MaquisChapter 41 free porn video

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Downing Street. 6th January.

It took until well after midday on the 6th January for the news of his losses to start to reach Graham Thorn. There had been power cuts across parts of the country, starting from just before eleven pm the previous night, and communications were down in many places, so getting the information to the regional Patrol HQ’s and from there to London, just didn’t happen.

Most towns though, even with the loss of all these Patrollers, were still firmly in the hands of the TaF party, and of The Patrol. What, in other times and other places, might have been called Political Officers, and here called Moral Advisers, were now out and about in larger numbers than normal. Always in pairs, and always in the company of a dozen or so Security Patrollers. People stayed off the streets as much as they could, and when they had to go out, they kept their heads down and went about their business in as open and unthreatening manner as possible. Hundreds of innocent people were arrested just because the Moral Advisers didn’t like something about them. And it was usually something completely innocent and none threatening. People were very scared and it showed.

A few minutes before midday, all the power came back on again. This wasn’t chance, it was a deliberate ploy by the Maquis, and by one o’clock in the afternoon, a few people, a number that grew exponentially during the afternoon, knew that the fight back had begun.

Thorn stared in fury at the television screen. Queen Beatrice was talking to the people. His people. They were not her people! His fists were clenched in rage, but there was absolutely nothing he could do. Still pictures came up on screen, so did video footage. Some of it obviously amateur, some of it very definitely professionally done. All Thorn could do was stare in horror at the evidence of some of his crimes. Evidence, in some cases, that pointed very firmly at him.

“But that’s a lie,” he yelled. “Not true. How could she know that? Where’s she getting this from?” There was no one in the room to answer his question. His whole body now shaking from a mixture of fear, shock and fury, he pressed the intercom button.

“Yes Prime Minister?” came the tinny response.

“Get me Boase. Get me whoever’s in charge of broadcasting. And do it now.”

“Yes sir.”

Thorn continued to watch while he waited, getting angrier by the second.

“Where is that woman?” he yelled at the television screen. “Why hasn’t someone shut her up?”

The phone on his desk rang and he snatched it up.

“Prime Minister,” came a smooth, unrecognised voice. “It’s Richard Cooper. I’m the junior minister in charge of telecommunications at the Home Office. I was asked to call you urgently.”

“What are you doing about this, this, woman?” screamed Thorn. “Why haven’t you cut her off?”

“Sir?” Cooper sounded puzzled.

“Do you even know what’s going on Cooper?”

“Sir? I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Our electricity only came back on ten minutes ago and we’ve been too busy trying to sort out our systems.”

“What’s happening,” shrieked Thorn, uncontrollably, “is that traitorous, treasonous, so called queen is broadcasting. What I want to know is where is she, why is she still broadcasting, and how in hell’s name she got any where near a camera in the first place.”

Thorn slammed the phone down, only to have it ring again almost immediately.

He snatched it up at once. “Boase?”

“Yes sir, we’re on it. I’ve sent fifty Security Patrol men to Sandringham. They should be there in about twenty minutes. I’ve also sent men to the BBC, the Post Office Tower, and to all of the independent stations. They all appear to be broadcasting the same thing, so it’s unclear who the primary broadcaster is.”

“Well shut them all down. Now.”

“Yes sir. Already on it. But it will take a little while. I only found out myself three or four minutes ago.”

“Well when you’ve got that treasonous woman in hand, I want her transferred to a high security gaol. And held in solitary confinement. Do I make myself clear?”

“Perfectly Prime Minister. If you keep watching, you should see the results in about half an hour or so.”

“I’d better,” growled Thorn, feeling only slightly happier than he had moments before. He hung up without waiting for a reply, and continued to watch.

“ ... half years ago,” he heard her say. “Yes it really is that long ago that my children, as well as yours, went away. I miss them terribly as I know you do too, and not a day goes by when I don’t think of them and wonder how they are getting on.”

There was a short pause. “Many of you,” he heard Beatrice say, “will have been told your children were kidnapped, taken to the middle east or far east to work as child sex slaves or as slave labourers in sweatshops. Some of you may even have been told they were murdered, supposedly to get rid of an excess population, or for illegal organ harvesting for the ultra rich. Well you’ve been told lies. Every single one of our children taken from Buckingham Palace grounds are still alive, and after seven and a half years away from here are doing very well indeed. See for yourselves.”

The screen changed, and Thorn watched, despite himself, as a stream of young people, varying from mid teens to late twenties, came onto the screen, sometimes in singles, sometimes in twos and threes, introduced themselves, and took a minute or two to describe their lives. They all looked happy and healthy. He wasn’t paying a great deal of attention to what was being said, but when one young man said, “I’d like to introduce you to my wife,” and a young woman of no more than about twenty and carrying a baby walked on screen, he began to pay more attention.

“This is Wendy and our daughter. We named her Antonia May, we named her after both our mothers.” The young woman smiled beautifully into the camera and said, softly, “Hello Mum. I wish you could see us all here, I wish you could be here. I miss you all, but it’s so beautiful, and we did have a wonderful wedding.”

Thorn jabbed at the intercom button again.

“Yes sir?”

“Get me Boase or Stewart at once.”

“Yes sir.”

It took three minutes before his phone rang again.


“No sir, it’s Bill Stewart. What do you need?”

“Are you watching this broadcast?”

“I’m keeping an eye on it sir.”

“I want everyone of those people identified, and their families arrested. I want denials, I want repudiations and I want rejections. And I want them broadcast as soon as possible. Understood? I want the truth out there that this is all lies and propaganda.”

“Yes sir, I’ll get on it right away. I’ll have to get help from MOSS to speed things up.”

“Good. Get on it.” Thorn hung up and continued to watch the broadcast. This was going to play right into his hands he decided.

“LIARS! PERVERTS!” he screamed at the television a few minutes later when a young couple of about eighteen or nineteen walked on hand in hand, introduced themselves, and announced that they were married with a two year old child.

During the broadcast so far, most of the people on screen had been in various rooms, speaking to the camera. A few had been outside, but in each case, the background had been fairly anonymous: brick or wooden walls, out of focus trees or plants, but when the next young man came on and starting talking, Thorn once again snatched up his phone, demanding to speak to Stewart or Boase.

“Do you know anything about mountains?” he demanded of Stewart when he came on the line just moments later.

“In what way sir?”

Thorn was staring at the TV screen intently. “Would you recognise mountains? Particular mountains? If you saw them in a picture or on screen?”

There was a short pause. “Ohhhh yeah,” came back Stewart’s wondering voice. “I see what you mean. I wouldn’t, but I’ll see what I can do to find someone who might.”

“Good. Those mountains in the background are not in Britain, but they could be in Pakistan or South America or somewhere like that. The Himalayas, the Andes.”

“Yes sir, I’ll see if anyone knows.”

“Do we know any professional mountaineers?”

“I don’t, but I have an idea one of the junior ministers in transport is a rock climber or mountaineer or something. He might be able to help.”

“Good. Thank you.”

“Yes sir.”

The two men hung up and Thorn continued to watch, getting more and more impatient. His anger had abated slightly now that he knew Stewart and Boase were doing ‘something’.

It was nearly three-quarters of an hour after Gareth Boase had promised him action, that something happened on screen.

A young couple was talking about their life, and their children, when the screen suddenly cut back to the queen.

“Sorry to cut in so abruptly,” Beatrice said softly. “However something is happening that I think you all should see.”

The camera picture changed abruptly. “This is the view,” came Beatrice’s voice over the picture, “from my study at Sandringham House in Norfolk.”

The view was of beautiful landscaped gardens stretching into the distance. On the lawn, and heading purposefully towards the camera, was a row of figures. The camera zoomed in towards one, and it became obvious that it was a uniformed, armed, Security Patroller. The look on his face showed grim determination. Slowly the camera panned along the line, some showed nervousness, some showed fear, others showed signs of hatred, disgust or even anger, but all showed determination.

“Yes!” muttered Thorn. “About time too. Hope Stewart has the sense to leave these pictures going.”

The picture changed. This time it was a different external view. “This is the front of the house.” There were more men, some in vehicles, all approaching slowly. Over the next minute, more views around Sandringham were broadcast, all showed armed Security Patrollers approaching the house. Over them all, Queen Beatrice continued to give a narration of what was happening outside. She sounded completely calm and almost detached, as if it was happening to someone else.

Now new camera views were shown. This time the cameras were away from the house, filming towards it. There would be no doubt in anyone’s mind that Sandringham House was being assaulted by between seventy-five and one hundred men, all armed to the teeth. The cameras had also captured almost every single face, though there were also some who were deliberately hiding their faces. And still the queen narrated. To Thorn’s fury she began to talk about a particular tree, flower bed, or architectural feature in a particular view.

Now the screen split into four, each showing a different view. Between them they showed most of the men approaching the house. They were all about twenty meters from the house when they stopped. A figure got out of one of the vehicles at the front of the house, took two paces towards it and stopped. He raised a bullhorn to his mouth.

“Now,” came the soft voice of the queen.

About 80% of the Security Patrollers collapsed. There was no drama about it, they just went down like sacks of potatoes. The few who stayed upright looked around them in shock, but a few seconds later they too just collapsed to the ground. All obviously unconscious, though a few were already showing signs of recovery, even after just a short while. A few seconds later, those few gave a little jerk, and then stopped moving. Whatever had hit them before, had hit them again.

Thorn just gaped. “What the hell?” he gasped.

“None of them are hurt,” the Queens’s voice intruded on his viewing. “Well, not seriously. They’ve all been put to sleep. When they wake up it will probably feel like one heck of a hangover.”

Two elderly men appeared on the screen pushing a cart. They ambled slowly over to the first man, lifted him onto the cart, and carried on to the second. When there was about eight on the cart, the two turned and moved, equally slowly, towards the house. The camera zoomed in on the two, who now looked to be well into their seventies. If Thorn hadn’t been so angry, he might have found it comical to watch.

“If you’re wondering how we knocked them out, well that’s a trade secret. For the moment anyway,” the queen said serenely, as the two men vanished from view. “We will interrogate these men, then imprison them for the time being.”

The picture returned to the queen, who had a small, almost sad, smile on her face.

“Wasn’t that fun,” she said simply. Though there was no real sign of ‘fun’ in her face or voice.

“Now, I think we shall we go back to the videos of your children, and I’ll talk to you again in a little while.”

“NO!” Screamed Thorn. He grabbed the phone. “GET ME BOASE!” he screamed at the person who answered, slamming the phone down again in fury.

An hour later, and still videos of young men and women were parading across the screen. All showing good health, happiness and contentment. All talking happily about their new lives on some mythical planet called Albion. Thorn didn’t believe a word of it.

The sound on the television was off, but the silent pictures showed that Stewart hadn’t managed to turn off the transmission, nor had Boase managed to arrest the queen. There was a knock on the door and it opened to reveal Stewart with a younger man that Thorn didn’t recognise.

“Sir, this is Dennis Lowper. He’s the nearest we could find in this short time to an expert mountaineer.”

Thorn shook hands with the nervous young man. “Has Bill told you what I’m after?”

“Yes sir.”

“Can you do it?”

“I don’t know sir, I’ve not seen any of the pictures. But I’ll do my best sir.”

“Good. Can you wait outside just for a moment.”

“Er, yes sir.”

When they were alone, Thorn turned on Bill Stewart. Pointing at the screen he said furiously, “What the hell’s going on? Why hasn’t that damn woman been silenced?”

“I don’t know sir. I’ve been speaking to the top man at the DTI, and he’s been talking to his technical people. We’ve shut down all the transmitters, both those owned by the individual broadcasters, as well as those owned by BT, the post office and other intermediaries. We’ve ordered all the satellite transmitters in the UK to shut down, and we’re now in the control rooms of all the UK based broadcasters. We just cannot find where the signal is being broadcast from.

“Either there are transmitters we don’t know about, or there’s some new technology we don’t know about. I’m of the opinion it’s the latter. If it were simply new transmitters, we ought to be able to triangulate on them and shut them down.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry sir, I just don’t know how they’re doing it.”

“Is it coming from a satellite? A satellite we can’t touch?”

“Possibly, but they are broadcasting on all channels, and I don’t know if that’s possible from a satellite. I’m trying to find out.”

“Hmm. What happens if we try broadcasting?”

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When I popped out the teleporter, my naked concubines were standing about twenty feet in front of me. Lisa, Lois, Lori, Laura and Linda, my former wives, now concubines, were waving to get me to come to them. My other seven concubines, Ann, Maria, Jackie, Joan, Sonia, Becky and Rhonda, were all pretty much cowering in fear, trying to attract as little attention to themselves as possible. A person was at the podium saying, "Sponsors keep your concubines and dependents together and move away...

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The Sinners CanonChapter 22

One year later... The Aphrodite Baths at The Celestial Palace “Your ass feels incredible, you know!” Joey laughed as she buggered Jerry yet with her futa cock. Jerry didn’t reply, no doubt due to the ball gag in his mouth. By now, he was used to taking it in the butt, of course. He was also used to being fucked down his throat and swallowing many loads from men and futas alike. He had practically forgotten what it was like to actually penetrate another person, of course. He had been in...

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Spouses of Sex Challenged Spouses Club

It was a time of riot. I mean, how could it not be. When a husband is subjected to the ultimate cruelty of all time from his wife, and with frequency I might add, well, at some point revolt would be expected right? No, expected is the wrong word. Revolt would be required. A right. Everything else is a right these days, so certainly these types of situations would jump to the head of the list. Revolt was a right. My right. And I took it. And now, I really don't know what to do... it is clearly...

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The view becomes better

I had been watching Gloria, and her friend fuck each other for six months. Ever since I first saw them together that night, I made sure to get an eyeful every chance I got. I eventually met her friend, Rhonda. She was nice enough to come over and introduce herself. It was unclear if they ever knew I had been watching. By then, I seriously thought about dropping out of college, considering I could never really concentrate on my studies. They were on my mind all the time, and I couldn't get them...

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How my Sexuality Began Part 4

How my Sexuality Began Part 4It’s now the second day of the weekend. Mistress Marie woke me up with sweet kisses on my lips and neck. She whispered in my ear that I was a good sub yesterday, and that she hopes I will be as good and entertaining again today.“Now go and make breakfast for us”. As I was getting out of bed Nurse Joanna and Sandra came in to the room. They handed me some clothes and told me to put them on.I looked at the clothes just handed me. OMG! It was all feminine lingerie;...

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Cindys Pregnant Cravings

"Hi there! My name's Cindy! Dya fancy a chat?" the message flashed up on my pc screen while browsing an internet chatroom. This surprised me a little as I checked out her profile and found she was only 17 and I'm 33. We chatted for a while getting to know a little about each other and it turned out Cindy lived in a town a couple of hours drive from me. Before too long we were chatting like we'd known each other for years and spent hours chatting bout allsorts with the conversation getting...

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NubileFilms Kristen Scott I Want More

Kristen Scott is ready for action with her new beau. Wearing just a sheer bra and thong, she’s looking fine as fuck. Her hand creeps into Owen’s boxer briefs, fisting around his hard dick. Finding him nice and thick for her, Kristen starts stroking even as Owen works her bra down so that her pierced nipples pop out. Pushing Kristen onto her back, Owen tugs her undies aside and dives deep. His tongue makes magic as it explores Kristen’s slick folds. When he gets to his feet and...

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Lost FoundChapter 80

The Senior Bowl committee gave everyone vouchers good for breakfast at the Harbor Place Restaurant in the hotel for Sunday morning. Everyone had slightly different departure times so the hotel couldn't keep the players' dining room open from 6:00 am to sometime after 9:00 am when the last player departed. Trevor, Shawn, Mitch, Josh, Hal, Jamal Anderson, Jake Smith, Jamal Brown and I met at the Harbor Place for breakfast. We had an 8:45 am departure from the hotel. I arranged for Doug...

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FEAR, RELUCTANCE, ACCEPTING , SUBMISSION Of the unknown. Of your Insecurities. Your shortcomings. Your inadequacies.Your wife in bed; naked ivory princess. She pleads while you make love: "Deeper! Harder!" Grit your teeth and pound with all your might. Pound! Pound! Pound!Still, she pleads. Desperation in her eyes. "DEEPER! HARDER!" You're as deep and hard as you can get. Just dirty talk? Or does she... Mean it?Is your very best not good enough?Fear of the Other. Dangerous. Primal....

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The Ethan Blake Story Home Alone

Dear Ethan, I am very sorry for taking so long to respond to your last letter – I have had a lot of school work and my parents are very strict with me. I was so pleased the day that it arrived, I grabbed it as soon as it was delivered and rushed to my room to read it. It may have been my overactive imagination but I was sure I could smell you on the pages. Congratulations on your examination results, you did very well. School here is boring me greatly – I wish to be back in Scotland, with...

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XVideos Horror Porn

Have you ever found yourself browsing around ThePornDude and thinking to yourself, ‘gee, there are lots of sites to beat off to, but what I really want to watch is a werewolf bukkake’? If so, it’s your lucky day! I have just the tube site that you can visit where you can find exactly that kind of content! It’s over on Porn, and you will find a substantial number of videos that are just waiting for you to cum to!If horror porn is your thing, know that Porn...

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Christmas selection box

Christmas selection box The following options could have been available this year if you had been in the right place at the right time. After a hard final few days preparation for the Christmas f****y get together, she was drying herself after a quick shower and getting ready for an early night when the phone rang. Being divorced and middle aged she was not prepared for late calls on Christmas eve, particularly when she did not recognise the number. Something inside her said “its Christmas”...

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sister n bro

when i was a young girl about 10 yrs old i can remenber me and my b*o always play a round when one day we were wreslting and i felt his boner i dident say anything or move away it felt kind of good poking my pussy! so we got up and we were doing wat we usually do watch tv u know a normal k** thing we were always alone my parents worked and i had older sibling that had alredy moved out but he was only like 5 yrs older than me. we got along just fine and always seem to play around till one day...

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How to become a slut The highschool years part 1

It was a cold day at the preparatory. Most of the girls were away with their families for winter break. However Gina’s family did not have the most loving members and when it was suggested that her perverted uncle take her for the holiday season she emailed back with any academic excuse she could think of. Even though she had become an excellent student, she definitely didn’t plan on spending her nights “studying for next semester”. She giggled to herself realizing how lame that excuse was. She...

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Kiss Of Love And Sex 8211 Losing Virginity With Ayeesha

Hey everyone. This is your Harish back again. Thank you all for the huge response to my previous stories. I am so happy that my story has satisfied your long rods and wet pussies. This is the third part of the ‘Kiss of Love And Sex’ series. New readers, I request you to read the first three parts of the series to get a better understanding and description of my story. A quick re-introduction about myself, I am Harish (name changed) from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Age 24. Fair complexion. I go to...

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Aunty Ko Mast Choda

Hello my dear indian sex stories dot net friends mera naam arnav hai me jaipur se hu meri age 24 year hai or meri mail id Ap sabhi ko boor na krte hue story par aata hu Meri asli story hai.Mai jaipur me ek housing society me manager bolke job karta hu … bar kuch 5 mahine pehli hai, mai me 24year ka hu ye story 3 month pahle ki h maine kabhi sex nahi kiya tha sirf iss ki story or bf dekhta tha muze auntyo me jyada inetrest h hamare baju me ek family rahti h unke ghar me 5 log rahte h aunty...

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Our Nude Neighbor

I have always been a sex crazy guy maybe even a Pervert. When my wife Amy and I were dating all we did was fuck. She was the 2nd girl I had sex with the 1st spoiled me for life but she could not stay with just 1 guy. Over the years sex with my wife of 25 years has been good. We have a 45 year old neighbor Patty she is divorced I help her with things around her house that need fixing. I had not really thought about her sexually because we are good friends. Well that all changed a year ago. I got...

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Protection and Preservation Book 01Chapter 27

[Tennessee] We went outside to see thunderclouds had suddenly developed in the distance. Judith said, "That was quick. That weather is moving fast and it's coming this way." Jane said, "I think we need to get under cover very soon. After it passes, we will have to check on our people." We could hear the rumble of thunder in the distance. I said, "I understand that, Jane. What puzzles me is the cell signals going away. Those cell towers have some battery backup to cover short power...

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Tweak Chapter Two A Wardrobe Change

The continuing tale of the subtle, and not so subtle, feminization of our hero(ine) skillfully orchestrated by the proprietress of a very exclusive and very private club which caters to drag queens and their most ardent admirers. Author's note: Although I'm posting this in serial form, I assure you, dear reader, this humble offering consisting of eight chapters, is complete. "Tweak" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 - 2010 All Rights Reserved Chapter Two - A Wardrobe...

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A Fresh StartChapter 70 Becoming An Entrepreneur

Monday morning, I called Andrea Greene at her office and left a message. She returned the call around noon. “Yes, Carl, how can I help you? Is everything still on track with the closing?” I should have known her first thought was to our current deal. “It should be. I talked to John Steiner last week and he indicated the closing was the end of this week. I’m calling you about something totally different.” “All right, what’s on your mind?” she asked. “Do you get involved with commercial real...

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PrincessCum Angelina Lati I Will Not Steal My Stepbrothers Cum

Angelina Lati is always getting into trouble, and lately her mom has been making her wear a dunce cap to punish her. Angelina’s stepbrother, Kyle Mason, mocks her and then heads to his room to jack off. Angelina happens to pass by and hear Kyle fapping. She likes what she hears! She’s just enjoying herself groping her tits when her mom, Claudia Monet, catches her. Once again, Angelina is in trouble. Angelina gets into even more trouble when she escapes and runs back into...

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My 1st 2nd and 3rd Time

Let me tell you about the first time I had sex with a guy. I was very young when I first started wearing panties and when I turned 17 I started wearing them full time. I was still a virgin at this time so I wasn't worried too much about being found out. One day I was invited to stay over at a friend?s house. Garry and I had known each other for many years and I have spent many nights sleeping over. However this one night would be different because I was to sleep in his brother?s room....

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Clean and Dry

I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just gotten in from undercover work in Morocco. The agency sent me there to uncover the truth behind the ambassadors k**napping. I would tell you more about my investigative work but the real story unfolded back home at a local laundry mat. As I was saying I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just gotten in from Morocco, couldn't sleep that nite. My battle with insomnia was winning. My clock is just ticking ever so slowly, creeping upon midnite...

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Privy of the GodsChapter 6

Except for no Grampits, this attack was practically identical to the one the day before. After it was over and the celebration had started, I asked Naomi to help me with my test of bronze weapons. I asked her to jab me in my left arm with a trident. She was reluctant, but I finally got her to honor my request. Yes, no matter how hard she jabbed, she could not get the trident to go through my skin. In other words, I was as protected as a demon! I called a halt to the tests as soon as I had...

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Learned My Lesson Well

The house next to us had been on the market for nearly a year and just wouldn’t move. My husband Tom and I thought the asking price was too high. It was a very nice house with many extras, just overpriced. But when the price was reduced it took only a few days for the sign in the front yard to say ‘Under Contract’. Since then it was sold and we were pleased to see who our new neighbor was. His name was Derrick and we learned that he was 59 years old and was divorced at age 25 and had never...

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Rosetta girls nightmareno more Part 4

When Mike got home on Monday he had the evening meal ready to eat and his daughters were doing homework for their classes. Norm Kelly had called to leave update to his last update on the investigation on who did this kidnapping, the FBI was seeking a new warrant to search yet another building for the kidnappers and the two million dollars they took in ransom. It was bedtime for Mike and Linda She got a new hair cut and style today with the shorter hair revealing a delicious longer...

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The Master DownstairsChapter 4

With a room full of naked women, all of them looking at me with such quiet intensity, it felt like I was 14 again with a cock that was so hard it actually hurt. I was starting to lose control, I wanted to rip my clothes off and just dive into the pool of flesh in front of me. My own wife had just told me she wanted me to fuck each one of them and make them mine. My head was roaring, but I wasn't a teenager, I was able to delay my gratification for a better outcome. I was the only person in...

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