Homecoming_(2) free porn video

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its late on a wednesday evening and i'm veggitating in front of the tv when my phone rings. its you, saying you're in germany and on your way home. you say you're landing in MA as a diversion for bad weather and, knowing i live in the state, am i close to the base where you're landing?

i say 'yeah, it's a few miles away. why? do you need a ride when you land?' you say you dont wanna impose, but yes, you'd like to see me and if it's ok, will i pick you up?

'sure baby, no prob, tell me when you're landing and i'll be there.' i say, feeling the urge to surprise you when i get you. you tell me the time and i agree to be there. we say goodbye and see you soon then hang up.

my mind races, ooooo he's comming here and wants to see me, i'm thinking. i look at the clock and realize i don't have much time so i go to bed and set the alarm. in the morning, i eat and run out to the car, not cuz i'm late, but cuz i can't wait to see you. as we discussed, i'm wearing a red sweater. i pull up to the front gate and i'm told i need to park in lot A and take a guest bus to the hangar where your plane will offload. when i get off the bus, i find about 100 people there, like me, they're waiting for your plane. we're told to wait behind a line on the floor, the skycops know once all of you start walking in, all hell will break loose, but we cooperate, for now.

the plane lands and starts leting guys off about 20 minuets later. i wait paitently while others meet and hug. i'm standing there, waiting for you to walk up and know my name. you're the only one here that will and i'm starting to get concerned, almost everybody is off and meeting somebody. three guys walk by, staring at me like they'd like to hire me (i've had those looks before when i escorted, usually creepy, but not here) but they just stare and keep walking. after a second or two, i realize they were staring at my huge nipples, in the cold, they're pretty pronounced and i notice others getting a good look too.

while distracted, i see a huge, monster of a guy walk in. he's like 6'3 and built like a tank! i see him stop inside the door and look around slowly. he's searching for someone, but who? then my eyes lock on his, he smiles and walks over. i think, oh shit, whats forest gump gonna want? it's only when he calls out 'hi jen' do i figure out its you. you see my stunned look and ask if my name is jen? i say y-y-yes it is, are you danny? we laugh and you bend down and kiss me HARD!!! i just stand there and take it all in. your arms wrap around my waist and i jump into you, while we kiss longer.

two guys come over and ask 'hey danny, you gonna introduce us to the girlfriend you never shut up about?' you stop the kiss, and with your back to them, i see the pained expression on your face. you feel you've embarrassed me and try, in the look, to appologize. i wink at you and stand on my own.

i step around you as you turn to them and i say 'are you the guys that watched my man's back?' they say yes and i thank them. giving each a kiss and a hug. each guy blushes at my friendliness and from the feel of my tits and hard nipples they got when i hugged them. they back off a little, not wanting to piss you off by spoiling your homecomming or getting too 'friendly' with your girl. you introduce them as steve and jake. we shake hands this time as i say thanks again. you say you need to check in and tell them where you're gonna stay before you report in on monday.

in front of them, i tell them 'the house is all set and waiting for you.' all three of you look at me with child-like, stunned expressions on your faces. you recover first and say you're sorry to put me out like this, but thank me for the hospitality. jake and steve say they've only been able to arrainge a room to share at a motel 6. i dont take the bait and wish them well as we walk off.

i hear jake say to steve, 'got the house ready for you.' in a mocking tone. too bad for him, but you're all mine this weekend, and you don't even know it yet.

we take the bus to my car and i drive out the gate. as we head to my place, i feel your hand slide up inside my sweater. you ask if i really had to excite every guy there by not wearing a coat. i say 'yes, i did!' and you say 'ok, if you HAD to.' as i drive, your hand climbs up to my nipple, still rock hard and waiting for a warm hand to find it. you ask how far and i say not long, 5-10 minuets at most. again you thank me for the ride and say it's not nessecary to let you stay at my place. i say 'you're comming to my place and i'll take you to a bus or kissing hard and recklessly. i feel my sweater comming up and stop only long enough to let it come over my head. then we kiss more. when we stop for air so i can unbutton your shirt, you see my nipples for the first time. ' my god jen, they're as big as golfballs!!! ' i hear you say 'just for you now, baby, just for you.'
train station sunday night. END OF STORY!'

you reply by saying 'ok, danny shuts up now.' and we both laugh.

as we pull up, you've pinched my nipple pretty good, i almost drove through a red light from it. we get out and you say what a nice place i have. 'it's small, but in a quiet town and good neighborhood.' i respond. you're carrying a big bag with you. as i think how big it is, i also think i'd fit in it with room to spare! once inside, the bag gets dropped at the door. i take you by the hand and lead you to the living room. in the middle of the room, i pull your head down to my face and we start kissing hard and recklessly. i feel my sweater comming up and stop only long enough to let it come over my head. then we kiss more. when we stop for air so i can unbutton your shirt, you see my nipples for the first time.

'my god jen, they're as big as golfballs!!! ' i hear you say 'just for you now, baby, just for you.'

you suck on them as i undo your pants and they they fall. my hands explore every inch of you. chest, back, even rubbing your neck. as you you moan and say you could go on like this forever. i say 'i hope not, theres more than huge nipples!!' you stop, feeling you hurt my feelings, you say sorry, and ask me to forgive you. i smile and point out there's three more days of this ahead. after you step out of your pants and boots, you lay me down on the rug. you unbutton my jeans and slide them down to expose my red silk panties. pulling off my sneakers and then pants, you kneel over me, looking at my body with wonder in your eyes. 'how did i ever find a friend like her' you think.

your hands caress my legs apart and your mouth goes down to my ankles. starting there, you kiss my legs and move upward to the lower edge of the panties. then you do the same on the other leg. i moan a little and ask you to hurry, but you say 'no, you told me we had three days, and im gonna take my time.' when you reach my panty line on the 2nd leg, i feel your hands on my waist. then 1 finger goes into the waist on each side as you slowly pull them down. as then they pass my knees, i feel your breath on my folds, im wet already and you know it, you smell it and thats when i feel you poke me with a finger, finding the right place. next your tounge dives in, wanting a good taste of my juices. i moan louder and reach for your head to hold there. i get a grip on some hair and tug you into me, forcing you to stay right there for now.

i feel your lips mumble against mine as you try to speak, but i cant make out any words. thats when you push your tounge into me, deeply and with force. i bolt at the suddeness of it and let my grip on your hair go slightly. faster and faster you go, wanting all of me. i let you work, im loving it all and want you as happy as i am, so i move my hips in rythm with your face. you work long and very well, it takes a little time, but i finally cum all over your face as you continue to make me happy.

i scream 'yes danny, i want more of you' and you dont stop til im out of breath and start to relax a little. body tired from this, i lay there, letting you finish as you want. in a few minuets im all clean and rested. you climb up my body with kisses, stoping at my navel to blow a raspberry and get me to giggle.

as you climb further up, i feel your red hot cock, growing like a tree trunk against my leg. i tell you 'i want it in me now, ill hide it from the cold.' you say yes and continue up my body, stopping at my tits. i pull them to the side and let you pass up to my neck. its now that i feel that cast iron rod touching my pussy and try to trap it with my legs. i wanna hold it there to feel it grow more before you impale me with it. you start kissing my neck and i growl, saying 'now danny, enter that dragon.' you just keep kissing my neck as i try to move my hips to line you up just right. then, in an instant, your cockhead burys itself into me. its so wide i cry out. you try to back away and i say stay, let me grow to fit it. you go back to kissing me and wait before going deeper. when im ready, i tell you 'more, go slowly.' and thats exactly what you do. you inch your way inside, letting me cry out in both ecstacy and pain.

i wrap my arms around your body, holding as close to me as if you were my own skin. you keep going in, inch by inch, not wanting to ruin a wonderful time, or friendship. you are concerned about me, but you trust that if i say i can handle it, i can. so you keep kissing me as your hot steel pipe fills me. i feel it bulging as it climbs to the top of me. its like it knows what its doing on its own. 'climb inside and explore everywhere i can.' is what it seems to be thinking on its own. i kiss you now, thanking you for that fateful call and for the pleasure you've created for me today. finally, after what seems like an hour, our hips touch and i know i have all of you. body and soul now. i must treat them right and never abuse the gift you're giving me.

i look into your eyes, seeing that look, you know im all set. you start off slow at first, not wanting me in pain, but knowing in that pain is extreme pleasure that i want us both to share. as you move, i too, shift my body with yours, in synch now, we move faster and faster. starting to pant, we both know whats next, and we work together to make eachother happy. you come first, but only seconds ahead of me. i feel your pulsating cock driving cum into me by the bucketful. and i return the favor by cumming all over you hot rod and then onto your legs as it falls out onto the rug. were both screaming yeses and more's egging eachother on to cum harder and longer. finally, when were both spent, we slow and then you come out of me to lay beside me on the rug.

panting hard, we rest, holding eachother as we catch our breaths. you ask if you hurt me. i say 'a little at first, but im feeling great now.' i didnt wanna lie, so i didnt. you say sorry and that 'even im surprised how big i got. it must be you jen.' we kiss and rest a few more minutes. when im under control, i ask 'you ready for part 2?' in a nervou voice, you ask 'part 2? you mean theres more to this??' i see the look of concern on your face and laugh. 'yep danny, ill be right back.' your stunned to see me jump up and watch with a smile as i walk fast, away from you, to go get something. when i return, you recognize the can of redi whip and the bottle of hershey's syrup, but you also see a silver bowl and wonder whats in there?

you ask what did i bring and i tell you to get up and start drawing. puzzled by this, you figure it out when i lay back down next to the coffee table where i put the items. i smile and say 'do it right.' as you take the chocolate syrup and remove the cap. you ask me 'do anyhing?, or is there something you have in mind jen?' i say 'draw a line.' giving you no more clues to what i want, you tip the bottle over and start at the top of my pussy and go upward. i shiver at the cold, but i like that you see what to do. i again pull my big 42DD's aside as you go up to my neck and stop. i say 'continue to my lips' and you do. 'now the whipped cream' i say, following the line of syrup right up to my lips. thats when you look at the bowl and find strawberries. as i breathe, my chest heaves a little and you take one strawberry and scrape the syrup and redi whip line onto it. then you feed me half the strawberry and you eat the other half. this goes on til you run out and then ask 'now what, im out of strawberries?' i purr at you and say 'finish with you tounge, clean up the mess you made on me.'

your tounge goes to the end of the line and starts to lick off the leftovers on my clit, still swollen from our sex earlier. as you move upward, i purr and moan more, wanting you to take your time. you do just that too, every inch of the line is gone as you reach my neck. as you come upp my chin, we kiss fiercly and i grab you and pull you down on top of me. when we come up for air, you roll on your back and thank me for all that fun. 'its something i've never done before.' you tell me. i say your welcome and that you did well. and that its now my turn. you see the devilish grin and get concerned that you might miss your bus in 3 days. 'oh well,' you think 'fuck it, id stay here fucking her forever if shed let me.'

as you rest some more, i get up again and go back out into the kitchen. i come back with a small plate and all you see is that theres something yellow on it. you try to tip your head up to see, but i say its a surprise and to lay back. i put the plate down and grab your less than full cock and start stroking it, massaging it and squeezing it til you let out a cry. i stop, and in a mocking tone ask, 'what honey, did i hurt you?' i giggle more as the pain on your face says yes as your mouth says 'no, just a very good feeling.' when i you get rock solid again in a couple minuets, you again try to lift your head to see what im gonna do. i catch you and threaten injury if you spoil my gift. again you moan and give up, laying your head back down, knowing i'll never do anything to deliberatly hurt you, but the surprise is something you're unsure of.

i take one of the yellow pineapple slices off the plate and you feel it go around your shaft as i slide it down. now you are really curious and ask wtf? i tell you 'you'll enjoy it, or im your slave for the rest of the night.' mmmmm, u think. 'ok jen, make me happy.' i hear you say. 'i will, i certainly will.' i reply. then you hear the redi whip squirting as you feel it go around your shaft. mmmmmm you moan, you now know, at least you think you do, what im gonna do here and you relax and let me entertain you this time. slice after slice goes on, redi whip in between each one. when i get to the top, im out of slices, so i use the syrup to cover the head. i ask if you're ready for it and you say yes.

i start at the top and lick and suck my down. eating each slice and licking off the syrup and whipped cream as i go. your cock bulges as it hits the back of my throat and i love it! when i get to the bottom, i go faster, now gnawing on your thick sausage, wanting it more and more. i go faster now that the food is gone, chewed and swallowed, like this sausage will soon be. my tounge curls around your shaft as i climb and drop on you. my teeth bite in to make you know whos in charge right now as well. i start to feel a trembling from you and i know its time to take you all in. so i go down as far as i can and i even take your balls in my hands and squeeze them tight. you yelp, not know i would do that and i muffle a laugh as i pop one ball in my mouth and bite down. as i do this, you explode in my throat and release everything into my stomache to join the pineapple.

i release you ball and pop it out, your panting pretty hard now saying things like oh yeah, and i love you jen. i know this already and i continue til you stop shuddering in my mouth. it takes a while and im loving it all as i feel each shot go down. then, after you stop and i slow, i come off you and climb up your chest. we kiss more as you're still out of breath. we cuddle there and i ask if this is a nice way to come home from a war zone. you just pant out a 'oh fuck yes it is jen, thank you so much!' we fall asleep there its past 3 pm and we need a nap. we sleep for at least 3 or 4 hours in eachothers arms, both happy and content.

end of part 1.


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We weren’t, however, to get right into scene. Lucy’s cell phone rang, with an odd tone. “Hang on, Howard. That’s my emergency ring. “Hi! What’s wrong? “Oh. Yes, I can help. Don’t say anything if possible. I’ll send people to come get you. We have a specialist in security clearance law, Don Jenner, who will meet us.” Lucy told Howard and Diane, “Weird coincidence. That was Rose. She’s nearly hysterical. Apparently, she got called into the security office and told that her clearance was...

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Hot Sister Fulfilled Brother8217s Fantasy Part 8211 2

Hello everyone again. After getting a decent response from my first story, I’m here again with its next part. Like my first story, it is also a real experience with some edited names and some added pleasures. The last story ended at the scene where my sister had her first sex with the orchestra owner, Gopal ji. The 45 years old fucked my sister like a hungry hunter hunting for 10-15 years. That night was full of loud moans, pleasure, and semen. It was really a thrilling experience for me to saw...

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Glorious Gloria the Clients Daughter

I did something I never do, I gave someone the room key for my hotel. I know, I know, absolutely dangerous, but if you had seen her, you would have been just as enthralled. You see, I was on a business trip that lasted way longer than it should have. It was going pretty well, but the client was one that required careful handling and my company had me stay to oversee the work personally. Normally that would be a good thing, but I had met a woman back home and we were going on our first official...

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Jetha Ka Mota Lund Liya

Aap ne meri pahli kahani padhi, kaise maine apne jeth se chudwana. Mere pati ki naukari lag chuki thi aur company ne ek ghar de diya tha rahne ke liye. Sab bahit khush the. Main bhi bahot khush thi kyonki jeth se kiya gaya mera vada bhi tootne se bach gaya. Tabhi mere pati ko naukri join karne ke liye 10 din ka samay mila aur unhone kaha ki main mumbai me hi ruk jaun aur wo lucknow jakar apna samaan le ayen. Maine haan kar di, agle din wo subah hi train se lucknow ke liye nikal gaye, fir main...

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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 3 Urgent Messages

"We need to tell everyone to leave tonight," I said as Renée slipped on her shoes. "There's no way to reach everyone fast enough. We'll have to call each of them, one at a time," she replied. I nodded and sat down at her desk. Just as I reached for the receiver, it rang again. "Mr. Naughty's." "Why are you using a phone? It can be traced." It was Whisper again. "How do you know what's going on?" I asked quickly. "Because that is what I do." And then he hung up. Talking...

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Missy My Babysitter is A Horny Little Slut

I couldnt believe I was staring at a picture on my computer of my 18 year old babysitter's naked pussy. Leaning back behind my desk in my home office, maximized on my monitor, was a picture of Missy lying on her back nude with her legs spread, and a perfectly shaved, glistening pink pussy pointed at the camera. Wow. I mean -- wow. It was the second of the fifteen pictures that I'd opened. The first pic, ME, had a nice smiling photo of her sitting on the bed wearing a bra and panties. And, of...

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Chapter 1 She still couldn't believe it, she only met him a few weeks ago but she knew she was already lost. She couldn't help it for he made her feel so lustful, something no other boyfriend had ever done before. He held both of her arms tightly behind her naked back while his spare hand cupped and caressed her bare breasts. It felt like her body was on fire from his very touch. "You like this don't you?" he whispered in her ear. She tried to speak but her voice had completely...

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Caroline Ch 0304

Caroline – Part 2, Ch. 3.04 Caroline’s Story (Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! More ‘growing together’ and just a little bit of sex at the end!) Mike takes them out (Not much sex) I woke up the next morning feeling groggy and a bit sick. The effect of all the emotional upheaval of last night combined with a fairly brusque hangover made...

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Cynthias Adventures

Cynthia knew this was coming, with Gordon behind bars he would transfer his power. Tyler walked to her swinging a small key chain, then unclasp his hand revealing the key. She dropped her head, in seconds 9 years of raising him from boy to man flashed through her mind.Cyn had met Gordon by chance in a seedy late night bar. After several drinks with his constant flirting he made a pass at her. She thought she could scare him off telling him that she was a T-Girl, but it only served to entice...

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Nick High SchoolChapter 5

Marsha and Nadia showed up to where I told them I'd be, waiting out front, and they had Julie and Tess with them. Julie caught me rolling my eyes, and said, "What's wrong Nick? I saw you do that thing with your eyes." "I was hoping that I could spend some time with Nadia without being sabotaged by you," I said. "I don't see where I've slowed you down so far. Just remember that you shut me down when I looked at you." "You're my cooking partner. I only want the best for...

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Carols Traffic OffenceChapter 3

David was excited to find his wife had come home without any panties on. He was absolutely enthralled by the seven raised cane stripes across his wife's bottom. He asked her to lie over pillows on the bed while he ran his fingers, and his tongue, along them. Then he started to undress, saying "you can tell me all about it as we fuck." One can imagine his dismay when Carol said, "um I don't think we are allowed to." "What, not allowed to have sex? I thought you said last time that he...

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Me and my boyfriend

I am Vrinda Nair. I am 21 years old. I am 5’5″ tall with big breasts and big swaying ass. Fair color. I have firm breasts and I am very proud of those globes. They make every male look at me twice. I have good figure 36-26-36. I Have light brown color pointed nipples with big areola. And, my boyfriend, had bought the car only a couple of weeks back and he had invited me for a ride. One day, late in the after noon, we took off on the Merc. After the car left the city limits far behind, his left...

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MomsTeachSex Bella Rose Kiara Edwards My Step Moms A Freak

Bella Rose knows that her stepmom, Kiara Edwards, is a bit of a sex freak. She uses her vlog to share a few examples. Things start to get freaky when Bella is in the shower and Kiara just waltzes in. After doing her makeup, Kiara drops her robe and climbs into the shower with Bella. Bella doesn’t know what to do as mommy makes sure she’s clean from head to toe. Kiara soaps Bella up from head to toe, then drops to her knees and goes to work with her magic tongue until her...

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Unique Family Reunion Chapter 1

Here I stand. In front of God, the world, and everyone with my mother bent over her great grandmother’s tombstone with my cock buried deep inside her soaking wet cunt. How the hell did I get here? *My name is Brandon and I was a nineteen-year-old college student at a university in northern Illinois. I’m from a small town in the southern end of the state where my mother lived. At 5’10 and 150 lbs I was fit enough to be on any team I liked, but I wasn't into sports, I was too busy either studying...

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Will Black

Will Black was a 42-year-old, quiet, well-mannered accountant sitting at his desk. He had just been promoted to senior partner in the firm. He was quite proud of himself. It had taken a lot of sacrifice but he was there now. Perhaps he thought, he could maybe start to relax a little.Will is single, never really had a girlfriend. Career man of sorts, but a loner regardless. He lived alone in a condo overlooking the river in the city centre. Quite nice but also very private. Not that Will had...

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Pennys Cage

"Penny's Cage  ???????? "Penny's Cage."  ?In the warm, stuffy darkness of the Shed, Penny stirred on her bed of straw, drowsily feeling its familiar prickly scratchiness against her bare skin. She reluctantly opened her eyes to see the first, faint hints of dawn turn the skylights far above her a dim grey. She had enjoyed another of the occasional long and death-like sleeps which came upon her at regular intervals. Sitting up, she raised a front paw and swept back from her face the...

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Ken Kener, the Triple Strong was the first who had his rack inspection ready. He was always first in things like that. Ken somehow managed to have his boots shined, his footlocker squared exactly to specifications and his bunk looked like the image in the recruit handbook. Faragon, was on the opposite spectrum and struggled with these things. Ken grinned and even found time to help the Drach before their instructor called them all into attention. Their drill instructor was a Botnaar. Roy...

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The Return

Susan had missed his touch for over six months now. She longed to feel him caressing her passionately and knew she was only moments away. She had taken care of her needs for the last few months with a new vibrator that had arrived shortly after his departure. She had used it on several occasions and each time she had found new levels of pleasure with it. The lube she had purchased no longer made her feel sticky but more natural which allowed her to explore her womanhood with a new abandon....

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Breeder Rape Future

Introduction: In an alternate future, the losses from several wars have left the United States with a severely depleted population. To combat this, rape was legalized, resistance was criminalized and all forms of birth control have been banned under the Repopulation Recovery Act. Women are now regularly sexually assaulted and expected to give birth to any children than are born from those rapes. This story takes place about 50 years after the laws were passed. Jenny, youre home late! My mom...

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first porn booth

The other day I went to my first porn booth to see what exactly it was. I have wondered for a long time what was in there and what they were like. I had heard stories of glory holes and windows and didn't really know what to expect. So I went to the porn store and walked around for awhile trying to get the courage to just go into the booths. I eventually just went for it and walked back into the booths, I looked in a few to check them out and see if anyone else was there but there wasn't. I sat...

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Everybody likes Cordelia

Cordelia Chase. What a Hottie. Started off in season 1 of Buffy as the bitchy cheerleader, and gradually developed into a strong, more selfless character, going through serious changes. But one thing remains the same: Her incredible hotness. Choose what time line you want for the delicious Cordelia...who you want her to fuck....there's so many women.... Buffy Dawn Anya Willow Faith Tara Kate Lilah Fred Illyria Harmony And anyone else you want....

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Christmas Is Cancelled

The British prime minister shuffled up to the lectern as the cameras went live. He was once described as being like a dishevelled blond orangutang. Tonight that description seemed apt.A last-minute news conference had been called on the Saturday before Christmas. All across the country, people were looking forward to a brief respite from the lockdowns. They had been promised five days of freedom by the orangutang.They weren't going to get it.The Coronavirus had mutated and now there were...

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TJ MorgChapter 36

Emperor Augustus looked incredulous, "It's what?" TJ smiled and repeated the statement, "Burr fibre is anti ballistic and anti beam. We took several layers of woven cloth and laid them up with crossed warp and tested it for body armour capability — its extremely effective. Four layers will stop any hand held individual weapon projectile or beam; the beam is truly fascinating — you can see the energy spreading over the fabric and dissipating." A private invitation had been forthcoming...

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Mylfed Mindi Mink Eva Long Hell Hath No Fuckery

Mindi Mink is heated as fuck. She is a female cuckold, and she is not going to let the scheming bitch her husband is fucking behind her back get away with spilling her vaginal juices all over her mans unfaithful freedom pole. She runs up on Eva Long with a vengeance in her eyes that only a betrayed lover can possess. Eva is intimidated, but in the midst of this MILF on MILF confrontation, she feels her panties get wetter and wetter. Finally, Mindi lets out the reason she came. If she is going...

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Domes Early LightChapter 5

Marshal Brady recommended that I see a woman who had the reputation of working miracles with bullet wounds. Well, I don’t know exactly what she did, except she had me drink enough laudanum and whiskey to knock me completely unconscious. When I woke up, she had slit the skin over the wound and completely cleaned out the tunnel dug by the bullet. Following that, she had sewn the gash back up and promised me that there would be only a minor scar. The problem was that I was going to be in...

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My Exp with my sister

It is a story of SIX months before. My cousin sister is living with us for study purpose .She is studying in 12th .She is 55 inch height average body having a big tomato size boobs.One early morning I walk early to take a milk at 5.30.am after Storing milk in a fridge.I heard a voice of water in bath room.I have a strong desire to see that what is doing in bathroom because i am a regular reader of iss so i attract to my sister for insect SEX I know that my sister taking a bath early morning...

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ObtuseChapter 5

Girls Get Boys Mary It came as no surprise to me how much the infidelity of my husband hurt me. It was an unexpected development seeing as Jason is not the kind of man that chases women, or who has much, if any, amorous success with the opposite sex. However, there is no denying he is physically attractive, and more so now that he seems to spend his every free moment at the gym. I thought his gym time was an excuse to avoid me, and the problems in our marriage, and I was sure the physical...

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The Safecracker Suite Part two

-Part Two- -Burning Behind- Ruth was at the doorway of his new room while Marcus stood near the small dresser as he snapped at her. "You fucking psycho bitch you're as bad as that evil cunt Harry!" "I'm not going to play families with you two sick lunatics so you can just get it out of your fucking dense skull. I'm not your daughter and I never will be!" His little voice sounding almost hysterical as he stood up to Ruth. "I'm not Felicity! I'm...

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WeFuckBlackGirls Skyler Nicole Third Appearance

James wants to say thank you to his boss for all his help and mentorship. His boss, Steve, is retiring and James wants to give him something special as a gift. What’s better than a sexy piece of chocolate like Skyler Nicole. Skyler couldn’t be more happy to be the entertainment. She loves the attention! In fact she wants both guys…to fuck her tight little asshole! The old man and his Protege, pound all her little holes. They make her cum so much, she almost passes out. They go...

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The Auction part 2

Nora sat on the stool in the backstage room in the black string bikini she had been provided. The only other possessions she had were her two strappy stiletto heels. She didn't have to wait long before the door opened and a couple walked in. Nora guessed they were in their early 30s, and were quite well dressed. The man was in what must have been a custom tailored grey suit. The woman was in an ankle length, white dress. She had a a modest selection of very fine jewelry on. Nora stood as they...

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My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery

By Kim – Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman This is a work of fiction and the story idea came from: Triple Sex Ultimate by blueheatt For more information on this topic I suggest the book Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides . This is part one of Randi's story. The other parts will be more understandable if read in sequence. My name is Randi and I am now 16 years old. I am a tall, slender blond, weigh about 120 pounds, have B cup breasts and an athletic body. I...

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