Bec4: The Wrong WardrobeChapter 24: Saturday, Tara And Nana. free porn video

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Editor’s Note:
The next page is another extract from the journal of Tara Freeman dated Saturday, December 4th.

Today I had a long talk with Nana.

I guess it was a series of talks because they were spread out over the whole day and there were gaps when we were doing other things and not talking but I’m going to count it as one long talk.

It was exhausting.

So the day started like it has for the last few days with me waking up in Dan’s bed and going to the bathroom with him and all of that and then breakfast with the family. I was feeling a bit twitchy this morning. It wasn’t the shakes. I haven’t really had an attack of the shakes for the last day or so. It was more like a nervous energy that made it hard to sit still. It wasn’t strong. It was a background irritation that I didn’t really even notice until later but when I thought about it, I figured that it had been around since I first woke up.

During breakfast, Nana was feeding Angie and Dad was feeding Mum ‘cause her hands are still wrapped up in bandages and Dan was eating enough for three of us like he usually does and I was trying to wake up enough to feed myself. It always takes me ages to wake up properly. That’s why I didn’t notice the way Nana was looking at me until the end of breakfast when everyone was bustling around clearing up.

Her eyes were narrowed and she was scrutinizing me with an intensity that was scary. It was like she was looking into my soul and judging every little thing I’ve ever done in my life. I’m not proud of some things I’ve done so that left me feeling really uncomfortable.

Everyone sat around and drank tea and made their plans for the day. I sat silently and listened but I didn’t say anything because I could feel Nana’s eyes on me. Then suddenly they all got up and left the room and it was only Nana and me sitting there. I never saw any signal and nothing in today’s plans had been about Nana getting time with me so I didn’t know what was going on.

I sat there and Nana looked at me and sipped at her tea. She didn’t say anything but I knew I was supposed to sit there until she was ready to talk so I sat there and she sipped her tea.

She finished her tea and pushed the cup away from her with a sigh. Then she looked at me and she said, “It’s a really adult thing you are doing with Dan. Going to the bathroom together and showering together and what not.”

I must have looked surprised because she snorted and shook her head at me. “I might be old but I’m not stupid.”

Just for the record, I’ve never thought Nana was stupid.

She paused for a moment. “Most women would only share bathroom visits like that with the man they’re in a relationship with and often not even then. I mean a sexual relationship, of course.”

“Nana, I’m not having sex with Dan,” I said, blushing slightly.

“Maybe not sweetheart, but you are putting yourself in a position where the temptation will be powerful – sleeping in his bed, sharing a shower.”

“It isn’t about that,” I said. “I need...” My voice trailed off as I struggled to explain what I needed.

She reached out and patted my hands where they rested on the table.

“I understand sweetheart. You need the comfort. You are feeling fragile and insecure after Monday and you need to have somebody you trust close to you all the time or you start to panic.”

I felt my jaw drop. “Exactly!”

I wondered how she knew that. But I didn’t wonder too hard – Nana always knows things like that.

She smiled and patted my hand again. “Have you noticed that I’m the only one here and you aren’t frightened. That must mean I am one of those people that you trust. Do you feel safe when I am with you?”

“Of course I do,” I said.

She smiled warmly. “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me feel.”

She was quiet for a moment and her smile drifted away.

“The thing that worries me is that sleeping with Dan and showering with him and so on might become a habit for you. What happens when that need to be with someone becomes a little less desperate and all of those other needs you’ve been suppressing come back?”

“What other needs?”

She snorted and shook her head again. “You might be young but you aren’t stupid either. You are 14 and your body is flush with hormones. Do you want me to spell it out for you?”

I blushed and looked down. “No Nana. I get what you mean.”

She lifted up my chin and waited until I was looking into her eyes and then she spoke with a really firm voice. “You must not have sex with your brother.”

“Yes Nana.” It was automatic. Disobeying Nana has never been an option.

Then her eyes softened and I think I saw a trace of fear. “If you do, it will destroy our family.”

I started to give the automatic reply but then the seriousness of what she was saying sank in.

“Why would it do that?”

She frowned and poked at her tea cup with a finger. “That is a question worthy of more than a flip answer.”

Then she sighed and lifted herself to her feet. “Come with me sweetheart. One of the down sides of getting older is that the bladder needs to be emptied more often.”

She hooked an arm through mine and we walked together to the bathroom. I was going to leave her there but she dragged me in and pointed me to the chair so I sat while she used the toilet. While she was there she winked at me and said, “Not so sexy when you’re in here with an old woman, is it? I’m sure you’d much rather be in here with Dan. I can’t say that I blame you for that.”

I shook my head. “You keep saying you’re old, Nana, but you’re not that old.”

She chuckled. “I might not be that old, but I’m starting to have old person problems. I hate it. I’m not ready to be old yet but my body is starting to betray me.”

She finished and waved me over to the toilet while she washed her hands. I didn’t really need to use the toilet but I went anyway because Nana told me to.

Afterwards, she looped her hand through my arm again and we went through the house and into Bec’s room where she’s been sleeping for the last few days.

I sat on the bed and looked around. “Don’t you find it a bit weird to sleep in here? I mean, there’s all of these paintings of Bec all over the walls.”

She sat down next to me and patted my knee. “Not at all, sweetheart. I think they’re beautiful.”

“But she’s nude,” I pointed out. “There’s, like, five life-sized nude paintings of Bec in here.”

“Oh, there’s nothing here I haven’t seen before. I don’t mean Bec specifically but remember I was a nurse for a very long time and I saw more nude bodies than you could possibly imagine. Nude bodies of every shape and size. Nudity isn’t an issue for me. More importantly, these are genuinely good artworks by my daughter and my granddaughter. They show Bec’s passion and her energy and her joy. I love sitting in here and looking around.”

I kind of knew what she was saying.

“I like that one the most,” I said, pointing at the painting of Bec throwing a basketball.

“Hmm,” said Nana. “I like that too but my favorite is the one next to the mirror. She looks so strong and powerful. I also like the one of her climbing out of the mirror on the wardrobe door.”

“Bec did the two on the closet doors,” I explained. I think the one next to the mirror makes Bec look bossy but I’ve never said that to anybody.

Nana nodded and was quiet for a moment as she watched me with those piercing eyes of hers.

“You seem to be coping better over the last day or so,” she said. “Compared to earlier this week, that is.”

I would have liked to deny that I wasn’t coping but lying to Nana was never a good idea so I just nodded. “The doctor gave me something to think about. It seems to be helping.”

She kept looking at me with those eyes. “Sometimes they give people affirmations to recite. Do you have something like that?”

I was puzzled. “What’s an affirmation?”

“It’s a positive statement about yourself that you recite regularly. They can help people put things into context.”

I nodded. “I have something like that. I’m supposed to look in a mirror and say some stuff. It’s a bit embarrassing.”

“Why is it embarrassing?”

I looked down at my feet. “Because I don’t...”

“Don’t mumble, child.”

“Because I don’t like being alone, so I end up having to do it in front of people,” I repeated a bit louder.

“Who have you done it in front of?” she asked.

“Dan, Dad, Bec, Dan again.”

She slapped my knee and then rocked herself forward and carefully stood up. Then she held out her hand to me. “Come on then.”

I took her hand and stood then let her guide me over to the mirror.

“I think it’s about time you said it for me,” she said. “And look, we have a painting of Bec so you can pretend she’s here listening as well.”

I rolled my eyes at the painting of the nude and bossy Bec. Nana didn’t need any help bossing me around.

So I stood in front of the mirror and recited my little mantra. It really was getting easier to believe that my fears were only temporary, especially since I’ve been feeling a bit better over the last 24 hours or so.

Nana stood beside me with a hand hooked into my elbow while I did all that, then she kissed me and led me back to the bed so we could sit again.

She patted my knee and said, “That’s the idea. Keep doing that, honey, and don’t be embarrassed. They don’t work for everyone but I’ve seen affirmations work too often for it to be a coincidence.”

“Yes Nana,” I said.

Then we sat for a while and I looked at the painting of Bec taking a jump shot. I could almost see her muscles flexing under her skin. The nakedness emphasized her strength and meant there were no clothes to interrupt the smooth clean lines of her body. I know Bec found the nudes embarrassing but nobody could deny that Mum had done a masterful job painting them. I felt a flash of jealousy that Mum hadn’t painted something like that of me. But the truth is, she has – luckily none of them are on my bedroom wall though so maybe I’ll stay quiet about that.

“How much do you know about your father’s childhood?” asked Nana suddenly, breaking into my thoughts about Bec.

I blinked and thought about her question. Then I took a deep breath.

“I know he was beaten on his back with, like, a stick or something because I’ve seen the scars. I guess that was his original father. I only found out from Bec last weekend that Grandma Stone wasn’t his real mother. I never knew that she adopted him and Aunt Penny when they were teenagers. I know that something really awful happened to them both when they were little but I don’t really know any details about that. All I really know is that it kind of messed them up. Bec thinks we moved to America because his original father got out of prison and came looking for us.”

“That’s right, he did,” said Nana. “And something really awful did happen to Peter and Penny. Their father treated them very badly. He used them for sex and made them perform sex with each other and with other young children. It was all done in front of a camera for a sordid pornographic magazine. I think these days they call it kiddie porn.”

“That’s disgusting,” I exclaimed.

Nana nodded and we sat silently for a moment. I was thinking about Dad and Aunty Penny.

Nana took a deep breath and patted my hand. “Eventually, they escaped and reported their father to the police. That’s how he ended up in prison. It has taken a very long time but both Peter and Penny are slowly recovering.”

“That would explain a few things,” I said to myself. “That’s really awful.”

I guess my face was all screwed up in disgust as I thought about Dad and Aunty Penny being used like that.

“We didn’t really mean to keep it all such a secret but nobody likes talking about such things and it was difficult to know when you were old enough.”

“And you think I’m old enough now? I’m going to be having nightmares for weeks.”

“Perhaps not, but you made yourself old enough by having showers with Dan.”

“Huh?” I’m sure my confusion was written all over my face.

“Peter has said he was exposed to sex with young girls when he was at a particularly young and vulnerable age. He tells us that ever since then he has lusted after young girls. It is something he has had to struggle with for all of his life.”

Nana’s voice was sad and pitying rather than anything else when she said that.

“Are you saying that Dad is a pedophile? He’s never done anything like that with me or Bec. If anything, he’s the exact opposite of that.”

Nana sighed. “Your father is a very stubborn man. He decided that he would never allow himself to abuse a child and as far as we know, he has stuck to that conviction. Unfortunately, as a result, he has rarely allowed himself to have even normal contact with you and your sisters.”

I nodded. “For the longest time, Bec and I thought it was something wrong with us. Finally we worked out that Dad is afraid of what he will do if he is close to a girl our age or younger. But what has this to do with me and Dan?”

“If you and Dan have sex together your father will know. And he will be torn apart by the possibility that Dan is abusing you. Even if in his head he knew it was consensual, something deep inside him would believe it was abuse. And that will destroy his relationship with Dan. And if that happened Dan would probably leave home and cut himself off from the family rather than hurt his father.”

Nana gripped my hand and stared at me. I stared back at her, knowing that she was right.

“And if Dan did that, what do you think would happen with you and Bec?”

I stared at Nana for the longest time. I knew the answer to that question. I guess I was trying to think of ways it wasn’t true and failing dismally.

“I guess we would have to choose between Dan and The Parents,” I said eventually. “And that choice would wreck both of us.”

I slumped and dropped my head. Internally I wept as I consigned my fantasies about Dan and me to that list of fantasies that can never become reality – right alongside me becoming a pop star and me marrying a prince.

By then it was about time for us to go and visit Bec. I helped Nana get dressed and then went to change my own clothes.

I didn’t have anything to say as we drove to the hospital. It was Dan and Nana and Angie and me. I sat in the back beside Angie’s car seat and stared out the window without really taking any notice of what was out there. Oh yeah, and I was feeling twitchy.

When we got to the pediatric psych unit, we found Bec in her room together with Mischa, her anorexic roommate.

Bec was shut down but she latched onto Angie and Dan straight away. I had to laugh because there had been a problem with Bec’s pyjamas and Mischa had dressed Bec up in a set of micro shorts and a micro tube top. She was practically naked. It was an outfit like dance kids sometimes wear for dance practice – when they’re not wearing those stupid leotards that is. It was just as well Bec was shut down because otherwise she would’ve had a meltdown about wearing that outfit. I so wanted to be watching when Bec came around and noticed what she was wearing. Sadly, it didn’t happen while I was there.

Last night, Bec had gotten hold of some paint and done a painting on her wall. It was of her when she was 6 or so from back before we left England. It wasn’t as fine as the paintings in her room, probably because she would have been using those stupid art brushes like they use in elementary schools but it was still pretty amazing. It was a life-sized version of Bec when she was 6 and wearing pyjamas and a robe, with Lucy the doll dangling from one hand. Nobody had any clue what it meant for Bec to do that painting.

Bec had also done a pair of drawings of Mischa – one of her as she is now and one of her at a healthier weight. Mischa had pinned the drawing above her bed like she was using it as a goal. I guess that was why Bec drew it in the first place. It was obviously a Bec drawing but it was kind of flat. She hadn’t put her soul into that drawing like she usually does.

Then there was a drawing above Bec’s bed where Bec had drawn herself as a cat snarling and clawing. I took one look at it and asked Bec what she was upset about but she was shut down so naturally I got no answer.

Nana and I sat on Mischa’s bed and watched while Bec curled up with Dan. Mischa told us that Bec had reacted weirdly last night when she saw Liz for the first time so we figured out that Bec had remembered some more stuff from Monday. That explained why Bec was shut down but it didn’t explain why she had painted her 6 year old self or drawn herself as an angry cat.

So Nana and I sat on Mischa’s bed and we watched Bec trying to crawl her way into Dan’s chest. Angie decided Mischa needed her hair brushed so Angie bossed Mischa into getting her hair brushed. I had my arm around Nana and she had her arm around me.

I quietly said to Nana, “Bec knows all of that stuff about Dad, doesn’t she?”

Same as Bec4: The Wrong Wardrobe
Chapter 24: Saturday, Tara and Nana. Videos

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 3 Tuesday afternoon

Editor’s Note: The next documents contain further transcripts of meetings and patient interviews written by Dr Koehler Snr (Psychiatrist). Notes of meeting, Nurse Raoul, Tuesday, 11/30; 4:50pm Dr K: I got your message. What happened? N.R: I didn’t do anything. I looked in her room to check on her and she was sitting there. Sitting up in the bed. She took one look at me and pulled back into the corner. She was all huddled up and clutching her pillow in front of her like she was hiding...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 5 Wednesday afternoon

Editor’s Note: The next documents contain further transcripts of meetings and patient interviews written by Dr Koehler Snr (Psychiatrist). Meeting with the Freeman family Wednesday 12/1; 12:40pm Dr K: I’m glad that you’re all here. I want to speak to you before I take you in to see Bec. Peter F: How is she? You said she was talking. Dr K: Yes, I had quite a good conversation with her an hour ago. She was quite alert and aware of her surroundings. She still has no memory at all of...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 19 Liz

Editor’s Note: The next document is a printout of an email written by Liz Davidson on Wednesday December 1st, but it was placed here in the file so we will stick with that decision. to: Dr Koehler fm: Davidson, Elizabeth dt: 22:23 12/01 Hey Bec, Your doctor wanted me to describe what happened on Monday from my point of view. So here we go. We were talking to each other on our new cell phones. You told me how you and Tara were babysitting Angie because everyone else was out and the two...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 36 Bec

Editor’s Note: The next pages are written on hospital stationery and signed by Bec Freeman. Saturday, December 11th My room is a mess. I can’t leave it looking like that. I need to get back to cleaning and not waste time writing this. Sunday, December 12th Alice is a pain in the neck. She’s as stubborn as a mule. She has the patience of a 2-year-old and she’s as cunning as a fox. I kind of like her. We’ve spent half of today fighting with each other and the other half playing cards...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 10 This is Thursday so we must be in Narnia

Editor’s Note: The next documents contain further transcripts of meetings and patient interviews written by Dr Koehler Snr (Psychiatrist). Notes of Meeting, Thursday, 12/2; 11:48am, Nurse Cassandra, Dan Freeman Dr K: I came as soon as I could get away. What’s the problem? Dan: Bec seems to have gone on a little trip. Dr K: I don’t know what that means. Is she not in her room? Dan: She’s there, but she thinks she’s in Narnia, being held captive in a cell by the White Witch of...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 4 Wednesday Morning

Editor’s Note: The next documents contain further transcripts of meetings and patient interviews written by Dr Koehler Snr (Psychiatrist). Notes of Meeting, Wednesday, 12/1; 9:07am, Nurse Cassandra ((Discussion about other patients deleted)) Dr K: So what about Bec Freeman in 6? N.C: According to Night Shift, she had a troubled night. In the evening they discovered she’d made a mess in the room, smearing ketchup all over the wall. Dr K: What did it look like? N.C: Huh? Dr K: The...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 31 Tuesday Dr Koehler

Editor’s Note: The next pages are further notes taken by Dr Koehler Snr. Notes of meeting, Nurse Cassandra, Tuesday, 12/7, 8:53am ((notes re other patients deleted)) NC: There have been no major concerns about Mischa but there have been some interesting developments. She became upset this morning because she wanted to use the bathroom but Bec was not aware enough to be her escort. Nereida accompanied them and reported that Mischa showed a high level of care for Bec. I can’t imagine the...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 34 Thursday Mischa

Editor’s Note: The next page is another extract from the journal of Mischa Doeple, dated Thursday December 9th. If everything goes right, this might be the last one of these I have to write. It’s Thursday and tomorrow I get to go home with Liz and her father – fingers crossed. So anyway, I got to sleep uninterrupted last night because Bec took her pills right away instead of waiting to see if she had bad dreams. In the morning, we went to the bathroom and showered and everything and then...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 35 Friday

Editor’s Note: The next page is another extract from the notes of Dr Koehler (Snr) dated Friday, December 10th. Patient interview, Mischa Doeple, 12/10, 9:07am Dr K: Good morning. How are you feeling today? MD: I’m feeling really good. Dr K: Are you ready to leave here? MD: Yes, totally. Dr K: Are you over all of your problems? MD: No, but I know what I have to do. Dr K: That’s good. MD: I wanted to say “sorry.” Dr K: Sorry for what? MD: I think I was pretty rude to you and the...

2 years ago
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Spilling My Guts To Tara And Loving Her Too

"Just be quiet, Tara or my dad can't barge in here."Then we heard some knocks on the door. "Hey, Kirk, could I talk to you?" Tara asked, opening the door.I felt my heart take a hard turn towards stopping, and I couldn't even tell Danica to hide. "Crap.""Mom, what are you doing in here, and why are you naked?" she questioned, before peeking at me. "Kirk, are you fucking my mom?""No, no, no, babe," Danica corrected Tara, getting up and keeping herself covered with my blanket. "This...

4 years ago
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Dress Off Sasha vs Tara Part 1

Sasha Sinclair looked out at the street in front of her, pedestrians wandering by in the heat of the afternoon summer sun, oblivious to her as she stood in the doorway of the Loaded Parrot. She was only a few feet away now from the footpath. That meant she was only a few feet away from what was about to happen, finally happening. A small red light over the door glared at her, unblinkingly, unresponsive to the thoughts going through her mind. She sighed to herself, looked over her shoulder, and...

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Joining In With Danica And Tara

I saw the mother/daughter duo come up with me, and they each took a side of me. I found myself speechless and frozen, but still very horny.Tara smooched my cheek and took my dick in her left hand. "I know you'd love to brag to people that you scored with a mother and daughter, but we're going to need to keep quiet about it. Can you do that for us, Kirk?" she pondered, stroking it. "She's my mom, and I'm only going to get one.""You can count on it, Tara," I stated, placing my hands on...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Tara and Samanthas Lesson

Tara and Samantha’s Lesson By RockbohunkTara and Samantha realized that they were in serious trouble. It was a cold, rainy October day when they decided to go on a road trip. Both were under age but Tara had a friend buy them a Bottle and a case of beer. Samantha drove them around all day up in the Blue hills in Wisconsin. It was getting near dusk and both were feeling no pain. Samantha missed the turn on the muddy road and lost control of the car. The car settled in the ditch on the other...

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A Big Black Cock For Tara

"Well, here we are," I announced as our car grew silent. Tara seemed lost in thought as she gazed out at the blazing nighttime display of the Kensington's marque. She had suffered through a myriad of conflicting emotions ever since we were first contacted by Darius, and I could almost feel the turmoil and anticipation coming to a boil in her now."Are you sure about this, babe?” I asked with real concern. "We don't need to go in if you're having second thoughts. It isn't too late to call it...

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"You want me to what?!!!" Tara screamed at the top of her lungs. "Please don't beangry honey." her husband Bruce begged, "I could lose my job if you don't." "Ican't believe you're asking me to do this! I'm you your goddamn wife!!! I can'tbelieve you're asking me to fuck your boss!!!" "Please Tara!"Bruce begged, "I wassupposed to find him a call girl and I did but she backed out at the lastsecond!"Tara was dumbfounded. She and Bruce had been married for ten years, ever sincethey graduated from...

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The Making of Rosie Chapter One ldquoTara discovers T

Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a young boy and his whore mother. The young boy has sexual desires for his slut of a mother and also longs to be like her. This is the first instalment documenting his journey to becoming a shemale whore. (Fb, M+F, prost, whore, size, tv, toys, creampie, strap-on, ws) Chapter One “Tara discovers Timmy’s secret”The sound of Salt-N-Pepper let’s talk about sex broke the mornings silence, as Tara’s mobile phone came to life, it was just coming up to seven...

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Meeting Tara again

For a few weeks i replayed the night i had spend with Tara over and over in my head, each time i would get a hard and get super horny, to the point that i would jerk off 3 maybe 4 times a day. I practically lost interest in all porn other than shemale sections. My knowledge grew as did my interest. Tara the sexy trans woman of my dreams has sent me down the rabit hole. I am waiting to find out how deep it will go.As i mentioned previously i am a tall guy 32years old with 240 pounds to my frame....

1 year ago
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Gagging Tara

Note : This story is completely fictional! Tara and her older brother had always been exceptionally close; so that I guess what happened that day in November could have been expected. Though three years separated them, as children they played together. When he turned ten, because both their parents worked during the day, Kaspar was given the job of looking after his baby sister when they both came home from school. Without complaint and with tremendous care he would make her a snack, help her...

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Tara Catches A Ride To Paradise

Daren, John and Max had taken off for the river and were cruising down this little county road when they spotted this babe hitchhiking up ahead. They all agreed she looked smoking hot in her cut-off shorts and tight little top, so it was decided quickly they’d offer her ride. As they came up beside her Daren slowed the van down and stopped next to her. Max leaned out the window and yelled, “Hey, you want a ride?”She looked over at Max and said, “Where are you guys headed? I need to get to...

Group Sex
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Tara Putting On A Show For Me

Tara kissed me again and then had us both come up onto our butts. I surely didn't know what to expect, but given her words, I knew I was in for an even bigger treat. I failed to say anything, but she took my hands in hers.She gave me one more kiss, but stayed close. "Kirk, will you promise me something?""What, step-sis? Are you crying?""Promise me you'll never stop loving my mom here or me. I could tell right away that she liked you when we all met. She has always thought you were a good...

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Tara gets Jail and a Sexual Awakening Part One

Tara sat in complete silence on the edge of the small iron bed, its mattress thin and covered in a sort of plastic type material with a sheet and dull green duvet. She jumped with a start when the heavy door slammed shut leaving just her and another girl sitting on the opposite bed staring at her each other. ‘What are you in for?’ the girl said breaking the quiet, although it was far from quiet, outside in the vast hall and communal area was the hum of activity, footsteps and voices from other...

2 years ago
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Tara gets Jail and a Sexual Awakening Part One

Tara sat in complete silence on the edge of the small iron bed, its mattress thin and covered in a sort of plastic type material with a sheet and dull green duvet. She jumped with a start when the heavy door slammed shut leaving just her and another girl sitting on the opposite bed staring at her each other. ‘What are you in for?’ the girl said breaking the quiet, although it was far from quiet, outside in the vast hall and communal area was the hum of activity, footsteps and voices from other...

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her angelic face. Her breasts rose and fell as she breathed quietly. I got out of the bed and put some clothes on and headed outside. The first couple of weeks of college has been a real bitch but we both managed through. My roommate almost never stays in the dorm so Tara grabbed some of her clothes and lives here with me. We have most of the classes together except for Math and Economics, Tara sucks at both of them. I went outside on the track and stretched my muscles and started...

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DeannaChapter 12 Tara comes Home One More Trip

After another 10 months Dee and I made the trek to the airport once again to pick Tara up from her latest trip. She would only have one more departure before she would be here permanently with us. Dee was beside herself. When Tara exited this time there was a very pretty woman at her side. Dee looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders and gave the, "How the hell should I know?" look. We'd just have to wait and find out now wouldn't we? As Tara approached, Dee ran up to meet her;...

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It was a hot Monday afternoon in late June at the university library and it was six years since Jack had been back to the university. The basement of the old library was nice and cool and smelled exactly as he remembered. As Jack wandered through the building, the old smells and sounds were like an old familiar friend and he opened his mind to the flood of great memories. He had taken classes off and on at the local extension university while he was teaching, but this summer he returned to his...

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Tara was 5’6 and 120 pounds. She had long silky reddish-blonde hair which hung half-way down her back and gorgeous green eyes. Her figure had really filled out last year, her breasts grew to 36 C and her ass was the definition of perfect. Whenever I would see her nipples sticking out from her T-shirt, I would get an immediate hardon. I myself am pretty handsome or so I have been told. At 6’2 dark hair with deep blue eyes, I had no problem getting pussy from any girl in my school but my...

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Tara Trophy Wife Life Part 3

They owned the living room now, playing video games, smoking and drinking, no coasters, no ashtrays and no manners. "Hey guys, can you please not make a mess?" She pleaded with them. They laughed. "Tell you what, Mrs. Benson. Why don't you come over here and feed me one of those cookies? Make sure I don't drop any crumbs." He patted his lap to encourage her. Tara was beyond caring that she was more than half naked. She simply did as was asked of her, stepping around the coffee...

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Tara Discovers Us Secret Powers 3

I gaze up at Tara through the fog of bliss that Melissa has provided me. Tara is another goddess, tall and slim with long brunette hair and tiny AA boobs with huge, hard nipples. I notice a full, curly bush that her hand is rubbing."Uh, hello. I'm sorry, I don't mean to, um," I blurt."Does it look like I mind seeing your lovely body entwined with my Melissa?" She rubs her bush in circles while pinching her nipple."Hello, my love," Melissa says to Tara. "What do you think of Mary?""Well, she's...

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DeannaChapter 6 Tara Returns

Deanna had told me about it about 3 weeks ago so I made sure that I had my "work" caught up so that I could take a few months to pay attention to her mother. There were always projects, but some could wait, and it wasn't like I was running out of money. We were on our way to the airport to pick her up and Deanna had made sure she dressed appropriately for a 16 year old. Her sixteenth birthday party had been about 5 months ago and everyone had a great time. Suffice it to say she fucked me...

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Courtship by ProxyChapter 3 Tara Part 1

“I know that this is your favorite seat, so I’ve been saving it for you. Let’s switch.” As Tara stood, Kyle got his first good look at the woman. She was “eye candy” personified - tall and slender, with short, spiky black hair and light brown eyes. She was wearing a short tank top that did little to hide what appeared to be a tattoo of a snake that started low on her neck and seemed to wind its way down her upper arm. She had her left eyebrow pierced, as well as her left nostril. Glancing...

4 years ago
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Threesome Tara Strong and Mae Whitman

The Avatar panel had just finished. I went to go to the bathroom, when I ran into Mae Whitman, who plays Katara. We started talking and I mentioned how I had to leave early because I had no where to stay, and she kindly offered to let me stay at her place. Later that evening, we met up outside of the main building and I followed Mae around to her car. “Tara told me you too knew each other, so I hope you don't mind...” We turned the corner and Tara was standing beside Mae's car. “She's crashing...

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Mum and Tara Secret Powers 8

Continued from Meeting Lydia (Secret Powers 7)I get home and see Mum on the sofa in the lounge room."Hi, Mary, how was work? Did anything interesting happen?""Slow at the shop," I reply. I mention the mum and daughter on the bus, but I don't mention Lydia, who is still in my mind. "When did you want to go to Tara's?"I am glad that she's decided to go. "I said I'd be there at four o'clock, so I guess leaving here at twenty to.""Okay."I head to my bedroom, take off my skirt, top and bra and put...


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