A Routine EnslavementChapter 29 Day of Reckoning
- 2 years ago
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Luke stared at his laptop screen without seeing it, lost in a haze of physical fatigue, emotional exhaustion, and psychological inertia. A few minutes earlier he’d heard Kathryn’s car pull into the driveway, followed by the thump of doors as Bill returned home for what Luke knew would be an extremely difficult week to endure.
Please don’t come over, please don’t come over, please don’t come over, he silently begged, and whether due to (unlikely) divine intervention or (much more likely) Kathryn’s subtle discouragement, no one knocked on his door. And so he sat, gazing into a void of his own creation, accomplishing nothing.
My feelings are interfering with my work. They’re not stopping me from doing it — it’s my uncontrollable and unresolved feelings for Kathryn that are accomplishing that particular deceleration — but they’re preventing me from making the choices my expertise demands. He’d finally regained a small measure of control over his wayward emotions and dug into a few more orders, but quickly realized that he was resisting wines he knew wouldn’t be at their peak for a decade or more. It’s like I don’t want to grant them that much of a future. How pathetic can I be? I’m about to toss every remaining bit of professionalism out the window in desperate pursuit of a woman I still might not win. I’m dragging this out forever just because I want another week, another day, another hour with her. If I can live with being the other man, then I can live with that too, but no matter what happens I have to get my head screwed on straight and do the job they hired me to do. Or, at least, do it as well as I can without compromising any more than I already have.
And so he worked, taking frequent breaks to move bottles around whenever he needed to clear his mind, trying to rededicate himself to doing the best job he could despite the impossibility of the circumstances. In the midst of his renewed commitment to at least temporary focus, the knock he’d been dreading finally arrived.
“Son, how goes it? I understand you and your friend took the boat for another spin yesterday. I keep forgetting to remind you, so thanks for that.”
“We did indeed.” If you knew just what kind of spin, I’d be dead where I stand. “I can’t thank you enough for letting us use it.”
“Actually, yes you can.” Uh-oh. “There’s something I enjoy doing every once in a while that Kathryn absolutely refuses to do, and you’re just the man to take her place.” Once I get past the unintentional innuendo ... especially because there’s nothing she absolutely refuses to do ... this doesn’t sound good at all. “We’ll have to get an early start, but would you mind joining me for a little fishing excursion?”
Oh god, no. Please, please no. “Are there actually fish in the lake? Bigger than the bait-sized ones congregating around the dock, I mean?” he asked in a desperate attempt to evade the invitation.
“Well, they have to grow up somewhere, don’t they? Anyway, I gather you’ve never fished before, because catching fish isn’t the point of fishing.”
“I’m not sure that makes much sense.” It was another pathetic effort to dispel his mounting tension with a joke, but to his relief Bill took it in stride.
“It does when you’re as terrible a fisherman as I am. We’ll drink some cheap-but-cold beer and fail to draw so much as a nibble for a few hours, then we’ll head home and you’ll have the rest of the day to yourself. How about it?”
Kathryn’s plea that he accept any and all invitations echoed through his mind, despite his resistance, and though this was very nearly the last thing in the world that he wanted to do — perhaps only watching them make love would be worse — he knew he had no real choice.
“Sure, it sounds like ... well, I’m not sure ‘fun’ is the right word, but it’s rare that I’ll turn down an invitation to drink before noon. What time?”
“Seven. Any earlier and the bugs will eat us alive. Any later and we won’t experience the full measure of humiliation over our failure to provide basic sustenance for our families.”
Despite his anxiety, Luke couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay, I’ll meet you on the dock at seven. You know, we could ask Irina to buy some live fish and sneak it into a bucket somewhere. We could pass ourselves off as heroes.”
“Oh, hell no,” Bill said with an embarrassed laugh. “I tried that once. I was on a boys’ trip with some old college buddies, and everyone was catching fish — and the eyes of the local beauties — except me. After a few too many whiskey sours, I wandered into a local bait and tackle where they had some fine looking specimens in a tank. That’s fish, not women, though at the time I was having about the same amount of luck with both,” he joked. “Long story short, I got caught before I even left the store. Kathryn would see through the attempt immediately. Anyway, see you tomorrow. Bright and early!”
Great. Just fucking great. Maybe I can stage a fake wrist injury and get out of this. Hell, I’d even settle for a real one...
That night, he treated himself to a ridiculously expensive and overindulgent dinner centered on sous vide beef tenderloin, black summer truffles, and porcini ravioli in a foie gras cream sauce — he was glad he and Bill didn’t share a cardiologist — and opened one of the exact sort of wines he was childishly wishing he could deny them, a 2001 Giacosa Barbaresco Asili. It was still far from fully mature, but the silky way its tannins danced with the crushed flowers and the fruit was compelling. By the time he finished the bottle and started digging through his dwindling liquor supplies, he almost felt fortified for tomorrow morning’s nightmare.
In the end, providence and the vagaries of weather saved him from his terrible fate. Bill was in a lively, talkative mood, while Luke — more than a bit hungover, which only partially muted his dread — was the opposite, especially as his counterpart’s irrepressible joviality suggested that he’d gotten comprehensively laid the night before. It was, especially given what Luke had experienced only a day earlier, another pointlessly churlish resentment that he was having a harder and harder time controlling, especially as his departure approached and hard choices loomed.
They’d just finished loading the boat and were in the process of untying it when what had, up to that point, seemed like fairly unthreatening clouds abruptly turned thicker and darker. A jagged pillar of lightning crashed into the lake’s surface, followed microseconds later by its whip-snap crackle as the sound echoed across the water.
“Hmmm. I don’t suppose we want to be anywhere near that, do we?”
“I’d say not. Especially as your boat has an antenna, which would make us the highest point on the lake.”
“Right. Well, that’s too bad. Let’s get this stuff back in the boathouse. Maybe we’ll get another chance one of these days. And keep those poles angled downward!”
The sudden change in plans seemed to dampen Bill’s previously unsinkable mood, and as Luke re-stowed their gear he took the opportunity to look around the boathouse interior, noticing things he either hadn’t seen before or didn’t have the knowledge to consider. Scintillating ideas began germinating, though he kept his secret smile to himself and instead put on a show of disappointment for his generous host, alleged friend, and unwitting rival.
Thunder and lightning threatened all morning, but there was no accompanying rain, and about the time he’d expected to be finished with their ill-advised fishing excursion, the sun broke through the clouds ... warm, cheerful, and mocking. Luke hadn’t gone back to work, instead allowing the enticing thoughts racing through his head to send him back to Michelle’s reading list. Grabbing a few recent purchases, he began crossing the lawn, pausing when he heard a curious and unexpected noise. A pause he immediately regretted, for when he heard it again, he realized it was Kathryn crying out in all too familiar ecstasy.
The sound appeared to be emanating from one of the house’s upstairs windows, most of which were open. Every single wail was was a stiletto through his heart. So much for my foolish hope that watching her and Alejandro would make this easier, he brooded, picking up his pace and trying to shut out a soundtrack he’d memorized. A half hour or so of inspection and experimentation later, he was back in the guesthouse and thinking about lunch.
After a few quarter-hearted hours of grossly inefficient work, he was so distracted that he texted Wendy to ask how she felt about everything that had transpired. In return, he received a series of terse messages reminding him she was indeed experiencing the “heavy feelings” she’d expected, that he’d promised there weren’t going to be any recaps and that it was way too early to go back on his promise, that she needed some time to herself, and finally, that she was going to be fine and he should “concentrate on his own fucked-up life.” A few minutes later she sent a purple heart emoji, followed by a broken one. He puzzled over this for a while, searching for but failing to find some subtle shade of meaning. I guess asking her is out of the question.
Having failed to distract himself, he checked his personal email and was immediately greeted by a pair of communications from Alejandro. Intrigued, he opened the first and found a link to an archive containing a carefully edited directory of the solo photographs for which Kathryn had posed, followed by another of the two of them having sex. He randomly opened a few from both, marveling at his lover’s exquisite, irresistible beauty and the skill with which the photographer enhanced it, but then he stopped. I can’t deal with these right now. Not while she and Bill are in the house, banging away and trying to rediscover the foundation of their marriage. He began the process of uploading the albums to one of his cloud accounts — Alejandro had asked him to let him know as soon he was finished — and clicked through to the second. It read:
“Our mutual acquaintance insisted that I send both of the attached images, and gives permission for you to share them with Kathryn, but only with Kathryn. It represents a body of work in which I do not take as much pride or pleasure as the rest, save that it is exactly what she wishes from me and others. She also asked me to tell you that she hopes the images give you, and I quote, ‘some ideas for our big date.’ From anyone else I would deem this little more than outrageously provocative humor, yet from her I can only conclude that she means it in earnest. Enjoy, if you can.”
Given the extremity of Faith’s interests, his mind raced at the possibilities, but he couldn’t restrain his curiosity for very long and opened the first photo. His first reaction was confusion over what he was seeing, quickly followed by an involuntary gasp of shock. The model’s wrists were tightly chained together as she dangled from one of the ceiling rings she’d shown them. Her legs were spread wide open by feet bound to what looked to be iron blocks, yet her suspension forced her onto her toes anyway ... a position that looked intensely uncomfortable. Her head was covered by a black hood secured by the thick rope wrapped around her neck, itself tied to the other ceiling ring in a dangerously taut configuration. The hood had slits over her mouth and nose, but her eyes and ears were masked, and there was no way to identify her unless one already knew what she looked like naked. Though even then...
Below the hood she was equally unrecognizable, at least to Luke. A constellation of welts and bruises — some of them linear, many of them not — covered her from shoulder blade to ankle. The greatest concentration of marks was across her buttocks, which looked to have taken furious and sustained abuse. The second photo was essentially the same but taken from the front, and it was clear that her breasts and her sex had been the focus of a similar amount of attention. Only her hands, arms, and feet remained pristine. From both her nipples and several points around her sex hung heavily weighted clamps that dragged and stretched her sensitive flesh downward, though the clamps were of a much fiercer type than the ones they’d used on Kathryn; sawtoothed and — given how much they distended the flesh into which they bit — tightened as much as they could be without actually piercing skin. A sheen of sweat covered her entire body, strings of drool dangled from her mask, her breasts, and their cruel accessories; and rivulets of what appeared to be a pronounced level of arousal snaked down her inner thighs and clung to her cruel vaginal jewelry.
Luke stared at the photos in horror, respect, disbelief, and admiration. The horror was because, even though he’d seen what he thought were some fairly extreme acts in BDSM-themed porn, he’d never seen anyone so comprehensively marked. To know that it was an incredibly famous supermodel in such straits — a woman who made her living from the untouchable flawlessness of her face and body — was even more jarring and difficult to believe. The respect he accorded to Alejandro, for despite the obvious severity of his work, there was no sign of blood; whatever he’d used (and Luke surmised he’d used a lot of different things), he’d gone exactly as far as he could without going over the edge. The disbelief was that, despite what she’d promised right from the start, someone he’d found so delightfully playful and sensuous could so desperately wish to be treated this way. And the admiration was for Faith, for this was something she’d not only accepted but enthusiastically demanded. Enduring such depredations would require near-infinite sources of strength and fortitude. At which point, an even more disturbing thought occurred.
I wonder how Kathryn will react to these photos? Will she be horrified? Revolted? Or will she be as palpably aroused as she was every time Faith hinted at this sort of thing? Maybe all three? I very seriously doubt I could do anything this over-the-top, to her or anyone else, but if she finds this appealing, will she be disappointed if I’m incapable? His mind was already at work rethinking and reimagining the ideas he’d been developing into plans, but it was also engaged in a struggle with his heart. Whether it’s this, the future of our relationship, or our everyday emotions, I can’t seem to face the possibility — no, the probability — of hurting her. And yet, that’s exactly how I’m failing her. How I’m failing us.
The next morning he was sitting at the table, intensely focused on his laptop, when someone knocked on the guesthouse door and, without waiting for an invitation, opened it and bounded up the stairs. He stealthily closed several browser windows and looked up to greet his guest, but she beat him to the verbal punch.
“Hard at work?”
“Actually, yes. In a sense.” To his private amusement it was quite literally true, for he was sporting a demanding erection that her unexpected presence was unlikely to help diminish. He’d been considering solutions just before she arrived, but with her around they’d obviously be delayed.
The corner of her mouth curled upward; she of all people most certainly understood his implication, though she didn’t know the source of it. “I came to tell you that you’re expected for dinner tomorrow night around six. The usual apéros on the patio, after which you’ll finally get to experience the wonders of the smoker. Bring libations, of course.”
“I need a little more detail than that. What’s Sevinay up to this time?”
“Actually, we gave her the night off. Penance for ... well, you remember. Bill and I are cooking. He’s in charge of the meat and I’m doing everything else. And to answer your question: pork, smoke, spice, nothing acidic. Plus some Southern standards.”
“How splendid that you’re cooking together.”
“It could’ve been worse, you know. I could’ve taken the ‘he’s in charge of the meat and I’m doing everything else’ line and run with it.”
“Darling ... my love ... I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say, except that you’re not helping.”
“That’s not entirely true. I’m unburdening myself of a reservoir of bitter sarcasm filled to overflowing by an unnatural spring of unworthy jealousy. Better to grab the bailing bucket now so I’m not still drowning tomorrow night. What you’re right about is that I shouldn’t be dumping the excess on you.” He pushed his chair back and stood, holding out his arms and pulling her into a hug. For a moment it seemed as if she wanted to resist, but then she melted into it — and him — with her usual loving tenderness.
After a few wordless minutes, she teased, “So is that all for me, or were you watching porn?”
“The latter is none of your business, and the former’s only been true since you arrived, but now that you mention it...”
“Luke,” she repeated, breaking the hug and sighing, “you know we can’t...”
“That’s not what I meant. Our photos arrived yesterday. I haven’t really looked at them, aside from two or three in each set — for fairly obvious reasons, they’re too much for me to deal with this week — but there was also the one that Faith wanted us to see. The one from after we left. Although, one actually turned out to be two.”
Her cautious reaction to his blatant invitation disappeared. The look on her face was beyond intrigued. She’s excited. “Well? Can I see?”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. I’m ... why are you asking?”
“They’re ... intense.”
“I’m sure they are. I’m not surprised, you know. Faith and I talked about a few things while you were in the shower.” Dragging a chair next to his, she sat down and leaned towards his screen. He was painfully aware of the heat emanating from her body as she pressed against his arm. “So? Show me, already!”
“Okay. Just remember that I warned you.” Keeping an eye on her reaction, he opened the email, waited for her to scan Alejandro’s message, and double-clicked on the first attachment.
Whatever reaction he’d been expecting, hers wasn’t it. There was no gasp of horror (or flush of arousal), there was no sudden lifting of hand to mouth in shock, there wasn’t even any dilating of her pupils. There was only a calm, steady, almost analytical study of Faith’s distress. After a while, she nudged his hand away and opened the second photo. Luke was staring at her face, intent on reading everything she wasn’t saying, but while he thought he caught her tongue briefly emerge to moisten her upper lip, of even that tiny little indicator he wasn’t entirely sure.
Finally, she broke the spell, leaning back in her chair and, in an uncharacteristic monotone, observing, “I’m not ready for that yet.”
“Whether or not I ever will be, I don’t know. It’s exactly what I expected to see, though, and I can’t deny that I’m...” By her abrupt decent into silence and the sudden change in her expression, it was clear that some unexpected change in her emotions had arrested her declaration. She glanced at his crotch. “Slide back.”
She was already on her knees before he could object or react, frantically lowering his zipper, extracting his rock-hard organ, and sucking it straight into her throat. She’s almost never taken my full length that quickly or easily before. Not without a lot of warming up, he thought as he groaned in response to her pleasurable assault, except...
Only then did he finally realize what was going on. Those photos sent her into a submissive space. Not completely, or at least it doesn’t seem so, but what she’s doing to me makes much more sense if that’s what’s happening. It probably started because she was picturing herself, rather than Faith, being subjected to such treatment. Still, isn’t this an even bigger betrayal of her rules than Monday’s? Not that I’m going to stop her, because this is one of the most fantastically aggressive blowjobs I’ve ever experienced.
Indeed, she was fellating him as if racing against a nearly expired timer, and it took her less than a minute and a half to bring him to a mind-blowing climax. She gulped down each and every stream of ejaculate the moment it arrived, but as soon as his balls stopped providing their cream, she detached, tucked him back into his pants, and stood as if nothing untoward had occurred.
“I’d appreciate it if you kept what just happened to yourself, please,” she murmured. “Including from me. I mean it. Don’t mention it again.”
“Of ... of course,” he stammered, unnerved by her rapid shifts in mood and dazed in the aftermath of his even more rapid climax. Who would I tell, anyway? She started to leave, stopped at the top of the stairs, and slowly rotated to face him. Though her eyes were downcast, her expression was one of surprise at some unexpected discovery. Luke wondered what shift in circumstance was on its way next. Maybe the first stirrings of guilt? Even though everything we’re doing is cheating, that was pretty blatant. Not that I made the slightest effort to stop her.
“I just remembered that I’ve looked like that. Worse, perhaps. In the past, I mean.”
Oh no. Oh my god. He was rising to comfort her when she furiously shook her head, her crimson curls waving him away as they swung back and forth. “No, that’s not what I’m trying to say. Thank you — really, thank you — but I don’t need to be hugged or talked down from the ledge of my nightmare. I was trying to figure out why I fell so hard and so fast into a submissive place just now, but also why I snapped out of it immediately afterwards, and suddenly it came to me. It’s just another part of the way my past and my present are inextricably intertwined. But here’s what’s different: I experienced a memory of looking like that — of being treated like that — and I’m actually okay. Or, at least, I’m going to be fairly soon. That’s a good sign. A really good sign.”
And with that, she was gone, leaving Luke bewildered and anxious despite his post-orgasmic haze. For no reason I can discern or logically justify, her “good sign” feels anything but. Why should that be? Is it just that I harbor some despicable desire for this week to go badly for her? That I’m so against her making progress with her husband that I actually wish her ill? Because if so, especially when the subject is her past, that’s utterly wretched of me.
“This is refreshing as hell. It’s a shame those clouds are likely to chase us inside, because this tastes like sunshine on ice. What’s it called again?”
“It’s a Paloma. Tequila, various types of citrus, something sparkling. It’s a pretty malleable recipe. And you’re right, because it’s intended to be refreshing. I was going to try to come up with some sort of clever variation on sweet tea, given what we’re eating, but I ran short on research time.” What I actually ran out of was interest in improving tonight’s dinner. God, I really am acting like a petulant infant.
“Well, I’m not usually much of a tequila drinker, but I can make an exception for this. Darling, if you want me to stop pawing you so you can set yours down for a minute, let me know.”
“No thanks. I’m happy right where I am.”
Luke ground his teeth, bit his tongue, and pinched his thigh ... all of it in a barely successful effort to avoid some sort of bitterly sarcastic response.
Kathryn was perched on Bill’s lap. She’d placed herself there about fifteen minutes earlier, as what appeared to be the final rays of the day’s sun shifted until they were turning her face a shade of red that almost matched her hair. Exactly like the last time the three of them enjoyed cocktails on the patio, Bill’s arm was wrapped around her midsection — Luke knew that his internal need to add “possessively” was his issue, not theirs — but this time he was idly caressing the exterior curve of her breast in a way that wasn’t entirely hidden from their dinner guest’s attention. And what’s with her “happy right where I am” crack? he wondered. Was that aimed at me? Is she trying to tell me something I really don’t want to hear?
“Me too, dear. Me too. But don’t get too used to it; I’m about due for another go at the sauce mop, after which I think we should probably close the umbrellas and head inside. I can keep the smoker out of the rain, but it looks like there might be some wind as well. You know, that’s three days in a row that the forecast’s been wrong. Right, Luke?”
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Now, you have to know that I’ve had a rather sheltered upbringing, and was rather naive and the first time my boyfriend and I had sex was a revelation for me. Of course I knew the basics -I was a healthy female of 21 years old, yes, I know- but actually seeing, touching, and feeling a hard cock for the first time was unbelievable. My boyfriend was gentle the first time, but quickly grew tired of my inexperience, and he simply wouldn’t show me how to give him pleasure, or make it more...
I worked really hard to get this one out quickly. It definitely features more sex than the first story, and is much lighter. I already have most of the next part mapped out, but I have an exceptionally busy week, so it likely won't be up for a little while. It will be a little longer as well, and deal with some different themes. Enjoy, and if you vote negatively, I'd just be curious to hear why, so I encourage you to comment if you did. ----- Chapter #1 – Distractions Brandon...
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He lay there on the bed with Treva in his arms. After sucking his first cock, his mind was on "fucked up overdrive", for want of a better description. He clearly enjoyed giving head to Treva, but he worried about what this meant to his sexual orientation, and his wife back home. "Am I gay?" he wondered. "Perhaps bisexual?" He felt lost and alone. Treva had drifted off to sleep. As she awoke, a smile came across her face. She was overjoyed that this man was able to conquer his fears and give her...
TransJune arrived home shortly before her parents and Autumn were due. She ran upstairs and showered, shaved her legs and pussy, dried and brushed her hair, put on some make-up, and went downstairs. Only minutes later, her parents and Autumn walked through the door. “My, aren’t we all prettied up tonight,” Autumn said when she saw June sitting at the table. “I take it you’re not dining with us tonight, are you?” “Hopefully, no,” June responded. “I’m waiting for Roger to get home and call me....
Hello readers, Like everyone else, I’m too a big fan of Indian sex stories and all the stories shared on this site. Some stories are so amazingly written that you could literally feel every little detail of it while reading. So I too have tried to keep the story descriptive and full of details, so you could imagine and feel every bit of it. As it is my first story, so please try to ignore any grammatical or spelling mistakes. Plus, I would love to get your feedback, so you can write to me at...
My secret life in porn was being lived again.My husband was heading to China for three weeks of business. Having made a couple of movies, thanks to my friend Gina, I already was well on my way to paying off my debts. I contacted Mr. Malone, my employer, and he told me that Thursday and Friday I would come into the studio in downtown Chicago and do some promo shoots. What that meant was I would be fucking and sucking the staff. That was fine with me. Then for Saturday I had been booked to do a...
MILFChapter Three I gingerly walked back into the living room sipping on a Mimosa my husband had made for me. Sunday mornings are usually my favorite time of the week, sleeping in and just cuddling with my hubby. Well this Sunday I didn’t cuddle with Doug but with Russ. I was with my second lover in just seven days. My new cuckold life was getting interesting and I was getting drawn in like a swimmer caught in a riptide. I had become the dominant partner and was now a cuckold wife. But I also...
Right now pump that black cock in me ya bastards, And pump they did, At first it was one in one out type of thing but after 5mins they started going at the same time very very hard and fast just as Holly told them to, Err… Fuck well Err….Fuck well over 5k have now seen you & your cunt full of dick’ & they have only been on for 1hour 38mins’ Why she was in to that some of the men were saying they had been sending photos & vids to loads of they mates all night’ Yes...
ExtremeThe oil was warming in a bowl of hot water. I had blended it myself – vitamin E oil in which I had soaked vanilla beans and added an eyedropper of ylang-ylang. The two foam mats were laid out on the floor making a double bed and the sheet was spread over them. The room was my studio, wooden floors, stained glass windows, and a bookshelf containing Japanese pillow books and a small stereo. There were Persian prints on the wall. All was ready. The doorbell rang. Gathering my robe around me,...
I have the gym, you're watching me. You are the teacher. I run around in shorst and Tshorte ... Going up on an obstacle .. I falller and pass out ... To fix on my shorts, you touched me in your office, in your sofa. You go around the room, locks the door.As you unlock the door I wake up, look around the room. You come over and stroke my hand. You say "You have beaten you, little friend," Do you, feel a pain in my chest ... Take my hand and rubbing uta the shorts on my chest. You see what I do,...
I hadn’t slept in thirty hours when I walked through the doors of the Happy Life Yoga Studio. Jude’s car was in the parking lot, so I expected to run into her, but the studio was empty. I noticed a class schedule on the wall and checked. The next class was about in about forty-five minutes. The place was oddly quiet. In the back, next to the restrooms, I found a door with a sign that had the word Private written on it. I assumed that it was Marcel’s office. I knocked loudly on the door then...
Coworkers Are Making My Girlfriend FatMy wife (then girlfriend) Samantha started at her office as soon as she finished college in her early 20s. She was a shy, thin and genuine girl; a former runner in school, she was by far the youngest and thinnest of all her coworkers. They were 5 married women, all in their forties and ranging from chubby to straight-up fat. She became immediately their "mascot." They would all compete to help her with the new job, make her feel at ease, invite her to...
What is it about a hole, created in whatever or where ever, that arouses a girl?I told a story once when I was just ten, we went to the beach, Mum, my sister and I. When my sister and I returned to where mum was, she had erected a multi-coloured striped canvass wall, for wind protection.I noted a man had pitched his beach towel on the other side of this canvass wall, and as I lay down, I saw a tear in the canvass at ground level, and as I watched as the wind blew, it opened up, and I saw the...
Our little town has a McDonalds down at the bottom where no other shops are, it's where all the scratters and rough k**s hang out. I needed something to eat and I decided to have a burger. After I'd eaten I was outside having a cigarette when this lad approached me, he looked about 20 and was tall and clean shaven with scruffy blondish hair.He said "I don't suppose you have a spare fag do you?", I thought 'why not', as I got the packet out, opened it and offered him one, as he took he smiled at...
Change Artists By Katherine Day Weller Chapter One: A Surprise For the first time in his 23 years of life, Marcus had a serious girl friend, and now she was inviting him to spend a weekend at her family's summerhouse at a grand lake in Wisconsin, not too far out of Chicago. It was to be a sort of coming out for him, and he would be meeting her family for the first time. Marcus was excited and flattered to be asked by D'Anna, but he was uneasy at the prospect of meeting her...
I was just a baby, when my father died. He was born in Japan in the late fifties, emigrated to America with his parents, became a citizen, and even entered the US Army, where he met Vincent. Vincent was going to be a career military man, and he and my father became the closest of friends, so it was particularly devastating for Vincent when my dad was killed in a training crash. Vincent had recently been through his own ordeal when his young wife had died from an aneurism, leaving him a...
THE TEMPLAR BOOK By GENEVA In early 14th century France, as part of his plan for revenge on a rival family for the destruction of his own family, a young man tries to use a magic book saved from the destruction of the Knights Templar. There are some unexpected results. START The time is the early 1300's. I remember that afternoon when I met my uncle and this started. I was practicing close quarter fighting with my friend Jean. Both of us were armed with wooden swords, and...
The Beginning Things were getting rougher and rougher around the Smith household. Money had never been so tight. When you have it you don't think about it, when you don't, that's about all you can think about. Dan, the husband and father in this household, was already working two jobs, Janet, the wife and mother, was doing all she possibly could to help her husband. But with no training other than for beauty contests and bikini modeling, she made little more than minimum wage, except when...
Author Notes. I have had a lot of questions and responses over this story, and thought I would try something. If you do not want any backstory or information feel free to stop reading now. This is in no way required reading or part of the story itself. Background, this started as an idea I had to try and drag the actual sex in a story (sex as in the main character’s penis entering a vagina) as long as I can. So many stories are ten paragraphs long, and the main characters are fucking by the...
Einleitung : Ich heisse Monica Bellucci und meine 58 kg verteilen sich auf 1,72, trotz meines Alters sehe ich noch sehr jugendlich aus und sehr hübsch, meine leicht gebräunte Haut war seidig, meine braunen Augen sanft und meine dunkelbraunen Haare glänzten. mein kleiner, fester Busen mit kleinen Vorhöfen, Nippeln und Warzen leitete zu meinem flachen Bauch über, die Wespentaille ging in einen knackigen, wohlgeformten süßen Knackarsch über, schließlich vervollständigten sehr wohlgeformte Schenkel...
Dinner for two (part one) For a few years I've had an account on a photo sharing website under the name of Deborah Rhodes. That's not my real name of course. My real name is Richard. Deborah Rhodes is my feminine name. You see, I'm a transvestite (or t-girl as I call myself). By the way I usually refer to myself as Debs. Although I like to dress as a woman, I can't explain why I like it so much. I've always regarded myself as 100 per cent straight. I'm married. I have a lovely...
Es war ein ganz normaler Abend in einer Kneipe in einer Kleinstadt.Gegen 22.00 Uhr war nur noch ein Tisch mit vier Mann besetzt, die Karten spielten. Jürgen ging zur Toilette dazu mußte man hinter der Kneipe noch einen Raum durchqueren. Als er mit Händewaschen fertig war hörte er eine Frauenstimme aus dem Vorraum. Du dazu fehlt mir momentan das Geld, aber nächsten Monat kann das schon anders aussehen. Die Kneipe von meinem Vater läuft auch nicht so besonders, da kann ich ihn im Moment nicht...
Moms how old were you and Sandy’s MomIt was a cloudy and drizzling day, so it was not a beach day at all, our Moms walk to the village to get a few things and properly have a cocktail or two at the pub. We were watching TV and I turn to Sandy and ask here how old do you thing our Moms were when they first had sex. Lind said Wow good question I have no idea Tammy, and I’ve wondered what was Gram like, lets ask them when they come back. Later on they walk in a little tipsy, but Ok. They put the...
***CONTINUED AS SUB SEQUEL TO PART C *** Steve moved down and joined Chester, disappointed to see that the latter had already reached his target- the ass-slit. Steve settled for kissing my wife's legs all the way up from her feet. Ashley closed her eyes and arched her head back in ecstacy at the various sexual stimuli from her breasts, buttocks and thighs. Mark placed a hand on her now- wet- shaved- crotch and growled, "I need your pussy slut" Ash lovingly looked into his eyes "I'am now your...
SwingerSPIRALS: PART FOUR By T-Vixen Karen Derrickson is a shy, kind and thoughtful girl who has recently discovered that she is the inheritor of an alien genetic code which is actually the physical and psychic remnants of an ancient alien species. Now she is in a deep trance, mediating with her previous, alien self and perhaps fighting for her very identity as a human being. Little does she know that many events are about to converge at her home...! NOTE: This is the continuation of an...
hi dear iss readers i am AUH. the story that i am going to narrate is realy true . lets tell anout me . i am 17, height 6.1″, fair complection and a well built body.i am living in naushera(soon), punjab, pakistan. this happened in start of this year. there was a maid that used to work at our home. she had a daughter who was 2 years older than me. her name was rubina. she had wheatish colour. her figures were amazing though i am not sure about them. i always used to stare at her . she often...
The Great Shift: The Empty Place Inside by BlueshifTG Part 2 The young woman opened her eyes. What she saw was all white, slowly resolving into different shades of white, and two corners. That was the extent of it: three walls. Part of it was different, yellow, that's it, with some sort of pattern--a curtain. On the other side, a door. In the corner, high, a box. A mouth, a speaker, no, a camera; a...
The girls are so lucky their loving daddy’s took them on their business trip! Not only was it to the beautiful New Orleans, but it was right around the time of Mardi Gras too. The girls couldn’t wait to get rowdy, but when their papas heard their first thoughts of busting loose. They quickly shut them down. This trip was strictly business, and no pleasure. That didn’t stop the girls from getting their masquerade on though ;). And wouldn’t you know it, the girls ran into...
xmoviesforyouSamantha cuddled up against me and I put my arms around her. She didn't offer a kiss, but just lay her head on my chest and continued to cry silently. "What is it, Cutie?" I asked. "Are you okay?" "No. My mom thinks I'm a slut," she sobbed softly. "She had to make a point of embarrassing me at dinner. You must think I'm terrible. I let you put your hands all over me and touch my bare breasts. You must think I'm a slut, too." "Shh. Shh. That's not true at all. What we did last...
I leaned against the doorframe watching the sun caress the angel in my bed. She slept soundly, her breasts rising and falling with each precious breath, her milky legs splayed immodestly, one arm thrown over her head and the other resting comfortably against her lower stomach. She was picture perfect and intoxicating in her sleeping innocence. I drank in her image, following each curve and valley, memorizing her geography and felt my semi hard cock twitch. I loved this moment, the voyeurism and...
InterracialI'm writing about the sexiest, most perfect smelling, creamy wet panties that I have ever had the pleasure of putting to my nose. Here is how it went down. I recently was working for my Mother in law at her house, doing some house projects that required a little more help. So, as the first day began, I was in and out of the house most of the day. During that time, anytime I needed the restroom, I would have too pass by Beckys room. she's my hot sister in law. Her and her pussy...
The summer ended and we closed up the pool. We had moved a TV and VCR into the pool house so the kids could watch movies with their friends during the winter months. As far as my voyeurism went, I had to be content with watching tapes that I had made during the summer. My favorite was of course the one of Gena, Rachel and myself. In early November, one of the VCRs broke and I had to replace it. I waited until a weekend when Gena had taken the two kids to visit her parents for the day. I had...
The front door opened, he turned around to see his mum walk in. She was carrying bags of groceries."Hey, mum," he called out."Let me help you with those." "Thanks, son," Karen said. She stretched her back."These bags were killing me." Jack took some of the bags while Karen took the rest. He followed her into the kitchen. As he walked, his eyes traced her figure. She was rather tall and slim, with an ample bosom and a really small, cute ass. He liked staring at her, especially since that day...
"Hi Jack," she said, her soft continental purr already sending shivers down my spine, "How are you?" "I'm fine thanks Mrs. Woodcock," I replied, trying to think of a way to get away as fast as possible without being impolite. "You can call me Chantelle now, Jack," she smiled. She began asking me how uni was, and I found her surprisingly easy to talk to, until we must have been chatting for about ten minutes. "Oh merde! Sorry, I just remembered my parking ticket's going to run...
Long nose and mouth Township is the edge of a railway line Qiongxiang , township police station is only three policemen ( including me ) . There are also several defense team . Because finances are poor, so often unable to pay wages months . Police mission is simple , for a variety of documents to prove beyond is to help guard against theft railroad railway police crime . But the main work or follow the leadership of the township government charges .Was sent to this small place , my bad mood ,...
‘Hi, my name is Nikita Iyer. I have a dusky complexion and long black hair. I have a cute face and a doll-like body. I’m 25 years old, and professionally, I’m a lawyer. My height is 5’3, and my vital stats are 36D-28-34.’ ‘I’m a friendly person, and I like to meet new people. I recently moved to Bangalore and am looking for new friends. I like to go clubbing, drinking, dancing, and late-night parties on weekends.’ This is what the Facebook profile read of one Ms. Nikita Iyer. Along with that,...
The loot from the bank was in the saddle bags on the dead horses. The banker was happy, the town was happy, and we were happy. What more could one ask for? I found that I really enjoyed being a deputy marshal. There was enough excitement that there was rarely time to get too bored, but we didn't have to travel all over the country to find our excitement. I was plain tired of traveling and ready to settle in one place. Eagle Pass was a good place to put down roots, so I was very happy...
I’m a dirty kind of freak. I’m a twisted naughty girl. I know what I like, this much is true. Don’t deny me what I want most of all. Please give it to me. I want it slow and teasing, but don’t forget I like it hard and deep. Mix up the pace, and make me scream out with utter delight. I love the way you fuck my ass. That’s it, work yourself nice and deep. Pound my little ass. I want it all, every last thick inch. You dirty kind of freak. Just like me, you want it all deep. Thrust it in hard,...
True story A few years after we were married we took a road trip down to Phoenix , We were both young and carefree having been married for such a short time. We arrived in Phoenix late at night as Marc decided to not stop and get here quicker . We were both tired and also a little lost. We drove around looking for a place to stay but couldn't find any vacancies in the area we were. The guy at the last motel told us to try a place and gave us the address. We drove out looking for the place and...
It was a horribly long week. Nearly as long as the week I was in jail. And she made it longer. And worse. She called me about every other day, and asked me if I had been good. And surprisingly, I had, even though my cock was hard for most of my waking hours. Some of the sleeping ones, too. I could not get the feeling of her hand on my cock out of my head. She’d call and tell me to take it out of my pants and make it hard for her. Tell me how to rub it, and with which hand. On Thursday, she made...
BDSMThere's a pretty decent current flowing down the St. Clair River. Speed according to knot meter is different than the speed over the ground. Speed over the ground is the combination of knots on the water and mph over the ground. While it is possible to sail the St. Clair, it is much easier ... and more prudent ... to motor. (Hull speed is the designed speed that a displacement hull sailboat can go. It depends on several factors. The author looked it up. Kings Knight has a hull speed of just...
“You like looking at the girls in the short skirts eh Vince?” I looked up at her, always loving when she would be braless, her heavy DD tits swinging around under her shirt, her nipples poking out through the material… It caused me to pause before replying… “Yes mommy, I like the girls, but I also think that it is neat that they have boys too… Maybe I will try out for that.” Mom took a big swallow from her drink before snorting derisively… “HA! You? Trying out for the...