SnatchedChapter 21 free porn video

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After we'd entered our hut my mates began teasing me about my new sweetheart, and I admitted openly and freely that I thought Lanita was a little treasure.

"Good. Here's hoping you start thinking of Nita that way too, and soon," Shaeta said.

"Of course Nita is a treasure. What Calak wouldn't be thrilled to have two healing women?"

"That isn't what Shaeta was talking about. The treasure she meant would be a little closer to your hut, especially at night," Katia said, and they both giggled.

"I haven't even considered such a thing. Should I? Do you think Breezus will put us together?"

"No, that is not Breezus' job. When a mated woman loses her mate, as Nita has, it is usually left up to a man in her Calak to take her in, with her permission of course," Shaeta said, explaining.

"What do you two think? Is it something you want?"

"We are your mates, mighty hero, we will obey your every whim so that we don't earn one of your fearsome spankings," Katia said, and she nearly got all of it out before they both started laughing at me.

"Even men are not stupid enough to believe that," I said, and it only caused them to laugh harder. Finally Shaeta caught her breath.

"Yes, we would like for Nita and Lanita to join us, even if we didn't like her so much already. She is a woman with a child and she needs a man to take care of her and her baby. For me, I think that Lanita has already made her choice and is busily going about making sure she gets you. She is very affectionate to Shaeta and I too," Katia said.

"In that case we wouldn't have a chance of avoiding it if we wanted to, and I can't think of a single reason to avoid it. As a man I may be just a dummy, but if the two of you want this, and Lanita wants it, and Nita wants it - I'll just give in and declare myself the winner. How should I do this?" I asked.

"You must ask her to become one of your mates. If she agrees, there will be a small ceremony with Zakat and Matatu, but there will be no feast or night of gajee drinking," Shaeta said.

"Don't worry my mate. Lanita will fall asleep early each night, and probably won't wake no matter how you make us scream. If she does she will pretend to be asleep anyway. Unless she giggles, but she will try not to," Katia said.

It sounded logical to me after they had it all explained. They told me if Nita agreed the ceremony could be tomorrow night, before supper, and that Nita and Lanita would just move into our hut with us. Hell, the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea.

Nita wasn't over five years older than Shaeta or Katia and she was every bit as desirable. In fact, thinking of what I could tell about her figure through her clothes made my dick hard. Poor Shaeta and Katia had to help me relive the pressure. For some reason I slept like a baby afterwards.

As soon as I woke I realized I'd be asking Nita and Lanita to join our family, but that wasn't all I knew. I'd had a delivery during the night. I wanted to go check things out right away, but didn't. We dressed and headed for breakfast.

Almost as if they knew what was going to happen, Denac and Jekaycey didn't eat with us this morning. It didn't cause us to miss out on company though, for Nita and Lanita were there. Lanita came to sit in my lap as the women went to get our food.

"Would you like to come and live with Shaeta, Katia, and I?" I asked, as soon as she was settled in my lap.

"What about my mother?" she asked.

"Why I want her to come and live with us too. I want her to be one of my mates," I said.

"It would be wonderful. Do you think she will? Lanita asked.

"I hope so. What do you think?"

"I think she will. She has been lonely since Kaglao killed my Daddy. She cries at night sometimes when she thinks I'm already asleep."

"Maybe I can stop her crying," I said.

"I hope so. I hope you can make her squeal, like Daddy did," Lanita said, and then giggled.

"You will probably giggle if I do," I said, teasing her.

"Of course I will giggle if I hear it. What are children for if not that," she said, and smiled.

When the three of them returned I decided not to wait until we'd finished, and I thought I might as well use my talk with Lanita to any advantage I could.

"Nita, Lanita and I have decided that we would like for you to join Shaeta and Katia as one of my mates. It would make us both very happy. Wouldn't it Lanita?"

"Yes Mother, it would make us very happy, and I promise not to giggle too loudly if he makes you squeal at night," Lanita said.

It surprised not only Nita, but Katia and Shaeta too. They recovered quickly enough though and did some giggling of their own, along with another pretty blush up Nita's neck.

"I will be happy to join with you Carl, and to become one of your mates, if Katia and Shaeta agree," Nita said.

"Of course we agree," Shaeta told her, "Carl is much too well trained to ask you without our approval first."

This surprised Nita, and I don't think it was what Shaeta said, but that she said it in front of me. She was at a loss for words for a few seconds.

"No need to look so surprised. When we asked Carl about training the cashda he said he would have an easier time training them than women had training men," Katia said.

That was it for Nita's control and she burst out laughing, keeping it up until tears were streaming.

"I don't know what's so funny," Lanita said, "I didn't have a bit of trouble training you to hold me in your lap and feed me."

The rest of us lost it then while Lanita sat in my lap smiling at her own joke. She was too smart to be so young, but I knew she would keep things interesting.

One of the best things for men about living in this time and place was that the women took care of all the little details and usually got huffy if a man tried to help them. The men didn't need to worry their thick skulls about domestic duties.

After we'd eaten, all of them left me to my own devices, even Lanita, while they were off to clean and put away the bowls then buttonhole Matatu and Zakat about the evening's upcoming nuptials. At least Denac came over to join me after they'd left.

"Jekaycey told me something was going to happen this morning that we would interfere with if we ate with you. By the look of it you'll be getting a little more crowded in your hut," he said, teasing me, or trying to.

"I suspect that's why Shaeta had me build it so large to start with. It seemed too big at the time, but now I think she planned on Katia's arrival from the start," I said.

"Better you than me," he said, laughing.

"Don't count yourself out yet, Denac. Seems to me that Jekaycey has found a friend among the new women too. Remember, yours is not to reason why," I said.

"What does that mean?" he said.

"It means that your best policy with a mate is to always listen carefully and then try to do exactly what she tells you to do."

He roared with laughter and then told me he considered it the best advice he'd ever had.

"You are right. After all, she has control of most of my food and all of my pussy," he said, and laughed loudly again with me joining him this time.

"What are you two up to?" Jekaycey asked, as all the women in question came back.

"Denac and I were just talking about how nice it was to have women in our lives so that we would know what we were supposed to be doing."

"Well it can't be any better than having a man who appreciates you and who will mind," Katia said.

"One who is well trained you mean," I said.

"There is that too," Jekaycey said.

You two should run along and play now. We have things to take care of," Shaeta said, and then they all, including Lanita, laughed at us.

"Come along Denac, we have been dismissed," I said, leading him around to the back of my hut.

"Aren't we going to the canyon where the cashda are?" he asked.

"Yes, but I had a feeling when I woke that something had been left for me in the night."

Something had, some things in fact, as in more than one. I spotted a pair of posthole diggers first and then saw two round point and two flat point shovels. Lying near them were a nice drawknife, a spoke shave, a tenon cutter, and a hub-boring tool. Stacked beside these were eight wagon wheel rims. I was almost ecstatic. I would have been thrilled with only the rims, since they would be by far the hardest mandatory items to make. I could have managed without some of the tools, but not without the rims, or not nearly as well anyway.

A little more investigation let me find a shingle cutting froe, a brace, a nice box of bits for the brace and a couple of dozen chisels, some for wood and some for metal. Last but certainly not least was a set of blacksmithing tongs. I knew that the shed was going to need to be moved forward on the agenda, but by now I thought it needed to be workshop size instead of just a shed.

"What is all this, Carl?" Denac asked.

"There are several new things that will serve us well later, but for today these will be invaluable. They are posthole diggers."

"What are postholes?" he asked.

"We will have to put post into the ground to make other fences for catching and training the cashda. They will not let us just walk up to them and hop onto their backs."

"I can understand that. I'm glad that you seem to know how to go about it, and I am anxious to learn," he said.

I took a shovel and let Denac carry the posthole diggers and we headed for the canyon. Half way to the river we did an about face and headed back for my stash of new tools.

When we got there I picked up the brace and the box of bits and other tools, grabbing a two-pound hammer while I was at it. As we'd been heading out the first time I had come across the idea of using pegs to hold the fences together instead of rawhide thongs. Pegs were easier to make and would probably be stronger anyway.

We stopped at the river to get naked below the waist for the transit. This was getting to be a bother and I wished it wasn't necessary, since it was time consuming and the reward, dry clothes, seemed small.

Most of our crew was sitting around on their asses, just now recovering from the breakfast that four of them had gone after this morning. They got to their feet as soon as they saw us though and were anxious to do something, anything it seemed.

We left half of them adding to last night's fence but I told them to only cut more trees for rails, and that I'd come and show them how to make the attachments later. Denac, the other half of our workers, and I walked on into the now enclosed pasture.

We had the cashda captured already, sorta. They couldn't get away, but there was still plenty of room for them to avoid us. I did a little planning and then showed everyone how posthole diggers worked. I was surprised to see them all waiting anxiously for their turn to try them out.

The rest of the day was mostly old-fashioned work. We had to cut more trees for the posts, and then some smaller ones to make dowels to use as pegs. Luckily the newness of the diggers hadn't worn off before all the holes were in place, and there'd been quite a few needed.

Once we had the pen built, we started on the chute I'd decided to use instead of trying to rope these monsters with the rawhide lariats. I wasn't nearly as worried about breaking a lariat as I was about being dragged all over creation if I actually roped something that didn't want to be roped.

Shortly after noon our food was delivered and I was happy for the break. My mates, Nita, and Lanita had come with the group and I ate with them, holding Lanita in her now expected seat. I'll admit that I let the break run longer than it really needed to. As they left, Shaeta reminded me not to stay until dark tonight, since I had an appointment.

Even though the chute had to be larger and stronger than any I'd ever seen, and though we had to tamp hell out of all the posts, not to mention the pain in the ass of cutting dowels, drilling holes for them, and hammering them in turned out to be, we still had things eighty percent done by about an hour before sunset.

I told the workers that they could come on back to camp tonight, since I was sure the cashda couldn't get out, but they said they'd stay just in case. Half of them did return with us to pick up food for them all, but every one of them said they'd rather stay out to make sure nothing went wrong.

The mating ceremony for Nita, Shaeta, Katia, and I took place before the meal. I was glad it was short and that all of the women we'd rescued looked happy about it. I hoped they would put their ordeal behind them and get on with their new lives, though I figured it would take more time.

We ate together after the business was taken care of, with Lanita in my lap and all my mates and I clumped together onto the one large rock that was getting too crowded for such. I needed to take a day off from cashda tomorrow and build some damned furniture, or at least cut some logs into manageable sizes so we could drag them up for seats. We weren't the only ones that were scrambling for a place to sit.

Later, when we headed to the hut Shaeta told me I'd be seeing a little surprise when we got inside. I wondered what could be surprising inside the hut but once I entered I couldn't miss it. Our hut seemed to be carpeted now.

Of course it wasn't a carpet, the floor was completely covered with furs. It didn't take that many either, since they'd finished with the giant vadeesey's hide without me noticing. In fact, I hadn't even seen them working on it.

"How did you ever get it ready so soon?"

"Almost everyone helped some. It doesn't take that long when there is plenty of help," Katia said.

"But why did we end up with it?"

"Because you're the one that killed it, silly. Not only that, you killed it before it injured anyone at all. Darita did a lot of the work, since you saved her so much patching up," Shaeta said.

"I have never seen a vadeesey fur off the vadeesey. How did you ever kill it, Carl?" Nita asked.

"With the weapon you saw me using at the loner's camp. It came with me. It was still a close thing though. Vadeesey take a lot of killing."

"Well, I think it is wonderful, and so soft," Lanita said, from where she lay squirming on it.

We talked a little and then undressed and went to sleep. Even though I enjoyed seeing them all bare assed in the candle light, I was just as glad that it seemed to be custom for sex to start on the second night after you were mated, or later. It wasn't that I didn't look forward to dipping my wick in Nita, but it seemed more comfortable somehow if you didn't rush to bed and start fucking.

It was slightly surprising but not alarming the next morning when I woke and discovered that Lanita was sleeping comfortably on my chest. When I moved a little her eyes opened and then she gave me the cutest little smile.

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How I Became A Whore

I, on the other hand, had always been the slacker of the group. They had recently hurt me when they with some VERY harsh words to say the least. So, there I had been, with everyone else out at some club, and me sitting around depressed and drinking, trying to forget myself. But, to my dismay, it wasn't working. I was bumping a Deadlee CD and watching the boob tube, half drunk, when I came across a scene from Shawshank Redemption. One of the gay rape scenes. That, had reminded me of a...

3 years ago
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The Runaways

Mindy stood in front of the mirror and adjusted her veil for the tenth or eleventh time. She hated to admit it at this late date, but she wasn't at all sure she should do it. She wanted to do it, God knew that she loved Rob with all her heart, but the question was, "Should she do it?" Should she start her marriage to Rob on a lie? Rob was going to slip his ring on her finger believing that she was a virgin when the truth was that she was anything but. There would be a least - at least! - a...

2 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 5 He is My Brother

Life was better after that. The six of us were together almost constantly. Joey and Ryou were almost as close as my shadow most days, and Honda and Anzu were only a step back from that. Mutou was a childhood friend of Honda's and spent almost as much time with us. Mutou was a strange boy with wide eyes, spiked tri-colored hair and an air of both innocence and sadness — which he hid most of the time under an onslaught of deliberate cheer. The old Seto would have found Mutou's constantly...

2 years ago
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Adventurous Sex With Another Couple

Our life had gotten stuck in a rut. Shama and I had moved to Karachi two years ago after I took an exciting job offer. It had seemed like the perfect thing to do at the time. Even though it was far from Islamabad, with my new salary, more than twice what I’d been making before, we figured we’d be happier than ever. After all, everything had been going fine up until then. Shama got a job as a Marketing Manager of a real estate agency, and I’d started my job as financial planner for high-income...

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Bridgets DaysChapter 3

(Cadiz, Spain, 1805) In today's movies, and in the romantic tales before them running all the way back to Homer, the hero or heroine never spends hours in the dripping rain. Cold, wet and miserable are simply glossed over in favor of thrills and romance. Just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I WANT to be out in the cold and damp instead of toasting in front of a nice, warm fire with my feet up. I pulled my cloak closer around me, waiting for whoever, or whatever was going to show up for...

1 year ago
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My First Summer of Love

In a few months time I will have lived my allotted Biblical span of three score years and ten, and whilst I am still in good health and hope for many more years of active life, the years of my sexual prime now lie well in the past. Looking back to my teens it would be easy to exaggerate my youthful sexual experiences, but I’m afraid that most of those who describe adventures of which Casanova would have been envious are looking through the distorting lens of history.The so-called Swinging...

3 years ago
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A Wondering Eye or a Wondering MindChapter 3 Kate Makes a Decision

I still have no Idea why he affects me the way he does, I had never felt this way about anyone since Ken and I had gotten married. If I were to be honest with myself, I can't ever remember feeling this way about anyone. I've never felt the warm glow in my loins, that he causes just talking with him. It very well could be what he says, and how he says it, with his soft french accent, that causes the warm glow. I'll be the first one to admit, I, m pretty naive about some things. but I was...

2 years ago
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Sakamoto Realties Part 3 Fuyumi

"'I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.' Isn't that what you said? 'He'll pay the money or bits of him would be washing up on some countryside beach on Shikoku.' That's what you promised me." Fuyumi stared at her number two, her disgrace of a number two. Her stare turned into a scowl and the man, if he could be called that, squirmed in his seat. "Instead of any of that, you come back and tell me you want to wash your feet? You can't quit. It's not an option." The man...

2 years ago
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The True MasterChapter 3 Process Hang

Jan 16 2016: Opening my eyes I was treated to the same dream I had woken to every morning for the past week. Kate was in my lap, her mouth around my cock slowly moving up and down brining me out of my sleep. Looking up to see that I was awake I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes and she quickened her pace. I remained still and let her work acutely aware that only one of her hands was at my cock the other between her own legs. The act of giving head was almost enough...

3 years ago
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Taiji Ke Saath Shararat

Hello friends myself Mitr, today I will be sharing with you all one of the experiences of mine, I would be using more of Hindi thAn English as reading stories in Hindi gives more pleasure then in English, I have been a regular visitor of this site and would say that some of the stories are wonderfully written really appreciate that. The story is between the aunt and nephew. This incident happened 2 years back, mera naam mitr hai aur mein 21 saal ka hun, when I was studying in my final year...

1 year ago
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African Prince 6

Chapter 6When Mikey awoke, it was almost noon and his Mom wasgone. Still trying to make sense of the morning'sevents, Mikey got up and ran a hot shower to cleanhimself off of his own dried cum. This time, as hewashed he felt no better. He felt his Mom had rejectedhim. She had teased him. She was ready to fuck him andhad stopped because of a goddamned broken glass."That whore," he growled aloud. "She tasted my cumyesterday. She was ready to fuck me today." His wordsand his anger got stronger...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Experience

Hello friends mera naam Vishu hai main Patiala (Punjab) ka rehne wala hoon. Yeh meri pehli story hai. So please ignore my mistakes. Yeh aaj se takreeban 5-6 saal puraani story hai jb main +2 k exams k baad coaching center join kia tha. Waha 3-4 larkia aati thi nd main akela larka tha. Mere saath ek larki parti thi jiska naam Charu hai nd uske mom expire ho chuke hai vaise vo 1 no ki randi thi yeh baat mujhe baad main pta chali. Coming back to the story Us din jb main class pohncha to Charu...

2 years ago
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the flight attendant

i was on a flight from london to the states, first class pan american airlines. we were in our seats for take off and one of the attendants was strapped into her seat about ten yards from me facing toward me. she was wering dark grey and black uniform with tan coloured shiny lycra pantyhose with black square heeled court shoes.i was staring at her feet and legs and how gorgeous they were when i looked up and seen she was watching me, i looked embarrassed as she stared at me. she smiled and...

2 years ago
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Second Time Around

Second Time Around By Saint Ein I had been married before so I wasn't surprised when, after the honeymoon, Charlene, my new bride, started sounding more like a wife than a sweetheart. Women must have some built in switch that changes them into rulers of the house. When we were dating she never complained about what I ate. When we went out I ordered my favorite steak and she always fixed one of my favorites when I went to her apartment for dinner. But after the honeymoon she...

4 years ago
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Double Dating With the Parents Version BravoChapter 4

It was dark. The kids were thirty feet away, watching the fireworks. Surely Bob and Karen may be forgiven for thinking that it was safe to roll into what became a torrid embrace, during which each tried to make up for a decade of not having this in their lives. The kiss was really one, long, passionate kiss, regardless of the fact that they pulled their lips away from each other from time to time, to breathe, or to change the style of it. For all intents and purposes it really was one...

3 years ago
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A Mistake To Remember Chapter 3

Chapter 3: I didn't see Leonard for several days. In the meantime, Evalyn took a vacation from work to be with me. She wouldn't tell me everything about her son, preferring that I hear his life story from him, but when she did speak of him, it was with pride. Obviously, she didn't think there was much wrong with him. Like many of the Mengstrom men, he'd left the family confines at an early age and went out to see the world. He'd been a mate on a steamship freighter in the 1890's,...

3 years ago
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Fishing Buddies

I have always wondered what it would be like to suck on a cock, but I live in a small community where everyone knows your business. It all happened one day while out fishing with my long time friend Kevin. We were out in his boat drinking beer and wishing we were catching fish. After some time of no action we went back to shore and to the local tittie bar for a few drinks and a game of pool, then we decided it was time to hit the water again. An hour had gone by since the tittie bar and I was...

1 year ago
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my visit to two prostitutes

So finaly i was so horny last week that i execute my plan to viste a prostitute...yes i did...but in the end i visited two prostitutes...not planed but read how it happend ;)First i was with Glenny a 27 year old verry atractive girl in a club...When i enter the room 7 girls introduces themselfs to me, Glenny was for me incredible! so i picked her to come with me.I was a litle nervous, she was so beautiful and relaxed...she asked me what i wanted...well i said: lets start with a massage or...

1 year ago
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Frank and Iris

It is said that "The husband is always the last to know" and it may or may not have been true in my case, but the one thing that was true was that I did know. I didn't discover it by accident or get clued in by some friend of mine or an enemy of my wife's. No, I got it from the horse's mouth so to speak. It was at breakfast after a night of hot sex and I was on my second cup of coffee when my wife Iris said: "My boss took me to lunch yesterday. We ended up in a hotel room and spent most...

2 years ago
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Pune History With Sanjana

Hello to all Indian sex stories readers and authors. First and foremost I would like to thank the Indian sex stories for this wonderful platform to share the individuals experience. Even I am the reader of ISS, moreover fan and read the sizzling stories daily since so many years. First time I am putting down my experience and there are many more to come. Let me introduce myself as Vijay, married, 34 years basically from Chennai. I belong to the hospitality industry. Enough of my introduction. I...

3 years ago
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Gf Ki Choot Chati 8211 Part 1

Hello Pehle m apna intro de doon . My name is sushant (name changed). Coz parivacy k liye change karna pda.. Baki sab kuch real h..Basically m from jalandhar panjab.   Main iss ko karib 3-4 saal se daily ka reader hu.. Bht achi site h muje spcly desi sex stories read karna acha lgta h..   Main first time story likhne ja raha hu koi galti ja spelling mistake huya to uske liye sry..   Yeh story meri oh meri gf sonam ( name changed) k vich h. Ek sham ko meri fb pe mere frnd ka msg aya wo bhr out...

3 years ago
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Lottery Winner TravelsChapter 29

The boat ride back was quiet. We managed to find our clothes and dressed. Once docked, I left with Beth and Alicia. We went to the RV and ate a light supper before going to bed. In the morning, I talked with Beth about staying or moving on while Alicia slept. She had been used more and used harder than Beth the previous day. We had four more days paid on our space. After talking while breakfast cooked, we decided that it was time to move the RV to somewhere new. Beth said, “We could even...

2 years ago
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Helen Spencer was looking forward to being taken to a country house for dinner with Angela Drake, her forty-five-year-old girlfriend, together with two of their friends, Jackie and Victoria, both also forty-five years old. Helen was forty-six years old, a statuesque six-feet tall with a medium build, blonde hair and electric blue eyes. She was looking at herself in the mirror wearing her favourite satin evening dress, which was white like a wedding dress, with straps so showing off her...

3 years ago
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BusinessChapter 9 Dana

It all went down Friday night. Brian and I and a number of his friends had been at the cafe all week. We sat there night after night, just waiting for them to show up. I couldn't believe they'd taken this long but I was not about to miss this opportunity. The plan was very simple. Alex's drink would be spiked with a cocktail we'd mixed up special for her. 1 part date-rape drug, to make her horny and out of it, 1 part ecstasy, to relax her and the most special part was a very powerful...

1 year ago
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Chilly Morning

The windows were left open over night and a chilly breeze was blowing past the light curtains when I woke up. I was looking up at the ceiling, having tossed and turned throughout the night from my favorite position on my stomach. My right hand was nonchalantly holding my dick, which was stiff from having to go to the bathroom. It felt warm. I wiggled in the bed a little closer to my wife, Taylor. She was asleep, her back to me, her feet tucked in towards her body in a fetal position. I...

2 years ago
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The HeirChapter 9

I called Spencer and asked about the property Steve was leasing, thirty acres on the south side of my property (at least it would be mine eventually). When I asked if I could sell it, Spencer said it was up to me, but that he’d have to sign all the paperwork since he was still executing the will. He reminded me that the money from the sale would go into my uncle’s holdings and not into my pocket. I told him I understood that, and that I’d get back to him. I called Steve’s cell phone and...

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Santas Special DeliveryChapter 13

I thought about going over to the place Eva worked for lunch, but she had said she'd call. I didn't want to push things, which could push her away. She'd already had one bad experience with a pushy guy. So I went back to the office and did some work until it was time to go see what Judge Pickett had decided to do. The court room looked the same. Wally's case hadn't generated much interest. The judge's whiskered friend was there, but he appeared to be dozing. At two sharp a bailiff...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 72 Connies Pizza

November, 1983, Chicago, Illinois November 1st was unseasonably warm, with the temperature reaching almost 70°F by the middle of the afternoon. But being it was Chicago, that couldn’t last. Soon enough the temperatures would fall far enough that running would be uncomfortable and I’d have to decide how to exercise during the winter. I’d thought about ice skating, but the most convenient indoor rink wasn’t all that convenient. It was on West Madison Street, a few blocks from the Chicago...

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