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Chapter 1

‘So then why are you with him?’ he asked, looking over at his best friend as they sat on the brick wall behind her house.

‘Rayne, you know how much I love him, plus I have to be there for Sammy.’ Alexis defended, knowing it sounded pathetic, even to her.

‘Bull.’ he said, calling her on it immediately. ‘You’re just as bad as him if you keep using that kid as your scape goat. Anyways, if you love him so much, you wouldn’t have bothered calling me down here to bitch about him.’

Alexis glared at him, more because she knew he was right, like usual. She decided to end the conversation before he started to lecture her again. Not that he wouldn’t anyways, she knew him well enough that if he dropped the subject now, she would hear it later. He was lounging in the over stuffed lawn chair, in his usual jeans and a t-shirt. He glared back at her and his green eyes were bright with the sun catching there color. He had longer blond hair that was forever falling into his eyes.

‘Maybe I called you down here for the sheer pleasure of your company.’ she said, smiling sweetly at him.

‘Ha! I know you better then that Alex. I moved and now there is no one here to listen to you bitch so you call me down once or twice a week just so you can vent.’ he said laughing.

‘Yeah, but you make it sound so ugly.’ she said, now laughing with him.

‘Alex?’ a voice called from behind them. Alexis called out to her roommate to let her know where she was.

‘Hmm, my room mate is home. Wanna go tourist watch in our spot?’ she suggested, hoping he didn’t want to leave her just yet.

‘I have cleared my demanding schedule and now I am all yours today.’ he said, adding in a wiggle of the eyebrows for good measure.

‘Yeah right, I doubt Liz would feel like sharing you, sweetheart.’ Alex said laughing, but noticed Rayne’s face grow serious. ‘Oh no, not again.’

Rayne nodded and gave a heavy sigh. ‘She packed up and moved yesterday apparently because when I got home there was nothing left of hers in the house. I didn’t find a note.’

Alex took him in her arms. ‘Aww, honey. I’m so sorry, why didn’t you say anything.’ Rayne pulled out of the embrace, smiling slightly. ‘Because it’s not like it’s the first time. She’s done this four times. Honestly I think if she does call me, which I know she will, I’m just going to ask for my key back and leave it at that.’

As they headed for his truck Alexis’ cell phone went off. She looked at the caller ID, saw that it was Rick and chose to ignore it.

They got into the truck and Rayne looked at her expectantly.

‘What?’ she asked innocently.

‘He isn’t going to believe that you didn’t hear your phone ring. He’ll end up coming here looking for you.’ he said with a warning glance. ‘Then you’ll be gone and your roommate will say, ‘gee, I don’t know Rick. She left with Rayne a little bit ago.” he said in his fake women voice, mocking her roommate. ‘And believe me, I do not need him to have yet another reason to hate me.’

‘He doesn’t hate you, Ray.’ Alex said jumping to her boyfriends defense. ‘He just doesn’t understand us. Not that many people do. I mean it’s not often two people who have dated still talk to each other, let alone stay best of friends.’

Rayne rolled his eyes and grumbled something under his breath.

‘Besides, it wouldn’t matter if he did hate you. I wouldn’t let his opinion make decisions for me.’ she said, her voice full of strength. It sounded forced to Rayne, she sounded like she is going to be terrified to go home tonight and probably spend the night at his house to avoid it.

His mind was raging with inner conflict on weather to call her on this or not. He had heard it all before, then days later she would seem happy, but they sadness in her eyes was louder then ever. Rayne wasn’t sure how much more of it he could stand seeing. When they had gotten to the beach behind his house, he had decided not to say anything until later.

As they walked the beach in silence, something they did often, he thought about his and Alex’s history together. She had grown up so much since their first meeting, in her looks as well as her personality. He recalled the mousy plain brown hair, bland brown eyes that always seemed sad, and pink-purple speckled rimmed glasses that had the Disney™ logo on the frame. She was short and very uncomfortable with her early blooming body. She would use this awkwardness to beat up anyone who teased her about it, which often labeled her a scrapper. That’s when they met, during their awkward years in junior high where they literally ran into each other in halls and had been close friends ever since. In high school they decided that since they were such good friends that maybe they would make a good couple. Really the decision was based on raging hormones and a jokingly placed kiss that raised questions.

They had gone through so much together that, there wasn’t much to their relationship when they started to date. They already knew everything about each other, so there was nothing to get to know, except the few questions they had kept silent until then. Rayne thought about those questions now and almost laughed out loud. He had never been so uncomfortable with himself until the year that they dated. Thinking about kissing her, touching her, and yet thinking about her in a best friend way as well. It was especially excruciating when the weekends came and where they use to be able to spend the night at each others houses, they were no longer allowed because they were dating now.

In the end, being friends was a lot less work then dating. Neither of them really know when they stopped dating and went back to being friends, not that it mattered because dating other people was out of the question anyways. Every time they tried they would be asked to give each other up by the person they were dating. Every time it ended up them being single again because the answer was without a doubt, no questions asked, ‘No.’

Now she was still awkward, though not so much about her body anymore. Her hair turned a lovely auburn color and her eyes developed little green specks in them that made them seem honey. She only used her glasses for reading, which were now a stylish brown. The only thing she didn’t grow into was her height, because she still stood no taller then 5’1”, which is where she was in junior high. Rayne gave her a sidelong glance and noticed that she had been talking while he was daydreaming and he hadn’t heard a word of it.

‘Have you even been listening to me?’ Alex said interrupting his thoughts.

‘Do I ever listen to you?’ he joked.

‘What was that stupid grin on your face for?’ she asked, ignoring his remark. ‘What were you thinking about?’

‘You’ he said honestly.

‘Me? You’re not thinking of doing something evil to me are you?’

‘No really I was thinking about us and how we came to be this force to be reckoned with that we are today.’ he said, his grin growing wider.

‘What are we doing tonight?’ she asked quickly changing the subject. Rayne picked up on her ploy, but didn’t bother pressing it.

‘Lets go out to a nice restaurant. We haven’t had a date in a long time.’ he said enthusiastically. He grabbed a hold of her hand and they continued walking.

Alex looked up at Rayne and smiled. ‘That’s a wonderful idea.’

It wasn’t difficult to find a suitable outfit at Rayne’s house since half her wardrobe was there anyways, as was much of her make up and shoes. Rayne even made sure that weather he was with some one or not, there was an extra room for Alex when she came over. It was hardly needed since they usually watch old movies in his room until they both fall asleep.

They changed cloths and went to their favorite nice restaurant in town called Adouza. They had been there often and most of the people there knew them by name. Well,
the name that they gave them that is, which is why Rayne never brought his dates to this restaurant.

‘Mr. And Mrs. Stryker.’ the host greeted smiling. ‘Welcome back. We don’t have your usual table tonight, but there is an even better one available, it’s usually for reservation only, but I think of you guys as my VIP’s and you don’t need a reservation.’

Rayne smiled down at Alex and they followed the host to a huge window at the front of the restaurant. She was in front of him, so he got to appreciate the dressed that she had picked out to where. It was a simple black dress that was floor length and fit nicely to her curves. Rayne almost stumbled into the back of Alex when they had arrived at the table. The table was the only one that over looked the ocean outside and sat next to the fireplace inside. Since the sun was setting outside it made a beautiful site and it was no wonder why this was such a sought after seat.

‘Oh, Nick it’s beautiful!’ Alex gasped, holding tighter to her ‘husband’. Rayne almost laughed out loud at her performance. ‘Not nearly enough beauty to rival your own darling.’ he said pulling a rose out from behind his back. She rewarded him with a kiss and they both sat down.

‘Nice performance.’ Rayne complimented after they had sat down and the host left. She took a second to look him over in his spiffy tux. She loved when they went out because he was always wearing jeans and a t-shirt and when he dressed up he looked even more handsome then normal.

‘Not so bad yourself, Nick.’ she said smiling. When the waiter came Rayne ordered them each the prime rib and then a bottle of wine. Everything was delicious, like usual and the wine was already making Alex fuzzy when he ordered another bottle.

‘Let’s dance,’ Rayne said, looking over at the nearly empty dance floor. He could see that she was about to protest and was quick to silence her. ‘Come on, one dance. It’s nothing hard, just slow dancing. How many slow dances have we shared? Please?’

‘Alright.’ she said, letting herself be led to the dance floor. Rayne took hold around Alex’s waist with both arms, holding her close to him as they methodically moved to the music.

‘You know,’ Alex whispered. ‘If I didn’t know you as well as I do, I would say that you are trying to seduce me, Mr. Smith.’ Alex said smiling.

‘Would it be so bad?’ Rayne said, only half joking.

‘We’ve done it before, Rayne. It doesn’t work.’ she said, picking up on the serious tone in his voice.

Rayne pulled her closer, not sure why other then just to feel her against him. ‘That was in high school.’ he justified. ‘We’ve grown up since then. I’m not saying we have to start now, I’m just saying think about it before you continue with this creep your with.’

‘Rayne, you don’t know him you can’t say–.’She started to defend her boyfriend, but Rayne cut her off bringing her ear close to his mouth.

‘Alex, you can’t pretend that the bruises don’t exist just because you’ve covered them…’ he whispered.

Alex’s eyes jerked up and met his, silently asking how he knew. Rayne hugged her close to him, comforting her for the past years he hadn’t had the courage to let her know that he knew. ‘I’ve known from the first time you told me you fell. You are the biggest klutz, but you’re usually proud of your bruises. The fact that you covered them was the key.’

Tears formed in her eyes as she looked at him. ‘I never intended to keep anything from you, I was just so scared. I wasn’t sure how I could tell you and–.’

Rayne captured Alex’s lips with his own, trying to capture her guilt and pain, take it away from her forever. ‘Don’t cry,’ he begged after finally ending the kiss. ‘Please don’t cry, I didn’t want to upset you, I just want to be with you. I’m sorry, please don’t cry.’

The song had ended and turned into another. By the time that one had ended, Alex had calmed down and was even smiling again. The owner, Tony, stopped by to cut in for a dance, while Rayne stood by and watched.

By the time they reached Rayne’s house, they both have had too much to drink. They reached the front door and Rayne turned to Alex, pretending to be shy. ‘Well, ma’am, would you like to join me inside for a night cap?’

Alex feigned shock. ‘Why Mr. Smith, how forward of you.’ Alex said pretending to be shocked. ‘Well, I would love too.’ they both laughed loudly and stumbled their way inside.

‘Maybe we should make coffee, I have had more then enough to drink tonight.’ Alex said, laughing. ‘I’m gunna go change and scrub this crap off my face.’ she announced, walking toward his room. Rayne followed her into the room and leaned up against the door frame to make sure she didn’t break her neck trying to get out of her dress. ‘At least she was sober enough to take her shoes off first.’ he thought.

Her hand reached behind her, trying to find the zipper unsuccessfully. ‘Let me.’ Rayne said, quickly stepping forward. He gently brushed her hand out of the way and took hold of the zipper slowly working it down. When he finished, he intended to be a gentleman and walk away, but a hand on his wrist stopped him. When he turned to look at her, she was facing him, her hands moved so that her thumbs hooked under the straps of her dress.

‘I can’t get these either.’ she said huskily.

‘Alex, i’m not taking advantage of you while you’re drunk.’ Rayne said seriously, but his throat was tight at the effort it took to not pick her up and set her on the bed.

‘Rayne, what if I said i’m not drunk?’ she asked, her thumbs easily bringing down the straps, causing the dress to fall to her feet. Alex stood before him, in only her black thong and naked glory.

Rayne tried to reach past her grab a blanket to cover her with and she grabbed him around the waist, pushing her exposed breasts against him. ‘Please Alex, I care for you and I don’t want to regret this, I want to feel nothing be bliss when I wake up in the morning.’

‘Rayne, im not drunk, I am not perfectly sober either, but I am perfectly capable of making a serious decision. I want you.’ she said calmly.


Alex grabbed him behind his neck, pulling him to her and capturing his lips in a deeply passionate kiss. Far from a sloppy drunk kiss. Rayne saw what she was doing. He brought his hands under her butt and lifter into his arms. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and his hands firmly under her butt, they walked out of his room and into hers.

He laid her down on the bed and Alex undid his belt while distracting him with more kisses. Rayne decided to just go with it. His intention was to lave her on the bed, but he wanted her more than anything and had been waiting for a long time to get it. His kissed her deeply as his hands explored her naked flesh. She just finished unbuttoning his shirt and pulling down his boxers when the phone rang.

Alex groaned against his mouth. ‘Don’t answer it.’

Rayne bit her bottom lip softly and smiled. ‘I wasn’t planning on it, in fact I was planning on turning it off as soon as this inconsiderate person was done calling.’

‘That sounds like a plan.’ she said smiling.

The call was on it’s fourth ring when Rayne reached the phone, the answering machine picked up with a brief what to do from Rayne’s voice then a loud beep. There was heavy breathing on the other end and what sounded like a crowded room, like a bar. Then a woman’s voice muffled in the back ground asking if he got through. ‘Alexis? Are you there?’ said Rick’s too loud voice.

Alex gasped behind Rayne, as if he could see them through the phone. ‘Alex, if your there pick up the phone right now, gawd damnit!’ Alex started for the phone, but Rayne picked it up before her, his hand was shaking with rage. It was sickening to see what power this sicko had over his friend.

‘Now you listen here, Rick. This is Rayne and I don’t ever want you to call my house again, do you here me?’ he said with more calm t
hen he felt. Alex motioned to give her the phone, mouthing ‘it’s okay.’

‘Rick? No, I’m not coming to your house, nor am I going home so that you can see me. I am staying right here and if you so much as come on the street I will call the police on you. We’re finished Rick.’ she said sweetly, listening for a moment then handing the phone back to Rayne to hang up.

Rayne listened to the like for a second before an almost animalistic growl escaped his throat. ‘Rick, I suggest you take back everything you just said.’ he said through clinched teeth. Alex was in shock, he had never in all their years of being friends, ever seen Rayne so angry. ‘Or what? Or what, you ask? Or I will personally hunt you down and murder you Rick. If you come anywhere near Alex again I swear I will murder you and do the time smiling.’ he said, not staying on the line to hear what he had to say about that.

Alex had gone back into the room and gotten dressed in her night clothes. She was sitting on the bed crying softly into her hands.

Rayne slipped on his boxers and went to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. ‘Alex? I’m sorry I flew off the handle like that, I shouldn’t have.’

Alex cried harder, leaning into him for support, her shoulders shaking with the force of her sobbing. He silently held her, hoping she wasn’t crying for the relationship that just ended. When she got her self under control she looked up at him and smiled weakly. ‘I don’t think I could forgive myself for letting him do it to me for so long. It’s not as though I haven’t tried to leave before. I asked my parents for help and they told me that I sleep in the bed that I make.’ she wiped the wet streaks from her face. ‘But even with all that, it’s not reason I was crying. He told me that he was going to tell Sammy that I never loved him and I left because he was bad.’

Rayne cursed under his breath, wanting Rick to make his way here just so he had an excuse to kill the bastard. ‘Honey, you know that when Sammy gets older he will realize what a sick person Rick is and all that he has said to him was wrong.’

‘I know, but I really did love that kid and it just kills me to know he’s going to hurt.’ she said, the tears starting to well in her eyes once more. ‘Not only that I know that I’m going to have to deal with him as soon as I go back home.’

Rayne sighed exasperated.’ Look, obviously Rick is going to get mean with you right?’

Alex nodded sadly.

‘Alright, so tell me, do you have anything at his place that you couldn’t part with?’ He asked, silently praying that she didn’t.

‘No, no that I know of.’ She said with her head cocked to the side in thought. ‘Most of my things are at my apartment.’

‘Move in with me.’ Rayne said suddenly, catching her off guard.


‘I mean it! This is one place that he can’t find you and if he does, I’m here.’ Rayne kneeled in front of her so that they were eye level with each other. ‘This has nothing to do with us. I want to protect you, Alex. Come on, you even already have your own room.’

‘Not about us?’ Alex repeated hesitantly.

‘Well it’s defiantly a plus that you will be showering next to my room everyday, but that’s not why I’m asking you.’ He said, smiling slyly.

Finally Alex smiled at him, the sadness from her eyes lifted as the request sank in. ‘Why not?’ she thought. ‘Ricks not in my life anymore, I have no reason to be afraid.’

‘Okay.’ she said after a minute pause. ‘I’ll move in, but I have to give my roommate some notice.’

‘I realize that,’ He said, then smiled wickedly. ‘Or I could just say that I’m moving in there and then she’d kick you out.’

Alex laughed and shrugged a little. ‘Since we’re talking about it, I know that this,’ she gestured between them. ‘Started out pretty fast, mainly because of alcohol influence, but I was wondering if we could take ‘us’ slow.’ Alex averted her eyes shyly.

‘I know why.’ Rayne said reassuringly smiling. ‘I suppose if we do this then we should do it right.’

‘My thoughts exactly.’ Alex replied happily.

‘Alright, well let’s start this evening by ending it.’ Rayne stood, kissing her forehead on his way up. ”Night dear, Alexis.’

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a familiar stranger continued

Introduction: for some reason it didnt post it all…sorry My day started out as usual with me waking up to ny lab pacing around my room. This was her choice way of waking me up. I groaned a little and got up to take hee outside. I came inside and stepped into the shower. I trembled a little as the warm water began to run over my body. My girlfriend and I had been on a break for the past three weeks due to some relationship problems and being as faithful as I am I hadnt done anything to...

3 years ago
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a familiar stranger

Introduction: this is only mysecond story and was written from a phone so please excuse typos. let me know what you think. My day started out as usual with me waking up to ny lab pacing around my room. This was her choice way of waking me up. I groaned a little and got up to take hee outside. I came inside and stepped into the shower. I trembled a little as the warm water began to run over my body. My girlfriend and I had been on a break for the past three weeks due to some relationship...

4 years ago
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Familiar Uncertainty

It was a nice evening and I find myself in a familiar position. I was laying on Kim's bed. Kim just happened to be my ex-girlfriend. We were in love for like 10 years and for whatever reason, it didn't work out. I know the reason, but I'm not writing a book right now. Over the last few years, Kim and I have become good friends. We even talk to each other about our dating lives. Well, her dating life and my lack there of. So here I am, laying on her bed, just talking, and watching funny videos...

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Dont Be Too Familiar IV

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR IV Laura was no longer in a submissive position. Standing at her full height in heels, she was looking directly into Jacob's eyes. Her left hand is stroking her pet's back and continuing up her tail. The cat responded exceptionally positively to her ministrations. The naked youth smelling like a sub sandwich was lost for the subsequent appropriate response. "Well, put your clothes back on before you catch a cold," Laura commanded. Covered in oil and spices,...

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Dont Be Too Familiar X

Don't Be So Familiar X Georgina leans across to Pleasure ( it is an alias ), "How much life do you think Jessica will impart to us, and do you think apples or pears for the stuffing?" Georgina has always had a sweet tooth. Pleasure Isn't so sure. Hair red enough to be among the evil brood, she sensed something more. And more importantly, she realized Amethyst still is not certain. "Garlic and onions and cooked alive over a slow rotisserie, and I believe we can each get three and a...

2 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 48 Familiar FacesFour Play

Holly’s wonderful idea meant that some things became more important than sex at that moment, so we showered together without dalliance, then went for a walk, naked, on the pristine beach. I had my arms around each as we returned to a group of puzzled folks at the dining area. “Audrey likes this body. So do I,” I said. “Me, too,” Holly interjected. “Almost as much as I like mine.” “Well, this is a complication,” Doc said. “Not at all,” I said. “We know Holly has nowhere to go, so she’s...

2 years ago
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Familiarity breeds contempt

Dave was sitting on the sofa, grabbing a few minutes of space to check the football scores whilst preparing dinner and helping with homework. Not for the first time, he wondered if it was really necessary for his seven year old son to print out quite so many pictures of footballers for his project on famous people.He could hear his four year old daughter Emily dancing in the living room. It was peaceful. The dinner was on, homework was done and the kids weren’t fighting with each other. His...

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“Answer me!” Jean demanded again. “You’re in so much trouble when Mom and Dad find out about this, having the school’s biggest slut in our home.” “Give me a break. I’m not the school’s biggest slut,” Lupe said finally. “I’m probably not even in the top 50 among school sluts.” She stared back at my sister defiantly. “As far as what we’re doing, if you’re not sure, maybe you should stick around and watch. Perhaps you’d learn something.” Jean blushed deeply and said, “I don’t care...

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A Tragedy Resurfaces

CHAPTER 1 Working as a trainer in a gym was beginning to depress Dean Armstrong. So many people with excellent potential started with good intentions and would be doing fine. But all too many would gradually weaken and finally opt out, their resolve crumbling. He was relieved other trainers also experienced similar frustration. It was so wasteful. And then his older brother Callum, aged thirty, pressed Dean to join him in business selling mobile phones and other communication equipment. Dean...

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Fucking Franziska Facella

**THE NAMES USED IN THIS STORY ARE FOR PURE FANTASY AND EROTIC TITILLATION ONLY.** ‘Fucking Franziska Facella’ Never did I think I would make a living as a stagehand on porn sets, but somehow, I ended up doing so. For five years, I have gone from studio to studio to areas rather unknown in Hollywood, placing items needed to produce and film such a lucrative division of cinematography. In those five years, I have seen many porn stars, male and female, fuck more times than I have ever been...

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After two years of working at a below the line advertising agency, I decided to start my own business. I had been moonlighting for several months, and realised that with the work I was doing at night, unbeknownst to my fulltime employer, I could actually make a reasonable living going it alone. With frugality, and a substantial reduction in travelling expenses, I would get by. It was a nerve-racking decision, but within a couple of weeks I knew that I had done the right thing. Working from home...

Gay Male
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Fucking Franziska Facella

*THE NAMES USED IN THIS STORY ARE FOR PURE FANTASY AND EROTIC TITILLATION ONLY.* "Fucking Franziska Facella" Never did I think I would make a living as a stagehand on porn sets, but somehow, I ended up doing so. For five years, I have gone from studio to studio to areas rather unknown in Hollywood, placing items needed to produce and film such a lucrative division of cinematography.In those five years, I have seen many porn stars, male and female, fuck more times than I have ever been laid....

Straight Sex
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My willing Pussy Servant FaceSitting

I don't know whether its the feeling of power, the control, the naughtiness or the orgasms. It may just be all combined. Whichever it is, I know I have never loved my husband more for his wonderful ideas. It started off a simple sexual suggestion. My husband Liam asked me to sit on his face one time when we were playing around. I told him I really wasn't comfortable doing it. I was scared I may smother him and for some odd reason, I felt a bit self-conscious about it. Liam would ask time and...

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April Fools Diary Miss Crossface

 10 May 2021Last night was the worstest night's sleep ever. No sooner had I burrowed my head down into the pillows and squirmed happily to make myself a cosy nest beneath the bedding than the remote control, vibrating, princess plug started buzzing in my bottom. Well, at first I thought it was broken and would soon stop, but on and on it went, buzzing and pulsing and throbbing and quivering in my tight, spasmy, anal passage. All of which turned the microclimate of my sodden-cuntedness into a...

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Under Tori8217s Butt 8211 buttstyle facesitting

I wasn’t confident in my youth. I was too afraid of girls to approach them and the thought of asking one out sent shivers through me. Besides, what good would it do to ask one out if all I wanted to do was put my face in her ass? The dating pool for that kind of girl seemed predictably small while the pool for face-slappers much larger. Girls were like goddesses. They were gorgeous and complicated and mysterious and— gawd— how I wanted to fall to my knees and worship...

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"What the hell is she doing here?" my sister Jean demanded. Lupe and I jumped apart in surprise. We'd been sitting on the loveseat in the living room. I had Lupe down to just her panties. I still had my pants on. As you might have surmised Jean's arrival was completely unexpected. She was supposed have been out all day. My parents were out of town for the weekend and I thought I'd been clear to invite Lupe over for a little heavy petting and maybe if I got lucky I'd lose my virginity too....

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I came home five hours late and ready for trouble. Daddy was waiting for me in the living room, sitting in his big easy chair and staring at the front door. He had his belt in his hands, the long black leather one that he usually wore. Daddy held it doubled over across his thighs and I had the impression that he'd been sitting like that for a long time already. I didn't say anything. I just swallowed hard and closed the door behind me with a loud snick sound. The house was very quiet and...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 52 Scum Resurfaces

My thoughts after the pickup proved true. Ashley and Lenore rarely let me leave their sight during the days leading up to the New Year. Jason and Jessica had the same issue. A simple plan to go for a run in the park quickly became an organized march as their companions demanded to go with them. Becky was the worst. She clung to Morgan. Beatrice had called their employer and tried to explain the issues, but was not sure she was successful. She succeeded in getting Becky a week off without...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 29 Interfaces

The Federation battleship USS Washington: 1:50 P.M. Jessica handled the ship as though she was born to do it. The ship was shrugging off the enemy fire and her weapons were firing at the Washington D.C. shield trying to take it down. Turning her head she smiled at her husband and wife as the status reports came in from the fleet. "Enemy shield down to 36% power," reported Lieutenant Akiko Fujimoto. "Thanks, Akiko. Keep up the pressure," Tammy said just as Jessica screamed and the ship...

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What's up at Pornstar By Face? In today’s world, there is a near limitless number of pornstars that are all kinds of ages (18+ of course) and hail from all kinds of backgrounds. With that being said, one of the greatest novelties in porn that just about all porn connoisseurs love is finding a pornstar that looks like a girl or woman that they know and want to desperately fuck in real life. 20 years ago and beyond, people who jacked off to porn couldn’t choose what kind of pornstar they’d bust...

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Have you ever been on a Face Fuck Tour? I hate to tell you, but I think I already know the answer to that question. As much as we’d all love to go around boning pretty girls in the mouth, day in and day out, most of us will just never get that opportunity. I’ve certainly been luckier than most, but even if I wasn’t a bona fide porn stud, this next site might be the ideal place to get my vicarious face-fucking thrills. I certainly wouldn’t be the only one, as their traffic has nearly tripled...

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Intro The shadows hid everything well. She bobbed up and down, wriggling into the right position. He gave a slight “mmmphhhh.” From underneath her, and she smiled in the dark. Closing her eyes, she gave a sigh of utter comfort and content. This was fun. Her two bottom cheeks swallowed close to his entire head, her thighs rounded towards the top, her large, protruding ass hungrily seeming to feed on his face. His nose pressed deep in her ass, her tightly-fitting white panties the only thing...

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Handsome I and Ugly ThemChapter 3 Familiar faces

I went to school after running out of ideas. Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on. Suddenly, some subtle things are different. My brother and my mother say they are ugly, and that I am handsome. My father and alcohol is mind blowing. Finally, the final scene of the two hugging while watching TV. The last time I saw the two of them being intimate in front of me, I was still a boy. My dad is very conservative, and when it comes to sexual matters, he avoids talking about it. Even a hug...

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The End Of Possibilities Preface

The End Of Possibilities, Or Was It? Preface She arrived to pick up the kids as he anxiously waited in the bedroom. As she walked in, he was cleaning up the room, putting away the children’s clothes and toys. She crossed the living room, as she seemed uneasy to be here, the house he now took up residence without her. She looked at the walls, all covered with their pictures. Her raven hair neatly pushed up into a ponytail, she adjusted the small halter-top she wore on hot days like this. Her...

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The Importance of Sophie Preface

=========== The Importance of Sophie: Preface by SmokingMan =========== I let out a massive sigh of relief as I flop down on my bed. Despite not being physically tired I’m mentally destroyed; senior year of high school is supposed to be smooth sailing; most kids usually end up booking all their hard classes into Junior year. And it would be easy, if it weren't for the calculus and physics. I pride myself on my intelligence but sometimes it can be more of a bane than a boon. I can...

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DSRS Exile Fleet preface

DSRS Exile Fleet, Preface Chapter 0 In the twenty third century, mankind has moved out into the nearby stars. Expanding their presence wherever possible. But in the time between the twenty first and twenty third century, natural born women are in a decline. There are more males born than females. So women have gained a sense of power, they are given incentives and privileges far beyond what men are given. As a result those who are Transgendered have been targeted as...

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Joerg IsebrandPreface

This is historical fiction. I have included historical events into this tale and some historical persons. The events, deeds and quotes are purely fictional and do not reflect the characters of those persons. Wulf Isebrand was the military leader of the peasants in the Battle of Hemmingstedt, in 1500. Historians have differing views of his true person. Even his Dutch origins have come into question. Certainly, nothing is known about his offspring, and I took artistic licence to spin my tale...

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C5 Serendipity Pass Familiar Highways Final Edit

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, characters, persons, alive or dead, or beings of Earth or the multiverse, past, present or future, is purely coincidental. Unless, of course, I'm psychic, in which case this a work of non-fiction. But I highly doubt that, I'm not that attuned. I mean if I was, I’d have won Powerball by now and been able to afford creative writing classes. And a proofreader. Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some...

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Saving Atlanta Familiar face Chapter 11

Kash put on a towel and went to answer the door bell, his bedroom smelling of body odor from Ana and himself. At this point, Kash was aroused and hoping the woman would be Leah. After all, Leah had given Kash some great experiences but something about the times seemed off. Atlanta had reopened as a city after an outbreak but it seemed like the city was still not its full self. As Kash opened the door, he noticed a surprise like none other, it was Aria. Aria wore a black tank top and short white...

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Samson Gets Familiar Part 2 End of Summer

The summer ticked by, day after day, and I started to lose all hope of ever getting to spend another night with Sammy. I knew, deep down, that I had fallen in love with him and I had to know if he felt the same. My uncle came to me one day to tell me that he had planned to surprise my aunt and the boys with a camping trip and that I, of course, was invited to come along as well. This was it, the moment I'd waited for the last month. I looked him squarely in the eye and asked if it would...

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Those Familiar Blue Eyes Kill Me

She disliked her name, Elvira, up until just recently. She always went by Elle, which helped her to avoid the references to the Oak Ridge Boys. Her parents named her after the character Elvira, Mistress of the dark. Tonight, she would embrace her namesake one-hundred-and-ten-per-cent.Christine, her best friend and the one that talked her into this party tonight, was helping her get into her dress. It was cut down nearly to her navel and had a slit clear up to her dark purple satin panties. As...

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Familiar friends

Becky was in an unfamiliar room, but she felt like she knew the room and the hotel which owned it. She couldn’t remember how she’d got there or why she needed to be there, but that didn’t seem to matter, or be particularly worrying. In fact she felt very secure. And that was a good job too, After all it’s not often one finds oneself in a room, naked to one’s underwear, with two friends similarly clothed. She knew the man and the woman, but couldn’t remember their names. They were definitely...

2 years ago
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Her Strange Familiar

Note: Thanks to Jo Ann for suggesting this story idea on the FictionMania message board. The blame for its execution is all mine however. Her Strange Familiar By Emma Smith Tuesday, 20 August 2002 Chapter 1: A Disagreeable Communication I was sitting quietly and cosily with my girlfriend Susan one evening watching a film when there was a knock at the door. It was someone with a telegram for her and I could tell straight away that it wasn't good news. "My parents,...

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Dont Be Too Familiar III

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR 3 Quite the jamb this one is. Jacob will have to go back and help Luke, but there are many obstacles he must overcome. Revenge is one thing, an excellent and satisfying thing, but seeing Luke turned into a horny modelesque cat-woman is a bit much. And the unwholesome thoughts Jacob had while watching the fuck machine take Luke to new heights of sexual contentment weighed heavy on his overactive libido. The facial expressions of his immaculately powdered and...

4 years ago
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Dont Be Too Familiar V

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR V CHAPTER TEN Marveling at what had just transpired, Jacob looks over the incredible sleeping form of Laura. She had just had her way with him, and he enjoyed it. She had pushed him back on the bed and straddled her lover. Climbing on top was ok, as far as Jacob was concerned as she impaled herself on his waiting hardon. He expected to have her ride his excitement, fulfilling her need to be in control. He did not expect that after she positioned his penis...

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