Slut mom bangs her sons coach
- 2 years ago
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As Bobbie began to awaken from her sound sleep, she just stretched her muscles and realized she was in Kris's arms. After only a single day, she realized that her new sister's body was utterly perfect. She was beautifully muscled with wide shoulders, full breasts and a flat belly. Her very slim waist flared out smoothly to slim hips and very tight little buns, then flowed down to the most beautiful legs Bobbie had ever seen on a woman. As Bobbie was about to drift back into a deep sleep, Kris began to tickle her ribs.
Jumping with surprise, Bobbie tried to escape but found herself trapped in Kris's arm while with her free hand she continued to torment her sister. Taken completely by surprise, Bobbie was futilely trying to escape the torment yet it never occurred to her to counterattack.
It stopped as suddenly as it began with Kris asking guilelessly, "Are you awake yet?"
"I hate you, Kris Bradley," Bobbie said with a pout. "I was so warm and comfy and relaxed and wonderful ... Then you have to go and wreck it!"
By this time Kris was kneeling on the bed with her weight back on her heels just looking at her sister. Without any reference to her attack she said simply, "Bobbie, I adore you. That was one of the best nights I have ever spent. You're a simply scrumptious bed companion."
Lifting her eyebrows she asked, "Would you like a reference? To whom it may concern? I would be happy to give you one." Then she uncoiled and headed for the bathroom saying, "Get your ass in gear. It's almost seven-thirty and you and I are playing tennis this morning."
When they arrived at the court reserved for them, they found themselves on the middle court of a five-court layout. The other four courts were already in use. After volleying to warm up, the girls began to play. They were both very fast with very quick reflexes. Bobbie was stronger but Kris was more experienced. The first set went to a tiebreaker that Kris won, while the second set — also with a tiebreaker — was won by Barbara. As they took a break for some water between the sets, they realized that they were the only people playing on the five courts.
All of the other players had stopped their matches and were arrayed along the center lines of the two adjacent courts, just watching. Kris winked at Bobbie and said, "Come on, Sis! Get your fat ass in gear. The paying customers are waiting to see us perform."
The last set lasted nearly an hour. On both sides of the net there were incredible saves, long rallies and ultimately, just great tennis. The tie breaker went to 15-15; neither could get the necessary two-point advantage to win. It was Kris's turn to serve, but instead of serving she just dropped the balls and her racket and fell to her knees laughing and shaking her head.
By this time even her shorts were saturated with sweat and their tops — even after a change — were clinging to their torsos like second skins. "Want to flip a coin?" she called out. "I've had it."
Seeing her sister on her knees, Bobbie sank to her knees as well. Shaking her head wearily she replied, "I don't even have the energy to flip a coin. Call it a draw?"
"Let's!" Kris exclaimed. She tried to bounce to her feet but her knees gave out and instead she fell flat on her face. At first Bobbie thought she was hurt but then she lifted her face, now covered with clay dust, howling with laughter. The entire front of her tennis outfit was also clay-covered as the dust stuck to the sweat-soaked material. Bobbie thought for a moment about jumping the net but decided she was certain to go on her face, too. The two girls met at the net support and kissed warmly. As they did, there were cheers from all of the spectators who had just seen world-class tennis.
The two girls stumbled into the ladies locker room, took showers and then went to the dining room where they met their parents for breakfast. As they sank into their chairs Kris grumped, "Mom, she's too damned good! I can't beat her. I can scarcely win a point..."
"Bullshit!" Bobbie interjected. "Mom, Kris is unbelievable! Isn't there anything she can't do like a professional? Anything at all?"
Vangie kissed both girls and then replied, "I'm sure there's something, Bobbie ... It's just that we haven't found it yet. And you know something else? Whatever it is, I don't think it's going to be very significant."
"Insignificant? Do you call the total inability to get a boyfriend insignificant? How incredibly selfish, Mother! Just because you spend every night in heaven in Dad's arms, what about us poor unfortunates?" Then she smiled at Bobbie warmly and added, "Of course, last night was really great. Bobbie makes a wonderful bed-mate. Now if only she had a big cock..."
Vangie was listening while she was slowly shaking her head from side to side. When Kris finished Vangie said, "What your sister doesn't say is that she has dated more boys than any twenty girls alive." Although her eyes were gleaming with humor she tried to look serious as she added, "Of course, it's been one date to a customer. Your sister goes out with a guy, kisses him goodnight, and then kisses him off. No bells and no electricity, so no second date."
Shaking her head, feigning sadness, she added, "What a hell of a waste of manpower!"
Changing the subject she asked, "What are we going to do after breakfast? Play golf?"
When she heard Vangie's suggestion, Bobbie's heart leaped to her throat. First, she knew Tom's father was the golf professional at Kapalua and she was afraid of meeting him. Beyond that, although she had been playing on a computerized golf trainer, she had never been out on a real golf course in her life. Unfortunately, before she could say a word, the others had unanimously endorsed the plan.
Kris grabbed her hand and jerked her to her feet. Bobbie giggled as she was literally hauled out of the restaurant by her sister feeling like a rag doll as she even bounced off the chairs on the way out.
When they reached the pro shop Kris was still holding her by the hand as she led the way to the golf club displays. As they went towards the back Kris cried out, "Anybody home!?"
A tall, lean young man came out of a small office in the back and held his arms outstretched. With a cry of delight Kris threw herself into his arms and mashed her lips to his while Bobbie just looked on in amazement.
When they broke the kiss, Kris grumped, "How is it that all the good ones are already married?"
Then with a quick grin she took the man by the hand and pulled him over to where Bobbie was waiting. "Mr. Conroy, I would like you to meet my new sister, Barbara. She needs a full set of clubs — expensive ones!"
Turning to Bobbie she explained, "This is sort of a Bradley CARE package — with all of his children, he needs the money."
Jim Conroy was shaking his head while there was a wry grin on his face reflecting his reaction to Kris's antics. He put out his hand and said, "Barbara Bradley, it is a real pleasure."
Then he looked at her quizzically and asked, "But where have you been hiding all this time. This is the first I've heard of another sister. I certainly know Cathy and Ken, of course, but Barbara... ?"
Then to the two girls' surprise he put out his other hand and was holding both of Bobbie's hands in his. Looking into her eyes, there was a sudden flash of recognition. "Of course!" he exclaimed, "You're Barbara Dawson! You have to be."
The very worst of Bobbie's fears were coming true. Suddenly she wanted to disappear into a crack in the floor. When she tried to escape, she realized that although he was not exerting any pressure on her hands they might as well have been gripped in a vise. Although he knew she wanted to flee, he didn't let go.
Instead, he continued to stare into her eyes. In a bemused tone of voice he murmured, "They're right, too. You're exactly like Hank! My God!" he exclaimed, "I never would have believed it. We always thought that Hank and Sam were like peas in a pod, but compared to you, Sam's not even close."
While he continued to look into her eyes he said, "Kris, could you go and hit some balls or something?"
"You want me to get lost, is that it?" she said with a grin.
"Sure do," he said, "and as fast as possible." Turning his attention back to Bobbie he said softly, "Promise you won't try to run away again?"
Her first reaction was to deny his charge but she was too honest. With a little smile she just nodded once. While he continued to talk to her he idly started looking at various types of golf clubs. Turning his attention back to her, he asked her to stand up straight. Then he ran his fingertips lightly over her upper arms and shoulders.
When he realized the extent of her muscle development, he whistled softly and grinned. "Come with me," he said. "We have to talk."
Leading the way, he took her into his small office behind the shop and sat her in a chair, then sat down across from her. Jim went back to studying her eyes. "They are certainly right about you," he said finally.
"They?" she asked, puzzled. "Who are 'they'?"
"The two little angels who worship the ground you walk on," he replied. Then with a little smile he added, "And please don't pretend you don't know who I'm talking about."
Then his face took on an overtone of anger as he continued, "That idiot son of mine really hurt you, didn't he?"
"No!" she screamed. "No! Please don't ever say that! If I felt I was in any way coming between you and your son, I would kill myself!" Then she began to cry as she added, "He's so good!"
"So good he could torture you unmercifully for weeks?" he asked. "That good?"
She replied before the full significance of what he had said sank in. "He didn't mean it, though! I'm just a prostitute, and prostitutes and sluts have no feelings."
"I beg your pardon?" Jim interjected. "My wife, Hank, is a prostitute and she certainly has feelings!"
At that comment, Bobbie's jaw dropped and the shock stopped her tears. "Your wife is a... what?" she exclaimed.
"A prostitute, a whore, a slut ... You know — all those good things," he replied with a straight face.
"Why James Conroy, you should wash your mouth out with soap! Of all the nerve! My God! Hank Conroy is the purest, nicest, warmest..."
"How do you know?" he demanded. "You've never met her."
"That's true," she admitted, "but I've heard so much about her, I feel like I know her. She is the warmest, most loving wife God ever put on this earth!"
"That's true, too," he said without expression, "but what's that have to do with her being a prostitute?"
Bobbie was completely bewildered. The exchange had turned into the strangest conversation of her life. She tried to organize her thoughts and then said, "A prostitute will do absolutely anything, no matter how degrading, for money."
"That's Hank," Jim agreed. "Absolutely anything! If she thinks I might derive some pleasure — sexual or otherwise — she does it ... Regardless of what it might be, too."
"But ... But, a prostitute does it for money..."
"Hank has never had another job in her life. Where do you think her money comes from?"
At that point, Bobbie was dumbstruck. There was nothing more she could say. Jim picked up the thread and added, "I'll admit that most prostitutes serve more than a single customer. Hank complains about that. She claims it's my fault, and she's probably right. First of all, we're stuck out here in the northwest corner of nowhere. It's not the greatest place to build a business like that.
"Second, she claims that I won't give her the money she needs to advertise. That's true, too. Finally, she thinks other customers wouldn't appreciate it too much if she was constantly having to take a break to nurse a baby. Since they're all mine, there's not much I can say, but..."
He grinned but then became serious again. "We were talking about what my idiot son did to you. He tortured you, didn't he?"
Suddenly, her emotional dam burst. "Oh God! I love him so!" she screamed. "Having to go down on him day after day ... Having to lie in bed with him with my head on his shoulder while he cups my tit..."
Then she held her head up straight and said, "But it's all my fault! A slut has no feelings. I ... I just imagined it all!" She screamed at him, "I am a slut!"
This was more than Jim Conroy could stand. When he had looked into her eyes all he had seen was what Kenny and Andrea and said he would see: the purest goodness and love. He realized that this beautiful girl was tormented by her love for his married son.
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Dinner that night was as much fun as it had been the last time. Even if it was bittersweet, with Pan being in the Delta Sector, Kat still enjoyed just sitting and spending time with Pan's brother and sister-in-law. The more she heard about his childhood, and about his family, the more she couldn't help but wish that her family were still around. Over after-dinner drinks, John finally broached the subject of her finances. "Okay, Kat. Time to get down to business! With what I was able to...
I awoke that afternoon with a hard-on. That, in itself, wasn't amazing. I always awoke with my eighteen year old cock fully erect. Usually it was in my fist, leading to my first jerk-off of the day. What made this special was that it had already been drained a couple of times that afternoon but it was raging again thinking of the new neighbor lady. Man, I had to shake my head (the big one) to make sure that I hadn't been dreaming. It was like something out of a porno; MILF Milks Pool man....
First TimeSorority flag pole night A fantasy of girls using a man Bob was nineteen and a student. One day the group of lads he sometimes hungout with suggested a night on the town with the proviso that Bob stayed soberas the driver. He was reluctant but agreed. The lads visited many bars butall Bob drunk was coke. Not so his friends who by the end were all legless.On the way back they were larking about in the car until he told them to sitstill as they were affecting his driving. They all jeered and...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
CHAPTER 9E: SATURDAY MORNING AT THE ESTATESometime during the night I was having the most wonderfully erotic dream of my cunt being eaten. Very lovingly, but intently. I moved my hand down, half sleeping, to my crotch to add to the dream with some physical stimulation when my hand encountered hair. It wasn’t a dream. This was real … and it was still dark … I was with Marie and stayed with her … “Marie?”“Shh, you just lay back and let me try to repay you for last night,” she replied.Fair is...
You read iirst part House Party – Part I and that’s how my 20 year old young wife became slut of three carpenters and in morning she came nude to see them off. Undoubtedly and this nude parade of Divya in presence of husband was pre-planned by my wife Divya and those three lovers of her. I smiled when maid came, she had put on clothes. It was Friday and at usual time I went to my work. In evening none of we two talked about carpenter or the work and third consecutive night we did not fuck...
Chapter Sixteen: Mind-Controlling the Kinky Lesbians By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Kimberly “Kimmie” Michael I pulled my car into the parking lot before the Pink Pussycat. The sex shop didn't look too sleazy. It had a bright, neon sign with a cat perched on the end of the sweeping cursive words. There was something bold and suggestive about the pose of the mascot. “I can't believe we're going in there,” Natalie said. My friend was a more...
ALL CHARACTERS ARE ADULTS. ‘Wake up, Eugene!’ Eugene ‘Pinky’ Pinkham opened his eyes and looked around the dark bedroom. The female voice was familiar. A brisk night breeze fluttered and stirred the window curtains against the wall and glass panes. Pinky’s eyes adjusted to the dark quickly because the room was bathed in moonlight and laid strange white silhouettes around the room. He listened patiently for the voice but only heard a dog barking far away. ‘I must have been dreaming,’ he...
It was a pretty usual day,the same routine the same weather and the same old life style. There was nothing out of the ordinary, as I woke up and looked out of my balcony towards the early sunshine slowly taking over the darkness I began to get the familiar annoyance in the back of my head that always preceded college. Little did I know how unexpected and outrageously venturous the day would turn out to be. I had just passed out of high school, and started college where just like the predecessor...
IncestA Woman In Full: Sharon's Journey Continues Part XI - Ducks in a Row In the early morning hours, especially after several days of almost continual work, her mind began to waver as the fog of exhaustion descended and worked its maddening tricks. Lines of text on the printed page jumped and swayed, and her eyes burned with fatigue. A deep yawn made the compelling case for sleep. I should stop, she thought. No, you're close, her mind rebelled. I've been saying that for days, she...
Tamara war gerade 40 geworden. Verheiratet und hatte drei Kinder. Eine ihrer besten Freundinnen, Lena, hatte endlich, als letzte ihrer Bekannten, einen Mann gefunden. Heute Abend stand der Junggesellenabschied an. Tamara hatte vor lauter Überstunden keine Zeit gehabt, sich an den Vorbereitungen zu beteiligen. Sie ließ sich einfach darauf ein. Sie hatte ihren schwarzen Rock, eine schwarze Hotpants und eine schwarz-weiße Bluse an gezogen. Sie verabschiedete sich von ihrem Mann und den Kindern....
SUCK AND FUCK Something--a little to much brow, A too-wide face, a jaw too strong, Adam's apple, a stare both bold And direct, or shoulders square, With thick tummy and narrow hips-- Something (it's hard to put One's finger on it) suggests a bit Too much masculinity In her femininity; we suspect she May be as much a "he" as a "she," A shemale rather than a male Or female, but we are confused By the lipstick, powder, and rouge, And we don't know, for sure, What to call, or how...
The Last Question Dorothy was shown into the office by a handsome man, and she found herself struggling to hold back a blush. She sat down across from his boss, who had to be one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen in her life, and a flash of envy went through her before she remembered. Like Dorothy, she started off as a male, but her ... transformation was far from her idea ... "How can I help you?" the woman asked. "I ... need your help. I am transitioning, as...
John my boss.When I had just turned 22 years old I took a job in an office environment working in administration. It was a small office with a boss John , three older ladies and myself. Occasionally there was another assistant manager or partner I’m not sure of his title, but he did not work in the office much. The office itself was small located in one of those two story business parks. There was one office for John and one for the assistant and us four women worked out in the main area....
Oral Sex"Tell me again why we're going to Vegas together and you have signed up for a room in another wing of our hotel? Honestly Sheila you're taking this spanking kink a bit far don't you think," Christie asked earnestly."Tell me again why you don't want to sign up for the kink spanking service?" Sheila giggled. "Don't be such a worry wort. I've signed up for the vacation program so we'll have plenty of time to gamble, sight see, and take in some shows. We simply will have to schedule our time,...
SpankingTen years ago I went to work for a large corporation that had their hands in several different industries. After five years of climbing the corporate ladder in a large city I accepted a position to run a much smaller office in what can best be described as a rural area. At first I hated it and told myself that it was only temporary. I would turn the place around and the big wigs would see fit to bump me up and put me someplace that would make use of my skills and ambition. Funny thing is that...
This is my first of a few stories I have from meeting women from a site called plenty of fish. I am Marc from Birmingham UK. I am a black male and been single about 6 months. I have a 8.5 inch penis and a good body.I started chatting to a women called Zoe from Bromsgrove. She is 38. Nice body black hair. And has 3 boys. We flirted a bit before she asked for my number. We text for a week or so and we had already swapped naughty texts and a few dirty phone calls. I asked if I could take her out...