A Paladin's JourneyChapter 14: Utok’lakapa free porn video

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“Hello, old friend. It’s been a long time.” Aran’s voice sounded distant in his own ears, as if it were someone else saying the words. The thought that maybe it really was someone else registered somewhere in his mind, but the concern dissipated quickly before the scene in front of him.

A massive, clawed hand big enough to pick up Strider and crush him slammed into the ground before Aran, followed by a second one. Aran walked forward slowly, watching as the creature pulled itself up to the surface. A horned head emerged above enormous shoulders, the black prongs curving out over the forehead before curling back to finally point skyward. Eyes like fire narrowed as they fell on Aran, punctuated by a bass, rumbling growl.

Bulging muscles rippled as it pulled itself to its feet and straightened to its full height. Dark of skin, bald and devoid of any clothing, the horned man towered three times as high as the tallest tree around. He looked down at Aran, those glowing red eyes flaring as he flexed his fingers and rolled colossal shoulders as if preparing for a fight. His muscular form looked chiselled from the rock he’d just emerged from, fit and strong, and loins of a size to match the rest of him hung between his thighs.

Elaina skidded to a halt beside Aran and stared upward, eyes wide. “What in the name of Aros?” She whispered. She held Shatter before her, ready to swing. Her head barely came level with its ankle.

“Utok’lakapa,” Aran answered grimly. “A world guardian. And a particularly nasty one, at that.” Elaina would likely have no knowledge of these ancient beings, almost godlike in their power. Aran should have no knowledge of them, either, but his recently heightened connection to the vala lent him certain advantages.

Millennia ago, the world had been protected by seven guardians, called ‘lakapa,’ in the ancient language of the arohim. Each one oversaw a different domain and used their power to maintain the world’s balance. During the Great War, however, Maharad’s seductive whispers found their way into the guardians’ ears, and one by one, they were corrupted. Vasuda – the mountain of a being standing before Aran and Elaina – had been the first one to fall under Maharad’s influence.

The havoc the lakapa would have wrought upon the world would have been catastrophic but for the destruction of Morgeth, which happened before the guardians could unite on the battlefield and inflict irreversible damage. As it was, the face of some parts of the land were changed forever. Mountains where previously there had been none, lakes and rivers altered in size and shape or destroyed entirely. Entire islands sunk into the sea or new ones raised from its depths.

Whatever the link was between Maharad and Morgeth – even Aran wasn’t quite sure about that, yet – it was enough that when Morgeth died, the guardians retreated to the deep corners of the world and slumbered, too weakened to fight any further. Now, with Maloth on the rise, they had awakened once again.

Elaina eyed Aran for a moment, but asked no more questions before turning back to run her gaze up the frame of the Titan. Aran smiled when he felt no fear through the melda; she had no shortage of courage, did Elaina Fairborn.

A booming laugh thundered from the creature’s mouth. “You are unkind, Anarion. What way is this to greet a worthy adversary?”

“Once, Vasuda,” Aran began. “You were worthy, once. Then you sold your soul for more power.” From the corner of his eye, he saw Elaina looking at him curiously.

“YOU KNOW NOTHING!” The guardian boomed. Aran could feel the vibrations of the immense voice in his ribs. “Just as your forebears knew nothing! I have been watching you, Anarion, from deep within the stone that shields the world’s heart. I feel all that touches dirt, rock and metal. There is nothing I cannot see.

“The Mor’ion comes, Anarion,” Vasuda continued. “And you are not prepared. His power shakes my earth. He has called me, and I will answer, and so will my brethren.”

Aran had a sudden realisation. “These tremors have not been of Maloth’s doing, have they, Vasuda? They are yours!”

The guardian smiled, his teeth slabs of smooth, white rock behind obsidian lips.

“Then you are the biggest fool of all!” Aran said, anger boiling in his gut. “You would have had a place among the gods themselves, for your service, yet you allowed Maharad to worm his way into your heart, binding you to his will.”

“I AM BOUND BY NOTHING!” Vasuda roared, pointing a tree-sized finger at Aran. “I CHOOSE MY FATE, AS I HAVE ALWAYS!”

The ground beneath Aran’s feet shuddering briefly was all the warning he had before a spike of earth stabbed upward, obviously intended to impale him. He flipped backward smoothly, alighting a few feet back from where he’d been standing.

Another spike emerged beneath Elaina, but she pivoted gracefully and swung Shatter. The spike exploded into a thousand small shards. “Is that your best effort?” Elaina taunted Vasuda. “I certainly hope not.”

“Foolish child,” the guardian rumbled as he extended a hand toward Elaina, fingers spread, palm forward. “You know not your insignificance.” Aran readied himself to snatch Elaina out of the way as the earth began to groan ominously.

An instant later, however, the groaning stopped and Vasuda tilted his horned head to the side, as if listening to something. “This exchange is ended,” he said after a moment. “I look forward to watching you both die at the hands of the Mor’ion.”

The ground opened beneath Vasuda’s feet and he began to sink back into the earth from whence he’d come. Aran watched him until just his head remained exposed. The guardian smiled menacingly. “I will see you on the battlefield, Anarion.”

Elaina stepped forward with a snarl, Shatter raised. Suddenly, visions flashed into Aran’s head, a premonition of the next few moments. Elaina, swinging Shatter with all her might. Vasuda, countering by snatching her up in the hand he had hidden beneath the ground. Aran, rushing in to defend Elaina. Vasuda rending a gash in the earth beneath Aran’s feet, leaving him standing on nothing but air above a crevice hundreds of feet deep...

The vision had taken no more than a heartbeat. Somehow, Aran knew they would become reality unless he did something. Darting forward, he put a hand on Elaina’s shoulder. “Let him go,” he said as the crown of Vasuda’s head disappeared, followed by those wickedly curved horns. The huge hole in the ground closed itself up in the guardian’s wake, rocks and earth shifting and roiling as if alive. “Now is not the time to fight him.”

Aran sensed Vasuda’s presence descend sharply, then begin to move north about as fast as Strider could gallop. Elaina spun to glare at Aran incredulously. “How could you say that? Didn’t you feel his power, his malice?”

She was right. There had been a potent aura of darkness around Vasuda. It was a shame, and a waste; he had once been a benevolent and majestic force of nature. Now, he was an agent for Maharad, and in turn, Maloth. Aran had wanted to fight him, but something had stayed his hand, an instinct he couldn’t quite discern.

He nodded in answer to Elaina’s question. “I did,” he said as he sheathed Oroth smoothly. “And it pains me to let him go, but I am not sure we could have defeated him, if I’m being truthful.” He met Elaina’s gaze levelly, and her expression softened.

Hooking Shatter back into her belt, she came to him and grasped his shoulders. “When has that ever stopped you before, my love?” Her clear emerald eyes searched his earnestly. “Surely, with this new power you hold, you could have won.”

Elaina’s unending faith in him made his heart swell, and he smiled. Reaching up, he took her hands in his and held them. “Maybe,” he said softly. “But whatever I have become, I am not a god. He was toying with us, Elaina. Those spikes he made were just the merest fraction of what he can do.”

Elaina nodded thoughtfully. “I believe you,” she said after a moment. “But how do you know all this? You were speaking to him as if you knew him.”

“It’s my vala,” he explained. “I seem to have access to thought and memory beyond my own. At times, I can see the lives of other arohim from the past. That’s how I knew Vasuda.” Aran wasn’t sure how Elaina would react, but all she did was smile.

“One thing that has not changed about you,” she began as she touched his face. “You are still full of surprises.” Her lips found his, and for a few seconds Aran forgot about everything else but Elaina.

“Come,” he said when their lips parted. “We should get the horses and go after Liddea. She hasn’t gone far.” Elaina nodded agreement, and they hurried off.

Half an hour later, Aran and Elaina caught up to Liddea. She was leaning back against the trunk of a freshly fallen elm, taking big gulps of air. The vast expanse of pale cleavage at the neckline of her blouse heaved up and down with each breath. She must have run all the way here without stopping to be so winded.

The pretty Dwarf smiled, though, when she saw Aran and Elaina approaching, and her smile deepened when she noticed Elaina leading her pony. She hurried forward to take the dappled mare’s reins. “You brought Rosy!” she exclaimed in delight. “I was so worried about her!” She made a fuss over the animal, stroking her nose and murmuring to her. Rosy received the affection readily, nuzzling into Liddea’s hand.

“We need to keep moving, Liddea,” Aran said gently. “Our time was short before, but now it is even shorter.”

Liddea nodded and followed as Aran began to walk, leading Strider by the reins. Elaina took up the rear once again. Even with so many trees down, the forest was still far too dense for riding. It was possibly worse, now, due to fallen branches and whatnot. They made their way slowly, winding their way around when the path was blocked by debris. Now and then, Aran used Oroth to cut a path through when there was no suitable detour, and Elaina did the same, using Shatter to demolish great trunks of oaks and elms into splinters.

As they travelled, Aran explained to Elaina and Liddea about the world guardians, and Vasuda. Elaina listened carefully, saying nothing, but surprisingly, Liddea piped up with an interesting comment.

“Sounds like the Stonelord,” she said absently when Aran finished describing Vasuda.

Aran looked back over his shoulder, but didn’t stop. “Stonelord?” He asked, curious.

“A Dwarven god,” Liddea went on. “Shaper of Stone, Master of Earth. He was once worshipped by all our people, but now he is all but forgotten. Only the oldest and most dedicated Dwarves still pray to him. It’s said that when the earth shakes, the Stonelord is angry. When the mines produce jewels, or gold, he is pleased.”

“I wonder what chance it is that your Stonelord and Vasuda are one and the same?” Aran mused. “Why don’t the Dwarves worship him anymore?”

“It is said that he became sullen and bitter,” Liddea answered. “There was a time of chaos, maybe a thousand years ago or more, when the earth shook almost daily, and our mines collapsed, along with many homes inside our mountains. The Stonelord had forsaken us, or at least, that was what the Dwarves believed.”

“Then I would say that we are speaking of the same being,” Aran confirmed. “Just with different names.”

“And you say there are six more like him?” Elaina asked from behind Liddea. When she saw Aran nod, she muttered an oath under her breath.

“And if the tremors are Vasuda’s hand in events,” Aran added. “Then the storms are most likely Rava’s.” That statement was met with silence from the women. Aran could sense Elaina’s concern through the melda; if things were this bad already with only two lakapa awake, what would happen when all seven were working together?

Not knowing what to tell his companions, Aran continued leading them through the forest, hoping some ancient knowledge might surface that would help him in the fight to come. Try as he might, he could not seem to access the memories at will. Perhaps there was a trick to it he hadn’t learned yet.

So focused was he on this that he almost failed to sense the small cluster of auras that entered his awareness, perhaps a half-mile up ahead. “A small band of Dwarves approaches,” he announced to the others. “A dozen of them. I sense no darkness in their hearts, though they are wary. Just keep moving as we are and we’ll run into them shortly.”

No more than half an hour later, as Aran led the women down into a shallow ravine, the Dwarves appeared atop the opposite slope. A mix of men and women, they were armed with stout bows as well as swords or maces on backs or hips. Their armour was of good steel that shone faintly in the moonlight that glinted off helm or breastplate or greave.

Twelve arrows were nocked and aimed at Aran, Elaina and Liddea. “Hold, strangers!” The woman in the centre of the line called. “You have crossed into Dwarven lands. Turn away and no harm will come to you.”

Her accent was lilted like Liddea’s yet her words were more clipped. Abrupt, even. Liddea spoke up before Aran could respond. “Pir ru med a mir, Foringi. Iak em Liddea til bu kyn.”

The translation flashed into Aran’s mind automatically, courtesy of his vala. ‘They are with me, Captain. I am Liddea of the Farmers.’ Aran wondered what ‘of the Farmers’ meant. Perhaps it was a society among the Dwarves?

The captain stared down at Liddea. She said nothing, nor did she lower her bow. “Sem ru pinn felagi, Liddea til bu kyn?”

Again, Aran understood. ‘Who are your companions, Liddea of the Farmers?’

Liddea gestured to Aran, then Elaina on her other side. “Sa ir Aran Rodull’brandr ok Elaina Fagr’burin. Pir ru arohim, ok iak em arondur.” This is Aran Sunblade and Elaina Fairborn. They are arohim, and I am arondur.

Several of the Dwarves shifted slightly at that, but not the captain. Aran felt into her heart and read her emotions. Determination and courage conquered the small amount of fear that wormed in her belly. She was a strong woman, for sure. One who would do her duty. Another emotion flickered briefly before being pushed back down; hope.

“Er pir snotr til vita gaetinn,” Aran said into the tense silence. “Erfior aevi ru a bu heimr.” All eyes snapped to Aran as he began to speak in the Dwarven tongue, and he felt no shortage of amazement from Elaina.

Aran continued. “Iak em viss bu Dvergr ru pola akaft. Pir viss, felagi, ver koma um nathae, ok ver vilja einn stefna med bu Konungr. Ver eiga fregn til Glinda Stonedeep.”

At the mention of Glinda, the Dwarves on the crest stiffened. After a tense moment, the captain lowered her bow. “You have some stones on you, Aran Sunblade,” she said flatly in the common tongue. “You enter Dwarven lands and request an audience with the king? Just like so?”

Aran nodded, and surprisingly, the captain barked a short laugh. “If only my men had the courage you display, ey?” A few of the Dwarves beside her shifted uncomfortably, and one or two cleared their throats in embarrassment, but their arrows remained trained on Aran, Elaina and Liddea.

“Lower your bows,” the captain ordered, looking to either side before her gaze returned to Aran. “You play a dangerous game, arohim – if that is indeed what you are – but my instincts say you are no threat, and I learned to trust them long ago.”

“No harm will come to you from us,” Aran assured her. “Or any of your people.”

The captain nodded. “Very well. Come, we will escort you to Dun’Arghol, and on the way, you can elaborate on your claims regarding the Lady Glinda.”

Giving Elaina and Liddea a wink, Aran began the ascent up the incline, which provided a mostly sturdy footing for Strider as he led the stallion up the embankment. When he reached the crest, the Dwarf captain offered her hand.

“I am Finya,” she said as Aran took her hand. “You speak our tongue well, Aran Sunblade.” There was a distinct glint of approval in her dark eyes as she looked him over. Slinging her bow over her back, she removed her helmet. Dark, curly tresses tumbled free, falling down over her shoulders. She was quite pretty, with her face a similar shape to Liddea’s, but her cheekbones were higher, and her eyes a little larger.

Aran smiled warmly. “It is amazing what can be achieved with one’s tongue, with the proper desire and application.” Behind him, he could sense Elaina shaking her head in amused exasperation. Liddea was watching the captain, probably wondering how she would respond.

Finya barked another laugh. “Keep that up, and I may just start to like you, Aran Sunblade.” She looked at Elaina. “Is he always like this?”

Elaina grinned. “I wouldn’t have him any other way.” The two women shared a silent exchange for a second or two, before they both nodded at one another. Aran got the feeling something had just been decided between the Paladin and the captain.

“Right!” Finya snapped, clapping her gauntleted hands together sharply. “Let’s be on the move, then. Borma, Usaf, take the rear! Torfa, Lombi, take point!” There was a rush as Dwarves hurried to their positions, and in a moment, Aran, Elaina and Liddea were folded into the middle of a tight knot, so they were protected from all sides.

“This really isn’t necessary, Captain Finya,” Aran said to Finya’s back as they began to move south east. “Elaina and I are more than capable of defending ourselves. Besides, there is no danger for at least five miles in any direction.”

The captain eyed him quizzically over her shoulder. “And how can you possibly know that?”

“I am arohim,” Aran said simply. “I can feel everything around me for quite some distance.”

“You had better hope so,” Finya retorted. “For if I present you to King Burin and it turns out you’re just a smooth-tongued pig farmer that found a fancy sword, I’ll gut you myself.”

This time, it was Aran’s turn to laugh. Elaina echoed in her sultry chuckle. From time to time, one of the male Dwarf soldiers would shoot her a quick glance; she was a hard woman to ignore, as beautiful as she was. Especially the way she filled out that tunic.

“I will not disappoint you, Finya,” Aran soothed. “So, you wanted to hear what I know about Glinda?”

“Yes, but not yet,” Finya replied. “Talk to me once we make camp, which we will do once dawn breaks. I know a handy little cave complex where we can lie low for a few hours. We have been on patrol for a day and a night, and my men need to rest.”

Aran cast his senses out. “Ah, yes, there it is. About four miles south east, just past the stream that runs around the giant fig.”

Several sets of eyes regarded him appraisingly, including Finya’s. “Hmph,” she grunted as she looked back at him. “Perhaps you are the real thing.”

“He is the most powerful of us,” Elaina said to Finya. “Though usually he is more modest about it.”

Aran sensed mirth through the melda, telling him that Elaina meant those words in jest more than anything else. Truth be known, he was being more open with his abilities than usual, but that was mostly because he needed Finya to believe him.

“Bah!” Finya snorted. “Who wants modest men? Give me a man with a bushy beard and a hairy chest who wants to talk me through every one of his battle scars!”

A few coarse chuckles came from the men at that, and some from the women, too. Aran decided he liked the Dwarves’ rough, abrupt humour. He’d gotten glimpses of it from Liddea, but he supposed she was not a soldier, so perhaps she was a little different. More refined, maybe.

“Alright, then, spread out!” Finya barked. “If they’re really arohim, then the last thing they need is to be crowded by you lot!” The soldiers obeyed immediately, fanning out into a wide circle about ten paces across. Nothing more was said as the group moved through the increasingly rocky terrain. The forest of oak and elm and fig slowly gave way to bare, stony ground that began to incline gradually.

The sky began to lighten in the east before long, and Finya called a halt as the grey predawn became orange, banishing the violet blanket of night. Sure enough, just as Aran had foreseen, a small hollow lay before them, split by a stream that curved around a massive fig, its roots fanning out like thick tendrils. The earthquake seemed to have left the hollow untouched but for an inordinate amount of fallen fig leaves littering the ground.

Behind the fig was a cave mouth, maybe as high as Aran was tall and about half as wide. Two Dwarves broke formation to descend the slope into the hollow, but Aran looked at Finya and shook his head, telling her there were no unwanted guests to be found.

Calling the scouts off, Finya ordered her men to set up camp. They went about the task with practiced efficiency, quickly building a fire and unpacking utensils and wrapped food from their packs to prepare a breakfast. Aran’s stomach grumbled at the thought of a meal.

When one black-bearded soldier – Lombi, Aran had heard him called – asked Finya about posting a watch, she glanced at Aran briefly before answering. “With Aran and Elaina here, I do not think a watch is necessary, Lombi. They will sense someone coming long before we see them.”

A few of the Dwarves grunted approvingly, and one of them muttered as he walked past, “Wouldn’t mind that trick for myself. Bloody hard to ambush someone with that talent.”

When Liddea started down the slope to help with camp, Finya forestalled her. “You are a guest, Liddea bu kyn. Please make yourself comfortable in any way you see fit.”

Liddea blushed graciously and inclined her head. “Thank you, Captain Finya. I feel a wash in the stream would be just the thing right now.” With a smile for Aran and Elaina, the pretty Dwarf began to gingerly pick her way down the slope, pulling Rosy along behind her, at least until one of the soldiers scurried up to offer her a hand.

“Come,” Finya said. “Let us take our ease for a short time until my men are rested. I would not mind a wash myself, either.” Indeed, several of the other Dwarves had the same idea. Half a dozen soldiers were removing their armour and clothing right there in the open, men and women alike. They washed in a business-like manner, though Aran could see the way they were eyeing one another’s bodies, and his vala was telling him they would like to be doing more than just washing.

Liddea joined them, unabashedly disrobing and stepping daintily into the water, making noises at how cold it was. The male soldiers eyed her appreciatively, and she returned the stares in kind.

From beside Aran, Elaina spoke quietly. “It seems Dwarves are as uninhibited as the-” She cut herself off abruptly. “As we are,” She finished after a moment.

She had been meaning to say “the Elves,” but had wisely changed what she’d said. Drawing parallels between Dwarves and Elves could be dangerous among present company. Sentiments were not good between the two nations. Aran was hoping to begin mending this rift once in the Dwarven capital.

Aran smiled at her, and replied in a low voice. “I’m beginning to wonder if it’s only Humans that hold to ridiculous inhibitions so tightly. If it is, then most of the blame could be laid at the feet of the Heralds, most likely.”

Elaina nodded thoughtfully, but said nothing.

“Captain!” One of the bathing women called as Finya passed her. She was a pretty, fair-haired thing with a long braid that touched the cleft of her plump bottom. Almost slender for a Dwarf, her breasts were not as large as some of her kin, though that wasn’t saying much; Aran would still fail to fit them in his hands.

Finya stopped by the stream. “Yes, Miri?”

“How much time do we have?” Miri asked. “Lombi’s been eyeing me off all night, and I wouldn’t mind some of what he’s offering, ey?”

Lombi was washing nearby, standing up to his knees in the stream. Several scars criss-crossed his hairy chest and tight midriff; he had seen no few battles. The well-muscled Dwarf chuckled at Miri’s question, but eyed the captain expectantly, obviously hoping for a favourable answer.

Finya sighed. “I suppose I can’t expect you to go without for too long,” she muttered to herself. “Fine, but be quick about it. And make sure you get some actual rest. We will not be stopping again before the capital.”

With no further ado, Miri waded to Lombi and pulled him into a torrid kiss while her hand sought the thick member hanging between his thighs. The other Dwarves paired off almost as quickly. Aran and Elaina grinned at each other.

Continuing on, Finya led the two Paladins slightly upstream, a little way away from the camp but still within sight. Aran and Elaina left their horses underneath the sprawling branches of the fig before following her.

Without saying anything, Finya dropped her helmet and began to strip, peeling off layers of steel before getting to the leather and linen beneath. She seemed to forget that Aran and Elaina existed at all, so focused was she on what she was doing. Once her pale body was completely bare, she turned and stepped into the water. Feeling around a bit in the middle of the babbling stream, she found a suitable rock to sit on and did so, facing Aran & Elaina. The water flowed around her, only just covering the tops of her thighs.

She sat proudly, straight-backed and square-shouldered. Her prodigious breasts perched just as proudly on her chest, the pink nipples drawn into points by the coolness of the water. “You can join me, or not,” she said casually. “I do not mind. I am ready to hear about Lady Glinda, however, whenever you wish to begin.”

Aran shared a look with his amatharn, and she shrugged as if to say: “Why not?”

A few moments later, they were sitting opposite Finya, the clear, cool water swirling and eddying around them. The Dwarf washed herself nonchalantly, and Aran appreciated the way her curved yet fit body moved, glistening wetly in the morning light. Several scars adorned her skin, most of them faded with age. A triangular one marred her left thigh, probably from an arrow. Another slanted from beneath her right breast and down almost to her hip, crossing her flat midriff. When Aran met her eyes, he realised she’d seen him studying her.

“I’ll give you the full story of each one,” she said slyly as she bathed. “When we have time, and if it’s alright with your good lady, here. Might take a good while, though. I have scars in a lot of interesting places.”

Elaina jumped in before Aran could speak. “It’s fine with me, Captain. I may watch though, if you have no objections?”

Finya chuckled as she ran her hands over her breasts and down her belly. “The more the merrier, I say. Now, I hate to kill the fun, but where were we?”

“What I have to say will be disturbing, Captain,” Aran began. “But I believe I can trust you. I’ve looked into your heart, and I see a good woman, one who does what is right, who serves others before herself.”

Finya eyed Aran and then nodded slowly. “That is my intent, I suppose,” she said. “Whether or not I am always successful.”

“Trust us, Finya,” Aran told her seriously. “Intention and a good heart are all that matters, most of the time.” He brushed her with his vala and included Elaina as well, bringing them all into more of an alignment before he began to explain about Glinda. This, of course, meant discussing Maloth and Shenla, and how Aran was connected to them. He told her everything that he’d pieced together about Glinda’s whereabouts and condition, bar some facts that he kept to himself to protect the Temple.

Finya listened intently, asking a question from time to time, but remaining silent for the most part. All in all, it took Aran nearly an hour to get it all across, with Elaina adding a bit here and there when Aran missed something important.

“Well,” Finya said after long moments of silence, once Aran had finished. “This is certainly not positive news, but it is good to know that she is alive. Burin will seek retribution, most assuredly, but I do not see how he can march across Ekistair and sail into Palistair without causing an uproar from the Northguard to the Forgotten Coast. Still, he may throw caution to the wind and march anyway; he does love his sister deeply.

“And, if what you say is accurate, Glinda will not want to return home, being under this Maloth’s will.” The pretty Dwarf shook her head ruefully. “What a mess. I feel as if I’m digging a mile below ground and an underground spring just burst into the shaft. No choice but to stay afloat and hope I don’t drown.”

“We will help how we can,” Elaina said gently. “But with Maloth’s army as large as it is, we have much to do ourselves to prepare the nations of Ekistair. With luck, our causes will unite, and then perhaps much can be done.”

Finya seemed to consider that for a moment, then grinned. “If you go to Burin like that,” she said, gesturing to Elaina’s nudity. “Then he’ll probably offer you the kingdom just for a kiss.” She sighed, then. “Are all arohim as pretty as you two? It’s hard not to stare, sometimes.”

Aran chuckled. “We appreciate the compliment, Finya, but we are what we are. Aros’ grace is a marvellous gift, one which we do our best to honour.”

“Well,” Finya said as she leaned back on both hands and squinted her eyes against the sun. It was a rather alluring pose, especially the way she parted her generous thighs, giving the two Paladins an uninterrupted view of her hairless sex. “Let us hope Burin likes you as well as I do, ey? Else, we’re all in trouble.”

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Andy's exam week turned out to be an effort in monotony. He had expected his Senior Finals to be far more exacting than the midterms he had taken in January. He had been wrong. Almost all of his teachers took the path of least resistance, providing an examination that even the worst student could have passed with a little bit of effort. Even his Advanced Placement classes - for which he received college credit - had offered no challenge. Both he and Elizabeth had finished their Calculus...

2 years ago
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Maa Dood Pilao Na

Dosto mere mom ke sath hue sex ka part II aapke samne hai. Mera mom se pahli bar sex hone ke bad hum khul gaye the. Dad ke lautne abhi 2-3 din baki the mai isi ka phayda uthana chahta tha. Agle din jab mai rat ko ghar aaya to ek BF Vedio lekar aaya tha. mai ghar par pahuncha to dekha ki mom kichen me thi, maine mom ko pichhe se jakar unke kandhe par garden tika di, aur unke gal par hoth laga diye, wo boli chal dur hat abhi khana banana de, aur bola mere achhi mom pyari mom kya bana rahi ho aur...

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A Sluts Life

The morning sun bled through the blinds of her small bedroom, casting the room in a bright yellow. Blinking a few times, Joanna moaned out of anger and frustration, the day already starting without her. Taking a deep breath and rolling towards her alarm clock, her frustration only deepened when she noticed the time. As her brain continued the process of waking her up, the alarm clock read 9:30AM, meaning that she was very late for work. Cursing loudly and leaping out of bed, Joanna rushed to...

1 year ago
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My day at the theatre

Note : This story is completely fictional! I want to start out telling u I'm 22 years old. My name is jim im 5"9 brown hair brown eyes build. I work at a theatre i enjoy my job because of all the gorgeous girls that come thru the theatre and work there. This time i going to tell u about happened about 2 weeks ago at work. one of my co-workers name is heather shes the cutest little blong u wouls ever see included she wore glasses she stands about 4"5 and has id say 36c tits. Now getting back to...

4 years ago
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Japanese HotelHealth

There are some establishments in Japan called Delivery-Health or Hotel-Health. They advertise on the web and are located in the red-light districts in Tokyo. The shops have a narrow store-front and advertise with neon signs. You go in, they show you cards of available girls who are foreigner friendly and they will find a hotel for you. It is best you have Japanese skills. I have heard of people turned away because they could not speak Japanese. A usual session is for two hours. Yuki, the girl I...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 18

Colleen and I were flown, with my staff - nothing is ever easy for the Vice President - to a remote base in Montana. By the time we landed and choppered to secure facilities, the Secret Service still hadn't gotten a handle on what happened. Anyone could see that the constant violence attempted against Charles and me was way outside the norm, and there had to be connective tissue that told the rest of the tale. I was interviewed for hours by a combination Secret Service/FBI/CIA team that had...

2 years ago
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Diamond is a cocks best friend

There she was shaking and muttering to herself as tears streamed down her face. The pounding of his cock was almost unbearable.Her legs were spread and her face pressed tightly against the chain fence. Her cries grew louder as the clanking of the chains echoed through the park. Her fingers numb from holding on and her pussy lips swollen twice their size. It was brutal but there was nothing she could do at the time. She took the pussy beating and the only person that could help her was on the...

3 years ago
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Sex In Vienna Austria

Hi Friends I am Rohan from Mumbai age 30 5’7 in height a travel freak loves to explore new places people etc. This is a story of a holiday of mine to Europe I had been to couple of places for 20 days holiday all alone as I am single and love to travel.I had just boarded my flight at the airport in India and I heard a voice Hey Rohan hi how come you here she said. She is actually my client Devina I said a hi too and said was heading on a holiday to Europe starting from Vienna to my surprise she...

1 year ago
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Beloved incest mom

100% fiction! Hello friends, this Aman sen from kolkata, and here i'm going to share my sex life with my family... I come from Bengali Hindu family, i'm 5ft 9inch with good physique, at present i'm 25 yrs old. And i work in a private firm as a relationship manager. Let me tell you about my family, my father Amar sen age is 41yrs and is a manager in a private firm, he had to frequently traveled to Dubai on business trips. My mother Anitha sen is 5ft 4inch with attractive figure and look younger...

4 years ago
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Office Discipline

She was very conscious as she walked that he was standing behind her watching her back as she walked. Not only her back but also her bottom and legs. She was conscious that with the tension in her leg and buttock muscles from wearing high heeled shoes and the black pencil skirt the hem of which was an inch or so above the knee, he would be able to see the panty line across her bottom" but that was the least other worries for he'd soon see far more than the suggestion of the line. She...

3 years ago
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I Need It Bad

I NEED IT BADI just got laid the other night by a more than willing friend but that was days ago. The pussy was good and I released a healthy cum load on her belly. Maybe because of the combination of a long, demanding workweek and trying to abstain from masturbation, I needed pussy now. I can barely sleep for want of pussy. Perhaps I can call another friend, Mona, to help me out. I hadn’t seen her in a while and sex is always incredible. She has full fluffy tits that I can suckle on while I...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Sharons Mistress Throws a Sissy Party

Sharon’s Mistress throws a Sissy Party(Prior chapter is Sharon’s Sissy Saturday)The next morning Mistress was kind enough to let me sleep in, but an alarm above the door to my little cell went off at 6:30, rousing me from a delicious dream of being naked and fucked in the woods by a handsome, dark-haired man who kept me as his personal sissy slave slut. I woke with the sensation of his hard cock filling my dripping pussy, and I realized I was still leaking cum from my day in the booth. I...

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Roommates get Banged

I came home late one night after a fight with my boyfriend, my roommate Sheila wasn't expecting me and had planned to have the apartment to herself all night. I walked in to the sound of loud sex coming from Sheila's bedroom, it wasn't uncommon for Sheila to have her boyfriend over and spend the night. I walked up the hallway the sounds getting louder as I approached her bedroom, the door was wide open. I looked in to see this Huge Black Guy pounding his Massive Cock into Sheila spread in a...

3 years ago
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my brothers girlfriend part 2 she brings a friend

“Hey Mike, how’s it going?” She asked. “Um… it’s going good. Are you going swimming again right now?” I replied. “I wasn’t going to, but I will if you come with me,” she answered. I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was, I saw the sly smile from the corner of her lip. “Ya sure, my parents are at work and Matt’s at his new job working at Sears.”I replied back. “Alright meet me in the pool in 30 minutes, oh and Mike, put on something sexy.” She said as she bit her lip. She looked so...

2 years ago
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DickDrainers Jessica Marie Racist8217s Teenage Daughter Makes A New Friend

****WARNING: THIS IS A CONSENSUAL RACEPLAY SCENE, ONE THAT CONTAINS STRONG, RACIALLY CHARGED LANGUAGE (REPEATED USE OF THE N WORD). IF SUCH CONTENT OFFENDS YOU, PLEASE DO NOT WATCH****** Jessica Marie is 18 years old. She’s from a small town in the south. Very small, very safe community. People don’t even lock their doors. It’s a great place to grow up. And the reason-at least according to Jessica’s dad-is because there’s not that many people of a...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Real Bhabhi In Delhi

Hi friends! I am Ayush 20 years old from kolkata.i am an average boy doing CA.My dick/cock is long and thick enough to satisfy any girl/bhabhi/aunty.I have been reading stories on Iss since 5 years and i have always planned to do sex with my bhabhi since then. This is first story so please forgive me for any mistakes and please give your feedback on my email id: also any girl bhabhi needs sex chat/phone sex/real sex/full body massage in kolkata,mail me.I have done physio therapy course in my...

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I wish my wife was this dirty Part V

Anita parked the car in front of Wes’s office. He worked from a unit on a small business park on the edge of a nearby town. There was not a lot of activity there this Sunday afternoon. “OK, here we are” smiled Anita as she got out of the car. As her legs separated I got a glimpse of stocking tops above her short but professional business skirt. She recognised a couple of cars outside the office. “Ah good, I think Wes, Jo and Zoe are already here. Let’s see if they are ready for Tania and her...

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Coming Out

Coming OutSophie Tyler was a bit of an enigma, people thought they knew her but the truth is that no-one really did, and even if someone did, not many would understand her. Sophie was a 28 year old male to female transvestite, real name Andy, a builder by trade, of slight build, 5 foot 9 inches tall, enjoyed a pint with the lads once in a while, but loved nothing more to be attired in her favourite dresses or skirt and top combinations, a bit of make-up, jewellery, and a quite long red...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 173 Stupid Ideas

"Sorry, Coach. I didn't know I'd made the team. I didn't try out." "Yeah. That's why you're not on varsity." "Huh?" "Coach Mitchell has this thing about not putting guys on his team who don't show up for try-outs." "I'm sorry, Coach. I haven't been all together this year. I didn't think I'd be playing." "I don't know the whole story and I don't need to. I've seen you working out with Whitney every morning and that was good enough to tell me you were still in shape...

3 years ago
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How I Became a Sissy Baby Girl

"How I Became a Sissy Baby Girl" By SubTonya http://fetlife.com/users/1235591 "Well, here we are," I thought, as I parked my car in the driveway of the house. Yep, the address was right: 136 Pinecrest Drive. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my bag, walked up to the front door, and pushed the doorbell button. After a few seconds that seemed like hours as I stood waiting, the door opened, and a gorgeous brunette smiled at me. My breath caught; I had seen her photos online, even some...

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The rain

It was a very warm night with a slight breeze blowing, it had been very hot for the last week but the weather forecast said there would be rain. 12 year old Kim was sitting under one of the trees in the park watching a group of boys playing football. After awhile some of the boys left leaving just 16 year old Steve and 17 year old Mark both who lived near Kim. Kim’s 10 year old sister appeared and sat down with Kim, a few seconds after Mary had arrived the girls felt a few spots of rain and...

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DesiderataChapter 2

It was a silent drive to The Trout. Now that they were away from the office both were shy and tongue-tied. Once they had their drinks and ordered a bar lunch they started to talk albeit still a bit stiltedly. "So where do you live, Gerry?" Isobel asked. "Atheldiston. Do you know it?" "Yes. I've been to the pub there a couple of times for dinner. Have you lived there long?" "A couple of years. My parents moved there when my father retired. With a flat in London I can't afford...

2 years ago
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JulesJordan Vina Sky Great Day For A Stroll On South Beach

While Jules is wandering around South Beach he notices a hot babe eating an ice cream cone so he goes to investigate. Much to his surprise, it’s Vina Sky in a sequin bathing suit with white booty shorts and she’s looking to shoot a scene. Jules is happy to hear that and asks her to show her tight little body off, so she pulls down her shorts right there on the beach stand and does a little dance for him. They make their way down the beach to the parking lot but Vina gets a little frisky in the...

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Coach Pineapple

(I am a lucky bastard!) You just woke up and you stare at the sun rising from the emerald sea in front of you. You take a deep breath of pure air and start your morning jog on the white sand. Six month ago you were still in the gray weather. Deep into troubles and close to nervous breakdown after a bad divorce and the bankruptcy of your small business, you decided to leave everything behind and come to this small island in the south pacific. With your savings you managed to buy a little one...

2 years ago
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ThatSitcomShow Jay Taylor Big Bang The Fornication Fallacy

Sheldon and Leonard are working on their Japanese while Amy hangs out. She suggests she might try, then proves that she’s quite good at learning languages. Sheldon tries to get their study session back on track, but eventually he takes off. Leonard tries to talk Amy into continuing their Japanese study session, but Amy cuts through the bullshit and suggests they just get it on as she takes off her shirt. Leonard points out that he has recently gotten with Penny and should probably not...

5 years ago
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Hi everyone To start with, if you are looking for a lot of steamy sex, look somewhere else. What interests me in a story is the build-up of a relationship and the romantic notion that love can be a healing power which is a possibility even for those most fucked up. Kålrot and Lisa have both parts in ‘A Rolling Chair Gathers No Moss’, but it is not necessary to read that story first. Hope you like this one, comments and votes welcome, have a good life. Risgrynsfisk ***** PET ‘Huh?’ Kålrot...

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Space Diary Year 2

Chapter 2, Year 2, Head Cargo Handler. When a mere sixteen-year-old John Smith awoke. The first thing he did was close his eyes tightly before taking the blindfold off. He wasn’t a captured prisoner in the conventional sense. But the bright constant glare from his room was always hard to get used to first thing in the morning. The ship was lit by glowing plants. Dwarf Cave Vines that now grew all over the ship and drank the excess moisture from the air. Unfortunately you can’t turn plants...

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Sex in Wales

I erected a tent in a field in Wales and went to a nearby beach which was fairly deserted. I lay on my back taking in the sun. As there was nobody near me, I slipped my bathing trunks down to my knees so that I was virtually naked. I wanted to get a sun tan on the whole of my front. After a while I began playing with my cock, getting it almost hard. Unfortunately, I hadn`t seen someone coming towards me from one side. As soon as I was aware,I hastily pulled my trunks up to cover my nakedness. I...

2 years ago
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My Job Is To Give Pleasurable Sex

Hi to all sweet ISS readers this is ravikrishna aged 21 about me I am 6 ft in height with a hard rock penis with a size of 6 inch in length and 2 inch in thickness who can satisfy all types of women my sweet girls ladies and women in and around Bangalore if you need my free service or paid service you can drop me a mail on my service Will be available for every 24 hrs and 7 days a week.special service on Saturdays because Saturday is a special day and weekend for my sweet bangalore girls and...

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I was going through the morning mail my secretary had just put on my desk when I was alerted to an incoming call on my cell phone. Not too many people knew my cell phone number and a quick glance confirmed that it was from my best friend, Nick Camden. "Hello Nick, what can I do for you?" I asked as I continued to sort through the mail. "Jack, can we get together for lunch today?" A quick check of my calendar and I found I had time in my schedule. "Sure can. How about Sordino's at...

3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 37 Sunday August 22 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010 The sound of the door opening woke Jake. When he opened his eyes he was confused for a second. Oh, yes, he was in Lizzie’s bed. He smiled at his recollections. He was lying on his back. Lizzie was pressed against him, her head on his shoulder, her breasts pushed into his side, a leg thrown over one of his. He felt her pubic hair against his thigh. It was all very nice. The squeak of hinges made Jake looked around. Emily was staring at him from the doorway, a broad...

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Driving in Snow Ch 13

Chapter 13. Another day. I stopped at a drug store on my way to the office and bought a package of condoms. First time in over fifty years. That felt weird. When I arrived at the office Joyce was already there. She greeted me with a big hug and an extra bright smile. She said: ‘Something extra special happened here last night. What was it?’ I replied: ‘You’re right but how do you know?’ She answered: ‘You were sending love again but this time it ended in an orgasm.’ Then she asked:...

4 years ago
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Steam Bath

The cold had seeped all the way to our bones, it seemed. We stepped into the steam room naked, as Europeans do. It was empty, and we laid our towels side by side on a wooden bench. Donna is almost my height, blonde, with breasts like firm cantaloupes, a flat stomach from daily workouts, and a carefully cropped pussy. She sat on the bench next to me, and we both inhaled the mentholated steam and welcomed the penetrating heat. After a few minutes, the door opened and a young woman with...

2 years ago
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In The Hands Of The Gods

The Welsh mountains are steeped in myths and legends and have captured the hearts of many locals and travellers and remain central to the myth of King Arthur. Surrounding lakes claim to hold the sword of Excalibur and the legendary Avalon, an island off the Llyn peninsular which is supposed to be the final resting place of King Arthur and Merlin. Yet, some myths and legends go back much, much further. Back to the darker times of mankind, and there remains a handful of people that still remember...

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Nuclear Wasteland

In the future, the world has gone though a nuclear apocalypse. The remaining humans was fending for themselves in small settlements. There was one human male name Tad Harris. A man has round black eyes that are like two dark pits. His silky, wavy, medium-length hair is the color of the sun, and is worn in a complex style. He is very tall and has an elegant build. His wardrobe was light road warrior, with a lot more black. He was riding his armored motorcycle on the old highway hoping to find...

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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 15 Getting My Wife Back

At 12:28 I pulled up in our garage and saw that my wife’s Jag was there. Inside our house there were dirty dishes in the sink. “Marissa,” I hollered as I ran up the stairs. I saw her cell phone on the nightstand. I was a little surprised because she usually carries it with her. Picking it up, I entered her access code and looked at her call list. There were several calls to and from Tony. She had even added him to her speed dial list. I ran downstairs and got back into my car and drove like...

3 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 199 A Naive Plan

Gatotsu Zero-shiki!! (Saitou thrusts the sword through Mumyoui's arm from hand to elbow and sends him flying, sword still in his arm. Mumyoui screams with pain.) Megumi: Ugh... Sanosuke: That's the technique. It misfired against Shishio, but that's what it can really do. Saitou (to Mumyoui): Don't howl like that. It's pathetic. Be thankful I didn't take that arm right off at the shoulder. Kaoru: He's won... (Mumyoui grits his teeth and takes hold of the sword, pushing it...

4 years ago
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Lisa was just thirteen years old but already a beautiful preview of the sensational woman she would become when a mature adult. Lisa lived in Lincoln Alabama a town of about five thousand population, located forty miles east of Birmingham Alabama and one hundred miles west of Atlanta Georga. Lincoln is alongside a power company lake about 40 miles long on the Coosa River. The Lincoln school is one large complex, K through 12. Lisa was in the seventh grade in middle school and had been...

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Highschool Harem

Hello, Sanpeux here, this is my first every story post on this site. I guess I should give a bit of background. I used to years ago post on Literotica under Sanpeux a mind control series. I stopped after a while because I got a little bored of it and also I was doing it on the side of my main novel writing. Now that I have been writing on this website again over the last few months, it has made me want to return to my old Academy Pursuits. I wanted to do a re-do of everything, mostly because I...

1 year ago
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My slutty wife first gangbang

I hope that you enjoy this real life adventure story about my wife's introduction to being a fuck doll for a group of guys. She loved it!! We had all sorts of nasty adventures like this one. These events occurred more than five years ago. It was the first time we ever did anything like this.... it was such a blast for everyone! _______________________________________________________ There was always some pretty wild going-ons at the huge cocks, too.. Our housemate was also going to the party....

Group Sex
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SheWillCheat Aaliyah Hadid Busty Aaliyah Hadid fucks a BBC right in front of her cuckold husband

Hot wife Aaliyah Hadid is getting fed up with her husband, he’s off to work again leaving her all alone. He never wants to fuck anymore, but luckily she has a BBC on the side who’ll come over and treat her right. Once he shows up they get right to business, but as soon as his fat cock is in her mouth…her husband comes home! He’s shocked to see his wife taking a huge black cock, but she lays down the law and let’s him know that he’s not satisfying her and she needs a man who can. So he just sits...

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A Moment at the Mirror

A Moment at the Mirror The young man looked in the mirror and sighed. He had hoped to see a girl there, but instead he saw a sad boy in his mother's clothes. He'd been dressing up whenever he had the chance for a while now, and he still didn't understand why. What was it about women's clothes, a woman's life that attracted him so? The fact that he didn't know the answer to that embarrassed him, frustrated him and drained him. When he had been little, he had pretended he...

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Magic Panties Ch03 sissy story by nolfon

Magic Panties Ch. 03bynolfon1©This story is a work of fiction, all characters are fictional and obviously the events are fake. You may reprint this as needed, just give credit to the author. If any differences occur between continuity, accept the one you like better as truth, and enjoy!*For those just joining us, let me recap, my name is Rachel...er, Roy, yeah let's go with Rachel, and a few days ago a pair of panties got delivered to my house, I tried them on, and since then I've been...

2 years ago
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Die perfekte Hure

Jill war eine 30 Jahre junge Frau – eine wahre Schönheit. 160 gross, eine schlanke Taile, lange Beine, langes blondes Haar, schöne Lippen und ein perfektes Gesicht mit hohen Wangenknochen und jeder Menge Potenzial. Sie war eine sehr selbständige, bodenständige Frau, die als Verkäuferin in einem Eisenwarengeschäft arbeitete. Nebenbei musste sie sich noch um ihre 18 jährige Tochter kümmern, mit der sie ihr Ex-Ehemann zurückgelassen hatte, nachdem er mit einer anderen Frau durchgebrannt war. Jill...

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The Rosetta girls part 5

Linda walked into her bedroom and brushed her teeth. She noticed the box with the dildos in it partially pushed under the bed. No one else was home and she took off her clothes and spread her legs down in her bed. She couldn’t help but rub her pussy and was aroused by it. She thought until a week ago she had never had any sex except with her husband. Now she aroused by her daughters and for the first time memory she finds herself masturbating. She puts two of her fingers into her vagina and...

4 years ago
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innocent mom turned slut

Hey friends! Me karan back with squeal of poor mom turned bitch and to understand this story please read my last story and next morning I got up and saw my mom was still sleeping. It never happened before but may be because of last night’s hard work. I went to kitchen where my s*s was preparing breakfast. She told me that mom is having headache. So she prepared breakfast and lunch and we can have it when we want as she is going to Mausi's place and will return tomorrow. I took breakfast and...

3 years ago
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With Him I Do Trust

I’m blindfolded, lying completely naked on the bed. My wrists are cuffed to the top of the bed posts, spread wide. My ankles are cuffed to the foot board posts. I’m laying there on the bed in a giant X. I have a ball gag in my mouth. I can’t talk, though I can mumble out slightly. I’ve never done anything like this before, but I trust this man that I’m with. I can’t see him, of course. I can’t even hear him. Where is he? Is he even in the room still? I stir lightly against my chains, testing...

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One Year Separation

My ex-wife and I were married for 25 years before our divorce. We met at Clemson university in South Carolina. I was in a fraternity and she was one of our little sisters. After a year of dating, my ex-wife admitted that she had had a one night stand with one of the Clemson football players. They had been studying together that night. my wife is a sexy 5 foot five 110 pound lady with skin as white as snow. The football player was 6’5 star running back with less than 2 ounces of body fat. Just...

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WHORE FOR THE FANS EPISODE 1 PIXIE LOTBY MR OLD MUCK(c)[Stripping & lap dance, butt play & hand job,]Info:Pixie Lott is an English singer, songwriter, and actress. Her debut single, "Mama Do", was released in June 2009 and went straight to number one in the UK Singles Chart. Her second single, "Boys and Girls", also topped the UK Singles Chart in September 2009. WikipediaBorn: 12 January 1991 age 28 Disclaimer: The following is in no way real. Everything you are about to read came from...

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Utah mountain bath connection

LaSal Utah is but a small backwoods town twenty miles east of Moab. Ranching and timber were big here in the seventies. Now a few ranchers hang on and the sawmill is closed and burned. It’s a world apart from the red rock country of Moab. I’m here chasing bears. They’re numerous in the spring, coming out in May to feast on early green grass and recover from their long sleep. Utah allows a “chase only” season for hounds men. We are allowed to run and tree the bears with no kill and no weapons....

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Lips clamped tight around his shaft, I moved my mouth up and down the length of his hard cock. As I bobbed up and down, I couldn’t help wondering how a 100% heterosexual male like me wound up on my knees in the apartment of a guy I just met today, with his big dick in my mouth. And I mean big, it must be over eight inches long and thick. Stroking my hair he said, “I haven’t cum since last weekend so be ready for a mouth full.” It had all seemed so logical when we were sitting around the...

Gay Male
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Melody8217s Life With Daddy

The morning sun broke through a crack in the curtains, flooding her naked body that lay on the bed. The sunlight hit her back and ass; warming it from the early morning chill. Melody stirred, still half asleep reaching over hoping to find a warm body next to her in bed. She found that there was no one there. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the clock, it was already a little past nine thirty, she must have not heard the alarm go off. She rolled over on her back, and opened her eyes...

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Busted 3

In the months that followed mine and Carrie’s little ‘thing’ I suppose I was a little bit cold towards her. I felt disgusted with myself, not only for cheating on Jamie (with his SISTER) but for being with a woman! I had never, ever had a lesbian thought in my life – so why couldn’t I get Carrie out of my head every time I felt horny? I started avoiding her, and when we had to be in the same room I pretty much ignored her. At first she seemed disappointed, maybe even hurt – but then her armour...

1 year ago
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My BBW Sister

This story is complete fiction made for entertainment purposes only. This is a story about my sister shes 4 years older than I am and at the time of this first incident I was 19 she was 23. My sister had always had a weight problem and was so shy she never had any boy friends at all.Most girls are ready to get out on their own when they turn 18 not her.In fact she was a good bet to never leave home.Not that she was ugly she has a very pretty face very nice complexion to just the weight...

2 years ago
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Dudh Pine Ka Majha

Hello my friend ye yeh meri paheli kahani hai mera naam pravin hai aur meri umar 36 saal hai mene is website se bahut khaniya padhe hai aur padh kar mera bhi maan kiya ki mein bhi ek kahani likhu. Meine abhi tak bhaut sex ka anubhav kiya hie ye kahani real hai. Apko pasand aye to muje mail kare aur koi galatiya ho to muje bata do aap ke reply ke baad mein apni agli kahani linkhunga mera naam pravin hai. Mein office ka kam khtam karke mere office girl friend ke ghar gaya tha uske ghar uska pati...

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