FidèleChapter 29 free porn video

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There was no response.

“Seriously, what? Do I have lint on my face or something?”

Still nothing.

“So you’re just going to stare at me all the way through lunch? People will gossip.”

She finally broke her silence. “Let them. I’m more worried about you.”

“This really isn’t the time to...”

“Trouble in someone else’s paradise?”

Luke sighed. She sees through me so easily. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“You will, though.”

“I know,” he said, defeated.

“Good boy,” she whispered, condescendingly patting his thigh.

“We’re still imbibing later, right?”

“In the sense that you’re going to sit at my bar and drown your sorrows for free while I work my tight little ass off, just like you always do, I suppose.”

“Well there’s something to look forward to.”

“The drinking, the sorrows, or my ass?”

“Two out of the three.”

“Breeder perv.”

“I love you too, Wendy.”

Strictly speaking, Wendy’s position in the city’s wine hierarchy wasn’t important or elevated enough to secure an invitation to lunch and a vertical tasting with the Domaine de la Romanée-Conti’s Aubert de Villaine. Even were she able to acquire them, the wines would never appear at her bar, as they were too expensive for her clientele by many orders of magnitude. But Luke’s reputation merited such invitations, and every year he managed to secure a seat for her out of gratitude for endless free wine and devoted, if persistently abusive, companionship. They never spoke about it openly, but he knew that she was deeply appreciative of the gesture. For him it was about more than friendship; it was a way to keep himself grounded amidst rarified and occasionally snooty company, for only the swankiest restaurateurs and retailers were, as a rule, invited to such events. Also, Wendy has a better palate than most of the people in this room, he uncharitably mused, though that was something else he’d never say in her presence; direct compliments (at least from him) were rarely received without a witheringly sarcastic response.

The tasting itself was more reverent than studious — only the wealthiest of the wealthy could afford these bottles; not just because they were astoundingly expensive and produced in extremely limited quantities, but because they were mostly reserved for customers who purchased staggering amounts of other expensive and highly allocated wines — and the lunch was exceedingly formal, but for Luke it was a reminder of a real world that receded with every fantastical moment he spent at the lake.

This is who I am, or at least who I’m supposed to be. This is my job, events like this are a perk of my job, and no matter what happens in my personal life, this is what I’ll be coming back to. Or maybe fleeing to. He stole a glance at Wendy, surreptitiously admiring the formal elegance of her dress. You can’t see most of her piercings, and she’s only revealing the barest hint of ink. She looks incredibly beautiful all dolled up like this, but it’s not her. Not really. Having seen her in both this and the white dress she wore the night of our date, I’m persuaded that I like her better the other way. The thought made him wonder just how much he’d changed over the past two months, and whether or not it was for the better. Does Wendy see who I’ve become and wish I was the person I used to be? The person I was before I began an affair with someone else’s wife? Who’s the better person: Luke before Kathryn, Luke with Kathryn, or — if it comes to that — Luke after Kathryn? To this he had no satisfactory answer, only more questions.

At the moment, his best friend was deftly deflecting a ham-handed attempt at flirtation from the owner of one of the city’s stuffiest (and, in his opinion, most overrated) restaurants. The woman, who was much older than Wendy and dripping with expensive and unnecessarily flashy jewelry, was known by anyone who cared to know as a closeted lesbian in an utterly mystifying heterosexual marriage (her husband was neither wealthy, nor connected, nor well-liked, nor particularly handsome), and Wendy’s disdain for both her and her life choices had been the subject of one of the longest wine-soaked and expletive-filled rants to which she’d treated him in the early days of their friendship.

“But surely you agree that most things would be greatly improved were women allowed to be in charge,” she asked, in a painfully misguided appeal to their shared sisterhood. Luke knew Wendy more than well enough to guess what was going through her mind. “Allowed to!” I’m surprised I can’t hear her teeth grinding themselves to stumps.

“I certainly support women reaching out and taking what they want,” she responded. As she said it, her fingers snuck across his upper thigh and teasingly traced the outline of a shaft that immediately swelled inside his trousers. They lingered there for a moment before disappearing. “But even I have to admit that some men have their uses, limited though they might be.”

“Lucas, are you well? You’re quite flushed.” Though the older woman’s concern required an answer, Luke was dumbfounded, speechless, and unable to provide one more detailed than a brief nod. Plus, he could feel Wendy’s victorious smirk burning into his cheek.

“What was that about?” he demanded as he drove them to BTG. The lunch had run long, as industry wine lunches tended to do, and as a result Wendy had to go straight from lunch to work, which left him with insufficient time to drop his overnight bag (and the car) at his apartment. I’ll have to moderate my drinking, though if we’re really going to talk about my relationship with Kathryn, that’s probably a good thing.

“A simple demonstration of my fierce allyship with modern civilization’s most tragically victimized gender.” She patted him on the knee. “You shall overcome. Someday.”

Despite his unresolved shock at what she’d done, he couldn’t help but laugh. A few minutes of tricky navigation later, he tried again. “I didn’t mean the clever way you parried all those terribly awkward approaches, I mean...”

“She is awful at it, isn’t she?” Wendy interrupted. “It makes me wonder if the poor old bag has ever actually had a proper seeing-to from another woman. Well, one that she didn’t pay for.”

“Harsh, but probably accurate. Still, she’s not that unattractive. If she didn’t try so hard, she’d actually be reasonably handsome for a woman her age. But... ‘a proper seeing-to?’ Again with the Britishisms?”

“Just trying to speak your girl’s language.”


“What do you mean, ‘huh?’ Lloyd Maddox is about three-thousand percent Welsh, dumbass.”

“I had no idea.”

“Of course you didn’t. If it wasn’t on your Master Sommelier exam, you don’t know anything about it. It’s a good thing they made you write your name on the cover, else we’d have to hang a lanyard around your neck with your name and home address written in crayon. Anyway, I suppose you’re being an enormous pussy about the fact that I touched your precious schlong.”

“The only words in that sentence that I agree with are ‘touched’ and ‘schlong,’ and I’m not so sure about the second one.”

“Awww. Did your wittle winky get all stiffy for wesbian Wendy?”

“I’m trying to drive here,” he managed through reflexive guffaws.

“There’s no point in lying, because I know it did. I felt it. You know what was nice? It was through your pants and I didn’t have to avoid all that disgusting hair.”

“You know, since our night together I’ve been...”

“Shush. It’s gross and I don’t want to think about it. Now, pay attention to the road or you’re going to put a dent in your lover’s car.”

“How do you know it’s hers?”

“You don’t own one, and you’ve already borrowed too many of Bill’s things.”

Luke stared straight ahead, unable to answer such a direct challenge. Especially because it’s true.

“I should probably slow down.”

“Oh, right. You have to drive. Yeah, you probably should. I’ll bring you some food.”

“Wait, not the...”

“Caponata toast, coming up!” she called as she disappeared into the kitchen. It was an old joke between the two of them; Luke had nothing against caponata, but when she was feeling mischievous — which was most of the time — Wendy simply refused to bring him whatever he ordered, instead replacing all his choices with plate after plate of caponata on toast.

Shaking his head in frustration, but delighted to be spending such relatively uncomplicated time with his friend, he nosed and inspected his glass. Beaujolais, clearly. Fleurie, probably? On the young side. That’s as far as I can go; there are way too many options these days.

“Didja get it yet?” she enquired, dropping a platter with well over a dozen toasted baguette slices slathered with caponata in front of him, and then standing there with an innocent smile.

“What a surprise! You know how much I love unexpected caponata,” he enthused, laying it on thick. “As for the wine ... young Fleurie, or maybe a hefty Chiroubles, but you can’t legitimately expect me to narrow it down beyond that.”

“I can and I do, boy wonder.”

He took another sip. “It’s not bretty or funky and it’s not particularly acidic, which eliminates a whole bunch of producers. It’s kinda like Coudert’s Clos de la Roilette — it’s not; it lacks the heft — but if I’m wrong and it is, then it’s from an unusually cool vintage. Anything beyond that would be pure guesswork, and you don’t need me to start naming every producer in the region.”

“It’s Métrat.”

“It’s not Métras. No way. The acidity isn’t burning a hole through my tongue.”

“Not Métras, Métrat. Ends with a T, not an S.”

He stared at her for a few seconds. “Did you actually just unearth a Beaujolais I’ve never even heard of, much less tasted?”

“It’s not my fault that you’re an out of touch fuddy-duddy when it comes to these things, or that you’ve been hiding between Kathryn’s legs for the better part of two months. Actually, it apparently just came back into the state after a long absence. Some sort of problem with the previous importer. Since I know you haven’t been keeping your fingers on the pulse of the wine world, because you’re keeping your fingers on the pulse of your redheaded sexbot, I thought I’d take advantage of your ignorance. Which is, I admit, easier to do than it used to be. Anyway, it’s their 2015 Fleurie. And by the way, you ridiculous nerd, you were right about one thing.”

“After that barrage of incoherence, I have no idea what you’re referring to.”

“It’s from the Roilette vineyard, or at least that’s what the rep told me.”

“Stay here. I’m going to take a victory lap around your bar. Maybe more than one.”

“Don’t get cocky. I know more ways to make you cry than I used to.”

“Will this be a hands-on demonstration? Are you going to fondle me again?”

“You wish. Speaking of which...” She was interrupted by her phone as it chirped an alert, and glanced at it to see what it was. At first she looked puzzled, then both eyebrows shot up as she scanned an incoming text. “Sorry, pal. I think I need to make a call in private. Do you mind holding down the fort while I’m outside?”

He’d done this for her on a number of occasions, and while the majority of Wendy’s wines and prices weren’t on any sort of printed list, making it impossible for him to know what to charge for them, he obviously had no problem performing all the usual duties involved with beverage service. By the time she finally returned, with an even odder look on her face than before, he’d accumulated a small stack of scribbled tickets and a few uncharged credit cards. Luke ran down which orders went with which customers and retook his seat, surprised that she she still hadn’t said a word. Instead, she was staring blankly at the register’s touchscreen, lost in a mysterious fog.

Something’s wrong. “Hot date?” He knew better than to probe too deeply or seriously; while Wendy was hardly secretive about her personal or sex lives, she preferred to dole out information on her own schedule.


“Was that a lover you don’t want me to know about?”

She blinked more than once at his question. “A lover that I... ? No. Well, not exactly.” She left the confusing jumble of words sitting there as she continued to stare at the register.

“I’m not going to keep prying if you don’t want to talk about it, but is everything alright?”

“What? Yeah, it’s just...” Suddenly, she snapped out of her daze. “Sorry. It was something I didn’t plan on having to think about tonight.”

“But now you do?” She frowned at him for a while before answering in the affirmative. When no clarification seemed forthcoming, he waggled his eyebrows theatrically and offered her a goofy leer. “It is a hot date, isn’t it?”

She folded her arms and pursed her lips disapprovingly. “A friend is asking me for a very large favor. Several, in fact.”

“And they demanded an answer right away?”

“No, but I do have to make the decision tonight.”

“You’re not making anything clearer.”

“Considering the nature of the favor, that’s appropriate.” Turning away from him, she grabbed an empty glass. “Meanwhile, your ridiculously lucky guess about the Fleurie means that I really have to put the screws to you tonight.”

“Great, “ he muttered as she rummaged around in the fridge. Whatever that phone call was about, she clearly doesn’t want to tell me. With anyone else, I’d assume that means it’s about sex, but she’s never been shy about her sexual escapades. I guess it’ll remain a mystery.

True to her word, Wendy poured him glass after glass of wines deliberately chosen to stump even his encyclopedic knowledge and keen palate. In one sense it was a replay of his date with Kathryn, save that this time they ranged from delightfully weird to debatably drinkable. She repeatedly confessed how much she enjoyed torturing him in this way, but the truth was that he was having just as much fun. So much that, as the evening drew to a close and she began wiping down surfaces and stacking chairs on top of empty tables, he realized that he’d consumed quite a bit more alcohol than was acceptable for someone who still had to drive.

“It’s your fault, you know,” he observed while attempting to pitch in, as he usually did whenever he was still hanging around at last call. “Anyway, now I need a favor: can you drive me home? I’ll call you a taxi from there.”





“No. That’s not how tonight’s gonna work. Sit down and be quiet. Actually, try this while you wait.”

“But I shouldn’t...”

“Don’t worry about it. You’re not going to be driving.” She set a small, tulip-shaped glass of clear liquid in front of him, returning to her tasks as he dutifully swirled and sniffed.

“Grappa? No, eau de vie. I think it’s...” He sniffed again, then took a microscopic sip of the fiery liquid. “Mirabelle?”

“You are, as always, the cleverest of drunkards. Yes, it’s mirabelle eau de vie. Notice anything else?”

“It’s ... sweatier than usual.”

“Which means?”

“It’s sloppily distilled?”

“Could be,” she shrugged, turning off most of the lights with a single swipe of her hand. Her chef was long gone, and now it was quiet and dark. “But there’s a simpler explanation.”

“I’m think I’m too drunk to follow you, dear.”

“Don’t ‘dear’ me, you drunken Lothario. It’s old.”

“How old?”


“What the fuck, Wendy?” he sputtered. “How the hell did you put your hands on a 1957 mirabelle?”

“A relative brought it to me a few months ago. You know I’m one quarter French, right? Well, that quarter is split between Alsace and Lorraine, and one of my cousins dug this out of her grandfather’s basement after he died. This is pure French moonshine, pal. Now, enjoy the rest while I lock the back door. Then you’re coming with me.”

“But I have to park the car somewhere safe.”

“It’ll be safe at my place.”

“Okay, I suppose I can take a cab home from there and pick it up tomorrow, but it would be cheaper if...”

“You really have gotten dumber, haven’t you? I knew it wouldn’t take long for her to fuck your brains out, and that’s under the charitable assumption that she didn’t drain all your mental faculties before she even touched you. but she’s accomplished it in record time. You’re coming to my apartment tonight, you idiot.”

“I am? We’re going to keep drinking?”

She scowled at him, hands on hips as she exploded in exasperation. “Thanks! Thanks ever so much. You really know how to make a girl feel wanted. How in the hell do you get laid so often?”

“I don’t...”

Closing the distance between them, she rhythmically poked him in the chest as punctuation for every word. Each poke was hard enough to hurt, though it was clear that pain was her intention. “You. Are. Coming. Home. With. Me. And. We. Are. Going. To. Fuck.” She reached between his legs and forcefully squeezed his genitals. He winced at the threat of real pain. “Is that finally clear? Do you get it now?”

“Could you, uh, let go, or at least do that a little more gently? And we are? Really?“

She kept her hand ... and the pressure ... right where they were. “Unless you don’t want to. Though if you reject me, I’m going to replace this hand with my knee.”

“Wait!” Despite his semi-inebriated haze, insight finally arrived. “Is this the decision you had to make tonight?”


“This was the favor?”

“Two for two. It’s like watching someone graduate from kindergarten.”

His eyes widened. “That means the phone call was with...”

“ ... your very persuasive lover, yes. Congratulations, dipshit. It’s only taken you all night to figure it out.”

“But how did she know we were together?”

“She didn’t, but you’re not exactly whimsical in your habits. It was obvious you’d end up here sooner or later. She asked me to take you home and take you down, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. She also said something else which I didn’t quite understand.”

“Which was?”

“‘Tell him this is the third part.’ Do you know what she meant?” He nodded, though Wendy noticed the grimace that accompanied it. “What’s wrong?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

“Okay.” Suddenly, her bravado departed and she was overcome by the same vulnerability that he’d seen from her on several occasions ... all of them while they were either discussing or in the midst of intimate physical relations. “This is it, you know. This is us. You and me. Hot hetero-on-lesbo action, just like we’ve always talked about. Do you want to do this?”

“Do you?”

“Answer my question first, jackass.” The insult was a nervous whisper that lacked its usual fire, all her typically breezy mockery absent as she waited for an answer he knew carried a lot more weight than a simple yes or no. He noted that, while she’d relaxed her grip on his delicate genitalia, she hadn’t moved her hand away.

This is no time for our normal banter. This is important and very, very real. If we screw this up — now, while it’s going on, or in the aftermath — it could make or break our friendship. Palming her cheeks in his hands, he leaned forward and kissed her forehead, then stared into her eyes as earnestly as he could. “I do. I’m not going to lie to you, though; it’s more than a little frightening. Doing it with Kathryn involved was ... well, almost everything with her is like clinging to a runaway horse, but it also felt safe with her around. This doesn’t. This feels dangerous. Like we could get it wrong — really wrong — and we might not be able to put any of this back together. I’ll do everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen, but I want both of us to go into it with our eyes open. Wendy...” He moved one of his hands to stroke her hair. It was still uniformly blonde, though it appeared to be a few shades lighter than the last time he’d seen her. “You’re my best friend, and I hope you always will be. I don’t want that to change. That’s so much more important to me than whether or not we have sex. But my answer is yes. If you want to — if this is something you actually want to do with me, which I still find a little baffling even though it’s incredibly exciting — then yes, I absolutely want to spend tonight with you.”

For a moment, Luke was certain that he saw tears forming in her eyes, but then she pressed forward and embraced him so tightly that he could no longer see her face. “You know, for a leaden-tongued, dull-witted, home-wrecking, grossly overpaid wine dork, you’re not completely reprehensible. I still wish you were a woman, but I can work around your deformities for a few hours. Yes, I want this. I want you. And this time I don’t want to share you. Not tonight. I don’t want this to ruin our friendship either, but despite what I said the first time we talked about this, I never really thought it would. The actual danger comes from all the other dumb shit you’re doing.”


“You’re not, though, so don’t bother apologizing to me. But Luke, here’s the thing...” She pulled away, and now her eyes were boring into his. “This is it. I’m not going to swear on a stack of Barolo that we’re never going to do this again, but ... we’re never going to do this again. Once this is over, whenever that is or wherever we are ... once we put our clothes on and walk away from each other ... we’re strictly friends from then on. No begging and pleading to get back into my pants. No bribing me with impossibly hot redheads. I don’t mind if you make a joke about it now and then, because you know I won’t be able to restrain myself, but no stroke-by-stroke trips down memory lane, either. It starts when we get to my place, but when it ends, it ends. Okay? Do you understand what I’m telling you? Because if you don’t, we can’t do this at all.”

“I’m not going to lie and say that I’m not at least a little disappointed, but of course I understand. Still, if this is my exit interview, you’re putting a lot of pressure on me to be at my very best. And, in case you’d forgotten, on yourself as well,” he added, “because if you look at it a certain way, I’ve done this particular thing a lot more often than you, whereas you’ve only done it three times, and only one of them mattered. I’m sure you’re right, though. I’ll never have the chromosomes or the equipment you really want, and...”

“Hold on, Luke. That’s not why. No, I’m never going to be anything other than one-hundred percent lesbian, aside from this inexplicable asterisk and a pair of altered-state regrets in my distant past. Based on our previous encounter, and despite all the pressure we’re most definitely putting on each other, I expect this to be really good sex ... or at least as good as it can be between me and a dude. If that’s all there was to it, I’d probably be up for an occasional roll in the heterosexual hay some night when we’re both horny and available. And before your ego starts getting involved, it’s not because I’m worried about it ‘meaning something.’ It already does. Having sex with your best friend better fucking mean something. When it’s over, I know I’m going to have some heavy feelings about it, and I hope you will too.”

“I already do, and we haven’t even started. But now I don’t know what you’re trying to say.”

“It’s because I don’t want it to mean nothing.”

“I don’t see how it could.”

“Then you’re not seeing clearly. First of all, no matter how I feel about you, this — the sex itself, I mean — is a curiosity for me. I’ve already admitted that I prefer a real dick to the zillions of artificial versions I’ve had inside me, and you’re surprisingly good at giving head, but everything else involved in having sex with a dude is only tolerable for me because I’m curious and because it’s you. Eventually, maybe even tonight, the curiosity’s going to be satisfied, and when that happens, there’s not going to be enough to get over the rest. Even if it doesn’t happen tonight — and I hope it doesn’t — it’d happen sooner rather than later. I’d rather not end up having lousy, resentful, unsatisfying sex with you just because one of us wanted to give it another shot. I want one really great memory, and then I want to leave it there.”

“That makes complete sense, and I should’ve seen it myself. I suppose the reason I didn’t is that, while I know intellectually that you’re a lesbian, to me you’re also a beautiful and desirable woman, and I’m sexually attracted to you in the same way I would be to anyone else. It’s impossible for me to conceive of sex with you ever being bad. In a physical sense, I mean. But you’re right: if you were visibly turned off, that’d be bad sex and worse for our friendship.”

“Okay, I’ll let you off the hook, but just because you’re buttering me up in a pathetically transparent attempt to get laid. The thing is, it’s not working. Not that it has to — you’ve obviously forgotten how easy I am — but because it’s coming from you. I like it because it’s something my friend’s saying to me, but it doesn’t turn me on because it’s coming from a man. See what I mean?”

“I do. But earlier, you said ‘first of all.’ That means there’s something else.”

“There is, and I don’t want you to be upset when I remind you of this, but your romantic and sexual life is really fucked up right now. If everything goes to hell, you’re going to need my friendship much more than you’re going to need my pussy, and you’re going to want my booze much more than you’re going to want my boobs. Or, if by some miracle everything works out, you two are going to be in your own universe for an indefinite period of time. Either way, my juicy bits will no longer be required.”

“But if — and you’re right, it’s a big if — things work out, Kathryn and I will be...”

“Yes, yes, I understand your lives will be one giant traveling orgy and I’d eventually be invited to join the circus. That’s why I didn’t swear on a stack of Barolo, because you know how I feel about your nymphomaniac girlfriend, and I might possibly consider an interesting enough invitation. But I don’t promise to come running with open legs, either. I’m very, very far from convinced that you two are safe to be around. I’d love to be completely uninvolved and find an unthreatening distance from the blast zone before it’s too late, but I’m obviously so deeply involved I can’t even think about walking away. After all, we’re only having this conversation right now because your lover tracked me down and essentially begged me to fuck you.”

“So this isn’t about falling under the spell of my irresistible masculine charm?”

“You’re in serious danger of making me call the whole thing off. Blech! No, it’s really not. I had no intention of getting naked with you tonight. I wasn’t thinking about it, and I wasn’t going to allow myself to think about it, until you gained some resolution and clarity in your toxic waste dump of a love life. I don’t know why she did it either, though if you do I assume I’ll drag it out of you eventually, but ... well, like I said, she was persuasive.”

“How persuasive?”

“Persuasive enough that I’m absolutely not telling you everything I know.”

“Now that’s intriguing.”

“Typical dude. Hasn’t even kissed the lady he’s about to shag and he’s already scanning the horizon, hunting for his next conquest.”

“That’s completely untrue.”

“It’s not.”

“It is. Let me prove it you.” For a few minutes, she protested and struggled as his lips pressed and worked against hers. Eventually, her mouth opened and their tongues entwined. But it didn’t last very long, and with a mighty shove she pushed him away. He was visibly tenting his dress pants. When she noticed, she looked more amused than aroused, though there was a slight flush reddening her cheeks.

“I know I’ve joked about it in the past, but I don’t want to do anything here. I’d never be able to see you sitting at my bar without also seeing the reruns. Here’s what’s going to happen: I’ll drive you and the pimpmobile to my place and tuck your lover’s car in a nice, safe garage. For which you’re paying, by the way. Once we’re in my apartment, you’ll get naked and stand in the shower while we shave all that disgusting steel wool off your face, your nuts, and anywhere else I think I might want to touch, kiss, or lick. Don’t worry; even though I’d like to, I’m not going to turn you into a hairless Olympic swimmer; I only really care about certain parts. After which we’ll decamp to my bed and have a ludicrous amount of forbidden sex, if that’s okay with you. And tomorrow — assuming you live through tonight — you’ll finally be able to say that you woke up next to a lesbian after dicking her all night. On the other hand, no one’s going to believe you if you claim something so patently absurd, and in fact if you ever attach my name to that story I’ll deny it to my dying breath. So, do we have a deal? Are you going to spend the rest of the night trying and failing to turn me straight?”

Same as Fidèle
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A Schoolboys Secrets Day One

Introduction: The first in a mini-series of mine, where we follow the life of a horny private school student… Royal High Hill Boarding School. A typical boarding school where the rich and famous of rural England, send their sons to receive a top education from the finest teachers in the country. But theres one particular boy who takes pleasure of the fact that there is a whole house full of boys, sleeping over, with no other cure to their sexual desires. This one boy is slowly wreaking a new...

2 years ago
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Next Door Divorced Aunty8217s Lust Was Satisfied By My Service

Hi everyone, I am Vikram a call boy from vijayawada, Hyderabad, vizag anyplace in andhrapradesh so any girls women and aged for secret sex and service ping me at or 100% secrecy and satisfaction is guaranteed. Coming to the story, the heroine is srija age 27 lives in my nest door with her parents. She was married and divorced due to unmutual understandings between her and her husband . so she live next to my home she always come to my home to spend some time with my mother. Forgot to tell her...

4 years ago
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BOOM! (More Lightning?) I was flipping through the ‘Bible’ and a number caught my eye. “Don’t worry you guys, a little lightning can’t hurt you,” I said to calm down some of those who were reacting a bit nervous. “Rose and Izzy, your turn. Number 136. It’s from the movie WHITE CHRISTMAS. There is some tight harmony. Do the best you can.” “We’re taking a break after this number. Settle down everyone, please?” “Ladies are you ready?”... BOTH Sisters, sisters There were never such devoted...

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The Neighbors Chapter Two Rewrite

This is the second part in the series about my relationship with April , the neighbor's daughter . How she fell in love with me . How we had to keep the relationship secret even though she is of a legal age . The Neighbors Chapter Two I continued licking and suckling her slit , she spread her legs wider for me. Her hands were holding the sides of my head , pushing my face deeper between her legs . Oh god ah yeah that feels so good yes lick me , Oh! Yes keep going……Yes lick my...

2 years ago
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mum ad me pt4

well here was me and mum chatting one evening when she told me that she knew that i spied on her while she was undressing or in the bath,that was why she started giving me discreet flashes of her whilst sitting on her chair,seeing what effect it would have on me,admiting that dad and her hadnt had sex for years,well i did tell her that i found it a real turn on but was afraid to do anything which was the same for her,but now that we have explored each others bodys and we chat openly to each...

1 year ago
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Kinky Ads! Moving to a new city where you don’t know anyone can leave you confused and depressed if you are a pleasure seeker that likes getting their dick wet on a regular basis. So, what to do if you are looking for a casual sex fling and don’t like the hassles of trying disease-infested hookers and risk either getting an STI or cooling your heels in jail?That’s exactly where comes into play. The site doesn’t need a lengthy introduction really, the name says it all. For those who...

Hookup Sites
1 year ago
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Kinky Tale of Two Girls

It's mid morning before we wake up, still wrapped in each other's arms, the room reeks of sex reminding us both of last night's frenzied lovemaking. She looks at me and smiles, "Hi gorgeous" "Hi" I whisper and touch my lips gently to hers, "Did you enjoy yourself last night?" "I enjoy every minute of every day when I'm with you, you know that!" Saying that, she pushes me onto my back and straddles me, like me she's naked apart from the black hold up stockings we'd left on to...

2 years ago
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My son and I the thirteenth chapter

We went to the doctor to verify that I was really pregnant. When we got there, we both got a very big surprise. Not that I wasn't pregnant, but that I was pregnant with twins, yes, twins. We weren't sure if it was boys, girls or what, but we were really happy. We were on the couch on that Saturday after we found out. I was roughly eight weeks along then and he couldn't help but feel my stomach.“Wow, not one but two are in there?” Travis pondered.“Yes, can you believe it?” I asked.“No,...

3 years ago
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Doomed Dynasty Pt 08

CHAPTER 17 Fifteen months later when Reece returned home with Courtney from her lawyer, he was a very rich man, subject to transfers of titles and some other routine documentation. He felt pleased, but not elated. In fact, except for a slight feeling that he could now afford to be more decisive in life, it was quite remarkable how unchanged he felt. He shrugged, and went into the office while Courtney busied herself with her thoughts while preparing a celebratory meal for two. Patricia was in...

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Mommy knows best part 50

We got an early night so we could go walking in the morning, "Seeing nature at it's finest" As dad would say. The next morning dad came into my room and told me to get ready, i arrived downstairs for breakfast and dad told me the days plans, complete with a map. "So if we walk until 11.30, we'll reach here" He pointed at a point on the map "There we can eat dinner, mom will pack the lunches. Then down to here" He pointed to a different spot "to speak with the rangers and see if...

4 years ago
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Me And My Freinds gf Part 1 In a tent

It was Early Sunday Morning (Bout 1 am) , we were at a party me and my best freind John had 2 sleep in a 2 man tent outside he house. Anyway we had 2 watch wat we were doing cuz her mum was outside making sure nuffin happen. Anyway this party was 4 John's Gf's 16th Birthday, her name is Karely, she was hot as, nice brown hair, 5'9, bout 35c boobs and beyonces ass. Anyway Karleys mum (The 1 outside) fell asleep so me and John brought Karely and here freind Jessica in our tent,...

1 year ago
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Book 2 Bitsys StoryChapter 11 Going Home

Pulling Bitsy off the bed he grinned at her, "Your bath awaits, my lady." She turned a lovely shade of pink as Brand turned her around and started to undo her dress. He felt her tense and gently kissed her shoulder as the dress slipped down her arms. "just a bath, brat, that's all, I'll be your ladies maid for the night." Brand undid her corset and slipped off her drawers, she was standing there in nothing but her white thigh high stockings, taking a deep breath, he rolled those down...

3 years ago
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KinksChapter 10

There was a strange smell and I felt really odd. I tried to lift my hand to my head. The headache was unbearable, but for some reason my hand, my arm, wouldn’t move. “This one’s awake,” came a rough voice. I opened my eyes and realised I was lying, bound and blindfolded, on a hard surface. I wasn’t gagged though. “What’s going on,” I muttered. My throat felt on fire. I was ignored. I listened. There must have been a least two people, just from the movements I could hear, but no one was...

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 40

Nick Coyle knew and had known for a while that there were times when the world could shrink down to just two people. He’d learned fairly recently that such a small, exclusive world could expand to include a third resident. If he’d thought about it, he would probably have realized that it must be theoretically possible for such a microcosm to fit perfectly around four people. But even if he had, he might have been hard-pressed to imagine that it could happen on a Friday night in the middle of...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 86

Up in Sandra's room, Veronique stopped Sandra and turned her around. Wrapping her arms around that lovely naked body, she pulled Sandra closer and then gave her a toe curling kiss. Sandra kissed her back with the same ferocity. Veronique tried to push Sandra backwards towards the bed, but this was when Sandra stopped her. "Um ... Could we just talk? For now." Sandra asked her lover. "Sure," Veronique answered while pinching Sandra's bum, but not trying anything else. Sandra walked to...

1 year ago
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La femme de menage

La femme de m?nage J'entendis la cl? tourn?e dans la serrure mais il ?tait d?j? trop tard, j'?tais la assis sur ma chaise, incapable de bouger regardant cette porte. Elle s'ouvra doucement alors j'essayais de dire quelque chose mais rien ne sortais de ma bouche. La jeune indienne qui nettoyais nos bureaux entra, elle mis sa main devant ca bouche et baissais les yeux d'un air g?n? et surpris. Finalement quelque mots sortit de sa bouche: ?oh je suis d?sol? vraiment excus?e moi?. J'essayais de balbutier q...

3 years ago
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New Yearrsquos Eve naughtiness poker

Last night on New Year’s Eve my with and I decided to get rather drunk and while doing so we decided to play poker.The game started off how every other game of poker starts off with my wife which is me winning most hands. So I decided In the back of my mind that I was gonna make my hairy slut of a wife pay for being such a bitch earlier that morning. So as I continued to top both our drinks up so we were both letting our inhibitions flow, I let her win a few hands and build her confidence up so...

1 year ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsEpilogue Like the End of a Story Being the End of the Story

Sword Kellie lopped off the rapist's foot. The second rapist looked up fast enough to see the Left Tower's staff being flicked at his chest. One hundred pounds of steel flung by a Tower's augmented strength ... OUCH! "I think you killed him," I told the Left Tower. He kicked the first rapist out of his way. Slapping the second rapist, the Left Tower shook his head at me. The sixteen year old girl they'd been about to rape crawled away from us. She ended up too close to a jail cell...

4 years ago
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Just Some Harmless Flirting

This is my first time writing, but I’ve been reading for a while now. This story is somewhat a reflection of my life so all character names have been changed. This is only the beginning. Tell me what you think. It started out has a little harmless flirting, I never thought anything major with happen. After all Torrell was just a boy that I met at camp, I didn’t plan on seeing him again. But little did I know he would be the guy who changed the rest of my life. Big Bear California, Youth...

3 years ago
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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 6

“Do you go to a local church?” JR finished his fifth taco before replying, “I don’t attend anyplace regularly. If I hear of a sermon or program that sounds interesting, I will check it out. For example, Christ Church by the Sea will have a nationally renowned Pastor named Bernie Calaway speaking at their service Sunday morning, so I’ll probably try to go hear him. What about you?” She shook her head and said, “No. I didn’t have any religious education while growing up. My faith and...

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Molly Comes To Find Us Part Two

I love scents. People undervalue our sense of smell. As John and I sat for breakfast that morning - inside this time as it had started raining - the delightful aroma of our croissants and coffee blended with the gorgeous scent of Tom’s cum wafting up from my tits while we ate. I kept closing my eyes to replay what had just happened; rubbing some of the cum into my skin.“God, what a beautiful cock he has!” I said to John, as if he needed reminding, having just watched me devour it. “The way he...

2 years ago
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Melting The Ice Queen

(Widowed Mother in Law moves in)Ever since we first met, she had been a bit cool and aloof; no, make that cold. Her daughter Debbie and I had dated for close to a year before getting married. I was 21 years of age, she was 24; second marriage for her, first for me. Maybe the old bitch never liked the fact that I wasn't a doctor or lawyer, or some highly paid professional. Nope, I was just a regular guy working in the retail clothing business. But I made a decent living and between my earnings...

4 years ago
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I love my son Daniel 14

It was a hot summer day; the heat seemed to knock the air out of you when you walked outside. I naturally was outside laying by the pool in our back yard. Now, I have always considered myself a beautiful woman for being 43 years old. I have had many men tell me so through the years. I am 5'3” tall and I weigh about 125 pounds. I have long curly naturally red hair, and I have 32C bust. No, not the biggest breasts in the world but they are proportionate to the rest of me. Now back to my story....

3 years ago
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The ElectricianChapter 13

Adam paced back and forth by the front windows of his living room. He checked his phone for the time — ten after six. What if she doesn’t show? he thought. He paced more and then saw a white Buick approach and turn into his drive. Kara got out wearing as short floral print skirt and a green tank top. He stepped onto the porch to greet her. “Come in,” he said. “It’s hot out,” Kara remarked and stepped inside. “Wow, it feels comfortable in here. I don’t have central air conditioning at my...

2 years ago
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Brian and Aunt Em Ch 4

Brian and Aunt Em Ch. 4 After six months, and many requests I have decided to continue with Brian’s story and his relationships in the family. I left off when Brian and his cousin, Rachael decided to come together and have a baby. This story now continues about 19 years later. Brian is now 39 years old, and still as horny as hell. He now has two children by his Aunt, a girl Sylvia 18, and a boy Garth 17. Rachael had three children to him, two girls Marie 16 and Gloria 15, and another boy...

1 year ago
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My First Encounter

I had been cross dressing for years but only in private. I had also had a thing for bondage for a long time. A couple of years ago, I met two other cross dressers who were into bondage. We had been getting together every couple of months and playing bondage games with each other. We would take turns tying each other up and taking photos and videos. But, it was always clear that the other two were completely straight and nothing sexual would be involved. I was fine with that as I thought that I...

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The haunted HousePart 3

After my delightful tryst with sixteen-year-old Meg, I thought it best to shower up, not wanting my wife to get a whiff of another woman on me. Our adventure in the attic confirmed what I already thought. There was definitely something up there that overwhelmed my normally reserved views on sex. In a little over two months, I had cheated on my wife twice and engaged in a threesome, including her, something we would never have entertained under normal circumstances.Drying off, I heard noises...

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Head Nurse Sharing Love

[Author's Note: I have reprised parts of HEAD NURSE to give you, dear reader, some background, but this story is a stand-alone rather than chapter two of a previous story. As in HEAD NURSE most of the story is true, but I hope you don't know which parts so that the involved parties may continue to remain hidden from public disclosure and I may remain undetected from the authorities. Enjoy] "Oooooh, Doctor, right there ... yesss ... that is perfect," my patient, Mary Quinn, whispered as I...

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Journey into Melanies Reality Ch 03

Author’s note: You will follow this more readily if you begin with the first two chapters. My apologies to readers for the long gap between the second and third chapters. Thanks to all who have commented by post and email. My deepest gratitude to my careful editor, and to a new friend who has also helped. ***** He flicked off the alarm, immediately realised he was alone. Lay for a bit, reflecting on what Melanie had told him about life with George. And on the sex they had shared last night....

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 28

Cindy woke with a start, feeling very refreshed. Wow, it had to be late for her to feel this good, since 'not a morning person' was an understatement when applied to her. But when she looked at the clock, it was only 8:30am. She'd had only a few hours of sleep, but she was wide awake. And horny. Even more so than normal, and that was saying something. She lay back on the bed, spread her legs wide and began toying with her pussy. All her recent fantasies were fresh in her mind, and she gave...

2 years ago
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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 19 Mike W

My BS&O response read: “Short time. Let’s have fun together” He included his phone number. I called. “This is Mike.” “Z here. Is this a good time to call?” “I’m at work and due a break. I’ll be with you as soon as I get outside. [sound of door closing] Do you have a place to meet?” “No. But I can come to you. I’ve just had a poor experience at a hot tub so please don’t suggest that.” “In that case, you can come to my apartment. I live just off of Sir Walter above Route 12.” “After...

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The Cohen Chronicles Edge of Desire Davids Introduction Chapter 1

Edge of Desire: David's Introduction I know watching like this is wrong. I know. If I had any sort of decency or self respect, I'd move away from the door this instant. But I feel like my feet are literally glued to the fucking floor. My toes are actually digging into the nap of the carpet and I feel like I have cement blocks on each ankle keeping me from being able to take steps in any direction. I'm struggling against a lost cause. In truth, I've been struggling for some time. Three hundred...

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Dressing Room

A couple of weeks ago, on the way back from work I went in to a charity shop a few miles from my home. My wife and I had argued that morning and I didn't feel like seeing her right away. The shop was pretty deserted apart from a young man at the counter, who was reading a magazine. "Pretty dead here, huh?" "Always is this time of day, towards closing time" he replied, without looking up from what he was reading. I spent some time looking at the clothes and the CD's. After a while I...

4 years ago
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Sally Steps Up

Sally was cleaning up at Shepherd's Bar, a roadhouse out on Rt 62. It was past closing time, but she knew there was a party outback because the real money was after hours. So long as things stayed quiet the cops wouldn't pay attention, for the very good reason that the Sheriff was likely to be there. But Shepherd's everybody saw, so it had to close and she was head of the closing crew. She wiped down the counters and watched the yellow light above the door. It had been a quiet night, really,...

1 year ago
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AEBN Celebrities

AEBN offers a selection of celebrity porno that I’m a little embarrassed to admit I just found out about. Can you blame me, though? When you’ve got that many dirty movies, studios and pornstars in one big-ass site, it ain’t too difficult for some of it to get lost in the shuffle from time to time. I guess I was just too distracted shaking my dick at the kind of professional humpers I meet at PornDudeCasting to notice they also have videos of the more “traditional” celebs. Frankly, I’m a sucker...

Premium Nude Celebrities
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Dirty Tricks Chapter 1

Heather Anderson’s stomach lurched as she blankly stared at her desk. She could taste bile, she felt like she might vomit. Heather had just emptied the contents of a mysterious envelope that was waiting for her, and the afterglow from the previous night and the glint of her political future had both dimmed. Now her mayoral chances had been snuffed out... Probably.She angrily regretted her transgression. She felt dirty. She felt tricked. She felt cheated. And she was bloody furious.She was being...

3 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 14

After a month of Chance moving in, their relationship has greatly improved. While they are siblings, neither really acknowledges that fact much. They have become more like a couple and both realize that Chance is technically Rory’s longest lasting boyfriend. Any that she has had before have never lasted more than a week. Now to celebrate such a fact, they went out to one of the fanciest restaurants in town. Chance was concerned about the cost of such a fancy affair, but Rory assured him that...

1 year ago
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Late Nite Love

Her name was "Cianocita"(spanish for bloosom),i nicknamed her that becuase she was my flower of life. She and i met about seven months ago and the sexual chemistry was there!!. I fell in love with her,becuase of the way she treated me.She was my queen!She knew what and when to say things and she knew the perfect way to make me feel like her baby,she changed my life tremendously. She has a few years on me but that didnt change the way we felt about each other. From our first kiss to our first...

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Anal Rendezvous

I was awakened that crisp autumn day in a most delightful way. A warm, wet tongue was washing my cock as a finger circled my asshole. Without opening my eyes, I went with the terrific feeling that spread through my body from my crotch. The cabin was toasty with my setting the thermostat to 75 when I arrived a couple of hours earlier that Friday afternoon. I spread my legs slightly to allow better access to my asshole and balls as the mouth began swallowing me to the base of my dick. My hips...

3 years ago
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Moonlit Love

I am lying in my bed, staring out the window at the pale orb above me. The moon is so bright, so full, so hypnotic. He is tugging at my heart, pulling me into orbit. ‘Come away with me,’ he whispers, ‘I’ll protect you.’ I float out of my bed and slip out the window. Like a spirit I fly over the spider web of lights, my dear city now far below. Over rivers and mountains, deserts and plains, I soar. My love knows no earthly boundaries. I swim through the air, eyes on my lovely moon, calling...

4 years ago
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Summer Time Chp 2 Here Cums the Girls

Becky bounced out of the pickup and waved her arms at me shouting “hi Jimmy, how’s the fishing.’ I don’t know why but I just hated being called Jimmy and Becky knew it but would say it all the time just to rub it in. So I gave her a hurt scowl look and she came up to me with that puppy dog look and kissed me on the cheek. Usually this is as far as it goes, it was becoming a private game between the two of us, but this time instead of saying “there, there Jim it will be alright” she...

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Future Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 2 Journey on the Hogwarts Express

Chapter 2 ‘Quickly Harry, the train’s about to leave,’ cried Ginny above the roar of the train’s engines as the station master began to close the doors to the carriages. Harry and the three kids quickly ran over through the horde of parents and relatives towards Ginny, who was stood anxiously beside one of the few open doors left to the train. ‘Keep up the hard work at school Lily,’ said Ginny hurriedly as she gave her a quick kiss and hug before Lily happily bounded onto the train. ‘Have a...

2 years ago
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Before I relate to the incident below, I must confess to a fantasy I've had on and off since I was about 17 as you will see the connection as I reveal all. A boyfriend I had at that time, showed me a quiet a few blue videos, But one particular video stuck in my mind. An elegant and very attractive woman in her 30’s in a Mercedes sports car; almost knocks over a tramp crossing the road, she takes him home, she feeds him and then she offers herself in exchange for him not informing the...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 60

Flashback – Ben and George (the Butterbar) – Spotter training and other things. The AC-130 started making circles around the hospital, small at first and then larger, and it wasn't long until there were no more insurgents attacking us. I looked around to find George and saw he was on the horn so I walked over and heard, "Yes, the area is clear and will continue to be clear if you don't waste too much time." George saw me and asked, "Is the Captain ready for transport?" I grinned at...

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What Katie Did 4 on the Phone with Evie

If you haven’t read any of my previous “stories” in this series, you should try to read them in order, though each can stand by itself.How I Started Being an Exhibitionist Katie Did in the Parking Station Katie Did on the Balcony are not just “stories”; they are based on things that have happened to me or to people I know. ...

2 years ago
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In Her GenesChapter 2 A Dark Secret

As it happened, Josh Hartwell arrived just as Judy and Dani returned to the waiting room. Cliff made the introductions, explaining that Hartwell was his boss during the summer, and that he wanted a word with Judy. Judy Olsen had dealt with more than one lawyer in her life, and she squinted at the man with her head tilted. "How can I help you, Mr. Hartwell?" Josh Hartwell was a good looking S.O.B. He was tall, he was trim, and he could have given some A-list actors a run for their money in...

1 year ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 8 Thank You Boys

Our band rehearsal on Saturday was spirited. Perhaps it was the prospect of playing for people at the auditions, or maybe it was the impending trip to the woods party, but either way, we played with new energy. There may have been a third cause as well: Brian was supposed to stop by with his girlfriend Elaine. I don’t know that I’d ever talked to Elaine until Brian started going out with her. In my group of friends, she was considered to be untouchably popular. Besides being a cheerleader...

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First time caught with BBC

I would slip away every day to meet the older boy with the BBC, in the shed down the alley. He was always waiting on me with his shorts down and his BBC dick out. Ready for my warm mouth and tounge to suck him off. He would greet me with a big smile and a French kiss. I pulled down my shorts and got on my knees to suck his BBC. His limp dick started to grow and fill my mouth. It did not take him long to start fucking my mouth and for me to taste his salty cum. He told me that i was the best...

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Kenshiro HidoriChapter 4

After appearing in England Kenshiro wandered it until he came to the coast. Once there he joined the few fighting men who were willing to protect ships from Viking raiders. He had taken many of these jobs and at least half of the time encountered the enemy. Making a good account for himself many of the men on his current ship looked to him when the fighting started when they needed direction. During a storm his ship was swept off course losing a few men as they tried to steer her to the...

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Sumit ki shadi ka safar

Hi lucknow ki bhabhi logo aaj mein aapko ek pyaari si kahani bhej raha hoon ummed hai aapko pusand aaygi pade aur bataye ki kaise hai yeh kahani plz reply jaroor dena aur sex ki liye plz ko milo na lucknow ya uske aas paas ki koi female. I am waiting for your sexy cunt Jaisa ki aksar kahaniyon mai hota hai ki kahani ka character ke office ki friend ya padosan ya ristedaar wali koi choot (jisko mai pya se muniya kehta hoo) mil jaati hai use turat chodne lagta hai. Par haquikat isse kahi adhik...

2 years ago
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Car Trouble1

Beverly, I call her Bev had been so sweet, I thought as I drove down the dark highway. Bev was the girl of my dreams, five foot six, one hundred and thirty five pounds, long wavy ebony hair, flowing down her backless sundress. She has high cheekbones, like she has some Indian blood, bright blue eyes and full red painted cupid-bow lips. I could feel myself getting hard in my slacks just thinking about her. I’m Aaron Markem and I’m twenty two years old, six foot one, one hundred and ninety...

1 year ago
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Fucking Lisa My Lusty Online Friend In Her Hotel Room

Hi, I am pretty much glad for the response I got on the first incident. My bhabhi is yet to know that I published her and the woman I talk with is pretty much overwhelmed to hear about the things you people said. Jahnavi, my bhabhi, was happy to have me, the one who really cares for her as told by her, in her life. I don’t know whether to thank my brother. Without him, I wouldn’t had the chance to get erotic with her or look after her because of the things happening in her life. Everything...

4 years ago
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Flirty Fishing

The school year was finally coming to an end for Miriam Smith and she looked forward to it. The pretty blonde wife taught English at the local high school where she enjoyed making a difference in young people's lives. Miriam frequently had lunch in the school cafeteria with one of the pretty French teachers, Erica White. If there ever was a 'flower child, ' the description would fit Erica to a tee. While she grew up in the fast lane of the eighties, she could have easily fit into the...

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