FidèleChapter 28 free porn video

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As he recovered from his third explosion deep in her eager throat, Luke’s mind nibbled on the chewy rind of a nagging but ripening guilt.

She’s been sucking me off for well over an hour, and by the look in her eyes I can tell we’re nowhere near done. We’ll get up to something kinky in the shower, have a little breakfast, and then we’ll be right back in bed. All the early signs of a day-long bacchanal are plain. Bill’s coming back on Thursday, so this is our last full and uninterrupted day of sex for at least a little while. I can tell that she doesn’t intend to waste a moment of it. Not that I mind, of course, but...

Kathryn was impatiently tugging on his cock, urging him to get up and join her in the bathroom. I’m so close to done with my work. In fact, I don’t actually need to be here to order wine. I could help her prepare the cellar for the new arrivals, leave the stocking of future deliveries to them, and call it a finished project. Except...

He groaned as she gave up on moving him from the bed and instead returned to noisily slurping on his shaft. Except that I don’t want to. Why would I? Being here, with her, like this ... it’s my own personal paradise. Still...

His next release was approaching far more quickly than he would’ve guessed, given that it was his fourth of the morning. As always, she parceled out the full measure of her limitless skill at need, and the timing and tenor of his peaks were entirely under her control. I’m marking time. Not wasting it, but between the sex and the irresolution, I’m outstaying my welcome in any number of ways. The next few days are going to be frustrating. Bill’s going to be here for a while, and while he is I have to work. But if I do, I’ll be closer to the end than ever. Still, I can’t delay and pretend forever. Sooner or later, I have to leave. But before that...

Lifting his hips from the bed, he poured another load of cream into her mouth.

We have to make a decision. I have to make a decision.

Finally acquiescing to her demands, he rose and allowed himself to be led towards the shower.

But I don’t want to.

If anything, his initial assessment of her sexual hunger understated its intensity and focus. They made love in the shower. Had frenetic sex on the bed. Urgently coupled with her bent over the table and the sofa, pressed against the wall, on the floor, holding on to the sides of the bathroom sink...

... and then she playfully dragged his naked body across the driveway, through the house, and onto the patio, where she fellated him poolside (while immersed in the pool), straddled him for reverse-cowgirl anal on a shaded deck chair, wrapped her legs around him while using the outdoor shower, and then — shattering one of her self-imposed boundaries — went back inside and laid herself across one end of the dining room table so he could feast on her dripping sex until his tongue ached. Back in the guesthouse they made gentle love, napped, fucked like animals, napped again, kissed like long-sundered lovers whose lips would never again part, ate, and then spent the rest of the evening pounding each other into exhaustion. Few words were spoken — none were needed, and only a handful were even possible amidst their urgent copulation — yet their absence loomed over the delirious abandonment of their rutting like an ominous storm cloud.

The next day began as a repeat of the previous, with Kathryn repeatedly sucking the very life from his turgid organ, but to his surprise she rejected his amorous advances in the shower. “Save your energy. I have plans.” A short while later, they were in her car. She brushed aside all his queries until they pulled into a forested glade. Signs indicated a small network of trails winding their way into the trees.

“Is this where you came with your therapist?” he asked as she handed him an overstuffed pack and shouldered one of her own. He could smell food, and by the weight he guessed that there was wine as well.

“Yes. In fact, we’re going to do the same walk. And when we’re done, you too will be able to say you came here with me.”

“Not that I object to any of your plans, but why?”

“Luke,” she admonished with a sultry wink, “if you don’t know by now...”

“Stop looking around.”

“It’s just ... I mean, I don’t want to be a prude or anything, but this is really exposed, and...”

“Shut up. Give me ... oh Jesus that feels good.” Luke was somewhat less than smoothly slotting her drenched cunt, pinning her against a large oak that did little to hide them from someone approaching from any direction save directly opposite the tree’s thick trunk, but aside from a pair of open zippers and a hasty rearrangement of their undergarments, they were still fully clothed. Unfortunately, it did little to reduce his anxiety.

“What if... ?”

“You worry too much,” she grunted.

“I’m cool with outdoor sex, but I’m not an exhibitionist,” he hissed.

“I know you’re not. But have you paid attention to my bikinis? Have you noticed how I dress for certain formal events?”

His lust flamed at the memory. “Um, yeah.”


“And you are. I get it. But...”

“Be quiet and concentrate on how this feels. The sooner we both come, the sooner you can get back to your Victorian modesty.”

The crunch of a heavy boot crushing fallen twigs caused Luke to freeze in place. Kathryn stared at him, silently demanding that he continue, but he was too panicked to move. She pulsed her vaginal muscles a few times, but when she was unable to rouse him out of motionless, she sighed and carefully reversed their positions, pushing him against the tree and taking up a rolling, grinding motion of her own. Slack-jawed at her brazen audacity, he leaned as close to her ear as possible and whispered, “Even if they can’t see us — and that seems unlikely, given the way your hair’s swinging around — they can certainly hear us.”

“So?” she shrugged, sighing with pleasure and pumping with greater urgency. “Let them hear.”


“Hold on. I’m almost there,” she whispered. Slamming her lips against his, she plunged her tongue into his mouth and convulsed in orgasm. Her groans, though muffled, were most definitely audible. The presence of their as yet unidentified voyeur had indefinitely delayed his own peak, though he remained erect. After a few moments to catch her breath, Kathryn quietly ended her impalement, dropped to her knees, gave his rod a thorough (and, to his ears, unnecessarily loud) slurp, and then stuffed his erection back into his shorts. Deftly rearranging her own clothing, she took his hand and stepped from behind the tree to greet their audience, forcefully dragging him with her. He was painfully aware that his unsated arousal would be visible to their unknown audience, and the thought itself caused him to deflate.

An older man, his skin bronzed and wrinkled from decades under the sun, peered at them from beneath a weather-stained hat. His well-worn hiking clothes showed signs of extensive use. If he was surprised by their current tableau (or what preceded it), he showed no sign, though his brief glance at Luke was followed by a much more careful and entirely uninhibited study of Kathryn’s irrepressible curves. “Sorry to disturb you folks,” he offered in a gravelly voice. “I thought I heard a cry for help. By the time I got close enough to learn the truth of it ... well, it didn’t seem like you required my assistance,” he added with a wink. “I’m still here because I didn’t want to startle you.”

Luke reddened, still too taken aback to speak, but Kathryn smiled as she teased him in return. “I’m not so sure I believe you. I think you waited around for a completely different reason.” Luke’s shock at her brazenness only increased.

“Okay, you caught me,” he responded, still showing no sign of embarrassment. His voice turned wistful as he continued, “It’s been far too many years since ... well, it’s been a long while. But don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. There was even a time it might’ve been me on the other side of that tree. Anyway, I’ll take my leave and let you two get back to it, if you like.”

Letting go of Luke’s hand, Kathryn closed the distance between herself and the man, resting a hand on his shoulder and studying his wizened features. Despite his earlier equanimity, even he couldn’t keep his eyes from widening at the proximity of someone so beautiful ... especially when she released her hold on his shoulder and stroked her fingers down his chest, stopping just below his ribcage before breaking contact. “I’m sure she enjoyed it as much as I did,” she said, startling both men by giving him a tender kiss on the cheek.

With a satisfied grin, he turned and walked away at a surprisingly jaunty pace. “I don’t recall any complaints,” he called as he disappeared around a corner.

“Are you ever going to move from that spot, or am I going to have to call a rescue team to extract you from the forest?” She was still staring at the place where they’d lost sight of their voyeur, and though her words were light, there was an obvious undertone of gentle mockery.

“I’ll be okay once I get over my disbelief. For one thing, I’m clearly not cut out for public sex. And for another, I was beginning to think you were about to give him a handjob or something.”

“I definitely thought about it.”

It took Luke a few moments to process her entirely unexpected answer. “You ... wait, what? You did?”

“Of course. Luke,” she countered, turning to face him, “I always think about it. I almost never do it, and in fact it’s been a long time since the word ‘almost’ belonged in that phrase, but things have changed and the old rules don’t necessarily apply anymore. You’re why they don’t, remember? Why is it so hard for you to see that?”

“I...” Whatever counterargument he’d been about to muster, it died on his lips. With a resigned sigh, he admitted, “I guess by now I should know better than to be surprised, but I am. It’s just ... I mean, you didn’t even know his name. For all you know, he could’ve been a serial killer. I’m so far out of my comfort zone that I can’t even begin to think about how I feel about any of this.”

Her brow furrowed. “Luke, sit. We need to have a conversation.”

“In the course of human history, nothing good has ever followed a woman telling a man that ‘we need to talk,’” he muttered as he looked for a comfortable place to sit, shrugged, and propped himself against the tree they’d been using for concealment.

“Then let this be the first,” she said, sitting directly in front of him and hugging her knees to her chest. “I want you to start by being completely honest with me. How long after we met did you decide that, should the opportunity present itself, you’d sleep with me?”

“What’s the shortest measurable unit of time?”

“Be serious.”

“I am. Because the answer’s ‘sooner than that.’ There was never a shred of doubt that I wanted to. It was completely obvious, at least to me, that a premature or clumsy ‘move’ would end in disaster, but an actual opportunity never seemed to present itself. Nevertheless, while my reasons for wanting to grew exponentially over the course of our conversation, they were there from the start.”

“Well, thank you. I wasn’t quite as horny as you, I guess,” she teased as he blushed. “I didn’t commit to the desire until the evening was closer to its end, which is why I disappeared into the night before it could happen. Anyway, I’ve explained all of that before. Once you came out to the lake, though, how long did it take for me to initiate sex with you?”

“About a week and a half, depending on...”

“No need to delve into definitional minutiae. I remember what happened, and you’re correct. You arrived on a Monday, and starting the following Wednesday the barriers fell — though the Champagne unquestionably helped — and we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Now: how long did it take me to invite Wendy to join us?”

“I have no idea. You hinted that you also found her attractive from the start, but...”

“Never mind,” she said, cutting him off, “that was an unfair question. You weren’t in my head, so you’d have no way of knowing. The answer is that the time from the moment you confessed your love to the moment I picked up the phone to set up both the date and its aftermath was a matter of hours, at most. Think about that while I move on to the next question: how long did it take you to talk me into hooking up with Alejandro?”

“Fifteen minutes or so? I’d been thinking about it for a few days, long before I was consciously aware of that particular opportunity, but...”

“That doesn’t matter. This isn’t really about you, it’s about me and the duration of my sexual decision-making. Fifteen minutes sounds about right, though you should probably add the delay while the two of you debated and schemed until it turned into a threesome, because I also dithered and changed my mind during that time. Finally, how long did it take me to agree when Alejandro proposed that Faith join us?”

“I think you said yes before he’d even finished asking.”

“Exactly. So, once I decided to abandon my vows and male that first terrifying leap into your pants, everything that followed came more easily and with less hesitation. I never even considered saying no to Faith. How much or often did I hold back that weekend? Even though you know it was full of firsts and moments that required absolute trust, did I say no to anything of actual consequence? I slowed you and Alejandro down a few times when your enthusiasm threatened to cause me excessive pain, but I never stopped you, and I was never inclined to. Do you understand where I’m going with this?”

“Your resistance gives way more quickly with every passing day.”

“Yes, but it’s much more than that. First of all, it’s not about resistance; it’s about the gap between what I want to do and what I think I should do. The person you met — the woman who wouldn’t just follow you back to your apartment, no matter how interested she was in doing just that — isn’t who I really am. It never has been. This is. And, as I keep explaining, you’re bringing it out of me. More accurately, you’re returning me to who I was all along. Who I really want to be.”

He considered this for a while. “Still, you weren’t actually thinking about having sex with that guy, were you?” His incredulity remained palpable.

“Well, you’re right about one thing: we didn’t know his name or anything about him. And you’re also correct that he could’ve been a creep, or worse. He wasn’t, but he could’ve been. No, I wouldn’t have had penetrative sex with him, but I was very close to ... look, dear, I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, or doubt for one second just how much I love you, but I’ve always been especially attracted to older men. Always. And yes, for better or worse I’m sure that’s yet another hardwired artifact of my past. Anyway, I was already turned on because of what we were doing, where we were doing it, and the knowledge that we’d been discovered, and I admit that I was was a little more turned on once I got a look at him. But what really got to me was the sadness in in eyes. It’s pretty clear that he had a wife, that he lost her years ago, and I don’t think he was lying when he said it’d been a long time since he’d experienced sex of any kind. You accused me of wanting to give him a handjob, right?”

“I didn’t accuse you, I was just...”

“I accept the correction. But the fact is that that’s exactly what I was thinking about doing. Very little risk to me, you, or him. Just something I’m damned good at that would bring him a form of happiness he hadn’t experienced in a very long while.”

After a bout of incomprehensible stammering, Luke managed, “Would you have let him touch you as well?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. If he wanted to. Or if I encouraged him,” she added with a wink.

Luke was stunned by her answer. “You’re actually serious about this!”

“That I was thinking about it? Yes. I probably wouldn’t have. Even if I did, I might’ve just scared him off. And remember that we’re talking about a few seconds of idle erotic whimsy; it wasn’t like I had some elaborate plan or massive internal debate. It was a fleeting notion, at best, but I did have it.”

“So what stopped you?”

Her expression hardened. “Don’t be sarcastic. Luke, you have my heart, my love, and more of my sexuality than anyone has ever been granted, but you do not own my body!” The heat of her warning singed the air between them, and his face flushed as his pressurized jealousy turned to crushing shame at the realization of how he’d been simultaneously infantilizing her and taking his possession for granted. And yet, when he responded, it was in a rush of words that very quickly grew into a desperate confession of the true source of his anxiety.

“Kathryn, I’m sorry. You’re right. You’ve not only told me this is who you really are on more than one occasion, you’ve made it quite clear that this is very much an outgrowth of our relationship. It’s just that it’s so headlong. I feel like I’m being dragged behind a high-speed train every time we’re together. You talked Wendy into our bed. You maneuvered Irina into mine. We had sex with a famous photographer that you already knew, and an even more famous supermodel neither of us had even met. You wanted me to dominate you, and once I tried — even though you didn’t say it out loud — you wanted me to learn how to do it better. Which I did, but then your past resurfaced, and I’m still having trouble dealing with that. We’re here in the woods having public sex, some random stranger strolls by, and out of the complete blue you tell me that you’re thinking about stroking him off. Your husband’s about to come back for some indeterminate amount of time, which means I get to find out whether or not watching you and Alejandro together will actually help me deal with the two of you and the images crowding my head. Especially as you and I aren’t going to be together while he’s home. Meanwhile, I’m going to cook for the two of you, and while I’m looking forward to a day learning from Sevinay, I have to admit that the rest of it fills me with dread, because I’m always afraid that I’m going to say or do the wrong thing, or even just stare at you in an inappropriate way and ruin everything. Plus, hanging over all of that is the elephant, the mastodon, the prehistoric megalodon in the room: you know as well as I do that we’re a lot closer to the end of my stay than to the beginning. We still haven’t talked about us, and I have no idea when there’s going to be an opportunity. I just ... I’m sorry for dumping all that on you at once, but I don’t know who or where I am anymore. The only time I feel on solid ground is when I’m inside you, and now even that’s starting to feel unsteady. Does that make any sense at all?”

Tears moistened her eyes as she squirmed closer and planted herself on his lap, cradling his head against her soft breasts. She was silent for a time, but then, to his consternation, she started chuckling. When it became clear that she couldn’t control her mirth, he pulled his head away and shot her an annoyed look. This caused her to fall backward and laugh even harder. Eventually, she got herself more or less under control, though she was still staring up through waving leaves at the bright blue sky instead of looking at him.

“Wasn’t the megalodon some sort of shark?” she asked, amidst another fit of giggles.


“You said elephant, then you moved on to mastodon. I think what you wanted next on your list of traumatic metaphorical land mammals was a woolly mammoth.”

Despite his determination to remain confused and annoyed, he couldn’t help but join her in helpless laughter. Moments later he joined her on the ground, wrapping an arm around her waist as her stomach churned and heaved with merriment.

“I guess I jumped the shark.”

“That’s awful. You’re usually much cleverer than that. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

“You’re right, it really was. How can I make it up to you?”

“Well, I think we’re alone.” When he didn’t answer right away, she twisted inside his arm until her face was inches from his. Her hand cupped his crotch, feeling for his shaft.

“You’re not serious?”

“Just how many times are you going to ask me that, Luke?”


“I swear, if I knew how hard it was going to be for me to get laid this morning, I would’ve asked that nice older fellow to stick around.”

“By the way, I didn’t forget about your emotional distress.”

“Really? Because until you brought it up just now, I definitely did.”

“Awww, love, did I distract you?”

“You did. Three times. Though I’ll admit that I couldn’t stop listening for interlopers.”

“Yes, I noticed that you weren’t giving me your undivided attention. That’s something you will make up to me, but I suppose it’ll have to be later. I can see I’m not going to be treated to mind-bending sex while we’re out here. Not with you, at least.”

“Look, if you can track down the old dude, go ahead and go for it. Try not to give him an actual stroke, though.”

“Hilarious.” She punctuated her scolding by flicking a finger at his limp penis. It wasn’t a gentle flick, either, and he yelped at the sting.

“I’m serious,” he managed. “You’ve just about put me in the hospital a few times.”

“I know. It’s almost like my needs surpass those of everyone around me.” The comment hung in the air for a while, neither of them willing to drag it back to earth and crack open its threatening core. “Anyway, I wanted to assure you that everything you said before I distracted you with my ravenous appetites made perfect sense. What did you call it? A high-speed train? The truth is that it’s like that for me too. I feel it going faster and faster all the time. The primary difference is that you feel like I’m driving it, whereas I feel like you’re driving it. Maybe the real problem is that we’re driving it together, but neither of us has a hand on the wheel, knows where the brake is, or knows who’s going to reach for it first. If either of us ever will. Though I guess that’s what we have to talk about, isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” They lingered in uncomfortable silence for a few more minutes, then — by unspoken mutual agreement — rose, readjusted their clothing, gathered the remnants of their intra-coital picnic, and headed back to the car. They said little on the drive, and when they reached the entrance to the guesthouse she stopped, kissed him, and turned towards her house without a word of farewell. He watched with regret and the soon-to-be-fulfilled promise of loneliness as she passed within and closed the door behind her.

A few hours later, she returned to the apartment and trudged up the stairs, looking weary and apologetic. He’d given up attempting to work, because it caused him to obsess about its end. Instead, he read through some of the kinky homework provided by Michelle, though it eventually proved too arousing to finish. Silently, she stripped off all her clothes and joined him on the bed, snuggling tight against his topless form but making no amorous advances. I don’t suppose she will tonight. After all, Bill arrives tomorrow.

Many minutes of wordless mutual comfort later, she sighed and stirred. “I was going to make dinner as a sort of preemptive thank you for the one you’re going to make with Sev, but I don’t have the energy. Sorry.”

“It’s okay. I don’t mind cooking, though I don’t promise anything elaborate. Are you hungry right now?”

“Not so hungry that I’m willing to let go of you.”

“Okay.” They held each other a while longer. Eventually, she released him and rolled to her back.

“Does this mean you’re finally hungry?”

Her eyes remained closed, but her lips curled into a small smirk before she answered, “So hungry I could eat a woolly mammoth.”

In the end, no extinct Eliphantidae were sacrificed, for he found sufficient enthusiasm to assemble a semi-authentic salade Niçoise (replacing the preserved tuna with briefly seared slices of yellowfin) and a bottle of somewhat aged Tempier Bandol Rosé that didn’t seem to impress Kathryn as much as he’d hoped.

“I’m sorry if you don’t like the wine,” he finally offered by way of apology. “Should I open something else?”

“What? No, sorry. I do like it. My mind’s just ... elsewhere.” She took an absentminded sip, swallowed it without pausing to analyze or savor, and stared at the wall for a while before continuing. “Luke, are we okay?”

The urge to dissemble, deny, and defend was enormous, but he shunted it aside. We’re already out of time for anything but the truth. “I think we are ... I hope we are ... but we’ve had a pretty unusual week. Extreme highs, extreme lows, and everything in between. Nothing’s as easy as it was before. It’d be better if we had a little more emotional distance and time to talk through all of it, but...”

“ ... we don’t. I’m sorry about that, too.”

He shrugged, trying to ignore the thudding in his chest. Does she mean that she’s sorry Bill’s coming home? No, that’s a ridiculous thing for me to wish for. “Well, there’s nothing to be done about it.”

“Isn’t there?”

That’s the question, isn’t it? “I don’t think we have time for that conversation, either.”

“No, you’re right. We don’t. Not now. It’s just...” He waited for her to finish, but she was back to staring listlessly at the wall.

“It’s just what?” he urged.

“Your train analogy. I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s incomplete.”

“How so?”

She stood, transferring their plates and flatware to the sink, then approaching him from behind and put her hands on his shoulders. He crossed his arms to cover them with his own, but the tension in her grip was impossible to miss. “Because there’s another train traveling in the opposite direction. It’s nowhere near as fast or exciting as the one we’re on, but it’s both coming from and going to somewhere I’ve spent a lot of time. Somewhere familiar. Somewhere safe.” He chewed his lip, absorbing this distressing evolution of his idea, as she continued. “The thing is, though: calling it safe assumes it’s on a different track. It might not be. It might be on the same track. Which means it’s headed straight for us.”

To this, Luke had no good answer. Only the same old questions, their warning bells clanging louder and louder as their train raced towards an unknown destination, the choices and decisions that led to bliss or catastrophe as unclear as ever.

Luke was wearing boxers as a sort of prophylactic. Kathryn was, as usual, wearing nothing. They were once again entwined on the bed — under the covers this time — but as before there were no erotic gestures being made. I’m still aroused, though. How could I not be, with her? An unwelcome insight followed. This is another demonstration of why there’s no middle ground for us. No hedging our bets. No half-measures. There can’t be. She’ll always make me feel like this. If we can’t be together, we’ll have to be completely apart. Anything else will be impossible for me. At least for a very long while.

“I should go.”

“I understand. You’re welcome to stay, of course.” That sounded needy, even for me.

“I know. Thank you. I’d like to. I want to. I feel safe here. Happy. Content. And yes, I feel the other thing as well. I’m apologizing a lot tonight, but I’m still sorry. Anyway, I really do have to go.”


A few minutes later, they were both asleep, knotted against each other.

At some indefinite (to him) time of the night — he’d made a point of keeping visible clocks, including his phone, away from the bed — he struggled to semiconsciousness as she carefully extracted herself from his enveloping arms. With a sigh of regret, he rolled over and went back to sleep.

When both the sun and he arose, many hours later, he was alone. Only her scent and the memory of her touch remained.

He was doing Kathryn’s job — carting bottles from one rack to another and changing their entries in the cellar database — in yet another transparent attempt to avoid hastening the end of his own, when he received an unexpected text. Putting the house and myself back together. Will miss work today. Sorry. Feel free to give me a creative detention. Sev says 8 a.m. tomorrow. He was still staring at it, trying to extract whatever hope he could from the reference to detention, when a followup arrived. Love you.

He put down the bottle he was holding, replied with the same two words, sat on the floor, and stared at the wall, wondering for the thousandth time whether what he wanted or what he felt was right had a stronger hold on his conscience. Eventually, he accepted that he wasn’t going to get anything useful done in his current mood, changed into his workout gear, and went for a run along the lakeshore, pushing himself harder than usual in an effort to forget his troubles for a while. When he returned to the guesthouse, he was dripping with sweat. Bill’s car was in the driveway, and his troubles came rushing back.

Same as Fidèle
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Witch Chronicles 11The WarMiddle Game

It's finally done! The next part of my Witch Chronicles series. It's the largest part to date, almost twice as large as Part 9, the previous record holder. It's also closing in on the end. There'll be two more parts. Part 12 will cover the end of the war. Part 13 will be an aftermath, answering questions that weren't covered in previous installments with information the government doesn't have access to. The previous installments of this story line are republished under the...

3 years ago
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A Happy Homecoming

A picture is worth a thousand words Because of the scarcity of motor transport I had to take what was available at whatever time that would be, therefore I arrived at the transit unit’s air departure compound hours before I was scheduled to be there. An orderly came across from the little office and told me that the ‘plane readying for departure had a spare seat because some unfortunate squaddie had ended up in sick bay. “If you can make it to the departure gate in the next ten...

3 years ago
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Checking Out New Experiences

It was a Friday morning when all the cogs and wheels appeared to be falling into place after nearly two years of talking about fulfilling this fantasy. Louise walked around her local supermarket assembling a collection of groceries, some staple, others for a special dinner with her partner. Tonight wouldn't be a triumphant demonstration of her culinary skills, but more a case of a simple and healthy dinner which would allow them the better part of the evening for relaxing and seduction,...

1 year ago
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Still the One Ch 02

*Author’s Note: I am so sorry it took me so long to finish this story. I go to school, raise my son, and look for work, it doesn’t leave me much time to write my stories as much as I want to. Part 3 is on the way. Thanks for reading them and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. * That floored her. How did this stranger know her name? Her lab coat was thrown over the chair, and he couldn’t see the name on it. Again she cleared her throat, ‘Excuse me? Who are you?’ ‘You don’t remember?’ he...

3 years ago
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Here is a story that was the greatest exciting experience for my wife and me. Here as it happened: I was tired when she left so I decided to take a shower to relax and lay down for a nap; – I thought that she would be gone for a couple of hours visiting friends. A shower always relaxes me. Before I took the shower I thought that I would shave my pubic hair as I always doJ. My wife loves the look of my big shaved balls and a cock, just a thin skin all around. This really turns her on, and I have...

4 years ago
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My first time true story

I was a fairly late starter, (not from lack of trying mind). I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18 (I'd been slipping girls the finger and licking pussy since 16 though) Me and the girl I was going out with at the time (who was also a virgin) had decided we were definitely going to lose it together. Unfortunately we both lived with our parents and we both had one stay at home parent so doing it at each others house was out of the question and neither of us could afford to book a hotel...

3 years ago
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New variation on an old fantasy

20 Dec '19 New variation on an old fantasy. Dawn had already met my, now our friend Tyrell briefly once before and later told me that she thought hewas very nice & hot. I'd ask her if she wanted me to see about arranging it so he could come over and see about"playing with & sharing" him with her. Naturally, being theamazingly, hot insatiable slutty cunt that she loves beingin private she said absolutely yes … as long as it was OK with me. I just hugged her and said "well why wouldn't it...

2 years ago
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Friends and family

Joan, my 24-year-old wife is small, being about 5'3" and weighing 114 pounds. She has milk white skin and firm, perfectly shaped c-cup tits. Tina is even smaller. She is 5'1" and says she weighs 102 pounds. She wears c-cup bras but she is really a little too big for c-cups. However she thinks that makes her look even sexier. I can't argue with that. She is a real knockout. Her hair is short and black. Her skin is almost as black as her hair. Her ass is what you would call a...

4 years ago
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First Time with Reena

This is a real experience with one of my colleague in the office. Self and Reena were working for the same company, but different department. Reena was married with a daughter. I was based in Mumbai and she was in Hyderabad. Since we were in different departments, we never had a chance to interact with each other, but whenever I used to visit Hyderabad, I used to see her once in a while, just the usual hi and that is it. She was smart looking girl with good features. She had short hair, very...

2 years ago
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Related By Desire

Chapter 1 My mom died when I was three and my father married a woman quite a lot younger than he was; she was, actually, just out of college. Dad is a businessman, owns a company involved in designing and building new plants to make plastic containers, and we live in a very nice house in a gated neighborhood. We have a nice pool, a sauna and a hot tub along with a game room with pinball machines, a pool table, darts, you name it. So, it's all pretty nice. The woman Dad married is Cassie, short...

3 years ago
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The Projectionist A Valentines Gift

I had one of the best high school jobs as a movie theatre projectionist. Don’t get me wrong, though. There was stress involved, and the nights were long, as I was on the closing shift and had to stay until the last movie ended. But it was great! I could complete my homework, sleep, read a book and occasionally spy on people. On a particularly uneventful Valentine’s Day, I participated in my first voyeuristic act. It was still early, but the auditorium was slowly getting filled. I initially...

4 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 4 Her Life as a Ghost

The Sick Rose O Rose, thou art sick! The invisible worm that flies in the night, in the howling storm. Has found out thy bed of crimson joy and his dark secret love does thy life destroy. William Blake "Meg is performing right now, so I can disappear for a short time without anyone noticing or caring where I go. I can have my moment of solitude. Blessed Jesus, thank you!" The girl quickly made her way through the backstage passages and then turned down one of the darker corridors....

2 years ago
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sinnndys First Time

My first real sexual experience was when I was 16 with a friend of my fathers who was 35  I was a very horny girl, I had been playing with myself a lot and had given blow jobs to my older brothers friends, but I was saving my cherry for a more experienced guy.  I wasn't expecting him to be that much older, but I'm glad it was Jim.  I was at home alone, my parents were on vacation and my older brother, who was supposed to be watching me, was staying at his girl friends house.  I was busy playing...

First Time
1 year ago
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Me and my sis Betty

I was groaning very loud as my hips were driving my cock back and forth in my sister's pussy. She was frantically pushing up meet my every thrust. I yelled as my sperm began shooting into her hot and vibrant pussy. Her vocalizing was the usual loud, sometimes shrill yelling that was familiar to me. I knew she was enjoying a very satisfying orgasm while my cock was jerking and spewing.. It had been a week since we had met at this motel and we both were thoroughly enjoying our time together. I...

2 years ago
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Ryan Part One

When I was younger I had mixed feelings about who I was. In fact, I still have those same mixed feelings. I don't think you every truly know who you are.I had a crush on this guy at university, but never thought I would get the chance to actually take it any further than just fantasizing about him from a distance. He was a few years younger than I was and I had an on/off girlfriend back home. So I thought he was definitely out of my reach.I would see him around campus all the time and my heart...

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Hellfire Whores

"Do you have a reservation, Madame?" The maitre de asked Jean. "I'm here to meet someone. Emma Frost." "Miss Frost is already at her table. Right this way, please." "Thank you." As she walked Jean noticed more than a few eyes turning her way. With her look she turned heads even when dressed casually, in a green blouse, and tan skirt that stopped about a inch above her knees, and two inch heels. Emma was dressed in a white business suit. The skirt was short so today she was highlighting her...

3 years ago
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Rings of Trust Tricked

Rings of Trust: Tricked "You have to come over after school today, dude," I told my best friend Carl. He looked skeptical. "You're high, Tim," he said flatly. I had just told him about this pair of rings my crazy cousin had given me. "Where'd Paul say he'd found those rings again? Seriously? A gypsy? I mean, that's so insanely cliched my head should explode." "I know," I agreed blandly. "But... that's what he said." "Because he was addicted to turning himself into a superhero?"...

1 year ago
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Haileys Daads Slut part 1 virgin slut

I was born into a family that was very interested in physical fitness. From an early age I was taught long-distance running. Every Wednesday and Saturday was push-up and sit up day. At the age of six my father started building my upper body strength. It was a game to give me two buckets of sand one for each hand, then my father with time me to see how long I can hold the buckets keeping my arms straight and my body in a T formation.When I entered middle school, I was encouraged to go out for...

2 years ago
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My Neigbor the Chocalate Dream

"It was a typical boring Wednesday night with nopthing to do. There was nothing interesting on television to watch so I decided i want to look at something a little more interesting. So I jumped into my car and drove over the river into the neighboring state to a adult bookstore that offered private strip shows. There you give the house a dollar and receive a one dollar token that when you ste into a booth the curtain opens and you get a peek show of a nake girl that dances on a pole attached...

2 years ago
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Nadine and Her FriendsChapter 8

Just then the side door opens, and JoAnn enters. "OK, Dirty Cunts," she explains. "I just got a request for two Ebony cunts for an ATM Machine session." 'ATM Machine?' I mime the question to Henrietta. 'Ass to Mouth Machine, ' Henrietta mimes back. 'We're going to the ass fucking room.' JoAnn looks around the room and sees that Henrietta and I are the only Ebony bitches in the room. "OK, you two," she says to Henrietta and me. "Get your asses moving! You both have a date...

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the tree part 2

" so i guess you do remember me" "yes i do" she hugged back i told her "i thought of you all the time" i siad "since i hit puberty i lost pounds and girls asked me out but i turned them down" "way" she asked. "becuse they didnt look like" she got misty eyed. she gave me a hug and kissed me. we talked about whats happened in the years she moved she siad "i never went out with any becuse i didnt want to remember the pain." i looked in her eyes then asked "will you go out...

3 years ago
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Meri Pehli Chudai Manisha K Saath

Hello myself rohit. Doston aapne meri pehli story padhi hogi kamini bhabhi k saath pehla sex experience . jo aap logo ko kaafi aachi lagi. Ab mey apni dusri story batane ja rha hu . is incident ko hue 2 week hue h. so sabhi ladkiyan apni apni chut mey ungli daal le and bhai log apna ek haath apne lund pe rakh lo. So aapko jaise pta hoga ki my age 21, dikhne mey 6 feet , gora, light muscular body wala hun. Mera lund pehle 5 inch ka tha jise maine ab maalish kr kr k ab 7.2 inches ka bna diya h....

3 years ago
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Threesome With Hawas Ki Pujarans

Main ek colony mein bada hua hun. 12 ka exam khatam hua tha aur competitions bhi de diya tha. Lag raha tha ki ek saal drop karna padega. Sujhav mujhe bahut mil rahe the aur mein in sab se pakk gaya tha. Dono parents mere working hone ki wajeh se kaafi waqt mujhe free mil jaata tha. Is waqt ko main use karta tha gf se baat karne mein aur porn dekhne me. Har tereh ka dekh chuka tha. Is gyan ko main apni gf ke sath share karta tha. Din mein 3 baar kabhi 4 baar marta tha. Waise porn mein jitna bhi...

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naked in front of the cleaning lady0

At first I ignored her presence since I was getting ready to go to work about the same time. I had a pretty easy job schedule, I didn’t punch a time clock and could keep my own hours. I was free to come and go to the office at any time. One Friday morning I heard her open the front door and come in to start her cleaning routine. I had nothing at work scheduled until after lunch and having been out the night before for dinner I thought I’d sleep in and head for the office after lunch. ...

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“Finally,” Brenda sighed. Another late night at the office was behind her. And the project was finished. She was relieved, and happy to go home. She’d sleep in a little tomorrow, to celebrate. She glanced at the clock. 12:30 AM. How did it get so late? She picked up the phone and called her husband.“Hi, babe,” came his sleepy response.“I’m done. On my way home.”“Oh, good. Wow, look at the time. Be careful, I worry about you out by yourself so late.”“I’m fine, Hubby,” she replied. “I...

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Cavanaughs Last ThrowdownChapter 2

Penelope had not seen her niece for almost 6 years so when she saw the refined young lady of 18 who stepped off onto the railway platform, she had look twice to make certain her eyes were not deceiving her. The honey blonde with the stylish bustle and laced up shoes was 18 because she was there when she was born but she looked more like a fashionable woman of means and good breeding and surely in her mid-twenties because of her air of confidence. Luke perked up considerably when he saw the...

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Our New Neighbor Takes OverChapter 7

He looked around at the three of us and saw that he has our attention. He smiled his normal arrogant smile and said, “I forgot to tell you yesterday. I’ll need you early on Monday. I want you to come over at ten in the morning. I’ll decide what I want you to wear and email you later. Brad, you’re welcome to come and watch.” I gathered from the invitation to Brad that he observed our lengthy conversation last night and he’s assuming I told Brad about our situation. His eyes moved over us and...

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Losers Bluff formerly Insurance

JENNY I come slowly into consciousness and realize I am hanging by my arms in asmall room, facing cinder block walls. The pain in my ankles is immediate andI realize that my toes are just barely touching the floor. When I look up,I notice the ropes that suspend me are a light Brown rubber similar to thatfound in hospitals. With little effort, I can swing my fatigued body from sideto side, but I can't turn around. After what seems like hours, but is probably only minutes, I hear a dooropen...

4 years ago
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My Straight Mom the Ultimate Lesbian Fantasy

My Dad isn’t carrying the mail, so to speak. Which is making my Mom more than a little — I don’t know how to explain this. My name's Laren, and I am 18 and a senior in high school. I’m also an only child and a lesbian, although my parents don’t know yet. Dad is a great guy, but lately, he’s been spending lots of time away. Working late, taking short trips, and lots of time in his office in the back of the house. Mom and I both think he’s having an affair. She’s right, but not in the way she...

3 years ago
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A Tale of Two Linseys v2

This story has been inspired by two of Britain’s greatest glamour models, but is entirely fictional. Security guard Dave Rivers yawned. It was proving to be a remarkably long day and he would be pleased when he could finish up and go home. It had been one of the slowest days he could remember and he was keeping his eyes open only with some difficulty. That changed instantly and his eyes widened considerably as his attention was caught by an incredible blonde as she walked in through the...

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 37

During dinner, my mom told us we were going to have Thanksgiving dinner on the boat. We weren't having turkey, but she assured us it would be good. My brother asked about fishing, but Dad said we should take a day off and maybe sleep in. It was still a few hours before sunset when we finished eating. Kathy and I decided we wanted to go shopping and our brothers said they'd go take care of the boat. We all split up outside the restaurant, our parents telling us they'd be on the beach at...

1 year ago
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FamiliesTied India Summer Gia Derza Auntie FuckFace

India Summer has flown from the East Coast to check on her niece Gia Derza and Gia’s Step-Daddy Derrick. It’s been months since Gia’s mother left, and her rich family has promised to help financially as long as India lets them know Gia’s new condition is legit. Nothing has prepared India for what she finds in their suburban home in California: tiny teen Gia strapped down to the bed, writhing and threatening to fuck anything that moves. Gia giggles with psychotic glee as...

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New Years BabyChapter 3

Promptly at noon on Sunday, December 30, I knocked on the door to the Hamilton's apartment near George Washington University. I was a little bit off my feed because, with the Record about to close down forever, my normal heavy workload had gradually reduced itself to virtually nothing. I had a sinking feeling about the fact that the upcoming Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primary elections were going to be entirely irrelevant to me this year -- at least from a professional standpoint. The...

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My Sisters Little Secret Part 2

I instantly I got a raging boner after thinking about it again, I've never been so passionate to desire something like my sister's body and make love to it. After I finished doing my secret bussiness in bed I got up and went for a shower to clean up the mess I've made. After getting in and undressing myself I noticed my mum forgot the laundry basket in the bathroom when she usually take it with her after picking up all the dirty towels. I started the shower and waited for hot water...

4 years ago
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John and Christyne

John was a man of man of well thought out decisions, a man of planned executions. Which is why he thought he was going crazy when he decided to meet his online lover for the first time after she merely questioned the idea. He sat on the train, shifting his weight several times before finding a comfortable possition. He looked at his watch and counted the minutes until his scheduled arrival. Christyne had captured his heart one night while he decided to enter one of those online chats that his...

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Trapped by Three3

I could feel each throb of his cock as his heart pumped and his life fluid surged through the pencil size veins of his massively huge cock. Thankfully he too took his time working his enormously huge cock into my distressingly tortured butt hole. This tormentor kissed and licked my feet and ankles as he tortured my butt hole. Tears of shame and pain flowed from my clinched eyes as this bastard enjoyed his agonizing torture of my ruptured butt hole. My fingers and toes were spread as wide as...

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Green Lantern Wishes

Green Lantern Wishes by Wanda Cunningham This one is for Steve. --- "If you could be a super hero, who would you want to be?" asked Tommy, not for the first time. At thirteen and fourteen, the guys were almost too old to be playing this game, or were beginning to think they were. "That's easy," said George. "Superman of course." "I think I'd rather be Thor," said Tommy. "And don't anybody hit me! I mean Thor, the thunder god!" He rubbed his upper arm...

1 year ago
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Varsha Mami Ki Maalish Part 2

Hi friends, this is second part of my story. Refer to first part for previous sex story part. Sonu ab bedroom me aa chuki thi. Hum dono abhi shock me the. Tabhi mami ne dimaag ladhaya. Abhi hum dono ne kapde pehne hue the. Mami ne khud ke kapde thik kiya. Maine bhi apni pant upar chadha di. Mami: Ram, dheere se injection de bahut dard hota hai. Aaj puri injection mere andar utar de aur mujhe is dard se bacha le. Main bhi ab acting karne laga. Main: Mami, shuruat me thoda dard hoga, par ek...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Lexi Grey Francesca Le Anal And Deepthroat A2M

Sun-kissed dirty blonde Lexi Grey is a tan-lined cutie pie showing off in a string bikini for the LeWood’s famed pornographers. Petite Lexi reveals her natural tits and full bush. Co-director/hot MILF Francesca helps herself to some lesbian fun, rubbing Lexi’s snatch and playing with her clit. Francesca oils Lexi’s asshole and cheeks. She lustily fingers the young lass’ anus with two lubed digits. Co-director/top stud Mark hands off the camera to Francesca and pries his...

2 years ago
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The Legacy Of PriamChapter 8 Police Investigations

There was plenty of activity down at the site the following morning but it wasn't of the archaeological kind. The island's one police car sat in the valley, its blue lights flashing. One of the island's two police man stalked around peering into the cabin and talking to the girls. Freddie watched from the terrace of his villa. He knew that Petros would be up to talk to him soon enough. It was just before midday when the policeman that Freddie had watched in the valley arrived at...

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FamilyStrokes Sami Parker Forgetful Father Forgiveness

Sami Parker’s forgetful stepdad was late to pick her up from girl scouts. She waited there for almost an hour pantiless in the hot blistering sun! She wasn’t too upset though, but her stepdad still felt like he had to make it up for her. Sami was more upset that she didn’t sell any cookies today, but stepdad had a few pointers for her. He insisted she hike her skirt up and loosen a few buttons on her top. It made her look a bit slutty, but it was sure to make her cookies sell....

2 years ago
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The Housewives Of Coxville County part 4

Chapter 3: Heavy Tutelage: Bianca's Story (Several weeks before the fated Coxville book club meeting...) "So, who wants to tell me what Carl Denham means when he says "t'wasbeauty that killed the b**st?" Bianca Blackwood stood before her audience and calmly scanned theexpanse of the room. For all their youth and vitality, the stillness andquiet that came from the students held all the life and vigor of a graveyard. "Anyone?" she asked patiently, tilting her horn rimmed glasses...

2 years ago
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Daughter Loves HorsesChapter 2

Cindy was changing into shorts in the guest bedroom when she heard the grunting start. Naked, the shorts she was about to put on in one hand, she went to the door and put her head out into the hallway. From far off in the sprawling ranch house came the unmistakable sounds of a man and a woman fucking. They sounded like a pair of mating animals, Cindy's mother gasping and whining, Buck Morgan grunting like a lust-mad bull. Cindy's first impulse was to steal down the hallway and to spy on...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e13 Caterina Ireland 42 bug heaven

from Southall, London We fade in on the familiar scene of Charley sitting at her editing station, watching something that we can’t quite see on the monitors behind her. There’s a naked a woman on screen, on her back, legs spread, and she’s letting out a high-pitched squeal. It’s all out of focus because we’re actually looking at Charley... She turns to face us – blocking the view of the screens on her desk. Smiling broadly, her expensive dental is almost bright enough to distract us from...

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The Postman Always Pees Twice

The ribbing started even before Brendan clocked in at the post office.Even with the clock room door closed he could hear his work buddies Chad and Josh conferring. "Ol' Brendan's gonna get the main vein drained today, eh?" Huh?Even Jerry, who loudly announced the dwindling number of days until his retirement every morning, mused "Maybe I should have taken that route one last time.""What on earth is going on, guys?" Brendan addressed the room in general. Though he'd been with the postal service...

1 year ago
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Yes, my dream would have been more satisfying if it had gone along the lines of…a voluptuous red-headed noblewoman who lusted after one of her servants. She frequently sent him subtle hints of her desire, brushing up against him as she passed by, bending forward to show off her cleavage, and complimenting him on his strong build (when what she meant was his powerful legs and tight ass). She was sure that he felt the same way about her, as evidenced by his obvious erection during her latest...

3 years ago
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4 Girls On A Beach

I dragged my white cooler through the sand. Contrary to the cooler's advertised portability, the reality was that its wheels didn't do a damn good once you pulled it off the sidewalk and onto the beach. You basically just drug the thing around in the sand. It was still better than trying to carry it everywhere. It was around 4 PM. The beach had thinned out greatly from the earlier crowds. I scanned the sand. It looked like it would be an uneventful day. Sometimes it just turned out that way....

2 years ago
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Bill is still Bill continuing nylon adventures of

Melody and Bill remained an item for a long time as teenage relationships go. Theirs didn't meet it's full demise until Bill's senior year in college with Melody just a year behind him when they had both just broken into their 20's.Bill had a love-hate kind of relationship unlike Melody who was cocksure of her love for her man. Bill knew Melody adored him like a loyal puppy but he couldn't keep his eyes and mind off of other young women especially if they were attired in sheer nylon. That,...

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Confessions of a Straight Guy Part 3

As I'm walking in to work, I check my phone one last time. This new website that I've signed up for has opened me up to a whole new sexual world and it's hard to not keep a constant eye on it. I'm working overnight at a grocery store to decorate for Christmas; not used to the overnight shifts, before I even start, I'm already feeling sleepy. I have a few new unread messages on my online profile. I open up one of the messages and see: "I have a short amount of time until my wife gets home. I...

Gay Male
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Taken at my own desk

One Friday at work my Boss handed me a lot of papers to check out and asked me if I could stay late night at the office; because he needed a solution for a particular item and the only person to solve the problem was just me…So I called my hubby to let him know I would be working late. When everybody left the building like Elvis; the only other person around was Jeremy, the young black security guard on patrol.He found me sitting at my desk and I told him that I would be in the office for a few...

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After School1

"Hello?" She asks as she picks up the phone "No, it couldn't happen, no, I'll be there right away" She looks up at us, then at her watch. "My husband just got in a car accident, I have to go to the hospital, Channing I trust you to be a good girl and keep working, no monkey business. I’m going to lock the door so no one comes in and sees you guys unattended." He looks at me real quick and looks back to his work pretending to work but I can see from here his pen...

4 years ago
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One More Round With Dan

So this crazy weekend was coming to an end but my time with Dan wasn’t. I wasn’t sure where Greg and the girls had wandered off to but Dan and I were resting on the couch mindlessly watching the Weather Channel. I reminiscing on the crazy fuck weekend I had been having with these two couples. I looked over at Dan, his cock must be 6 inches limp whereas I’m only six inches hard! I looked at the rest of him, just your typical looking grey bearded, stocky, late 50’s trucker type. Barrel shaped...

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