HomebodiesChapter 7 free porn video

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They were in a rugged canyon in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, a canyon cut by what the mapping software called the American River. It was late spring and that river was running high and fast, a raging torrent of whitewater that bounced and tumbled over the rocky riverbed toward the valley below. The flow was not natural, however. It was release water from the large dam that blocked the north and the middle forks of the river, thus storing water for recharge of the mountain homers’ aquifers and protecting the Norcal homers downstream from yearly flooding.

Gath and the four marines with him were half a kilometer downstream of the dam, sequestered behind some large boulders amid the evergreen trees some thirty meters from the riverbank. They could see the dam before them, a huge expanse of solid gray reinforced carbonized concrete rising two hundred and twenty meters above them and stretching for nearly six hundred meters from canyon wall to canyon wall. It was called the Auburn Dam and the water that rushed down the river channel was blasting out of a series of gates a third of the way up the structure from the river level. The water ran down angled spillways and into the riverbed at a rate the computer assured them was exactly one thousand cubic meters per second, about one fourth of the dam’s maximum discharge capacity. Gath, being Gath, was having a little fun by explaining a few facts about the dam to the spaceborn marines.

“Just think,” he said. “The water level on the reservoir side of the dam is one hundred and ninety meters deep and the reservoir stretches for more than forty klicks down two forks of the river. Do you know what that means? We’re sitting here just half a klick from more than two trillion liters of water and that dam is all that is holding it back.”

“Yeah, thanks for reminding us, Gath,” said Corporal Cistio, aka Cyst.

“Two trillion liters?” said Private Maggrelli, Mag. She did not sound like she was in awe of this number. She sounded terrified of it. “That’s a lot of torkin water.”

“Purg yes, it is,” Gath said. “Don’t worry too much about it though. What are the odds that the dam would break right now?”

“Exactly,” said Cyst.

“I mean, the thing has been standing here for more than eleven hundred years now, right?”

“Eleven hundred years?” said Private Barker, known as Blast.

“That’s right,” Gath said. “The homers built it in the final decades of their civilization, back during the height of the corruption and inefficiency that led to their collapse.” He looked up at the structure appraisingly, as if giving it the onceover. “It seems like maybe they did a good job on this project at least, although it takes a long time for design flaws in carbon fiber material to manifest themselves. Sometimes eight hundred to a thousand years.”

“Hume, I don’t like this slag,” Blast almost moaned, his own terrified gaze now on the base of the dam, searching for water leaks or crumbling concrete.

“Relax, Blast,” said the voice of Taz. “He’s just torkin’ with you. It’s what he does.” She was in the cockpit seat of their hover, which was circling high above, fifteen kilometers away—close enough to monitor the surrounding terrain and zoom in to provide air support or rescue if necessary, but far enough away to keep the homers they were here to meet from knowing she was there. She sounded amused at his antics.

“So that dam wasn’t really built eleven hundred years ago?” Blast asked.

“No, that slag is true,” Taz replied. “I’m just saying the thing probably isn’t going to break in the hour or so we’re here.”

“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” Gath asked innocently.

“Yes, but you were implying it’s on the brink of destruction and could go at any moment,” Taz said.

“It has to break some time, doesn’t it?” he asked.

“Let’s talk about something else,” said Cyst, who was in charge of the ground phase of this particular operation. “Taz, my map is showing our friends approaching the top of the canyon ledge. Is this accurate?”

“It’s accurate,” replied Taz, who was in charge of the overall operation. “Sensors are updating your maps in real time.”

“So ... what do you think, Gath?” Cyst said. “You’re the groundie and you people do slag like hiking in Whoverforsaken canyons. How long for these slagholes to work their way down to us on foot with a wagon?”

The slagholes in question were a group of four homers who had been spotted by satellite sensors working their way out of the foothills toward the dam a metric hour before. They were taking turns pulling a small wheeled vehicle with a barrel attached to it. They were mountain homers—members of the group that Dizza called the Shiloh—and it was strongly suspected that they intended to dump the contents of their barrel into the river. The marines were there to stop them from doing that if that was their intention. Gath was there to analyze the contents of the barrel and confirm it was what they thought it was.

Over the past five weeks there had been a rash of illness related deaths among the Norcal homers living along the banks of the American River twenty kilometers downstream of the Auburn Dam. These particular homers were gatherers who scavenged in the ruins of what had once been the Sacramento area’s eastern suburbs. Instead of collecting rainwater in large tarps as most of the other gatherers did, they took their drinking and bathing water directly from the river. When an epidemic of severe, uncontrollable diarrhea erupted among these homers, sickening almost everyone in their community and killing dozens, the first suspicion was water borne gastrointestinal infection despite the fact that such things had been thought extinct in this part of the homeland. A postmortem examination of a few of the bodies had confirmed the culprit as the bacterium Vibrio cholera, which caused the disease known as Cholera. Since Cholera was usually spread by the practice of dumping raw sewage into a drinking water supply and since even the most ignorant of homebody communities made sure to keep their bodily wastes far from flowing water, a minor mystery was declared as to how the nasty little organism was getting into the American River. This led to a review of recent satellite overhead videos with the computers reprogrammed to look for things they had initially not been concerned with, and that had led to the discovery of the groups of mountain homers making their way to the river’s edge with wagons and barrels on four separate occasions and dumping something into the water. And now that the homers were embarked upon the latest such round of suspicious behavior, Billion Team—as they had been designated—were waiting in the canyon to meet them.

“Maybe fifteen minutes,” Gath said with a shrug. “It depends on the terrain, how steep the trail is and how much weight is in that barrel.”

“Fifteen minutes,” Cyst said thoughtfully. “I guess we do some more waiting.”

“Whoever willing and the dam don’t break,” Taz said.

“That’s not torkin’ funny!” Cyst barked back at her.

“It is when you’re up here,” Taz replied, a chuckle in her voice.

Gath smiled behind his helmet and then stretched his legs out in front of him, getting his circulation moving a bit. The armor was not the most comfortable thing to sit around in, especially with bent legs.

“Hey, Gath,” said Blast. “Doc Bookender is your boss, isn’t he?”

“He’s the big boss of all medical personnel in the Sol,” Gath said, “and that includes me. Why do you ask?”

“I was wondering if you heard anything about how his meeting with the whiteshirts in the AZ went. He’s been back almost three weeks now and nobody’s heard slag about what happened there.”

“What makes you think I would have heard anything about it?” Gath asked. “I’m just a grunt medic. It’s not like he briefs me on his meetings.”

“I thought you medics all talked to each other,” Blast said. “Someone has to know something, don’t they?”

“I’m sure someone somewhere knows something,” Gath said, “but it isn’t me. Bookender hasn’t even officially said where he went when he left. He still says it was just a routine vacation.”

“A likely torkin’ story,” Taz said. “He and the regional Fleet commander leave on a fast minesweeper and are gone to the AZ for seven weeks? Doesn’t sound like a vacation to me.”

“Tork, it does to me,” said Mag.

“Have either one of them even admitted they were in the AZ?” Blast asked. “Or are they trying to say they were touring the supernova remnants at Levencross Five or some slag like that?”

“They never said where they went,” said Taz, who had somewhat of the inside track on this subject, “but my husband knows for certain that both of them were on that fast sweeper ship and he personally saw the flight plan in the tracking log. That vessel went to Scarborough Fleet Operations Complex at AZ Prime.”

“And there isn’t any reason for a minesweeper to go to SFO unless someone is meeting with some Fleet whiteshirts,” said Cyst.

“Or the executive council itself,” added Blast.

“Or both,” added Taz. “I’m telling you, Bookender and Admiral Mooz were there trying to change Homeland Policy. There’s no other reason.”

“So, what the tork happened then?” asked Cyst. “They were all over the holos about changing policy before they left but haven’t said a Whoever damned word about it since they came back. Both of them have been shut up in their offices polishing their missiles and keeping their mouths shut.”

“I’m guessing they got shot down,” said Gath.

“Shot down?” said Blast. “What the purg does that mean?”

“It means he thinks they were V-wasted,” Taz said, translating his groundie analogy into a proper spaceborn analogy.

“V-wasted?” said Blast. “Why the purg would the execs V-waste a change of Homeland Policy after Bakersfield and South Africa and Egypt?”

“And after the data on Mortimer?” added Cyst. “There isn’t any Whoever damned reason to keep dying for these torkin’ slagholes since they’re all gonna be gone themselves in a few generations anyway.”

“Doesn’t the council give a tork about the marines dying in this slaghole?” demanded Blast. “I mean, seriously? They have to respond to that, don’t they?”

“Not when you factor in seventy billion groundborn who think we should keep protecting the homers,” said Gath.

“That’s just asinine,” said Cyst. “Sorry, Gath. No offense intended, but your people need a torkin’ reality check, you know what I mean?”

“Yeah, Cyst,” Gath said with a sigh. “I know what you mean.”

The dig on Gath’s people served to end the casual conversation and they went back to simply watching their map displays to track the progress of the homers. They were making their way down the trail fairly quickly, probably because it was not the first time they had come down it. As they approached the bottom—and thus the edge of where they might be able to be directly view the people watching them—Cyst broke the silence.

“All right,” he said. “Let’s start getting ready for this. How about we all disappear now?”

They switched their armor over to chameleon mode, rendering them nearly invisible to the unaided human eye. Everyone looked at someone else, front and back, checking to make sure the software and the hardware were working properly. Gath checked Cyst, looking her armored form up and down. Since she was only two meters away and since his visual display was placing her name just above her head, he could easily tell she was there, but the effect was still quite good. Looking at Cyst was looking at a two-dimensional view of the rocks behind her. The illusion was not perfect, of course. She still cast a shadow upon the ground and around the edges of her the picture was a bit distorted, but had he not known she was there and only glanced past her, he might very well have missed her.

“Looking good, Cyst,” he told her.

“You too, Gath,” said Blast, who was looking him over.

“All right then,” said Cyst. “Weapons out and let’s start heading over. Standard line spread, five meters between, move slowly. Gath, you take rear guard.”

“Oorah,” Gath said.

“Weapons on pain sweep as primary, but don’t be afraid to flop them if they try to fight through it. We don’t let these slagholes get within five meters of anyone.”

They moved out, the four marines spreading out and advancing across the rocky terrain toward the rushing river. Gath took up position ten meters behind them, roughly in the middle of their formation, and matched speed. He stepped carefully as he walked across the rocky ground. Though he was heavily armored and his boots were form fitting and stiffly supporting, he had seen plenty of ankle fractures on plenty of marines from just such terrain.

“I got direct visual on them now,” reported Mag when they were forty meters from the water’s edge.

“Me too,” said Blast. “They’re just nearing the bottom of the trail.”

Gath looked over and caught his first actual glimpse of the four Shiloh. They were three hundred meters away, two on either side of the wagon, moving cautiously but quickly. He zoomed in his optical in order to get a better look at them. All four were men with young but weathered faces and long black hair that hung in stringy ropes down past their shoulders. They wore tattered synthetic cotton clothing over their torsos and tattered blue synthetic denim on their legs. The wagon they towed was an old and battered device made out of carbon fiber water pipes and wooden wheels. The barrel that rested in it was a standard forty-liter liquid barrel of the sort that had been supplied to the homebodies with their shipments for generations. It was strapped down with a pair of elastic straps—materials also supplied to the homebodies in their shipments—that had seen better days.

“If we can see them then they can see us,” Cyst said. “Find cover right now and hunker down until we figure out what they’re up to.”

Everyone did as they were told without speaking. Gath moved two meters to his right and squatted down behind a boulder, placing it between him and the approaching homebodies. He trained his weapon out over the terrain, loosely pointing it in their direction, his thumb resting next to the firing button.

The Shiloh reached the bottom of the trail and then paused, stretching their arms and legs and backs. They held a conversation with each other, pointing several times at several different places on the river bank as they spoke. Ordinarily the helmet audio enhancement could have been directed to focus on them and pick up what they were saying but the roar of the river made that an impossibility in this location. Even so, it seemed quite obvious what they were talking about. They were trying to decide what would be the best location to dump their cargo into the river.

“Whoever wept,” Mag said, impatience in her voice. “What the tork are we waiting for? Why don’t we just take them down now?”

“Because it’s still technically possible they’re innocent homers on an innocent mission,” said Cyst. “Our orders are to make sure they’re about to dump their cargo in the river before we move on them.”

This did not impress Mag. “Torkin’ whiteshirts and their torkin orders,” she grumbled.

They waited. Soon, the Shiloh came to a consensus and began to move again, heading across the rocky ground toward the river’s edge, their trajectory one that, if they continued upon it, would result in them passing within thirty meters of the waiting Team Billion.

“I guess we’ll see how effective the chameleon mode is, won’t we?” asked Cyst. There was not much concern in her voice. She had gone undetected by passing homers much closer than these ones.

The Shiloh continued on their path and passed directly in front of the team, their collective concentration more focused on keeping the wagon steady as it passed over the rocks than watching their surroundings. None of them so much as glanced in the direction of the marines. As they got within twenty meters of the river their going became worse because of the larger rocks so they stopped and held another conversation. Again, they reached a consensus. One of them undid the restraining straps on the barrel. Once they were free, two of them got on either side of it and picked it up. They continued on their path, leaving the wagon behind. It was obvious by watching the two carrying the barrel that it was quite heavy.

“All right,” Cyst said. “I’ve seen enough. It seems quite clear to me that they intend to dump whatever is in that barrel into the river. Let’s move in.”

“About torkin’ time,” Mag grunted.

“Weapons ready,” Cyst ordered. “Keep the spread so we can contain them against the river. And remember, do not let them get closer than five meters no matter what.”

The four marines stood and moved forward, weapons out before them, armor still in chameleon mode. They spread out to form a loose semi-circle that would leave no avenue of escape for their quarry. Gath stood and walked behind them, acting as rear guard and a final obstacle to be overcome if one of the homers did somehow manage to slip out of the net that was being cast.

The four Shiloh never saw them coming. They continued lugging the barrel over the rocks toward the river’s edge. The two who were not carrying the load stayed close to those who were, occasionally steadying one or the other with a hand on the shoulder or the back. They never looked around to check their rear or their flanks and soon the four marines had closed to within ten meters.

“All right,” Cyst ordered. “Let’s do this thing. Everyone go visible now.”

The four marines and Gath all switched back to normal armor mode within two seconds of each other. This got the Shiloh’s attention immediately as their peripheral vision picked up the unnerving sight of four armed and armored Overseers, or whatever they happened to call the star people among themselves, suddenly materializing out of thin air. The two on the flanks turned and stared, their eyes flitting back and forth, looking for an escape path. The two carrying the barrel dropped it to the ground and tensed up to run.

“Stay right the tork there, mothertorkers!” Cyst barked at them, her weapon leveled on the closest of them, her external transmission speaker amplifying her voice loud enough to boom over the sound of the river and echo off the canyon walls.

They hesitated for the briefest of seconds, long enough to pass a terrified look among themselves, and then they made a break for it, each of them running in a different direction.

“I don’t torkin’ think so!” said Mag as she opened up with her painer, sweeping it over the homebody in front of her. He screamed shrilly and began to twist and turn, trying to get away from the invisible fire that was crawling over his skin.

Blast fired next, sweeping the one who was trying to break for the left flank. He too screamed but he was smart enough to throw himself to the ground in surrender. Blast stopped paining him the instant he did so.

Cyst opened up on the homebody in front of her. He screamed as well but his response was a bit more organized. Instead of twisting and turning he tried running to the left to get away. This was to no avail as Cyst simply followed his motion and kept the painer trained on him. His screams grew louder and his sense of deliberate action seemed to quickly fade. In a panic, he turned directly toward Cyst, probably intending to attack the source of the pain to make it stop. He only made it three steps before Cyst switched her weapon to flash mode and hit him with a debilitating light burst that overwhelmed his brain. He dropped instantly to the ground, his arms and legs convulsing in seizure, his jaw biting at his lip as foam ran from his mouth.

Jizz’s homebody was the smart one. He ran only two or three steps and then saw the fate of the others. He stopped in his tracks and threw his hands in the air.

“Down!” Jizz barked at him. “Grab some torkin’ rock, mothertorker! Now!”

The homebody grabbed some torkin’ rock, throwing himself to the ground in a terrified heap.

Mag’s homebody, meanwhile, was still turning and twisting back and forth, screaming in a high-pitched voice that seemed to shout to his ancestors, but his feet remained on the ground so Mag kept the painer trained on him and active.

“You like that slag, torkhead?” she was yelling at him, glee in her voice. “How much can you take?”

“Put him down, Mag,” Cyst said.

“What the tork for?” Mag asked, continuing to pain him. “Let’s see how tough these torkers really are.”

Gath had seen enough. He switched his own weapon to flash mode and stepped forward, aiming directly at the screaming homebody’s face. A push of the firing button and it was over. He fell flopping to the ground, seizing next to his companion.

“Aww, Gath,” Mag said, a pout in her voice. “Why’d you have to do that slag? I wanted to see how long that slaghole could take it.”

“You might’ve killed him from adrenal overload if you’d kept it up,” Gath said. “How would that have made you feel?”

“Like queen of the torkin’ world,” she replied. “That torker would’ve killed me if he had a chance. You too.”

“Undoubtedly,” Gath agreed, “but we’re supposed to be the ones on the moral high ground here, remember?”

“Hey, tork you, groundie,” Mag spat at him. She grabbed the crotch of her suit contemptuously. “I got your moral high ground right torkin’ here. Did you forget these animals killed some marines a little while back?”

“Yeah, Mag,” he said. “I do seem to remember that, since I was torkin’ there and had to look at them.”

“Then why do you give a slag what happens to them?” she demanded.

“I don’t,” Gath said, “unless what happens is a marine torturing them for fun. That’s where I start to care.”

“I wasn’t torturing him,” Mag said, more than a little defensiveness in her tone.

“All right,” Cyst said. “Enough of this slag. Blast, get some restraints on these slagholes so Gath can check out the contents of that barrel and we can get the purg out of here.”

“Right, Cyst,” Blast said. He safed his weapon and then pulled a bag of low technology plastic zip ties from his combat bag. “I’ll do the conscious ones first. Keep me covered.”

“You got it,” Cyst said. She switched back to amplification mode. “Listen up, homers. You are going to have your hands restrained behind your back while we check out what’s in that barrel. Do not resist or you will be pained again. We will release you before we leave.”

Neither of the conscious Shiloh gave any indication that they understood her words, but they offered no resistance when Blast came up behind them and secured their hands behind their backs. Once the two conscious ones were secured he walked to the two that had been flopped and secured them as well.

“That should do it,” he said.

“Right,” Cyst said. “Gath, let’s go check out that barrel. Mag, Jizz, you’re on overwatch to the rear. Blast, you keep an eye on our friends.”

Gath stowed his weapon and approached the barrel carefully, stopping two meters away from it and looking it up and down. It seemed an ordinary barrel, somewhat worn by time but not leaking. Its lid was tightly affixed and without cracks, its base had a few chips and scuffs around the perimeter but was also intact. There were a few black-brown smudges just below the point where the lid was affixed, as if something had spilled there while it was being filled and had then been wiped away.

“The residual spectrometer is reading no traces of explosives,” said Cyst, who was holding a small scanning device. “At least none that are escaping from the interior.”

“That’s comforting,” said Gath. He reached into his side pocket and pulled out a mechanical folding knife. With a flick of the button a twelve-centimeter blade slid out. He walked forward, still stepping carefully, until he was next to the bucket. He leaned forward and grasped the top of it, pulling it upright. It was heavy and a liquid sloshing sound could be heard when it was shifted.

“What do you think?” Cyst asked.

“Definitely liquid contents,” he reported. “Filled almost completely to the top. I’m getting a smell through the air filtration of the helmet. It smells like fecal matter.”

“Like slag,” Cyst said. “That would go along with the cholera theory, wouldn’t it?”

“It would,” he agreed. “I’m going to open it up now.”


He slid the tip of the knife into the crease between the lid and the edge of the rim. With a small prying motion the lid came upward, separating. He slid the knife in further, widening the opening until the entire lid came free of the securing crease. He then slid his fingers under it and lifted it up. The smell washed over him the moment he did so, the powerful, thick stench of human feces mixed with a swamp gas kicker.

“That is torkin’ disgusting,” Cyst said as she caught the odor too. “Is it just a container full of infected slag?”

“No,” Gath said, staring down at the barrel’s contents. “I don’t think so. It’s liquid. I don’t see any solid matter in it at all.”

“Liquid slag?” she asked. “You mean like diarrhea?”

“Not exactly,” he said. The liquid he was looking at was brown-black, just like the smudges on the barrel, but it was uniformly liquid and uniformly the same color, with no particulate matter, no coagulation, no foam. “It almost looks like some kind of concentrate.”

“Concentrate?” she asked. “You mean like a torkin’ bouillon cube of diarrhea?”

“Something like that,” he said. “Let me analyze a sample.”

“Right,” she said. “And do it fast so we can get the purg away from that smell.”

He reached into his medic bag and removed a handheld chemical analyzer. This was a small machine with a handle and holographic stage on one end, a processing chamber in the middle, and a long, narrow straw on the other end. He turned it on, waited for it to go through a series of self-checks and calibrations, and then slipped the end of the straw into the liquid. He pushed a button and a small amount was drawn up into the machine.

ANALYZING, blinked the display on the holo stage.

“Checking it now,” Gath said.

ANALYZING changed to a lengthy alphanumeric display which listed the components of the solution in descending order of volume. Water, glucose, oxygen, and carbon dioxide were the first four things on the list. The fifth was biologically active Vibrio cholera bacteria. A little ways down the list, at number twelve, was a protein complex called cholera toxin.

“Whoever wept,” Gath whispered, mostly to himself but loudly enough that his words were picked up by Cyst and the other.

“What is it?” Cyst asked.

“It’s cholera all right,” he said.

“Just like we thought,” Cyst said. “They’re using biological warfare on the other homers.”

“And how,” Gath said. “The volume fraction of cholera bacteria in the sample ... it’s unbelievable.”

“What do you mean?” Cyst asked.

“It has a VF of more than eighty-two thousand mics per liter.”

“Okay...” she said slowly. “That’s a lot, then?”

“It’s more than ten times the concentration typically found in an active stool sample from an infected person,” he said. “And then there’s the glucose content. It’s almost a hundred thousand mics per liter. There is no reason for there to be that much glucose in this concoction unless someone deliberately added it to facilitate and support the growth of the cholera bacteria.”

“So, they’ve figured out how to feed the little germs?” Cyst asked.

“They have,” Gath said, “but it’s more complicated than that. There are twelve thousand mics per liter of cholera toxin in here as well.”

“Cholera toxin?” Cyst asked.

“That is what actually causes the symptoms of cholera, and it is only secreted by a small percentage of naturally occurring cholera bacteria. They have to have a specific type of genetic mutation in order to produce and secrete the toxin.”

“Okay,” Cyst said. “I think I’m following you here. What are you getting at?”

“The sheer amount of toxin in this container strongly implies that whoever produced this concoction was able to isolate the mutated bacteria that produce the toxin and grow them exclusively.”

“Whoa ... wait a minute here,” Taz cut in. “Are you suggesting that these ignorant torkers have some sort of biological warfare lab running over in that slaghole they call home?”

“I don’t think they have a lab in the sense that we would define it as one,” Gath replied, “but I am suggesting they have some basic knowledge of microbiology and have managed, somehow, to separate and isolate a strain of a specific bacteria and encourage its growth by using some sort of glucose source.”

“No torkin’ way,” proclaimed Cyst. “These torksticks don’t even know how to wipe their backsides after they take a slag. You expect me to believe they engineered a biological weapon?”

“Somebody sure as purg did,” said Gath. “The proof is right here in this sample. It’s almost exclusively the toxin producing strain of Vibrio cholera, it’s been provided with a proper growth medium, and it has been concentrated down to more than four times the potency found in its most potent form in nature. I wouldn’t believe it myself if I wasn’t seeing it with my own two eyes, but I am and there is no other conclusion to make.”

Same as Homebodies
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BrattySis Audrey Royal Out Of Control

Audrey Royal can’t stop thrusting her hips so that her ass is in constant motion in its thong and her big areola tits bounce when she’s on her back. It starts while she’s asleep, but then happens when she’s awake. She thinks there’s something wrong with her, so she confides in her stepbrother Chad White. Later when Chad finds Audrey having another episode her plays with her pussy with his candy and then his tongue. When Audrey doesn’t stop, Chad whips out his hardon and lines it up for her to...

2 years ago
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Goodbye Miss GrangerChapter 9 No Means I Dont Know

Adventurous? I had no idea! I could tell he was frisky (we both were!) from his teasing hands in the taxi on the way home. When we got inside I goosed him on the backside and ran giggling for the bedroom, shedding clothes along the way and slamming the door behind me when I got inside. "Jeannie?" he called after me. "Are you being naughty?" This was a familiar game by now; making him chase me and overpower me. "No?" I said haltingly, half question and half answer, like maybe he knew...

2 years ago
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Dontrust The review

Dontrust : The Review Finally home from work, another day another $1.25. Tossing the Covid-19 mask onto the desk and getting rid of his jacket, a chance to relax. The last of the days sunlight filtering through the curtains, and once again home alone, to peace and quiet. At least he had been able to skip the need for quarantine, and his job was still safe, for now. However he had been unable to have a social life in months, no pub hopping, no dating, had not even been able to meet...

3 years ago
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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 13 The last officer

The light hurt her eyes. Her breath hurt her throat. She tried to speak but only a rasp came out of her parched lips. It wasn't over. She saw Aisha, a desperate look of worry in her eyes, replaced by relief. "Lila, I thought you were dead!" "I wish I was," she tried to answer, but no words came out, only a hiss, like a viper. She helped her up and took her out. In the garden, both girls kneeled on the grass; Aisha gave her sugared water to drink, her face showing her concern. If she...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Spencer Bradley Andi Rose Word Of Mouth Special

Spencer Bradley arrives at a wellness center where she has an appointment with a masseuse, Andi Rose. Spencer hints that she’s interested in the ‘Word of Mouth Special’, and Andi says that she’s happy to give Spencer special attention in any area where she’s tense. After Spencer disrobes and lies down on the massage table, Andi starts to give her a massage that focuses on her lower back, buttocks, and thighs, since that’s where Spencer seems to be the most...

2 years ago
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Road trip with mum

I had just returned home after my first year at uni. Mum had just come to terms with her divorce with dad. We had planned a trip to see her sister in Scotland and to have a mini break. The drive up was going to take 8 hours so we booked a cheap and cheerful hotel half way so we could break up the journey.We packed the car and set off on the long trip. Mum seemed a lot happier than before I left for Uni, she’d obviously adjusted to being single again. She was singing along to the radio and was...

3 years ago
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more neighborly benefits pt 2

This is the continuation of my previous "neighbors with benefits" post here...As we laid on the futon recovering from the intensity of our passion, I had my arm wrapped around Jenny and was teasing and caressing my fingertips over her flushed areola and still tingling hard nipple. Tracing my other hand over the smooth curve of her hip I replied, "Hmm, well, I'm thinking it would be fun to help my neighbor some more tonight...need any help in the shower?" Catching my eyes with a devious smile...

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The ex files Josie in Barcelona

I'd been seeing Josie for around six months when she decided to treat me to a winter break in Barcelona which was a favourite place of her and her ex husband. During one of their visits they had gone to a place that Josie described as a sex club where people were openly engaging in various sexual acts while others watched and sometimes joined in depending on what the participent's were looking for. She said that her ex was a bit uncomfortable with the whole thing and they had left after a...

2 years ago
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 It was my brother's idea to head to the beach. Something I wouldn't have agreed to normally. I hated the beach. Too hot, too sandy, and too damn boring. I would be happier holed up in my room, fucking around on my computer, but he'd insisted, saying I needed to get out of the house. Apparently, my period of moping around after being dumped by my girlfriend, Amy, was over."Andrew, do I have to do this?" I asked. "I'd rather stay home.""I know you'd rather stay home," replied Andrew. "And that's...

Gay Male
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My Dream Of Threesome Is About To Come True 8211 Part 4

Hi, Madan here. I hope you enjoyed my previous parts. If you have not read them yet, kindly read the previous parts for the connectivity. So, let’s start the story! September 26 (A little later in the day) I said, “Arey you were wasting time there. We have less time, come, dear.” Mami: I was just talking with bhabhi. Me: Ok, where is bhabhi? Mami: In her house. Me: That’s good. Let’s start the session. Mami: Yes sure. But one condition. Me: Condition? What? Mami: I am also thinking in a...

3 years ago
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The dance teacher

I sat at the back of the hall watching and admiring her moves. Joanne, the object of my desires. We had a brief relationship years ago that was never intimate.The time wasn't right for us at that time and we drifted apart. I often thought about her, wondering what would have happened if things we different at the time. Years had passed since we last saw each other. I was surprised when she contacted me again recently. She was producing a show and needed someone with my physical attributes to...

3 years ago
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Super Hot Girl Jaanvi Makes Me Cum

Hello friends. I am Vishal Reddy and I am from Mumbai. I belong to a Telugu speaking family and my parents settled in Mumbai many years ago since I was a small kid. So, I don’t even remember my native place and made Mumbai my home. I used to read many stories in ISS and here I am with my own story. I have read quite a few stories here which is about the Indian hot chat experiences. Well, I too had an experience and I would like to see some positive comments if you liked mine. I had a girlfriend...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Mary Webb

My name is Mary Webb, and I have been around, let me tell you. I love men and women both. I guess you can say I am a 'free spirit'. Let me describe myself to you. I am 38 yrs. old with shoulder length dark brown hair and dark almond shaped eyes. I am 5'6" tall and weigh 118 lbs. My figure is 38-24-36. I just love to wear short miniskirts with black seamed thigh-high stockings, with no panties, just a garter belt. I also like to wear 5" heels with my outfit. I always...

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tuve suerte

Era el ultimo dia de trabajo y estabamos celebrando la fiesta de fin de año en el trabajo, no habian muchas mujeres pero si habian muchas cervezas y mucho ron, comenzamos a tomar y a celebrar a eso de la 1 de la tarde y terminamos como a las 8:30 o 9:00, al salir ya estaba bien borracho y al despedirme de las pocas mujeres que habian pude manosearle el culo a unas cuantas y ninguna me dijo nada, ya estarian borrachas, solo con eso ya estaba bien exitado, queria agarrar tetas, culos o que me...

4 years ago
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Meri Jaan Ke Sath Pyaar Bhara Sex

Hey friends,mera naam garv h or mai iss ka daily reader hu.Mujhe ni pta yha stories fake hoti hai ya original but muje yha se apni story submit krne ki inspiration mili.Mai jyada bore na krte hue story pe aata hu agr apko story psnd aaye to muje reply kre hmara relation secret rhega bhabhi,girl apni choot me ungli daal ke baithe or bhaiyo apne lund ko hilane ko tyar ho jao meri mail id h chliye story pe aata hu. Mera naam garv h or m haryana state k hisar district ka rhne wala hu baat ajse 4...

3 years ago
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Little Mrs Slut

Name: Jenny Phillips. Age: 26. Gender: Female. Sexual Preference: Bisexual. Status: Married. Ethnicity: White. Breast Size: D Cup. Hair Color: Blonde. Eye Color: Blue. Height: 5'8. Weight: 115 lbs. Description: Jenny Phillips is a bitch who can't stand her husband because he can never sexually satisfy her. Jenny has milky white tits that all men love to suck on and she enjoys being fucked anally. She has never swallowed cum because she thinks that's for the, 'lower class,' but who knows... this...

2 years ago
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The Layover

Being a 58 year old man, I was thrilled to be chatting with a hot looking 27 year old bleach blond from Florida. We had found each other in a “friend” chat site, both looking for some on line fun. Being a creative writer can really come in handy sometimes, and Karen really seemed to enjoy the erotic tales I would write for her over the months we had been chatting. Our sexual interests seemed to be compatible, our lust for adventure identical. So it did not surprise me when she asked if I’d...

Straight Sex
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Wendy and Clair Part II

Wendy and Clair, Part II I tried to take a few deep breaths and relax, sipping my wine. I felt a bit dizzy and disoriented but Wendy's determination for us to keep strictly in character helped to relax me. I had put my bra and breast forms back on along with my sheer outerwear so felt at least partially dressed. Wendy was similarly dressed and sat with her legs crossed, chatting as if the two of us were girlfriends catching up on our lives. She discussed fashion, perfume, shoes and...

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My Box pt2

"Why you didn't listen" Tony whispered in my ear.  "Please stop" I pleaded. Tony chuckled. Nasir rammed my ass about 10 more times before Tony said stop. By now tears were streaming down my face. Tony propped his self up at the end of the bed. "Now you gone suck daddy dick" Tony said. I shook my head yes. And bent over to kiss his head. I was very inexperienced so I didn't know how to start. I wrapped my hands around the shaft and wrapped my lips around the head. I started to jack...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Avery Doing porn was her fantasy

– 35 years old amateur first time doing porn – Has fantasized about being in a video for 10+ years – Loves rough sex, being man handled and thrown around – She gets nasty with dirty talk and anything nasty – Will take cum anywhere her partner wants to put it – Takes cock in all of her holes, including anal sex – She takes her time in bed, will fuck for hours – Says she cums best when riding a cock real deep – Real sexy fit all natural body great time in bedroom – After fucking all of her holes...

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The CavemanChapter 60

I set up an appointment with Graham and when I see him I come directly to the point. “Dr. Graham, you said the other night that you can run DNA tests on furs,” I remind him. “A piece of very interesting fur has come into my possession and I’d like you to do that with it.” I show him the piece. He looks at me in surprise, but then takes the fur from my hand and looks it over. He shakes his head. “This is fairly recent, Ms. Calvalli—” “Mrs.,” I correct him. People carry this politically...

1 year ago
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BoundGangBangs Miranda Miller Horny Lil8217 Sex Slave Miranda Miller Gets Fucked By Five Friends

Miranda Miller stands completely naked in the middle of a well lit dilapidated warehouse. Her wrists are shackled together and her head is stuck in a suspended metal cage. Her Master enters the room with four of his friends. He tells her to let them do as they please and she replies with, “Yes Master”. They surround her slowly like predators circling their prey, groping and grabbing at her naked body. She jerks their cocks with her shackled hands as they spit in her face and smash a...

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Carters Exploits part three The Dirty Mob Boss Girl

Two Weeks Later It had been too long for Carter to go without Julia. He had barely managed to masturbate in the time she had been away. It just wasn't the same. Her fleshy folds around his cock. The feel of her juices as they exploded on his length. Her strangled screams as she shattered atop him. It made him throbbing hard and needy for the real thing that instant. "I miss you, Julia..." Carter whispered under his breath as he looked to the bulge in his pants. He missed her so much that it...

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Sin with cousin

Hi friends I m Raj a 24 year male from Mumbai staying with one of my cousin since last 6 months. I have gone thought many stories and felt that I should write the incident I had s tht u guys out there can cool yourself down and enjoy what I did. The story is about me and my cousin brother wife Neha. She is 31 years old and married for last 12 years. She is around 5.7 in height and has athletic body on which I had my eyes since years. She has a beautiful body structure of 38-26-38 and wears...

1 year ago
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Family ReunionChapter 13 In Cabin Number One

The faint whirring of the machine in the background did little to help Tricia's state of mind. She had hoped that Ike would be sleeping when she returned to the cabin from her long interlude with her father. Her light cotton dress was torn and ripped and her hair a mess... and she knew that she looked like she had been doing just what she had been doing! She had hoped to be able to sneak into the bathroom and to clean herself up before being seen by anyone. But Ike had been waiting for...

4 years ago
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Tara Lynn the Apartment Leasing Agent

“Do you want to check out my apartment?” she asked.I was floored. She knew I was married and still, she was offering me an opportunity of a lifetime.“You know that I am married,” I shot back.“Yes,” she replied. “All the better. I know you don’t mess around.”Her name was Tara Lynn. She was the new effervescent, bubbly, and very sexy apartment leasing agent in the office at the apartment complex where we lived.“So why would I want to check out your apartment?” I casually asked after handing her...

Quickie Sex
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 35

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. After taking a nap with Abigail, we both headed back to campus on the bikes. It was evening time. We reached the town and returned the bike rental and other gears. Abigail: This was fun! Me: Yes, it was...

3 years ago
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Bestiality School Lesson 1 Cat Sex

Introduction: A young woman loses her virginity to a cat! —Prologue— I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And...

2 years ago
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Seasonal Daughters Book 2Chapter 16

I arrived home to a quiet house. March was quiet but happy. Nancy was subdued. Laura wasn't happy. I came into the living room, loosened my tie, and said, "How was everyone's days?" 'Laura said, "Paul, you know about the situation at the license bureau?" "Yes, dear. I wound up down there helping deal with it. Nancy and Mark were always in line and appropriate in their dealings. One of the clerk's employees was out of line including violating the policy in a number of ways. Jim...

4 years ago
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Rylees path

Introduction: Hello new readers. Thank you for checking this out. This is my first attempt at writing any sort of story, and i hope to keep you entertained. This story is about a young girl her travels to Seattle Washington, from a small town south of there, shortly after her 21th birthday. she gets into many situations that either she must take advantage of, or find a way out of. my goal is to create storylines that carry on even if the ending is "bad". For many people, a bad ending isnt...

3 years ago
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Binary Part 6

April 15th, 1994 West Quincy, MA It was the start of April Vacation for Martha and Lance Walsh. The two eighth graders were going to be at home all week as their friends enjoyed the fun and excitement of the Walsh home. With an indoor pool, sauna, workout room, huge entertainment center it was a favorite among the friends. Martha hated that Lance was always around the girls and would often be the center of attention among them, so much so that they joked that he was, "one of the...

4 years ago
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I met my wife when she was a student nurse and we hit it off straight away and we got on really well and had lots of laughs etc .I introduced her to sex magazines ,well she found some in my bedroom while I was in shower and I found her reading and playing with herself she went red but told her to carry on as I licked her slowly she said it was the best she ever had,from then on made her go into the shops and buy it while I watched her and the looks of others as she put on counter to...

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Pokemon Red Retold

"Hello there! Welcome to the world of POKEMON! My name is OAK! People call me the POKEMON PROF!" "This world is inhabited by creatures called POKEMON! For some people, POKEMON are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself...I study POKEMON as a profession." "First, what is your name? ... Right! So your name is Red!" "This is my grandson. He's been your rival since you were a baby....Erm, what is his name again? "That's right! I remember now! His name is Blue! "Red! Your very own POKEMON legend...

2 years ago
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Meeting the Parents

This would be Bruce and I’s first out of town trip together to visit his parents. He had felt we were serious enough to introduce me after a few months, however I was constantly complaining that we weren’t having enough sex. He was so consumed with his job that I was left to my own devices. I resisted every opportunity to stray. How many times I’d see a cute guy on the way home and want to approach him knowing Brad was going to be at work or too tired, and instead I’d end up coming home,...

3 years ago
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My Step Sister Part 3 Bathroom Tryst

Introduction: I could only go so long without another sample. All I can say is thank god that Becky and I didnt continue our relationship of love that night. I certainly wanted to but our parents ended up coming home at about 4 AM since my step mom got food poisoning. Imagine if they had come home to find us naked and lying together. So it did work out for the best. The next 11 days were excruciating. All I wanted was another moment of passion with my love. But we couldnt get much time...

4 years ago
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The Meet

I arrange to come to meet you, All the way up to you im excited but nervous. The anticipation is palpable. We arrange to meet in a pub local to you. I walk in to the bar a little early and get myself a drink and find a table. Every time the door to the bar opens my butterflies intensify. After about 10 minutes the door opens and in you walk. You look stunning, you are wearing a tight black top, short skirt and those black boots. Im not the only one who has noticed you come in as most of the men...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kylie Rocket School8217s Out Tits Out

Kylie Rocket just finished her last day of college and she’s ready to celebrate! Unfortunately, because of quarantine, she can’t go out and party the way she wants to, but she’s got a super horny step brother who might be able to help. He picks her up from school and she takes off her shirt, showing off her perky tits and tells him how horny she is. He’s hesitant at first but once they get in the house, he can’t help himself. She shakes her booty for him and they...

3 years ago
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Kellys Farm Visit

Kelly's Farm Visit----------I dedicate this story to my new friend, Kelly. Hope she and others like it.----------"Grr, Do I have to keep clearing out that old trashy storage room? I've been working on it every day for a month, and seems like it will never get emptied out," I complained to Dad at breakfast.This was not the way I had wanted to spend the day. The main barn was immaculate; all lighting was perfect, everything in it's place, swept clean daily and no trash other than in the waste...

1 year ago
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Victorious Wankos Warehouse

The gang walked around Wanko’s trying to find a place to hide. Andre suggested hiding in the storage area while Robbie wanted to hide in the fridges. Jade and Trina managed to convince everyone to hide in the sex aisle. Because it was the most empty before closing time, and Wanko’s sell everything. So, in a corner of the store the gang fund the sex aisle. Beck and Robbie hid behind some boxes. Cat and Tori hid behind the cardboard cut-out of a porn star. Trina and Jade took off their shirts and...

3 years ago
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In der Kuche der Teufelin German

Es roch nach Zigarettenrauch, Schweiß und Pisse. Sehen konnte der Gefangene nichts, denn sein Kopf steckte unter einerdunklen, schmutzigen Kapuze. Handschellen fesselten ihm die Hände aufden Rücken und seine Arme befanden sich im eisernen Griff zweier brutalerWachen. Man zwang ihn vorwärts und lachte über seine vergeblichenVersuche des Widerstands, während er zum x-ten Mal das Last-Minute-Ticketverfluchte, dass ihn in dieses kleine lateinamerikanischen Land gebracht hatte- zwei Tage vor einem...

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His dick left my crack for a moment and when it returned, it was hard and slippery. Was he carrying lube in his pocket? No matter. I felt it rub against my anus and I tried to relax and open myself to him. I felt his knob push against my ring and slowly, almost gently, it slipped inside. I live in an Air Force town. It has its benefits.For starters, not a month goes by without a hot little airman moving into my townhouse complex. In fact, it’s usually two or three hot little airmen sharing a...

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My First Intercourse With A Bangalore Girl

This true incident started when I was working for a software company in Bangalore after my graduation. This was the second time in Bangalore after my school days tour. I love Bangalore, such a nice city with blessed climate.   I reached Bangalore in November. Initially, I was staying with one of my friend who was working at Bangalore. Later on, I felt distance is too far for my company from his place. Hence I shifted along with some of my colleges. They were staying in an apartment around 5...

2 years ago
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The Celebrity Sex Match

In the future the world is starved for entertainment. So an intergalactic king with great power offered the Earth entertainment for money. Earth felt that they seen all the entertainment before and it was nothing new. That was until they learn the king had power to give them any type of show they wanted The celebrity sex match was born. Female celebrities battle it out for the ultimate prize. The prize was their wish come true. Any wish no matter how big. The king picked Celebes through out...

3 years ago
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Uncle Mitch part 2

And I wanted to be a Suicide Girl so badly. I wanted to be edgy and cute and dangerous. I wanted to dress in black and have piercings all over my body, and I’d even chosen the perfect shade of bright pink to dye my hair, which I was going cut short and streak with black. I just knew that boys from all over the ‘net would drool all over me. I had it all worked out in my head, the poses I’d make and the things I’d wear. I’d even practiced with my camera, taking almost-naked shots of myself,...

2 years ago
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Mein Gandoo Kesy bana1

Mera name kashif hai aur main Karachi defence main rehta hun jo kahani main aapko sunany ja raha hun yeh bilkul sachi aap beeti hai, yeh kahani us waqat ki hai jab main 18 sal ka tha aur 8 class main tha. Hamra watchmen 50 sal ka khan baba tha aur shareef aadmi magar aek din wo khan baba apny gaoun sarhad 1 maheeny ki chutti par chala gaya chala gaya aur apny badly aek apny rishty dar pathan boy jis ki age 18 sal ho gi ko chokeedar rakh dya. Who larka jab bhi main bahir aata jata mujhko aur...

4 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 359

The pretty boy Jerrod showed up at my place first. He wanted directions to the Second Baptist Church. "Come on in, they probably won't be ready there until ten. I'll take you to breakfast," I said. With that I took the cruiser out, so that I could run Jerrod and Sylvia to breakfast with me. I drove to Helen's of course. "It's not very fancy I'm afraid," I said. "Well if the food is good, fancy isn't important," he replied. "I'm going to let you decide how the food is," I...

1 year ago
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Love Lust Sex With SisterInLaw

She loved me as a brother in law and that was about it. I had seen her grow from a teenager to a busty young desirable woman. She was of medium height and slightly plump like all married Indian women.Her breasts were growing bigger and bigger with the passage of time.I desperately wanted to squeeze her boobs and suck them. I hoped that I would be able to seduce her this time at least. I had seen her grow from a teenager to a busty young desirable woman. She was of medium height and...

2 years ago
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Mark and I were very much similar. Both in our mid-forties, married with medicare to non-existent sexual lives and what’s most important, bisexual. We’ve met initially through a friend of a friend from work. An occasional meeting for work turned into a more deliberate hangout.We lived in the same city and shared more than a few interests. We became friends a few months into it, sharing more and more time together. We even bought a membership in the same gym, although it was not conveniently...

Gay Male
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LISA 3 Love Lasts Long

LISA LOVE is the love of my life: most dear, pretty, tasty, sexy, sweet and completely dedicatedLisa Love is a blonde beautiful baby - she looks like my dream of life come true, I am intoxicatedI feel twenty years younger with this best intoxication which ever happened to me in so many yearsI feel often like she is already living with me now, as talking every night makes us feel so closeLisa Love is as smart as slender - like me Lisa speaks several languages next to her mother tongueLisa Love...

1 year ago
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I know you watch me Part 1

100% fiction It all begin a couple of years ago. I watch through a hole in the bathroom. It was just in the best position to see her as she took a shower seeing her rubbing her body. dd breast that bounced as she moved soaking her body with soap. she began rubbing her legs slowly going up as she spread her legs showing her tight pussy she slowly began penetrating it with one finger she was biting softly her lower lip. she slowly let go a moan of pleasure as her finger went inside her. i...

1 year ago
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Mothers and DaughtersChapter 4

Sherry hit the key combination that would save her document. She sat back and rubbed her temples, trying to ease the headache she was developing. Never, in her entire life, had she worked so hard as she had over the past six weeks. She had put in nineteen hour days, with almost no breaks except for food, the bathroom, and naps. Alex looked over her shoulder at the computer screen. When the hour glass icon disappeared, he said, “You’re done.” “Yes, I am.” “With the papers, too?” “Yes,” she...

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