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The shirt cost me three grand. I’ve forgotten the name of the boutique where I purchased it. The name was European, I think. Either Spanish or Portuguese. Although I’m sure it would have little or nothing to do with clothes or fashion in a general sense because the owner didn’t look like he’d traveled past Togo in his search for wares. His English wasn’t even good. The boutique was one of those shops along CENTRAL PLAZA that starched the OK clothes, wrapped them in nylons, put them in show-glasses, and pumped the prices into over-kill, so much you’d think they were Dolce and Garbana franchises or Armani sub-outlets. Be that as it may, my image on the mirror looked good enough for the evening out I had planned for Diane and I.
‘You look handsome enough.’ my cousin Clara said from behind me. I turned to see her standing at the doorway into my bedroom with a smile on her face. ‘So quit staring at yourself like that would improve anything.’
‘It’s a first date! It’s been a long time for me, or have you forgotten?’
Clara chuckled and sashayed up to me. ‘Come on! Talking like that will jinx the whole evening. She’s going to look even more beautiful than the first time you saw her, and you’ll find out you both have more than a lot in common…’ She smoothed my collar at the back of my neck. ‘…She will tell you how much she enjoyed her evening, hint that she may see you again, and you’ll kiss her goodnight in the end.’
I laughed. ‘Clara, the hopeless romantic! No wonder you’re still a virgin.’ I teased. I went to sit on the foot of my bed and pulled on a pair of white Espadrilles. I love flats. I looked up when she didn’t reply.
She was scowling. ‘There is romance still left in the world, Obinna. Just wait, you’ll see.’ She said it with a sureness that struck me as odd. I stared at her as she walked out of my bedroom without another word. Oh well, I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings. I grabbed my green, sleeveless, Dior jacket laid out on the bed and left the house through the front door, shouting at her to lock up after me.
I took my two year old VW PASSAT 2008 – a red salon which was crawling to a ninety thousand mileage on its odometer. It was in pristine running condition regardless of its age, thanks to my buddy, Jerry who now managed his father’s garage.
‘OWU NO DE TOUCH MY BODY! OH BOY!’ Naeto C and Reminisce were singing on the car’s music box as I rolled out of the compound. Clara was in my rear mirror locking up behind me. I waited to get infected by their grand feeling of I-am-larger-than-life, but these rappers weren’t communicable tonight. I felt no better than myself as I drove, which was probably for the best.
I turned the music down to dial Diane’s cell number as soon as I hit Oron road which linked the street I lived with the rest of the town.
‘Obinna!’ She must have been using the phone because she picked as soon as the dial tone kicked in. ‘Woah! Is it six pm yet?’ She seemed surprised.
Okay. That was totally unexpected. I’d readied a pleasant, maybe-I’ll-get-a-kiss-at-the-end-of-tonight voice. It took a moment to switch back to normal, feeling the scowl spreading on my face. ‘You’re kidding right? Where are you?’
‘I’m at home! At home! Are you on your way?’ She sounded unsure. I almost pulled up. ‘I haven’t even had my bathe yet!’
Is that it? ‘Okay…uhm…how long do you need to get set?’
‘An hour?’ She smirked over the phone. ‘No, thirty minutes,’ she reiterated.
I parked outside the open gates into her apartment building forty-five minutes later. It was a one story building in the middle of a not-so-large, sandy compound similar to all the other houses along the quiet street. They all looked more than a couple decades old to me, but still retained a certain level of dignity. I didn’t have to wait long. Diane exited the ground flat. Two other girls exited the house with her but stopped to watch from the front verandah – flat mates. I didn’t notice much about them. My attention was glued to the beauty package walking…uh…approaching my car.
I’d say I’m a breast man, but I’m sure every guy out there is too, so the point is moot. Her breasts weren’t visible and yet you knew she was well endowed on the chest level. She was wearing a brown, pintuck, short sleeve shirt with white horizontal stripes at the chest level tucked into a loose, blue skirt which had white polka dots that came down mid-distance between her knees and ankles, and a pair of red, heeled boots. (I know female clothes because my cousin runs a fashion blog) She held a pink purse in one hand. Very modest, and yet the way she moved, I swear I could tell she was very sexy underneath.
I smiled at her as she got closer, taking off my Rayban glasses to give her a clearer perusal. She rolled her eyes at me but smiled too. She got into the car.
‘Diane! You look breathtaking!’
‘Thank you! You’re not looking bad yourself!’ She observed.
I grinned as I started the car. ‘Really? I was afraid you’d think so.’ I joked and drove off.
We’d agreed we would first put up with a movie at the cinema (there was only one cinema in the whole town). Afterwards, we’d hit a bar or a restaurant, whichever appealed to us then. Nothing really serious, it was just a first date.
On the drive over, I asked her about her day at school. We’d chatted a couple times on BBM before today, so we knew a bit about each other. For instance, I already knew she was a final year student of microbiology at the State University who had just returned from a yearlong industrial training at Nigerian Breweries. She knew I was doing my graduate studies on ICT Management at the Federal University still in the same town. During the drive, I got her talking. It was easy. She liked talking and I happened to have the right questions. She mentioned the seminar presentation she was preparing, and seemed confident she’d murder it. It was a pretty pleasant drive all the way to the cinema location at Udoma Avenue, right at the edge of town. The lot was wide enough. It was easy to find space to park. She was surprised when I got out of the car to open her side of the car. That got her giggling.
‘Okay, not that I’ve entered too many cars owned by guys, but this one never happened before.’
I was surprised. ‘Like seriously?’ I chuckled. ‘Glad to be your first.’ I said and stepped back because she made to punch my shoulder but sidestepping was easy. I laughed. She smiled. I was glad she was relaxed. I locked the car with its remote key. I offered her my hand. She declined it and walked off towards the cinema entrance. I caught up with her and we went in together.
The movie – a romantic comedy – had a field day with the audience’s emotions. It was about the right hand man of the boss of a drug dealing cartel, who stumbled on a girl, fell in love with her, and eloped with her to his own peril. The same night, the boss’ heir steals a great deal of loot from his father, and everything is blamed on the AWOL right-hand man. Aha! That was the title of the movie – AWOL. It was an interesting movie that got everyone emotional in the end. Diane had misty eyes which she tried to hide from me. I put an arm around her shoulder and patted. She fished for a handkerchief from her purse and dabbed her eyes. She wore no make-up, so there was no fear from that angle. We still had left over popcorn but our cans of coke were long gone.
‘I really enjoyed that…the movie I mean,’ I said as the credits ran.
‘I’d download it to my tab and watch it again. It was really amazing. Can you imagine…’ she ran off and started narrating the story in bits like I didn’t just watch it with her. Others were commenting too in their own little groups as we all trooped out of the viewing hall. I listened to her and chipped in my two cent.
I don’t know if she realized it, but we were holding hands as we made our way to my VW. Night had fallen and that had probably made her relax the
boundaries a bit. Her conversation had jumped from the movie we’d just watched to other movies by the same producer. I told her I wasn’t a movie fan. I preferred sports. She liked soccer. We both loved Manchester United.
‘Man-U!’ She suddenly shouted, raising one of her hands.
‘For Life!’ I returned and we both started laughing. I couldn’t tell her that she had a sizeable chest suitable for our club’s next TV commercial. Man-Chester. That would be a compliment, but pre-first-kiss…probably too much too early. I have to mention this though, lest I forget. Her laugh was the most beautiful sound I ever heard. It wasn’t just the sound. It was the way her face lit up like there existed a special switch connected to the spread of those luscious lips of hers, or the exposure of the beautiful gap in between her incisors which turned on a set of bulbs hidden one layer beneath her facial skin which made her face glow almost literally.
‘I can’t believe this!’ Diane said. ‘I wonder what else we have in common!’ I tentatively threw it out there to guage her reaction. Not that it was a big deal… In this part of the world, soccer fans were either for Manchester united, or Chelsea, or Arsenal, or Liverpool, Barcelona or Real Madrid. I’m not a betting man, but I’d wager the chances were one out of fourteen. Okay…yes, quite a big deal. How did I come about that math again? Fuh-gehht-a-bowt-ith!!!
‘The night is not over, is it?’ She asked. Eureka! My hope was completely off the roof. It must have showed in my eyes because she laughed. ‘Lemme see…’ I looked up at the clouds, frowning thoughtfully. ‘Uhm…I’ll bet there is a bit more that can be done before curfew time, My Lady.’ I said opening the door to the front passenger side for her to get in. She even had a thank-you smile for me. My blood vessels…tissues and organs too…fluttered.
For no reason at all, I looked around the place as I walked around the car to my door. i spied a well-dressed male stranger standing at the entrance into the cinema, watching me. My heart quit fluttering in my head and focused, but with the casual smile still on my face. I was quick to capture the face of the watcher before he looked away. He knew me. Or he knew my date. Or he… I searched my memory as I slid in beside Diane. I couldn’t remember ever meeting the guy. But then, I’d been in this town long enough to be recognized by people I didn’t know.
Still, the way the guy had looked at me…
‘So, are we going to a restaurant or a bar?’ Diane asked oblivious of my distraction. Focus on the beautiful girl beside you. I pushed all thoughts of unfamiliar-face wanna-be watch dog to the back of my mind. Maybe it was some dude who meant no harm. Just envious of…I looked at Diane. Of course I had the right to be envied, my ego said. Focus!
I drove us to a restaurant by Udoma lake on the other end of the three miles long Udoma avenue, mainly because I was hungry and I was perfectly okay with her doing most of the talking. A couple beers and I’d be competing with her God-given urge to voice her opinions.
Dinner went without a hitch. I got us a glass of wine each and when the menu came, she surprised me with her request.
‘I’ll have the West African Peanut Stew…with sweet potatoes, please’ She noticed my raised eyebrows and shrugged. ‘I’m a vegetarian,’ she said. I smiled, even more surprised. ‘Really!
I have a great aunt who stays at Port Harcourt. She’s a vegetarian too. Guess what, she’s ninety-six and still drives to her vegetable farm!’ I ordered rice and beans with chicken soup, and settled to listen to her lecture about the benefits of eating vegetables.
‘I believe you, don’t just attempt to take me away from egg and milk and meat… I might kill you.’ I laughed.
The air at the table was jovial and warm. She was pleasantly surprised when a live band came on and I could tell she enjoyed their rendition. She declined a second glass of wine after the meal. I settled the bill and we left.
Back in the car, we were in no hurry to call it a night. I was glad I met her. I could bet (being a non-betting dude) the feeling was mutual. We just sat in the car and talked.
‘Do you remember how we met?’ I asked.
‘Yeah…classic scenario of boy meets girl at an airport lounge and shares a seat row on a flight. It happens every day.’
‘True…still not all those everyday situations end up like this…boy sits with girl in his car after dinner, totally content with each other’s company. A week ago we were strangers on the same flight. It feels different tonight.’
Diane chuckled. ‘And you think you know me?’
I shrugged. ‘I’m not competing with your friends or flat mates. They’ve known you for much longer. This night has shown me a lot though. If I knew you as long as they do, I’d know you much better.’
She laughed at my subtlety. ‘You’re a funny guy.’ She stared at me for a while, then half leaned towards me. ‘A gentle man yes…’
I swear my breath caught. There is something about a sensuous woman closing in on a man’s personal space, especially one whose lips you’ve been thinking about. It does things to a man’s medulla. I wasn’t exactly as simultaneous as the second jaw of a pincer, but I didn’t hesitate a second more. I met her halfway.
‘…but still a funny guy.’ She finished.
I could feel her warm breathe on my face. ‘You think?’ I whispered. ‘I wonder how hilarious you’d find this then.’ My lips touched hers.
One second. Nothing. I nibbled her lower lip. She responded by pressing some more towards me. Her lips opened. I got bolder, no longer tentative. I nibbled at the upper one. She turned her head perpendicularly and opened up some more. My tongue crept forward and into hers, seeking to explore their wet warmth. I felt her tongue circling mine, an ancient passionate maneuver. I turned my head in the opposite direction to go deeper. She moaned. It got even hotter. I put my arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug. The longer our lips stayed merged, the more frenzied the kiss became. For someone who hadn’t kissed a girl in two years, I was glad the leopard still had some spots.
How did it end? I can’t remember exactly. Mutually I think, because she didn’t push me. We must’ve simply run out of breathe. We didn’t kiss forever, that’s for sure. Even though I wanted to latch back onto her sweet mouth, it was a first kiss and we were in public. We leaned back into our seats, heaving after our breaths.
‘That was one hell of a thank-you kiss.’ I said.
She chuckled. ‘Just shut up and drive me home!’ She ordered
I drove her back to her apartment on Nsit lane off Abak road. We were both silent throughout the drive. If what was on my mind was the same thing on hers, I wouldn’t blame her for not being her usual self. I mean, she’d gotten her pleasant Friday evening, and I’d gotten my kiss. What happens next?
‘I’ll like to see you again,’ I said as I pulled up outside her open compound.
‘Well, that’d have to be next weekend. ‘She saw my surprise and added. ‘This seminar has four grade points and I want to bag an A,’ she said.
‘When is the seminar?’
She frowned. ‘You want to come?’
I thought for a second. ‘Uh, if my schedule is clear. Why not?’ She leaned in and gave me a peck.
‘Thanks, I’d like that.’ She opened her door and alighted from the car. ‘I’ll see you on Thursday, that is if your schedule is free.’
I didn’t tell her, but I was sure I’d push anything aside to spend more time with her. We waved each other and I watched her for a bit as she entered the compound towards the apartment building, unseen hips swinging beneath her loose skirt. I could tell. I couldn’t wait for Thursday to arrive. I put the gear in drive and drove home to my cousin, feeling elated.
I was watching an entertainment show on AIT at the living room around midnight when I heard a strange noise outside my house. It sounded like feet s
huffling. I muted the TV to listen but it had stopped in the next instant. I had a bottle of beer in my hand which I set on the coffee table in front of me. I wasn’t afraid yet. I thought my ears were playing games with me. I was going to investigate though.
Thank God, the living room lights were off and the room was only illuminated by the TV lights flickering. I got to my feet and walked to the window that looked out into the front yard. I pushed the curtain a bit and looked out.
Suddenly, I heard the sound of something familiar – the spursssshhhhh of air out of a pressurized containment– which could only happen in my front yard because… my eyes widened in realization… SOMEONE WAS SLASHING MY CAR TIRES.
I heard the sound again. My ears were really tuned in now. This time it came with a preceding stab. The VW, whose bonnet was in my line of vision, slumped backwards. What the hell? Why would someone want to slash my tires? I saw his silhouette move around to the front.
I went numb, but only for a second. As the rage took over, I remembered the cutlass which Clara usually used to cut dried stock fish in bits. Clara…she was sleeping. There was no need to involve her. I could only think of slashing through the cheeky bastard who thought it was fun to intrude and cause havoc on my property and leave him a permanently grinning jaw bone. I tiptoed out of the living room and was brandishing a cutlass when I returned.
I unlocked the front door careful not to make a sound. I switched on the light next and charged out of the front door, past the porch to shadow crouched beside my car, about to stab the third tire. He heard me and scrambled away from me and the car. I went after him with my cutlass raised, ready to hit him with the flat end when I heard the unmistakable sound of a gun cocking. I froze as my brain slowly registered the information. There was a second guy. I could hear him now, approaching me from behind. I tried to turn.
‘Don’t even think about it!’ I heard him say in the meanest tones I’ve heard in a long while. I obeyed. The circular mouth rested on my back and a hand relieved me of my cutlass. I felt naked. I thought about Clara sleeping inside, but I knew better than to show my fear. The slasherman walked to me, his assurance restored once I was disarmed. His face was covered with a scarf.
‘Go and finish the rest of the tires so we can leave.’ The gunman behind me ordered. He left to continue his work on my tires.
I raised my hands in surrender. The gun on my back relaxed. I turned to face the man behind me only to realize it was not one, but two men. The second man held a gun too, but he wasn’t pointing it. It was too dark to see the make of their weapons but I knew that the only chance I stood was to behave while the slasherman did his work.
The second gunman walked up to me.
‘So, you are the guy going with my girlfriend now? Cinema movies…fancy dinners…parking lot kisses.’
The guy was speaking in plural while it had all gone down one time. One cinema movie….One diinner, not altogether as fancy as fancy should be…and one parking lot kiss, a hot one nonetheless. Not that I could make my point. His eyes were full of hate and his face were almost as close to mine as his girlfriend’s had been a few hours ago just before I kissed her, that the feeling pulsing beneath his face was crystal enough not to be confused for anything else. That didn’t bother me. If shooting me was the plan, I’d be bleeding on the ground by now. Still, Girlfriend?
‘Girlfriend! Diane never told me she was seeing someone…’ Someone so handsome. I held that bit back. I could hear my tires’ dying sighs.
‘And that is the only reason you’re still on your feet, boy. There will be no next time, because if there is, I won’t vouch for my friend’s itchy fingers over there.’ I looked at his colleague-at-arms. He was probably the same height as the guy who’d stalked I and Diane at the cinema house. I couldn’t tell for sure though. I turned to Diane’s ‘boyfriend’. ‘What if I run into your girlfriend, say at the supermarket, or in school, or…’
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A very big hello to all the iss readers,specially all the married women & young girls, i have been following this site for couple of years now. Its obvious n true that every person has secret inner burning desires, some people let it out and satisfy their desires some dont due to society fear. Life is very short and in this short life we dont get everything, so whenever we get a change to fulfill our desires we should never leave the opportunity. Introducing myself first since this is my first...
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I looked around the room taking in the chair sitting on the floor in the middle of the room and the eight smiling faces looking back at me. Promise or no promise I had absolutely no business being there. I was a married woman with three kids and not some young, hard-bodied stripper and when the call came I initially said no. And then Gary had pissed me off and I was in a spiteful mood and so there I was. The night had its beginnings a little over eight years earlier. At the time I was in my...
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TrueMaddy sighed, tired from the hike but moved by the gorgeous vista before her. Dwight was right - this mountain, crowded with skiers during the winter, was largely ignored in the hot months, leaving a verdant scattering of grass avenues and rich, tall trees that were totally devoid of anyone, save the two of them. Her muscular frame growing restless, Maddy twisted her wrists against the padded cuffs as a chill breeze crossed her bare, freckled skin - at least, she hoped Dwight didn't get her...
BDSMI was sitting down stairs watching a football game at halftime Uncle Bob went to get us something to drink. Pam sitting in a chair leaned over and asked me just how did you meet Nancy anyway? I though about it for a few seconds when just about that time Uncle Bob returned when I said I'll tell you later. After the game Pam and I stayed to watch a movie while Uncle Bob and Aunt June played cards in the next room. Pam sat next to me on the couch so I could talk in low tones.I told Pam that I met...
Kissin cousins and more pt 4Today is Saturday Uncle Bob is going to play golf with three of his friends and will be gone most of the day and Aunt June is going shopping and out to lunch with a couple of her girl friends and should be gone until at least four o'clock. My Uncle Bob tells me that I am doing a great job and that all of his men on the job like me which makes me very happy. We are almost done with this project and should finish about a week ahead of schedule and should earn all of us...
iKissed A Girl… Or Two… Or Three…[/image]Carly Shay was staring at the ceiling of her room, unable to sleeep a wink. The weird encounter she and her friends had at the retro diner with that crazy Amanda Valdez, better known as Mandy, was still had her mind whirling. She was not expecting such an event to occur, but it did.Mandy, a way to eager to please super-fan, saw Carly, Sam, Freddie and Spencer sitting at a table and freaked out as soon as she realised who it was. She ran over, sat in...
When i was around 23 i used to do kissagrams for a local modelling agency, my first one was at a hotel, then a couple in pubs. I really liked it and my boyfriend did as i always came home dressed in a basque and horny.Anyway i got a phone call to say a party at a house wanted to book for 10 pm next Friday and the fee was £25, i was given the address and told to ask for Gary.Because it was late my boyfriend drove me and parked round the corner, i had had a couple of drinks as i was not driving...
I awoke feeling especially horny that day. I expected exciting things to happen and looked forward to my day unfolding. It was to be my last day at this particular job assignment and I was pleasantly surprised when I was invited out for happy hour drinks after work. I do mostly temp work, and rarely had the chance to socialize outside of the office. From the very start of putting on my cute skirt and matching blazer ensemble, my pussy tingled and was moist, if not wet, the entire day. Had I...
ExhibitionismWe spotted each other as soon as I walk through the pub door. Doreen sat at a table with her husband Bill. She looked great. I had dropped in on impulse as I passed, felling the need of a cold pint of beer on a warm July night. They both waved at me with beaming faces. Bill stood unsteadily and held out his hand. "Didn't know you were in town," he said as we shook. His speech was slurred. "I got in yesterday," I replied, " I thought it was time to pay mum a visit, or to be more accurate, mum...
IncestKissin' Cousins by C. Cameron Table of Contents Introduction/Forward Chapter 1 - A Secret Revealed Chapter 2 - What Takes Women So Long? Chapter 3 - Party Time Chapter 4 - Dining, Dancing, and Discussions Chapter 5 - A Nightcap Chapter 6 - Angel of the Morning Chapter 7 - One From the Heart Chapter 8 - Supporting Palyers and The College Years - A Little Background Epilog - Of Sorts to Our Story Acknowledgements Introduction/Forward Ok, just...
Intro - Postcard from Cousin Jeannie Hey, Cuz How you been? Haven't heard from you in so long! What are you up to these days? Don't you be mean to me now, drop me a line. Luv ya Jeannie. Man, talk about an out-of-the-blue whack between the eyes. A postcard, a sunset picture of the Alamo on the front, from my cousin Jeannie. How many years has it been? God, twenty? Yeah, almost twenty years since I've set eyes on that woman. Wonder what she looks like now. I know she had three kids....
I stood on the veranda of the cabin wearing nothing but a towel, which covered me from nipples to snatch. Eight or ten decks below, two burly men, each wearing a hard hat, were the only living things in sight on the creaking scow, larger than a football field. They were scanning the side of our ship, checking each veranda for life, especially female life. Their eyes kept coming back to me, trying to see through the Plexiglas below the railing, straining to see my bush from under the towel,...
What's Kiss JAV aka Shy AV all about? You perverts out there with a fetish for Japanese girls probably already know this, but JAV is an abbreviation, short for Japanese Adult Video. Add a kiss in front of that, and you have one of the largest Japanese porn tubes on the web. Kiss Jav specializes in more than just Japanese videos, though; they have tons of Korean JAV and Chinese content as well. It is the Porn Hub of exclusively Asian content.With over 2,500 pages of videos and counting, you are...
Asian Porn SitesKiss Hentai! I can’t say I’m particularly fond of animated porn, but even then I have to acknowledge that you never know exactly what sort of jizz-worthy content you might just find in this genre of porn. Given how sick this genre can be, I bet you won’t miss some porn images and videos that will totally blow your mind and get your junk throbbing with excitement. There’s something about how everything is presented that really builds into some of my fucked up fantasy moments. I mean, even some...
Hentai Streaming SitesYou have to hand it to a platform like Reddit. They did not intend to have a fuck ton of porn that users can browse through when it was created (that I know of anyway!). They wanted the platform to be a place for communities could thrive. Over the years, that is exactly what has happened -and more!Today, even the smallest and most niche community and interest will attract new people and thrive. That includes unique genres of porn that you have probably never even heard of before! And that goes...
Reddit NSFW ListMy mother and her sister were married the same year and one year later each had a baby, my mother, a girl and my aunt, a boy. We lived in the same city at the time but when I was three years old, my father was transferred to a mid western town. The families were close so when I was five, our parents decided to purchase a vacation home together where they could go fishing and hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. The two families would meet every year during the Christmas break. The...
IncestCompromised I was caught coming out of a room at a cheap motel on my lunch hour. Oh fuck! It was my husband’s best friend Jeff and he was coming out the room next to mine. We both stood there staring silently at one another. A moment later my companion emerged to find me standing there. I was supposed to be gone by the time he came out. Then he noticed my husband’s friend standing there too. At that very moment his companion emerged from her room to find us all standing...
A week dragged by - seven days without Linda. For Nikki it was hell. It was like the most dreadful torture anyone could inflict on one's worst enemy. All her family were deeply worried about her - Nikki knew that - but their love and concern weren't enough to make the pain go away. Nikki thought she would go crazy. She couldn't sleep, she couldn't eat... She just wanted to die... She wanted to be left alone in her room where she could cry freely and think about Linda and why the world was...
I wrote this story for the love of my life, long before I ever saw her face or touched her hand. The emotions are real, still are to this day. She was a dream when I wrote it, and I am happy to say she makes the dream come true every day. This one is yours Christie, always and forever. _________________________________________________ Nicole couldn’t remember when someone had touched her so deeply. Her life always seemed to be satisfying and fulfilling, but something in his words always got...
As always, I welcome any and all comments, I try to answer all email so feel free to tell me what you think. As long as you're polite, of course -- flames will be ignored. Disclaimers seem silly, but necessary I suppose. This work is intended for adults only. This is a work of *fiction* and if you can't deal with that then get a life. The work is copyright 1997 to me, Janice Dreamer. Permission is granted to post, repost, and otherwise distribute electronically, but please don't try...
Age: 21. Height: 5.7. Very fair. Statistics: 36′ 26′ 33′. Hi. This is my first story to ISS. Frankly, most of the stories I read seem fake due to the exaggeration of the enjoyment in them. Real sex is not quick strokes and simultaneous ejaculation, at least not always. It’s building up that moment together, which happens mostly from the effort of the man. The experience I am going to share is not as a virgin, but I feel this experience was the most enjoyable so far. It was with a internet...
This true story has its beginnings in the kitchen of an old farmhouse. The year - 1942. A twelve-year-old inquisitive boy is busy questioning his Grandmother. "Grandma, who is this person coming to visit," I asked, "Do we know him?" "No, Josh, he's in the Army near here completing his training. He's married to my sister's girl, Pauline. It's too far for him to go home, so we invited him to come visit us whenever he has time off from his training with the Army." "He's supposed to...
Peter sat in shock as he listened to his fiancée finish her statement. His anger surged through his body. Pete was driving to the show for their regular date when he asked Polly if she wanted to take a week and go camping with him after her college classes ended next month. Polly said, ‘Pete you know I am leaving the day after classes are over. Shelly, Emma and I already have almost all our things packed ready to leave. You know we are taking the whole summer for a trip out west.’ ‘Polly if...
The summer was finally over and it was time to head home. Working at the camp had been a lot of fun. You got to know many new people, with one in particular. Your summer love. It happens to many people, at least that's what you've heard. A childish crush that lasts for only a few weeks, and a little into the fall after you go home. Unfortunately they live half way across the country. The chances of seeing them again are very small, at least until the next summer. Just before you leave each...
Peter sat in shock as he listened to his fiancée finish her statement. His anger surged through his body. Pete was driving to the show for their regular date when he asked Polly if she wanted to take a week and go camping with him after her college classes ended next month. Polly said, "Pete you know I am leaving the day after classes are over. Shelly, Emma and I already have almost all our things packed ready to leave. You know we are taking the whole summer for a trip out west." "Polly if...
The laughter stayed for much longer than I thought it would considering I hadn’t joined in. I thought to myself, “Are these fuckers really this damn brainless, especially my wife?” As I turned to walk away, I finally heard their laughs wain a bit. By the time I picked up my suitcases and reached the door, all forms of celebration had ceased. As the door hit me in the ass I heard my wife yell, “Oh come on Clive, it was just a joke.” Only steps away from my car there was desperation in her...
Introduction: Barbara had promised to return a favor but couldnt finish the job. Shes here today to follow up on her commitment My faithful and regular client and neighbor had been coming to me for quite some time now and her early shyness has disappeared as if it never existed. She has become too bored with just a regular massage and ever since she realized that there were more than just regular massages available, she preferred the more. For the first few years, my now favorite neighbor,...
Pulling back, breathless and flushed, from the kiss, Laura couldn’t quite believe what had just happened. ‘What’s the matter?’ Paul’s voice was concerned, but tinged with a sardonic amusement. ‘I can’t do this – I can’t believe you want to… it’s just, I don’t know – this is just the last thing I expected.’ ‘I don’t know why, I thought we’d connected. I thought you wanted this. I wouldn’t have kissed you if you hadn’t wanted me to.’ Blushing with silly pleasure she turned away, smiling. ‘I...
As time went on, Barbara began talking about her lack of sex and boring Puritanical sex at that. Jim did not satisfy her fantasies or even allow her to attempt any kind of sexual dominance. Jim didn‘t even want to hear talk about fantasies. There was no oral or female dominance in her sex world; God forbid even the mention of anything anal or other perverted fantasies. When Jim was ready for sex, which wasn’t too often lately, Jim was strictly straight missionary man as it had been all though...
Your own tender, slim hand clasps the wrinkled hand of your beloved grandmother as she lies on her bed next to your grandfather. The two look at you and smile warmly. "You know we're so proud of the woman you've grown up to be" croaks out your grandfather in his raspy voice that you've become so accustomed to. "I'm sorry your parents couldn't have seen how beautiful their daughter was" your grandmother says with a tear in her eye. You nod and smile at them, knowing what they mean. Your...
Shortly after I moved into the neighborhood, I began to notice this beautiful young man coming and going out of my next door neighbor's home. This young man is tall and lean, I watched his body with sweat glistening in the sunlight as he would mow his parents' lawn on the weekends. I began making an effort to sunbathe nude, knowing he was going to be home. I am thirty-five and I have been divorced for three years. I live alone and work nights as an erotic dancer. I am five foot six, my...
Group SexHello everyone, I think it would be best if I introduce myself first. My name is Rose; I am eighteen years old and this is my first story. (Be warned, there is a bit of background, but my story will eventually get to the ‘good stuff’) I would like to share with you the day I lost my virginity. I want you to feel like you were there with us. I want to feel your eyes on my body as you read my story. Ron was his name; he and I were juniors in high school. We had been dating for six months and we...
First Time"I promise I will make you feel as good as you made me feel before its time for you to go back Uni...Do we have a deal?" "OK," I said sadly. "Just you wait." ...Well I waited, not very patiently but I didn't want to push or appear desperate. I was desperate though. David’s mother consumed all my thoughts all the time. I visited David’s house a few times in the following couple of weeks to hang out, sometimes she was there and sometime not but she made no reference to our encounter when I...
MILFMY TRANSFER ORDERS came through in late December. A summer departure date. Home leave, then Sweden. I’d need cold weather gear. I read somewhere, can’t remember where exactly, that what sustains us are friends who love us and who show us their love, who share our pain when we are in pain. By that measure Sofía and Javier and I were friends, no matter how recently we’d met. It’s true our friendship was a temporary one, it had always been certain I would leave some day, but we’d made the most...
She moaned from deep down in her belly. 'Wait, NO! Not yet. I'm not ready yet.' She whimpered the last through clenched teeth as the cock stretched her ass far beyond anything she had ever had there before. 'NO, don't move! It hurts. ' 'I am not moving.' said the stranger whose cock was now buried to the hilt in this redheaded bbw's rather plump, wide-spread ass. She was starting to sweat. A glistening sheen of perspiration covered her entire body as she strained to take the full ten inches of...
Erotic Fiction