Girls
Chap­ter 1 — A Dirty Job
No one knows where it first start­ed. Some peo­ple say they’re not sure how it will all end.

It first came to my desk not quite three months ago. It was a slow news day which when you’re a re­porter like me is never a good thing. Any­way, I was sit­ting at my desk try­ing to think of some­thing pithy to say for the col­umn I was writ­ing when Mathil­da Gruff was brought to my desk.

Now if the mere name Mathil­da Gruff con­jures up the image of a mid­dle-aged busy body who prob­a­bly hadn’t been laid in months, then you al­ready know what Mathil­da Gruff looks like. For those of you who didn’t get that image, let me say that Mathil­da Gruff was a mid­dle-aged busy body who hadn’t been laid in months.

I mo­tioned for Mathil­da to take a seat for the very sim­ple rea­son that I didn’t want her to see the game of soli­taire that I had been play­ing on my com­put­er. “Can I help you,” I asked.

“I want you to shut them down.”

Quite rea­son­ably, I asked, “Shut who down?”

“Them,” she said. “Those cof­fee hous­es. I want you to shut them down.”

“What cof­fee hous­es?”

Mathil­da Gruff’s sigh left lit­tle to my imag­i­na­tion. In her mind, I was un­doubt­ed­ly the stupi­dest man she’d ever met, or at least, I was the stupi­dest man she’d met in the last ten min­utes. “I want you to shut them down,” she said. “I want you to shut down the thong girl cof­fee hous­es.”

There was an ob­vi­ous ques­tion and since it was an ob­vi­ous ques­tion and since I’m a re­porter who is paid to ask the ob­vi­ous ques­tions, I asked it. “What’s a thong girl cof­fee house?”

Mathil­da Gruff looked at me as if I was so stupid and she gave me an­oth­er one of her sighs be­fore she fi­nal­ly an­swered. “The girls in the cof­fee shops are wear­ing thongs and ... and other things. Re­vealling things. Dis­gust­ing things de­signed to tit­ti­late the cus­tomers.”

I wasn’t sure if that, ex­act­ly, was what Mathil­da had in mind but she cer­tain­ly had my in­ter­est. “Tit­ti­late the cus­tomers,” I asked. “Which cof­fee shop did you say this was?”

“It’s not just one cof­fee shop. It’s all of them. They’re all just a bunch of smut havens.”

“Well, if it’s all of them, then it sounds like what you re­al­ly want is to shut down all cof­fee hous­es.”

She gave me yet an­oth­er of her sighs that was de­signed to tell me just how stupid I was. “I don’t want them to be shut down. I just want them to stop ped­dling their smut.”

“Smut, Mrs. Gruff. Re­al­ly?”

“Yes, re­al­ly. Those girls are sluts, and the thongs were just the be­gin­ning.”

“The be­gin­ning?”

Mathil­da Gruff nod­ded em­phat­i­cal­ly. She was cer­tain­ly warm­ing to her task now. “The thongs were only the be­gin­ning. I think they’re com­pet­ing with one an­oth­er, try­ing to outdo the other and I’ve been see­ing those thong girls hav­ing S-E-X.”

“I see. Would that be with each other or with the cus­tomers?”

“Don’t you dis­miss me,” she told me. “I will not be tri­fled with.”

“I un­der­stand, Mrs. Gruff, and I as­sure you, we will be look­ing into it.”

She looked at me as if she were try­ing to as­sess just how like­ly I was to do what I said I was going to do and then she gave me a sniff and she got up. “I’ve got my eye on you, Mr. McAdams,” she said fi­nal­ly. “I ex­pect you to fol­low through.”

I told her I would and I kept my face as straight as I could until I’d fi­nal­ly ush­ered her out of my of­fice, and it was only after I’d sat back down that I fi­nal­ly let my­self laugh. Ac­tu­al­ly, it was sad re­al­ly. Here was this woman that thought girls were hav­ing sex in cof­fee hous­es mere­ly be­cause of the type of un­der­wear they wore. Sad, I thought again, but hard­ly worth my time.

And it might have ended there ex­cept that on my way home from work, I was stopped at a traf­fic light and in front of me on the right was a cof­fee house. I could have passed it by but Mathil­da Gruff was still fresh in my mind and on a whim, when the light changed green, I moved for­ward and pulled into the cof­fee shop’s park­ing lot.

The first thing I no­ticed when I got there was the noise. There was music play­ing and some­one had turned it up loud­er than it should be. I’ve al­ways hated that and I made a men­tal note of it, al­most as if I were get­ting ready to write a re­view of the place.

The place was crowd­ed, more crowd­ed than I would have thought it might be but as I took my place in line, I didn’t see a sin­gle thong.

As the line moved for­ward, I looked around me. As far as I could tell, sex was not run­ning ram­pant among the pa­trons of this cof­fee house, at least.

And then it was my turn at the front of the line. I freely admit that this re­search was high­ly non-sci­en­tif­ic but I put in my order. “Say,” I told the girl tak­ing the or­ders, “some­one told me you guys were wear­ing thongs in here.” Man, I felt stupid say­ing that.

“You want to see my thong,” said the girl asked the counter.

“Yes, I mean no, I mean, I was just ask­ing you know. I mean, I don’t want to cause any trou­ble, you know.”

“It’s no trou­ble at all,” the girl said. She al­ready had her jeans opened and she was push­ing them down past her hips. “See,” she said. “Here it is.”

I cer­tain­ly did see. The girl was wear­ing a lit­tle, yel­low thong.

“I, um, I ... thanks for show­ing that to me.”

“It’s no trou­ble at all,” the girl said. “All you had to do was ask.”

I couldn’t help but no­tice the look that the girl who was mak­ing my drink gave me when she fi­nal­ly hand­ed it over. If I didn’t know bet­ter, I would have said she looked hurt.

I took my drink and found a place in the cor­ner to sit and think. To tell the truth, if I went to a cof­fee house at all, which was rare enough as it was, I would have taken my drink to go, but this was a fact find­ing trip so I took my drink and went and sat in the cor­ner.

The crowd seemed to be dying down. I fig­ured I’d prob­a­bly caught the tail end of the after work crowd and it was too early for the night out crowd, and that was just fine with me.

The girl be­hind the counter came up to me. “Can I sit here,” she asked.


The girl slid into a seat. “I think Gina’s mad at you,” she said.

“Gina,” I asked. “Who’s Gina?”

“She’s the one who makes the drinks. Well, we both do, but she does it more than me.”

I nod­ded. “So why is Gina mad at me.”

“Gina’s wear­ing a G-string. She told me I should stop wear­ing jeans like she has. She said that’s the way to get my­self no­ticed, but you asked about my thong, in­stead. Did you like it, by the way?”

“Like what?”

“My thong. Did you like it?”

“Yeah,” I said. “It looks great.”

“I’m glad. I only bought it last week so I was hop­ing it looked good.”

“It looks great,” I as­sured her.

“I’m glad.”

“So, um, so this might be a per­son­al ques­tion, but do all the girls here ...”

“Do all the girls wear thongs or g-strings?”

“Oh no.”


“Sure. Some girls wear noth­ing at all but I can’t do that?”

I shook my head. I just wasn’t sure I’d heard what I thought I’d heard. “Can’t do what?”

“You know. Wear noth­ing at all. I mean, we’re mak­ing cof­fee back there. What if some­thing splash­es out. That is one place I don’t want to get burned, but if you want to know what I mean, all you got to do is look at So­phie.”

I couldn’t help my­self. “Who’s So­phie,” I asked.

“Oh, she’s not here right now, but she’ll be in later but if you want to see her pussy, all you got to do is ask. Speak­ing of which ...”

It took me a sec­ond to re­al­ize what she was doing. “No wait,” I said.

But she was al­ready lean­ing clos­er and her hand was al­ready be­tween my legs. “Come on,” she said. “We all know why guys like you come in here.”

I want­ed to tell her no but she al­ready had her hand in my lap.

“Oooh,” she purred. “What do we have in here?”

I groaned. I knew I should tell her no, but I just couldn’t.

I could feel her slid­ing my zip­per down and then she was push­ing her hand in­side my pants and she was wrap­ping her hand around my cock.

“Do you want me to suck on this,” she asked.

I knew I should have said no but I said noth­ing and I guess as far as the girl was con­cerned, that was as good as a yes be­cause that was all it took for her to haul my cock out into the light.

Her hand stroked me and she looked up at me. “I’m re­al­ly going to like this,” she told me, and then as if to make sure I be­lieved what she said, she opened her mouth and she slid her­self down around my cock.

Okay, I’ll admit it. I’d come in there to do a lit­tle re­search but al­most from the mo­ment she got her mouth down around my cock, from that mo­ment on, all I could think of was how good her mouth felt around my cock.

And she wasn’t stop­ping, ei­ther. Slow and steady, that’s the way she was doing it, and it just felt so good.

I sup­pose I should have been look­ing around, look­ing around and see­ing if any­one was watch­ing me but the truth was as soon as that girl had her mouth on my cock, I couldn’t think of any­thing else ex­cept for what her mouth felt like, and I knew I want­ed to do it. I knew I want­ed to cum in her mouth.

And still, she kept on suck­ing.

Oh God. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t hold back any­more. I knew I should have warned her what was com­ing, but I didn’t.

She had to know what I was doing and yet she just kept suck­ing my cock even as I con­tin­ued to cum in her mouth. Fuck, that felt good.

And the most amaz­ing thing was she just kept right on suck­ing even as I con­tin­ued to cum. I couldn’t be­lieve it. She wasn’t just suck­ing but she was swal­low­ing, too.

She pulled her mouth up off of me and she flashed me a shy, lit­tle grin. “How was that,” she asked. “Did I do a good job?”

Did she what? Was she se­ri­ous? She’d just given me the best blow job I’d ever got, (okay, the only blow job I’d ever got,) and yet here she was ask­ing me if she’d done a good job and yet just by look­ing at her, I could tell, she re­al­ly want­ed to know. “Yeah,” I told her. “Yeah. You did great.”

I couldn’t help but no­tice that her hand hadn’t left my cock. She gave my cock a squeeze. “I’m glad,” she said. “I’ve only been work­ing here a cou­ple of weeks, but I’m re­al­ly glad to hear you say that.”

“Do you want some­thing,” I asked.

“Yeah,” she said.

“What do you want?”

Her hand squeezed my cock. “Well, I was won­der­ing ...”

“You were won­der­ing what?”

“I was won­der­ing if you want­ed to do some­thing else.”

Okay, I’m not dumb, but re­al­ly, I had no idea what she was talk­ing about. “Some­thing else,” I asked.

Her hand squeezed my cock. “You know,” she said coyly. “Some­thing else. Some­thing ... more.”

I still didn’t get it. “Some­thing ... wait a minute! You’re not say­ing what I think you’re say­ing.”

Her hand con­tin­ued to stroke my cock. “I don’t know,” she said. “It all de­pends on what you think I’m ask­ing. What do you think I’m ask­ing?”

What was I think­ing? Was she just toy­ing with me? Screw with the re­porter. Nah. She didn’t even know I was a re­porter. Maybe she was just screw­ing with me for no other rea­son than that was what she want­ed to do. The only thing I didn’t think she was play­ing me. I thought she re­al­ly meant it. “I think you’re telling me you want to have sex with me.”

She didn’t stop. Her hand kept stroking my cock. “Then I guess we’re talk­ing about the same thing.”

I couldn’t be­lieve I was say­ing this. “Where do you want to go,” I asked.


“Yeah. Where do you want to go?”

“But I can’t go any­where. I’m still on duty.”

“But I don’t ... wait a minute. You mean you want to do it here?”

Her hand had never stopped stroking my cock and she wasn’t stop­ping now. “Why not,” she asked.

“Why not? This is a pub­lic place for one thing. Peo­ple might see.”


“So this is a pub­lic place,” I re­peat­ed.

Her hand con­tin­ued to stroke my cock. “So let me get this straight. It’s okay for you to let me suck your cock but it’s not okay for you to let me ride your cock.” Her hand squeezed my rigid mem­ber. “Come on,” she said. “It’s not like I don’t know what you want.” Her hand gave my cock an­oth­er squeeze. “I can tell what you want.”

Okay, she had me there.

“Come on,” she said. “It’ll be fun.”

“I ... I’m not going to do that.”

“Come on,” she said. “It’ll be my first time, too.”

“Your first time?”

“I’ve only been work­ing here a cou­ple of weeks, you know, but I want you to be my first.”

I couldn’t help won­der­ing if that was just a line that she told all the guys but I had to admit that if it was a line, she de­liv­ered it well.

“Come on,” she said again and she punc­tu­at­ed that with an­oth­er squeeze of my cock, “I want to ride you. It’ll be fun.”

I couldn’t be­lieve I was even con­sid­er­ing it but to my cred­it, I shook my head. “I can’t,” I said.

The girl seemed gen­uine­ly hurt. “It’s be­cause you like Gina bet­ter, isn’t it? I’ll bet you’d let her come over here and suck your dick, wouldn’t you, and I’d bet you’d let her ride your dick, too.”

Over the girl’s shoul­der, I could see Gina watch­ing her. “What, no,” I told her.

“No? So you do want to fuck me?”

Ac­tu­al­ly, yes, but I wasn’t going to tell her that.

And she wasn’t about to let it drop ei­ther. “Well,” she asked as she stroked my cock. “Which is it? Do you want me to fuck you?”

Still, I said noth­ing.

Her hand was stroking me hard­er and she was look­ing me in the eyes. “You know you can’t get away with say­ing noth­ing,” she said. “You’re going to have to say some­thing.”

I was find­ing it so hard to think with what her hand was doing to my cock.

“Come on. Do you want me to fuck you?”

“Yes.” I hadn’t even re­al­ized I’d said it. It just leaked out but sud­den­ly, there it was. Yes, I want­ed her to fuck me.

If I’d ex­pect­ed any­thing to change with my ad­mis­sion, I was going to find out just how wrong I was be­cause at first, noth­ing changed. She was still there, stroking my cock and I was still there, moan­ing as she did it.

She leaned in close and her mouth was al­most up against my ear but her hand never left my cock. “Is Gina still watch­ing,” she whis­pered.

“Yes,” I whis­pered back.

“Good, ‘cause she’s been teas­ing me long enough. I want her to see this.”

She pulled back. “Let me take your pants off,” she said.

It was my last chance. I could have stopped her if I want­ed to, but the truth was I didn’t want to. I let her take my pants off and I let her take my un­der­wear down.

Her hand was back again on my cock. “Do you like it when I do this,” she asked.

I’ll admit it. I pret­ty much wasn’t think­ing any­more, or if I was think­ing, the only thing I was think­ing about was her hand on my cock. “Yeah,” I told her. “I like it. I like it a lot.”

“Do you want to see my pussy?”

She al­ready knew what my an­swer was going to be even be­fore I said it. “Yeah,” I told her. “I want to see your pussy.”

She hes­i­tat­ed for just a mo­ment and then she stood. I watched her take off her jeans and once more, I got an­oth­er look at her bright, yel­low thong, but it was only for a mo­ment, be­cause mo­ments later, her thong was on top of her jeans and she was climb­ing onto my lap.

Her legs strad­dled mine and once more, she wrapped her fin­gers around my cock. “I re­al­ly want to feel this,” she mur­mured.

She wasn’t wait­ing for a reply from me be­cause I could feel her pussy mov­ing into place. She still held my cock even as she moved the head of it be­tween my lips and then she fi­nal­ly re­lin­quished her hold on it even as she pushed her pussy down upon my shaft.

“Oh fuck,” she groaned and to tell the truth, I had to agree with her. Oh fuck in­deed. Her pussy felt so good around my cock.

She was work­ing her­self even deep­er onto my cock and there was some­thing that was just so hot about hav­ing a girl try and push her pussy down on my cock.

She seemed to have got­ten as much as me as she could in­side her pussy and for a mo­ment, she just stayed where she was, al­most as if she were get­ting used to the feel of me in­side her pussy. Hell, for all I know, maybe that was ex­act­ly what was going through her mind.

She start­ed slow­ly at first, pulling her pussy up and then thrust­ing her­self back down again but with every cycle of that pussy, she took me a lit­tle hard­er and a lit­tle faster.

“How’s that,” she moaned. “How do you like that pussy?”

“’T’s good,” I moaned back.

“Yeah,” she moaned. “Yeah, it’s good.”

I couldn’t agree with her more.

“I love the feel of your cock. I love the feel of it be­tween my legs.”

That made two of us, I thought.

“Oh God,” she moaned. “Oh God. Grab my ass.”


“You heard me,” she moaned. “Grab my ass. I want to feel it. I want to feel your hands on my ass.”

I grabbed her ass.

“Squeeze me,” she moaned. “Squeeze me.”


“Squeeze me,” she said again. “Squeeze me. I want you to squeeze my ass.”

The girl moaned as my hands squeezed her butt.

“I want you to make me cum,” the girl moaned.

That made two of us, I thought.

“I want you to make me cum,” the girl moaned again even as she rode me hard­er.

I didn’t know about her but I was pret­ty sure about me. The way her pussy was rid­ing my cock, I was sur­prised I hadn’t cum al­ready.

“Make me cum,” she begged. “Make me cum.”

I could feel it hap­pen­ing. I could feel the pres­sure build­ing up in­side of me. I couldn’t stop it and I knew I didn’t want to stop it.

“Make me cum.”

I could feel my cock surge. I could feel my­self cum­ming in­side that tight, lit­tle pussy. I couldn’t help my­self and to be hon­est, I didn’t want to hold back. I want­ed to feel what it felt like to cum in­side that tight, lit­tle pussy.

“Oh God,” the girl moaned. “Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.” And that’s when I got it. Her pussy just wasn’t tight. Her pussy was even tighter than it had been be­fore. “Oh God,” the girl moaned yet again. “Oh God, that’s it. Make me cum. Make me cum. Make me ... me ... oh God, yeah, make me cum.”

Re­al­ly, to be hon­est, I wasn’t doing much of any­thing. I sup­plied the dick but ev­ery­thing else, she’d done her­self, but then I wasn’t about to re­mind her of that.

“Oh God,” she moaned yet again. “Oh God, that’s good. Make me cum. Make me cum.”

She col­lapsed against me and I re­mem­ber think­ing that it would have been nice if she’d taken her shirt off first be­cause then I would have been able to see her tits.

My cock was start­ing to lose some of its rigid­i­ty and she pulled back, try­ing to hold me in­side her pussy, but my cock wouldn’t stay put, and I could feel it as it slipped free from her pussy’s warm and wet em­brace. She leaned down and kissed me and then she kissed me again be­fore she fi­nal­ly pulled back. “That was fun,” she said.

Fun was hard­ly the word for it, I thought.

“And to think,” she went on, “not all that long ago, I wouldn’t have done this.”


“I said not that long ago, I wouldn’t have done some­thing like this.”

There was some­thing in that, some­thing that seemed to set off bells and whis­tles in my re­porter’s mind. “You wouldn’t have done it,” I said. “Then why are you doing it now?”

“I don’t know. I just am.”

That wasn’t a good enough an­swer. I knew it and I think she did, too. “Some­thing must have changed,” I said. “What changed?”


“Some­thing had to have changed.”

“I don’t know what you’re talk­ing about.”

“Sure you do.”

She was start­ing to get antsy and I could tell my ques­tions were up­set­ting her. To be hon­est, I don’t think she even knew the whole truth but I had to try to get it out of her. “What changed,” I asked again.

“I don’t know.”

“When did it hap­pen?”

“When did what hap­pen?”

“When did things start to change?”

“When did what start to change?”

“You said things changed. When did they change.”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. About two weeks ago, I guess.”

“About two weeks ... you mean, about when you start­ed work­ing here, right?”

“I guess.”

That’s when it all start­ed to come to­geth­er. What Mathil­da Gruff had said. She wasn’t just some crazy, old woman. She was right. There was some­thing going on in the cof­fee hous­es. Some­thing that was turn­ing girls into sluts, and I was going to have to find out what it was, even if it meant I had to go to in­ves­ti­gate every sin­gle thong girl in every sin­gle cof­fee house.

It was a dirty job, but some­one had to do it.
(1 of 14) →
Story: Thong Girls
Author: Lisa Teez
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sisters Return

My sister was supposed to be arriving home from college on Saturday late afternoon or evening. So Mom, Aunt Judy, and I decided that we had better have me move back into my room for a while at least until my sister Barbara (Babs) had either left back for college or knew about our living arrangements.Friday evening we ordered in some pizza and were very lively with our sexual innuendos. The wine was flowing really well with the ladies, I was getting hornier and hornier as the evening progressed....

2 years ago
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Mom Wants Me to Fuck My Dad 8211 Part 3

Author’s note: The following story is fictional and written from a girl’s perspective. This is the third part of the series. Please read the first two parts to enjoy this story fully. Happy Reading! I opened my eyes in the morning. I had a dream that dad and I were having sex. I felt a tingling sensation down there. I held my boobs and gave them a light squeeze. I couldn’t wait for it. I now just had to do something to make dad comfortable groping my boobs anytime and anywhere. I took a shower...

4 years ago
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morning hard on

it 9.40am.........I have just woken up with you on my mind and a immediate hard on........I quickly came downstairs after brushing my teeth and having a quick meal......toast and coffee for me as I didn’t want to waste time......I rushed my intake and burnt my tongue drinking my coffee.......walked myself to my sofa and the first thing I do is check my emails.......I need to have this domination over my erg, my addiction to you and your mouth over my cock wrapping your tongue like a snake...

3 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 29

Steve Hap and Charlie had gone for a ride and came back to the park a little shook up. Hap parked his bike and came into the patio with Marge, while Charlie put his away. They went to the bar for some beer and also poured some shots. When Margie finished hers, she said she would be back as soon as she took care of Shirley. I didn't know if it was the Shirley over near them or another person, but it sounded like someone unrelated to the park. Both guys gave me a couple of sideways looks...

3 years ago
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Ill make it a Date Part Three

(As ever, thanks a million for the comments and suggestions. Your time and attention in reading my stories means more to me than I can say. The reviews have really knocked me out, and I hope to improve as I go along. Now, hoping the eyeballs won't "fsail" me again, I'll start Part Three. I may cut it short just a bit early so that I can find out - hopefully - from readers, how sexy the sex portions are. If they're good enough, much more intimacy will follow.) ...

3 years ago
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The Girl and the Kites

Warnings and Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental This is adult entertainment! Be warned! If you are not into graphic depictions of sex and/or sexual situations, this is the wrong story for you! If you're too young to be legally reading this, go elsewhere! Pursuant to the Berne...

2 years ago
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DeborahChapter 26

Richard began to slip out of her. He tried to pull away. Her arms tightened again. "You're going to leak in a moment, my darling," he whispered. "So?" "You'll be uncomfortable lying in a wet patch." "I'm comfortable lying in your arms." "I know. And I'm happy holding you but..." "Oh, go on then." Richard prised himself away from her and collected a warm damp flannel from the bathroom. He rolled Deborah on her back, gently parted her legs and softly sponged her pussy....

2 years ago
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Bitter LoveChapter 4

Two events happened in the year 1913. First Grace had a complete metamorphoses. She became bitter and a recluse. Her parents were dead and she was an only child. Only a cousin came to see her. He tried to get her out of her shell but she just resisted and dug herself deeper into despair. Her outer personality showed no change. She could smile, but not laugh. She could do kind things, though her heart wasn't in it. She only left the house on Sundays to attend church. Her strong voice...

4 years ago
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Hubby watching his wife being filled to overflowing with other men8217s cocks

I guess the best place to start any story is at the beginning. I meet my wife Jan when I was only sixteen and still a virgin. She was a year younger than me but despite her tender age she was already well experienced sexually, having lost her cherry two years before while only aged fourteen. So by the time we meet she had already had taken quite a few cocks up her In the early days I used to be very jealous of these earlier lovers… later I was to learn to love hearing all the juicy...

3 years ago
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An Unexpecteded Fuck Session

[ As I became aware of my surroundings...I realized that my knees were pushed back into my arm pits. Two huge hands under my shoulders, clasping them from the back, and a hulk of a man was prostrate over me, in my anus was an enormously huge tube sliding back and forth in my anus cavity. I struggled to open and focus my eyes, the face that was over me straining with each lunge was that of "Horse Dick Harry". Than I knew what the huge tube was that was sliding back and forth in my ass hole...

2 years ago
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Iss Pe Story Read Karne Ke Baad Bhabhi Ne Mail Kiya Or Sex Karwaya

Hellllo mere pyaari bhabhio unsatisfied aunty and my sexy hot girls this is vikas khanna again from delhi/ncr apke samne ab apni fifth story likhne ja raha hu jo ke last week he mere saath hui to bhabhiosubse pehle to mere mail id hai jis bhi bhabhi ,ayunty or girls ko sex karne ka mun hu extreem pleasure wala wo mujhe mere mail id pe mail kar sakte hai to ab jayda bore na karte hui main apni story pe ata hu Ye story last week start hu main ghar main betha hua tha tabhi mere email id pe ek...

1 year ago
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John at last Part 2

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About fifteen minutes later – I lived pretty close to school – I reached my apartment and got comfortable. It wasn’t long before I heard the door bell ringing and rushed to open it. And yep, it was John. He had changed his shirt but still had on the same pair of jeans. Without waiting any further, he shut and locked the door behind us and pinned me...

1 year ago
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Twenty Four Hours Part 2

Barb took another slow, measured breath as she stared at the door ahead of her. The receptionist pressed a button, and Barb's date pulled the door open. Barb thought wistfully of how pleasant the last couple of hours had been, and wondered why she was allowing herself to be led through this door. The shame of backing out of a bet would not be as bad as what she knew would happen inside. Not two hours earlier, she was still enjoying the high of a great sexual release. While casually enjoying a...

2 years ago
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Wife has visitors

I love my wife. She loves me, but she also really loves sex! As a result I've enjoyed letting her have sex with other men. Quite a few men, well if I'm honest, fucking loads of men! Some of them are now regulars and have made good use of my wife's wet and well fucked pussy. One of them, I'll call him Tom, text her to say he wanted to come and give her a fucking because he was feeling really horny. As I was at work she text me to see if this was ok with me, see she loves me and doesn't want to...

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 31

Monday when I got back from my workout, she was gone. I needed to settle back into a rhythm because I was already badly off, due to the trip to New York. I focused on my school. I went to class and came home to study. Shannon showed up and cleaned for me. It wasn't too bad and she finished in just over two hours. She did the laundry and asked why my shirt was missing buttons. "Just throw the shirt away." I said. "This is a nice shirt. I could buy some buttons and fix it for you." She...

1 year ago
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Foster Mother 2 The Perfect Sister

“I hate you and you’re the worst person I know,” I cried out in fury at my foster sister, Samantha.She was my closest sibling and we were practically best friends. When we were both seventeen, I spent far more time with her or around her than anyone else. We were not blood, but we sure acted like it at times. With her being merely weeks older than I am, it tended to lead to disagreements between us. This anger and contempt I harbored against her wasn’t out of hate or rage but stemmed from...

1 year ago
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More Than a Mouthful at a Fetish Club

It started as a bit of a lark but when the time came to put the plan in motion, my feet turned slightly cold. I was sitting in my car outside a fetish club, wondering whether I would end up looking like a fool. Then I thought, “Well, I’m here and may as well go through with it.” And with that, I got out of the car and walked towards the club.Per the club’s website, I was dressed entirely in black since I didn’t own a fetish outfit, whatever that meant. I was, however, wearing a little thing of...

2 years ago
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I first met Kimmy through a mutual friend and she instantly made an impression on me. Literally – we first met at a local concert and as she surfed overhead I got beamed with an army boot. But when we finally got talking, I didn’t mind the potential concussion. She was a cool girl to know, smart, pretty, funny. It turned out we had plenty in common and plenty to talk about, but as far as I could see our relationship was one of friendship and nothing more. It’s not that I didn’t find her...

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Black Bimbo

I shake my head, in a futile attempt to force the painful thought from my head. Perhaps it's the two kids that are about to start college, the stress of work, or my weathered face from working in factories all my life. I think trying to rationalise this despair I feel In my chest, but in whichever the case may be, the cravings are becoming more than I could ever possibly bare on my own. I tug at the bottom edge of the mirror exposing the contents behind it. Several bottles stand tall and...

1 year ago
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In Lust With My Mother

It was Boxing day and I just couldn't wait for my mother to leave after spending Boxing day with us, I stood in the open doorway watching and waving as the taxi drew away. Sure I love her to bits like any woman loves her mother, but after almost a week without sex I was nearly climbing the walls. I felt him beside me, his right hand creeping up underneath my skirt to caress the flesh of my thigh above my stocking, "No panties mum?" he whispered as he found my naked bottom, "No panties"...

2 years ago
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Distorted Swamp Doll

Fawnie Dimple let out a sigh as she walked the streets of Weepyville, Michigan. She was visiting the city and only had a few more hours until she had to be back in Obsidian, Florida where she attended college. Fawnie Dimple was 22 years old, stood at about 5’4 and weighed around 130lbs. Her skin was really dark, similar to the color of a Godiva milk chocolate bar. She was a track athlete, short distance and hurdles. Being extremely dedicated to the sport, Fawnie weight trained and did high...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 13

The next day was Tuesday, December 21st, 2004; I slept in until after nine. I was in bed alone when I woke up. I gingerly climbed out of bed and tested my leg. It held my weight with only the pulling sensation from the stitches. I brushed my teeth, threw on some shorts and headed toward the wonderful aroma of breakfast coming from the kitchen. When I got there Jane saw me and smiled. “Good morning Sleepyhead. I was just about to come get you. Breakfast is ready.” I went over to where she...

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Almost Getting Caught

Almost Getting CaughtI was dating this girl who loved living dangerously. She loved fooling around anywhere she hoped to get caught. We fooled around in my car, at a park, in the woods, you name it we did it.One day we were watching TV at her parent’s house on the couch. Her sister was on the other couch past out cold and her parents were in the kitchen watching T.V. It was winter so we had a blanket covering us, she whispers in my ear…“Finger me baby…I’m so wet for you right now…”She pulls off...

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Wifes birthday present to husband

My husband and I had been married 16 years, we had no c***dren, we enjoyed our lifestyle and didn’t have time for c***dren. I’m 5’9” medium build, dark hair, large tits and long legs. My husband was 6’3” well built with large hands and a large cock. We had an okay sex life, we were both very busy with our careers and by the time we got to bed we were both too knackered for sex.We both had our fantasies, my husband enjoyed watching porn particularly girl on girl action. Me, while I scolded him...

3 years ago
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Boruto Naruto The Movie

(Author's Note: Please Read the Original Boruto Story: , before you read this one) In the Hidden Leaf Village in the Land of Fire lives a Young man called Minato Uchiha, aand he is the Son of Shisui Hashirama Uchiha II and the Fourth Tsūchikage, Kūrotsūchi Kamizuru. This is His Story in the Next Chūnin Exams!

2 years ago
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House Party

“I had the greatest sex at a house party last weekend. I was there with my new boyfriend, and as the night went on we pretty much couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Every time we kissed it turned into making out. When nobody was looking, he’d run his fingertips up my inner thigh and under my skirt until I was aching for him… and I couldn’t resist stroking him through his jeans and feeling him get harder and harder.Every so often we’d be interrupted and then we’d go chat with friends until...

1 year ago
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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 10 Delivery Guys

Carefully draping Lydia’s legs up the front of his chest, Matt leaned forward. He pushed her knees up close to her ears and jackhammered down into her tight little pussy. When he was close to coming, Matt used his thumb and massaged her clit, causing her to have an orgasm seconds before his. When he came, Matt pumped several blasts of cum inside her. When he finished coming, Matt rolled over and held her on top, ignoring the protests from his ribs. “Mmmmm, I liked that,” she purred. “Have...

1 year ago
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Bareback With Black II

This guy responded to our profile on a swinger's site and we answered back. I was surprised Jeena wanted to write him since he sent a "cock only" photo, which we usually didn't like. Jeena said he had such a "fine looking cock" she was willing to risk the rest, and said we should meet in a "very public" place in case it didn't work out. I wrote Leon and we agreed to meet at a nearby Fudruckers since it was close to his work and he would be coming straight there after. When we pulled into the...

4 years ago
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My Wife Made Me Her Bitch

Right when we were in the middle of great sex, I told her how good I thought her pussy would taste after I came in her and told her I'd love for her to make me her bitch and insist I eat her to orgasm and clean her messy pussy out. She was grossed out by the idea and wouldn't let me do it. I don't know why I have the urge to eat cum from my wife's pussy, but I know I'm not the only man to have this desire.A number of drunken nights later, my wife learned that after I came I really didn't want...

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Only Girl in School Ch 2 a Frankel story

Originally written by Frankel After a while I knew I couldn't keep going. My daily routine was to wake up being fucked in the face or pussy or arse by the school captain. He would then handcuff me and spoon feed me a bowl of cum left by the other students as my breakfast. He then attached a lead to my collar and walked me to the only class I was allowed to attend - sex education. I wasn't so much a student as a prop. All day they practised thrusting their cocks into my holes and...

2 years ago
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The mistake

Nick was a rather ordinary man in his early twenties. As this story began he had a lovely girlfriend, Diana, with waist long brown hair and a nice body with well formed, but not too big breasts. One day Nick and Diana had gone to the beach. Diana had let her long hair down and they were both bathing when Nick had to go find someplace to pee. When Nick came back he saw his girlfriend standing still waist deep in the water, looking out over the ocean with her back towards Nick. Nick thought he...

3 years ago
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Intro to Sissy XIX

Shunk! Hiss pa baa Shunk! Hiss pa baa Shunk! Hiss pa baa. Joan useless sissy had heard it grow, that din. The mirrored elevators had gone down and down, rattling. Some of the mirrors were chipped, most were grimy, and the cameras were still there. This is a different elevator, he thought. Mistress Satin and Ms Mandy had chatted, kissed and occasionally spared him a glance, or a word. As he stood there, trying to breathe in the new corset, touching the plasticene under the...

3 years ago
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A dream come true or is it Part 2

A dream come true - or is it (Part 2) David stood very self-consciously before his tormentor, now dressed completely in frilly pink lingerie. No one had ever seen him before wearing female clothing and he could feel the heat of embarrassment burning throughout his entire body. Pausing to try and calm himself he launched into a full account of how he had arrived at this point. The half-glimpsed hairdressing sessions at home while his mother and sister had been attended to each month....

1 year ago
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Squirted Charlotte Sartre I Wanna Be Your Cum Dumpster

Alt babe Charlotte Sartre pulls off her black bra and panties as she deepthroats a delicious-looking dildo before fucking first her pussy, then her ass with it till she squirts all over the floor. Toni Ribas finds this goth nympho making a mess and makes her lick up her squirt, as well as lick his feet. Charlotte is so horny she soon has Toni fucking all her holes nice and deep, deepthroating his cock before he slides it into her pussy and then her asshole. Toni makes sure Charlotte is all...

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The War to End All WorldsChapter 5

The whistling wind that roared past the hull of the Titanic made my job a lot easier. I was no adventurer. I was no daring bold hero who starred in the holoviews put out by the dozen by Hollywood. I was just a longshoreman slash glorified gardener. But I had done my fair share of scrambling around on catwalks – and the crude ceilings of the equally crude chambers that made up the main body of the Titanic’s living space were roughly on par. As I crept from metal slat to metal slat, Tjen moved...

1 year ago
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Julie and Maria

My thanks to the editor Barney R. Of course, I had to mess it up afterward. All mistakes are ones I made. One left, another stayed and found her place. A love story. Author’s notes: This is not my usual type of story. It did not start out as it has ended, it was much darker, and sadder than it ended up. I like this better than my planned story. Please let me know your opinions. CAT the Oldgrump. My name is Jamison (Jamie) Winthrop I am now 48 years old. I’m 6’ 2” tall, balding, blue to...

3 years ago
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My fantasy

As I fell onto my knees, four hot and sweaty guys moved in toward me. I reached up and began to caress the outline of their cocks inside their tight pants. I unzip the first guy, and pull his huge, half erect cock out of his underwear. Starting at the head of his throbbing dick, I work my way up with my tongue, staring him in the eyes. I reach to my left, and pull the second guy closer to me as I unbutton his pants, pull out his cock, and start to gently stroke it. Starting off slowly, I take...

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Market ForcesChapter 12 SWOT versus SWAT

I got back to the London offices the following day. A comfortable flight had made it easier but I was still suffering from jet lag. Still I doubted that I was feeling as rough as the packages that had been in the hold. Freddie gave me a call and suggested a meeting. He wanted an update on progress. I was happy that I had some ideas after my various trips. We agreed to meet in the board room the following afternoon. Clegg arrived on time, looking in as good humour as he usually was....

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Sex in theater

Hi I am Chirag from Mumbai; I am studying in final year in one of the colleges in Mumbai I am 5’1’ not so good looking but a good body. I was always in search of a girlfriend as everybody knows that without a girlfriend in Mumbai is very difficult for urge of sex. Here was a girl by name Kamala in our college I had a heavy crush on her she was having a good pair of boob’s and a nice structure and whitish in color. Every day we used to come to college by rickshaw and I used to get a chance...

1 year ago
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I Love Being A Sexy Party Whore

It's hard to remember that it was just a a few years ago, that my friend, Greg, admitted to me that his biggest fantasy was to watch me in bed with 3 or more other men. At first I was surprised, but as the thought worked in my mind, I got more and more turned on by the possibilities of it. I had enjoyed anal sex for a long time, and I've always loved feeling, hearing and seeing the pleasures that I'm able to give a man by sucking his hard cock into my lips until he cums deep down my throat....

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Girlfriend Ke Sath Kiss Se Chudai Tak Ka Safar 8211 Part 1

Hello dosto, namaste. Main hu aapka dost Yuvan ekbar fir aapke liye chudai ki zabardast kahani leke aya hu. Ye meri nayi kahani hai. Main aasha karta hu ki aap sabko ye kahani bhi bahot pasand aayegi. Ye kahani meri aur meri girlfriend ki first kiss se leke chudai tak ki kahani hai. Jinki girlfriend/boyfriend hai woh jo main is kahani mein batane ja raha hu unhone jarur ye feel kiya hoga. To chaliye kahani start karte hai. Pehle mere bare mein bata deta hu. Mera name Yuvan hai, meri age 21...

1 year ago
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IAmEighteen Emma Hix Young Blond Teen Emma Hix Drinks Older Guy8217s Cum

After I.T repairman, John Strong fixes Emma Hix’s computer problems, he naturally asks to get paid for his services. But this young hottie doesn’t have any money but she knows she can always offer up her nubile 18-year old body for him to manhandle and fuck! Just to be sure, John demands to see her I.D and can’t believe he gets to stick his dick in her tight, teen pussy. He watches her suck his thick cock, running his fingers though her golden blond hair. Then, he folds her...

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FootsieBabes Tina Kay Putting Her Foot Down

Tina Kay is a sexy slim babe with beautiful feet. She arrives home, ready to show off her toes to her teasing boyfriend Max Fonda. Enjoy this close-up scene as we get right near to those tender soles. Max worships her feet, licking and kissing those soft pads, before letting her give him a solid sensual footjob. Watch as she goes down sucking his dick while leaving those incredible feet right in front of the camera. Max finally explodes his cumshot onto her toes, leaving a sticky offering to...

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Shantyboat Hijinks Messin with Mary

"Yachting woul' na' be so popular were it na' fa' the sheer imorality 'v it." That's an old quote I disremember from somewhere. I surely can't remember where it came from but it says that boats and immorality have been 'round for many a hundred years and in many a country. Down here in my part of the South it isn't even needed to have a yacht... a shantyboat does just fine. Oh, I guess that yachts would attract a more expensive type gal, but I like the ones I get just fine. You...

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How it all began

So, I think it's about time to tell my story. Let's start here. My name is Ann. I am a little slut wife. I fuck anything I can get my hands on and love every minute of it. But it wasn't always that way. I used to be very conservative. Very shy. I did not think I was attractive or that men wanted me. I thought Iwas too fat. Little did I know men like a woman with some meat on her bones. My husband has always been a cuckold at heart and would always drop hints about how he wanted me to fuck...

2 years ago
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If I Told Her to Take Her Clothes Off She Just WouldChapter 15

I leaned down and began to lick Faye’s abundant juice off Alice’s cute, glistening face. I stroked Faye’s trembling thigh with one hand, propping myself up with the other while my cock jutted and swayed. “I can still cum,” Faye celebrated happily. “You can,” agreed Alice. “And how! That’s amazing. You went on forever. I wish I could cum like that. I only cum half the time anyway, and then it’s all over in a few seconds.” “It’s who you do it with,” said Faye. Alice sat up as I finished off...

1 year ago
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The adventures of Acerboy12

This adventure is of the time when I was young and my cock was smooth and it would touch my belly button at the sight of a pussy. My girlfriend at that time was younger than me and the nearest I got to her sweet young pussy was licking it in her back garden, in her tent on a gorgeous sunny day but I was not to concern about not fucking her young pussy because I was shagging her mother silly every second I could get my cock into her delicious fat juicy pussy.I was living at home at the time...

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