- 3 years ago
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I was out for a hot Saturday afternoon run in July when I saw her. She was walking a dog in the field adjacent to where the jogging trail passed by the playground. She wore white shorts and a sleeveless red top. She was still a fox and her body was still fine, just like it was back when we used to be a couple.
Her name was Helen and she had been one of the prettier girls in my high school. She had long brown hair, deep brown eyes and a body that turned heads. She was a very nice and considerate person, but she intimidated a lot of guys in those days, including me, partially because of her exquisite looks, but mostly because her mother was an English teacher at our school. In the spring of our senior year, Helen and I acted in a school play together and we hit it off. I found her very easy to talk to with a great sense of humor. She was hot, but she didn’t act like it. We dated the last several months of our senior year and through our first year of college. She went to a different school to get her nursing degree so we ended up going our separate ways. We were by this time in our mid-twenties, and it had been over five years since I’d seen her.
“Helen? Helen, is that you?” I asked as I coasted to a stop a few feet away from her. The dog leaped toward me but she yanked back on the leash.
“Down, Babs,” Helen said. “Will? Holy smoke, I can’t believe it!”
We shared a brief, sweaty hug and the dog was jumping up almost to my shoulders.
“This is Babs,” Helen said. “She’s a Jack Russell Terrorist. And not too well trained, I’m afraid.”
“Is she your dog?” I asked.
“No, she belongs to my mother. Mom lives right over there,” she said, pointing to the entrance to The Ridge, an upscale subdivision of nice homes on fairly large lots.
Her mother was Connie, my old English teacher. She was also a knockout, at least back in high school she had been. I guess she was still in her thirties then, with a slim athletic body, tight ass, firm titties and a beautiful smile. Most of the boys in school thought she was hot, and they all fantasized about her, and that helped make Helen seem hands-off to many of them.
“How’s Mrs. Connie doing?” I asked.
“Okay, I guess. But it’s Miss Connie now. She and my father split up a couple years ago, but she’s doing fine, just hates men nowadays. He was messing around with some little harlot at his work and got caught. So she nailed his ass in the divorce and bought a nice house with a pool and a hot tub!”
“Is she still teaching?”
“Oh yeah,” she said, laughing. “Still in the same old classroom, same old syllabus, and still setting adolescent boys’ hearts a-flutter!”
“Well, you look good, Helen,” I said. “Where are you living these days?”
“All over the place,” she said. “I’m a travelling nurse. I go to work at places where there are severe nurse shortages, get paid well and get to see the world. I just got back from Alaska a couple of weeks ago; I was there for six months. I’m staying with Mom for a few weeks now, and then I’m off to South America!”
“South America! Wow.”
“Yep, Venezuela. I’ve been brushing up on my Spanish. How about you? Where are you living? What are you up to?”
“Been selling medical equipment. It’s been going pretty well. I bought a townhouse overlooking the park, about a mile from here.”
“Oh, nice, we’re practically neighbors! We should get together while I’m here. And I’m sure Mom would love to see you.”
I wasn’t so sure about that. When I’d taken her classes, she seemed to like me a lot as a student and enjoyed my comments and humor. But after I started dating Helen she’d seemed to act colder toward me.
“Sounds like a great idea,” I said, “I’d love to. It will be fun to catch up and see Miss Connie again!”
She told me the phone number and I repeated it a few times so I wouldn’t forget. She said to call the next day and I promised I would.
When I called the next day Connie answered the phone.
“Well, if it isn’t the sparkling wit of Franklin High!” she laughed. “Helen said you might be calling. How are you doing, Will?”
I gave her the brief update and then she told me that Helen was out but they wanted to invite me over for a cookout by the pool.
“How about Thursday evening?” she asked. “Would that work for you?”
“That would be fine,” I said.
“Okay, then we’re all set. Come over around six. We’ll grill out by the pool, have some drinks, catch up on everything and then we’ll have a pop quiz on Antigone!”
“Ugh,” I groaned, laughing.
“Okay, maybe not Antigone. How about Stevie Ray Vaughan?” she laughed.
She had a nice laugh. It was cool that she remembered that I was into the Blues. And any coolness I had detected from her in the past was nonexistent.
On Thursday at six p.m., I was knocking on their door. I held a twelve-pack of beer in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other, which made hugging awkward when Helen and Connie saw me in. So I put down the merchandise, gave them each a hug and thanked them for having me over.
They both looked ravishing. Helen’s hair was in a ponytail and she wore short denim cutoffs and a tight, white t-shirt, her tanned arms and legs glowing in contrast and the lace of her bra contoured through the thin cotton of her shirt. Connie was foxier than ever, and even though she had to be in her mid-forties she didn’t look a day older than she had when I’d taken her classes eight and nine years before. Her dirty blond hair was shorter and slightly frizzed. She wore a flowery summer dress hemmed above the knees, and her long legs and arms were beautifully toned and tanned.
I followed them through the house to the pool area out back. I put the beer on ice and grabbed one for myself. They each already had a glass of wine.
“You two look great!” I said, as we took seats on the patio. “And Miss Connie, you don’t look a day older than when I was in high school.”
“Oh, please,” she blushed. “And, it’s just Connie, now. We’re not in school anymore!”
“Okay, Connie. But, I’m serious, you look great. You must be working out, you look in fabulous shape.”
“Pilates, aerobics, I swim a little and I’ve gotten into running. Helen said she bumped into you when you were running Saturday, so obviously you are still at it.”
I had run cross country in high school and college, and kept it up after graduation, running races, marathons, and even a couple ultra-marathons.
“Yes, I’m still at it. My positive addiction, I guess. It helps me justify my beer drinking!” I laughed, raising my bottle.
“You ran a few marathons if I remember correctly,” Connie said.
“I have,” I answered. “I ran New York last year. None in the plans right now, though.”
“I think that would just be an incredible accomplishment,” she said. “I’ve run a few 10Ks, but I don’t think I could ever run twenty-six miles!”
“Oh, if you can do a 10K,” I said, “you could do a marathon. It’s all just a matter of committing to the training. There aren’t any short cuts!”
“Maybe one of these days I’ll try it.”
“You can do it. Like I said, it’s really a matter of planning and training and not rushing it.”
The night progressed with easy conversation between the three of us, burgers and chicken on the grill, potato salad and corn on the cob. It was all delicious and I washed it down with a number of beers. At about a quarter till ten, Connie said she was going to turn in and said her goodnights. She disappeared behind the French doors that led into her master bedroom. Babs, who had been floating on a raft in the pool for most of the evening, was right behind her.
Then it was Helen and me alone. We’d all been reminiscing throughout the night and we continued along those lines, talking about the times we’d shared. We caught each other up on our personal lives and various gossip. I told her I hadn’t been serious with anyone for over a year; she was vague and just said that relationships wouldn’t fit too well into her current life as a travel nurse.
“You want to take a swim?” Helen asked me.
“I didn’t bring my trunks,” I said.
“You still wear boxers?” she asked.
I told her I did.
“You wearing them now?”
I told her I was.
“That’ll work!” she said. “Go on, get in. I’ll be back in a jiffy!” and she bounced into the house.
I took off my shirt and pants and shoes and dove in. In about sixty seconds Helen reappeared through the door to the living room in a black bikini, strutted to the edge of the pool and walked down the steps into the shallow end. Her suit didn’t leave much to my imagination. She had a killer body and I admired every inch of it. On this hot summer night, the water was cool against my skin, but I still felt a warm tingle down below. After a few minutes of playful splashing around, we sat on the pool steps and continued our catching up. We sat close but we weren’t touching.
“Remember the first time we went swimming together?” she said.
“How could I ever forget?” I said. “You were so bad!”
I had dived into the pool at school and the rush of water had yanked my swim trunks right off of me. Helen grabbed them and had gotten out of the pool before I even came up for air. She pranced around with my trunks laughing and I couldn’t get out of the pool for half an hour.
“You made up for it later, though. I forgave you.”
“I remember,” she said, smiling. That night she gave me a blowjob in the woods near the fourth fairway at the public golf course.
“Remember when you wanted to be a stripper?” I said.
She laughed. “Yeah, thank God that didn’t work out!”
“I think it worked out just fine,” I said.
This was right after we started dating. We were drinking at a party and were kidding around and talking about what we wanted to do for a living when we got older, and somehow she said she thought it would be fun to be a stripper. I told her that sounded great, I’d like to watch her practice. So we went back to my house and down to the basement…my parents were out at some social event…and I put on some music. Soon Helen was swaying to the music and soon her blouse came off, and then her skirt as she ground to the groove. Then she tossed her bra aside and was wearing nothing but her panties, and my dick was hard as nails. Once she slid out of her panties I couldn’t control myself any longer and I slid in front of her on my knees and started eating her hairy bush. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing but by that time we were both so horny it didn’t matter, and soon I was fucking her brains out, our first time together.
“Maybe for you!” she said. “But I was in mortal fear until I had my next period!”
“So was I!” I replied. We laughed about it. But it wasn’t funny back then.
Soon we got out of the pool. Helen went to change and I got out of my wet boxers and into my dry shorts. As we were saying goodnight I asked her if she wanted to get together and go out on Saturday night.
“Will,” she said. “You need to know, I’m really not interested in getting into a relationship. And I’m only going to be here a couple more weeks…”
“I know that,” I said. “Relax. But while you’re here, why not? Tonight was fun, don’t you think?”
She smiled and said yes, it was.
We agreed that I’d pick her up at seven and we’d figure out something to do.
We went out Saturday and just winged it. We went to a local joint and had pizza and beer and talked, then hung out and listened to a guitar and bass duo play a set out on the patio. When I took her home it was a tad awkward when I dropped her off.
“I don’t know what to do!” I said, as we said goodnight.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Should I try to kiss you or not?”
She burst out laughing. “What do you want to do?”
“Seems like a kiss would be appropriate,” I said.
“Okay, go ahead, Romeo!” she said, puckered her lips, closed her eyes and posed.
I laughed and pecked her on the corner of her mouth.
A couple days later I was out running in the same area where I had encountered Helen when she was walking Babs. While I was in my typical mid-run dissociative daydream I noticed another runner approaching me from the opposite direction. It was an attractive woman, slim and athletic with a smooth, even stride. She was dressed in yellow running shorts that clung to her upper legs and crotch and a white singlet that was sweat-plastered to her firm tits and waist. It was Connie.
She didn’t recognize me as we closed in on one another so I ran off a few yards to the right and circled back around behind her. I caught up and started running beside her on her right.
“So Connie, you’ve started your marathon training already, I see!” I said.
She was startled and looked over at me and laughed.
“Oh, Will!” she said, “I didn’t see you come up. But uh, no, just out for a jog.”
We chatted as we ran together for a couple miles. She asked me if Helen and I had had a good time when we went out the other night.
“Oh, sure,” I said. “We spent the night catching up and reminiscing and laughing about it all.”
“So you won’t be getting back together I take it,” she replied.
“Oh no, nothing like that. It would be hard to try to have a relationship on two different continents!”
“Yes, I believe it would. And Helen hasn’t had a steady guy for several years and I think she prefers it that way.”
As we ran, the topic of discussion became running. I asked if she was serious about running a marathon.
“I’m not sure. Do you really think I could?”
“Sure,” I averred. “Why not? Many people in not nearly the shape you’re in have done it. As I said before, it’s all about the training. If you plan it right, and do it right, you’ll be prepared and be fine. And when you actually do it, you’ll not only be in the best shape of your life, but you will have done something that ninety-nine percent of the people on Earth couldn’t do!”
“What’s the training like? How long is it?” she asked.
“Three or four months. The key is you have to get a long run in once a week.”
“How long?”
“You want to get it up to at least twenty miles.”
“Ugh,” she groaned. “Twenty miles? In the summer?”
“You don’t start with that, you build up to it. You can do 10Ks, that’s a good base. Start with a long one of eight or nine miles and build from there. In a couple of months, you’ll be doing twenty-plus.”
“I don’t know,” she said. “Sounds complicated.”
“It’s a lot simpler than Antigone!” I said, and she burst out laughing. “But you can do it if you really want to,” I went on. “You just have to commit to it and stick to it. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it for the feeling you’ll have afterwards. If you want to do it, I’ll help you. I’ll train with you.”
“You would do that?”
“Yeah, I’d be happy to. It will be fun.”
By that time we had looped around the whole massive neighborhood to where I would cut off and head back toward my place. I told her to think about it and we said our goodbyes and jogged off in opposite directions.
The time was nearing when Helen would be flying off to Venezuela. I called her and asked if she’d like to get together once more before she took off. She said she couldn’t because she was swamped with preparations and had agreed to meet with an old girlfriend Friday night before she flew out on Saturday. She suggested that maybe I could come along with her and her mother to the airport Saturday morning. I agreed and she said to be at her mother’s house at around 7:00 am to ride along.
I stayed in Friday evening listening to some music and catching up on some reading. The phone rang and I didn’t bother to pick it up. It happened several times but no message was left. I figured it was after-dinner telemarketers looking for a sucker. Then at around 8:30, my doorbell rang; imagine my surprise when I flipped on the porch light and opened the door and saw Helen standing there!
“Helen!” I exclaimed.
“May I come in?” she asked.
“Sure,” I replied, pulling the door open wide. “Is everything all right?”
“Nothing’s wrong. I just need someone to talk to, I guess.”
She came into my living room and sat on the sofa. I asked her if she’d like something to drink and she asked if I had any wine. I’m not a wine drinker but I told her I had a cheap bottle of something for use in a pinch. She said that would be fine, so I went to the kitchen and returned with a glass of merlot for her and a beer for myself.
“So, I thought you were going out with a friend tonight,” I said.
“I was…I did. It didn’t go very well so I left. I called you but you didn’t answer. When I drove by here I saw your car so I rang your bell. I’m sorry to barge in…” She took a healthy swig of her wine.
“It’s okay.”
“I’m glad I didn’t interrupt anything!”
We sipped our drinks and sat through a thorny silence.
“Can I tell you something, Will?”
“Sure. We could always say whatever we wanted to each other, you know that.”
“I know. But there’s something I never told you that I should have.”
“I don’t want you to be mad, but remember when I was in nursing school and our relationship kind of petered out all of the sudden?” I nodded. “Well, I kind of was involved with somebody else.”
“Ah,” I said. As if it all made sense now, which of course it didn’t.
“It’s not what you think, Will. I wasn’t running around on you or anything. It just sort of happened naturally. It was with one of my classmates. Her name is Geri. That’s who I met with tonight.”
There was another dicey silence as I digested this news update.
“Anyway, we became lovers. I’d never had sex with another girl before. Geri had, but I hadn’t, it was all new to me, and I couldn’t get enough. We lived together, worked together, played together, studied together, slept together. It made everything else in life better; I thought, so this is who I am! Then after almost three years, she dumped me for a man! I caught her fucking him in our apartment.”
“Oh, I’m sorry…”
“That’s when I went into travel nursing. To get far away from it…from her. But it only helped to a certain extent. I just couldn’t quite get over the hurt…the betrayal…the insult!”
I reached over and put my hand on hers. She gripped my hand and squeezed tight.
“I’m sorry to dump all this on you, Will.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay.”
“Anyway, that’s who I met with tonight: Geri. I ran into her last week at the gym where Mom works out. It was awkward…really weird…but we chatted for a minute or two and she suggested we meet for a drink. So I thought okay, bury the hatchet and let bygones be bygones and all that, and I’m leaving tomorrow anyway but maybe I could finally reach some kind of closure and move on.”
“So, what happened?” I asked.
She took another gulp of wine and her glass was almost empty. I took her glass to the kitchen and returned with it refilled.
“So,” she continued, and took a deep breath. “She’s now married to the guy. Then she starts talking about how her husband really wants to watch her doing another chick, and since I was the last chick she was with, maybe I’d like to join them in the sack. And she said that she wouldn’t mind seeing Hubby fucking another woman either, so what did I think, am I up for it, it would be fun. I mean, can you believe that?”
“Oh, wow!” I said. “What did you say to that?”
She let out with a nervous laugh. “Well, I’m not proud of what I did, but I can’t say I’m sorry about it either. I mean shit, she made me feel so dirty, so cheap; like some monkey in the zoo that they can watch and get themselves off!” She shivered and took another anxious sip of wine. “I called her a fucking cunt, threw my drink in her face and got up and walked out!”
“You did?”
“I did!”
“All right, you go girl! Touché!”
“I’m over that bitch!”
Another pregnant pause ensued as we held hands and sipped drinks. Then Helen put her drink on the table and turned her body to face me more directly.
“Thank you for listening to me rant, Will,” she said with liquid eyes.
“You’re welcome, you know that,” I said, “Anytime.” I squeezed her hand again and she squeezed right back.
“Want a blow job?” she said.
I almost fell off the couch when I heard that.
“What?” I asked incredulously.
Helen started laughing. “Bet you weren’t expecting that!”
I told her I sure as hell wasn’t.
“I’m sorry, Will, but I need to get laid! When I left Geri tonight I was half-crazy! She made me so damn mad…that she could be so damn smug after what she’d done to me and what I’d done to be with her! I need to be with a man again, need to feel a man’s dick again. I’ve wasted enough time pouting and running away. So, it’s either go peddle my ass on the street, or come to you—you’re about the only man I know I can trust.”
“But, Helen, you’re leaving in the morning.”
“I know, I know,” she said, “but I really need to get laid tonight.” She ran her hand up along my thigh and found my penis. “It can be my going-away present.”
“What has gotten into you?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” she said, then she stroked my hardening cock, and added, “But I want to get this into me!”
I think I was in a minor shock, and I wasn’t sure if it was right, perhaps she was too vulnerable, but I also knew I couldn’t turn this down.
I wasn’t wearing a belt so she unsnapped my jeans and unzipped me with minimal effort.
“Ooh, no underwear…” she cooed.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting company,” I croaked.
“It’s serendipity!” she said. “You were the last man I had, and now you’ll be the next. Then she went down on me.
She took my cock into her mouth and my balls into her hand. She wasn’t the most experienced cocksucker from what I could remember, but the familiar feel of her mouth and lips and tongue and fingers swelled me to the max. I held her hair between my fingers as she gave me head like she was bobbing for apples.
After several minutes she removed her mouth from my swollen member and raised her head to mine and kissed me. For the first time in five years, I felt her silky tongue in my mouth. She savagely sucked my tongue and clutched my cock in her hand. She was an Alpha girl, unlike the Helen I remembered.
“Show me your bedroom!” she whispered.
All of my pent-up emotions had me pretty horny too. I couldn’t remember ever being so totally, completely, erotically seduced. In my bedroom, she whipped off her tops and bottoms and pulled my pants off as I unbuttoned my shirt. Then she lay on the bed and pulled me on top of her. She had my cock in her hand and yanked it to the entrance of her shaved pussy. She had red rose petals tattooed around her navel and a silver stud within.
“God, I’m wet!” she wheezed. “God, I need to come!”
“No foreplay?” I asked playfully, tickling her.
“Five years without is all the foreplay I need!” she said.
I slid into her with zero resistance and felt her once-familiar wet warmth surrounding my engorged cock.
“Fuck me, Will! Fuck me hard! I need to have an orgasm and it’s going to be a whopper!”
I pounded her like there was no tomorrow. I hadn’t been with a woman for a while so I was ready to erupt in about a minute and a half. She was milking me with her pussy walls as I drove my cock into her. Soon I could feel my rising tide of cum searching for release, seeking the path that led out. I grunted like a wounded croc when my semen rose through my steely shaft and blasted off inside Helen, rope after oily rope. I gradually slowed my rhythm as I emptied, easing into a gentler groove.
“Keep fucking!” Helen hissed.
With the taut, blood-hard skin of my cock now less stressed, it slid easily in and out of Helen’s slimy bliss. Her hands clutched my ass and her groin smacked into me trying to coax a climax.
“Keep fucking me, Will!”
I started banging her harder, then harder, then harder still, and my cock returned to the approximate firmness of tempered steel. We were reelin’ and rockin’ and the bedposts a-knockin’! We kept this up for a while, each expelling guttural groans with each hard thrust. Then I felt myself nearing my second coming. My tongue was fucking Helen’s mouth and my finger was in her ass, and I could feel the sweat on her face so I knew she was getting close. I could feel another healthy dose of my cum preparing for liftoff, and soon it rose up and out of me, not as big as the first, but four or five solid strings leapt deep into Helen’s juicy twat. Within seconds she let out a high-pitched scream and started shaking and her warm rapids flowed downstream and out of her, soaking my spent dick and the bed beneath us. I rolled to her side and collapsed beside her with her tongue in my mouth and her vagina surrounding my cock and we stayed that way for a few long minutes as I gradually went limp inside her.
We must have nodded off for a while. When I came to it was around 11:30 and Helen was getting dressed. As she made her finishing touches and pulled on her shoes, she noticed I was watching her and came over to the bed.
“Thanks, Sailor!” she said, “You have no idea how much I needed that!” She bent down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “Goodnight; see you in the morning.” Then she was out the door.
I lay in my bed, ruminating about my unexpected night. What the hell had happened? I asked myself, ‘Did I just fuck a lesbian?’
I was right on time the next morning. Connie greeted me with a big smile when she opened her door. She asked me into the kitchen for coffee while we waited; she said Helen had gotten in kind of late and was moving kind of slow this morning.
We chatted briefly and then I noticed Helen’s bags were packed and stacked in the dining room. I offered to take them out to the garage and pack the car. I was just finishing up when they both emerged from the house.
“Morning, Will,” Helen said coolly, barely making eye contact. She got into the front passenger seat, Connie was behind the wheel and I climbed into the back.
Not much was said in the car, but Helen kept stifling one yawn after another.
“You tired, Helen?” I asked.
“Yes, I am. I didn’t sleep too well,” she said.
“Maybe you can catch some Z’s on the plane,” I added. She said she hoped so. It was good to see that her category-five orgasm the night before hadn’t taken too much out of her.
At the airport, we checked Helen’s bags and then went as far as we could before saying our goodbyes. Helen and Connie hugged and kissed and exchanged I-love-yous. Then Helen turned to me.
“Goodbye, Will. It’s been nice seeing you again. Thanks for coming.” I wasn’t sure if she meant coming to the airport, or coming the night before. She kissed me on the cheek and turned, waved, and entered the line to security.
We walked back out of the terminal and found the shuttle to take us back to Connie’s car. On the ride home, she told me that she’d thought it over and would like to take me up on my offer to coach her through marathon training if I was still up for it. I told her, Absolutely, I was looking forward to it. And I’d not only be helping her, it would motivate me to train and to run another marathon too.
When we got back to her house, Connie took a calendar off the wall and we sat down at the kitchen table and I wrote out a training schedule. I spread her usual weekly mileage throughout the weekdays, and added a long run for each weekend, increasing the distance gradually week-to-week, to get her prepared for a big race in November. The race was in the city about an hour away.
At this point it was the end of July, so I mapped out a fifteen-week plan peaking with runs of 20, 20 and 21 miles in weeks 11, 12 and 13.
“What do I do the last two weeks?” Connie asked.
“Eat, drink and rest!” I said. “You don’t want to overtrain. If you’re not ready by then, it’s too late.”
We would start the next morning with an eight-miler.
Connie was a pretty good runner and had no trouble with the early training. We would run side by side, and because her natural pace was slower than mine, occasionally I would move out faster for a half-mile or so and then double back and fall back in beside her. The second week we did nine miles, the third week almost eleven. Our ritual soon became we would run together, all the while talking about just about anything that popped into our minds, then after the run a jump in her pool, then often she would make us lunch.
As two people running many miles together, side by side, we covered many topics of conversation. I found Connie very easy to talk to. Our minds seemed to work the same way. I could say almost anything to her, no matter how esoteric or how ‘out there’ it would seem, and she would follow and be right there with me. And the same went for her, wherever her conversation went, whatever tangents she went off on, I was there.
I mentioned once that it puzzled me that when I had taken her classes in high school she was always warm and friendly toward me, but when I was dating Helen she seemed cold and aloof. She admitted I was right and that it was her problem, not mine. She told me that was about the time her marital problems were starting to happen, and also she didn’t like the idea of any guy screwing her daughter.
For some reason, I didn’t expect my old English teacher to talk like that, but when she did, I got a kick out of it. As we became more and more comfortable with each other, I looked more and more forward to our workouts.
She talked about Helen too, of course. She mentioned Helen’s same-sex relationships (plural! I only knew about the one with Geri) and how that took some getting used to at first. She said she didn’t think Helen was gay, just open to things, and when a bunch of nurses went to school together, things could happen. She told me also that she wondered if something might happen between Helen and me while she was home. I figured if Helen wanted her to know about our last night together she could tell Connie herself.
After about three or four weeks of training together our comfort level had reached a point of total ease. Connie would sometimes touch me when she spoke, and I became less hesitant to touch her as well. When she completed the twelve-miler, she was exuberant and gave me a big hug and kissed my lips. After that our normal greetings and goodbyes included a hug and a kiss. When we ate together her eyes would linger on mine and her coy smile would give my stomach butterflies. My loins got butterflies too, despite our twenty-year age difference.
That week I had used her bathroom off the pool after taking a swim and noticed her toilet had a leak and would keep running off and on. I told Connie I would fix it for her; I just needed to go to the hardware store and get the replacement parts. She was very appreciative and started to dig into her purse and I told her not to worry about it, it would not be expensive and was an easy fix. She said maybe I would get a free dinner out of the deal, then.
That afternoon I went to the hardware store to buy the kit and took it back to her house. By this time knocking on the door had become an unnecessary formality, so I walked in and found her in the kitchen.
“I’m cooking your dinner, Will, so I hope you don’t have plans! Lasagna! Got to carbo-load!” she called as I entered the room.
I swear she was trying to drive me crazy. She was wearing short frayed cut-offs and an untucked white t-shirt with no bra! The cotton fabric hugged her nipples like wet tissue and drew my eyes like magnets. I know she caught me looking and I went off to fix the toilet with half a hard-on.
In the bathroom, I got down to work. It was a small room and I had to contort myself in different shapes and forms but I removed the guts of the toilet tank. But Babs wanted to help and was getting in the way, so I had to lock her out so I could get the new parts installed. She whimpered for a couple minutes but then must have smelled lasagna because she sauntered off. In another fifteen minutes I was done, and when I turned the water back on and flushed a couple of times, with minor adjustments it was working like new.
I went back to the kitchen and the lasagna was in the oven and Connie had mixed a pitcher of vodka martinis. We went to sit by the pool with our drinks. Babs hopped onto her raft.
We sipped and chatted for the next hour or so. We talked about running, about books, about her teaching and the problems with kids these days. We ate delicious lasagna and green salad, then had a nightcap by the pool. After a while, I felt I should leave, and not overstay my welcome, even though I didn’t want to. As we sat in the soft light, I looked at Connie’s profile and the subtle rising and falling of her breasts with each breath, her sublime bare nipples snug within her shirt, and the beauty of her tanned, crossed legs, and I swear the thought of her being twenty years older might as well have been twenty days, because I believe I was falling in love.
Connie saw me to the door to say goodnight.
“Thank you for fixing the commode, Will,” she said. “I had no idea you were such a handyman!”
“Oh, I’m okay in the bathroom!” I said. “But I’m better in some of the other rooms around the house!”
In the dim light, I could see a twinkle in her eye and a sly curl to her lip.
“Oh, you are, are you?” she said.
“I think so. If you have any other chores that need attention, just let me know.”
We stared at each other for a bit. I knew she was feeling something too, I just didn’t know what. I leaned to her and kissed her full on her mouth. I sensed a brief resistance, but I put my arm behind her back and pulled her to me. My lips parted, and although she hesitated, soon hers did the same and our tongues frolicked and I tasted her for the first time. She was kissing me too, and enjoying it, but her arms stayed by her side. When we finally parted I kept arms around her waist.
“Uh, oh,” Connie said. “What was that?”
“Something I’ve wanted to do for a while,” I said.
“Will, we shouldn’t…you were a student of mine…”
“That was a long time ago.”
“But you’re the same age as my daughter!”
“So what? You deserve a little young stuff!” I said, and performed a little shuffle dance in front of her.
She laughed and shook her head.
I kissed her again and her lips didn’t delay as much this time, our mouths meshed and our tongues twirled in a sexy ballet, a long one, and I felt her arms around me.
When we broke the kiss our eyes were locked as we said goodnight.
‘No woman could kiss a man like that and not feel something!’ I thought to myself.
Ladies and Gentlemen, President Chelsea Clinton By Heather St. Claire January 20, 2025 NBC News Anchor Natalie Morales: And there you have it, the inaugural address of President Chelsea Clinton. And now the new President is embraced by her husband, Marc Mezvinski, and her children, Bill, who is 12, and her daughter Olivia, who just turned eight. And now, a heartfelt hug from her mother, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Wouldn't you like to know what words they're exchanging at this...
A little about myself I have had a mackintosh fetish for as long I can remember all types leather pvc and rubber. When I was very young back in the early 60s my mother used to wear a rubber lined mackintosh, at that time I loved it and didn't know why, I would often touch it or hold the rubber lining against my face and smell the fantastic aroma it gave off, thought I was the only one in the world with this problem. As time went by I discovered wanking and when ever my mother was out...
Clinton By Cal Y. Pygia "How many inches?" she asked. "Twelve," he said. "Really?" "Really." "If you're lying, you're just wasting your time." And mine, she thought. "I'm not." "Okay, then. It's a date." Tiffany hoped the jerk was telling the truth. In her experience, men often lied about the size of their dicks, and she liked her cocks big-- and Black. Supposedly, Clinton, her latest client, was both. She'd see soon enough, she...
Jennie settled into a moderate stride for her morning run. She was moving briskly along the lake front with trees all around. There were a few people out but not too many. She was enjoying the exercise, enjoying pushing herself and the feeling of the exertion. Running was one of her pleasures, it had been all the way back into her high school years. She began her day with it as often as not. These days she’d taken to running in the park by the lake, where the scenery was so gorgeous. She had...
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Walking down the street clad in his signature Tax Collector gear Daniel scouts the parking lots for potential cars that could possibly take a sizeable chunk out of his debt to Mario. But this isn’t where the story starts off, it begins with Daniels’ childhood, the reasons he became what he is. Now sit down, spark a bowl and chill as I tell you this story of a young man with more troubles than a late eighties Thunderbird 5.0 and little time to deal with them. That strange, pungent scent...
We take turns locating a suitable victim and then we spend lots of time researching and planning. By the time we’re ready, we know all about her habits. We map out how to catch and rape her without being caught, leaving no useful evidence behind. Sometimes, though, we leave a few red herrings. Red herrings like a few years ago when we watched a girl’s boyfriend fuck her a few times so we would know what she liked. Then, we took her (blindfolded) and fucked her in the same way as her...
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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...
Love Stories(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...
The first thing to come to him is a groggy sense of awareness concerning his surroundings. The sanitary smell of an asylum coupled with the moans, groans, and screams of other patients. Still half medicated Daniel isn’t aware that five years have passed since the horrible incident with his parents, in fact Daniel isn’t quite sure of his name right now. Sitting up and trying to reach to his eyes and rub them Daniel soon realizes that he is in a straight jacket with his arms wrapped around to...
Author: Yokohama JoeTitle: Trouble at the office partySummary: A high-pressure financial services company must sometimes use extreme methods to ensure that staff members don?t break the rulesKeywords: MM/F nc tort snuff violTrouble at the office partyBy Yokohama Joe, 2013This is pornography but definitely not erotic. Be charitable because English is not my native language.The tables had been pushed against two walls in one of the larger meeting rooms, and they?d been loaded up with snacks and a...
Hello ISS readers! This is my second story. Thank you everyone for the overwhelming response to my first story. Here, this is JD, back again with my second story. This is a real story but with certain nuances added to make it a good fun. I was studying in a reputed medical college in Chennai. The heroine of this story is my classmate Sanjana. She is a slim, tall girl with a busty figure. Right from the day I entered this college, I had an eye on her figure. Though not so fair, she looks...
Tags : shower sex, hot friend, kissing Hello, everyone, this is Raj is from Pune. You can contact me at This is the story where I and my friend Trisha had sex after a badminton match. Trisha is one of the hottest girls in my college. She carries any outfit with confidence and looks great(as she was athletic). We met on the first day of college and have been friends since. She is a flirt and was single and I was too. I enjoyed her company, sometimes we used to chat a lot but none of us fell for...
2010 - 2011 For the next couple of years, things went relatively smoothly. I didn’t have to provide much more than routine guidance in Washington. John had a compliant Congress after both the 2008 and 2010 elections, and he got most of what he wanted from them. He really did turn out to be a third term of the Buckman administration. The American Renaissance Initiative, Adrianopolis/Stouffer, and The American Impact Project all worked together to push a moderate Republican agenda, and...
Irillith drummed her fingers on her golden armoured arm impatiently while she waited for someone to let her into this ungainly spaceship. Compared to the exquisitely designed warships of her own people, Terran ships looked crudely angular, lacking any kind of grace or beauty. Still, she did have to admit it had a certain predatory brutality to it, but she would sooner go to her grave than say anything positive about their ship to these Terrans. She hesitated for a moment, icy fingers of...
Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...
Theron won the great sparta and Queen of Sparta. By doing sexual war with Queen Gorgo. [email protected]
FantasyBikini Beach - Cousin Trouble. ElrodW When Jenny finds out her younger brother's son is suddenly an orphan, with no one to help him, she knows she's going to have to help out. The problem is that the boy needs a LOT more help than Jenny can provide. The Bikini Beach universe and characters therein are copyrighted by the author, all rights reserved. *********************************************************************** Bikini Beach - Cousin Trouble Jenny shook her head again...
Hopefully erotica for those who would like to be titillated.Sorry to run off early ladies, but I have to get home to put the little ones to bed. See you all next week” shouted Amanda as she ran out of the changing room. I sat on the bench in the old school changing rooms, absolutely shattered. It had turned out to be a really lovely evening, with three other mums, from my k**s school, playing badminton. I hadn’t played since I was a teenager, and I used to love the game. Sadly age, ch*****n,...
The Badminton MatchThe sports club usually closed at ten thirty in the evening but this had been a grudge match between two girls who did not particularly like each other and therefore neither would agree to a draw or a postponement when closing time came and as a result they were the last two in the gym.Jane was tall and fairly slim with long blonde hair, tanned legs and arms which were shown off to advantage by her white skirt and blouse. In contrast Alice was a...
Hey guys, this is a continuation of my previous asstr story. So, do check it out, guys. This is the event that took place after the badminton court. My best friend Kalpana and I took a shower in different bathrooms. I wrapped a towel and sat on my bed. Kalpana came out wearing a towel and her hair was still dripping wet and it was just so beautiful. I moved my towel a little bit and started stroking my dick as she was drying herself. She saw me and turned away as she was shy. I went near her...
Hey guys, this is the third part of the events that unfolded after our badminton session. To know more, read the previous parts. It’s been a week now, I and Kalpana would make out in college whenever we got the chance and I would slap her ass when no one is around. Sometimes, I would squeeze her ass when we were in a crowd. She sucked my dick dry many times in the college washroom and would swallow my cum. Now, we were friends with benefits. One day, I got a call from Mani (my badminton coach...
The Trouble With Girls by Paul1954 Gregory Walker pressed his button on the intercom and called to his secretary - "Miss Evans, can you please come into my office for a minute - I need your assistance with something". He pondered what he was about to do and felt a little apprehensive. He was a little annoyed at himself for feeling like this - after all, was he not the manager of this department and hadn't his recent promotion to this position been as a result of his success over...
Chapter 1 Late August in Winnisimmet was a tough time for kids. The weather was beautiful but school was just starting. For a group of seven, it was even tougher as they would start at a new school. Four were your average students, ones who flew below the radar and went unnoticed by most. Two were known to those in their grade as well as many of the students at their school through the family grapevine. One was starting over her school life as a whole new person among her peers letting...
Twice the Trouble Author's Note: Derek sped into the drive, slammed on the brakes and leapt from the car. He raced around to the automatic sliding glass doors and screamed "My wife is having a baby! Help!" then turned and ran to the passenger side of his car where the door had already opened and his wife Lisa was struggling to get her legs around. "Would you relax a little," she complained as she held her belly. "We have time, I'm fine. This isn't the first time a baby has ever...
"Dan, Mary-Jayne needs a ride this evening. Her car is in the shop, and she needs picking up from work. I'd do it myself, but it's Wednesday, and I have choir practise.""Uh, what did you say?" I mumbled into the newspaper. My good lady's voice soothes my soul in the evening, but in the morning, I do my best to ignore it. Violently, she ripped the page from my hands, and I looked into the angry eyes of my lovely wife."You damn well heard me, you old cuss.""I didn't —""Now don't start with me,...
WatersportsChapter 9 Mick Jones, Kennedy, Callum, and Quentin discussed the situation with the State Police's fugitive recovery unit. The warrant shown was photographed and by them for the record with it being checked out against active warrants. To their surprise, it didn't match up. In fact, the warrants were for armed robbery, assault, and attempted murder instead of the simple robbery as he had previously claimed. The group fought laughs as they were now known to be using fake warrants and...
nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...
Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...
HumorThe road was every bit as rough as I remembered: granite boulders, sandstone, steep, deep ruts, narrow. I was in my new Jeep Wrangler, the first off-road trek I’d made with it. What a perfect place, the old Anthony Lakes lookout. I’d been there once before with my parents, probably twenty years earlier, when I was a teenager with much more important things on my mind than a mountain trek with parents and my brother, like girls.My parents were still around, but my older brother, he’d gotten...
Love StoriesWell, the golf tournament was great fund-raising success. In the end we shared it with the national campaign, so that made the ticket prices higher and the turnout was huge, but I was in my true element. I mean to say that it was exciting to be manager of a small campaign right alongside the presidential campaign. Mark, in his second campaign for Stare Representative was impressing a lot of people. I was running Mark's campaign for the third time in six years. He would run again for the...
Daniel wakes surrounded by the stench of blood and vomit with the cold fluids pooling around his body. Awakening suddenly to the stench Daniel sits up and his world begins to spin as more bile builds up in his throat. Leaning forward as much as he can Daniel spews his stomach contents on the stained asphalt of the alleyway, blood and chunks of what can only be described as bone mixed in with what he last had to eat. Slowly standing to his feet and using a near dumpster to steady himself Daniel...
My wife left me alone at the party with specific instructions. In less than five minutes time, I was hopelessly in trouble.I was politely mingling with the crowd, as instructed, which I rather enjoyed. Most of them had already paired off, had some fun, and were back looking for new partners. The women were at most scantily dressed, while some were completely nude. Most of them were aware of the instructions I had been given, and they were enjoying flirting with me as they sought the attention...
Fantasy & Sci-FiChapter 1 ‘So then why are you with him?’ he asked, looking over at his best friend as they sat on the brick wall behind her house. ‘Rayne, you know how much I love him, plus I have to be there for Sammy.’ Alexis defended, knowing it sounded pathetic, even to her. ‘Bull.’ he said, calling her on it immediately. ‘You’re just as bad as him if you keep using that kid as your scape goat. Anyways, if you love him so much, you wouldn’t have bothered calling me down here to bitch about him.’ ...
Beverly, I call her Bev had been so sweet, I thought as I drove down the dark highway. Bev was the girl of my dreams, five foot six, one hundred and thirty five pounds, long wavy ebony hair, flowing down her backless sundress. She has high cheekbones, like she has some Indian blood, bright blue eyes and full red painted cupid-bow lips. I could feel myself getting hard in my slacks just thinking about her. I’m Aaron Markem and I’m twenty two years old, six foot one, one hundred and ninety...
Somehow the car kept going, rolling along at almost a snails pace. Finally she spotted signs of life. Ahead was, oh miracles, a garage. She put the car into neutral and rolled down the rest of the way. Coming to a halt in the front of the garage. As she did the car coughed once and died again. Rose climbed out of it, brushing back her long blonde hair as the wind caught it. Her white cami style top and short denim skirt were not built to keep out the sort of wind you got on these...
As an employee of Venus Robotics, you're used to being around androids. You help design them, you work alongside them, and even find some of the female models to be quite attractive. The irony of it is that you don't make nearly enough money to purchase one for yourself. Then, one day, you receive a letter from your employers. It reads: Dear Sir, After carefully evaluating your qualifications and your impeccable record of service, the R&D Department would like to invite you to assist us in the...
True story A few years after we were married we took a road trip down to Phoenix , We were both young and carefree having been married for such a short time. We arrived in Phoenix late at night as Marc decided to not stop and get here quicker . We were both tired and also a little lost. We drove around looking for a place to stay but couldn't find any vacancies in the area we were.The guy at the last motel told us to try a place and gave us the address. We drove out looking for the place and...
Here comes the Troubleshooter! Entry 1: I cant argue with Carl, at least not about this. He thinks its a good idea to write down my cases, both for myself, and possibly as a way to get business. I'm not a professional writer, but I've done enough incident reports that I'll give it my best shot. So where do I start? Well, today's case was pretty typical of what I do now. I had a client who wanted a drug den moved out of her neighborhood, so I spent a couple of days doing recon on...
Part 2 - The Troubleshooter transforms. Next morning I wake up to Carl cooking an omelet. He approaches cooking like he does his inventions, and more often than not the results are amazing. Which is a good thing because I have super-strong senses including taste, which can be a lot less fun than you might think. While I'm waiting for breakfast, I put on the TV and they're showing footage of the latest Superior. He looks like a teenager, maybe eighteen years old, and he's pretty...
Part 3: The Secret Origin of the Troubleshooter. It feels like my life is about to go through a replay, and it wasnt all that much fun the first time. Last time I started to write down how I became what I am now, and got as far as me and Carl working for a company called Pitchriver in the MIddle East. And as I type this, I'm in a private plane headed back to the middle east with Carl at my side. The reason why I stopped where I did was Carl came into the room, and decided I needed...
Here comes the Troubleshooter! Part 4 The circle closes Once we landed in the Middle East, we got ushered to a converted army base, where a bored looking guard called out our names without even looking at us. "Captain Andrew Mays and Sergeant Carl Ryan?" "Actually, I go by Andi, now," I said gently. "And we lost our ranks." He looked up, and did a double take. "Oh. Sorry." He didnt sound very sorry, which only made my bad mood worse, to the point I was ready to snap at anybody...
Hi my sweet unsatisfied females i am sam crasto, 25 years with a good muscular figure. I belong to mumbai. Females like my shoulders and chest very much. However my first attractions are my eyes. I too feel proud when i sense the feelings from them. I m writing my most beautiful experience which i had some times ago. I am engineer and working in a very reputed bank in it operations. Being an it person in any non it company gives you lot of attentions and i used to enjoy this a lot. This...
Night had at last fallen. Long time Residents of the valley regarded the time just after sunset, as one of quiet contemplation. As indeed did those who now regarded the darkened form of the shrine. They however were trying to figure out the best way to break in. "Keep the flashlight covered!" Sato growled. "You want the whole fucking town to see we're up here?" Sato's long time in the city had robbed his recollection. He'd forgotten how just how dark it got here about. His...
There are a lot of dangers associated with a Nuclear Power Facility. Probably first and foremost is the danger of Radiation that might escape in some way from the containment units and there is also the standard dangers from dealing with high pressure steam systems and the electrical current that is generated by the transmission units connected to the electrical grid. Then there is the danger of sabotage and deliberate damage done that might create a problem with the internal workings of the...
Chapter 5 As Flora was enjoying the day with her new class, Fiona had an entirely different experience over at the middle school. She was introduced to her new teacher, Ms. Putnam, and told what they were doing in class and what to expect from everyone there. She was less than thrilled to tell Fiona that she was going to be assigned to be the new partner of the other new girl, Maisie Campbell, and that she didn't want either of them in her class at all but had to put up with...
After the weeks-long vacation from work Hiro was eager to arrive at Kuniumi to start the next chapter in his life. Ship travel was not to his liking, despite the opportunity to spend time with so many colleagues he had previously been apart from. During FTL travel everyone was cut off from everything outside the ship, from the colony, from the other ships, and from what had been transpiring in the Confederacy. One existed in a bubble of ignorance, and that was disquieting to Hiro. When the...
He seemed sad most of the time. That's what Janice thought about her son, and it troubled her. He seemed worse since going out with Karen. But she was grateful that he always seemed willing to talk to her; her son didn't hide his life from her and that meant they could have real conversations. So as they sat together in the afternoon sun she asked, "Jason, do you love Karen?"He sort of snickered as they both took a swallow from their second beer and he said, "No way mom. Sometimes I'm not sure...
For some weeks there had been an undercurrent of unease in the harem. Nothing David could actually put his finger on, but when he had a parade the women did not all seem quite so keen to draw attention to themselves in the hope of being picked for a night. Passing the door to the harem ante-room one morning, David thought he heard something. When David entered the harem, the usual calm and tranquillity was broken by screams of female rage and pain from more than one woman, interspersed with...
Favor Wanted: I need a man to peg. Send me your husband. I'll send him back a little stretched. Seattle area Sept 17. $200. Garter, panties, and stockings, +$50. Chastity cage, + $25. "Your girl is innovating, Cath." "Yup. Wil makes a little side money now servicing sisters who travel. But Mindy's job is carrying her to Seattle a lot. She gets kind of aggressive when she's on her period, so she dresses like a man and..." "Two hundred dollars seems a little cheap." "I guess many sisters don't...
MasturbationProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...
This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...
Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...
Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...
I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...
Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...