Cattleman's LamentChapter 8 free porn video

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Enid Rocklin sat on the porch and stared out at sheep. She was bored. She was always bored up in the high meadows. The flat space that grew such lush grass was surrounded on most sides by mountains, some of which still had patches of white clinging to them. Enid wondered for maybe the hundredth time what it would be like to look out at the world from way up there where the snows still sat. But that would take time away from tending sheep ... too much time according to her father, who had snorted when she asked to go up there one time. He had laughed and said there were mountain lions up there that would make a quick snack of her. Why was it that men - her mother had applauded the idea - why was it that men all thought that just because you were female and had bumps on your chest that you couldn’t do anything?

She stared at the mountains. Maybe if she took someone with her, her father would let her go some day. That thought led to who she could get to go with her and, suddenly, the image of Frank Collins was in her mind. She blinked. She didn’t know what to think about Frank Collins. He was a boy, and usually that didn’t get you anywhere at all with Enid Rocklin. Boys were a pain in the behind. But something about him wasn’t so ... so ... so whatever it was that made her want to kick boys in the shins. She hadn’t been around any boys since they’d left Oregon. Well, there was Bobby, but he was a pain in the behind too, always lording it over her because she was younger than him.

Frank was different somehow. She remembered seeing him on that big horse that pranced and ran and bucked a little. And Frank had sat there like he was glued to the saddle. She knew what it took to ride like that. Her father still sometimes almost fell off a horse when it moved suddenly. Beth rode, but carefully, like she was afraid of breaking the horse ... or herself. Her mamma had taught Enid to ride while the men were off with the sheep. And her mamma could ride like a cowboy too.

She closed her eyes and remembered looking up at Frank while he sat on his horse talking to her mother. She had rolled in the dirt in front of him, to capture that stupid puppy. She hadn’t thought a thing about it until she stood up, dusty and with grass clinging to her buckskins. He had been looking at her like she was strange. Normally she’d have stuck out her tongue at him, but for some reason she was unhappy that he’d seen her like that.

She remembered running to lead him to pappa, and how she had felt like a deer being chased by a hunter. When she’d fallen she reacted automatically in a move that Xian Bai had taught her while they wrestled. He had taught her a lot of things that only Chinamen seemed to know. He could use that six foot long staff of his to keep a wolf at bay and even kill it, with whirling lightning strikes that were so fast the eye couldn’t follow them. Seeing him do that one time had left her feeling weak, with a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had thought it was just fear. Wolves usually didn’t come near people.

But seeing her father preparing to shoot Frank had made her feel the same way, and the feeling had continued as the boy rode up full tilt and demanded to be shown the tracks that might lead him to his mother.

And he’d gone off to find her too! All alone, and so young! Well, he was only a year older than her ... but would she do that?

She nodded to nobody. Buster ran up to her, trailed by two puppies, to check in. Enid gave the dogs some loving and sent them back out. The puppies were growing up and learning their trade. She had called them stupid, but they weren’t. They were proving they were just as smart as their parents. Sometimes she felt like a puppy. Her mind drifted back to Frank. He made her feel like a puppy.

She remembered kissing him. She hadn’t meant to, but the urge had been overpowering for some reason. She remembered riding way too fast away from him, the taste of his lips on hers, slightly salty. She had been astonished that she’d done that. Kissing a boy?

She couldn’t believe she had told him she wanted another kiss.

Yet right now she wished she could kiss him again. That was silly. Her pappa kissed her mamma a lot... much more than was necessary to tell her he loved her. He loved Enid - she knew that deep in her bones - but he didn’t kiss her like she was thinking of kissing Frank Collins. He kissed her mamma like she was thinking of kissing Frank Collins. She felt suddenly hot. Her nipples itched and she scratched at them. It felt good.

Her whole body felt hot and she thought about taking off her clothes. She got up to go inside, out of the sun.

Frank walked his horse up the trail. He was going to be in so much trouble when he got back. He was going to be in so much trouble he had no idea in the world what his punishment would be.

Trying to find something more pleasant to think about he thought about where he was going. They’d be happy to hear that their son was all right. And maybe he’d get to see that girl again. What was her name? Enid. Yes, that was it. The strange girl with a strange name. He hadn’t met many girls, and for sure he’d never met one like her. She ran like an antelope, easy and with long ground eating strides. And her chest. He thought about her chest and his eyes went out of focus. He knew just a little bit about breasts. His mother hugged him sometimes, and pressed hers against him. He noticed that, when his mother was dressed and hugged him, it felt completely different than when she was in her nightgown and hugged him good night. Then her breasts felt soft and warm and squishy.

And Sarah hugged him too, once in a while, pressing her smaller ones against him. He’d seen Sarah’s, when they were younger and bathed together. He’d seen the bumps begin to grow on her flat chest and about that time they didn’t take baths together any more. But one time they had been taking lunch to the men, out at the herd, and on the way back they’d stopped at the big pond to swim. It had been years since he’d seen her naked, and she only took off her clothes down to her shift, but when it got wet he could see clear through it. Her bumps had turned into huge lumps with things on the end that must be just like his own, which stood out whenever it was cool. She had splashed water at him for looking, but hadn’t gotten mad.

Enid’s breasts were bigger than Sarah’s, though not so big as his mother’s. And she had had those bumps on the tips of her breasts too ... sticking out through the leather she had been wearing. He remembered her upper chest, covered with freckles, and wondered if her breasts were covered with them too. He liked the freckles across her nose and under her eyes. They made her look like she was smiling or something.

The last time he’d seen those freckles they had been inches from his eyes as she had kissed him. Just like that her face had come close and her lips had touched his, astonishing him. It had been over so quickly, and then she had turned and galloped off and his stomach had hurt for some reason.

He saw the tree branch in front of his face with only the instant’s time it took to lean sideways and back in the saddle to miss getting it in his face. He looked around. Thinking about a girl could get you in trouble.

But there was no trouble on the trail. His horse was completely comfortable, plodding along. His mind drifted back to Enid. He couldn’t stop thinking about her.

Frank walked his horse around a pile of boulders and saw good, tall grass spread out before him. He was astonished at how vast the high meadows were. He saw the line shack in the distance. There was smoke coming from the chimney, and a horse grazing outside the shack, but he didn’t see the wagon. He was greeted almost immediately by a barking trio of dogs. The largest was the dog he knew was named Buster. The puppy named Zeke and one other pup about the same age were with him. Once Buster had sniffed at him, he bounded off toward where Frank could barely see the backs of a large number of sheep that grazed in small groups. Buster seemed to just run around between these groups, followed by the puppies.

He looked up and saw that someone had stepped out of the shack. He felt a little jolt run through his body as he realized it was Enid. She had a rifle in her hands.

He rode ahead and felt his heart thumping in his chest. He smiled, admitting to himself that he was excited to see the girl again.

This time he didn’t have the safety of his mother and sister to distract him, and as he rode up and saw her smiling face, he felt his groin tighten. She was dressed as before, in leather, and again he couldn’t seem to make his eyes leave her chest.

“Well if it isn’t mister big, strong cowboy,” said Enid. “I thought you were off chasing your mamma.”

Frank flushed at her obvious implication that he was just a little boy. In any other situation he probably would have responded with anger. But there wasn’t derision in her voice.

Rather there was a familiar teasing tone that suggested she didn’t actually think he was a little boy at all.

“I found them,” he said simply. “Your brother is fine.”

Enid was shocked. Part of her - the girl part - did think of this young man as just a boy, out on a lark, trying to show the world what a man he was. Another part of her - the woman part - saw him as that man already, strong and skilled, and able to take care of himself and those he loved. Standing over Chaps’ body he had been strong and calm, while she wanted to throw up. The fact that he was successful in his pursuits tipped the scales toward that part of her who saw him as a man.

She stared at him, strange feelings going through her body. She realized that her breasts felt tingly, where the leather caressed them. It was a nice feeling, like when she was riding hard and her breasts moved around under that leather. She realized he was staring at the very part of her she was thinking about. In most situations that would have made her mad. She realized she liked it when he looked at her though. Still, she was glad she hadn’t gotten naked.

“Aren’t you going to get down?” she asked.

“I just came to tell your parents that your brother is fine, and that I found my sister and mother,” he said.

“That was nice. Where are they?” Enid asked, making exaggerated movements to look around him at someone.

“Your brother is taking them back to our ranch,” said Frank, feeling uncomfortable for some reason.

Enid’s mouth fell open. “What? Why would he do that?” She looked at him. “Why didn’t you do that?”

Frank looked up at the sky, which was dark blue and full of fluffy white clouds. “Well ... my mamma ... my mother ... said that he had saved them, and that it was his right to return them.”

Enid thought of Bobby as most sisters think of their brothers - as a pain in the behind. She was shocked at the idea that her brother could save anybody from anything. “You need to get down off that horse and tell me what happened.”

“Go get your parents,” said Frank somewhat crossly. “I don’t want to have to tell this story more than once.”

“They’re not here. They went back to get the rest of the flock and trail them up here,” said Enid.

Frank blinked. “They left you here alone?” he asked, astonishment in his voice.

Enid bristled. “I’m not alone. I have Buster and Zeke and Paps with me. I also have this!” she held up the Winchester in her hands. “I can take care of myself just fine mister big, strong cowboy!”

Frank felt unhappy that that tone was back in her voice.

His reflections on her as he rode up here hadn’t included that tone of voice. He remembered it now. He liked it a lot more when she was less acid. “I’m sorry. It’s just that you’re...”

“A girl?” she finished for him. There was the hint of danger in her voice.

“No!” he said hurriedly. “You’re just young ... that’s all.”

“I’m fourteen,” she said proudly, sticking her chest out.

Frank almost groaned as she did that. “You can’t be much older yourself, mister big, strong cowboy,” she said.

“Would you please stop calling me that?” he asked plaintively. “My name is Frank, and yes, I’m fifteen.” He was having a hard time thinking about what he wanted to say ... and how to say it.

“Well, if you want to live to be sixteen, you get down off that horse and tell me about my brother. You can’t be talking about Bobby. He’s so stupid he couldn’t save a lamb from falling in a hole.”

Enid’s obviously juvenile reaction to the idea that her brother ... who appeared to be about the same age as he was ... caused Frank to want to smile. He felt the urge to needle this disturbing girl a little.

He got down and, like many in the West, couldn’t resist making the story just a little bit better than the mere truth of things. He began to spin a tale of heroics, and fighting Indians, and battling storms. He thought about throwing some outlaws in there for good measure, but decided that was going too far. By the end of his tale Bobby had fought and killed five or six grown men and Frank’s sister Sarah was pining over him. He told that part without thinking much about it and it was only after that that he realized he had suggested there was a romance between a sheep herder’s son, and a cow rancher’s daughter. It was that thought that cut his voice off as if with a knife.

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It had been several months since I last saw Rob. He had rejected me but last time I spoken to him we had agreed to keep our frienship. He knew how to make me smile, nervous, comforted, confident, and all those positive feelings when my pessimism gets the better of me. I walked past the music room to my own surprise. I heardan all too familiar piece.My heart fluttered just from listening. I placed my hand on the knob but hesitated to turn it. I watched through the window in the door. He hadn’t...

2 years ago
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Another story my girlfriend wrote for me

I get off the train and walk towards the exit i see you stood there and you don't notice me i walk closer to you u turn round and notice me stood there u walk up me to and put ur arms round me and give me a big cuddle i kiss u on ur neck u moan quietly in my ear u take my hand and lead me out of the train station and take me to a hotel room when we get in the room u push me onto the bed and lay next to me kissing me nice and slowly running ur hands up and down my body slowly u start to undo my...

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The Piece Treaty 4th Gear

Cyn was not the dumb blonde she portrayed when she was recruiting lovers. She earned masters degrees from two universities in business and accounting. Cyn’s intellect was only matched by her sexual appetite. Dave was merely a high school graduate who attended a local trade school for two years. After a sort stint in the military, Dave did fabrication work for contractors who needed an on task guy with natural mechanical abilities. Dave's Indian heritage and a smart grandfather left him...

3 years ago
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RSOBChapter 23

With the girls in school, our life settled into sort of a routine. We still had sex, about three or four times a week. They were definitely right about them being hornier close to their periods. The really bad part is their periods were synchronized. The three days prior to the beginning of their period, I was not safe. They attacked me night and morning and then ate each other when I was too limp to continue. I would wake up with one of them impaled on me and she would ride me until she...

2 years ago
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Mother and son 5

It was quite a while since Michael and I had spent time together in my bedroom, maybe a couple of months.I thought maybe he was happy with what he knew already.When he returned home from college today he asked if I would teach him more stuff. Of course sweetie, tonight okay?Get yourself an early shower and I'll get a take-away ordered so we can start early.Dinner over and a quick freshen up and we were ready Up in the bedroom we were both naked, Michael's cock aroused and erectOkay Michael how...

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Recalled Foundly Oral Queen Ann A

Ann A 40 years old. Height 4'11" Weight 140 pounds with long straight brown and gray streaked hair. She had a plain but pretty face with big brown eyes and a mouth that you just knew would be a delight wrapped around your cock. Plus she had tits each the size of her head so she was chubby but she looked fine just the same.I first met Ann at the corner store where she cashiered weekends. Turns out she lived at the opposite end of the same 20 unit apartment building me and my then soon to...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Penelope Cross Spanish Slut Penelope Cross Blows MakeUp Artist Before Fucking BBC

After arriving on the set for the day’s photo shoot, it doesn’t take very long for Penelope Cross – a Spanish model – to start blowing the make-up artist. Penelope has his cock deep in her throat when they’re interrupted by a knock at the door. It’s the photographer, Jesus, who begins the planned photoshoot shortly after. Only a few minutes into the photoshoot, however, Penelope – being the slut that she is – can’t help but put Jesus’s big black cock in her mouth, and from there the two have a...

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Red Flags

A Thailand story The flight to Thailand was beginning to get me after twelve hours. I still had twelve hours to go and the economy seat became more of a torture chamber with every passing minute. I felt both fatigued and excited. I was on my way to becoming an expatriate, or ex-pat as they are known in Thailand. Two years after my divorce, I had cashed in my chips. I took my share of the equity in the house, half the savings and my secret nest egg, which my former wife didn't know about, and...

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Public Sex

Hi all friends of ISS, I am going to pen down is a 100% true incidence which happened around in 2007 with my now Ex-gf. All names had been changed (for obvious reasons) but the locations are not. Coming to story with brief about me , am James 32 years male from Mumbai average body as am not a gym freak 5.6’ feet leaving in south Mumbai The incidence is about me & my GF say (Jasmeen) in late 2007. Jasmeen & me were going great in personal as well as our sex life till the mid of 2007. Let me...

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Summering in Femininity Part 12 Summers End Continued

The next morning, a Saturday, Taylor was awoken by a gentle knock on his door. He sat up to see Aunt Agnes waiting by the door. "Is something wrong?" Taylor asked, yawning. "I was about to ask you the same thing, Emily hasn't come by yet and I got worried," Aunt Agnes stepped into the room. "Worried? Why?" Taylor reached for his phone and realized that it was nearly noon. "Wow... She let me sleep in?" "Did you two have a fight?" Aunt Agnes asked. "No," Taylor replied. "I...

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A Knights Tale

The day dawned all to early for Sir Jason, high knight of the Court of Sol. He stirred and tried to hide from the beams of sunlight invading into his room. After a long while he was finally full awake. He looked down at himself his chest with it’s slight hairy surface covered in the sweat of an already warm day. Jason rubbed his stomach and remembered his love Jade would be waiting for him by midday. He sprang out of his bed the thoughts of their last encounter arousing him some as he pulled...

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Nurse In Bus

By: Prat_prat Hi all, All this time long I was visiting ISS and had a good time at night/day used this site as my tool for masturbation at its best, Now I felt like sharing my experience which happened with me 4 years back, first of all to tell about myself. I am a 24 year old guy, 5.8 ft tall, wheatish in colour, average body from Mumbai, Now to tell about the goddess of love who showed me the heaven in the bus, her name is Ratnamma, 28 years old, 5.5 ft tall, wheatish in colour, average a...

1 year ago
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The Sperm Donor 2 The Discovery

(Author’s Note: If you haven’t done so, you may want to read The Sperm Donor first. $) It was one Saturday afternoon that the life of 45-year old Mrs Helen Smith, loving wife and mother would change forever. “I take it Donald’s not happy about you doing this?” Asked Cathy. Her younger sister had come round to help Helen with the spring cleaning. “You don’t know the half of it, Cathy.” Helen complained. “Now that I’m pregnant, my over-protective husband doesn’t want me to do anything. In case it...

1 year ago
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Dream Needs To Come True

Hi to all ISS readers, this is my first story which i dreamt for many a days and years. Am new here so please bear few grammatical errors…. I don’t want to take much time so directly entering into the story. I am Sanjay age 24 working in an MNC and an average Indian guy….This is my fantasy story which am wanting to come true….How i fucked my sister and my friend in same bed…Lets me describe about my sluts. My friend has 32-28-34 structure, fair complexion and nice round boobs….I have touched it...

2 years ago
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The summer of 76 Part 1

The summer of 1972 was a scorcher. We were in the middle of a drought, every day the heat seemed to sear your skin the moment you stepped into the sunlight. You knew how a Vampire felt at sunrise. I was seventeen years old; it was school holidays and I was on my paper round, pedaling my Malvern Star around the parched plains of Pascoe Vale. One last drop off. Mrs. Kuepper was the last delivery, a whole block away from the previous drop. Keen to get home I pedaled up to the letterbox at speed,...

1 year ago
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Be Careful What You Wish ForChapter 4

I woke up before the alarm went off in the morning and took a quick shower. I got dressed in the sexy little dress that I had already decided to wear today. I looked in the mirror once I had it on. It only came down to mid thigh and I was very conscious of my lack of underwear. I could see the outline of the small rings in my nipples through the material of the dress. Then I turned and the light hit me just right and I could actually see my nipples! I blushed, but I resisted the temptation to...

2 years ago
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PrivateerChapter 5

I woke up late the next day feeling groggy and achy and knowing my sleep cycle was fucked. I don't think I had moved at all in the night and I was stiff. Something else was amiss and it took my fuzzy brain a moment to process the situation. Lying half on top of my left side was a nekkid young woman. Not the first time I've woken up with a woman but it is the first time with a nekkid woman. Yes, you can assume I am not sexually experienced. I've been in training from the age of 13 to 17...

1 year ago
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The dumb euro50 whore 2

This is the story of my 2nd encounter with the dumb €50 whore.There are 3 main types of prostitutes in the Netherlands. Window prostitution, these are mainly young girls imported from South America or Eastern Europe. These are professional whores. I don't like them. Then there is the 2nd kind: Internet whoring. These are amateurs who need an extra income and are trying to avoid bad customers and awkward regulations. These are fine, I like most of them. Some of them keep whoring to a rather ripe...

4 years ago
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Fuck Doll Chapter Ten

Daniel is serious, he has saved enough and I’m finally in Seattle to see him. At the moment, I have him collared and naked in his living room. I’m very excited to be doing this, the control I’ll have over Daniel makes me shiver in delight at just the thought. I’m standing before him in my normal leather outfit he loves so much. It’s hiding just enough, but teasing him greatly exposing what he wants most. “You really wanted this, didn’t you Slut puppy?” I look down at him, he knows better...

1 year ago
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Broken WindowChapter 5

Somewhere nearby an alarm went off, or maybe some lights blinked, it didn't matter. I'd gotten barely three meters through the door when a large black man with a dragon tattoo flying around his massive bald skull stopped us. "Excuse me, miss ... Would you like to check your purse?" He was polite about it anyway and I had little choice in the matter. "Whatever," I shrugged, slipping my purse off my shoulder. Ransom and Viv exchanged looks, but didn't say anything. I seriously doubted...

3 years ago
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The Game

THE GAME by JASON PART I:"AKA" The boy was beautiful. There was no otherword for it. Blond and broad-shouldered, he stood leaning over the sink inorder to get a better look at his perfectly featured face, apparently concernedthat the mirror might reveal a blemish on what appeared to be an otherwisetotally clear chin. His back had gone taut, the skin flawlessly smooth acrossa flexible, stretching spine. Well-worn denim--he had on nothing but a pairof tight jeans--gripped his hips as he went up...

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A little Garden Time

A little garden time I have enjoyed self-bondage for such a long time along with cross dressing. I try to be as creative as I can without putting myself into a position I don't want to be in. I do have anxiety so it gets scary sometimes. We bought a new house and had just moved in. I was working from home and have been spending time scouting the new home for ideas. I could see an abundance in my opinion. This is a description of my first SB adventure in my new home. I started the...

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Fallen Fruit Jenna Gets Her Brat

If you’re reading a chapter in this series for the first time, please read the short Introduction for the background and set up. There was one girl in particular who’d been in the store several times that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on. She was a big-breasted girl, and quite pretty, but obviously thought way too highly of herself, and always had way too much attitude with her high school friends and us as well. She was rude, condescending, and just an all around bitch. But the...

2 years ago
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Belle of Bellville Ch 0102

NOTE: This chapter story is fiction and a romance. Although there are explicit, sexual scenes described herein, this story is not intended as a ‘quick read’. I hope you will enjoy this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. **~*~** Chapter 1 Bales of hay surrounded the tractor shed where a couple was engaged in some quick and steamy afternoon sex. A beautiful Latina stood with her back against a wide wooden post, gasping in sexual delight while clinging passionately to her tall blond...

2 years ago
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Out for a run 16

After my adventure in the park and all the guys seeing me in the wet tee-shirt and dripping in cum I was so excited and could not wait to tell my husband about it. I did not change, so I was still wet and had cum in my hair and running down my legs when he walked through the door. He could see almost right through my wet tee-shirt, and boy did this make him excited. After he saw me I striped out of my cloths and let him get a good look at me – cum streaked through my dark black hair, cum...

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