The Strawberry Patch Book 1: The BabiesChapter 44: The End Of The Beginning free porn video

November – Year 2
Erin sat next to me and for the first time since I had known her, I saw fear in her eyes.
“The end of our marriage? What is going on Paul?”
“Sweetie, I know a guy. He is one of my kid’s dad’s. He is a really good guy. His company does private investigations and this afternoon he showed me a surveillance video. They were watching a guy whose wife suspected him of cheating. The guy had been followed for a while and always used the same hotel room, so they legally got a camera in the room and started recording his visits. Today he got this video and showed it to me.”
I showed the video to Erin on my phone. She watched and listened in stunned silence. She asked to turn it off at the same place I had, right at the point where Lynn walked out of the bathroom with her pussy shaved. Erin got up and walked back into Lynn’s room and gently pulled back the covers and lifted Lynn’s hospital gown to expose her raw looking, cleanly shaved pussy. She put everything back in place and walked out of the room. She walked right past me and towards the lobby without saying a word. That told me that Erin was as surprised as I had been.
“Erin! Stop!” She kept going.
I caught up to her and grabbed her by the arm. When I turned her around she hit me. Then she hit me again and continued to pound on my chest until I put my arms around her and held her to me. Then the tears exploded from her.
“How ... could ... she?” Between sobs.
“I don’t know lover.” My tears were just as heavy. “That is why I want to talk to her. My friend seems to think that maybe it was blackmail.”
“Blackmail? We never kept secrets from each other.”
“Well, lover, if it was a secret, we wouldn’t know, would we?”
“My God! What could be so horrible that she would do this to cover it up?”
“Again, I don’t know and that is why we need to talk to her when she comes around. We need to stay calm and talk to her. If she is hiding something she is going to either be very defensive or very upset. From what she did, my guess is that she is worried about losing us as much as we are worried about losing her.”
“Do you want to go back to the bar? I don’t know how long she is going to be out and if she comes around I will call and you can decide if you want to be here or home or finish the night at the bar.”
“I really need to get to work, we are shorthanded tonight. Paul, when she comes around, talk to her, and if you think it is something that I need to be here for call me and let me know. Call me regardless. I am going to be going out of my mind until I hear from you, one way or the other.”
“Ok sweetie, I love you and please drive our babies around carefully.” I rubbed her little belly and gave her a kiss. I watched her nice butt walk, she had not yet begun to waddle, out the door and into the parking lot and then I went back to Lynn’s room and sat and waited.
About three hours later Lynn stirred. I pushed the call button as she became more animated. The nurse came in and saw Lynn writhing around in the bed. The nurse hit the call button again and after a few minutes the Doctor Baselton came into the room. He looked at her chart and looked at the machines to which she was attached.
“Mr. O’Dell she is going to be coming around soon and she could be a very emotional lady. Please try to control your emotions. Her body has been fighting the alcohol, but the after effects are going to be rough. You said earlier that you have never seen her falling down drunk before, right?”
“That’s right. She has been tipsy, but never like she was earlier. Doc we’re pretty sure that she is pregnant; maybe a month. Are there any dangers I need to be aware of?”
“We won’t know until the alcohol is completely out of her system and even then it may be a couple of months before we can examine the fetus and know for sure.”
“Great. Look doctor, it is after 7pm and visiting hours end at 8. Is there any chance that she will come around before then?”
“I don’t know. She drank a lot and she is a small woman. She might just need to sleep it off. The visiting hours do not apply to family. You can stay here as long as you want. But I would suggest getting something to eat. You have been here quite a while and with all the stress you need to eat.”
“I am not a big fan of hospital food. Maybe I will go down the road and hit one of the restaurants. Any suggestions?”
“If I go out to eat I usually hit the Chili’s. It is fast and not very expensive and close enough that I can get back quickly if they page me. I would suggest that you don’t have any alcohol and stick with a chicken salad. You don’t want anything heavy if you are going to end up sleeping in that chair.”
“Thanks. I will keep that in mind.” I looked at Lynn and she had calmed down and was sound asleep again.
I told one of the nurses that I was going to eat, and I gave her my cell phone in case they needed me. I walked out to the parking lot and drove down the street to the Chili’s and sat at the bar. I ordered ice tea with lemon and a salad with grilled chicken and pulled out my phone.
“Hi Paul, what’s going on?”
“Hi lover, she is still asleep, but she did start to toss and turn a lot a little while ago. The doctor told me to go and eat so I am having dinner at Chili’s down from the hospital and then I will go back. He said that I can stay in her room all night if I want.”
“Are you going to?”
“Yeah, I mean I need to know what is going on and if this is what my guy thinks, she is going to need to wake up with someone she loves showing that love. Would you please do a favor for me?”
“Of course sweetie. What do you need?”
“I am kind of funky after work this morning and being here so long. When you come back would you bring me a change of clothes? Socks, underwear, shirt, pants, the whole shebang.”
“Sure, should I come over after I am off or should I get some sleep and then come?”
“Why don’t you go home clean up, take a nap and then come back when they open visiting hours at 9am. That way you get some rest and don’t come here smelling like a stinky girl.”
“I thought you liked stinky girls.”
“I like dirty girls! And you of course.”
“Nice save. You seem to be less stressed than earlier. Are you doing ok?”
“How do I answer that? I have spent decades teaching my athletes that at the key moment of competition, things can go wrong. I have taught them that they must not worry about things they have no control over. Now I have to take that lesson upon myself, because I am most certainly NOT in control of this mess. Dinner’s helping to give me some thinking time. I’m doing ok.”
“Oh, Bosco asked if you needed him. What is that about?”
“I asked him to give me a hand with this situation if it’s blackmail. Please tell him that I won’t know anything until Lynn wakes up and talks, and thank him.”
“You are not thinking of doing anything extreme are you?”
“Lover, I am thinking of doing everything and anything I need to do to protect my family.”
“I love you, Paul. Don’t do anything that will cause me to lose you and our wife.”
“I won’t. I’ll see you in the morning. Hey, maybe bring some deodorant for me too. And tell the kids I’m sorry that I can’t talk to them and kiss them good night.”
“I will. I might even wave at them for you.” She giggled and I laughed, knowing what she would be doing to wave at them.
“Good night my love.”
“I’ll pray for all of us. Good night. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” I clicked off my phone and sat in the chair watching the TV on the wall waiting for my food. After eating I returned to the hospital and sat in the chair in her room waiting for the day and for my wife to sleep it off.
“Mr. O’Dell?” A gentle voice and touch on my shoulder woke me.
“Mr. O’Dell, you can sleep in the other bed if you are staying the night. We have plenty of space and, it looks like a slow night. Go ahead and sleep in the bed.” She smiled and left closing the door.
I got out of the chair and looked at my phone. It was 11:30pm. I set the phone for 5:30am and moved to the open bed and lay down. My back instantly felt better and I fell asleep, again, to the sound of the monitor beeping out Lynn’s heartbeat.
As soon as my head hit the pillow I woke up. I looked around, a bit disoriented. Oh right, the hospital. I rolled over and found my phone. It was 5:20am. My internal clock was on a roll, like normal. I quietly got up, turned off the phone alarm and went to the bathroom and straightened up my clothes as best I could. I checked on Lynn, she was still out and did not appear to have moved an inch during the night. I put on my shoes and walked out of the room.
“Hi Mr. O’Dell. Did you sleep ok?” The nurse from last night asked.
“Actually, I feel like I woke up as soon as my head hit the pillow. I think I am going to go out for some breakfast. Erin, my other wife, I know, I’ll explain when I come back. Anyway, my wife will be back for visiting hours. Knowing her she will be early; very early! So if she comes back when I am gone please let her know what I am doing.”

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