Building A LegacyChapter 7: A Familiar Face, But An Unexpected Request free porn video

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"So, welcome to my humble abode," Alex said, leading Akilah into their hotel suite. "It's a little less humble than we usually enjoy, thanks to your husband, but we try to keep it toned down by filling it full of people so it doesn't feel quite so extravagant."

"It be empty now," Akilah answered with a smile.

They'd left the restaurant as Ahmed took the girls to the theater in a private limousine. Alex, however, insisted on taking a cab, something that had also made Akilah smile, thinking his humility 'cute'. It was especially humorous since it meant sending the limousine which had been waiting for them home.

Alex tried to get Akilah to open up on the ride, but she resisted, still conscious of the social mores of her homeland. She didn't want to speak openly in the presence of a strange male cab driver, or even telepathically with someone she barely knew. She mostly answered in single word responses, which frustrated Alex. But it was clear where her motivation lay, as her eyes would flicker to the driver whenever Alex asked something, so he didn't take it too personally.

However, she began responding more fully in the elevator, and now that they were inside the expansive apartment, she opened up, taking off her covering scarf, revealing a dress which exposed a fair amount of cleavage.

"What would your countrymen think of that dress?" Alex asked with a teasing smile.

"They'd love it," she responded, "though their wives would despise it and force them to renounce it. But this is America, and here I do as others do. What's the saying, 'When in France?'"

"Listen, Akilah, as much as I like you opening up, I get the feeling these words aren't yours. Could you please tell Sanaa to take a break?" he asked, using Shanna's actual name, since it was the one Akilah was more comfortable with. "I'd rather talk to you instead of her."

"But me no speak good," Akilah struggled to respond.

"It doesn't matter. What's important are your words, thoughts and emotions. It's fine if you use Sanaa to translate my words, but I want to get a feel for you. I appreciate what you and Sanaa have accomplished, but think of this as a final exam, testing just how much you've achieved."

"Sorry, me no understand. Slower speak, please," she answered playfully, swatting his arm.

"That's better. It doesn't sound quite as rehearsed."

Instead of moving directly to the bedroom, Alex sat them both on the couch, hoping to get to know her better first.

"Food be here brought again," she cautioned him. "We must wait."

"The hotel staff is bringing our food," Alex gently corrected her. "And I'll be glad to wait; we've got time to simply unwind. Now tell me about yourself."

"Me simpu ... simpler ... simple girl," she finally finished with a triumphant smile. "I come from small town you no hear of. No poor girl meet rich prince either. My father, well ... seller?"

"Merchant?" Alex suggested.

"Ah, yes, merchant. I grow up, comfort, get good teaching. Ahmed, though, he school here. We meet arranged. We hit off, marry after year demand by Ahmed father."

"An arranged marriage? And how did you feel about that? Did you feel any affection for Ahmed?"

"He sweet, social, imdress. I feel for him like you. He power, he lead, other follow. What draw me you, him too," she struggled to express herself with her still limited language skills. Still, she was doing amazingly well for only a week. It seemed she and Shanna had perfected the telepathic linguistic training. Alex assumed they must've consulted Ahn, figuring he'd have to ask her. Still, she seemed to have learned more words than syntax.

"So you were drawn to his strengths, his confidence, his attitude, but also how he affected those around him. How importantly everyone else treated him."

Instead of answering, she simply nodded energetically. "Like you. Everyone talk, you no. You no talk self."

"No, I don't like to talk about myself. I'm embarrassed by how everyone responds to me. I'd rather be an unnoticed kid. I'm getting used to how people respond to me, but it's still a slow process."

It was clear to Alex that Akilah was still having Shanna translate his words, as even with the telepathic communication, she'd wait after he said anything before responding, but he felt sure she was following his rules, speaking from her heart, while using Shanna to understand his meaning. When he spoke, her eyes would glaze over and remain that way until just before she started speaking, when her eyes would suddenly clear up again.

"So you loved Ahmed from the start?" Alex asked, interested in her response more than out of any interest in Ahmed himself.

"I knew fathers wanted, but then, he ... impress me. Not love, but close."

"Ah, that makes sense, and it's an honest explanation," Alex said, just as there was a knock at the door.

Gini, who'd accompanied them to the apartment but who'd kept well in the background, glanced at Alex for permission. Alex simply nodded, and Gini opened the door, letting a hotel employee in, pushing a large cart full of snack foods. Another entered, pushing a cart with several bottles. Without saying a word, he quietly prepared a drink seemingly knowing what would be appreciated. When finished he glanced at Gini, who nodded. He then brought the drink to Akilah, who accepted it with a smile, thanking him in French. The hotel employees left after that, and Gini locked the door behind them.

"Me make this easy. Me get me drunk so you no need," she explained, smiling at him with a smoldering look, but Alex still wasn't ready to move it to the next level, still feeling like he didn't know her quite well enough yet.

"So, Akilah, tell me more about your childhood," Alex suggested. "What was life in your country like? How did you adapt to a world where you weren't quite a full partner?"

"No," Akilah answered, struggling to look at Alex to show her resolve.

"No?" Alex asked, a little confused by her refusal.

"No. Girls tell me you do this. You ask about us, no tell. Me no tell, 'stead me want you talk," she said, her diction growing a little worse as she tried to stress this point. "Me no want to hear speech, me want to know you."

Though surprised, Alex could see her point—although he suspected she'd been put up to it by the other women in the Seer community. He could see them getting together, searching for new information on him, realizing they'd all heard the exact same stories and that he rarely revealed anything new. It was a defensive action he was well aware he employed too often, but he used it to keep the girls' memories of him 'pristine', not wanting to sully his image if he wouldn't be around for long. It was something he was very aware of, as his approaching death was made more real to him on an almost daily basis.

"All right, if you want to know about me, I can do that. After all, sharing is sharing. I assume you already know more than you want to about Cate and me?" he asked, just to be sure. She merely nodded, taking another sip of her drink.

"OK, let's see. As you've undoubtedly guessed, I was a very shy kid. However, there's a lot behind how Cate and I ended up that way. Being obsessive about my hobbies, like most young boys are, I spent all my time hiding in quiet corners of the house, reading. My father was worried about me, wanting me to be more active. He'd take me out to play sports, throwing a football or something, but it never worked. I wasn't athletic and it showed. Instead I learned to avoid my father when he got that 'I'm going to make a man of you' look. It got so bad my mother discovered me one day, at the age of five, sitting alone in a closet with a book in my hands, trying to hide from my father."

Akilah, though attentive, took a little while to process all of that. Alex realized he was throwing too many complex words and ideas around, but he relied on Shanna to translate his ideas for him. He also knew she'd convey his every sentiment to the other Seers as payment for their services. He realized the whole conversation would be easier if they conducted it telepathically, but she seemed hesitant to do so, and he really wanted the opportunity to watch how she reacted, something that was hard to do when the entire conversation only took a matter of seconds.

When Akilah's eyes cleared, Alex continued.

"Becky read something years ago that helps explain it. She said almost all the athletic stars are born the same time of the year, and they succeeded in sports not because of any inborn talent but simply because when they arrive at school each year they're bigger and more coordinated than the other kids because they're that much older. The teachers and coaches then encourage them, telling them they're special, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more they encouraged them, the more they'd work at it. Whereas kids like me, who by virtue of our birthdays appear klutzy and uncoordinated, are avoided and ostracized."

Alex knew she'd need time with those concepts, even though the message was fairly universal, so he waited until her eyes returned to normal before continuing.

"Thus I kept to myself, both at school and at home. I found I've got a fairly vanilla face, plain and unremarkable. And being a little bigger than the smallest kids, but not overly large, I could easily blend in. In order to avoid being picked on, I'd stand in the middle of a crowd of other kids. Never interacting with them, just avoiding being noticed.

"I became quite good at it and spent most of my time observing the other kids. Any time anyone would approach, looking like they wanted to cause trouble, I'd start talking, just like I was having a discussion with those around me. Since they didn't know me, they'd ignore me, but the new kids would assume I was busy so they'd avoid me. Thus I set up a pattern where I spent most of my life alone, watching and studying other people. And when I got home, I'd spend all my time reading, both as an escape and as a way of learning what I was missing by not mixing with the other kids."

Alex again waited for Akilah to translate and process his description. This time, when her eyes cleared, she frowned, as if commiserating over his painful childhood. Reaching out, she placed her hand on his, trying to 'feel his pain'.

"Actually, it wasn't as bad as it sounds," Alex explained, trying to assure her he didn't regret it. "I was comfortable on my own and uncomfortable with others. Dad eventually stopped reading me stories at night, but while he was he'd use all these different voices, making the imaginary world of books sound more interesting than the regular world where kids would berate me for not knowing what was popular. Thus books and my imagination became more fascinating than other people. I took to studying them, watching and observing people like I'd watch insects working to keep their hive alive, always scurrying around. I knew I'd never understand what any single individual was doing, but it was fascinating to watch how busy and driven they were.

"Now, moving beyond my story, let me discuss my sisters. Cate was just as you'd expect. She idolized me, but never found my silence disturbing. She was happy just cuddling with me, reading my book over my shoulder, soaking up whatever energy I may have been bleeding out at that young age.

"My other sisters, however, weren't anywhere near as understanding. Becky, the oldest, matured early. Being bigger than all her friends, she learned she could get what she wanted by pushing everyone else around. I learned to avoid her early, because she'd frequently push me out of the way to get whatever she wanted. However, that behavior only lasted so long. While she blossomed early, the other kids quickly grew as big as her, and when they did, they'd no longer put up with her attitude anymore.

"That was when Becky turned to books as well. Already a good student, she decided she'd do better not antagonizing people, so she started to focus on her studies. Because she was competitive from having been bigger than everyone else, she turned that competitiveness to her studies. She took to science because she found she could best the boys at their own subject. When they'd stand around talking about the latest science fiction movie, she'd calmly detail why it didn't make any sense. She'd score points for being up on the latest movie, effectively win without ever getting into an actual argument, and she soon found herself excelling in fields with few other women."

At this point, Akilah knew she'd gotten more than she'd asked for. Knowing this was going to be a long story, she cuddled up against Alex, allowing her to look away from him—which made dealing with his bright aura much easier—and spent her time touching him as she listened to the soothing cadence of his voice, even as she struggled with the meaning of his words. The fact she could soak up his energy, reveling in how powerful he felt and how closely that mirrored what she felt for her husband, certainly played a role as well.

"However, that didn't change her attitude around the house. She still picked on me, as small as I was, but it was mitigated by escaping into her books the same way I did. But then Melinda started picking on me, while Becky would ignore each of us, letting us squabble amongst ourselves.

"Melinda, having learned how to behave at her sister's knee, imitated Becky's earlier behavior. She'd tease me mercilessly, utilizing her bigger size and maturity. Eventually my screaming for her to leave me alone would provoke Becky, who'd storm out, tell her to leave me alone, and then give me a wedgie, just so I wouldn't think I'd won anything. That's not the best dynamic to build a lot of family camaraderie. Becky and I would try to escape into our books, Melinda would look for something to entertain her, while Cate would seek me out in my hidden refuge to share my isolation. However Cate seemed to have somehow picked up something from both Becky and me. She adopted Becky and my love of learning as well as my love of studying people. She took up Becky's interest in science, largely so she could spend time with me without disturbing me. Melinda, though, really had no interest in science.

"She progressed from being a bully at home, to learning about boys. She became the black sheep of the family, always getting into and causing the most trouble. Not only that, she also learned how to cop an attitude from the other girls at school, so she was always putting Cate and I down for being such dorks, though she never attacked Becky since she still idolized her.

"The result of all of this was we became a house full of loners. My dad would go to work, only to come home disappointed in a non-manly son and a house of non-communicative women. Becky would disappear into her room with her school work, leaving Melinda storming through the house looking for trouble while both Cate and I would try to find a place to hide. Cate would read whichever of my many books I wasn't reading at the time, soaking it all up, asking me whatever she didn't understand.

"Mom, meanwhile, was driven to distraction. While not exactly outgoing herself, she realized we had a very dysfunctional dynamic going, but she couldn't very well disapprove of our studious behaviors, especially since we were all much better behaved on our own than we ever were if she got us together. In the end, that's the sentiment which won out. It was simply easier on everyone for us to not interact than it was teaching us how to be social butterflies.

"So there you have it," Alex concluded. "That's why I'm so reticent, shy and retiring. Today, even when I try to reach out to others, I do so by avoiding revealing myself, falling back on my experience of observing people to learn about them rather than speaking up for myself. I became a 'sharer' rather than a 'taker'. I never spoke about myself, always distracting others by getting them to talk about themselves, simply because they'd become so involved they'd never stop to question why I wasn't talking."

Alex's monologue was cut short here, however. Akilah had been sitting there, soaking up his energy, listening to this amazing man reveal his most intimate secrets. Instead of turning her off, it turned her on knowing he'd revealed things to her that he hadn't with anyone else. Putting her empty glass aside, she turned and kissed him, wordlessly telling him just how much she admired and desired him, and how even if he wasn't ready, she was.

For his part, Alex was ready as well. Although he usually liked to get to know about his lovers before doing anything, he'd often done that simply as a way of distancing himself, effectively gaining insights into them while revealing little of himself. However, he now felt he'd gained enough insights from how Akilah reacted to his story to gauge just what motivated her, as well as understanding just how emotionally supportive she was. Returning her kisses, it wasn't long before clothes started flying, and they didn't even make it to the bed in the other room, with Alex mounting her right there. Gini simply shook her head at their antics, though she didn't look away either.

Akilah, for her part, didn't need any foreplay. She was more than ready, and had been for some time. She'd have been happy to have gotten down to the basics as soon as they entered the apartment. But despite encouraging him to open up, hearing him exposing himself while feeling his unadulterated power course through her was more than she could stand. Encouraged to express himself, Alex dove in. Having learned from Cate, Alex now knew it wasn't necessary to hold back, so he allowed himself to seek his own release. He knew he now shared enough with Akilah to fully open himself to her, after all, trying to give her a few more orgasms wasn't going to reveal any more of how she'd respond to his activation, so now he worked at hiding himself again. Namely trying to hide a specific piece of himself deep in her 'inner psyche'. It didn't take long before she was screaming out his name, both in English and Arabic, demanding he make her his over and over, as both came in blinding orgasms which swept Akilah away into blissful darkness.

"Hello, we're back," Cate yelled in warning as they entered the apartment, jingling her keys. Kitty and Chalise both quickly scanned the room, making sure everyone was decent before allowing Ahmed or the other girls into the suite, but everything looked clear. The room had been aired out and they were both leaning back against the couch, Akilah resting comfortable against Alex, smiling like she'd had a religious epiphany that no one else had shared.

"I see you had a good time," Ahmed teased, seemingly unfazed by what had just transpired. "You missed a good show, but you've seen several Broadway plays before, whereas these girls were astounded to see their first. It was fun revealing something like that to a bunch of theater virgins."

"It was amazing," Chalise told Alex as Akilah got up to greet her husband, kissing him gratefully for what he'd allowed her to enjoy. She knew she'd have to dance around this topic delicately for a bit, but what she'd gained from the experience more than made up for it.

After they'd had sex that first time, and before he'd recovered enough to try for a second, Alex finally got her to open up about herself. But instead of speaking of her childhood, she'd talked about what she hoped to get out of her odd arrangement with her husband.

"He want me to succeed on me self for first time," she'd related. "Now I have chance to be own self. I can grow my own org ... organ..."

"Organization," Alex suggested.

"Right, now I grow my own organization, be independent, initiate things on my own. What more, since I have backing of your group, my word be ... stronger. When I speak, now it have weight, not just with Ahmed, but with our government. Once they see what we capable of, they allow me to do more than we ever imagine. This be an opp... , an ... opposite ... like we've never seen. Like your own women's lib. I will have freedom, power, independence. I not only share with Saudi women, but I use it like never could before."

That enthusiasm for her newly blossomed potential had overflowed her ability to control it, and she and Alex had soon found themselves in another locked embrace, this time in the bedroom, leading to yet another blinding orgasm for her, followed by a few lesser ones in the shower as they tried to clean up afterwards. Luckily for them, Ahmed had the wisdom to take everyone out for treats, drinks for the adults and desserts for the younger girls. He was a consummate host, having thrown numerous social events, so he kept them occupied and distracted, giving the two lovers plenty of time to finish up, and giving everyone a night they'd remember.

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 6 An Unexpected Debut

Summer two-a-day practices are a rite of passage for the Texas high school football player. The players arrived at their new high school, two weeks before the start of the new school year. Sure, they were only going to the football locker room, the football practice fields and also the weight room; but the psychological advantage of being able to GO to high school, earlier, was a definite positive feeling for the young soon to be high schooler. Freshmen did not have their own cars ... yet....

3 years ago
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Woman Partner Chapter 27 An Unexpected Turn of Events

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 27, An Unexpected Turn of Events) ******************************************************************** This work is copyrighted to the author (c) 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Consequences

Unexpected Consequences A cross-dressing husband is caught, understood and surprised! My gorgeous wife had taken the weekend away to look after a sick friend of ours and would be away from Friday night to late Sunday. I had mixed feelings, being sad at her absence over the weekend but.............well my hidden 'special' needs were screaming out for fulfilment and here was a rare but opportune time to indulge them! Saturday mid-morning saw the sudden re-appearance of Claire. I heard...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Wedding A Wish Book Story

Authors Note: I realise that it has been quite a while since the last story and I apologise for that, but my writing is very sporadic due to the way that life always has a way of getting in the way. As with all my stories, the initial concept comes quite naturally, the challenge is always bringing the story to a satisfactory conclusion. This is the 4th story I have published, but for every published story I think there are at least 3 or 4 unfinished stories left on the pad. This...

3 years ago
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The Familiar

Lucy nervously paced in front of the triangular window, the harsh white light infiltrating the gloom of her bedroom. She cast her green eyes down into the front garden: a mess of unkept lawn with grass that grew as high as her waist and streaks of gravel that sort of resembled a path if you squinted. She had a good vantage point; her bedroom was the highest room in the house. Most people would call it an attic and wouldn’t like to spend their time in such a dim room, but Lucy wasn’t most...

3 years ago
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Building a Nest of Our Own09 An Unexpected Loss

“Are you two prepared?” Del asked their novice Lezmonom warriors. “We’re as ready as we’ll ever be,” Lizzle said, pulling on her gloves. “I’m set,” the second one proclaimed, as he checked his helmet. “I’m so excited I can hardly stand it.” “Remember, Kalib, you need to keep your head,” Siss cautioned. “There are hundreds of things to watch for. The slightest thing can go wrong, and we don’t understand enough to know what to expect. A minute sharp edge can puncture a suit, plus there may...

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Sexual Extortion Special Request

It's a Sunday night, I'm staying last and final night in this hotel I booked for the week. I'm here on assignment to review the status of the hotel. For a 5 star hotel is not much, is just the same as any other 5 stars hotel. Not anything too special or at least not to remember by. I am not very, please. I have yet to decide what type of review I will give it if any. "Mr. Lee, is there anything else I may do for you?" I hear a soft deep voice come from behind me as I am taking the moment to...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia The Complete Story

Chapter One: Prelude I was getting ready to move overseas for my job and since I had a month before leaving I asked my sister if I could stay with them for a month. While it was not ideal it allowed me to ship my things which needed the month for transit to South Korea so when I arrived I would be able to move straight into the company apartment I was assigned. I did not need furniture but there was my personal property that I would want with me. I work for a multinational IT firm and my...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Journey formatting corrected

Neha stood in front of the mirror, staring at her petite 5'2 frame, straightening her blue blouse, before moving to the shorts she had paired with them. Noticing a slight blemish on the right leg, she turned to change it, before stopping herself. It was an educational trip after all, that too with her elder sister and her friend. Dropping the plan to change her shorts, she began to apply sunscreen to her face, preparing for the hot sun that beat down outside. As she applied the cream...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Intrusion Chapter 3 The Conclusion

Chapter 3 An Unexpected Intrusion In the previous two Chapters, two serial rapists have made their way into the luxurious home of Ray and Betsy and found them and their daughter, Emily “M” in the home and taken them prisoner. They’ve immobilized Ray and are having their way with the two women. As this story winds down be prepared for a very unexpected ending. Jake pushed Betsy away from his cock and told her we need to go and see what Bo is up to with your daughter. Betsy immediately...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Opportunity Unexpected Bonus Pt 2

I stood naked in front of my full length mirror. I absently stroked my shaven pussy as I thought about my evening with Gerald. It had been two weeks since we had our unexpected encounter. I constantly thought about seeing him again. He hadn’t come back the following day and I was beginning to think he was regretting what he had done. I didn’t completely blame him, I mean he did have a wife and kids. I’d better get dressed, I thought. I was meeting the girls downtown at our favorite bar. I...

1 year ago
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Julias unexpected visit

It was 3p.m. Johan, a long, lanky young teenager in a blue sweat shirt and shorts went alone up the garden path to Mrs. Calders house, leaving his friend with his bicycle to wait uncertainly at the lampost outside. He was the same age and dressed in white with a white baseball cap. Johan had been here three times before. He had told his pal in lurid detail what had happened each time but his story had met with total disbelief. Julia had already spotted the boy coming up the path and...

3 years ago
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Uber Driving An Unexpected Benefit Part 1

My wife had passed away the previous year so I decided to retire at the age of fifty-eight. I quickly found that I was not the kind of guy to just 'retire' so I decided to do some volunteer work and also to become an Uber driver. I would go out a couple of days a week with Uber, starting around 11:00 am and ending around 4:00 pm. I enjoyed it. It got me out of the house, and I met some very interesting people and made, not a lot but little, extra cash.Recently I ran into a very unexpected...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Hot Sex With A Hot Stranger

Two totally true stories from when I was much younger. Two different strangers (both of them hot by the way) try to hit on me. And they both succeed...Story 1: I was 22. Me and a friend walk into a jazz bar for one last drink to cap off a long night of bar hopping. A live jazz band was playing and they were very very good. The place wasn't crowded but it wasn't empty either. It had a great vibe going that night.I notice a very pretty woman with a hot body sitting on some much older guy's lap a...

4 years ago
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Unexpected morning

Unexpected MorningWhen looked upon her eyes shined as if to radiate the passion for life which lay within. Eva stood in the cool morning air, her flesh tingling after the cold water of the lake. Every morning she took delight in the peace this sheltered lake gave her before the day really began. It made her feel centered and had the effect of purifying her of any worries she might have of what the day held in store. But as she stood there naked letting the suns spring rays dance on her body she...

3 years ago
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Unexpected night of fun

It was a warm spring evening and the smell of the rains from that afternoon was still in the air. With the windows of my truck rolled down as I drove, I could smell the sweet smell of the spring plants mixed in with the wet stone smell coming up from the streets. I enjoyed the refreshing air. I had been home alone, bored, and decided to seek some excitement. I had no idea what awesome experiences were in store for me this night. In my head I had been going back and forth about where to go. A...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Experiences

I had been house sitting for the last week while friends were away. A beautiful home that had a gorgeous pool and hot tub that I had been dying to use. Unfortunately terrible weather had prevented it until today.  Today was perfect for a lazy day lounging by the pool and I intended to make the most of it. I slipped into my bikini, grabbed all the essentials for the day and made my way to a banana lounge where I could read, doze and work on my tan for as long as I wished. By mid-morning I'd...

Straight Sex
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Anal Unexpected

Anal Unexpected By billy69boyWhen I was in my late 20's I met a young nurse who worked at the community Crisis Center. I volunteered there one night a week, after my regular day job. We dated for a while and got along well enough. Neither of us was in a relationship at the time, so the arrangement was very convenient. She ended up moving out of her parents' house and getting her own apartment, which worked out great. I started staying at her place a few nights a week, and eventually our...

2 years ago
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Unexpected date

“Just a minute,” I yelled. Rolling out of bed I picked up some random clothes that where laying around, not bothering to check exactly what I was putting on and not caring at this time in the morning. Whoever was knocking had better have a good reason for waking me up early on the weekend. There's no way I'd be able to fall back asleep either. My German Shepherd was barking, it's tail wagging, no doubt happy I was starting the day early. I walked to my front door, running my hand through my...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Morning

Unexpected MorningWhen looked upon her eyes shined as if to radiate the passion for life which lay within. Eva stood in the cool morning air, her flesh tingling after the cold water of the lake. Every morning she took delight in the peace this sheltered lake gave her before the day really began. It made her feel centered and had the effect of purifying her of any worries she might have of what the day held in store. But as she stood there naked letting the suns spring rays dance on her body...

4 years ago
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A Very Unexpected Meeting

I'd been going out with a girl called Angela for a year and a bit, and her parents John and Lyn had got used to me. Well that wasn't the whole story; John and I were both bisexual, I didn't know whether Lyn knew about John, but Angela knew nothing about my love of cock. Normally I just liked to suck or be sucked by other men, but when John and I were alone in their house I became his slave, his sex toy. He had fucked me in his daughter's bed, in his own bed, in the shower, lounge, garage and...

2 years ago
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Expect the Unexpected Sometimes

There is an old saying of "expect the unexpected" in all sorts of situations, particularly those with a degree of certainty. This goes for anyone.In the past year, my wife has adapted nicely to being a full-time housewife for the very first time after leaving a very stressful job. So that she doesn't get bored, I call and text her from work during the week just to keep her from being bored. Sometimes I'll do things such as texting a dick pic of myself letting her know what she'll get after I...

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An Unexpected Visitor

It was during the time of my college years that I was on the down low, my room mate Daryl would wake me in the morning during his physical exercises. That boy would do five hundred sit-ups and two hundred push-ups. I would lay there pretending to be asleep as he worked up a sweat, so many times he would leave the room to go and shower and I would dream as how it would be for the two of us to engaged in wild sexual acts. This morning classes were canceled due to heavy storms approaching our...

1 year ago
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Roger and I and an unexpected quest

I came downstairs still groggy with sleep. I could hear Roger and Freddy and a strangers very deep voice laughing and talking about something on the television. I had turned to go grab my other robe when I heard Roger say. “ Here she is Miss America “ I cracked up and said yeah you wish.Where you going asked Roger? I told him to get my other robe. He said, oh you’re fine ( with a wink )come on down and grab us a few beers would you and watch some TV.? I wrapped my kimono tighter around me and...

3 years ago
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My unexpected Sunday afternoon masturbation session

As this is my first written experience, let me introduce myself. Male, 28, and the most important bit you need to know: I'm a passionate masturbator. Do not get me wrong, I love sex (with both genders) and as I've been told I'm quite good at it, but for some reason I prefer to play with myself. My personal history includes all kind of masturbation techniques, ranging from the most typical to the most kinky. I guess the best thing is to combine sex and masturbation in your life. Anyway, let's...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter In A Park

Hi guys, I’m Varun(name changed) from Bangalore. I’m a bisexual strongly attracted to men who are older than me. Possibilities do exist. So if you wanna know more about me and my experiences, get in touch with me. So this story is about an unexpected encounter that happened to me last year. I was 19 years old then. I was always fascinated to see new dicks and gave a fetish for underwears. Also, I like exploring sex in public places. This story outsets when I wanted to inquisitively experience...

Gay Male
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Unexpected Morning

Unexpected MorningWhen looked upon her eyes shined as if to radiate the passion for life which lay within. Eva stood in the cool morning air, her flesh tingling after the cold water of the lake. Every morning she took delight in the peace this sheltered lake gave her before the day really began. It made her feel centered and had the effect of purifying her of any worries she might have of what the day held in store. But as she stood there naked letting the suns spring rays dance on her body...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Desires 8211 An Unexpected Erotic Night On Terrace

Hello guys …. My name is Rohit , I am from Navi- Mumbai, a suburb of Mumbai. I have been reading a lot of stories from here and I realised there was a specific pattern to all stories (intro-sex-more sex-sex again-sex reloaded-end)… But all I know is that in real world things don’t move on this fast .There is a lot of seduction and lot of situational events that eventually lead to the main action. So here is a similar story . It would be a long one but I am sure readers would like it. Everything...

3 years ago
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When Jake first realised he was attracted to his mother, he had no idea that his lust would take such an unexpected turn, leading him down roads he never would have imagined in his wildest dreams. Jake was eighteen, and had just finished high school when he started planning to seduce his beautiful, 42 year old mother. Just the thought of sucking on Lucy's big, delicious breasts was enough to make Jake's uncut 7-inch cock stand up straight and start oozing with pre-cum. Following the advice of...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Reward

An Unexpected Reward Following graduation, I had moved to a distant state to take a job. A couple of years later, I received a note from the Placement Director of my former school, asking if I might help one of their current students get a summer job with the firm for which I worked, or in nearby town where the student's parents lived. The student was a young woman enrolled in a graduate program, who wished to obtain some experience in her area of study. I had some friends in the town where...

Quickie Sex
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The Unexpected Real Incident Part 1

He was sleeping right next to me. Perhaps, that was the reason that the world’s all vulgar thoughts were making rounds in my mind. All I wanted was his ass. Ahh !! I know so mean of me. I could easily guess his age. He must be 18 years of age. Oh yes! Am sure he cannot be elder than that. How can I not tell you about his appearance. Yes, he was neither a Ranbir Kapoor nor a Varun Dhawan, yet he had a appeal in him. He was a little dusky in color and must be hardly 5 feet and 5 inches in height....

Gay Male
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Unexpected Restroom Sex 8211 Part 3 8211 The Restroom Again

This story is the continuation of the previous story. As I told before having sex with one girl led to a snowball effect. It’s really surprising to see that there have been so many women around me; whom I thought didn’t even care about boys or made people feel that they were confined to themselves; were not like that. It was the case of Janani Priya that taught me a lesson. We are all deluded about people. We just can’t find who is what. Ok enough philosophy for today. Ill introduce myself...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Turn 8211 Event Of A Lifetime

Hey all this is Raj, 23 from Bangalore. This is story of mine having sex with an unexpected person and how it turned out to be one of the best ever had. The story begins when I completed my boards exam and waiting for the results. During that time my family decided to go on a vacation to Andaman and Nicobar islands but I stayed back with a lot of stubbornness as was not interested to roam around so being the only son my parents weren’t so confident on letting me stay home alone so they asked my...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Incest Vacation 8211 Part 2

Hello Readers, I am Vishal, from the beautiful city of Pune. A 27 years old techie, who works with an MNC and loves storytelling, and sexual adventures. I could be reached out at First of all, I apologies for the delay in submitting the second part. My hectic work schedule got the better of me. However, finally I am here with the second part. I could feel her warm breath on my shoulders. I started getting a hard on. I was now wearing my shorts. Aunty started massaging my biceps and started...

3 years ago
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How The Unexpected Became A Beautiful Beginning

“Hmmmm…”, exclaimed Joseph as he scanned through the list of selected candidates who were privileged to be part of the esteemed university. “Aaah! There it is.”, yelled Joseph who unknowingly embraced a young lady out of sheer excitement. She was taken aback by his sudden outburst of physical proximity. Baffled as she was that she hurriedly turned tail and walked away. Joseph felt extremely embarrassed that in the midst of sheer shock and surprise he couldn’t find an opportunity for the...

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