Who I Am Ch. 04 free porn video

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I hope you enjoy this!

Ms. Angel Sand

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It is 10 minutes to 5:30 and I can’t seem to open the car door. I keep wondering why I am really doing this, because I am serious about being with myself and enjoying my pleasure sessions with lovie. Maybe I’m trying to convince myself I don’t want to get close to Jamie. Or, I may want to use him because I haven’t gotten over the sting of Carter yet. I can hope the truth is I am just going to meet a friend I absolutely have no desire for… but I don’t know.

Forget it, I am just going to go for it. I mean, I am not giving up on my marriage to me. I’m just going to have fun and see where the night takes me. And as if the universe has decided this very moment was the time to prove it, Jamie knocks on my window.

‘Yes Sir? May I help you with something,’ I ask coyly.

‘Do you plan on staying in your car or are you coming in to have dinner with me’, he asks through a smile.

That smile… I forgot what it felt like to have it genuinely aimed at me. I loved this man for so many years. Now, I have to question if I ever stopped loving him. The years apart must have been good to him because he is appearing even more handsome. Being biracial he has a lightly tanned skin tone which only accents his green eyes. His short loose curls perfectly fit his symmetrical face. If he wore a buzz cut, he’d look just like Wentworth Miller from the TV show Prison Break, athletic build included. I used to never want to admit it but he is sexy as can be. Man, after all of the things I’ve done it still feels weird to call someone sexy. Especially, if you know you are never going to have sex with them. ‘Of course I’m coming in. I was just waiting until closer to 5:30.’

‘Karen, it is 5:45. I have been standing by that pillar watching you talk to yourself with your eyes closed for the past 15 minutes.’

‘Am I blushing now?’

‘You most definitely are. Get out of the car beautiful.’ Did you hear that? I heard that. He just called me beautiful. What am I going on about? No, it doesn’t mean anything. I am just going to get out of this car and find out why he’s trying to reconnect. Resolve: Get out of your own head Karen!

We go inside and are seated without incident. We are tabled with six married ladies having a rare night out and they are surely drinking enough to prove it. We spend a little time making small talk with them, until one compliments us on being such a cute couple. Dang it! But, it’s ok. I am just glad I wasn’t the one who turned the whole evening totally awkward. Even though I didn’t put us in this position by being the one to say ‘oh no, we’re not together’ or even ‘thank you’. But Jamie, being the guy he always is, had to make a comment ‘Honey, isn’t she sweet?’, then he turned and unsuccessfully whispered to me, ‘You wouldn’t have to feel so shy if you would’ve let me pick you up’. What the heck was that supposed to mean? Even if he picked me up I would’ve still wanted to come here.

One of the drunk ladies chimed in, ‘I know that’s right. Girl he’s trying to tell you, he wanted to stay in and have you for dinner!’ All of the ladies oohed and cheered, but I was even more embarrassed. Jamie just sat there wearing a huge grin. If I am not a total dunce, this marks the second time he has flirted with me tonight.

By the time our chef was done preparing our meals the ladies weren’t really paying too much attention to us anymore. I took this as an opportunity to address the issue at hand. The normal Karen would just beat around the bush or play games to get the answer. But, I came to this dinner with my big girl panties on. So I’ll just ask him, ‘Jamie, why did you want to go out with me again?’ It felt pretty good to just ask what is on my mind. I hope I am rewarded for it.

He finished the last few bites on his plate before he responded. I have never understood how he could eat food so quickly. I still had at least three quarters of my dinner left and I am a pretty greedy person, not to mention I had a plate full of scallops. But now, I am not eating at all. I am just watching his mouth waiting for the million-dollar answer. After wiping his mouth, he finally said, ‘I wanted to apologize.’ Okay, now I am totally confused. What is he apologizing for? He didn’t do anything wrong. Well, I guess as far as I know. But he continued, ‘I replay that day in your apartment over and over in my head. I said some things I didn’t mean and I was too frustrated with the whole thing to come back and apologize then. One of my biggest regrets is walking out on you and never looking back.’ At this point, I feel my eyes watering and a lump building in my throat. I should be the one apologizing, but when I opened my mouth nothing came out and he still continued. ‘You were the love of my life. At that time, I couldn’t imagine myself with another woman. All of my fantasies and dreams contained you.’

‘I’m sorry too’, was all I could muster without letting tears fall in this public place. Always observant and caring, Jamie asks if I would like to go somewhere to talk more privately. He paid the check and escorted me to my car. After a few intense moments of just staring at nothing in particular, I invited him to the passenger seat of my Cayenne. I was about to continue before he laid his hand on top of my hand that was tightly gripping the steering wheel.

‘Look at me’, he said as he gently turned my chin. ‘I didn’t invite you out to make you feel bad or even to get an apology from you. Can I ask you something though?’ I slightly nodded my agreement. ‘I want you to tell me the truth. Why did you change your mind? I mean it couldn’t be that you didn’t like what was happening. To put it bluntly, were soaking wet.

And then…and then…you just…stopped.’

‘Is saying I was scared a good enough answer?’, I asked trying to keep my tears at bay.

‘Come on. You know it isn’t. Are you ready to grow up or…’

‘I’m sorry’, I interrupted. Finding my strength and ability to be honest is harder than I thought. But I am determined. This is my chance to prove I am new person. Even if I am not trying to be with anyone, I have to work on being a better person. If I don’t, I won’t be happy loving myself either. So here it goes, ‘I was scared is still the truth. But, saying I had never felt pleasure like that before and I haven’t since, is also the truth. So, you know I’ve struggled with the whole pleasure guilt thing since we were kids. But I swear to you, I wouldn’t have gone as far as we did if I didn’t genuinely think I was ready.

And I was excited Jamie. After feeling your mouth on me, I couldn’t wait for the rest. I don’t want to keep going because I don’t want to offend you.’

‘I’m finally getting you to open up. It is impossible to offend me in this moment. Just keep going.’

‘I don’t know how else to say it, but I didn’t like the way it felt when you put your fingers in there. Then I only imagined your penis being worse. I could’ve been wrong, but I wasn’t ready to find out. I knew at that moment I wasn’t ready to be what you wanted…what you deserved.

You deserved someone who could be completely yours in every way. I spent the years after we broke up working on that part of me. Working on being willing to suffer discomfort for someone I love. I have also fought back the fear of
being ruled by desire. I know I have made progress, but right now I am enjoying time with myself. And I’ve made peace with it being that way for the rest of my life.’

He reached over and placed his hand on my right thigh just above my knee. It was an unwelcomed surprise due to the tingles shooting straight to my gut. As I clenched my thighs together, he said, ‘Thank you for coming out tonight. It was really great seeing you again.’

‘I had a nice time. It was good seeing you too. You are just as handsome as ever’, man, I keep putting my foot in my mouth. I hate I said that, but what’s done is done.

‘I just want to say the whole point of tonight was for closure for me. Though you are just as beautiful, hell, you are more beautiful than ever, I needed to know why everything happened the way it did.’

‘I understand. So I guess this is good bye.’

‘No, it’s I’ll see you around.’ He removed his hand from my thigh and I immediately felt cold. He exited my car without another word and I immediately felt transported to the moment I heard the door close to my apartment 9 years ago.

I need to get home to my lovie.


I am soaking in the bathtub trying to ignore the tears that have followed me from the restaurant parking lot to now. Though I adamantly believe Jamie deserved an explanation, I didn’t expect to feel as empty as I do. All of the scenarios I played in my head if I ever got the courage to talk to him, didn’t end this way. This is overwhelmingly confusing. I am not sure why I am feeling like I just lost something. Especially, when I didn’t want or expect anything from tonight. What is wrong with me? Just when I feel like I have made the right decision for myself, I am thrown off by something as stupid as a long dead relationship. Am I tricking myself into thinking self-love, with the help of my lovie of course, is enough? Even if I don’t want Jamie, do I want something that he represents? Maybe I do want to be in a relationship with man. Who am I fooling? I definitely want a boyfriend.

I want to be able to share everything, including my entire body, with the man I love. The idea of living in my sister’s basement when I am old because I don’t have anyone to take care of me is depressing. Even more so, is the idea of living the rest of my life waking up alone without someone who shares the joys and pains this journey brings with me. In every relationship the real draw back has been my lack of sexual reciprocation. I can fix that.

I guess to fix this, I need to build up enough sexual desire within me to where I don’t care about any discomfort I experience on the road to satisfaction. This is going to be hard and painful but, I am going cold turkey. What does this mean you ask? I am throwing my lovie out. To make myself commit to it. I am going to drop it in the toilet and throw it outside. I am brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I pick my phone up from the floor next to my tub to check the time. It is 11:30pm. Who is here? I am a little too scared to open the door, but I am getting out of this tub. If someone is here to murder me, I would like to have a fighting chance. And just as I make that decision, I hear the doorbell. Who is the world is here? If they don’t call me, I’m not going to the door. My phone doesn’t ring.

I am out of the bathroom in my pajamas and the knocking has stopped, but my nerves are still on edge. My cell phone is close for just in case. Maybe it was someone looking for my neighbor. The guy next door has different girls rolling through on the weekly, so it is probably one of them. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that is the case. I’m still carrying my cell phone with me when I walk to the kitchen to get some water. When it buzzes, I jump and chuckle at myself. My mind immediately wonders if it is Jamie. To my disappointment it isn’t.

-I just stopped by to bring you some stuff you left at my house and your spare key. Carter

I cannot believe this dude has waited an entire month to bring the little items I could care less about. Well, I do care about my key. I don’t know why I didn’t think to change my locks. But whatever, this is about him. And what makes him think he can stop by my house this time of night unannounced? Is he trying to check up on me? Probably not. He has the love of his life Lisa giving him all of the pussy I wouldn’t. So I’m just going to thank him and finally close this thing out.

-Thank you for dropping it off. Loving Me

– I didn’t say I dropped it off. I said I stopped by to give it to you. Carter

-Oh you can leave it on the porch and I get it. Loving Me

-You’re not home? Carter

-I’m in bed. You can leave it there and I will get it later. Loving Me

-I don’t feel comfortable leaving your key and stuff. Let’s set up a time and I will come by again. Carter

-Carter I said to leave it on the porch. Let me know when you have dropped it off. I am fine with the risk thanks though. Loving Me

Geez, he is irritating the crap out of me right now. I cut off the lights in the front of the house and get into bed. I already know Carter isn’t going leave the stuff as I requested. I just need to mentally prepare for what is to come. Then my phone buzzes again.

-It’s on your porch now. I would suggest you get it soon since it is already late. Carter

-Thanks. Loving Me

I choose not to say anything smart. I am just glad he decided to leave it so I didn’t have to see him. I slowly pulled the covers back and walked to the front door. I opened the door looking at the ground for my stuff when I hear Carter’s voice. ‘Hello K.’ I am so startled I let out a shriek and step back to slam the door. Carter blocks my attempt with his foot and says, ‘K, it’s me. I didn’t mean to startle you. It’s me’.

I am still breathing heavy trying to calm down. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘I told you I was dropping off your stuff.’

‘Yeah, drop it off. That means put it here and leave. Not babysit it. So like I asked before, what are you doing here?’

‘Don’t be upset. I put your stuff on the porch and turned to walk away but I couldn’t move. I had to see you.’

‘I’ve had a really long day. I really don’t have the energy for this right now. Thanks for dropping this off but, I’d like to go to bed.’

‘K, I know it’s late, but I feel like once you close that door, I’ll never see you again. You have every right to be mad at me, but please can I have a few moments of your time?’ He didn’t deserve any of my time, but just like me to never learn my lesson about being curious about what was on someone else’s mind.

‘You have 10 minutes’, I said as I stepped aside to let him in. ‘Can I get you something to drink’, I asked as I led him to the kitchen table.

‘No, thanks though.’

‘Well, what’s on your mind?’

‘I want to start by saying I never meant to hurt you. I really did want to make it work with you and I allowed my sexual needs to block my vision for the future. You know I never had sex with Lisa while we were together. I told her I wanted to wait. And I was waiting to tell you before I crossed that line.

To get to the point, I loved you. I still love you and I would like for you to give me another chance. Please?’

‘You must be sleep deprived. I can’t believe you came to my house at booty call hours to ask me to give you another chance. What happened? Did Lisa break it off with you? Don’t even try to lie to either.’


‘Yes what Carter? I don’t have time for these games.’

‘Yes, she broke it off with me.’

‘And now you’re running back to your safety zone? You think I am an idiot’, I started laughing uncontrollably. He really thinks he has a chance with me. He’s the idiot.

‘Karen, I am so sorry’, he said with his eyes glazed over. He continued apologizing and pleading, but I’m no longer listening. My mind is concentrating on my next steps to being a viable relationship candidate. An
d the more I tried to suppress it, the clearer the answer came to me. I have come a long way in a short time. I finally feel like I am free and I don’t need to fight with myself any longer. I can take risks and recover. I am no longer afraid of me.

If I lose control, then I lose control. That being said, this conversation is about to take a turn. It may be surprising, but I know I need to take a chance. ‘Carter, thank you for your apology, but I never want to be with you again. I just won’t be able to trust you. You understand right?’

‘I wish it were a different answer, but yes, I understand.’ When he moved to stand up from the table, I grabbed his arm.

Here it goes… I was looking him directly in the eyes while lightly rubbing his upper arm, ‘There is something you can help me with’. My intense gaze must have partially revealed my intentions because his frowned deepened.

‘I can’t go down on you, K. You look so beautiful right now’, he had to be kidding me because I am wearing an unsexy nightgown, ‘I’m gonna want more.’ I guess he’s telling the truth this time, so I’m moving forward.

‘I’m offering more.’ The room fell so silent all I could here were our breaths. To alleviate any confusion, I moved my hands from his arm to his belt buckle and repeated myself. ‘Carter, I’m offering you all of me, well the physical me. No strings attached. My virginity is my handicap, now, will you help me out or not?’ He continued to sit there with a stunned look on his face. So I started undoing his pants. He grabbed my wrists and the unwanted feeling of déjà vu covered me. I can’t bear the rejection of his bedroom again. So, I started telling myself I’d never be the woman I wanted to be unless I took this step. Then I felt Carter’s eyes focus on me. I had to say something, ‘Carter, you owe me.’

He immediately pulled me to him by tugging my wrists and began devouring my mouth. His face was pressed so firmly against mine I could hardly breathe. The most surprising thing about this experience is how much I’m liking it. But, as normal doubt and second thoughts crept forward. I purposely blinked them to the depths of my mind and leaned deeper into his kiss. He moaned his appreciated and carried me to my bedroom in one swift movement. I’m trying my best not to think about what is happening as he is pulling my night gown above my head. I watched him strip to his boxers as I laid on the bed only wearing my panties. When our eyes locked again, I could see the tint of desire in his eyes.

He climbed on top of me reinitiating our heat kiss. Again I was surprised. I felt my skin getting hot and a deepening need stirring in my belly. As his warm kisses traveled down my neck and began kissing the very tip of my nipples I clenched my pelvic muscles so hard a whimper escaped. When my entire nipple and as much of my breast that would fit was firmly encased in his mouth, he slowly but firmly sucked and held me in his arms. My body is shaking uncontrollably because I am so caught in the moment. Without letting my nipple escape, he smoothly removed my panties. I am praying he doesn’t ball them in his fist because I am certain they are dripping with my desire. He releases my nipple and continues open mouthed kisses down the center of my body. When he reaches the top of my mound my entire body freezes with anticipation.

I am not let down. He covers my entire pussy with his mouth and licks my slit continuously like it was an ice cream cone. What. In. The. World. is he doing to me? I am now thrusting into his mouth and he is not relenting. I recognize the tingling that begins at my pinky toes and quickly creeps to my ankles. My legs are quivering and he separates my outer lips with his pointing and middle fingers. I can’t stop thrusting my hips as his tongue is make direct contact with my aching clit and just as I am about to find my release he removes all contact from my body and boldly states, ‘Not like this. You are cumming on my dick tonight’.

I didn’t know what to do. I wanted that too. I could only scream, ‘Please Carter! I need you inside me now’! Hear him swiftly remove his boxers and climb back on top of me.

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Introduction: I always get what I want. Thats just how it works, its how it has always worked. I always get what I want. Thats just how it works, its how it has always worked. I love using my power for bad, its just too naughty. It feel too good to refuse, it excites me beyond anything Ive ever felt. Even thinking about it right now makes me want to push my fingers into my dripping pussy. I guess I just know what a man wants, I know what I want and I know how to get it. Power lies with whoever...

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I awoke confused; the bed beside me was empty, thank God! But that still didn’t explain the who of it from last night, because I know for damned sure the woman I fucked last night wasn’t my wife, although I’m pretty sure she was family. ‘Start at the beginning, ‘ I thought, let’s go over the events and see just what we can figure out. Karen and I had been invited to a party at her parents’ house. Well, they call it a house; it’s pretty palatial by my standards with eight bedrooms, plus a...

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It was almost 7:00. I waited nervously in my room for Steveto arrive. Steve was my boyfriend. My very first, real, live, boyfriend. Having a real boyfriend ushered me into the echelons of girls in the school who mattered. Having a boyfriend meant you were somebody, you were linked into the social hierarchy of high school and got to look down on all the virgin wallflowers waiting for someone to pick them out. I could hardly believe that Steve had picked me out. I was almost a nobody, just a...

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Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 16

The next seven weeks flew past for James and me. We got involved in some interesting cases, and we were coached on every technique they used. We had little trouble passing the units they had us study for. Professor Ingles had already said he could sign us off on the others. We even had to study Army Regs. One case we solved that surprised them was what was called a cold case. It was nearly three years old. Captain Walters had pointed out a special filing cabinet. He said it had six cases in...

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SnatchedChapter 14

Even though we'd been hard at it last night, for the first hour or so at least, we were up just before sunrise today. We weren't the first ones moving though, since I saw Charga - Jekaycey's father - leading Denac out toward a nearby stream for a bath and some father-in-law type advice. This morning also brought my first chance to see some of the mate-to-be's preparations. I don't know what went on in that hut, but there was a constant stream of women in and out of it. Of course most...

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My wife sisters husband

My partner had a sister, Klara, who is a warm-blooded lady, very hot and still crazy for men. Sexual in other words. Wanting a dick in a pussy, short and good.Her husband is a cheeky type, very outgoing and confessed with main orientation towards men of the same age.His wife gets a little fucking just on special occasions.Me he uses to flirt with in a thrilling manner. He can stand up to me, sniff on me, my hair. Clap my butt and do not get out of my way to clench my pants in the veil to touch...

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SexAndSubmission Dee Williams Victoria Voxxx Security Risk Part 1 Corruption

Dee Williams is a small city mayor with big time appetites, leading her down a path of corruption and criminal liaisons. Dee has run an unimpeachable platform for years, but when nubile and earnest speech writer Victoria Voxxx enters the campaign office, she brings the chaotic forces of the dark web and hacker Mickey Mod with her. Together they plot to bring Dee’s campaign down, but only Mickey knows the ultimate prize is two million in crypto-currency and that he is using Victoria to get into...

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LEZ Be Lovers

--- LEZ Be Lovers (FF, MF, bi, blackmail, cons, interr, nc, oral, impreg, safe, toys) by Krosis of the Collective --- When I arrived in the big city, ready for university, I found that I didn't even have anywhere to live! The place that I was going to rent had been rented to someone else, probably for more money, or maybe they just didn't like black people? I would have complained, but did I really want a landlord like that? I spent my first night in my car. I barely slept, I...

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Ambush at the CampChapter 3

Tuesday came when it was expected, and I finished my preparations for my visit to the penthouse of the Prince Hardin hotel. I left home at 9:00 o'clock and had no trouble finding a place to park at that hour. I was already wearing my working outfit under a conventional pants and shirt. Beside a few other gadgets, I was carrying my air gun and that Colt .45 I had picked up at the camp. The Colt was more for its intimidation effect than for anything else. I was planning to use the air gun for...

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SpiralsChapter 20

I pulled into the driveway next to the Eastman's trailer at six. Mrs. Eastman opened the door, a smile bursting onto her face. "Hello, John!" she said, giving me a quick but crushing hug. "It is so good to see you. I was half convinced that Olivia was pulling my leg." I gave her a sincere smile. "It's nice to see you too, Mrs. Eastman. Is Liv ready?" She nodded at me, still smiling. "Olivia, your date is here!" she called back toward the hallway. Turning back she said, "I can't...

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My Small Vices

About 5-6 years ago, I walked into my first "Adult BookStore Blind Date". To say that I was apprehensive would have beenan understatement. I was anxious to see what these"Book Stores" were all about though... so I went along with a guy I met online. Wearing my low cut, wrap around dress with no bra andunderwear as my guy had requested, we entered thestore. There must have been 7-10 guys browsing throughthe magazine racks. All of the magazines had "graphic"type pictures on them, such as women...

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XChange University

You wanted nothing more than to escape the life you found yourself in. Growing up in a lower class borough brought hardships that someone your age shouldn't have had to deal with such as working part time jobs in the afternoons and evenings, having to take care of the house while your parents were out working or drinking (usually drinking), and trying to feed yourself. You had little, if any, time for studying for your high school exams and standardized tests. As such, It was no surprise that...

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24 ChristmasesChapter 13

Scott is sitting at the bar, sipping on his beer when he looks up to see his brother, Eric, finally coming through the door. He waves the man down and then calls for the bartender to bring out two fresh beers. By the time the bottles arrive, Eric is sitting down. “So what’s so urgent you needed me to come into town, Scotty?” Eric asks. “It’s about Lola,” Scott starts to explain. “Oh no, man,” his brother groans. “Don’t tell me you’re breaking up with her. Dude, that’s not cool to do on...

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Im Alive

At first, Daphne wanted to buy a realistic dildo for one of her co-workers' bachelorette party. You know, like a mock present. But, the more Daphne checked the dildo, the more she wanted to buy it for herself. It was made out of a soft plastic, and it was molded in such a realistic way that it had veins and a set of hanging balls. Overall, it measured about 8'' from side to side, and it was wide enough for tightly fitting in any kind of pussy. Daphne was baffled. She never imagined that such...

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The Beast

Jack woke in a cold sweat, eyes darting wildly around the room. Getting out of bed he went the the window and stared at the city, sleeping unaware of the horror that crept its dark alleyways. It was the dreams again. IT was out there, hunting, that ... thing. He could feel it, its dark desires, it's hungers. He would stop it. He had to stop it. He had hunted it for so long. This time he couldn't fail. Amy sighed and rubbed her temples. It had seemed so natural, combining her certificate...

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Rick Returns Sons Revenge 2

Rick returns: Son's revenge 2 8 years later..... Rick's adoptive mother Jodi, slept with Rick's high school bully who nearly pushed him to suicide. Unaware of this, Jodi slept with Jack on a number of occasions and Jack's friends Lee and Mack. Little did she know that Rick had seen her. Fueled by anger and driven by revenge, Rick nearly killed Lee, Mack and jack. When Rick confronted Jodi she pleaded on her knees for Rick to forgive her. Rick left her cold and skipped town. Nearly...

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My brothers mate

It was last summer when my brothers mate Will came to stay with us whilst our parents were away on holiday. He is your typical good looking lad, tall, deep blue eyes and dark spikey hair that begs to have fingers running through it. Being 20, the same age as my brother Jamie, he was only 3 years older than me, yet this still felt like a lifetime of an age difference as they both treated me as though I was ten years younger, very over protective. I think this is what attracted me to him even...

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Episode 116 Mums and Daughters on Holiday

Molly adored Fuerteventura - on holiday with her mum Justine after the gruelling GCSEs - topless sunbathing all day, dancing and drinking long into the night.Ever since she was a little girl, Molly had collected glass beads to adorn her clothing.Now that she was old enough to wear a proper tie-sided thong bikini, she threaded one bead onto the tie strings for each sexual conquest: boys on the right and girls on the left.Sitting across the restaurant table from Justine, Molly was horrified to...

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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 2A Tuesday

Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, captain of the Flying Dutchman, 1204 EST October 27th 2006. It was 12:04am. That is what my alarm clock said in those bright neon numbers the nearly blind could read at twenty paces. With my vision, I could not see them from further away than three feet. These thoughts I should not have running in my head. I should be having my post midnight fantasy about now. The noise that interrupted my sleep sounded again. I turned over and looked. There was a new...

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Home Early from work

But I suppose I lost the right to call myself average a couple of years ago. It was the day I took off work early to get some work done at home. When I got home I was expecting to be alone. My 10 year old was at a friend’s every day after school and my 14 year old son was supposed to be at homework help that day after school. Needless to say I was surprised when I passed my sons room. I saw them before they saw me. I saw my son, a gangly athlete who was well toned for his age, sitting...

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Computer Girl BBC Part2

This part of my story is what happened the rest of the week working with Shane. I got out of bed on Thursday morning my mind still reeling from what happened last night in Shane's hotel room. The guilt was racking me as my husband I were getting ready for work, but on the other hand I was so worked up thinking about how I had never been Fucked the way Shane fucked me. I was always a believer that size doesn't matter but was now finding that maybe it does! I picked up Shane at the hotel he got...

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A Coffee Encounter

  Shopping.My favourite pastime.I love shopping for clothes, shoes, especially underwear and… I like to shop alone.My husband hates shopping, he thinks it is boring. On the odd occasion that we go together he refuses to enter ‘women’s’ shops and prefers to wait outside. He is probably watching the girls go by. I like to watch the girls too but he doesn’t know that.This fantasy started on a shopping trip on my own.I had been in town for a couple of hours but had bought nothing so far. I'd had a...

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NuruMassage Penny Pax Kiarra Kai Kept After Class

Penny Pax, a masseuse, is just finishing up with teaching a class of future masseuses and masseurs. However, as the students file out, she asks Kiarra Kai and Robby Echo to stay behind. She insists that NEITHER of them is going to graduate from the course any time soon since they still don’t have the basics down! Although Kiarra and Robby are dismayed, Penny assures them that they CAN still pass… as long as they do ANYTHING she says… After they eagerly agree, grateful for...

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Crapshoot Ch 03

“Mrs. Marsh!” sang out Sandy. “So glad to see you again.” Sandy studied Judy’s expression, “Why the frown?” “I just proved my husband right.” Judy made a wry smile and added, “I lost all my money on the slots.” “Well, don’t fret! I never win anything either. But cheer up, after we’ve finished with you this afternoon, you will feel divine. This way please.” Sandy led her to a dressing room. Handing her an oversized towel, Sandy said, “When you are ready I’ll show you to your mud bath.” “Just...

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Swinging Spa

This is a true story about a journey I made recently with my partner into the swinging scene. This is the first time I have ever written a story of any description, so please feel free to feedback! It was nearly a year ago when my partner Jake and I were discussing fantasies. He was not particularly forthcoming with regards to his fantasy, saying that he loved everything we do and would be willing to try anything. I on the other hand, had a reason for starting this conversation, I had always...

Group Sex
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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 7

Rather than have Steve and Allyson track down their vehicles, Bryant suggested they take his SUV — since it was parked right behind them. He tossed the keys to Allyson and climbed into the backseat. Allyson admonished the lieutenant and patrolman to maintain radio silence. "If either of you call ahead to warn them, I will add tampering with evidence charges against you," she promised. The men nodded and returned to their vehicles. Then she turned to Steve Curtis. "You drive," she...

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My First MMF Threesome

T and I had a discussion at some point about a fantasy involving group sex. Basically he wanted to see me with more than one man and I wanted to be with more than one man. He took care of the details. He assured me I would be safe. He gave me a key to his room and said for me to be there at 10pm. I almost chickened out. I had never done anything like this before and I was scared. Two things pushed me forward. First, I trusted T. He’s a very large man and I knew that no matter what he could...

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Lesson in Lust

Penny is sitting in her last class of the day, looking out the window at the lovely spring weather, wishing school was over with for the year. It wasn’t that she disliked school, her classes were interesting for the most part, and her grades were high. But the warm weather of spring always made her feel a little wild, and being cooped up in school for the majority of the day was getting pretty tough as the weather improved. Penny is just daydreaming and not listening to Mr. Corey’s explanation...

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Prairie Mom

Prairie Mom Synopsis A woman, Sarah, nearly vaporized by a lightning bolt, finds herself in Chuck's home 150 years later. Back then, in Sarah's time, very young boys some, were still swaddled in diapers, most, the younger ones at least, wore dresses. Also in her time even some of the older boys well past diapers were often dressed as girls. For the young ones dresses simply made it easier to change a diaper. For those older boys it kept them mindful of who really ran the home. ...

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A Different afternoon

I was upstairs having a look on xhamster since the wife was at work, I’d been doing the usual, wanking and when I was ready to cum I’d go and have a cig then wank again and repeat the process not wanting to cum until I was ready, I’m sure we’ve all done this. A couple of hours later and I was simply gagging for a cumshot. When out of the blue there was a knocking on the door. ‘fucking hell’ I cursed to myself as I got dressed and went downstairs, on opening the door there stood a younger man...

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I found my sister stripping Ch 8

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A plan formed in my mind that night, which I put into action the next morning. I made a few calls, setup a few appointments, and then called my girls to let them know I would be at a conference for the weekend. Each of them handled it differently. They all wanted to go, but when I told them that I wouldn't go with anyone who continued to treat me indifferently, their personalities came out. Geo informed me that she would start treating me...

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Jon Snow and the Ladies of Westeros pt 3 Lysa ArrynTully

She couldn't help but rub her now slightly swollen womb in affection for the young growing within her. Catelyn couldn't help but marvel at how virile Jon's seed was and how quickly it had taken root and quickened her womb. His young grew seemingly rapidly, as if eager to be free to see the world soon. Her new wolf pups would be full of energy, it seemed. She had long given in to Jon and now came to his bed willingly and happily as he had her service his cock with her mouth and pussy...

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Fantasy Fulifilled

Damn! I really should be focusing on studying the internal components of this computer, but I am so tortured right now. I have been stuck on him for weeks and I just cannot get him out of my mind. I should have never got that close to him, but he is just so fucking sexy, I could hardly resist. Chuck is 6’6, he has a sexy ass skin tone, and he sports a low cut and a goatee. He has tattoos covering his entire upper body and can please me like no one else can. How do I know?

1 year ago
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My Brother Saved My Love Life

My Brother Helped Me Saving My Love Life. Hi, my name is simran. I just finished my teens and enters the twenties. Currently i am doing my second year graduation.… My Brother Helped Me Saving My Love Life. Hi, my name is simran. I just finished my teens and enters the twenties. Currently i am doing my second year graduation. I belong to a orthodox family so you can also clearly imagine that how i feel being to a orthodox family when i have no freedom at all. I have parents and one elder...

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Shades of Darkness

Rain tapped a steady beat on the tin roof of the old house. Various vessels were placed to catch the water as it leaked through the ceiling. Chloe was in the tiny dinning room looking out one of the windows watching the rain that had steadily fell for the past five days. She cursed herself for not having the roof inspected before she moved in to her grandmother’s old house. She was so touched that the woman had loved her enough to leave her the house. It had been the place where many of her...

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Officially a Cuckold

We used to have standard sex all the time, but recently, she has found pleasure in playing the dominant girl, and quite frankly, I don't mind it at all. One time after I shot a big load in her mouth, she stood up, looked at me through the eyes and kissed me with her tongue full of my cum. I was surprised at first, but I then I thought it was hot. We kissed and swapped my cum for a few minutes and after which she swallowed all of it. Kristen likes facials, and she loves the taste of cum. When we...

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