Reginald's DisasterChapter 19 free porn video

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“That will be nice, Sandra.” Reg failed to see the additional meaning she had put into her answer, or that there was more than one word that started da... “Some day, you will be struck with how nice a young man is, and be the answer to his own prayers for a nice girl.”

“I know, but I already have my eye on a nice young man.”

“That was quick! What does he think of your interest?”

“He hasn’t even noticed, Reg, but I am afraid to push, in case I scare him away.”

“That’s a shame. You should discuss it with my wives; they will be happy to advise you about your next step. I would be useless to speak about such matters.”

“Thank you, Reg. You are a wonderful man: you give good directions for advice, if nothing else.”

One of the babies began to chunter, in his or her grandmother’s arms. Reg was up like a shot. “Excuse me, one of my offspring needs me.”

He moved to the crying baby and offered his arms to the grandmother, who handed her charge over to Reg. He gathered the little bundle in his arms, whispering, “There now, my little one. Daddy is here for you; no need to cry.”

The child looked up at him, recognised his face, and immediately calmed. Reg rocked her for a few minutes until the baby fell asleep. He then handed her back to the doting grandmother with a reassuring smile. She smiled back, and he resumed his seat beside the waiting Sandra.

Sandra took his hand and patted it.

“You make a very good father, Reg. That is one of the things I love about you.”

He preened at this praise, and told her, “I never want my children to feel I do not love them, for I know what it can be like to be unloved.” He brightened again. “You make a lovely substitute mother, Sandra my dear. The babies all love you to bits.”

“Well, I want to be a good real mother sometime, so it is excellent practice.”

“Thanks for your company, Sandra; it was very welcome. You had best get back to your seat before anyone else grabs it!”

“It is safe. I am beside Frances’ Mum and Dad, so they are watching it for me. They think I am cute, it seems!”

“Well, you are; no surprise there. Thanks again, but scoot. I don’t want to seem to be having fun with another woman just now, in case I get in trouble before I am even married!”

Sandra scarpered, and was sitting demurely in her seat long before the first of the brides entered. Each was holding a pretty bouquet and grinning fit to burst. The flowers seem to have been a hit, Reg decided, as he returned his face to the front.

The priest gestured for Reg to come and stand before him, and indicated the spot. Music burst out to announce the bridal party. It was Mendelssohn’s Wedding March from ‘A midsummer Night’s Dream’.

The eight brides marched slowly and sedately down the aisle in pairs. Naturally there were no parental escorts for this event, as that would have been overkill as a procession. As each pair arrived at the front, they peeled off, left and right of Reg, leaving space for the others, until there were four ladies perched either side of the husband-to-be. Each was trying to avoid grinning too much as they stood waiting for what to them was the finale.

The priest went into his spiel, giving his introduction about marriage on the planet Rehome’s human colony; the stringent rules about marriage in the colony, and concluding with the commitment each man or woman made to his or her spouses.

“I will ask the bridegroom if he will make the promise to his brides, by name and as a group, to love and cherish them as stated by me, for life. He must say “I will” to formally accept that legally binding promise to his spouses. I will then proceed to asking the brides, by name and as a group, to agree with a similar solemn binding promise to their spouse. I will address them as a group but by individual name and ask them to make that promise by saying together, “I will”. These promises are the essence of this ceremony, made before our deity and these witnesses, and cannot be broken except by criminal acts which results in banishment of the perpetrator to Earth.”

The service started with a love hymn, and then the priest launched into demanding the promises by the brides and groom. That completed, he announced, “According to the law and custom of the Colony of Rehome, I now pronounce you husband and wives.”

The congregation applauded, and Reg and his wives reversed themselves and bowed to the congregation. The priest then gave a mercifully short homily about love and commitment, both in marriage and as a community; then declared, “The area next door is set up for the reception of this new family, where you can individually congratulate them and help yourselves to food and drink, courtesy of the Governor of the Colony, who is sitting at the rear of the congregation with his own family.”

There was a short gasp from the many people who had no idea that they had so illustrious a personage present at the ceremony. At a gesture from the priest, Reg walked down the aisle, followed by his new wives walking in pairs again for the symmetry. They entered the side room, where the priest got them to line up to be welcomed.

First to arrive were the Governor, Robert Kempe, and his four wives, who all made a short welcome to each one of the Robertsons, then moved on to make way for the others. Reg said ‘Thank-you’ to the Governor on behalf of them all for the reception and the wonderful spread. Following them were three ladies, one of whom they recognised as Jenny from Mr Dangerfield’s office, so the others would be her wives-to-be. Jenny told them, “That was a beautiful ceremony.”

On the tables were a wide variety of finger foods and glasses of wine – white, red and rosé – and soft drinks. On cards laid on the table were the words: ‘Buffet foods by Mark’s Party Supplies, 120 Main Avenue.’

Telford Prentiss spotted this and remarked, “Local businesses starting up already: that is a good sign. I wonder if we could start supplying pharmacies with a regular drug shipment?”

He was overheard by one of the Governor’s wives, who tapped his arm.

“Sir, would you like to discuss that with the Governor?”

“I certainly would, young lady. Do you know him well?”

“I am married to him, sir.”

“Oh. My apologies for assuming you were younger than you are.”

“It is a nice compliment, sir. Please come this way. What is your name?”

“Telford Prentiss. I am here purely for my daughter’s wedding ceremony, then I return to Earth.”

She responded, “Ah, here we are. Can I interrupt, darling?” The Governor turned aside from chatting to Mrs LeBrun. “Excuse me, my dear. Work, I think! Yes, my love?”

“Mr Telford Prentiss here thinks he might be in a position to supply pharmaceuticals to our local pharmacies.”

“How do you do, Mr Prentiss. Are you in the drug business?”

“Indeed so. I am CEO of the UK arm of Quantum Pharmaceuticals. I noticed a local firm supplied food to the wedding reception, and thought that if you have local pharmacies, we might be able to arrange a deal to supply your drug needs for them. Our range is considerable.”

“That does sound worth exploring, Mr Prentiss. At present, our pharmacy is a single one, based at our general hospital, and some popular medicines aimed at houshold use are currently sold at our grocery stores. What do you have in mind?”

“At first, I was thinking of just supplying your local pharmacies, but if you do not have such, what if our company set up a local chain of pharmacies in the Colony? We would need an initial monopoly while we set up the business, then we could be open to local competition.”

“I good idea, but our policy is not to have direct investment in local firms from Earth. The Colony has to be able to survive on its own two feet, you see. If you were to emigrate here, you could build your own pharmacy business, but you can’t do it from Earth. Are you well paid by your company?”

“I am afraid so. Starting my own pharmacy chain would take time to build up to make sufficient profit to be worthwhile for me. My daughter Fiona is one of the Robertson brides. Would it be acceptible for her to set up such a business?”

“Yes, provided you were not financing the business from Earth.”

“So, if I donated a largish sum of money to her, purely as a future inheritance provided early, she could use part of that inheritance to set up such a business? Would that fit your rules?”

“Curiously enough, it would fit our requirements, provided you did not leave the donation as a staged payment, or it might be construed as an ongoing investment. Keep it as a one-off early inheritance, and it will be acceptible.”

“Well, Fiona’s stepmother does not like her, so if I die and Fiona is on Rehome, her inheritance might vanish rather than come to her, so it would be satisfactory to give it to her early.”

“Sounds okay to me, Mr Prentiss. As long as the money comes without strings, in the form of a written statement to that effect: hers to do what she wants with it, it fits our colony rules. If she decides to set up a business in that line, and your company can do her a deal for future drug supplies, then fine.”

“I hear that you sell drugs to Earth. Is there any chance my company can get a slice of the action?”

“It is always possible, but due to certain side-effects, you might prefer not to be involved in the distribution side.”


“Perhaps on the erotic side, if I might word it carefully?”

“Oh. Mood-enhancing side-effects?”

“That is so. It is these side-effects that make our export popular, but by the same token may not suit your more mainstream market. In certain jurisdictions, our product may be deemed illegal, but we simply make it available to purchase, with no promises regarding effects; nothing else.”

“Sounds like a wise position to take. A product that is both popular and apparently illegal, tends to be a profitable exercise. Do you have people doing research on other substances that may have pharmaceutical applications?”

“Not at present, not on any formal basis. The Colony is too young to be so well organised.”

“I see. In that case, if my company provided a few such researchers, might our company get first chance to import any resulting products? That would not be any direct investment; merely a legally-sanctioned opportunity for us to be the primary importer of agreed products from Rehome in future.”

“That would appear to be satisfactory, except that whatever conditions were applied to any contract with these researchers, at the end of each full year of their work here their contract must permit them to cancel without penalty of any kind, should they decide to remain here as settlers if approved by the Colony, and allowing them to bring any family with them. Agreeable to you?”

Telford had to think for all of two seconds before blurting out, “Done!”. He added, “If I treat them right, they will decide to stay with the company for a good while, I am sure.”

“Either way, it will be helpful to the Colony,” said Governor Kempe.

Mr Prentiss offered his thanks, then set out to locate Fiona, as the receiving line had now dispersed. He found her tenderly holding her smiling baby, saying to her, “You are Mummy’s wonderful little girl.”

Telford tapped her on the shoulder, and she spun round.

“Daddy! That was a nice ceremony, wasn’t it?”

“It was indeed, and you are now legally Mrs Robertson, not just in name only. Congratulations, my girl.”

“I am so pleased, Daddy. We are going to have a tract of land, and build a house there, and have lots of children to fill it. I can now forget all about Dora and her machinations. She is not going to kill you now, is she?”

“Not for my money, certainly. On that matter, I propose to send you your inheritance now, rather than wait until I shuffle off this mortal body. You will get most of my assets. Dora will get what remains: not a great deal, but enough to keep her in relative comfort.”

“You should not have to do that, Daddy, but if you think it best, I will not object.”

“Thank you, my dear. My only request – no more than a suggestion for you, is that you might think about setting up your own pharmacy business here. The only real pharmacy is in the hospital, for their own purposes, but a private pharmacy business can offer a much wider range of products beyond the prescription drugs. You could set up one shop and if there is a growing demand, as I expect there will be, you can turn it into a chain, either all run by you, or as a franchise setup.”

Fiona stared at him, open-mouthed. “Daddy! Typical of you, to see a business opportunity for me. I suppose you will want me to order most of my stuff from your company, and in particular from your branch of the company?”

“That would be very welcome, but you are under no compulsion to do so; it would just be nice for your old dad if you did.”

“Okay, Daddy. If you think it has potential, I will look into it, after I discuss it with the Governor. Do want a share of ownership of the business?”

“I can’t do that, Fiona. The Governor tells me that Rehome does not allow direct investment from Earth. It has to do with being economically independent of Earth, which is a laudable ambition. Handing over your inheritance early gives you the assets to start up the business, but it will be entirely YOUR business, financed with your own money.”

“Thanks, Daddy. I will look into the possibilities, for there may be other businesses worth me having a look at. We first have to build ourselves a home on our land, once we get it.”

“Any idea how far you will be from the city? Distance can be a bugbear if you don’t have a car.”

“Daddy, there are few cars in the Colony, we were told, for roads are almost non-existent outside of the cities. Most travel is by train, but they are expanding the rail network all the time, for the economic benefits to the Colony are immense. They have a magnificent new tracklaying machine to expand the network.”

By the time the reception was over, those parents scheduled to return to Earth were wondering about when they would have to leave for the Landership. A phone call by Frances to The Personalia brought the news that Landerships left every day about the same time of day, so as long as seating capacity was available, they could book their places.

She passed on this information, and while a few wanted to get home smartish, for business reasons, those not in a rush decided to stay another night and see a little more of the city, and learn where their daughter and family would be living.

The new Robertson clan first travelled back to the housing block, so they could change back into normal daywear, then made their way to the administration department to see what land was being offered to them. They got a surprise when they went inside. The land on offer to them was not near the city. It was close to the second city that was currently being adapted for human use.

The official explained, “The tract we are suggesting as your land grant is very close to the city boundary, and a rail halt – not yet a true station – is close to your land. Passing trains will stop if you ask them to; a phone call to the driver is all that is needed. Train travel is easy and you can be back in the first city in less time than walking in to the first city from a piece of land more distant. We can also give you a larger tract as a bonus, because firstly you are a large family gtoup, and secondly we want to encourage more settlement around the second city and thus provide a farming population that will encourage new shops and businesses in the city.”

Reginald asked, “Does that mean that Sandra can get a land parcel next to us? And what about the twins and their tradesmen husbands: Thomas Taylor and Gerald Brown?”

The official grinned. “That also helps; you see, we know Sandra works for you, so a piece of land next to yours will help with that situation. The two tradesmen will be employed in the second city, and they will be given land on the outskirts – not necessarily near you - so getting home will be easy for them if they have land near to their workplaces.”

Frances beamed at the man. “I think we can all live with that, but please speak to the men about it.” She turned to one side to ask, “Where is Sandra?”

The teen pushed through the crowd of wives. “Here, Frances.”

“The department is offering a tract of land for you, next door to ours. Will you be happy with that?”

“Yes, please! That suits me perfectly. I want to stay close.”

Reg intervened, “Is there water on our tract? Enough to irrigate it?”

“Yes, there is. Several small streams run through your property before meeting the little river that runs through part of the city. The streams should be adequate for watering your land, but you may need to install irrigation channels to get the full benefit.”

Reg looked around at the faces of his wives, gauging their attitudes. He was able to tell the official, “We’ll take the land you offer. Sandra, do you also accept?” She nodded, “Yes, Reg my...” then stopped abruptly.

Prudence frowned at Sandra’s words, or rather at what was unsaid. She then stared at Frances, looking for confirmation of what she was reading into Sandra’s unsaid words, but Frances did not seem to have noticed, or was ignoring it. Prudence let it be.

The official gave a small cough, to attract attention.

“There is another matter: the farmer and his wife, named Robson. They expressed a wish for good land from crops, yet not too far from the tract you receive. It appears they have a daughter married to Mr Robertson and want to remain fairly close.”

Frances corrected him, “Two daughters married to Reginald, not one.”

The man blinked but said nothing about the correction. He continued, “There is a suitable tract of farmland near your land, for the Robsons, beyond Miss Sandra’s tract, between two small rivers, but because of that it is larger in extent than your land; the rivers mark natural boundaries. Do you have any objection to this disparity in area?”

Reg replied, “They need the land for their commercial crops; the more ground the better. We only need enough land to feed our family in the years to come. We have no objections.”

“Excellent. Someone else will discuss farming implements with them, as local equipment will be used. The other parcels of land have less significance, so we do not need your opinion on that matter. If you all report to the legal section, across the way there, they will issue you with your land grant documentation, including the plan of your holdings. It only takes a few minutes to print them out from the database, then they will certify them as correct and approved.”

They did so, then returned to their accomodation block for an extended family discussion about those visitors returning to Earth, and saying farewell without shedding tears.

Jessica took over for the honeymoon celebrations, explaining to Frances, “A honeymoon is for a couple to get to know each other more intimately, to realise who their partner is for life. Trying to do that with eight women at once is a recipe for disaster, Frances. Reginald should have an evening with one wife at a time, so he can concentrate on her, on her needs and wants, on the love between them, one on one. Each wife should get the same treatment, so that we all know how Reginald feels for us as individuals, not simply as a group.”

“You are sure of this, Jessica?” Frances was not certain of this assessment.

“When I joined you girls, Frances, for a while I had time to watch you as a loving group, and I was impressed. Once I decided that this was for me, I had to persuade Reginald that I, as an older woman, was worth the effort of loving. When I finally did get him to myself and he made love to me, it was wonderful in comparison to my first time with my other husband; in fact, compared to all the times with my other husband. That man never loved me, just claimed me.

That made me appreciate the value of one-on-one loving where the emphasis is on love. The sharing of a honeymoon is between man and woman; nothing else should get in the way, not even other spouses.”

“I see. Does that mean you want to be first with Reg?”

“Good God, no! You can decide on the order, Frances: you are the chief wife. Pick the names out of a hat, for all I care. I love the man, so I am willing to do anything I can to make his life perfect. All I can do is commend singular love with Reg for each of us. I think it will be good for all of us, understanding what Reg means to each of us. It also means the others can look after our baby, so we don’t get interrupted at any point.”

Frances was more convinced. “I am willing to try it, Jessica. I can see your argument; I think it will be welcome to Reg, once it is explained to him.”

It was. The thought of making love to a single wife at a time, showing her how much he loved her, appealed to him as a formerly lone offspring. Sharing his love with Frances or any other of his wives would be a statement on its own.

It was a good beginning for their formal marriage.


Three weeks after the wedding, the family had moved temporarily to a housing block in CityTwo while their home was being constructed on their land grant. Even that was a surprise in how it was done. One could order a house to be built by a local contruction firm, but much of it arrived prefabricated in sections from Earth, and delivered as a massive unit by Landership direct to the building site on Rehome. The Landership was apparently able to use the same technology as with passengers to move from planet to planet, but was configured inside for cargo. This one was a pure cargo vessel, and much of that cargo was packaged as building sections small enough that they fit inside the limited space of that vessel. Being small, the wood frame panels could be put together more easily than on Earth with its cranes and large panels. Construction was almost like a DIY kit house, except that most were put together by professionals, able to adjust manufacturing faults on the site as they built.

It still took weeks from the design phase, aiming to produce a house suited to the commissioning family. The process included ordering the sections, their shipment to Ascenscion Island, then their delivery by Landership, and finally put together and completed by joiners, plumbers and electricians to the requirements of the client.

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A Good teacher

We are a family of mum , dad , 3sisters and 2 brothers . Sex was on my mind continually and has been from an early age. The only way to find some relief was to musterbate at least 2 or 3 times a day. I had a few girly magazines and i’d fantasize what it would be like to slip my cock in to the cunts of those women, or play with their boobs, specially the ones with real big ones. On one of such an occasion, a picture in my mind appeared of my sister. She was getting ready to go out after having...

1 year ago
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Getting Together With New Friends Part 1 Girls

Jeff and I were laying on the bed recovering from him giving me a good fuck. It had been about twenty minutes of erotic and exotic sex. I always like the ‘afterglow’ after a good and physical fuck. The heavy breathing and the rapid heartbeat all contribute to what makes an ordinary fuck special.“That was great. Do you realise we have been doing this now for over two years and every time, it seems to be better than the last time?” Jeff told me.“I couldn’t agree more it has always been good but...

Group Sex
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Caught on the Beach

Written by me and originally posted elsewhere but I was asked if i would submit one by a friend hope you like itYou have to think about how I felt …….I’m 23 about 5ft 11ins slim blond and blue eyed female. I would have liked to have been a fulltime model but I haven’t quite made the break through and ofcourse time is against me now. So instead I model part time yes I have done some glamour work but mostly catalogue stuff and lingerie.Time to set the scene….I don’t want you thinking that I am...

2 years ago
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My accommodating Mother 01

Synopsis…. How my beautiful slender forty-four year old mother has a maternal nature which I am happy to take advantage of; this leads me to a relationship which is out of the ordinary to say the least. It started with her still letting me breastfeed even though I was now at school aged 16 years of age; not only that be she allows me to do it whenever I want. I suppose you could say it started even before I was born; for my father has told me that mum loved having her tits sucked ever since he...

1 year ago
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Sex With Older Woman

Hi, thanks to all viewers and readers of my first posting “ MY FIRST SEX ENCOUNTER” for their response and evaluation. The story earlier was of the time I used to study in college now I has been married since last 5 years , but this incident happen after approx 2 years of my marriage. I am working in a big Indian company and due to nature of my job I had to travel a lot. So at the end of day I used to get tired a lot and so when my wife went to a small operation, my mother in law came to take...

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A Tortured SoulChapter 21 Micester

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Did I really have such a bad temper that everyone was aware of it? Scared of it even? No, I couldn’t have. Mark was exaggerating. Sure, I was prone to lose it on the odd occasion—my recent late-night disappearing act was a testament to that—but, I did a pretty good job of keeping well-hidden the anger that always seemed to be bubbling just under the surface, didn’t I? I thought I did. Besides, Steve deserved a kicking—a bloody good kicking—for what...

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Son8217s Bully Fucks Me 8211 Part 1

As , I made a decision. This had to end today. Sunil, my son came home today without his shoes for the fourth day straight. I’ve been asking him why he’s losing his shoes, and he’s been coming up with lame excuses, avoiding the name of his bully. “You’re being bullied, aren’t you?” I asked him. “Mommy, no. That’s not…” “Shut up, I know. Look at your eyes. You definitely came home crying. Tell me who he is. I’ll go talk to him,” I said. “Mom, it’s nothing…” “It’s not nothing....

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Best friends Mum all true

Best Friends Mum:I was about 18 and hormones bursting 24x7 although very inexperienced and easily embarrassed around girls. My best friends mum was in her 50’s and we just kind of clicked. She wasn’t a stunner, just a good mum who liked to have a bit of fun every once in a while. Living alone I was often invited around for something to eat and especially on a Friday evening before me and Steve would hit the town (always better to drink having eaten). She was married with two grown boys and I...

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Flo the sex fiend

Flo and I met 12 years ago via an adult site. It took awhile to actually hook up but it was worth it. She was laid off from her job and in the tail end of a divorce and so wanted to fulfill her every sexual desire. She was the submissive type and was taken advantage of in many cases at first until she did a 180 and decided to get what she wanted instead of what was offered or coerced into. Our relationship was in the midst of her transition.Our first meet and greet, if you will, was on New...

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Hi ISS readers hello to all my friends. Vaise to main ek achi ladki hun par main sex ke mamle me hindi bolti hun. Ab main mere sath hue sex experience shuru karti hun ye tab ki baat hai jab meri age 21 thi, aur main 23 saal ki hun. Mera figure 34-28-36. Mere papa ek dukandar hain. Humare dukan pe ek ladka deepak kaam karta hai. Vo bahut acha hai.vo mere ko school time lene aur chodne jaya karta tha. Is vajah se vo mujhse pyar karne laga aur kai baar mere boobs bhi dabata tha. Par main us samay...

2 years ago
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Truth or Dare

Tina Daniels didn't know what to do. She was only here at this place on a dare from her best friend, Sandy. This place, Club Midnight, was a swinger's meeting place on the south end of downtown. Carved into an old warehouse, the rooms were spacious and the décor was really quite tasteful. She remembered being pleasantly surprised upon their arrival, expecting something much more seedy, and dank. Instead, it was very clean and the most surprising part, the people. She had formed a profile in her...

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Evolved Fights

Let's check some wrestling porn at EvolvedFights! In the song, “What I Got,” Sublime famously sang the line, “Fucking and fighting, it’s all the same.” And I have often thought over the years about whether or not there is any truth to that. There definitely seems to be a sort of primitive connection in the brain between the instinct to fuck and the instinct to fight. Both can be rather aggressive and cathartic activities, sure, not to mention the fact that there are so many power dynamics going...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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RampantChapter 3 September 7 1214

The birds were singing outside when Elizabeth next awoke. The birds were singing and a hand was stroking her breast. Oh, yes. She was a married woman, and although she had to get up momentarily, the hand was licit and even pleasant. She tried to lie still; but it was morning, and she had lain in an unfamiliar position. When she stretched, Karl moved back to give her room. She ended on her back with her hands outside the covers in the chill. "Repeat that stretch," he said. Right gladly she...

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Poppy Chapter 3

"Good morning," He said as she, startled, turned her head to Him. She quickly sat up in bed for Him. "I trust you slept well?" Her eyes were on the bedspread, but she nodded in reply. She couldn't help but bite her lip as she thought about yesterday. She had surprised herself and taken His anal toy with gusto and literally collapsed out of sheer exhaustion from the excellent fucking she received. "You behaved very well yesterday." He said, reading her mind. "I am pleased." She...

3 years ago
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Anne 1842

"If one more thing happens," Anne Pane told Belle, "I'll know I'm cursed." "You're not cursed, child." the slave responded. "You're blessed." "I was engaged at sixteen, at the height of my beauty. Then John's father got sick. I couldn't marry a man when his father was lying sick in his house. And then John's year of mourning." "You're still at the height of your beauty, mistress. Eighteen isn't old. Just hold still while I finish your hair ... Now, look at that! And,...

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Sappho Chapter 2

Sappho Chapter 2 I nodded, satisfied with what I saw, big dark brown eyes with naturally long lashes in a symmetrical face, regular features, and just a touch of highlight and lip gloss. After a few months of practice, the make-up rarely took more than a minute or two. The effect was relatively minor, but it was more than about being pretty; it was expected for work - especially for one who dressed and acted most of the time as a fem. I flipped off the make-up lights and stood in...

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City Guardsman Chapter 5

_________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER FIVE ------------------------------------------------------------------ I sat beside the salle as Sam began her practice, our son rested beside me in his basket. Several guards nearby had just finished and were trying to cool down. Lieutenant Belet poked his head out the back door of the guard building and then came out. He stopped to watch Sam and a very pregnant Mona before shaking his...

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Best Massage Alive Part I

Sometimes after work, I would always be so tired and my whole body would be swore and aching. So I would go to the massage parlor near my work area to get a nice full body massage before I head home. Ever since the first day I went to the massage parlor I had a somewhat old aged woman, Catherine, who was an expert masseuse to massage me. However, one day when I got there, the front desk told me, ‘I’m sorry miss, but Catherine had just retired a few days ago.’ I was so upset not getting my...

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Alternate Realities Selena Gomez at sixteen

An accompaniment to the story ‘Happy Birthday Selena!’. This is meant to be set in a world where alternate realities spring up from the pocketbooks of the financially astute, and renegade technicians that just want to set things right in their world. Bryan, named Joshua Loorman in this reality, is being pursued by these renegades and takes full advantage of being a few steps ahead of the competition. This chapter is yet another alternate Earth where Selena Gomez never really came into her own...

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Wife makes me a CockSucker

I could see the sun slowly rising outside my bedroom window. I was tied to a chair as a chain of men had their way with my wife while I watched. It was her fantasy and my punishment for an eight month long affair.She had been fucking bareback off and on all night and I could see cum overflowing from her pussy as she lay on our bed with her legs spread wide."Jim and Kenny untie my cheating pig of a husband and bring him over to the bed," she directed the two well built young men who had just...

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Crimson Lips

I never really was one to complain that sex was lacking in the bedroom. My girlfriend kept me well satisfied and I felt that I did the same for her. Our sex life was very much on the active side, at least once a day as long as our everyday lives would permit it. We both knew that we have very busy lives outside of the home and our home lives had to work with that. With us both being very focused on our careers, we knew that things could not always be 100% on their game. Though our sex life was...

2 years ago
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Long Is The Way Chapter 1 Through A Glass Darkly

The thick leather paddle whipped into Owen's bare ass repeatedly. Just when it was starting to feel good, the blonde young woman behind him stopped. “Are you OK? Am I going too hard?” “I'm fine, Mistress Jade. Harder, please.” She'd already asked the question, or some variation of it, at least a dozen times. It was starting to get ridiculous. Her inexperience was showing more clearly with every act. Caution was fine, especially when it was your first session with a new sub, but at some...

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From Office Worker to Dominated Slut Part 12

Chapter 12 Two more months passed and Eveline was starting to feel torn in two. She knew that she was falling for Gerry, but she was also aware that Theresa would be back within the month and that would be the end of their little escapades on Monday and Thursday nights. She didn't want them to end, but she was unsure how Gerry felt. She knew he enjoyed their "sessions" immensely but as far as she could see the only way for them to continue after Theresa's return was to go to her flat....

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Freddies Farm Fun

Freddie, a family name that he hated, got off the bus in rural Nebraska. There was NOTHING here but the dusty pickup truck with his uncle leaning against it. No buildings visible, just some kind of crop fields. He had stewed all the way from Des Moines. Actually, he’d been pissed for weeks since his parents told him that he wasn’t going to spend his sixteenth summer playing video games with his equally nerdy neighbor buddy. Going to a goddamn farm! What kind of shit was that? He was a good...

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The CureChapter 3

Everything seemed pretty normal for the next couple of days so Randall stopped worrying about it. His Aunt Rita was just as sweet and witty as always. Whatever the problem was, it was probably none of his business anyway. Besides, the way those two went at it in bed, things couldn't be too awfully bad between them. Janice Turley called from California to say hello and to ask him to stop by the apartment and make sure everything was OK if Jack or Rita had to go into town for some reason....

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Joanie and the JunkyardChapter 2

Back in Rocky’s Bar, I asked her, “So they drugged you? “They drugged us all right. The next thing I knew I was lying on a big round waterbed. There was a black Hunter Douglas ceiling fan going round and round. It made me feel like my face was following it round and round. Bull was standing with his back to me straddling my left leg, pulling on my cowboy boot. “Put your foot on my ass Joanie and push,” he said. I felt like I was suspended in a fog. “DO IT, baby,” he commanded. I pushed on...

4 years ago
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My Sexual Life Part 3 The Sleepover Part 2

The SleepoverPart 2The movie was over, it was time for bed. Mrs Gordon told us to go brush our teeth and get ready. We did as we were told and were soon in Danny’s room and ready for bed. When Mrs Gordon came in, we both climbed into bed. Danny had a single bed, so we were nestled together close. Mrs Gordon leaned across me to give Danny a kiss goodnight. As she leaned, both breasts rested across my face. She had removed her robe, so just the sheer fabric of the thin gown was all that was...

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Jessicas New Toy Part 1

Jack was in love with Jessica. It was an open secret between them, unspoken but potent, a gravity that shaped both their lives. Unfortunately for Jack, Jessica, his one true love, was also a shameless tease. She loved nothing more than flirting with boys – seeing how much a man would do to please her had become something of a sport for Jessica. She kept a diary of her favourite conquests – the silly, servile things she could make boys do in service to her full lips and fuller figure.Normally,...

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118 in the Shade of Gray

I'm Carlotta "Carly" Tibbs, proprietor of the Yosemite Sam Shooting Range and Sex Toy Emporium. It's one-stop shopping in balmy Bullhead City, Arizona for all gun-toting preverts in the great southwest. I was behind the counter marking down our selection of anal beads made of Saguaro cactus (worst marketing idea since New Coke) when she walked in from the oppressive heat, sweating like Kevin Spacey at an all-boys summer camp. She being Candy DeApple, a friend from long ago. She had packed...

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My wife and her sexy cousin

Anita and I had taken a couple days of quick vacation at Miami.Her cousin Martha was working as waitress in a bar very near to the hotel we were staying so Ana insisted we could visit her the first night we arrived there.As we walked into that bar, I realized my sensual wife definitely turned heads from men and also women…I had met Martha at Buenos Aires and I could recall she was a very sexy babe; she was younger than my wife; now she would be in her early thirties.Suddenly a very beautiful...

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Me My Mom And My Best Friend

By : pradeep Hi all.I live in kerala,India.My moms name is priya.She is kind of innocent and beautiful.I like my mom very much.she used to expose most of her skin especially navel and bellybutton.Even when she goes outside,her navel is seen.It is seen by everyone even paperboy,milk guy used to stare at her bellybutton and curves on her waist.I used to stare her navel daily. Describing her she has 36 boob size and wears saree all time without bra in home,white skin tone mixes with her very well....

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Online Fantasy

I met this girl on a certain site and became enchanted with her.. She showed me some pics of herself so I commented on them and here's what came of it.... Me I want to grab your ass cheeks, give them a spank and feed on them... I like to lick your ass from time to time... Maybe grab you, pushing you against the counter and feel my way down to your ass hole then taking your underwear down and you can sit on my face!! You can ride the shit out of my face. I love to eat you roughly, and your clit...

2 years ago
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A Witchs Revenge part 2

A Witch's Revenge Part 2 I laid there in the bed in total shock. I dealt with all kinds of stuff- I killed people at times, damnit, but how do you react to being blasted into unconciousness in a 38 year old male body, and wake up in a 12 year old girl's body, and not be shocked. I lay there, as the woman laughed at my reaction, and then I did the weirdest thing, at least for me- I started crying. Somehow, I knew it was partially the body I was in reacting to the whole thing. But...

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Dad and the Emo Girl

I asked my father to write the story about how he met Colly, the pretty girl who has been his loving consort for the past decade. The following is the recollection the two of them put together with a loving daughter’s editing. My husband helped me publish this about a year ago on another site too, so some of you may have read it there before this edited and cleaned up version here. The mall is a place to see people – mostly happy people. I put them into five categories. First were the speed...

4 years ago
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Adventures of DonnaPart 2 Little girl swallow

Adventures of Donna--Part 2 (Little girl swallow)Donna could feel his large hands pulling her face down on his penis, forcing the huge member down her throat. She started choking and her natural reaction was to resist the force of his hands. There was nothing she could do to stop him, he was too strong. Besides Donna was gambling that the mystery man was determined to make her eat this entire length. He did not reduce the pressure on her head; either she managed her breathing and opened her...

1 year ago
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PervDoctor Hadley Haze Apryl Rein The Virginity Certificate

Apryl is marrying into a conservative family and it’s very important for her fiance and his family that she’s a virgin, so she goes to visit Dr. Hardy to hopefully get a virginity certificate. Dr. Hardy does his physical examination and then he tells Apryl that he noticed that she isn’t really a virgin so he cannot write a virginity certificate for her because he could lose his license. Apryl then started coming on to Dr. Hardy and the next thing she knows she’s sucking his cock, fully earning...

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In Plain Sight An Escorts Story

Let’s get a few things straight right from the start. This isn’t a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting where I’m going to stand up and tell everyone how many men I fucked and how much I love sex. It’s also not some ‘woe is me, everyone feel sorry for me’ story either. You see, I fully understand my decisions and even though you may not agree with them they’re my decisions. To be perfectly clear I’m not naive and I know how lucky I am to have navigated the potential pitfalls of the escort lifestyle....

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Kyles spanking

Kyle's Spanking Kyle was 19, 6'2", blond and horny for everything kinky but he was beginning to specialise in CP and had had several amazing encounters with men with belts, straps, canes and strong hands.? He found he loved to be dominated and beaten but also had a top side and really loved fucking.? As Kyle got off the underground he thought back to the chat he had had on recon with a bloke promising a meet he would enjoy. Dressed in his military kit, full cammos and boots as...

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[And yes, please vote and leave comments. They are always most appreciated.] I was the only one in our family to call her Francesca. Everyone else had her down as Fran or Aunt Fran, but not I. It was just something I'd started as a little kid. I guess I just adored her name, the exotic way it rolled off my tongue; that, and maybe, the unspoken implication that we enjoyed some bond over and above that shared between her and the rest of our family. Francesca was my Mom's younger sister; baby...

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