Softball GirlsChapter 3 free porn video

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Copyright©1999 by Dael

The next morning dawned bright outside Claire's small tract home and the sunlight streaming through the bay window woke Cherisse first. A little disoriented she first wondered why she was sleeping on the floor and not in her own bed, then focused her eyes on the face of the woman sleeping against her torso and the memory of the night before came flooding back into her consciousness. She remembered Shannon and her making love to her mother and the intensity of her mom's orgasms as they had wracked her love starved body. She smiled and reached over to stroke the older woman's grey streaked hair before sliding from beneath the heavy cover of the afghan to pad off to the bathroom.

Shannon opened her eyes in time to see the bigger girl's pantyless ass swaying beneath the oversized t-shirt then felt the hand covering her breast. Shannon carefully slid from beneath the extra weight of Claire's hand and joined her best friend in the bathroom. The two girls whispered as they took turns using the toilet.

"How do you think your mom's going to feel this morning?" Shannon asked.

"Probably a little guilty I'd imagine! She did some things last night she probably thought she'd never do again." Cherisse answered.

"Geez Cher ... I'd have never thought your mom would be that wild!"

"Yeah ... she probably never thought she would be either! God she licked me good!" Cherisse smiled. "Maybe she's not as prudish as we thought she was!"

"I'm not a prude ... just inexperienced." Claire thought as she lie beneath the heavy afghan listening to the girls talk about her. She felt the tightness of her bra cutting into her back, one breast still exposed beneath her shirt where Shannon had pulled it from the confines of the thick cup. Reaching behind her she undid the clasp and pulled the heavy bra from beneath the sweatshirt. She felt her bareness and remembered her own daughter had removed her pants and panties ... just before she had eaten her to her first orgasm in oh so many years.

And along with shedding her inhibitions with the two girls the night before she had also shed many embarrassments ... the embarrassment of being caught pleasing herself, and the embarrassment of having been eaten by and in turn devouring her own daughter. The power of her orgasm had released her from the bondage of "correctness" ... in fact, it had empowered her to seek more. More pleasure and more of life!

She ran her hand over her body, feeling the bumps and ridges and valleys that maturity bestows on women and sampling the dampness between her legs. Her aroma enveloped her senses as she brought a hand to her lips and tasted herself, reminding her of what Cherisse had tasted like the evening before, while the feel of her breast in her other hand reminded her of Shannon's own between her fingers and lips. She looked intently at the sight of her daughter's smooth pussy just beneath the hem of her tshirt and the twin points of Shannon's nipples pressing against her own shirt as the two girls reentered the room.

"Mom we have to get ready to go." Cherisse asked.

"I know ... I just didn't want to get up yet I feel so good!" Claire answered even as her fingers continued their explorations beneath the blanket. "But I guess I have too or we're going to be late!" She threw the afghan away from her body, not bothering to cover her lower body like she would have just yesterday.

"But I don't know what I'm going to wear today. What do you two think?" she asked as she noticed the girls staring at her bareness. She spread her legs and sat indian style on the floor.

"How do you want to look Mrs. Connors?" Shannon asked.

"I want to look sexy, Shannon, but I'm not sure I can." she answered. "I want men to look at me today. I think anyway!"

"Oh I think we can help you there Mrs. Connors. With your body it won't be too hard to do. You looked pretty hot in that sweater last night ... at least my dad thought so!"

Claire remembered the girls talking about Shannon's dad the night before and felt her body flush from head to toe.

"You think he liked looking at me yesterday?" Claire asked, clasping her hands in her bare lap.

"Oh he liked you all right. He had a huge hard on looking at your nips poking your sweater." Cherisse answered. She held her hand out to her mother to help her off the floor and loved the feeling of her mother's soft skin against her own. "Let's go see what we can find for you to wear that might turn him on again!"

The three headed for Claire's room and began rummaging through closets and drawers, discarding item after item. Their search was punctuated with a caress of a bare bottom here and a rub against bare breasts there as the two younger girls turned down one outfit after another. Every time Claire tried something on she bared herself completely in front of the girls and quickly she felt her inhibitions fade away as she stood nude in front of them.

"I'm not a prude." she thought to herself with every rejection. "And I'll show them I'm not!"

Finally Cherisse offered her own closet as a possibility, and the two girls went after just the perfect outfit with gusto! Claire's breath caught in her throat as she saw what they had found ... a pair of cutoffs so short she was sure she wouldn't be able to wear panties and a shirt so tight it wouldn't matter what she wore underneath ... anyone who looked would see everything!

"Go ahead mom ... try them on ... we want to see how you look in them!" Cherisse told her excitedly after seeing her mom's eyes widen.

For just a moment Claire hesitated before stripping what little she wore in front of the two girls but with a deep breath she pulled the tshirt over her head exposing her slightly sagging breasts and now stood with nothing on at all, her pubic hair standing away from her pussy and peaking out from between her legs. She felt her pussy lips open up as she put first one then the other leg in the shorts then pulling them upwards and over her hips. Thankful now for the continuous diet she'd always kept to the shorts fit snug but she was still able to comfortably button them. She tugged at the legs but no matter how much she tugged she could still see tufts of hair sneaking out the bottom. Turning around she could see the rounded bottoms of the cheeks of her ass beneath the material in the back, while turning back she looked at her breasts hanging heavily on her torso. A quick look at the shirt and back at her breasts she wondered if she would fit into it, then decided to try anyway. She pulled the shirt over her head and down until it met the top of the shorts then smoothed the material over her body, all the while looking in the mirror. What she saw made her gasp and the girls giggle.

"Look at those nips Mrs. Connors! If the men at the ballgame don't notice those they're blind!"

The fullness of her breasts were plainly visible ... as was every wrinkle and ripple of her nipples straining to get outside the plain white material of the shirt. Claire could plainly see that her breasts stood proudly away from her body and were capped by twin inch-long peaks ... and she knew that everyone would be able to see the same thing!

"Well, this will certainly get everyone looking won't it! But I think it's still a little cool for this shirt ... I'll put a sweatshirt over it until it warms up! Now, you two better get ready or we won't make it to the ballgame in time! Get a move on!" she giggled and slapped both girls on their bottoms.

"Shit! You're right! Come on Cherisse ... we're going to be late!"

Claire took a moment to look in the mirror one last time before heading off to her own room. "I'm not a prude and I'll show them!"

45 minutes later the three women walked up to the ball field, occupied only by Shannon's dad and the girls coach. Running up to her father Shannon hugged him from behind and snuggled herself tightly against his ass, encased in her favorite pair of tight jeans. He could feel her breasts press against his back even as he heard her squeal in delight.

"Hi daddy! Glad you're here!"

"Never missed one yet, have I hon?" he answered as she squeezed him once more before letting go. She came around and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"How did last night go hon? Get plenty of sleep or did you and Cherisse stay up all night doing girlie things?" he asked.

"Oh we had a great time dad. Claire is such a sweetheart. But we got plenty of sleep, trust me daddy." She looked past his chest and watched Claire walking along, her breasts slightly bobbing beneath the sweatshirt and the tight shorts pulled snugly into her crotch. Shannon was glad to see just a hint of the older womans nipples whenever the thick sweatshirt material pressed against her chest ... her dad would see just how special Claire was today!

"Better get out there hon. The coach is waiting for you. Good luck!" Richard said to his only daughter.

"Okay daddy. See you later." she answered. "Come on Cherisse! Hurry up!" She hollered before bounding off towards the diamond. Richard watched her ass beneath the tight material of her uniform pants and quickly wondered about not seeing the usual panty lines present before he felt the unusual presence of a woman as Claire slid her arm inside his own.

"Morning Richard!" she quietly said.

"Good morning Claire. I hope the girls didn't keep you up too late last night." he answered, enjoying the feeling of her arm against his. He also noticed the presence of a breast pressing against his arm. "Wow!" he thought even as held her arm tightly against his body.

"Oh no! Shannon was wonderful. What a delightful woman you have on your hands there Richard. You are a very lucky father." she answered. "If he only knew how wonderful she had been last night!" Claire thought. "He'd just die!"

Richard felt himself harden in his jeans as she pressed her breast harder against his arm, and he got even harder as he turned and looked at Claire. He could plainly see the nipples of both breasts pressing against the material of her sweatshirt, and he was sure that Claire wasn't wearing a bra. Her breasts seemed just a little lower than they had been the night before beneath the sweater but still they stood proud and pointed. "This might be a pretty good day for Claire watching." he thought. "Especially if it gets good and warm and that sweatshirt comes off!"

"Well, you'd better get your scorebook ready Richard. Mind if I sit up here next to you? I know you can answer all my questions, can't you?"

"Sure. I'll be right back." Richard walked over to the coach.

"I'll show you Mr. Baker. Let's see if you like what I've got to offer today!" Claire said under her breath to herself as she watched Richard walk away.

The day did get warmer, and fairly quickly. Less than an hour later Claire felt herself sweating beneath the heavy sweatshirt and she knew it was getting time to take the outer layer off but at the same time she wasn't sure she was ready to reveal herself as much as it was going to. Finally she mustered up all of her courage and grasped the bottom hem of the shirt and pulled upward.

Richard saw the movement beside him and turned just as the hem of the shirt passed her breasts, revealing the fullness of the orb closest to him ... and the hard distended nipple pressing against the plain white fabric. Nothing was left to his imagination ... nothing really left unseen ... although completely covered all of Claire's breasts were in his full view ... and the full view of everyone in the stands.

"Goddamned that's beautiful!" Richard thought. "Claire has a beautiful body!" He found himself straining not to reach out and touch the breast practically in his face. If he turned towards her he could just take it in his mouth ... and he fleetingly thought about doing just that. With an iron will he turned back to the game, his hand shaking even as he marked the next strike called by the umpire. After every pitch he looked out of the corner of his eye to see what Claire was putting on display.

On the other end of the bleachers Patty nudged her husband Paul, as usual their hands in each others laps beneath the thin blanket. He turned his head and looked amazingly at Claires hard nipples pushed against the white shirt. Patty felt his cock harden even more in her hand while he felt her own nipples harden in his grasp. They both liked what they saw, Patty remembering so long ago when she had sucked those nubs between her lips. She wished she could again ... and the way Claire was displaying them who knows, maybe she'd get another chance! The idea of sucking on Claire's tits while her husband plowed deep in and out of her pussy excited the hell of her!

The game came down to the bottom of the 7th inning with their team down by one run 3-2, Shannon on third and Cherisse at bat, the winner going on to the state tournament the next weekend across the mountains in Spokane. One hit would tie it ... two hits would probably win it. Richard could feel Claire's body close to him, breasts bobbing beneath the tight shorts and tanned legs against his arm ... could smell her perfume ... mixed with the aroma of her feminine charms beneath the tight shorts.

The opposing pitcher served up a fast ball ... waist high in across the plate ... a perfect pitch for Cherisse's quick bat. With her quick powerful swing the bat met the ball and away the pitch arced ... higher and farther before finally settling down over the short right field fence and the outstretched arm of the opposing fielder. As Richard watched Cherisse round the bases he could see her ample breasts bobbing up and down even though heavily encassed in the "power sports bra" the girls all wore. Beside him Claire jumped up and down and he turned to watch her own breasts fairly bouncing up and down and he noticed how hard and prominent her nipples were. She turned to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing his face between the two orbs he had been watching all morning. He felt them on both sides of his head, rubbing up and down the sides of his face as she continued her excited jumping ... even as he wrapped his arms around her waist in an attempt to keep her from falling from the bleachers.

Claire felt his hands around her waist ... and his head between her breasts. The excitement of the win was only partially responsible for the warmth rising from between her loins, the idea of holding Richards head against her ... the rubbing of the sides of his face against the flesh of her breasts ... all combined to raise her temperature above normal. She wanted him to be there ... she wanted him to press his face against her breasts ... she wanted his arms around her waist ... and his hands on her ass. She wanted him period!

Richard pulled his head from between her luscious orbs but kept his arms around her waist and was immensly surprised when Claire bent down and pressed her lips against hers in a quick excited kiss. Their tongues quickly sought each other out before the two broke apart ... staring into each others eyes ... before turning to join in the celebration happening as the girls all spilled out into the bleachers. Richard turned just in time to catch his daughter as she jumped into his arms and wrap her legs around his waist. He barely wrapped his hands around the cheeks of her rounded ass to keep her from falling and his cock, made hard by the stimulation of watching Claire all morning and their quick excited kiss, snuggled hard against the youthful crotch as she pressed against him.

"We won daddy! We won! We're going to state!" his excited daughter exclaimed even as she pressed her chest against his and wrapped her legs around his waist. She felt his hardness pushing against her clit beneath her uniform and his hands on her ass cheeks, increasing her own excitement before dropping her legs to the ground.

Then Richard was getting a hug from Cherisse, her larger breasts pushing intently against his chest, while Shannon gave Claire a hug. He noticed that Claire's hands rested lightly on his daughter ass while Shannon wrapped her arms around the older woman's back, and he could see their breasts rubbing against each other for a quick moment, each woman's nipples hard and prominent on their chests.

"Daddy ... Cherrise and I want to go use the hot tub. Can we?"

"Sure. Claire, what do you want to do?" Richard asked even as he was hoping for the right answer.

"How about you give me a ride home and the girls can take my car? Then Cherisse can come home whenever she wants. I've got lots of things to do at home. Do you mind?"

The idea of being alone with Claire didn't bother Richard at all! "No, not at all ... sounds good to me." Picking up Shannon's bag he took Claire's hand in his to help her down from the bleachers. He loved the feel of her soft skin in his rough hand ... and didn't want to let go after she stood on solid ground. But he pulled his hand from hers, not wanting to seem to forward or anxious, and the four of them walked to the parking lot. The girls jumped into Claires little car and sped away, leaving Claire and Richard next to his truck. Holding the door open he watched Claire slide into the seat and pull her lithe legs in after her, the momentary gap between her shorts and her legs offering him a glimpse of the hair surrounding her pussy while the nipples on her twin orbs pressed prominently against the thin white material of her shirt. He felt himself harden even more in his pants, an event Claire clearly couldn't miss herself.

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series ndash Chapter XX

“The Harder They Fuck, The Creamier They Cum”, with Bella (based on an art by 100evthepronger), Serge Leonard (based on an erotic art) and Don (based on an Douglas art)Bella: Serge Leonard: Don (the bottom one): “So, what the guys would like to do today?”“We came here to see you, my darling. You are the one that we want”This was a small part of the chat that happened at a regular house at a midspring afternoon where a middle-aged woman named Bella was about to enjoy her time with two fellow...

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A Visit to a Fan Ch 11

Gale closed his eyes. And unexpectedly exploded in the back of her throat. He gasped his way through his release, wanting to instantly apologize but the way she reacted, keeping him deep in her throat as she swallowed and continued sucking until he became too sensitive. ‘I’ve haven’t blown my load that quick since I was a kid.’ He panted, shivering as she nuzzled his balls, taking one into her mouth. ‘Sorry.’ ‘There’s nothing to be sorry about.’ She murmured, licking his nut sack. ‘It’s...

3 years ago
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A Deal

For a long time Ijah sits on the end of the small steel framed bed and gazes bewitched at the white boy. The boys naked chest gently rises and falls. Asl**p he is even more beautiful, if that is possible, then when he is awake. Every fiber of Ijah being is telling him that what Achmed and he are about to do is wrong, to harm this c***d who’s only crime is passion, simply, because their religion does not allow two males to consummate their love. Ijah pulls the coarse blanket down to reveal the...

4 years ago
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Meri Dost Ke Bahan Badi Sexy

HI doston mera nam devanshu hai aur ye meri dusri kahane hai pehli kahane “RENTED HOUSE KI RENTED CHUDAI” ko apne bahut saraha iska me sukragujar hoon ab me apni dusri kahane bhej raha hoon to ise ache se padiyega.Helo doston mera nam devanshu hai aur mai apko kuch aisa batane ja raha hoon jo ki apko maze se bhar dega. Doston ye bat aj se 10 sal pahle ki hai.Pahle me apko apna huliya bata doon. Me thoda sawla rang ka hoon par mardo wali wali cream lagane par gora dekhne lagta hoon. Mere height...

2 years ago
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Hey Neighbor II

The following week sped by, and on Saturday I found myself answering knock on my door in the early evening of what had been a particularly relaxing fall day. Looking through the peephole, I saw no one, just a sign being held in front of the glass: “Hey, Neighbor! I have an idea – want to know??? Open the door!!!” My heart raced as I fumbled with the deadbolt and flung open the door to find Ali smiling on the other side, wearing a great looking trench coat with a bag slung over her...

2 years ago
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Devina is caught

Devina is caught ‘Oh my GOD what that hell are you doing’ screamed my wife…It was I suppose a very good question, I was sitting at my pc looking at a picture of a man dressed as a women, with his hands tied behind his back while sucking another mans cock. To make matters worse I was dressed in a short blue mini skirt and white blouse, black stockings and patent black 4 in heels and to cap it all off my wife’s black trench coat. Very much the slutty look.But let me explain a bit. Ever since I...

2 years ago
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William Redman CarterChapter 26

"So you're going to become Dr. Carter?" Eddie asked while watching his brother pack up his books. William looked over at his little brother. The boy was turning into a good looking young man. His short black hair, piercing grey eyes, and subdued Native American features gave him an exotic look. William knew that it wouldn't be long before the girls started following his brother around town. Pulling the roll of tape over the top of the box, he answered, "Yes, if I ever manage to get out...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 265 Introducing What We Did for My Soccer Team Part One

Monday, June 27, 2005 This chapter has jumped ahead four days. Not much happened over summer that was relevant to my ascendancy, so day-by-day reporting isn't needed. ^ A couple of days after Savannah's test ride in my new car, I invited my soccer team to Julia's, excluding the guys who'd just graduated, had serious girlfriends, were virgins, or were too immature for what I had in mind. That left five of them. That many because they didn't actually have to be mature, just be able to...

2 years ago
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Oh What a Night

I was taking a short cut through one of our local parks, it's just a open field surrounded by walking trails. It was after the parks were to be closed for the night, only one out of every three street lights were on. I was heading across the field and was wondering what would happen to me if law enforcement caught me, that was the least of my problems. As I reached the far side of the field, near a clump of bushes, two street people emerged and cut me off. 'What have we here,' said the tallest...

1 year ago
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Axe VictimChapter 3

(two more days have passed) What a day, Donovan sighed, pulling his black pickup into his driveway. He couldn't believe the stuff Keys came up with this time. It was trite schlock. And he told them so in no uncertain terms. Barrier Riff had never fought in the studio before. This one was a doozy. Keys was right about two things. The record company wasn't going to wait forever, and Donovan had nothing better for them to play. There was no way his name was going on an album with that...

3 years ago
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Sex in The Forest

Papers are shuffled; the room is not air conditioned, the clock ticks very slowly, I keep glancing at it; the hands telling me I have 2 hours to get back to Balloch, just north of Glasgow. The hotel I have booked for us both is ok, I have used it before. The Shelly Inn; clean, good food, nice location with plenty of pubs and restaurants. It will be busy, it’s the tourist season and I want to meet you before you go in. My customer is droning on and on, I’m finding it so hard to concentrate I...

3 years ago
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Mature Mom starts New Life

I'm a 49 year old Mom of three. My husband left me with them for a younger woman 12 years ago. This changed my life and turned it up site down, I was alone to raise the 3 k**s. My life consisted of work then tending to all the c***dren's needs. I was now at the point in my life where the k**s were all gone from home I sold the house moved into a condo, but I wanted more of what I had missed and sacrificed. I did have a couple boyfriends over the years but nothing ever got serious, I was just...

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AshaChapter 4

Kunwar fucked as fierecely as he could. After ten minutes he was unable to control his cock. Asha too was being overwhelmed by her sexual ecstasy. Screaming wildly and fucking fiercely, they reached their climaxes. Asha twisted her body this way and that way as her cunt went berserk with her cumming. Kunwar's cock shot jet after jet of scalding thick sperm into her young cunt. They clutched at each other and kissed madly, as their bodies shuddered violently and as their orgasms went on and...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kenzie Reeves Tiny Anal Contortionist

Kenzie Reeves is a flashy, filthy porn vision. The young bleach blonde wears a nets-and-boots get-up and dramatic eye makeup, and this petite anal contortionist spews a constant streak of unconscionably nasty talk. She tugs her lingerie into her meaty pussy lips; displays thick, gumdrop nipple hard-ons; masturbates, stuffing fingers in her bald box; and winks her fleshy butthole. Totally submissive to older men, Kenzie sucks Michael Stefano’s big cock, blowing spit bubbles. She tongues...

1 year ago
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the night I took hur

As I sneak into your room I find you sitting at you vanity brushing your hair, you are only wearing your Bra and Panties with a Garter Belt and Stockings, thinking that I would be visiting you tonight you chose my favorite set. You have always enjoyed the feeling of the brush on your hair so much, your eyes are closed in pleasure. I step forward to you, and grab you from behind, covering your mouth so you cannot scream. I look at you in the mirror eyes wide in terror, whispering in your ear I...

3 years ago
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Crossdressing Charlie Vol 1 Episode 1 The School Uniform

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Volume One Episode 1 THE SCHOOL UNIFORM The thump of the car door made Charlie open his eyes. The sound of a second door slamming made him sit upright in the bed like a startled squirrel. He listened carefully. The ignition jerked several times before the engine started up. He was still as a statue as he listened to the low rumble of the car reversing out of the driveway. He scurried across the blankets, jumped off the side of the bed and stumbled over a pile...

2 years ago
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Erotic Education 1 Erica1

Erica is ignorant in erotics, slender sexy sweet tender tiny tit tasty teen blonde beautyErica comes along for a walk and a private talk, surely she comes for the very first timeErica shows soon her mix of submissive curiousity for erotic education by sex in practiseErica is born to be my tasty teen sweet sex slave, I hope her siblings share her talents!Erica comes to sit next to me at a sunny bench in Westerpark half way an afternoon in MayErica starts to chat a bit and eagerly answers any...

1 year ago
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Mauricio Part 1

One evening while my husband was out of town I decided to go out to eat and have a few drinks with a few friends at a local restaurant. There were several of us there sitting at a large table, talking, drinking, eating and having fun. As we sat there, I noticed the owner was paying particular attention to our table. He made sure every few minutes to check on us himself to make sure we were all doing ok. I also noticed he was trying rather hard to make eye contact with me. I decided to go...

1 year ago
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I don't know why I did it but in retrospect, I'm definitely glad I did. I was driving down one of those uncountable mountain roads. You probably know the kind, not a straight section over fifty feet long and a sheer drop to the treetops hundreds of feet below with only a thin guard rail (if that) between you and eternity. Most of the traffic is from coal or log trucks, each weighing sixty thousand pounds and every one a menace. I was daydreaming as usual while reflecting on my wasted life...

1 year ago
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Swimming With The Dolphins

Rest assured - No Dolphins were porpoise-ly abused in the writing of this story. The one Dolphin that was unfortunately injured when she banged her nose on the bottom of my kayak during this stories research phase is now resting comfortably at a Dolphin hospice two miles east of South Beach. She's under the tender care of her Daddy. "Hello beautiful," was gaily sung out and into my ear when I reluctantly picked up the phone on a dreary and cold, early December, Ohio morning. 'What does...

2 years ago
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Flexible sister part 3

Flexible $i$ter - This is the third part – check out the other chapters on my profile. This story will make more sense if you do.Susan has just walked in on her best friend and her friend’s br0ther having sex… ******************************************************************************************Susan’s face melted from complete astonishment to a sinful smile in just a matter of seconds…“Oh my – you two have been baaaaad!” I was struck dumb, I mean really what could I say about what she...

3 years ago
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Carol Marsha Brady A leasbian brady bunch s

Carol Brady had a dilemma. While she was in college, she had had a two-year affair with her college roommate. Sandy had taught her the joy of girl-girl love plus the added pleasure of sex with another woman wearing pantyhose. Since then, Carol had had the urge, from time to time, to sleep with another woman. During her first marriage she and her next-door neighbor made love with each other on an on again off again basis. Tracy had also shared Carol's love of pantyhose. Since marrying Mike...

1 year ago
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Andrea auf Streife

Andreas Kollege mußte dringend seiner Frau helfen und sie zum Arzt fahren, sie hatte sich wohl einen Knöchel gebrochen. So mußte Andrea alleine die Runde drehen. Sie war Polizistin um zu helfen, sie wollte die Welt besser machen. Doch sie war wirklich keine Person die Respekt einflößt, mit ihrer Größe von 1,65 und ihren 48 kg war sie ein kleines, schmales Persönchen, mit kleinen Brüsten, einer Wespentaille, einem knackigen, kleinen Hintern und hübschen, schlanken Beinen. Sie hatte rote Haare,...

1 year ago
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My Maiden AuntChapter 4

Even though Donny had already been aroused by seeing and touching his mother in her bath, his excitement rose several degrees higher from what he saw and smelled as he entered her bedroom. All the lights had been turned off and sitting on the dresser and the nightstand were several brightly flaming candles. Also on the dresser was an incense burner, with tendrils of exotically perfumed smoke rising from it. The sheer sensuality of the room would have been arousing by itself, but what Donny...

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Kat looked both ways and crossed the street, she hugged her coat in desperation to keep the cold off her bare skin underneath. She had been instructed to wear nothing but her snow boots and a coat. She turned into the alley and bent over slightly putting her hands against the cold brick wall the coat flew open making her shiver. Knowing that if she did something about it she would be in trouble. Kat stood in the cold with her hands against the wall for what she guessed was about 25 minutes....

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Game Over Stories

Lexi's Scissor Hold "What a wimp." The nylon clad assassin said to her gasping victim. Her thighs were firmly holding his windpipe as the two of them slowly descended to the floor of the warlocks mansion. "Your boss must be a real weakling if he hires help such as you." The bodyguard didn't even hear her approach before she jumped upon his shoulders and placed her lithe, nylon thighs over and around his neck. He felt like a snake had been strangling him, slowly draining him of his strength....

3 years ago
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My Husband and His Lesbian Fantasy

It’s so funny how men are infatuated with seeing two women make love. My husband Sean was one of those guys. I am definitely not a prude. I did some experimenting in college but that was just kissing and touching. The opportunity to go further had never presented itself. After years of marriage, my husband was set on making that change.It was a cool fall day. Sean had told me of his plans for a night at a fancy hotel. He said he had something very special in store for me and I could only...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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True Story With My Cutie

First of all, I would like to ask forgiveness for my grammatical errors or any “not hot writing” Dramatically errors as am well just writing what happened not telling my name. I am basically an engineer by profession I’m 24, tall about 6’1 n average body weighing 80kg not joking a bit handsome as said by my I was a kind of shy person only when it get to girls interaction as I was in less interaction with girls from my childhood. During my graduation. I felt in love just only with...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 203

Art slid out of bed, and a moment later snapped a lamp on at the other end of the room. "What's wrong?" Sandra asked, sleepily. As he sat in a chair to pull on his pants, "Going running with Jeff, remember?" "What's happening?" Bobby mumbled a second later. "Who turned on the light?" "I did, Baby, but just the one lamp. I didn't mean to wake you two." Sandra glanced toward her sister. "He's going running, remember?" "But the weather people said it was going to snow,"...

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