Adult Empire Latin
- 1 year ago
- 22
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Thick fog rolled through the apartment, obscuring sight, and sound, and scent, and taste, and touch. Numbing his flesh until all that remained was a yawning precipice. He chair teetered on the edge of that cliff, poised at the breathless moment before plummeting to previously unimaginable depths. But no matter what he did, or how he struggled to move, he could neither lean forward and embrace death nor scuttle backward to firmer ground. And so he remained, caught on the axis of time, trapped between moments, waiting.
By mid-afternoon the fog had cleared, leaving only emptiness in its wake. A hollow shell numbly descended stairs, opened a door, sat in a chair, put fingers to keyboard. Steps without counting, heartbeats without existence, time without record. Beneath him the chasm beckoned, waiting.
His phone chimed. It was a message from no one. He stared at it, understanding nothing.
“Meet me at the rock.”
He stood and tried to take a step. But he no longer knew where he was going, and his feet refused to move.
Much later, in a long-dead universe, he discovered her there. Watching ducks bob and paddle through the weeds that threatened the shore. He sat, studying the fabric of her light summer dress as it rippled in the breeze. He tried to listen, but he didn’t understand what it was telling him.
“I was beginning to wonder if you’d ever come. I’ve been waiting.”
The sun’s too bright. There should be clouds. Today is a cloudy day. I’m sure of it. So where are the clouds?
“I’m sorry I walked away.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. I should have stayed.”
“I don’t know.”
“So why are we here?”
“Because I should have said something.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know.”
“So why are we here?”
“You just asked that.”
“I remember.”
“Because we should be here?”
“Because I want to be here.”
“Oh.” He paused, trying but failing to taste the flow of time, to see the scent of flowers, to smell the caress of a lover. “I do too.”
“So why aren’t you here?”
Her fingers crept around his, listening for the sound of sunlight. Their hands whispered to each other. He kept searching for clouds, wondering why he couldn’t hear them, waiting for her to tell him why there weren’t any clouds.
“What you want me to say, or what you don’t want me to say ... I’m going to say something else instead.”
“No, it’s not. You deserve an answer. You’ll get one, eventually. But I don’t ... I can’t ... right now.”
“You don’t have to answer. I didn’t ask a question.”
“Yes you did.”
“You still don’t have to answer.”
“Not answering is an answer.”
“That’s true.”
“Can we talk about something else, or does everything need to wait until I have one?”
“We can talk about anything else.”
“Are we still friends?”
“Yes, of course. Always, I hope.”
“Are we still lovers?”
“Do you want to be?”
“Yes, absolutely. Very, very much.”
“Then yes. I want that as well.”
“Is this going to make everything more difficult?”
“I don’t know. I think that depends on you.”
“Why just me?”
“My feelings haven’t changed.”
“Haven’t they?”
The precipice collapsed. Gravity rediscovered its will. His chair tumbled into the abyss, smashed to bits on a towering pile of discarded fear. For the first time in so very many years ... all those wasted decades since he’d lost her ... he felt her hand. She was still holding on. Still clinging to a sound, still tasting his memory. Beneath him was a strong foundation of rock. He listened to its solidity until clamor and chaos receded into silence.
It’s such a lovely day. When did the sun come out?
“No. They won’t. They couldn’t. Not ever.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m sorry. I guess I went away for a while. But now I’m back.”
She leaned against his shoulder, sighing with relief. “I’m glad. I missed you.”
“Me too.”
Her head was on his lap. She was looking up at him, her irises a vivid melange of their inherent rainforest canopy and reflected cobalt sky. He was looking down at her, fascinated by long strands of sunset-hued hair as they passed through the comb of his fingertips.
“I’ve thought about your proposal, and I accept. I’d like to do something in the city. With you. A date, if you want to call it that. But it has to be on my terms.”
“Whatever you need. Do you want me to... ?”
“I’ve already made plans.”
“You have? Should I be worried or excited?”
With a mysterious smile, she replied, “Probably both.”
Kathryn’s tongue ran up and down the sides of his cock, eagerly consuming a milky coating of their mingled emissions. She’d taken him with an urgent ferocity akin to Irina’s aggressive pounding, crying out his name at every peak, and he’d responded by flooding her cunt with waves of pent-up seed. When she was done cleaning his manhood, she twisted around and opened the nightstand drawer. Her hand reappeared, shining with lubrication that she impatiently transferred to his rigid staff. Her eyes were closed as she straddled him, positioning his rod at the entrance to her ass and slowly impaling herself, grunting as he breached her anus, moaning as he sank into the clinging depths of her nether channel, shuddering as she came.
Luke braced himself against the shower wall, groaning with ecstasy. Water coursed down his back. Kathryn’s fingers gripped his buttocks, prying them apart so her tongue could plunge in and out of his dark hole. He trembled on the very edge of release, but she refused to touch his cock. Every time he tried to take matters into his own hands, she batted them away.
Her breathing slowed. Splayed limbs revealed the ejaculate seeping from both orifices, though his final load — the one he’d delivered straight across her tongue — had long since disappeared down her throat. He watched her for a while, love and desire swelling his heart, then reached down to pull a crumpled, sweat-stained sheet over their naked bodies. Piece by piece, moment by moment, he unspooled the events of the day until he was back at the precipice, peering over the edge, curiosity once again giving way to anxiety and surrendering to fear.
I’ll keep waiting.
When a second consecutive dawn arrived without the blissful feeling of her lips around her shaft, he resolved to make up for the previous day’s failure and offer his own enthusiastic oral tribute. But when he opened his eyes, he discovered that he was alone. Confused, he sat up and called her name. No answer. I guess she had something to do. He was trying to decide between a run and a shower when she came bounding up the stairs, casually dressed and full of energy.
“Good morning! I know, I know, I broke the promise I swore I wouldn’t break. Don’t worry, your reward is coming. And yes, that pun was intentional. Right now, though, I need you to shower and pack an overnight bag.”
A little overwhelmed by so much infectious enthusiasm so early in the morning, Luke rose from the bed. “Where are we going?”
“To the city. We have a date, remember?”
“I do, but I didn’t realize it was going to begin at sunrise. What should I bring? Do I need a suit and tie or anything like that?”
“No. Hot casual.”
“I swear I will never understand how women categorize clothes. What does that even mean?”
“Dress casually. Look hot. It’s really not that complicated.”
“Yeah, that definitely clears it right up. Let’s try this: what are you going to wear?”
“Just this for now. Later, something that will melt your brain and work its way lower. Don’t try to compete with it; I’ll be wearing it for you, not me. Just stick with hot casual. Either way, you’re going to get laid.”
“You said it’s overnight. Just so I don’t start packing unnecessary toiletries, can you at least tell me where we’re staying?”
“ ... your place.” He took note of her brief hesitation, and wondered at the reason.
“Don’t tell me it needs cleaning. I judged you far too anal-retentive to leave a dirty apartment.”
Laughing, he shot back, “I’m choosing to take that as a compliment. No, it’s clean. I have cleaners, and they were there a few days after I moved out here. Though it’s probably a little stuffy.”
“I’m not worried about it. Later on, it’s not going to matter.”
“What does that mean?”
“Fewer questions. More showering.”
“It’s not much, but it’s all mine.”
She looked around, her eyes twinkling. “Manly. So very, very manly.”
“Admittedly, the aesthetic is a bit minimalist.”
“The aesthetic is ‘I refuse to make any sort of artistic statement with my apartment so that no woman with actual taste will want to spend time anywhere but in my bed.’ Is that what you were going for? Well done, if so.”
“If you’re still here tomorrow morning, I guess we’ll find out. First, let me open a window and air out the smoke from that sick burn.”,
Moments after they dropped their bags to the floor their clothes followed. Kathryn sank to her knees, noisily slurping on his cock. Noticing his enraptured stare, she pulled free, purring in her sultriest voice purred, “Is this what you imagined me doing the night we met?”
“I may have pictured it one or five hundred times, yes. For what it’s worth, nothing I imagined comes close to the perfection of the real thing.”
“Oh, you poor young man. Your wrist must have been so tired.” Her mouth descended, driving him hard and fast towards release. The tension in his loins crescendoed, but she backed away before he could come.
“Luke, I’m going to be a little evil to you today. I promise that, if you do as I ask, it will be well worth a few hours of suffering. I want to start by doing all sorts of deliciously naughty things with you on your bed — right where you hoped I’d be all those weeks ago — but here’s the catch: I don’t want you to come. If at any point you can’t help it, then go ahead; this isn’t like when I was submitting to you, and none of my plans for later are going to change if you do. But I’d like you to be boiling with unresolved sexual tension tonight. Do you think you can manage that?”
“Is this what you meant by ‘on your terms’?”
“It’s ... part of it.”
Still mysterious. “Well, I’ll try, but that’s all I can promise. It would help if you were less arousing than usual.”
“Request denied.” With a wicked smile, she pulled him between her wide-open legs, guiding his rampant shaft into her drenched tunnel. “Ohhhh god, just like that. Fuck me, Luke. Fuck me hard. Fuck me so hard. But whatever you do, don’t come. Please, lover, just hold on. I promise it will all be worth it.”
Four hours later he was gasping for air, his face (literally) and his balls (metaphorically) turning purple from the number of times he’d had to strain to hold back his release. Kathryn was in the bathroom, rummaging through his cabinets and drawers.
“Do you need something?”
“Nope, I found exactly what I was looking for. Come join me in the shower.”
He entered to find the water already running. To be honest, I was kinda hoping for cold. But I guess hot will do. The bigger problem, however, is that she’s here with me. Indeed, the moment the door closed she was back on her knees with his spear buried in her sucking mouth.
“Kathryn, you’re going to kill me. Seriously. I’m about two minutes from a cataclysmic release I won’t be able to stop.”
“Okay, okay. But you were leaking a little bit, and since denying you means I haven’t gotten any for myself, it was too delicious to pass up. Could you do me a favor and turn off the water for a while?” She stayed on her knees, producing a can of shaving cream and a razor. With a dangerous glint in her eyes, she asked, “Do you trust me?”
“I do, but to be honest I’m disinclined to argue with anyone holding a blade so close to my dangly bits.”
“Then I doubt I’ll hear any arguments until I’m done, because it’s about to get a lot closer.” Filling her hand with cream, she slathered it over his testicles and the base of his shaft, working the rest between his thighs and buttocks. With almost surgical precision, she began shaving him. “Relax,” she said as he fought the urge to quaver or shrink away whenever she approached his scrotum, “I’ve done this before. Quite a few times, actually. Don’t worry, you’re in safe hands.” She was humming while she worked, though his eyes widened when he realized just what she was humming: “Cuts Like a Knife” by Bryan Adams.
“Could you, uh, maybe pick a different tune?”
Though she didn’t look away from his sensitive areas, she grinned as she offered a few alternatives. “‘Mack the Knife?’ Or maybe you’d prefer selections from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre soundtrack?”
Oh god, oh god, oh god...
When she was finished, front and back, he showered, rinsed, and inspected her work. It was a far cleaner job than he could ever have managed on his own, and he wondered if he could get away with asking her to do it again. She, in turn, watched carefully as — at her insistence — he practiced his own facial blade-work in front of the mirror, pointing out a few small patches that he’d missed. He didn’t know why she was suddenly so invested in his personal grooming, nor why she was insisting that he be freshly shaved, but before he could ask she disappeared into the bedroom, ordering him not to peek while she got dressed for dinner.
She was, as ever, well worth the wait. Her outrageously revealing charcoal-colored dress either clung to or highlighted every single one of her curves, including a tremendous expanse of cleavage and an open back that descended dangerously close to the swell of her buttocks. Even her hair looked wilder than usual. It was a dress designed for after hours, and in concert with the hair and the naked eroticism that forever radiated from her exquisite body, rather strongly suggested someone who’d just experienced hours of raw, uninhibited sex and was looking for more. Which, of course, she had, and was. Luke was in danger of failing his promise not to come just from looking at her.
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Mind ControlOver the next few weeks, I almost enjoyed my time on the island. Mr Foster was back to his old self towards me - kind and considerate - and I spent most nights sharing a bed with him. He couldn't seem to get enough of his new 'toys' as I began to think of my silicon enhanced breasts and the sex we enjoyed together was 'normal', not 'kinky'. And, of course, I had the daily fun of changing the dressing on Haga's injured left hand. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" he asked...
Hours later, I woke up to early morning sun. We had shifted around in the night, and Alex was behind me, his left arm under my neck, his right draped across my stomach. It was a nice way to awaken. His slow breathing told me he was still asleep, and the pale light in the room told me most of the city probably still did too. I replayed the previous night in my mind, reliving the incredible sex and considering again what a whirlwind the previous weeks had been. I felt so lucky and...
Magus shouted, “Claudia!” There was no answer. Magus hit his forehead with the palm of his hand about the same time that Stephen shouted, “She’s on her honeymoon.” “I keep forgetting that she’s on her honeymoon,” Magus mumbled. “Titus!” “What?” Stephen yelled. “You get the next client!” Magus yelled. “Okay!” Stephen yelled. A portly man walked into Stephen’s office. The top of his head was completely bald, but he had full hair around the sides. He sat down and folded his hands across...
Hey guys and girls… Its Ramneesh again, with new story… I’m not going into my personal details. If you feel to make friendship with me, go drop me a mail to Here is an experience that i had when i met one of my facebook friends for the first time. That day, I was on the way to Chennai from Kerala after my semester vacation. I was travelling alone that day because all my friends left for Chennai 2 days earlier than me. I was feeling bit bored. There was only an old couple who were siting near...
Saturday, April 9, 2005 Saturday morning I woke up feeling energetic and decided that I wanted to go for a run. It felt like I wanted to burn off some energy, although it seemed that I could run without using ANY energy. Despite the impossible physics, not playing soccer while my arm was healing meant I didn't get enough running around, and I felt like it this morning. It was about the time we normally get up for school, so I lightly tapped on the girls' door in case they were asleep....
It was a hot night in Myrtle Beach but that did not stop me from wanting to dance. After a day lying on the beach and swimming and looking at all that man meat, I was ready for some f-u-n and hoping to get laid. It had been month's since I had a cock and I was so horny looking at all that oiled man candy. I had found the ideal outfit while cruising along the Boardwalk shops; a satin-like tank top and matching running short set in a bright aquamarine color that made my sun-bronzed skin seem to...
Brad Halstead had never heard of the band Fountains of Wayne, but when he heard their song “Stacey’s Mom” playing in his teenage daughter’s bedroom memories of a wonderful time in his life flooded back.About fifteen years ago Stacey Keen was his best friend. There weren’t many kids their age that lived close by, so they gravitated together much of the time. She was something of a tomboy and they played around the neighborhood together in the long, hot summers of their late teenage years....
Straight SexThey say that University is the best time in your life to experiment and push the boundaries. I left Uni earlier this year and can safely say that I made the most of that experimentation. Of course, learning about life isn’t just about sex, but to neglect that aspect would have been a missed opportunity.Having now left, I realise that I have changed and take a different view of my relationships, but during that time I was fairly wild, if not a little promiscuous, although that’s for others to...
Group SexHi I Am 19 m uk, 6 ft 2 , brown hair and muscular body .Recently I have been going through relationship problems with my girlfriend,We have Only Been Together for 4 months and we have been arguing for the past few weeks , Last Weekend Nicole Went Out To The Clubs With Her Mates , I stayed home because i was tired from work and wanted a night in , I wasnt happy with her going out but i couldnt cope with more arguing so she left in the taxi with her mates.Later That Night When I was Watching TV...
“Ok first, is your pool heated ?”, Michelle asked. “Yes, it is.”, I replied. “Are they on ?”, she giggled. “Yep, they are always on over the winter vacation, I use the pool a lot.”, I answered. “Good, we will swim later.”, she demanded. “Now, I think it’s time we get acquainted. “, Michelle stated, “Acquainted ?”, I asked. “Yes, it means get to know each other.”, she giggled. “I’m know what it means dumbass.”, I laughed. “Good now come over here and put your head in my lap.”,...
The white long sleeved blouse felt smooth against her skin and as she raised her hand to ring the bell, she experienced a moment of doubt. This was the day before her wedding and Jane had spent weeks preparing for her special day. Everything was in order, the flowers, the caterers, the reception, and that dress, it had all been meticulously planned and more than once she had considered throwing the whole thing in. Geoff didn’t seem too fussed over the preparations, no matter what she proposed...
LesbianThe lights flickered, then one computer system after another began to shut down. The engine of the anti-grav hover tank shut down and we slammed into the surface of the partially terraformed moon colony. Somewhere out there was a rebel base. Then the oxygen generators shut down and we REALLY knew we were in trouble. Michelle, Frankie and me (Jake) had launched from the cargo lander an hour ago and given our search area. Rebel activity was light in this area, so four anti-grav tanks were...
Mature wife and her best friend (Elaine) went for a 10 day trip to Trinidad & Tobago, mainly Tobago though. They thought about relaxing, sun, sand, drinks on the beach to totally de-stress! First couple of days they did that, felt fantastic. On day 3 they met Anil, a tall young very black man (he joked that his relatives must have been from darkest Africa), he was fun to be around. Ladies enjoyed his energy, they travelled together to catch different sites and have some good laughs. Both...
Five loads from three different BBCs is still dripping out of my sissy cunt as I lay ass up writing this to post. It all started about two weeks ago, I’m living and working on a base in Africa now and the showers are communal. I get off work about midnight so by the time I hit the shower for bed its around 0130ish. Usually there is no one else in there at that time but about two weeks ago while I was getting out this amazing looking guy walked in, he was just wearing a towel and no shirt. He...
The Ceremony of Submission by Tegeli [Note: This story builds up from my stories 'The Phantasm in the Fog', 'A Self to Kill For' and 'The Warlock Tyrant'.] Bow to us, blunt brother of steel, heinous havoc here now repeal. Sew shut the flesh, restore the bone, heal your violence and then begone. -stave from a chant for mending musket wounds PART ONE - Patience of Primordial Mastery CHAPTER 1 The tall sorceress gave me a wide smile and squeezed my thigh, before she...
Mum's turn Well Beth and I have been together now for almost a year. We don't fuck all the times, only when we can be together at our grandparent's home or in the city. When she meets me at the house, we live like man and wife. She'll cook me dinner, then we have a lazy night together having sex on the lounge room floor, in bed or anywhere. Sometimes when she's at the kitchen sink I'll come up behind her, grab her around the waist and rub my stiff cock into her arse. She'll then say...
Earlier I had posted a story of having sex with Neha and Monica at amusement park. The adventure continued with more fun at Neha’s house once. This time it was a foursome sex between me, Neha, Monica and my friend Bharath. Now, Bharath is my best buddy. We used to study, play and enjoy together. We used to watch porn together sometimes and masturbated in front of each together. So we were comfortable seeing each other’s private parts (This no way means we are gays!). He got to know about the...
Melanie war niedergeschlagen, ihr Freund hatte mit ihr schluss gemacht und sie wusste nicht wieso. Sie hatte alles getan um ihn glücklich zu machen aber es war anscheinend nicht genug. Dabei war sie ein hübsches Mädchen lange blondee Haare eine schlanke Figur und hübsche C Körbchen. Sie hatte schon mehrere Tage geweint und war völlig fertig mit der Welt. Beim sinnlosen herumklicken auf Youtube waren ihr die Videos eines Life Coaches aufgefallen der positive Energie versprühte, es war das...
Mind ControlADVICE FOR ON THE CRUISE “I know you are going to have fun on the cruise. I know I will. For your own sake do not mention that you are going to be very rich at 21. In case someone brags about being rich say something like, ‘that must be nice for you’ and please don’t even hint that you will soon be richer than that. “In fact, if anyone asks about how someone so young could afford the cruise tell them this: Our parents wanted us to have a last fling between high school and college. They let...
Want to see some tiny chicks on huge dicks at Tiny 4K? In the world of pornography, bigger and better often mean smaller and tighter. Finding the most petite babes with the tiniest cunts has been an obsession of the industry since the very start. The end-user gets to live vicariously through the films, kung-fu grips on their dicks to simulate the feel of virgin poon. Tiny4k brings smut’s love of tiny sluts into the new millennium with 4K ultra-definition videos so crisp it’s like jerking off...
Top Premium Porn SitesMeri ma ka name shashi h,papa videsh me rahte h.Uska fig 36,30,32 h rang gora bat tab bi h jab m 20 ka tha aur ma 39 ki.M net par bht pahle se hi sex stories pada karta tha unme bi mujhe incest sex story pasand h.Ma ekdum bindas lady h nahate waqt peticot me nahate the aur gate bi band ni karte thi .Bahar bi boobs ko bina dhake a jati thi sali ko dekh kar lund khada ho jata tha.,sayad ma mujhe bacha samajhti thi.Rat ko m ma ke pas hi sota tha ekdum chipak kar sota tha,sali ko m buri tarah...