Starstruck Ch. 01-03 free porn video

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This is the first story I have submitted to literotica, so I’d love to get some feedback. As the story states, these are only the first 3 chapters, so if you like it, I promise there will be more chapters on the way. This story is planned to go on for a while, and is not a quick fix. It hopefully has some depth to it, so if that is what you’re looking for, please read on. All characters are eighteen or over.


Chapter 1

Los Angeles, America

‘Good morning to you all, it’s 6:30 am and it’s set to be a beautiful day.’ Sam woke up slowly, grumbling to herself about the absurdness of getting up so early on a Sunday especially the day after her 18th birthday. Sam was not a morning person and these early starts for this stupid extra curriculum project were starting to give Sam the shits. It had to be done though. The more extra curricular activities Sam did relating to her art work would mean more chances she had of getting an art scholarship and getting the hell out of this life.

Now reading this you may think that Sam was just an average middle class school girl, wishing that some day she could get out of her small town and head out into the big wide world. You couldn’t be more wrong. Sam was the daughter of Emily and Parker Montague, two of the biggest names in America’s social whirl and worth Billions. Her father was an oil tycoon and had then made further millions in the stock market and investments. So why you may ask, was Sam so desperate for a scholarship when it is quite clear that Sam could afford to go to any University in the world. Well, that was the whole problem. Both of Sam’s parents expected Sam to go to a University of their choice, join the sorority where of course, she would become the president in her first year, study some boring pointless course, then get married and forget she had a brain. This was not Sam’s idea of a life at all. All Sam wanted was freedom.

Sam was the complete opposite of what you would expect of a socialites daughter. She rebelled at every possible turn. As soon as she was old enough to make a scene, she refused to go to any functions that her parents wanted to drag her to. She would purposely act as rude and obnoxious as possible to her parents friends and would take pleasure in chasing and tormenting the other children. A couple of times doing this and she no longer had to go anywhere with her parents. Sam hated dressing up, preferring jeans and tee-shirts to skirts and dresses. To piss her parents off, she always bought cheap and daggy Kmart and Wal-mart clothing (not that there’s anything wrong with that) and as a child would rip up and dirty anything nice she wore. After a while, her nanny stopped trying to get Sam to wear pretty dresses, resulting in Sam’s entire wardrobe consisting of black, white, brown or gray tee-shirts, pants and jackets. Sam didn’t care what anyone thought about her. Even at school Sam refused to wear the girls plaid skirt and white blouse, opting for the boys cream trousers and shirt. Although this caused a bit of an uproar at first, Sam wouldn’t let up, and because she was such a good student the Dean turned a blind eye. Not that Sam’s parents cared. When they realised Sam didn’t fit into their idea of the ‘Socialites Child’ they ignored her. By the time Sam was 12, she was without a nanny (the last one having quit), without parents and had to learn to fend for herself. Because of all the rejection and sadness in Sam’s childhood she had grown into a loner, preferring the solitude of her room when her parents had parties than conversing with all the other guests. The same thing happened at school, with Sam seeking out the peace and quiet of the art room during breaks from class. It’s not that Sam was a snob, far from it. She hated the falseness and stupidity of her world, where most thoughts on her fellow students minds were the latest fashion trends, who you needed to be with to be seen, who had the most millions and the latest teen heartthrob on the big screen. Although Sam was occasionally teased by the Princess trio, as she called them, the three most popular and bitchy girls in school, the other students left Sam alone. She didn’t belong in their world, so they wanted nothing to do with her.

Sam refused to go to a college like her high school. She wanted to go somewhere where she could paint and draw, somewhere where she could talk to some one and actually have an intelligent conversation, somewhere where she would be free of her parents disdain and quiet disapproval, somewhere where she would actually be loved.

As Sam dressed for school, half listening to the radio, she heard the newest spiel about Chase Major, the latest teen heartthrob and his new movie ‘Texas Rangers’. Sam had heard a lot about him lately, as her father had invested in the movie. ‘He’s a good enough actor as actors go’, Sam thought to her self, and even she had to admit that he was an absolute hunk with his dark brown eyes and hair and a bronzed body to die for, but he had been rapidly sucked into the Hollywood world, and Sam had no time to bother about party boys like him. She had an art gallery to open.

Grabbing an apple for breakfast on her way out, Sam headed to her car, school bag in hand. As an extra curriculum project, Sam was responsible for single handedly opening an art gallery at her school to display the students work. Although this wasn’t Sam’s idea of fun, it would look good on her scholarship application. Of course, being the school it was, this wasn’t going to be just some small, hang the prints on the wall and leave it at that shindig. This was a huge, orchestra, champagne and formal wear party that was expected to have over 300 guests. Not only did Sam have to worry about the placement of the art work and the lighting, she had to organise invitations, caterers, waiters, bar staff and to top it all off, she was expected and had to wear a formal dress for the evening. Sam would just as soon not be there opening night, but she was expected and Sam had to make it look good on paper. As Sam roared out of the driveway, she didn’t realise that soon, her lonely life was about to change.

Chapter 2

Chase sat down wearily at the airport, waiting for his flight from Texas to Los Angeles. ‘So once you’ve finished your interview on KBBM radio you have a live television interview with Beth Stevens for ‘The Today Show’ at twelve, then on to an interview with Mike Waters at one thirty for ‘Movies with Mike’, that will be shown later tonight, then at three…’

‘Jack please, can I just have a bit of a rest. I’ve barely slept all week, I really can’t take this in right now.’ Chase had already visited New York, Texas, Alaska and Canada within the last week and was now going to the city of Los Angeles to promote his new movie, ‘Texas Rangers’.

‘Well you’d better snap out of it champ, because we still need to visit Australia, Europe, Asia and the UK.’

Chase loved making movies. He had been acting nearly his whole life, joining small drama clubs and putting on plays until at fourteen, he was spotted playing Jake Malloy in a small Broadway production by Geoff Keller, the president of Keller Films. That had started Chase’s film career off and Chase had loved every minute of the filming. What Chase hated was the publicity that went with it.

Oh sure, he liked the attention, most people would. What Chase hated was the falseness that accompanied Hollywood. When his fans flocked out to see him, they didn’t see who Chase really was and they really didn’t care. What they saw was the latest character he’d played or the latest product he was endorsing. Chase’s career had been a whirlwind to say the least. He was thrown into the deep end with his first movie, playing one of the main characters and from there went on to star in his next three movies. At nineteen, Chase had spent the last five years living out of a trailer, working absurdly long hours and was about to run out of steam.

‘Jack, I need a break.’

‘What are you talkin
g about, of course you don’t need a break, we have so much…’

‘I’m serious Jack. I want to take at least three weeks off or I’m not signing any more contracts for further movies.’

‘Come on Chase, I know your feeling a bit drained. You’ve just finished filming. But we have to promote, that’s part of the job.’

‘I realise that Jack, and I’ve been promoting the shit out of this movie, but man, I haven’t had a vacation, or even a break from scheduling for five years. If I don’t have one soon I’m not going to be able to keep on going like this. I’m nineteen for Christ sake. I want to be able to act like a normal teenager for once. Look, the movie doesn’t come out for four months. Give me three weeks off and then I’ll still have three months to promote it. That’s still plenty of time.’

Jack was stressing out. He liked Chase. Hell they were good mates despite the age difference. But Jack was meant to keep Chase to a strict schedule. If he didn’t, his boss would have his hide. But at the same time, Chase had been looking almost sick the last few days. As Jack sat there thinking, he had a brain wave. That pain in the ass Montague’s wife had offered for Chase to stay with them while they were at their country estate. By Jack’s calculations that invitation was for the next few weeks. Knowing how much Chase disliked Parker and especially Emily Montague, Jack could offer Chase the invitation, knowing it would be turned down.

‘Well Chase, I guess if you really feel like you need a break we could organise for you to have a few weeks off. The invitation to stay with the Montague’s in the country still stands. Other than that I don’t really know where you could go that would be reasonably private.’

Chase inwardly grimaced. He hated the Montague’s. Emily was an empty headed idiot and Parker was an interfering fop. But at the same time, if this was the only way he was going to get a break, he wasn’t stupid enough to say no.

‘Okay then Jack. Send word to the Montagues that I would be happy to stay with them.’

Jack looked at Chase, absolutely stunned. His little plan had backfired, and now he was going to be screwed. Still, if he went right to the top and spoke to Keller, he might be able to keep his job. Keller had been the one to discover Chase after all and had always had a soft spot for the boy. Knowing that he couldn’t back out now, Jack put on a smile and turned to Chase. ‘Right then. We’ll go to L.A. and do this promo, then I’ll reschedule all your other appearances. I’ll ring the Montagues in the plane to tell them you’re accepting their invitation.’ Hopefully, Chase would get so sick of Emily that he would want to come back early.

Chase settled down in his seat, a smile on his face. Finally he was going to get some peace and quiet.

Chapter 3

Sam drove up the road towards the mansion in her battered 4WD. It was a hunk of junk, but Sam had worked for a whole year at McDonalds to raise money to buy a car. She wasn’t about to accept any hand outs from her parents, not that they would have given her any anyway, so this was the only car she could afford. Still, it ran well, got her from A to B in one piece and Sam loved it. It was one of the few things in her life that didn’t let her down.

Sam was on her three week vacation from school. As usual, she was heading to Winchester, her parents country estate. Sam came here every holidays to unwind and get away from everything. This was the one place where Sam actually felt comfortable. Plus, this is where her best friend lived. Warrior was her ten year old stallion. Jet black in colour, he was a descendant of the war horses used by knights in the earlier centuries. Most people were petrified of him and his full eighteen hands. At two years old, he was going to be put down due to his vicious temper and tendency to attack without warning, but on one of the rare occasions that Sam was allowed to accompany her father, she found herself face to face with the great horse while her father was looking for some new stock. As Sam looked at the horse fighting against his harness, she felt no fear and reached out to pat him. As her hand touched his chest, Warrior calmed down immediately. Sam knew they were meant to be together and asked her father for him. He was so preoccupied with the horse he was looking at, he didn’t really give Sam a second thought and just said yes to get her to go away. So Warrior became Sam’s and they had been together since. Besides Mac, the old stable keeper at the estate, Sam was the only one who he would permit to touch him, effectively keeping her father from trying to sell him. Sam loved Warrior more than anything in the world, and was always amazed that he was hers.

As Sam reached the house, she drove round to the back of the stables. Leaping from the car, Sam ran to the paddock fence and blew a high pitched whistle. Warrior came galloping up to the fence, whinnying with excitement. Sam and Warrior had not seen each other for three months, and he had missed his friend. Sam threw her arms around the big horses neck and buried her face into his mane. She was finally in the one place she considered home.

Mac watched Sam with Warrior. He was always amazed that a mite of a girl could win the trust and love of that horse. ‘Welcome back Miss Sam.’

Sam turned towards the old man, pleased to see him. Mac had come over from England when he was just a boy and had been looking after the stables since her grandfathers day. Sam loved to listen to him talk, as he had never lost his Cornish accent. He was the closest thing to a real family that she had. ‘Thanks Mac, how’s my boy been doing?’

‘He’s just been fine Miss Sam. I ‘ad a feeling you’d be up today.’

‘How did you know?’

‘Warrior was too exci’ed to eat this mornin’. That’s a sure sign you’re coming down. He always knows.’ Mac chuckled to himself. The big horse loved his food, so something big had to be going on to stop him from eating.

‘Well, I’ve always said I have the smartest horse in the world.’

‘Miss Sam, I don’t know if you’d already be knowing this, but we ‘ave a problem.’


‘Your parents are ‘ere.’

‘What, they never come down here during my holidays. They know I stay here when I’m on break. What the hell are they playing at. We have an agreement that we’re never in the same residence except for when they stop off at the town house between whatever they’re doing.’

‘I know Miss Sam, and believe you me I was as shocked as you, but it gets worse.’

Sam grabbed the halter hanging on the gate and put it on Warrior. She hadn’t planned to go for a ride until tomorrow morning seeing it was so late and she had been driving for the past three days, but with news of her parents arrival, she had to get away for a while. ‘How could it possibly get worse?’

‘Your parents have invi’ed a guest to stay ‘ere. That’s why they’re in residence now, so you’d be ‘ere when that guest arrived.’

Sam grabbed Warriors saddle and bridle from the tack room and dropped it over his stall door. Picking up a brush, she started to give him a quick groom. ‘Why, are they trying to marry me off or something?’ Sam said jokingly. ‘Since when have they ever wanted to introduce me to any of their friends?’

‘Since their guest is that new ‘ollywood star. What’s that name Betsy told me. Memory’s not what it used to be. Chase Major, that’s it.’

‘What?’ Sam was dumbfounded. Why the hell would Chase Major want to stay with her parents.

‘Your Mother and Father invi’ed Chase to stay with them a while back I believe. He only accepted their offer bout a week ago but he’s due tomorrow. I expect your parents were thinking it might be nice for him to have someone his own age to talk to. I know you don’t think much of your parents, but they aint stupid. Even they must realise how it will be for a nineteen year old having to spend all his time with two grown-ups.’

‘Yes, especially grown-ups like Parker and Emily.’ Sa
m always called her parents by name. As far as she was concerned, they didn’t deserve the titles Mother and Father. ‘Well if they’re looking for a baby sitter they can think again. I have enough to do with organizing this damn art gallery from here without having to spend my time looking after Hollywood’s newest golden boy. He accepted their invitation, not mine, so he’ll have to damn well put up with them.’

Mac looked at Sam sadly. He knew all about Sam’s relationship with her parents, hell, he’d helped to raise the girl, but it made him sad that Sam hated her parents so much. Sam looked at Mac’s face and felt guilty. He was only trying to warn her what to expect and she had taken her anger out on him.

‘I’m sorry Mac. I didn’t mean to get mad at you. I’m going to take Warrior to the bottom pasture and work him out a bit. I’ll be back in an hour or so. Maybe the ride will help me to calm down. I’ll see put Warrior to bed, so don’t worry about waiting up for me. I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘Okay then Miss Sam. You be careful now.’ And with that, Sam mounted Warrior and rode away. Mac inwardly cringed. This was going to be a very interesting three weeks.

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After Sonika Jharm had requested Bjorn Erikson needed to ‘consider her needs’ she threw herself back on the bed and spread her legs wide apart in anticipation of Bjorn’s ‘dickie bird’ coming home to roost - which it did. Bjorn jumped on top of his lovely choirmaster and fucked her hard. He sucked on her gorgeous titties for a few moments and ran his hand up and down her pussy lips which were still dripping wet from her unfettered sexual desire. Next he began kissing Sonika’s soft lips as his...

3 years ago
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Unplanned Sex Means Unimaginable Pleasure

Hello, guys, this is Rohit here. I’m currently 21 years and living in Nagpur with 8 inches of hard and long dick. I am 5.7 tall with 65 weight athletic body and muscular built. The bhabhi of my story is 31 years baby with sexy curves with 5.4 height and 52 kgs. This is my first sex story and more to come. I’ve gained the experience to fuck really hard and make pussies wet and girls moan and wanting more. Well, this story is when I was studying for my 12th exams. I used to study on the 3rd floor...

2 years ago
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Stormy Night

Stormy Night By Trainmaster Synopsis: A Midwestern thunderstorm upsets my walk home. Little girls like dolls. And big dolls need love, too. Fortunately, I don't have any family ties ... or maybe now I do. Lightning flashed all around me. Bright bolts of light from above threatened to blind me. Below me, the sidewalk shook with thunderous response. Between the flashes and thunder, a steady cold rain saturated everything. My measly umbrella had flipped inside out moments...

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Road TripChapter 20

Not that I’m trying to tell you the water wasn’t coming straight off the icepack ... it was. But it was warmer ... a qualitative term. And there wasn’t so much of it. I didn’t put the Keene 6 Inch Portable Industrial Yanmar Diesel Dredge in the water until the 15th of May. The value of the tracked skyhook was proven by picking up the dredge, trundling it out of the Avocado and down to the water. That alone was worth what I paid for it. By the end of the first day I suited up and went in the...

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Rendezvous IIChapter 28

Karen Where am I going to come up with twenty thousand bucks by Friday week? I have no idea where Hairy is. I know where he was ... Denver. “Pan American Airways, this is Rachael. How can I help?” “My name is Karen Post...” “Umh ... Hi Karen. What do you need?” “I realize this is a long shot ... but,” I explained about Hairy Medicinewolf taking a Air US flight from Sheridan, Wyoming to Denver, Stapleton. “I’m trying to find out where he went.” “May I have your number? This may take a...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 248 Some Debriefing and Briefing

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) Several minutes later, Julia and the four parents came into the hot tub room. Mom looked like she'd been on the receiving end of a VERY thorough telling off. With a very abashed expression, Mom confessed, "I'm very sorry, Mark. I've been treating you very unfairly. I'll try to do better in the future." "I should jolly well think so! Once a month or so is far too infrequently!" "Huh? What are you talking about?" "How often we have roast...

3 years ago
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Bhaajiwaali Ko Choda

Hi doston main 30 saal ka ladka hun aur maine ek dum chodu hun. mujhe kisi bhi aurat ke saath chudaane mein mazaa aata hai.aaj ki stry bhi aisi hi hai abhi haal hi mein maine ek bhaajiwaali ko choda.Uski umr bahut zayaada thi kareeban 45 saal lekin saali thi bahut mazedaar. hua yun main aise hi market mein gaya tha kuch lene ke liye t market mein bahut si aurten thi jo sabji wagaira lene aayi thi. to main un aurton ke mamme dekhne khada ho gaya kyunki bahut si aurten aayi thi to kuch saari mein...

2 years ago
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House Sitter Part 2

HOUSE SITTER (Part 2) By Lisa Lovelace My petticoats rustled under my maid's uniform as I knelt before my new master and unzipped his trousers. "Well?" said Dirk. "Take it out." I groped in his pants and awkwardly pulled out his male equipment. "Well?" Dirk said. "C'mon, Lisa. Lick it. Kiss it. Suck it." I shot a glance at his girlfriend, Tina - Ms. Underbust to me. She nodded. My name was Lisa now, but I used to be a boy named Logan. Ms. Underbust hired me as a house...

1 year ago
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Stacy Lancaster San Diego 3

In the tiny foyer of their hotel room in San Diego, Stacy Lancaster used her husband. He was flat on his back on the floor. They were not making love; she was riding Jared's dick like it was her own personal toy.The smooth motions of Stacy's hips sped up. She lowered her upper body onto Jared, bowing her head beside his and resting her chin on his shoulder. Her sensitive nipples tickled along his chest. As she humped more forcefully along his shaft, her body pressed lower and lower. Soon, her...

Straight Sex
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One day with her

I was in my office doing my hard work to be done which I have been requested to finish.By eleven'o clock on that day a couple came to my office and approached my boss to send me along with them.My boss was kind enough to give permission to go with them.We three went to my residence , had our lunch and the man told that he had to go to some place and return soon as far as possible. The girl was a blond.She did not care about her boobs . They were very big in size.I ...

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Jake and Tara Part One

CHAPTER 1 Okay well I suppose I should start with some background. My name is Jake and I am 16 years old. I am pretty average looking. Not overweight and not fit either. My sister’s name is Tara. She is 14 years old and is just starting to develop. She has small perky B cups and long slender legs. This is the story of how we ended up becoming closer than most brothers and sisters. For some reason I have always had trouble going to sleep. I just stare at my ceiling for hours. I always...

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I am Selene. I rule the night. I am the Goddess of the Moon, who steers it through the night sky and gives it my own cold light. My brother Helios is more powerful than I, but even he cannot go where I rule. I can be in his sky, where I am pale and weak, but he can never be in mine. He must quit the sky for a space, and then the sky is mine, and I can be as bright or as pale, and show as little or as much of myself as I please. The sunflowers follow my brother's path, and the creatures that...

2 years ago
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Fantasy At Work

Do you have any idea what you do to me every time you walk across the room? Your tight jeans highlighting your shapely ass, pussy lips on either side of the crotch. A little belly flesh and your tramp stamp showing under your t-shirt hem that rides up as you sit and you don't bother to pull it down when you get up, the bounce of your luscious breasts as you walk, the nipples poking out fully visible because the air conditioner is set a little too low.Sometimes you wear a lacy white top that...

Office Sex
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One and two makes three

I always wanted my wife to be with another men and for me to watch or join in will she keep tilling me no. one day we were at the house and we had about 10 other friends come over and we where having a great time swimming in the pool and lots more as the evening came we where still having a good time some people left others stayed around the table the conversations was getting spicy as time went on the question came up on what was the biggest cock you every had. So Kim said my hubby’s so every...

3 years ago
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Great Shift A Changed Morning

An alarm blared from a white iPhone, encased in a decorative rose protection cover that sat on a nightstand as light streamed through the singular window of the two-story house. Contained on the bed next to the nightstand was what looked to be a small girl, no older then five who gently rubbed her eyes as she got up and smacked the alarm off. Mary sighed as she threw her short legs off the side of the bed and yawned, stretching her arms as she looked around her room. She had only...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Eva Elfie Staying In

There’s nothing I enjoy more than staying and playing with a big cock on a sunny day. I love the way it tastes on my tongue, and I can’t wait to drink a load of cum. I use my hands a lot, but I also like to pucker up my lips and kiss the tip of my man’s dick. He loves looking at my tits, and I can feel them bouncing as I bob my head up and down. Finally, I can tell he’s getting close, so I put on a little extra passion, and soon I get the creamy drink I’ve been waiting for… Love, Eva Elfie.

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Becky at the Pool

More than a few of my friends, or should that be associates, say that I'm lucky. I remember hearing some sportsman saying that the more he practised, the luckier he got. If you substitute work for practice then that's me. On the plus side I have a large house complete with all the trimmings and drive around the country in my Aston Martin DB9 Volante (that's convertible for you lesser mortals). On the down side, even at 34, I have never had a steady relationship as I am forever driving...

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Mind Control

Dr David Evans was a civilian research scientist in a top secret military research establishment, he was also openly gay. He was working under a military scientist called General Jillian Shacklock one of the first black Generals in the country, she hated David because he was gay, she had inherited him when she took over the unit and went out of her way to make his life as miserable as possible. It was only two weeks ago she had called him into her office and given him a project to work on, this...

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Gian hasst den Sportunterricht. Nicht aber etwa, weil er unsportlich wäre. Nein, Sport macht ihm eigentlich sogar Spaß - seine Muskulatur ist auch ziemlich ausgeprägt. Wenn da nur nicht sein Geheimnis wäre. Bisher war es ihm zwar immer gelungen, dieses zu verbergen, doch nun hatte die Schule angeordnet, dass nach dem Sportunterricht zu duschen war. Und geduscht wurde nunmal nackt. Seufzend zieht er seine Sportschuhe aus, dann die Socken, einen Moment lang starrt er auf seine Füße. Aus dem...

2 years ago
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Nelson Enterprises Bill Nelson The Morning After

Nelson Enterprises - Bill Nelson - the morning after. Sorry to take so many weeks but I've worked hard on this story and the edits. I hope it shows. Returning to Bill Nelson's story, we find Bill waking Saturday morning and learning what a grueling routine his female drill sergeant has planned for him to trim down for the Ball. Barb has already taken off to play basketball with the guys but Bill will learn that it takes hard work to be a successful lady of leisure and Barb was...

4 years ago
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A very tighy ring

I had been really horny all that long week.My loving husband had been travelling too many times in the last month and he had been too stressed to fuck me between trips.On the third day he was staying in town; I decided to pay a quick visit to his work. I found him very busy at his office.I opened the door and showed him my sexy outfit.I had chosen a terrific skin tight black skirt, with one long cut at one side. My nylon covered legs looked even longer on my high stilettos and of course, I was...

1 year ago
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Amatorium Here I was, standing in the large marble room, on the second floorof The Temple. As my tired fingers were shaping the clay, I finally hadthe time to be with my own thoughts. No sounds, no bothering from the mastersand no distraction. My imagination was slaved in the cold earth matter but my mindwas free to rove in my memories from the past months. What was going tohappen with me? Why me in first place? The questions started to flow in my head like a mountain rivercurrent. The...

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The Heatwave The Sisterhood of Sappho Part Two

The Sisterhood of Sappho (Part Two) At the top of the stairs leading down to the main hall she encountered Jo, wearing a short black dress and carrying a tray of drinks, her sun-streaked hair now freed of its leather clasp, flowing freely down her back and reaching nearly to her buttocks. As Judi approached Jo looked her critically up and down and nodded appreciatively. “Looking good!” she grinned. “Someone’s in for a treat tonight – makes me wish it was my turn to serve as Acolyte, instead...

4 years ago
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I felt the tension leave my body as laughter flowed from my lips. I should'veknown a girls' night out was just what I needed to de-stress. An evening surroundedby my best girlfriends and some good music would leave me feeling like wholenew woman. And a few drinks wouldn't hurt, either. Lani, as usual, had us allhowling over her latest sexual escapade. The woman wasn't afraid of anything!And though she was a bit on the frumpy side, she never seemed to lack for lovers.I can tell you right now,...

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My Awakening Grows Darker Part II

In all my trips to the neighborhood, parking was the pits. Because of all the apartment buildings a parking spot was very hard to come by, and tonight was far worse than normal. Not only did I drive around so many times, there were just not the normal number of people moseying around. After about 45 minutes of slow cruising, I did notice a black man that I had never seen before and it seemed he was looking for the same thing as I. I jokingly thought to myself I hope he's is looking for a...

3 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 4

Introduction: Heres the fourth part of the series. I apologize for the delay as the holiday travelling didnt provide me much time or energy to write. But nonetheless, here it is now. As always, comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. I woke up the next morning feeling incredibly refreshed. It was still early, not even 7 yet, but I felt so good, ready for the day to start. Charles was still sound asleep like usual, so I quietly went to the bathroom and got ready, heading out the door...

3 years ago
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Encounter with an older man

I read my email and sure enough, an email fromTrelane was waiting for me. My heart started to poundas I read it, then it was pounding even faster!Trelane told me that he had a friend, another top, whowas wanting to join us for a threesome. I had oftenfantasized about being with two men at once, and herewas my chance. I sent a reply stating that I would behappy to meet his friend, but being sexual with himwould just depend on what happened at our firstmeeting. A couple of days passed,...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Cory Chase 12062020

Cory is a Woman in need and her Husband Alex is more than happy to put her needs first. Alex spoke with two of the guys from work about his wife and he needs for the Biggest Men he can find. Cory has an itch deep inside that can only be reached through her needy little ass. Not to miss an opportunity, Prince and Rico promise to come by and scratch that itch. Just moments in the door and she is on her knees sucking those Big Cocks and letting these men know she is all theirs and they better take...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 8

The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: SSG Hezekiah Niles Staff Sergeant, Communication Supervisor and repairman, 5’-10’’ tall 165 lb, 39 years old, brown hair, blue eyes Sgt Walker Sergeant, mechanic, 5’-10’’ tall, 155 lb, 26 years old, short blond hair, blue eyes SFC Elliott Sergeant First Class, S-2 NCO, 5’-11’’, 190 lb, 38 years old, black hair, blue eyes Sp 4 Warren Specialist 4, clerk in S-2, 5’-10’’ tall, 155 lb, 22 years old, brown hair, blue eyes SFC...

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BeCumming Barb

I began dressing to attract my dad. My mom was a beautiful and classy woman. Her style of dress was impeccable. She always wore pencil skirts or dresses of modest lenght, 4" heels, and always sheer fitted nylons and either a 6 or 8 strap waist cincher. Pantyhose had become quite popular by then but she did not wear them. I had witnessed my parent making love many times. They had a "date" night once a week and mom would look her best. The date always ended with them making love. I would peek...

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The Present

Shari and Chad   WARNING!? THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION.IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE.DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, you know day dreaming.Copyright 2006, Hawk Fann & Sbbe.? All rights reserved.We would love to hear from you atStillbehindblueeyes (at) hotmail (dot) com you post...

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