Coming Out free porn video

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Coming Out

Sophie Tyler was a bit of an enigma, people thought they knew her but the truth is that no-one really did, and even if someone did, not many would understand her. Sophie was a 28 year old male to female transvestite, real name Andy, a builder by trade, of slight build, 5 foot 9 inches tall, enjoyed a pint with the lads once in a while, but loved nothing more to be attired in her favourite dresses or skirt and top combinations, a bit of make-up, jewellery, and a quite long red hairpiece, Andy just loved being Sophie.

Around the house Sophie was full on, the full girlie set up but never had the confidence to allow her feminine self to progress beyond the front door. Sophie belonged in a secret world like many other t-girls, too afraid of being seen, even worse to be recognised, but it was always nagging at the back of her head, she wanted to walk the streets in feminine mode, she wanted to hear the click clacking of her high heels on the paving slabs of the walkway along the street. The urge was getting stronger and up to now she’d been able to fight it, admittedly it was fear that kept that front door tightly closed and Sophie ensconced firmly inside.

Looking back she knew it had to happen, it was just a case of when. One evening Sophie had been online and purely by chance she spied a t-girl meet, it was held once a month and equally by chance was only a mile or so from her home. Sophie looked longingly through the window, the night was pleasant but already dark, she felt in a turmoil.

The temptation was just too strong, she was already dressed and made up, it would just be a fifteen minute walk along a poorly lit road, she imagined the sound of her heels on the pavement, the slight breeze wafting up her short skirt, her false breasts poking through her cream blouse, her red hair bouncing on her shoulders with each step she took, her slim hips swaying in a girlie fashion. Her heart was saying, “go girl”, her head was telling her “don’t be silly, stay at home”.

Suddenly Sophie got up, put on her smart jacket, picked up her handbag and purse, collected her house keys from the table and was out of the door. She was a few hundred yards down the road before she fully realised what she was doing, suddenly she felt excited, exhilarated, and scared. She nearly turned back but decided it was now or never. As she had hoped the noise of her heels on the concrete sounded sexy to her, she was aware that if a car passed there would be nowhere to hide. One thing did concern Sophie right now which seemed so futile compared to everything else, as she was so turned on that she was afraid that it would show through her skirt, she giggled to herself, she was loving this walk and wondered why she hadn’t done it before, maybe it was a nervous giggle, maybe it was a “wow, I’m loving it” giggle, she wasn’t sure herself.

In what seemed like no time at all Sophie arrived at her destination, she entered the back room of the pub where the meeting was to be held feeling rather apprehensive as she didn’t know anyone. There must have been forty ‘girls’ or more and she felt every pair of eyes settle on her, she looked around, there were girls of every ilk; tall, short, slim, overweight, from the gorgeous to the very plain and quite honestly unconvincing.

She approached the bar and ordered herself a white wine, she fancied a pint but it wasn’t really the thing for a girl to be seen with was it? The bar was the sort of walk around sort, she was in the plush back room, but from there with the way things were set out you could also see directly into the bar and lounge. Sophie looked up and immediately held her breath, Directly opposite her and looking in her direction was James, a workmate. James look confused, unsure, his eyes squinting as though he were deep in thought. He clearly wasn’t sure. As she turned from the bar with her drink she searched for somewhere to sit, her stockinged legs suddenly feeling weak, her heart pounding, why oh why didn’t she stay at home?

A pleasant looking ‘girl’ looked up and patted the seat next to her to indicate that it was free. Sophie sat down gratefully, the girl introduced herself as Julie and in no time Sophie was smiling, enjoying the experience of being with like minded girls, making more and more friends as Julie introduced them all one by one, Sophie even managed to forget James until she needed to approach the bar to refill her glass. James was a couple of years older than Sophie, his build much the same though he was a few inches taller, he always looked smart and tidy even at work. He had dark hair and handsome features, he was very sporty and he was openly gay. As she approached the bar Sophie’s eyes scanned the other social areas, she could see James, he was in conversation with a group of guys and didn’t pay her any attention, she sighed deeply, she’d got away with it. Sophie ordered her drink and returned to her new friends feeling much more at ease and enjoyed the rest of her evening. All too soon it was time to leave, she had a few new contact numbers and e-mail addresses and was altogether pleased with herself. She agreed to walk Julie to the bus stop as it wasn’t directly out of her way, they walked down the road hand in hand, Sophie thought it was a nice touch, after all it was common for young women to hold hands wasn’t it. She left Julie at the bus stop with a kiss on the cheek and began to make her own way home, already planning what she’d wear when she revisited the meeting next month.

*** FLASH ***

The whole road seemed to light up. As her eyes re-adjusted to the darkness Sophie saw James in front of her, a camera in his hand. “I didn’t know you were this way inclined, the lads are going to love this on Monday,” he laughed. “Oh God no,” cried Sophie, “Please don’t.” James looked Sophie up and down and liked what he saw, “Are you gay?” he asked. “No,” replied Sophie, though she had had many fantasies of being so in recent months. “So what’s the photo worth?” he enquired. “I don’t know,” she answered nervously, “what is it you want from me?” “Come with me,” he ordered, “and if I don’t,” she asked. “Then there will be lots of copies of this photograph all over the site first thing on Monday morning,” he said joyfully. Sophie was trapped, she had no choice, she had no idea what he had in mind for her but she knew he was gay and she knew she’d have to do as he wanted.

James took Sophie back to the pub, this time they approached the lounge entrance, Sophie hadn’t seen the multi coloured flag before, the one that marked it as a gay pub. James made a call on his cell phone and soon the door opened. As they entered the smartly decorated lounge Sophie saw there were three others in there, all men, clearly having an after hours lock in. James told Sophie to sit down amongst the others and she did as she was told, she seemed to be in a bit of a trance at this time.

“This is my friend”, said James triumphantly, “her name is …... what is your name when you’re a girl?” asked James. “Sophie, or Sophie”, the feminine looking young man in a short skirted suit and blouse answered. “This is Trish”, James called out joyfully. Sophie didn’t like being called Trish but while he was armed with that photograph she thought better of telling him so. James went to the bar and brought back a few bottles of beer for himself and a whole bottle of white wine for her. He sat next to her and before long his hand was on her thigh, slowly creeping higher, she felt a bit frightened but as before she kept quiet, she wanted him to erase that photo from his camera.

As she drank more wine Sophie became more relaxed and actually started to enjoy James’ touch, he was now very near to her stocking tops and her panties were becoming tighter as she started to grow inside them. She started to feel truly like a woman in men’s company and she loved it. James kissed Sophie’s neck which turned her on more, he whispered in her ear, “have you ever been with a man Trish?” he enquired. “No” she replied nervously at last realising that it wouldn’t just be a quick drink then she’d be allowed to go home. “Lads,” James called out in glee, “Trish is a virgin … but not for long eh?” The other men cheered. At that point she felt another hand on her other thigh, she looked down, it was Leroy, a coloured lad who was also now beginning to stroke her. “We share everything,” James said with a smile, “all four of us”. “Oh my fucking God,” thought Sophie, “I’m going to be gang banged.”

Before she knew quite what was happening Leroy and James had reached Sophie’s stocking tops and were stroking the smooth silky flesh between stocking and panty elastic, after the wine and with the caressing she was receiving Sophie was soon loving the attention. Sophie’s-Jay’s breathing got heavier and she u*********sly opened her legs which allowed the young men to stroke her through her panties. “I think she likes it man,” said Leroy as he stroked the stiffness that was now obvious through the girl’s panties.

Leroy released Sophie and stood up, immediately Brian took his place and removed Sophie’s panties, he was pleased to see she was smooth, he lifted her skirt to her waist and took her cock in his mouth, Sophie was past worrying as she enjoyed the sensations of her cock being sucked on and she was soon groaning in ecstasy.

Leroy returned and Larry was with him, they were both naked. Leroy took Sophie’s hand and pulled her to her feet, he led her to an empty table and bent her over it. Sophie looked at the two young men’s cocks, they looked massive and Sophie had to admit to herself that despite the delicious thought of taking Leroy’s black cock up her white bum she was quite frightened at the prospect. Here she was now, bent over a pub table, her skirt once again around her waist and her thighs spread. Just as she was about to voice her concerns Larry took hold of her head in his hands and as she opened her mouth to speak he slipped the first few inches of his manhood into her, and fucked her lipstick covered mouth. “Hey,” called Leroy, “anyone got some lube?” “Yeah,” said James and passed a tube to his coloured friend. As Sophie’s mouth kept filling and then emptying of cock with Larry pumping in and out of her she could just see the other two lads removing their own clothing. “Holy fuck,” thought Sophie, “they all know I’m a virgin, they must know I’ll never be able to take all this.”

Suddenly Sophie felt a cold touch at her tight hole, she realised it was Leroy applying some lube, her breathing got faster as she began to panic. Then it happened, “Oh boy does she look tight,” whooped Leroy, and without any ceremony, or any concern for the girl straddled over the table he just pushed. Sophie felt her tight ass hole stretch, she couldn’t believe how much it hurt as he continue to feed his cock into her. “Oh fuck,” she thought, “what a way to lose my cherry.”

There was a brief intermission with the pain as Leroy slipped almost fully back out of her again. Then he thrust, hard and fast, she thought she was being split open, she tried to moan but her mouth was full of Larry’s cock and as she opened her lips he pushed deeper into her too. Leroy pulled out of her completely, “turn her over,” he said. Larry pulled out of Sophie’s mouth and between them all they turned the listless rag doll of a t-girl onto her back.

Sophie looked down between her open thighs, Brian and Larry held her legs open as Leroy moved towards her again, she was ready for the pain this time and though she wasn’t looking forward to it she couldn’t help but being turned on at the erotic sight of this dark skinned cock disappearing into her rather more open and receptive white hole. This time it felt better and she even started to enjoy it, her hole being filled then emptied, filled then emptied as the black stallion slipped in and out of her. She couldn’t take all of him yet and it pained her when he was inside as far as she could accept his hard cock but by the look on his face he was enjoying himself anyway.

Brian started to fuck Sophie’s mouth, it didn’t take long before she could feel him thicken between her lips, she was hoping he would pull out and splash his cum over her but he didn’t, he pumped, and pumped, and pumped, and shot his load straight down her throat, Sophie started to gag but then just in time swallowed and emptied her mouth and throat ready to take his next load. She actually enjoyed the taste once she got used to it.

Leroy pulled out from Sophie’s now stretched ass, “here you go boys, I’ve opened her for you,” he bragged. Leroy moved to her face, “suck black cock you red headed whore,” he ordered Sophie, and as if in a trance she complied, taking as much as she could, he stretched her mouth lips as much as he had her ass. James moved between the girl’s thighs. James wasn’t as big as Leroy and as he slipped into his work mate’s soft smooth hole Sophie sighed, after Leroy James felt so good, a smaller cock but a cock nevertheless, a hard cock. James was slower with his methodical pumping and Sophie found herself really enjoying it, she moaned contentedly.

Larry took one of Sophie’s hands and wrapped it round his own cock, she didn’t need to be told what to do and she gently started to wank him. Suddenly Leroy pulled out from between Sophie’s rosy red lips and started beating on his cock vigorously, he was breathing heavily and then Sophie watched transfixed as what seemed like pints of white cum shot from his black cock and splashed over her face.

Larry also started grunting and in no time at all he started to cum, Sophie amused herself by thinking “this suit will have to go to the cleaners now, I hope they’ll be able to get the stains out.”

James leant forward, and as he continued to fuck her he licked Leroy’s cum from Sophie’s face, then he kissed her greedily, transferring spunk from his mouth to hers. Sophie was loving being fucked by James, she’d received cum in her mouth, over her face and over her clothes, she wanted James to cum right where he was so she wrapped her legs around him and locked her feet together so he couldn’t pull out of her. That seemed to do the trick, James kissed her passionately as he fucked her faster, his cock going deeper with every stroke, the other lads shouting encouragement as they watched their mate getting off with this attractive young woman, man, whatever.

James felt his balls tighten and Sophie felt his cock swell inside her, he groaned loudly as his cum travelled from his balls to his cock tip. “Fuck me big boy,” Sophie whispered into his ear. Sophie felt the heat and wetness as he shot his load deep up her ass. Sophie couldn’t believe nor understand the sensations as the friction of James’ belly on her own cock caused her to grow as he moved up and down on top of her, and made her cum too, she moaned as she both came and received at the same time. Once her boy cunt was full of cream Sophie released her grip from around her man’s body and he gently slipped from inside her. As she lay getting her breath back Sophie felt the sticky cream seep from inside her and dribble between her smooth cheeks. She used a finger to scoop some of the cum from between her legs then sucked it into her mouth.

The lads all got dressed and continued drinking, eventually Sophie, no longer a virgin, stood shakily, her legs weakened by their forced exercise, she put back on her panties and smoothed down her skirt. James came over to her, “Well I guess I should keep my part of the deal and delete that photo,” he said. “How many would you have printed off if I hadn’t come back with you?” enquired Sophie. “A couple of dozen,” James answered honestly. “Then instead of deleting the photo do something else for me instead, print off a few dozen and pass them round, it’s time people learned about the real me,” Sophie answered back with a cheeky smile.

“Come on now lads, haven’t you got homes to go to, oh, and lady,” the landlord quipped as he re-entered the bar with one of his assistants who was in a more dishevelled state than Sophie. “Do you want walking home?” James asked Sophie. “That would be nice,” she replied. James took her hand in his as a man would his woman. “I could stop the night if you wished,” he continued. “That would be nice too,” Sophie answered and gently squeezed his hand, “but please can we just cuddle until the morning, I’m feeling a bit sore right now.” James squeezed his new lovers hand back, turned and kissed her mouth. The walk back home was so much more enjoyable than the one from home earlier that evening, and Andy knew that Sophie would be experiencing much more of the big wide world in future.

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SRU Turnabout

Spells R Us: Turnabout By Morpheus ([email protected]) 26 Jan 98 Matt wiped the whipcream out of his ears and eyes feeling embarrassed to have been caught in the latest prank of his roommates Chris and Steve. The three of them often took turns playing pranks on each other. After all, what else was college for if not for fun and pranks. Going to the mall Matt hoped would give him some inspiration for his revenge. He needed something big to get back at those two and even...

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Dick van Dyke 1 If They Had Made a Movie Based on the Book Turnabout

Dick van Dyke 1: If They Had Made a Movie Based on the Book "Turnabout" By Ron Dow75 ([email protected]) "Rob, do you *have* to watch this movie?!" Laura said, upset. She was sitting up in her twin bed, trying to ignore what was on the bedroom TV behind her book. "What's wrong with this movie? It's a comedy!" Robert Petrie said from his bed. "It's going to give you nightmares! I just know it." "What?? This silly thing?!" "I know how suggestible you are, Rob. You...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 20 Tryouts

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty: Tryouts Visit my blog at When Mark slipped out of bed, he jostled me from my dream. It was a reoccurring dream, where my whore of a mother never left us and we were all living together again, happy. There was always that moment of disappointment when I awoke and realized it had been a dream, my mother had run off to whore around with that musician. Anger was starting to roil in my stomach, so I forced the thoughts...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

This all started about a year ago when I was 23 and I was home from work. It was about 3:30 when my sister walked in from school. She had just finished cheer tryouts and was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that they did not think she was good enough“Well what did you do for them?” I asked. “Show me and ill be the judge of that,” I told her.“I don’t know, I don’t even think it was that good,” she replied.“Come on sis, you have been talking about this for so long. Just let me...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 23 Baseball Tryouts

When I went to school this morning I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done, for now, and best of all was baseball tryouts started today. I was excited about this season. We were finally going to get to play varsity ball. The other thing I noticed was they had broken ground on the new Field House. They planned on having it done by the start of the coming school year, next August. I could hardly wait to be able to use it. Dad was also...

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Homecoming Themes

This story took a while and numerous rewrites to get where I wanted it to be. Yes, it is somewhat long, but I believe that it's a good demonstration of how a character can easily change without even noticing it him/herself. There was a lot of effort to build the characters in an easily accessible way. Let me know what you think. This story is inspired by the story Changes by Trick over at Go ahead and read that story as well....

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   “Remember: sexuality is not meant to be stale. Sexuality is fluid!”Miss Grunee was enthusiastic to speak in her favorite park, to her small audience, “You’re not heterosexual. You’re not LGBT. You are who you are!” the lady ended her monologue with a standing ovation.Next to the group, PJ was doing his reps of traction at the bar. 'Yeah, right,'  he thought, ironically.PJ has been proudly gay since he discovered sex: he grew up as a small cub in a small town where he was the only jock in...

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AscentChapter 12 Of Bad Boys Good Girl Scouting

By the next morning any fear the women of the clan had of me was either gone or ignored. They still acted apprehensive but I think it was more because none of their clansmen were around than because of me. I believe that the confidence and self-assurance that my mates displayed was even beginning to rub off on some of them. Some bustled around preparing breakfast, others taking care of babies or youngsters, while still others remained on lookout, but farther outside of camp now that it was...

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Heavens Reach Brandon and TracyChapter 3 Riverbend Outpost

The outpost is a thriving and busy place known as Riverbend Outpost. There is a good sized market near the gate, multiple inns and pubs, at least one blacksmithy, and myriad other businesses to be found within its walls. The first order of business, the two agree on is finding food. They’re not starving, but it sure feels like it to them and they have finished the rations they were provided with a day ago. Neither of them has ever had to go any significant length of time without a meal...

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The Outpost

My story starts when I was nineteen and joined the army, now I’m not going to say what country but there was always some kind of military action going on. I went through training camp, passed all the requirements and was shipped to small military base. I was given my weapon and was attached to a small five now with me, six man patrol to give me experience. We went on patrol every day for months and the only action I saw was when a farmer’s bull got loose and we helped capture him. I actually...

2 years ago
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Homecoming week pt 1

After my encounter with Andrea in our local gym, the rest of my weekend was pretty uneventful. Besides me replaying that amazing night in my head over and over, and going on my morning runs, it was a pretty long weekend. The weekend seemed to drag out forever, simply because I was waiting to see Andrea again on Monday. That Monday was the first day I was ever excited to go to school and not just because it was Homecoming. After my first 2 hours were through I could hardly contain my...

4 years ago
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Letting Them In Chapter 3 Outage

That night, Alexi couldn't sleep no matter what. She had been left unsatisfied and wanting more, yet she was not able to recreate the huge wave of feelings that the brothers brought up to. Her masturbation session didn't relieve her in the slightest and she couldn't figure out if she wanted this to continue or stop. It had been years since the divorce and there hadn't been any interest on Alexi's part in having any sexual partners; her sex toys had served her just fine over the years. But...

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Do I believe in soulmates? You bet I do, and if you’re destined to meet yours you will, no matter what mountains may be placed in your path. In the case of Evan and me, there was just one mountain and it was an isolated peak of 7200 feet in northwestern Montana. It was called Wolf Mountain and there was a lookout tower on top of it, a fourteen by fourteen foot box perched on stilts above a barren rocky summit, below which stretched sloping meadows of beargrass and dwarf huckleberry interrupted...

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Travel Agency Scouts

=== Travel Agency: Scouts === by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial website or mailing list. The Travel Agency setting is used with Morpheus' permission; thanks to Morpheus for beta-reading the first draft. "Travel Agency: Scouts" first appeared on the morpheuscabinet mailing list in January 2013; a slightly different version appeared on...

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RoundaboutInhaling deeply and sharply, I could feel you behind me before you even touched me, like you were giving off some sort of electrical charge. I held that breath in anticipation of your touch, my whole body tingling, blood rushing straight to my nipples and pussy. As I turn to look at you, you gently but firmly put one hand to the back of my head to hold it straight, and one to the small of my back. Slowly you run your fingers down my long, wavy hair till you reach my waist. A shiver of...

Quickie Sex
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It is a beautiful autumn day a week before the big game with the homecoming dance afterward.Rebecca is a freshman at this college who is cute as a button but, oh, so shy. She is five feet tall with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is curvy and could stop traffic if she really wanted to. But she dresses for comfort not to impress anyone. There are enough other girls that dress to get attention.She has decided to go ahead and invest in a sexy off the shoulder red dress for Homecoming. She...

Love Stories
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High School Boys Cookout

A couple weekends after my erotic sleep over at John’s house (See High School Circle Jerk story), we went over Steve’s house. Steve’s parents were having a cookout and allowed him to have us over. His parents liked to drink a lot and had an overabundance of alcohol at the house for the party. While they were upstairs drinking on the porch, we were on the patio under the porch drinking beers that we took from the cooler. JJ couldn’t make it this time, but our other friend Neil could. Neil was...

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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 21 The Shootout

“Go play with our toy so I can have a turn,” Raven laughed. Matt moved Sue out of the way and pressed slowly into Penny, finding that she was extremely tight. Jodi and Carla moved away as he kissed his way north, paying homage to Penny’s breasts, then kissing her neck, and finally her mouth--which was covered with Carla’s girl goo. “Does Carla taste good with a pussy full of my cum?” he asked Penny, making her shiver. “How do you do that? I thought the scenes in your books were imaginary,...

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This all started with me thinking outloud. I was in the kitchen drinking a soda when my eighteen year old sister, Tracy, walked in. Tracy had on a tight pair of shorts and a loose tee shirt. She opened the door on the refrigerator, and bent down to pull out a bottle of water. This gave me a perfect view."Nice ass!" I said this out loud, but I was just thinking it.Tracy turned her head at me, and smiled. "Thanks, b*o."Being two years older than Tracy didn't help me much. I felt like a little boy...

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Voices II Outcasts

Voices-- The Outcasts Author's Note: This is not a sequel to Voices, but shows how the changes in that story impacted a different group of characters. The original story was told from the perspective of a girl who was a member of a secret society of witches who decided to cause all the men and women in the world to trade secondary sex characteristics. It is available on Fictionmania. We were at a concert when it happened. It was in an old warehouse in the boarded up crap...

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The Ball Boy Experiment Chapter 1 TryOuts

A few of his co-workers greeted him as he navigated the soon-to-be-crowded hallways. Idle conversations, casual greetings. Mostly just pleasantries. That was good. Ryan was in no mood to have a lengthy dialogue right now. Nearing his office, he passed by his closest friend, Mike the Janitor. He was sure to want to talk about his weekend, or some other bullshit. "Hey, Mike", he said to Mike. 'Jesus, don't let your voice crack so much.' Mike responded with a curt "Hey", before turning...

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Marys Porn Tryout

I just posted "Mary Does Porn" about my friend Greg's wife Mary. I'll continue to tell it as he told me.It was a rainy Saturday evening in Hilo as I drove 41 year old Mary to a house on the outskirts of town. We entered and I noticed immediately that there was only one other young female there besides my wife. Stephan, one of Mary's clients in the body waxing business, had invited her to tryout for a part in a porn movie they were shooting.I saw Stephan there along with a large, dark Hawaiian...

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Beauty School Dropout

Beauty School Dropout By: Serenity The following story may have several controversial themes, including but not limited to, Transformation, Sex, Identity Death, and Painting of all beauticians as mindless sluts. If any or all of this sounds unappealing, please do not read on, and contact your doctor for an emergency stickinyourassenddectomy. Cause, you know, it could get infected or something. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The smell...

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Homecoming Part2

HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she would not have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her...

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Vision Quest Enroute

Vision Quest, Enroute By: Malissa Madison Mission time two months three days in space; The day I was dreading finally arrived, of course I only knew it was day because of the clock that displayed in 24 hour time. I was a bit nervous getting ready. Both Cami and I had to report to the Central Medical Station for our Dental appointments at 13:35hrs, ships time. It had been a very busy two months and to tell the truth I had been hoping they'd forgotten about us. Of course not all...

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The invitation came in a black envelope, addressed in silver ink."Blackout Party", said the card, and gave the address of a very good friend. My innards flipped with a thrill. I had been hoping for this to arrive, and finally it was here. Only a work-week away.I had known of my friend's predilection for erotic gatherings of his trusted close group. I don't remember how we got onto the conversation while he and I were out for a drink one evening. But it turns out that he was the host of regular...

Group Sex
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I made my way through the pitch-dark streets, using my pocket torch to light the way. It was 1942, and the blackout was rigorously enforced. I was stationed at the barracks on the other side of town, and I should have been on duty, but Ginger Williams, a mate of mine, wanted to swop passes with me — his sister was getting married at the weekend, and he'd fixed it with the Duty Officer, and I had no objection. I was nearing home — Mum would be surprised to see me, but Ginger had fiddled some...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e6 Charmaine 45 teacher from Plymouth

Series 3, Episode 6: Charmaine We float in over a wooded area on the outskirts of a small city. Beyond the trees long curving estates, built in the 60’s to provide housing for the British middle-class. This is Plymouth, on the English South coast, and beneath us are the Parkway Woods. Our next subject is standing with her husband infront of one of the houses closest to the woods. We close in on them (drone footage). They both look happy to be on camera. Tall, slim, with sharp features and...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E15 Leigh Rush 38 from Plymouth

Once again, we fade in on our harshly lit bedroom set ... Looking at that ugly old, rusty steel bedframe, and the dirty mattress that’s resting on it. It’s an appalling sight, truly disgraceful ... It’s a bed that only the worst kind of person would even consider sitting on ... And yet we’re getting used to seeing it every week. Our guests, however, have never seen the set – because this was all recorded before the first episode aired ... And here comes our next subject, ready to see the...

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