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Eventually, with enough mathematics and a super computer, it would be proved that a large celestial body once struck the earth. The iron core of the intruder, being heavy, sank into our core and the granite mantle had been flung off. Being hot, they formed back into spheres again and the granite section stayed within our gravity well.

We traded places and jobs and each of us had a chance to ride the rover. We had pictures of Sally planting the Stars and Stripes in the shallow soil. Hindsight was great and I had brought a device to attach the flags to the solid rock with a special 22 cartridge. This procedure was dangerous, for a small fragment of rock could puncture our suits easily. The construction of the device was as well thought out as possible. The astronaut stood on a plate and the small explosion caused him or her to be bounced upward.

The other members did their own countries' flags the same way and then we continued with the other countries that had contributed funds, or other assistance to our projects.

A laser reflector was planted away from our landing site and where other experiments were conducted. Instead of staying just four hours, we planned on being here about a day. We drilled deep into the rock for samples and to find the temperature gradient. If you got down four or five yards, then the temperature would be the same as home. This would protect any future inhabitants from much of the radiation, too.

Some of us took a sleeping pill and hooked ourselves up to the oxygen supply from the lander for a nap. Like well-trained mice, we were awoken later and put back to work. The machinery would all stay on the moon and as much of it as possible had been automated. This all had to be taken away from our landing area, because when we left, the exhaust would set up a terrific wind storm that would destroy anything close.

Jeremy Myers walked down a shallow crater and after taking some samples Marcel Grateau had to help him out with a rope. This was planned in advance to test some of our theories.

Major Lischinsky and Sally went the furthest in the rover to place sensors. We all heard the two making jokes about being taken for a moonlight ride. Sergei played right along and said that Sally was the most beautiful woman on the planet. Sally readily agreed with his observation.

When it was time to go, the rover drove away controlled from earth. We took a few more photos and just saved some film for the launch. We were all tired and I, for one, would have loved to enter a dome set up for humanity and just go to sleep at the first human outpost. Sadly, there would be no permanent structures.

The lander was as light as we could make it and we had more than enough fuel to make it to orbit from this airless orb.

Launch was brutal to save fuel. Seven minutes later we were able to cut back, then wait till it was time to fire the engines again to put us in the orbit we wanted. I don't know if I got the photo of the flags blowing in the exhaust or not but I was sure that this would be the only time they would ever extend again.

Sally had to do some manual work to line up with the Command Module. We bumped once and had to try again and finally made it. Sergei slapped her on the shoulder and said, "Good work."

Sally actually said, "Thanks," in a meek voice. She must have been very nervous at this manoeuvre.

When we were back in the Command Module and had recovered all our horde of rocks, the lander was jettisoned. Sally used the last of its fuel to place it in a higher and more stable orbit. I felt bad about letting it just fall back to the moon. Perhaps this could be looked on as our way station for future visits and possibly used again if we brought more fuel.

The trip back to earth was anticlimactic but we did not have that much time to think of it for we had lots of duties to perform. The helmets were hung up but we stayed in the suits till our home warmed up a bit.

From a small alcove I extracted five small plastic bags of vodka. I put my finger to my mouth to keep everyone from saying anything then handed out the clear liquid.

"May friends always work together as well as we have!"

I got replies in different languages and the contents were squeezed into thirsty mouths. The drink was strong and Sally choked a bit, then just reached out her mouth to catch a small globule that she had let escape.

The main engines of the Service Module cut in on time and we were again thrown back into our seats. We circled the moon gaining speed. This did not last long and soon we were back at work.

Four tiring days later we came back to Earth orbit. I had done many tests to see if moon bugs had attacked us but I could not prove that there was no life on the moon yet. We would have to go into quarantine with our rocks till the time was passed. The same thing was required when the other time people had come back from the moon.

Before entering atmosphere we said hello to those still on the space station. Things had been progressing well and they had even received another shipment from earth. They congratulated us first on our arrival.

The Service Module was now jettisoned and again Sally steered it into an orbit for later use. Our suits and anything else not necessary, went with it. If recovered, it could be of use later. The stripped-down Command Module entered earth's atmosphere and started to heat up. The trip back had been cool but now we were sweating.

Communications stopped as the ionized gases around us made any transfer of data impossible. We watched the airspeed and the altimeter very closely. The drogue chute came out and we felt a shock through our module. Our craft slowed further, till we were well into the green. Another drogue came out to pull the three main chutes out and we dangled after the large shock that ran through all of us.

We splashed down in the Pacific at 11 am local time. The small flotation ring was deployed and we bobbed up and down in the ocean. Sally was embarrassed because of her understandable motion sickness.

Our transponder worked through the GPS and transmitted our position. The closest ship happened to be Russian and we soon found one of their copters dropping frogmen around us.

Soon the hatch was opened. We were welcomed home in Russian and five isolation suits were thrown in. We didn't even get to see the man. Sergei was given the honour of replying to the unseen frogman. After putting on the suits we were hoisted out, one at a time and into the giant Hind Mi-8 HIP. I was last and I saw the large container of Moon rocks hoisted into the helicopter ahead of me. When my turn came, I looked down to see the hatch being closed to keep water out and moon bugs in.

The crew helping us all wore masks, even though we were in sealed suits. When we were safely in place, they retreated to a sectioned-off area, leaving us effectively sealed.

We landed on an aircraft carrier and I was very happy to see soldiers from many different countries standing shoulder-to-shoulder and waving. It was a good welcome and it made all the work I had done seem worthwhile. The helicopter had landed on the elevator and it slowly lowered to an area of the large hangar below.

Before us was one of my large motor homes. It was tied down with strong chains to keep it from moving and it was almost too large for the elevator. Four places around our future home carried the name 'Kramer Motor Homes'. The section at the back had a very large window covering the entire area. Inside, we could see comfortable chairs.

With the message that all was safe, we helped each other pull out the large container of moon rocks and drag it onto a wheeled platform. We pushed the platform over to a large enclosure and sealed it inside with the trolley. It was then that we had to form a five-person animal and make it to our shiny habitat. It was difficult to get used to the gravity, because our muscles had lost some of their tone. We had no time for the exercises necessary to allow us to function on earth.

Other countries had their own ships waiting for us but it was the luck of the draw as to which ship and country we would be picked up by. Many of them had similar motor homes in them. We each took a berth and Sally had one that had a bit more privacy. After the last few weeks we were not too shy around each other. I, for one, talked more on the phone to world leaders, then begged off and simply had a shower and went to sleep. The rest seemed to be similarly inclined.

I awoke to the smell of hot military food. It was bland but that was in the original planning. After another shower I got dressed in new, Russian military fatigues. I looked in the mirror and thought the clothing fitted quite well. We had a slight negative pressure in the motor home and all the air went through a very special filter designed to keep any contagion from infecting the rest of humanity.

The food had come through a small airlock like our clothing. Our old company uniforms were sealed in a bag and incinerated. There was nothing to fear but there were too many frightened people who would be more reassured if we took a three-week vacation.

A knock at the door woke me and I reached over to turn on the large LCD screen. I saw that one was Russian and the other British by their uniforms. The inquisition began and I had to work on my four guests and myself. I had to explain every ache and pain. I was questioned from a long list, then encouraged to do some exercises, which they monitored and wrote their findings down on a clipboard. This was all known ahead of time and I just grinned and bore the abuse.

I drew my own blood, put the specimens in a rack and placed them in the refrigerator. Soon I had the others lined up and was putting their samples in the same rack. Now we didn't have to worry about a bedpan, for all of the toilet wastes went directly into a tank that was checked for miniature aliens. We were an experiment by ourselves and all of us were subject to a long list of tests.

I was tired by the time the next bland meal was served. In exchange, the samples of blood, sputum and smears were given. Things did improve after the meal, when we began to get more video calls from our family. From our position I knew we were at least forty hours away from Hawaii.

The R&R did not last for long and I had to run more tests. I hated them as much as the rest of the crew but there was nothing I could do about it. We did have some free time but it was used up talking to some of the millions who wanted to talk to us. This I had foreseen, too and had mounted a large LCD screen in front of an exercise machine.

A day and a half later we looked at the screens showing the outside world. We were now in Pearl Harbor and just six miles from Honolulu. All around the ship were lines of pleasure craft, all full of people waving their arms or flags and, one woman, her blouse. She did have a one-piece swimsuit on but the men all looked anyway.

I could see the Russians and the other nationalities on the ship waving back. This is what I was hoping to do but I didn't know how long it would last, for humans could turn anything to shit.

An hour and a half later we had docked and a team of men undid the chains holding our home stationary. One man looked at our position and told us to start the engine. I did it this time and drove where I was directed. When I got the signal, I turned off the engine and locked the brakes. The team rode the elevator beside us to the upper deck. We found the crew waving to us. Sergei and I were in the front seats and the others were in the rear by the very large window.

Before we left, I picked up a microphone and thanked every man onboard for assisting us in this endeavour. The speech had been prepared long ago but I looked through the window at individuals and gave what, I hoped, would be a show of real appreciation. On our heads we wore Russian caps with a small logo of the ship that we now rode.

The captain, then the representatives of four more countries, in turn, gave a speech. We must have had a tight schedule for the speeches were short and sweet.

Sergei thanked his own countrymen, then the representatives. Marcel, Jeremy and Sally gave words to show their own appreciation.

We drove onto a large platform and again our conveyance was chained tightly down. In a moment a very large crane picked up the platform and us on it. We were guided down to the dock and again we had to give a short speech.

We drove through town with much more than just a police escort. The streets were lined very deep with people waving the American flags and some had the United Nations flag. Sally was in the back and she used the microphone to thank her countrymen for the reception as we drove at a very slow pace.

We pulled onto an airfield and just followed the vehicles in front of us. Now we had soldiers and what looked like their dependants waving at us. A man took over and used hand signals to get us into a particular position. When I shut off the motor, thousands of people rushed to the sides to see in. The back of the motor home was facing a large platform and people were just starting to get onto it. The background had a large flag, not of the United States but the United Nations. To the sides we saw flagpoles with flags of almost every country known.

We stood at the back of the bus at attention as the American national anthem played, followed by the special music signifying that the President was going to make an appearance. President Sparkman walked onto the platform and greeted everybody and us in particular.

The speech went on for twenty minutes. Nikita Khrushchev came next and spoke at length about cooperation while wiping his head of perspiration. We were heard through our own PA system but it was purposely kept low. It seemed that there were quite a few dignitaries, although we could not quite see onto the stage because of the angle and our low elevation.

President Charles De Gaulle came forward with all his medals on his chest and talked about the French contribution. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer represented West Germany and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, Britain. All of them had similar speeches but, oddly, everybody enthusiastically clapped when they were done.

When this presentation was over, the dignitaries walked down the steps and came to stand before us. A platform had been placed so that people could talk to us face to face.

This was a much more informal situation and I caught sight of some of my family further back.

This was just like chitchat but we were a lot more comfortable with the air condition running. We answered many questions, mainly about small details that may not have been understood by the majority of the world seeing the live action.

Soon the family was given a chance to come forward. They were not all mine but the relatives of the people standing beside me. I had seen all the faces before and it was like old home week in a way. After half an hour I found reporters working closer to the front and figured that we would only be able to talk later.

Three hours later we were parked in an open-sided building designed to keep the sun off us and our visitors. Chairs were set around the front, back and sides because of the large expanse of glass I'd had installed. I talked out one side of the rear glass, sharing the area with Sergei. My family was many times larger but didn't seem to swamp the Lischinsky family. My dad and grandpa were talking to the others in Russian sprinkled with many Polish words.

The families stayed on for the three weeks and one day I saw Sally's little girl carrying an armful of dolls. On closer examination I found that they were all five of us. Sally replica was there twice: in our astronaut suit and in a chic dress.

I looked immediately at my wives and found each of them smiling at me like Cheshire Cats. Aron opened a very large box and pulled out the Command Module done in miniature but probably well able to hold the five dolls comfortably.

As official physician, I took more blood samples and other body fluids and I also performed regular examinations. We were a bit stir crazy from being coped up but it was not that bad, because usually our families were there every day.

I was quite busy running my empire from one of the computers or the videophone that was always nearby. We had found a major oil field in the Middle East. The contracts were still in effect for our military wares but I doubted if too much more would be sold.

Computers and peripherals were continuing their meteoric raise. This was reflected in the sales from Japan and from IBM. Everything related to the transistor, especially ones with our logo on them, did wonderfully.

The movie had finally come out a week earlier. '2001: A Space Odyssey' was breaking the box office in receipts and was doing so in every country. It even promised to surpass 'Ben Hur' that a competitor had done just a year ago in English-speaking countries.

The book had been changed quite a bit to include scenes from the moon but those had been done six months before our trip. A small scene showed the flags bolted to the rock around our landing site and only really differed in the placement and size of the craters. The preamble, before the discovery of the monolith, showed the population to be of many races working together for the common good. Their uniforms were our company uniforms and those, again, were copies of what were seen on the second Star Trek series.

The movie portrayed private ownership in some things. Those were listed, as were some social things that were once done by families. The moon was not a good place to have land owned privately, because of the need to protect it all and the inability of a private individual to just set up a dome. It was not socialism but it was not capitalism, either. I just hoped that I did not offend everybody with the way I presented a possible future society.

Hal the computer now had to have a different name. The next letters of the alphabet after each of the letters in the name 'Hal' are i, b and m. Since I now owned a large portion of the company, I could not afford this nomenclature.

This film had to be shot many times so that viewers could hear it in their own languages. Some of the main characters were changed to reflect the different nationalities.

On the set, the gravity caused by centrifugal force was done the same way as in the original movie. I had a large wheel made with the cables coming through the hollow axis. With the camera bolted to the floor and the actor running at just the right speed it looked like he was running up the wall.

It helped that the construction in space now was going to build something very similar. It had occurred to me that I might get the engineers in space to do some acting to help pay for the enormous costs of putting and keeping them there.

The conflict at the end of the story was with hard-line minority elements in the East and the West seizing power and launching missiles at each other. I explained how the countries had been getting along peacefully for years before this happened.

It was one of these rogue elements that reprogrammed Hal to make it act the way it did, something like 'Lost in Space'. I wouldn't want the viewers to think that my computers would go nuts by themselves.

The wives, I found, had taken most of their money and built more toy manufacturing plants to make everything they wanted. Everything that could be copied, had been and the results sold at an exorbitant profit. When I dug further, I found that they, too, were country specific and the pricing was just enough to bankrupt a family no matter how much money they had, if they allowed their children to have even a fair selection of the toys available.

For the twenty-second day, there was a large reception planned for our emerging from our protective cocoon. I tried hard to put it off for a few hours. The wives and I drove off to the hotel they had been staying at, with Grandma doing some babysitting.

Same as Time
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Real Life Incident With My Neighbour Aunt

My name is Rakeshvarma and I’m an M.Tech graduate in a reputed college of Andhra (Bhimavaram). This story happened with my neighbour aunt Vijayalakshmi (around 33) when I’m doing my UG. I don’t want 2 waste your time, I’ll be going to the story. She is a married woman living next 2 our house having 2 kids. She used to talk more with my mother and occasionally have a glance and smile at me. As days passed by, my intentions towards her increased and I used to stare at her round shaped boobs and...

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Mom Accidentally Took Girlfriend8217s Sex Tablets

Let me get straight in the sex story. I am Raj studying in college. I am 5 feet 11 inches with nice athletic body build, fair and handsome with an 8-inch cock. My mom is 40, although she doesn’t look like 40, with a very curvaceous body. Her figure is 36-26-36. She is a working woman at a very high post in a corporate office. She is quite modern and earns well. She is a widow as my dad died a long time ago. Since then, she has taken good care of me by fulfilling all my wishes. I never had any...

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Nancy was unable to shake the feeling that today was going to be special, but had no idea why. She had tried to write some more of her thesis, but it was warm outside, and she couldn't find any motivation to sit here in front of the computer. This thesis had been much more involved than at first thought, and she was tired of the struggle. Maybe a walk would clear her mind. Nancy had been staying in the farmhouse for two weeks now, and the quiet and seclusion had definitely improved both the...

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Having a brazilian waxing

I had developed a bit of a fascination for male waxing after watching a few videos on the internet. I am an exhibitionist and it having it done appealed to me. I figured that if a girl is prepared to do it she will be comfortable with a naked guy. My first time I entered the ther****ts and was told to wait. There were about 6 girls working and being treated and they all seemed to have a little smile on there faces and I felt a little uncomfortable. Then I was pleased when a girl about 23ish...

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A Day at the BeachChapter 6

After my shower, I felt a little more human and was escorted back to the middle of the room where most of the other women were standing. They told me where to stand, so I did as I was told. “What are there too many of in this world?” the man screamed. “White whores” came the response from the crowd. “We can start by eliminating one today. So let’s vote...” “Each of you sluts stand at attention, back arched, asses out, tits outs. Hand behind your back.” I tried to do as he instructed, but...

2 years ago
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The Horny Indian Mother In America 8211 Part 2 Becoming A Nympho Milf

Hello, all this is Abhay again. Continuing from the previous story. My mother came up and saw her phone in my hands. She was wearing her gown, which she normally wore at home here. I bet she wasn’t wearing anything inside that. She was shocked and scared at the same time, and tried to give me a smile. I just kept the phone aside, gave her a wicked smile, and left the room. As soon as I left, she took her phone and found her Instagram account open. She seemed to be worried a little and...

3 years ago
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Catching Up With Ezinne Again 2

When I woke up, I wrapped my arms around her stomach and laid my head on her neck, inhaling a faint perfume and the smell of her clean skin. I kissed her neck and nipped her with my lips and teeth. I felt her body stiffen in delight, so I continued more of the same with the other side of her neck, blowing lightly into her ear, sucking her earlobe. She arched her back in pleasure, so I slipped my hands beneath her tank top and slide then up and down her sides getting closer and closer to her...

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Helping The Intern

I hardly recognized her voice when I answered the telephone in my hotel room. " Ohh... Bob, I am so glad you are still up, can you come over and help me." Jennifer was a summer intern assigned to Nottingham Engineering Development Group. We were attending a New Products Conference where she was assigned to help me with an important presentation in the morning. Actually, I was helping her as the consultant with the gray beard who could answer all the legal questions. It was her obvious...

1 year ago
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50PlusMilfs Ainsley Adams MILF Ainsley Adams gets pounded hard by young meat

Today, we find out what happens when a man peeps on a woman through her window. The man is James, who’s only 27 years old. The woman is hot MILF divorcee Ainsley Adams, who’s 51. James is supposed to be doing some work around the house, but then he spots Ainsley through the open window. He gets a nice show. Tits. Sexy body. And then Ainsley spots James. “What’s going on?” she says to him after opening the door. “You were peeking through my window.” He...

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Academy Stars the Evaluation

Academy Stars, the Evaluation Begins By: Malissa Madison Donnie Pierce sat in the Meeting Hall of the Terrellian Intergalactic Academy, engaged in a Secure Conference that no one else was supposed to know about. Also in the conference were Commandant's Blackstar, Delia Scarr and Breeze Lander. There were five others not with a military academy, they were Hob Orchid, Jarda Nimbus, Commanders Otru Demure and Lydia Shore. But the one leading the video...

4 years ago
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The FSRA Day One The rumors had been running around the men's prison for some time now. Most were false, some true. I was going to find out. The congress, in an attempt to deal with the massive overcrowding in the various prisons across the country, had taken a rather bold step. Rather than expend more money and build more prisons, or simply release prisoners early, they were going to allow prisoners the option of converting their sentence. The idea was based on an age old principle - there was...

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Time for Grace

I’m not sure when it first hit me that she was no stranger to me, and it took several weeks longer to realize the entire disturbing truth. But why am I awake and why did I wake to this thought? I don’t think I was dreaming anything about this. Or was I? I do remember something like this in a dream, but was that just now or last week? Get a grip, girl. Either snap awake or drift back off into sleep. Angel has buried her furry little muff into my neck. She’s tickling me with her whiskers, which...

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MEATing a chat friend

I am pretty new at writing tales of erotic adventures, So, I ask that you please leave a comment, if you can, or at least a vote.  this will help me to know how to better write a story that YOU, the reader will enjoy.  Thank You, in advance for your help. You have to love the internet, one can find anything, actually everything you could ever imagine, and even some not thought of, yet, anyway. I had signed up for a web site to find some models for a new portfolio I had planned, and not had a...

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My mistress Chris was sitting with her hair dresser friend Jackie and I had brought them some wine and standing naked in front of them.Jackie said come over here and let me see the damage she has done to to your cock.She grasped it so my circumcised gland bulged saying it feels nice and hard and the gland is a bit bruised but not too bad. I feel like having some fun with it.Chris said you get carried away and never know when to stop. leave it for another week and you can have your fun...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 9

Once he was out of sight of the house, Fire Bringer ducked into a secluded alcove and TPed back to Texas to pick up his horse and continue his journey. Fire Bringer had found that he could stow live beings in his storage place and return them without harm, so that was where he often kept his horse. He said to Storm Who Walks, "That was an interesting trip. I had forgotten how loving a family could be. My father was no prize, but he did act as if he loved me, and I know that my mother did...

4 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 46

I just barely finished inside my latest new partner, one of the futanari that I just created, when Ninve and Sandra approached me to guide me to the nursery. There Arwen and Sargon lay in separate cribs, smiling at each other across the gap between them. It was certainly a pic worthy moment and we took more than a few of those among us grown-ups. That had to stop when it became stinky suddenly and most of us were rushed out of the room by my two Assyrian lionesses. I was very glad that there...

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The MissionChapter 2 All My Bags Are Packed Im Ready to Go

By lunch they had expanded their "certainly translated" word list to about three hundred symbols, words or phrases. Before lunch Tom pulled Lily to one side. "I went to bat for you once -- but only because you hadn't been briefed on what we were looking for. I won't do it again." "He is my father. He ordered my mother, after I was born, to strangle me with the afterbirth. The penalties were -- dramatic -- against parents with more than one child. My mother refused and he used his...

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BDSM Fantasy 1 Because she is worth it

I lie in my bed and stare at the ceiling while I enjoy the silence of the morning when the birds still sleep in their nests and there is no sign of man on the streets. The sun is not yet up for hours and the only light is the light of a street lamp shining through a gap in my roller blinds leaving me in a surreal world of black, white and shades of grey.The silence of the early morning ends when next to me, a body moves and I hear the unintelligible murmur of someone talking in her sleep. The...

3 years ago
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Phantom Lover

There comes a time in each sensual experience when you never know if it is real or imagined. When the physical part of your body has you in such an intense grip that the dimensions around you start to meld. She could not have said at that exact moment if she was awake or dreaming, living reality or fantasy, only that the feelings flooding her senses had total control over her. She felt as if she was wandering through a maze of mist in her mind. Lights and shimmers of color blaze across her...

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Flower Child

"Who wants to watch my new music video?" Lily said to her three "friends" and soccer teammates as they sunbathed poolside at her family's mansion. "I do!" exclaimed a legitimately excited Violet. The other girls more reluctantly assented to watch their best striker and team captain dance around in a pink bikini, showing off her fake boobs, fake nose, fake blonde hair, fake tan and lip-syncing along to her inhuman sounding, autotuned vocals. Her latest effort in a multi-year project to follow...

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VeronicaChapter 28

Safely back home after a day of humiliation and adventure, the beautiful Veronica had expected to be obliged to spend a few hours lying on the carpet outside her apartment. In the morning, when the street door automatically unlocked, a member of Andrew Vane-Clatworthy's staff would come up and return her shoulder bag, containing her keys, cheque book and other personal items. Imagine, therefore, her astonishment at beholding her keys still in the lock of her apartment door! "Well! That's...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 28 I dont even know how to dance

I returned to the temple once the carriage was under way, I wanted to find the Mother before she got really angry. As I passed the common soldiers that would normally be training here, they all saluted me with their hands to their hearts and half bowed. I slowed, nodded back and tried to remember faces. I noticed one of the older men from yesterday's advanced class. I walked up to him and pulled out a handful of silvers in a small pouch." Would you see that his widow gets this, and make...

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Jake and Me

Jake and Me PartOn and Me PartOne by Dale10 It was my own fault, I suppose that I allowed Jake to lead me down the path to my own complete humiliation degradation and destruction. After all he had just turned eighteen and I was thirty-five. What made me think he would ever be interested in me to begin with? Well, I know the answer. Lonely middle aged gay guys who are in good shape, still prowl dance clubs and bars and malls and streets looking for that sweet young cute "true love" that...

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My girlfriends little sister retold1

"Hey baby" Jessica said to me before kissing me. Turned on from seeing her sisters panties i started to make out with Jessica, grabbing her ass slipping my hands closer to her pussy when.. "Jessica!" Her mom interupted "your gonna be late for school". We immediatly picked up our bags and headed out the door. The following day that I came over it was almost the same thing as the previous day however this time Bianca was wearing blue panties instead of pink, and I could tell she...

2 years ago
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A Bound Present

I had been out doing errands for the past few hours, getting ready to head home. I instantly felt my cock harden a bit. It stayed hard the whole ride home as I thought about what waited for me.As I pulled into the driveway, my neighbors waved from their front porch. They were enjoying a few drinks and looked intent on inviting me over. I mumbled a quick excuse as I entered the house. I needed to get to the basement as soon as possible, the last thing I wanted was to chat idly with my...

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My Perfect Wife

My Perfect Wife by Amy Brett I'm a financially and mentally stable, large, strong, masculine guy. I've been a contractor for the last few years after working my way through the trades - masonry, plumbing, electrical, roofing, framing, and finishing at different times. I suppose I'm not quite as toned as I was at some times of my life, but even just estimating jobs, helping when my employees need it, and jockeying these guys around keeps me in pretty good shape. Even at 42, I still...

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XY Virus A Lifetime Decision

1974: China begins to study their population problems and how to slow its growth. The Chinese culture values male offspring over female and any mandatory restrictions would simply cause continued male population growth, but almost stopping females being "born". Medical science explores a cure. 1979: China's "one child policy" began to be implemented after secret experimental genetics tests caused "unwanted modifications" to the babies being born to tested women. All information...

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Na Sri Devi Aunty

Hi friends nanu rasa story edi real di plz replay evandi after reading naku two months back jarginadi nanu unda place hyd lo near to panjaguttaNa age 23yr nanu okadina son ni ma ama nana ki ma intlo two renter untaru andhulo oka protion lo uncle and aunty vala son untaru uncle age 42 ala aunty age 35 peru sridevi chala sexy ga untadi white ga cute ga untadi aunty teacher job chasthadi nanu job chasthanu small software company lo . Naku aunty meda alati korika ladu first lo one day nanu office...

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Red Silk Scarves

Disclaimer: This story is a total work of fiction. It has no relation to any real life people. Red Silk Scarves He knew exactly where to start. A gently placed kiss on the flesh underneath her navel and right before her jeans started. He could feel the gentle vibrations coming from the vibrator in her in her pussy. Set on a frequency strong enough to get her close but low enough never to bring her there. He loved her like this. In a deep state of need where there was no escape. Where...

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Dream Meeting

It had been a long day at work and the fatigue and stress was starting to take it’s toll. You finish up the paperwork and head for the door waving good night to your colleagues as you leave. On the drive home the exhaustion starts to hit you and you dream of the long, hot shower that awaits you when you get there. As you open the door to your apartment all is quiet. No one is home. You head straight to the shower, shed your clothes, step under the hot spray and feel the stress wash away with...

1 year ago
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Loving Embrace

So long far apart, fate then had brought them together. She sat innocently just a few feet away upon the soft bed. Her bare legs dangled over the edge, barely touching the floor. She laid backwards on her elbows, her attention intent upon the man who stood before her. Her eyes flickered across his features and a small grin touched her lips. Tall and sleek, his body toned as if sculpted from the smoothest of stones, and blasphemously covered with shirt and jeans in her mind. She ascended to her...

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Mrs Steel

During my last year of High School my father had taken on a new job that required we move. I wasn't any too happy about it, wanting to finish out my senior year with friends and activities that I was involved with. But there was no way around it, and I reluctantly remained with my family as we moved several hundred miles away to our new home and a new way of life. Though our family had "moved-up" as they say, those first few weeks into summer before the start of the new school year were...

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