Star Light Star Bright
- 4 years ago
- 31
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Henry was unfortunately slight for a boy. He stood only 5’2” tall and weighed 105 lbs. He’d inherited his mother’s bright blue eyes and blond hair, also her flawless complexion. In his opinion, no 10th-grader at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School stood a better chance of being a closet queen than Henry Calder. Henry thought he was hopelessly gay. What he was, in fact, was infinitely more complex.
He’d sucked only one cock, that of his friend Charles. He’d been cockless since July, when Charles had moved to a suburb of Pittsburgh. Charles had not returned his last two texts, so it looked like that part of his life was over now. It left a huge hole in Henry’s life. It left a hole in his heart.
Henry was surprisingly nimble. Amazingly nimble, really. Two weeks into the new school year, he’d discovered it was possible to suck his own cock. He’d watched a handful of boys doing it on the porn site xHamster. It flat out amazed him that a boy would--could--suck his own cock, but the ones he’d watched on xHamster did it three different ways. He’d watched the videos Saturday and Sunday night, and then rushed home Monday afternoon after school to give it a try. He’d failed, miserably, but that didn’t stop him from trying again.
Tuesday afternoon, following an hour’s ordeal inching his cock ever nearer his mouth, he’d finally flicked the tip with his tongue, and coaxed it between his lips. He’d laughed so hard in relief and excitement that he’d spasmodically unfolded and flopped flat on his bed.
“Fuck!” he protested, laughing even harder. “You suck, dude!” Truth was, sucking his own cock for even that few seconds was a real mind fuck. God ... he had actually done it!
His next attempt, toes locked to the raised edge of his headboard, folded over like a gymnast, cock directly over his mouth and ready, he’d closed his eyes and slowly coaxed the head to his lips again. Closing around it, he’d sucked gently and fingered the shaft with his right hand, using the other arm to help stay folded. Though awkward and uncomfortable at first, the effort proved worthy, and eventually he managed to suck more than half his length. He didn’t come ... it was too mind blowing a development his first time.
Wednesday afternoon, before taking off his clothing, Henry disabled the cellular and wifi functions on his iPhone to record himself. He had to know what he looked like, sucking his own cock. (4-1/2” long, on a really exceptional day.) Capturing the phone between two books standing upright, plugged in, ready to record every moment of this, his second, momentous suck-a-thon, he stripped naked. Rock hard, though stiff and sore from his workout Tuesday afternoon, Henry was ready.
Getting the head between his lips took five minutes longer than expected. He worried suddenly just how much video his 16 gig iPhone could record. No way to know, without looking, he realized. Unfolding, he went to check the phone. It had already shut off. “Fuck,” he muttered, angrily.
He watched the video, fingering his diminutive head as he did, heart rate increasing to match his arousal. Dropping the phone, he raced back to the bed and got himself back into position. A minute later he started to suck the head. Contorting his spine impossibly, allowed the entire length to go into his mouth, and no way did he believe he was giving himself a blowjob. He came in his mouth this time and swallowed every drop.
Panting, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and shivered disgustedly. This wasn’t his first time, swallowing cum. He’d swallowed Charles’ more times than he could count. Charles had counted, though, unbeknownst to Henry, and the total was forty-seven times. It always grossed him out, but Charles just loved it.
“I wish you had fucked me,” Henry muttered. Charles never had, although Henry had asked him numerous times. Instead, Henry boned himself with his mom’s dildo after school. He’d discovered it two years ago, hidden away in her walk-in closet. He’d also found Big Brother, a monster cock 9” long and 2” thick that he’d used only once. He jumped up and scurried to his mom’s bedroom to get the small one.
Saturday night. Dad was out of town until Wednesday, and Mom had the overnight shift at Suburban Hospital Trauma Center. Henry ate a frozen pizza for dinner and battled the Xbox until she left at 11 o’clock. This was a special occasion for Henry; once Mom left, it was him and Edward until Mom came home in the morning. He could fall asleep with Edward up his behind, whatever he wanted. Not the first time; but the first time it could be done safely.
He suppressed his excitement, anxiety eating away at his stomach lining. Once she left, he waited an obligatory ten minutes for safety and then dashed straight to her bedroom. The dildo waited in her closet.
He’d used her lubricant only once. The dildo was one thing; wash it good and clean and put it back in the shoe box and no one would ever know. Replacing her bottle of KY Personal Lubricant was not an option. He used butter, instead, or margarine if the real thing wasn’t available. Sometimes he used vegetable oil; anything to lube his rear and let Edward have its way with him. He seriously loved Edward’s 6” of cock.
Since Wednesday afternoon, he’d sucked himself twice more: once Thursday afternoon, and again on Friday. It tickled him, having his nose tickled by pubic hair. Oh, how he wished he could suck his cock while Edward enjoyed his bottom. He could, he supposed, do both at once, but that was a lot of work. Probably, he would not enjoy it, though it would definitely be unique. He wished Edward were a vibrator, in addition to being a dildo.
By 11:15 pm, Henry was naked on his bed, hips elevated atop a thick corduroy bed rest; Edward fit snugly up his ass. So happy, he was, so contented. Nothing pleased him like Edward up his behind. Nothing could, short of being a girl.
Wanting to be girl was nothing new. He’d wanted that since the age of five when he’d played dress up with his six year old cousin, Sofia. He was smaller than she, but not so much that her size 4 dresses and tights, jeans and shirts wouldn’t fit. It was a magical weekend away, and left him broken-hearted when Mom said he couldn’t dress like Sofia at home.
Relaxed and happy, fantasizing a vagina to offer Edward instead of his rectum, imagining small but desirable breasts flattened against the comforter, Henry drifted off. The time was 11:35 p.m.
He awoke at 1:12 am, laughed amusedly, and fell immediately back asleep. He awoke a second time at 3:17 am. Edward had nested inside him over four hours now. It was not the longest his rectum had played host to Edward, but he needed to go pee. Badly.
“Eff,” he sighed. “I don’t want to take you out.” He had an idea. “That’s just plain stupid,” he told himself. “The stupidest thing you ever thought about.” It didn’t stop him from hobbling into his mom’s bedroom, though, holding the dildo in place, first with his right hand, and then the left. Picking a pair at random, he struggled into Mom’s purple lace panties and got them snugged around his hips. His hard-on was a killer, nearly impossible to contain in Mom’s thin panties.
“This is so stupid,” he muttered, searching out the matching lace bra and struggling into it experimentally. It was his first time in his mother’s underthings. The bra and panties were Victoria’s Secret brand.
Suddenly paranoid, he crept to the window overlooking the rear lot and Building 6400, and raised a slat. A plane in the distance caught his eye, low enough to show the green light at the end of the wing and the flashing strobes. Movement below caught his eye and Henry looked down. Traversing the rear lot of his building, and entering the adjacent lot was a yellow Hummer H3. It moved unnaturally slow, leading Henry to wonder about the driver’s state of sobriety. Taking forever, the Hummer finally found a space at the end of a row and parked. Was that a Lincoln Towncar beside it, he wondered? He hated those ugly, pretentious gas-guzzlers. His favorite vice principal, that fat cow Mrs. Jorgensen drove a Lincoln. The thought of her fat ass behind the wheel made him grimace. He dropped the slat and turned away, unaware he’d just missed a treat. Exiting the Hummer, a pretty young blonde yanked up the front of her sweater and flashed her boobs at the driver, and then at anyone watching in the two hi-rise condos. A terrible injustice, I know, but Henry would get another chance.
He returned to his mom’s dresser and began to rummage through her drawers. Finding a pair of purple thigh-hi’s, he shook them in preparation of slipping them on when his cell phone rang across the condo. Panicked, he dropped the stockings and dashed awkwardly back to his bedroom.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Mom said. “Sorry to wake you, but they asked me to work a second shift, and I didn’t want you worryingly about me in the morning, when you woke up.”
“Thanks,” he said gratefully. He could do what he wanted with Edward now, and not worry about being caught. Mom wouldn’t get home until 5 p.m. Plenty enough time to play.
“How ‘bout a beer,” he mused. In bra and panties, he moved through darkness to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. The bright light illuminated Mom’s cute little outfit. Embarrassed, he glanced at the big window over the stove, wondering if anyone in the opposite condo would see the light, and check him out with binoculars. It was a danger, he knew; the world was full of perverts. A moment later, he wondered if that voyeur might also discover Edward up his behind. It would be perfectly obvious from the correct angle, he thought. Blushing, he forced himself not to look down. He could do nothing about his ferocious little hard-on.
His mom didn’t drink. Dad loved Heineken and always kept a pair of sixes on the shelf. He removed a bottle and spun off the cap. He loved Heineken almost as much as his dad did. Taking a long swig, he leaned back against the counter, knowing his mom wouldn’t care. She allowed him a beer once in a while. He gazed at the kitchen window again.
“Edward’s fucking me,” he said to his possible voyeurs. He turned and pulled aside his purple panties to reveal the end of Henry’s cock. The flat base, front sculpted in the shape of a scrotum, was quite large. He envied the faux testicles, twice the size of his own. The base rested uncomfortably inside Mom’s panties.
“Want to see my hard-on?” he asked the wide window. Turning, he pulled aside the front of Mom’s panties and exposed his scrotum and 4-1/2” long erection. His pecker thumped so hard it ached. He gave the shaft half a dozen good strokes with his fingertips, and then fondled his balls. How more queer could he get, he wondered. Pink Panties queer? Baby-doll Nighty queer? How about Training Bra Queer, he thought, laughing harshly. He wished he had a training bra to wear.
He downed the beer with his package exposed, opened the refrigerator door and removed a 2nd beer. What he really wanted--aside from sucking his cock and having his bottom lovingly fucked (or magically becoming a girl)--was some good weed. He went to his Mom’s room to remedy that.
His mom was slender, a size 6. In her closet was a sleeveless black dress that Henry eyed longingly. Before slipping it on, he retrieved and donned the pair of purple thigh-hi’s he’d dropped on the floor earlier. Since he knew from numerous explorations where to look, he retrieved the box containing her silicone breast shapers from the bottom right drawer of her dresser and slipped two each into her bra cups. (Mom was ridiculously small-breasted.) Then he chose a black wig from her selection of three on an upper shelf, slipped it on carefully, and examined himself in the full length mirror on her door.
I make a convincingly cute girl, he thought, wistfully. Except for the hard-on, of course. He slipped on her pair of black stiletto heels--her Fuck-Me heels, he called them-and then slipped into her dress. Zipping the darned thing left him giggling hysterically. And finally, he was done.
“Jesus, Henry...” The girl facing him in the mirror sent a shiver of longing down his spine and squeezed his insides in untellable ways. With no affectation, he said in a clear girl’s voice, two octaves higher than his own, “Hi. I’m Hailey, Henry’s little sister. Actually, I’m twelve minutes younger, because Henry muscled me out of the way, right at the last moment, the little shit.” He grinned shyly, showing his small white teeth. “I’m a virgin, because I haven’t met the right boy yet.” He hesitated. “Actually, I have, but he doesn’t know I exist.” Which was true, but only in the abstract. Dennis Chance knew Henry only too well: as Henry’s classmate since 4th grade. He was Henry’s mental tormentor-in-chief.
“Well, you know how to kill a mood,” he muttered, suddenly depressed. Mumbling, he broke into Mom’s stash.
In addition to a dozen rolled joints, a baggie was stuffed with lush green leaves. Medical marijuana, he thought ... what a joke. Taking a pair of joints and the Bic lighter, he set the box aside, and returned to the kitchen for his beer.
The condo had balconies front and rear, but his only choice right now was the back. The front overlooked the parking lot, and even at 3:45 am, he might be seen. Not that smoking pot on the front balcony worried him so much. It was Mom’s black dress, obviously.
It was colder than he expected. Huddled in the corner until his eyes adjusted, he skirted the balcony table and moved to the railing, enjoying every movement of Edward as he walked. He was dangerously unstable in Mom’s heels; he was dangerously unstable in general, he thought amusedly. Looking up, enjoying the fantasy of being a woman, he immediately spotted the North Star.
“‘Star light, star bright,” he recited, “ ‘the first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.’”
Be careful what you wish for, Henry Howard.
Sitting down took effort. And coordination. And patience. His first attempt left him feeling impaled on a spike. Googling the average length of the teenage male rectum, he discovered it was 4.7” long. No wonder sitting on the dildo hurt. The shaft was 5-3/4” long. Still, he managed at sit without extreme discomfort because his rectum stretched, exactly like a woman’s vagina. Slouching was out of the question though, for the time being, anyway. He lit up the first joint.
It was excellent weed, filling his lungs with silky smooth smoke. He held his breath, letting THC absorb through his alveoli. It rushed to his brain and migrated across the blood-brain barrier, initiating a marvelous high. It also initiated the most achingly stiff hard-on he’d ever experienced. It was chrome steel, polished and pointing.
“Jesus God,” he moaned, writhing on his spike. “Please let someone fuck me tonight.” By someone, of course, he meant Charles, standing in for Dennis, who Henry had offered himself to countless times in his dreams. Charles, though ... who in his right mind would pass up fucking a tight rear end offered free of charge, he wondered. Boy’s, or no. Henry just couldn’t fathom that.
He took a second hit, and then a third. This was some exceptionally smooth weed, as well as incredibly potent. Henry wondered if hallucinations were in the offing. Powerful weed could do that, he knew, especially stuff laced with a hallucinogenic like PCP, mescaline, or acid. He eyed the joint, already bleary-eyed and loosing focus--mentally as well as optically. “Fuck...” he growled hoarsely. And then coughed. And then laughed.
Henry lived in a three-bedroom, luxury condo in Bethesda, MD. Mom worked because she chose to, coming from old money, which alone would support their lifestyle without either having to work a day. But Mom lived for her career as a registered nurse at the Suburban Hospital Trauma Center, while Dad pulled down 500 g’s a year with his consulting business. Not the richest family at Briarcliff, but certainly not paupers. The condo occupied the northeast corner of the 6th floor. The condos grew more expensive as the floors ascended, of course, culminating in the penthouse suite.
Henry was ensconced in the smallest bedroom, up front. Mom and Dad split the second bedroom evenly down the middle, Mom using her half as a home office/craft center, while Dad had converted his half into a man-cave, complete with 84” wide HDTV, and a fully-stocked fridge. Henry overlooked the main parking lot, and small in this case was a relative term: Henry’s bedroom measured 15’ x 18’, with its own bathroom and walk-in closet.
The rear balcony was the larger of the two, accessible from his parent’s bedroom and the shared 2nd bedroom. The main entry was via an enormous sliding glass door, situated between the two bedrooms for privacy. It overlooked a huge expanse of grounds, the connector road, and faced 6400 Briarcliff on a slant, affording more privacy. Four big condos made up the development, his and two others twenty stories tall, the smaller building, 6200 Briarcliff, only fifteen. The wealthiest residents resided at 6200.
He thumbed his phone and read 4:18 a.m. on the lock screen. The screen illuminated the front of Mom’s hiked up dress, his face, he assumed, and probably her wig. He pointed the screen downward to illuminate the tent in his purple panties; they barely hid his cock at all. His testicles and pubic hair were plainly visible below the hem, ditto the base of Mom’s dildo. He scootched on the tall shaft, grinning blithely. That felt so effing good. “I wish you had fucked me,” he muttered, meaning, of course, Charles. He would, had Henry been named Hailey.
He opened the weather app, checking on sunrise: 6:53 a.m. Approximately two hours of darkness remaining ... not so good. Not so good at all. Why the hell did he go back to sleep at one o’clock, anyway? How stupid.
He finished the joint and popped the roach in his mouth. He ground on the shaft, wriggling, shifting side-to-side, front-to-back, riding the intense discomfort and intensely powerful arousal it caused. He laughed hoarsely and then giggled, feeling all three types of queer. Training Bra queer, especially.
“I love sucking cock and fucking my ass,” he whispered loudly. “I’ll suck the first boy that rings my cell phone.” He lofted the iPhone with the screen displayed. He offered his cell phone number loudly, including the leading 1. No one called, though he waited patiently while smoking the second joint. He was so fucked up.
At 5:19 a.m., he snapped awake in the kitchen. His empty Heineken bottle sat on the counter next to the first; a fresh bottle was clenched in his fist, already open.
Blinking, he looked all around, wondering how he’d gotten there. The light was on, his boner had escaped his panties, the dress was hiked to his waist, and the thigh-hi’s were almost down to his knees. He felt behind him to make sure Edward was still there ... just barely, the head and maybe an inch of shaft still inside. He leaned and slid it back in to the base. That was too close, he thought irritably. Six effing hours, almost blown, just like that!
He turned sideways to the window to show his rigid little prick, still only 4-1/2” long and the thickness of his middle finger. God, how could it be so stiff and ache so hard? Please, he thought, let some guy with an 8” cock see me and want to fuck my tight little ass. Well ... semi-tight, he thought with a giggle.
He went to his room and lay over the bed rest again. He squeezed the shaft lovingly with his asshole, then with his rectum, moaning pleasurably. Why had he wasted so much of the night on sleep? Why hadn’t he done something sensible, like snap a selfie of himself in Mom’s full-length closet mirror and text it off to Dennis Chance.
Hi, Dennis, this is my twin sister, Hailey, who has a massive crush on you. We have no parents at home, and a refrigerator full of beer. I’ll drink myself drunk on the balcony, while you and Hailey get wasted on Mom’s excellent weed, and acquaint yourselves in her bedroom. Just ignore the decor. It doesn’t reflect who she is at all.
Chuckling darkly, he drained the rest of the beer, and then drifted off to sleep again.
He started awake. Why were the blinds open? Squinting, he looked at the bedside clock. Why did it read 1:12 a.m.? Grunting, he lifted up on an elbow and gazed around the room. He was no longer high as a kite, but still had Edward up his ass. He was no longer clothed in his mom’s underwear and dress, but completely naked. “Wha... ?” he grunted querulously. “What happened?”
He grabbed his iPhone and read the same time, tipping over to 1:13 a.m. as he watched. The date was Sunday, the 20th, so that was right. Why did the time read 1:13 a.m., though? Shouldn’t it be sometime around 6:00 a.m.? And why were the effing blinds wide open? Thank God the light was out, or everyone across the way would see him laying there naked, with a dildo up his ass. He reached around to make sure it was.
Struggling off the bed, he hobbled to the window and closed the slats. Turning on the bedside lamp, he scouted the floor and the furniture for his mom’s lingerie and dress; they were not in sight. When had he taken them off, he wondered? Where had he left them? Why did the clock insist it was effing 1:15 a.m. when he knew it wasn’t?
Also missing was the bottle of Heineken from his bedside table. Grabbing his cell phone, Henry shuffled from his bedroom down the hall to the kitchen. Everything looked in order. He opened the cabinet door beneath the sink and looked in the trashcan. The empty beer bottles weren’t there. Had he stashed them away in his room? Glancing at the window, he suddenly remembered he was bare-ass-naked with a cock up his ass and scuttled for the light switch. Many lights were visible in the building across the way, certainly more than would be lit at 6:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning. The kitchen clock insisted it was 1:19 a.m.
“What the fuck is going on?” he demanded of the room. “Did I dream all that?” Flummoxed, he returned to his bedroom and checked the trashcan there. Then he checked every other trashcan in the condo, determined to find where he’d stashed the bottles. There were none, anywhere. He’d blacked out, stashed the bottles away where no one would find them, not even himself? How stupid could he get?
“Asshole,” he muttered darkly.
As a last resort, he shambled angrily to the balcony door and peeked outside. The table was bare. He’d not left them outside, then. So where were they? And where were Mom’s clothes, her bra and panties, her cute little dress, her Fuck-me heels and her black wig? They had to be effing somewhere!
As it turned out, he found them exactly where he’d found them 2-1/2 hours before, in his mom’s dresser and closet.
This made no sense. The crotch of Mom’s panties should be badly soiled by the margarine he’d used to lube the shaft. Also pretty badly out of shape by the push/pull of his 2-1/2 hour love fest. Yet the pair in his hand was perfectly clean, smelling fresh out of the dryer. Also her bra, although he’d done little to affect the fit other than just by putting it on. The dress hung pristinely in the closet, and her stiletto heels sat neatly side-by-side on the floor. He eyed her wig atop the plastic head on her top shelf. It was perfectly coifed, exactly as before.
Completely bamboozled, Henry yanked out Mom’s stash box and stared at the dozen rolled joints sitting beside the unopened bag of weed. He counted to make sure: an even dozen joints.
Had that all been a dream then? Queering around in Mom’s clothes nothing but smoke and mirrors, the product of a diseased mind? He laughed, thinking how audacious this was.
One last place to check, he thought: Heading to the kitchen again, he opened the refrigerator door, found himself greeted by two full six packs of beer. That sealed it, then; he’d dreamed it all ... and he could do it again, for real.
He sat down carefully at the edge of his mother’s bed. It hurt just as badly as it had in the dream, working himself onto the dildo in Mom’s dress. He settled, shifting repeatedly, allowing his rectum to stretch as the head gouged his rectal/sigmoid elbow. Curious, he raised his cell phone and checked the Google app: no record of any search on rectum depth. Typing in the remembered search phrase, he was directed to exactly the same page he’d visited in the dream. It triggered the most intense feeling of déjà vu he’d ever experienced. He’d done this before. Just like he’d sat on the dildo earlier.
“Am I fucking crazy?” he asked the room.
This time he chose a pair of navy blue, satin panties and their matching bra. Mom’s breast shapers were back in the box in her bottom drawer, and again experiencing déjà vu, Henry removed them and reinstalled his baby breasts. Matching blue thigh-hi’s, and Mom’s auburn wig completed his accessories. The hair fluttering along his jaw line was pleasing. It reminded him of Scarlett Johansson in Lucy, though he wasn’t sure her character had red hair. Maybe the Avengers? He looked nothing like Scarlett Johansson, though. He struck a suggestive pose. “I’m yours. Come and take me,” he offered.
Mom normally wore pajamas to bed. She wore negligees for special occasions, he suspected, and that’s what he planned to wear, rather than her little black dress and stiletto heels. Returning to the dresser, he removed a shear blue number from the middle right-hand drawer and slipped it on over his head. He touched his thumping, aching cock through the sheer material; his scrotum felt shriveled like a prune. He so wanted to be the girl in the mirror instead of the unsuccessful boy he was.
In the closet, he grabbed the same two joints and Bic lighter from the stash, and beelined to the kitchen. It was 2:25 a.m. At the refrigerator, he grabbed a bottle of Heineken and spun off the lid. Distracted by the open window, it occurred to him that he’d spent a considerable time searching the apartment naked with a cock up his ass, earlier, including here in the kitchen. At the balcony door, too, before the open blinds in the living room, and the den. Now, he was parading around in Mom’s negligée, underwear, and thigh-hi’s.
In the dream, at least, he’d had sense enough to turn out the lights or close the effing blinds. He thought of the open blinds in his bedroom. Had they been open or closed in his dream? He would swear on a stack of bibles that he’d fallen asleep with the blinds closed. He shook his head, unsure.
He drank the beer in less than a minute and opened a second bottle, carrying it with him back to his bedroom. He wanted to suck his cock and wanted to see if that was possible with Edward up his ass. It turned out the answer was yes, the royal blue panties keeping it snugly in place while worked his erection ever closer to his mouth. He extended his tongue and flicked the tip, glancing at the clock for the time: First contact, 2:46 a.m. Thirty seconds later, he was eagerly sucking the head.
At 2:56 a.m., he glanced at the clock again for Milestone Number Two; his lips tightly wrapping the base of his cock. He laughed mutedly, lips and nose buried in his pubic hair. He closed his eyes, thinking, I am such a fucking pervert. No boy should do this. He should be sucking another boy, not himself. On his knees where he belonged, with Dennis’s fat cock in his mouth.
He unfurled, disgruntled. He had to go off card like that and think about Dennis Chance? Of all the boys in his 10th grade class, Dennis would be the last to unzip his fly for Henry. It wasn’t so much disgust that he felt toward his ex-friend, as consternation. He and Henry had been friends from 4th grade through the beginning of high school. During their first year, Henry had befriended and then gravitated toward Charles Groton, a student from another middle school with a taste for having his cock sucked. His friendship with Dennis slowly disintegrated over the next four months, until one afternoon after school, at Henry’s bus stop, a shouting match had occurred. Thankfully, the bus had gone on, and only a couple fellow students witnessed the verbal slugfest.
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* Eric Soul can’t wait to marry his fiancee, a talented R&B singer from Brooklyn. But when she mysteriously vanishes, Eric has absolutely no time to lose, before she falls into the arms of another, forever. * In the master bedroom of a high-rise condo, an explosive allegation had been revealed to Ariel Starr, a gorgeous, rising star of an R & B singer, recently signed to Hype Entertainment. Up until this moment, she had had it all- talent, world-class beauty, support and a loving fiancée. One...
Being a Scavenger on Jakku wasn't as Simple as it seemed. Alright, so it wasn't simple, period. Sometimes one found nothing and thus would go hungry for a day. And sometimes the desert planet was absolutely ruthless and hid away any scraps at all for a whole week. One couldn't stay hungry for a whole week of course. Therein is where Luke Skywalker came in. The only thing that would shock Rey during her adventures with Finn later on was to be told that luke was a grand Jedi Master....
At 32, Leia Organa Solo (Nee Skywalker) was still a beauty of the Galaxy, a perfection of beauty inherited from her mother, Padme. Her dark brown hair was in its signature two bun hairstyle and she walked around her house on Naboo with great grace, grace she no doubt inherited from her late mother as well. She walked into her children's nursery, looking proudly at the two bundles of joy that slept peacefully in their separate cribs. A single thought then passed through her mind, making...
Hi I’m Terry Smith but you can call me stardick Today’s tale is about a lady friend of mine named Andria who had a fling with a guy or two, who had the strangest nickname King Kong. Andria got up a bit disappointed because she had been dreaming of a sexual fantasy so intense and exciting that she almost had an orgasm if it had not been for that stupid clock which alarmed 6:00am this morning. “I need a man…” she frowned as she could feel her panty slightly wet come the passionate...
May 15 is their 6-month anniversary . . . Von wants to do something special for Starr . . . It will make her day! Starr, wanting to please Von, has promised to do something special for him. "Just make the plans and I will be there," she tells him. "Anything for you!" Von's mind starts to turn with ideas, all of his fantasies. At least one will be fulfilled! As he starts to make phone calls, he gets very aroused at the thought of her being so willing! Not wanting her to know what...
Hi everyone, a big thank you to everyone who has voted and spent the time writing comments. It is much appreciated and gives me the enthusiasm to continue writing. I hope you enjoy my newest installment. Would love to hear your thoughts on it. Happy reading. Once again, all characters are eighteen or over. Chapter 7 Sam was sitting in her favourite spot, under the oak tree by the lake. It was a beautiful spot and Sam liked to go swimming here. She didn’t feel much like swimming today though....
Conclusion: Two years later Sam was sitting under a tall oak tree, sketching a family of bears down in the valley below. She loved Alaska, with its rugged wilderness and beautiful wildlife. In the last year, Sam had become a well known artist. Although at the start she did a lot of commission work, Sam was now known well enough to paint and sketch what she wanted. At the moment she was going through a wildlife phase and was doing a series of sketches of Alaskan wildlife. Hearing footsteps...
This is the first story I have submitted to literotica, so I’d love to get some feedback. As the story states, these are only the first 3 chapters, so if you like it, I promise there will be more chapters on the way. This story is planned to go on for a while, and is not a quick fix. It hopefully has some depth to it, so if that is what you’re looking for, please read on. All characters are eighteen or over. * Chapter 1 Los Angeles, America ‘Good morning to you all, it’s 6:30 am and it’s...
Hi readers. Here’s the next installment. As you can probably tell, this story is slowly coming to an end. I didn’t mean for this story to go on for as long as it has, but it seems to have taken on a life of its own. I hope you enjoy reading these new chapters. Happy reading. As always, all characters are 18 years or older. * Chapter 13 Sam woke up late the next morning to a weight draped half over her back. Looking down, she saw a hand curled around her waist. Memories of last night came...
A big thank you to every one who voted. Here’s the next installment of my story. Hope you enjoy it. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated. Once again, all characters are eighteen years of age or older. * Chapter 4 Chase had arrived at the airport to find the Montague’s limousine and driver waiting for him. He was pleased to have almost finished the trip to the estate, as he was tired and looking forward to his rest. He had purposely turned off his mobile and told Jack that he wasn’t to...
I had been teaching Emma remedial maths and biology for over a year when her mother Monique made the suggestion. Emma was a pleasant and cheerful girl, but with not much to distinguish her from most other teenagers. Not bad looking, though slightly plump. The residue of puppy fat still clinging to her developing adolescent body, gave her a somewhat homely look that detracted from her otherwise curvey figure. Monique had been most meticulous in finding a tutor for her daughter. My previous...
Ok readers, here’s the fourth installment. It’s hopefully a lot longer than the others so it should give you a descent amount to read. I know some of you have asked for longer chapters, but I’m afraid that with story writing, you can’t really plan the length of a chapter, the story happens how it happens, so if you think they’re too short, then tough cookies. Just a little reminder to PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT. I can’t improve on my stories if I don’t know what you think about them. Us writers...
Hi everyone. Well, the story’s coming to a close. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. Look out for more stories from me soon. Happy reading. As always, all characters are 18 years or over. * Chapter 14 The next couple of days went by like a dream for Sam. Although she was new at the whole relationship thing, she was eager to explore and learn. Chase, knowing her inexperience, was slow and gentle with her, not wanting to spook her away, but he was amazed at...
The sun slowly sinks below the horizon as we sit in silence on the isolated beach. Late October, a beautiful time for the shore. True companions of the sea come to the sandy dunes at this time of year to listen to the Divine power whisper truth across the foam that settles at your toes. Day stars glitter and captivate you to open your soul to all that is to be in this universe. Only those who are of the sea come here and listen. There is no need for us to talk. We hear each other clearly,...
Daniel was at the bar when I walked into the pub that late winter night. He isn’t handsome yet he isn’t ugly. His nose is larger than it should be, yet he carries it without hesitation. His brown curly hair gives him a boyish look. He has either an arrogance about him… or a confidence that intrigues me. I must meet this man. I am certainly above this man, I ooze beauty and sensuality which turns every man’s head in this pub…. every man but Daniel. I must have this man. I turn and walk back to...
She was giddy with endorphins, in the afterglow of her best orgasm ever. He enjoyed hearing her sighs and giggles, and whispered to her to roll onto her right side, facing away from him. The uneven ground beneath the tent had cooled her, but as he snuggled up to spoon with her, she felt his body heat warm her back. She laid her head over his right arm as he held her close with his right hand on her left breast. His left hand remained free to run softly caressing fingertips everywhere from her...
He set up his eight-inch telescope in the dimming twilight of the night. He had picked the beach far from the campgrounds, far from the shouting people and barking dogs, and smoky fires, yet not far enough to be unaware of them in the distance. More than just wanting darkness for stargazing, he sought solace from the world of troubles he had seen, but he wasn’t lonely. For now, it was just him, the glassy-calm lake, and the ever-increasing multitude of stars peeking out from the growing...
Biologically speaking there’s not a great deal of difference between the mouths of men and women. It was simply the way she used hers that made me melt. Unhurried at the outset, delicately picking up the pace to heighten my desire for her, each tender lap between my parted legs complemented by breathy kisses on alabaster thighs alongside stolen glances that dripped with loaded intent. She savoured every note of nectar that drizzled onto her fluttering tongue as if she were the bow and I her...
STARSTRUCK Contest entry: VIP By K_Finn64, 7/26/12 (This is a work of fiction. The usual disclaimers apply) —*— I gripped the seat with excitement as the driver turned off of Thomas and into the crowded parking lot of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix Arizona. It was a warm August night in 1982, and the spotlights from the arena caught the flinty dust in the air, creating a sparkling light show above the gravel parking lot as the sleek white limousine headed...
I frowned as I looked myself over in the mirror not recognizing the man I was looking at since I was out of uniform. For the past five years I had been a soldier. Now I was dressed in a suit befitting a lord of my station. Having grown up on in my fair number foster homes and orphanages I would have called anyone who saw me becoming a lord a fool five years ago. I had left that life behind and joined the military. Not that their was much difference between dying on the streets or dying on the...
Vorwort: Kommen sie zu Starfucks und wählen sie einen unserer einzigartigen services: 1) Eine exakte (eins zu eins) Kopie ihres Stars Wählen sie ihren Star aus unserem großen Arsenal menschenähnlicher Androiden, die allesamt menschlichen Berühmtheiten - Celebrities - nachempfunden wurden und vergnügen sie sich mit ihm hier bei uns im Cafe. Alle Modelle wurden so konfiguriert, dass sie eine mindestens 18 Jahre alte, erwachsene Version der von ihnen gewählten Berühmtheit darstellen." Kleidung,...
Welcome to the Star Wars Erotic Saga. Here you enter the Star Wars universe from any time, vantage point, or sexual fantasy; it's up to you! Pick your film, character, and scene and prepare to feel the full power of the Force. Enjoy, and may the Force be with you.... (No score in game mode it just prevents weird stuff from happening in some of the chapters) Please Add to the story. Anything goes
Beth arrives at Stardew valley stepping out into the warm spring air and takes a deep breath of the country air. The scent of cherry blossoms and fresh grass brought a smile to her face. Wearing only overalls the sun bathes her large chest in warmth as it bounces on her walk to her new farm. Aside from her chest and butt she was a pretty average sized girl at about 5'6". She was fairly slender and her physique was very feminine, though despite her looks she was rather strong for a girl her size.
TranssexualIch, der bekannte Pornostar Rude Ordano war gelangweilt von der Idiotie und den Grenzen die mir Pornofilmszene setzte. Ich wollte etwas neues „Echtes“. Da kam mir die Idee für eine eigene Serie. Ich nannte sie einfach "Rudes Produktionen". Es ging darum unschuldige Mädchen zu überraschen und ficken. Mit allem was einen richtigen Fick auszeichnet. Ich konzentrierte mich auf harte illegale Pornografie, So öffnete ich bald eine neuen Horizont für ein weltweites Publikum. Mein einziges Credo war:...
**Note to readers** //I work a full time job, and don't have as much time to put towards things like this as I would like. Please be patient with me while I work out the storyline and path dead ends and such. This is still very much a work in progress. Thanks! //This story is meant to be read in Game Mode //Last updated 6/8/2017. If you last went through this before then, I suggest you reset, or something variables may not get set correctly. One day, after you get off work from your god awful...
About 6 months ago you were spending the night trawling the Internet for something to do when you stumbled upon site that was running a competition. "MAKE ALL YOUR FANTASIES COME TRUE!" The bold header caught your attention and digging deeper you discovered that they were offering you "THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME" and all you had to do was send in a detailed description of your number one fantasy. You found yourself wondering what kind of loser would do that, send in their darkest secrets to...
The cylons were created by man. They rebelled. They evolved. They look and feel like us. Now a handful of survivors... Need to get laid.
"Colonel, I trust there's a good reason you won't be returning on schedule?" "Carter's missing, General Hammond. There's no sign of a struggle, but also no sign of her." "Do you need backup for the search?" "... Not yet sir. We haven't had a chance to really begin the search yet." "Very well. I expect regular updates and I'll have a team on standby if you need them." Colonel Jack O'Neill deactivated the MALP, and headed back to camp where Daniel Jackson and Teal'c waited for him. "Let's get...
So we've finally made it. With the secrets of cold fusion revealed, humanity can finally reach the stars; not even the sky's the limit anymore. We've begun to chart the surfaces of Mars and Mercury without help from little robots or sky-eyes... we've even made first contact with extra-terrestrial life. Aliens. I'd like to say that we did it ourselves, but that's not really true. It was those aliens - they call themselves the Arrai so I guess we will too - that did most of the work. They picked...
“Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the very first night of ACSF, the ALLSTAR CELEBRITY SEX FEDERATION” John Doe says just as the crowd rise to their feet in the jam-packed Staples Center “It is an honor and a privilege to present the first show of ACSF right here where most stars are born, here are just some of the beautiful stars that have already been placed on our roster….. Meg Ryan……..Eva Mendes…....Justin Timberlake……..The Rock…….Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen………Julia Roberts…….Matt Damon……..and...
Astari– Part One Everything hurt as Matthew de Lacey was making his way back to his tent. His arms and legs were aching, his head hurt even more where the mace had struck his helm and his pride hurt most of all. Defeat was a difficult drink to swallow, had Matthew expected to win the tourney? ‘Yes’, a part of him was saying, he was thrice the fighter than each of his opponents and he knew it well. He had surely demonstrated that, he’d beaten every opponent, ‘except one,’ the part of him...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“Quickly, Gil, we’re about to land,” the sexy, young brunette sitting next to me on the plane purred in to my ear as she picked up the pace of stroking my cock. ~ We had met in the Toronto International Airport, while waiting to board our plane. I was seated at a table, replying to emails on my phone, when a young, sexy brunette tripped and fell on me. She gave out a short yelp and wrapped her arms around my shoulders to keep from falling on the floor. She immediately laughed once she...
BDSMIt was a going away party. There were words to be said, things to be done. Some things to be undone, if possible. The next day, they would be gone, and only God, if He existed, knew when, or even if, they would ever return. Captain Marco Kensington woke slowly. Very slowly. The computer monitoring his vitals was careful. Precise amounts of stimulants were being fed into him at calculated intervals. He rose from the nothingness of suspended animation into a fog of barely conceivable reality....
Fantasy & Sci-FiShe was giddy with endorphins, in the afterglow of her best orgasm ever. He enjoyed hearing her sighs and giggles, and whispered to her to roll onto her right side, facing away from him. The uneven ground beneath the tent had cooled her, but as he snuggled up to spoon with her, she felt his body heat warm her back. She laid her head over his right arm as he held her close with his right hand on her left breast. His left hand remained free to run softly caressing fingertips everywhere from her...
Straight SexHe set up his eight-inch telescope in the dimming twilight of the night. He had picked the beach far from the campgrounds, far from the shouting people and barking dogs, and smoky fires, yet not far enough to be unaware of them in the distance. More than just wanting darkness for stargazing, he sought solace from the world of troubles he had seen, but he wasn’t lonely. For now, it was just him, the glassy-calm lake, and the ever-increasing multitude of stars peeking out from the growing...
Oral SexUMA Curiosidade…Ao contrário dos homens, as mulheres não dão tanta importância ao facto de homem ser bonito ou não. Não quero com isto insinuar nada, apenas desmistificar uma ideia errada que os homens têm das mulheres.O que as mulheres apreciam em primeiro lugar é comportamento e atitude e como um homem as faz sentir. O aspecto exterior não é decisivo. O que vai fazer as mulheres quererem estar contigo, será a tua capacidade de as fazer sentir calor, calafrios e magia no mais profundo do seu...
Carly sat on her hotel bed watching some documentary on the TV. She had been trying to call Sam for half an hour. Then she tried calling Freddie. Same thing, it went straight to voicemail. She a left a message for both of them, figuring they had their phones off while they were "together" or something. A little concerned that she couldn't reach her friends, Carly stretched out on the bed and waited for one of them to call her back. She fell asl*ep sometime around 10.She woke up at midnight when...
That night Sam and Freddie watched USC take on Texas Tech.The game did not as easy for USC as the last game did. Texas Tech was a much bigger, tougher team than San Diego State had been and after Carly rolled her ankle early in the second quarter and had to go to the bench. With USC's best player on the bench, Texas Tech made a run and ended up leading at halftime by the score of 49-40.When Sam and Freddie saw Carly on TV at the start of the third quarter, they could tell by the look on her...
The doctor explained to Sam her options and she decided on having a laparoscopic myomectomy since it was the least invasive, most effective, cost efficient option she had. Plus the recovering time was faster than all the other options she had. A few days after the surgery and Sam was back home."Man. Hospital food is no good." Sam said heading for the fridge. "This place looks like new." She observed.Carly and Mel had cleaned Sam's bedroom a couple of days before, getting rid of the sheets and...
The next couple of weeks turned February into March and along with it, Carly's schedule became full as the PAC-10 tournament started and the Lady Trojans were a favourite to win since they had won the regular season title outright. Then after the Pac-10 tournament, the WNCAA tournament was to start. Now the men's version got most of the headlines, but the USC Lady Trojans were getting some airtime of their own thanks to their unexpected breakout freshman star that was voted regular season MVP...
One Month LaterCarly wasn't there when Adam woke up from his c***, but she was there when he got discharged. She needed some closure and she went to get it. They had a conversation as she walked with him out of the hospital. She was direct, honest, and at times probably brutal. To his credit, Adam understood everything and left for Seattle without arguing."That wasn't so bad." Carly told herself as she watched Adam leave.For the last week, Sam Puckett was hiding a secret. A secret that would...
Los AngelesWhen walking into the California Hospital Medical Center, Carly wished that she would have went by the dorm and changed. It seemed like everyone was looking at this brunette in the silver dress. She felt out of place.After inquiring what room Adam was in, Carly made her way to Room 233. There was a police officer there who introduced herself as Officer Cameron."I'm Officer Cameron, you're Carly Shay right?""Yeah." Carly responded."I thought so. I caught iCarly a couple of times as a...
With the excitement of yesterday's game and the fact that she didn't sleep all the best last night, Carly thought she would take a nap before she started getting ready. Jason wouldn't be by to pick up until 8 so she had plenty of time to get a couple restful hours of sleep in and still have plenty of time to get ready.When she woke up, she felt much better. Until she looked at her clock. 7:13pm. "Damn it." She said as she rushed out of the bed and into the bathroom in just her bra and panties....
[/b][/b]When Carly woke up in her bed the next morning, she had one new voicemail. She listened to it, it was from Spencer."Yo ki*do, Socko and I just sooooo happen to catch the Sports Recap a few hours ago. Guess who was on it? Me. No, it was you! It looks like you had the game of your life. My little s*ster, a basketball star. Who would have thunk it, huh? Hey if that writing thing don't work out, it's good to know that you can probably make it in the WNBA. I'm just thrilled that you don't...
At a little pass 1pm, Carly and Sam met up for lunch."Jason Michaels asked me out!" Carly said upon seeing Sam."Great! Who's that?""A hot guy in my writing class.""He asked you out with you looking at that?" Sam asked.Carly frowned and touched her hair."You should marry him k*ddo." Sam said smiling.They both sat down at the bench and Sam took out her lunch."What's wrong with the way I looked?" Carly asked, already knowing that answer."You look like you were late this morning. That's all." Sam...
Carly sat quickly out of her bed the next morning and looked at her alarm clock which didn't go off like it was supposed to. 7:43am is what it read, leaving her 17 minutes to get ready and get across campus to her Writing 140 class. "Shit." She whispered to herself as she threw the covers off of her and searched for some clean clothes to put on.She got dressed and grabbed her backpack and a hairbrush as she ran out of the bedroom door. Freddie was awake and in the kitchen fixing breakfast."Oh...
"Sam, I want to talk about you and Freddie.""Now?" Sam asked as she squeezed some mustard on her turkey sandwich."Yeah.""Okay, well, what do you want to know?""For starters, how did you and very ended up with each other. You guys have fought each other since middle school."Sam shrugged. "I guess the dork grew on me," she smiled.Sam walked into living room and Carly followed."You guys are really serious, aren't you?" Carly asked as they sat down on the couch."I believe we are," Sam told her as...
Carly Shay just finished her third class for the day and like every Monday; she waited outside on her favourite bench to have lunch with her best friend Sam Puckett. It was usually the first time they got to see each other on Monday since Carly had an early class and Sam's first class wasn't until 9.She was late as usual, but Sam eventually made her way to Carly's favourite bench. She sat down and look across the table at Carly."What's the matter Sam? Why aren't you pulling out a steak or some...
The alarm clock beeps and 23 year old Sam Puckett lazily stirs in her bed and reaches over. Stumbling to hit the off button she groans and knocks it off the bedside table. She dozed back to sleep as the beeping becomes duller as the clock is lying upside down on the floor. A minute later, her cell phone vibrated, making a buzzing sound as it shook against the table. It then rang a familiar ringtone."Ohhh. Come on Freddork, just a few more minutes," she said to herself with her face still buried...
Sam came to. Her head hurt. She did a quick check of her body - everything was aching but no acute pain. That was good. She would check in more detail once she had assessed her situation. For now she dared not move. This might buy her time while she reoriented herself. No need to prod any captors into action in case they were watching her. Her thorough training had drilled the sequence into her to the point where they had become instinctive routine. She was lying on her side on a hard surface,...