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Author: Lisa Teez
Story: Thong Girls (1 of 14) →
Thong Girls
Chap­ter 1 — A Dirty Job
No one knows where it first start­ed. Some peo­ple say they’re not sure how it will all end.

It first came to my desk not quite three months ago. It was a slow news day which when you’re a re­porter like me is never a good thing. Any­way, I was sit­ting at my desk try­ing to think of some­thing pithy to say for the col­umn I was writ­ing when Mathil­da Gruff was brought to my desk.

Now if the mere name Mathil­da Gruff con­jures up the image of a mid­dle-aged busy body who prob­a­bly hadn’t been laid in months, then you al­ready know what Mathil­da Gruff looks like. For those of you who didn’t get that image, let me say that Mathil­da Gruff was a mid­dle-aged busy body who hadn’t been laid in months.

I mo­tioned for Mathil­da to take a seat for the very sim­ple rea­son that I didn’t want her to see the game of soli­taire that I had been play­ing on my com­put­er. “Can I help you,” I asked.

“I want you to shut them down.”

Quite rea­son­ably, I asked, “Shut who down?”

“Them,” she said. “Those cof­fee hous­es. I want you to shut them down.”

“What cof­fee hous­es?”

Mathil­da Gruff’s sigh left lit­tle to my imag­i­na­tion. In her mind, I was un­doubt­ed­ly the stupi­dest man she’d ever met, or at least, I was the stupi­dest man she’d met in the last ten min­utes. “I want you to shut them down,” she said. “I want you to shut down the thong girl cof­fee hous­es.”

There was an ob­vi­ous ques­tion and since it was an ob­vi­ous ques­tion and since I’m a re­porter who is paid to ask the ob­vi­ous ques­tions, I asked it. “What’s a thong girl cof­fee house?”

Mathil­da Gruff looked at me as if I was so stupid and she gave me an­oth­er one of her sighs be­fore she fi­nal­ly an­swered. “The girls in the cof­fee shops are wear­ing thongs and ... and other things. Re­vealling things. Dis­gust­ing things de­signed to tit­ti­late the cus­tomers.”

I wasn’t sure if that, ex­act­ly, was what Mathil­da had in mind but she cer­tain­ly had my in­ter­est. “Tit­ti­late the cus­tomers,” I asked. “Which cof­fee shop did you say this was?”

“It’s not just one cof­fee shop. It’s all of them. They’re all just a bunch of smut havens.”

“Well, if it’s all of them, then it sounds like what you re­al­ly want is to shut down all cof­fee hous­es.”

She gave me yet an­oth­er of her sighs that was de­signed to tell me just how stupid I was. “I don’t want them to be shut down. I just want them to stop ped­dling their smut.”

“Smut, Mrs. Gruff. Re­al­ly?”

“Yes, re­al­ly. Those girls are sluts, and the thongs were just the be­gin­ning.”

“The be­gin­ning?”

Mathil­da Gruff nod­ded em­phat­i­cal­ly. She was cer­tain­ly warm­ing to her task now. “The thongs were only the be­gin­ning. I think they’re com­pet­ing with one an­oth­er, try­ing to outdo the other and I’ve been see­ing those thong girls hav­ing S-E-X.”

“I see. Would that be with each other or with the cus­tomers?”

“Don’t you dis­miss me,” she told me. “I will not be tri­fled with.”

“I un­der­stand, Mrs. Gruff, and I as­sure you, we will be look­ing into it.”

She looked at me as if she were try­ing to as­sess just how like­ly I was to do what I said I was going to do and then she gave me a sniff and she got up. “I’ve got my eye on you, Mr. McAdams,” she said fi­nal­ly. “I ex­pect you to fol­low through.”

I told her I would and I kept my face as straight as I could until I’d fi­nal­ly ush­ered her out of my of­fice, and it was only after I’d sat back down that I fi­nal­ly let my­self laugh. Ac­tu­al­ly, it was sad re­al­ly. Here was this woman that thought girls were hav­ing sex in cof­fee hous­es mere­ly be­cause of the type of un­der­wear they wore. Sad, I thought again, but hard­ly worth my time.

And it might have ended there ex­cept that on my way home from work, I was stopped at a traf­fic light and in front of me on the right was a cof­fee house. I could have passed it by but Mathil­da Gruff was still fresh in my mind and on a whim, when the light changed green, I moved for­ward and pulled into the cof­fee shop’s park­ing lot.

The first thing I no­ticed when I got there was the noise. There was music play­ing and some­one had turned it up loud­er than it should be. I’ve al­ways hated that and I made a men­tal note of it, al­most as if I were get­ting ready to write a re­view of the place.

The place was crowd­ed, more crowd­ed than I would have thought it might be but as I took my place in line, I didn’t see a sin­gle thong.

As the line moved for­ward, I looked around me. As far as I could tell, sex was not run­ning ram­pant among the pa­trons of this cof­fee house, at least.

And then it was my turn at the front of the line. I freely admit that this re­search was high­ly non-sci­en­tif­ic but I put in my order. “Say,” I told the girl tak­ing the or­ders, “some­one told me you guys were wear­ing thongs in here.” Man, I felt stupid say­ing that.

“You want to see my thong,” said the girl asked the counter.

“Yes, I mean no, I mean, I was just ask­ing you know. I mean, I don’t want to cause any trou­ble, you know.”

“It’s no trou­ble at all,” the girl said. She al­ready had her jeans opened and she was push­ing them down past her hips. “See,” she said. “Here it is.”

I cer­tain­ly did see. The girl was wear­ing a lit­tle, yel­low thong.

“I, um, I ... thanks for show­ing that to me.”

“It’s no trou­ble at all,” the girl said. “All you had to do was ask.”

I couldn’t help but no­tice the look that the girl who was mak­ing my drink gave me when she fi­nal­ly hand­ed it over. If I didn’t know bet­ter, I would have said she looked hurt.

I took my drink and found a place in the cor­ner to sit and think. To tell the truth, if I went to a cof­fee house at all, which was rare enough as it was, I would have taken my drink to go, but this was a fact find­ing trip so I took my drink and went and sat in the cor­ner.

The crowd seemed to be dying down. I fig­ured I’d prob­a­bly caught the tail end of the after work crowd and it was too early for the night out crowd, and that was just fine with me.

The girl be­hind the counter came up to me. “Can I sit here,” she asked.


The girl slid into a seat. “I think Gina’s mad at you,” she said.

“Gina,” I asked. “Who’s Gina?”

“She’s the one who makes the drinks. Well, we both do, but she does it more than me.”

I nod­ded. “So why is Gina mad at me.”

“Gina’s wear­ing a G-string. She told me I should stop wear­ing jeans like she has. She said that’s the way to get my­self no­ticed, but you asked about my thong, in­stead. Did you like it, by the way?”

“Like what?”

“My thong. Did you like it?”

“Yeah,” I said. “It looks great.”

“I’m glad. I only bought it last week so I was hop­ing it looked good.”

“It looks great,” I as­sured her.

“I’m glad.”

“So, um, so this might be a per­son­al ques­tion, but do all the girls here ...”

“Do all the girls wear thongs or g-strings?”

“Oh no.”


“Sure. Some girls wear noth­ing at all but I can’t do that?”

I shook my head. I just wasn’t sure I’d heard what I thought I’d heard. “Can’t do what?”

“You know. Wear noth­ing at all. I mean, we’re mak­ing cof­fee back there. What if some­thing splash­es out. That is one place I don’t want to get burned, but if you want to know what I mean, all you got to do is look at So­phie.”

I couldn’t help my­self. “Who’s So­phie,” I asked.

“Oh, she’s not here right now, but she’ll be in later but if you want to see her pussy, all you got to do is ask. Speak­ing of which ...”

It took me a sec­ond to re­al­ize what she was doing. “No wait,” I said.

But she was al­ready lean­ing clos­er and her hand was al­ready be­tween my legs. “Come on,” she said. “We all know why guys like you come in here.”

I want­ed to tell her no but she al­ready had her hand in my lap.

“Oooh,” she purred. “What do we have in here?”

I groaned. I knew I should tell her no, but I just couldn’t.

I could feel her slid­ing my zip­per down and then she was push­ing her hand in­side my pants and she was wrap­ping her hand around my cock.

“Do you want me to suck on this,” she asked.

I knew I should have said no but I said noth­ing and I guess as far as the girl was con­cerned, that was as good as a yes be­cause that was all it took for her to haul my cock out into the light.

Her hand stroked me and she looked up at me. “I’m re­al­ly going to like this,” she told me, and then as if to make sure I be­lieved what she said, she opened her mouth and she slid her­self down around my cock.

Okay, I’ll admit it. I’d come in there to do a lit­tle re­search but al­most from the mo­ment she got her mouth down around my cock, from that mo­ment on, all I could think of was how good her mouth felt around my cock.

And she wasn’t stop­ping, ei­ther. Slow and steady, that’s the way she was doing it, and it just felt so good.

I sup­pose I should have been look­ing around, look­ing around and see­ing if any­one was watch­ing me but the truth was as soon as that girl had her mouth on my cock, I couldn’t think of any­thing else ex­cept for what her mouth felt like, and I knew I want­ed to do it. I knew I want­ed to cum in her mouth.

And still, she kept on suck­ing.

Oh God. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t hold back any­more. I knew I should have warned her what was com­ing, but I didn’t.

She had to know what I was doing and yet she just kept suck­ing my cock even as I con­tin­ued to cum in her mouth. Fuck, that felt good.

And the most amaz­ing thing was she just kept right on suck­ing even as I con­tin­ued to cum. I couldn’t be­lieve it. She wasn’t just suck­ing but she was swal­low­ing, too.

She pulled her mouth up off of me and she flashed me a shy, lit­tle grin. “How was that,” she asked. “Did I do a good job?”

Did she what? Was she se­ri­ous? She’d just given me the best blow job I’d ever got, (okay, the only blow job I’d ever got,) and yet here she was ask­ing me if she’d done a good job and yet just by look­ing at her, I could tell, she re­al­ly want­ed to know. “Yeah,” I told her. “Yeah. You did great.”

I couldn’t help but no­tice that her hand hadn’t left my cock. She gave my cock a squeeze. “I’m glad,” she said. “I’ve only been work­ing here a cou­ple of weeks, but I’m re­al­ly glad to hear you say that.”

“Do you want some­thing,” I asked.

“Yeah,” she said.

“What do you want?”

Her hand squeezed my cock. “Well, I was won­der­ing ...”

“You were won­der­ing what?”

“I was won­der­ing if you want­ed to do some­thing else.”

Okay, I’m not dumb, but re­al­ly, I had no idea what she was talk­ing about. “Some­thing else,” I asked.

Her hand squeezed my cock. “You know,” she said coyly. “Some­thing else. Some­thing ... more.”

I still didn’t get it. “Some­thing ... wait a minute! You’re not say­ing what I think you’re say­ing.”

Her hand con­tin­ued to stroke my cock. “I don’t know,” she said. “It all de­pends on what you think I’m ask­ing. What do you think I’m ask­ing?”

What was I think­ing? Was she just toy­ing with me? Screw with the re­porter. Nah. She didn’t even know I was a re­porter. Maybe she was just screw­ing with me for no other rea­son than that was what she want­ed to do. The only thing I didn’t think she was play­ing me. I thought she re­al­ly meant it. “I think you’re telling me you want to have sex with me.”

She didn’t stop. Her hand kept stroking my cock. “Then I guess we’re talk­ing about the same thing.”

I couldn’t be­lieve I was say­ing this. “Where do you want to go,” I asked.


“Yeah. Where do you want to go?”

“But I can’t go any­where. I’m still on duty.”

“But I don’t ... wait a minute. You mean you want to do it here?”

Her hand had never stopped stroking my cock and she wasn’t stop­ping now. “Why not,” she asked.

“Why not? This is a pub­lic place for one thing. Peo­ple might see.”


“So this is a pub­lic place,” I re­peat­ed.

Her hand con­tin­ued to stroke my cock. “So let me get this straight. It’s okay for you to let me suck your cock but it’s not okay for you to let me ride your cock.” Her hand squeezed my rigid mem­ber. “Come on,” she said. “It’s not like I don’t know what you want.” Her hand gave my cock an­oth­er squeeze. “I can tell what you want.”

Okay, she had me there.

“Come on,” she said. “It’ll be fun.”

“I ... I’m not going to do that.”

“Come on,” she said. “It’ll be my first time, too.”

“Your first time?”

“I’ve only been work­ing here a cou­ple of weeks, you know, but I want you to be my first.”

I couldn’t help won­der­ing if that was just a line that she told all the guys but I had to admit that if it was a line, she de­liv­ered it well.

“Come on,” she said again and she punc­tu­at­ed that with an­oth­er squeeze of my cock, “I want to ride you. It’ll be fun.”

I couldn’t be­lieve I was even con­sid­er­ing it but to my cred­it, I shook my head. “I can’t,” I said.

The girl seemed gen­uine­ly hurt. “It’s be­cause you like Gina bet­ter, isn’t it? I’ll bet you’d let her come over here and suck your dick, wouldn’t you, and I’d bet you’d let her ride your dick, too.”

Over the girl’s shoul­der, I could see Gina watch­ing her. “What, no,” I told her.

“No? So you do want to fuck me?”

Ac­tu­al­ly, yes, but I wasn’t going to tell her that.

And she wasn’t about to let it drop ei­ther. “Well,” she asked as she stroked my cock. “Which is it? Do you want me to fuck you?”

Still, I said noth­ing.

Her hand was stroking me hard­er and she was look­ing me in the eyes. “You know you can’t get away with say­ing noth­ing,” she said. “You’re going to have to say some­thing.”

I was find­ing it so hard to think with what her hand was doing to my cock.

“Come on. Do you want me to fuck you?”

“Yes.” I hadn’t even re­al­ized I’d said it. It just leaked out but sud­den­ly, there it was. Yes, I want­ed her to fuck me.

If I’d ex­pect­ed any­thing to change with my ad­mis­sion, I was going to find out just how wrong I was be­cause at first, noth­ing changed. She was still there, stroking my cock and I was still there, moan­ing as she did it.

She leaned in close and her mouth was al­most up against my ear but her hand never left my cock. “Is Gina still watch­ing,” she whis­pered.

“Yes,” I whis­pered back.

“Good, ‘cause she’s been teas­ing me long enough. I want her to see this.”

She pulled back. “Let me take your pants off,” she said.

It was my last chance. I could have stopped her if I want­ed to, but the truth was I didn’t want to. I let her take my pants off and I let her take my un­der­wear down.

Her hand was back again on my cock. “Do you like it when I do this,” she asked.

I’ll admit it. I pret­ty much wasn’t think­ing any­more, or if I was think­ing, the only thing I was think­ing about was her hand on my cock. “Yeah,” I told her. “I like it. I like it a lot.”

“Do you want to see my pussy?”

She al­ready knew what my an­swer was going to be even be­fore I said it. “Yeah,” I told her. “I want to see your pussy.”

She hes­i­tat­ed for just a mo­ment and then she stood. I watched her take off her jeans and once more, I got an­oth­er look at her bright, yel­low thong, but it was only for a mo­ment, be­cause mo­ments later, her thong was on top of her jeans and she was climb­ing onto my lap.

Her legs strad­dled mine and once more, she wrapped her fin­gers around my cock. “I re­al­ly want to feel this,” she mur­mured.

She wasn’t wait­ing for a reply from me be­cause I could feel her pussy mov­ing into place. She still held my cock even as she moved the head of it be­tween my lips and then she fi­nal­ly re­lin­quished her hold on it even as she pushed her pussy down upon my shaft.

“Oh fuck,” she groaned and to tell the truth, I had to agree with her. Oh fuck in­deed. Her pussy felt so good around my cock.

She was work­ing her­self even deep­er onto my cock and there was some­thing that was just so hot about hav­ing a girl try and push her pussy down on my cock.

She seemed to have got­ten as much as me as she could in­side her pussy and for a mo­ment, she just stayed where she was, al­most as if she were get­ting used to the feel of me in­side her pussy. Hell, for all I know, maybe that was ex­act­ly what was going through her mind.

She start­ed slow­ly at first, pulling her pussy up and then thrust­ing her­self back down again but with every cycle of that pussy, she took me a lit­tle hard­er and a lit­tle faster.

“How’s that,” she moaned. “How do you like that pussy?”

“’T’s good,” I moaned back.

“Yeah,” she moaned. “Yeah, it’s good.”

I couldn’t agree with her more.

“I love the feel of your cock. I love the feel of it be­tween my legs.”

That made two of us, I thought.

“Oh God,” she moaned. “Oh God. Grab my ass.”


“You heard me,” she moaned. “Grab my ass. I want to feel it. I want to feel your hands on my ass.”

I grabbed her ass.

“Squeeze me,” she moaned. “Squeeze me.”


“Squeeze me,” she said again. “Squeeze me. I want you to squeeze my ass.”

The girl moaned as my hands squeezed her butt.

“I want you to make me cum,” the girl moaned.

That made two of us, I thought.

“I want you to make me cum,” the girl moaned again even as she rode me hard­er.

I didn’t know about her but I was pret­ty sure about me. The way her pussy was rid­ing my cock, I was sur­prised I hadn’t cum al­ready.

“Make me cum,” she begged. “Make me cum.”

I could feel it hap­pen­ing. I could feel the pres­sure build­ing up in­side of me. I couldn’t stop it and I knew I didn’t want to stop it.

“Make me cum.”

I could feel my cock surge. I could feel my­self cum­ming in­side that tight, lit­tle pussy. I couldn’t help my­self and to be hon­est, I didn’t want to hold back. I want­ed to feel what it felt like to cum in­side that tight, lit­tle pussy.

“Oh God,” the girl moaned. “Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.” And that’s when I got it. Her pussy just wasn’t tight. Her pussy was even tighter than it had been be­fore. “Oh God,” the girl moaned yet again. “Oh God, that’s it. Make me cum. Make me cum. Make me ... me ... oh God, yeah, make me cum.”

Re­al­ly, to be hon­est, I wasn’t doing much of any­thing. I sup­plied the dick but ev­ery­thing else, she’d done her­self, but then I wasn’t about to re­mind her of that.

“Oh God,” she moaned yet again. “Oh God, that’s good. Make me cum. Make me cum.”

She col­lapsed against me and I re­mem­ber think­ing that it would have been nice if she’d taken her shirt off first be­cause then I would have been able to see her tits.

My cock was start­ing to lose some of its rigid­i­ty and she pulled back, try­ing to hold me in­side her pussy, but my cock wouldn’t stay put, and I could feel it as it slipped free from her pussy’s warm and wet em­brace. She leaned down and kissed me and then she kissed me again be­fore she fi­nal­ly pulled back. “That was fun,” she said.

Fun was hard­ly the word for it, I thought.

“And to think,” she went on, “not all that long ago, I wouldn’t have done this.”


“I said not that long ago, I wouldn’t have done some­thing like this.”

There was some­thing in that, some­thing that seemed to set off bells and whis­tles in my re­porter’s mind. “You wouldn’t have done it,” I said. “Then why are you doing it now?”

“I don’t know. I just am.”

That wasn’t a good enough an­swer. I knew it and I think she did, too. “Some­thing must have changed,” I said. “What changed?”


“Some­thing had to have changed.”

“I don’t know what you’re talk­ing about.”

“Sure you do.”

She was start­ing to get antsy and I could tell my ques­tions were up­set­ting her. To be hon­est, I don’t think she even knew the whole truth but I had to try to get it out of her. “What changed,” I asked again.

“I don’t know.”

“When did it hap­pen?”

“When did what hap­pen?”

“When did things start to change?”

“When did what start to change?”

“You said things changed. When did they change.”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. About two weeks ago, I guess.”

“About two weeks ... you mean, about when you start­ed work­ing here, right?”

“I guess.”

That’s when it all start­ed to come to­geth­er. What Mathil­da Gruff had said. She wasn’t just some crazy, old woman. She was right. There was some­thing going on in the cof­fee hous­es. Some­thing that was turn­ing girls into sluts, and I was going to have to find out what it was, even if it meant I had to go to in­ves­ti­gate every sin­gle thong girl in every sin­gle cof­fee house.

It was a dirty job, but some­one had to do it.
(1 of 14) →
Story: Thong Girls
Author: Lisa Teez
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Taking our balls down from full calmed us, even Miriam had gotten a little by rubbing her pussy on Miss Malone's mouth for a few minutes. Things would have seen a natural lull for fourth period anyway since the academic program allowed us to select one language and one general elective. Our elective periods were fourth and eighth. None of the others were in my elective classes. In the program, we knew each other and the majority had sponsor CAP scores, but it was an unnatural ratio even if...

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Willow Book III Master CarlChapter 14

Master Carl awoke in the guest room of Rose House to the very pleasant sensation of someone kissing his face. “Sir?” Heather’s red hair was a halo around her face. “You asked me to wake you if you slept till seven.” It took a few attempts to get his voice to work. The word “Coffee” came out as a croak the first time but he still got the message across. Heather had a large mug of the lifesaving liquid ready for him when he managed to sit up and swing his feet over the side of the bed. He did...

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Sins of the Ancestor part 3

Sins of the Ancestor: part 3 I drove with a plan through the streets of York. I had grown up in this area and knew it in a way only a misbehaved child could. I wasn't concerned about locking Sara in, she had spare keys to get out, and it had bought me time. If she had rushed out, I wasn't sure that I had the strength to fight her off. That would change though, soon as I got my plan in action. Speaking of which... "Yeah, twenty Chicken McNuggets, a Big Mac meal and two...

2 years ago
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High school memories

One day, me and Chris were skipping chemistry together, like we often did. Chris had to use the bathroom. We went into the change room, and he used the urinal. He finished up, and we just hung out in the change room for a while, talking. We locked the door just in case someone catches us skipping. “You look like you want to say something.”, I said. “I do, but it would probably just freak you out. So, never mind”, Chris replied. “Oh, come on, it won’t freak me...

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Erotic Potential

By nature, I am an introvert. That doesn’t mean that I am unfriendly or uninterested in things going on around me. It does mean that I am more of an observer than a participant and a thinker/processor more than a mindless impulsive player in whatever was going on in the center stage. In short, I am not a major source of entertainment at parties and get-togethers, I am the guy sitting on the side watching and smiling while others are going overboard to impress the others. My wife on the other...

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Speeding Ticket

She fumbled in the glove compartment for her license and registration as the officer strode through the dark behind her toward her car. She could not believe it – this made twice in two weeks that she had been pulled over. Twice! Just like last time, she knew her mind had drifted from the road, and in that few moments, her speed had drifted precariously upward. Maybe this cop wouldn’t give her a ticket either, she thought hopefully. Thank god the first guy had let her off with a warning. A...

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Sexual healing from one cousin to another part 2

(Authors note: To get the full benefit of this story, I suggest you first read part one.)Well, this was definitely different. There I was, in my cousins house, sitting naked on his bed after just giving him a wonderful blow job, waiting for him to come back from talking to the chick that had interrupted our fun. Since he had told me he didn't have a room mate, I was curious as to who she was. It was, of course, entirely possible that she was his girlfriend. I sincerely hoped that wasn't the...

2 years ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 13

"What did you buy mom?" Jessie asked with a sense of excitement. Amanda handed her son the bag, noticing his curiosity. Jessie pulled out some of the contents. He noticed three bras with underwear attached in matching colors. "Matching bras and underwear mom?" "Yes dear, I was lucky to find some underwear that came with the bras so that you match," Amanda replied as she made little attempt to hide the bra panty sets. In Jessie's state of mind she knew she would not have...

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Marching Band Part 6

I pushed open the door of the band room, chuckling as Lauren made a funny comment behind me. I had started to carpool with her, driving her to and from practice. She really appreciated me driving her, so I usually got a bit of a present in the car, if you get what I mean. As I stepped into the room, I said hello to Becca, who pat me on the back, congratulating me for "last practice." Smiling, I waved hello to Heather, making sure Nathan wasn't facing me. Lauren followed me into the band...

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Sexual Awakenings II The Mistress Chapter 1

CHAPTER 1: Loss of Control!As I look back, upon this journey of self discovery I found myself upon. I never imagined the route it would take me, and the sexual appetite that would be explored, hidden inside my body and waiting for that one person to unleash it upon whoever it decided.My life was never easy, as I was born to parents who discarded me as a baby. Raised around homes belonging to people whom I could not look upon as those who cared deeply enough, or to understand the emotional...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Kaylynn Keys Are You Fucking My Friend

When I moved back home from college, it was a little awkward as my stepmom Kaylynn Keys & my dad were fighting and she had kicked him out. I told her I didn’t want to get involved and just planned to mind my own business. Apparently, she didn’t feel the same way – I caught her sexting with one of my friends. Unbelievable! When I confront her she explains she was feeling lonely & my bro was having gf issues and that it wouldn’t happen again. Whatever, I guess....

4 years ago
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Mistletoe Party continues to a Dinner Party

As we drove to our hotel room, my hand was rubbing Sam’s cock. I asked him how far he and Ashley had gone. Sam said that they found a nice empty bedroom and he had fingered her, getting her to cum. She had told him she wanted to suck his cock so he could cum too. Ashley had just got his cock out and kissed it when a couple walked into the room interrupting them.  Sam said that he realized that it was getting close to midnight and figured that they better get back into the main room for the...

Wife Lovers
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Hells Brothel part 3

I turned my attention back to Anna and saw her panic as the door in her room slowly opened and her master for the night entered. He was a long time customer who often came to my deserted island brothel for some entertainment. One of the ones. I regarded him as among the most sadistic of the sadist that I rented out my girls to. Most of the customers enjoyed hurting the girls but they did so to assert their dominance over them and force submission. This man on the other hand...

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Mistis Adventures Part 204

Right after the New Year, Vince and Chloe had gone back to the spot near Ft. Polk, to see if their first "run-in" had been a fluke, or if this was a claimed territory. They had invited Scott and Rhonda to join them, so, possibly, Scott could see one. He had accompanied them several times on local hunts, and had been rewarded by hearing screams, and wood knocks, and once, had smelled the stench of something, nearby. None of them had done anything to discourage either of them from going on other...

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Chocolate Cake

‘Hello, I suppose I should introduce myself. I’m Peter Nathan. No doubt you’ve been hearing a lot of new names lately.’ He had seen her around the office for a few weeks. He thought she was kind of attractive, tall, about 5’7′ with small breasts and a lean build. He shook those thoughts from his head. He usually didn’t bother to meet new people for a while but he seemed to be walking by her fairly often, either on the way to the rest rooms or coming back from the coffee shop. He didn’t want...

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The Birthday

THE BIRTHDAY By Rosemary I suppose that I had always expected it to happen sooner or later. It was a high risk game, and I had got careless. Some psychologists would argue that I sub-consciously always wanted to be caught but I don't know about that. Anyway, after four year's of avoiding detection, I had made a mistake. The funny thing about it was that I was not aware of my detection for two weeks. I went on as normal in total ignorance of the sword hanging over my head. When...

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Her Diary

Copyright©2003 There was a young lady named Gilda Who went on a date with a builder. He said that he would, And he could and he should, And he did and it damn well near killed her. "I don't care what it says, it was wrong Carol!" My husband pulled the duvet up to his waist and settled the book on his over-sized round stomach. My anger was about to explode. "God damn it Darren - our daughter may be sexually active!" I stood at my side of the bed with my hands on my...

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Another Escape Ch5

Another Escape Ch.5 Author's note: Chapter 5 is finally here, and it certainly took longer than I anticipated. My appreciation to those who left feedbacks on my first fantasy story 'For The Good of The Realm'. It turned out better than I expected, though there are certainly room for improvement. My sincere thanks. I hope you will enjoy this one as well. If you do, let me know. If you don't, let me know too. The Family A week before Moscow: "No!" Melissa's sultry tone had...

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The Edification of Mary Kate BenniganChapter 5

When the morning sickness began the words of her aunt, Sister Anna, echoed in her ears, Men will take advantage of you and throw you on the trash heap. She remembered the pregnant teenagers that had babysat her and her brothers—none seemed happy. When she learned that she was pregnant she felt panic. I’m too young to have a baby. If she were to tell Sister Anna, she would be angry, but she also would understand. Picturing herself babysitting other children as she grew to an immense size she...

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Wife asks me to give her mother oral Part 7

read first 6 installments to understand. The next week was a blur. I think my wife must have masturbated twice a day to her secret video of me fucking her mom. And when the day finally arrived for us to go over there again, she could hardly contain her excitement. I still didn't talk to her much about it. I was afraid of saying the wrong thing, or pushing her to do something that might make this whole thing blow up in my face. And with the way things had progressed on their own, I was quite...

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Two years ago I was working for an advertising agency. I had been an executive for several years when Miranda was hired. She was very bubbly, perky, voluptuous 23 year old. I have always had a weakness for curvy women. Miranda was a temp hire, she was filling a position by another woman who was one maternity leave. Soon after she started working there, several young men tried to woo her. On occasion I would use my dry sarcastic humor to scare away Miranda’s would be suitors. Miranda assisted...

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My daddy proposed to me

Not too many ladies can say this, but I have a baby girl with my own father. If you told me I was gonna have a daughter with my father two years before, I would have slapped you. We named our daughter Robin, not for any particular reason. Right after Robin's first birthday, he gave me a rather big surprise. I honestly didn't see it coming, but I was happy with it.One thing we loved to do together, was play miniature golf. We went usually once a week, because it was cheap, and it certainly...

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Just Fun

Hi All...The other night me and my GF had a hell of a fight. So I went to the pub to have a drink. I was sitting all alone and I saw a guy walking up to me and asked if he can sit there as he waits for his wife. I agreed and we started talking. When his wife and her mate joined they were, well to say the least drunk.... I dont drink so much so was having a coke and they got drunker and rowdier. After a while they invited me upstairs to their flat. I went with them hoping to Fuck the mate, even ...

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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 15

The next day proved to be very busy. Dale's attorney, Jacob Edwards, called him just before eight in the morning. Jacob let Dale know that it looked like he was going to be granted custody; however there were several procedures that needed to be followed. Since there was no written will on file, no living relatives to contest a will or accept guardianship of Lizzy and since Dale had been charged by the girl's father to take care of her, Dale would need to meet with a Judge. Although not...

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Part IV Pattie and Robert

My name is Robert. I was born in a sleepy little oil town in southeast Texas, and now I live on the North Sea coast of Germany. How I came to live here in Ostfriesland, as this region of the country is called, is a story for another time. Suffice it to say that I have a house here, and I work as a software architect/designer/developer for large banks, insurance companies, and corporations in Germany.  When I look back on my life, I often wonder how a shy skinny little black kid from a sleepy...

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Futas Wild PassionChapter 19 Futa Dates the Lesbian

I was so excited for my date with Wendy. Allie helped me choose my clothes. My sister-girlfriend was having fun choosing the perfect outfit for me to wear on my date with my “official” girlfriend. That amused my younger sister to no end. “This is perfect,” Allie had declared when she saw me wearing a pair of knee-high socks (Allie insisted on them), her favorite pair of panties I owned, a black skirt with pleats that fell around my thighs, and a maroon blouse that had a round neckline. I had...

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February Fantasy Fridays 6

Suddenly, the door behind them slammed shut. "No need to call the police," a dark shape that had been hiding behind the door spoke. Both William and Kateri were too shocked to say anything, but the shape spoke again. "So, you're a lesbo, huh?" It laughed. They could smell the liquor on its breath. "That explains a lot." "Who are you?" Kateri demanded, but her voice was shaky with fear. "What do you want." "Ask your little bitch girlfriend," the voice said, angrily. "Because...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 206

The following are compliments of jwb1943‎ Typical macho man married typical good-looking lady and after the wedding, he laid down the following rules: “I’ll be home when I want, if I want and at what time I want and I don’t expect any hassle from you. I expect a great dinner to be on table unless I tell you that I won’t be home for dinner. I’ll go hunting, fishing, boozing and card-playing when I want with my old buddies and don’t you give me a hard time about it. Those are my rules. Any...

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The Wait That Was Worth For

Hi friends, My name is Vignan Sharma. Please gather some patience and do read it. I guarantee that you’ll end up masturbating. I’m an unattractive person, I was 6 ft tall, very thin, wheatish skin, with pimples all over my face. I was doing my B.Tech then. My day would start my masturbating. Unlike many others, I used to watch YouTube videos of actress boob press, down blouse etc. Actually, that content would be enough for me to ejaculate daily. So that day I kinda felt very positive. I went...

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Chapter Two of Meg Brown at school

I had completely forgotten I had written a second and third chapter of this series. Here is chapter two. Meg Brown is a real person however the stories are fictional,sadly. Meg at School ………. Back to the present.Meg Brown thought seriously about telling her Mother about the caning she had received from Mr Spencer .Dad was out for an hour or two and Sally Brown , Megs Mother was in the kitchen preparing food for supper.“Hello dear” said Sally to Meg who was getting...

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Initiation Nightmare Part 4

Initiation Nightmare... Part 4 by Silvy Richards Ignoring his sister's call, Paul made his way to his room and while passing the kitchen saw his mother preparing supper. "Your sister wants to speak with you... Princess," she smiled as she said his new name, "So, how was your first day? Was it as bad as you thought it was going to be?" she asked, as she continued to mash the potatoes. "Worse!" he snapped. "I've never been so humiliated in my life!"...

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Anns Confessions

The true story of a once sexually deprived woman My name is Ann; I am from Chicago and now live in Florida. In Chicago I had a perfect life with a decent man and my two daughters. We lived in a good upper middle class neighborhood and were happy. The only problem was my husbands sex drive; or the lack of is the way I should put it. I was a virgin when we married and refused to have sex for the first five days of our honeymoon. I finally gave in on the sixth day, my husband was well hung...

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JapanHDV Misato Shiraishi Masochist Misato Shiraishi has some men pleasure her pussy

Our older forty something mature model Ms Misato Shiraishi is a sexy woman who is a bit mischievous. She likes to play and she likes to buy new outfits and model them for her lovers. She is not shy about her body and enjoys showing it off if she has the chance. She also also enjoys some strange fetishes and is not afraid to get several lovers to come over to play with her. She is into some b0ndage and getting men to wear some collars and leashes so she can lead them around the house. She also...

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Sucking cock

Secondly, I found this story in the diary of an ex-girlfriend. I translated it as I knew best. my first oral sex. I was 18years old and at home was a party on my father's birthday. barbecue, guests so I drank a glass of champagne. At one point my father asked where my older sister was, I did not know, so I went to look for her. I found her in her room but she was with her boyfriend. My sister is 8years older...

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Trying out my new digital camera part 4

It had been several months since that amazing day, when Sean and I had first fucked our sexy Mothers in a four-way fuck fest for the camera, and then I had fucked them again, along with my voluptuous Aunty Laura. The awkward silence after I had fucked the three sexy mothers was almost unbearable, and none of us had mentioned what had happened that day again. Sean told me that Catherine, his mother, was avoiding him now, obviously guilty and embarrassed by what we had all done. My mother was...

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Landlord and His Friends Have MeChapter 3

Following on from the fun I had with Jim and his two friends, we would all get together again for more fun six week later. Jim had a holiday property on the Isle of Sky and arranged for Mike to carry out some repair work along with another contractor over a weekend. He organised a surprise trip to London for his wife and her sister for the same weekend, which meant he had the house all to himself and I had our top floor all alone too. The weekend ended up being an utterly amazing screwing...

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Study Break Ch 03

At Vicky’s insistence, I delayed my deadline by two days, giving us the whole weekend to make up for lost time in our relationship. Being honest, I did in fact need that break. When I returned to my thesis, I felt refreshed, energetic, focused… and at peace. I got the revisions done at a record pace. Milton himself seemed to notice my good mood when I finally turned it in. Fortunately, he didn’t mind that it was a couple days late. In the interim few days while waiting for Milton to go over...

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My Wife is Finally Fulfilled Part two

Part TwoKay emerged from the shower wrapped in a towel that just about covered her modesty and sat back down on the edge of the bed, she used a second towel to dry her hair and the rest of her body. Right said Dimitri the food is already and while you guys carry on drinking, I will get my shower out the way, without hesitation and I am sure for my wife's pleasure he just dropped the speedos and walked into the shower. Now given where Kay was sitting, she must have had a perfect view of Dimitri...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 179

While we were waiting on Cindy to call back we tackled the map again. I drew in a guard shack at the main gate with a tag scanner. I penciled in a fence separating the traditional college from the industrial buildings that the college had acquired with another guard shack at the one entrance from that area. There were multiple street entrances to that area. Those entrances would have to be reduced to one and I felt that would be a tall task to get those public streets closed. A security...

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My Sissy Roommate

“Relax, Andrew. It’s just a party. Yeah, sure there will be girls there, but it’s not like they’re serial killers or something,” I tell my best friend as we make our way to the party. I swear he’s always like this. So worried about everything. I don’t know how the kid has survived this long. Probably because I’m always here to calm him down. It’s kind of funny, not many people can see Andrew and me as being friends. Him being a meek, petite, nerd who’s often confused as a girl and me a...

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Sex With Course Mate

Hi friends, I am mohan, 25 and 6+ of height, I want to narrate my story which happened in my life. I dont want to waste all of your time, ill come to the point. I used to work in bangalore but I was not satisfied with my job work so decided to do some course and went hyderabad. I used to stay with my aunt and uncle .I know the local language so it was easy for me to communicate. Finally I joined the course and the course duration was 80days, so I decided to take the course seriously. I used...

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My sister

My sister caught me crossdressing over the weekend when she stopped by, and she was rather interested.. She stood there looking at me as I was dressed in my stuffed bandeau bra, a black sports bra over that with a gray VS cammy, and I was wearing my black VS boy shorts panties under a pair of black yoga pants, my cock was hard and bulging out of the yoga pants! She said I love how you look! "You have a nice plump girl booty in those yoga pants!" she said, she too was wearing a white cammy a bra...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetClassics Karlee Grey Hands On Advice

This Team Skeet Classic update features Karlee Grey, Tony Profane. Originally released July 19th, 2016, this Sis Loves Me scene was and still is a major hit! When Tony is looking for some relationship advice, his stepsister Karlee is who he goes to. Karlee goes straight to the point, asking to see how big Tony’s cock is, and giving him a little taste of what his girlfriend could be doing to that dick. When Tony comes back saying his girlfriend only teased him and didn’t even touch him, Karlee...

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Art SomethingChapter 13

‘All through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.’ We’d apparently given Mom and Dad enough time to at least retreat to their own room. Our shoes were snowy so we removed them in the entryway and left them to dry. We crept up the stairs hand-in-hand and when we reached the door to our bedroom, I swept Fay up in my arms and carried her across the threshold. We tenderly undressed each other and brushed our teeth. When we returned to the bedroom, we stood on opposite sides...

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It is now late Sunday night and the weekend is over and what a weekend it had been. I had meet Kelli a few months ago and she had warned me that she has been working on a project that was really bazaar and had asked if I would consider helping her if she needed any help. Kelli is a very beautiful girl. somwhat into the western style.. jeans, boots, etc.. she is also a stout built woman.. 5'4" around 135 pounds.. long black hair that reaches her hips, oh yes and her age is around 25. Though we...

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Naukarani Ki Bahu Ki Chudai

Garmi ka din hai , ye baat abhi 7-8 din pehle ki hai , humara ghar odisha ke titlagarh city mein hai . Ye city bohat badi hai . Delhi mumbai mein itna garmi nahi hota jitna western odisha mein hot a hai , india ka sabse temperate sahar kaha jata hai , achchha chhodiye , kahan chale aae . Baat tabki hai jab naukarani andar maa k saath soyi hui thi , papa bahar rehte hain , chutiyon mein aate hain , aur bhai america mein google house mein it engineer hain … To mai hi ghar mein baadshah hoon …. To...

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Teaching Teacher

TEACHING TEACHER By Ashtree The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. It is not intended to condoneor encourage forced sexual acts between females. All character and events arefictitious. Hello, Jenny here again with another story of how much I love raping otherwomen. Remember how my first conquest had been Angela, my neighbour, when Iwas only 16. Well, for days afterwards I'd been terrified that she'd go tothe Police, (this was before I realized how shameful being raped by anotherwoman...

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Mother With the HotsChapter 2

She was standing behind the wet bar when Donny came in. He was still wet, dripping water on the carpet. Usually she would have said something to him, but not today. He stood just inside the sliding doors, and her eyes went immediately to the front of his shorts. There was a most delicious-looking bulge there, and Donny was looking back at her with hot, unashamed eyes. "I've been looking at you, Mom," he said in an unusually low voice. A faint flush crept over her cheeks, but it was not...

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