FidèleChapter 42 free porn video

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“What the... ?”

Blinding flashes of muddled memory. Nervous system reboot. Pain. Lungs rattle into motion. More pain.

Eyes struggle open. The floor. A bottle. A chair. Unexplained sparkling near the window.

At least I didn’t...

Digestive system reengaged. A desperate and pathetic crawl to the bathroom. Just barely in time.

The cool porcelain whispered of sleep. He listened.






God, what a horrible taste.

His porcelain savior once again offered comfort. Judging it wiser to remain in place for a while, Luke cuddled the basin as his most loyal friend, resting his sore cheek on the seat. It was wisdom rewarded time and time again. Eventually, with nothing left in his stomach except regret, his religious experience came to an end. Though the urge lingered and revisited for the remainder of the day, he had no more left to give. Only the emptiness of well-earned suffering.

Several rounds of oral cleansing later, his mouth was restored to reasonable tolerability, though about his breath there was little to be done. He probed the throbbing at the back of his skull. The pain turned sharp the moment he touched it, and when he retrieved his fingers they were dusted with flakes of dried blood. More thorough study revealed a small gash that he’d reopened with his exploration. I’m going to lose some hair trying to fix this.

Stripping off his clothes, he discovered even more bruises. His elbow felt like it might be seriously injured, and he shuffled into the kitchen for some ice. It was then that he finally recalled the full measure of the previous night’s carnage. He righted the chair — unlike him, it seemed undamaged — and moved the empty bottles to the counter, but decided to leave the rest of the cleanup for later.

Ten minutes later, he was asleep. In his bed, for a change.

It was early evening when he finally dragged himself out of bed. Judging by the way he felt, he knew he was still a long way from the end of his hangover. A shower and fresh clothing helped little. Nor did cleaning up the damage caused by his anger and desperation. Unpacking his suitcase was more than he could manage in his current state, but he knew he had to at least try to eat. Throwing on a light coat, he made a zombie-like trip to his favorite bodega for a few essentials and an atypically bland sandwich. The owner was so surprised by his order that he began interrogating him, but when Luke mimed the universal sign for drinking too much, the questions were replaced by an empathetic nod. He was back in his apartment, attempting to psych himself up for a meal his stomach was rather forcefully protesting, when his phone chirped.

Did you manage to kill yourself?

Tried and failed.

How hard?

No sleep, no food, bottle of Champagne, bottle of 1964 Bas-Armagnac, an entire day of heaves that turned from wet to dry, one broken crystal stem, one broken cheap-ass tumbler, bleeding from the back of my head, ice pack on my elbow, probably some other things I haven’t discovered yet.

Jesus fucking Christ, Luke.

On the bright side, I had a lovely day date with my toilet, and I think we’re going to keep seeing each other.

Finally, someone other than me that’s used to putting up with your shit.

Clever. Even better, it doesn’t talk back as often as you do.


I’m staring at it now. The problem is that it’s staring back.

Did you do something dumb like get sushi?

Turkey, lettuce, American cheese, no condiments or pickles or peppers, white bread.

Jesus, that’s sad.

I know.

Eat something anyway, you pathetic motherfucker.

I thought we were on a two-week hiatus.

I wanted to make sure you didn’t die before I had the chance to yell at you.

Mission accomplished.

Oh no. This isn’t yelling. But I promise that if you drink yourself to death over the next two weeks, I’ll come over and kill you myself.

Luke sent her a heart emoji and put down his phone. I’m not even close to ready for Wendy. It’s a good thing she insisted on a break.

She broke several of her promises the very next day, banging on his apartment door far earlier in the morning than he had any intention of experiencing. He stumbled to the door, groggy and confused. Though not as confused as he was when he opened it.

“How did you... ?”

“You get three questions. All must be answerable by a single word. There will be no additional conversation. Is that clear?”


She pushed past him and dropped four overstuffed bags of groceries on the counter, then turned to face him. “You look like shit.”

“Of course I do. It’s an accurate representation.”

“So? Questions? Or can I get on with my day?”

“How did you get into the building?”



“Former.” She held up two fingers, impatiently tapping her foot.

He took a deep breath. “You brought me a bunch of healthy, restorative things like vegetables, because you knew I’d spend the next two weeks hiding in my cave and existing on a diet of fattening takeout and booze, and you did it because behind all your bitterness, sarcasm, anger, and frustration over the way I’ve been conducting my life, you still care about me.”

Instead of answering, she sighed and walked to the door. Just before it closed behind her, she muttered, “Exactly.”

By the end of the first week, the first slender threads of order had been restored to Luke’s life. With the exception of one far less disruptive relapse, he managed to avoid drinking to excess, though a day-long experiment with abstinence proved beyond his current resilience. Wendy’s groceries helped, and by the time he was in need of more, he was making tentative attempts to exercise. He’d worked out so infrequently at the lake that he was in relatively terrible shape, and his destructive binges hadn’t helped. But I bet I could still run a sexual marathon, he mused, as his sluggish feet dragged him through a nearby park.

The thought, of course, filled his mind with images of Kathryn. Not that it was ever entirely free of her, but there were certain moods, situations, and moments that made him unable to focus on anything else. He occasionally experienced mild arousal while revisiting his memories, but — at least so far — he felt no need for sexual release. I guess Wendy didn’t need to buy those two boxes of extra-strength tissues after all.

Early in the second week, he managed to attend his first tasting since his return. Industry colleagues were thrilled to see him back, and peppered him with questions about his absence. He’d prepared for this with an array of responses that he hoped sounded more uninteresting than evasive, and though the interrogation was renewed with every fresh group of old acquaintances, he eventually judged the attempt a success.

And then it was Sunday night, two weeks after his return to the city. He texted Wendy a single word — Tonight? — and she responded in the affirmative.

This time, she kept the first half of her promise, helping him descend into serious inebriation while he opened his heart and succumbed to uncontrollable tears at her bar. But it wasn’t until the next morning that he realized she’d broken the rest of it; when he rolled over, he discovered that she was in bed with him. On top of the covers and fully clothed, but still there.

A little while later, they were sipping coffee at his table. He noted that she was wearing flannel pajamas decorated with anthropomorphic dildos, which meant that she’d brought an overnight bag and that her lingering had been planned all along.

“Wendy, thank you. You’re my guardian angel.”

“I’m sure as hell no goddamned fucking angel. But you do need one, surrounded as you are by demons. Most of them your own.”

“I’m sorry. I know I dumped a lot on you last night.”

“More like a biblical flood, but yeah, you did. And by the way, the purpose of guardian angels is that you’re supposed to listen to them, dumbass.”

“As you’ve told me many times, I’m slow. So what do you think about... ?”

“No. We’re not having this conversation. First of all, there’s that flood I mentioned, and it’s going to take me a while to avoid drowning in it. Second, there’s the gap between what I think and what you’re prepared to hear. Third, there’s what’s best for you, and that might be completely different than the other two. In any case, none of those thoughts are going to pass my lips until I’ve purged some shit in the direction of your ears. So you can sit there and wait until I’m ready.”

“Okay. Still, I really am grateful for last night. All of it. I certainly didn’t expect you’d still be here this morning.”

She studied her coffee mug for a while. “Luke, I’m going to tell you something about yourself. I don’t want you to get angry, but I need you to think about it for a while. You and I both know that most people in our field are, at least on occasion, high-functioning alcoholics. Yeah, there are some who’ve managed to give it up and stay dry, but not many. Most of us drink to what any rational observer would call excess. It just so happened that your lover fit right in to our world and is more than a bit of a high-functioning alcoholic herself — though I’m sure her situation had a lot to do with that — so you had nothing even close to a respite while you were out there. But when you’re feeling bad about things, or yourself, you drink alone, and you drink a lot. Too much. Way too much.”

Luke scrolled back through his memories, thinking about the times he’d been dangerously drunk. When I first learned that Kathryn was married ... the night of the charity gala, when she gave me the handjob ... the night she and Bill were all over each other at dinner ... when I realized how little time we had left ... the day they spent together on the lake... He saw the pattern, realized she was completely correct, and told her so.

“I knew there’d be no stopping you on your first night back, but this is why I had to check on you. Still, it was way worse than even I’d predicted, which is part of why I brought you food the next day. But the more I started thinking about last night, the more I realized I didn’t quite trust you to stop drinking once I got you home, bucket alongside the bed or not. That’s why I decided to stay.”

“I didn’t...”

“I know you didn’t, and that’s because I made sure you were too drunk to keep drinking long before we left the bar. Do you remember falling asleep in the corner while we cleaned?”

“Uh, not exactly, but there are some gaps...”

“That’s fine, I didn’t figure you’d remember. I feel like I had to carry your fat ass all the way from my bar to your bed. Which reminds me: you have got to lose some weight. Anyway, my point is that it’s fine when it’s with me or other people you can trust. One day, when everything’s back to normal between us, you and I can get drunk together just like we used to. But you have to be a lot more careful about your solo binges, Luke. They’re a little scary, and from what you told me last night, they’re getting more frequent.”

He nodded. “You’re right, they are. Thank you for warning me. I’m still suffering, and it’s hard, but I’ll try to be careful.”

“Speaking of hard, have you blown a hole in those tissues yet?”

“Haven’t even opened the boxes.”

“Really? I mean, even through you’re especially gross and unattractive right now, and you have to reacquaint yourself with a razor, you’re usually good for a solo rubdown now and then. What happened?”

“No interest.”

She stared at him, considering. “Luke, it’s time to listen to your guardian demoness for a change: you need to get laid. Well, get back in shape first. And then get back on the horse. Anyone’s horse.”

“I don’t suppose...”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”

“Okay, okay. But I’m not exactly in the mood to date, and...”

“Who the fuck said anything about dating? Just go bang someone. Jesus, hire a fucking hooker if you have to.” His face clearly expressed his indecision, and she grew audibly frustrated. “She may be the best, but she’s not the only. Even if Tinkerbell comes and waves her magic vibrator at the two of you, it’s not going to be soon. You told me she wants you to do this. I want you to to do this. I know there have to be girls who are so desperate that they want you to do this. Why are you the only one who doesn’t?”

“Because they won’t measure up. Because I’ll either be comparing them to her, or thinking about her while I’m with them. And because I’m afraid that if I don’t, I might not even be able to ... you know.”

“Get it up? Then don’t call someone who’s going to give you grief about it. What about your unapologetically slutty friend? If anyone can raise your mast, it’s her.”

“Liz? After last time I can’t...”

“It’s been, what, about four months? A lot can change. Give her a ring. I bet she’ll be up for it.”

“Speaking of dating...”

“It was nice. We had fun. That’s all you need to know. Don’t push.”


It took him several days to drum up the courage, but when he did, he learned that Wendy was right.

“Luke!“ Liz squealed, exploding in laughter at the volume of her outburst. “Okay, now all my coworkers know what I sound like when you make me come,” she whispered, still laughing. “Can I call you back in a few minutes? I’ll find an empty conference room or something.”

His phone rang before he’d even finished putting it down. “Before we start, is this a touching or a no-touching call?”


“I just need to know if should lock the door or not.”

He’d forgotten just how brazen she could be, and it made him smile. “Let’s say it’s a call about touching. Or rather, inquiring about the possibility of touching.”

“Baby, does that mean your dick’s back on the market?”

“Well, it’s more complicated than that, but the short answer’s yes. For now, at least. After our last time, though, I...”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I missed you so much that you can call out whatever name you want. I haven’t had a worthwhile ass-fucking since you left — your gender is populated by fumbling cretins — so expect to be doing a lot of that. Name your night and I’ll be there. Or you can come over, if you’d rather.”

His own burst of laughter was as much a release of tension as it was delight at her lighthearted sexuality. “I didn’t think it would be this easy, so I didn’t have one in mind.”

“I’m hurt, Luke. Because I really am this easy, and you forgot. Anyway ... and I really don’t mean to put you off, but I just remembered that there’s a reason ... how about next Tuesday or Wednesday? I just had an extended fling with a super-hot designer that was working with one of our clients, and the last of it was bareback; so while we were both tested before we got to that stage, I’d like to be sure. And baby, while you know that I trust you...”

“No, you’re right, and it’s a good idea, considering it’s been a long and very interesting while. I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”

“Yay! If we’re gonna be at your place, remember to stock up on lube. I’m in a serious drought when it comes to butt stuff, and you’re the best I’ve ever had back there.”

“The designer wan’t interested?”

“He thought it was nasty.”

“His loss.”

“Exactly! Okay, baby, I’m gonna rub one out while thinking about you bending me over this conference table, but then I have to get back to work. I’m so excited! Mmmwah!“

He was still grinning at the phone when Wendy texted.

Remember what we talked about?

I’ve kept it to a half-bottle or two cocktails.

The other thing.

Liz is up for it.

I knew it. Now go take down someone else.


Liz is easy. No disrespect intended, but she is. Go poke your sweaty schlong into some other willing victim. One who’s not already in your contacts.


Because you need to prove to yourself that you still can. Because you need to remember that there’s a sex life beyond you know who.

Can I at least verify that all the equipment works first?

Fine, but don’t hesitate once you do. And Luke? For her sake, shave your nutsack. I’m sure it’s disgustingly hairy by now.

Deciding that getting out of the apartment was its own worthy goal, Luke met Liz at her place for an early dinner of takeout sushi. At around four in the morning, she weakly shoved him away and did something she’d never done before: begged him to stop.

“You were really, really good before, but now you’re a fucking sex god. I’m not going to be able to walk straight for a week, I’m sore everywhere, and I squirted so much I might have to replace another mattress. I should just have them delivered on a monthly schedule or something. Who in the hell is this woman, and when can I meet her? Never mind, too tired, spoon me and let me get at least a little sleep. Set an alarm for seven. No, fifteen minutes of. Gives us time for a morning quickie. ‘night!”

Luke smiled at the barrage of words, tapped his phone a few times, and embraced her from behind. While Kathryn had indeed popped into his mind on occasion, especially at the beginning, it was far less often than he’d feared. As he drifted into sleep, however, he wondered if that was a good or a bad thing.

Whatever energy he’d driven out of her the night before, she recovered it for a frenetic morning reprise. As she bustled around her apartment getting ready for work, she asked if he had any plans for later. When he admitted that he didn’t, she invited herself over to his place for another round. “No need to follow me out. For now, just relax. Sleep in if you want, shower whenever. I don’t think there’s much food, but help yourself. And I give you permission to dig through my drawers in an attempt to discover all my naughty secrets. There are a few here and there, though all the real action’s on my laptop, and you’re going to have to figure out the password yourself. If you find something sufficiently interesting, promise that you’ll use something I wear or sleep on and leave me a little gift. Bye!”

Their sexual escapades that night — at his apartment, this time — were even more exhausting than the night before, and as she rolled back and forth in post-orgasmic ecstasy, guarding her ravaged holes with shaking hands, she offered an extremely uncharacteristic proposal.

“Can we make this a regular thing?”

“I’m absolutely not saying no, but this is ... unlike you.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” she laughed, “I’m not getting all clingy or looking for any sort of commitment. It’s just that ... well, you used to be a fantastic lover, and it was always exciting to hook up with you. Now, you’re a master. You’re so good that I’m afraid I’m going to start canceling on other partners just because I know you’re going to fuck me so much better than they will. On the other hand, I don’t want it to be so often that I get addicted. Every two weeks, maybe? With the option to get together more often, of course.” To this he readily agreed, pleased to have such an enthusiastic and unproblematic outlet for his sexual desires. “And now, since I’m in desperate need of a break from your beautiful cock — which I see is still hard, by the way, and you’ll have to tell me which devil owns your soul in exchange for that never-ending erection — I’m going to sit here and you’re going to tell me all about her. I won’t be able to offer much emotional support, but I’m a good listener.”

She was, and he did.

When he got to the part Kathryn had encouraged — the assertion that Liz had been demoted to third place amongst his lovers — she was only shocked for a moment. Then her eyes grew as sultry as her smile. “And you won’t tell me who she is.”

“Absolutely not.”

“How hard should I try to force you to tell me?”

“Please don’t. I’ve already blown it twice. I can’t do it a third time. Anyway, I don’t think that’s what Kathryn had in mind.”

“Oh, I know she didn’t. That vixen wanted me to try to fuck you to death in order to reclaim my title. Right?”

“Uh, I think so.”

“Well, then. Let’s see about your carnal demise, shall we?”

Neither of them got any sleep that night. But in the middle of the following afternoon, Luke received a phone call from a very sleepy Liz.

“You look like a man who’s been getting laid,” Wendy remarked as he wearily settled into his usual spot at her bar.

He nodded, a bit sheepish and more than a bit fatigued. “One night turned into two, then three, then four. I’ve never known Liz to be like this, but...”

“Addicted to your schlong, is she?”

He blushed as he shrugged. “I think it’s a little more complicated than that. Yes, I’m apparently much better than before, and she’s exploring what that means. Plus, Kathryn laid down a bit of a gauntlet that...”

“Lemme guess. She told you to hold the fact that both she and your slutty supermodel are better lovers over Liz’s head.”


“That’s what I though. Manipulative bitch.”


“I meant it as a compliment. Since you told her about it, Liz has been trying to fuck your nuts off, hasn’t she?”

“I didn’t exactly tell her about it — yes, I finally learned how to keep a secret — but yeah,” he responded, unable to hold back his grin. Wendy rolled her eyes.

“And you’ve been outlasting her, haven’t you? Thanks to all the evil sexual arts you learned in the cavernous depths of your insatiable succubus.”

“As you know very well, they’re not cavernous, and I ... well, yes, I suppose, but...”

“And she keeps coming back for more. How many dates, or whatever, did she break to spend the week getting railed by you?”

“Uh ... a few, I think, but...”

“So now she can’t get enough of you. Pretty soon she won’t want anyone else unless you want them for her.”

“No, it’s not like that. She’s...”

“I presume you’re not fucking all the time.”

“No. Actually, that’s been the really interesting part. She’s being a really good friend right now, and...”

“Yes, yes, she’s a nymphomaniac with a heart of gold. I thought you said she’s incapable of emotional commitment.”

“That’s still true.”

“It’s about to be untrue.” Wendy shook her head, muttering, “It’s like a virus. A disease. Kathryn is Patient Zero, and now it’s spreading.”


“Liz — no-commitment, fun-loving, used to be more than you could handle, screws her way through the known universe with no regrets — is halfway to moving in with you. Oh, she won’t make it formal and neither will you. And she’s still her, so you’ll be able to fuck anyone else you want, with or without her involved ... which is the best of all possible worlds, isn’t it? Except she’ll never love you, and you’ll never love her. You’ll both kinda half-feel it, and then you’ll be stuck.” She leaned over the bar. “She’s your replacement. You’re setting up the exact same scenario you had with Kathryn, except now you’re in the driver’s seat and there’s no risk or pain, because your connection only goes so far. But the moment your crimson unicorn calls, you’ll go running and Liz will be ... well, what will she be? Hurt?

“I don’t know, and I think you’re being a little unfair. She’s free with her body, yeah, but she’s the most honest person I’ve ever known, and she’s really quite kind. We even...”

“You’re white knighting all over my bar. It’s worse than jizz. Stop it before I have to get a rag. She’s not devoid of emotions, dumbass. No one is. You get deep enough inside her — I don’t mean her pussy, though that’s probably the easiest path — and she’ll have some. For you. And maybe you’ll have some for her. But she’ll never be more than a substitute for what you really want. Even then, she’ll never actually be second on your list, will she? She’s trying to be, though. You have to turn this volume down, and you have to do it now.”

“Weren’t you the one who was encouraging me to get laid?”

“Yes, and I still am. You absolutely shouldn’t stop with Liz. Just cool it down a little. And for the love of all that’s unholy, go fuck someone else. Any candidates?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe.”

“Good. Let me know if you need a wingwoman. Experience demonstrates that I’m skilled at getting you comprehensively laid. Now, are you ready to drink non-alcoholic beverages while I vent months of accumulated rage at you?”

“I doubt it, but I’ll persevere under one condition.”

“Which is?”

“Any more dates?”

To his surprise, Wendy blushed. “Yes.”

“You realize my condition doesn’t end there.”

She sighed. “Fine. Two more, and another one scheduled. Yes, we had sex both times, sorta. I met Sasha. She didn’t hate me as much as I thought she would, and the feeling was surprisingly mutual. Satisfied?”

He leaned back. “Very.”

“Good. Now, listen carefully you stupid son of a bitch...”

“I’ll have the Division Gamay Noir.”

“Of course, and thank you. Because I just won.”


“I bet Greg you’d order that.”

“I guess I’m predictable. Is he here?”

“He might be there, actually. Division, I mean. He’s on a research trip to Oregon.”

“A wine-soaked junket, you mean? Drooling over Kate?”

“Isn’t that what I said? You know as well as I do how drool-worthy she is.” Terrence, the only bartender at Caveau that he knew by name, grinned and walked away, returning a few moments later with an extremely generous pour.

“I’m sorry, Terrence, but I actually meant the bottle. Not that you didn’t just give me about half of it.”

“I know you did. But even though he’s not here, Greg has plans for you.”

“Oh no.”

“You’re right to be worried. Though for what it’s worth, I don’t think he’s the only one with plans.”

“What do you... ?” His question trailed off as Terrence smirked, turned, and escaped to the other end of the bar.

“Hey, stranger.” The faintly accented voice was directly behind him. “It’s been a while.”

“It hasn’t been that long,” he responded, turning to face her. “And until my last visit, you didn’t even know who I was.”

“Oh, but you’re wrong about that. I asked about you every time you came in. I’m pretty sure that’s why I was assigned to your table.”

“Really? Why?”

“Really.” She said it with a half-purr, moving a little closer than was strictly acceptable between staff and a patron. “As for why, surely I don’t have to explain that.”

“Then why didn’t you... ?”

“Strongly discouraged by management, and difficult to hide when I had no reason to be chatting up people at the bar, which is the only place you ever sat. Plus, your last visit didn’t exactly seem like an opportunity, though if I’d only known ... anyway, Greg’s not here right now, is he?”

“So I’m told. Olivia, you’re looking very well. It’s really nice to see you again.”

“You’re looking solo, Mr. Bronson. I haven’t been on the floor very much tonight, but I didn’t see your lady come in, and if she is here, she still hasn’t commandeered a table or a bar seat. Anything happening in the alley that I should know about, or better yet join?”

He smiled, though it was fraught and she quite obviously noticed. “I can’t speak with any sort of authority about the alley, but she’s not here ... and, unfortunately, she’s not my lady.”

“But I thought...” She gestured at her neck, her eyes full of questions. He lifted his left hand and pointed at his unadorned ring finger. “Ah. So you two were being even naughtier than I realized.” She turned her head to scan the room for urgent needs, then returned her attention to him. “Why are you here, Mr. Bronson?”

“Call me Luke, please. Even my dad doesn’t respond to Mr. Bronson. I’m here to enjoy some nice wine and food, to get away from some things that need getting away from, and to see someone I was eager to see again.”

“Is that so?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “Well, don’t hurry through our wine list. Who knows what might happen later?”

They were in her small apartment, a few subway stops from the restaurant, in a relatively quiet residential area. It was messy — she’d made him wait in the hallway while she frantically cleared a place for him to sit — and pointedly youthful; the longer he stayed, the more he felt like he was cradle-robbing, even though she wasn’t that much younger than him. At the moment, she was issuing her fourth apology for the low quality of the wine she was pouring into his glass.

“Olivia, stop. Though I’m immensely grateful for the hospitality, I’m not here to judge your wine selection.”

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Naughty Weekend

It was Saturday morning and I was spending the weekend with David and Vivian, a married couple in their fifties who were friends of my mom. I had turned sixteen a few weeks before and had lost my virginity just the night before to this wonderful couple. After I had showered and dressed, I went downstairs to find David sitting on the couch watching TV. I sat down beside him and he put his arm around me. Vivian had to work that morning and would be home around lunchtime. David got up and put a...

Group Sex
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 7 Hawaii Trip

Characters Introduced Kiki, 18 Massage parlor worker, 4'8 Asian Black hair and eyes 34C Kali, 20 Massage parlor worker, 5'0 Hawaiian Brown hair blue eyes 34D swan like neck Mami, 22 Massage parlor owner, 4'10 Asian Black hair and eyes 34C Jessica “Jess” Williams, 32, Mother of Hope, 5'6 Red hair Green eyes 36 D Jenny Turner, 30, Mother of Charity, 5'2 Black Hair and eyes 36 C Bill, 45 6'2 white guy with a 9” cock Vivian, 37 5'8 wife, white Red hair Green eyes...

2 years ago
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Grace the BikersChapter 7

Before I could think any more on the pony I felt Kong’s even bigger cock than King’s start to penetrate my ass whilst King’s was sunk right up to his balls in my pussy. Even with the spunk and oil lining the passage it was slow and, for me, a painful progress. “You said, darling,” Sugar’s voice was ever so sweet, “that your previous meeting with our dog, Handsome, was a lousy fuck. Let’s see what he thinks of your mouth around his cock. Let’s see if you can bring him off and take his knot...

1 year ago
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My First Seduction prt 2

God we must look awful,” Sara said as they walked up the ten steps to the mezzanine floor where the two main bedrooms were located. She glanced at Amanda and was surprised at how large her breasts looked now that the wet top was clinging to them almost like a second skin. It accentuated their fullness and clearly showed the outline of her bra and her large upright nipples.“Here you go, thank goodness she left it respectable,” Mandy said showing Sara through her daughter’s bedroom and into the...

2 years ago
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Alice Loves Anal 3

Alice learned oral sex quite quickly. She learned to relax her throat and gulp rapidly to ingest her patron’s spunk almost without losing a drop. It was even more enjoyable when he ate her cunt while she sucked cock. Not only that but Alice learned that her lord and master, Lord James Elton liked it when she acted like a little girl getting a fancy treat for being a naughty little girl. She seductively giggled and moaned when he slid his fingers into her cunt and suck hard on her...

4 years ago
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Book 8 ZaraChapter 5

Zara woke up feeling that she was once again alive, an empty part of her heart ached for DeClan but she had to believe the he would return one day. Zara brushed out her hair, got dressed then went downstairs, she smiled at Lynn thanking her for having kept her lunch warm. "It pleases me to see you eating Mistress, always believed I have, that food helps the soul stay together" Zara smiled as she sat down "did DeClan ever mention what he wanted done with the gardens?" Her eyes lighting up...

4 years ago
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Vacation Preparation

This is my first attend in writing these events, the person’s names has been change, the events has not. Also if there any grammatical mistake please let me know and I would do my best to clean them up. Julia and Sandy are two very attractive 40, and 43 year old wife. I am married to Sandy for the last 19 years. They are both petite hot looking ladies that exude sexuality. Sandy has a very nice tight ass; this is due to her constant Zumba dancing. Julia has almost the same figure as Sandy but...

1 year ago
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A Different Halloween

Hi Cous, Sorry I don't get around to writing more often, but you know me. Retirement has been great, but I seem to be more active then ever. BTW (sorry, I'm so used to computer lingo I tend to use it in everyday) Anyway, did you ever get around to looking at any of the stories I written? I know there's porn there, too. But I like them cause I can put almost anything in and it goes out. I even have a couple people who told me they liked one or another of my crap. Take a look, it won't make...

2 years ago
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Die verhaumlngnisvolle Keuschheitswette

Diese Geschichte ist nicht von mir fand sie aber sehr anregend und wollte sie euch nicht vorenthalten. Hoffe sie gefällt euchMax war ein erfolgreicher Banker, machte in seiner Freizeit viel Sport und hatte einen Körper der eigentlich gar nicht zu einem Banker passte. Er war sehr muskulös und gut gebaut. Seine Frau Hanna arbeitete in einer Firma, die Polizei und Gefängnisausrüstung herstellte als Entwicklerin. Sie sind ein glückliches junges Ehepaar. Sie 26 und er 27. Zusammen haben sie ein...

2 years ago
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Home from College0

After I graduated from high school, I went off to college at CSU Long Beach, so I was a few hours away from home. My parents had given me a fair amount of freedom as I progressed through high school. They kept interested in what I did and who my friends were, but my curfew kept getting pushed later and later until finally I didn't even have one. As a result, I didn't go totally crazy my first night on my own. I was a bit more responsible with things since I had already been used to that...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Syren De Mer Sharing My Wife

Syren de Mer is in for one hell of a surprise, courtesy of her husband Ryan Driller. She’s been craving a threesome for a while, and Ryan has finally decided to deliver. He leads Syren into the bedroom with a blindfold covering her eyes. When he has sat Syren down on the bed, Ryan nods to his co-conspirator to join them. A second pair of hands kneads Syren’s shoulders and move down to her big breasts. Sliding her own hands down the body behind her, Syren discovers that she’s got two men to...

3 years ago
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Its just touching

Jake stroked his hard cock in the shower as his eyes glazed over. Almost there, but at the same time he was enjoying the feeling of holding off. Tiffany was waiting for him to get out, he knew, and he was taking a little longer than he should, but fuck it, it felt good to finally get a chance for some relief. Tiffany…fuck. As soon as the name popped into his head (as did her lovely face and beautiful, tanned body), Jake felt his balls tighten up just a little more, his cock swell even harder...

2 years ago
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Pozed at the bookstore part 3

Part 3Wow! I had never been fucked by more the one guy at a time and now I had just received my fourth load of cum up my fuck hole. All bareback. And even though I had been led to believe they had all been tested negative for HIV I was informed after the first load that they were all poz loads. And there were at least a dozen more poz infected cocks that we're going to breed my negative ass. I had just fucked a poz infected ass that was full of toxic poz cum and had shot what was probably going...

2 years ago
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Finding out About Marsha Pt 4

(This is, for now, the last of a 4 part series ... I've left the door open for more, but don't know when I will be able to write it).  By the time Mary came to visit us, 6 weeks after I moved to California, I had become well established as a pimp … I mean manager for Marsha and Amanda.    In spite of my reservations about my new “job” I was attacking it with enthusiasm.   My doubts about what I was doing were outweighed by my love for Marsha and fast growing affection for Amanda for I felt...

4 years ago
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Carolyn her dad and me

Several years ago, when I was 18, I started dating a beautiful young 16 year old girl named Carolyn. I had met her during the fall marching band season as she was a member of the drum & bugle corp and I played trumpet in the band. Carolyn was a petite young thing, about 5'-3" and around 100 lbs, with blondish hair, pert breasts, tight ass, and gorgeous dimples when she smiled. Everything about her was perfect, in my opinion, from her head down to her toes and everywhere in between. We...

3 years ago
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01 Jamal Works the HolidayChapter 2

I opened the door to Charlotte’s room; the light was still on. She was in her pajama’s, sitting in her chair looking at a magazine. A lot of the older residents didn’t sleep well and spent most of the night awake. She looked up as I entered, “Charlotte, what’s wrong? Can’t sleep?” She shook her head and smiled, “Jamal, hello. No, I’m not tired. Is it time for breakfast?” Oh my. Charlotte at the best of times had the mind of a 10-year-old, but sometimes that of a 5-year-old. “No, not yet....

2 years ago
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Daddys New Daughter

I seem to have a gift for finding young girls who have Daddy issues and want to play them out. My latest pupil is a 19 year old virgin who has been sheltered her entire life. So much so that she shuns men, or shall I say boys, away immediately. But that is not the case with me. After much banter we have finally spent some quality time together. Daddy as she calls me now, has taught her how to suck Daddy's cock and swallow all of his hot cum. The first time it occurred she was not in to it....

2 years ago
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Ever felt like killing people? Not specific people mind you, nor people in general, but really any of the somewhat large group of people currently infront of you? It’s an odd feeling. Slightly more selfish than wishing to be invisible, actually resenting, in some small part, that these people are here and that they insist on talking to you. Or at you, as the case may be. I takes a specific kind of person, I guess, to experience this odd sensation. I know people who would choose a few words...

4 years ago
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A Southern WarmingChapter 18

I studied her profile with a feeling of such deep love, that I wondered how I was able to restrain myself. My eye followed the contours of her face, which was highlighted against an intense blue sky. An occasional large wave would shoot up some spray, filling the background with tiny droplets of water. How could anyone be so beautiful? How could my heart soar within me to such highs of emotion? I went back to the top of her forehead and followed the line, once more, down to her chin. I broke...

3 years ago
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Engagement Se Leke First Night Tak 8211 Ayushi Rachit 8211 Part 2

Mera naam Ayushi hai. Aur main aapke liye apni kahani ka agla part leke aayi hu. Pichle part mein aapne padha, ki kaise meri shaadi ek handsome ladke Rachit ke sath fix ho gayi thi. Fir hamari sex wali baate hone lagi. Ek din shopping ke bahane se hum mile, aur hamne romance kiya. Fir jab wo mujhe ghar chodhne aaya, to maine usko I-phone gift kiya. Jab main uske gale lagi, to maine uske coat ki jeb mein kuch daal diya tha. Fir hamari phone pe jab baat hui, tab maine usko us cheez ke baare mein...

4 years ago
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Jerry takes his sister Kathy down the path of submission

OOH MY GOD, IT’S WAS SO AWESOME, just like always with him, it felt ooh so, so good. Yes, just like always, I was mere moments from crashing head first into another one of those earth shattering orgasm he always gave me. Ooh, ooh yes, just like always I could feel this cock expanding to dimensions beyond belief as I lay there passive under his spell, on my back, my feet on the floor as he fucked me into oblivion. Then once again it happened I felt my toes tingle as the sensations began...

3 years ago
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The Black Queens TV Captive 2

An hour later, in the bathroom, the Black Queen showed me to a full-length mirror. "Take a good look at yourself, Jill Baby!" she laughed. I was almost unrecognizable. She had shaved all the hair from my body. Skin lotions and powder had given my flesh a silky, sensuous tone. My hair was set in feminine curls that tickled my ears. My eyebrows were plucked into a graceful feminine arch above shadowed eyes with long feminine lashes. My cheeks were rouged to a delicate blush and my...

1 year ago
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Big brothers birthday gift

Till this day, I can never forget the most wonderful birthday gift I ever had, presented by my big brother. I was 20 then, and he & his girlfriend took me out as a birthday treat. On my 18th birthday, my big brother had treated me to a great weekend "camping" (mom & dad never knew about the actual "site" that we went to). It was a nice cabin situated by a beautiful lake equipped with TV and VCR. We spent a lot of time watching porno movies which my big brother had brought along and jacking in...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Fiona Sprouts 11072019

Every now and then a girl comes along with that sparks your curiosity the way 20yr old Fiona Sprouts has and you know that if you just probe deeper there is more to this girls story than what meets the eye. Now we here at ExCoGi have been doing this for a combined 28 years now and we are not surprised by very much these days. But, and this is a BIG but, little old Fiona certainly threw JJay a few curve balls to start out her very first sex on camera / porn shoot interview. Things begin...

4 years ago
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Punishment Becomes Reward

Tanner had always been a pervert. He loved to check out the asses of every attractive woman he encountered, and when he could get away with it, their breast, he also enjoyed undressing them with his eyes, got a thrill out of watching them bend over, especially in dresses or skirts, and even took creepshots of them with his phone. He had managed to get with all of this for years, until one day, when he took a creepshot of a woman who saw what he was doing and decided to make him. The...

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The Party

The party by steffi The invitation was in the thursday's mail. I had been waiting for it for several days because I knew the party would be soon and I was sure that I was to be invited. It was Stefanie's party. We knew each other from nine years of school and were really good friends at that moment. Now, that the final exams were left behind she wanted to visit her parents, who had moved away two years before, and live along with them for a while. Because of that she wanted to...

3 years ago
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Hi ! everybody. Welcome back. I am a regular reader of Andaharvasa & it is my 3nd submission of Anubhav. Humble request if you have not read the 1st and 2nd chapters, pls read and proceed to chapter. 3 so that you could understand each and every one and the situations involved without any further introduction/repeatation. Continue now.. In between about my wife: (1996): Susi- 27 years, 5’ 4” with medium standard accessories, active in sex, fully understanding supportable mind & nature; We are...

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NubileFilms Charlie Red Take Notice

Charlie Red is taking notes as her boss Michael Fly dictates to her, but this secretary is more interested in what her boss can do for her than in what she can do for her job. A small touch of her foot to Michael’s thigh is all it takes to distract him from work and catapult them both into pure pleasure. Within moments Michael has relieved both of them of their shirts and has slid his hand into Charlie’s pants. Standing up so she can slip out of her shorts leaving just her high...

2 years ago
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Neighborly Gloryhole

Dave’s wife Sue was going to be out of town for the weekend, so he invited several of his buddies over for poker night. They had played for about two hours, and downed half of a keg of beer when Dave mentioned that instead of smoking cigars after the game, he had an alternative activity. Everyone was curious and when he told them the plan, they all agreed that it sounded fantastic. Dave explained that, through a guy at work, he had arranged for a hooker to work a gloryhole for us. He had set it...

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Schoolgirl Shenanigans

Walking briskly and with clear purpose you unlock the door to your apartment and shut it behind you. Carefully traversing your way through an abundance of cardboard boxes you arrive at a mirror. Peering into the mirror, one of the very few things you’ve unpacked, you see a 35 year old male with an athletic and toned body, slight stubble and of course your favourite feature your 9 inch flaccid thick and girthy cock. Due to the fact you need to make a good first impression tomorrow you decide to...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 3

When the alarm went off at four-thirty, it seemed to Kathy that she had just fallen asleep. She groped around on the night stand to turn it off to keep it from waking Ken. Although still more than half asleep, she stumbled out to the kitchen to make coffee, and then went into the bathroom. She had had the foresight to bring her clothes out to the living room so she wouldn't need to open drawers or turn on lights in the bedroom. After setting up his breakfast and leaving a note about...

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moms unfilled

I was supposed to stay with my girlfriend that Friday night, we had gone to her house straight after school, done our homework had some dinner and watched the TV for an hour or two. Unfortunately, though we had one of those arguments couples have, an argument that starts out of nothing and neither will remember what its about or why it even started. The following morning both of us would be apologising but not even knowing who started it. I stormed out and began the short walk home, leaving my...

1 year ago
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The FatherDaughter Dance started it all

“Oh my, Honey, I would love to but I just finished my period and I’m so horny. Uncle Don’s prob…” Kelli cut her sentence short when she realized she had almost given away a forbidden secret. “Uh… so, what did you start to say?” “… Never mind, it’s nothing.” “Oh my God, Kelli,” Linda complained, “Don’t be keeping any secrets from me. I tell you everything. Tell me; what about your uncle? Tell me!” Kelli began to wonder if she should lie to her best friend. They had always been as close as...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 25

I had cleared the breakfast dishes off the table and I motioned for Liz to bring her phone into the living room. I sat down in my favorite chair and Liz frowned until I motioned for her to sit on my lap. That got the first smile I’d seen in a few minutes. She looked cute wearing my clothes. She was tall enough that my cutoff sweatpants hit her at the knee. My T-shirt was a bit too wide but she just tied it off under her boobs. I stuck a finger in her belly button as soon as her butt hit my...

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Baby Visions

Sally was seven months pregnant, and one morning she woke with a clear image in her head of a cheerful, smiling one-year-old boy. She thought it might just be a vivid dream or one more trick pregnancy played on her mind, but when she compared notes with other women in the childbirth class she found that most had had a similar experience in the past week. Tara was only 29 so she had chosen not to have any amnio done, but her vision was disturbing: she thought she could see that her little girl...

2 years ago
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sucking my first cock

For the last 5 years or so I've been wanting to suck a cock. What does it feel like having a hard or semi hard cock in my mouth. Running my tongue up and down the shaft like my high school sweet heart Pam would do. She sucked my dick every time we were together and always swallowed or tried to swallow my cum. I think about her all the time and if I ever have the opportunity to suck a cock I would suck it like she sucked mine. I was getting more curious about sucking off a guy and knew my wife...

3 years ago
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A Misunderstanding Part 4

A Misunderstanding - Part 4 By undiecontrol ([email protected]) Simon arrived home and was immediately required to show his purchases to Emma. She examined each item carefully while Simon waited, dreading the thought that he would be sent back to exchange something. "Good," she announced. "These are just right so let's hope they fit!" "But before you try them on, there's a few things I need to say. I think you might need all the help you can in the next four weeks,"...

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The Butterfly

Often times when I watered the plants in the window of my apartment, the woman in the third floor apartment across the courtyard would find a reason to come to her window and watch me.In the summer time, I would ride my stationary exercise bike by the window for the breeze, and she would watch me from the shadows of her curtained windows. After a while, I began to see flashes of her at her window, in her under wear, or sometimes completely nude, and at other time topless. She was always...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 81

At 0700 I was in Section Twelve planning on how to address the group of intelligence experts coming for the 0800 meeting. They were all coming. This time I blacked out the signatures on all six files and put Roxy’s through the copier, making ten copies total. I needed commitments that everyone would work to contain leaks for at least for thirty days. At 0745 they started filtering in. Attorney General Dunne, Art Cummins Director of the NIS, Eric Roberson Director of DHS, Frank Love Director...

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My wife and our neighbour Part two

I necked the whisky and made quickly for the exit, thanking the barman as I left. Without trying to look suspicious, I lightly jogged in the direction of our houses, and caught site of Sarah and Geoff as they approached his driveway. They stopped and their hands came apart. I managed to remain out of view, but could make out their words.‘Well that was really nice, thank you for walking me home Geoff.’‘Hey, no problem Sarah,’ said Geoff. ‘Listen, boxes can wait surely…do you fancy having a drink...

1 year ago
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A Bikini for her BirthdayChapter 16 Dial a Dick

“Lizzie...” Amanda was looking over towards the kitchen door. The teen was walking slowly across to us, in her new bikini, with a nervous smile on her face. “Oh perfect!” Zann went to collect her. I slid out of Mandzie and stood up. “It’s like a workout bikini,” said Leah admiringly, “but sexier.” “God if you went to the gym in THAT...” giggled Zin. “You look gorgeous,” smiled Phoebz, and there was a general nodding and murmuring of approval. It did look good on her, I had to admit. It...

2 years ago
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Big Girl

Introduction: Alex, a shy teenager, meets a heavy girl and the two of them quickly become very good friends! If you havent read my first story yet, please do so if youre interested. I plan to write a paragraph or so of information before all of my stories, so check it out before you go the actual story. Or, just go right to the story and masturbate. I dont care. Anyway, this one is another story about two teenagers discovering sex. Only this time, the girl is rather large. Honestly, this isnt...

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Tina OBrien has lesbian sex

It was during the hot spell in the early summer of 2010 when Tina (26) met up with her close friend and fellow ex Coronation Street (Corrie) star, Nikki Sanderson (26) in a club in Manchester. Even though both girls are no longer in the famous long-running UK TV soap they are still mainly remembered for their roles as Sarah Louise & Candice rather than anything they've done since.Tina had left her little daughter Scarlett with Tina's Mum & Dad; a task which they loved and therefore Tina...

4 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 122 Touring Again

Two weeks after Worlds, Sophia and Warren were on tour. Ellen came with them, to help with Betsy, but could only stay for a couple weeks. She urged them to let her bring Betsy back with her. Sophia and Warren resisted that-because they didn't want to be separated from Betsy for that long, and because Sophia didn't want to stop breastfeeding quite yet. With the rehearsals done at the beginning, while Ellen was there, they'd really only have to worry about Betsy for the few minutes they...

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Emilys Boarding HouseChapter 6

It was October, the boarding house was full of boarders again, and I remained a resident of Frederick, Maryland despite having no guidance yet from the Orioles Organization concerning where I would be assigned in the coming season. I knew that my solid performance for the Frederick Keys would likely mean that I’d be moved up to the Double-A Bowie Baysox in the Eastern League. Getting assigned to the Orioles’ Triple-A club (Norfolk) wasn’t out of the question, but I knew the Orioles had lots...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Lover Ch 1

So there I was, 17, single for about a month, just graduated from high school, still struggling to adapt to a world without the friends I had for the previous 6 years; who knew when you broke up with an asshole he got custody of the friends. My church youth group (that he was a part of) had organized a trip to Cedar Point and I wasn’t too sure I even still wanted to go. I didn’t want to face him and his stupid friends (that until a few weeks ago were my friends too) and be alone on the rides;...

Straight Sex
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WildOnCam Britney Amber Keeps Us Begging For More

Britney Amber can make any room hot looking like she does! She looks magnificent in red and has the bubbly personality to make you just sit and listen! She loves getting that cock hard knowing how much you love when she puts her big tits in your face or maybe you want those cute toes in your mouth. She’ll gladly do whatever it takes to make you cum for her. She runs her hands through her bush and already has Alex Jones big cock rock hard and ready to suck! Britney licks all around and all...

3 years ago
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My Wife Suggests I go for a Walk Part 2

My Wife Suggests I Go For a Walk part 1 can be found here: and pics of me dressed up are here: “date night” with my wife was erotic to say the least. She got me all sissified under my boy clothes (hot pink nightie with matching g-string panties and fishnet stockings) then teased me through out the date. After the movie, she made me take off my boy clothes in the...

1 year ago
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Around The World In 69 Days

You think back on the past month with a mix of emotions. When you were 14 your parents, sisters, brother, aunts, uncles, and cousins were attending the family reunion in North Carolina when a freak storm caused a mudslide that killed everyone at the event. You were only spared because you were at space camp. For the next seven years, you lived with your maternal grandparents in Cambridge Massachusetts and attended high school, then college. They were your only family, and though you mourned...

3 years ago
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The Displaced Detective Part 8

The Displaced Detective - Part 8 by Limbo's Mistress How much of who we are is our memories? It's the sort of philosophical argument that, like, a couple of old dudes might sit around debating until the sun came up. The kind of discussion that seems to have neither a right or wrong answer. It all depends on the subject's point of view. My point of view was beginning to tell me that I might not just be the summation of my memories. However, I couldn't deny the fact that...

4 years ago
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We All Wanted Annie

All of the engineers wanted to get into Annie's pants. I was the lucky one who did.Back in the late sixties, I was working for NASA at Kennedy Space Center and everyone was working on the Apollo missions. Every engineer was a guy wearing a white shirt with a pen holder in his shirt pocket.Then one day this gorgeous female electrical engineer was hired! Her name was Ann Brooks and she had blue eyes, short platinum blonde hair, and we all went gaga over her. Not only was she the first female...

3 years ago
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Essentially LisaChapter 6 A Night at the Collins House

It was 7:45pm when Jack steered his car into the driveway of his home. For the past several minutes, the lecherous, older man had been witness to two women - Kim (his wife) and Lisa (his 20-year-old employee) - having sex together in the backseat of his car. Jack had both listened to their sounds of passion, and watched the two ladies go at each other with occasional glances into his rear-view mirror. The display had caused him to have an unbelievable erection. The man, who was 54 years of...

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A Massage for Renate

Working for the escort agency gave me a new lease of life. At 26 years of age I was looking for something different having become a little stale working as the manager of a retail outlet. I have always taken pride in my appearance and workout at the Gym on a regular basis. I know I am very attractive to women; I have been blessed with classic good looks, I am tall, my hair is black and my body is trim. I possess those chiselled looks that women value so much. Women often reinforce the fact that...


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