The Strawberry Patch Book 1: The BabiesChapter 32: You’re What? free porn video

September – Year 1
We went down to the kitchen, I made Erin and Lynn some muffins and coffee and then it was time for Lynn to head out to the foundation office. She was so lucky to be able to set her own hours.
We talked about the duties of the day and what Lynn wanted me to take out for dinner, she stood after she finished her meal and walked to the front door. With her purse in one hand and a sweater in the other, Lynn turned for her kiss. I took her in my arms and gave her a kiss with the goal of keeping her warm for the rest of the day. I may have slipped my hand up under her dress and under the leg of her bikini panty and given her sweet ass a good-bye squeeze, too.
“I’ll see you later.”
“Paul, I want to repeat what Erin told you earlier. Thank you for letting us remember our marriage. I didn’t realize how much I had been ignoring her needs and mine. I forgot how much I loved Erin’s body and what I enjoyed doing with it. Thank you. I would like to say I owe you, but I can’t. I can’t pay you back for what you did, I never will be able to.”
We kissed and then I noticed that Erin was behind me in tears.
“Kiss me good-bye wife. I love you.”
“I love you Erin. Thank you for last night.”
“Thank you for this morning.” They kissed again, and Lynn took off for her job.
Erin and I went back to the kitchen, finished our meal and then went to our home office to do the day’s business. Erin called the bank and verified that the night deposit had been made and that it matched her figures. We looked at the budget and checked our projections for the quarter with the actual and we were sitting in a good place at the bar.
Getting the substitute bartenders had been a good move. The hourly sales at night did not drop off like we figured they would have if we had tried to go short handed. As we were getting to the end of the paperwork, I leaned over Erin’s shoulder and began to massage her breasts by making soft circles around the sides of them. Erin loves it when I do this. It is not a sexual thing but instead a relaxing thing. Erin leaned her head against my arm and hummed in contentment. Erin saved her work and opened the payroll program.
I kissed the top of her head, told her I loved her and sat down at the other computer to plan the things I was going to do in practice that evening. Payroll always gave me a headache! We worked away for another 2 hours until I had to take off for my job.
“I gotta head out Sweetie. Give me a kiss.”
Erin stood and pulled her shirt up over her breasts, undid the clasps on the left side of her nursing bra and grabbing my head, brought my lips to her left nipple. I latched on and suck away contentedly for a few seconds. Then with a mouth full of Erin’s milk, I stood and kissed her, swapping the white liquid from my mouth to hers and mixing it with my tongue.
“God, I love it when you do that!” She kissed me again before letting me head for the door.
“What time will you be home tonight?”
“Should be about the same, 7:30-8:00pm.”
“We will do that chicken stir-fry that Lynn does, and we will make a double-batch, so we have some for the weekend. Do you have any requests for food?”
“Nope, but I have been having a craving for some La Bella lasagna. Can we plan on Monday night after you get your wires out?”
“You mean IF I get my wires out. I have been disappointed twice now, so I am not getting my hopes up.”
“Oh Erin! You have to have a little faith. We are going to get the wires out on Monday, then we are off to La Bella for lasagna and home for a blowjob and some serious big time pussy eating.”
“I’m sorry. Blow job? What is a blow job? I thought I heard about that once, but I don’t remember.”
“Oh, well then never mind. I’ll check to see if Lynn remembers.”
“Oh no you don’t! I got first dibs on your cock. As a matter of fact, I think we should let Lynn drive, so you and I can sit in the back and you can remind me about the joys of having you in my mouth.”
“That sounds like a wonderful plan and I am sure that Lynn will not mind driving as long as you remember how much she has missed your mouth on her pussy.”
I left for work leaving Erin alone for a few hours to finish her office work before Lynn came home. It was also Erin’s day to do laundry, so I knew that she would remain occupied for two reasons. First, there was more laundry this time than normal. Second, because she always loved to sniff, snuggle, and lick Lynn’s panties and my underwear.
She had even been known to take some unwashed underwear to work with her, just to keep her going during her shifts. Normally, Erin would come home at 3am, and Lynn and I would be waiting, just like good little spouses. Well this time they would be waiting for me. Lynn would get home at about 5:30pm for round one with her wife; and I would arrive at about 8:00pm for round two with both of them, if I could get between them.
Erin went in to the bar on Thursday night. The fill-in bartender was in a car accident and had to beg out of that night. She had been doing good so Lynn and I did not feel worried about it. However, early on Friday morning Erin came dragging into the house. It was past 4:00am, much later than normal and she looked like a mess.
“Baby! Are you ok?” Lynn ran to her, we had waited up and were a bit worried.
They kissed and Erin fell into Lynn’s arms. She was exhausted.
“Lover, what happened to you?” I was now getting upset.
“I need some water and maybe some green tea and to be held.” Erin was almost in tears.
I went to the kitchen and put a mug of water and a tea bag into the microwave and then took a tumbler out of the cabinet and filled it half with ice and then to the top with water. I took it to Erin and came back to the kitchen in time to get the hot tea out of the microwave. When I got to the family room, Erin was sitting and Lynn was holding her and rocking her.
“Ok, sweetie, tell us what happened. I am getting a little upset.” I put the hot tea on a coaster on the coffee table.
“It was nuts. I got to the bar at 5:00pm like normal and they were wall to wall. The place was packed. Marcus had come on at 4 and Clare stayed because of the crowd. When I got there, I changed out the bank and backed the bar so everything was stocked before I cut Clare loose.”
“It seems that one of the local computer firms had been bought out by that giant firm that just built that huge plant out by the airport and they decided to have an after work party. They brought almost 100 people. They filled the place and spilled out onto the patio and when the regulars began to show up, I couldn’t let them in because of the fire code.”
“When Bosco got there with the Brothers, they immediately went to the storage shed and pulled out the party tables and the folding chairs and the barricades and set up the area out back that we use on the Independence Day and Labor Day. The crowd spread out there and that meant more people could come in the door. Marcus and I were buried all night long.”
“I called the KJ and asked him to start at 6pm instead of the normal 9pm and explained everything to him and he flew over to the bar and set up and had the place rolling by 6:30. I think he made almost a grand in tips!”
“We did last call at 1:30 and everyone left in a nice orderly fashion. Bosco and the Brothers cleaned up and broke down the stuff they set up. But we are going to have to pay one big ass fine for setting up the party tables and stuff because the cops came and gave us a ticket because we did not have a permit like we do on the holidays.”
“They were very nice, they did not make us shut down, but the fines are going to be in the thousands of dollars. Bosco thinks that we ought to get a permit and hold a “Pay The Fine” party. Marcus and I did not get a break or get to sit down all night. I’m dead.” She had finished her water and tea by the time she told the story.
“I want a shower and then go to bed. My jaw is killing me!”
“Well I’m happy that it was not something really bad. You looked like you had been in a scuffle. I’ve got the glasses. Lynn, take her upstairs and get her in the shower.”
“Ok honey.”
Lynn steadied her wife and helped her upstairs. I followed shortly after turning out the lights and making sure everything was locked up. I found Lynn and Erin in the shower. Erin was leaning against the wall and Lynn was gently soaping her up and washing her. I stripped and joined them and taking Erin’s shampoo I began to wash her hair and massage her scalp.
Erin was making the most soft and lovely purring noises as she had the tension of the night washed away by her loving wife and husband. Lynn washed her everywhere but did nothing overtly sexual, not wanting to get her aroused when she was so beat.
When we were done I got out first and took down towels and Lynn dried Erin’s body and I took care of her hair. We led our wife to the bed and sat her on the edge. I went to the bathroom and got Erin’s hair brush and a bottle of oil. I handed the oil to Lynn and pointed to an area on Erin’s body and Lynn nodded. I sat on the bed behind my tired wife and, straddling her, began to brush her hair.
Lynn took the oil and began to massage her wife’s feet. There was more purring and moaning. Erin jerked a few times and Lynn hit a tender spot and pressed hard to rub out the knots. Lynn kept looking at me and her look let me know that she would continue the massage until I was done with brushing out our wife’s hair.
I finished taking out all of the knots and tangles and rose to take the brush back to the bathroom. Lynn released Erin’s feet and after wiping the excess oil off with a towel, helped her stand up when I came back to find that Lynn had pulled the covers back and turned off the lights and set the clock for 6:30am. Lynn had Erin in bed and had lain so that she was spooning her wife’s back. Lynn had her arm over the Erin’s body, her hand resting on Lynn’s breast.
I climbed in front of Erin, placing her in the middle with her breasts against my back. I reached behind me and put my hand on her hip and softly caressed her skin until her breathing was shallow and regular. Before I fell asleep, I whispered to her.
“Good night my precious love. And good night my babies.”
The alarm went off only an hour and forty-five minutes later. Lynn got up and left the room for a few minutes. When she returned she saw that I was awake, still Erin still spooned to my back, but she had her hand on my chest. Lynn came to my side of the bed and whispered to me.
“I called in to take a personal day.” She climbed into the bed behind her wife and spooned to her back. She reached between Erin and I softly laid her hand on Erin’s left breast and kissed her neck and shoulder and back.
“Go back to sleep my love.” Lynn whispered to me.
I woke several hours later to the feeling of my hand being lifted off of soft hip. Erin got out of bed and went to the bathroom and when she returned she got in bed behind Lynn and spooned to her back while Lynn scooted to my back. Lynn began to wake and reached down to stroke my morning (afternoon?) wood. She caressed my balls and stroked me some more.

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