A gay summer Holiday Part 20
- 3 years ago
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Margie & Vince
That same evening, Margie relented to some of Vince's demands and allowed herself to be bound to the bed again and didn't resist the blindfold when it was introduced.
"It will heighten things," Vince said vaguely.
"What things?" Margie said, "We're going to have sex, right?"
"Right, honey, but it all adds to the..."
"It adds to what?"
"To the ... um, thrill of it all. It makes things more exciting."
"More exciting?"
Feeling that he was on a roll, Vince continued. "Yeah, sweetie, I mean we can do all sorts of things..."
"Name two," she said, getting tired of his game.
"Um, we could pretend it isn't me doing things to you. Suppose it was another guy?"
"Another guy? You're going to bring another guy in here when I'm tied up? I'll cut your balls off!"
"No, no! Marge. A pretend guy. I mean wouldn't it be different if ... we do it all the time. Doesn't it seem like the same old same old to you after a while?"
"I happen to like the same old, same old as you call it."
"I don't think you understand what I'm saying," Vince protested.
Margie's thoughts drifted away to that afternoon's lovemaking with Tessa. Her loins dampened and she felt a need for Vince to put himself between her legs.
"I'm tied up here and I can't see a thing, Vince. You going to jump my bones or what?"
Vince decided to go for it. He didn't answer her but walked away and left the bedroom, closing the door behind him.
"Vince! Did you leave me?"
He stood outside the bedroom fighting the need to answer her.
Margie grew panicky. Did he have the nerve to leave her tied to the bed like this?
Did he know about her and Tessa?
She began to sweat, and then she thought she heard him on the phone. Who was he calling? Why would he be calling anyone?
He wouldn't have the nerve; he wouldn't dare bring some guy in and watch him rape her. He wouldn't ... would he?
She heard the bedroom door open. "Who was that on the telephone?"
"No one you know, Marge."
"But you called someone, I distinctly heard you talking to someone."
"I did call someone. Don't get upset Marge, it won't do you any good."
"Don't get upset! Let me out of these god damn cuffs right now!"
"Can't do that, Margie."
"You'd better do it or you'll regret it the rest of your miserable life!"
"It should be a couple minutes yet, Marge."
"A couple minutes for what?" Her voice rose in volume and pitch. "You called some guy ... you've called someone over here to see me like this!"
"Excuse me a minute, Marge. I gotta see if he's here."
"You fucking maggot; lemme off this bed! Lemme loose you cocksucker!" I'll kill you; I swear I'll put a knife between your ribs!"
Vince was sweating now. Have I crossed the line and gone too far? Jesus, I hope not, it would mean the end of our marriage.
He went about disguising himself as best he could, following a plan he had spent the last two days formulating. He gargled with a cheap rye whiskey, rubbed a greasy solvent on his forearms that he hoped would cause his wife to think of a mechanic at the garage. And as the last touch he donned a pair of coveralls and then a rubber mask bearing a likeness of Richard Nixon.
Using his own voice, he said, "She's waiting for you ... in there."
Margie, already fearing the worst called out, "Vince ... don't you dare! I'm warning you!"
Vince stuffed his mouth with cotton, hoping it would modify his voice enough to confuse Margie even more. Still, he wasn't sure if he would speak at all during the sex about to take place.
He picked up the camera and walked into the room, took several pictures of his wife lying spread-eagled on the bed, blindfold in place, and smiled as the shutter whirled almost soundlessly as advertised.
"Sorry," he said attempting to add gruffness to his voice, and for the most part succeeding because of Margie's fear that he had brought someone else into their bedroom.
Breathing heavily, Vince ambled over to the bed and rested a knee on it, signaling his arrival to Margie.
He ran a hand along her calf up to the top of her knee and stopped.
"Jesus Christ, Vince ... Don't do it! For the love of God, don't let him near me!"
Too late to stop now, he told himself and ran the edge of his hand over her mound.
Margie screamed. She was actually terrified of being raped and started to pray. "Holy Mary, protect me from evil..."
Vince couldn't stand tormenting her any longer and tearing the cotton from his mouth, whispered, "It's Vince, honey. It's always been me. There is no other guy..." To support his words he removed the blindfold it and watched as her eyes widened in recognition.
"You son-of-a-bitch!" Had her hands not been cuffed to the bed she would have thrown as many punches at him as were possible before he restrained her. As it was she hurt her wrists and would feel pain in them for almost a week.
"You miserable son-of-a-bitch! She exclaimed again as relief washed over her. She was not going to be raped. He was a fucking fool, but she wasn't going to be raped by some smelly stranger.
"Why? Why Vince?" Her voice softened, and for the first time since removing the blindfold, he felt she might forgive him.
"I don't know," he began. "I guess I wanted to add something to our lovemaking.
"You wanted to add..." but then she thought of how she and Tessa had added something and stopped.
"See, Margie, you always go on about not wanting to do this, or try that. You have a thing about doing it the same way all the time. I was hoping to put some variation into the sex, you know?" She hasn't demanded that I let her loose, he thought. Is that a good sign, or not?
"You want ... variation?"
"Yeah ... variation."
"Like what? I let you tie me up and blindfold me. Isn't that variation?"
"It's a start."
"It's a start? Well, where does it end?"
"I don't know, Marge. That's a road we haven't been down."
"Vince, you think you thought this ... this scheme out, do you?"
"Um, yeah, sort of."
"What were you going to do when I started screaming?"
"You were screaming."
"No, I mean really screaming. Screaming loud enough to wake Tabby."
"Um..." He had no answer.
"So, you'd risk ending our marriage and traumatizing your daughter for a little ... variation, would you?"
"Okay, I didn't think it through."
"Damn right you didn't. Now get me out of these cuffs, and be quick about it."
He freed her and to his surprise, she didn't attack him, but walked calmly into the bathroom, sat down on the toilet and relieved herself without bothering to close the door.
After washing her face and hands, Margie came back into their bedroom and found Vince exactly where he'd been when she left.
Without a word, Margie climbed back into bed laid on her back and slowly spread her legs and arms out as they had been when cuffed to the bedposts.
He stood immobile watching and waiting.
"Hey, dummy!" she called out.
"Um, yeah ... what?"
"Aren't you going to put the cuffs on?"
He couldn't believe his ears. It took him a second or two before he could react; then he rushed into action, fastening each hand and ankle to a post before stepping back as if to admire his work.
"The blindfold," Margie said laconically.
Vince hastily fixed the blindfold to her eyes and again stood back as if to admire his work. He was in a mild stage of shock. What is she doing? What the fuck's happening here?
"What I propose," Margie said, "is to have me pretend you're another guy. Pretend being the operative word here, understand?"
"Um, yeah, so who is it you ... I mean that I'm supposed to be?"
Margie laughed, "I don't know ... give me a second. Mmmm, maybe the mailman."
"Margie, our mail is usually delivered by a woman."
"Whoops, my bad," she laughed and Vince joined her.
"I ... um, let's see..."
Vince slapped her thigh with his erection. Margie giggled. "In a hurry to use it, huh?"
"I guess..."
Realizing that she might just be spoiling the mood, Margie blurted out, "okay, I'm going to fantasize that you're Danny."
"Why not, I see him often enough. He's good-looking, has a sense of humor and Tessa loves him like crazy."
"Okay, so it's Danny, want me to renter the room?"
"Sounds like an idea that might work," she said.
This is fucking crazy, Vince thought. It's almost like she's deliberately playing into my hands. It's amazing; why after what I just did I'm lucky she's not suing for a divorce.
He walked out of the bedroom and closed the door then reopened it.
"Who's there?" Margie said, trying to act frightened, but not succeeding.
"Vince! Who's with you?"
He didn't answer, but fell into the role playing by touching her on the shoulder. It was something he'd seen Danny do to Tessa countless times. Moreover, Margie had commented on it more than once.
What the hell? How did he know that about the shoulder touches? Tessa's mentioned them to me and that they give her the chills. Exciting chills. It's his way of telling her she's about to get some ... how in hell does Vince know about that?
"Ohhh!" she moaned.
He went to her breast and tweaked a nipple.
I remember her saying Danny was really into breast play ... how does Vince know all this? Of course, Danny must have told him!
Of course, Danny hadn't told Vince anything of his lovemaking techniques, but Vince had paid close attention to the couple whenever they were together. The breast play was just coincidental, he liked playing with Margie's tits as much as anything else. It was just that when Margie had been with Tessa in the motel she had learned firsthand that Tessa loved having her tits played with.
"Oh, Danny!" she'd blurted without thinking, and that triggered Vince's response.
Now I better play my part, Vince told himself and placed the head of his cock at her wet and swollen opening then split her labia and surged into her.
What don't I usually do when we fuck? He wondered as his full length rested inside Margie.
He pumped into her several times in rapid succession and then stopped except he continued making his cock jump. Not that it actually jumped at all. But Margie could feel it as it jerked ever so slightly and the light movement excited her simply because she had never felt it before.
"Yes, fuck me, Danny. Give it to me!"
He backed up then slammed into her.
He repeated his movement and Margie responded in kind. And for the next two minutes they matched one another stroke for stroke until both were covered with sweat.
Mid-way through this scenario, Margie began chanting his name, loudly, wantonly – "Danny, Danny, Danny," accompanied by incoherent fragments of speech that begged him to continue as her orgasm intensified and then repeated as he kept slamming into her.
As far as Vince was concerned this was nirvana; his every wish was being fulfilled, and he went at her harder and harder, until he was panting from the exertion.
Suddenly, Margie quivered three times in succession. In the process she squeezed his cock with her vaginal muscles – something she had never done before.
"Oh, Danny ... I'm coming. Cum with me!"
Vince grabbed her ass with one hand then slipped two fingers from the other past his cock and into her cunt, wetting them with her body fluid. A second or two later, he sent the fingers into her anus. Margie squealed, he spasmed and came in her flooding her vaginal chamber with his load.
Margie lay there trembling for several minutes. Then she whispered, "My God, Tessa is blessed. I've never been screwed like that before. Thank you, Danny. Please tell me you're gonna do me again."
"Nothing could please me more than repeating this performance, Margie. But please, not a word to Tessa."
"On that my lips are sealed, now if you don't mind, I'd like to get out of these handcuffs."
Sure thing, Margie," Vince said, and removed the cuffs, but left the blindfold on.
They lay there a while longer, and then Margie said, "That was one hell-of-a romp, Vince. It never occurred to me that playing games like this could add so much to the sex, you know?'
Vince removed the blindfold and said, "You really bought into the fantasy, didn't you?"
"I guess I did. But you had me going at the start. I really thought you were bringing in another guy. I couldn't have taken that, Vince."
"I was wrong to do that to you. But I think you could have taken it."
"What gives you that impression?"
"Well, like I said, pretending to bring in a stranger was wrong. Yet when we were pretending I was Danny it seemed all right with you."
"Oh, no, I knew it was you, Vince."
"Really?" he began mimicking her voice, "Oh, Danny ... I'm coming. Cum with me!"
"I was into it by then. I knew you weren't Danny!"
"Probably true enough, but you liked the idea of thinking, or fantasizing about him. Have you ever thought about him while we were doing it before?"
"NO!" she protested.
"Hmmm," he said, and she shot back, "No! I don't do that, Vince. I'm thinking of you."
"Roll over, Marge," he displayed his renewed erection and she readily complied.
"Doggy-style?" she inquired, looking over her shoulder at him.
"Yeah," he replied his voice already hoarse with lust, his hands roaming her back, her rear and her upper thighs until she purred with excitement.
"Do me good, Vince," she cooed.
"I want to take your picture like this," he said and rolled away from her to pick up the digital camera.
"Vince, you know how I feel about..."
"You have no idea how sensual you are at the moment. Let me show you."
He took three shot of her, front, back and from the side.
"God damn it, Vince, I told you..."
"Here, see for yourself. If you don't want them saved, I'll delete them right now."
With some reluctance, Margie accepted the camera from him and looked at each picture. The first one was a poor picture in that Vince's hands had shaken at the moment he clicked the shutter. But the others were fairly good shots and took Margie by surprise, for she had no idea how enticing her body was having always thought the worst about her figure. Yet here she was, looking every bit the glamorous woman she saw everyday in magazines and on television.
"I ... I had no idea ... I mean, you made me look so sexy..."
"That's what I've been telling you. You are sexy. Hell, you're beautiful. And I'm proud of you. But we both know that as time goes on, those looks will..." he searched for the right word, and came up with " ... soften."
"Wow, okay then, but no pictures of us during sex. That's nasty. It's grotesque to see people copulating. It's just ... just to dirty."
"Stick your lovely ass up a little higher, I want to get a better view of it," he said as if they had just agreed to have a photo shoot.
She did and he took four or five quick shots before Margie saw how hard he was and told him to put the camera down and come to her.
They groaned in unison as he entered her from behind, and he hammered away at her and she hammered back at him. He was hoping she would call out either his name or Danny's, but she did neither as all coherent thought vanished. Margie had but one thought and that was to have the greatest climax ever.
There was no time, or need for whispers of names, or love, or tenderness. The only sounds were the wet smacks of their flesh colliding as they rutted and the occasional, "Oh, yeah," and "Fuck me, harder!" flew from Margie's hot little mouth.
His hands mauled her breasts continuously, pinching at hard nipples and using her breasts as grips to slam her light body ever harder against his steel-like member.
Margie started to growl with pleasure as they both neared the finish line. Then Vince's hips began to jerk erratically of their own accord.
"YES! FILL ME!" Margie screamed.
And he exploded in her, coating her vaginal walls with his sperm as her pussy clamped down on him until her orgasm compelled her to relax and release him.
Then they were spent and lay there, Vince on his back, Margie with her head pillowed on his chest, rising and falling with each breath, her hair cascading over into his face.
As Vince inhaled, he breathed in her sweet scent of perfume mixed with shampoo mingled with the odors of sex throughout. He felt the hard nubs of her nipples poking into his torso; he also knew she was leaking the combined fluids of their release onto his leg and probably the sheets, but he didn't care, or want to move.
The following morning was Saturday, and after getting Tabby dressed and fed, she went off to play with the neighbors' kids who were her age and would be watched over by Cecilia, an over-zealous mother who was the perfect baby-sitter for the occasion.
Over coffee, Vince broached Margie about posing for several more pictures. To his surprise, she was more than agreeable, asking if he wanted to take some of her in a T without a bra. "I think my nipples will show, making it really sexy. What do you think, honey?"
"I think I'd better get the camera before you change your mind."
Margie found herself enjoying teasing him as she slipped into one pose after the other; finally, she started to giggle.
"What's so funny, Margie?"
"Mmm, how's this?" she asked and peeled the T off, and stood topless while he snapped away for several minutes.
Having grown bolder from her actions, Vince asked her to show her pussy to him.
"Not today, I need to trim all the hair down there. I'd look like a cave girl otherwise."
"No you wouldn't," he protested, but Margie was adamant.
But that night it was she who broached the subject. "Where's the camera?"
"What? Vince said, dumbfounded by her question and its implication.
"Yes, honey, I shaved it all off for you. Wanna see?"
By the time he had finished taking pictures, Margie was willing revealing her pussy to the camera. In fact, she did everything but masturbate for Vince while he snapped away.
Finally he tossed the camera onto the couch, told her to get on the bed and mounted her for the most exhilarating sex they had ever had.
Tessa & Margie
"I couldn't believe it," Margie said to Tessa that afternoon on the phone, "I mean, there I was handcuffed and blindfolded and he leaves me there and makes a call to someone telling them to come over."
"Oh, my God! What'd you do?"
"What could I do? I protested, I pleaded, and finally I was begging him not to do it."
"I can't believe Vince was capable of doing it. I mean, it's rape, isn't it?" I mean, you were telling him no in several senses, right?'
"Right as rain, but then I heard a knock at the front door."
Tessa was chewing on her nails, riveted to Margie's tale of the night before. Margie, seeing how Tessa was reacting, decided to draw the story out, embellishing a little more than necessary before revealing that it was her husband all along and that there never was another man involved.
"And then this guy is in my bedroom. Jesus, Tessa, I could smell him! You know? I couldn't see anything, but I could smell the whiskey on his breath as he climbed on the bed and touched me."
"Where?" Tessa asked, having grown wet at Margie's telling of her rape. Not realizing that she was relishing each and every detail, reliving the scene through Margie's eyes.
"My pussy. First it was my leg and then..."
"Holy Mother of God!" Tessa said, horrified.
"I was begging Vince to stop him ... I began to pray."
Tessa was crying and nodding, feeling her best friend's pain, until she heard Margie's next words.
"And then I heard him saying: "It's Vince, baby. It's always been me. There is no other guy." He took the blindfold off and I saw it was true. It had been him all along, pretending to be someone else!"
"I would have killed him, then and there," Tessa said.
"I might have too, except I was still bound hand and foot."
"Oh, right," Tessa said. "So what happened next?"
I cursed him, told him we were finished, that I wanted a divorce."
"You poor thing. Don't worry, I know a good lawyer."
"Then I asked him why he'd done it and he said, he wanted to add something to our lovemaking. He wanted some variation."
"But you'd let him tie you up, wasn't that variation enough?" Tessa said.
"My exact words," Margie replied. "And he said, 'It's a start.' But added he hadn't thought it through."
"He freed me and I ran into the bathroom thinking I needed to cry or scream and I didn't want to wake Tabby. Instead I found I needed to pee and did. Then I realized I was about as horny as I'd ever been."
"What? All that made you horny?" Tessa gasped, afraid to admit that Margie had gotten her horny too.
"We had sex, and it was great!"
Jesus that's so hot!" Tessa said and moved to hold Margie in her arms. "We could..."
"No," Margie said as she disengaged herself from Tessa's arms. "I feel kinda guilty about us and what we've been doing. I don't think we should."
"Ever?' Tessa said forlornly.
"I don't know. Let's just wait and see, okay?"
"Sure ... whatever."
"Don't be that way, Tessa; I'm not sure about how things are going. I mean last night seems to have put our marriage in a new light."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean it was great sex and tonight we'll try to repeat it, maybe improve on it."
Danny & Vince
"Can you get to your computer without Tessa seeing you?"
"Sure, Vince," Danny said into the phone, "What's up?"
"Check out your email, and be sure to get back to me."
Danny sat at the computer and opened his email and there was a nude picture of Margie on all fours in her bra and panties that gave him an instant boner. He stared open-mouthed at her jutting ass, imagining Vince slamming his dick into it. He tried to recall if his friend had ever admitted ass-fucking her, but couldn't. Maybe she was cherry back there. Wouldn't it be nice if he could be the first one in her back door?
Within minutes Vince got an email back with the message, "Not bad. She is so gorgeous. But got anything like this?" Vince almost came in his pants when he saw the picture of Tessa in 5 inch heels, stockings and lace bra and panties.
And so it went:
· A photo of Tessa taking off her bra and showing off her huge breasts and her silver dollar sized nipples
· One of Margie, blindfolded, naked and spread-eagled on the bed.
Without realizing it, Danny pulled the zipper of his fly down and took his hardon out and began to jerk off. He didn't last long, and wiped his jizm up with several tissues. Then, having relieved the stress of seeing the coveted Margie, he sent two more highly provocative photos of Tessa out to Vince.
Vince replied immediately, with, "Wow! And Double Wow!"
Another two pictures of Margie handcuffed to the bed and spread-eagled followed.
The picture sharing ground to a halt when Vince ran out of pictures of Margie. He promised more, but Danny was adamant, picture for picture. The wives had no idea they were being shared with an admirer.
Tessa & Margie
"There's something I haven't told you, Tessa." Margie said this as soon as they met that afternoon.
"Jesus, what else did he do?"
"Not him, me."
"You, what did you do?"
"When we were doing it ... I mean, I was handcuffed and blindfolded, you know? But I was the one asked him to do it."
"Oh, Marge..."
"And when he entered me ... it felt better than it ever had and I ... I..."
"You what, Marge?"
"I don't know if I can bring myself to say it."
"Say what, Margie? For Christ's sake spill it!"
"You're gonna hate me!"
"I won't hate you, Margie. I swear I won't."
"I promise."
"With him inside me, I was thinking ... of your Danny!"
"You were thinking of ... Danny?"
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Tessa ... I was maybe confused by the scare that I did it without thinking."
"Without thinking ... so you've thought about him before."
"No! No! I never..."
"Yes, of course you have. Do you daydream about him, too?"
"Tessa I swear, I never ever thought of him that way!"
Tessa didn't reply. She glared at Margie for a full minute while the tears rolled down her friend's face.
"I believe you, Margie. I do. I might have done the same if I had been in your place. I mean I might have pretended Vince was fucking me. Help me out, Margie. Does Vince have a big cock? Danny's about this long." She held her hands about six or seven inches apart.
"Why are you doing this?"
"I just showed you how big my husband is. Now that should help your fantasies. So tell me, how big is Vince? I want to know so when I imagine him slamming into me I can picture it perfectly."
"I didn't expect you to be so mean, Tessa."
A feeling of remorse swept over Tessa. She knew she'd gone too far, and was sorry she had.
"I'm sorry, Margie. I really am. It's just that I ... I can't see you doing that. But you did and maybe you had what's the word I want? Justification, that's it. You had justification after being cruelly tricked by your husband."
They hugged and kissed. Not sensually, but a friendly kiss.
"I have to run," Margie said. "Tabby needs to go to the dentist. She was a minor problem with her incisors.
"Call me later?" Tessa said, hoping she hadn't offended Margie so much that it ended their friendship.
"Sure I will. Tessa?"
"I do love you."
"I love you too, Margie."
"Yes, Marge?"
"Vince is exactly 7 ¼ inches erect."
Tessa & Danny
"Do you think we have enough variation in our sex life?" Tessa asked as they got ready for bed that evening.
"Are you kidding?"
"It's a serious question, honey, really it is.'
"Well every time I look at you and that fantastic body I get hot."
She laughed and gave him a playful slap. "I'll give you points for that, but you didn't answer my question."
"Variation, you say?"
"Yes, variation."
"Well ... we haven't done it on the stove, or the kitchen table," he began.
Tessa started to laugh, "Danny, I'm serious."
"But look at you; you can't keep a straight face."
Rather than answer him, Tessa offered her lips to his and the two savored a long, wet kiss. Danny broke first, placing a hand on her shoulders and turning her then pulling her back to him so that her back was against his front, nestled comfortably against his groin and the life emerging from it.
"Mmmm, honey. That feels good," she purred and they stayed in that position with him gently pushing against her firm derrière until her hand reached behind her and slid his shorts down enough to reposition herself with her hips split over his rigid cock where she rode it on the thin material of her panties. His teeth pulled the string on her filmy top apart and it slowly floated to the sheets. Her breasts fit neatly into his hands as he held and moved her over and over, listening to her moaning and knowing what they would soon be doing.
Tessa moaned a little extra moan then unconsciously flipped her head back so her mouth was next to his chin and in a very soft voice asked, "Danny, have you ever been sorry you never had another woman since we met?"
He knew the correct answer, No, absolutely not. You're the only woman for me, Tess, but he paused and didn't say it. She noticed the pause and chose to wait and see if this was good news or bad news. "Honey, do you want honesty or platitudes?"
"Honesty, Danny, always honesty."
"Well then, I suppose from time to time I've wondered what it would be like but, you know, always with one of our friends or someone we know. Seemed more like a safe fantasy if it was a friend where it would never, never happen. What about you?"
She put her hands over his on her breasts and gave them a loving squeeze. "I love you, Danny and have never made it with another guy either. But I'd be less than honest if I didn't say I'd been curious about the whole idea. Some of our friends like Carol Lambert and Cynthia Armstrong have been divorced and remarried and have told me they've had five or ten men or more between marriages and laugh when I admit I've only had you. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with our situation, but to listen to them talk about it like it's a game, you know, recreational sex, like a good tennis match."
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Chapter VIIIMy readers will naturally wonder what my condition of mind and body was after both had been subjected to such intense inflammation as was inevitable from my close association with Alice dressed and Alice naked.Naturally I had been in a state of considerable erotic excitation from the moment that Alice's naked charms were revealed, especially when my hands were playing with her breasts and toying with her cunt. But I had managed to control myself. The events recorded in the last...
CHAPTER 3: Sammy was right; I did drink too much, but I didn’t give a damn. I needed to drink and to drink often. And why the hell not, John Daniels loved me. I wonder what they’d named the baby. I wondered if it were a boy or a girl. I guess it didn’t matter; I’d never be meeting it—him, her.It was strange it was. I couldn’t get the kid out of my mind. I couldn’t get the two of them out of my mind either. The way they’d done me. Was I jealous even after a year? I guess I was and bitter too. I...
Love StoriesIf you are looking for well-written pros, them my stories are not for you. They are based on the things I have fantasised about throughout my life so are not meant to be realistic or factual. They are about good, hardcore sex, not romance and so are meant to be fanciful and raunchy; even ‘raw’. If it can happen in porn films it can happen in my stories so don’t read them and then leave smart arse comments about what teens do and don’t say or 10-inch cocks being ridiculous (Google Jonah...
After our night of fun at my local pub a couple of weeks ago, Annie, Emma and myself were wanting to do something similar but with more interaction with the guys.I chatted with Bill, the landlord, a few days later as to whether it would be okay if we arranged to do something one evening after closing hours. Bill was completely in agreement with my request, extra bar sales no doubt being a great incentive.We decided on Easter Sunday as it suited us girls and also Bill, whose lady wife was away...
Group SexThe lights were dim in the corporate suite at the top of the Chicago Hilton. Soft music and the tinkling of ice in the glass were almost the only sound now that the guests had departed for the evening and only the executive committee remained. Joe, the CEO, Wayne the VP for Marketing, Mike the VP for Sales, and Herb the HR guy, were in the process of shedding their clothes. Claudia, the auburn haired Assistant VP for Corporate relations, had already shed her clothes, and now wearing only a...
Megan, in her wolf form, breathed hard. Through their mental pack link, she said, “Elvin, we’ve done this so much already this morning. I won’t even get to fighting Orion if I don’t pass the other challenges.” Elvin’s large grey wolf suddenly lunged at her and she dodged, nipping his throat as he passed. “Plus, I’ve been able to beat you for years,” she said, not able to stop the smugness creeping into her tone. She’d first won against him eight years or so ago. She had been able...
You are a good-looking man in your mid-twenties. You are 5'10, 170 lbs., and in good shape, with some muscle definition. You have always considered yourself a man's man, but lately you have developed a curiosity about women with...something more. When you fantasize, you sometimes find yourself imagining a cock between the girl's legs. Pretty soon, that's the only way you really get off during masturbation. You can't take it anymore. Even if you end up being only interested in biological...
TranssexualIt was no secret at UCLA that Cher Horowitz and Elle Woods disliked each other. And Andie Anderson hoped to catch the two of them together sometime. Cher and Elle seemingly had been rivals from the moment they entered UCLA as juniors, immediately taking to competing with each other for the unofficial title of campus queen. Both L.A. residents, one from Beverly Hills, the other from Bel Air; they had never become acquainted until their debut here. Their backgrounds were equally well-to-do and...
When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to be a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past them, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying, “Thanks,” as I moved down past where they were set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...
My weekend. Maastricht. Chapter 1 The arrival My flight touched down into maastricht at 3.30 in the afternoon , it's been a long exhausting day. Up at 5.30am for my dad to drive me to the airport. Passport control then, arrivals. I noticed a woman holding a piece of cardboard up withe words ELLA in big letters written on it.The woman had very long black hair, with sunglasses top of her head, white blouse, jeans and sandals. She was so gorgeous I thought to myself."Hiiii, Ella, it's me...
Dear Diary,I had a dream about him.A most shocking and painful dream. In it, we were so close to one another. I was coming to visit him, to see him and the excitement I had felt in this dream matched the excitement I once felt before. The love, the laughter and all the happiness and hope he brought me all tangled into one blissful feeling as I dreamt of riding in a cab to reach him. Of course, in the end, I was unable to find him once I reached my destination. He had not presented me with his...
Love StoriesI woke up with my arm still around Alexis. Watching her as she slept. Who knew that trying to hide something would reveal what you really want. I heard someone come down stairs. And then Sara came and sat in the chair next to the couch. "That was sweet what you did for Alexis." she said "yeah it was" Alexis said "i didnt know you were up" i said "ive been up for awhile" she said "why didnt you say anything" i said "i just wanted you to hold me" as she gave me a...
One part only Hard School Heather was a young teacher in her late twenties. She was a short young woman with long blond hair. She had been a housewife before this year. Her husband was laid off from work and she had to get a job to support them. When she started many of the other teachers said the she looked younger than some of the students. Indeed many of the high school's students were bigger than her. She didn't take the job seriously at first, thinking that her husband...
September 16, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written September 17] I woke to someone moving on my left and turned my head to see Civia curled into me, and Rhee beyond her curled into Civia. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes. I must have drifted off again, as the next thing I recall was hearing thunder. I opened my eyes and turned to my left when Civia lifted her head from my left shoulder. “Was that thunder,” Civia asked quietly. I nodded, then asked equally quietly, “How’d you sleep?” She...
"Uhmmm..." She pulled the ring off and handed it over. "Here you go." Grant took it and tossed it towards the deep end of the pool. "This exercise teaches submersive techniques -- it's hard to paddle your way to the bottom of the pool -- as well as techniques of cooperation." "Submersive..." "Come, Caroline." He led her along the ledge of the pool to the deep end. "Now your job is to get the ring. But the water here is deeper than you are tall, so you're going to have to...
"Knock knock" "Ah, that must be her..." he said to himself. He'd been waiting for her to come over for about an hour. He was annoyed that she was late, but figured he would get even with her later. "Come in!" he yelled, and she opened the door slowly and peeked in. She looked great. She was wearing a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt and a nice blouse. He knew because he had seen it before. But even dressed casually she looked really good, and what was underneath made his mouth water. She walked into...
After my first double solo encounter with Uncle Charlie and Sam Ellis, it was not long before I was involved again with them. About a week later, Uncle Charlie asked me to help him again with some repairs to an old barn/cow shed which stood at the top of the marshes where Sam kept his young cattle during the summer months. We had not been there long when Sam appeared. It was a hot day and he had brought some home made beer by way of refreshment - we went inside the barn, sat on some hay bales...
"Me and her are together now, and i'm going over later" "Aww really, how cute, just be careful with her" "With what?" "Shes a flirty blonde, shes cheated before" "I know, but I want to trust her" "Just be careful,so what you guys gonna do now?" "Swimming at her house ;)" "Ohhh, have fun, use protection haha" And with that, two hours had passed and it was time to leave, my mom dropped me off this time at her house, and said be careful, oh I would. I found her sitting on...
Hello ISS k readers. I am Dev and this is my first story hope you guys will enjoy this story so much. Let me tell you about myself. I am Dev from Punjab. 6 feet tall thoda sa healthy Sardar. mere lund ka size 7” hai and yeh thoda xtra mota hai koi bh ladki aj tak isko apni muthi mein band nahi kr payi hai. Mere ghr mein mere ilava Mom Dad and choti behn hai, Mom Dad dono Govt. employee hai and Monday to Firday bahut jyada bzy hota hai and main 9 se 5-7 bje tk akela ghr pr hota hu. So ye to...
SLAVE WIFE TANYA: LACTATING IN LAS VEGASLas Vegas is world famous for gambling. Secondly for all the various exhibitions, and thirdly for famous artist performances. And then the sex. Prostitution is forbidden within city limits, but in the local phone book you will find about 100 pages solely for “private dancers”. A euphemism for female entertainment anyway you like it.Just outside city limits, you will find the famous chicken farms, large legal brothels, where almost every sexual desire can...
Puppets 2 - The Strings are Cut I stood in the smoking remains of a building, wondering what happens next. It was two and a half years ago that I had first been taken to this place, which had served as the headquarters of a group called Real Power after they had learned about my gift for controlling the minds and bodies of others. They placed a device in my brain to bend me to their will, and then sent me out as their agent, moving among the rich and powerful and forcing them to...
It was delightful being home, despite the dust that had built up in our absence, and we took delight in kicking off our shoes and stripping down to our undies before making a drink in the kitchen. We showered and relaxed, recovering from the flight before we unpacked. Neither of us had fully realised all the things we had bought, for they had stayed in suitcases most of the time, and we really enjoyed laying out all the lovely clothes and the selection of toys we had gathered. I...
Lori sat in her room on the bed running her hands over her large D cupped breasts. She was feeling horny, but it was late and she knew her Father wouldn’t let her go out. She grunted at the injustice of it all. She was 20, and should have been able to do as she pleased at this point, but her parents insisted that as long as she lived in the house she was to abide by their rules. Her mom had gone to visit her grandparents which left just her and her Father. If only he’d gone with her Mother, she...
I could see the 4th of July sweat glistening on Molly's skin and her wry grin of pleasure, as I rolled off of her. The pool of fluid oozing from her tight little hole was spreading on the cushion between her legs. We were both panting heavily and gloriously as we reveled in our mutual satisfaction. I couldn't remember the last time we both had cum so hard. This night had been a long time in coming. No pun intended.I looked down at my softening member and pondered the shimmering coating on the...
Wife LoversEveryone was still excited about the upcoming move to the O'Connell Realm on Tuesday, the 18th of October, when they resumed work at the printing plant. The excitement was soon replaced by shock. On Wednesday morning, the 19th, just before 8:30, as everyone was just getting to work, Uncle Will noticed a black Humvee and several black Suburbans pull up across the street from the plant. The hair on the back of his neck stood up in premonition, and he instantly reacted by reciting the spell...
Candi knew she had to wake up and drag herself out of bed. Her head was pounding and her stomach felt queasy from drinking heavily and partying well into the early morning hours. As she trudged across the floor, her leg muscles ached and her jaw was sore. Still groggy, she made her way into the bathroom and saw herself in the mirror. She noticed the crunchy dried cum in her long dark brunette hair. Candi moaned under her breath and exhaled a long sigh. It had been a long and busy night and she...
Group SexDazzling babe Blair Williams needs a favor from her roommate Mike. She needs to borrow a little money. Mike is reticent about lending her money again. Since she didn’t pay him back last time. She offers him a deal he can’t refuse. She is going to give him an amazing blowjob in exchange. Mike gladly accepts the offer. Blair begins to swallow his throbbing cock all the way to the back of her throat. Even going down and sucking on his balls. She then gets on her knees and strokes his...
xmoviesforyouPeople who know me will know that I'm a regular customer of that so-called famous waxing salon in town. Every month I will go there for my Brazilian waxing. I'm well known for being a bitch if I don't get service that is up to my standard. Unfortunately the time of the month to get my regular wax so I am extra bitchy and horny as hell; I arrived at the salon 10 minutes before my appointment. The moment I stepped into the salon, she caught my eyes. Standing around 5' '10 tall, medium-build with...
The birlinn pulled up to the shore and two MacRae clansmen jumped out and pulled it tight to the shore. James alit on ground and walked straight to Dunollie Castle, wasting no time in unloading the bodies. The guard opened the door before he made it to it and walked in. ‘Who’s in charge?’ was all he shouted out in the hall. Andrew’s youngest brother, Malcolm, shouted from the second floor. ‘I’m in charge, MacRae,’ and continued down the stairs. When Malcolm had descended the stairs and stood...
I don't need reminding I'm different from the other kids, but they do it anyway, eroding my self-confidence like waves pounding the headland. Sure I wear black jeans, trench coat and eyeliner. Docs, not Converse. Trivium on my playlist over Bieber or Swift. But so what? Dad understands. Says I should live each day in the moment. Carve a niche in the world and to hell with what others think. Mum would have hated such spontaneity. The dark irony being the day she deviated from habit, Travis...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThis is my first story everyone so bare with me! My names Will I’m 18 and I’m about 5’8 quite broad shouldered and full of muscle…not that has anything to do with what I’m about to tell you! A few years ago me and my friends used to go into the woods and get drunk! It was like an outdoor party! We had a special spot under a motorway bridge which we reffered to as ‘the bridge’ which was right outside a golf course, but ill tell you about that later. After a few weeks more and more people...
It was early Sunday morning, and I had been sitting in a local coffee shop reading the newspaper when Crystal came in. In the three years I had known her, we had become close friends, so I eagerly invited her to sit an chat. Eventually, however, the conversation turned to the subject she had avoided for all three years of our friendship. ‘There’s something I’ve been wondering…’ I knew what this was about, and simply got to the point. ‘The gloves, right?’ Crystal’s eyes widened, then...
This is a nice incident as per the writer who happens to be my chat friend I enjoyed the same and so with his permission uploading the same. It’s a big story so sending parts Well Smita as I am writing this found really interesting in doing the same for you. I am from Bangalore but working here and I stay alone for the past 4 years. My parents are telling me to get married but I prefer staying alone, as I love enjoying staying alone. I did have sex with 2 other gals. But everything with others...
Testing Mom’s Will PowerBy ReebThe summer of 2011 started out as the hottest ever of my seventeen years of life so far. We live in a rural Pennsylvania community so the summers can be very hot and humid but I am referring to the intense sexual heat created by my raging teenage hormones. At this age, all I can think about is having sex and in my case lately, with the most beautiful woman in my world, my mom.I cannot help myself as I feel the strong need to masturbate numerous times a day, at...
IncestAdam: I was face-to-face with Amy's wonderful pussy again licking along her tight little slit sensing the wetness that lay so abundantly just inside. Oh, I loved this. As I probed her with my tongue, I could feel her thigh muscles tense each time I entered her and she also gave a little harder suck to my blissful cock. I liked Amy being over me, maybe she was the dominant one and I'm subordinate. Or maybe I just like the woman making love to me. She now had my dick completely out of her...
Alice I smiled at my husband as I sat up in the bath, the soapy water cascading off my big, wonderful, soft titties. My husband had a stern look on his face as he stood in the door of the bathroom. He was handsome, if a little nerdy, but I loved him so much. He was the bestest husband in the world because he invented the bimbo serum. "Do I need to be punished?" I asked. I had been so naughty. I fucked so many Black police officers today. But they all needed my help. My sexy, bimbo body...
Light Buji Aur Mila Muaka Hi to all.Sab se pahle to ISS kao thanks bol na chahunga jisne meri pehli story sabmit ki aur muje bhahut sare mail mile.Aur me un logo ko bhi thanks bol na chahunga jisne muje mail kiye aur bate ki.Ab me bore nahi karunga aur sidhe story pe ata hu. Mera nam satish he aur me gujarat ka rahne vala hu.Me dikhne me bhahut achha hu.Aur jim bhi jata hu.Me bhahut gora nahi hu but kala bhi nahi hu.Aur ha meri body esi he ki koi bhi muj par fida ho jaye.Agar kisiko mujse chat...
All of our forces had lined up in ranks, five across, in front of the opening leading further underground. There weren’t as many as I’d hoped, between the injuries and those left to guard our rear. The soldiers themselves seemed tense, as though their numbers were weighing on their minds as well. We’d been subjected to hours of stress punctuated by periods of intense combat; though the Wardens faced the worst of the fighting, it had to be affecting the soldiers, many of whom were probably...
My hands shake with nerves as I- and everyone else in the vast room- watch the action unfolding on the television with baited breath. "Come on," I whisper. "I know you can do it..." "The winner," the blonde TV presenter announces in her refined northern accent, "of Strictly Come Dancing 2015 is..." A long, agonising pause fills the room as everyone holds their breath, waiting for the inevitable announcement. "...Hannah and Robin!" the presenter says in a happy voice, prompting...
Lying curled up in my bed just before the dawn, I drifted in and out of a state of wakefulness and hazy dreams. Hovering between one state and another I could feel something of myself slip from my body, drawing softly away from the outline of my back. Gently it pulled, a warm shadow forming and echoing the lines of my body. I felt its slight tingle slide up from my ankles, slowly along the back of my calves. It seemed to linger for a moment behind my knees, exploring, then unhurriedly up my...
DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW!Fantasy is just that - fantasizing. I LOVE to fantasize!I make it a point to say, 'Yes Ma'am and No Ma'am and Yes Sir and No Sir'.But, in my mind, I add things.....'Yes ma'am I wanna eat your husband's cum dripping out of your pussy...'Or, 'No sir I wouldn't mind drinking your hot piss for you...'Things like that, or even much worse. ...
The flight from Heathrow to Newark was late; late enough that I missed my connecting flight to BWI and had to wait until after six pm for the “next available.” It was, after all, Christmas Eve. I was lucky to even get a seat. I called Marissa to give her the bad news. She took it in stride. “I’ll meet you at baggage claim, sweetie. Love you.” “Love you, too, babe.” Air kisses and I clicked off. I slept a little bit in the Presidents Club lounge, but an insistent buzzing from my phone finally...
Love StoriesNow Shannon, 22 years old, is the all around best girl. She's one of the most personable girls in her class and knows just about everyone since she was on the volleyball team as well as the honors society sorority. Shannon is about 5 foot 9, thin, with dark brown hair, green eyes, and that southern tan skin. She has an athletic body, perfectly sized C cup breasts, and the toned butt any girl would die for. With the semester coming to a close, Shannon's mother has been on her case about...
This story is actually very close to the real incident. Hope you enjoy. I knocked on the door. No response. Knocked again. “Coming” in a rather bold tone. It had been a long night. Indian weddings are like that. Energy sapping. However I was not drained. I was excited and nervous. The door opened in 2-3 mins. Felt like 2 hrs though. I saw this gorgeous girl who i had seen many times yet knowing what we are going to do she seemed more majestic – like a goddess. Priti is very tall for a girl...
Curiosity Cured By: Londebaaz Chohan“Natured or Nurtured”, the debate is still on and the jury has still not announced its verdict but, Arvind Kumar was not interested in all of the mess. The only thing, he knew was that he was soon going to be graduating from the high school and joining a college and wanted to experience it before then. He had faked every possible move; the high school boys do but nothing had soothed him. He had a girlfriend, just short of fucking her like most of his groupies...
Sleeping Beauties By Michele Nylons Chapter One - The Bride Wore White Author's Note: Penelope Bishop first appeared in my story 'Cop Town Girl'. This saga stands on its own but if you want to read about Penelope's past, the story is available for your perusal. I hope you enjoy this thriller. Penelope Bishop woke up to the ringing of her cell phone, her head groggy; to her it sounded like Quasimodo was ringing the bells of Notre Dame Cathedral inside her head. "Fuck!" ...
They parted, each to her own vehicle. Alaina shoved her wallet into her school bag. If I’d known I was going shopping, I would’ve brought my hoodie so I had a pocket. Or at least a smaller bag. I hate having to bring this giant thing in with me. The mildly-annoyed girl saw a light blinking on her phone. Probably just Ay. She checked her messages. Handsome Asshole: Hey, everything okay? Handsome Asshole: You need help? Handsome Asshole: Alaina? Ay: ur bf is soo cute when hes worried abt u...
How I managed to drive home safely that night, I’ll never know. I tried to focus on the road, but my thoughts kept coming back to the fucking Dan had given me. The soreness in my ass didn’t help. Nor did the trickle of moisture I felt between my legs, which I assumed was cum leaking out of my hole.I guess was bothered me the most was the feeling that Dan had, well, taken me. I had gone into the cabana knowing something sexual would occur, but I had expected to get another blow job, maybe, or...
BisexualMein Name ist Marcel. Zu beginn der Geschichte, die ich erzählen will, war ich gerade 18 Jahre alt geworden. Aufgewachsen bin ich in einem kleinen verschlafenen Dorf nicht weit von der Nordseeküste. Hier war echt gar nichts los und auch mit Mädchen hatte ich in dieser Einöde leider noch keine großen Erfahrungen machen können. Nachdem ich nach einer Ehrenrunde endlich meine mittlere Reife gemacht hatte, hatte es irgendwann auch mit einem Ausbildungsplatz geklappt. Es handelte sich um eine...
Nerves, worry? Not quite worry, but nerves, yes. This meant a great deal to me. I needed this opportunity, this chance. A chance I had been waiting for, a chance that came across only once in a while. The first couple of years had been hard, long hours, plenty of shoe leather, leaflet drops, business cards, meeting, and telephones. Yes, two years of hard work, long hours. Sure, I had you full and total support, for which I was and always will be grateful. Tonight, we were hosting a dinner, a...
Angel sighed deeply, her mouth slightly pursed as the air pushed out over her lips. She had been preparing for this for so long, and now it was so much that she could barely restrain herself. Tom was behind her, leaning against the club wall, his arms wrapped around her as he kissed the back of her neck. His teeth on the soft skin of her neck, his breath on her scalp, was all nearly drowned in the sensation of his cock head rhythmically stabbing deep into her vagina. On and off all night he...
Pat Clancy did not usually watch ISN, but his father happened to be home, and his father was a big fan of the local college team. Pat was in an extended rebellious stage, at the point that many kids left at about fourteen or fifteen. Being a freshman at the U, though, he was savvy enough to realize that some minimum amount of acquiescence went a long ways to getting him the things he wanted from his indulgent parents with the least hassle. Pat had his basketball scholarship, and that had...
I am a final year engineering student.Dad is working in private company, mom is a housewife and my elder sisters renu, Subha got married. Like all the boys I too have fond of interest in sex. I used to watch porn movies in my friends home from 12th standard itself. Till now I have seduced many girls and aunties and fucked them. Since this is my first story I’ll explain that later. From my childhood onwards my sis subha only used to take care of me she used to bath me she used to feed me etc...
IncestDAY 4 It was a gray, rainy day when the three woke up… cool and damp. A good day for indoor games! I had gotten up before My two lazy subbies, and had already showered and was standing at the door to the bedroom wearing just My pajama bottoms. I walked up to side of the bed and looked over My two beautiful girls and smiled. It seemed a shame to have to wake them. But there was work to be done and subbies to be trained, so I leaned over My pet and softly kissed her cheek. She roused slowly,...