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Author: Lisa Teez
Story: Thong Girls (1 of 14) →
Thong Girls
Chap­ter 1 — A Dirty Job
No one knows where it first start­ed. Some peo­ple say they’re not sure how it will all end.

It first came to my desk not quite three months ago. It was a slow news day which when you’re a re­porter like me is never a good thing. Any­way, I was sit­ting at my desk try­ing to think of some­thing pithy to say for the col­umn I was writ­ing when Mathil­da Gruff was brought to my desk.

Now if the mere name Mathil­da Gruff con­jures up the image of a mid­dle-aged busy body who prob­a­bly hadn’t been laid in months, then you al­ready know what Mathil­da Gruff looks like. For those of you who didn’t get that image, let me say that Mathil­da Gruff was a mid­dle-aged busy body who hadn’t been laid in months.

I mo­tioned for Mathil­da to take a seat for the very sim­ple rea­son that I didn’t want her to see the game of soli­taire that I had been play­ing on my com­put­er. “Can I help you,” I asked.

“I want you to shut them down.”

Quite rea­son­ably, I asked, “Shut who down?”

“Them,” she said. “Those cof­fee hous­es. I want you to shut them down.”

“What cof­fee hous­es?”

Mathil­da Gruff’s sigh left lit­tle to my imag­i­na­tion. In her mind, I was un­doubt­ed­ly the stupi­dest man she’d ever met, or at least, I was the stupi­dest man she’d met in the last ten min­utes. “I want you to shut them down,” she said. “I want you to shut down the thong girl cof­fee hous­es.”

There was an ob­vi­ous ques­tion and since it was an ob­vi­ous ques­tion and since I’m a re­porter who is paid to ask the ob­vi­ous ques­tions, I asked it. “What’s a thong girl cof­fee house?”

Mathil­da Gruff looked at me as if I was so stupid and she gave me an­oth­er one of her sighs be­fore she fi­nal­ly an­swered. “The girls in the cof­fee shops are wear­ing thongs and ... and other things. Re­vealling things. Dis­gust­ing things de­signed to tit­ti­late the cus­tomers.”

I wasn’t sure if that, ex­act­ly, was what Mathil­da had in mind but she cer­tain­ly had my in­ter­est. “Tit­ti­late the cus­tomers,” I asked. “Which cof­fee shop did you say this was?”

“It’s not just one cof­fee shop. It’s all of them. They’re all just a bunch of smut havens.”

“Well, if it’s all of them, then it sounds like what you re­al­ly want is to shut down all cof­fee hous­es.”

She gave me yet an­oth­er of her sighs that was de­signed to tell me just how stupid I was. “I don’t want them to be shut down. I just want them to stop ped­dling their smut.”

“Smut, Mrs. Gruff. Re­al­ly?”

“Yes, re­al­ly. Those girls are sluts, and the thongs were just the be­gin­ning.”

“The be­gin­ning?”

Mathil­da Gruff nod­ded em­phat­i­cal­ly. She was cer­tain­ly warm­ing to her task now. “The thongs were only the be­gin­ning. I think they’re com­pet­ing with one an­oth­er, try­ing to outdo the other and I’ve been see­ing those thong girls hav­ing S-E-X.”

“I see. Would that be with each other or with the cus­tomers?”

“Don’t you dis­miss me,” she told me. “I will not be tri­fled with.”

“I un­der­stand, Mrs. Gruff, and I as­sure you, we will be look­ing into it.”

She looked at me as if she were try­ing to as­sess just how like­ly I was to do what I said I was going to do and then she gave me a sniff and she got up. “I’ve got my eye on you, Mr. McAdams,” she said fi­nal­ly. “I ex­pect you to fol­low through.”

I told her I would and I kept my face as straight as I could until I’d fi­nal­ly ush­ered her out of my of­fice, and it was only after I’d sat back down that I fi­nal­ly let my­self laugh. Ac­tu­al­ly, it was sad re­al­ly. Here was this woman that thought girls were hav­ing sex in cof­fee hous­es mere­ly be­cause of the type of un­der­wear they wore. Sad, I thought again, but hard­ly worth my time.

And it might have ended there ex­cept that on my way home from work, I was stopped at a traf­fic light and in front of me on the right was a cof­fee house. I could have passed it by but Mathil­da Gruff was still fresh in my mind and on a whim, when the light changed green, I moved for­ward and pulled into the cof­fee shop’s park­ing lot.

The first thing I no­ticed when I got there was the noise. There was music play­ing and some­one had turned it up loud­er than it should be. I’ve al­ways hated that and I made a men­tal note of it, al­most as if I were get­ting ready to write a re­view of the place.

The place was crowd­ed, more crowd­ed than I would have thought it might be but as I took my place in line, I didn’t see a sin­gle thong.

As the line moved for­ward, I looked around me. As far as I could tell, sex was not run­ning ram­pant among the pa­trons of this cof­fee house, at least.

And then it was my turn at the front of the line. I freely admit that this re­search was high­ly non-sci­en­tif­ic but I put in my order. “Say,” I told the girl tak­ing the or­ders, “some­one told me you guys were wear­ing thongs in here.” Man, I felt stupid say­ing that.

“You want to see my thong,” said the girl asked the counter.

“Yes, I mean no, I mean, I was just ask­ing you know. I mean, I don’t want to cause any trou­ble, you know.”

“It’s no trou­ble at all,” the girl said. She al­ready had her jeans opened and she was push­ing them down past her hips. “See,” she said. “Here it is.”

I cer­tain­ly did see. The girl was wear­ing a lit­tle, yel­low thong.

“I, um, I ... thanks for show­ing that to me.”

“It’s no trou­ble at all,” the girl said. “All you had to do was ask.”

I couldn’t help but no­tice the look that the girl who was mak­ing my drink gave me when she fi­nal­ly hand­ed it over. If I didn’t know bet­ter, I would have said she looked hurt.

I took my drink and found a place in the cor­ner to sit and think. To tell the truth, if I went to a cof­fee house at all, which was rare enough as it was, I would have taken my drink to go, but this was a fact find­ing trip so I took my drink and went and sat in the cor­ner.

The crowd seemed to be dying down. I fig­ured I’d prob­a­bly caught the tail end of the after work crowd and it was too early for the night out crowd, and that was just fine with me.

The girl be­hind the counter came up to me. “Can I sit here,” she asked.


The girl slid into a seat. “I think Gina’s mad at you,” she said.

“Gina,” I asked. “Who’s Gina?”

“She’s the one who makes the drinks. Well, we both do, but she does it more than me.”

I nod­ded. “So why is Gina mad at me.”

“Gina’s wear­ing a G-string. She told me I should stop wear­ing jeans like she has. She said that’s the way to get my­self no­ticed, but you asked about my thong, in­stead. Did you like it, by the way?”

“Like what?”

“My thong. Did you like it?”

“Yeah,” I said. “It looks great.”

“I’m glad. I only bought it last week so I was hop­ing it looked good.”

“It looks great,” I as­sured her.

“I’m glad.”

“So, um, so this might be a per­son­al ques­tion, but do all the girls here ...”

“Do all the girls wear thongs or g-strings?”

“Oh no.”


“Sure. Some girls wear noth­ing at all but I can’t do that?”

I shook my head. I just wasn’t sure I’d heard what I thought I’d heard. “Can’t do what?”

“You know. Wear noth­ing at all. I mean, we’re mak­ing cof­fee back there. What if some­thing splash­es out. That is one place I don’t want to get burned, but if you want to know what I mean, all you got to do is look at So­phie.”

I couldn’t help my­self. “Who’s So­phie,” I asked.

“Oh, she’s not here right now, but she’ll be in later but if you want to see her pussy, all you got to do is ask. Speak­ing of which ...”

It took me a sec­ond to re­al­ize what she was doing. “No wait,” I said.

But she was al­ready lean­ing clos­er and her hand was al­ready be­tween my legs. “Come on,” she said. “We all know why guys like you come in here.”

I want­ed to tell her no but she al­ready had her hand in my lap.

“Oooh,” she purred. “What do we have in here?”

I groaned. I knew I should tell her no, but I just couldn’t.

I could feel her slid­ing my zip­per down and then she was push­ing her hand in­side my pants and she was wrap­ping her hand around my cock.

“Do you want me to suck on this,” she asked.

I knew I should have said no but I said noth­ing and I guess as far as the girl was con­cerned, that was as good as a yes be­cause that was all it took for her to haul my cock out into the light.

Her hand stroked me and she looked up at me. “I’m re­al­ly going to like this,” she told me, and then as if to make sure I be­lieved what she said, she opened her mouth and she slid her­self down around my cock.

Okay, I’ll admit it. I’d come in there to do a lit­tle re­search but al­most from the mo­ment she got her mouth down around my cock, from that mo­ment on, all I could think of was how good her mouth felt around my cock.

And she wasn’t stop­ping, ei­ther. Slow and steady, that’s the way she was doing it, and it just felt so good.

I sup­pose I should have been look­ing around, look­ing around and see­ing if any­one was watch­ing me but the truth was as soon as that girl had her mouth on my cock, I couldn’t think of any­thing else ex­cept for what her mouth felt like, and I knew I want­ed to do it. I knew I want­ed to cum in her mouth.

And still, she kept on suck­ing.

Oh God. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t hold back any­more. I knew I should have warned her what was com­ing, but I didn’t.

She had to know what I was doing and yet she just kept suck­ing my cock even as I con­tin­ued to cum in her mouth. Fuck, that felt good.

And the most amaz­ing thing was she just kept right on suck­ing even as I con­tin­ued to cum. I couldn’t be­lieve it. She wasn’t just suck­ing but she was swal­low­ing, too.

She pulled her mouth up off of me and she flashed me a shy, lit­tle grin. “How was that,” she asked. “Did I do a good job?”

Did she what? Was she se­ri­ous? She’d just given me the best blow job I’d ever got, (okay, the only blow job I’d ever got,) and yet here she was ask­ing me if she’d done a good job and yet just by look­ing at her, I could tell, she re­al­ly want­ed to know. “Yeah,” I told her. “Yeah. You did great.”

I couldn’t help but no­tice that her hand hadn’t left my cock. She gave my cock a squeeze. “I’m glad,” she said. “I’ve only been work­ing here a cou­ple of weeks, but I’m re­al­ly glad to hear you say that.”

“Do you want some­thing,” I asked.

“Yeah,” she said.

“What do you want?”

Her hand squeezed my cock. “Well, I was won­der­ing ...”

“You were won­der­ing what?”

“I was won­der­ing if you want­ed to do some­thing else.”

Okay, I’m not dumb, but re­al­ly, I had no idea what she was talk­ing about. “Some­thing else,” I asked.

Her hand squeezed my cock. “You know,” she said coyly. “Some­thing else. Some­thing ... more.”

I still didn’t get it. “Some­thing ... wait a minute! You’re not say­ing what I think you’re say­ing.”

Her hand con­tin­ued to stroke my cock. “I don’t know,” she said. “It all de­pends on what you think I’m ask­ing. What do you think I’m ask­ing?”

What was I think­ing? Was she just toy­ing with me? Screw with the re­porter. Nah. She didn’t even know I was a re­porter. Maybe she was just screw­ing with me for no other rea­son than that was what she want­ed to do. The only thing I didn’t think she was play­ing me. I thought she re­al­ly meant it. “I think you’re telling me you want to have sex with me.”

She didn’t stop. Her hand kept stroking my cock. “Then I guess we’re talk­ing about the same thing.”

I couldn’t be­lieve I was say­ing this. “Where do you want to go,” I asked.


“Yeah. Where do you want to go?”

“But I can’t go any­where. I’m still on duty.”

“But I don’t ... wait a minute. You mean you want to do it here?”

Her hand had never stopped stroking my cock and she wasn’t stop­ping now. “Why not,” she asked.

“Why not? This is a pub­lic place for one thing. Peo­ple might see.”


“So this is a pub­lic place,” I re­peat­ed.

Her hand con­tin­ued to stroke my cock. “So let me get this straight. It’s okay for you to let me suck your cock but it’s not okay for you to let me ride your cock.” Her hand squeezed my rigid mem­ber. “Come on,” she said. “It’s not like I don’t know what you want.” Her hand gave my cock an­oth­er squeeze. “I can tell what you want.”

Okay, she had me there.

“Come on,” she said. “It’ll be fun.”

“I ... I’m not going to do that.”

“Come on,” she said. “It’ll be my first time, too.”

“Your first time?”

“I’ve only been work­ing here a cou­ple of weeks, you know, but I want you to be my first.”

I couldn’t help won­der­ing if that was just a line that she told all the guys but I had to admit that if it was a line, she de­liv­ered it well.

“Come on,” she said again and she punc­tu­at­ed that with an­oth­er squeeze of my cock, “I want to ride you. It’ll be fun.”

I couldn’t be­lieve I was even con­sid­er­ing it but to my cred­it, I shook my head. “I can’t,” I said.

The girl seemed gen­uine­ly hurt. “It’s be­cause you like Gina bet­ter, isn’t it? I’ll bet you’d let her come over here and suck your dick, wouldn’t you, and I’d bet you’d let her ride your dick, too.”

Over the girl’s shoul­der, I could see Gina watch­ing her. “What, no,” I told her.

“No? So you do want to fuck me?”

Ac­tu­al­ly, yes, but I wasn’t going to tell her that.

And she wasn’t about to let it drop ei­ther. “Well,” she asked as she stroked my cock. “Which is it? Do you want me to fuck you?”

Still, I said noth­ing.

Her hand was stroking me hard­er and she was look­ing me in the eyes. “You know you can’t get away with say­ing noth­ing,” she said. “You’re going to have to say some­thing.”

I was find­ing it so hard to think with what her hand was doing to my cock.

“Come on. Do you want me to fuck you?”

“Yes.” I hadn’t even re­al­ized I’d said it. It just leaked out but sud­den­ly, there it was. Yes, I want­ed her to fuck me.

If I’d ex­pect­ed any­thing to change with my ad­mis­sion, I was going to find out just how wrong I was be­cause at first, noth­ing changed. She was still there, stroking my cock and I was still there, moan­ing as she did it.

She leaned in close and her mouth was al­most up against my ear but her hand never left my cock. “Is Gina still watch­ing,” she whis­pered.

“Yes,” I whis­pered back.

“Good, ‘cause she’s been teas­ing me long enough. I want her to see this.”

She pulled back. “Let me take your pants off,” she said.

It was my last chance. I could have stopped her if I want­ed to, but the truth was I didn’t want to. I let her take my pants off and I let her take my un­der­wear down.

Her hand was back again on my cock. “Do you like it when I do this,” she asked.

I’ll admit it. I pret­ty much wasn’t think­ing any­more, or if I was think­ing, the only thing I was think­ing about was her hand on my cock. “Yeah,” I told her. “I like it. I like it a lot.”

“Do you want to see my pussy?”

She al­ready knew what my an­swer was going to be even be­fore I said it. “Yeah,” I told her. “I want to see your pussy.”

She hes­i­tat­ed for just a mo­ment and then she stood. I watched her take off her jeans and once more, I got an­oth­er look at her bright, yel­low thong, but it was only for a mo­ment, be­cause mo­ments later, her thong was on top of her jeans and she was climb­ing onto my lap.

Her legs strad­dled mine and once more, she wrapped her fin­gers around my cock. “I re­al­ly want to feel this,” she mur­mured.

She wasn’t wait­ing for a reply from me be­cause I could feel her pussy mov­ing into place. She still held my cock even as she moved the head of it be­tween my lips and then she fi­nal­ly re­lin­quished her hold on it even as she pushed her pussy down upon my shaft.

“Oh fuck,” she groaned and to tell the truth, I had to agree with her. Oh fuck in­deed. Her pussy felt so good around my cock.

She was work­ing her­self even deep­er onto my cock and there was some­thing that was just so hot about hav­ing a girl try and push her pussy down on my cock.

She seemed to have got­ten as much as me as she could in­side her pussy and for a mo­ment, she just stayed where she was, al­most as if she were get­ting used to the feel of me in­side her pussy. Hell, for all I know, maybe that was ex­act­ly what was going through her mind.

She start­ed slow­ly at first, pulling her pussy up and then thrust­ing her­self back down again but with every cycle of that pussy, she took me a lit­tle hard­er and a lit­tle faster.

“How’s that,” she moaned. “How do you like that pussy?”

“’T’s good,” I moaned back.

“Yeah,” she moaned. “Yeah, it’s good.”

I couldn’t agree with her more.

“I love the feel of your cock. I love the feel of it be­tween my legs.”

That made two of us, I thought.

“Oh God,” she moaned. “Oh God. Grab my ass.”


“You heard me,” she moaned. “Grab my ass. I want to feel it. I want to feel your hands on my ass.”

I grabbed her ass.

“Squeeze me,” she moaned. “Squeeze me.”


“Squeeze me,” she said again. “Squeeze me. I want you to squeeze my ass.”

The girl moaned as my hands squeezed her butt.

“I want you to make me cum,” the girl moaned.

That made two of us, I thought.

“I want you to make me cum,” the girl moaned again even as she rode me hard­er.

I didn’t know about her but I was pret­ty sure about me. The way her pussy was rid­ing my cock, I was sur­prised I hadn’t cum al­ready.

“Make me cum,” she begged. “Make me cum.”

I could feel it hap­pen­ing. I could feel the pres­sure build­ing up in­side of me. I couldn’t stop it and I knew I didn’t want to stop it.

“Make me cum.”

I could feel my cock surge. I could feel my­self cum­ming in­side that tight, lit­tle pussy. I couldn’t help my­self and to be hon­est, I didn’t want to hold back. I want­ed to feel what it felt like to cum in­side that tight, lit­tle pussy.

“Oh God,” the girl moaned. “Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.” And that’s when I got it. Her pussy just wasn’t tight. Her pussy was even tighter than it had been be­fore. “Oh God,” the girl moaned yet again. “Oh God, that’s it. Make me cum. Make me cum. Make me ... me ... oh God, yeah, make me cum.”

Re­al­ly, to be hon­est, I wasn’t doing much of any­thing. I sup­plied the dick but ev­ery­thing else, she’d done her­self, but then I wasn’t about to re­mind her of that.

“Oh God,” she moaned yet again. “Oh God, that’s good. Make me cum. Make me cum.”

She col­lapsed against me and I re­mem­ber think­ing that it would have been nice if she’d taken her shirt off first be­cause then I would have been able to see her tits.

My cock was start­ing to lose some of its rigid­i­ty and she pulled back, try­ing to hold me in­side her pussy, but my cock wouldn’t stay put, and I could feel it as it slipped free from her pussy’s warm and wet em­brace. She leaned down and kissed me and then she kissed me again be­fore she fi­nal­ly pulled back. “That was fun,” she said.

Fun was hard­ly the word for it, I thought.

“And to think,” she went on, “not all that long ago, I wouldn’t have done this.”


“I said not that long ago, I wouldn’t have done some­thing like this.”

There was some­thing in that, some­thing that seemed to set off bells and whis­tles in my re­porter’s mind. “You wouldn’t have done it,” I said. “Then why are you doing it now?”

“I don’t know. I just am.”

That wasn’t a good enough an­swer. I knew it and I think she did, too. “Some­thing must have changed,” I said. “What changed?”


“Some­thing had to have changed.”

“I don’t know what you’re talk­ing about.”

“Sure you do.”

She was start­ing to get antsy and I could tell my ques­tions were up­set­ting her. To be hon­est, I don’t think she even knew the whole truth but I had to try to get it out of her. “What changed,” I asked again.

“I don’t know.”

“When did it hap­pen?”

“When did what hap­pen?”

“When did things start to change?”

“When did what start to change?”

“You said things changed. When did they change.”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. About two weeks ago, I guess.”

“About two weeks ... you mean, about when you start­ed work­ing here, right?”

“I guess.”

That’s when it all start­ed to come to­geth­er. What Mathil­da Gruff had said. She wasn’t just some crazy, old woman. She was right. There was some­thing going on in the cof­fee hous­es. Some­thing that was turn­ing girls into sluts, and I was going to have to find out what it was, even if it meant I had to go to in­ves­ti­gate every sin­gle thong girl in every sin­gle cof­fee house.

It was a dirty job, but some­one had to do it.
(1 of 14) →
Story: Thong Girls
Author: Lisa Teez
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it happened on vacation and continued at home pt 9

Thank's for the compliments and pointing out grammatical errors. I'm not trying to make excuses but I write these stories under less than ideal conditions being at work and at home my girlfriend is around a lot and wouldn't understand, let alone condone my writing, so I write when/how I can. I don't use WORD at work. I worry about something residual left over even after deletion. I'm not a techie guy and perhaps thats is not a problem but I don't know or take the chance. We don't have...

1 year ago
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Affair with a Nigerian Servant for my lust Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Me and my husband recently moved to Nigeria. He has a business of developing animal skin products such as couches. He would often leave home for several days, to visit the animal farms. Thanks to his job, my house had the best of leather couches. On his days of visit, the only company I had in the house was our Nigerian servant, Taksa which led to an affair with a Nigerian servant. Taksa was a tall dark-skinned man. He was genetically well-built with muscle-cuts all across his body. He would...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Ray The Bankers Daughter

The Adventures of Ray – The Bankers Daughter How it all started…. Ray lived in a small town of about 10,000 people. He owned a little computer shop repairing computers for a living. Ray was 25 years old rather good-looking and single. Ray had a few girlfriends here and there but nobody seemed right for him. Over the years Ray had seen all this friends computers and the pictures inside them he'd seen most of his client’s wife's and girlfriends completely naked from the pictures they left...

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The Interview

Leah was desperate for a job and had been applying all over for everything from sales to PA. After countless rejections, she opened her email to find an invite to an interview for a PA to a Director vacancy, one she had applied for but a week earlier. She opened it and took the details then replied to confirm her attendance. On the day of the interview and keen to impress, Leah dressed powerfully in her best suit which accentuated her ample bosom from the silky smooth lines of her long slender...

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My Time As Jennifer

My time as Jennifer By Jennifer Rebecca Mickel Finally I was alone. Although I always say, "Your never alone when you are a Gemini, especially when your other twin is a transvestite!" I rushed off to my wardrobe I keep in my home office. My wife knows it's there, and occasionally will let me wear one or two things during sex, maybe once or twice a year. However she does not really understand, and at best I think she just tolerates my overwhelming need to dress as a girl. My...

2 years ago
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My Ladyboy LittleLi Part 2

After LittleLi had finished swallowing my cum, she fell back and i noticed she still had on her frilly ankle socks and MJ,s. Now that I knew LittleLi was a ladyboy i could tell her about my collection of stockings, panties, shoes and dresses that i liked to get dresssed in. LittleLi loved the the fact and took off the rest of my man clothes. I got up off the bed in front of her naked and went to my cabinet with all my fave clothes in it. I lay out satin frilly panties, stockings of all...

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Emmas XXX Movie

Emma had been reading several scripts, but they all required nudity, which she had never done in any other film. She was slowly coming to the conclusion that revealing her naked body in a well made film should be done sooner rather than later. She knew she would eventually take off her kit for some director, but the choice of which person that director would be, still eluded her. She was now in her middle twenties, and her body was in perfect form. She wanted to show herself off while she still...

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Kim Comes Home

Kim tiptoes in her front door. She's a short 18 year old girl, only about 5 feet tall, with a slender, somewhat muscular build. Her short, spiky hair is dyed deep purple, offering a sharp contrast to her pale freckled face. She's wearing a short, black, loose-fitting skirt, combat boots, and an oversized black fishnet shirt which reveals clearly the black lace bra and B-sized breasts beneath. It's night, or just before morning rather, and she stayed out way too late. She's hoping that no one...

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Graduate WorkChapter 4

Jared clambered down the stairs, still damp from the shower, bare feet slapping against the wood of the stairs. For the first time in days, his dick, limp with fear, slapped against his thighs as he went. His heart pounded with fear? Anticipation? Both? He didn't know what his mom had planned, but Jared had the distinct impression that he was in trouble. If he'd been able to put on a pair of pants, at least then he'd feel somewhat more secure. Unfortunately, there had been a heavy new...

2 years ago
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Women Of My Family 8211 Part 4 All About A Hot MomInLaw Sex

This is a fictional story about hot mom-in-law sex. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story, leading to sex, rather than stories with just wild sex. are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at Anand learned about sex. Then the death of Anand’s father had made him a lonely introvert. Now getting...

4 years ago
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The Slow QuickstepChapter 11

Those fifteen minutes were like a lifetime to Allie. She stationed herself in the sitting-room bay window and watched. At long last Toby arrived. She watched him and his mother embrace. His father went and collected his things from the boot of the car. At last Toby turned towards their house. She raced to the front door, opened it and then just stood there, hands clasped tightly in front of her and head down. She did not dare look up at him for some reason. Toby stopped in front of her and...

2 years ago
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One Familys Awakening Chapter 5

Keith and Jim were talking at their lockers after their last period classes. The rumors had finally started to subside and Keith was beginning to breathe easier. It had been more than two weeks since the dance and things had started to return to normal. Jim had been kind of quiet and not really hanging out as much with Keith as usual and Keith was concerned that he must have pissed him off or something. He had planned to talk to Jim on the way home today since Jim seemed to be warming up again....

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Blackout Massage

This starts with me becoming a massage therapist and I was volunteered by the teacher and owner of the massage therapy school to man a booth at a local holistic fair. he told me to select a female student to go with me so that when we offered a free 15 minute mini massage, they had their choice of gender. The space provided us space to make a temporary massage room with the walls made of the white sheets usually use for doing massages after class. We had a booth out front to hand...

3 years ago
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have you ever

Have you ever been somewhere and just seen someone you just have to have? Everytime you think about them you just can't stop thinking about what you'd do to them for hours and hours. So much so that nothing else seems right?Well whilst on a recent trip to Bali i saw this older mature woman, slim body, great tit, always wearing a short skirt and low neck line singlet. And better yet she appeared to be there ALONE. Now being recently married i'm not going to go and have a crack with her, but the...

4 years ago
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Stage five of my journey to becoming Joann

As I opened my eyes it was quite light. I sensed it was late morning. Bob was still spooning me, but his dick was soft and must have pulled out of my ass sometime through the night. I quietly rolled out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. Before sitting to pee, I reached around and pulled another condom from my ass. I guess when he lets his dick soften inside me it shrinks from the condom leaving it in my tight ass. I’m finding it to be an after sex turn-on. I sat on the toilet and peed....

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 891

A female CNN journalist heard about a very old Jewish man in Jerusalem who had been going to the Western Wall to pray, twice a day, every day, for a very long time. Wondering if there was a story worth reporting, the journalist went to The Wall to check out the old man. Just as she arrived, there the old man was walking slowly up to that venerable site. The journalist stood quietly by and watched the old man pray. After about forty-five minutes, the old man turned to leave. He was using a...

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An Amazing Experience After A Long Time

Hi! This is Akash from Ranchi. The story that I am going to narrate today was an exciting incident happened with me a couple of months back at my girlfriends place in Delhi. Iam studying in a reputed college in Ranchi and I have a girlfriend Payal, working as airhostess in Indigo. Before starting my story I want to introduce another character of my story, she is a cousin sister of payal, piyali. She was going through a bad break-up with her boyfriend so came to Delhi to cheer-up. Now starting...

4 years ago
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Watching Mary

We all started out in the same hall of residence in our first year. We went through a lot together settling in to Uni and exploring our new found freedoms. For the second year we all decided to get a house together just off campus.I got on best with Mary. There was never anything between us even though she was a real beauty. Lean and lithe in a healthy athletic kind of way. Tall and with longish dark hair, she loved life and was one of those people with an inner glow. We had rooms next to each...

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Anal Training

Sex between my husband and me was wild for a while but, as I think happens to most couples, life, k**s and finances wore us down and we returned to a normal once or twice on the weekend schedule. After my oldest started kindergarten, I started to work part time to help with the finances to at least reduce that part of the stress in our lives. Because I had an MBA, I was able to get a temporary jobs helping with end of the year audits at a well-known swimsuit manufacturing company. My boss was a...

3 years ago
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Fucked Office Girl Anjali

Hi Friends, I am a regular reader of this site and today let me entertain you guys with one incident that happened with me. I am a working professional and stay in Bangalore. My Name is Aks. This is my story with a girl in my office. Her name is Anjali. We both joined the same company as fresher’s and were in the same training batch. Bangalore was a new city for both of us and soon we became good friends. After few months in job I bought a bike and then we used to roam around in my bike. We...

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A Demons Heaven

“Qwan!! Huh?” “Reen, you iight gurl?” “Yeah, I’m cool. I just had a dream me and Tuqwan was together, lovin each other, we said we loved each other and I had to let him go, like something took him. I hope he’s fine.” “Gurl please, that Negro ain’t doin nuffin, he ain’t got shit without you, go back to sleep, me and Timothy tryin to get or fuck on.” “IIght gurl.” “Goodnight Reen.” “Goodnight Shamika., Goodnight Qwan Baby, I love you.”

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Finally Got My Cousin

I thought my cousin Shana was a very beautiful woman even when she was younger she was pretty and had a fantastic body. Shana is about five feet and one hundred ten pounds. She has shoulder length brown hair, full lips, a little button nose, and the biggest brown eyes you ever saw. She is a 36D with almost nothing for a waist that flares out to the fullest hips and an ass that looks unreal. It looks like a heart turned upside down with the tip cut off! I'm just your average guy, I'm 5'10"...

2 years ago
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A Tale of a Boy and his Mummy

A TALE OF A BOY AND HIS MUMMY Xenophobio, at 18 had been raised to understand his Mother Dearest's attitude towards the need for discipline for boys and in particular his need for it. Valoria Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale had always been strict, but her stern attitude increased with the teen's age and he knew it would just continue that way. Mrs. Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale had no intention of letting up on her son and was always finding ways to increase his shame and the regularity...

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Joanie and Johnnaked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday Morning Joanie Predictably, John showed this morning to pick me up for school, him in a T-shirt and shorts, and me in a tank top and shorts. God, he walked in the door and my nipples popped right up in greeting. "Those high beams for me?" he asked. I kissed him and said, "Of course, Sweetie. You see anyone else in the room? By the way, it looks like Little John is glad to see me, as well." He said, "Little John is ALWAYS glad to see you, especially without clothes." "How...

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My First Time In schoolBased On A True Story

I’m not a great story teller but I’ll try. So it was my senior year in High school. Me and my friends just got done taking our senior exams. Being seniors after the exams we got to go home early. But I decided to stay a little and say my goodbye’s to all the underclassman etc. I pretty much knew everyone in school. I was also cool with everybody….Except this one bitch, which we’ll call Jezebel. I knew her and nearly all my classmates since elementary school. I had beef with many close friends...

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Bangladeshi Gay Sex

Recently, back in 2003 I went to Bangladesh. It was early June and extremely hot, and hot weather can make you do things which in normal conditions, would seem depraved. It did not take me long to get well acquainted with my village boys, most of whom were my age. I would spend countless hours watching them working whilst I smoked an infinite number of cigarettes, 5 star to be exact, a widely smoked brand of Bangladesh.. I would watch, in the searing heat as they ploughed the fells, with their...

Gay Male
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Family Sucks A LotChapter 9

Spring flowed on in happy splendor, for everyone in the household - everyone finding whatever excuse they could and whatever chance they could to get together secretly and fuck their brains out with each other. And all assumed no one else knew anything about it. One weekend when Ron packed up his gear and took his two sons trout fishing, Dianne seized the opportunity she had been waiting for. She had announced to Tess a few days earlier that they would have a wonderful chance to get to know...

2 years ago
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A Come BackChapter 35 Ground Rules

Kat went to make sure the dog had food and water. She was picking up things like Billy's clothes that had fallen when he stripped by the truck. Billy thought she looked sexy as hell when she bent over and the jeans stretched tight over her ass. Billy rubbed his hand over his face, even with sleep he was still tired. Last night, correction, this morning, they'd unhooked the trailer and sent Eddie back. Once he had left they did their best to level it, and secure it, Billy wasn't sure how...

3 years ago
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a session on the bars

A Session on the BarsCortez'Now, my dear if you will just slip your clothes off, we'd like you kneeling upon those bars beside you...'The girl whimpered, just as they all did, as she peered through the glaringlights at the ominously simple piece of apparatus bolted to the bare concretefloor at her side. Just a pair of parallel wooden struts, just over shoulderwidth apart and each one fixed across two solid, knee high posts. The flatnarrow top of each bar, and the thick leather straps that...

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The MeatChapter 3 The Inducement

My thoughts were confirmed when Suk told me that the women worked in a massage parlor downtown. She told me that they were strictly massage therapists with certificates attesting to the fact. And that they wore white, nurse type uniforms on their shifts. I was skeptical, but I trusted Suk, knowing that she never prostituted herself. Suk always seemed to keep me informed of the conversations that she participated in. Alter awhile; the women suggested that she could make more money in...

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Truck stop

I was at the truck stop with just a tube top covering my tits. I had been driving for a while and was horny and needed a break. Just as I left the ladies room a man came up to me and said "Well hello baby. That is a nice set of hooters you have." He then pulled down my top and began rubbing across my tits then lifting my mounds. Then he bent down and sucked a nipple in his mouth. "Want to come to my truck and be naughty? I have a nice big cock for those big tits." He then ran his hand under my...

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The Case of the Willing PreyChapter 4 The First Law of Psychoanalysis

CASE FILES - PERSONAL NOTES - PATIENT 104 - DAY 15 HERRINGWICK You are dropping into the deepest possible trance state very quickly now, Mindy. That must be due to your extreme level of submissiveness. You’ve become an excellent subject. MINDY Thank you, doctor. HERRINGWICK When last you were here, you explained to me that you had just discovered that Harry Chumbley intended to keep blackmailing you into giving him sex. Did he continue to do that? MINDY Oh, yes. He never lied to me,...

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Saint and a SinnerChapter 24

To Michelle, morning had seemed hours ago. Her eyes burned and her head ached but she kept at it, sitting in front of a computer at the task force headquarters. She was inputting what new information they had on the victims, cross referencing for any similarities that might come up, a job Nick had asked her to do. So far they had nothing, but part of police work was getting into the little details. Sometimes the biggest clue they could have would come out of the littlest of details. So she...

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Reducing Carbon Footprints

Today was the big day, Earth Day, only Mortimer wasn’t himself today. He was still in shock. It wasn’t enough that he was diagnosed with cancer and given a death sentence a few weeks ago, but now this. This was too much. From bad news to worse news, this was what had sent him over the edge, no doubt. It didn’t matter, with his Earth Day plan already in place there was no turning back now. Going from good to very bad, his life, as he had known it, had suddenly reeled out of control and spiraled...

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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 12

At home that evening, I gave Tweed a general outline of what went on during our meeting with Colonel Page. I didn't disclose what was in the letter or who it was from, as the Major had asked me not to. "So what did you do all day besides wait for us to get back?" I asked, as I finished my explanation. "Oh, I spent some very informative time with Sergeant Daniels. I originally went to see him to find out what he might have of local interest. I got more than I bargained for," Tweed told...

3 years ago
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"Daddy, why don't you date women?" my fifteen-year-old daughter Cindy asked one night. "Well, sweetheart I have to do taking care of you and working my job. That really leaves me little time for a social life." "But don't you get lonely for a woman?" she asked innocently. "Sometimes but then I remember your mother and can't imagine myself being with any one else." Cindy smiled and turned back to watching TV. I figured she had finished asking questions for the night. What she had...

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Part Time Job

I got pregnant the night of my senior prom, because my asshole husband, then boy friend, forgot to buy condoms and didn't tell me he was fucking me bareback, so we got married right after graduation. I had a boy, my husband had gotten a job as a forklift operator, a job he still has, and we never had enough money, big surprise. My asshole husband fought me tooth and nail about me going to work, the old argument, a woman's place is in the home raising the kid. Well that lasted until my son was...

2 years ago
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Hotel guest left me sheer nylon stockings

This is a true story/event that happened several years ago when I was working in hospitality/tourism.I did a short stint as a housekeeper at a hotel chain called Novotel in St Kilder, Melbourne for a short time during my overseas working holiday in Australia.I was servicing rooms at a time where a conference was being held and the entire hotel was booked for several days which meant heaps of work for me and high traffic corporate guests.This one room had a very attractive mature blonde lady...

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The hot neighbors first bi

Cindi and I have been married for 8 years now and I'm moving right up the corporate ladder. Cindi has been able to quit working and we've moved into a gated community. Everyone has a pool in their bakcyard and the neighborhood parties are unreal. Stan and Nancy live next door and we've hit it off tremendously. Stan is about 40 and Nancy only 35. Cindi and I are 29. Cindi is 5'6", 110 lbs. athletic adn blond. She now tans all over by our pool. She told me she was a little modest the first few...

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The Life of RyanChapter 5 Creating a Ryanesque Paradise Part I

When Ryan returned from Europe, he initially found himself busy with setting up his new household, which meant meeting with realtors, interior decorators and remodeling contractors. He also had to give some attention to a variety of attorneys and financial planners who had been desperately awaiting his presence to act upon a number of plans that required his signature and input. Ryan knew he would be involved in managing his father’s real estate and investment empire to some degree, but his...

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How My Wife Turned Me Into Her Woman

My Wife Turned Me Into Her WomanIt was 16 years ago my wife and I had been married about a year.. And really enjoy each other as we moved out of the Newlywed year I was a rough and tumble type of guy with blue eyes and long brown hair around 180 lb with a nice build and she was a petite beautiful woman with long coal black hair and green eyes With a shapely hourglass figure and nice natural big boobs She was around 115 lb we were both quite active and in into healthy living.. We were a straight...

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the fun had just begun

I walked down the stairs with only one thing on my mind, my brothers’ dick. I wanted him so badly and I knew all his weaknesses. I walked into the living room where John was sitting on the couch watching TV. I stood in front of my brother in my small towel I took from a hotel. It was just long enough to cover my body. He stood up and just looked at me with his sexy eyes. His hand slowly crept up on my waist and pulled me close. John leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. I giggled before turning...

4 years ago
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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 12

As it turned out, Karen only had to allocate six apartments, but she had to come up with seven more radios. AI promised to deliver them by tomorrow morning. Ed, Hank, and Shirli were the first three in line, so they got the available radios. Hank and Shirli were married with two children, George, 15, and Helen 12. The others were Tom (73) and John (16), traveling together. The others were Lois, Sue, and Albert. Ed and Lois partnered very early, and it wasn’t long before Sue and Albert became...

2 years ago
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Bottoms UpChapter 12

After a bit of relaxation and recovery, I announced to the group that I had plans for Joey and Patty together. I wanted them to know exactly what I had in mind ... this was Joey’s chance to back out if he didn’t want any part of helping to raise Carver’s and Patty’s love child ... Though it wasn’t as if Carver would be out of his life ... not really, since Carver and Candy would be around a lot. Joey would be the legal father and Carver the biological father ... both would be...

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Exploring new elements ch 3

We lay on the bed in the hotel room, naked while cuddling. We start to think of what we wanted to do for the rest of the night, we thought maybe a movie. Then decided we were too tired to sit inside the movie theater and not fall asleep. Then the thought of taking a drive, so I could give him head, that would be a great way to spend the evening. We started talking, we talked about how he wanted to try anal sex. I said it can only happen if we get lube and we do a lot of prepping. I then...

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Now approaching seventy five in December I still have sexual desires and after medical assistance my “Old Soldier” still knows where to go, what to do when there and still spurts heavy semen likevhe,s always Done. Trouble now is my wife of fifty plus years has gone totally off sex due to,poor health so we,ve not fucked in fifteen years. To relieve my frustrations I surf hamster for sexy videos, pictures and stories. What,s sad is having to recall episodes in my past life rather than my current...

3 years ago
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Shadow on the EdgeChapter 7

Roebuck is part of the Taurian Concordat and the Concordat was tired of all the Pirate attacks. They wanted us with them for an attack on Tortuga Prime which was the major Pirate base in this sector. Eager Beaver was willing to release us to them for this attack. They, the Concordat and the Mining Company, had discussed it and it ended up that our contract was sold to the Concordat. The Concordat gave us two choices, we could go in with everyone else with no intelligence on the planet, no...

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Real Story Of V S 8211 The Beginning

Once upon a time there was a girl and a boy, called S and V both from Pune what was the need that they meet each other no one knows but would love to tell you how they met, they met with a coincidence, call it a coincidence or god’s faith. I don’t know to be really honest but one thing that I know that they were meant for each other or were there? I am no one to judge. Let’s come to the story of them. So they met in a call center. Neither V nor S was attracted to each other. but they were...

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My beginning and pathway to group sex Part 15

Please read Parts 1 – 14 first. My three University years were a rolling fuck festival for me.   My best friend and I became compatriots in planning and executing sex parties with many guys and I also introduced her to the Friday night beach parties where some of the new boys were younger.   It was fun for me to still go there and see a new guy invited who was a few years behind me at school and outside of my radar back then.   They suddenly became very attractive with an extra couple of...

Group Sex

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