A Tragedy Resurfaces free porn video

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Working as a trainer in a gym was beginning to depress Dean Armstrong. So many people with excellent potential started with good intentions and would be doing fine. But all too many would gradually weaken and finally opt out, their resolve crumbling. He was relieved other trainers also experienced similar frustration.

It was so wasteful. And then his older brother Callum, aged thirty, pressed Dean to join him in business selling mobile phones and other communication equipment. Dean was out of that gym as soon as his clients could be transferred. He’d visited the store a few times and had lost or wrecked his share of cell phones so knew a little about the product. However he was aware Callum stocked a dozen brands of phones and then multiple models and he would have to learn about such things as Tigertooth, er Bluetooth, and Blackberry.

Callum had said don’t worry Bro, that he’d teach Dean everything he had to know.

‘Tess and I am being run off our feet,’ he said. ‘Because of our growing reputation for topnotch assistance we are attracting more and more people, not necessarily older people, who’ve brought phones online and can’t work them properly. We charge for our time on instruction taking longer than two minutes with those people and performing that activity during downtime for sales it’s good money.’

Dean really liked Tess. In fact he only had to look at her and his cock began misbehaving.

Tess was really something. Although Callum was married Dean was quite sure Callum would be having a piece of Tess regularly. She oozed sex, er sexuality.

However they didn’t begin well. The first words Tess said to Dean when he arrived on his first day were, ‘Callum should have employed a female junior, not you.’


‘And so you should be,’ she snapped. ‘Here take this feather duster and start cleaning the displays.’

The 26-year-old curly blond began that morning chore thinking what a bitch.

Tess was blonde and until now in the brief times he’d seen here he’d always thought she was gorgeous with shapely tight tits and for a woman she had quite a small butt. Obviously she went to a gym or worked out at home. She was only two years older than he was but appeared more worldly like Dean. The bitch would know he knew little about cell phones although he’d spent all weekend on the net learning about them and differentiating between models and features and how to charge batteries and even insert them and connect accessories.

Callum was dealing with two non-English speaking foreign tourists and Tess was on the phone when a guy in a business suit came in and Tess motioned Dean to assist the guy. Ah his first customer.

The guy had dropped his phone into the bath. Callum said they didn’t do repairs and it was possible the phone could be terminal.

‘Yeah I think so too. Give me a Motorola C139.’

Tess came off the phone and said darkly, ‘Oh god I wanted you to hold him until I was off the phone. Instead you let him walk off.’

‘Yep he showed no interest in waiting around for you to shake your top at him. He paid me the fifty-seven bucks for a Motorola C139 and left.’


‘He paid me the money. Do you want to show me what to do with it?’

‘Oh. Oh yes. You’re been here only twenty minutes and have made your first sale. Congratulations.’

‘Thanks, do I get a kiss?’

‘Get fresh with me and you’re out of here,’ Tess grinned.

Yes thought Dean. She actually grinned. He made sure she saw he was staring at her tits and looked up and noticed her embarrassment.


Both the tourists and Callum looked exasperated so Dean thought he’d try. He grabbed a couple of $30 phones from behind the counter plus two $25 pre-paid cards. He wrote $100 on a piece of paper and handed them to Callum. The foreigners looked at the phones and the cards and nodded vigorously with big smiles and the guy handed Callum a hundred bucks. Callum told Dean to load the phones for them and walked off shaking his head.

Of course it didn’t last. Dean was asked to demonstrate a Blackberry so Tess came over and took over and Callum sorted out a couple of holes Dean had dug himself into with customers. But by lunchtime Dean still believed he was having a successful first day.

Tess went off to lunch. She’d invited Dean to accompany her but he declined with thanks, saying he’s go with his brother. They watched her leave.

‘Do you fuck her?’

‘I wish and it’s not through lack of trying,’ Callum sighed. ‘She’s married and says so am I.’

Tess married? Dean was so disappointed. When she returned from lunch he didn’t bother looking at her apart from tossing a brief smile in her direction. She now appeared to be just another housewife to him, practically devoid of sex.

A couple of mornings later Tess and Dean were behind the one-way glass panel beyond the counter having coffee. Callum had gone to the warehouse to look at new models and there were no customers in the store.

‘What’s happened to you?’ Tess drawled. ‘On your first morning here you couldn’t keep your eyes off me but this afternoon you could scarcely look at me. Has your brother been lying about me?’

Dean mumbled.

She snapped, ‘Excuse me?’

‘He told me you were married.’

Tess laughed and Dean scowled.

‘I’m not. I live on and off with a guy but we are forever scrapping. It’s such a pain.’

Dean’s smile returned. ‘Why would he say you’re married?’

‘Some guys don’t differentiate between marriage and a live-in partner. I suppose he’s right in a way.’

‘May I touch your tits?’

‘What? Oh I suppose so.’

Dean went up close and slowly ran his hands down both breasts. They both were looking down and saw the slight ‘bump’ of nipples that hadn’t been noticeable before.

Then Tess was staring at his lips. Dean stepped away.

She licked her top lip. ‘Well, what did you think?’

‘Great tits.’

‘The more regular name for them is breasts.’

‘I know but tits is fine with me.’

‘Are you attempting to seduce me?’

‘I could be changing me mind about that. But what about my brother?’

‘Callum is married.’

‘So that makes a different to you?’

‘Yes and I really like Anna.’

‘So do I.’

Dean looked at Tess and shuffled. She was looking at him very intently.

‘I best continue with the dusting.’

‘I’ll help in future Dean. You are rather okay.’

That night Dean had dinner with Callum and Anna. When Anna was out in the kitchen Dean said, ‘I know you said Tess was married but do you mind if away from the store I try to organize a date with her?’

Callum checked that Anna wasn’t walking into the room. ‘Listen buddy, I’ve tried a few times without success. I wish you luck. Oh, she’s not actually married… just lives with a guy who becomes surly at times. Catch her at the right time and perhaps you could get lucky. You are softer than I am and women tend to yield to sympathetic guys when they are emotional.’

‘Aren’t females emotional all the time?’

‘Yeah,’ Callum laughed, ‘but don’t confusion emotion and readiness to fuck. Those two things have to line up on the day.’

‘What has to line up,’ Anna asked, arriving with deserts on a tray.

‘Oh, I was talking about the necessity to insert a battery into a cell phone carefully.’

‘Oh that. How boring. How’s your sex life Dean? I believe I have spare capacity.’

The guys laughed, a little restrained, although both used to Anna talking like that.

Dean who still lived with his parents went home, knowing his mom was disappointed he didn’t have a steady girlfriend and the ones he brought home occasionally never appealed to her. Well girls who fucked readily where rarely cream of the crop, eh mum?

Tess wouldn’t appeal to his mom. He was also susp
icious about Dean and Tess. They disappeared behind that partition at least once a day and some of the muffled sounds he sometimes heard appeared to be more than conversation. Actually he wanted a young woman who appealed to him tremendously well but chances of that happening appeared rather unlikely but he supposed miracles happen.

‘Oh hi, is this where you ended up?’

‘Do I know you?’

The woman giggled at Dean. ‘No I don’t think so. I go to Sonny Dwyer’s Gym and used to see you working as a trainer, usually with women. You looked um interesting.’

‘What in the sense of being effective?’

‘Um no,’ she said vaguely. ‘More than that.’

What the hell she was on about. ‘What’s wrong with your phone?’

‘It’s dad’s old one. He’s acquired an iPhone and this old one is better than mine but more complicated.’

‘Right. I’m new here but this looks easy… er after the training I’ve received.’

‘Oh you are so kind. May I feel your chest?’


‘Your fitness always impressed me. I’d like to feel a real man’s chest.’

Dean looked around. Tess was on the phone writing something down and Callum had a customer and another waiting.

‘Um okay if that’s all you wish to touch.’

‘God you are foul,’ she said, turning pink and giggling nervously.

‘I meant my abs,’ he snorted and she turned crimson and said she’d also been meaning that.

They laughed, both embarrassed and he whispered, ‘Okay my dick if you are brave enough.’

‘The phone, could we work the phone?’ she said, almost out of breath.

‘Oh yeah. Oh I think I remembered you at the gym. Your lips were superbly defined because the crotch of your leotard was so tight.’

She whimpered, ‘I can’t believe we are talking like this. No guys ever speak to me like this.’

Dean couldn’t believe he was hearing this. She’d said ‘we were talking like that’. She’d included herself. He glanced up and saw Tess looking at him suspiciously, hoping the sexy customer’s body was in the way so Tess couldn’t see the woman feeling his chest.

‘That’s enough. Look this is how you work this phone. We charge a buck a minute with the first two minutes free. How much do you wish to spend?’

‘Thirty bucks for thirty-two minutes.’

They sat closely. He could smell her perfume.

When the time was up Dean said, ‘Right that’s it. You now appear to have a good understanding.’

‘My name is Reese Dayton.’

‘Lovely name. I’m Dean Armstrong. Your time is up Reese.’

‘Yes and thank you. I have much better understanding now. Here’s the thirty bucks.’

Dean scratched the back of his head and mumbled, ‘Could we date sometime?’

‘I’ll think about it. Give me your card.’

Tess looked at Dean suspiciously but saw he had the money and took it from him. ‘I hope you were polite to Miss Dayton.’

‘Of course. Who’s she when she’s home?’

‘No one you need to worry about. Her parents live in on the heights overlooking the river in a really swanky home and own a whole string of commercial properties. Mrs Dayton is reputedly one of the richest women in the city.’

‘Well her daughter wants to date me.’

Tess screamed in laughter and said in his dreams.

Dean was required to work Saturdays, the store was closed Sundays and he was given Monday off every third weekend and either Tuesday or Wednesday on other weeks, having to work in with the other two. He had the upcoming Monday off so called Reese. He left a message and she called him back an hour later.

‘Hi Dean. You’d sounded a bit too full-on for me so I hadn’t attempted to contact you.’

‘That’s fine. Do you work?’

‘I haven’t done real work for all of this year so far and that’s why I’m so bored. Mom gets me to do lots of things for her including driving her when she intends drinking. Why do you ask?’

‘I’m going away late Saturday afternoon to Monday night. I was hoping you’d come with me.’

‘What alone?’

‘Yeah, what’s wrong with that?’

Dean could hear Reese swallow. ‘I-I’ve not been away like that, ever. Mom would kill me.’

‘Fine. I can understand your situation. Bye.’

‘No wait. What would we do?’

Dean licked his lips. ‘You mean when we’re not having sex?’

‘Oh go easy Dean.’

‘It’s my grandparent’s cabin up river. We could hike and kayak and if you have a car we could go to some of the quaint bars around and have a steak for dinner.’

‘Um what if I said no sex?’

‘That would be fine. We’d play cards or read when not outdoors doing things.’

Reese said, ‘A bit of sex would be okay. I don’t do it much. About three times a month is tops for me. Good men are hard to find.’

‘Well I’m a good guy and will get hard as many times as you desire.’

‘Ohmigod Dean.’

‘Take it easy Reese, it’s only sex we’re taking about. Be outside the store here at 4:00 on Saturday. Do you have a car?’


‘Good then we won’t have to go by bus and then walk in as I sometimes do.’

* * *

Reese still had difficulty understanding why she’d said yes to Dean about going away with him after he told her he didn’t own a vehicle and lived at home with his parents. The guy was a pauper. She couldn’t explain it. She’d never met anyone like him and her skin just tingled at the thought of him somehow getting his hands on her. Now he aimed to do much more than that. However her mom and dad would wish she’d not met him and would screw her neck if they found she’d lied to them about going away with a girlfriend on Saturday and Sunday nights. Oh darn, what a mess.

That night when her mom was in bed and her father was watching sport on TV Reese went into her mom’s bedroom.

‘Mom we need to talk and I want your assurance you won’t blow your top.’

‘Okay dear, what is it? Are so you so bored you’ve commenced sex with one of your girlfriend’s moms?’

‘Mom that’s appalling.’

‘It was a joke darling.’

‘Oh sorry. Mom I’ve met this guy.’

‘Hold up here. You never talk to me about your guys. What’s so different about this guy?’

‘Oh, I’m so glad you asked. He hasn’t any money, doesn’t even have a car and lives at home.’

‘I see,’ Susanne said slowly. ‘What is the address of his parents?’

‘They live in Chaplin Close.’

‘Well at least that’s an excellent address. Does he wash and have clean fingernails?’

Reese gritted, knowing she’d lost control of this conversation. ‘I’d have to say his personal hygiene would impress you no end mother.’

‘And why doesn’t he have money?’

‘After graduating he toured around the UK and Europe for three years and has recently returned, aged twenty-six.’

‘You mean drinking and chasing women throughout Europe.’

‘Perhaps that too but he told me he concentrated in picking up valuable business experience.’

‘I bet. So why are you telling me about this guy?’

‘I’m dying to get his hands on me.’

Susanne laughed and said that happened to her once.

‘What happened?’

Susanne colored a bit and said Reese wouldn’t be interested.

‘Try me.’

Susanne sighed and said if Reese must know the guy was her father.

‘Ooooh. Now you can’t say you can’t understand my behavior.’

‘Are you on the pill still?’

‘Of course. I still get lucky occasionally mother. We are going to his grandparent’s cabin for Saturday and Sunday nights. He doesn’t work on Monday.’

‘I see. So what does he work at?’

‘When I first met him he was a trainer at my gym. He now helps his brother and the minority partner sell cell phones.’

‘God, a loser. Well look dear I’ll give you some money to rent a no-nonsense car for him while he is going around with you and…’

‘No thanks. He’d not like than and that would be the end of me.’

‘Oh really? Is that suppo
sed to mean this guy has some pride?’

‘Yes pride and more mom. If he had a quality car and big job you’d be pleased to meet him mom, believe me.’

Susanne sighed and said all she’d ask was for her daughter to act responsibly and remain safe and happy. ‘It’s about time you eyed your future and found yourself the right man to take you there.’

‘I agree with you,’ Reese said, and kissing her mom walked away.

Reese practically bounced out of the bedroom barely able to believe that Dean could be the man her mom had just spoken about.

Reese was glad she’d paved the way by showing Dean to be placed at the bottom of the heap. She knew her mother would be extremely interested about this because Reese had never fallen for the guys her mother and friends had produced for her. Now it appeared something was underway.

* * *

Dean jumped into Reese’s car. ‘Can I squeeze your tits as well as kiss you.’

Reese nodded dumbly.

The kiss was long and beautiful and the squeeze was soft and felt so loving. Although not believing it for a moment Reese thought she was ready to turn over for him. Instead she asked him to drive, checking first that he had a current license. He was a good driver. They crossed Falcon Bridge and then followed the highway north and after almost an hour turned off and cut back to the river, went down a narrow dirt road, passing the occasional cabin until Dean said they’d arrived.

‘Gosh it looks decrepit.’

He grinned and said only on the outside and that was intentional. ‘By looking rundown compared with newer places is why this remote-located cabin is never broken into.’

‘In that case your grandfather is a very clever man.’

‘Actually it was grandma’s idea.’

Reese followed Dean inside with the two backpacks. He’d carried in the two big cartons of food and drink and she found him opening the curtains.

‘Why it’s lovely, very old and old style furnishings and very romantic.’

He grinned and told her to lock the front door and get undressed.


Reese left her bra and panties on. Dean, still dressed, picked up Reese and placed her on her hands and knees and came in behind her. He pulled her panties to one side.

‘Ohmigod, not straight away, not before you’ve kissed and cuddled me.’

‘There’s heaps more time for that later. Every since I first saw you I’ve wanted to do this,’ he said, burying his tongue into her damp pussy.

‘Ohmigod Dean. Ohmigod.’

Reese hated guys she really didn’t know to lick her pussy. But no way was she hating this and when he rested his thumb right over her butt hole she almost slammed against the ceiling.

‘Okay it appears you want no foreplay.’


There was no time for discussion because the next thing Reese knew Dean had unzipped, although still dressed, and was rolling on a condom.

‘W-what are you doing?’

It was too late to ask because right at that moment she felt his dick push into her.

‘Sorry about the urgency but the balls have almost turned blue thinking about your tits, pussy and ass. Um legs too.’

She bleated and then bellowed as he slid right into her, being a little fatter and much longer than she’d expected but then she hadn’t know what to expect, had she?’

‘Oh, oh,’ he moaned. ‘Come on it’s suppose to take two to have sex. Pull away on me as I pull back and then thud back into me as I come forward.’

‘I know what to do.’

‘Oh, surprise.’

‘I was taken by surprise, missing out thirty minutes’ of foreplay.’

‘I’m sorry. Let’s so slowly until you feel exhausted and say you are ready to quit.’

‘I never quit. I can go all night,’ Reese boasted, quite sure she’d never be really tested on that.

They were sweating and superheated and finally she had to squeak, ‘You’ve made me come four times already Dean. May we stop now?’

‘Squeeze your cunt around my cock hard, really hard. I need to get off.’

Reese was close to falling unconscious. She felt Dean suck her middle finger and it was squeezed and then felt warm like a glove.

‘Ohmigod, you have my finger up your butt,’ she yelled.

Dean cuffed the side of her butt twice, quite hard, and she felt him thicken and groan.

She screamed and groaned as she felt him jerking into her and she came in the biggest flood of her life.

‘Ohmigod, Ohmigod, I’ve really been fucked,’ she said and felt her lights go out.

‘W-where am I?’

‘In the cabin with Dean. You have been out for more than two hours. Here I’ll carry you on to the lawn for a pee. That’s it, good girl. Now I’m lifting you into the hot tub, as it’s warm already. The firewood for the boiler was tinder-dry from storage. Now drink this beer.’

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Hi, mera name Nimku hai aur mere lund ka size hai 7 inch. Toh story pe aate hai. Is story ki do heroine hai ek hai Kamini aur ek Akanksha. Kamini dikhne mein bilkul Alia Bhatt hai. Hum usse mini Alia Bhatt kehte the kyun ki thodi height kam thi uski. Aur dusri hai Akanksha jo dikhne mein Shreya Ghoshal jaise hai. Kamini ka figure hai 32-26-28 aur Akanksha ka figure hai 36-32-36 . Akanksha ki legs kafi sexy thi. She had the sexist legs in our college. Toh yeh story tab ki hai jab hum 12th...

2 years ago
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A Week of Control

Introduction: It began as an experiment really. It is a pretty well known fact that men tend to express their sexual desires in short uncontrolled bursts. And while it is easy to get a man to those bursts, its much harder to keep him there for longer periods of time. Now this isnt to say that a man cant stay aroused for a couple of hours if a woman is treating and teasing him right. But a man simply cant stay aroused all night or for an even longer period of time, not at his emotional climax...

1 year ago
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College girl summertime fantasy

Watching the clock count down the minutes to the weekend was all that was in my mind that Friday! "Wow, I'm so glad that week is over" I said to myself once quitting time came. "Yeah, me too, have a good weekend everybody" was pretty much a given to hear while leaving on a Friday. Working Monday through Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm as a customer service call center account manager is taxing on the nerves but sure pays the bills, This week was definitely one for the books. I had just broke up with my...

Drunk sex
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Playing with Sister and her Friend Part 2

“So,” Holly began, “Can we have some more of that salty gooey stuff now?” “Yeah, I didn’t even get to taste any of it last time!” Sam whined. “Look girls,” I hesitantly started, “I told you if you really want some more of that gooey stuff, I will tell all about it after dinner, ok?? “Alright, we’ll wait till after dinner” they both agreed. I ordered a few pizzas and anxiously awaited their arrival. It seemed like hours before the pizzas arrived, but when the delivery guy rang the...

4 years ago
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The Borrowed GirlChapter 4

The pub that D.C.I. Griffin and PC Johnson wandered into was one of those loosely organized affairs with owners more interested in their own booze and budding romances to be much concerned about correct tallies or delivering prompt service. Still, the draft was quite varied and the atmosphere was jovial and calming at the same time. He was half expecting his attractive female subordinate to be regaling him with dreadful stories of her departed spouse's transgressions but found that they...

1 year ago
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ModernDaySins Rachael Cavalli Laney Grey Come Dance For Me

Rachael Cavalli walks up the front steps of the house next door, holding a casserole. Her neighbors went on vacation, leaving their teen, Laney Grey all alone at home. Given this, Rachael agreed to keep an eye on Laney and bring her some food from time to time. But when Rachael knocks at the front door, she gets no answer. She decides to go around the back and is floored when she looks through a window and spots Laney dancing erotically, wearing nothing but a tank top and a thong. Rachael...

2 years ago
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Witch SwitchChapter 8

Have you noticed something about this place? “Yeah, it’s hot and full of trees,” the witch answers. No, I mean we’ve been walking around forever and the sun hasn’t moved. Penelope looks up, and the cat is right, the sun hasn’t moved. “Maybe it hasn’t been hours and it just feels like that. I was thinking about just how big this island is, because with all the walking we should be on the other side by now.” You know, the Northern Continent hasn’t been fully explored. Maybe this is...

4 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 08Chapter 16

[Janice writes on the way to Newfoundland] We landed at Reykjavik and began refueling. One of the Icelanders came up and asked, "What is wrong? The other plane flew in and then left quickly." I said, "One of my daughters was shot. She is in the other plane and they are headed for St. John's, Newfoundland, as quickly as possible. We have a doctor and hospital plane meeting them. She will need surgery if she is to survive." "We will be hoping for you and your daughter. Good...

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Linda and MeganChapter 7

We walked in and found a table away from most of the action. I greeted Judy and Connie as we walked in and Connie brought us menus over. "Did you get ANOTHER girlfriend?" Connie asked. "Yep, I sure did. I don't know what they see in me, but I sure ain't complainin'. This is Megan and you remember Linda and Karl." "I don't know what they see in you either. But they'll find out about you eventually, I hope." She took our drink order and we decided on what we wanted to eat. When...

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Sitting in the garden the sun is out beer in hand taking in the warm sunshine. Your in the garden busy sorting out the flowers and bushes. Love watching you work in a little world of your own.Hope you know that light summer dress your wearing is see thru? When the sun is out I can see the black skimpy panties and that bra trying to hold in your ample breasts ( not very well)! Every time you bend over I dream about being behind you and just ramming my hard cock deep in your arse! Yes I think...

4 years ago
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Massage Session With A Professor

Hi readers, I am back with a new experience with a professor from Coimbatore. For new readers and those who do not know me. I am Sai, completed my study in NIT Trichy, 25. Doing massage as I like to give pleasure and have fun while doing it. After college got completed, I was waiting to leave within a week to my home town. Then I was contacted through the mail by a lady Kavitha. As usual, we started chatting in Hangouts. Actually, I told her regarding the massage service which I provide in...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Rebecca Volpetti Cherry Kiss Candie Luciani Hands On Sex Ed Gangbang

Mr. Vince is about to begin a lesson on sexual education with his male students Alex and Josh when Ms. Cherry Kiss enters the classroom, asking Vince whether hes seen Rebecca Volpetti and Candie Luciani two of her students whove gone missing. After asking Vince if he can go look for them, Cherry takes his place and begins the lesson. Instead of introducing the usual curriculum, however, she proposes that the two boys undergo some hands-on training, to which they both agree. When Vince comes...

3 years ago
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Virgin Sweety 8211 Part II

Hello Friends, Rinku once again with new story. At first I want to thank all my readers and fans to giving overwhelming response of my story “Virgin Sweety – Part I”. This story is the continuation part of that story. Hope you all will enjoy it. I have seen his suspicious behavior. So I can’t stop myself to follow him. My mother was also awaked till that time. I went to my room and change the cloths, then informed mom that I am going for evening walk. But I came out from home and took my scooty...

2 years ago
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sis AND ME

I'm going to tell you this. I'm going to tell you all of it. This is my story. My sister's and mine.At 21, I was well aware that I knew very little about how life really worked. I spent my time in school and various jobs where I consistently managed to get myself fired after no more than three months. I had read a great many books, so I knew a cursory amount of what writers wished to tell me. I watched TV, and so I had a rudimentary and oft times melodramatic sense of relationships and the...

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The User Ch 21

‘So what if I was at Mr. Sanders’ house the other night?’ Tina Williams said, glaring at Tim Jackman and his partner, Sgt. Martha Draper who were meeting with her in Heidi’s office at Jamestown High School. ‘Are you having sex with him?’ Martha asked. ‘I don’t see where that’s any of your fucking business,’ Tina snapped. ‘You’re a student at the high school, Tina,’ Tim said. ‘That means if Mr. Sanders had sex with you, he could be in big trouble. So could you.’ ‘Gimme a break!’ the teenager...

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Elena LostChapter 2

Alex fell asleep in the chair after drinking a little more whisky and looking at pictures in his magazines. He was actually trying to stay awake so that he could go into the bedroom and fuck Elena again. He was imagining making her try one of the positions he had seen, but he closed his eyes to think about it and fell asleep instead. Elena fell asleep imagining Alex surprising her in his bed and making her fuck him again, with many positions possible, she thought, with his massive cock. She...

4 years ago
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Terry knew that some of his office mates actually made it beyond the ‘teasing’ stage on occasion, but since spouses were always included at these parties, it was usually rare that anyone actually went beyond surreptitiously squeezing, groping or pinching. In return, I’d spend much of the evening giving Terry’s co-workers covert squeezes, gropes or pinches, as well. As we prepared for the party, I was sitting at my vanity, naked, preparing my hair and make-up, when Terry stepped up behind me...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriends Daughter

(Mf, Ped, Mast, Oral, Int) It was a Friday at the end of a hard week at my job, so I was taking it easy on the couch, watching, but not paying much attention to some day time soap operas, dozing off every few minutes. I would wake up halfway now and then to discover a new program was playing on the television set. Lizzie arrived from school with a crash and a rumpus as she shoved open the door and strode into the living room, dragging her book bag on the floor. She glanced...

3 years ago
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A Look A Touch A Breath Ch 01

What attracts us to one person and not another? I sat pondering this thought on my back deck. Smoking a cigarette and sipping my wine. The stars were out, sky was clear and the moon was three quarters full and shining off my wine glass. Sitting on the lounge chair in my ‘Life is Good’ pajama bottoms and tank top, I looked for an answer in the swirls of dark liquid spinning in my glass. My hair stirred about my face as a light wind in the middle of May blew across my life. ‘Stacey! Are you...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Casey Calvert Maya Kendrick Dressed To The Nones

Maya Kendrick rarely has the apartment to herself, but today is an exception. With her roommate out for the day, she gets to enjoy lounging around in just her underwear and panties. It’s just so freeing and something she wishes she could take advantage of more often. But as she lounges, there’s a knock on the door. When she answers it, she finds a parcel she’s ordered juuuust out of reach. Summoning up the courage, she steps outside to grab the box but, to her horror, the door...

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Best Intentions Ch 03

Disclaimer: This story contains scenes of consensual and non-consensual sex between females and depictions of sexual slavery. If you are under 18 or offended by this type of material please do not continue. Otherwise, please read on and enjoy! Also, any resemblance of the characters in this work of people either living, dead or fictitious is unintentional and purely coincidental. Thanks to hfernandez1983 for editing. ***** Bailey had a bad Friday. First off, she was nearly late for class....

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Miley Cyrus Is a Dirty Whore 1

Miley Cyrus is a dirty whore. Don't believe me? I have videographic proof! This was taken less than a week ago. Don't let anyone else see it yet. I'm going to release it to a few select individuals who can make sure the little slut gets what she deserves! She won't be turning out little girls into zombie whores anymore! Anyway, take it home, pop it in, and enjoy the show! "Miley, I have to take a piss," yelled Connor. He was one of Miley's many many boyfriends. Her father was on...

3 years ago
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My Aunt is a Lesbian Part 2

Part 2We put fluffy white hotel dressing gowns on, and with just our panties on underneath walked along to the massage room. Normally, they did each person separately, but because we knew each other both massage tables were side by side.Waiting for us were these two beautiful Asian girls, Lucy and Mika.We lay face down on the table, and they put a towel over our bums, then started, rubbing warm scented oil over our bodies.It was wonderful, lying there, occasionally looking over at Jenny and...

4 years ago
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The Wedding Proposal Chapter VIII Postmission

I looked into his eyes and saw a strange mixture of anticipation, hope, doubt and something else. Something honest and profound. Was that affection? Love? Whatever it was, it made me tremble. My muscles turned to jelly and zounds of butterflies erupted in my stomach, hurtling through my entire body as blood went rushing from my mind to my cheeks. I could not help but smile, and gave him a long, wet kiss on the lips. He laid his arms on my waist, and I cupped his cheeks, pressing his face...

4 years ago
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A Photographers Fantasy Beyond the Bed and the Bath 4Chapter 3

The next couple of weeks were a bit of a whirlwind, culminating in Lou's Valentine's Day party. To be honest, we didn't see each other much those two weeks or so; we were both very, very busy. First thing Monday morning (well, only if 9:30 AM is first thing for you like it is for me) found me in Diamond's office. She was delighted with the pictures and jus so happened to have had an advertising account representative coming in at 10, so I stuck around. When he arrived, Diamond showed him...

2 years ago
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Demonic 4

Openining a portal and entering the pocket dimension Merik notices that all of Ou - Chans sperm that covered the ground is gone, Rikimarue opens another portal and summons 2 dog demons. Ayame sees the two dog demons and gets on her hands and knees, one of the dog demons gets behind her and starts licking her pussy and ass while the other dog demon is in front of Ayames face, Ayame grabs the cock of the dog demon that's in front of her and starts licking it before putting it in her mouth and...

4 years ago
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A lost case

Our luggage was looking a bit tired, so we decided to purchase some new. It seemed sensible to get two smaller cases rather than one large suitcase. It would be easier to move and carry. If one of us went away alone, or if two of us went away just for a weekend, one smaller case would be enough. The only problem was that when we arrived at our holiday destination, only one of the two cases appeared on the luggage carousel at the airport. We made enquiries and were eventually told that...

1 year ago
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My Tamil Sexy Aunty

Hi, this is kingmaker. 24years male from chennai my mail id is Any one needs secret relationship can mail me… Coming to the story ..This happened at 20 of my age’….At the time i was studying my graduation 1 st year..At reputed college in chennai.. I was very fond of seeing porn movies…And reading stories at my free time…At this time my second sem ends….. And going to second year..So we set of four students planned to take room..And we took before sem leave start.So that we can easily vacate...

4 years ago
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The Jones Family a continuation of Collin Doe

The Jones Family The continuation of Colleen's story By: Malissa Madison Colleen and Tammy rode in the back seat of Stacy's car as the new family headed for dinner. "So where would you like to eat?" Stacy asked. And got blank stares back. "Love, I don't think we should make it any place too fancy. They aren't used to this much attention," advised Tim. "How about we go to Shoney's? It's a family restaurant." She kept glancing in the rearview mirror afraid the children...

3 years ago
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Seducing Men vs Females

I haven't always existed as a Tranny. Early on I dated girls. I have realized that there is a difference in the seduction part. When I was the boy dating a girl I was always pursuing her, trying to have sex with her. As a boy, I never felt pursued in a sexual sort of way. Other than a shave and nice clean clothes, I never had to go out of my way that much.Now that I am going around as a Tranny girl, it is me who is being pursued. I need to think about my make up, my hair, my clothes, my shoes...

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Twin Pain Sluts 2

STORY OF THE TWIN PAIN SLUTS Chapter II The beauty Parlor This story is about a twin boy and girl that are hired to be "play toys" for a Sadistic mistress named Mistress Ann. Don't let the title stop you from reading it since it is about a wild and adventurous "family" that are into exhibitionism, sexual adventures, wild parties, and a touch of B&D! That Saturday morning, Sindy woke Ann up, and told her that...

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George And Lisa Discover 8216The Plan8217

George was huffing back home on his bicycle after an exciting and confusing afternoon with his girlfriend Lisa. As usual, George had spent a few hours at Lisa’s house after school. This had become a routine for them in the past several months. They would talk of the day’s events; who was doing what around the neighborhood or at school. Sometimes they would sit on the sofa, watching a movie or program on TV. Today was different. Today there was something else in the air. George could...

2 years ago
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Any Opportunity Will Do Ch 09

This is a story about two people trying to escape a sadistic Human Sex Trafficker. There are some scenes of violence and non consensual sex. If you don’t like this type of erotica please don’t read it. If you do like it, read on. Please enjoy and give feedback, as I am still writing later Chapters and as always I like to incorporate some of your suggestions for what will happen to the characters in to the story. * John came around as he felt the kick in his stomach, the pain radiating out...

3 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 24

The "Hebrides Trader" was pushed into position and Galbraith's team swarmed over her securing her to the dock. A temporary bridge was placed from the flivver lock, No 4, to the "Trader's" starboard side passenger access. Leaving a disgusted Cowboy to man the coms in the dock, the Flock exited No 4 lock in skin suits and joined a pleased Toby Galbraith just inside the opened passenger access. Slow made the introductions. "I commed Slow before we began the tow. She told me of your plans...

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My Milf StepMum

My name is Phillipe Andre, and I am thirty-five years old. I am staying at my father's villa in the South of France. I am single and work as a writer for a publicist in London. My mother died of cancer ten years ago, and it took my father a while to get it over it and move on. Six months ago, my father rang me to say that he had met a beautiful woman named Monica Lopez from Scilly and that they'd eloped. Obviously, I was happy for him.So, here I am sitting on a deckchair in the sunshine of...

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It wasn’t until the next day that I finally got to see a little of Nallen’s world. I was used to wearing blouses and skirts from my days working on The Street in Manhattan, I was not used to actual dresses, but that was what Nallen arranged. The last time I had worn a dress I had been eleven or twelve and my family was attending a cousin’s wedding. I broke up with Jack before any of the high school formals. I grumbled some for show but Aneeka helped me get into the thing. It tied up the...

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She Ra whore to the goblins

Title: She Ra, whore to the goblins. Author: slaveboyusa Send comments to: [email protected] Date: 1/14/2009 Summary: She Ra, while very beautiful, is still a virgin and therefore ripe for impregnating. A goblin horde has set it eyes on She Ra. They hatch a plan to kidnap her. When the goblins have She Ra in their little green clutches, they take the future queen down a notch.She Ra was still virgin at age 28. She is engaged to a prince and she is to bare him many children. It is important...

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BellesaFilms Gianna Dior Gia Derza Dry Spell

Gianna had been going through a serious dry spell- one that felt like it would never end. When she gets in at 6am from a night out, her roommate Gia, who is about to head to work, just has to tease her. Gianna sprints to the shower, irritating Gia, who was about to hop in and get to work. Not having it, Gia jumps in the shower with her- and things escalate. Gia has been bisexual for ages, but Gianna had always thought of herself as straight. Is it the dry spell talking…or is this...


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