Cattleman's LamentChapter 7 free porn video

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Again, it was Enid who came toward the clearing first, still riding the piebald mare. She went into a canter and then had to pull hard on the reins as she saw that Frank was not alone ... that there was a body lying on the ground.

“What did you do?“ she yelled, jumping down from her horse and running to stand over the obviously dead man.

“I saw you with your pistol out!” she said excitedly. “So I knew there was trouble. Did you shoot him?” she asked, breathless. “I didn’t hear a shot!”

Frank wanted to snort. The dead man at his feet was beginning to bloat, and the wounds on his chest were prominent and thick with flies. Surely she would know he’d been dead a long time. He decided not to push that point though.

“I found him here,” said Frank. “Do you know him?”

“That’s Chaps!” she exclaimed. “He’s ... he was one of our men. What happened?” she cried. She had never seen a dead human being before, and she felt ill.

“He’s been shot. A while back, maybe a day. There’s another wound too, but I don’t know what caused that. There are all kinds of tracks all over the place, but I can’t figure out what they mean.” He frowned. “There’s a set of horse tracks going on up the mountain, too.” he added.

Together they examined the tracks he had found. He could tell that Tulip and the horse with the winter shoes had gone off to the north, rather than following the running horse that went uphill, and that didn’t make any sense to either of them. They didn’t have time to talk about more before Brad Rocklin rode up, rifle in hand. He was angry.

“Enid, I told you not to come back up here without me!” he said, looking down at the body of one of his men on the ground.

“This is exactly why I told you that, girl. Now, what happened here?”

Frank explained that everything was just as he’d found it, and that he was trying to figure out what happened. He pointed out the multiple wounds in Chaps’ body, and the tracks he’d found.

It was Brad who spotted a moccasin tracks and then things began to make sense.

Half an hour later Frank was headed north, again on a trail that was made by Tulip, Vixen and the Rocklin boy’s horse. He went against the advice of Brad, who used Chaps’ body as a clear reason why the boy should not go on alone. But it was Chaps’ body that made it impossible for Frank to do anything else. His mother had been there ... where this man was killed. Her tracks were mixed with those of unshod horses, going away from here. He had to find her.

He went as long as he could, but darkness forced him to stop.

Beside a small fire, wrapped in a poncho covered by his horse blanket, Frank Collins fell into an exhausted sleep.

Fifteen miles behind the sheep, Jonas, Peter and Buckshot camped for the night. Jonas was beside himself and wanted to go on in the dark, saying that a blind man could follow the trail of the flock. Buckshot insisted that they get some rest. The horses needed rest too, and that was what finally won Jonas over.

“I don’t know what to do,” Bobby said again.

Molly took a breath. “I’ll show you,” she said, her voice husky.

“You don’t have to do this,” Bobby said, his voice cracking.

Molly looked up at him, her face serene. “You found my little girl. I’d never have found her without you before ... I’d never have found her. This woman thinks I am your wife. That subterfuge must be maintained if we are to leave here tomorrow. She has gone to great lengths to prepare me to receive my ... husband. Once ... just this once ... let me show you how grateful I am for what you have done for us.”

Her hand went to grasp that of her naked daughter, who sat stunned next to her on the pile of furs. Molly felt her body’s moisture ooze out of her and begin to run down between her legs. She realized she was as aroused as she had ever been in her life.

Birthing Woman reached out, grasped Bobby’s iron hard phallus, and pulled him to his knees between Molly’s open thighs. The woman scooped up another two fingers full of the sweet smelling paste from the bowl and Molly gasped as those two fingers smeared the stuff on her golden pubes and then probed between her legs, staining the pink lips of her sex. Then the old woman grasped Bobby’s rigid penis one more time and pulled it to Molly’s entrance as he couldn’t help but fall to his hands to support his upper body. He looked down, his face only inches from Molly’s. Her lower lip was captured gently between her teeth.

Bobby felt heat surround the tip of what only his hand had touched before this. He had never felt anything remotely like it, and he froze.

The old woman cackled again, and her hand left his penis.

He didn’t see where she moved it, but felt it seconds later as it came down on his naked ass in a surprisingly painful slap.

His hips fell, and his rampant prod surged forward, skewering Molly to her cervix.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh,” moaned Molly as she was filled so quickly and unexpectedly ... and delightfully. Bobby was longer than Jonas, and thinner, so she wasn’t stretched at all.

Instead there was just the delicious feel of his length and hardness caressing her insides. The tip prodded the mouth of her womb insistently, as if it yearned to go just a little further, to gain entry to her womb itself.

Bobby’s groan was just as loud and drawn out as, for the first time in his life, he felt the clasping heat of a woman’s sex all along his manhood.

“Mother!” squealed Sarah, whose eyes were so wide they bugged out. It had all happened so quickly and so smoothly that she hadn’t had time to process what was actually taking place. When the old woman had spread her mother’s thighs and drawn her knees up Sarah was so stunned that her mind froze. She stared at the pink lips that she had never seen, below the fluff of reddish blond hair. Those lips gaped open, and looked oily-wet. Her mother was acting so differently than she ever had before that she couldn’t wrap her mind around it. Then the old woman’s fingers had come into view to cover those pink lips with the brownish paste, and a finger had actually entered her mother’s body, pushing that paste inside her. And then that long hard penis had appeared and pushed into the mess of paste. The sound of the slap on the boy’s buttocks had come like a pistol shot, and Sarah had blinked and leaned backwards. When her eyes opened, every inch of that long hard flesh was suddenly buried inside her mother. It was then she had heard the sounds that sounded so familiar, yet so foreign to her ears, as the two people in front of her ... having actual sex ... groaned.

“Hush, baby,” moaned her mother’s throaty voice. “I’m thanking Bobby for saving you.”

Bobby, for his part, was just as stunned as Sarah was. The rush of feelings he had never felt before threatened to overwhelm him. Unknown to him, or Molly, for that matter, the paste that had been smeared on him had been used for millennia to drive men and women to distraction with lust ... to make mating last longer, and happen more frequently ... and to enhance the opportunities for mating to successfully create life in the womb. One feature of the stuff was that it made Bobby’s penis less sensitive than it would have been otherwise, so while his lust was inflamed, he did not suffer the premature ejaculation that would probably have otherwise taken place when his foggy mind came to grips with what was actually happening.

Molly’s experience was similar to the many times Jonas had entered her, but vastly different for several reasons. For one thing she hadn’t thought of Bobby as a potential sexual partner for more than perhaps an hour before he was fully buried inside her. Her first glimmer of lust for him was triggered by his casual acceptance of his role as her “husband”. His willingness to assume that role, and then to fight for what it was plain to see was not only her daughter, but her own future as well, had made her loins cramp, and the crotch of her jeans unexpectedly damp. His bare upper torso during the fight extended her errant mind further along a track she would never have thought to let it go. She was off kilter enough that, when her daughter was stripped in front of them, his reaction to Sarah’s nakedness had fed the fire in her own loins. Finally, the knowledge that he would see her naked, and then his reaction to that, had pushed her over the edge.

That the old woman insisted on seeing her bred, and then helped that process along, had been so delicious that it had almost taken the decision out of her hands. She had wanted the decision taken out of her hands. She had suddenly wanted this boy/man, with his long hard penis, and she wanted an excuse to have him. The combination of lust, gratitude, relieved fear and joy that her daughter was unharmed, had let her do something she would never have otherwise even contemplated. Her subconscious mind might also have been contemplating that, while Jonas could not get her with child any longer, the penis that was about to enter her was not so disabled. Under normal conditions, that thought would have horrified her. Her subconscious mind, however, was not horrified in the least.

Now she was so deliciously filled, and his thrusting body felt so good against hers, so much lighter than Jonas, writhing, where Jonas pounded, his penis reaching so much deeper than ever she’d felt before ... that unconscious desire bubbled to the surface. She suddenly felt the need to be bred ... to receive this boy’s precious offering ... to feel her belly swell again. She had loved being with child each time Jonas had made her pregnant, and she hadn’t realized how much she missed knowing that, as she strained under a man, she might be made pregnant in the process. With Jonas she enjoyed the feel of what her lover was doing to her. With Bobby there was the promise of so much more.

There was a low raspy murmur from the area of the fire pit. Molly rolled her head to see Birthing Woman singing softly, almost a chant, as she threw small pinches of some herb that smelled sweet and strong into the fire. It was obvious she was still involved in the mating ritual she had supervised thus far. Molly felt her heart lurch that this stranger, a woman from a completely different culture, could care so much about the fertility of another woman, from another culture.

Knowing she would feel differently the next morning, Molly gave herself freely to the boy she would have spit on forty-eight hours earlier, and thrust up against him in anticipation of feeling his seed flowing deep into her womb.

She was surprised by an orgasm that overcame her so quickly, and was so strong that she froze under the rutting young man, her whole body going rigid and stiff. Her teeth clamped together and she hissed her breath out in a long vocal release that magically unfroze her body and let it relax. Then to her amazement and joy, she felt another one coming almost immediately. She welcomed it with a violent thrust of her hips, taking him into her as deeply as possible, her nails leaving beads of blood in long scrapes across his back.

Sarah saw her mother go rigid, and heard the groan of release and recognized it immediately as the same thing she had felt while riding the horse, when she was unable to get away from the rubbing of her sex. She felt hot all over as she realized that she had felt the same thing her mother was feeling. Her stomach growled and she jumped as she realized it wasn’t her stomach, but something else, as a flood of wet suffused her own sexual center. She looked down and spread her legs to see drops of clear liquid dripping out of her body.

Tentatively she reached two fingers between her legs and placed them on that dripping orifice. She realized almost immediately that she could reproduce the feel of that horse rubbing against her. In less than two minutes she had her own orgasm. She almost fell over backwards from the feeling of it and sound dimmed in her ears.

The only thing she could hear was the sound of an old woman’s voice, rising to a verbal crescendo that matched what the other women in the teepee were feeling physically. Then, Birthing Woman’s singing stopped, and was replaced by joyous, cackling laughter.

Brad felt bad about having to go on to the high meadows with the sheep, while the Collins boy went off to find the Indians, or his mother, or his sister, or Bobby ... or perhaps all of them together. He looked thoughtfully at Enid, who had sat her horse, watching the boy ride off into the trees until he could be seen no more. That night, when they had reached the line shack that would house one or more of the Rocklin family for the summer, he settled into the bed with his wife, who snuggled up to him and astonished him by telling him that Enid was much too interested in that Collins boy. Then they talked about how worried they were about Bobby, and where he could be. Amanda insisted that he was fine ... that she could feel it in her bones.

Brad wanted to play, but Amanda slapped at his wandering hands.

“Beth and Enid are right over there!” she whispered in his ear, tickling it with her tongue just to tease him. She loved it when he was full of lust for her.

She woke him later in the night, when it was dark and quiet, and the girls were asleep. She mounted him and sat up, sinking down on his stiff manhood, trying to be quiet. She didn’t pay any attention to the moonlight that came through the windows, or that, while the girls were in the shadows, she and her husband were not. She wasn’t as quiet as she thought she was either, as she reached her pinnacle and felt him spurt up into her.

She had no idea she had just given her first lesson in sex to her younger daughter, who was not only awake, but was up on one elbow watching wide eyed through the whole process.

Molly was beside herself. She was experiencing her fifth orgasm, and knew that, as long as Bobby continued thrusting into her, she could have another. Then he stiffened and groaned. She felt him swell, and thrust her tired hips up once again to receive what she’d been craving for almost half an hour.

It came in strong, wet bursts that seemed to fill her whole body as he spurted for the first time into a woman.

“Ohhhhh yeeessssss,” she moaned, loving each and every jolt of his hot fluid.

He collapsed on top of her and she started to protest as he rolled to one side. Then she saw the old woman’s hands pushing at him, making him roll off, and saw her toothless grin as she thrust a rolled up hide under Molly’s thighs. Instinctively Molly lifted her buttocks off the furry bed and the roll of leather ended up under her buttocks, tilting her pelvis down so that none of the precious seed she had received could escape.

The old woman’s eyes bore into Molly’s, and her toothless mouth split in another grin, punctuated by a wink.

Tentatively, Molly smiled herself, and then rolled her head to look at her daughter. Bobby, limp, his eyes closed, had rolled half onto Sarah’s lap, his head resting between her own open thighs.

Sarah was staring at his peaceful face.

It was dark. There was the smell of smoke.

Molly’s open eyes could see nothing until she turned her head toward the fire pit, which contained only glowing embers. Her mind leapt to replay what she had done ... how long ago? The roll of leather was still under her buttocks, and was uncomfortable. She lifted her buttocks and felt the ache in her loins from overuse of the muscles there as she removed the bundle. She was covered with a fur, and felt skin next to hers. She turned her head and smelled what she now recognized was ... Bobby.

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“God, your beautiful Sandy,” Cindy said, unable to hold off making love to her much longer. “So are you Cindy,” Sandra moaned as their clits were touching. They started moving their faces closer and their lips met. “MMMM, your lips are so good, Sandy!” moaned Cindy as she started licking Sandra’s lips. Cindy doing this and their hips grinding, Sandra was getting so hot. They sunk to the carpet as Cindy kissed her long and deep. Laying Sandra back on the carpet, Cindy started kissing her...

4 years ago
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The Id and the EgoChapter 2

Two very frustrating days later I received a phone call from Jen, "Harry, this is Jen Watson, would you mind if Mum and I came and visited you this afternoon?" "I'm looking forward to it Jen, what time can I expect you, perhaps you would like to join me for lunch?" "That would be nice Harry, eleven thirty alright with you?" "That will be fine love, see you then." Shortly before eleven thirty I heard their car coming up the drive way. I had prepared a cold collation and was just...

2 years ago
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A New Path

This story was originally posted in 2003, and while a work of fiction, takeselements and stories from experiences in my life with several partners. Thecontinued feedback I have received, as well as requests for additional chaptershas prompted me to continue the work. Thanks for all the comments, email alwayswelcome and responded to! A new path By Chris Fowler At 31 years old, Chris decided to change his life, and go to college. Afterleaving the Army, a series of fun, but dead end jobs had...

3 years ago
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Star Wars Rebellion Reborn

The Clone Wars have ended and with it also came the end of The Separatist, The Trade Federation, and even more shocking, The Jedi Order. In the final days of the war the newly appointed Emperor Palpatine announced to all that the Jedi had attempted to seize power and had made an attempt on his life. With a promise to protect the galaxy from further war and acts of terror the republic with abandoned with thunderous applause. However while a vast majority was in favor of this decision, a few...

4 years ago
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Rapes as Ordered

“Have you ever raped a woman, taken one against her will?” the old lady asked with an arched eyebrow. “No,” I answered quickly, not wanting to think about it very much, my fingers crossed behind me. “Humph,” the Madam said with a sniff. “Well, I suppose there is a time for everything.” She handed me a slip of paper. “These girls,” she said, pausing, “women really, have been causing a good deal of mischief, and they have been serving our enemies; falling on their backs. You know what I...

3 years ago
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Awesome Ariel in Adam 1 Application As Sex

Ariel is awesome in all aspects: yummy young female features, foxy fantasies and fetishes.Ariel is pretty & petite, like little tits & tight teen twat, which never gets wet when she is hot.Ariel is also smart, proves her pretty profile, coming in cunning contrast to our talks in private. Ariel is open & honest to me, when we write in our curious chats about on love life, or lack of it.Ariel pretends, at her public profile, to already have a steady boyfriend, probably to fool...

1 year ago
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Picking Up the Pieces Part 2

GamedayMy usual pregame ritual involved getting into my zone. Since the first game of the season was at home we got dressed in the locker room. I usually tried to be the first one to get ready and would psych myself up as everyone else got dressed. Some girls get more chatty before a game, I get less. I flashed Susan a brief smile. Most of the girls knew to avoid talking to me before a game, but I would receive various fist bumps and head nods. Susan finished changing, and gave me thumbs up and...

3 years ago
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British Brothers Buggeed in Bolivia

My brother Peter was a year older than me. He had taken a gap year before starting at university, and had been working on an urban support project in Chile. I intended to go straight to uni from school, so we would both start together. That summer I flew out to Santiago as we had made plans to tour Chile, Peru and Bolivia. We kept well off the tourist route, traveling by local trains and busses, staying at cheap hotels and hostels. After going north along the coast we crossed into Peru,...

Gay Male
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Eat Him Out

It was 12:00am when I was just about done closing up shop when I heard a sound from the Arcade room. “Polybius?” I peeked my head around the corner, not seeing any sign of him. “Hello?” I walked in further, “I know that sound was you!”I started to get worried and quickly made my way over to the Polybius cabinet, tucked behind all the others and slightly hidden in the dark shadows of his corner. I found him leaned over his cabinet, his back to me.“Polybius are you okay?” I reached a hand out...

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My cousin Sue

Sue is a cousin of mine and we are the same age. We were 16 at this time. We lived about a half mile from one another growing up. We were more like brother and sister. She was a beautiful girl with a smoking hot body for her age. Some people thought we were either brother and sister or bfriend and gfriend. We were best friends and knew everything about one another. We even knew who about our love lives. Neither of us were virgins and I was kind of a player with the ladies. Something she always...

2 years ago
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Bitch in the Bar 2

My blog is at ----------------------- That little cunt. My rage finally hit. My temper finally caught up with my humiliation. She was just another whore. Just another bitch whore. Quick as lightening I grabbed her wrist, she went to jerk my head, but I was too strong, I squeezed her hand, forcing her vice grip to drop. I felt her hand spasm, she didn’t squeak in pain, but that look of ice in her eyes was lifting. She had only played...

2 years ago
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Maryannes Story Waterskiing

Introduction: I still get excited remembering that summer day twenty years ago. Maryannes Story Chapter 1 Unlike my the stories written by my husband (My Wife Maryanne) that have been written in a chronological order starting near the time of our wedding in 1975, this true story, and any written by me that may follow are presented in no particular order. This particular story took place in the summer of 1990, when I was 37 years old. Michael and I had spent an enjoyable afternoon with another...

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Miss stacey

It was a hot summers day and I was sitting in a classroom with 50 other people, watching a lecture on the anatomy of a fish. I looked out the window and just saw the heat radiating off of the blacktop. I was dressed for class today in a short black cotton skirt that hugged my hips and upper thighs with a pink low cut blouse, a black lacey bra and no panties because of the heat. My name is Ashley I'm 21, 145 pounds not too fit but average and I'm 5 foot 3, today I was in my college class with my...

3 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 7 Dealing With Trouble

Saturday, I hung out with Grace. She wanted to hang out with Julia. Talk about awkward. I wouldn’t say Julia was the love of my life, but in my first life, she was the closest I came to asking a girl to marry me. I showed up to her place one day and told her we should go for a walk because there was something we needed to talk about. She said, “What a coincidence. There is something big I need to talk to you about.” I told her that she should go first because my thing would likely put a...

1 year ago
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Mom Chudi Dulhe Ke Bhaiyon Se

Meri maa ka nam nilu humar-46 sal rang gora h height-5’4 inch figure-42 38 44 thori moti aur healthy h gadraya hua badan..Hamare mohalle mein larko se lekar buddhe sb unpar line marte the gandi gandi comments karte the kya gand h kya chuchi h mom unpar gussane ke bajay has deti thi unhe ye sab acha lagta tha ki main hot hu….3 mahine pehle ki bat hai meri cousin behen ki shadi thi toh hame uski shadi me jana tha..Papa ni ja paye unko office ka kam tha main aur mom hi sirf gaye..Shadi ke din...

2 years ago
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Seduction Challenge Fulfilled 8211 Part 1

Hi this Is Dhritish, I am from Udaipur and I am straight by my sexual orientation. I look forward to a bunch of mails on my email id dhritish¬¬ although not getting my hopes too high considering myself a first timer. The protagonist of the story are me and my friend Vaishali and how I seduced her and we had the best sex ever. I am a guy with very normal sized dick and not those mammoth everyone talks about here but physique wise I am on the sexier side. Vaishali here is a girl with a dusky...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Titty Fuck BJ 3Way

Statuesque, extremely busty MILF Kianna Dior loves sucking cock. The kinky vixen flaunts her massive tits in sheer lingerie, teasing and showing off to prep for a dirty BJ three-way. Kianna models a tight top that reads, ‘CUM ON MY FACE.’ Leading pornographer Jonni Darkko and hung stud Jovan Jordan arrive to fulfill her nasty oral fixation. Kianna drops to her knees for a graphic double blowjob, referring to herself as a ‘cum whore’ as the guys have their ways with her....

3 years ago
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Mature Fun

I come over to talk to you. We had e-mailed and you told me of and electrical issue you had with the hot water heater, and I told you to call me tomorrow, and I’d come take a look because I was handy with stuff like that. So the next day you had called me and told me it was still giving you fits, and I said, let me grab a few tools, I’ll be there in an hour. When I get there, you are quite attractive, curvy and busty. You are in your 60's and about the same age as me. I say “Hello Anne, nice to...

3 years ago
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Were Not Promised Tomorrow Ch 06

I think my muse for this one was ‘Citizens’ by Alice Russell from ‘The Blacklist’ soundtrack, but I can’t remember! I’m calling this chapter Strive to Destruction. Little bit of angst, little bit of fluff, little bit of smut, the perfect combination, really, for a Blacklist story, lol. As always, I own nothing, just my thoughts. All my love to BlackInk07 for taking the time to preview and give opinions ***** ‘This isn’t the way to your safehouse,’ Lizzie points out in the back of Red’s car...

3 years ago
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First time and beyond

We had been 'going out' for about three months and finally we were on our own in a house with no one else there.To add context, I should explain that this was the early 70's in a provincial part of the U.K. The 'swinging' 60's had passed us by. Yes, we'd listened to the whole range of music of that decade - courtesy of the 'pirate' radio stations. For those who are baffled, these were small ships which anchored off the U.K. coast and brought us teenagers music that we never heard in its...

First Time
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She Likes Being Spanked with Whips Ticklers and Floggers Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Between Varun And Radhika, Varun has always been the adventurous one. And she has always been a sporting kind who enjoyed all those kinks like being spanked. She loves the feeling of dripping wax on her mounds and peeling off it. The nipple clamps and the chain that Varun uses to lead her around makes her moan. One day she sent him a package that said, ‘Open me and be ready to use me tonight.’ Inside the box was a silk blindfold, shiny sexy metal handcuffs and a flogger made of leather. Varun...

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Her Punishment

You are on your knees, bound at the ankles. Your arms are behind you, bound at the wrists. A bit is placed in your mouth, and fastened to the back of your collar. A blindfold cuts out all light. Also attached to the collar is a restraint that extends down your back, connecting your wrists and ankles. This secures them and keeps your head pulled back. You have been stripped completely, only your slave wear in place. That means just collar, wrist and ankle straps. You are alone in the middle of...

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A 23-year-old guy shouldn't have to move back home with his parents but that is exactly what happened. At least, the move wouldn't be a long-term thing as it was only five weeks while I was waiting for my new condominium to be ready after my apartment lease ran out. I had an excellent relationship with my parents calling them Ma and Pa even though I didn't grow up in the country. Home was the bustling town of Kansas City.I would shortly be moving into a condo in Crown Center a very high brow...

2 years ago
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The Unexpected VisitorChapter 3 Bringing More Things Home

"Let me hear you Make decisions Without your television Let me hear you speaking Just for me" - Stripped (Depeche Mode) It did not take me long to arrive at the local grocery store. Since there were no other stores in the area it wasn't the cheapest place but instead it kept a wide variety of products. I usually bought my groceries there since they had everything I needed and it was never crowded like the supermarkets. Buying the groceries I needed took me much longer than I had...

1 year ago
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MetamorphoseChapter 6

As Casey works his magic on Mark’s ass with his hands, Mark’s cock desperately wants to stretch itself out in its very restricted position. The trio ended up in a very nicely decorated and clean massage parlor on the north end of the city. Here, as per Mark’s advice, they came and were able to rent a room for private use. Casey gives his ass one hard firm squeeze before he moves around so that he is directly in front of Mark. Casey then begins to message his shoulders firmly. Mark Slyly...

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Mollys Night With Neapolitan Ice Cream

Molly yawned as she stumbled out of bed. She dragged herself to the bathroom, scrunching her face and blinking rapidly at the harsh glare of the bathroom light. ‘Goddamn rough night,’ she thought. Her hair was in a state of freshly fucked, as was her make-up. Black streaks ran down her face blending with the crusty white stuff she hoped was drool, but knew better. There was more dried cum on her breasts, across her tummy and along her inner thighs. “Ugh, it’s in my ear,” she whispered, and...

Group Sex
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The Eleventh Fenn

------------------- PROLOGUE: THE FIRST OF THE FENNS ----------------- “Heed my call, O Hunters, and know this to be true: The anti-God has arrived, and its eyes are filled with wine.” — High Hunter Wyse "The Heartless", the Fifth Chief of the Fenn Hunters Two-hundred and seventy-one years ago, a baby boy was born to a simple family in the northern Mountains of Wyr. The boy was an average babe of an average weight and height, none too loud and none too handsome, and certainly none too...


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