The Three Girls Who Love You
- 2 years ago
- 25
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“You do have something in mind!” she cried as her eyes lit up. “What’s on the kinky agenda today, Evil Sir Master Overlord and Ruler of my Body?”
“You didn’t answer my question,” he managed to insist through his helpless guffaws.
“Oh, right. Sorry.” Kathryn started ticking her fingers. “Ate. Showered. Bladder emptied. ‘Enema-ed’ isn’t a word, unfortunately, but I did that too.” She paused over her thumb. “I’d need to know what you have in mind to answer about anything else.”
“Those four will do nicely. Are you ready?” She nodded eagerly. “Good. Get naked and kneel in the middle of the room. Head bowed, hands behind your back, and don’t speak unless I give you permission.” Scrambling to follow his orders, she got into position and fell silent. He waited until he heard her breathing start to slow before disappearing downstairs and returning with one of the padded mats he’d used to rescue dropped bottles. He placed it on the floor in front of her and retrieved a number of items from the closet.
He bound her wrists and ankles, attaching the quartet of restraints to each other. She had to keep her legs tightly bent to avoid putting undue strain on her arms, but it was an uncomfortable and highly stressful position nonetheless. He gently lowered her onto her side atop the mat, rearranging her until she was more or less at its center.
“Your safe words are as usual. However,” he added, dangling an oversized ball gag in front of her eyes, “you’ll have to work a bit to use them. Nod if you understand. Good. Today, you need to ask permission to come, though I don’t think it’s going to matter. Still, at times you’re full of surprises.” He attached clover clamps to her nipples and a pair of larger, grippier clamps to her labia, then pushed the ball gag into her mouth and secured it around her head.
“You only have two instructions to follow. If you fail there will, of course, be a punishment. The first is that you are not allowed to speak unless it’s to use your safe words. You may make any noises you feel are necessary, but you are not to form actual words. The second is that you may not leave this mat. It’s not much bigger than you, so if you feel the need to move or turn over you’re going to have to be very careful, especially as you don’t really have control over your hands or your feet. Touching the floor with any part of your body except your hair will also result in a punishment, and the severity will increase with each infraction. Nod if you understand.”
As soon as she did, he proceeded to ignore her completely, eventually disappearing downstairs. A few minutes later, he returned with his laptop and set it on the table, then made himself coffee. When it was finished brewing, he settled into a chair, answering email — now that his departure was on the horizon he felt free to respond to tasting, lunch, and dinner invitations, though he wasn’t yet accepting requests for his professional time — and drawing up future wine orders for his hosts.
Tossing back the last of his coffee, he closed the laptop and brought it down to the cellar, passing some time filing and notating new arrivals. About twenty minutes later, he opened the cellar door to check on her and was immediately greeted by soft but clearly agonized cries. He sprinted up the stairs, worried about what he’d find, and studied her closely.
Kathryn’s entire body was wracked by heart-rending sobs. The quiet misery in her wailing was almost inhuman, and the mat was soaked with her tears. Still, none of the sounds making it past the ball gag were her safe words. He continued to study her for a while — she’d moved a little bit, but was in no danger of touching the floor— until he was convinced that there was nothing wrong save for the extremity of her unhappiness, then stepped over her and headed for the bathroom. Her sobbing was audible, even through the door.
Just to make sure he didn’t miss anything else, he moved to the couch while he continued to work. While she knew he was only a few feet away, Kathryn couldn’t see him, and for a few minutes she struggled to reposition herself so that she could. But due either to inability or fear of leaving the confines of the mat, her attempt was stymied and she slammed her head down in frustration as the volume of her cries increased.
Luke hadn’t known precisely what to expect from this experiment. Nor, frankly, did he have any clear idea what sort of punishment he might inflict if she failed the test; he knew he wasn’t going to strike her again, save perhaps for a few more light, entirely playful spanks. Mostly, he was counting on her not to fail. His intention had been to proceed with the normal flow of his day while acting as if she wasn’t there — a form of isolation more psychological than that he’d enforced via accessories — but he hadn’t counted on this much audible despair. It was extremely difficult to listen to, or watch, and on more than one occasion he was tempted to end the scene prematurely and comfort her. Instead, he steeled himself and waited it out.
A little while later, he made a light lunch and sat down to eat it, then cleaned up and prepared for the final act. She’d been in more or less the same position for two hours, crying uncontrollably for most of it, and he didn’t want to do any lasting damage. But he had one more emotional game to play.
Planting a chair right in her line of sight, he opened his shorts and began masturbating, stroking his cock but pointedly not looking at her while he was doing it. Instead, he kept his eyes closed as if he was fantasizing about someone else, though it was impossible for him to think about anyone but her. It had been a while since he’d done this, and he found it terribly unsatisfying, but eventually he felt the early stirrings of his climax. He stood over her, pumping furiously. He guessed that her sudden retreat to silence meant that she noticed he was aiming right at her inert body, though he kept his eyes resolutely closed. And then, just as he felt semen racing into his shaft, he covered the tip with a wad of tissues he’d concealed in his other hand and captured every drop, soaking it up until he was spent.
He restored his clothing and casually dropped the soaked tissues on the floor, just out of her reach. Kathryn’s tragic wailing returned, accompanied by pitiful, almost tortured howls as she stared at the messy refuse.
It was time to free her.
It had been almost a half hour since he’d removed her clamps and gag, unfastened her restraints, and carried her to the bed to hold her in his arms. She hadn’t stopped softly crying the entire time. I’m going to have to replace the sheets ... and maybe even rotate the mattress ... so we don’t have to sleep in a massive wet spot. He’d told her several times that she was free to speak, but she hadn’t done that either. He couldn’t tell if she’d come out of her submission or not. All he could do was wait.
Finally, her misery quieted and she shifted in his arms. Her face was as much of a mess as the bed. She looked blotchy and red, as if she’d been in a fight.
“Yes, my love?” he asked nervously.
“That was horrible. Awful. Terrifying. Cruel. I never, ever want to go through that again. Why did you do that to me?”
Shaken by her response, he asked, “Kathryn, are you okay?”
“Answer my question, please.”
She sounds angry. I didn’t expect this. “It was supposed to be another form of denial. We denied you orgasms at Alejandro’s, I denied you freedom of motion and your senses in the boathouse, and this was denying you mobility, pleasure, and pain ... in fact, any kind of contact at all ... including one of the things I know you love most.”
“That’s the only reason?”
“That’s the only reason of which I’m aware. Why? What happened?”
Her answer was disturbingly measured. “At first I thought you were going to leave me there for a little while, then start doing things to me that would force me to leave the mat. I was looking forward to being punished, because I thought that was the point. But when you went downstairs and didn’t come back, I started to feel the same abandonment that I felt at the boathouse. Except that it was different, because there I trusted — even though I couldn’t see or hear you — that all your attention was on me, while today it felt like it wasn’t. And so I started to cry. I was miserable being left alone like that, and it was even harder than it was in the boathouse, but up until that point it wasn’t unmanageable. Then I realized that you were doing things as if I wasn’t even in the room ... as if I didn’t even exist ... and that’s when everything went wrong in my head. I thought ... I thought...” She was starting to well up again. “I thought you were showing me what your life would be like without me, and demonstrating it in the cruelest possible way. And then you masturbated into a tissue and I knew that’s what you were doing.”
Oh no. Oh god, no. Now I see. “Kathryn, my love, please believe me: I’d never do that to you. Maybe some deep, dark corner of my subconscious contributed to my plan for those exact reasons, but I never had a conscious intention even close to that. I’m so sorry. I didn’t have any idea you’d take it that way. If it was that bad, though, why didn’t you use your safe word? I won’t ever judge you for doing so. And if you were having those sorts of thoughts, I must have taken you out of submission somehow. I’m sorry for that, too”
“No, you didn’t. That’s the thing; you’d pushed me so deep that I couldn’t snap out of it even if I wanted to. I was that deep because I trusted you, and if you hadn’t gotten me out when you did, I don’t know where I’d be right now.”
He held her more tightly. “My love, I know you don’t want to use your safe words, but I never meant for you to endure something so horrible.”
“Yes you did. I felt exactly the abandonment and isolation you wanted me to feel. Except that I took it very differently than you meant it, and I’m pretty sure I know why.”
Though he was afraid to ask he had to know. “Why?”
“Even though it’s not what you intended, the experience was authentic, wasn’t it? That wasn’t really me on the floor. That was you. That’s exactly how it’s going to feel for you once you leave. I was forced to see it, I was forced to face it, and I was forced to live it. I told you before that I didn’t think I was strong enough to experience your pain. After today, I’m sure of it.”
Luke was devastated; he’d considered none of this. “My love, can I... ?”
“If you let go of me right now, I’ll knee you in the balls so hard that I’ll never experience my favorite breakfast again. Don’t you dare leave this bed.” Turning in his arms so she was facing the other way and pressing herself against his body, she added, “Once I get some rest, I’ll be fine. You will make it up to me later, though.”
“Will I enjoy making it up to you?” he asked, trying to lighten the mood, even though they were both still on edge.
“I assure you that you will. One more thing before I calm down enough to fall asleep. Do you remember the other day, when you said that me trying to be bratty was ill-timed because of all the negative emotions you were carrying? Well, today our roles were reversed. I was wrong to claim I couldn’t ever go through that again. I could. Parts of it were extremely effective, and if it had been someone like Faith doing it, I would’ve been fine. It was similar to one of her threatened punishments, after all. But not now, and not with you. Not when it’s all too close to the truth.”
“I understand. I’m sorry you didn’t have the experience you wanted. I guess neither of us did.”
“I never even got to call you Sir,” she added with an audible pout.
“You know that’s mostly about making you happy. I’d get just as much out of the experience without it.”
“I wouldn’t.”
“I know, and that’s why I let you do it.” He leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Slut.”
“Mmmmm. Much better,” she purred. “After my nap, I’ll prove it to you.”
Kathryn collapsed on top of him after several minutes of uncontrolled writhing, panting. “That was one hell of an orgasm. I was worried I was going to squeeze your beautiful cock to death.”
“Only the one?” he teased, even though he’d been fairly taken aback by the raw force of her most recent climax.
“It was bigger than the others. That’s not the same thing as saying that the others were in any way insufficient, because they weren’t. They never are, with you.”
“Why was it so good?”
“You’re introducing new tricks into regular sex.”
“None of our sex is ‘regular,’ but I assume you mean kinky things.”
“Exactly. You were alternating between slapping my ass, twisting my nipples, pulling really hard on my hair, and pretend-choking me. I wasn’t actually drifting into submission, but I did feel like you were dominating me, even though I was on top. Then you squeezed my neck just a little bit harder right when I was coming, and that did it for me in a massive way.”
“About that...”
“Don’t say it.”
“Don’t say it.”
“Kathryn, I...”
“Don’t say it.”
“If you’re going to keep interrupting me, I guess I can’t.”
“You’re going to suggest that we put our exploration of dominance and submission aside. Don’t bother confirming, denying, or evading; you know you were. Do you want that to be our final experience before you leave? No fucking way. I told you that I don’t need an exotic new adventure every time. Go back to something you already know works. It doesn’t have to be a feature-length production, either. It can be short and to the point, like the other day with the deliverymen and the flogger. And here’s a warning: if I suspect that you’re deliberately avoiding it and hoping I won’t notice, instead of waking up every morning with your cock in my mouth, you’re going to wake up with me kneeling next to the bed, wearing clamps and a ball gag and whatever restraints I can manage to attach all by myself, already in a submissive state and waiting for you to do something about it. It doesn’t have to be all the time or as often as we’ve been doing it this week ... in fact, it can be only one more time, if you want ... but we will try again. Promise me, Luke.”
“You’re right, and I promise. It just ... this morning rattled me, and now I’m unsure of my instincts again.”
“Well, then think about this. Submission is dangerous for the submissive, even in the best of situations, because it requires giving up control. That’s why it’s so important to trust who you’re with. You’ve gotten really good, really quickly, at the mechanics, but we don’t have enough experience with each other for you to recognize the difference between good emotional release and bad emotional release. In time you will, but right now you don’t. I went to a bad submissive place. In fact, for a little while, a very bad place. And do you know what it reminded me of?”
“Oh my god, Kathryn, no! Please tell me I didn’t...”
“I won’t. Because it didn’t remind me of anything. Nothing at all. Even though I was confused and hurt and unable to struggle free on my own, not once did I associate any of it with my past. Not while it was happening, and not afterwards, either. So listen, you lovable oaf: while you’re not the only one who’s helped me heal, you’re pretty obviously the final piece of my puzzle. I’ll never be completely free of my past, but you cut the last thread connecting it with my sexual present, and I love you even more because of it. And you know very well how you did it, too, which is one more reason we’re going to do it again. Okay? Understand?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Adorable,” she mocked, kissing his nose. “You so can’t pull that off. You should try it, though. It’ll...”
“ ... make me a better dominant, I know. Or so I’ve been told, at least. I guess someday I’ll have to give it a shot.”
“Why not give your guru a call? What’s her name?”
“Michelle?“ He shuddered. “No way in hell. She ... does things. Terrible things.”
“Aw, Luke,” she said, reaching between them to fondle his involuntarily retracting testicles. “Afraid of suffering real blue balls?”
“Among many, many other things.”
“Why not Irina, then? I promise you she’s good, and she’s probably not going to grind a stiletto heel into your nuts. Though she does own some...”
“Would you please stop with that particular bit of imagery? Anyway, I understand intellectually that she’s a domme, and of course I’ve experienced the effects of it during sex, but it’s always hard to picture in practice. She’s so tiny.”
“I know. It’s what makes her terrifying. Still, I finally see through your devious plan. You want your supermodel girlfriend to do it.”
“I don’t want anyone to do it, I’m just speculating. And she’s not my girlfriend.”
“She could be.”
“At best, I’d be just another of her many paramours, I’m afraid.”
“Oh no, Luke. You’d be the only one. Yes, she’d keep having sex — and doing even wilder things — with others, but you’d be her only romantic partner. You’d be the only one she’d love.”
“What about Alejandro?”
“He doesn’t love her. Not really. He wants to, but he can’t, and they both know it. He probably thinks I don’t see it, but I do. In fact, I think I saw it all those years ago, which is one of the reasons why — despite the fact that I was extremely attracted to him, and the sex was, given the limitations of the setting, even steamier than I hoped — we never went on another date, and never even had another sexual encounter. Back then I would’ve fallen for him, and then he would’ve broken my heart. Whereas you’re entirely capable of love, and so, despite her aloofness, is Faith. You two should explore that.”
“You have a very elaborate imagination, but in this case you’re wrong. She told me it wouldn’t happen.”
“She told you she’d never love you? That’s a pretty harsh rejection for two people who aren’t even dating.”
She was still teasing him, and he realized that a stronger argument was required. “Not exactly.” He rolled Kathryn to her back so he could see her reaction to what he was about to say. “She said that while it’s possible we could have a relationship, or maybe even fall in love, she’d always know that I’d never love her as much as I love you. She also said that she might be okay with that. But she’s absolutely right.”
“Awwww,” she responded, starting to tear up again. “So I’m the one ruining your beautiful future with your ravishing, kinky, sex-crazed supermodel girlfriend?” Though her words were light, there was an undercurrent of anguish behind them.
“I don’t understand why you keep calling her my girlfriend, or why you’d even want to push me towards a relationship with her. Neither of which is ever going to happen, by the way.”
“Stop underestimating yourself, Luke. And stop giving up on love.”
“But why her? Why me with her? Why do you keep saying things like this to me when you know who I really want?”
“Because I want you to be happy. Because I love you no matter what happens. And because she’s actually good enough for you.”
“Good enough?” he sputtered. “Faith Anderssen, the internationally famous, fabulously wealthy, stunningly attractive supermodel, who can — and apparently does — have any man or woman she wants, is good enough for me? You’re out of your mind.”
“Very few women deserve you. But you’re going to have to rediscover your confidence and start arranging your own dates. I may not be able to be your pimp forever.” To Luke, it sounded like she was forcing jokes to cover for what was a rather painful conversation for both of them, but he was afforded no opportunity to call her out. “Now, you have two choices. You can lay there and watch me cry, or you can fuck the sadness right out of me.”
“That’s no choice at all,” he remarked, already moving his hips. But he was attempting his own form of cover-up, and they both knew it.
“Jesus, is there any way I can have you pounding my ass all day and all night, every day and night?” she gasped as he ravaged her.
“That’s really up to you,” he groaned as he slapped even harder against her buttocks, plowing his cock into her rectum with as much force as his waning energy could muster. He’d driven her to at least five squealing orgasms, but was quickly reaching the point at which he either had to stop or unload in her colon.
“I ... vote ... yes,” she grunted between his powerful thrusts.
“Then you’d better warn Bill,” he growled as he gave in and flooded her with semen. She was pounding the bed with her fists, legs flailing as he continued hammering her anal canal until he was satiated. This time it was his turn to collapse on top of her. Futilely, she tried to reach back and caress his head, but she soon gave up and sprawled on the bed like an amputated starfish.
“Did you really have to mention my husband while we were were in the middle of an otherwise wonderful shared climax?”
“Did it make it better or worse?” He knew this was potentially dangerous ground, but he was feeling strangely competitive.
“It was a slightly stronger orgasm that made me feel like absolute shit. I’m not sure I’d call that a victory. Especially since the only reason it was stronger was that it made what we were doing feel even more forbidden than usual.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t really know why I said it. It was a reflexive response that came out at the wrong time. I guess maybe I felt like you were trying to tell me you don’t get enough of it with him.”
“Luke, I can’t believe I’m saying this so soon after asking for the exact opposite, but could you pull out for a minute?” Though his energy was at a low ebb, he complied. She rotated to face him. “I need you to understand something that I wouldn’t normally tell you, but given what you just did, you deserve it. Bill is ... well, he’s an ass man. Always has been, always will be. On any list of reasons why we’re together, it’d be high on mine. Before we started dating, I used to catch him staring admiringly at my posterior when he thought I wasn’t looking, and to this day he can’t help but spare a glance if he spots a particularly shapely bottom. I even encourage him in this, because I appreciate one as well. But I’m the first and only woman he’s had anal sex with. It happened on our second date, which was also the first time we had any kind of sex — as you know, I’m not one to hold back when I want something, plus I just kinda sensed it in him and so I forced the issue — and we’ve never looked back, so to speak. It became an essential part of our sex lives, and though you’ve obviously increased the need of late, it’s the reason I buy lube in bulk. So much so that, back in the early days of our relationship, he’d sometimes go an entire week without once touching my pussy with his cock. Oral and anal, exclusively. It would drive me nuts, to the point where I was literally begging for vaginal intercourse. And then he’d switch it up, ignoring my ass until I was begging for that. It excited him to have me desperately pleading for him to take me in one hole or the other. It doesn’t work that way anymore because he’s rarely here long enough, which is part of why I’m so insatiable for it with you, so in a way your supposition was correct. Except that, until a few minutes ago, I’ve never once thought about Bill while you’re in my ass, though to my immense discredit I haven’t always accorded him the same courtesy. And yes, before you ask, that’s because you’re better at it in every possible way.”
Her visage grew sterner as she continued. “But I called a timeout because that was the first time you’ve gotten anywhere near demeaning my husband. It’s beneath you, and please don’t. I’m doing more than enough of that all by myself, just by my actions.”
“You’re right, and I’m sorry. Truly. Now I feel really shitty about it. But actually, since I’ve ruined the mood by bringing up your husband...”
“Unless you mean your mood, you haven’t. As soon as we’re done with your little digression, you’ll be sodomizing me until I’m satisfied.”
“You’re never satisfied.”
“Then you’re going to be at it for a while, aren’t you?”
“I accept such a truly unimaginable punishment with good grace. What I was going to ask has nothing to do with the current subject, actually. We often spend entire days and nights together. Every single minute, save for bathroom breaks. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed you ducking out to call Bill. Why is that?”
“Well, there’ve been a few times you just haven’t noticed. For obvious reasons, I’ve tried not to make a big deal about it when I’m with you. Still, you’re generally right, and it was a decision I made back in the earliest days of his excessive traveling. It was too hard for me to avoid sounding lonely, hurt, or angry on the phone, and no longer having to try to force myself to sound happy or supportive actually helped me deal with it. He’s under a tremendous amount of stress; talking to me was just adding to it without anything good coming out of it. We exchange occasional texts or emails, but that’s all. And, at least at first, it ... elevated the intensity of our reunions, if you know what...”
“I understand what you mean,” Luke interrupted, trying not to sound sour.
“Unfortunately, exhaustion has replaced intensity of late.”
For the second time in a few short minutes, Luke couldn’t help himself, blurting out, “I don’t understand how he can do this to you, and I’m not just saying that because I want you for myself. Because if I didn’t, I’d already have told him exactly that.”
“I don’t know either. I could explain it to you using his words, though they’ve never been much comfort to me, but if you want to hear them you’ll have to ask him yourself. In any case, I’m not the primary victim here, I’m just collateral damage. What he’s doing to himself is far worse.”
Once again, Luke eventually reached a point at which he simply couldn’t keep up with her ravenous sexual appetite without an interstitial respite. She’d been riding him cowgirl style, and as soon as his (by now slightly painful) orgasm ended she lifted herself free of his rapidly shrinking organ and sat on his chest. Several loads of semen trickled from her dilated anus and pooled on his stomach. He knew that, before long, her tongue would be swirling its way through the mess, but for now she was grinning at him, patently amused at his condition.
“And here I thought I’d built your stamina up to an acceptable level.”
“Acceptable? Kathryn, you’re fucking me to death. Almost literally.”
“Well, you did promise that your last act as a living being would be tending to my sexual pleasure, so...”
“Fine. Use me as you see fit. You’ll have to explain the condition of the body to the coroner, though.”
“You forget that I’m a lawyer. I know how to hide bodies.”
“Are you suggesting that some overachieving forensic archaeologist will find a pile of decayed bones underneath your basement? The final resting place of your erotically executed lovers?”
“No, my love. No pile. Just your lonely bones ... one of them considerably more overworked than the others.” Suddenly, she turned serious. “I could never cheat like this again, you know. I won’t cheat again. No matter what the future holds, you are my first, my last, and my only. I’m no longer a good person, and doing this has broken my faith in myself. One way or another, I have to reassemble the pieces into someone I can at least respect.”
“Are you sure?”
“As much as I can be, given what we’re doing. Which is why I need to keep you alive for at least a little while longer.” Dismounting, she slurped on his completely deflated cock a few times, then ... just as he’d predicted ... set about lapping up the cream that was making a sticky mess of his stomach.
Well, that’s one possibility off the list, at least. Irina warned me that I was replaceable, but it seems Kathryn disagrees. I’m still the one and only replacement. Though I remain in danger of losing my position.
“What is it?”
“What do you think it is?”
“Is it even rosé? There’s barely any color at all. It tastes like it’s a rosé, but it’s fizzy and I don’t ... is it some sort of pink Lambrusco?”
“Not a bad guess, but no. It’s the Ameztoi Rubentis, a rosado txakoli from near Getaria. It’s a coastal appellation in the Basque region of Spain. It’s the 2017, which isn’t the latest vintage but...”
“I’ve been there!” she excitedly interrupted. “I ate the best cooked fish of my life and drank unwise quantities of txakoli, but I didn’t know it came in pink.”
“It comes in red, too. And you had the grilled turbot, right?”
“Yes. Sucking all the delicious fat, oil, marrow, or whatever it was from those bones ... it’s as close as I’ve ever come to having sex with food except, y’know, actually having sex with food.”
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To set the stage, starting with the ending paragraphs of Chapter 13:"As we fucked Laura, Rachelle, watched in envy and fingered herself, she cum again as Laura cum. Soon Ray filled his wife's ass with his cum and then we switched positions, and I took her ass hard, pulling hair, calling her "our slut" and I used her and degraded her in front of Ray. The things I made her say. Soon she was Cumming again and again. Next she collapsed, used and spent with a stretched ass with cum dripping from...
Hot teen Latina Harmony Wonder is like 51 flavors and then some. She even wears rainbow knee-high socks and a matching tank top to emphasize her full spectrum sexual interests. She also loves the full spectrum of PervCity men, and when Isiah Maxwell’s big black dick points in her direction the teenager starts begging for interracial anal. He grabs her pigtails and facefucks her slobbery deepthroat until spit streams from the corners of her mouth and drips onto her small tits. But real...
xmoviesforyouAll your suggestions and criticisms are more than welcomed at ~~~~~~~~~ Karan could not mistake that voice, a shiver ran down his body before he could even move. Kavya quickly rolled away from him and and covered herself with the a pillow. Karan looked at the door and found Riya standing there, just when Amy came running to the door. He was jolted back to reality when Riya tightly slapped his face. “This is what you do behind my back?” screamed Riya, before slapping him again. “Riya calm...
I grew up in Vancouver. Spent 1 year over seas, lost my virginity at 19 to a saucy English girl came home and promptly moved out of the house. I started getting my hair cut at Phillippe's near Fraser and 49th. I don't think Phillippe is around anymore so I am okay mentioning his name. I think he was already in his late 50's when I met him. He would constantly try to rub his cock against my neck or he would move in front of me and brush against my hands when they rested on the arms of his chair....
Luna Skye is one sexy girl to really feat upon. Her large firm tits really want to pop right out of that top and seeing that dagger tattoo in her cleavage makes your cock so badly want to be in between them and fucking them as she spits all over your cock. Luna flashes her pink panties with a smile knowing just how to drive you wild with lust to fuck her! Jay Smooth doesn’t hold back and gives her every inch of his hard cock in every position you desire to see. Its not long until he is...
xmoviesforyouPenny Barber has invited her friend Kendra James over for lunch, but the kitchen is a TOTAL mess! Good thing she’s got her stepson, Jay Romero, to help clean the place up. But when Penny asks Jay to lend some elbow grease, he just groans, complaining that he’s supposed to go hang out with his friends at the skatepark…But Penny isn’t letting Jay off the hook THAT easily, ESPECIALLY after he broke curfew last week. Doesn’t Jay remember? As punishment for sneaking...
xmoviesforyouChaz and I were sitting at the bar, as usual. It was a cold, windy, grey Saturday afternoon, and we had the place to ourselves. College football games were on all the screens, but none appealed to either of us.We turned to look when the front door opened. It was Alex, a mutual friend. He bartended there sometimes and was extremely gay. Nice guy too.Alex said hi, ordered a shot, and made small talk with us while the bartender poured. He downed the shot and turned to go."That was quick," Chaz...
Gianna Dior is auctioned off to the highest bidder and trained to be the perfect slut. Gianna is tied up and waiting for her stud wearing black lace lingerie with matching stockings and high heels. Jules pans the camera around to show that Steve Holmes was the highest bidder as he makes his way over to his prize. Steve makes Gianna put her ass up in the air as he pulls out a riding crop and starts spanking both of her ass cheeks then pulls her panties tight as he slaps her pussy lips with the...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Roman Anthony McMasters. Yeah, Mom went a little over the top when she named me, but my brothers and sister all got it too. My oldest brother is Achilles, my younger brother is Octavius and my sister was actually given the name Cleopatra, but she goes by Cleo, wouldn't you? Born with a name like that either makes you stronger, or gets you beat up as a kid. I grew out of the resentment, and I decided to focus on my studies. I'd often say, "You can call me Tony" right after...
In Private Specials, Ass Licking Sluts 4 Lilu Moon is having a nice relaxing bath when legends Tiffany Rousso and Thomas Stone appear. The two get started on the bed but get surprised by Lilu and decide to invite her in to join in. These horny MILFs get straight to work as a team, giving a great blowjob before taking turns eating ass and then climbing on for a great fuck. Then watch in this incredible threesome as these experienced MILFs suck, fuck, ride and rim like the pros they...
xmoviesforyouThis story was written as an adult fantasy. For those who missed Part 1 of this story, I am Prachi, a 5 ft 7 young light-skinned Indian girl with a slim, tight body and small firm breasts. My friend Roshni is 5 ft 6 and looks quite similar to me, except with a more dusky skin tone. We had gone for a drive when we encountered an abandoned doggy. He had fucked us both but then Roshni left me, bound and gagged, and disappeared with my car while I was fucking the dog. The dog, having shot its cum...
In my early stories, I have told you how I involved in sex with my boy friend Imran and then with my elder sister (Baji). I and Sana (My elder sister) continued lesbian sex for few days after our first encounter. She was so sexy and hot during sex that I never thought before. She introduced me to new horizons of sex. One day I wake up at night. I was feeling thirsty, so I got up from my bed and went out of room to drink some water. I was in my night suit, and when I came out of my room I saw...
CHAPTER FOURTEEN ‘Take the first step, and your mind will mobilize all its forces to your aid. But the first essential is that you begin. Once the battle is startled, all that is within and without you will come to your assistance.’ – Robert Collier Loki pulled out a hunting knife and quickly cut Aloysius’ bonds and then lightly slapped his friend’s cheeks to bring him round. Aloysius’ eyes opened and he growled, ‘Stop it.’ The young man smiled widely, ‘Good to have you back mate.’ Ranulf...
They invited us to have breakfast with them the following morning, so after our usual morning lovemaking session, I pulled on my shorts and mum wore just one of the minuscule bikini bottoms that she'd bought the previous day.We found them in the kitchen, Shannon standing next to the grill with Garry beside her one hand down the back of her panties, they were all she wore, and I had to admit she looked good. She giggled when I coughed politely, and her brother removed his hand."Dammit," he...
IncestA Trip to the Mall By Loner I was looking through one of the department store windows when Karen walked out of the Victoria's Secret store with enough bags to tell me that I was going to have a migraine when we got her credit card bills next month. She had a smile on her face though, and as much as I might try to deny it, I was willing to undergo a tighter budget if she'd do that more often. It was Saturday morning, and I was the hapless victim of an upcoming wedding on my mother's...
As Always: Thanks to ‘Alpineskier’ for editing. Thanks to ‘Doc’ for story ideas. Bradley’s story: Have you ever had your heart broken into a million pieces? No, let me correct that. Have you ever had your soul ripped from your body and watch it evaporate as the wind blows by? That is me at this very moment. My problem is I brought a knife to a gun fight. My wife, I mean ex-wife, Janine, brought the Death Star. How could she afford an attorney of that caliber is beyond. Did you know I,...
Jim Danvers sat naked in the circular room, slowly stroking his limp penis. He had already come twice, evident by the two shot glasses on the table next to him, half full with his cum.In the middle of the room, and completely naked, sat his nineteen-year-old daughter Meghan. She was quite the sight. Blonde, slender, beautiful, a classic cheerleader. Her perky breasts and erect nipples pointed upwards. The sheer arousal on her face was unmistaken. Her eyes filled with hunger as she looked up at...
Interracial“THAT’S IT!” I announced. “I’m exhausted. And you must be, too. It’s five o’clock. There’s no reason to dress for dinner.” Everyone laughed and we kept partying, bringing soft drinks, cold-cuts, bread, and soup from the kitchen. For the first time I really changed my perspective from artist to horny college kid and saw the party for the near orgy that it was. Twelve perfectly luscious girls. When I undressed them, I seduced them in a way. Posing people and sketching as fast as I could for...
Hooked up with wet mouth Lexy Bandera and we got nasty of course. This bitch always come thru with the sloppy stuff. Just how I like it. She got her mouth hella wet for me so I thanked her by letting her taste my dirty asshole. It wasn’t dirty when she was done with it. Just very, very wet and slimy. Like I said…I like wet and slimy shii. So I couldn’t hold back. Busted a phat ass nut in her mouth. That seemed to energize this bitch tho cuz she kept goin. Straight up kept...
xmoviesforyouThe shirt cost me three grand. I’ve forgotten the name of the boutique where I purchased it. The name was European, I think. Either Spanish or Portuguese. Although I’m sure it would have little or nothing to do with clothes or fashion in a general sense because the owner didn’t look like he’d traveled past Togo in his search for wares. His English wasn’t even good. The boutique was one of those shops along CENTRAL PLAZA that starched the OK clothes, wrapped them in nylons, put them in...
Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta-reading this! Thursday, January 23rd – SeaTac International Airport, Washington "Now boarding Air Canada flight 343 to Vancouver, Canada," the gate attendant announced. Fumi stood up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Today had been so long. She had nearly froze to death lying in the snow waiting for the Native American spirit Niqualmie to appear. Yukishojou-no-onsen, was her answer, a hot spring in her native Hokkaido, the northern most of the main islands...
Years ago I was working as a project manager at an IT firm in India. I was ahead of my age in terms of handling that post as I had a good success record; never say a attitude, famous among the executives for out of the box thinking and soon I was in the peer of staff members more than 5 years senior to me. I wasn’t the oldest employee in the organization but had a cool 4 years of service and seniority most people recognized. Our organization was equally balanced with women employees with some...
I drifted back off and woke the next morning when a morning nurse came in. She gave me my medicine and water, then asked how I felt. I told I was fine, good she said. Let's get a look at you stiches, she pulled the sheets back and propped my leg up. She uncovered and checked the wound, then recovered it. Nice and dry, she said. She looked over at my other leg and smiled sheepishly. I asked her what was that about, she said it was nothing. Jokingly I said " don't make me chase you to find out "...
The next morning, June's kitchen was the center of attention as she fed the younger twins before they went off to school. The older twins ate and were going to be off checking on medical school admission. Agnes and Dad came by in Agnes' Expedition to pick up Nettie and wonder of wonders Grandpa was with them. Pretty amazing that both Dad and Grandpa were going out to a naturist camp. Wait till I tell the girls. When all the noise quieted down, I said that I wanted to replace my car. Even...
"The Dark Crystal" by Olivia Evans Chapter one: "Oh, God that feels so good..." the beautiful young woman moaned as she felt the surprisingly hot, thick shaft slowly enter her. She opened her eyes in the dimly lit room to look at her partner, trying to imagine the face of the current video star on the blank, mask like face of the android which had just so exquisitely penetrated her. The Surrogate Sex Partner...
Janet lit the candles and poured the wine. She turned on the radio — a little Quiet Storm to set the mood. She checked her reflection one last time. The nightgown and robe shimmered in the low light; the flowing satin would romanticize any figure. Then she sat down on the couch and waited. Not for him to show up — she had no illusions that he'd actually keep his word. And not for the inevitable phone call about his office or his car or his wife. No. Janet waited for the moment when she could...
Anita insisted on heading straight back to the Jeep place to see what they had in used vehicles. To John’s surprise, Anita fell in love with a two-year-old Cherokee Chief, bright red, with only 18,000 miles on it. John ended up dickering with the salesman and the manager for almost an hour before settling on a price. Another half hour was spent arranging the financing and calling the insurance agent to arrange the down payment. Finally, after two hours, they were able to stand and shake hands...
The idea of somehow seducing or subverting Jennifer into going down on a girl definitely got under my skin. The experience the three of us had was fun for me and I was interested in doing it again, but Jennifer seemed to totally shut down after that. I didn't know how Rebecca got her to go along with it in the first place. In a way, Jennifer's complete shying away from the subject every time one of us talked to her only got me more intrigued at the thought of cracking her.So, when Rebecca...
'The orgasm-a-tron event' happened on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving (in the U.S., anyway), Mr. B. called Alex Merriweather, my trustee and not so incidentally, my lawyer. Alex called me and wanted to have lunch. It was important, he said. When I got to Alex's club and asked for him, I was directed to a private room. Mr. B. was there. He stood when I came in and crossed to meet me. "I'm sorry to have used Mr. Merriweather as a ruse, but I...
The Phone Call By Tonya Varese Julie examined herself in the mirror. For a pre-op transexual she didn't consider herself bad looking. Her shoulder length hair was tied back in a ponytail. She wore a minimal amount of makeup and dressed in a low key style. Her outfit today consisted of cotton khaki slacks and a white long sleeve blouse. Her casual style couldn't belie a well-turned, trim and toned figure that she had worked on meticulously for the last two years. Since she had no...
My little wife's pussy is fantastic!!!!ENJOY!!!!I kissed her lightly on the lips and went and got a beer. I went back over and sat across from her and told her I wasn't mad at all. I said I wasn't surprised she couldn't do it and Corina smiled at me. I got up and walked around the table and Corina stood up and I kissed her long and with a lot of passion. After that I told her I wouldn't ever bother her about it again and told her I would take her out to dinner tonight. Corina asked me if I...
This one is compliments of mihickman: Tiger Woods and Stevie Wonder are in a bar. Tiger turns to Stevie and says, “How’s the singing career going? Stevie replies, “Not too bad. How’s the golf?” Woods replies, “Not too bad. I’ve had some problems with my swing but I think I’ve got that right now.” Stevie: “I always find that when my swing goes wrong, I need to stop playing for a while and not think about it. Then the next time I play, it seems to be all right.” Surprised, Tiger says,...
Hi this is Arjun again for ISS. This is my second story for ISS. To get to know a little about myself and to know what happened before this story PLS check out the previous story “Unexpected Restroom lust”. The previous story had a few spelling mistakes and I think this will too :P. Pls bear with me. This story is a continuation of my first sexperience with my college mate JananiPriya, that too in our college restroom. Weird place to have sex isn’t it. So, with no time to waste; ill start the...
Snowed Out By Shawna Stimple Charlie Ashe loved the snow. The entire Ashe family did. Every winter, they headed for their rental cabin in the Appalachian mountains, to spend a weekend skiing, and enjoying the great outdoors. This year they booked their cabin from February 13th through the 15th. Charlie sat shotgun, while his sister Lucy drove down the winding mountain road. It was amazing how two siblings could be so different, but so close. Lucy was the...
My name is Jill, 45 and I'm a married bifemale with three grown children ages 25 (son) 23 (son) and 20 (daughter). I really don't know where to start this or how to explain what happen to me last month but I think I need to tell someone just so I can get it off my chest I guess. I grew up on a farm with four brothers and three sisters in a home that I'd say was somewhat strict when it came to the subject of dating and sexual things. When we raised our children we tried not to be that way and...
IncestMaybe we should go tell the playground lady what happened, I thought. Let us consider this, thought Ursus. If we don't report the incident, there is a good chance that Don won't report it either. Not only was he the one who started it, he lost the fight decisively. Such a loss would doubtless affect his reputation as primary schoolyard menace, so he won't be eager to spread the news himself. Plus, there is that strange code of honor that keeps school-age boys from reporting to authority....
This is another interactive audio in the 'Bedtime Story' series, which allows the listener to follow instructions from an imaginary Sir and verbally respond to his questions and commands. Here is the scenario:Sir has ordered you to stand before him and strip naked. And now he has tied you to the bed, spreadeagled and blindfolded, for his enjoyment.PREPARATION: Tie appropriate lengths of rope to the feet of your bed, or to the bedposts, if any. (If rope isn’t available you may also use...
BDSM“Jesus Christ Em, his cum is literally dripping out of your ass,” Vinny could barely breathe. “I know, I’ve been such a bad girl,” Em smirked and bit her lip. “Please fuck me- show me how a real man would use me.” It didn’t take Vinny long to think. He had been hoping for this night since the last time they were together. He was happy to follow her lead when she said it was a one time thing. Trying to give her space, he dated other woman. But none compared to Em. He felt ruined by her. He spun...
Taboo“Forgive me father, for I have sinned. It has been two weeks since my last confession, and I’m afraid I’ve been very naughty once again….” Her voice was a mere whisper, forcing Father Lucas to shift slightly closer to the screen to hear her, creating a sense of intimacy he’d rather have avoided. After all, soft as her words might be, her identity was unmistakably that of the she-vixen who’d been haunting his dreams ever since her last confession. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself for her...
TabooThings quieted down the next day. I woke up with Daddy behind me, his hard-on nestled against my butt, so I rolled over to look at him and he smiled at me. I rolled on top of him (I had never done it this way before!) and climbed on top. It felt great and different, but doggy is even deeper, and I think it’s my favorite. I rode him like a pony - we giggled when I told him that - until we both came. Things went downhill a bit then. Mom stirred awake and looked at us blearily, then lurched out...
I'm Suzy, and I've been married to my husband David for 15 years. I'm currently 35, 5'10, 140lbs, have shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and measures 38-28-38". David is 38, 5'11", 175lbs, has blonde hair, blue eyes and has a 7" cock. Five years ago we started spicing up our sex life by visiting sex sites online, visiting adult video stores and renting their movies. We also agreed to try what each other wanted at least once.The first time that we involved someone else, was at a adult...
Even now, I can't help it. I have to fight the tears whenever I think about what I did, and what it almost cost. I really loved him, and knew he loved me; I just knew it. That's why it hurt so much when Jonas told me Brian had been unfaithful to me. We met in college as part of a group. A group of friends taking their first step to conquer the world. And Brian and I, gradually we fell in love. Despite the fact that some of our friends, as part of the 'experimentation' of college, were...
"My purpose is not to get into a pissing contest with the Feds. I am sure I can win, since the voice on that tape said he mailed out twenty copies of the tape and twenty files to twenty people, in all. I am sure we could track them down easily, since the tape identifies the twenty people. "No, my reason to hire your firm is two fold. One, your firm has contacts and dealings with the US Attorneys office, and you have a very good reputation. I am sure you even have more personal contacts...
May 20, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “I’m glad you called,” I said. “How are you doing?” “Good,” Michelle replied. “And the baby?” “He’s fine. Wonderful, actually.” “I heard from Melissa that Andrei’s mom was with you.” “She was! She was with Svetlana for all four of her babies, so she’s an expert!” “Do you plan to have a churching ceremony?” “At Vespers, once he’s forty days old. He’ll be baptized the next morning.” I looked at my calendar and did a quick calculation. “June 15th for the...
This story might be a little more confusing it contains two different POVs the female character (written by me) and the male (written by Adam, Edited by me) its written how he would like it to happen the darker parts are his POV the rest is mine. This is the second part if you haventaready pleae read the first part before reading this… The cold winds loudly rattle against the windows as the branches from a nearby tree scratch aggressively against it, consistently banging as if to wake me from...
That evening Frank called the girls together in the family room for a talk. He needed to be sure that everyone knew what was going on and agreed. The girls had already had their baths and were wearing rather sheer matching baby doll nighties. 'They really are growing up, ' Frank thought. Even Chrissie was starting to look more like a woman than the little girl he remembered. The girls explained about finding his books and magazines and planning Amy's seduction. They even told him about...
Hi friends this is alex from bangalore I was reading iss from long time and feedback please and anyone who needs sex chat or sex can contact me in gmail with mailing me in but only girls, married women, unsatisfied women’s, divorcee women can contact me. . Hi guys today I am to narrate you people how I got chance to have sex with one of my favorite sex goddess I always wished to have sex with her you people will enjoy this incident I am narrating you. . Guys lets not weast time will go...
IncestWe’re back! It’s that same GangBang time, and that same GangBang place, and it’s time to watch out lovely Lexi get her world rocked and rocked hard! She’s just #GreetedtheMeat (which you’ll see soon) and now we have this cutie on the pedestal and she’s ready for an experience of a lifetime. The guys get to work quick fast and in a hurry. They yank that green dress off her. They go down town, returning the favor, eating and nibbling on her pussy. They all take...
xmoviesforyouI have a private company who does business with millionaires. Ten years ago I started my business coming out of business school, and I hired the young, beautiful, and elegant Elizabeth to handle relationships with my clients. By then Liz was 23, just to keep it short, she looks like the young Liz Hurley. Liz started work right after her honeymoon with her highschool sweetheart. She's always cheerful and seemed to have a great marriage. Once in a while she'll get sexually harrassed by some...
Erotic FictionGloria Summers drove over to her winter place, a luxury log cabin in the North Georgia mountains, one winter night. The snow was white and pure, the winds were cold, icy, and howling. The oustide looked like a perfect winter wonderland. She arrived at her log cabin in her silver car. It was a perfect escape from the cold nights in Atlanta. Once she was inside her cabin, she took off her coat and went in to change into her warmest pajamas. She does love the city life and all, but sometimes even...
[Day 1] "Shit! I should have studied more." Always the same problem, I start studying at the last moment, and then I'm barely able to finish studying the night before the exam. I don't know why I do that. As I try to convince myself of changing my studying habits I slowly get out of my comfortable bed. In the end, its the same every year, I procrastinate every single day until a week before finals, and then I have i have to cram in order to pass. So far i have never failed a test, but honestly...
TeenI'm a married man, but I still think about my first nut, I was about 14 or 15, walking down the the street when this guy offered me a ride, I got in, he was a black guy about 25, I could tell he was gay, he pulled into a alley and rubbed my dick and said take out, I did and as soon as he touched it I came all over the place, he said don't worry about it and still wanted to suck it, but I got out and went home, as soon as I got there I went right into the bathroom and jacked off for the first...