A Dream Come True My Bbw Shared
- 2 years ago
- 34
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“K ... Ka ... Kathryn, what are you... ow!”
“First of all, dipshit, I’m not your morning hummer service. Second, even you aren’t dumb enough to think you can get away with calling a chick you just banged by another girl’s name. I was actually considering it for a moment, just to see the look on your face when you woke up, but now you can fuck right off. Third, it’s time to get up.”
“Was it really necessary to yank on my penis that hard just to wake me up?”
“Of all the things we’ve done over the last eight or so hours, which among them would you call ‘necessary?’” Silence was his only possible answer. “That’s what I thought. Now, get your hairy ass out of bed and into the shower. You smell terrible.”
A few minutes later, clearing the cobwebs under a hot spray, he spared a moment to regret how the morning had started. He’d hoped for at least one more coupling before bringing their impossible rendezvous to a close, but clearly Wendy had different ideas. A shame. On the other hand, I have no reason to complain. If this is how it ends, I’ll still treasure the memory forever.
“Do you have a toothbrush I can borrow?” he called through the partially open bathroom door. Wendy was crashing around the bedroom making what he thought was a rather terrible din for such an early hour, and he had to repeat himself several times before she heard him clearly.
“What kind of dumbass forgets to pack a toothbrush?”
“The kind of dumbass who thought he was going to be sleeping in his own apartment.”
“Oh, right. Yeah, look in the left cabinet below the sink. I don’t promise it hasn’t been used as a sex toy, though.”
“I’m not kidding. You’d better hope it wasn’t in someone’s ass,” she cackled. He eyed it suspiciously for a moment, decided that it looked and smelled clean, that he could just pretend it had been inside a beautiful woman’s unsullied pussy, and went ahead with his ablutions. No deodorant either, but as long as there’s no more sweating I’ll be fine until I get back to the lake.
When he emerged and started fishing through his bag for a change of clothes, Wendy was nowhere to be found. He’d almost finished dressing when she reappeared, wearing the same ultra-tight shorts she’d worn the day she joined them on the boat. What looked to be the very same yellow bikini peeked out from beneath her artfully ripped shirt, and she was sporting a fashionable pair of sunglasses. A bulging backpack was slung over her shoulder. I guess she’s got a big day planned, and I’m keeping her from it. “What’s taking you so long?” she impatiently demanded.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you had somewhere to be. I’ll be out of your way in a moment.” His dismay at their lack of morning intimacy was gradually being supplanted by mild annoyance. It’s as if she can’t wait to get me out of here. I guess she’s battling regrets about last night.
“Not if you don’t dress faster, you won’t.”
“Okay, okay. Talk about wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am,” he muttered.
“Yeah, that’s me. Fist ‘em and leave ‘em. But you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
“I swear, every conversation with you is like the first day of preschool. Your brain must be made of quicksand. No thoughts will ever escape!”
“What are you talking about?”
“So you don’t recognize this outfit?”
“Of course I do.”
“ ... and?”
“You’re going to the beach?”
“Something like that. What’s more, you’re giving me a ride.”
Typical of her to tell me I’m an idiot and then ask for a favor. “Sure, I suppose, as long as it’s not too far out of my way. I really should have the car back on the early side.”
“It’s exactly zero millimeters out of your way.”
He stared at her blankly, until what should’ve been a completely obvious insight finally hit him square in the forehead. “Are you coming with me? But...” His soaring heart rate and a rush of arousal were immediately dashed by logic. No, it won’t be a repeat of last time. Bill left yesterday and he’ll be back tomorrow. That means no sex, which means this is nothing more than escapist fun.
Giving him a condescending pat on the head, she turned and headed for the door. “By the way, now I can reveal the rest of what I was told: this is the fourth thing, whatever the hell that means.” Luke dropped his shoe, a little stunned at what this implied. “But it won’t be any damned numbered thing if you don’t hurry up!”
“So tell me what’s going on. Why is your panicky lover pimping you out to me? What are all these ‘things’ she’s talking about? And why do you look like someone shot you in the dick every time I mention your One True But Already Married Love’s name?”
They hadn’t even finished exiting the parking garage when Wendy began her interrogation, but for the majority of the ride Luke did most of the talking. She interjected an occasional request for clarity, but otherwise just listened as he spooled out the events and emotions — those he could share without revealing the details of Kathryn’s trauma, that is — of the past few weeks, and especially the rising tension and conflict in the aftermath of what he’d thought was a glorious foursome.
“It sounds to me like you bit off more than you could chew.”
“But how was I to know it would dredge up her nightmares?”
“Since you can’t tell me what happened it’s hard for me to answer, though it’s not too hard to read between the lines and I’m pretty sure I’ve got the reprehensible idea. Please don’t confirm or deny, and anyway I’m not going to speculate about something I don’t know. But I don’t mean the sex. I mean the emotions. You weren’t ready, and now you’re completely off-balance.”
“I guess, but when you take it apart none of the pieces were all that unfamiliar.”
“Ah, but you didn’t take it apart. You did it all at once. When we had our threesome, the only things about it that were different for Kathryn were me and the DPs. Even then, she’d already had plenty of sex with women; I was just her first in a while. Nor was it her first threesome, though it was her first with a man involved. But then you serve up an enormous prong attached to an old lover, with all the dredged-up emotions that entails, dive right into a foursome and the kind of mind-altering DPs she really wanted, toss in a sex-crazed supermodel who sounds like she might be the one and only person on the planet who can sexually intimidate your girl, and reduce her to a pile of snot and tears with that whole big submission drama. Which is what you said led to her breakdown.”
“Yeah, you’re right. It was new for us, anyway — we’d played around with it before, but this was much more serious and intense — and it’s kinda what triggered everything that followed.”
“Luke, you’ve used an out-of-control train analogy a few times. You even used it before we had sex ... or maybe it was during, I can’t remember. The problem is that you’re on the train, which means that you can’t see the train. You think everything that happens is completely comprehensible because you’re in the middle of it, but anyone standing alongside the rails could tell you that you’re headed for a cliff. So, let’s review: she’d been with Alejandro before, but even though all my own experiences are either artificial or forearms, I can tell you that having something that big rearranging your innards is a struggle, physically and emotionally. Then you’ve got a horny supermodel who’s apparently something Kathryn’s never encountered before: a true sexual peer. Who you ask on a date, you fucking moron ... and don’t think that didn’t fire up your lover’s jealousy. I’m right, aren’t I?” He nodded guiltily. “And then there’s the crazy whips-and-chains roleplaying that got you into this mess. After which you trudge home to a situation in which she’s already under intense pressure, expecting to wake up as if nothing’s changed? Your relationship — the intensity of it, the realness of it, but also the conflict and confrontation that’s been built into it from the very beginning — took a huge, scary leap forward, and you weren’t able to handle it. Neither of you were, though I’ve no doubt this is mostly her fault.”
“How is it mostly her fault? We did everything together. I’m the one who couldn’t handle her past.”
“That part was all on you, yeah. But it’s her fault because she knows you can’t say no to her.” Luke nodded contemplatively, remembering Irina telling him essentially the same thing. “Almost no one can, of course. Look at what we did last night and notice where we’re headed right now, after all. But you really can’t. She’d already gotten everything she knew she wanted from you — which was, individually and collectively, what she’s not getting from her husband — and then you had to go and force her onto Alejandro’s elephant dick.”
“Now it sounds like you’re actually blaming me.”
“In a way. It set off a chain reaction of events and emotions neither of you were prepared for. You took the control away from her. In a vacuum, that’s a smart enough gesture and, ultimately, what she wants if she’s truly a submissive, but when you did, you also took her stability and surety away, and you didn’t have any of your own to offer. So far, everything that’s happened between the two of you so far has been her leading, enticing, or seducing while you float through your sexual nirvana like a horny goddamned mime. You gave her something unexpected ... something she didn’t plan or prepare for ... and now she realizes that she not only wants to bang the universe and everyone in it, but that there’s someone out there who’s actually willing to give it to her. Except there’s a huge roadblock. That one great big thing she doesn’t yet know. That enormous, threatening cloud of indecision looming over everything. And when it comes to that, all you have to offer her is your own anxiety and indecision.” She sighed. “If you’d attempted this little romp back in the early days of your relationship, you might’ve had enough time to get your feet back on the ground. Now? I don’t know if you do. You have to be almost done with work, right? I mean, I helped move an entire winery’s cellar from one building to another, and it didn’t take this long.”
“I need a little over a week, but that’s only because I’ve been stretching it out and ... well, y’know, otherwise occupied. Mostly the latter, of course, and don’t tell me you’d make a different choice in my shoes. For better or worse I’m being given that week right now, but since it’s going to be followed by two weeks where it’s just us, I’m not going to try very hard to finish.”
“How ethical of you.”
“I’ve already heard this criticism.”
“I know, and you didn’t listen any better then than you are now.”
“Actually, you’re completely wrong about that. I hear you just fine, and what’s more I agree with everything you said then and everything you’re saying now. I just...”
“You just can’t let her go without a few thousand more shags.”
“I’m not even going to pretend to lie. You’ve been with her. Would you? Yes, the sex is extraordinary beyond anything I’ve ever imagined — I mean it; I’ve never even conceived that it could be like it is with her — and I don’t want to give that up until I absolutely have to. But what I meant was: not without some sort of fight for our future, or at least for closure. That conversation that keeps getting put off, but one way or another we’re going to have it. Otherwise, I’ll waste away in madness and regret, never knowing if there was a chance that we failed to take when we could, or if we were doomed from the start, or if there’s something that one or both of us could say or do that would make the choice clearer. Please tell me you at least understand why I have to do that.”
Putting her hand on his thigh, she squeezed reassuringly. “I understand perfectly well. And you’re right, you can’t go on without having that conversation. You know how I know you’re right?”
“Because you told me the same thing ages ago.”
“Exactly. Even before you were actually together, I warned you. And, unfortunately, I’m going to repeat something I said a few minutes ago: if you’d started having that conversation then, you might have some answers by now. As it is, you’re on a tight deadline and all it’s really going to do is fuck up the last few weeks of your otherwise endless fornication.”
“You really think it’s going to be that bad?”
“I’m sorry, Luke. I meant it when I said I love you, and that means I don’t want to hurt you or see you get hurt, but I think it’s going to be even worse than you imagine.”
“It sounds to me like you don’t think there’s any hope.”
She removed her hand. “To be honest, I’m less certain of that answer. She loves you, and I mean she really loves you. Only someone who loves you a great deal would’ve done what she did for you yesterday. She can probably see a future with you, and I’m sure parts of it look pretty appealing. But she’s seeing an idealized version of you based on a small fraction of an actual life, and when it comes time to decide, she’s going to realize that. Your biggest mistake, Luke, is that you’ve never tried to make it real.”
“I wish you’d said this to me before,” he offered through a pained half-smirk, half-grimace.
“You... insufferable...” she sputtered before he raised his hand.
“I know. I remember that you tried to tell me this as well, and I wouldn’t listen. Actually, it’s more like I couldn’t wrap my head around it. To me, it was no less real than any other relationship. It was only later, when it was clear even to me that it was spiraling out of control, that I finally understood what you meant. If this all goes to hell, you’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”
“On the contrary, I’ll never mention it again. I’m afraid this is a wound that’s never going to heal.”
“Sadly, I finally believe you. Any advice?”
“Next time a sage lebso pal is trying to tell you something important, listen to her.”
“It’s a deal. Anything a little more specific?”
“Not really. Not only don’t I have any particularly good advice to give, I’m not sure I want to give you any on this subject. I honestly don’t know which outcome I think would be better. It might seem obvious to you, but I feel very differently, and have from the beginning. I’ll just say this: do you remember last night ... this morning, whatever ... when I explained how I can get off magnificently while having sex with you, but be unmoved or even repelled by all the other things that should be part a physical or romantic relationship?”
“What I was really talking about were thresholds. There’s a point beyond which I’m not sufficiently attracted to you — several points, actually — to want to keep fucking you. If those didn’t exist, I wouldn’t be a dyed-in-the-labia lesbian, I’d be bisexual, or have you as my one-dick-exception, or whatever. But they do. Even though you’re my best friend, even though there are innumerable reasons we should be a couple, even though we have shockingly good sex, I know I’ll never get past them. Are you with me so far?”
“Unfortunately, but this is all stuff you’ve said before.”
“Right. But what I’m telling you is that Kathryn has thresholds too. You might not see them because she’s apparently up for anything in the sexual galaxy, but they’re there. And the big one — the one that your entire future depends upon — is just how much external and internal pressure it would take to end her marriage. I’m sure you’re already a much more interesting sex partner, so it’s not about that. It’s not a simple matter of love, either. She might in fact love you more, yet still be unwilling to leave him. So far, the only thing you’ve asked her to do is transgress. If you’re really serious about a future with her, you’re going to be asking her to do something much worse: reject and destroy someone else’s love, right alongside some of her own. I think she’s capable of it, but I don’t know if you’re capable of convincing her that you’re worth it.”
He thought about this for a few minutes before responding. “That’s a lot to take in. But I’m also discovering something that I’ve never noticed before: you don’t like Kathryn very much, do you?”
“Actually, I adore Kathryn, though I’m a little wary of someone that attractive who wields that much sexual power. It’s the two of you together that I’m not sure I like.”
“So why are you in this car right now?”
“Because yesterday, before we went to my bar and long before the sex — when I was at lunch watching the procession of tearjerkers and romcoms and horror films screening behind your haunted eyes — I wanted to see what was happening for myself. I didn’t realize that I’d get an opportunity so soon, but I would’ve manufactured one. Because now that I’ve told you off as much as I’m going to, I think it’s going to be a fun day. And because I’m kinda hoping I’ll get laid.”
“I wouldn’t count on that. Kathryn has a rule about sex too close to Bill’s arrival or departure.”
“Which she’s never broken?”
He reddened a bit. “Uh, maybe once, or...”
“Uh-huh. I’ll bet you a very expensive dinner at a restaurant of my choosing that she’s going to break it again today.”
“You really think so?”
“Well, either way I came prepared.” At his puzzled sideways glance she added, “You’re not the only Luke in the car at the moment. Anyway, if the two of us in bed was the ‘third thing’ to make up for your big fight, why would a ‘fourth thing’ that involves me dragging my fabulous ass all the way out here not involve sex?”
“You make a reasonable case. I hope you’re right.”
“I’m sure you do. Which brings me to the final reason I’m in this car, and it has absolutely nothing to do with Kathryn.”
“Which is?”
“We’ve put our clothes on, but we haven’t walked away. That was the signal that we were done, and it hasn’t arrived yet. Even if I’m wrong about your lover, I’m not quite finished with you.”
Luke ran upstairs to apply deodorant and change while the women got noisily reacquainted in the driveway, a greeting that included a truly promising amount of kissing. Kathryn had already stocked the boat with food and beverage, so there was nothing else for them to do. While Wendy took the opportunity for a quick bathroom break, Kathryn pulled him into a tight, almost desperate embrace.
“Just so you know,” she whispered, “I’m suspending the normal rules.”
“I’m sorry if I’m supposed to act surprised, but Wendy already assured me you would. And Kathryn?”
“Yes ... Luke?” She didn’t say what she wanted to say. That’s a problem we have to start fixing right now.
“I love you.”
“Oh god,” she said, holding him even tighter. “I love you too. I’m so sorry.”
“Me too. But if you’re suspending the rules, I think there are better ways to apologize.”
Though her eyes were still a bit misty, an inviting smile spread across her face. “You’re right about that. Did Wendy bring your replacement?”
“I sure did,” the blonde announced as she barreled through the guesthouse door. “And given his pathetic performance last night, maybe we should just leave the original here.”
“At the very least we could let him watch. Anyway, I don’t believe you. I see the look in your eyes. It was fantastic, wasn’t it?”
“Well,” she admitted, grabbing Luke’s elbow and sensuously grinding against his hip, “since he’s such a supermodel-banging stud these days...” Kathryn’s eyes narrowed, and he held up his hands in defense.
“She guessed. It only took her about three minutes. I honestly don’t know how Faith keeps it a secret. I didn’t even say much of anything; I just sat there listening and still managed to blow her cover in the space of a single city block.”
“Like I said, I can read you like a book, man-whore,” she joked. “Now, can we go for a sexy boat ride? I wanna get my tits out and hear all about your orgy. And then maybe recreate it in the water.” All three were laughing uproariously as they crossed the lawn, but in the back of Luke’s mind he wondered if there would be consequences for revisiting such a transformative event.
If there was any hesitation on anyone else’s part, it certainly wasn’t evident. As he had last time, Luke navigated the boat away from the dock and sped around the lake for a while, enjoying the speed and the head-clearing combination of wind and noise. By the time he glanced back to check on his passengers, Wendy was already completely naked and swapping saliva with Kathryn, who (as they were in direct sun) remained fully covered. Mischievously, he abruptly cut the engine and spun the wheel sharply to the left, causing Kathryn to tumble directly on top of the supine blonde. Her surprise lasted just long enough for Wendy to spread her legs in invitation ... an invitation Kathryn greedily accepted, once she’d given her breasts and her tight stomach a thorough oral tribute. Despite being painfully erect, he stayed near the wheel and watched, sure he’d soon get his turn.
Indeed, once Kathryn finished tonguing Wendy to several demonstrative orgasms, she got up and joined Luke. As sexily as possible, given its general formlessness, she lifted her linen caftan to reveal that she was completely naked underneath, fell to her knees, and extracted his cock, moaning with happiness as her lips and tongue worked his length. The blonde joined them a few minutes later, at first standing behind Kathryn to massage her breasts and fondle her swollen nipples, then kneeling right beside her, startling the redhead by wresting control of his shaft and pulling it deep into her throat. She took control of Kathryn’s head and pushed it downward until her lips were pressed against his scrotum, a task for which she harbored no distaste. Luke groaned as his arousal accelerated into overdrive.
If Kathryn was surprised by the eagerness of Wendy’s fellatio, it was nothing compared to the moment she sensed Luke’s onrushing orgasm. Several attempts to nudge the blonde out of the way were rebuffed, and so she attempted a verbal warning. “Wendy, he’s about to...” At that moment, Luke erupted. The redhead watched in shock and delight as he pumped thick gouts of seed into her mouth without resistance or complaint. The moment Wendy moved away, Kathryn’s lips replaced hers, greedily sucking and searching for a few more drops. But Wendy again took control of her head and brought her close for a kiss. Luke watched, mesmerized, as their mouths met. The redhead was enraptured, moaning and quivering her way to climax as Wendy fed his semen to Kathryn, fingering her drenched sex the entire time; a favor she soon returned. Back and forth they passed his cream until Wendy tenderly stroked Kathryn’s throat, gesturing for her to swallow. When she was finished, she gave the blonde a lopsided grin. “I’m guessing that wasn’t your first time. You handled it far too well for it to be no more than show.”
“Last night I took the opportunity to learn a few new things, though like I told the hairy ape I don’t know who’s gonna benefit. His is the first, last, and only dick I’ll ever suck, and the same is true for swallowing his cock paste. Anyway, you’re more than welcome to the rest; I just wanted to experience a ... what’s it called again?”
“Snowball,” the others answered in unison.
“Right. And I wanna try the other thing, too.”
“A creampie?” Kathryn’s other hand shot between her legs, entangling with Wendy’s as Luke spoke the word.
“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll pass that one back to you as well. Anyway, despite the source it’s really not all that bad, and I don’t know why I was so weird about avoiding it last time. That said, you love it and I only tolerate it, so from now on it’s all yours. As are his nuts, which still creep me out. Now, Kathryn ... everyone’s had their top blown off but you, and that small one just now doesn’t count. Sit in that chair and spread your legs so I can devour your delicious pussy. Quicksand-for-brains, get behind me and feed me that salami. I don’t care which hole. Both if you’d like. There’s lube in my backpack if you’re gonna do my ass.”
For the next two hours they coupled and uncoupled ... snacking, washing down the taste of their union with bittersweet Americanos, diving into the lake to rinse away sweat and other fluids, groping each other under the water with such enthusiasm that staying afloat was difficult ... then returning to the shade of the forward canopy to join with each other in duos and trios. Wendy got her creampie straight from Kathryn’s freshly fucked cunt, while the redhead returned the favor from Wendy’s nether orifice shortly thereafter. After some consultation between the two women, Wendy decided to leave the Luke-replicating dildo in her bag, concerned that the boat’s hard surfaces would limit her ability to use it without raising the possibility of bruises; something his lover obviously wished to avoid. On the way back to the dock, however, Kathryn overruled the objection in a clever fashion: letting the blonde navigate back while the redhead stood behind her, driving the strap-on into her overheated pussy. Luke gave the redhead what was almost certainly not going to be her last double penetration of the day; shafting Kathryn’s silky ass while the other half of the double-sided dildo moved around in her sex. Making his lover scream with unbridled ecstasy while Wendy was trying to guide the boat homeward was as hilarious as it was thrilling.
As they unloaded the supplies, both Luke and Wendy admitted that they were on the verge of exhaustion. Their three-person nap got a slow start — Kathryn insisted on providing sequential oral climaxes before she’d let them sleep — but soon thereafter they fell into a tangle of limbs and satisfied organs. Wendy expressed immense relief at having Kathryn’s luscious body to embrace while she snoozed.
A few hours later, Luke woke to Kathryn’s familiar lips around his pole. Her oscillations eventually woke Wendy, who grumbled for a while and then knelt behind the redhead, fingering her pussy and aggressively rimming her ass until she came. Worried about his stamina should their bacchanal continue for as long as it he guessed it might, Luke gently lifted his lover’s face from his overstimulated organ, kissed her, and led everyone to the shower. It was a tight fit for three of them, but they managed it with only a few banged elbows and a handful of orgasms, all of them experienced by Wendy.
“So what should we do now? Wendy, you can stay for a while, right?”
“BTG’s closed tonight, so I can actually stay until tomorrow, if you don’t think you’ll get sick of me before then. I’ll need a ride back to the city, though.”
“I can do that. I have to be at the airport by nine.” Kathryn glanced guiltily at Luke, but he just shrugged and kissed her cheek. She hugged him back, grateful for his understanding. “Anyway, my question was more immediate. Should we stay in bed all day? Move the party somewhere else? Think about dinner? All three at once?”
“Since this entire experience is essentially one giant fantasy for me,” Luke suggested, “why don’t we defile this apartment a while longer, eat something, then reassemble in the jacuzzi.”
“A two-girl hot tub experience? Two hot ladies going down on you while you sit on the edge like a lazy-assed king? How trite.”
“I’m up for it,” Kathryn countered with a hungry smile.
“Wendy, you do remember that you told me your hot tub story, right?”
To Luke’s surprise, she actually blushed. “Oh ... uh, yeah. Right. But it wasn’t...”
“Yes, I remember the number. A little bit more than a threesome, wasn’t it?”
“Now I’m intrigued,” Kathryn interjected.
“Fuck it, let me tell the story so the perv doesn’t start embellishing it the way he probably imagines it. I was pouring wine for some bullshit corporate event at a hotel up in the mountains. All the men were drooling creeps and all the women were straight and/or boring, so I grabbed a few bottles of Champagne and headed for the hot tub. For a while, I was blissfully alone and pleasantly sloshed under a canopy of stars. Then a big group of giggling, already half-drunk, but undeniably hot sorority girls showed up on their way to ... hell, I don’t remember, probably because I didn’t care. Liquor was passed around, our tops came off, we played some bullshit drinking game and showered the deck with our bottoms, we ended up in someone’s suite, one thing led to another, and ... well, I guess ‘lesbian until graduation’ really is a thing for some girls. Though all their toys were too tame, whereas I think mine scared a few.”
“You had an all-girl orgy with a group of drunken sorority chicks, and you have the nerve to call my fantasy trite?” Luke’s teasing made her blush a second time.
“No, the trite part was that one of them decided she really was a lesbian and tracked me down for a three-week rematch. I got a nice cash bonus from Lesbian Human Resources for that one,” she added to Kathryn’s delighted laughter. “Unfortunately, she decided that I wasn’t femme enough for her. Last I heard she was with some actress, but since I can’t seem to remember her name, she can’t be that famous.”
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An eternity seemed to pass before Cari descended from the clouds of ecstasy her two lovers had taken her to. As Tanya had said earlier, it was an indescribable experience. Finding the strength in her weak arms, she shakily pushed up to a sitting position. Barry and Chance were still on their backs. They smiled up at her. However, Tanya was no longer in the room. As Cari glanced around, the black-haired woman came pushing through the kitchen door. In her hands was a replenished tray,...
My babysitter Lori lived across the street from us. She was about 16 or 17 years old and attractive. She was also about 5’8′ tall with long dark brown hair. She would wear blue jeans a lot and she wore them rather tight with white or blue all star converse. She watched me for a long time. When I got to be 16 or 17 years old my parents still asked her to come over and watch me since I liked and respected her. She was there to keep me in line since she was 7 years older then me. I loved when...
SWEET REVENGEAs the rays of the mid-day sun beat down upon the crowded golden sands of the South American holiday resort, a small group of three female British tourists were taking advantage of the conditions, after splashing about for sometime at the waters edge, they were now sitting together, under the shade of a large parasol, drinking, and relaxing at a beach-side bar.Tomorrow they would be catching their flight home to the UK, two of their party, Amelia; an 18 year old brunette with hazel...
***I feel as though I’m racing the clock and I know that this will be late for Christmas, but still … I just wanted this part to carry a little romance and a touch of magic in a Christmass-y sort of way. I ought to mention that this is quite obviously a work of fiction – and to my knowledge, though Cu Sith as a phenomenon was known in Scotland for centuries here and there, there is no connection to the families mentioned in this, just as their slightly different way of looking at things is...
I’ve both Nate and Nathan carry a plate with a salad sandwich, one apiece. I say, “These two apprentice Masters will assist me with your training as you’ve not yet earned the right to the proper attention of a Master. They’ve a sandwich each for your lunch and they’ll feed it to you in pieces. You’ll get nothing else to eat until after you’ve eaten all of your sandwich. Choose not to eat it now and it sits here until you do. Be that tonight, tomorrow, or next week. You get nothing until you...
A comfortable silence stretched between Nicki and Matt and she couldn’t help but smile. She probably looked completely goofy but she didn’t care. Her lips still tingled from his kiss, and she got the feeling by the way he was looking at her that he felt it, too. ‘So…’ Matt said, eyeing her. Nicki looked at him from under a thick blanket of black eyelashes and licked her lips. ‘Weren’t you supposed to be making sure I get home safe?’ Matt was on his feet so fast it looked as if his chair had...
Sloan Harper and her boyfriend planned a romantic vacation and it’s finally time to go! She missed him so much, but more importantly, she missed his dick. A long road trip is ahead, but she’s too horny to wait till they get to the hotel. She starts to finger herself on the car ride and he rubs her clit. They eventually pull over so she can give him some amazing road head. They finally get to the hotel and walk down an amazing forest to get there. It’s beautiful and romantic....
xmoviesforyouKathy By Xu [Fade into school classroom, one student front row centre tapping a tube of lipstick on the table, a girl, around 14. Dark mascara, pale lipstick, too much foundation] Hi, I'm Kathy. Actually, I'm Christopher, but no one believes me. Confused yet? I know I am... [Zoom from classroom as the Kathy speaks, then merges to opening credits] [Cue theme song, 'Leap of Faith'] Sometimes in life you just have to take chances To get where you think you should...
These are compliments of netmanager99 Have you heard the Lego store is open for the first time since the COVID shutdown? They’re lining up for blocks. (It took me a second to piece that joke together.) My friend claims that he can print a gun using his 3D printer, but I’m not impressed. I have had a Canon printer for years. Are people born with a photographic memory? Or does it take time to develop? What does a condiment wizard perform? Saucery I bought a new pair of...
Chapter 4 The front door was open didn’t even have to use my key on the last day, Jim should have been at work maybe taking a sick day. Through the hall to my room the door was slightly ajar I usually closed it but couldn’t remember if I had closed it or not and then heard a noise from in the room. I moved to the side to try and see in but couldn’t see shit. The only thing to do is go in it’s my room so I did, Jenny was in there and seemed to be going through my chest of drawers she had...
NovelsMy husband shocked me to my core when he asked me to fuck a big black cock. I couldn't believe he would ask me to do this. Didn't he want me? He told me it was just a fantasy that he wanted to try but I said "NEVER!" I thought it was over but our relationship struggled over the next few weeks. He clearly was upset with me as I was upset with him. Why did he want this so much? I started to worry about what this would do with our relationship long term. What if he never got over this? Could I be...
As with all thing Washington, nothing is simple. The staff had recorded the statement starting thirty minutes before. It had the talking heads making noise with their useless opinions. The only thing that caught my eye in the pre-statement lead-in was the ad the Marine Corps ran. The General said the poster was going to be reused and they did. ‘‘The few - The Proud - The Marines; a stepping stone to become President.’’ The professionals would go over the speech and I would get lessons on...
Introduction: roadside fucking with old Amish man and his friend. Emily was driving her brand new red BMW convertible west on US 30. It was a warm spring morning and she had top down and her flowing blonde hair trailing wildly behind her in the wind. She had set out this morning on a quest for what a friend had described as the most wild organic marijuana to be had anywhere. She was now 2 hours away from her home in a posh neighborhood of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. The friend had told here...
This one is compliments of Pat This may be a repeat but worth a second read... "Curtain Rods" aka "Best Divorce Story Ever" She spent the first day packing her belongings into boxes, crates and suitcases. On the second day, she had the movers come and collect her things. On the third day, she sat down for the last time at their beautiful dining room table by candle-light, put on some soft background music, and feasted on a pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar, and a bottle of...
We just arrived at the beach, the k**s were anxious to play in the sand, the wife was still checking nearby hotels to no avail, she sighed in frustration and set her phone down. Saying “there is nothing available” I said “We knew it would be difficult to find a hotel by the beach on such short notice. It’s only a 2-hour drive home, let’s just enjoy our time and drive home later” She agreed, and we set off to the beach.We were having a good time, and finally decided to go and get some dinner. We...
Disclaimer: The following simulated dialogue is fictional. No resemblance to any person, living or dead, is neither intended nor should be inferred. * Taunus Trumbo is on line. Faustus Mortal is on line. Taunus Trumbo: I saw a TV show on ‘Science’. They explained the formation of the elements. From Hydrogen at the Big Band, to the elements Helium through Iron from stars, to all the heavy elements via super novae. Their theory is different from yours. Faustus Mortal: Believe what you...
“HASKILL!” “Yes, Lady Sheogorath? How can I assist you today?” “Have I told you how much I hate this job?” “In the last year as they measure time on Mundus, that would be one thousand, three hundred, and forty-two times. Forty three if you count Sun’s Dawn the 2nd twice, since you seemed to enjoy that day enough that you lived it twice.” “Well, it IS the traditional summoning day for Sheogorath, after all. But I digress, as I find myself wont to do after these centuries of either filling...
The three teens froze like deer in headlights. Which they weren’t. They were two naked teenage twin sisters who seconds ago had been french kissing while their date fingered their slick wet cunnies frozen in headlights. Ryan pulled his hand away from the two girls. “Ah - get dressed!” He looked around, and in a fit of desperation, stuck his fingers into his mouth to lick them clean. He rushed to the door, looking back at the two girls. Both of them lay there, still slightly glassy eyed as...
You wanted to take the day to yourself. Relax after a stressful week. A week of classes, endless homework, and an ever growing list of other responsibilities piling on one another. You were only human, eventually something had to give, you'd have to let go of something if you had any hope of keeping your head above water. You looked on at the ocean before you. The water threw itself at the shore, in its own violent thrashing, it served as tool to keep you calm, relaxed. Sitting down on the...
Fetish“Hello the roof!” shouted Dan from the stairwell. Ling had told him the men were upstairs waiting for him so they could watch the sunset together. She also said there was something the men wanted to discuss with him. He guessed the topic of discussion. “Come on up here, Dan,” said Leroy in response to the man’s call. Sitting in his chair wearing his blue jeans, work shirt, boots, and cowboy hat, Ed could have been the poster child for relaxation. Ed put down the glass of iced tea he was...
Day 3. Sunday.After the exertions of the previous evening we slept well and woke late. We had missed breakfast at the hotel so we rang room service and they sent over a tray of continental breakfast - croissants and rolls with a pot of tea (for me) and coffee (for him) which we devoured.The day was another lovely one and it was still very warm. Being a Sunday there was very little to do as everything was closed so we went back to the beach, not really expecting a repeat of the previous day but...
Authors notes: This is a short story I began years ago but never finished. I found it among some files long forgotten recently and wrote the ending. It is among my earliest writings and of a more terse style than I have evolved to currently. Be aware that there are some quite intentional sentence fragments and other grammar breakers. I choose to leave them in as written, they fit the terse quality of the writing. The genesis of the story is biographical, but the story itself is fiction. The...
Angela's Thoughts by Janet Harris, August 2007 This was going to be "The thoughts of a brain-transplant donor" but then I began to think of myself entirely as the recipient, so chose the shorter title above. I mean, I only vaguely remember being Roger and it seems a long time ago now. I can hardly believe that this new brain I have lived 55 years as Roger, since I look and feel in every way only 20 years old. The only reminder of my strange past is being unable to remember any...
Devina's in trouble.I woke up with a start and leaped out of bed."Oh god I thought, my Wife is due back tomorrow, and I better clear upthis mess before I go to work today."The mess was actually quite a lot of womens clothes spread across thebedroom floor. You see I am a cross dresser, in private I loved to dressin Womens clothes, slutty tarty clothes, I loved to be dressed as aslutty whore. But my biggest fetish was to wear Macs and raincoats, allsorts, any kind, but especially PVC Macs.Before...
"Well everyone has a little fantasy in the back of their mind and you and me are no different than anyone else." "Yes, with me it's Jean and with you it's Ralph." "I never said it was Ralph. It could be four or five guys for all you know smart-ass. I never talked about Ralph, except when the article was in the paper about him in the ten years we been married. How many times have I heard about Jean in just a short time sweetheart? Now roll over here and make love to me before one of...
The club closed at 2 AM ... House Chorale was still there. The pizzas were delivered by 2:45. 4 AM rolled around and most of Chorale's allies had taken their new charges and gone home. Cornelius and Newton were still there, as either was more than happy to take any potential troublemakers. By 5, Minerva, Hans, Andre and Puppy had taken their seven guests and gone home. All that were left were Karghold Newton's ten and Carol was trying desperately to get a read on the last three of them...
Eerie Salon: Seasons of Change - Spring, part 10 of 13 By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson © 2013 Sunday, June 02, 1872 Reverend Yingling leaned forward, both his hands braced on the altar, and began speaking. "You all know, I'm sure, of the fire last Thursday night. Many of you, no doubt, were among those who fought it. I was there myself, a part of the bucket brigade." "I do not know how the fire started. It may have been some careless mistake on the part of the rather...
Ed, dressed in jeans and work-shirt, sat back enjoying his cup of coffee after finishing his breakfast. He laughed as Betsy ran into the room to begin her breakfast. Any time now Ling would show up looking bedraggled as she tried to keep up with the dynamo. Betsy had already asked Marguerite to make her favorite breakfast and had sat down at the table before Leroy entered the room. Groaning, he said, “Good morning, Ed.” “Where’s Ling?” “I’m letting Ling sleep in a little,” said Leroy. He...
Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk – Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I gripped the ruby amulet as we climbed the small hill revealed behind the massive illusion. At the top, something glinted. Something crystal. The Altar of Souls. My heart beat faster and faster. A hot thrill built and built in me, it grew with every step. I could almost feel the soul of the Biomancer pulsing and quivering inside the ruby. Did he know that his phylactery’s...
"Wantin', and fuckin', and squeezin', and beggin', lickin' and screamin' and ridin' my clit." I sang to Tessa and Jenna, bound back to back. I shook my wide hips at them. I love them. They giggled. They were hard and gagged and leaking, too bad, girls, about those little cages on your clits. I brushed Tessa's on the way to lick Jenna. "Mmm, darling, you taste marvelous. Maybe I should have a little more of you." Her eyes widened. So pretty, Jenna, your mouth would be just right to sheath my...
3:30amYou awake with a start. You had drifted off peacefully hours ago, waking up so suddenly has disoriented you. Your eyes frantically dart through the darkness as your heart races. Soon you realize I am climbing on top of you, poised to mount your face. Now you realize that your punishment is about to start. My hand runs through your long, dark hair, gripping it tightly. I yank your head back. You gasp."Rise and shine, Alexandria!" My voice cuts through the silence as I rub my hard dick...
Well its finnaly happened!!!Late on friday evening my g.f took a phone call to say her daughter(21 yr old) wanted to come home from uni for the weekend, so off we went to pick her up.Ive always had a fantasy about my step daughter but apart from sniffing her panties and having a wank while doing it, nothing more as ever happened....until saturday night.She decided to catch up with a few old friends and go out for drinks, She asked if i'd pick her up at closing time, which i gladly said yes...
My Wife And Bestiality When my wife turned forty and our youngest of three left the nest she became different. She liked animals but then again she had always liked animals. No, this was quite different. She made no bones about liking male animals. She said that if it had a cock she would suck it or fuck it no matter what species it was. She showed me some of the pictures that she had downloaded from the News Groups. There were several different women letting dogs and horses fuck...
Monday morning after Karen left for work, Derrick sat on the patio reading the morning paper when Misty again started yapping at him through the fence. He knew what she wanted and got up and walked over to the fence. "Hey girl how ya been? You like that when I rub your head, don't you? Your just like every other female, always wanting a guy to massage their head." Derrick stood up and turned to go back to his newspaper when Misty started barking again at Derrick. As he continued walking...
The HitchhikerIt had been a long stressful day, with work overloading myself and I felt weary as I climbed into my car and looked at the time. 9.17 PM. It was getting late, and the dusk of nightfall was just beginning to settle in. I set off from work, and headed off down the country roads towards my small cottage home.The radio was switched on, playing soft melodies of olden days gone by. Weaving around the country lane, where up ahead, a vehicle situated at the side of the road. A small...
Quickie SexEDEN The physician came back into the small examining room, the solid door closing behind her. She held the small data pad in her hand and looked at Selene with a gentle smile. "Minister Torcrum ... you are the picture of health." She spoke with confidence. "All your vitals are well within normal, no remarkable chemical imbalances though I do recommend not drinking as much caffeine. Your red blood cell count is a little low, but not alarmingly so. Surprisingly ... your elf genes and not...
Part 7Well, it has been a week, let me tell you. After telling my husband about my experiences with my group of young guys and than taking him up to my secrete place in the park and showing him around and than using the area to the fullest. This week has been just as exciting for me. Before I continue, let me describe myself, I have a distinct look – 51 years old, 5 feet 5 inches tall, 145 pounds, Hispanic with darker skin, brunet hair – shoulder length, mouth that loves to suck cock and has...
Hi this is Geeta from humped by driver series. After about a year of incidents with Raghu my husband suspected something and suggested we start a family. He basically forced himself upon me and made me pregnent. As was the custom now I was travelling to my mom’s place in Pune after the 3rd month. My body had become even fuller and now my breasts felt swollen and tender all the time.However a strange sense of loyalty to the husband was returning too.Ishaan had stopped fooling aroudn for time...
Kat is my wife, she is 5'6" 105lbs. 34c age 42 and after two k**s still better then any 20yr minx. She has a thing were she loves to get in married women who have never been with a women before, she has a way that seems to always work to not only fuck the hell out of them but make them come back begging for more, and then she'll bring them to me to be assfucked too. Let me tell you about Dani and her fall to Kat, About 4months ago Dani was in the Walmartsand looking in the womens wear my wife...
“Shonda, I have a huge favor to ask you.” My ears perked up with interest. Simone was my girl. You know, the one you planned mischief with since you were seven. The one who you giggled with as a teen and had so much dirt on you she could bury you in a heartbeat but you knew she would go to the grave with your deepest secrets. I couldn’t understand why she was being so formal. “Puh-lease girl, you know you just have to say what you want. None of this ‘favor’ bullshit. You need a kidney or...
Group SexChapter 40 Faye was frying potatoes in bacon with onions and heating the oven, The eggs and zucchini were ready and the bread was ready to go into the toaster. Bobbie woke up sweaty. And her hands were... engaged. She looked around, touched her ample breasts, and relished her own touch. Rolling out of bed, she grabbed another pair of the frilly panties Faye wore so often, and grabbed a shirt that barely covered her chest, the bottom of the shirt dangling in the two tails meant to be...
Bryan had always promised to take me to Las Vegas. Each time he told me of his plans to go, they did not include me. I was hurt. I knew I had no business feeling that way. It was his entertainment. I knew my place in his life. I was not his girlfriend.He usually took his girlfriend Lisa. He went to Las Vegas often. I had never been and had all my life heard stories of Las Vegas and wondered what it was like in person.This particular week Bryan told me of his plans to go. He said he was bringing...
True“Your father and I recognize that, but we’ll be gone for almost a week and you wouldn’t be able to take care of yourself that long” “Well maybe if I had a goddamn license I could.” “Well you don’t which is why we’re getting an able bodied baby sitter to take care of you those five days we’ll be gone. This wouldn’t have been a problem if you had decided to come along, but you said no. So this is the alternative.” “Please don’t tell me it’s a guy.” “We would never be so mean. It’s a...
Puffy nipple babe Riley Reid is ready to interview Bambino for the position of pleasuring her. Both of them are dressed to impress in their business finest, each of them looking hot as hell. They try to focus on the business at hand, but the moment Riley is distracted Bambino acts on their flirting to come up behind her and deliver a deep kiss. Instantly putty in Bambino’s arms, Riley presses close while Bambino lifts her miniskirt to expose her thong, then lets Bambino put her up on the...
xmoviesforyouThey went back to the bedroom, the lust still very evident for each other. Ashley lay down over Keith and kissed him again while rubbing the slick skin of her mons all over his cock, pushing it up to full hardness. When he was as hard as possible, Ashley rolled off him and said, "Scoot up, Keith. I sucked you off earlier, it's your turn to do me now!" Keith eagerly scooted fully onto the bed. When he was comfortable, Ashley kneed his way over to him and straddled his neck and chest. Keith...
Transshe took me by the hand and lead me upstairs, her hips swinging so sensually. every flirty step she takes swings her miniskirt bouncing and swaying back and forth just enough for me to peak under and see the curvy bottom of her ass just where it meets the top of her thigh. it was mesmerizing. watching her ass bounce just inches from my face, that lacy thong rubbing between her legs as she steps up left then right then left then right again. her skin felt so soft as i ran my fingers up and...
Oh my god, keep reaming my buttholeShellys mom comes out of the shower fully nude and starts masterbating while watching her daughter get sodomized while Sam pounds away with extreme thundering fuck-thrustsSam - I'm going to fucking cum... Hold your buttcheeks open after I cum and pull out. Diane, come here, put your face under your daughters pussy.... Catch all the sperm when she pushes it out. You better not waste a fucking drop.....Diane - yes daddySam unloads what feels like a gallon of...
It was Friday evening. My sixteen-year-old daughter, Tiffany, had just left to join her cheer leading squad. They were going to an out-of-town ball game to cheer for their team and wouldn't be back home until late that night. There came a soft knock on my door. When I opened the door I was pleasantly but not totally surprised to see Tiffany's friend Mitali standing on my porch. It had been nearly two weeks since I had shown Mitali Singh how she could use her hands and fingers to give...
As sunlight peeked through the blinds in Damian’s bedroom, Erin slowly woke to the sounds of birds chirping and the scent of coffee wafting from the kitchen downstairs. Her naked body nuzzled against Damian’s as she replayed the events of the previous day in her mind. She and Damian had enjoyed a nice drive on a beautiful spring day. As Damian drove, his fingers had roamed. His hand had caressed her bare thighs and along her panties even as they’d arrived at his parents’ house. She smiled and...
IncestHi friends am a great fan of the sex stories, after a lot of courage this is my first sex story which was encountered with and am still enjoying with that sweet lady. Let me quick jump into the story. Well am Raj (name changed) and am 31 years old married with good body, 6’1 height with 75 kg weight well built. The story begins like this, I had been to a function with my parents there I met a lady she must be around 45 but I must say she does not like she is her 40’s she looked like she is...
Pure Love By Jennifer White Matt was a Junior at Central High school. He was smart, taking advanced classes. He was athletic, playing on the football and baseball teams. However, he was very shy, and didn't do well with the girls. He looked at them longingly, but didn't communicate with them well enough to get any dates. In particular, his eyes were on one girl, named Tori. She was also smart and athletic, but she was also strikingly beautiful. She was well developed for her...
Emma got back to her apartment and saw that it was almost midnight. She knew it was too late to call, but she figured she could get away with sending Jess a text message. ‘Date was incredible!! Call you tomorrow!’ She turned the screen off and tossed it on the seat next to her. It started ringing almost instantly. She saw that it was Jess. “Hi, Jess,” she said. She heard a long yawn from the other end. “Tell me everything!” she said, tired but excited. So Emma did, up to and including...
Through the Days: By Coops I was 18. Exuberant, brash, and had respectively a lot of charm, I was not like normal kids. In fact that my dad was a pilot, and that my mother was a Toxicologist at Niimo University in Japan, you see, because my father was a pilot, he loved to fly, and he could never settle in one place for too long. My sister and I had been living in 8 different countries before that present. And we had moved 16 times in between cities and I had 8 different...