ShawnChapter 11 free porn video

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The next day I did the same thing but somebody brought a longer ladder and I was able to rig up a sort of scaffold to stand on so that the job was easier on my feet. When I went home that day there was still no letter from the ministry and I began to wonder about people being vindictive.

After breakfast I got on a bus and went to the building I was tested in. The receptionist was more eager to help this time and I was very polite. Mr Driscoll came out and invited me into his office. "What can I do for you today Master Boz?"

"I came to inquire into the status of the tests I took sir."

"The tests were completed Tuesday and I was hoping to get enrolled at a university before too long. What is the hold up?

"Surely you don't expect us to drop everything and just mark your papers. You yourself said the we had to be very careful as to how it were done."

I could see his plan now and asked, "And how long do you thing it will take to get them marked?"

"That is hard to say. The right people have to do them and then they have to be double checked then because of the need to be accurate we need to have them triple checked."

This did make me angry and I wasn't about to resort to violence. "Perhaps I can find somebody to mark my papers."

"Oh now they belong to the ministry." He laughed inside as he said it.

"I think I can find somebody to mark them that would satisfy you."

"Oh I doubt that. The papers are very important to me."

"I am glad they are important because you will have kept them safe. I will look for an alternate person to mark them regardless. Good day Mr. Driscoll." This was difficult to handle. I didn't want to be seen going to higher authorities every time I needed help. Appealing to Driscoll's better side was useless because he would still stall.

There was only one easy way to do this and it would require a camera again. There was a camera store a few miles away and I found a cheap camera. With a roll of film, batteries and some flash bulbs I walked to the trolley and got a ride home. Grandma and I had our meal and did a little talking to be sociable. My mind was still seething with indignation at the way I was treated.

At 5:30 I was in the suburbs watching for a specific car to show up. I could feel Driscoll getting closer. When his car did approach I took a picture using just sunlight as he pulled up in front of a terraced house. Driscoll locking the car and put the keys into his pocket. I took another picture of him entering the building with a good looking older woman answering the door. I laughed at myself for most women were older than me.

Following his train of thought I was ready with the camera at a closed window with the shades slightly parted. This I had managed to do with my abilities and figured this was the most likely spot for him to not make love but just rut.

He pulled his clothing off and with very few preliminaries wanted to enter the woman. It would be good to take a picture now that I saw that he was not as developed as the average man. I had to satisfy myself with one shot only and this had to be with him on top of the woman.

I was not completely without feelings in this matter and considered myself a sportsman in a way. I waited until his little death came and was able to catch some of the facial expression as he experienced this rapture.

Both participants had their eyes closed and I waited till he pulled off and I could see his deflated member pointing south. This time the flash was noted and Driscoll ran to the window and ripped aside the coverings but saw nothing from the second floor. He put it aside as a stray beam of light reflected from some moving object.

I went home then with my feelings in two camps. I didn't like blackmail and I didn't like what was owed to me not being delivered. My frustrations if you could call them that went into the stone work above the civic centre until I had to go back to grandma's. The good thing was that it would only take another half day to complete the work.

The next morning I rode the trolley to Driscoll's but phoned the palace first. I informed the queen that a piece of art would be done at one of the civic centres she had opened. Charles was prominent in the work and she could send someone by to look at it and make a decision about what she wanted to do. The secretary assured me the message would be delivered.

Driscoll was the same cheery and polite self and made a point of saying the tests still had not been graded. I smiled myself and threw a used flashbulb onto his desk. The man wondered a minute at this action and a look of horror began to creep across his face. I said, "It is 9:30 now. I expect you to deliver a copy of the completed assessment to me at the civic centre during your lunch hour today. You will do a thoroughly professional job using the impartiality supposedly found in your occupation. I find this action distasteful and saw no other course other than to call in the minister. I will be as honourable about this as I can, even though I feel sullied by this activity."

The stone work was not as enjoyable as it once was. As I was putting the final touches to the work I heard a car pull up. A very worried Driscoll got out of the vehicle and waited for me to descend the ladder. "Here is a copy of the papers you requested Sir Shawn."

"Thank you Mister Driscoll." I could read in his mind that the packet was as it should be and then said, "I have a roll of partially exposed film. Do you want to develop it and assure yourself that it is the only copy?"

"Oh... no that is fine. I would like the roll though."

I pulled the film canister from my pocket and handed it to him. "I try to play fair in my dealing no matter what you think. Your job paid for by the ministry was to provide a service not restrict that service for your own petty whims. I feel bad now and probably always will about what I had to do to get this packet of paper. This is the main reason I will always dislike you and people like you."

The man remained silent and turned to leave. I added, "Nothing of this distasteful situation will ever come from me unless you first decide to bring it up." The man's head just bobbed in acceptance and got in his car and left.

I took off the leather apron and the glasses then removed the ladder. Now I took a lot of time picking up all the small pieces of stone and only cheated a bit to make the job quicker when nobody was looking.

As I was picking the last of the pieces a car pulled up with a photographer accompanying the driver. They got out keeping their eyes on the edifice. They walked around the front to see it from different angles. The photographer decided what pictures he wanted and said, "Hey, boy move a bit so we can take a picture?" I just finished picking up the last pile and did as he asked. The men seemed to like the look and compared it to other works they had seen. I left soon after with my packet of papers and the tools I had been loaned.

When I got home I cleaned myself up trying hard to remove all the chips and dust. When I went downstairs I found some biscuits and milk. While I was enjoying my repast Grandma came in and I handed her my assessment and said, "The stone work is done and some people came over to see it then take some pictures. The queen had sent them. Charlie's popularity may go up a little I hope. This country needs all the icons it can get to get through this stage of rebuilding."

Grandma and grandpa did not know that they as well as Charlie were in the last portion I had done today and left it as a surprise for when they next went to the centre. Grandma complemented me on the exams and on the professional estimate of my capabilities. We still had a 'Victory Garden' and I helped weed and cultivate the plot. The garden was just started and the plants were still small.

When we finished, we went inside to prepare our supper. This time grandma saw how quick I was with the vegetables and was not as nearly worried as she had been before. This did not mean that she had given up her prejudices about young people. We were in need of a few more things and I went to the store about five blocks away and purchased what we required including some milk. I was the only person using it. When wondering around the store looking for something good I found the young woman I rode with on the bus home. Her name was Samantha but she had not told me such.

"Hello miss."

She looked up then down to me and smiled when she said, "Hello Sir Shawn. How have you been doing?"

"Not bad. No physical fights and I got my papers back from the ministry of education. I find I will have to take some more useless tests before going to university. That will be another fight I am sure as they don't seem to like people learning any way except theirs. Plus, theirs takes much too long. How have you been doing?"

"The same old thing. Classes, study, library, study, shopping, study and on occasion some time for myself."

"Why don't you come over and have a meal with my grandparents and me? There's lots to eat. I know, I have been preparing it. I have been trying my hardest to wean my grandparents from the bland British diet they seem to crave."

My persuasive power went full tilt and the woman, after mentioning her name, agreed to accompany me home. She felt odd walking with me since I was so short and immature looking. As we passed people on the street we stopped to chat and they commented on how they liked the lintel work on the civic centre. Samantha asked, "What work is that they were talking about?"

"Just some sculpting in a limestone lintel. I wanted to show the people working on its construction."

"Can we see it?"

"Well it is two blocks out of our way but if we hurry we can get home in time to get the meal done before grandpa gets grouchy."

We picked up the pace and I talked of everybody that was helping except Charlie. She was quite thrilled to visualize it but thought it would be a very simplistic representation. As we got to it some people had already stopped and were looking at the finished work. I pointed out the people in the stone and before I was even half way done the people in front turned around and saw me. The woman happened to be grandma's friend and Samantha looked at the woman and then to the stone then back again. "That is you up there."

"It sure is dearie. Young Shawn here is very good with a chisel. If I hadn't seen him doing it I would not have known he was capable of it. In fact I doubt it anyone else is capable of it. That is his grandparents in the middle and our bonnie prince picking up a brick. I am so happy that I had a hand in making this building."

"Prince Charles helped?"

"He did too, and our Shawn here took care of all the small points to make sure everything went smoothly. Our prince worked long hours here and he was only six. The only one more dedicated was his friend Shawn. He even patched most of us up that got hurt and I don't think any of the doctors are as good as he is."

More people came over and congratulated me on the work I had done. It took ten minutes more to escape and get to my grandparents and a few more to reply to other people's thanks. I asked Samantha to say nothing to my grandparents about them being immortalized in stone.

We walked up to the small house and found that Grandpa wasn't grouchy yet. I introduced Samantha and slipped into the kitchen to finish the preparations. I was out in a few minutes and found all of them sitting in the chairs. Grandma said, "I will go put the kettle on."

"No need to grandma. I already did. If we have time tonight, I would like to go to the centre with both of you. There is a larger than usual crowd because the stone work is done."

Our meal was slightly different than common English fare but not much. Ah well, the journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step. We had to hurry because the light was fading and they would hear about the images from someone else first.

There were quite a few people out front and there was just enough light to see the newest figures. "Shawn. Are they your grandfather and me?"

"Sure, Didn't you help too in clearing the rubble?"


Grandma just hugged her husband then me. A car coasted up later and two Ghurkhas got out with Charlie and his father the Duke of Edinburgh. I gave a theatrical bow and said, "Good day your majesties. I was hoping you would come over and take a look."

The Duke said, "Sir Shawn, I have to say that I have never seen stonework done with such fine detail as I see here." He thought for a moment then said, "Was it you that made that statue of your warrior mother and all those gnomes I heard about from our Queen?"

"Guilty sir. I would like to introduce to you Samantha. She has kept her surname hidden from me but I hope to find it soon." Then to an open mouthed Samantha I said, "This person you may have heard about, the Duke of Edinburgh and his hard working son Charles.

The Duke shook the woman's hand and so did Charles as I tried to get Charlie to do. When he was done he walked over to my grandparents and said, "Hello grandpa and grandma, have you any more projects planned?"

The talk went on with the Duke looking at the people in the stone and finding them in the flesh then shaking their hands. The Duke's time was tight and they had to leave soon. Charlie invited me over next Saturday and I accepted. I just had time to say hello to the two Ghurkhas by name before they all drove away.

After a few songs inside I took Samantha back to pick up her purchases and walked her home. On the way she said, "The streets are usually safe but a young boy like you could get into trouble."

I gave her my best smile and said, "Those Ghurkhas you saw and the remainder of their unit trained me fairly well in hand to hand, knives and small arms. I used to get beat in a fight. Now they are more careful and I am able to give as many bruises as I get."


"The nicest people you ever wanted to meet, except in a fight." We walked on and I got to see her home she shared with four other girls. She invited me up and I accepted. Two of the girls were home and Samantha was very excited to tell them that she had met the Duke of Edinburgh and his son. The others didn't even believe the tale till they recognized me from the old story in the newspapers.

Samantha's story came out in pieces and didn't always make sense but the other girls accepted this fact. We talked for an hour and I walked home feeling good that I had made some new friends.

Two days later I presented my papers as copies to the local school board and asked for evaluation in the new examination system, only just being introduced, these were the 'O' level tests. I ran into many stumbling blocks here caused by precedent and just plain inertia. The staff were fairly energetic and polite so I had really not too much to gripe about.

I had to make a special trip to the Ministry of Education to see the highest authority to get around the present stumbling block. With a lot of discussion I convinced them to give me tests from years ago and grade me accordingly. I even said I would take two or more to assure accuracy.

Every day I went to the ministry and I was shuffled from one person to another. Basically they didn't want to put their neck out and make a decision and I was not going to lower my sights and enter grammar school.

On Saturday I took the trolley and got off at the side gate of Buckingham Palace and talked to the guard who could actually allow me entrance. After saying hello, he broke protocol and asked how I was doing.

"I am getting frustrated. I am trying to get into a university and gather some worthless paper so that people will allow me to practice medicine."

"You can get into the army young man. I will give you a reference but you are still a little too young to get even this job."

Later Queen Elizabeth asked almost the same questions and I complained about my lack of progress. I knew I had to go to a private school but there was no way to get the papers to say that I was capable of entering any university. I knew that once I was considered I would still have to fight to get previous experience entered into the equation. I had no papers just the memories of people that had already graduated and my own improvements to the amount of data.

"I have an idea that may help the queen said. "We can have a small reopening ceremony at the civic centre and I can bring some school administrators with me. Perhaps I can get you a job teaching art. I know it is not what you want but it gets you in the door."

When I got home that day I came to the conclusion that I should hedge my bets. I contacted an art supply store to deliver a custom built stretched canvas six feet wide by seven high to the civic centre. I prepped the canvas and had to leave it to dry. I needed large amounts of oils, solvents knives, brushes and other painting supplies.

The next day I was able to start and worked as fast as I could when nobody was looking. To help the matter I worked in the basement with poor lighting and ventilation. A piece of work this large would take a long time but I had different areas to work on so the paint would not bleed or run. When the time came for the queen to come, the work was fairly dry and had other things to do to it for protection.

The gathering was informal as we could make it because of time restraints. We all gathered outside and the queen admired the work in stone and challenged the administrators to find another artist that could do as good a job. Grandma and grandpa had been forewarned and were here to see their grandchild shine I hoped.

There was quite a goodly amount of praise from the group. Two of the administrators considered themselves amateur artists and used some fancy words to describe it. All could see, especially when I said that Prince Charles and my grandparents were in stone. It would be hard to mistake them in any case because of the clarity.

When things were ending I said, "I wasn't too sure about how my work at sculpting would be greeted so I made an oil. For the last six day I worked in the basement here and would like to bring it out into the sunshine to be adequately viewed. Will some of you gentlemen assist me in getting outside?"

Some thought this beneath them but a few did not begrudge me a little help. Four of us walked down the steps and into the back room. I dropped some coins in a public phone and called the art supply store and asked them to come as soon as possible to pick up the canvas I bought and to deliver it for me.

The men had found the canvas and looked at it in an incandescent light and just stared at my work. The people outside were waiting so I hustled my impromptu stevedores but cautioned them about the wet paint.

They carried it very gingerly and I was happy with the amount of concern they were showing this work. I kept the doors open and the men turned the work at an angle to get it through the final doorway. The queen could only see a canvas and was amazed at the size. We laid it against the building and on two clean pieces of wood to keep debris from adhering to the wet canvas at the bottom.

The queen was speechless. I had used my powers to move the paint to an accuracy that nobody else could even hope to come close to. It showed her in the chair she usually used when I visited. Her husband the Duke stood behind her in his evening jacket and beside her Charlie stood with his arm on the back of the chair. On the queen's lap sat Anne in a nice but not ostentatious dress. All were dressed casually to make it seem more a family than royalty.

"Shawn, this is very beautiful. I have never seen such detail. It looks almost like a photograph but it is in colour."

"I am glad you like it. This is my present to you for your coronation. Unless you want the statue like my mom's."

"Oh no," she said quickly. "This is more than I should accept for a young man like you."

"Well you have to take it. Grandpa would like it but it won't even fit in our house. Besides, it is a gift from our family. If you turn it down mom will come over here and shake her finger at you and give you a lot of harsh words whether you are the queen or not."

She laughed loudly and not her usual reserved self. "You win I will accept it."

"Good, now that, that is settled. How do you like your shoes?"

"Shawn!" She said after a look at the canvas.

Apart from the barefooted Anne, all the rest had bunny slippers with eyes and ears. The Queen said, "The Duke looks comfortable in them but I need my usual slippers."

I saw the delivery truck come down the street and said, "Rather than strap the canvas to the top of your car I called for a delivery van to bring this to where you want. I can come by later and remove your bunny slippers but I think they are so cute."

A bodyguard waved the vehicle through and the two men got out and were amazed at my present company. They eventually loaded the canvas into the back of their vehicle and waited for the queen to lead them away.

"Well Sir Shawn you have amazed me one more time. I can see that you would make a great contribution to the commonwealth. These gentlemen here would have to be seriously remiss in their duties if they let you slip through their fingers. You have this wonderful ability and should teach it to others." She ran her eyes over the administrators and continued, "You gentlemen heard me. Shawn is another Michelangelo Buonarroti or Leonardo da Vinci. Nobody can doubt what those men did for our world. If you let Sir Shawn slip through your fingers I will be utterly ashamed of the British educational system and you men in particular."

The queen and her entourage left with the van following. "Shawn, we heard what the queen said. I have never heard someone praised like that." Grandma hugged me again, "I think you deserve it if anyone ever did."

That night we had many callers and it was decided to meet at University College London with professors of medicine, mathematics, physics, foreign languages and of course English. If I could cover these subjects well enough there was no way I could be denied the credentials I sought.

Thursday morning was set aside for me at the university. There had to be a lot of rescheduling for the appropriate professors to be on hand to ask questions. Then there was a lot of more or less useless talk and posturing until some of the questioning started.

Mathematics was first because of its purity till it got to some of the more exotic fields where it took someone dedicated to the subject to see beyond a certain point. None present were at that point so I didn't have to play one against the other to keep me from being denounced. I used the blackboard to start an explanation of nuclear physics and then astrophysics and then my own theories on the way the universe was built. This did start a lot of controversy and some members were shocked at somebody trying to shake their long held beliefs.

I struck up conversations with various members of the audience in different languages until they attested that I knew the particular speech. I made a joke about starting the same thing in English and answered various questions about the basic construction of our tongue. I finished off with Latin so there would be no question about me not having some of the preliminary foundations of medicine.

I explained about how I had observed dad and how I debated diagnoses with him. I invited some of the people in biological science to quiz me then prove I knew what I was doing in the morgue. This got very serious because doctors are one of the most conservative of professional groups. It takes a surplus majority to convince them of anything, including whether the sky is blue or not.

We broke for lunch and questions were asked on a more personal level. I avoided saying that I actually treated many people and left it to more like a very advanced first aid. This did put me at odds with the BMA and I rationalised it by stating that in Rhodesia, we were understaffed, under funded and without most of the technological marvels the rest of the world community depended on.

The afternoon was a rehash of the morning with more questions on every topic imaginable. Around four they were going to wrap it up with me getting a favourable report and I knew I would be getting many offers. Before they could be put to paper for a legitimate offer I said, "Gentlemen, my offer to you and your institutions are thus: I will teach mathematics at a senior level for one term. At the end of that time I will write three series of examinations so I may gain a degree in those areas I have chosen but none will be in medicine. The next term I will teach physics at a senior level and again write three more series of examinations but this time I will write for my medical diploma. During the last term, I will work with the medical department as I did with my father to show them that I have the necessary abilities to be worthy of graduating as a physician."

There were many words like preposterous, outrageous, scandalous, audacious, extortious and even to my surprise barbarous. There were more with the same suffix and thought some were even original.

One administrator said. "You can't possibly mean this. Who are you to dictate to us?"

"Sir I am not a regular student nor a regular teacher nor a lecturer. I have a very unique mind and want to use it to it's fullest. Others may take years to accomplish what I can pick up in a few days. Think how frustrating it would be if any of you were forced to repeat grammar school. I feel that all the time and can only broaden my abilities in a university atmosphere. Even here I will not proceed as fast as I can for I have to do original research and my other duties preclude me doing much of this. As compensation I can bring others of this land ahead faster than any other country is able to do. Why do you begrudge me a simple medical diploma when you will by then have known that I can perform all the duties of a physician?"

"Your other diplomas will be unearned."

"Sir, I speak many languages, none of you has taught me them. If I can complete the tests for proficiency, why can't I too have this diploma. There is very little work or time on your part to grant me this. Are you angry at the loss of a tuition funds when I neither want nor require the instruction?"

"That is not it. Our country has never done things like this before and could start a dangerous precedent."

I had to laugh and did, "Sir how many people are like me? How many others can do as I do? Where will this deluge of bright young people come from that will corrupt your sedate bureaucracy? I may be the first of many or the last our race will see for a thousand years. Nobody can tell. Please discuss this among yourselves in my absence and I will await your word. I must warn you though there are many other countries that may want my expertise although you have the first choice through patriotism."

I walked out and the educators just watched me leave in silence. Their minds in turmoil over wanting me like a prized athlete and hating to give me something that they had never given before.

I crossed Gower Street and entered the small café. In the corner, Monique was doing her work and drinking an almost empty glass of ice water. I walked around the room and approached her from the front and said, "Hello Monique, how have you been doing?"

She didn't jump as much and had a ready smile for me. "Hello Shawn, what brings you back here?"

"Just having a discussion with some educators about where I might fit into the system. They are a very conservative bunch and remind me more of bureaucrats protecting their perks than people supposedly to help the young people."

"I have never known them to be any other way." She paused, "Shawn sweetie would you help me with 'King Lear' now?"

"Well honeybunch I'll certainly give it a try." She smiled when the term came back to her.

She gave me a quick rundown and I coaxed her into answering the lecturer's questions herself.

While I helped, the waitress came over and I ordered a larger meal than I wanted. I knew that Monique was hungry but, like most students here, poor.

I made room for some fish and chips then after eating a few, picked up a fry and fed the woman. She smiled the way Lusa did as she slowly chewed the food. It wasn't long after that I was eating only every other one and Monique was completing her work.

A friend of hers came in later. She looked at me as if I had no place here and said to Monique, "Did you hear about all the furor going on in the hall? There are deans and head of departments arguing. George can see in the opening for the projector and says it has to do with hiring a new lecturer. Everybody wants this man. It even looks like they were going to fight. George even saw Dean Hislop shaking his fist under the nose of another man."

It took a moment, then Monique remembered me saying I was talking to educators. "Was that you Shawn?"

"Probably. I got tired of waiting and gave them an ultimatum."

The two girls just opened their eyes wide and dropped their jaws. The newcomer said, "Why do they want a little boy?"

Same as Shawn
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Sultans Mistress

She couldn't' t believe what had happened. She had been kidnapped, drugged, and now she was in a small room with her hands tied behind her back, he ankles bound together, and her mouth gagged. Samantha struggled against the ropes, but it was no use. They were tied too tightly to allow any movement. The door to the room opened and she tensed. A small man, with an olive complexion, dark eyes, and dark but graying hair stepped inside. "Good," he said, in heavily accented English. "You're...

2 years ago
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Billy IV

BILLY IV "Not what you thought it would be?" Janice asked her very helpful sissy. She and Billy were in the kitchen, and the extended immediate, sort of family were in close proximity. "It's a lot more work than I thought it would be," Billy said honestly but in his practiced, hushed voice. Janice understood that there was more to it. She leaned her elbows on the center island. She and William were enjoying a lovely Pinot. Everyone was surprised by Kndel's enthusiasm. He was not...

3 years ago
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A dream so real part 2

Leah.x.x: 'I dreamed about you last night' Zeke_89: 'Oh yeah? What happened in this dream?' Leah.x.x: 'It was a naughty dream' Zeke_89: 'Now you have my attention lol' Leah.x.x: 'You sure you want to know?' Zeke_89: 'Definitely' Leah began typing her dream from memory, leaving no details out. Pressing send, she waited as he read, anxious to know what he would say. Zeke_89: 'That was so fucking hot' Leah.x.x: 'Haha yeah, I thought so too' Zeke_89: 'No, like seriously, you should turn that into a...

Straight Sex
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Bikini Beach A Day At The Beach

Bikini Beach: A Day At The Beach By Paul Jutras Pat and his friends Louis, Paul and Steve arrived at Bikini Beach and were given a change receipt before they entered the beach shower area. Before they were allowed in they were forced to answer questions on their favorite color and what they thought the perfect woman would look like. "Enjoy your stay at Bikini Beach." Josie laughed as she watched the shower doors close. She knew first hand what it meant to enter those...

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New Life Part 10

For 2 years mom and I lived on our own. We both needed to heal from what Dad did to us. Mom worked one job at a local dinner being a waitress. It wasn’t good hourly pay, but the tips were great. I started running a lot and playing video games. Running helped clear my mind and keep me in shape. One night during dinner mom told me about a regular customer named Todd Adams who stood up for her when 2 drunks came in. One of them grabbed my mom’s ass and the other asked her if she is as...

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My X Clip features a logo of a humping couple with the simple motto, “Real Homemade Porn Videos Collection.” It’s quick and to-the-point, which is really all you need to get people shaking their dicks at a good amateur site. While big corporations spend millions to get you to drink their corn syrup water and wear their sneakers, DIY fuck movies basically sell themselves. Case in point: My X Clip gets thousands of visits a day, and I’ve never seen them advertising on TV or sneaking into the ads...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Horseville Horesville

I guess it was curiosity that led me to come to Horseville Illinois, I was watching the porno's that Gerry Frankel made with Harrie Bowvase and Amelia Timmins, and my girl Francine walked in on me, and damn it to hell if that girl didn't walk straight out on me out when she saw how Harrie was hung, she wasn't hanging around with a six inch cock when there was eight inchers out there or so she said  and she just walked straight out the door.She come back an hour later for some clothes and the...

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Little Mary

‘Man I don’t want to be here.’ I groaned as I arrived at a friendly restaurant downtown with my boyfriend of 6 months, Trevor. ‘Relax, it’s going to be fine.’ he assured me with a supportive smile. ‘You know how I feel about that woman and her daughter.’ ‘And by that you mean your mom and your sister.’ ‘Okay who’s side are you on?’ I asked accusingly as we finally got out of the car and headed for the restaurant entrance. ‘Yours of course. I just-‘ ‘You know what, I’m going to go in here...

4 years ago
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Of Monsters Men Mermaid chronicles II

Introduction: Sorry it took me so long guys, I found it hard to write for a little while. Please post any suggestions for story in the comments and i will consider them, as part of my problem was introducing new material. Oh and no one answered my question: Is having sex with a mermaid bestiality?? please tell me. im not quite sure as this is a mythological gray area. Fuck me. Fuck me Fuck me fuck me. That thought kept running through my head. The airport was my least favorite place on the...

3 years ago
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Horseback Ride

Horseback Ride As soon as my sister walked in the door I told her that we had to talk. She said okay but that she really had to pee first. I paced the floor waiting for her to come back out to me. When Emma reappeared she looked great. My sister was something special. She had just come back from a night out with the girls and she was dressed to kill. Her short tight cotton skirt was black in color and just barely covered any panties that she might be wearing. Her little white half...

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Understanding the GSPOT and Female Sexuality

Understanding theG-SPOTand Female SexualityA 10-Step Guidefor Unleashing the Ultimate in Female Ecstasyby Donald L. HicksUnderstanding the G-Spot and Female Sexuality:A 10-Step Guide for Unleashing the Ultimate in Female EcstasyCopyright © 2001, Donald L. HicksAll rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without writtenpermission from the author.Cover Photo:...

2 years ago
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“So the question is,” Reyna said as she got into my car for the first time, “’is she wearing any underwear?’”I met Reyna through an online adult dating service. She was totally into sex and good jazz. Short and somewhat stocky, her body would’ve gone unnoticed at the beach. Her breasts weren’t huge, but about a handful. She was Filipino-Chinese, with short hair. What she lacked in body appeal though, she made up for in sexual adventurousness.“Ok then,” I said, “put the seat back down…it’s the...

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My Ghost House

Being a lover of fine, southern homes, I was thrilled when the old antebellum house that I had my eye on came on market. It is a fine house with huge columns on the porch, which wraps around the entire house. Three stories high and painted white, this massive 150 year old mansion resided close to the Louisiana boarder. My best friend, Katrina, lives in New Orleans, so I always see the house on my way down to visit her. I have told her about it so many times, that she can practically see it...

4 years ago
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Star Struck in Cabo

Chapter One I looked at myself in the mirror. Wild strands of brown, wavy hair fell unnaturally at my shoulders. My forehead always looked too big when my bangs weren’t resting happily across my brow line. My small, tan body was dripping wet from the relaxing shower I had just indulged in. I stood there naked, examining myself curiously, as if I had never seen my own reflection before. I had never thought myself to be the pretty type, always comparing myself to the model-esque look as seen in...

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Mandy The Complete Story Book 2Chapter 6

While Mandy was trying to compose herself, still holding onto Jason, Stan strode into the room. Walking up to the pair he extended a hand to Jason. "I'm glad you could make it. We three have to go over Bob's will when this is all over. Can you stay a few days?" Mandy looked confused, not quite understanding how Stan knew him. Bob had given her very sketchy information about Jason. He'd given her little more about him than he was 12 years older than she was. For some reason he was...

2 years ago
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Real Wants

© Copyright 2003 "So," she said, "if I understand you correctly..." She paused. And stood. Instinctively I stood as well and she came out in front of the desk. My heart sank. It seemed certain she was escorting me out. "What you want is to do a case study--on us." "Yes," I said, having backed away a bit to give her room. She leaned back on the front of her desk, and once again I couldn't help but be aware of the way she was dressed, the killer suit, as opposed to me, in my...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 333


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A Hot Affair

The double doors open up to you, allowing you to step into the spacious, barely furnished room. Cherry red walls and creamy pink carpeting are made more decadent by the plush but empty couches, exotic plants, and sultry incense. A put-together woman sits behind the rose-wood desk, flipping through a catalog of various toys and making notes about them on a yellow notepad under her right hand. When you approach, she looks up at you through thin, square glasses that she pushes up her nose further....

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Living your fantasy

We had been sitting by the pool side sunning ourselves all day, a three day break for me, my wife Cate, and Lucy our daughter. Lucy had made a friend as soon as we had arrived, and at fifteen we were happy enough to let her do what she pleased as long as she stayed in the resort. Cate and I were spending our time rating the other residents of the hotel, between one and ten, as they passed us by. Most of the residents were young families and I’d guess the average age was around thirty, that...

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Hallowicked The night before A place where anything can happen A fist full of fuck ups And a show full of freaks This is a raging party you can't beat Change into your costume Paint up your face with that plastic goo On hallowicked anything becomes true Halls... Halls... Crowded... Empty... I'm running behind. My feet carry me through the empty hallways of Van Buten College. I'm wearing a button up shirt over an under shirt, slacks, and my favorite par of black boots;...

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Short and PointyMistakes

Do you remember the worst mistake you ever made? Well, I do. Vividly. Oh, I’m Anna by the way. You met me and my sister Bella earlier. Anyway, my mistake. It’s only been a couple of weeks, actually, so I can remember every detail. It was a torture session, of course. I was alone, I don’t have a master or mistress at the moment, and my sister didn’t have time to play. So I got myself ready for a nice evening of self-torture. You see, I was lying down on my x-frame. You know what an x-frame...

3 years ago
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Meeting My Sext Partner

We messaged back and forth and then got on the topic of sex. We talked and thought about texting and sending each other nudes. Of course we didn't really know each other which made it kinda strange. We texted and got to know each other better first. She was 15 and a sophomore in high school. I was 17 and a junior in high school. We talked and then I received a pic of her in lingerie. She had perky boobs and curvy hips. I took I picture of my dick. I was pretty easy to get hard. I sent it...

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Watching Wife Cheat Swinger Orgy

Boss & Wife AUTHOR: ISS STORY RATING: I came in the house through the garage door. I was early, about a day early. I was just about to call out, announcing my arrival home, when I heard a sound that caused me to pause. I had been out of town on business but the offers made were unacceptable and I didn’t need that kind of business anyway. They said their position was absolutely non-negotiable, but in the two days of meetings they had changed their position so many times it was apparent...

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Opening the BoxChapter 7

As Summer wound on into new year in the Southern Hemisphere, the kids found more and more time to hang out down by the river. Justin had bought Angela a new swimsuit. They had gone shopping together and he'd insisted on checking out some of the ritzier boutiques. There she'd found the designer string thing that barely covered the illegal parts. It was a swimsuit for the beach or riverbank, not for the water. It wouldn't last ten seconds in a river current or the surf. Justin enjoyed...

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Followup to Bi meeting

As I wrote earlier wife and I had some great anal sex but when I fuck her ass I always think of a guy. She doesn’t know and I would never tell her. Because of the Coronavirus and everyone being quarantined it seems that you just have to get out of the house. Originally we were going to meet on Monday but we had to change it to Wednesday because of conflicts in scheduling. His wife is considered essential personnel and my wife works part time and her job is also considered essential. We decided...

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First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

Author’s Note: Welcome readers and thank you for your votes, comments and feedback on past stories. I hope you enjoy this piece using the lyrics of ‘First Time Ever I Saw Your Face’ from Johnny Cash. **** Note from Jake Rivers: This is my fourth semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The initial one was based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ The second used the Marty Robbins El Paso trilogy: ‘El Paso’ ‘El Paso City’ and ‘Faleena.’ The third had stories based on the various...

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From Gary to Greta Part III

This is Part III of Gary to Greta once again written by my Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed The story isn?t for underaged people. So if you are too young or don?t like TG stories don?t read further From Gary to Greta Part III by Domme Mistress and Greta The beauty of our apartment was that it had huge windows overlooking Paris. The kitchen, the social area, her bedroom, and mine all overlooked the city. Every morning I would open the shades to let the light...

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Rape your mother

You are sat at the kitchen island in your upper-middle class home in the suburbs. You're idly chomping down on some scrambled eggs, thinking about the day ahead as your mother is busy cleaning up the dishes. The rest of your family has left for the day while you're staying home recovering from a fever. Your eyes wander onto your mother's backside as you continue to eat. Her arse is of a lovely shape, big and meaty due to her age but still fairly firm with her semi-strict regiment of daily...

3 years ago
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My Lustful Friend

Hi, everyone, this is raghu age 22 from Bangalore.This is my first story in indian sex stories .   Please give your suggestions to @ Last month I joined a company in Bangalore since it has more girls than boys, I got more attention. I used to flirt around with lot of girls, but one girl name Sandhya (name changed) was trying to grab my attention. After a month my company decided to give us a welcome party. We planned a eve in hoppipola (one of the best pubs in Bangalore. Girls were dressed to...

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Unprotected Sex

Unprotected Sex an original story by CutePatti Part 1 Sue and I had been dating for over a year. We were both seniors in high school, had wonderful families and friends we cared about a lot. We were both good students, got along well with the teachers and had very happy and normal lives. At least until recently. What can I say. Things happen out of nowhere that can turn your whole world upside down. Not that we aren't still very's just so many things have...

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Heyyy Mr Postman

I was surprised to find Ana’s car in our driveway, when I came back home early from my office…She would be at work at that time; it looked a bit strange.I opened the front door and almost froze in the threshold, when I saw her clothes ragged to pieces on the carpet and also some trousers that were not mine…Also I found my wife’s phone in the mess of clothing and it displayed a huge amount of missed calls. I saw it was set on vibrate mode.The sounds from upstairs were unmistakable: I could hear...

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SugarFemdom 321000

The fetish community is very close-knit. It only takes a minute of following Kay's Archive on Twitter to see it. These are the least judgy folks you can find on earth. It doesn’t matter how freaky or fucked up your fetish is. You will find ladies and gents coming arm in arm, ready to pop balloons in your ears or take a steamy dump on your face. This is what I imagine Jesus had in mind for his followers. Unfortunately, instead, they tossed out the fun sex stuff and ditched their sense of...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Romance of Lust part 8

Next day Mr. Vincent was true to his appointment. Mamma received him with Miss Evelyn by her side, and after the usual compliments, rose and apologised for leaving them, as she had household duties to attend to. Miss Evelyn informed me afterwards that Mr. Vincent, on my mother leaving the room, rose from his seat, and approaching her, said, in the most frank gentlemanly manner — “You are aware, my dear Miss Evelyn, of the object of my visit, and I augur from your kind condescension in giving me...

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Three Ladies And Their Caribbean Cocktails

It was a vacation of firsts for me—my first blackberry tequila, my first crab and callaloo, my first Creole cock.The three of us had met these well-endowed cockerels at the restaurant of the resort we were staying at. Marcus was a waiter. He had two friends. My girlfriend Darcy was the negotiator.I wasn’t fucking any of them, I told them, despite what the tequila was telling me to do.“Well, we’re not a trio of dainty ladies in Victorian-style dresses and white gloves having tea,” Darcy reasoned...

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Tushy Jezabel Vessir Stunning Sister Gets Hot Anal

Jezabel’s brother has his European friend staying with him. She has always had a huge crush on him but has never been able to get any alone time with him. One day when her brother has to leave for the day it means that she has the perfect opportunity to let Marcus know exactly how she feels. He joins her by the pool and they talk for a while before the sexual tension rises to a point where they can’t deny the inevitable. They start to kiss, and when they take it inside, she knows that this will...

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Locke UpNew Arrivals

It was Tuesday – the day when new inmates arrived. Chris, a tall, white dude with a long, thick dick was the first off the bus. He was ready to get inside and sample the faggot punks this prison had to offer, the final person down the steps was Jericho. Jericho was 18 years old. He was five-foot-seven and weighed one-hundred-forty-two-pounds. His crime of joyriding had cost him dearly. Veep heard about the young, soft bitch. He was promised to him now.Veep was a medium-height, medium-build,...

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Mother fucking in Public 8211 II

Son said, take lund in your cunt.I kept quite but moved my hand over his lund faster .On screen One lady of my age entered the room and pulled out young boy and also old lady from young girl and she herself put her mouth between thighs of young girl . The boy pushed his lund in lady’s cunt. Then Mr x and his friend (say Mr Y ) returned and this time Mr y sat beside me and looked at my nude cunt. He said that his friend informed him that my breast are big and firm and cunt is still very tight.I...

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Beths First Threesome

My name is Beth. I am an eight-teen year old red head. I have green eyes and pale milky skin. I am your typical Irish girl I guess. My tits are rather small, but a very good shape I believe. I know boys like big breasts, but I tell myself I am better to have little round ones than big saggy bags. At least my back agrees with me. To make up for my small tits god blessed me with a big ass. Still feeling self conscious I found myself sleeping around a bit, this gave me tonnes of practice. I can...

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Onsen Onna Hot Spring Lady

Onsen Onna (Hot Spring Lady) Part I – The Meeting Onsen bathing is one of the highlights of any trip to Japan. Add meeting an intriguing woman for a memorable experience! There are onsen (hot springs) everywhere in Japan, literally hundreds of places with naturally heated water that comfort millions of Japanese who go on meccas for the best onsenburo (hot spring bath) experiences. Weekends are often fully booked at popular onsen towns, especially near Tokyo and Osaka, the two most populated...

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Introduction: she was a beauty * story # 500, my favorite_____ A true story, I guess by letting my sexual urges just go, little by little they made my sexual desires grow. I liked this a lot. It was so intensely exciting, it makes me wet, just talking about it. Jamie got the benefit of a 24/7 hot and horny girlfriend, and I was constantly made hot by what was happening. I should explain that Tina had always crawled in bed between us in the mornings, for years now. We thought this was cute...

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Janeys Trip

When I told my friend Beth about Lord Malinov's Castaway Island orgy the first thing she did was find Malinov's Castle on the Web so she could see what the last one was like. I had no intention of going, of course, but it was something to talk about. Next she called me up and asked me what the hell I thought it had to do with me. Then, naturally, I had to tell her about this sort-of-a-journal I've been posting to a.s.s.m., which was news to her, and print out for her copies of my previous...

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Jens Story Ch 03

Exploring and Watching Can Be Fun After graduation Erika and I started spending most of our time up at the lake where our whole crowd hung out during the summer. Often Danny and Steve would be there too when they weren’t working. Erika really liked Steve. She would get all shy and weird when he was around. I never told her anything about what I had done with him. As far as she knew we were just friends. One day, I think it was early August, Erika and I were up at the lake as usual. We were...

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BlacksOnCougars Rayveness 05062022

Rayveness has developed a new way of scoring men. Tired of the dating app game she decides to rent rooms out in her house on a nightly basis. What better way to vet the men that come through. You have all their information and know who they are. Jonathan does not know what he stumbles into as he is simply taking a nap when Rayveness comes into his room and starts sucking his cock while he is sleeping. Damn – this is all part of the package. Well if this horny old cougar wants to get down...

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Who Is Teaching Who

Who Is Teaching WhoBy; Londebaaz Chohan A slut is a slut. A whore is a whore. A bitch is a bitch. Ludwig thought. He was still wheezing and trying to recuperate from the rough fucking he gave to Katherine. She definitely had 2 orgasms, Ludwig was sure but she was up and ready again and was stroking the semi-hard penis of Ludwig already. No doubt, her kitty was a bit sore, thanks to the hard fucking he gave but she wanted more. Ludwig smiled at her need and the enthusiasm to get fucked over and...

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Party That Turned Into An Amazing Fun

Hey, this is Maddy back with an amazing real sex story that just happened last night. A short introduction to me. Height 5.4 size 6″. Girl here is a 26-year-old hot girl, Deba. She is my friend’s wife. Like, I can say the hottest girl I saw till date. Now coming to the sex story, It was Saturday night and my friend planned a party at his home as his parents were out of town. He has an amazing home with a huge terrace. Before the party, we made all arrangements like some music system, lights,...

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Big Booty Boy Stories My First Big Black Cock

It’s now the next week, Monday, and school just ended. Michael and I are at my locker and talking quietly to each other. Even though Michael and I were caught last Friday by one of the school’s janitors, Mr. Jay, we were both horny as fuck. We didn’t want to wait until we got to my house because there was a chance that my mom would be home. Also, our sexual desires clouded our judgment.I ask Michael, “Did you see Mr. Jay here today? I didn’t see him at all today.”Michael says, “You know what? I...

Gay Male
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277 it and the virgin round 1

277 i****t and the virgin round 1 “Hi, I am a member of the Wabbit family and we come from the Romney marshes here in Kent, my name is Rod, short for Rodney, Rodney Wabbit and yes I know before you say it it’s a naff name but I`ve been stuck with it these past 40 years!” At school it was dreadful, talk about the boy named sue, I ended up in more scraps than enough, by the 11 plus I was known as a tearaway, a scrapper, but strangely by the time I was at the next school, the bigger one in New...

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Memorable Anal Encounters

Bonnie is number three and Charlotte number twoAUTHORS NOTE: NUMBER 3 – BONNIEBonnie and I had been out several times and we did sleep together each time. She was a great lay with a fantastic body but she had this odd behavior. She always acted reluctant toward anal and oral sex. When I came in her mouth she acted annoyed and when I fucked her ass she acted as if she didn't want to do it, but she always did it and she never once refused to suck my cock or take it in the ass. I suspected it was...

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