AxemanChapter 29 free porn video

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“Report first, then toys and then you can grill me.”

I took control of the circus, which was unusual for me. Normally it was Heather’s show.

Miles of interlocking tunnels led either in a spiral up or a spiral down. The ants liked long linked spirals. Down was the direction needed, dead ends were the norm, rather than the exception.

The queen was the goal, and she was at the bottom, waiting. The Royal guardians weren’t a hassle, even when they were surrounded. Heather’s Rain of Fire, Kate’s steady Heals and four corners of attackers kept them at bay.

It wasn’t until the lowest floor that they faced danger. Normal ants would dig through walls, ceilings, and floors opening holes for their brothers to pour out of. Some of those spouts were even formed directly under the team. Ed disappeared at one point, yet climbed out after dealing with her ambushers.

That near-fatal ambush happened during a long confrontation between the Royal ants, a pair of Kings and our friends. During that encounter, Kate had to step forward and block the gap in their formation which Edna left with her absence.

That was when our pretty little Healer lost a foot of her hair at the shoulders. A corrosive spit from a King landed on the back of her head causing untold pain and burning away the ends of her hair.

In the White Room, Ed evened out the rest of Kate’s do, making it even shorter than hers.

We all assured Kate that her new hairdo looked cute. She didn’t buy it, even from Nat.

The hatchery held one queen and eight Kings. The eggs would hatch frequently, leaving a sticky goo residue behind, and making the footing unsure. The Kings smartly took that into consideration when they attacked. No one besides the Kings were allowed to enter the hatchery while intruders were there.

The Kings were also limited in a fashion. Once engaged in hand to hand, they no longer spat their fiery acid at their foes. The team had learned that in the previous encounters.

“The King’s spit was as strong as Heather’s Fireshot. Their forelegs were scythes. Think of them like skeleton leaders, a point or two stronger with double-thick armor and hooked greatswords,” Ed reported.

“How was the queen?”

“A school bus filled with glucose. She couldn’t even move.”

“Anyone else have anything to add?”

They all had something to say. Which was noted by my recorder and Heather’s ever-present notes.

“What goodies did you get?”

Heather brought out a silver lockbox. “None of us have any keys. Jude won the draw but we want you to keep it for now until she gets one.”

“I can do that.”

“We didn’t loot as well as we should have, but we were kind of pressed. Our longest rest period was six hours.”

“Toff got a helmet no one else wanted. Show him Toff.”

It was a black ant’s head. We all laughed.

“Don’t laugh yet. It’s DR 3.”

“OOOH!” Calls of ‘if you don’t want it’...

“I’m keeping it.” Our part-time instructor and full-time teammate smugly replied and passed around his prize for others to see. Surprisingly, the helmet didn’t restrict vision in any way while wearing it, giving us all plans for future helmets.

There were seven drops, including the helmet and excluding the silver box. One was a Brass key and another was a Brass lockbox. Koz won the lockbox. We all had a Brass Key or two. She got a Spell. Courage, self only. Casting cost: four Mana, duration 10 minutes, Recharge 30 minutes. No restrictions on learning.

She kept it, no one blamed her. It sounded interesting. The rest of the drops were typical ones.

“I received a gift. From our favorite general.” They all looked at the messenger.

I brought out the lockbox that Koz had given me that day we went out. “You have a key?”

“It’s not mine. It was part of the gift. I only get what is inside, everything other than the Jokers. Those need to be returned to the general.”


“Just open it, Jason,” Nat ordered me impatiently.

The rest of us had basically taken the week off from dungeon diving. We had nothing to open.

“Two jokers. I passed them over.”

“A gem and a bone ring.”

Hmm... “I like the ring. It is protection for the hands or feet. If I wear it on a toe it protects the feet, Plus DR 1.” It went on my right ring finger.

“The other, I will save. It’s an additive. It grants 20% dark magic resistance to any one piece of armor.”

DB got slugged for wishing aloud for that item. Thrice by his wife to be.

“I might consider a decent trade from everyone other than DB, I don’t want Caitlin mad at me.”

Poor guy.

It wasn’t as good as a universal ring but still good.

“Thank the General for me, please.”

“Already did.”

We did note that this silver lockbox seemed to have less in it than the previous ones and discussed it for ten or fifteen minutes.

“Is there anything else anyone wants to share?” I threw out.

Hint, hint.

“Jude, Kate, and I all made Level 5.”

Cheering and congratulations filled DB’s great room. A few bottles of champagne were opened, and glasses were passed around. The three beer mugs with two fingers of champagne in it were priceless. DB didn’t have enough wine glasses for all of us, even though he insisted that he did

Of course, pictures were taken, and smiles were shared.

I could tell by Kate and Jude’s attitudes that there was more.

Nat grumbled good-naturedly. She wanted in on the next run, being less than five hundred experience away from Level 5 herself. Her turn to Level up would be next.

Bouncing in her chair, she about-faced. “Did something else happen? Did you get a title?” Nat bulldozed her way through the remaining conversations.

We quieted down at their, Kate and Jude’s guilty semi non-reaction. They hid it poorly, whatever it was they were hiding.

“I did,” Edna, diverted our attention to her, sparing the two teens.

“Want to share?” That was the first Heather heard of it, by her reaction. Even if she teamed with them in the last dungeon run.

“It’s grayed out. We can’t see what it does. Just what it says, and we can’t say what that is.”

“The system is not letting you? That’s a first.” Beau questioned.

“Not quite.” Two of the terrible actors looked toward me. I guessed the reason.

“I’m a Hero. ‘Earth’s First Hero’, according to my title.” I announced to the class.

“Are you shitting me?” Matt was stunned.

“That explains why you are so strong!” Enlightenment entered Austin’s eyes. If this were a cartoon, the lightbulb would be on.

“Cheating bastard.” Matt echoed Nat’s thoughts from earlier.

“That means we are in the Hero’s Party! Gravy train here we come!” Mar was all for it.

“Miss Edna, does your secret have to do with that cheater’s title?” Beau showed his wisdom. Not only Nat called me a cheater these days.

“Hero’s companion.”

“Us too.”

“And it’s grayed out, you say?”

“Yes,” Jude answered for them.

“And you got those titles after you Leveled?” Beau asked.

“We think we need to run with him again to unlock it,” Kate nodded at Jude’s guess.

“What does it do?”

“We don’t know,” Edna repeated.

The clowns took over the circus, yet again, for the next hour or so.

Not Heather, though, she wanted answers from me.

“Okay, Hero. Why did you sic the press on those pretty ladies? Toffy too.” Beau was going to get as much mileage as possible off this, when he asked the question that they all had been wanting answers to, in Heather’s stead.

“Allies,” Koz answered for me.

“We need allies. Jason was advertising for allies with his stunt. He had been complaining for ages, that we can’t get any decent people to join our team.” Francis snarked at the guys.

“I’d like to have been warned.” Heather didn’t disagree with my intent or methods, she just didn’t like me surprising her.

“What is your plan?” Ed finally spoke up. She knew my thoughts; she was just playing the straight man. Woman.

“We don’t hire out members. If someone needs help, they join us for a run or three. We help them get stronger, they give us a token gift for our tutelage and move on after some training and a few runs, with a good view of us.”

“We Power-Level a person here and there and they say good things about us? That’s your genius plan?” Austin wasn’t buying it.

“People can get injured. I hate to say it. But with our small numbers, even one person missing time hurts us. Look at Beau.” I said.

“Slacker.” Francis and Beau had been getting along pretty well lately and Francis was willing to take potshots at the guys.

Nat jumped in. “So what? You want to borrow from other teams if one of us gets injured?”

“No, he doesn’t.” Heather’s slow-paced words rang out, while she thought about the implications.

“If we develop a tradition of letting people join our teams for a run or two, we won’t have to ask for bodies. They will come knocking.”

“What happens if one of us wants to join a different team?” Kate scratched the record with that question.

“Then Beau will be sad. Look at that face. We don’t want it sad, do we?” Mar tried adding levity to a not-so-pleasant question.

“Kate, if anyone wants to leave, they can at any time. We are a group of friends. We will not be the only friends that you make in your lifetime.” I, along with everyone else, faced the young teenaged girl when I responded.

“You for one, Francis for another will get offered large sums of cash. Maybe even a Skill or two thrown at them to go work for someone else.” Heather spoke up. “Right now, we are all risking our lives for adventure. You have to ask yourself if the payout that your new employer offers is worth risking your life for, and if you even want to continue dungeon crawling with us or anyone.”

“And are your new teammates good enough to support you and not let you die if they run away? That is if you decide to continue adventuring. Will they take you with them or throw you behind them if you are slower or injured?” Francis added, not the most pleased with the young lady across from him.

“Mercenaries work for money. Some will throw you to the wolves if they can get benefits.” Koz added in, with a dagger twist at her own profession.

“I was just asking,” Kate shrunk in her seat.

“Did someone talk to you offering a lot of money Kate?” I asked very gently.


“What is a lot?” DB asked.

“Five million dollars a year.” He nodded at her sum. Five million was a lot.

“Five million. You are eighteen. That is a great deal of money. The next question is what will they expect? Will they demand some of your silver? Some of the magic you find? Keys? Will you have to Power Level his friends? Other hirelings? Will you be forced to relocate? Management, team environment, personnel, and expectations are all part of getting yourself traded or looking for a new contract.

“We are not a football team, but owners, coaches, GM’s, players, unions and cities all matter when you sign a multiyear contract. The same applies to Portal teams,” DB continued.

“Right now, you are Level 5. You are higher than anyone he can hire to his side, probably by two Levels or more. You are higher Leveled than most everyone in the world outside of the dedicated special forces teams internationally. Jason gave you a high-Level Skill. Gave you. Do you expect your employer to give you bonuses? Are they written in the contract? Do you have representation? Will your old team welcome you back with open arms?” DB questioned.

“Yes.” “Of course.” “Without question.” A few of us interrupted DB’s monologue.

“What happens if you come in conflict with Jason’s team while on your new one? Look around you. I’m the last person to say never switch teams. I did that three times in five years. Some were better than others, some weren’t. I had friends on all of those teams.”

“I like this team. Maybe you have a conflict with someone here. If it can’t be resolved, then have your agent, not you, go look for a better team.”

“Solid words,” Austin noted and continued in his friend’s stead.

“Katie.” Austin began, “whoever you have a conflict with, talk to them. If it is just about the money, then look long term, not just short term. You might make five mil for five years under one guy, but another will offer four for two years and then you are a free agent again, your price will skyrocket if you continue like you have been. Guaranteed contracts. Signing bonuses. Second contracts, after the first ones expire, are ended are where the real money lies. A long-term contract might not be in your best interest. A short term, lower-paying one might be better. It might not.”

Mar spoke up, “Lousy teams suck.” Nods all around from the five. He knew about bad teams. Tampa Bay, his old team, had sucked for decades.

“What happens if your new team are all Level 2s? You will get mired down in their suckiness. Imagine having to fight giant spiders or ants for the next six months.”

“Girl, if you want to quit, sit back and get paid. Go for it. Fleece those asses,” Caitlin gave a not-so-surprising opinion.

Kate the whole while, was hunched into herself.

“We would love to have you stay. I want you to stay. But we want you to be happy,” I added. “All of us will support any decision you make. If you want a lawyer, talk to DB, he probably knows some great ones. Koz, over there, can get you on the best teams in the world, but those teams are in the military. Though your pay will not be high, you will be able to pick and choose who you team up with.”

Too much too soon, Kate ran out of the room, followed quickly by Nat and Jude. The rest of us stayed put.

I shook my head at their withheld questions.

Nat came back in five minutes, borrowed Mat’s keys and the three of them left.

“What was that about?” Mar asked.

“Kate is in love with Jason.” Koz unhelpfully filled in the blanks for the clueless.

“But, Ed. Oh. I need a beer. Anyone else want one while I am up?” Marshawn wisely shut up.

“She is eighteen; five million and no college ball. How many of us would have said no to that?”

“I didn’t make a million the first year,” Matt volunteered. “Including bonuses.”

I received a look that it was all my fault and we would be discussing this at length, by a certain redheaded woman.

“Natasha, let’s go for a ride.” Ed led the other woman out of the room, hopefully to rescue Kate from whatever her friends planned.

I wasn’t sure who was the most surprised when Ed stole Koz to chase after the girls. I voted for me.

“Jason, keys.” I separated the ring which held the condo keys and tossed them to her.

“Can’t you keep it in your pants?” Beau demanded, but not seriously.

“Now it’s my fault?”

“Dude, how did you not know?” Austin heckled Mar when he returned with beers.

Kate had not been subtle in her hard-core crush on me.

Matt received a call a few minutes later, checked an app on his phone, gave my cross streets, and hung up.

“You know, it’s not just love. Kate ... well, all three of those girls believe he is their Sir Lancelot. He took them in, fed and clothed them. Jason is their Hero. Kate most of all.” Toff spoke for the first time since the Kate debacle began.

“You have all heard the story by now. They found him and begged him for help. He did help those girls, saving them from certain death. And who knows how many times they would have died without Jason with them? We have all been with Jason on a run. He attracts danger. But he is worth ten men. To a teenaged girl, he is Superman.”

Toff’s assessment subdued all of us.

“And you don’t help your lot at all by leading that girl on,” the oldest of our team admonished me.

“My first and only girlfriend in college was for three months during rehab. It was my PT. I’ve had two since then, neither lasted a month.”

“And she got burnt. Happens.” Toff meant Kate.

“Let’s hope your Edna can talk her down. God knows those two twits will only make things worse.” I hoped he meant Jude and Nat by ‘twits’. Sometimes, Toff was hard to read.

Caitlin, noticeably, just watched us at DB’s side.

They had questions about me being a Hero. I did my best to answer them.

We broke up at ten, I texted Koz, who told me to sleep somewhere else. Beau offered me a bed.

We were up until two talking, mostly about his past girlfriends and their expectations.


I headed home after breakfast, arriving at 8:30. Ed’s car was in my spot, so I parked in the visitors’ section.

I had to get buzzed in. Ed had my condo keys, which I didn’t even understand why she needed them. I knew that she had a set of my keys on her key fob.

My girlfriend was wearing one of my button-down shirts, tents on her, and Koz my Northwestern jersey, an even bigger tent. At least my shirts were fitted. Both women wore their shorts from last night, almost unnecessary considering the length of my shirts on them.

Those were the only two bodies moving around. Handing me a Coke, Edna ordered me to sit.

“Crisis averted for now.”

“For now? What set that off, or do I already know?” I asked.

“Kate’s title was not the same as Jude’s.” Ed said.


“It took Nat to beat it out of her,” Ed announced flatly.


“Oh yes. Kate was bruised. Nat wasn’t gentle.” Natasha shook her head at their brutality. I had seen them be physically aggressive with each other, but with just light kicks and smacks, nothing too bad. They could get quite harsh vocally with each other, as only the best of friends could, and still be that close.

“What is it?” I inquired.

“Hero’s Saintess.”

“I don’t get it. How was that bad?”

Koz replied, “Jude is Hero’s Companion.”

“Okay?” I was still in the dark.”

“Edna isn’t either of those.” Koz again.

“I’ll bite, what is your title?” I asked Ed.

“Hero’s Chosen.” Ed answered.

“And Kate knows this?”

“I can see their Hero-related titles. I can see your Hero title too. They can see mine and each other’s.” Ed again.

“I can’t see yours.”

“Probably because they are grayed out.” Koz noted.

“What about her stalker?”

“Trent Green. She admitted to receiving a call from him.”


“Your tickets. She can make just as much from those as he can offer, with no strings attached. You don’t come with strings. All she has to do is put up with not being first in your life.”

“That can’t be all it took.” Money wasn’t the reason she was leaving her two best friends behind.

“Jason, she learned the Spell. She learned the Spell that YOU gave her, that is when her title changed.”

“What did it change from?” I asked.

“She says she doesn’t know. I think she does.”

“I agree with Natasha. She knows.”

“Let’s not press that too much. She changed classes?”

“Apprentice Saint.”

“So it’s not the Saint or the current title that upset her, but the unknown one before that?”

“We think so.” Natasha considered, “Kate isn’t telling anyone. Unless Natalie or Jude got it out of her last night. We will probably never know.”

“What reason did she give for staying? That might be important.”

“She doesn’t need a reason to stay, just one to run away.” Koz opined.

“Jason, Kate isn’t going anywhere as long as you treat her well.”

Those two thought too much alike.

“What do you recommend that I do?” I asked.

“Fuck her silly,” prompted Natasha.

Giving Koz a patient look, Ed spoke her thoughts on the subject, “Take Kate out on a date. Shower her with attention and treat her right.”

“And then fuck her silly,” Natasha said again.

“Natasha.” She earned a moue of disappointment from Ed.

“Me too. But I can wait for Kate to settle down. But that girl needs you inside and by her side.”

Ed and I both rolled our eyes. We were keeping our voices down as not to wake anyone.

“You can wait until winter.” Ed wasn’t pleased with Koz’s joke / non-joke. There was an interplay between those two that I wasn’t catching. Or hoped that I wasn’t catching.

“Hey us spies need loving too.” Their whispered bickering let me know that Kate’s leaving concern was really settled. At least for now, according to both of them.

I entered into Kate and Natalie’s room. Nat had not spent much time sleeping in there since hooking up with Mat. Kate had moved to the lower bunk after her ‘abandonment’. Curled up in a ball, she hugged what looked to be one of my pillows, given the color of the pillow case on it. My sheets were a light gray, hers a pale teal.

“Hi.” Two tired eyes watched me sit on her bed by her knees.


“I heard that the big evil guy tried to tempt my favorite Saintess away, to play for the bad guy team.”


“I’m glad you are staying. I like having you around.”

“You have Edna, why would you want me?”

“Don’t forget Koz chomping at my heels.”

“She is a slut.”

“I’m not sure about that.”

“You would think that.”

“Kate, do you honestly believe that Natasha would befriend me if she didn’t like me, let alone date or anything else?”

“No.” She did not like admitting that.

“I heard she saved you quite a few times in ant hell.”

Natasha stood directly behind Kate in their last run and was tasked to keep an eye on Kate, as her primary obligation.


“I’m supposed to go to see my new house in a little bit. Bruce has a few questions for me. Do you want to come along in an hour?”

“Just me?”

“If you want. What about Nat and Jude? Do you want to ask them?”

“That isn’t very nice.”

“What isn’t?”

“I see what you are doing. Might as well invite everyone.”

“I asked Ed about her stylist yesterday. She got you an appointment for tomorrow. Let’s make a day of it. You can invite anyone you want or not invite.”

“Just the four of us. No one else.”

“You hold the invite card. I heard you got a new Class. Congrats Apprentice Saintess.”

“I’m your Saintess. Just like you wanted.”

“What about you? Did you not want to be a Saintess?”

She didn’t answer. She might have not wanted that title, but she wanted the Skillset.

“I just want you to be happy. I told you that beforehand.”

“I know.”

“I heard that Nat was mean to you last night.”

“She was fine. I needed a wake-up.”

“Then make sure you tell her. She is listening above us.”

“I know. We were talking when you came home this morning.”

“I need a shower and a change of clothes.”

“And a shave,” Nat called from above to prove that she was more than just listening in on our conversation.

“And a shave,” I agreed. I would agree to anything as long as Kate stayed and was happy. “Are you coming?”

“Thanks, Jason.” Kate responded with that very strange response. A response laced with too many teenaged emotions for me to understand or comprehend her true intent.


Kate sat in front with me, with Koz and Ed in back on the way to my new house. Both Jude and Nat declined. They went straight to UE for their usual training, and to give Kate time with me and, I suspected, those two sitting behind me. What went on the minds of women these days just baffled me.

Same as Axeman
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Judith: It was like entering the Twilight Zone -- this was my family, but it wasn't. Things were almost normal for the first hour or two, then my sister Beth and her girlfriend Frieda came through to door naked wearing dog collars and being led on leashes by a man I quickly learned was Beth's new master! Not sponsor, mind you, but master; nobody was dealing in euphemisms. The entrance of the three of them seemed to trigger this weird metamorphosis; Daddy was large and in charge and Momma...

3 years ago
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Special Work Requirements

HOW YA DOING MISS CARLY? I've been out of work for two years now. Bummer! Down on Luck, bank account used up, no dates for a year (no money of course). I was feeding the pigeons in the park when I met an old flame. One of the ones who doesn't hate me. She told me of a job vacancy, which was right up my alley. It was overseas, good pay and benefits. She said they were looking for males because the turnover was so great, the office was out of statistical whack with too many females. They...

3 years ago
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Familys Way

Chapter 1 Linda was down on her hands and knees there in the middle of the bed, and Ralph had his big hardon aimed straight up into her young teenage pussy. He'd gotten her naked and then she had been shown what position to get in so he could fuck her. Linda complied and spread her legs, waiting for Ralph to go ahead and mount her so she could accommodate his big cock as he slid inside her from behind. She wasn't really sure but every male in her family seemed to enjoy this "doggy style"...

2 years ago
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Mami Ne Lund Khada Kiya

Hi mere doston me Gunu hun from Orissa. Yeh kahani mere jivan ki sachhi ghatna he jo ki me app logo ko sunane jaa raha hun. Yeh story aaj se 12 saal pehele ki he jab mere maa, bap ne socha ki hamara beta ko achha padhai ke liye uski mama ki ghar bhej denge. Phir mere ghar wale ne milkar mujhe mama ki ghar bhej diya. Me mama ki ghar chala gaya aur mama ne mera unki gaon ki college me mera admission karwadiya. Actually mera 3 mama aur 3 mami he. Yeh kahani mere chhoti mami ke aur mera bich ka...

1 year ago
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Mommy Hairy Pussy

Ami akhon class 10e pori. Ami sex ba maye der body somondhye samnnyoi jantam, kintu amar maa er sharirer prati amar akta anno rokomer akrshan chilo. Amra barite matro tin jon baba maa o ami. Amar baba ek jon school teacher gramer akti schoole tai bari theke dure thake. Ami r maa barite eki thaki abong ak shathy gumoi. Amar maa mdhyam sundori ak jon mohila, boyes 36 , rong shyamla kintu khub sexy. Maa ektu traditional typer o resarb. Amer claas 9 theke maa er shorirer poti akristo hoi karon...

1 year ago
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MaggieChapter 10 Explanations

The following morning Leslie left around eight to keep an appointment with a client. Maggie and I were lolling around in the bedroom, watching the Today Show on NBC. We were just finishing the pot of coffee I'd made earlier and Maggie suddenly scooted off the bed and skipped (yes, skipped) happily into the bathroom. A moment later I heard the shower pelting a river of cool water against the glass and knew Maggie was cleaning up from our escapades of the night before. I became engrossed in...

3 years ago
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Toilet Training

Emma vividly recalled the woman, Jenny, and their first meeting. It had been in a nightclub celebrating her eighteenth birthday – surprising the bouncers, with whom she’d been flirting regularly for well over a year. She’d been kissing some guy in a bar earlier and hoped that she might bump into him in the club. As she scanned the dance floor for him, the woman caught her eye and held it for a moment too long. Like Emma she was tall, with cascading curls and a toned figure. Moments later, she...

1 year ago
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 3

"All characters participating in sexual activity are age 16 or older."[Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment]"Oh God! Yes, fuck me Wade, yes, ooohhh!" screamed Jennifer as her pussy was pounded from behind by the football player's rock hard dick."Yeah, take it babe, take it! I'm cumming! Aaahhh!" Wade yelled in return, as his jism unloaded into her. He pulled out of her and lay back onto her bed. She turned around on her hands and knees and took his shrinking cock into her mouth,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Erotic Massage To Soujanya In Hyderabad

Hi all. This is my third story on Indian Sex Stories dot net. About me, I’m Siv from Hyderabad. Women find me attractive and I always had their attention. I’m 34 and a regular to the gym. This incident happened last year. I was leading a massage service in Hyderabad for the last 7 years. It was a Monday. I got a call from my old client Sunitha that she shared my number to one of her friends who is divorced and needs a massage. She told me to follow it up when I receive a call from her. I...

2 years ago
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The Demons Sacrifice

“The demon,” the Great Mother spoke, and her voice boomed all around us, “is too strong!” Silence fell over the hall like a leaden blanket. A pair of feet shuffled on the floor next to me and stirred up dust. A choked sob sounded from somewhere further back. A muffled, crashing noise made it through the thick wooden gates and made some of my fellow sisters whimper in fright. I had seen him with my own eyes, felt the raw power spring forth from his hands and shake the foundations of our refuge....

2 years ago
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A Stranger Shares my Wife and Cums inside her

My wife and I attended a vanilla Luau party while we were on vacation. It was put on by the hotel we stayed at and was on the beach front. The party was open to all hotel guests. They sold pork plates along with drinks. At the party, they handed out lei's, grass skirts, and other novelty items. I know we probably went a little too far for the resort, but my wife wore her coconut bra along with the grass skirt with no panties underneath. The party ended at ten that evening as the staff began...

4 years ago
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The Bi Beach Clan Chapter One On the Trail

Ten hours and two diversionary loops off the trail and we haven’t shaken the four Hybrids that are tracking us - one man and three women. They're good, no doubt, and even with Lainey’s seemingly unshakable belief that I’m some kind of a superhero, she’s beginning to sense my concern. As a hunter, I’m hardly a match for a Hybrid at my very best and our shortage of quality victuals as of late has left me less than ready for such an encounter.I stop, raise my field glasses, and take a look back....

3 years ago
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Taxi Driver Uske Dost Aur Bete Ne Choda Part 1

Main Rucha Raval hu. Meri Age 21 hai. Main Gujarat se hu aur main Gujarati hu. Main mera ye fifth time incident ap sab se share karne ja rahi hu, please comments dena com ya facebook mein rucha.raval.75pe. Main mere bare mein batati hun. Meri height karib 5 feet 5 inch hai, weight 56 kgs hai, main bohot fair hu, main wealthy family se belong karti hu. Meri body size 34 29 38 hai. Mere hairs brown color ke hai aur sholder tak hai aur curly hair style hai. To mera ye incident kuch is tarah se...

2 years ago
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Spreading Seeds Chapt 6 Dinner with Mom

Chapter 6 - Dinner with Mom I entered the mess hall and looked around for Audrey. I didn’t see her but I saw Raule and Bob standing in the corner and I walked over to see them. “Hey,” I said as I came up to them. “Hey, “Bob answered. “Sarge has been looking for you all afternoon. You need to talk to him.” “What about?” I asked. I didn’t like the sound of it. Sarge had told me to take the day off, early that morning, and the get Astral to show me around. He had fixed it so she...

3 years ago
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Keeper Of The Books

I had a philosophy for life -- "keep it on cruise control." Why put out a lot of effort when things came easy? That lasted until the end of the first semester of my junior year of high school, when I brought home my first ever report card with a C. I'm not bragging... school came easy for me, at least up to that point and it wasn't until a couple of years later that I really had a rude awakening. Still I had to explain that C to my parents and of course my explanation was that the teacher...

4 years ago
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First Lesbian Experience With My Maid

It was the summer holidays after my tenth class final exams. There were two months of vacation and I was completely bored after the first week itself. My mom had gone out for work. I was curled up on the sofa, lazily browsing through the TV channels. I was wearing a round neck, sleeveless, white t shirt and a tight denim shorts. I was also having my small ear rings, a thin waist chain and a pair of anklets on me. I stared at the TV, switching the channels one by one. Suddenly I remembered the...

2 years ago
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Island Of Desire Ch 0406

Here is more story telling for the next three chapters. It seemed I’ve gotten carried away a littler. You should treat it like foreplay prior to good sex. If you’re not that patient and you just like to get down and dirty maybe you should fast forward to Chapter 7 where it becomes fast and furious. I hope you enjoy it. Gray Chapter 4 After a delicious breakfast Greg made his way to the archery ground near his bure, having enjoyed a restful nights sleep. The resort daily newsletter slid under...

3 years ago
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Practice Makes Pervert V The End

Dr. Tom Ryan had just cum. His cock, which should have gone soft, had not. Tom knew it was because moments after shooting his seed into his wife's mouth, she had pulled the sheer white, ruffled panties up his legs and settled them into place about his waist. It was not just the panties that made him remain hard. It was the stiff petticoats of the maid's outfit brushing against the panties ruffles. It was the tight long line corset, squeezing and molding his body and the dark...

2 years ago
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Tattoo Parlour

Introduction: Getting a tattoo always turnes me on Today is the day. I have been meaning to go get this done for a few months now and it just never seemed like the right time. Now the wait is over. Im standing in front of the tattoo parlour, enjoying the sweet mixture of anticipation and fright washing over me. I take a deep breath and pull the door open. When I enter I am momentarily overwhelmed by the hot air and seductive music that seems to never end. Its now after hours so hes alone in...

4 years ago
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A Daughter Has Her Way

A Daughter Has Her Way by: crossvestite Players: Amy-18 Steve-(Amy's daddy) 36 Andy-(Amy's twin brother) 18 Lucas-(Amy's boyfriend) 18 Cheryl-(Lucas's Sister) 15 Story synopsis: A young girl discovers that her daddy is a closet crossdresser. And along the way she discovers a lot about herself. She has plans for her daddy as well as her brother and boyfriend. Many adventures in store for everyone. --------------------- NOTE: This is a story I recently wrote in many short...

4 years ago
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Washed UpChapter 9

Day 20 - Thursday, May 20, 1847 Sam and I woke up with Cassie between us. Somehow, during the night, Cassie had managed to get across Sam. Since we were awake first, we just laid there looking at each other and stroking what we could reach of each other. Finally, Cassie opened her eyes and smiled at both of us. "Good morning," she said. "Good morning, Cassie," I said. "Young lady, we need to get something straight. Sam is my wife and I sleep next to her." Cassie just grinned and...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Bunny Colby Skylar Snow You8217ve Been Avoiding Me

Bunny Colby is lounging at home when her friend and cycling partner, Skylar Snow, drops by unannounced. Skylar is upset and Bunny lets her inside to talk but looks guilty. Skylar confronts Bunny about how she’s been ‘ghosting’ her lately. Bunny is dodgy and hesitant to say exactly WHY she’s been avoiding her, which causes Skylar to worry that she’s done something wrong. Not wanting Skylar to feel she’s to blame, Bunny eventually admits that she’s been...

4 years ago
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Nashik to mumbai

I am married and enjoy good sexual life with my wife. But you know sex ek ke saath maza nahi aata. It all happened 2 months back when I was returning from Nashik where I had gone for some office work. It was 7pm and was waiting for a Bus to Mumbai as Nashik bus stand. I was at a travel office, there was a good sex bomb at the same travel office who was also waiting for the same bus. I was praying to god to make this sexy lady to sit next to me in the bus. The bus came at 7:30 and I got inside...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 17

Cockatoo Part 17 I live for feedback [email protected] I woke early the next day, my mind already full of what I needed to do. Alex had spooned up to my back during the night and she was snoring gently, her hand laid across my waist. I gently interlaced her fingers with mine and she stirred but did not wake. I lay there for a while planning what I was going to say to Kritsada later that day. Once I had sorted out what to do, I slowly got out of bed and stood looking down...

3 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi At A Beauty Pageant 8211 New Comic Video

Savita Bhabhi’s company is sponsoring a beauty pageant. The boss asks Savita to take responsibility on their behalf. But among so many beautiful women, how can our sexy Bhabhi be left behind? A famous Bollywood film star compliments her beauty at the venue. This makes Savita Bhabhi all the more determined to win the contest. She is now looking at ways to win the contest. To watch and enjoy the entire episode,

2 years ago
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Taming of the Shrew

MF/f Modification BDSM Mc HumiliationTaming of the Shrew By BrabazonPart 1It was 10 o’clock on Saturday morning in the north London suburbs.  The front door of the house slammed shut and, from his study, Bill watched his second wife, Maria, jogging down the drive in her tennis kit and jumping into her silver convertible Merc before speeding off to her tennis club.  Cute bum, nice body, athletic, half Italian, beautiful, age 32, looked a bit like Eva Longoria, and independently wealthy as well...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Beautiful Doctor

Hello people. This is Raj again with a new and a real story. This happened between me and a doctor who is now my family doctor. Her name is Reena(name changed). She is in her early 30’s, married and has a 5-year-old son. Her figure is just to die for. Being a mother she has maintained herself perfectly. She is an ENT in a private hospital where I met her for the first time. I had some problem with my ear and so I had scheduled an appointment with ent. I was waiting for my turn and there was my...

3 years ago
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The Open House that Shook My World

It was late in the afternoon, andI had just dropped off a buddy at his house and was taking a new "back way" out of his neighborhood.... OK, ok... I was actually on my second try at getting out of his brand new mega-neighborhood. You know, those new developments where they jam a ton of homes all together, using roads that never, ever go straight. In any case, I had found what I hoped was the way to the back entrance out of the place, when I noticed an open house sign and some cars on the...

3 years ago
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fun with the ex after all who said we couldnt just be friends with benefits

I wonder what will happen? I wonder if she misses me as just a friend or maybe more? I guess i'll just have to wait and see. I'll play it cool, in case she is just wanting to be friends, but if more happens, i'm definitely not going to fight it. As Carolyn soaped her perky 34D chest her mind wandered to one of the last times her and Rachael had been together before they broke up a few months earlier. They had been laying in bed watching some cheesy sci-fi horror flick when Rachael had...

4 years ago
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Million Dollar Bella

Isabella Dea La Reis Merkzockowich, better known as "Bella The Breaker", had just suffered her fifth loss in a row. At the age of twenty-seven, a once-promising career in mixed martial arts was on a downward spiral. Bella had taken the sport by storm and crowded covers of sports magazines due to her crazy win streak in the sport of female MMA. Now, due to a loss, Bella was slowly on her way out of the organization and even her sports career.Bella had a unique build made for fighting and good...

1 year ago
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Marcie Faith and Angie Mac Loves Them All

100% fiction! Chapter I (Faith’s Party) Marcie, my beautiful, beautiful 18 year old daughter, with dark brown hair as bright and glossy as a sable’s pelt, enchanting hazel eyes, the face of an angel and a budding body that would drive young men crazy; small high proud breasts, a wisp of a waist and flaring hips, a cute derriere, rounded and full, my daughter Marcie. She was smart as a whip, too, a straight A student, I was so very, very proud of her. She was my pride and joy. My wife had been...

2 years ago
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The Dance

The Dance Brooke looked down at the month’s bills for her dance studio and pushed her fingers through her hair in frustration. Where was she going to come up with the money for all of this? The mall she ran her small studio in was failing badly ever since the new strip mall on the other side of town opened. She’d only had her business open a few years, being proud of herself for having her own business at only 26 years old. But now it seemed she was already failing. If only her rent wasn’t...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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A Mothers Dirty Boy

Diane stared at the screen of her phone in shock. Spread across it in full, vivid color, was a very large, very erect cock. The photo only showed the brazenly swollen cock and a modest glimpse of the groin and hips that went along with it. If the perspective of the picture was anything to go by, it was also an impressively large cock, crossed this way and that with pulsing veins and a prominent, deeply ridged head. Diane went from shock to humor to embarrassment and then to amazement all in...

1 year ago
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Brother Complex Part 2

The leash that I had on myself popped. In an instant, our tongues were in war. Nibbling, kissing, and biting all at once. His hands pulled at my short black hair to bring my face closer and I lifted him by his soft ass cheeks up to me. Our five inches difference in height and body build worried me little, now that he had come on to me. He rubbed his body on me seeking more contact. I could feel his dick against my legs and mine smashed against his flat stomach. God, I was losing my mind!I had...

4 years ago
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The Master DecidesChapter 17

The brain trust came over in the early afternoon as I had requested. They had tested the modified Device which would completely free my slaves as much as they could without actually using it on one of the slaves. Or I could just leave the slave at Loyalty, like the Barista. Jeremy had volunteered to go first either way, no one else had offered. In fact, they all claimed they wanted to be my slaves. But if I really wanted to free them, then they guessed they would do as I asked. “Let’s all...

3 years ago
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Jacqui and Heidi aka Jekyll and Hyde Chapter T

Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van*******Chapter Three - New Friends*******​It was after our 'dinner date' with Carol and Carl that we discovered that they were more than just casual players and that there was a lot more to our neighbours and their social life than we realised. Then again, I guess that in those early days Jacqui and me both had a naive outlook on life and that we both willingly accepted what we saw at first glance...

1 year ago
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Jenna and Sara

Me and Sara have been bestfriends since 6th grade, one friday night in the summer of sophmore year we had a sleepover. We both had boyfriends and both thought we were straight. She came over my house and we layed on my bed talking about, friends, school, boys. She asked me then, "Hey, Jenna how far have you gone?". I said "well i mean ive given my boyfriend a blow job what about you?" "Me and Jake had sex for the first time 2 weeks ago and he broke up with me a week later and i dont know why he...

1 year ago
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Martina Mothers Monks

Martina wanted to do something useful with her life besides mothering. Pushed into a marriage at sixteen, when three children arrived eighteen months apart she visited the government health clinic and unbeknownst to family and spouse and church, had the operation that shut down the production line. She wasn’t yet twenty-one. Seeing the small note at the supermercado in their small town in northern New Mexico, she was intrigued and borrowed her brother’s rattletrap truck to check it out. Up in...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 7 Discovery Mode

Tony had dropped Tina at school the next morning and gone to the hospital to pick up Rebecca. They had left the hospital heading downtown in the middle of the morning when Tony asked, "Do you want something to eat?" "Oh please Tony could we get something? I haven't had anything edible in the last two days except the Frosty you brought me. They're supposed to make you better in that place not starve you to death with that awful food." "I know just the place, probably the best...

2 years ago
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StepsChapter 17

Life did return to normal and they went down to Carlton Parva for the weekend, largely because Samantha wanted to get her head together with Henrietta about the wedding. Posy had a treat because Samantha rode her on Saturday afternoon. They were no longer matched in size and therefore did not go far but the two of them thoroughly enjoyed their ride, Posy nuzzling Samantha in gratitude when they returned home and she was being rubbed down. Henry was riding a chestnut gelding that he had known...

2 years ago
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Wife Swapping Heaven On The Earth Part 3

Hello iss readers. I am Rahul, and this story is based on real incident. I and my wife Neha are from Ahmedabad. We are young energetic and good looking couple. I am of 29 years of age, 5″6 with 6″ tool. Neha is of 28 and 5″5, 36-30-38. We have been married since 6 years. And it is always difficult to maintain interest in sex after some duration of marriage. Same thing happen to us.So after lots of role playing and after convincing my shy wife to chat with hot like minded couple, we met a couple...

3 years ago
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My Sexy And Kinky Teacher 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone my name is Vijay. My height is 5.3 feet and my weight is 70. My age is 23 years. My penis size is 7 inch. This is my first story that I am going to publish in this sex story site. Please forgive me if I had make any spelling or grammar mistakes. Now coming to the story, this is a fictitious story about me and my sexy teacher. My teachers name is gita, she is 40 years old and she lives with her husband who is 47 years old and both of them are old fashioned type people. Her figures...

1 year ago
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College Teacher Chapter One

College Teacher. Chapter one. Quentin College was a place that I had taken a fancy to when I was studying for my doctorate at University and was very pleased when I received a letter asking me to attend an interview. I was one of twenty there that day and I progressed into the next interview of ten and finally for a third visit of just three of us for a position in such a prestigious college. I was the last to be interviewed and I went into the Dean’s office to find two other people sitting...

3 years ago
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The Tunnel

The train had emerged out of the tunnel and back into the world of light. He noticed the skirt first. Jeremy had boarded the train back in New Haven, on route to New York City for the weekend to visit his longtime girlfriend Jayne. They'd been together since the end of senior year in college, had gotten jobs in different states, and had been trying to make the whole long distance relationship thing work. It wasn't. He was taking this trip to her apartment in the city to break things...

1 year ago
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Deconstructing the Nerd Ch 02

When Monday hit again, Reema was ready to tackle another week of university. She had a few classes to attend with some breaks in between, which she used to scout out some student associations and clubs. Her parents would be happy to hear that. In fact, she called them on the way to one. She wished she hadn’t, though, because her dad kept reminding her how they looked good on CVs (although Reema wasn’t sure he knew what CV actually stood for) and in applying for jobs and internships. It was all...

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