The March Of The RoseChapter 23 free porn video

The sun was passed its zenith and had begun the slow descent into the late afternoon sky when Aaron noticed that they were being followed. They were back on the trail after having picked their way around and across a landslide when Aaron had everyone pull up the hoods of their cloaks before restarting. He explained that it was a Dark Elf cultural thing and then added to use their name for themselves, Shoc-Du, and not the common name of Dark Elf. It was shortly after the restart that Aaron felt like they were being watched.
He counted ten Dark Elves trailing them in overlapping patterns from the cliffs to their left. He quickly sent word to Reg by way of DeathBringer and TimeKeeper and passed the information to his mates as well. Reg had noticed the followers, as well, and already had TimeKeeper pass the info along to Kalaban and Lightbringer, who told their respective wielders. Dunin informed Beriwen and Graydon told Brother William. Dana told Anastasia, who told Tristan. The whole exchange was done in mere heartbeats. Aaron stopped and called for Anastasia to come to the front.
"How many?" she asked as she approached him.
"Ten or so above us and probably a few more somewhere up in front," he replied. "Now is the time to put your negotiating skills to good use. Do you know how you will proceed?"
"Yes, part of Rac-Nur's training included extensive study on Shoc-Du traditions, ceremony, and the like. I know exactly how to proceed."
Aaron nodded as Anastasia placed a hand on his arm before walking a few steps further up the path. She looked around and composed herself, taking a long breath and sighing before facing the cliffs above to the left.
"Nah-Thr Thu-Ak Hec Gnam Roet Shea-Nyet-Dac," Anna called out, placing her right hand over her left breast, fingers splayed. "Dan-Te Fru Gnan Ter-Mar?"
("I come before you non-threatening and request the solemnity of life-audience.")("Is there one among you who speaks the tongue of man?"(common tongue))
Two Dark Elves dropped down onto the path from the cliffs above. Aaron assumed that they were Dark Elves based on clothing and build. At the same time three arrows sang through the air and struck the ground at Anna's feet. The twang of shafts wobbling as they sank into the ground echoed behind them. The two elves approached and stopped several paces in front of Anna. It was difficult to discern either of their features because they also had their hoods pulled up, covering their faces. The one to Anna's left was slight of build, even for a Dark Elf, but the cloak obscured even their body shapes.
"I speak the language of Ter-Mar," the one to Anna's right replied. "You have trespassed on the lands of the Shoc-Du and for that your punishment should be death. Your declaration of Nah-Thr protects you, but not indefinitely. You have asked for Shea-Nyet-Dac, but before I acknowledge your right to the solemnity of life-audience I would know why."
"Declaring Shea-Nyet-Dac requires you, or any Shoc-Du for that matter, to provide safe passage until I stand before the Council of Elders," Anna retorted. "I will answer no questions until I stand before them. Your questioning of me could be construed as breaking the most solemn of Shoc-Du vows."
"You are well versed in the ways of the Shoc-Du," the elf replied. "I am called Nar-Dun, have you been named?"
"I have the common name of Shoc-Gie," Anna replied, lowering her hood. "Will you be our escorts?"
The two Dark Elves looked at each other when Anna revealed her common name and the one that had been silent stepped forward and removed its hood revealing a Dark Elf female.
"I am Dae-Re, and I will escort you," she announced. "Nar-Dun, go ahead and inform the watchers that we have visitors."
Nar-Dun acknowledged the command, turned, and sprinted up the path and disappeared around the bend.
"You have also invoked Nah-Thr, which not only makes you responsible for my well being but also the actions of anyone with you," Dae-Re explained. "If you intend to bring all of your people you should gather them and explain their responsibilities."
"Agreed," Anna replied and turned her head. "Aaron, please have Reg bring everyone up."
Aaron passed the word back to Reg through their Runeswords and fairly quickly everyone came forward and gathered around Anna. She explained to them about Nah-Thr, showed them the gesture and reiterated the importance and meaning. She then went on to explain that she had requested permission to address the Shoc-Du Council of Elders where she would petition for the release of Rac-Nur. She also explained that the rest of them needed to remain silent and allow her to do the talking and possibly acting for them. Tristan asked her what she meant by 'acting' and she vaguely explained that she may be called upon to act in some manner. She did not want anyone to interfere in the proceedings, and looked intently at Aaron. He reassured her, again, that he would allow her this and would only get involved if it turned completely sideways.
"Come!" Dae-Re commanded. "Stay on the path and follow me. If you stray you will be shot."
The adventurers acknowledged the command, and the threat, and fell into step behind Anna as Dae-Re led the way.
Can-Thur, ancestral home of the Clans of the Shoc-Du, Dragon Back Mountains, Andor. Three days prior.
The journey from Malkur to Can-Thur was slow and tedious. Though they had ridden by wyvern-back for most of the journey it was still an arduous trip. The necessity to ride by night and take a long winding route did not help, nor did having to account for their captive the entire time. Their captive never tried to escape. No, that was not the issue. He just continued to remind them whose house they had been in and whose servants had been killed. That and the fact that their captive was Dac-Ur-Nen, servant of a life-debt, to the infamous Shoc-Ti unsettled the party greatly. They spent the entire trip looking over their collective shoulders and into every shadow, so that by the time they finally returned their nerves were raw and their bodies were bone-weary. Cit-Ya and the rest of his party were home, weary but happy to be home nonetheless.
No sooner had Cit-Ya deposited Rac-Nur into a cell when word came that his presence was required before the council. He did not even have time to change or wash from the trip before the meeting. He took no other member of his party for support or collaboration. He would stand alone and be judged alone.
The heads of the ten clans made up the ruling body of the Council of Elders. Diplomacy, back-room deals, alliances both made and broken, were the stock and trade of the council. Each head was allowed one aide, and most used their clan's first-sword, to attend them within the council chambers. Most council meetings were held in private in a small chamber set aside for those proceedings, but some, those that affected all of the Shoc-Du, were held openly and in the Great Amphitheater so that every Shoc-Du could be present.
There were other special events that were held in the Great Amphitheater. Diplomatic clan weddings, and events that might affect all of the clans, but mostly the amphitheater was used for Shea-Nyet-Dac, the honor audience and Shea-Dac the honor challenge either to first blood, Ri, or to the death, Nur. It was to the smaller private chamber that Cit-Ya was summoned to.
Cit-Ya was standing outside of the guarded double doors to the council chambers waiting to be called in. The guards, actually all of the council's protection, were provided by Clan Nur. Warriors trained in the way of Nin-Ja and not promised to any of the fighting clans were recruited to provide protection to the clan leaders, above and beyond the leader's individual aides. They answered only to the council body as a whole and were supposed to be above reproach. But, like many things within the Shoc-Du culture, that was open to interpretation and subject to negotiation.
The doors were finally opened and Cit-Ya was admitted to the council chambers. The ten members were all sitting in a relaxed and non-formal slouch, having just partaken of their noon meal. Their corresponding aides, however, were standing and ever alert to threats to their patrons.
"Come, stand before us, Cit-Ya," Ten-Ne, the clan chief of the family clan Ne, procurers of information, requested and ordered all at the same time. "Tell us, how did your mission go?"
It was Clan Ne that had learned of the existence of a Rown-In and had brought that information to the council. It was the council's decision to send out a raiding party to bring the wayward one home to suffer Clan justice. When Knon-Ru, Clan Tem-Pe's first-sword heard the news he volunteered to lead the raiding party.
"Where is Knon-Ru?" Gai-Pe, the clan chief of Tem-Pe asked.
"Fallen, Honorable One," Cit-Ya replied. "The Rown-In, Rac-Nur, killed him."
"Rac-Nur?" Che-Nur, the clan chief of Nur, one of only three female clan chiefs, surprisedly asked. Her first sword, Dae-Re also looked up in surprise.
"Did not Knon-Ru report his death many moons ago?" Che-Nur turned and asked Mie-Ru, the clan chief of Ru, and an adversary of clan Nur. "Were they not on a patrol together and Knon-Ru was the only to return?"
"Where is this Has-San?" Mie-Ru asked, dismissing the accusatory question from Che-Nur.
"We do not know that and I take great offense to the use of that name!" Che-Nur stood and banged her hand on the table in front of her. "There is no indication that he has gone Has-San."
"My apologizes," Mie-Ru bowed her head toward Che-Nur. "Where is the Rown-In?"
"I have him in a cell, isolated. No visitors," Cit-Ya replied. "There is more, Honorable Ones. The information we were given was incomplete."
"How so?" Ten-Ne asked menacingly.
"The house where Rac-Nur was staying belongs to one we know. It is the home to the one we have named Shoc-Ti," Cit-Ya stated, and flinched from the sudden outburst from the clan chiefs. "Rac-Nur was Dac-Ur-Nen to Shoc-Ti."
"And?" Che-Nur asked after the commotion died down.
"Two servants were killed and his daughter was left for dead," Cit-Ya replied. "And these were found on the daughter."
Cit-Ya approached the stone table and laid a wrapped bundle on it. He unwrapped the bundle revealing a set of fellblades. He went on to explain that he and learned from interrogating Rac-Nur that the servitude of the life-debt had been passed down to the daughter. Cit-Ya was questioned repeatedly on the status of the daughter by several clan chiefs. All he could confirm for sure was that the daughter was gravely wounded but that they did not stay long enough to find out if she had expired. He also added that the daughter had killed Bu-Dar before being mortally wounded by Fi-Ne. It was decided that no action would be taken concerning Rac-Nur for the time being and that patrols would be doubled, both in numbers and make up. They also ordered more guards for Rac-Nur. They dismissed Cit-Ya and continued deliberating well into the night.
Dragon Back Mountains, northeast of the Thangdaemon Forest, Andor.
They followed behind Dae-Re as she set a quick pace along the path. It continued to zigzag back and forth ever climbing until finally straightening out and inclining up for a long rise in elevation. Anna saw a brief flash of light and without really giving any thought to her own safety leaped forward knocking Dae-Re to the ground. A burning sensation erupted from her right upper arm as she heard the alarm ring out. "Orcs!"
An Orc hunting party of fifteen strong jumped up from their hiding place to the right and just below the path. The adventurers leaped to the attack except Tristan, who stopped in front of the sprawled women, one human, one Dark Elf.
Aaron led the charge and the companions made short work of the Orc raiders. Before the Orcs even had a chance to attack after climbing over the path the companions were on them, hacking and slashing. The Runeswords sang as Orc bodies dropped left and right. The fifteen raiders were cut down within moments of the first arrow flying. Other than the Anastasia's arm wound no other members of the companions, or the Dark Elves, were injured.
"Are you alright?" Tristan asked Anna, reaching down to help her up.
"I am fine," she replied, taking the offered hand and standing, and turning to offer a hand to Dae-Re.
"You have been injured," Dae-Re exclaimed, grasping the offered hand, and seeing the bloody wound.
Dae-Re noticed the leather band around both of Anastasia's wrists but made no mention of them as she tended Anastasia's arm. The wound was not very deep and did not damage the muscle. Dae-Re wrapped the arm and declared it fit to travel. Aaron, meanwhile, had the others push the Orc bodies over the path and back down to where they came up from.
"Why would Orcs attack here?" Dunin asked. "It makes no sense."
"It does if you knew that they recently came to the Shoc-Dun to recruit us for their war," Nar-Dun explained, dropping down onto the path from concealment above.
"The council turned them down and now we have this," he continued, gesturing to where the attack came from. "It was good that you acted as you did."
"Yes, we take the saving of someone's life quite seriously," Dae-Re explained as she dropped to her knees at Anastasia's feet. She pulled her hair aside and turned her head slightly to expose her neck. "You have saved mine and now ceremony dictates that I offer it to you."
"Please, your life is yours to keep," Anastasia replied, holding out her hand. "I invoked Nah-Thr, I believe that pushing you aside falls into that tradition and not Dac-Ur. Friends instead?"
"Friendship is not a Shoc-Du concept," Dae-Re replied taking the offered hand. "I understand the implications and the closest thing I can think of his Ken-Ani, sword-brother. In our case it would be sword-sisters."
"Yes, I would like that," Anastasia replied. "My friends call me Anna."
"I am honored to call you An-Na," Dae-Re replied. "Come, there is still some distance to travel."
Dae-Re led them along the path while the other Dark Elves followed from the vantage point above. The path eventually dropped down into an open area with a pool in front of the cliff face. Built into the face were two massive stone doors, arched along the top. The doors were closed and looked to have been so for a very long time. Leaves, tree limbs, and other debris were scattered about the ground in front of the doors.
"This is the back entrance to Boldukr Keep, but it is not our destination," Dae-Re explained. "Come, the entrance is not far from here."
She carefully skirted the pool of water and past the massive doors and stopped by a small path. To the casual observer the path was little more than an infrequent used game trail but Dae-Re took it nonetheless. The path wound behind some trees and along the side of the cliff. Dae-Re stopped at a seemingly ordinary bush and placed her hands, palm out, in front of the bush. Aaron, as well as the others that were attuned to magic, could feel a tingle as the bush faded revealing an opening in the ground.
"Be careful climbing down," Dae-Re cautioned. "I will go first and light a torch at the bottom."
"That will not be necessary," Dana replied after receiving a nod from Aaron. "Allow me."
Dana placed her hands together as if forming a snow ball and then opened them revealing a small glowing blue ball of Eldritch. The ball floated up above their heads and then angled for the opening, illuminating it with the ball's light. Dae-Re nodded and started descending the spiral stairs into the ground, disappearing from view. Each of the companions followed suit, allowing for spacing at the bottom. They found themselves in a large cavern surrounded by Dark Elves, brandishing swords. The Dark Elf, Cit-Ya approached and stopped in surprise at seeing Anastasia.
"Cit-Ya?" Dae-Re asked. "Te Rah-Wan Shea-Nyet-Dac. Nja-Vas Shoc-Gie."
(They have requested a life-audience. She is named Shadow's Daughter.)
"De Net-Re Mi Nan," Cit-Ya replied.
(I know who she is.)
"Njr-Vas Cit-Ya?" Anna asked, drawing her sword. "De Net-Ri Njr. Te Cas-Nhr Nur Ma Nen. Cit-Ya, Ju-Gis Xe Shea-Dac-Nur!"
(You are named Cit-Ya? I know you. You killed my bonded servants. Cit-Ya, I demand satisfaction and challenge you to the honor duel, to the death!)
"That remains to be seen," Cit-Ya replied in common. "You may know our language, and wear our weapons, but unless you are recognized by the council you cannot avail yourself of our customs."
"You did not expect me to be alive, did you?" Anastasia replied, lowering the tip of her sword.
"Is this one of the ones that is responsible for my mother's death?" Dunin interrupted, drawing Kalaban, whose runes began to flow with a silver light, brighter than the Eldritch ball Dana conjured to help them see. "I will have my own vengeance!"
"Dae-Re, I have been ordered to escort them to the Great Amphitheater," Cit-Ya replied, looking at the glowing Runesword. "Do they come along peacefully?"
"Yes," Dae-Re replied, placing her hand on Anna's sword. "Please put your swords away and follow Cit-Ya. You will not be harmed."
"They will not be harmed unless the council determines otherwise," Cit-Ya clarified. "Come, follow me."
"You will find that we are much harder to harm then you or your council thinks," Dunin replied, sheathing his sword. "Mark my words; this is far from over!"
"I will take my leave of you," Dae-Re stated, grasping Anna's hands. "Follow Cit-Ya and observe everything."
With that cryptic message, Dae-Re bowed, turned, and hurried down another passageway.
Cit-Ya led them through the caverns and passageways of the underground home of the Shoc-Du, and former home of the Dvergar, Boldukr Keep. Actually, the Dark Elves were only using a small portion of the vast Dvergar fortress, as most of the passageways had been lost in cave-ins and rock slides. The twisting and turning passageways soon had everyone lost and disoriented, an intent of the Shoc-Du-Du no doubt. Aaron actually felt a little trepidation returning to his underground prison and finally had to visibly shake it off. He got a quick look of concern from Karith but quickly smiled to downplay the reaction. Cit-Ya finally stopped at a set of large wooden doors guarded on each side and brought his hand up to signal silence, although the oppressive feeling of being in the heart of a mountain had signaled silence from the beginning.
"Wait here until you are called," he commanded and then entered the doors, closing them behind him.
They waited several moments and began to wonder what was taking so long when finally the doors opened and Dae-Re escorted them into the amphitheater.
They entered a vast cavern designed in a bowl like shape. Along the rim of the bowl were many rows of seating, currently occupied by Shoc-Du. Above the rim were many, many perches currently holding many, many wyverns. At the opposite side of the doors was a balcony area, raised 20 feet off the ground where the Council of Elders sat in plush chairs. The balcony was ringed with a dark grained wood banister. Directly in front of the council balcony was a small raised dais, also ringed with a banister. To the left of the dais was another smaller gallery, also ringed with a banister and that is where Dae-Re led the companions.
"Your companions must wait here and are forbidden to speak unless spoken to by an elder," she explained to Anna and then pointed to the dais. "You must stand there and address the council after they recognize you."
After ensuring the other companions were situated in the gallery, Dae-Re escorted Anna to her spot on the dais. She then turned and left the amphitheater by the doors that the companions had entered from.
Anna stood on the dais and placed her hands on the rail and waited. She looked around the amphitheater at the gallery of spectators and then back to the council. She was starting to get a little aggravated and had to take several deep breaths to calm herself. She looked over to where her friends were standing and smiled at Aaron and Tristan. She looked back toward the elders and saw Dae-Re enter from a rear door and take up a position behind one of the elders.
"You have requested Shea-Nyet-Dac and we wonder how you know the traditions of the Shoc-Du?" one of the elders asked.
"Honorable Ones, my name is Anastasia Whiterune and I come before you today to demand redress for the actions perpetrated against me and my house by members of this council," Anastasia stated. "Someone here authorized certain actions that have led to the death of two of my family and the abduction of my Dac-Ur-Nen. I demand reparations for the deaths and the immediate release of Rac-Nur!"
"Why would we consider the request of a Ter-Mar?" a different elder asked. "And you have not answered the question posed by Elder Mie-Ru."
"I make it my business to know as much as I can before I enter into any negotiations," Anastasia replied. "As to the reason why you should honor my demands, there are in fact two. First, I am the principal owner and Merchant Master of House De La Rose. Does that name hold significance?"
"House De La Rose is our principal trading partner with the Ter-Mar," a different elder explained to the rest. "Lady Whiterune, my name is Ju-Wen, elder of clan Wen, procurer of goods."
"Greetings, Honorable One. It is a pleasure to finally meet the head of clan Wen," Anastasia formally bowed. "I hope that we can resolve this unfortunate incident before it affects the partnership that we have."
"You said two reasons?" the second elder asked.
"Yes, secondly you have interfered in the relationship between my Dac-Ur-Nen and me," Anastasia replied. "It is my understanding that according to Shoc-Du custom that relationship supersedes all else in your culture. That a Shoc-Du that owes a Dac-Ur is bound by that alone and all other laws are subservient. Is that not correct?"
"You speak truly," a new elder, a female, replied, the one that Dae-Re was standing behind. "I am Che-Nur, elder of clan Nur. However, it is our understanding that the Dac-Ur was owed to another."
"Yes, it is true that originally Rac-Nur owed the life-debt to my guardian, father if you will," Anastasia explained. "My guardian, right before he left on a long trip, wanted to release Rac-Nur from the debt but Rac-Nur explained that such a thing was not possible. Rac-Nur went on to explain that he could not return to his clan because he had disgraced the Shoc-Du by being captured by the Orcs. The life-debt to my guardian restored his honor but he still could not return to the Shoc-Du because he was in the Ter-Mar now. That he was now part of my father's house and established it as a clan. In my father's absence the life-debt would fall to me. Is that incorrect?"
"No, you are not incorrect," one of the earlier elders replied. "I am Gai-Pe, elder of clan Tem-Pe and Rac-Nur is, or rather was, my first-sword. Everything you said is true."
"Then why have you violated clan law by taking him from me?" Anastasia asked emphatically, smacking her palm on the rail with each word.
"Because clan law only applies to Shoc-Du," Che-Nur replied.
Anastasia saw Dae-Re lean over and whisper into Che-Nur's ear and then saw the elder stiffen, her face showing surprise. Che-Nur then reached below where Anastasia could see and then brought up a wrapped item.
"Can you explain these?" Che-Nur asked, unwrapping and holding up the fellblades.
"If those are the ones taken from me then yes I can," Anastasia replied. "They were a gift on my eighteenth birthday. Given to me by Rac-Nur when he named me Shoc-Gie."
"Karith, if things go sideways I would like you to put up your wards. Nobody in or out, and keep spectators from reaching the cavern floor. Dana, be ready and warn Beriwen," Aaron mentally sent out to his mates.
He was concerned that the situation would not be resolved non-violently and wanted to be prepared. He also sent out mental warnings through DeathBringer to Reg and Graydon. He began to draw power, not enough to be visibly noticeable but just under the level that he could control without leakage. He also began a search for Rac-Nur and after several moments found him. Without contacting him he expanded his awareness to determine if Rac-Nur was being watched. When he was satisfied that he was not he told Caledor to lock on to the Dark Elf and be prepared to bring him to Aaron's location.
"Do you understand what those are?" the first elder that spoke to her, Mie-Ru, asked, pointing toward the blades that Che-Nur had unwrapped and were holding up.
"Perfectly," Anastasia replied.
"She has no right to those weapons!" a voice from the gallery shouted out. "Though she is Ter-Mar and devoid of honor, I challenge her to Shea-Dac!"
"I accept!" Anastasia shouted back, turning to see who had challenged her.
She was happy to note that it was the fifth Dark Elf from that fateful night, the one that had shoved Oliver into Kate and ultimately caused the death of both. She watched the challenger walk down to the lowest row of spectators and vault over the railing landing on the floor of the grand cavern.
"Shea-Dac-Nur!" Anastasia added.
"Hai-Ru?" an elder called out, one that had not previously spoke. "You forget yourself."
"Begging your pardons, Honorable Ones, but I cannot let this farce continue," Hai-Ru declared. "My brother-in-arms is dead because of this Nin-Shi (literally, wyvern dung). I require satisfaction!"
"I will be your second, Hai-Ru," another Dark Elf stood from the audience and made his way down to the first row and hopped over the railing, landing lightly on the cavern floor.
Anastasia smiled a grim little smile as she recognized another of the marauders from that night. This one happened to be the one that wounded her and almost ended her life.
"I accept your assistance, Fi-Ne," Hai-Ru replied as he began to strip.
"Do you have a second, Shoc-Gie?" Che-Nur asked.
"I will be her second," Dae-Re announced from her position behind Che-Nur.
"That is highly unusual, Che-Nur," Mie-Ru interjected. "Your First-Sword should recuse herself."
"Why?" Che-Nur asked. "There is nothing that says she could not volunteer."
"It would be an honor to have you as my second, Dae-Re," Anastasia replied.
Dae-Re hopped over the railing that surrounded the gallery where the elders were sitting and quickly closed the distance to the balcony where Anastasia was standing.
"Honor fights are only with daggers, either one or two, your preference as the challenged," Dae-Re explained. "Also they are fought in loincloth only. Well, in our case, loincloth and halter. The halter is really just a strip of cloth to bind your breasts."
"Huh?" Anastasia replied incredulously as she looked around the amphitheater and more specifically the area where her companions, and most specifically, Tristan was standing.
Aaron watched the byplay and began to chuckle which got him strange looks from Dana and Karith.
"What is so amusing?" Dana asked first.
"I think Dae-Re just explained to Anna the clothing requirements, or rather, the lack thereof for the honor challenge," Aaron replied with a chuckle.
"And they are?" Karith asked.
"Loincloth, and in her case a halter, which is really no more than a strip of leather, or cloth, to bind her breasts."
"Where does she go to change?" Dana asked.
"Right where she is," Aaron replied, and pointed. "That is why her challenger is stripping down to his."
"Tristan, you and Graydon and Dunin need to turn around, now!" Dana commanded. "Beriwen help Karith and me block their view."
As Anastasia reviewed her options and finding none of them particularly good she watched the interplay between Aaron, Dana, and Karith. Then she saw Graydon, Tristan, and Dunin turn around. She sent a silent thanks to both Dana and Karith and began to remove her clothes.
"Before you remove your shirt let me see if I can find you something to wear," Dae-Re explained. "Honorable Ones, a moment of indulgence."
Dae-Re did not wait for and answer and sprinted toward the amphitheater's doors and disappeared through them. While we was gone Anastasia removed her boots, leggings, and jerkin, but kept the undershirt on. She laid her sword belt and scabbard on the folded pile of clothes and set the daggers that she normally wore on her back aside for the time being.
It was not long before Dae-Re was back and handed Anastasia a strip of cloth with ties on both ends. Anastasia quashed her sense of modesty and quickly removed her undershirt and held the cloth in place while Dae-Re tied it in the back. She then folded the shirt and laid it on the rest of her hangs, grabbed her daggers, and descended the stairs and moved over to where Hai-Ru and Fi-Ne were standing.
During Anastasia's weapons training with Rac-Nur the subject of honor duels came up fairly early. Specifically the Shoc-Du honor dueling known as Shea-Dac, whether to first blood, Ri, or to the death, Nur. He stressed that the best thing to do in a knife fight was to look for an exit. Honor duels were the exception and most of those were to 'first blood'. He went on to explain that very few duels were 'to the death' simply because too many young Shoc-Du Warriors were dying needlessly. A duel 'to the death' was reserved for great injustices of infractions that could not be settled in any other way. Shea-Dac duels were fought in only a loincloth and only with daggers, either one or two. No other weapons or enhancements were allowed. No poisons, magic, or anything else that could give one of the combatants an edge.

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