Mary Discovers The Children's Secret free porn video

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The three of them slept well for the following few nights, although oddly enough none of them felt inclined to immediately repeat the joys of that first session. It was almost as if they had reached a peak and were now relaxing in the knowledge that what they had done could be repeated anytime they liked.
Which is what they did.
Over the next few wonderful weeks of summer, while battles raged in the skies over the south coast of Britain, in a small village in Dorset, David enjoyed the attentions of Mrs Ellis and her children, miraculously ensuring that each relationship remained hidden from the others.
Until one fateful night early in September.
It was still warm at night; in fact it was the best summer weather that Britain had enjoyed for many a long year and David once again ventured into the girls’ bed. The three of them settled down to much kissing and cuddling. Kate was passionately exploring David’s mouth with her tongue whilst Sally was equally busy below the bedclothes, her young tongue quickly bringing David to full hardness. However their mutual joy was short-lived.
It was Kate who firstly cocked her head to one side, listening.
“What’s that?”
David shook himself from his reverie and raised his head. It was difficult to concentrate with Sally’s tongue still busy on his cock but there was the unmistakable drone of an aircraft.
Back in Southampton, David had been very familiar with such sounds. Although the city had not been bombed yet, and would not be so until later that year, he was well used to the sound of aircraft flying overhead, a sound which was not so familiar to the girls living in their sleepy village. However none of them were familiar with the sound that came next.
The room seemed to light up and an almighty whoosh followed by an explosion that rocked the whole house.
The bang was followed by a blast of air as the curtains flew from the windows and shards of glass shot across the room, scattering across the bedclothes. David held Kate close to to him and he heard a muffled shriek from Sally as she in turn clung to him whilst the thunderous noise rolled briefly around the room, followed by an eerie silence.
No one said anything as the curtains flapped at the shattered windows and the flickering lighting in the room suggested something, somewhere was on fire. It was apparent that the house itself had not been hit but the bomb, for that surely was what it was, had obviously fallen close by.
Within seconds the bedroom door flew open and the girl’s mother burst into the room with a cry.
“It’s the house across the road! Poor Mrs Hanson’s been hit!” She exclaimed rather oddly, seemingly more concerned about her neighbour rather than enquiring after the health of her children. By now Sally had scrambled from under the bedclothes and had burst into tears on seeing the debris. Mary carefully lifted the young child up from the bed and clutched her to her.
“Quickly, downstairs.” she ordered, as David and Kate leapt from the bed, scattering broken glass as they did so and self consciously grabbing their night clothes, putting them on as they made their way across to the open door.
The four of them went downstairs to the kitchen and with strict instructions not to move, Mary left the three children sat round a table whilst she pulled her dressing gown closer around her and went out the back door. The three children exchanged glances. Sally’s face was smeared with tears which had now dried up but she was still trembling. Kate was ashen faced, hugging herself as if to keep warm, and David pulled the two girls to him to comfort them.
“Is this how it’s going to be?” Kate gazed at him nervously. “Bombs and that?” David shook his head.
“I expect he was bombing somewhere else and had one left on his way back.” David explained how German aircraft travelling across from the continent could only go so far because of the fuel and if they didn’t drop all their bombs, or missed the target, they would dump their bombs anywhere so is to get back more easily.
They could hear the noise of activity outside and after a few minutes Mary came back in and smiled at them reassuringly.
“Mrs. Hanson’s okay…as soon as she heard the plane she dashed under the stairs!” Mary gave a brief laugh and then her expression dropped again. “The house is a mess though…” she looked distractedly round the kitchen and then, as if to take her mind off things, put the kettle on. She busied herself making tea and cocoa and soon the four of them sat silently drinking, each with their own thoughts.
“I expect he was off course don’t you?” Kate asked her mother as if seeking further reassurance. Mary nodded quickly.
“That’s what we all think.” She jerked her head in the direction of outside. “Bastard Germans…” she was now shaking and quickly put her cup down as suddenly sobs racked her body. The three children looked at each other and it was Kate who quickly went round and put her arms round her mother holding her closer to her as she wept. After a minute or so the gulps and sniffs subsided and Mary composed herself.
“It was just that…well you’re safe aren’t you? That’s the main thing.” She looked at the three of them adoringly. Then her expression changed slightly and a frown crossed her face.
“Do you always sleep in the same bed?” The question hung in the air. Kate and David glanced at each other, each wondering what to say. Then Kate glared at Sally, who looked as if she was about to say something.
“If I get scared at night Kate lets me sleep in her bed sometimes.” The young girl piped up.
“I don’t mind honestly.” Kate quickly added. Then Mary turned to look at David and raised her eyebrows.
“I’m used to all this noise and stuff. The girls were scared so they asked if I would…look after them…you know…” David’s voice trailed off. Mary nodded as if satisfied at these explanations.
“We’ll talk about this in the morning.” Mary stood up and picking up the cups turned her back on the children and busied herself washing them up. The three children looked at each other again. Did she suspect? David had a horrible feeling…
That night all four of them make themselves comfortable in the small lounge, miraculously undamaged, with sheets and blankets on the floor, Mary suggesting that the children’s room could be cleared up in the morning. They would have to block up the window, and Mary explained that a lot of houses in their small street had broken windows. They would have to find some wood for the moment.
The following morning the sun shone in through the lounge window as if nothing had happened. Mary, who had not slept, gazed at the three children wrapped up next to her and thought about last night. Once she had calmed herself down and satisfied herself that the three them had gone off to sleep she started to think about when she had first gone into the room to find them.
At first she had thought it was just Kate and Sally in the bed but once her eyes had adjusted she realised that it was David and Kate. Although her main concern was the safety of the children, this hadn’t gone unnoticed. Neither had the fact that Sally had obviously been under the sheets when she had first gone in, and it was also obvious that none of them were dressed.
She swallowed hard. She could understand Kate being attracted to David. After all, her mother was. However she was concerned at Sally. She was so young! And what an earth had she been doing underneath the bedclothes? She shuddered to think…
It was Kate who stirred first and as she blearily opened her eyes she gave a start, as if remembering the previous night, and Mary put her hand on her shoulder reassuringly.
“It’s alright Kate…it’s all over.” Kate looked round the lounge taking in her surroundings and then settled back. She looked at her mother.
“What are we going to do?” Mary explained that someone would come round later that day and fix the bedroom window and between them they could clear up the mess.
“In the meantime you girls can sleep with me and David can sleep down here.” She gazed at Kate, almost challengingly, and Kate tried not to give away her feelings. “In fact I think it might be a good idea if David slept down here anyway don’t you? I’m not sure it’s right having him sleep in your room.” Kate felt herself blush. Mary noticed this and guessed her suspicions were correct.
She felt she ought to say something but of course nagging away in the back of her mind was the fact that she, too, had been to bed with David. Would he still want to sleep with her if he was forbidden to sleep with her daughter?
The subject of her concerns started to stir are and quickly sat up. He saw the looks on Kate’s and her mother’s faces and wondered what they had been talking about. He had a horrible feeling he knew. Kate quickly glanced down at Sally to satisfy herself that she was still asleep and then looked at the pair of them.
“Look - and I shall only say this once only. Whatever you do be careful. Don’t do anything silly…and don’t include Sally.” Mary nodded down at her young daughter. It was now David’s turn to blush and he turned to look at Kate.
“I didn’t say anything.” she muttered as if David was accusing her.
“Neither of you needed to say anything. It was pretty obvious wasn’t it? You were both naked in bed together when I came in last night.” Mary whispered. “All I’m saying is… I don’t mind.” Mary gave a faltering smile. She couldn’t believe she was saying this. “It’s just that Sally…well she’s very young isn’t she?”
“Sally wasn’t doing…” Kate quickly protested but her mother put her finger to her lips. She pointed down at Sally.
“What was she doing under the bedclothes then?”
Kate quickly backed down. Her mother was actually looking quite angry. David meanwhile had his eyes fixed firmly to the floor, blushing beetroot red. He knew he was at the centre of all this.
“And as for you David…” he quickly looked up but was reassured to see an uncertain smile flickering around Mrs Ellis’s lips. “It’s all your fault you know that don’t you? If you weren’t so gorgeous none of this would have happened!” Kate looked at the pair of them and then the penny dropped.
“You’ve done it too haven’t you?” she muttered hoarsely. The guilt on her mother’s face said it all. Mary could have kicked herself for being so stupid. She had now lost any advantage she had.
“God I can’t believe it!” Kate now looked at David. “You’ve been doing it with my mum and me!”
“Doing what?” A sleepy voice indicated that Sally was now stirring. Mary panicked, wondering how much she had heard and shot warning glances to the other two.
“Nothing sweetie!” Mary exclaimed brightly. “Who wants breakfast then?” She looked around and David, grateful for the distraction, offered to help.
The four of them got up and tidied up the lounge before Mary went through to the kitchen and the three children could hear her busying herself with china from the cupboards. Kate was still shooting dirty glances at David, and Sally, whilst realizing that something wasn’t right, was relieved to be doing something to take her mind off the night before.
Breakfast was eaten in an awkward silence, with only Sally making the occasional comment, still trying to work out if the atmosphere was just to do with all the fuss last night or whether something else had happened.
“Now then…” announced Mary when breakfast had been cleared away. “I want you girls to go up and clear all the glass from the bedroom. Use the bucket and broom and put on these gloves.” The two girls scampered upstairs, each glad to be doing something. David guessed that he had not been included for a reason and turned to look at Mrs. Ellis who gazed steadily back at him.
“Now then David…” Mary seemed be turning something over in her mind. However David knew what she wanted to say.
“Mrs. Ellis I’ve been thinking. I think perhaps I ought to write to my mum and see if I can go and stay with my Aunty Rose in the New Forest. She’s got a cottage there and it’s very safe apparently. I couldn’t live there before because it was empty but in her last letter to me mum said that my auntie had moved in there and perhaps I should go and stay there?”
This took the wind out of Mary’s sails. It was, of course, the obvious answer but not what she had planned. She had great ideas of a stern talk with David, especially about Sally, but it had been obvious to her that knowing what had happened, Kate wouldn’t want to sleep with him again. If, as Mary had suggested, the girls slept by themselves and David slept downstairs, what was to stop him wandering up to see her every now then?. However, all things considered David’s suggestion was by far the most sensible…
“You’re right of course.” Mary reached out and ruffled David’s hair with her hand. God how she would miss him!
It took a few days but the arrangements were made and the “family”, for that was what they all felt they had become, sat down to their final evening meal. One of the local farmers had kindly provided a couple of rabbits which Mary had made into a delicious pie and once the meal was over they relaxed in the lounge.
The atmosphere between them had changed considerably since the night of the bomb. Kate and David were now back on speaking terms, although following the new sleeping arrangements they’d had no chance to sleep together. Kate had, of course, explained to Sally what had passed between her and her mother that evening and she was suitably mortified and somewhat disappointed. She felt like someone who had been given the key to a sweet shop, only to find someone had changed the locks.
The matter had not been discussed any further between the four of them since that night, and they happily played cards until it was time for the children to retire. They were now back in their own room and Mary had got into the habit of going up to her own bedroom early so that David could settle down in the lounge and she would happily read a book until it was time for her to sleep.
That night she sat reading as usual but found it difficult to concentrate. She was sad at losing David not just from the physical point of view but his help around the house had been invaluable. He was also a good company for the girls, although in retrospect perhaps this was not such a good idea!
She realized she had read the same page three times so quickly snapped the book shut and put it down on her bedside table. She settled down under the covers and soon fell asleep.
She was awoken suddenly, but by what, she had no idea. She peered blearily at the big alarm clock. It was only just after midnight. And she had been having such a wonderful dream too. The stickiness between her legs brought her up short...the dream was coming back to her!
She had to have one last...
Mary jumped out of bed, quickly put on her nightgown and quietly opened the bedroom door. She tiptoed past the girls’ room, listening in and hearing nothing. She carefully went downstairs, avoiding the familiar squeak on the third step.
Mary quietly opened the lounge door and as her eyes became accustomed to the inky darkness she made out the large sofa on which David was sleeping. There were no light on in the room so she carefully pulled the curtains apart slightly to allow a shaft of moonlight to slide across the room and bathe young David in its silvery glow. He stirred and turned his face towards her.
“Mrs. Ellis?” He mumbled. She was relieved that he hadn’t said her daughter’s name…
“Shush, David.” In two steps Mary was next to the sofa and she knelt down placing her finger against David’s lips. She replaced the finger with her own lips and gently kissed him, rubbing her lips softly against his and allowing her left hand to rest on his chest. David responded and they kissed more firmly, Mary’s hand now sliding under the covers and down his body towards his groin.
Nothing was said as Mary gently eased her hand under the waistband of David’s pyjama trousers and found the soft, warm coil of his cock, now starting to stir. She wanted him one last time…
Becoming more aroused now, Mary started to pull back the sheets and unbutton David’s pyjama jacket. She planted kissess as his chest was revealed, working her way down his tummy towards his waist. She quickly pulled off the remaining sheets and tucking her fingers into the waistband of his pyjama trousers, drew these down.
“Mrs. Ellis… Mary…” David muttered and Mary quickly shushed him again. Now his cock was revealed, rapidly stiffening in all its glory. She gazed at it longingly and then curling her fingers around the shaft she leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss at its tip.
She pulled back puzzled. She leaned forward again and this time tentatively extended her tongue and licked the exposed helmet. The taste was unmistakable…
She turned to look at David.
“Which one?” she asked simply. David swallowed hard.
“Kate…it was only Kate honest!” he whispered hoarsely. Mary closed her eyes. She couldn’t believe she had been beaten to it…
David’s erection was now rapidly wilting.
“Oh no you don’t…” Mary muttered and leaning forward she parted her lips and slid David’s cock into her mouth. It only took a few seconds of her slurping tongue to bring David to full stiffness again and she began to greedily suck at his erection. She didn’t care what had happened. She didn’t care that her daughter had been here before, and that she was getting second-hand goods. She didn’t give a fuck!
She wanted this cock. She wanted nothing more than David’s thick hard cock in her mouth. She wanted to taste one last time the glorious young spunk that she knew he would surely be producing soon. David began to wriggle and jerk about on the bed, and knowing that he had come recently Mary wondered how long it would be before…
Then it happened. She felt David’s hands clutching at her head and suddenly he jerked his hips up, almost ramming his cock into the back of her throat as he erupted, sending spunk splattering against the back of her throat. Mary swallowed greedily as David continued to feed her until there was no more and she felt him subside onto the sofa.
Mary raised her head and swallowed one last time, licking her lips to remove every last drop. She gazed down at David. She felt no need come herself. She felt complete, finished. She carefully stood up and wordlessly left the lounge.
Breakfast the following morning was a tense affair, each of them mulling over their own thoughts. All too soon there was a knock at the door and a pony and trap was ready to take David to the station. They gave each other one last hug before David took his place next to the driver and with a click of the reins the cart started off down the road. David turned to look and wave. Blinking back a tear he sniffed and focussed his attention on the coming day.
He was being evacuated again.
He had a train to catch and then a couple of days he would be with his mum and Auntie Rose.
Not to mention his posh young cousin Caroline…


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Mary Christmas Everybody

A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early 30’s), Carole (a young trainee), Rudy The Red Knobbed Reindeer (a reindeer), Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen (more reindeers), Foo-Kin Thin (a small box of electronics from Japan), Santa Claus (a red faced obese old inebriate wanted for questioning by police forces in 92 different countries on suspicion of...

4 years ago
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They broke out of prison, the four of them, all dangerous men willing to do anything not to go back. Their stolen car ran out of gas a few miles away from the next city, nothing around for miles. They had been travelling for two days, trying to put as many miles as they could between the police and them. A storm was coming, nothing would be moving for days, the snow out here making the roads impassable. The lights of the house were inviting, the family living there believing they were...

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Marys fantasy

We want to be used!Mary had confessed to me her affair; use is a better word, with her “master”. I had followed her on her last meeting with him and seen her used by a dozen men in humiliating and depraved sex and I had found it so sexually stimulating I longed to see her used again. Her Master had dismissed her, she showed me the e mail telling her she was now used goods and he had enjoyed turning her into the slut she had become. This left us with the realisation that Mary wanted more...

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Mary has been intrigued by bestiality

Mary is 42 years old, stands about 5’2″, average looks, and a nice body. She does yoga several times a week and is reasonably fit. She is not Hollywood slim; the catty women at work call her ‘curvy’ behind her back. Then again, the men at work call her curvy too, but they’re not being mean… Mary has never married. She’s had a few boyfriends, but just never seemed to find the right guy. Her neighbor Bob is a nice man with a big black great Dane named...

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Mary Gets To Meet Sandy Part 3

“Will you hurry up with that down there? My bedroom is a real mess, I can’t get a good night’s sleep like that.” “Yes Sandy, I’m almost done.” Sandy was sitting at the kitchen table, and Mary was on her knees wiping up a puddle of coke from the floor. After several hours of cleaning and washing for Sandy, she was almost resigned to her new situation. Just enough, anyway, to have begun worrying about practical matters. Space. Money. Food. How did Sandy expect they would live? Had the girl...

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Mary Sims

There should be a genre of Historical Fiction. This story explains why my great grandparents had a black slave. The lieutenant had been greeted at the door by a large black woman and asked to wait in the reception room when he had asked to see Mr. Sims. “George Claiborne Sims is the name,” the well dressed man announced himself as he entered his own reception room. “Lieutenant Henry Justus. You are the one I was looking for,” said the lieutenant in the US Army uniform. “And what can I do...

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Mary had a Hot Ram

Introduction:Another b**st storyMary Had a Hot Ram ChapterGEnre- Dark Fantasy, b********y, Bi-sexual, First Time, Lesbian, Masturbation, Virginity---------------------------------------------------Chapter 1Mary Wilson had a little lamb.His fleece was white as snow and he followed her to school and all that shit, but the nursery rhyme stuff stopped there -- because the little lamb grew up to be a horny ram.The ram was a powerful creature with swept-back horns, mighty shoulders and piledriver...

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Mary sexual education part 2

 Mary sat on a bench while reading a letter that Brad had left for her on his cabin door. She already read it once before but was rereading it to make some sense out of it. What Mary had read in the letter left her shock and with some uncertainty about how to handle it. He wrote that she deserved to know the truth about him and why he did the things he did with her. The reason for him coming to the lake was for one last trip with the guys before he got married. He never intended to lie to her...

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MaryThe First Steps

MARY-THE FIRST STEPS By Scrambler'J' Copyright Scrambler'J' 1999 This is my first TG story so if you don't like it that's fine or if you have any ideas for me to make it better let me know E-mail me at [email protected] Mark was worried that he might lose his girlfriend Jenni soon. He could tell something was bothering her last week. He wonder what he had done to upset her. On a chance he followed her one night after work and saw she went into a bar on the east side...

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Mary had a Hot Ram

by David Crane --------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Mary Wilson had a little lamb. His fleece was white as snow and he followed her to school and all that shit, but the nursery rhyme stuff stopped there -- because the little lamb grew up to be a horny ram. The ram was a powerful creature with swept-back horns, mighty shoulders and piledriver haunches. He remained white except for a black face and black rings around his legs just above the nimble cloven...

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Mary and Carl

This story was written for the enjoyment of adults only.  Please send your comments on my humble work to [email protected].  I love hearing from you.  This story is more of control and humiliation than blatant sex.  It takes some background information to make the implausible situation seem real.  I feel it is one of my best stories and am eager to receive feedback from my readers/                                     Mary and Carl                                  Chapter 1Mary     I was born...

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Marys First Black Cock

Mary was a very attractive but shy 18 year old who was born and raised in Iowa. Mary was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighted in at about 100 pounds even. She had wavy blonde hair and beautiful light blue eyes. She had had a sheltered life and she knew it. In her high school graduation class there were only 6 black students. Mary was always raised to be friends with everyone, but only close friends with people like herself. It would have been a scandal in her family if she would have ever...

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Mary Plays and Mary Pays

I stood there looking in the window at my life crashing down. I listened to my wife as she made a mockery of the seven years of our marriage and our eleven year relationship. Eleven years of me being a blind, stupid fool.Mary and I met in the eighth grade, started going steady in the tenth and by the middle of our senior year in high school we were making plans for the rest of our lives. We would get college out of the way before we got married and then build our careers for ten years or so...

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Mary Gets to Meet Sandy Part 4

Sandy had moved in on Sunday. Monday morning, Mary started keeping secrets. They multiplied fast, and she got better at lying even faster. She was almost proud of it. Mary told her mother her budget wasn’t working out after all. Mum was incredibly sweet about it. She wouldn’t hear Mary apologize or put herself down. Paying your way through college was hard these days, much harder than it had been in her time, she said. Dad and she were happy to help out as much as they could. Yes, of course...

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Marys Party CFNM

My name is Tony and this is my story of how I found a new life and great sex in the big city. I’m 29 and well built (I played rugby at university) but not overweight for my size. I keep my hair short and am proud of my physique. I visit the gym at least twice a week and have never had any trouble attracting the ladies. That said, I haven’t had many girlfriends, having had a six year relationship that ended when she left me for a rich banker who drove a Porsche.It was then that I moved to London...

1 year ago
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Mary and Tracy missed spring break

Mary and Tracy were spoiled sisters. They were pretty young blond girls who were sluts in college fucking anyone and everyone who made a pass at them. Their mother knew that. She had caught them with the red headed paper boy when they were twelve and thirteen. Tracy had her blouse off and her panties were down around her ankles. The paper boy was sucking her little breasts and Mary was undressed masturbating her pussy watching. She did not scold the girls. She took them to the doctor and put...

Group Sex
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Mary Jane

Mary Jane (In Her Mary Janes) by Misty Galant "Stop fidgeting, Mary Jane." Martha Winters admonished. Mary Jane was actually her husband Martin who because of bad behavior had been reduced in status to a six year old girl. Now Mary Jane was dressed in a pink dress and black Mary Janes, with frilly anklets. She was waiting in the living room with her mother. "But mommy, I'm thcared." When anxious or stressed, Mary Jane had a tendency to lisp. She was very fearful of meeting...

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Mary Had A Little Lamb

Mary had a little Lamb His ball gag kept him dumb And everywhere that Mary went Her Lamb was sure to come Mary's little Lamb wore a sheepskin coat -inevitably!- long and expensiveand coming down almost to his ankles, just allowing a few inches of denim trouserto protrude, and beneath that the heavy boots she required of him. She had to fight to contain a smile as her friends admired the coat shehad bought him, running their elegantly manicured fingers over the smooth tannap, stroking the...

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Mary And Lucy Discuss A Mutual Interest

The public caning that sixty-year-old Lucy Hogarth had been a twofold success in her view because it raised funds for the local Women's Institute and it brought Lucy sexual pleasure. It had also caused sexual excitement for some other ladies present, one of whom was Mary Littleton. Prior to the evening Mary, who was some three years younger than Lucy, had never had any serious sexual thoughts regarding the application of corporal punishment but she had found the occasion hugely erotic, so much...

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Mary Lucky girl

Mary and her sisters were deep in animated discussion as they strolled across the lawns at Farleigh Court her new husband’s parents home It was the first time the sisters had been together since her marriage nigh on six weeks prior since when she had been on honeymoon around the sights of Europe returning on the famed “Orient Express.” “Oh it sounds so wonderful,” Esme simpered, “Does it not Jayne?” “And the nights, did Harold take you to heaven?” Jayne enquired mischievously. “Jayne...

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Mary Does MiamiChapter 2

If you were to ask a male employee or customer at this particular supermarket what they would consider "eye candy", many of them would probably point right to Mary. A perfect fit for the Cosmetics department, the beautiful young woman was usually dressed in very fashionable, attractive outfits. Her long-flowing blonde hair was always styled to absolute perfection, and she used just enough mascara to make her lovely face look even more appealing. But men were not attracted to Mary just...

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Mary Mary Quite Contrary

Some of the students in that particular class were somewhat the worse for wear when Mr. Miller returned. Christine Fulton, for example, was sporting a torn shirt that exposed her left breast for all to see. She made no effort to cover herself up as her hormones were still raging after having ravaged Justin Campbell. This was a rather odd coupling given that Justin was president of the school Chess Club while Christine was the school’s head cheerleader. At this moment, however, Christine...

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Marys fantasy part 2

“Look at your slut wife!” I stood and looked at Mary. Her whole body glistened with oil, her cunt gaped wide and her asshole pulsed and was shiny with oil. As I turned to look at the now nude John, I made an almost comic gulp! Laughing at my response he said “Yes big isn’ t it! 8 inches long and 61/2inches thick! But it’s the knob that is going to make your wife scream!” His knob was almost triangular in shape flaring down to the base it overlapped his dick by a ¼ inch. “It sets up a vacuum as...

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Mary Blows Santa

Mary first started wanting to blow santa Claus last Christmas Eve. She had gotten out of bed to get a drink of water from the bathroom and heard muffled noises downstairs, like someone mumbling. A light was on in the living room. And there, as plain as day, stood Santa Claus… with his full white beard, red hat, red coat, red pants, and black boots. Oddly, however, Mary’s older sister Kim, 21 years old, on her knees in jeans, a red sweater and sneakers, helping Santa position gifts under the...

Group Sex
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Mary Allen Femdom Household Horror

Mary Allen: Femdom Household HorrorCast of Characters Mary Allen - Attractive Young TV Host, Secertly turned on by report Dr. Forbes - Pyscologist Judith Wilkes - 28, Teacher Samantha Bridg -  17, Timothy's girlfriend Bobby Green - 18, family friend, Shawna's ex-boyfriend George Banks - Lead Investigator Lauren McAdams - LawyerJulia Douglas, 44 Richard Douglas, 47 Shawna Douglas, 19 Ben and Ryan Douglas, 18, twins Timothy Douglas, 17 Rachel Douglas, 14Marie Tate, 39 Michelle Tate, 17 Warren...

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Mary sexual education

Mary was spending her 18th birthday at the lake before starting her final year in high school. She was about to be a senior in high school but never had the freedom to make her own decisions. Mary's parents were very religious that had a set of strict rules that she must follow. She wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend or wear anything too revealing. It didn't matter that she was 18 now but still have to follow their rules. She had long red hair that she got from her mother, but her green eyes...

Straight Sex
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Marys story Part 46

Rachel rang the bell, and the Mayor opened the door to them. “Come in Mary, we have been waiting for you to wake up. Would you like a drink, or something to eat? You need to keep your strength up. Mike is expecting us to keep an eye on you whilst he is away. There’s only kosher food available though, the twins are running the kitchen; Hazel is otherwise engaged.” Mary realised that she was hungry. “Thank you,” she said, “I’ll get myself something; I don’t want to be a bother.”“Let me take your...

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Mary Sarah

"You could do Lewis you know." "Do what with Lewis?" "You know ... sleep with him, the horizontal mumbo, sex." "You are drunk." I replied. Of course I was drunk too. My girlfriend Mary and I were sitting at her kitchen table. We were supposed to be planning her upcoming wedding, but a pitcher of margaritas later, Mary started in again on the considerable bedroom skills of her finance Lewis. "OK Mary I'll bite, why are offering Lewis, and his talents to me?" My speech was a bit...

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mary and son

After my father-in-law died, my wife's mother Dorothy came to live with us while she got her affairs sorted out. She stayed with us for almost two years during which she and I had a sexual affair which fulfilled her needs and all my fantasies. After she moved out into her own flat, she and I continued to see each other but she of course had other relationships as well. After Dorothy had lived in her flat for about a year she decided to change around some bedroom furniture, and my wife Caroline...

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Marys humankittypet adventures 2

This part of the story takes place at the weekend, after Sam tried out the loveballs on Mary in his office. Topic is human petplay and don't rip my fur off, because you read it and notice it doesn't suit you. If you already know my stories about Sam and Mary, you can just go on and read this one. When you don't, I suggest to read at least Mary's human kittypet adventures (1), which can be found here: contains maybe some informations,...

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Mary Gets to Meet Sandy Part 2

Mary couldn’t get Jane’s face out of her mind. “Can’t you go any faster?” Sandy called out. Mary didn’t think she could, but she tried. She was dragging Sandy’s third and final pair of suitcases up the stairs. The third floor would have been no problem with the elevator; but Sandy wanted her to walk. Of course, Mary walked. Sandy giggled. Breathing heavily, Mary pulled the large brown suitcase through the door and into the bedroom. The green one was waiting outside. She looked around. Huge...

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Mary Mary

I have always found it strange the way things happen sometimes. Things seem to happen when you least expect them too. For me one these strange events happened when I was in my mid teens and in the throws of puberty. I was ready and willing to nail my first girl. Maybe I was trying too hard I don't know. I would sneak into my parents closet when they were at work and look at my dad's dirty porn mags. I would study the pictures and read some of the articles, the stories that were sent in by...

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Mary Mary Mary

Mary and I have been married for ten years and were living a typical suburban life. I met Mary when I was in college, and she was still in her last year of high school. She is a very tall woman with long legs and large breasts. They were too much of a temptation for me, so I married her. I never regretted that move because I don't think I would ever find somebody better than Mary.Mary never complained about my member's size, although probably deep in her heart, she would have liked to have...


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