I Never Dreamed It Would Come to ThisChapter 5
- 4 years ago
- 23
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The moment I dropped the letter to Danny in the outgoing mailbox I would have given anything to have had it back. The letter had been written as a selfish act, not for my husband. Writing the letter was to make me feel better, to somehow purge the guilt that had consumed me since I had committed a mortal sin. But writing it hadn't helped.
Sunday afternoon I did some soul searching. What had I done? What was my real purpose in writing the letter? How would Danny react to my confession? Would he be sorry that he'd left me alone the past four summers while he went off to play in the woods with his buddies or would he use the letter against me? Had I really thought that the letter would solve anything? Did I want it to?
I felt that I wasn't totally to blame for what had happened? Danny had gone away and left me alone for ten weeks every summer, leaving me to wait for an occasional letter or a rare phone call.
I was forbidden to call him. Danny didn't take his cell phone into the woods, saying it would be a distraction; they relied on radios to communicate. And contacting him at the camp was impossible because he said he only went there to sleep and did not want to be awakened.
Meanwhile, I checked the mailbox in front of our house every day and waited for him to call. What did he expect me to do? I wanted to blame him, at least partly, for what I had done.
True, I was the one who had seen the look in Randy's eyes and known the meaning. True, I should have changed from the very short shorts to something less revealing. And yes, I had enjoyed the attention and had run squealing when he sprayed me with water. I'd changed into a T-Shirt, thinking that he would not notice I was braless and yet, I knew. And I had not stopped him when he first kissed me.
I had left those things out of my letter to Danny; I had not been entirely candid. Nor had I done a good job of describing how Randy made me feel when he kissed me and I had forgotten to include my reaction to his blowing warm air through the crotch of my cotton panties. On the other hand, I had described where I was on the kitchen floor when Randy had lapped my pussy with his eager tongue. But Danny would have to use his imagination to envision how I was able to describe the abrasive feeling of the worn floor tile on my naked ass.
For the rest of the day I contented myself by thinking of how Danny was responsible for the situation I found myself in. He did not call.
By the next morning I'd changed my mind. It was my fault; I was totally to blame. At work I thought my coworkers looked at me accusingly and that the customers who usually came to my window were avoiding me. I felt I was becoming an outcast.
On Monday evening there was a newsflash on TV about forest fires on the west coast, but I did not hear the exact location. On the late news I saw planes dropping water and also watched men on the ground struggling to control the fires. The location sounded like the fires were near Danny's camp and it was scary to think of him, exhausted and in danger, working nearly around the clock with the rest of the crew in an attempt to forestall the spread of the fire. Again, there was no letter from him.
That night I dreamed Danny had been injured. He was sitting up in the hospital bed, his hands were bandaged and he was listening to a nurse read my letter to him. The nurse was very beautiful and had an accent, making the words in the letter sound nothing like what I had written. Her pronunciation of pussy made Danny laugh. I noticed her finger nails were very long when she patted him on the thigh, smiling. He jumped when her hand roamed up his inner leg, making we jump too. I was relieved to awaken and discover it had only been a dream.
When Randy came to my window the next morning to make a deposit I couldn't look him in the eye. I must look dreadful, I thought.
"What did the coach say?" I asked, assuming that he had told his coach that he had not gotten to sleep until after 3:30 A.M. on Sunday morning. He didn't answer. I knew he could see my hand shake as my fingers keyed the calculator. I kept my head down, afraid to look into his eyes.
"I'll tell you tonight. I'm coming to see you and we'll talk." he said in an even voice.
"No, you mustn't," I whispered, afraid that Betty, the teller at the next window, would hear me.
He didn't reply. I finished verifying his deposit slip was correct and pushed a receipt through the small opening at the bottom of my window. Our fingers touched, making me jump; and I looked up to see a smile cross his face.
"Don't turn on any outside lights tonight," he commanded in a soft but firm voice, making me tremble. I was sure that Betty was watching us.
Why do I let him affect me like this? He's just a boy, I thought. My knees were locked in place, keeping me upright but my mind was spinning. If he comes to the house I won't answer the door. I'll be firm and tell him to go away.
"Sorry about the letter, Sarah. I would have put a stamp on it myself but that's against regulations. I tried to get the postmaster to send it along and let Danny pay the postage due but he wouldn't agree to it." It was shortly before closing. The man in front of my window was Harry Pender, our postman. I stared at him in dismay, trying to comprehend what he was saying.
"What?" I asked, puzzled.
"I know how much those letters mean to Danny but regulations are... well, I can't go against them."
"That's all right Mr. Pender, I understand," I said as I completed his transaction. The news that he had delivered was sinking in. I had failed to put a stamp on Danny's letter. I felt like jumping for joy but I waited for the postman to turn and walk toward the door before letting out a muffled sigh. Betty looked my way. I smiled at her and shook my head as if it were nothing.
Opening the mailbox in front of our house, I held my breath. The letter was there, stamped "Returned for Insufficient Postage." Holding the returned letter tightly in my hand, I looked around the neighborhood to see it anyone was watching. My hand was shaking and my stomach tingled with a mixture of fear and relief.
Mrs. Hubbard caught up with me just as I was entering the back door. "Is that a letter from Danny? How is he? How near is he to those fires? Tell him not to be a hero."
Her barrage of questions took me by surprise. She had never shown concern for Danny's welfare before. I wondered if she knew about my infidelity.
"He's fine. At least I hope he's fine; but I don't know if he's near the fire. I'm going to call him tonight," I answered, avoiding her question about the letter. She seemed satisfied with my answer, dismissing me with a confident nod, making me believe that her questions had been innocent and her concern real.
Why had I told Mrs. Hubbard that I was going to call Danny that evening?
Telephoning Danny was a spur-of-the-moment reaction to her questions. Calling my husband at work had never been an option; but now that I'd said it, why not?
I had two reasons for disobeying Danny's order. Finding out if he was alright was paramount but telling him what I had done, though secondary in my mind, was the real reason I wanted to speak with him. As his wife I needed to know if he was well, that he had not been injured while doing his job. I felt I had to remind him, as Mrs. Hubbard had said, "Not to be a hero."
While having the letter back in my hand was a relief, I thought perhaps after all it would have been better if I had thought to put a stamp on the envelope and Danny had read my confession. I knew it was my responsibility to tell my husband that I had been unfaithful. But telling him would be hard. Where would I begin? I placed the letter in the shoebox along with the letters he had written to me.
The news on television was the same. Huge amounts of forests were being consumed by fire and residents in those areas were being ordered to vacate their homes. The firefighters looked tired. I thought I recognized Danny's back, swinging an axe, briefly, before the camera moved upward to show the top of a tree beginning to fall, presumably being felled by the man with the axe. Could it have been Danny? The man was wearing a hardhat, just as the others were. I so wanted it to be him.
I waited until 8 P.M., 6 P.M. Pacific time to turn off the television and make the call. The phone rang four times before the familiar, friendly sounding voice answered, telling me to leave a message. "Danny, please call me. I need to know if you're safe. I need to talk with you. It's important that we talk. Please call me."
I leaned back in my chair and smiled to myself, thinking, I could have told him everything and he might never listen to the message. He often admitted that he almost never checked his voice mail.
I was still sitting in the dark, lost in my thoughts, weighing the possibilities of how I would break the news to Danny if he called when I heard a light tap on the back door. I froze, petrified, having forgotten about Randy's rather sinister promise to pay a visit after dark. He would think I was following his order; I had forgotten to turn on the outside light. The second knock was more forceful.
"Randy?" I spoke softly, my resolve unyielding. Under no circumstances was I going to open the door and let him inside. Why had I said his name? What if Mrs. Hubbard or someone else was checking to see why my house was dark?
"Sarah, open the door."
"No, I told you not to come."
"Let me in. We'll talk." His persistence was beginning to piss me off. His confident manner was unnerving.
"Go away Randy. I don't want to see you any more. I can't." We were speaking in hushed voices.
"I just want us to talk. Please Sarah, let me in."
He was being stubborn. I considered flicking the light switch to drive him away but I desperately wanted someone to talk to.
"Only to talk, nothing more?"
"Only to talk," he assured me.
"No touching?"
"No touching, I promise." His voice was even. He sounded sincere. I opened the door and let him come in.
I folded my legs under me at one end of the sofa and offered him a seat at the other end, making sure the center cushion was left empty between us. I was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, with a bra this time. Except for a nightlight in the hallway leading to the bedroom, the room was dark. We could make out one another's form but the expressions on our faces were hidden. I wanted it that way.
He was dressed in black again, right down to the black running shoes. The thought of him wearing the jock strap under his black running shorts came to me and I felt a rush of blood flow to my face before I shook myself back into control.
"You're still beating yourself up because of what happened, aren't you?" he began. "I could tell by the way you wouldn't look at me in the bank this morning."
I nodded. There was no use trying to hide the disgrace I felt. He was too perceptive to deceive. I was glad that he was there with me. It was good to have company.
"Did you speak to your husband? Did he call?"
I shook my head and then told Randy about the phone call I had placed, the message I had left, about the fires and how worried I was that Danny could be injured. I even told him about my dream and how I had seen the pretty nurse reading the letter. "You should have heard how she pronounced pussy. I can't do it the way she did but it sounded like puzzle."
"You wrote him a letter?" He sounded surprised and ignored my imitation of the nurse.
I nodded, then remembering the darkness in the room, whispered, "Yes."
"What did you say? Did the letter have the word pussy?"
I nodded again, thought he couldn't see me. "Yes, I described how good if felt when you licked my pussy."
By the dim light I could see Randy looking at me. He sounded half pleased, half incredulous. "You told him about that? What else did you tell him?"
"I told him about how you found my clit and teased it until I couldn't take it any more. He wouldn't have understood; I don't even think he knows what a clitoris is. I described the place on the kitchen floor where my ass rubbed against the worn spot on..."
"What do you mean, wouldn't have understood? Don't you mean that he won't understand?"
I giggled, being deliberately impish. "The letter came back today because of lack of postage. I forgot to put a stamp on the letter."
"Do you still have it? Let me read it." His voice sounded urgent, gleeful.
"No, I won't," I laughed. "I'll tell you what I wrote but it would be too embarrassing to watch you read it."
My arm was extended across the back of the couch. "No touching!" I said as I jerked my hand back. His finger had grazed mine, sending an electrifying shock through my body.
"You said your husband wouldn't even know what you meant when you wrote about my tongue teasing your clit."
Sure that I was blushing and glad that he could not see my face in the dark, I settled back and told him I wanted to hear how he'd learned how to make love to a woman. In return, I promised to tell him what I had written in my confession to my husband.
He started by telling me about his relationship with his grandfather who had, in the past year, tutored Randy in the art of pleasing a woman. He spoke lovingly of how Otis had patiently answered his questions, lectured him about the dangers of disease, cautioned him about respecting limits and talked affectionately about his own past sexual experiences.
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Just so you people know I do NOT own Naruto I wish I did. Plz RnR Normal speak Thoughts Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17 And on to the story. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 7 Dreaming? said Hinata a bit confused, and then she noticed the surroundings. They were not in bed, and they were not naked. She was in the couch in the hospital sleeping just like the other girls. Then she...
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HumorMaybe you guys were mad that I left the chapter in a cliffhanger, well maybe I’ll just leave this chapter in a cliffhanger . . . . . . no I’m just playing. The majority of this chapter is a fight, I hope you guys like the fight and the fighters. NOw ReaD Hope you guys like it Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/Darkcloud75 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 2 Chapter 21 Kisame reached for...
- Here’s the long chapter I promised even thought I didn’t get that much reviews on the last one. I hope you’ll love it. - Sorry if there are any mistakes. “Hachibi talking” “Kyuubi talking” WARNING explicit language and LEMON IN THIS CHPT. But thats why you’re here. - I just couldn’t help myself on the Lemon, the people in it I mean, you’ll see. Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by...
Hey guys I’m glad that you love the story I just wish that everyone that read the story could review it. RR Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/Darkcloud75 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 2 Chapter 17 Kakashi was standing in the forest reading his book to pass the time; Pakkun was sitting next to him waiting just like Kakashi. Kakashi used Pakkun to try and pick up Naruto’s sent but it was...
---This is kind of a short chapter but I hope you like it. PLZ REVIEW after you read Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/Darkcloud75 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 12 Naruto walked over to Hiashi. “It’s over” said Naruto. “What you’re not going to kill me” said Hiashi. “No, I want you to live with your defeat and your humiliation that will soon follow” said Naruto. Just then...
Here another long chapter. The story continues . . . . . . . PLZ REVIEW after you read Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/DarkCloud75 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 11 The ANBU then took one of the scroll that was handed to him and opened it, “I will now read the request, these are the requests of Hyuga Hiashi, one: Hinata and Hanabi will be reemitted to the Hyuuga clan, on...
RnR “Normal speak” ‘Thoughts’ Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/Darkcloud75 And on to the story. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 4 The nurse had left and Hinata was alone in the room. ‘Pregnant . . . . . I’m pregnant’ she was surprised but in a couple of seconds her face turned to a happy one, she brought her arms to her belly and hugged herself. “I’m ganna . . . . . . Be a...
Introduction: Great fight I do NOT own Naruto, but then again neither do you, that Honor belongs to Kishimoto. Here another long chapter. The story continues . . . . . . . PLZ REVIEW after you read Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/DarkCloud75 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 11 The ANBU then took one of the scroll that was handed to him and opened it, I will now read the request, these...
Just so you people know I do NOT own Naruto I wish I did. Plz RnR Normal speak Thoughts Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/Darkcloud75 And on to the story. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 8 Hinata was in bed, she stirred for a while then she opened her eyes. She noticed that Naruto was not in bed, then she began to smell some smoke, then the screaming began. She got up and walked out...
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FemdomThe Cuckold’s Comeuppance: The Secret Revenge of Walter Mitty The soon to be ex Mrs. Miller was at lunch with her lawyer.“Bob, what the hell is taking that god damned judge so long?”“Relax Carol. You know this is the divorce and criminal trial of the century. The judge did say she’d have a decision today. It’s not even noon.”“Listen, mother-fucker, you said my name wouldn’t be dragged through the mud.”“I’m a lawyer and I told you that Ben is probably behind it. Remember that there was only a...
HumorCOMEUPPANCE By Geneva A dominatrix gets a surprise from one of her clients. Note: This story has no magic or transgender. START Almost without exception, I have found funerals boring and depressing, with their pervasive air of gloom and the sight of stupid relatives getting all weepy. Then there was the tedium of having to listen to routine eulogies by whichever clergyman the funeral home had on call or been able to rope in to talk about someone he probably never knew....
Coming out to my family was a rather simple affair. My parents and brother I knew their love for me wouldn’t change. I told them when I was 18 just before i went to uni it didn’t change anything (as is typical with gay men, my father was the hardest).my dad just said ok son and left the room .i just sat ther think he hates me .just then he came in and said Dad-" you still like football and rugby" ?Me -i said of course i do Dad-"good so we can still go to the match on saturday"Me - thanks dad...
The bracketing commercials shown at the beginning of a show and that book case the interior 'skits and mini shows' has as it's start a commercial showing someone moving boxes out in the garage and getting stuff down from the high shelves and one of the things that comes down is a guitar case covered with dust. A brief flashback to the night before with his two buddies, both in their early forties, seeing a commercial on TV for 'you got what it takes to be a One Hit Wonder?' and a pitch for...
One night me and my husband was driving on the highway but it was a really snowy night and we hadent eaten dinner yet so we were starving i said”lets go to thay bar i see in the distance”,”sure”said my husband.we went I’m and we saw puncks most likley around 20 years old we went to sit and they actully really nice.Then my husband went to charg his phone and then thet grabed me and stared to kiss me and i started screaming “NO NO LET ME GO!”,i coudent get him to stop so i started to kick and...
One night me and my husband was driving on the highway but it was a really snowy night and we hadent eaten dinner yet so we were starving i said”lets go to thay bar i see in the distance”,”sure”said my husband.we went I’m and we saw puncks most likley around 20 years old we went to sit and they actully really nice.Then my husband went to charg his phone and then thet grabed me and stared to kiss me and i started screaming “NO NO LET ME GO!”,i coudent get him to stop so i started to kick and...
We got back to campus on Monday. That was study day. Of course, it wasn’t all study. Jay greeted me at the door of our room with a kiss. Jack was there and said, “So now we know.” I told Jack that I indeed had sucked Jay’s dick. I added that I wouldn’t suck Jack with Craig’s mouth. He laughed and walked off. Janice and Valerie were already in the room and had overheard my exchange with Jack. “Can we watch?” asked Janice. I wasn’t quite sure what to say. Jay had turned beet-red. “Come on guys,”...
BisexualMy boyfriend’s name was, Roy. We’d been together for almost five years and things had been getting progressively less and less exciting. Both of us knew that we probably weren’t really meant to be together, not long term, but we persisted. It was convenient, we had lots of mutual friends and interests, and we were both earning enough money to give us a pretty comfortable lifestyle. We were in with this tight little circle of fairly decent people. We all mostly got together every weekend to...
After I wrote the original story, I received some comments and several emails that asked or suggested that I continue the adventures of Tyler Rawlings, his younger brother John and John’s wife Molly. I just reread my tale and have decided that maybe those characters haven’t completed their story. Because of the suggestions and because I wanted to write another western, I’ve decided to add a bit more about the lives of my friends and characters. I’ve had a difficult time getting this chapter...
The Hangman Cometh: A correction By Woodmanone Copyright February, 2013 (This is a reposting of the original story. There was a problem when I posted the continuation of the story called The Hangman Cometh: Tyler Rawlings. I’d had problems posting Part 2 and apparently the webmaster misunderstood the email concerning those problems and replaceed the first part with part 2 and then posted part 2 also. Hopefully this will help.) Another Western Adventure from my demented mind. It’s been a...
My name is Caleb and I am twenty-two years old. I work part-time as a stripper at The Dragon’s Lair by night and a full-time student by day. Every year The Dragon’s Lair puts on a charity silent auction for an animal rescue in our city. This year they are auctioning off their strippers instead for a dinner out and I am one of them. How I got talked into it I am not sure but I am standing here ready to go to the auction block. I have no problems taking my clothes off in front of maybe...
Gay MaleMaine: 2013 Susan sat in her driveway, hands trembling on the steeringwheel. Her mind was exactly thirteen and a half miles away in a Dodge Ram 4X4 parked at the gym where she worked out. Her affair with Mac, consummated barely an hour ago, left her whole body shaking. She didn’t quite know how she was able to navigate the icy streets to the home and shared with her husband of eleven years, Tom, and their two children. Even with Mac following her to her driveway and then discreetly keep going...
“You sure you don’t mind writing the letter?” “Not at all. I’m glad to help out Wendy.” I replied to Laura. We work at the same company in different departments. Our paths cross in the hallways, break room and the other usual places. We got to the same happy hours and other events. She’s really terrific looking for a woman ten years older than me. I’ve tried to initiate a little off-work fun, but it’s been a no-go. She won’t date anyone from the same company, even though we sometimes go to...
I work as a meter reader for one of Britain’s big power supply companies, reading householders’ supply meters. It’s not the most glamorous of jobs I’ll grant you, but it does sometimes have its little perks, and I’ve seen quite a few sights in my years on the job. I recently worked in a reasonably well off area of town, collecting data from electricity meters installed inside the properties. This involves knocking on doors and entering the premises and is usually a two minute job, I say...
It was probably about one in the morning and I was on my way out to this old picnic area by the lake where I live. I was a sissy on the prowl, looking for some cock! I was wearing my tight little khaki shorts and a sexy halter top with a thin little jacket. I also had on some cute little sandals that showed off my pretty red toenails. As I pulled up to the spot I was looking for I started to get excited. There was already a big pick up truck parked by the picnic tables just idling with his...
[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]"Carly? Principal Franklin called. He said that if you and Sam wanted to stay home today, he'd understand," Spencer yelled up.So the principal heard about it too. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. For neither the first nor the last time that morning, Sam wished cruel and violent death on Freddie's mother.Once again, Sam knocked on Carly's bathroom door and pleaded for...
I work as a meter reader for one of Britain's big power supply companies, reading householders' supply meters. It's not the most glamorous of jobs I'll grant you, but it does sometimes have its little perks, and I've seen quite a few sights in my years on the job. I recently worked in a reasonably well off area of town, collecting data from electricity meters installed inside the properties. This involves knocking on doors and entering the premises and is usually a two minute job, I say usually...
Gay MaleMy boyfriend's name was, Roy. We'd been together for almost five years and things had been getting progressively less and less exciting. Both of us knew that we probably weren't really meant to be together, not long term, but we persisted. It was convenient, we had lots of mutual friends and interests, and we were both earning enough money to give us a pretty comfortable lifestyle. We were in with this tight little circle of fairly decent people. We all mostly got together every weekend to...
Group Sex