Softball Whores
- 4 years ago
- 24
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This is a romantic and erotic story. I like to create characters that look real, and their relationship develops over time. So if you are looking for a ‘quick release,’ this is not for you. By the time the man and the woman in the story ‘do their thing,’ you will be convinced that they are really doing it.
I suppose some of the stories you can find here is a blend of fictional and autobiographical materials. It is up to you to decide how many ounces of fantasy are in this story.
‘Hi, Dad, hurry up! I don’t want to be late. This is the first practice of the season,’ Emily called out loud from the driveway to her dad. She packed her softball gear into the back of her father’s SVU and waved enthusiastically. Clad in her green and black uniform, the 10-year-old girl waited impatiently.
Jim Kellers briskly walked out of his townhouse, his home-brewed Starbucks in a paper cup in one hand, and car key in the other. ‘OK, let’s go. Beginning of a championship season,’ he smiled at his daughter. ‘Don’t worry. It’s a 15-minute drive to the ball field, and it is now only 9:40.’
This was the spring time Saturday morning routine of many suburbanites: one parent driving one child to a sports event, the other driving the second kid to dance lessons, music lessons, etc. Jim and his wife Sandra were no different. They shared chauffeur duties between Emily and Jillian. Dad usually went with older sister Emily to her softball practice. He just didn’t have the sensibility or interest in waiting around the dance studio while 6-year-old Jillian practiced her ballet steps to Swan Lake.
Jim liked sports. Like many Long Islanders, he went to a few hockey games in the winter, attended a few Mets games at CitiField in the summer and watched NFL games on TV when it was football season. He was not crazy enough to take over coaching duties for his child’s sport team. There were many dads, and moms, who were fanatics and they acted as coach/general manager/equipment manager for their children’s teams. Jim always felt that many of them were probably projecting their failed sports dreams on their kids. They would holler at their children, push them hard at practice, train and motivate them to win divisional or regional championships. Coach Shirley was like that.
Jim pulled into the parking lot adjacent to the softball field next to the elementary school that his children attended. Four or five of the kids, with their parents, arrived already. Coach Shirley’s daughter, Kelsey, was the star pitcher of the Hawks. They were there also, stretching and warming up.
Shirley was probably about 40 years old. A former college softball player, she had the skills, knowledge and temperament to head up the U10 softball team. She could be loud and obnoxious, and liked to joke around a bit. Sometimes, maybe even too flirtatious with the guys. By no means was she a bad person.
As soon as she noticed Jim and Emily arriving, she turned around and walked over to greet them.
‘Good morning, Coach Shirley!’
‘Good morning, Emily.’
Emily happily galloped over to meet her friends, who were doing soft tossing around the field.
‘Good morning, Shirely.’
‘Good morning, Jim. Bright and early again this season, huh? Are you here to check out the 10-year-old girls?’
‘NOOO, you know me, I have better taste than that. I am checking out the moms and the coach,’ Jim played along with the bantering.
‘Ahh, that’s sweet. So you are into M-I-L-Fs?’ Shirley giggled as she spelled out the acronym.
‘No F. Just W. Watching. Don’t want to get into trouble, ma’am,’ Jim replied.
‘So Sandra is with the younger one? And you are doing your fatherly duty here, to be the softball dad?’
‘Yes, and I perform my husbandly duty admirably too.’
Shirley could not help but letting out a hearty laugh, her chest bouncing a little with her laughter. She was by no means plump. Probably voluptuous would be the best description. Standing at about 5’6′, her body showed a trace of the athlete that she once was. Big bones, with the right amount of muscles on her.
She walked closer to Jim, her breast about 6 inches from him. ‘Did you have too much caffeine this morning, or what?’ she smirked. ‘Or you didn’t have enough last night?’
‘No, it’s just that I have not seen you in your coaching uniform since the end of last season. That’s all,’ Jim said.
Her brown hair was tied into a bun, covered by the cap. She rested her sun glasses above the bill. With no make-up on her face, she looked pretty in a natural and casual way. With her hands on her hips, her posture was shouting – ‘You want a piece of me?’
Jim could notice the outline of her sports bra under the tight jersey. Her sweat pants were too loose to reveal anything below the belt. He imagined that it would be a pair of hip hugging underwear. Probably no G-string. With all the jogging around and squatting, it would be a torture to have the fabric rubbing around her crotch. Or maybe she would enjoy it?
Jim would love to turn her around, pull down her grey sweat pants and smack her buttocks right there behind the batting cage. To inspect what kind of undies she was wearing. Maybe even to threaten her with a bat? Saying he would penetrate one of her orifices with the handle end?
‘Ok, knock it off. Something serious. Your wife told me that you are into photography. This year we want to maintain a website for our softball team. Pictures of their practice, pictures of their games, pictures of the post-game BBQ. My husband is a computer geek and he can put together the site in no time. Can you be our official cameraman? Wherever we go, you bring your camera along, and keep track of our actions?’
‘Sure. No problem. Sounds like a great idea. I will take pictures, organize them on my laptop and then give you a flash drive every week,’ Jim suggested.
‘Thanks. And that gives you license to go around the field to WATCH to your heart’s content,’ Shirley just couldn’t let go of the ribbing.
‘I hear ya, only W, no F,’ Jim smiled, as she went back to the field to get the girls ready for practice.
It was a nice mid-April morning. Gone were the snow and grey skies of the winter. The sun came out¸with few clouds in the sky. A soft breeze brought the smell of freshness of spring to his nostrils.
Jim sat down on the top of the five-tier bleachers behind the batting cage, sipping coffee from his paper cup. He looked around. More parents arrived with their kids. About half of the parents were dads. He waved to a few of them. He knew everyone by face. In a typical suburban town like Clark Village on Long Island, the kids grew up in the same neighborhood, attended the same schools. Everyone met everyone at the school’s back-to-school night. Parents shopped at the same Costco, or CVS. They ate at the same IHOP, or TGI Friday.
This would not be a good place to start an affair. Not in a small town like this, where everyone knew everyone. People could tell whose car it was by the color and the model. Not that Jim was planning to hit on any of the ladies. He had been faithful in the 12 years that he was married. Setting his eyes on other women, yes, but like what he told Shirley — just watching. And some fantasizing. But he had no intention of fooling around.
He liked the soccer moms, or the softball moms, now that he was at the softball field. When the high school team played its football games in the fall, he would attend. For the fun of the game, really. The cheerleaders were bouncing around, doing flips in their short skirts. The teenage high school boys were whistling, getting all excited. However, Jim would shake his head and look around, checking out the moms who were sipping soda or licking ketchup from their fingers after eating chicken nuggets. He was definitely into MILFs.
At about 10:15, all the girls were assembled in front of home plate. Shirley was
giving the team a pep talk about team spirit, hard work and dedication. She was good with kids. The team had girls from 4th to 5th grades. The kids listened to her and respected her. No one cared a lot about winning or losing. They came here to have fun.
Shirley squatted down and had the kids form a semi-circle around her. She was talking to the kids eye to eye. From Jim’s vantage point on the bleachers, her pear-shaped buttocks were in plain view. He was certain that he was not the only male member of the audience who was enjoying the view. And he had to adjust his jeans to conceal his own member’s reaction.
Another car pulled into the parking lot. It was Jennifer Wilson and her daughter Maddy, Emily’s best friend. Grabbing her helmet and her bat, Maddy ran towards the field to join the ongoing practice. Jennifer grabbed her water bottle, locked the car and strolled up to the bleachers. She made eye contact with everyone, nodded, smiled and then sat down with another mom in the first row.
Jennifer was one of Jim’s favorite targets of WATCHING.
Sandra and Jennifer met regularly at school functions, and they dropped off their kids at one another’s place for play dates regularly. Jim’s wife told him that she sometimes ran into Jennifer at yoga classes too. He was friendly with Jennifer, but he never ventured beyond any acceptable social norms. She used to work at a magazine publisher, but with a 10-year old daughter and an 8-year old son, she decided to be a full time mom long ago. Her husband, Mike, was a corporate lawyer, obviously bringing home enough money to support the whole family. Jim’s wife worked, so there was not a lot of socializing between the two moms during the day. But when they met, they always had a good time sharing child rearing stories.
Jennifer had a petite physique. Maybe 5’2′ or 5’3′, 110 pounds, in her late thirties. She was not the stunning knockout centerfold type of beautiful. She had a shapely nose and friendly eyes. Dark blond shoulder length curly hair. A woman next door kind of pretty.
Her boobs probably would fit nicely in Jim’s hands. He could be kissing and licking Jennifer’s lips all day. What would it feel like if she was giving a blow job?
‘OK, parents. Listen up. We will have one more practice next Wednesday afternoon and then there will be a friendly match with the Hurricanes next Saturday here at 10. That will be our first inter-team play this season. Whether you can make it or not, call me or send me an email so I know we will have enough girls to field the team,’ Shirley ‘s booming voice woke Jim up from his trance. He checked his watch. It was 11:30 already.
At the inaugural game of the season the next Saturday, Jim brought his digital SLR camera and went around the field to capture shots from various angles. He had his telephoto zoom and standard lens ready. His daughter’s team, the Hawks, was trailing 3-0 after two innings. With runners on first and second, one of the girls, Christie, hit a fly ball that fell into right field, and the base runners scampered home. Score was 3-2. Great, lots of action — running, crossing home plate, high fives, parents cheering. Coach Shirley hugging the players. Christie stood on second base, grinning confidently, adjusting her helmet. Jim easily had taken 50, 60 pictures.
Then the next two innings went very slow. Both pitchers were wild and lots of walks were issued. Jim sat back on the bleachers, looked around, and saw Jennifer at the bottom row, to his lower left side. She was sitting next to another mom. It was a pretty warm day for late April, 60 degrees temperature, and some people wore T-shirts and shorts. Jennifer raised her right hand to shade the sun, squinting under her sunglasses. She was wearing a white tank top and blue jeans. With her right arm elevated, Jim could see her cleanly shaved underarm, the pale flesh bared around it. The outline of her round right breast was clearly visible. God, she was sexy in this innocent way.
Jim could not resist pointing his camera in her direction and pressed the shutter a few times. Then she lowered her arm, took up her phone, pushed her sunglasses up above her forehead. A faint smile appeared on her face, reading her email or text messages.
‘Click, click, click.’ A few more shots.
Then Jim heard the crowd roar. He turned to look at the field. The other team just hit a ball to the outfield, scoring two runs. Now they were up 5-2.
The home crowd was disappointed. But they still cheered. In the bottom half of the inning, Emily had a hit and got on base. Jim walked down the bleachers to the side of the batting cage, hoping there could be some scoring opportunities to capture. A girl Cathy drew a walk. Then it was Maddy’s turn at bat. Jennifer stood up and cheered. Not hollering, not foot stomping, just clapping and smiling. So classy and low key.
Maddy hit a soft grounder to first base that the first base player bobbled. Her right foot just stepped on the base plate before the other player could recover the ball and tag. Nice close-up action shots. Jim was proud of his work. One run scored! 5-3.
The score stayed that way. The Hawks lost. But everyone was in good spirits. Emphasis on the positives. Coach Shirley pulled the kids around and told them what they did well, and what to work on next time.
Jennifer came over to Jim, sunglasses in hand, asked ‘Did you get any good photos? Quite an exciting game.’ She stood to Jim’s right side, leaning in to look at the LED display screen on the back of the camera.
‘She smells so good,’ the thought floated in Jim’s mind. He was 5’9′, so Jennifer’s head came just about to his nose. When she leaned in, her left arm touched Jim’s right arm. Or was it her left breast pressing against him? He wondered.
‘Yeah, I got quite a few good ones when Maddy got on base.’
‘Oh, show me!’
There was one showing Maddy making contact with the ball. Her eyes wide, tracking the ball, the bat was a blur.
‘That is a cool shot. How did you do that? Her face is so clear but the bat is like moving,’ Jennifer asked.
‘Oh, that one. I stepped down the aperture and slowed down the shutter.’
‘Huh?’ Jennifer admired his tech talk even though she had no idea what it was. ‘And this one is Maddy jumping in midair. Oh I love this one.’
‘Fast shutter freezes the action.’
‘Let me see,’ Jennifer took over the camera and intently flipped through the pictures by pressing the left arrow.
Jim was very proud of his handiwork.
Then Jennifer flipped to the 5 or 6 candid shots of her. Jim suddenly realized he was busted. He felt there were ants crawling up his neck.
Jennifer did not get mad. She paused for about 3, 4 seconds. Then she flipped back and forth among those photos of herself one more time, smiling a bit. She looked up at Jim scoldingly. ‘That is bad. Don’t do that. You will get us in trouble,’ she talked almost in a whisper. Then he handed the camera back to Jim, and went back to Maddy and gathered their stuff.
Jim stood there for a long moment. ‘What did she say? ‘You will get us in trouble?’ She didn’t say YOU ARE IN TROUBLE, or I AM GONNA TELL YOUR WIFE.’ Did she have something in mind?
‘Dad, Dad, let’s go,’ Emily was by his side, his gear bag on her shoulder.
The next week they travelled to the neighboring town of Johnsonville to play the Hurricanes again. Most of the time, this was how teams find opponents, or to be more precise, to find scrimmage partners. So early in the season, every team was tuning up, treating the games like spring training for the kids.
All week, Jim played back the conversation he had with Jennifer, trying to decipher any hidden layer of meaning of what she said. He also checked Sandra’s reaction all week, wondering if she got a call or a text from Jennifer, accusing her husband of peeping. No, there was none.
Jim considered what to do next, wondering how to go ab
out testing the waters. He came up with an idea on Tuesday.
‘Emily. Why don’t you ask Maddy tomorrow at school if she and her mom wants to ride with us to the game this Saturday.’
But then Emily came home the next night saying that Maddy’s dad would be bringing her to the game this week and they did not need a ride. Jim’s heart sank, like a boat anchor dropping into the deep blue sea.
Friday night, the Kellers family went to eat at Applebee’s. Just as they were going in, they saw the Wilsons come out. The kids were laughing and chasing one another on the sidewalk, while the dad talked with the dad and the mom talked with the mom. Jim overheard Jennifer telling Sandra that she needed to bring her son to the dentist the next morning. When they waved goodbye, Jim was looking if Jennifer showed anything on her face. But she was busy tending to the young son.
At the game visiting the Hurricanes, Jim took some more pictures, having been very careful backing up the Jennifer photos elsewhere before handing the flash drive to Coach Shirley.
May came around and the first Saturday morning Emily’s team was away playing the Rockets, another neighborhood team. Since this time it was about half an hour’s drive away, some parents car pooled. Jim did not bother asking Emily to investigate if Maddy’s family wanted to ride together. He figured that Jennifer’s message was clear — ‘Don’t take my pictures again and I will not make a fuss about it.’
At the game, Jim saw Jennifer and they exchanged pleasantries. Her ‘hello’ came with a smile.
Coach Shirley was using her charm to work the umpire, trying to gain some advantage even as a visiting team. She projected her usual smile, and her hands-on-hips stance, slowly rocking back and forth while talking to the umpire. Perhaps she wanted to influence the umpire to call more strikes for her pitching staff. ‘He probably wants to strike at your ball-shaped tits,’ Jim was thinking to himself.
The game was hardly 15 minutes old when an accident happened. Maddy hit a soft ground ball back to the pitcher and she was running hard to first base. Two steps before she got there, she slipped and landed awkwardly on her left side. Her shoulder banged into the base plate. She was down, obviously hurt, in pain.
Jennifer dropped her water bottle and ran towards her crying daughter. She tried to comfort Maddy, and the coaches from both teams, and the umpire, huddled to look at her. Jim put his camera away in his bag and walked over as well. From the way that Maddy’s left arm stick out at a weird angle, it looked like a dislocated shoulder.
‘Jennifer, I think you should bring Maddy to a hospital to check things out,’ Shirley said. Then he turned to Jim, ‘Why don’t you drive the two of them? She needs to sit in the back to hold onto her daughter. I will bring your daughter home. And Jenn, leave your car keys with me. I will make sure someone drive your car home for you. Do you want me to call your husband?’ For all her naughtiness and obnoxiousness, Shirley was a good take-charge organizer.
Jennifer handed Shirley the key to her minivan and said, ‘Mike went to the City this morning. It might take him a while to come back. But I will call him on the way to the hospital. And, Jim, are you ok driving us? I am sorry that you have to leave Emily with someone.’
Jim brushed aside any kind of erotic thoughts and promptly agreed to bring the injured girl to the hospital. The group conferred and decided the closest one was Southside General. They quickly created a make-shift sling out of a jacket and someone found ice from a cooler and made an ice pack for Maddy’s shoulder.
After they arrived at the hospital, Jim helped Jennifer walk Maddy into the triage area before he parked his SUV. When he went back into the waiting room, Jennifer was nervously clutching a clipboard with all the insurance forms to fill out, but she looked longingly into the curtained area where Maddy was being tended to. Jim asked her for her insurance card and took over the clipboard, ‘You go ahead and be by her side. She is very scared.’
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This file is a work of fiction containing sexually explicit material which may include depictions of underage, nonconsensual and unprotected sex as well as incest and adultery. It is not intended to implicate any person or action by them or me, nor advocate such practices. The material is meant for "For Adults Only" and possession by a minor is strictly forbidden. If you are not legally empowered to be in possession of this material, do not read it and delete it immediately. ONLY...
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IncestHe crafts beauty. With light and shadow, a rainbow of color, and an eye for composition, he produces art. He is a master of photography; and he’s my father.My mother died when I was twelve. I took it really hard. My twin brother, Dusty, kept a lot in. My father grieved for a long time. My mother had been his muse, his true love. Loneliness emptied his heart. But Dusty and I felt safe with him, even when life was cruel. Dad prepared us to discover ourselves like a sculptor finds a shape in...
My playroom was full of smoke and my “boy” and I were playing in the sling when the phone rang. “Shit,” I cursed. I’d just finished glazing my left arm with grease after chewing out my “son’s” hairy ass in my sling. I had so much grease on my arm that the sleeve tattoo I’d been working on for weeks was almost invisible. His asshole was winking at me- my fucking cigar drool was leaking out of his hole.I plunked my thumb up his ass. I handed him my cigar. He reached down, and grabbed my cock in...
My playroom was full of smoke and my “boy” and I were playing in the sling when the phone rang. “Shit,” I cursed. I’d just finished glazing my left arm with grease after chewing out my “son’s” hairy ass in my sling. I had so much grease on my arm that the sleeve tattoo I’d been working on for weeks was almost invisible. His asshole was winking at me- my fucking cigar drool was leaking out of his hole.I plunked my thumb up his ass. I handed him my cigar. He reached down, and grabbed my...
Disclaimer: this story contains sexual relations between a grown father and his 5 year old sn. If this is not your thing please stop reading now. Would love hearing what you think, please send comments to [email protected] Father and Son part I One of my absolute favourite things in the world is going to the forest with my dad to pick mushrooms. We have been doing this together for as long as I can remember, its a thing that only the two of us do together without any involvement from my...
*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* I rolled over and reached for my phone so I can shut off my alarm. "Thank god it's Friday" I thought to myself as I laid back on the bed. Unable to even open my eyes yet I rolled over on my husband's chest being cautious not to let myself fall back asleep. Just in case though, I always have 3 alarms set on my phone... Yeah... I'm not a morning person. My husband Neil wrapped his arm around me and pulled me tighter against him as he kissed my forehead. "One more day"...
Incest______________________________________________________________________________________________ Daughter and Dad His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother were fading from Anita’s memories. Jim had been devastated. His life had become eat, sleep, and work. Although he managed to take care of his daughter’s basic needs, he wasn’t much...
This story started about 2 years ago just a week before my birthday. I had caught Tommy and his girlfriend screwing and had got excited watching them without them knowing it. Of course I knew about sex but realy didn't know why I got wet from watching them. I also knew dad had movies he thought he had hid in the back of his closet. I started sneaking them out of his closet and watching them on my game system in my room while turning the music up so only I could hear the on screen action. This...
His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother were fading from Anita’s memories. Jim had been devastated. His life had become eat, sleep, and work. Although he managed to take care of his daughter’s basic needs, he wasn’t much of a father for the first 4 years, resulting in Anita almost bringing herself up. Now that she was 18 (almost 19),...
His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother were fading from Anita’s memories. Jim had been devastated. His life had become eat, sleep, and work. Although he managed to take care of his daughter’s basic needs, he wasn’t much of a father for the first 4 years, resulting in Anita almost bringing herself up. Now that she was 18 (almost 19),...
Zachary South lived with his father, in a nice house on an a small family farm, out a ways from town. Zack didn’t remember his mother, she’d disappeared long long ago, when he was just two or three. Stupid bitch, from what little his father had ever told him about her. They were better off without her. He got along well with his father, except for a few years when he was thirteen or so, but now that he was sixteen, everything seemed to be fine. Zack felt sorry for his father at times, the guy...
My daughter, Katie, are telling this story together. It was late June and my wife was away visiting friends for the week leading up to the 4th of July. I was home alone with my 14 year old daughter. Most of her friends were away at various camps or on family trips. Katie had been to both her summer camps for Volleyball and Cheer. She was sufficiently bored with just hanging around the house, so I started to provide activity options for her each day. She would have to pick one....
The Night I Shared my Dad part2The three of us sat all cuddled up on the couch in our living room. As I laid against my dad his arm wrapped around me I thought of what just had happened. Especially of what Lisa had done, her and I had only kissed and played with our tittys but she had fingered my pussy tonight. It had felt so good to orgasm on her fingers and the feelings that ran thru me as we had passionately kissed like never before. At the time I wasn't for sure whether it was feelings...
It was Saturday night and I came home quite late. I dropped my handbag on the couch in the living room and by the time I entered in the kitchen I took off my heels, too. I had a glass of water and headed to my parent’s bedroom. I was horny, and in the club I couldn’t find a nice guy to fuck me in my car so that’s why I went to my parent’s room. The door of my parent’s bedroom wasn’t closed and I entered in the room. I went near the bed. My mom was lying on the left side of the bed and Dad was...
IncestA Surprise for Dad Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I didn't bother to sneak out of the house when I left, I simply walked out to my car, got in, and drove away. After so many years of practice I was really good at becoming a girl, and never really worried about being found out any more. I was wearing the wrap skirt, the plaid one with a white pullover top when I went directly to the drugstore, picked up more eye shadow and foundation, plus more nails, then drove to the mall....
Prologue I was typing away, answering the usual morning emails, trying to politely turn down unsolicited plot ideas that I "do not believe I can do justice to." You know the kind: "dear mr vargas I want u to rite me a story about me and my mama, like we r both left handed and..." I was about to do the same with a rather nice request from the Edgewaters when I read closer. The happy couple were about to celebrate 25 years of married bliss. George wanted an erotic story to give his wife...
100% fiction! Mom had lost her battle with breast cancer five years earlier. Dad was still experiencing grief and seemed to be having difficulty adjusting to life as a widower. After all, they had been happily married for 25 years, having met as teenagers. Essentially their adult life together was the only one that either of them had ever known. Watching dad struggle emotionally through the months and years following mom’s passing was heartbreaking. Dad remained in my parents’ home out in the...
IncestThat night I couldn’t sleep, as I was so worried about my test which was next day. I looked at the clock and it told me 1:00 a.m. I felt a little hungry, so I thought to grab some fruit or maybe some left overs of the dinner. I had no idea that this night was going to change my life. While going to the kitchen, I crossed by my mom and step-dad’s bedroom. I heard those noises again, I was used to hear these moans and noises most of the time when ever I got up in the middle of the night to pee or...
IncestHi indian sex stories dot net friends I am karan from delhi I am 20 years old. I am new to this site, so sorry for my mistake if any . so coming to the story ye story mere mom and dad ke hai this is 100 percent true hai mere ghar me mom and dad or mai akela un ke sath rehtea hu mere mom ka size 36 30 36 hai wow hamesa ghar per rehte hai housewife hai mere papa ke shop hai ye baat aaj se 4years purani hai mere mom salwar kameej or jeans top be pehnete hai size ka un ke bra panty dekh kar chala...
IncestHi friends, I am back with a real incident that happened between my dad and my mom’s friend. We are a family of three from South India. My dad is an active handsome person in his early 60s. He is retired and is enjoying his retired life. My mom is a freelancer giving guidance for start-up companies. My mom is 10 years younger than my dad. She used to have many clients approaching her to start up ideas. One such client was Shobana. Shobana approached my mom for a business idea and soon she...
Sara let those works hang for a bit before saying, "Fuck that and you know it. The boys that like me are all little dicked losers from this little fucked up Podunk town. And oh yeah, I don't have any colleges beating down my door because of my grades, I'm not exactly Dolly Parton and I won't win any beauty contests anytime soon. And hey, I get depressed too. And yeah, I smoke which most people hate but it helps me get through my depression sometimes. And you'd better rethink your...
My plane just landed in Rio the Janero, Brazil which marked the start of my summer vacation with my dad. My dad and mom met when my dad came to Boston, from Brazil, on an exchange program for his final year of high school, they were both in the same class and the co-ed soccer team. I was the result of that brief reunion and since then I've been shuttled back and forth. I spent every summer, a week either at Christmas or the following week, it alternated, and usually two weeks during the...
But the pain pills made up for that, after the bone was set and my arm put in a cast. Thankfully I didn't have to worry about school, but for at least a couple weeks, my activities would be limited. I know a lot of kids my age would have been happy to have an excuse to stay inside, reading comics and watching TV, or to spend all day on the computer, but that just wasn't me. I liked those things, but only sparingly. I'd rather be outside running and playing. I guess that's why I'm in...
By : Demongay I am an Indian living in Mumbai but I travel a lot. Any Indian girls or adventurous Indian aunties anywhere in India who wish to have anonymous, no strings attached relation are free to contact me on Confidentiality is expected and will be provided. Now for the story based on a true incident. Laxmi sat on her dad’s lap. Her head was on his shoulder and she was crying. At 18 and a first year BA student in Ramabai college, she’d had a series of disasters in her love life and her...
Incest'm not out to make a distinction here. I enjoyed what I did and that's enough.Of course, titillating circumstances contributed much to my sexual development. It punctuated my life with honest pride, in which later, I found myself absorbed. Yet, five fabulous years of reckless wallowing in the mud can make even a pig like me feel bloated, full.What else can a number of men offer but his cock? Whether rigid, stout, massive or long, it remains their first instrument of choice for instant...
Copyright© 2006 Sexybeast Kelli tossed her bag down on the floor just inside the door, even though her mother was always telling her not to. Kelli didn't listen to her mother much these days. It seemed anytime they tried to sit down and have a conversation it turned into an argument and Kelli wound up storming off. At sixteen, Kelli thought she knew everything and her mother's lectures just got on her nerves. She also kicked off her sneakers as she didn't want to track mud through the house...
We were 13 and 14 when our parents called us into the f****y room. They were wearing only robes. We were told to strip naked and stand in front of them. When we did this they both began to rub our bodies. Mom was rubbing Tim and dad rubbed me. They started with our backs and rubbed down to our asses. At the ass, they gripped our ass cheeks and squeezed them for quite some time. It really felt good. They then spread our asses and looked at our assholes and rubbed a finger aroung the bud. This...
We were 13 and 14 when our parents called us into the family room. They were wearing only robes. We were told to strip naked and stand in front of them. When we did this they both began to rub our bodies. Mom was rubbing Tim and dad rubbed me. They started with our backs and rubbed down to our asses. At the ass, they gripped our ass cheeks and squeezed them for quite some time. It really felt good. They then spread our asses and looked at our assholes and rubbed a finger aroung the bud. This...
A month or two had passed since my chance encounter with Dad at the motel. He never mentioned the episode again and shied away from every attempt of mine to broach the subject. It had created a tension between us which badly needed breaking for both of our sakes -after all, we were the only family we had left. The opportunity came when I had to look out my graduation certificates when I was applying for a job. “They’re in the den” said Dad “Look in the desk...
I remember it everyone talking about 'Jacking off' when i was just in the7th grade in middle school. The older boys in the 8th grade would talk abouthow it 'felt so good' when 'the white stuff came out'. I had always beencurious with this sensation that they were talking about. I remember i hadtried it for days but got no luck in feeling any sort of sensation. Myfriend Pete had told me that 'all the real men did it, probably even ourdads,' I remember being disgusted when he had mentioned this....
Introduction: Saras Dad has always been protective of her, till he falls in love with her. I believe in freedom of speech that means I say or write what I want. Why I write is just for the enjoyable of it. What I write is fiction. Its not real, the characters on real, the real age started less than a few months ago. There still just characters in a story. Ill certainly Im not the most hard-core author here. But I still would not recommend any of my writings for persons under eighteen. Actions...
he day started just like any normal day in my parent's home, but by the time evening came around, it suddenly felt like being stuck in a dream.My name is Jessie, and I'm twenty-three years old. I'm 5'8" and I have an ample set of jutting breasts and a well proportioned ass. My hair is the same as my Mom's – red, though wavy. Much of my character I inherited from Dad's Irish side, while my physical qualities I got from Mom. This story that I'm about revealing to you is stuff I've had hidden...
A few years ago a man in my hometown was sentenced to several years in jail for unlawful intercourse with his underage daughter. Her name was never made public but I had sources in the police department who provided her contact info. By now she was 19 and I wanted to interview her about what happened. I contacted her and after a lot of discourse back and forth she agreed to be interviewed, mainly because she thought her dad had gotten a bum deal and wanted to set the record straight. Here is...