Betrothal Betrayal
- 2 years ago
- 23
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This is my first submission, based loosely on a dream I had awhile ago. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Feedback is welcome, as long as it’s polite A special thanks to KD for inspiring me to publish it, and to TitianaPeaks for help with editing.
Mina ran through the woods, tears streaming down her cheeks after her parents told her what her fate was to be. Since she had recently turned nineteen, Mina was now considered a woman and was to be wed immediately. And to someone her parents chose for her. The thought of being wed to someone she didn’t even know enraged her, but not as much as the fact that she had no say in the matter.
An hour after she had received the news, Mina was too shocked to show any emotion. Instead, she fled to her sleeping quarters and sat down on her bed, tears dripping down her cheeks, trying to keep from panicking. The apartment seemed huge and empty without her sisters Phoenix and Jade. They too, had gotten married when they turned nineteen, which left Mina alone. She didn’t mind really, she was quiet, reserved, and enjoyed her solitude. But now her parents had dropped this milestone on her, turning her life upside down, and Mina wished she had someone close to confide her fears in.
After unsuccessfully trying to hold her sobs in, Mina jumped up from her bed and tore out into the woods. Running without looking, she could hear the twigs cracking beneath her feet, tree branches smacking into her body as she ran past. Crying harder now, Mina continued running blindly until her long dress tangled beneath her feet, causing her to twist her ankle and collapse to the floor of the deserted woods.
‘Oh god!’ Mina sobbed, her chest tight and burning from running so hard, she thought she would die right then and there. She then attempted to stand up, only to fall back down as her ankle wouldn’t allow it. Looking around at the unfamiliar woods, Mina could tell that she had run quite a bit and was a distance from her home. Realizing that no one would find her, much less realize that she had gone, Mina began to panic.
Crying hysterically and hyperventilating, Mina grew dizzy with fear as she clung to the ground, her tears dripping onto the dirt beneath her. The pain in her ankle was unbearable, and she knew that she wouldn’t be able to move at all. Fighting to calm down, Mina began praying to the gods that someone would find her.
After crying until her tears ran dry, the sky grew darker, and the wind had grown cool. Staring up at the stars, Mina eventually grew drowsy and fell asleep.
Cael had been out hunting, and was now walking through the woods to return home. On the way back to his cabin, he was surprised to see a young woman lying unconscious on the ground. Putting down his slaughtered animal and weapons, he cautiously walked over to the woman. Stooping down next to her, her turned her over and examined her. Cael looked her up and down thoroughly, trying to make sure she wasn’t the victim of any attack. He then noticed her dirty dress and her tear streaked face, but didn’t overlook her waist length wavy brown hair and her delicate features. Even with the long dress on, Cael could tell that she had a slender yet nubile body.
Putting his hand to Mina’s face and then her neck, Cael found that she was alive. He could feel her pulse, but her body had grown cold from lying on the ground for so many hours. Taking off his heavy sheepskin coat and wrapping it around the young woman, Cael easily hoisted her petite frame up into his arms. Then, managing to collect the rest of his belongings, he proceeded to walk towards his cabin.
After walking a short distance, Cael dropped the meat and his rifle once he got through his front door. He then carried Mina to his bedroom, and after tucking her underneath his blankets thoroughly, proceeded to light the fireplace in his bedroom.
After what seemed like several hours, Mina’s eyes fluttered open. She felt warm and heard a crackling fire nearby. Feeling soft blankets and pillows beneath her body, she opened her eyes wider to find that she wasn’t in her room. Completely disoriented, Mina sat upright in the bed so she could take in her surroundings. There was indeed a fireplace across from the bed, and at the foot of the bed was a chair, which was occupied by what appeared to be men’s hunting attire. Beginning to panic again, Mina looked frantically to see if she saw anyone. Fear kicking in, Mina didn’t wait to find out where she was, she was just concerned with finding her way back home. Flinging back the blankets, she attempted to climb down from the huge bed, but the shooting pain in her ankle made her think otherwise. Crying out in pain, she lay back among the pillows and began to cry softly, thinking she’d been kidnapped.
‘I should’ve stayed home,’ she thought bitterly to herself. ‘Then I wouldn’t be in this mess!’ Just then, a man appeared at the door. Mina almost forgot her fear for a second, he was so handsome. He looked to be in his early thirties, and had the smooth, walnut-reddish colored skin of a Native American, along with long, long silky jet black hair, piercing dark eyes and high cheekbones. Her mouth suddenly gone dry, Mina found herself only able to stare back at him.
‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you, I’m Cael,’ he told her gently, still standing in the doorway.
‘How did I get here?’ Mina blurted out.
Cael just smiled at her. ‘I found you in the woods,’ he continued. ‘Apparently you’d hurt yourself,’ he replied, gesturing towards her ankle. ‘I can fix that.’
Slowly walking over towards the bed, Cael sat down next to Mina. ‘What’s your name?’ he asked her gently. ‘Mina…’ she practically whispered, lowering her head. Cael then put his finger under Mina’s chin and tilted her face up towards him, so he could see her clearly.
Mina was truly a beauty. Even with her dirty, tear streaked face and rumpled dress, she conveyed an angelic pureness. Even though she averted her eyes from Cael, he could tell that something was troubling her. Focusing on the dried tears on her face, Cael moved his hand down to touch Mina’s lightly. ‘What’s wrong love?’ he asked her.
Shaking her head, Mina turned her face away from Cael’s, biting down hard on her bottom lip, refusing to cry in front of a man she barely knew. ‘Come on love, you can tell me,’ he continued to coax, trying to turn Mina towards him. Seeing her body trembling as she unsuccessfully tried to keep from crying, the dam inside of her burst when Cael gently pulled her against his chest. Running his hand through her hair gently, Cael could feel her tears wetting his shirt as Mina sobbed viciously.
Between sobs, Mina managed to tell Cael about the marriage being forced upon her and how she’d run from her home. Feeling remorseful about Mina being so upset, Cael promised that he would see what he could do. ‘But I’m sure your family is worried about you having gone off without warning,’ he told her.
Sniffling, Mina shook her head. ‘They won’t notice that I’m gone. I have my own sleeping quarters that I used to share with my sisters, but they’re off with their own family now so it’s just me. As long as I’m back by morning, no one will notice anything.’
Seeing how distressed Mina was, Cael had no intentions of forcing her to go back home at that moment. He figured they could deal with that in a few hours. For now, he just wanted to take her mind off of her worries. Suddenly producing a handkerchief, Cael proceeded to wipe the tears off of Mina’s cheeks, and allowed her to blow her nose.
‘That’s better love. Are you hungry?’ he then asked her.
Still sniffling, Mina pondered for a second. ‘Yes, a bit now that I’m thinking about it,’ she admitted.
‘Okay, stay here and rest, I’ll bring you something,’ Cael told her, getting up from the bed. Giving him a weak smile, she nodded and sat back among the pillows.
Not long after, Cael returned with a bowl of hot stew that had c
hunks of beef and thick, hearty vegetables in it. Her mouth practically watering from inhaling the aroma, Mina graciously accepted the bowl. ‘Thank you,’ she told him gratefully.
Cael sat with Mina while she ate. He expertly wrapped her injured ankle with steady hands as he told her about his life, and in return Mina told Cael about hers. She had almost forgotten her worries when she remembered that she had to leave in the morning.
‘What should I do?’ she asked Cael fearfully.
Mulling over her question, he replied, ‘Mina, listen, if I were you I wouldn’t worry so much. Things work out better than you realize sometimes. Besides, do you really think your parents would choose someone for you that they didn’t think would take care of you?’
Still seeing a cloud of doubt on Mina’s face, Cael gave her something to think about. ‘Let me ask you this, are both of your sisters happy?’ Pausing to think for a second, Mina slowly nodded her head. ‘And your parents chose their mate for them, right? And they turned out to be happy. And so will you, you’ll see.’
‘You know, I didn’t think of that,’ Mina admitted, feeling a bit relieved. ‘But I’m still scared…’ she continued, her voice trailing off.
‘That’s to be expected, but I promise you’ll be okay,’ Cael finished convincingly.
Cael then got up to take Mina’s empty bowl. Seeing that Mina was still tense and nervous, he decided to bring her some mulled wine to help calm her nerves. ‘Here, drink this,’ he said, handing Mina a cup. ‘This will help you relax.’ Trustingly, she took the cup from Cael and slowly began sipping, enjoying the sweet, mild berry flavor.
‘You haven’t eaten,’ she realized, pausing to look up at Cael.
‘Oh, I’m fine love, I’m just worried about you right now,’ Cael replied, shaking his head. ‘Come, finish your wine and then I want you to lay down and get some rest.’
Mina did as she was told, and after draining the cup she handed it to Cael. He set it on the table near the bed and then moved next to Mina and sat back among the pillows. Opening his arms to her, Mina moved closer to Cael and let him wrap an arm around her. The wine had surely done its job, she felt more relaxed than she had a few hours ago. Resting her head on Cael’s shoulder, he began stroking her hair, gently working the tangles out with his fingertips. Growing more relaxed and drowsy, Mina closed her eyes and buried her face in his shoulder. Inhaling his sweet, musky scent, Mina could feel herself growing slightly dizzy, as well as a new sensation that excited yet frightened her a bit at the same time.
‘Are you okay?’ Cael asked Mina, as if he was able to read her mind.
‘Yes…’ she murmured, unconsciously curling her body closer towards Cael. He looked down at Mina and brought his hand up to tenderly stroke away the tendrils of hair that had fallen in her face. Her eyes then fluttered open to see him gazing softly at her. Cael then gently raised Mina’s face towards his and hesitantly placed a soft kiss on her lips.
Feeling nervous for a reason Mina couldn’t put her finger on, Cael pulled back after seeing her expression. ‘I’m sorry,’ he apologized. ‘I shouldn’t have done that.’ Blushing and smiling, Mina hastily tried to explain thinking that she’d done something wrong.
‘No, it’s okay,’ she told Cael. ‘It’s just that… I’ve never done that before. I’ve never even been alone with a man, and I’m not sure how to behave, as this is all new to me. My parents would kill me if they knew I was here…’
‘Well, don’t worry Mina, no one will find out. Okay? Trust me.’ Smiling again, Mina nodded and closed her eyes again, burying her face back into Cael’s shoulder. ‘I wouldn’t do anything to harm your purity.’
‘Thank you,’ Mina whispered, tracing her fingertips up his arm.
Cael meant it with the utmost sincerity. He knew how the people of their village could be, if they thought a woman had been touched before she was wed. He wouldn’t put her in that situation. ‘Come love, I want you to sleep, get under the blankets. I’ll stay on top.’ Cael then shifted his body over and pulling the blankets back, ushered Mina underneath.
‘Don’t leave me,’ she said softly grabbing his forearm, before resting her head on the pillow. Cael looked down at her.
‘I’m not going anywhere, don’t worry,’ he promised. Cael then planted a kiss on Mina’s forehead and lay next to her. Mina’s eyes finally closed and she instantly fell into a relaxed sleep.
‘Mina, Mina,’ a voice said in her ear, gently coaxing her out of her sleep. ‘Ssh,’ Cael whispered, putting a finger to her lips. ‘I’ve brought you home, but I have to go. It’s almost dawn.’
Dazedly, Mina turned her head to look around and saw that she was indeed back in her sleeping quarters.
‘Will I see you again?’ she asked Cael in a wavering voice, sitting up slightly.
‘Yes you will,’ Cael replied, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. ‘Now get some rest love, I promise you’ll see me again.’ Smiling to herself, Mina could feel her body surrender to sleep once more as Cael ran his hand through her hair before leaving quietly.
The next day, Mina’s mother told her that in a weeks’ time she would meet the man she was to marry. Remembering what Cael had told her, she was able to receive the news better than she had when her mother first told her she was betrothed, but she still couldn’t help feeling nervous about marrying someone she didn’t know, much less hadn’t met before. All Mina could think about was Cael, how gentle his soul was and how kindly he had treated her when he found her in the woods. It might have been too soon to say, but Mina truly thought that Cael was someone she could love, and now she wasn’t sure that she would ever see him again.
The entire week, Mina’s nerves were so wracked she could barely eat or sleep. She’d become moody and withdrawn, barely coming out of her apartment. The only thing that gave her any peace was at night, when she was content to lay in her bed and think of Cael, and the gentle kiss that they shared. Afterwards, Mina would end up sobbing softly into her pillow, refusing to let anyone hear her anguish.
The day of the ceremony, all of Mina’s family came to celebrate. Her mother, sisters, and older female relatives came to her apartment to help her dress and fix her hair. As beautiful as Mina looked, she still couldn’t help but feeling that her life was coming to an end. Constantly throughout the day, she kept biting down hard on her lip to keep from crying, fighting to keep the panic down that was rising inside of her.
‘He’s here!’ her sister Phoenix squealed, running into the room. Feeling a wave of dizziness, Mina stood up and followed her family out to her parent’s apartment, her legs feeling heavier with each step. Once they were inside, Mina’s heart stopped in her throat when she saw a handsome man in front of her, clad in formal attire and his hair bound, hanging down his back in a long ponytail.
‘Cael, this is my youngest daughter Mina’ her mother interjected stepping forward. Cael looked Mina in the eye briefly, signaling for her not to say anything. Mina, on the other hand, was finding it hard to contain her joy.
Feeling a mixture of happiness and relief bubbling inside of her, she managed a small, ‘Hello, Cael.’
Mina desperately wanted to be alone with Cael, even if for a moment, to let him know how miserable she’d been that past week, but she knew that was going to be impossible.
After everyone had left the room and only Mina, Cael, and her parents remained, her mother then told Cael that the doctor would be summoned to perform an examination to ensure him of her purity.
‘I don’t think that will be necessary,’ he replied politely. Raising her eyebrows, Mina’s mother gave a small smile and nodded her head. It was against custom, and she was slightly surprised, but if it was what he wished then so be it. However, Cael ha
d seen the look of terror on Mina’s face when she’d heard her mother, and he didn’t want to make her suffer anymore because of their families’ customs. He knew what he needed to know already, and that was enough for his standards. Cael knew that Mina was pure in every way conceivable, he didn’t need physical proof to confirm it.
Everyone enjoyed the ceremony, as well as the reception afterwards. Mina was able to enjoy it even more because of her lifted spirits. The day seemed to fly by, and before everyone realized it was sunset, and time for Mina to leave her home to go live with her new husband.
Once Mina was in her new home, and finally alone with Cael, she clung to him. ‘You have no idea how happy I am right now,’ she told him, fighting back the urge to break down. Between her nerves getting the best of her all week, and then the day being rushed and crazy in general, Mina didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
‘Love, I have something to tell you,’ Cael said, gently drawing her away and kissing her hands.
‘What?’ she asked, looking at him inquisitively.
‘I’ve known who you were for years,’ Cael continued. ‘It was just a coincidence that I found you in the woods that night. I hope you aren’t too upset with me.’
Mina paused to digest what he’d just told her. ‘You know…I’m not, really. I’m actually relieved,’ she confessed, still holding his hands.
‘I didn’t want to tell you who I was because I didn’t want to frighten you,’ Cael continued.
Laughing to herself, she replied, ‘None of that matters now, I love you. But everything makes sense now! I wondered how you brought me back home that night, I didn’t remember telling you where I lived.’
Chuckling, Cael gently pulled Mina back towards him. ‘And I love you,’ he replied, amusement coloring his voice. ‘Now can I have a proper kiss since we’re married?’
Practically blushing, Mina nodded yes as Cael wrapped his arms around her back and bent down to softly kiss her. Brushing his lips against hers, slowly and delicately, Cael tried to coax Mina out of her obvious nervousness. Trembling in his embrace as he ran his tongue over her bottom lip, she pulled back, those butterflies returning to flutter in her stomach.
‘Are you okay?’ he asked, pausing to look at Mina.
‘Yes,’ she answered shyly, lowering her eyes.
‘You don’t have to be scared love,’ Cael reassured her. ‘We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.’
Biting her lip nervously, Mina glanced up at Cael for a second. ‘No, I do…’ she trailed off, her voice barely audible. ‘I just don’t know how to…’
‘Listen, let’s just go to our room, I know you’ve had a trying past few days and you could use the rest. Okay?’ Mina agreed, and smiled as Cael scooped her up into his arms and carried her into their bedroom.
Placing Mina down on the bed, dress and all, he asked her if she wanted him to undo the laces in the back. ‘O-okay,’ she stammered, still slightly unsure.
‘Don’t worry, I won’t push you to do anything you don’t want to,’ Cael said reassuringly. ‘Your dress is lovely, it just doesn’t look comfortable to lie down in.’
Smiling and looking down at the ornate cream dress, Mina looked back up at Cael. ‘It isn’t,’ she confessed, pushing herself up on her knees and turning her back to Cael so he could loosen the laces. After he was done, he slipped the dress up and over her head. Keeping true to his word, he didn’t try to take off her thin chemise. Mina then watched as Cael took off his trousers and shirt. He then unbound his ponytail and let his hair fall freely down his back. Mina’s mouth went dry, seeing Cael’s smooth, dark skin and muscular upper body. Realizing that Cael was about to take his place next to her on the bed, she moved over.
‘Come darling,’ he said, pulling Mina to rest against him. They both lay down, Mina’s head on his shoulder.
‘Hmmm,’ she moaned, feeling the tension seep from her body when Cael moved his hand up and across to begin massaging her scalp with his fingertips. After a few seconds, he shifted onto his side to give himself better access. Mina had gorgeous, silky hair, one thing Cael had always found attractive on a woman. He enjoyed the feeling of her strands slipping between his fingers, almost as much as Mina enjoyed him doing so. ‘That feels so good,’ she murmured drowsily, her face half buried into the pillow.
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I like to go for massages. Admittedly, I’ve had an occasional sexual massage fantasy probably from having seen a massage sex porn video. But I never received anything beyond a professional, therapeutic massage. Until I got a massage from Sweetness. She walked me to a private room. It was candlelit with a big mirror on the wall. ‘Undress and lay on the table,’ Sweetness said. She was Asian, but not as skinny as the average Asian woman I’d known. In fact, she had fantastic curves. Wearing a low...
Soooo Sweet! by Vickie Tern Wonderful, Sally! Come back in two hours, and don't give it another thought. Everything'll be just the way you want it. Wash, style, set, perm, the whole hairdo, same as in the book. And everything else, too. A complete makeover. It'll look fantastic, you'll see! Trust me!. You haven't been here before, have you hon? Sally's one of my regulars. My name's Janet, by the way. Just sit down over here, and let's see what we've got to work...
SHORT N SWEET SHORT N SWEET By Velvetglove STANDARD DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT ?Short n Sweet? is a fictional story. Neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality and any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. It is planned to contain up to twelve parts, depending on the enthusiasm I feel and any encouragement I receive. Copyright is claimed by the author. Part One: July The amazing thing is that it was all my wife?s idea. Now, a bit of background is...
Hi friends, Am a great fan of Indian sex stories and reads lots of articles. Hence, I have also decided to share my sexual experience with my colleague. Before the story, I apologize for the spell and grammatical errors. Here Abhi age 29 (name changed), from south India, I work for it company in Singapore. Heroin of this story is my colleague her name sweety (name changed ), 30-36-34, cute, married and homely gal. This incident happened three weeks before, let me begin the story, a few months...
This is the story of my wife sweetie, let me describe her. She has very fair features with thick long, straight silky black hair going up to her ass. She has medium size breasts with pink nipples. In short she is pretty attractive and awesome in bed. We are a normal couple with a good sex life, I am a great porn lover but sweetie took little to no interest in porn. This story revolves around my friend Sanjeev and his extra marial relationship with my wife. Sanjeev was elder to me by five years;...
Hi! Everybody, I m Bad a totally new entrant to this story section and in introduction I would only define me as an Call center professional at Mumbai with a Height of 6 ft & 23 years young, fair complexion and a regular normal body. This is an original story of my fantasy coming true and how was the experience. This is about the girl who lived opposite to our flat in the same society and her name is Sweety who is again a very fair, very good looking, tall with a great body of 32-28-34 a 3rd...
Vengeance is Bittersweet By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. and Bob Arnold Features characters from The Protector and Change of Course stories Angel cameos courtesy of Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1 Detective Matt Walsh was slightly surprised when the woman had called his station and requested him specifically by name. She insisted that she had important information regarding one of his cases. When he asked her which case, she refused to answer him, insisting that he meet...
Wonderful, Sally! Come back in two hours, and don't give it another thought. Everything'll be just the way you want it. Wash, style, set, perm, the whole hairdo, same as in the book. And everything else, too. A complete makeover. It'll look fantastic, you'll see! Trust me!. You haven't been here before, have you hon? Sally's one of my regulars. My name's Janet, by the way. Just sit down over here, and let's see what we've got to work with. You know, there's a terrific woman, Sally!...
"Winning is So Sweet" by Carousel Susan En~Rose copyright 2009 by Carousel Susan En~Rose / Girls With Big Eyes, LLC Carousel's short story is written in the "Shoujo Manga*" style of storytelling. "Winning is So Sweet" shares the First Place Gold Medal for the Reader's Choice Award at the 2009 Girltalk Creative SF Writing Contest. SYNOPSIS---Twelve year old Darla D'nell Ryan never expected such excitement to happen when she introduced a new game, a...
A Muse by Any Other Name Would Spell as Sweet Copyright (c) 1999 by Chilli TNG Notes and Dedication: Not too long ago, in a galaxy not too far away, I made a suggestion . . . a simple, innocent suggestion. Part of the result of that suggestion was the creation of "Taco Belle," a wonderfully amusing story by my dear friend, Janice Dreamer. The scenario that Janice developed, though, just begged for a "what happened next" story, so here it is. But, if you haven't read...
With doors secured, windows locked, and curtains unfolded to bar any patch of light from entering, I sat in the middle of my room. My attention was focused on the film. As there was no source of light other than the screen of my television, my senses were heightened to their fullest. Every single movement and reaction of the cast was caught by my sharpened sight and all recorded on my notepad. When the film finished, I automatically turned on the lights and searched for the next disk. But...
Lesbian"There you are!"I'd gone to the Mall late on a Sunday, looking for a little fun-time w/ my fuck-buddy Kimber. She worked in a remote corner-located discount shoe store of an indoor shopping mall. The kind w/ high shelves perfect for hiding behind prying eyes walking by outside.With the hub store closed for good just around the corner at the end of the Mall, it was unlikely anyone would pass by or walk in, not at just 15 minutes to closing time. There she stood, behind the last tall shelf on the...
“Bend over.” He said. I stayed quiet, not really sure if he was serious or what. “Get on your fucking hands and knees.”James is rough, but not brutal. He had never hurt me, and I’m pretty sure he never will. And even thought I’m scared as hell, this other side of James was turning me on real badly. So I did what he told me to. I bent over. Shaking from head to toe, but I did.“Are you scared, Carlitos?” He asked, and when I said nothing, he smiled – I wasn’t looking at him, but I could recognize...
Hi,I am Yugan,I am from chennai.This is my first story sorry for any mistakes,feedbacks now I’ll say about myself I am a good built 6 feet tall,with 8 inch tool.Now ll come to the story I t happened to me when I am studying my MCA first year, The heroine of the story is my sister,she is white with light brown eyes with good ass and face,she is 34-24-35 with very beautiful ass every boy would die to touch,i had crush on her from my school days but she never knows it I used to masturbate with...
There is a knock on the door, it is too early in the morning for trick or treaters on this cold Halloween day. I get up from the sofa, forgetting I am wearing only my boxers. Upon opening the door, a soft gasp emanates from my lips as I drink in the sight before me. There stands Sondra, my neighbor’s eighteen year old daughter who has been teasing me every chance she gets.“Trick or treat or something sweet, Mr. Randall.”Sondra’s red hair reaches her shoulders and comes to rest at the top of...
Quickie SexIt was a rainy, stormy Wednesday. The skies were clouded and the winds were howling outside Sonia's windows. Her bedroom windows were covered in the most luxurious window treatments you could find in the city and the plush rug that lay on her bedroom floor was a gift from her last boyfriend, who loved fucking her hard, Carlo, a six-foot-five Sicilian, who's cock was heavy, thick and long.. Carlo and Sonia had been an item for a year, but Sonia grew tired and weary of her hunk Carlo. Carlo had a...
I had introduced my best friend’s daughter, Brandy, to the lovely aspects of sex. She had left her horrible college roommate and found a new one. A female one this time. From her frequent phone calls she sounded very happy with the switch. From her description, I could tell that Brandy and Sherry were total contrasts physically. Brandy was a little Latina with full breasts and a luscious ass. She had long glossy raven hair. Sherry was a little perky redhead with freckles. Brandy didn’t really...
I had introduced my best friend's daughter, Brandy, to the lovely aspects of sex. She had left her horrible college roommate and found a new one. A female one this time. From her frequent phone calls she sounded very happy with the switch. From her description, I could tell that Brandy and Sherry were total contrasts physically. Brandy was a little Latina with full breasts and a luscious ass. She had long glossy raven hair. Sherry was a little perky redhead with freckles. Brandy didn't really...
Group SexThis is me Santosh (name changed) again I think all of them u read my first story of milky boobs, after I wrote my story in iss, I got a lot of mails some of the guys asking me introduce the aunty/ give her no. But according 2 my promise to her, I didn’t give her details to anyone after 2 days I read a mail in my email box that one aunty wrote to me that she has read my story in iss and she is staying nearby my place and she told that want to talk with me as she is married and just 5 months...
I had my shot perfectly lined up. 8 ball in the corner pocket, I had called it. Make this shot and five bucks will be mine along with the bragging rights to have beaten the best pool shark in my whole senior high school class. Of course now, I did have the home court advantage. We were playing 9-ball on my pool table in my basement den. Just a firm little tap is all I need with a slight touch of english on the right side at about 5 o’clock. Careful, not too much because the path to the 8...
Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue #3: Short and Sweet Chapter One: Eye Candy After weeks of careful debate, we’d finally gotten her costume sorted out, reaching a compromise we were both comfortable with. The sticking point had been the zipper, of course. She’d stubbornly insisted that it had one, much to my chagrin, and had been taunting me endlessly with its existence ever since. I was begging to feel a kinship with Pavlov’s poor dogs, the sound of the zipper tab parting metal teeth making my...
Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue #3: Short and Sweet Chapter One: Eye Candy After weeks of careful debate, we’d finally gotten her costume sorted out, reaching a compromise we were both comfortable with. The sticking point had been the zipper, of course. She’d stubbornly insisted that it had one, much to my chagrin, and had been taunting me endlessly with its existence ever since. I was begging to feel a kinship with Pavlov’s poor dogs, the sound of the zipper tab parting metal teeth making my...
VoyeurIntroduction: The quietest ones are the dirtiest ones... The following is my attempt to share some of my sexual adventures with members of this forum. I have enjoyed many a story on x hamster site, and hope most of you get the opportunity to live out your fantasies like I have. That said, happy reading!Living in a college town, I've learned there's always plenty of eye candy, but also a general lack of experience to go with those young hard bodies. However, there's nothing I enjoy more than...
Revenge Can Be Sweet - By: Rachael Free I'm sitting here writing in my diary in my beautiful pink push up bra holding my creamy 40D tits, my silky thong panties, a pink garter with silky hose, 5" fuck me heels, a chiffon babydoll and fully made up with my blonde curly hair cascading down and over my shoulders. My hands are soft and my perfectly manicured nails match the pink of my lips. My skin is soft and I exude femininity with a very expensive perfume. My personal maid is my best...
Names changed to protect the guilty...lolOne rainy afternoon stuck indoors I was tired of watching T.V. and went to my room looking for something to do. I was flipping thru the usual magazines and comics passing the time, there was music playing in the next room. Then I heard some subdued sounds coming thru the air vent on the wall. I pulled a chair under the vent and got up to have a peek, since the vent went straight thru the wall to a vent in the next room and could see whats happening on...
Altered Fates: Revenge is Sweet (Inspired by SwitchHitter's Caption) By Zapper Synopsis: Derek and Chrissy just can't seem to get along. Arguing and fighting with each other is as natural as breathing. Enter the Medallion of Zulo. Chrissy decides to play a trick on Derek but then the trick backfires. Motives and magic collide in this crisscrossed tale of a brother and sister. In the end both Derek and Chrissy...
Forbidden Fruit Tastes Sweetest. The sun beat down upon the weary traveler, the heat full of humidity dried up all the moisture in the air, including the last dregs of his self esteem. With his head hanging low, he fumbled for the collection of his keys, only to find the door was already open. “Is that you Kevin?” a beautiful spoke from within. He instantly recognized the sweet sonorous voice of...
IncestSweetie. (A Femdom Fictional Story by Oldman Tang) Authors note: I am neither old nor Asian (Oldman Tang). I am under 35 and black. This is my first story that I have managed to complete. I started lots of others that died with my interest in the story. While I love the femdom lifestyle and wish at every opportunity to be able to live out some of my fantasies, lots which are it this story, there are some activities that are purely that, fantasies which I most likely wish to stay that way....
Alana Fowler, a single 26-year old baker/dessert entrepreneur, was in her apartment in midtown Atlanta, thinking up ideas for cakes for her bakery/dessert eatery called Sinfully Sweet and Decadent. Her bakery has cupcakes, layer cakes, cookies, cinnamon rolls, and other desserts so rich that would make even a hardcore aerobic addict want to cheat on their diet. One of her new ideas was a new vanilla layer cake that was beyond vanilla. She was already in the kitchen, writing down dessert ideas...
“You wanna tell the folks back home your name?” “Umm…Call me Shandi Sweet.” “Nice,” The man with the camera retorted before adding, “Well Shandi, I hear this is your first scene… Why don’t you stand up and let me see you.” “…Okay…” “I like your body. You’re a well-built girl. You said earlier you were 5’ 8” and a 40 30 42. Can I ask, are those natural?” “Ya…They’re mine.” “What are they EE’s? Are they F cups maybe? They’re Huge!” “Umm, JJ-cups actually…” Shandi said...
This story is brutal. It contains rape, torture and murder. If that isn't your thing, fuck off now. For those of you who are a tad crazier, enjoy. After almost a week of bawling like a baby, I managed to make it through the funeral with completely falling apart...until I walked through the garage door to my empty kitchen, my formerly warm, inviting kitchen. Now it was cold. No wife of twenty years, no eighteen year old daughter greeted me with hugs and kisses to welcome me home. ...
Victoria wiped the sweat from her brow as she locked the door to her office. It had been another hard day at work, and the rising temperature wasn't soothing her already tense body. Thanks to the gas costs, she opted to roll down her windows, allowing the breeze to cool the beads of dew that had collected on her silky, caramel colored skin. A fit of inspiration struck her, and she turned opposite the way she would normally take home, intent on visiting her favorite summer treat vendor. ...
Prologue: Im attempting to write an ending to the continuing story series about a California business/vacation trip taken to Southern California by Stacy and her husband. In the series, he has to go for work and she is going to visit with her sister Laura and enjoy herself, and boy does she. Read the series by solipsistic starting with California The Introduction. In California, Stacy eagerly gets naked and lets her sisters boyfriend fuck her and do other sexual acts with her while her husband...
This story, like most of what I publish, is a total fantasy, not a word, person, or location is based on anything more than an erotic thought in my head. I have had a couple conversations with someone that provided some inspiration, I will leave it up to her to find the part(s) that are all hers. Hope you enjoy, love to hear comments. Short and Sweet[/] I met Charlotte, really more by accident than design. I was single and she was too, so that was a plus in the sense that neither of us had to...