J & J Enterprises - Myra's StoryChapter 7 free porn video

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A nurse came into the room to check Jamie's IV. She said, "Just a couple of minutes," and sat down on the bottom of the bed, careful not to disturb the three girls.

"Did you know that Rita and Jamie have been taking the bus and walking for a couple of blocks in the dark to get home after Jamie's treatments?" John asked her.

"No Sir, I wasn't aware of that."

"We're taking them home tonight, but it bothers me that after tonight they'll be right back to walking home in the dark. I'd really appreciate it if you could ask around and get some volunteers to take them home after the rest of the treatments. What is it, Rita? Two or three left?

"Two. But really, we're fine. I don't want anybody going to a lot of trouble for us."

"It's no trouble at all, is it?" he said, looking back at the nurse.

"I guess I could ask around."

"There you go," he said, handing her one of his cards. "Call my office and let me know when you arrange something."

She shot him a look that made it clear she was aware that she'd been out-maneuvered but was willing to go along with him. I was beginning to understand how he was able to talk the hospital and the drug manufacturer into donating Jamie's treatments.

She checked the IV again and pulled the needle out of Jamie's arm, covering it with a piece of cotton and some tape.

"You OK, Hon?" she said to Jaimie.

"Uh huh. I'm fine." The way she bent her arm to hold the cotton against her bicep made it clear she been through all this before.

The nurse got ready to leave and John said, "What's your name?"


"Thank you, Barbara. You'll be doing a good thing."

She glanced at Jamie, smiled and said, "I know."

After Barbara was gone, John said, "Billy, wasn't there something you wanted to ask your mother?"

He left his truck alone and crawled over to me on his knees and said "Uh huh." He held up a Sharpie, then looked at my cast, then in my eyes.

"I didn't know you knew how to write, Billy," I said.

"We've been practicing," John told me.

I've never seen my son concentrate so hard. It probably took him three or four minutes to write the five letters that made up his name. He was confused at first but John got down on his knees and put both hands on his shoulders, whispering about the one with the two balls, then Billy carefully drew something approximating a "B". John had to remind him to put the dot over the "I", which led to another demonstration of concentration. The two "L"s needed to be made taller and the "Y" ended up being a capital letter, all above the baseline. I don't think I've ever been prouder of him. I gave him a big hug and thanked him for being the first person to sign my cast.

Annette was up next. The tip of her tongue protruded out the side of her mouth as she wrote her name very neatly in cursive. I hadn't even known she could do that. She told me she'd been practicing at Jack and Jill's while I was out running errands.

Laurie also did a very good job. She told me her mommy taught her how to print her name but she'd learned how to do it in cursive while Mary was watching her during the day.

Jamie looked like she wanted to join in but was afraid to say anything.

"Would you like to sign my cast?"

Her eyes lit up and she said, "Yes, please." She printed her name very neatly.

After I thanked her, she turned to her grandmother. "Gran, could you teach me to do it the way Annette and Laurie do?"

"Sure, Honey."

"We'd better get going or they're going to charge us for the whole night," said John. He pushed my wheelchair back to the Emergency Room while Billy held my good hand. Jamie was in the middle of the other two, all three of them holding hands while Rita brought up the rear. When we got back to where we'd come in, John set the brake, said "Wait here while I go get the car," then went through the automatic doors and into the parking lot.

Of course, Billy had to imitate the "whiissh" of the doors as soon as they opened.

A minute later, the car pulled up and the doors whiisshed open again.

We had the appropriate seats for our three but there was nothing for Jamie. Rita ended up sitting in the back, her seat belt holding her to the seat and her arms holding Jamie to her.

John drove carefully around the hospital parking lot, then into another parking lot and up to the medical office building on the far side. With a "Hang on, I'll be right back," he took off and went to the front door. He entered a code in a keypad and went inside.

He came back a few minutes later with a car seat in his hand. He opened up Rita's door and Laurie said, "That's my old car seat."

"Yes, it is. Do you mind if we let Jamie use it?"

"Can we give it to her? I don't need it any more."

"I'll tell you what. Why don't I keep it for when Jamie goes someplace with us. Her grandma doesn't have a car so that means they don't really have a place for it."

Laurie agreed with the plan and John told Rita to get in the front. Soon, all four of them were safely buckled in the proper government mandated seats and we were on our way.

I ended up sitting next to John when Rita got in the front seat. I said, "That was rather impressive, the way you got Barbara to look for a ride for these two."

"Well, it was something that had to be done. I've got too much going on and I just couldn't take care of it myself."

"I don't think anyone can fault you. It seems to me you've done more than what anyone could expect."

"I know. But there's always more that can be done, no matter what it is. One thing about Barbara is that she's going to have an easier time of it than I would because she's a lot closer to the everyday hospital workers than I am. I'm either in my office in another building or in the delivery room."

"I never even thought of that."

"I'll let you in on another little secret. Every one of us in that hospital chose our careers because we wanted to help people. Things don't always go our way and that doesn't seem to happen as much as we'd like. I just threw a gift in her lap. Everybody there knows Jamie and they all care for her. Finding someone who's willing to give up an hour or so for her will be a piece of cake. Barbara and whoever she gets to take them home are going to win for once, accomplishing what they originally signed up for. It's no big deal but it's amazing how a little thing like that can improve your morale."

"Well," I said, "I guess Jill never stood a chance with you being so good at manipulating people."

He snickered. "You've got to be kidding. She taught me everything I know about manipulation. She's had me wrapped around her little finger since the first time I held her and she smiled at me. And she's been studying and improving ever since." He nodded toward the back seat with his head. "That one's going to be just as bad. I guess I'm just a sucker for blue-eyed blond little girls."

He flipped on his turn signal and waited for a few cars to pass, then made a left turn into a parking lot with a half dozen or so cars in it. He pulled into an empty space and said to everyone, "We're here."

We got out and worked on freeing the kids. Laurie and Annette were way ahead of us but Billy still had trouble getting out of his car seat. I was surprised when Jamie said she'd never been in one before and walked Rita through it so she knew what she was doing.

Once again the three girls held hands, each of them trying to guess where we were. Billy held onto my good hand and John walked with his arm around Rita's shoulders. It looked like he could crush her at any time. John's a big man. Not fat but what I would call beefy. He makes me feel small and Rita's a midget compared to me. I could tell she was enjoying the attention from him.

The girls got to the sidewalk and John said "To the left." All three of them just looked at him until I pointed left with my hot pink cast. We weren't far behind them. As Billy and I passed a big picture window with a neon sign that said ICE CREAM ANNEX, the girls were standing in front of the big glass door, waiting for further instructions.

"Go on in," John told them.

That was easier said than done. Even with all three of them pushing on it, the door only moved a couple of inches. By the time I got up to them, John had caught up with us and had his arm over my shoulder. All of us followed the motion of the door as it swung into the store.

We were greeted by a girl about Jack's age, dressed as a milk maid. White dress, white apron and a white hat. The hat fit over her head but looked to have about one and a half times as much brim as it needed, giving it a wavy effect. Both her arms were wrapped around a stack of menus. Bright red hair spilled out over her shoulders which I'm sure were as covered in freckles as her face.

She looked us over and said, "Welcome to the Ice Cream Annex. I've got just the table for you folks."

I looked around the place as we walked to our table. There was a decent crowd, ranging from a couple of teens on a date to a group of kids, probably a church youth group or something like that to a family and a couple that was probably retired. There was also a room with a sign over the door that said "Banquets & Parties" and I could see some movement inside.

She led us to a booth and put the menus on the table, then slid the table to the right until it was against the other bench. The left side bench was quite a bit narrower and a lot higher than normal.

"I think we can fit all the little ones up here," she said.

"I'm sure we can," said John. He helped all four of them get up on the tall seat as the hostess got four plastic bibs with the store's name and a picture of a punchbowl filled with scoops of ice cream and a variety of toppings, fruits and candies. She gave them to John and he handed a couple to me and one to Rita. The bibs were large enough so that the bottoms reached past the kids' laps, covering them completely. I found out just how difficult it is to tie something when you just have your fingertips to work with on one hand. John took my second bib and put it on Annette.

In the meantime, our hostess had gotten a couple of clear plastic shoe box sized boxes, filled with crayons. She put them and a stack of coloring book pages on the far side of the table from the kids. Then she handed me a stack of postcards. "Fill one of these out for each of the children and they'll get a free ice cream on their birthday."

She started to move the table back towards the kids and John dove in to help her out. The bench was perfect. It was narrow enough so they were close to the table and their legs could hang over the edge naturally and it was high enough for them to reach the table.

The hostess said, "My name's Wendy. Can I get you anything to drink?"

We ordered a pitcher of punch for the kids and me and coffee for John and Rita.

"Thank you. I'll be back with your drinks in a minute."

She headed toward the back and I reached for the menus. John put his hand over mine and looked across the table.

"What do you think, kids? You want to see if we can finish one of those?" he said, pointing at the picture on Laurie's bib.

We got a chorus of Yeahs.

He pushed the two boxes of crayons across the table, then spread out the stack of pictures so the kids could chose the ones they wanted to color. They were all based on the store we were in, from the picture on the bibs to the front window with the name on it, a family sitting at a table, all eating ice cream, and a crew of four people dressed in costume carrying a big bowl in a harness between a couple of poles that they had over their shoulders. I noticed that at the top of each page it said "Put this on your refrigerator," and it had the name, address and phone number of the store at the bottom of the page.

Very clever. Billy would ask what that said and the girls would probably sound out the words. It would be taken as an order by all of them and they'd beg to have their picture put on the refrigerator, leaving an advertisement at eye level 24/7, right where people went when they had the munchies.

Wendy came back with our drinks and started pouring punch.

John said, "Wendy, is your last name Billings?"

She looked at him and said, "Yes, it is. Do I know you?"

"I'm John O'Hara. I delivered your brother Justin."

"Really! I know my father will want to come say hello to you. He's kind of busy now, working the kitchen."

"No rush. I would like to see him before we leave, though. Just long enough to say Hi."

"I'll tell him. One of our waiters didn't come in tonight so I'll have to be your waitress as well as your hostess. Do you know what you want?"

He pointed to Laurie's bib. "Is that the Monster?"

"Yeah, it is. But I'm afraid that's a little big for you. We had a group of three high school football players and their dates in earlier today and they couldn't finish one."

"I'm assuming we could take home anything we couldn't finish."

"Of course."

"OK. Let's give it a shot."

"OK. One Monster and seven bowls. They take some time to put together. There's a lot of stuff in one of them."

"That's fine."

She left and I said, "I've never heard of this place."

"It's been here seven or eight months. The husband of one of my patients got tired of the corporate world and decided to open this place. He used to love going to an ice cream parlor called "Farrell's" when he was in high school. They had all these weird sundaes from two or three scoops up to one with close to fifty. When someone ordered a big one, they made a big production about it, playing loud drums and a siren when they delivered it to the table. They had some song they'd sing about what a pig the person who ordered it was. If you could finish one all by yourself, you got it free. They didn't have to give away a lot of ice cream..."

"What happened to them?"

"Farrell's? They sold out to some big corporation. Of course, the guys who took over knew better about how to run it and ran it into the ground. They just couldn't leave a successful franchise alone, they had to screw with it."

We were interrupted by an "Ahooga, ahooga" over the PA system, followed by a clanging bell, like you'd hear on an old fashioned fire engine. Four people ran all around the restaurant, similar to the picture, with poles over their shoulders and a big bowl suspended between the poles. The two women were dressed like Wendy while the two men had white pants, white shirts with brown armbands around their biceps and white hats that a motorman would wear in the early twentieth century. They chanted "Monster, Monster, every bite is yummy. Monster, Monster, don't upset your tummy." They ended up at a table with a guy who looked like a lineman on a high school football team, letterman's jacket and all and plopped it down in front of him, chanting "Here's your Monnnssster." He was all smiles; his date was covering her face with both hands. One of the waitresses touched her on the shoulder and said, "I'll be right back with your banana split."

John said, "That's what we're getting."

Annette turned back to the table. "That's not so big," she said.

One of the men broke away from the others and walked toward us. Now that I had my attention on him, I could see he was a lot older than the rest of the group that delivered the ice cream. I could also tell he was Wendy's father by the red hair and freckles.

He held his hand out as he got close and said, "John, how are you?"

John stood up and shook his hand. "I'm doing fine, Burt. How's business?"

"We're doing OK. Could do better, of course. It's tough to find the right way of getting your name out there. Once we get someone in here, they'll be back. It may be only once a year for the kid's birthday, though."

I said, "I notice you don't have a web address on your coloring pages."

"I've thought of using the Internet but I'm not sure what I'd do. Lord knows the phone book isn't bringing in what our ad cost us."

I held out my hand and he shook it. "My name's Myra. I work for John's daughter. She's just starting a web page design business. She's got some creative ideas and I know she wouldn't sign you up unless she thought she could make you money,"

"I'm always willing to talk with someone." He grabbed one of the coloring pages the kids hadn't gotten to yet and wrote his name and a phone number on the back. "That's my cell phone. Have her give me a call and I'll see what she has to say."

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 10

Tuesday morning when Shannon and I walked into the office everything looked like it was back together. I walked into my office and you couldn't even tell that anyone had done anything in here. I walked out of my office and went into Shannon's office and it looked good as well. "Not like we left eh," I said. "No, it looks really good," Shannon replied. I turned around and walked from office to office, I couldn't see anything out of place at all. I headed downstairs to talk to the...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 12

We were on our way to the airport the next morning when my cell phone rang, it was Jim telling me that the federal government had received a tip that we were cheating on our taxes, they had come and seized everything on the accounting floor, I told him to get a hold of our lawyers and make sure they had the right to do this, Then I hung up and had Shannon call the plane and let them know we were headed home instead of to Edson, I called Rick and asked him if he was aware of what was going on...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 13

Shannon went into Labor at 4:30am and I had a beautiful daughter at 5:01am both were doing fine, I wandered around the hospital talking to my parents and Shannon's parents as well as all the people that dropped by the flowers while we were in the hospital. Two days later I took my family home and we showed Michele her room Shannon and I had set up for the baby, I had to explain to our daughter Michele why the room was wallpapered with hockey wall paper and all the toys were sports related, I...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 15 Vacation

When we mentioned Jamaica to Rick he talked us into going to a golfing resort in Jamaica, it was in a place called Runaway Bay, and they had a beautiful resort right on the beach with a fantastic golf course. We checked in at the front desk and Rick went to arrange for tee times for us, none of the rest of us really golfed but we figured we would enjoy it for Rick's sake. Julie and Steven went to their bungalow while Shannon and I went next door to our bungalow, Shannon was changed into a...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 17 Fun at work

"James the laptop you supplied me has stopped working could you please have someone bring me a new one?" I asked. "UMM, sure I will come up with a new one right now." James replied. When James came into the room I had the laptop opened but the screen was about 6 inches away from the rest of the laptop, He stopped in the door and asked. "What happened?" "I was on my way to work this morning and I put the laptop on the roof of the car in order to get Michele into her car seat, I...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 18

"The biggest problem that we have seen lately is the fact that there are just not enough trained personnel available for all of the projects we have going on right now and we are not keeping up in either the Mechanical or Electrical divisions." Rick stated during our monthly update meeting. "Where are we seeing the most problems right now? Or is it everywhere? I asked. "It would seem that the northern operations are having the biggest problem. We have a lot of people that are refusing...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 21

I noticed that Shannon was away from the office a lot more than usual, she seemed to be gone for the whole day at least once a week, I asked her about it and she would just say she was looking after something for Rick or Jim or James, Always someone else, I told her that maybe she should hire an executive assistant to do some of the errands, she told me that she liked to get out of the office sometimes. The only time I really noticed was when she wasn't around to go for lunch with...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 22

The next Morning I got up careful not to wake anyone again and snuck out of the bedroom in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I walked into the galley and poured a cup of coffee, I decided that I would take a swim so I walked out the back of the boat and stopped dead, Cathy was taking a shower at the swimming shower, she had her back to me and I watched her as she was finishing up, I sat down on the lounge chair and enjoyed the view as she turned off the shower and started to dry her hair, she...

1 year ago
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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 3

Barbara was gone by the time I’d showered, dried off and come back downstairs. She’d left a note on the kitchen counter: Headed out for a workout and then to stop by the office. See you this afternoon, darling. XOXO There was little heart at the end of the note, an unexpected and surprising gesture of affection. Or maybe, I thought as I rolled up the piece of paper and tapped it thoughtfully against my chin, not so surprising after all... I was starting to realize that whatever these...

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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 10

I was doing up my tie, the steam from my shower still clouding the edges of the mirror. I heard the door to the master bedroom open but didn’t glance around. “Kenz?” I called. I cursed softly as my fingers fumbled the tie again. “Damn it.” Barbara had always helped me out with this. I’m a grown man, and I could get it done by myself, but it was always a nice little ritual — Barbara would finish my tie, give me a peck on the cheek, and tell me how handsome I looked. Of course, I’d never...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 1

"Gobble, Gobble, Gobble." "Wahbo, Wahbo, Wahbo." "Gobble, Gobble, Gobble." A month ago I would have been yelling at them to keep quiet or to find something else to do or to go to their room and play. God knows I'd heard it enough times over the last three days. But they really weren't bothering anyone and they were all playing together. And they were happy. This time it had been Laurie who initiated the game and my two who followed but each of them had started it countless times...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 2

I followed John from Perlione's over to his house. As we pulled into the driveway, he rolled down his window and motioned to the left. I noticed that the driveway was made of bricks, like a chimney and there was an additional section where he was pointing that was not in front of the garage. I pulled over to the left as he drove straight into the garage. As soon as he got out, he placed a call on his cell phone and disappeared through a door in the back. I let the kids out, then we went...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 3

I got my things arranged and helped the kids. It had seemed like so much stuff when we were packing it but it was little different from moving into a cabin for a two week vacation. Oh, I guess there were a few more toys, DVDs and books. One thing I knew we were going to have to do was call Alex. You see, kids are shorter than most people and the housing industry rarely takes that into consideration. The first problem I saw was the closets. None of the kids were tall enough to hang up their...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 4

I released the intercom and turned around to see three pairs of eyes looking up at me. My daughter broke the silence. "What can we do?" I could make a couple of cans of tomato soup and a stack of grilled cheese sandwiches with the equivalent of one eye shut and a hand tied behind my back. But when I looked down, there were three little people who were counting on me not to. They wanted me to find something for them to do so that they could help; something to make them feel useful. Jill...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 5

The soup pot looked clean enough to hang back over the stove. Posie's snout was covered in tomato soup orange/red when I picked her up and pulled her away from it. I got a paper towel and wiped off as much of the mess as I could. She made it difficult, wriggling and trying to get to my face to lick me the whole time. John said to me, "Is Billy going to be all right in the tub by himself?" "Shoot! I didn't even think about him having his own bathroom." I put Posie down and hurried...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 6

There's a lot of false glorification in the world. Some people call it hype. Jerry used to call it B.S. Thanks to Madison Avenue and its penchant for making each new product sound like the answer to everything that has plagued mankind since the creation, the bar has been lowered across the board. People who don't deserve it are touted as something special. I'm not saying it's evil or malicious or anything like that. But when a particular brand of lipstick is supposed to solve all problems...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 8

I gasped as the garage door started to open and I saw a couple of objects glowing red, in the back, near the door into the kitchen. Like something you'd see in an old horror film when they broke into a pyramid. Or a newly discovered mummy, just after everyone's turned away and the camera's still on it. "What's that?" I gasped. "It's Posie," said Laurie. "She always waits for us when we get home." Sure enough, the overhead light came on and there she was, sitting on the rug,...

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Champa8217s training 2

In my last story, I described to you the training I gave Champa after disposing off with Indu. In the story below, you will learn how I continued to train my bitch maid Champa. By now Champa knew that she had to satisfy my depraved sexual desires or pay the price. I had imposed strict rules on her behavior in my presence. The rules were:- she was always to have her hair tied in a bun. Only I was allowed to open her bun. She could not touch her bun once she made it in the morning. She was always...

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AMP Visit

So this is my first post so bare with me.. I’ve gone to amps for a few years now but I thought I would share this story. Recently I traveled to Hawaii for business and I was so turned on by all the girls at the beach I decided to go to an AMP. I looked up online that had Ofer 100 reviews, I knew it had to be good . I go to this strip mall and scope out the area after 10 minutes I decide to go in. I walk upstairs and go in and there is a lady that runs the operation.. she quickly takes me back...

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Grampas Girl

My name is Trisha, and I just turned fifteen. Today, it’s a cold, rainy, Saturday, and I am standing in the kitchen washing dishes, when I start to think about my Grampa. He’s dead now, but I really had some fun times when I went to his apartment every weekend, it is the things we did in private that I really missed.My story begins when I’m thirteen. I have just started spending Saturdays with my step-grandfather. Without asking me, my parents decide that I need to help him with some household...

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Grampa babysits

Grampa babysitsIt’s Saturday night, your parents are out of town and Grampa Dan is babysitting you for the weekend. It’s a bit warm tonight and you just don’t feel like sleeping. You are eight years old and even though you are supposed to be in bed, the house is too quiet, no TV is on So as you quietly tip toe out of your room and into the kitchen, you hear a bit of sound from the basement. Grampa Dan must be in the basement doing something.So you quietly open the door and go down a few steps...

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Part 2The Myra Chronicles

It was a horribly long week. Nearly as long as the week I was in jail. And she made it longer. And worse. She called me about every other day, and asked me if I had been good. And surprisingly, I had, even though my cock was hard for most of my waking hours. Some of the sleeping ones, too. I could not get the feeling of her hand on my cock out of my head. She’d call and tell me to take it out of my pants and make it hard for her. Tell me how to rub it, and with which hand. On Thursday, she made...

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Part 3The Myra Chronicles

The next week, after paying for a movie I would never remember—although there was a nude scene in which Myra leaned over and whispered in my ear that she’d like to see my big cock fucking the actress--there I was again, nude, cock hard, my hands tightly gripping the sink, determined that I wouldn’t let go this time.While I stood there watching, Myra and Nicki took a bubble bath in their big tub. It took a long time, and I half enjoyed it, half wanted the waiting to be over. This was the first...

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amped and ready to play

Amped and ready to playI woke up in a mood like no other, and knowing you were there to tease torture and use just made it feel so much better. The minute I got out of bed all I can think of is chains and you begging for more. Only grabbing my robe when I left my room, walking down the stairs I bellow "Are you up?" I know even if you are not you will appear in a moment after hearing me stir. You looked like shit very obvious you we not awake and really didn't want to be. "Mistress your tea will...

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jerking off for myra

Myra is an old friend who is just shy of 79. Her husband died about 5 years ago and she worked from home and did art work for ads and marking. I've done business with Myra for about 15 years. We would flirt from time to time saying things like didn't your mom tell ya never let strangers in your house and things like that. Hey I was doing yard work and going to take a shower, and I would respond I'll be right over and she she would say sorry I'm too old for you. I am now 46 so almost a 30 year...

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Myras Pantie Corselette

Myra's Pantie Corselette.This is a true story,happened a few years back now,when I was a bit younger about 18,19 years old if I remember correctly.Anyway Myra Ogg was the mother of the girl I was going out with at that time,now Myra would have been in her early 40's and her youngest daughter,the one I was seeing was my age 18/19 years old.Now Myra was not a tall woman about 5 foot 5 and quite chunky with it,but she did have massive tits,huge huge titties,and at that age I found them...

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Samne Wali Bhabhi Ki Chut Ghus Gya Myra Lund

Hi friends this is my first story. If any female from bangalore want to have sex mail me on Chalo story start krta hu Jese aap sb log jaante bachelors k andar kitti aag rehti h sex ki vesa he mai hu myra room 2nd floor pr h. Myre room k bilkul side mai 5 bhabhi rehti thi jo k aksar light jaane pr room apni apni nighty mai bahar aa jaaya krti thi unko dekh k mai lund hilla liya krta tha.voh bhot sexy toh nhi lekin achi dikhti thi unmea se ek thi jo bilkul shaant jaada na bolna chupchap rehna...

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PART 1 Chrissy William Flaherty woke with an erection. Well mostly erect. At sixty five years old his morning woody wasn't all that hard anymore. It was half hard as he liked to call it. He reached his hand inside of his boxers to give it a squeeze. It may not have been as hard as it once was but it still felt good when he touched it. He even masturbated a couple of times a week, probably just to make sure it still worked. He didn't orgasm every time but it still felt good. Since his wife...

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Lois Myra and Me

I sat there in shock at what I was seeing. The camera angle was a little weird. It had obviously been put on a flat surface which had line of sight to the bed and was tilted a little to the right, but the content way over shadowed the position and angles of the recording device. The question is how did it end up with my other tapes? The unlabelled tape was supposed to have been a program I had recorded last week for later viewing. I'd sat down expecting to be entertained and what I got...

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Setting the TrapPart One of the Myra Series

To start with, she was my waitress at a Sushi restaurant. I had taken a date there, naturally, and not paid her--my waitress--that much attention. But for whatever reason, she kept popping into my mind, time after time. So I took a different girl there, trying to impress her with the hot chicks I dated. She wasn’t my waitress this time, but I made a point of saying hello to her, on the way to the restroom. I don’t think she remembered me. Or at least acted like she didn’t. I noticed her name...

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VAMPIRESS This is another fantasy I have had for years. Apart from wanting to be a Shemale, how about wanting to be a Shemale Vampire or even a Female vampire? This is my version of how I would like to be changed. As usual I am out wandering the country side, its summer and its quite warm, no street lights and no cars. I am a TV out for a walk dressed like a hooker, which is my favourite outfit. I am not on hormones and don't have breast implants but its something I really want. I am...

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