CovetingChapter 3 free porn video

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Margie & Vince

That same evening, Margie relented to some of Vince's demands and allowed herself to be bound to the bed again and didn't resist the blindfold when it was introduced.

"It will heighten things," Vince said vaguely.

"What things?" Margie said, "We're going to have sex, right?"

"Right, honey, but it all adds to the..."

"It adds to what?"

"To the ... um, thrill of it all. It makes things more exciting."

"More exciting?"

Feeling that he was on a roll, Vince continued. "Yeah, sweetie, I mean we can do all sorts of things..."

"Name two," she said, getting tired of his game.

"Um, we could pretend it isn't me doing things to you. Suppose it was another guy?"

"Another guy? You're going to bring another guy in here when I'm tied up? I'll cut your balls off!"

"No, no! Marge. A pretend guy. I mean wouldn't it be different if ... we do it all the time. Doesn't it seem like the same old same old to you after a while?"

"I happen to like the same old, same old as you call it."

"I don't think you understand what I'm saying," Vince protested.

Margie's thoughts drifted away to that afternoon's lovemaking with Tessa. Her loins dampened and she felt a need for Vince to put himself between her legs.

"I'm tied up here and I can't see a thing, Vince. You going to jump my bones or what?"

Vince decided to go for it. He didn't answer her but walked away and left the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

"Vince! Did you leave me?"

He stood outside the bedroom fighting the need to answer her.

Margie grew panicky. Did he have the nerve to leave her tied to the bed like this?

Did he know about her and Tessa?

She began to sweat, and then she thought she heard him on the phone. Who was he calling? Why would he be calling anyone?

He wouldn't have the nerve; he wouldn't dare bring some guy in and watch him rape her. He wouldn't ... would he?

She heard the bedroom door open. "Who was that on the telephone?"

"No one you know, Marge."

"But you called someone, I distinctly heard you talking to someone."

"I did call someone. Don't get upset Marge, it won't do you any good."

"Don't get upset! Let me out of these god damn cuffs right now!"

"Can't do that, Margie."

"You'd better do it or you'll regret it the rest of your miserable life!"

"It should be a couple minutes yet, Marge."

"A couple minutes for what?" Her voice rose in volume and pitch. "You called some guy ... you've called someone over here to see me like this!"

"Excuse me a minute, Marge. I gotta see if he's here."

"You fucking maggot; lemme off this bed! Lemme loose you cocksucker!" I'll kill you; I swear I'll put a knife between your ribs!"

Vince was sweating now. Have I crossed the line and gone too far? Jesus, I hope not, it would mean the end of our marriage.

He went about disguising himself as best he could, following a plan he had spent the last two days formulating. He gargled with a cheap rye whiskey, rubbed a greasy solvent on his forearms that he hoped would cause his wife to think of a mechanic at the garage. And as the last touch he donned a pair of coveralls and then a rubber mask bearing a likeness of Richard Nixon.

Using his own voice, he said, "She's waiting for you ... in there."

Margie, already fearing the worst called out, "Vince ... don't you dare! I'm warning you!"

Vince stuffed his mouth with cotton, hoping it would modify his voice enough to confuse Margie even more. Still, he wasn't sure if he would speak at all during the sex about to take place.

He picked up the camera and walked into the room, took several pictures of his wife lying spread-eagled on the bed, blindfold in place, and smiled as the shutter whirled almost soundlessly as advertised.


"Sorry," he said attempting to add gruffness to his voice, and for the most part succeeding because of Margie's fear that he had brought someone else into their bedroom.

Breathing heavily, Vince ambled over to the bed and rested a knee on it, signaling his arrival to Margie.


He ran a hand along her calf up to the top of her knee and stopped.

"Jesus Christ, Vince ... Don't do it! For the love of God, don't let him near me!"

Too late to stop now, he told himself and ran the edge of his hand over her mound.

Margie screamed. She was actually terrified of being raped and started to pray. "Holy Mary, protect me from evil..."

Vince couldn't stand tormenting her any longer and tearing the cotton from his mouth, whispered, "It's Vince, honey. It's always been me. There is no other guy..." To support his words he removed the blindfold it and watched as her eyes widened in recognition.

"You son-of-a-bitch!" Had her hands not been cuffed to the bed she would have thrown as many punches at him as were possible before he restrained her. As it was she hurt her wrists and would feel pain in them for almost a week.

"You miserable son-of-a-bitch! She exclaimed again as relief washed over her. She was not going to be raped. He was a fucking fool, but she wasn't going to be raped by some smelly stranger.

"Why? Why Vince?" Her voice softened, and for the first time since removing the blindfold, he felt she might forgive him.

"I don't know," he began. "I guess I wanted to add something to our lovemaking.

"You wanted to add..." but then she thought of how she and Tessa had added something and stopped.

"See, Margie, you always go on about not wanting to do this, or try that. You have a thing about doing it the same way all the time. I was hoping to put some variation into the sex, you know?" She hasn't demanded that I let her loose, he thought. Is that a good sign, or not?

"You want ... variation?"

"Yeah ... variation."

"Like what? I let you tie me up and blindfold me. Isn't that variation?"

"It's a start."

"It's a start? Well, where does it end?"

"I don't know, Marge. That's a road we haven't been down."

"Vince, you think you thought this ... this scheme out, do you?"

"Um, yeah, sort of."

"What were you going to do when I started screaming?"

"You were screaming."

"No, I mean really screaming. Screaming loud enough to wake Tabby."

"Um..." He had no answer.

"So, you'd risk ending our marriage and traumatizing your daughter for a little ... variation, would you?"

"Okay, I didn't think it through."

"Damn right you didn't. Now get me out of these cuffs, and be quick about it."

He freed her and to his surprise, she didn't attack him, but walked calmly into the bathroom, sat down on the toilet and relieved herself without bothering to close the door.

After washing her face and hands, Margie came back into their bedroom and found Vince exactly where he'd been when she left.

Without a word, Margie climbed back into bed laid on her back and slowly spread her legs and arms out as they had been when cuffed to the bedposts.

He stood immobile watching and waiting.

"Hey, dummy!" she called out.

"Um, yeah ... what?"

"Aren't you going to put the cuffs on?"

He couldn't believe his ears. It took him a second or two before he could react; then he rushed into action, fastening each hand and ankle to a post before stepping back as if to admire his work.

"The blindfold," Margie said laconically.

Vince hastily fixed the blindfold to her eyes and again stood back as if to admire his work. He was in a mild stage of shock. What is she doing? What the fuck's happening here?

"What I propose," Margie said, "is to have me pretend you're another guy. Pretend being the operative word here, understand?"

"Um, yeah, so who is it you ... I mean that I'm supposed to be?"

Margie laughed, "I don't know ... give me a second. Mmmm, maybe the mailman."

"Margie, our mail is usually delivered by a woman."

"Whoops, my bad," she laughed and Vince joined her.

"I ... um, let's see..."

Vince slapped her thigh with his erection. Margie giggled. "In a hurry to use it, huh?"

"I guess..."

Realizing that she might just be spoiling the mood, Margie blurted out, "okay, I'm going to fantasize that you're Danny."


"Why not, I see him often enough. He's good-looking, has a sense of humor and Tessa loves him like crazy."

"Okay, so it's Danny, want me to renter the room?"

"Sounds like an idea that might work," she said.

This is fucking crazy, Vince thought. It's almost like she's deliberately playing into my hands. It's amazing; why after what I just did I'm lucky she's not suing for a divorce.

He walked out of the bedroom and closed the door then reopened it.

"Who's there?" Margie said, trying to act frightened, but not succeeding.

"Vince! Who's with you?"

He didn't answer, but fell into the role playing by touching her on the shoulder. It was something he'd seen Danny do to Tessa countless times. Moreover, Margie had commented on it more than once.

What the hell? How did he know that about the shoulder touches? Tessa's mentioned them to me and that they give her the chills. Exciting chills. It's his way of telling her she's about to get some ... how in hell does Vince know about that?

"Ohhh!" she moaned.

He went to her breast and tweaked a nipple.

I remember her saying Danny was really into breast play ... how does Vince know all this? Of course, Danny must have told him!

Of course, Danny hadn't told Vince anything of his lovemaking techniques, but Vince had paid close attention to the couple whenever they were together. The breast play was just coincidental, he liked playing with Margie's tits as much as anything else. It was just that when Margie had been with Tessa in the motel she had learned firsthand that Tessa loved having her tits played with.

"Oh, Danny!" she'd blurted without thinking, and that triggered Vince's response.

Now I better play my part, Vince told himself and placed the head of his cock at her wet and swollen opening then split her labia and surged into her.

What don't I usually do when we fuck? He wondered as his full length rested inside Margie.

He pumped into her several times in rapid succession and then stopped except he continued making his cock jump. Not that it actually jumped at all. But Margie could feel it as it jerked ever so slightly and the light movement excited her simply because she had never felt it before.

"Yes, fuck me, Danny. Give it to me!"

He backed up then slammed into her.


He repeated his movement and Margie responded in kind. And for the next two minutes they matched one another stroke for stroke until both were covered with sweat.

Mid-way through this scenario, Margie began chanting his name, loudly, wantonly – "Danny, Danny, Danny," accompanied by incoherent fragments of speech that begged him to continue as her orgasm intensified and then repeated as he kept slamming into her.

As far as Vince was concerned this was nirvana; his every wish was being fulfilled, and he went at her harder and harder, until he was panting from the exertion.

Suddenly, Margie quivered three times in succession. In the process she squeezed his cock with her vaginal muscles – something she had never done before.

"Oh, Danny ... I'm coming. Cum with me!"

Vince grabbed her ass with one hand then slipped two fingers from the other past his cock and into her cunt, wetting them with her body fluid. A second or two later, he sent the fingers into her anus. Margie squealed, he spasmed and came in her flooding her vaginal chamber with his load.

Margie lay there trembling for several minutes. Then she whispered, "My God, Tessa is blessed. I've never been screwed like that before. Thank you, Danny. Please tell me you're gonna do me again."

"Nothing could please me more than repeating this performance, Margie. But please, not a word to Tessa."

"On that my lips are sealed, now if you don't mind, I'd like to get out of these handcuffs."

Sure thing, Margie," Vince said, and removed the cuffs, but left the blindfold on.

They lay there a while longer, and then Margie said, "That was one hell-of-a romp, Vince. It never occurred to me that playing games like this could add so much to the sex, you know?'

Vince removed the blindfold and said, "You really bought into the fantasy, didn't you?"

"I guess I did. But you had me going at the start. I really thought you were bringing in another guy. I couldn't have taken that, Vince."

"I was wrong to do that to you. But I think you could have taken it."

"What gives you that impression?"

"Well, like I said, pretending to bring in a stranger was wrong. Yet when we were pretending I was Danny it seemed all right with you."

"Oh, no, I knew it was you, Vince."

"Really?" he began mimicking her voice, "Oh, Danny ... I'm coming. Cum with me!"

"I was into it by then. I knew you weren't Danny!"

"Probably true enough, but you liked the idea of thinking, or fantasizing about him. Have you ever thought about him while we were doing it before?"

"NO!" she protested.

"Hmmm," he said, and she shot back, "No! I don't do that, Vince. I'm thinking of you."

"Roll over, Marge," he displayed his renewed erection and she readily complied.

"Doggy-style?" she inquired, looking over her shoulder at him.

"Yeah," he replied his voice already hoarse with lust, his hands roaming her back, her rear and her upper thighs until she purred with excitement.

"Do me good, Vince," she cooed.

"I want to take your picture like this," he said and rolled away from her to pick up the digital camera.

"Vince, you know how I feel about..."

"You have no idea how sensual you are at the moment. Let me show you."

He took three shot of her, front, back and from the side.

"God damn it, Vince, I told you..."

"Here, see for yourself. If you don't want them saved, I'll delete them right now."

With some reluctance, Margie accepted the camera from him and looked at each picture. The first one was a poor picture in that Vince's hands had shaken at the moment he clicked the shutter. But the others were fairly good shots and took Margie by surprise, for she had no idea how enticing her body was having always thought the worst about her figure. Yet here she was, looking every bit the glamorous woman she saw everyday in magazines and on television.

"I ... I had no idea ... I mean, you made me look so sexy..."

"That's what I've been telling you. You are sexy. Hell, you're beautiful. And I'm proud of you. But we both know that as time goes on, those looks will..." he searched for the right word, and came up with " ... soften."

"Wow, okay then, but no pictures of us during sex. That's nasty. It's grotesque to see people copulating. It's just ... just to dirty."

"Stick your lovely ass up a little higher, I want to get a better view of it," he said as if they had just agreed to have a photo shoot.

She did and he took four or five quick shots before Margie saw how hard he was and told him to put the camera down and come to her.

They groaned in unison as he entered her from behind, and he hammered away at her and she hammered back at him. He was hoping she would call out either his name or Danny's, but she did neither as all coherent thought vanished. Margie had but one thought and that was to have the greatest climax ever.

There was no time, or need for whispers of names, or love, or tenderness. The only sounds were the wet smacks of their flesh colliding as they rutted and the occasional, "Oh, yeah," and "Fuck me, harder!" flew from Margie's hot little mouth.

His hands mauled her breasts continuously, pinching at hard nipples and using her breasts as grips to slam her light body ever harder against his steel-like member.

Margie started to growl with pleasure as they both neared the finish line. Then Vince's hips began to jerk erratically of their own accord.

"YES! FILL ME!" Margie screamed.

And he exploded in her, coating her vaginal walls with his sperm as her pussy clamped down on him until her orgasm compelled her to relax and release him.

Then they were spent and lay there, Vince on his back, Margie with her head pillowed on his chest, rising and falling with each breath, her hair cascading over into his face.

As Vince inhaled, he breathed in her sweet scent of perfume mixed with shampoo mingled with the odors of sex throughout. He felt the hard nubs of her nipples poking into his torso; he also knew she was leaking the combined fluids of their release onto his leg and probably the sheets, but he didn't care, or want to move.

The following morning was Saturday, and after getting Tabby dressed and fed, she went off to play with the neighbors' kids who were her age and would be watched over by Cecilia, an over-zealous mother who was the perfect baby-sitter for the occasion.

Over coffee, Vince broached Margie about posing for several more pictures. To his surprise, she was more than agreeable, asking if he wanted to take some of her in a T without a bra. "I think my nipples will show, making it really sexy. What do you think, honey?"

"I think I'd better get the camera before you change your mind."

Margie found herself enjoying teasing him as she slipped into one pose after the other; finally, she started to giggle.

"What's so funny, Margie?"

"Mmm, how's this?" she asked and peeled the T off, and stood topless while he snapped away for several minutes.

Having grown bolder from her actions, Vince asked her to show her pussy to him.

"Not today, I need to trim all the hair down there. I'd look like a cave girl otherwise."

"No you wouldn't," he protested, but Margie was adamant.

But that night it was she who broached the subject. "Where's the camera?"

"What? Vince said, dumbfounded by her question and its implication.

"Yes, honey, I shaved it all off for you. Wanna see?"

By the time he had finished taking pictures, Margie was willing revealing her pussy to the camera. In fact, she did everything but masturbate for Vince while he snapped away.

Finally he tossed the camera onto the couch, told her to get on the bed and mounted her for the most exhilarating sex they had ever had.

Tessa & Margie

"I couldn't believe it," Margie said to Tessa that afternoon on the phone, "I mean, there I was handcuffed and blindfolded and he leaves me there and makes a call to someone telling them to come over."

"Oh, my God! What'd you do?"

"What could I do? I protested, I pleaded, and finally I was begging him not to do it."

"I can't believe Vince was capable of doing it. I mean, it's rape, isn't it?" I mean, you were telling him no in several senses, right?'

"Right as rain, but then I heard a knock at the front door."

Tessa was chewing on her nails, riveted to Margie's tale of the night before. Margie, seeing how Tessa was reacting, decided to draw the story out, embellishing a little more than necessary before revealing that it was her husband all along and that there never was another man involved.

"And then this guy is in my bedroom. Jesus, Tessa, I could smell him! You know? I couldn't see anything, but I could smell the whiskey on his breath as he climbed on the bed and touched me."

"Where?" Tessa asked, having grown wet at Margie's telling of her rape. Not realizing that she was relishing each and every detail, reliving the scene through Margie's eyes.

"My pussy. First it was my leg and then..."

"Holy Mother of God!" Tessa said, horrified.

"I was begging Vince to stop him ... I began to pray."

Tessa was crying and nodding, feeling her best friend's pain, until she heard Margie's next words.

"And then I heard him saying: "It's Vince, baby. It's always been me. There is no other guy." He took the blindfold off and I saw it was true. It had been him all along, pretending to be someone else!"

"I would have killed him, then and there," Tessa said.

"I might have too, except I was still bound hand and foot."

"Oh, right," Tessa said. "So what happened next?"

I cursed him, told him we were finished, that I wanted a divorce."

"You poor thing. Don't worry, I know a good lawyer."

"Then I asked him why he'd done it and he said, he wanted to add something to our lovemaking. He wanted some variation."

"But you'd let him tie you up, wasn't that variation enough?" Tessa said.

"My exact words," Margie replied. "And he said, 'It's a start.' But added he hadn't thought it through."

"He freed me and I ran into the bathroom thinking I needed to cry or scream and I didn't want to wake Tabby. Instead I found I needed to pee and did. Then I realized I was about as horny as I'd ever been."

"What? All that made you horny?" Tessa gasped, afraid to admit that Margie had gotten her horny too.

"We had sex, and it was great!"

Jesus that's so hot!" Tessa said and moved to hold Margie in her arms. "We could..."

"No," Margie said as she disengaged herself from Tessa's arms. "I feel kinda guilty about us and what we've been doing. I don't think we should."

"Ever?' Tessa said forlornly.

"I don't know. Let's just wait and see, okay?"

"Sure ... whatever."

"Don't be that way, Tessa; I'm not sure about how things are going. I mean last night seems to have put our marriage in a new light."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it was great sex and tonight we'll try to repeat it, maybe improve on it."


Danny & Vince

"Can you get to your computer without Tessa seeing you?"

"Sure, Vince," Danny said into the phone, "What's up?"

"Check out your email, and be sure to get back to me."

Danny sat at the computer and opened his email and there was a nude picture of Margie on all fours in her bra and panties that gave him an instant boner. He stared open-mouthed at her jutting ass, imagining Vince slamming his dick into it. He tried to recall if his friend had ever admitted ass-fucking her, but couldn't. Maybe she was cherry back there. Wouldn't it be nice if he could be the first one in her back door?

Within minutes Vince got an email back with the message, "Not bad. She is so gorgeous. But got anything like this?" Vince almost came in his pants when he saw the picture of Tessa in 5 inch heels, stockings and lace bra and panties.

And so it went:

· A photo of Tessa taking off her bra and showing off her huge breasts and her silver dollar sized nipples

· One of Margie, blindfolded, naked and spread-eagled on the bed.

Without realizing it, Danny pulled the zipper of his fly down and took his hardon out and began to jerk off. He didn't last long, and wiped his jizm up with several tissues. Then, having relieved the stress of seeing the coveted Margie, he sent two more highly provocative photos of Tessa out to Vince.

Vince replied immediately, with, "Wow! And Double Wow!"

Another two pictures of Margie handcuffed to the bed and spread-eagled followed.

The picture sharing ground to a halt when Vince ran out of pictures of Margie. He promised more, but Danny was adamant, picture for picture. The wives had no idea they were being shared with an admirer.

Tessa & Margie

"There's something I haven't told you, Tessa." Margie said this as soon as they met that afternoon.

"Jesus, what else did he do?"

"Not him, me."

"You, what did you do?"

"When we were doing it ... I mean, I was handcuffed and blindfolded, you know? But I was the one asked him to do it."

"Oh, Marge..."

"And when he entered me ... it felt better than it ever had and I ... I..."

"You what, Marge?"

"I don't know if I can bring myself to say it."

"Say what, Margie? For Christ's sake spill it!"

"You're gonna hate me!"

"I won't hate you, Margie. I swear I won't."


"I promise."

"With him inside me, I was thinking ... of your Danny!"

"You were thinking of ... Danny?"

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Tessa ... I was maybe confused by the scare that I did it without thinking."

"Without thinking ... so you've thought about him before."

"No! No! I never..."

"Yes, of course you have. Do you daydream about him, too?"

"Tessa I swear, I never ever thought of him that way!"

Tessa didn't reply. She glared at Margie for a full minute while the tears rolled down her friend's face.

"I believe you, Margie. I do. I might have done the same if I had been in your place. I mean I might have pretended Vince was fucking me. Help me out, Margie. Does Vince have a big cock? Danny's about this long." She held her hands about six or seven inches apart.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I just showed you how big my husband is. Now that should help your fantasies. So tell me, how big is Vince? I want to know so when I imagine him slamming into me I can picture it perfectly."

"I didn't expect you to be so mean, Tessa."

A feeling of remorse swept over Tessa. She knew she'd gone too far, and was sorry she had.

"I'm sorry, Margie. I really am. It's just that I ... I can't see you doing that. But you did and maybe you had what's the word I want? Justification, that's it. You had justification after being cruelly tricked by your husband."

They hugged and kissed. Not sensually, but a friendly kiss.

"I have to run," Margie said. "Tabby needs to go to the dentist. She was a minor problem with her incisors.

"Call me later?" Tessa said, hoping she hadn't offended Margie so much that it ended their friendship.

"Sure I will. Tessa?"


"I do love you."

"I love you too, Margie."


"Yes, Marge?"

"Vince is exactly 7 ¼ inches erect."

Tessa & Danny

"Do you think we have enough variation in our sex life?" Tessa asked as they got ready for bed that evening.

"Are you kidding?"

"It's a serious question, honey, really it is.'

"Well every time I look at you and that fantastic body I get hot."

She laughed and gave him a playful slap. "I'll give you points for that, but you didn't answer my question."

"Variation, you say?"

"Yes, variation."

"Well ... we haven't done it on the stove, or the kitchen table," he began.

Tessa started to laugh, "Danny, I'm serious."

"But look at you; you can't keep a straight face."

Rather than answer him, Tessa offered her lips to his and the two savored a long, wet kiss. Danny broke first, placing a hand on her shoulders and turning her then pulling her back to him so that her back was against his front, nestled comfortably against his groin and the life emerging from it.

"Mmmm, honey. That feels good," she purred and they stayed in that position with him gently pushing against her firm derrière until her hand reached behind her and slid his shorts down enough to reposition herself with her hips split over his rigid cock where she rode it on the thin material of her panties. His teeth pulled the string on her filmy top apart and it slowly floated to the sheets. Her breasts fit neatly into his hands as he held and moved her over and over, listening to her moaning and knowing what they would soon be doing.

Tessa moaned a little extra moan then unconsciously flipped her head back so her mouth was next to his chin and in a very soft voice asked, "Danny, have you ever been sorry you never had another woman since we met?"

He knew the correct answer, No, absolutely not. You're the only woman for me, Tess, but he paused and didn't say it. She noticed the pause and chose to wait and see if this was good news or bad news. "Honey, do you want honesty or platitudes?"

"Honesty, Danny, always honesty."

"Well then, I suppose from time to time I've wondered what it would be like but, you know, always with one of our friends or someone we know. Seemed more like a safe fantasy if it was a friend where it would never, never happen. What about you?"

She put her hands over his on her breasts and gave them a loving squeeze. "I love you, Danny and have never made it with another guy either. But I'd be less than honest if I didn't say I'd been curious about the whole idea. Some of our friends like Carol Lambert and Cynthia Armstrong have been divorced and remarried and have told me they've had five or ten men or more between marriages and laugh when I admit I've only had you. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with our situation, but to listen to them talk about it like it's a game, you know, recreational sex, like a good tennis match."

Same as Coveting
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Ben arrived ten minutes late. He looked up at the sheer glass façade of Whorton Hall. It was four stories high, but seemed taller, reflecting white clouds and sky blue. The building was the newest on the Clinton State campus, and housed the College of Health and Nursing. Ben shrugged his backpack back over his shoulder, picked up his skateboard, and pushed through the glass revolving door.Inside the building was light grey floors speckled with mica. The walls were painted the softest green. The...

Monster Sex
2 years ago
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Pictures of the Family Album

From that day on, anytime they went to the lake they wouldn't let him come in the canoe, and they started making him sleep on the fold out couch. The girls had convinced their parents to get two full beds instead of the bunk beds, but he always noted that one bed looking untouched whenever he went in to shower in their bathroom in the morning. He flipped the page, watching his sisters develop before him. Their chests grew to their present day B cup, their bodies lithe and athletic....

2 years ago
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A new start The love story of a sub pt3

Thanks, as always, to NaughtyAnn, for her help and support.  I suggest you to read the previous two parts before to read this one. Comments are strongly appreciated. ********* So, as the months continued, I received punishment and humiliation for my mistakes and also for my unworthiness. I concentrated totally on learning everything as fast as I could, not for me, but to let my Mistress be proud of her slave slut. At times I would cry in pain or scream for joy. An unspoken agreement between...

3 years ago
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Love and Lies

when you love a person you will do everyting to keep that person happy but when she stared to lie to me i had to let her go she would get mad at me because she be wanting to some were so she can get with me best friend and fuck him.

2 years ago
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Hidden Beach

John was glad he decided to book a couple of extra days off after his business meetings and had hired a car to explore the beaches just outside Porto in Portugal. The weather was gorgeous and not too hot and he spent much of the day driving up the coast.A friend had told him of a lovely nudist beach off the beaten track where he said "anything goes". After a brief lunch in a nearby village John drove off to the the beach--it was certainly off the beaten track--down a small lane on an unmade...

1 year ago
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My Milf Neighbor Saira And Her Sister Nazia

Hello, this is Rahul. This is a story of what happened when I was working in Hyderabad. Last year around Diwali, my next-door neighbor Saira, a widow who is about 60 years old, asked if I would help her in cleaning as she was alone. Well, I went and helped her with her chores and it led to an erotic steamy sex session. After that day we would meet and re-enact our passionate lovemaking. I was elated that I was the reason for Saira’s happiness. Well, time went by. One day after a marathon of...

3 years ago
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Bookstore Secret

First of all, I’m straight. This is something I’ve thought a lot about in the past week, and I’m convinced of that. What happened in the bookstore was a fluke, a weird combination of circumstances. I don’t regret what happened, but it’s not going to happen again. I just want to write the story out so that I can be really clear in my mind what did happen, so that I can be on my guard. The bookstore is huge, a full city block and many stories, a veritable labyrinth of wooden and metal shelves,...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Cousin Hot for HorsesChapter 8

Mona stood and walked over to Beauty. "You ready for some ass-fuckin'?" Beauty neighed and tossed his head in the air. Then he allowed Mona to lead him to where the naked teenagers were waiting. Taffy was excited. She constantly looked at Mona. "You're beautiful," she said, setting her gaze at Mona's mammoth tits. "So are you, honey," Mona sighed as she leered at the naked child. "I just wish I'd had a chance to suck your pussy before you lost your cherry." Barbi giggled. "You...

3 years ago
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Something Unexpected Pt 02

Be aware, this second and last part to this story does not include as much sex. Hence, a continuation in the Romance category. Please read Part 1 first before starting this section. Again, thank you for the feedback. Enjoy. – VH CHAPTER SIX I had decided that Isabel would not in fact be calling me at all that night, so had gone out to eat instead. Shying off an invitation to play ball with friends, I headed for a little bar and pub I frequented, with live music every Friday night. But I...

2 years ago
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Orgies Mothers and Daughters and lots of men

On a recent e-mail from a friend in the States, he was keen to know what it was like when you are in an orgy. He has always fantasized about group sex but like most men, never had the opportunity to indulge.Of course this site is full of orgies and gang-bangs, good looking guys with beautiful females, all carrying tats and begging for cum showers, committing degrading sexual acts, like demented insatiable sexual b**sts.That for me is one of the drawbacks of modern porn, it's too mechanical and...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 598

This morning I was sitting on a park bench next to a homeless man. I started a conversation by asking him how he ended up this way. He said, “Up until last week, I still had it all. I had plenty to eat, my clothes were washed and pressed, I had a roof over my head, I had TV and Internet, and I went to the gym, the pool, and the library. I was working on my MBA on-line. I had no bills and no debt. I even had full medical coverage.” I felt sorry for him, so I asked, “What happened? Drugs?...

1 year ago
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Lizs holiday threesome

Liz was now in her early twenties. After a fairly late start to her sexual life, it started to flourish when she was in her late teens. It was a time when men came onto her from every angle, and it was difficult to turn the attention away. She did have the odd longer term boyfriend, but often this would end in disaster as she found it hard to focus on her boyfriend when men were chasing her. Basically her late teens mean’t lots and lots of cock for Liz. She was a stunning blonde, large...

3 years ago
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drunk dad 2

By the end of the next week my anger towards my hubby was starting to bubble over, because I knew what he was missing and that he most likely didn’t seem to care. The bastard had not touched me in years and I had a hormonally enraged teenager enraptured with me. Now after two weeks of my son staring at my breasts I guess that I started to emotionally snap a little. I finally said something. As we were walking Mr Drunk up the stairs I said to Ricky “I do have eyes you know” my god he...

4 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 17

The doorbell rang about fifteen minutes after I'd hung up with Mr. Chalmers, while I was staring into my newly semi-filled fridge trying to decide what I was going to have for dinner. "That was fast," I said as I opened the door, but rather than the male figure of Mr. Chalmers that I'd been expecting, it was a small, plump 40-something woman. "Oh excuse me, Mr. James," she said in a familiar voice. "I know I shouldn't have dropped in unexpectedly." "Not at all ... Mrs. Ibarra?"...

4 years ago
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Trying Out My New Slave Boy

During my rant, I mentioned that I received eight messages on the app (it is a gay hookup app, you can email me if you'd like to know which one I use). Seven of the eight were from guys saying "Hey" with blank profiles. Usually I reply to "Hey", with "That is what horses eat." Most of the time, the lazy moron on the other end doesn't get it. The eighth messaged I received was from a guy whose profile was complete. He had half a dozen photos of himself, including several face pics,...

1 year ago
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The First Thrust is the Sweetest

I was greeted at the entrance of the apartment building by a tall, attractive Brazilian lady clad in a daring white shredded tank-dress, with multiple cut-outs, which exposed a generous quantity of her dark chocolate skin. "You like?" Brisa asked.I ran my eyes over her imposing Amazonian figure."You look amazing." She studied my visage for signs I was being untruthful. "You look even better in person, than in your photographs." It was no lie. At six-foot, Brisa was taller than I expected,...

2 years ago
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WinnerChapter 12

A bunch of TV cameras, each with its own lights and tripod, lined the back of the spartan MCI meeting room, the place where Michael Jordan and Jaromir Jagr, among others, met the press and where new coaches and high draft-choices came and sometimes went. A half-dozen microphones and about twice that number of small tape recorders sat on the plastic lectern. The room was wall-to-wall men with one or two women elbowed in for good measure or perhaps for the sake of appearances. Even Tony...

2 years ago
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A Small Graduation Party

After my middle school graduation my teacher came to congratulate me. I had known this teacher for three years and we were good friends. She was also my Japanese tutor after school. She was wearing dress pants and a blouse. She is a short Japanese woman she was maybe 24 but could easily pull off looking 16. "Come to think of it you were in my class for three years. It kinda feels like I was your mom or big sister rather than teacher." "Um," I said looking down to match her gaze. My...

1 year ago
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Drivers Seat

Plump-iful puffy and moist-iful meaty, she couldn’t help but let her fingers do some of her talking as they massaged the lips that only made sexual slurping sounds as they slid into her hot wet pink crevice. Brittany laid there, her legs spread as wide as she could get them, letting her long fingers massage her engorged flaps, inserting a couple into her hot canal. Moaning oh so sensually as the one hand lingered between her legs and now the other ran over her breasts, rubbing circles around...

2 years ago
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pantyhose at Dr office

I was at the Dr. office today and sitting in the waiting room. There was this SUPER hot MILF sitting across from me with a short black skirt, black pantyhose and sexy heels. I was trying to look without being obvious, because I have a SERIOUS pantyhose fetish and women in hose drive me wild!! I looked up after gazing at her sexy legs, she kind of smiled a bit and said, why don't you take a picture, it will last longer. so jokingly, I held up my iPhone. She leaned over and said, not here. ...

1 year ago
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Arias New Life Pt I

I wasn’t supposed to be working that night. As usual, I was nice and took one of my coworker’s shift; I didn’t have a life outside of this place anyways. More money for me and less I would have to worry about later for my one-bedroom apartment that cost me an arm and a leg. I really needed a second job but no luck. Working by yourself, it’s hard to get a cigarette break, but I always somehow managed. I was outback when I heard a loud bang and pop at the same time. They say flight or...

3 years ago
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The DefencemanChapter 22

I woke up Monday morning to the alarm ringing and my hand throbbing. Vicky was sleeping beside me but wasn't draped over me like usual. I must have been really zonked out not to hear her come in. I got up and downed a couple of extra strength Tylenol pills and had a shower. After leaving her a note, I grabbed my books and headed to the arena, thinking I could get in some skating and some weight training if nothing else. I went in right away and went to find Chris, even though it was only...

3 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 27

Jason threw the book-bag onto his bed and wondered if someone else should take up the mantel of responsibility of guarding the Book. With a look of disgust he yanked the book-bag open and grasped the Book in both hands. He drew it from its confines as he stepped back from the bed. Soft light bathed his face in golden radiance. The glowing inlaid symbol on the cover reflected in his wide and shocked eyes. He threw the Book down on the bed, but the glow remained. Jason stared at the Book and...

4 years ago
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CD spank

It's been a few days since I have gotten all Dolled-up and Slutty so I can get down on my knees in front of you!!! I have a brand new SEXY Leopard print...SKIN TIGHT mini dress and all the sexy Lingerie for underneath! Why not watch me slowly take off my dress for you and expose my sweet panty bulge!!!Then turn me over and SPANK this Whore! Make me do NAUGHTY, dirty things! Feel free to use your imagination and to try any kinky fantasies! Just send me a picture, and a way to reach you. Then we...

3 years ago
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Fallout 4 A Brave New WorldChapter 2

The settlement’s problem had been a group of raiders in an old car factory. Even before he got to the settlement, he had to deal with some raiders camped in the woods, who immediately started shooting at him. That had been enough of a hint to realize that stealth was his best friend here ... just like the old days he realized. Dealing with the raider group at the small dish monitoring station had been more of a personal choice. He was developing a distinct loathing for raiders, and he had...

2 years ago
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Daughters Sissy Project Part 1

With a snicker, 21 year old Kristen slipped two pills into her daddy's coffee just as she had done twice a day for the last three months. The pills had first been prescribed for her mom after her surgery, but when Kristen informed her mom's OB/GYN what she had done with them, much to her doctor's delight, she was able to get the prescription renewed for herself. Mom was gone on an extended around the world vacation with her widowed sister, and daddy and Kristen were alone...

1 year ago
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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 7 Venom

Cassie returned to her office at Biological Sciences on Friday afternoon, looking happier than Julie had seen her for years. She was clutching a portable hard drive. "I've got more survey data back, Jules. This data is not from Americans this time." Julie looked at Cassie with open curiosity, but Cassie carried on regardless. "Don't ask from where, I can't tell you. "We've re-done the survey questions, and do you know what? The cured women have passed every test, and are...

4 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 51

It was only a short time later when the five women left to head to the convention center. Meredith sidled over and took Brock's hand. "I'm going to the room to change out of my dress," she said in a throaty voice. Brock nodded. He supposed she didn't want him to think she'd been abducted by aliens or something. "You should come to help me," she added. "I'm not sure I'll be able to reach the zipper on my own." "Sure," Brock agreed as the light bulb finally clicked on. They...

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Reluctant CoupleChapter 5

Diane came out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom, wearing her long nylon nightie, her blonde hair long and flowing down her back. Roger was lying on the bed, his hands clasped behind his head, smoking a cigarette. He wore only his jockey shorts. Diane swallowed into her shame-dried throat as she stood just inside the door, looking at him. His eyes were on the ceiling. He hadn't looked at her or spoken to her since they'd left the Cord home in Peacock Gap that afternoon. She had...

4 years ago
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Phantasie des Ehemanns

Wie konnte mir das passieren? Ich konnte nicht glauben, worüber ich gerade mit unserer Gastgeberin sprach! Es war von einer harmlosen Unterhaltung über banale Dinge wie Wetter, was es im Theater gab, was wir morgen machen wollten zu einigen sehr persönlichen und intimen Angelegenheiten übergegangen. Karen steuerte das Gespräch sehr geschickt dahin, wo wir über sexuelle Aktivitäten redeten. Terri, meine Ehefrau und Karens Ehemann bespritzten sich derweil einander im Pool, während wir dasaßen und...

2 years ago
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Guild Promotions

Guild Promotions By: Lyrissa "Hey Nyrenna, I love your new outfit" The tall, imperious night elf woman turned her head slightly with a distinct sneer on her pretty face. She knew that voice better than she wanted to and as such didn't slow down or stop on her way to the door. "Mmmmm-mmmm, appreciate the view!" another voice chimed in. "How about as an officer you give us a little 'training', huh?" "Maybe a little bit of an exercise?" As Nyrenna huffed and stomped off out...

4 years ago
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Hot Aparna Ke Saath

By : Amidustuchele Hi this is Raju. Sabhi ISS reader ko mera pyar bhara namaskar. Ye mera paheli kahani hai.par iska matlab ye nehi ke mai apni pehli chudai ke bare mein kuch likh raha hun.mai 22 salka ek nawjawan ladka hun aur is kahani se pehle hi mera sex ka tajurba ho gaya tha dar asal mera 18 sal ke umar mein hi mera tan man ki virginity le liya haamari ghar mei kaam karnewali baisakhi didi.woh always bahut horny rahti thi. Aur use innocent ladka logonko chudakkad banana mein bahut maza...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Brenna Sparks Sexy young Asian Brenna Sparks fucks a hot BBC in front of her cuckold husband

Brenna Sparks is still in bed with her hubby when her masseur calls and says he’s arrived for her appointment. Hubby says he’s leaving for work so she goes downstairs and gets “the usual” from her handsome black masseur, which involves him eating her tight little pussy. But during this portion of the massage her worthless husband walks in! Rather than stop, she just lets him know that this is what her massages are…and she’s not stopping. He’s such a cuckold she even makes him sit and watch her...

2 years ago
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Opportunity Knocks

This is a story about someone I had an encounter with many years ago. I was 16 at the time and always horny. It was not very often that I did not have a hard on. I have always had opportunities such as this thrust upon me, and in most cases took full advantage of them. This particular day will always be remembered as one of the best of my life. It was summer, hotter than hell, and I was home alone as both my parents were at work and wouldn't be home for quite sometime. Even though it was still...

4 years ago
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Last training day of Takira

Chapter 1: Last training day of TakiraThe teacher, Miss Senshi was looking at a long row of female pupils. In front of them men were standing. Their training was almost complete. Only a few things remained to be thought. Some girls were mediocre, some girls made her feel proud. Especially Takira was a top slave girl. Takira excelled in fucking; deep throating and serving men in general. She was genetically modified to grow large lactating breasts. It was a calculated risk from the Slave Camp...

2 years ago
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SixteenChapter 12

The fresh, cool, conditioned air of the sunny, autumn afternoon hotel room on our hot, sweaty naked bodies was soothing. Beside me, partly over me, sprawled my two beautiful lovers, already exhausted and almost asleep. Sleep would be a merciful rest for me, too, but my brain was unable to stop reliving the awesome, intense, carnal fucking we’d just unleashed on each other the moment we’d got through the door. Fucking. That was the right word. In my short experience, I was already...

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Torturing my slut mom

I tide her in hands and legs on the bed then spread her legs and just lick her pussy. But she was crying and blaming me in bad words so hit on her pussy with my hand. She cry loudly then i put my underwear in her mouth Then bite her pussy clit tidely she cried so much and shaking her body. Then i took oil and apply on all the pussy and make it sloppy. Then took some chilli and insert it into the pussy. Then put the spreader into the pushy spread it more. Then i put aome chilli sauce into...

1 year ago
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The Touch Ch 07

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Pt.7 A Family Christmas Christmas Eve was quiet at the garden centre. Jack had the day off to be with his family, Mrs. Cardew had left on Friday and Maggie was spending the day with the twins, Lucinda and Lauren and had invited Emma to go into town with them shopping that morning. So it was just me and the lads. By lunch time we had cleared away...

3 years ago
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Possession Is NinetenthsChapter 12

Rebecca fumes as she stalks back to Fred’s office. Never has she been so furious with her husband. Sure, she was angry when she found out about his office affair, and sure she was even angrier about the events that followed—but this, his fraternizing with her co-workers just takes the cake. By the time she reaches the door Beth has already slipped inside. She left the door open a crack, just enough for Rebecca to be able to peer in before entering. And she does. Words escape through the...

1 year ago
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A night at the beach

I remember that day when i met Phillip, it was a hot july afternoon at the beach me and my friend Julie with our butt in the sand talking when this guy comes running to us.... -hi!Me and my friends over there are gonna start a volley ball match, you ladies wanna join us? I turned to Julie to see what she was thinking, and she looked pleased. -Sure, i said. If its ok with you Julie! -Yeah, lets go! Julie rushed to the gang. -Great! said the guy, By the way im Phillip. -Nice to meet you Phillip,...

First Time
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Boys love blowjobs

When I was younger, I heard stories about how there were places you could go and have men would suck your cock. There were even stories of them paying boys, paying to suck cock. I never went to any of those places, but I was curious. Like every other young boy, I was horny 24/7, and would love to have someone give me a blowjob. Late at night, I even thought about sucking cock. Now, years later, those stories gave me the idea, the inspiration, and here is what happened...Older now, with young...

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hot nurse hot hospital hot passion sex

Sometimes just being in the right place can lead to a nice sweet time. See it all started with me working at my job. I was dropping off food for a resident. I did my usual hellos, and checking out the hot nurses. As I walked back, Ashley came towards me, saying something about a dinner request. I watched her walk then trip over a cane that I spotted far too late. Ashley landed weird and soon she was hopping on her left foot. After a check of her right foot, We both figured she sprained her...

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Forbidden Fur 2 Gaze of the Wolf Pt1

She caressed her C-cup breasts, moving her fingers in circles around her perky nipples, so that they poked out from between the fabric of the black fishnet body-stocking that she habitually wore. It wasn't going to be long until the big show and having just recalled her first encounter in the Cave of the Werewolves, she was definitely getting into the mood. Tamara smiled to herself, turning away from the view and back to her room. The mountain-top plane crash that had left her and Alice...

4 years ago
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Spanking DayChapter 2 The Teacher

When he got back to the office, Florence was waiting, not with a cup of coffee this time, but a lecture. She looked at Frank like she had never met him. "What was up with that? Jesus, Frank, that girl might call the police and file assault charges against you. That wasn't a spanking, that was abuse." "How is she?" Frank asked. "Mad as hell, and in a lot of pain." "Well, you will have to admit that she was asking for it. How would you like it if it had been your tires she was trying...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Hazel Moore Innocent Teen Hazel Moore Takes Anal Pounding To Repay Car Damage Debt

Furious businessman Damon Dice realises his car has been hit from behind but there is no sign of the driver. He heads inside the nearest house to look for the culprit and discovers brunette teen Hazel Moore on the phone panicking. He questions her regarding the damage to his car but this cute babe can’t afford to pay for the repairs since it’s her parents car that she was driving. They come to an agreement and Damon gets his hands on this slutty brunette as she kneels down and sucks...

2 years ago
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Mitrachyaa Aaeelaa Zavale

Maajhe naav ajay. Maajhyaa barobar je ghadale tejasachyaa aaee ek satya ghatanaa aahe. Maajhe vaya 18 aahe. Nuktaacha 11veelaa gelo. Kolej laamba asalyaane mee aani maajhaa jivalaga mitr tejasa kolejalaa ekatra jaayache ek mekaamchyaa baaeeka varun aalatun palatun, kharch vaachavaayalaa naahee pana ek mekaamchee kmpaneesaathee. Mee aani tejasa ekadam sreemamta gharaanyaatale. Ekamekaamchyaa gharaat aamhaalaa saamgitale hote doghe ekatra rahaa va dostee asheech pudhe chaalu thevaa.Tejasachyaa...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 06

That same night when he returned to the workshop, Peter’s mind was too full of the job in hand to even think about women until, as if waking from a nightmare he noticed the workshop was flooded with sunlight. Sunday had dawned, his body was aching, his mind was black with self-disgust. Yet, Bob and Ted expected him to go surfing with them. Barely had Peter arrived home when the lift arrived at his door. ‘God, you look terrible. Out on the tiles all night, eh?’ Bob thrust his cheery face into...

2 years ago
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Three Jamaicans at our hotel room

Anita and I had escaped from the cold winter just to stay for a quick week end on vacation at a Jamaican hotel in the sunny sandy beach.During the first day we had enjoyed every corner of the resort and the beaches around. The weather was superb and we had relaxed very much.After dinner at the lobby, Ana asked me if we could go for a drink and to see if “some black action” could be found for her at late night…But I felt really tired after walking down the sandy beach; so I told her I would stay...

2 years ago
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My Student Ch 13

Bobby knelt between my knees, his hard cock bouncing with each heartbeat. Cum was all over my body and on the floor. The camera still on and watching closely. I was so very turned on. “Bobby, no,” I said as he took his cock in hand, guiding it to my opening. I put my cummy foot on his chest to stop him. “You’re My slave now,” I told him, ”you have to do what I say.”He was looking at my body, wide-eyed and amazed at all the cum. “What do you want me to do?” he asked, and with a bit of humor,...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Angel Gostosa Molly Little Starting The Year Off With A Bang

Molly Little and Angel Gostosa are dressed to impress for the new year as they decorate for a party. Molly’s stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, can’t help but check the girls out as they pin up a banner and talk about their hope that there’ll be cute guys because they both need some cute dick. When Angel catches Nathan staring, she asks what he wants. He confesses that he wants a threesome, but the girls mock him. Molly tells Nathan that if he can get both their bras off with one...

2 years ago
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Awakening Her Desires VII

Mondaymorning. The sun had risen hours ago. David had called the domestic staff and pleading flu had given them all the week off. He had cancelled every business appointment and social engagement he had made for the same time period. Damn feeding the gossip mill at work. Once he had begun to realise quite how voracious was Charlotte's appetite for his own favourite type of sex play, he wasn't leaving her for a moment when she might have time to reconsider. To recall her staid, respectable C of...

4 years ago
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A restrained wake up call

Through the fog of the sleep he heard the irritating noise of the alarm clock, but it was promptly silenced and he turned over in the bed, knowing he had a little more time before he had to get up. He heard the rustling of the bedsheets as she got up but he must've dozed off for a while, because he woke up with a start, hoping that he hadn't overslept. As he cleared the sleep from his eyes he saw that she was already dressed. She was looking in the mirror putting her earrings and make-up on. He...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Opportunity Unexpected Bonus Pt 2

I stood naked in front of my full length mirror. I absently stroked my shaven pussy as I thought about my evening with Gerald. It had been two weeks since we had our unexpected encounter. I constantly thought about seeing him again. He hadn’t come back the following day and I was beginning to think he was regretting what he had done. I didn’t completely blame him, I mean he did have a wife and kids. I’d better get dressed, I thought. I was meeting the girls downtown at our favorite bar. I...

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