FidèleChapter 42 free porn video

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“What the... ?”

Blinding flashes of muddled memory. Nervous system reboot. Pain. Lungs rattle into motion. More pain.

Eyes struggle open. The floor. A bottle. A chair. Unexplained sparkling near the window.

At least I didn’t...

Digestive system reengaged. A desperate and pathetic crawl to the bathroom. Just barely in time.

The cool porcelain whispered of sleep. He listened.






God, what a horrible taste.

His porcelain savior once again offered comfort. Judging it wiser to remain in place for a while, Luke cuddled the basin as his most loyal friend, resting his sore cheek on the seat. It was wisdom rewarded time and time again. Eventually, with nothing left in his stomach except regret, his religious experience came to an end. Though the urge lingered and revisited for the remainder of the day, he had no more left to give. Only the emptiness of well-earned suffering.

Several rounds of oral cleansing later, his mouth was restored to reasonable tolerability, though about his breath there was little to be done. He probed the throbbing at the back of his skull. The pain turned sharp the moment he touched it, and when he retrieved his fingers they were dusted with flakes of dried blood. More thorough study revealed a small gash that he’d reopened with his exploration. I’m going to lose some hair trying to fix this.

Stripping off his clothes, he discovered even more bruises. His elbow felt like it might be seriously injured, and he shuffled into the kitchen for some ice. It was then that he finally recalled the full measure of the previous night’s carnage. He righted the chair — unlike him, it seemed undamaged — and moved the empty bottles to the counter, but decided to leave the rest of the cleanup for later.

Ten minutes later, he was asleep. In his bed, for a change.

It was early evening when he finally dragged himself out of bed. Judging by the way he felt, he knew he was still a long way from the end of his hangover. A shower and fresh clothing helped little. Nor did cleaning up the damage caused by his anger and desperation. Unpacking his suitcase was more than he could manage in his current state, but he knew he had to at least try to eat. Throwing on a light coat, he made a zombie-like trip to his favorite bodega for a few essentials and an atypically bland sandwich. The owner was so surprised by his order that he began interrogating him, but when Luke mimed the universal sign for drinking too much, the questions were replaced by an empathetic nod. He was back in his apartment, attempting to psych himself up for a meal his stomach was rather forcefully protesting, when his phone chirped.

Did you manage to kill yourself?

Tried and failed.

How hard?

No sleep, no food, bottle of Champagne, bottle of 1964 Bas-Armagnac, an entire day of heaves that turned from wet to dry, one broken crystal stem, one broken cheap-ass tumbler, bleeding from the back of my head, ice pack on my elbow, probably some other things I haven’t discovered yet.

Jesus fucking Christ, Luke.

On the bright side, I had a lovely day date with my toilet, and I think we’re going to keep seeing each other.

Finally, someone other than me that’s used to putting up with your shit.

Clever. Even better, it doesn’t talk back as often as you do.


I’m staring at it now. The problem is that it’s staring back.

Did you do something dumb like get sushi?

Turkey, lettuce, American cheese, no condiments or pickles or peppers, white bread.

Jesus, that’s sad.

I know.

Eat something anyway, you pathetic motherfucker.

I thought we were on a two-week hiatus.

I wanted to make sure you didn’t die before I had the chance to yell at you.

Mission accomplished.

Oh no. This isn’t yelling. But I promise that if you drink yourself to death over the next two weeks, I’ll come over and kill you myself.

Luke sent her a heart emoji and put down his phone. I’m not even close to ready for Wendy. It’s a good thing she insisted on a break.

She broke several of her promises the very next day, banging on his apartment door far earlier in the morning than he had any intention of experiencing. He stumbled to the door, groggy and confused. Though not as confused as he was when he opened it.

“How did you... ?”

“You get three questions. All must be answerable by a single word. There will be no additional conversation. Is that clear?”


She pushed past him and dropped four overstuffed bags of groceries on the counter, then turned to face him. “You look like shit.”

“Of course I do. It’s an accurate representation.”

“So? Questions? Or can I get on with my day?”

“How did you get into the building?”



“Former.” She held up two fingers, impatiently tapping her foot.

He took a deep breath. “You brought me a bunch of healthy, restorative things like vegetables, because you knew I’d spend the next two weeks hiding in my cave and existing on a diet of fattening takeout and booze, and you did it because behind all your bitterness, sarcasm, anger, and frustration over the way I’ve been conducting my life, you still care about me.”

Instead of answering, she sighed and walked to the door. Just before it closed behind her, she muttered, “Exactly.”

By the end of the first week, the first slender threads of order had been restored to Luke’s life. With the exception of one far less disruptive relapse, he managed to avoid drinking to excess, though a day-long experiment with abstinence proved beyond his current resilience. Wendy’s groceries helped, and by the time he was in need of more, he was making tentative attempts to exercise. He’d worked out so infrequently at the lake that he was in relatively terrible shape, and his destructive binges hadn’t helped. But I bet I could still run a sexual marathon, he mused, as his sluggish feet dragged him through a nearby park.

The thought, of course, filled his mind with images of Kathryn. Not that it was ever entirely free of her, but there were certain moods, situations, and moments that made him unable to focus on anything else. He occasionally experienced mild arousal while revisiting his memories, but — at least so far — he felt no need for sexual release. I guess Wendy didn’t need to buy those two boxes of extra-strength tissues after all.

Early in the second week, he managed to attend his first tasting since his return. Industry colleagues were thrilled to see him back, and peppered him with questions about his absence. He’d prepared for this with an array of responses that he hoped sounded more uninteresting than evasive, and though the interrogation was renewed with every fresh group of old acquaintances, he eventually judged the attempt a success.

And then it was Sunday night, two weeks after his return to the city. He texted Wendy a single word — Tonight? — and she responded in the affirmative.

This time, she kept the first half of her promise, helping him descend into serious inebriation while he opened his heart and succumbed to uncontrollable tears at her bar. But it wasn’t until the next morning that he realized she’d broken the rest of it; when he rolled over, he discovered that she was in bed with him. On top of the covers and fully clothed, but still there.

A little while later, they were sipping coffee at his table. He noted that she was wearing flannel pajamas decorated with anthropomorphic dildos, which meant that she’d brought an overnight bag and that her lingering had been planned all along.

“Wendy, thank you. You’re my guardian angel.”

“I’m sure as hell no goddamned fucking angel. But you do need one, surrounded as you are by demons. Most of them your own.”

“I’m sorry. I know I dumped a lot on you last night.”

“More like a biblical flood, but yeah, you did. And by the way, the purpose of guardian angels is that you’re supposed to listen to them, dumbass.”

“As you’ve told me many times, I’m slow. So what do you think about... ?”

“No. We’re not having this conversation. First of all, there’s that flood I mentioned, and it’s going to take me a while to avoid drowning in it. Second, there’s the gap between what I think and what you’re prepared to hear. Third, there’s what’s best for you, and that might be completely different than the other two. In any case, none of those thoughts are going to pass my lips until I’ve purged some shit in the direction of your ears. So you can sit there and wait until I’m ready.”

“Okay. Still, I really am grateful for last night. All of it. I certainly didn’t expect you’d still be here this morning.”

She studied her coffee mug for a while. “Luke, I’m going to tell you something about yourself. I don’t want you to get angry, but I need you to think about it for a while. You and I both know that most people in our field are, at least on occasion, high-functioning alcoholics. Yeah, there are some who’ve managed to give it up and stay dry, but not many. Most of us drink to what any rational observer would call excess. It just so happened that your lover fit right in to our world and is more than a bit of a high-functioning alcoholic herself — though I’m sure her situation had a lot to do with that — so you had nothing even close to a respite while you were out there. But when you’re feeling bad about things, or yourself, you drink alone, and you drink a lot. Too much. Way too much.”

Luke scrolled back through his memories, thinking about the times he’d been dangerously drunk. When I first learned that Kathryn was married ... the night of the charity gala, when she gave me the handjob ... the night she and Bill were all over each other at dinner ... when I realized how little time we had left ... the day they spent together on the lake... He saw the pattern, realized she was completely correct, and told her so.

“I knew there’d be no stopping you on your first night back, but this is why I had to check on you. Still, it was way worse than even I’d predicted, which is part of why I brought you food the next day. But the more I started thinking about last night, the more I realized I didn’t quite trust you to stop drinking once I got you home, bucket alongside the bed or not. That’s why I decided to stay.”

“I didn’t...”

“I know you didn’t, and that’s because I made sure you were too drunk to keep drinking long before we left the bar. Do you remember falling asleep in the corner while we cleaned?”

“Uh, not exactly, but there are some gaps...”

“That’s fine, I didn’t figure you’d remember. I feel like I had to carry your fat ass all the way from my bar to your bed. Which reminds me: you have got to lose some weight. Anyway, my point is that it’s fine when it’s with me or other people you can trust. One day, when everything’s back to normal between us, you and I can get drunk together just like we used to. But you have to be a lot more careful about your solo binges, Luke. They’re a little scary, and from what you told me last night, they’re getting more frequent.”

He nodded. “You’re right, they are. Thank you for warning me. I’m still suffering, and it’s hard, but I’ll try to be careful.”

“Speaking of hard, have you blown a hole in those tissues yet?”

“Haven’t even opened the boxes.”

“Really? I mean, even through you’re especially gross and unattractive right now, and you have to reacquaint yourself with a razor, you’re usually good for a solo rubdown now and then. What happened?”

“No interest.”

She stared at him, considering. “Luke, it’s time to listen to your guardian demoness for a change: you need to get laid. Well, get back in shape first. And then get back on the horse. Anyone’s horse.”

“I don’t suppose...”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”

“Okay, okay. But I’m not exactly in the mood to date, and...”

“Who the fuck said anything about dating? Just go bang someone. Jesus, hire a fucking hooker if you have to.” His face clearly expressed his indecision, and she grew audibly frustrated. “She may be the best, but she’s not the only. Even if Tinkerbell comes and waves her magic vibrator at the two of you, it’s not going to be soon. You told me she wants you to do this. I want you to to do this. I know there have to be girls who are so desperate that they want you to do this. Why are you the only one who doesn’t?”

“Because they won’t measure up. Because I’ll either be comparing them to her, or thinking about her while I’m with them. And because I’m afraid that if I don’t, I might not even be able to ... you know.”

“Get it up? Then don’t call someone who’s going to give you grief about it. What about your unapologetically slutty friend? If anyone can raise your mast, it’s her.”

“Liz? After last time I can’t...”

“It’s been, what, about four months? A lot can change. Give her a ring. I bet she’ll be up for it.”

“Speaking of dating...”

“It was nice. We had fun. That’s all you need to know. Don’t push.”


It took him several days to drum up the courage, but when he did, he learned that Wendy was right.

“Luke!“ Liz squealed, exploding in laughter at the volume of her outburst. “Okay, now all my coworkers know what I sound like when you make me come,” she whispered, still laughing. “Can I call you back in a few minutes? I’ll find an empty conference room or something.”

His phone rang before he’d even finished putting it down. “Before we start, is this a touching or a no-touching call?”


“I just need to know if should lock the door or not.”

He’d forgotten just how brazen she could be, and it made him smile. “Let’s say it’s a call about touching. Or rather, inquiring about the possibility of touching.”

“Baby, does that mean your dick’s back on the market?”

“Well, it’s more complicated than that, but the short answer’s yes. For now, at least. After our last time, though, I...”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I missed you so much that you can call out whatever name you want. I haven’t had a worthwhile ass-fucking since you left — your gender is populated by fumbling cretins — so expect to be doing a lot of that. Name your night and I’ll be there. Or you can come over, if you’d rather.”

His own burst of laughter was as much a release of tension as it was delight at her lighthearted sexuality. “I didn’t think it would be this easy, so I didn’t have one in mind.”

“I’m hurt, Luke. Because I really am this easy, and you forgot. Anyway ... and I really don’t mean to put you off, but I just remembered that there’s a reason ... how about next Tuesday or Wednesday? I just had an extended fling with a super-hot designer that was working with one of our clients, and the last of it was bareback; so while we were both tested before we got to that stage, I’d like to be sure. And baby, while you know that I trust you...”

“No, you’re right, and it’s a good idea, considering it’s been a long and very interesting while. I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”

“Yay! If we’re gonna be at your place, remember to stock up on lube. I’m in a serious drought when it comes to butt stuff, and you’re the best I’ve ever had back there.”

“The designer wan’t interested?”

“He thought it was nasty.”

“His loss.”

“Exactly! Okay, baby, I’m gonna rub one out while thinking about you bending me over this conference table, but then I have to get back to work. I’m so excited! Mmmwah!“

He was still grinning at the phone when Wendy texted.

Remember what we talked about?

I’ve kept it to a half-bottle or two cocktails.

The other thing.

Liz is up for it.

I knew it. Now go take down someone else.


Liz is easy. No disrespect intended, but she is. Go poke your sweaty schlong into some other willing victim. One who’s not already in your contacts.


Because you need to prove to yourself that you still can. Because you need to remember that there’s a sex life beyond you know who.

Can I at least verify that all the equipment works first?

Fine, but don’t hesitate once you do. And Luke? For her sake, shave your nutsack. I’m sure it’s disgustingly hairy by now.

Deciding that getting out of the apartment was its own worthy goal, Luke met Liz at her place for an early dinner of takeout sushi. At around four in the morning, she weakly shoved him away and did something she’d never done before: begged him to stop.

“You were really, really good before, but now you’re a fucking sex god. I’m not going to be able to walk straight for a week, I’m sore everywhere, and I squirted so much I might have to replace another mattress. I should just have them delivered on a monthly schedule or something. Who in the hell is this woman, and when can I meet her? Never mind, too tired, spoon me and let me get at least a little sleep. Set an alarm for seven. No, fifteen minutes of. Gives us time for a morning quickie. ‘night!”

Luke smiled at the barrage of words, tapped his phone a few times, and embraced her from behind. While Kathryn had indeed popped into his mind on occasion, especially at the beginning, it was far less often than he’d feared. As he drifted into sleep, however, he wondered if that was a good or a bad thing.

Whatever energy he’d driven out of her the night before, she recovered it for a frenetic morning reprise. As she bustled around her apartment getting ready for work, she asked if he had any plans for later. When he admitted that he didn’t, she invited herself over to his place for another round. “No need to follow me out. For now, just relax. Sleep in if you want, shower whenever. I don’t think there’s much food, but help yourself. And I give you permission to dig through my drawers in an attempt to discover all my naughty secrets. There are a few here and there, though all the real action’s on my laptop, and you’re going to have to figure out the password yourself. If you find something sufficiently interesting, promise that you’ll use something I wear or sleep on and leave me a little gift. Bye!”

Their sexual escapades that night — at his apartment, this time — were even more exhausting than the night before, and as she rolled back and forth in post-orgasmic ecstasy, guarding her ravaged holes with shaking hands, she offered an extremely uncharacteristic proposal.

“Can we make this a regular thing?”

“I’m absolutely not saying no, but this is ... unlike you.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” she laughed, “I’m not getting all clingy or looking for any sort of commitment. It’s just that ... well, you used to be a fantastic lover, and it was always exciting to hook up with you. Now, you’re a master. You’re so good that I’m afraid I’m going to start canceling on other partners just because I know you’re going to fuck me so much better than they will. On the other hand, I don’t want it to be so often that I get addicted. Every two weeks, maybe? With the option to get together more often, of course.” To this he readily agreed, pleased to have such an enthusiastic and unproblematic outlet for his sexual desires. “And now, since I’m in desperate need of a break from your beautiful cock — which I see is still hard, by the way, and you’ll have to tell me which devil owns your soul in exchange for that never-ending erection — I’m going to sit here and you’re going to tell me all about her. I won’t be able to offer much emotional support, but I’m a good listener.”

She was, and he did.

When he got to the part Kathryn had encouraged — the assertion that Liz had been demoted to third place amongst his lovers — she was only shocked for a moment. Then her eyes grew as sultry as her smile. “And you won’t tell me who she is.”

“Absolutely not.”

“How hard should I try to force you to tell me?”

“Please don’t. I’ve already blown it twice. I can’t do it a third time. Anyway, I don’t think that’s what Kathryn had in mind.”

“Oh, I know she didn’t. That vixen wanted me to try to fuck you to death in order to reclaim my title. Right?”

“Uh, I think so.”

“Well, then. Let’s see about your carnal demise, shall we?”

Neither of them got any sleep that night. But in the middle of the following afternoon, Luke received a phone call from a very sleepy Liz.

“You look like a man who’s been getting laid,” Wendy remarked as he wearily settled into his usual spot at her bar.

He nodded, a bit sheepish and more than a bit fatigued. “One night turned into two, then three, then four. I’ve never known Liz to be like this, but...”

“Addicted to your schlong, is she?”

He blushed as he shrugged. “I think it’s a little more complicated than that. Yes, I’m apparently much better than before, and she’s exploring what that means. Plus, Kathryn laid down a bit of a gauntlet that...”

“Lemme guess. She told you to hold the fact that both she and your slutty supermodel are better lovers over Liz’s head.”


“That’s what I though. Manipulative bitch.”


“I meant it as a compliment. Since you told her about it, Liz has been trying to fuck your nuts off, hasn’t she?”

“I didn’t exactly tell her about it — yes, I finally learned how to keep a secret — but yeah,” he responded, unable to hold back his grin. Wendy rolled her eyes.

“And you’ve been outlasting her, haven’t you? Thanks to all the evil sexual arts you learned in the cavernous depths of your insatiable succubus.”

“As you know very well, they’re not cavernous, and I ... well, yes, I suppose, but...”

“And she keeps coming back for more. How many dates, or whatever, did she break to spend the week getting railed by you?”

“Uh ... a few, I think, but...”

“So now she can’t get enough of you. Pretty soon she won’t want anyone else unless you want them for her.”

“No, it’s not like that. She’s...”

“I presume you’re not fucking all the time.”

“No. Actually, that’s been the really interesting part. She’s being a really good friend right now, and...”

“Yes, yes, she’s a nymphomaniac with a heart of gold. I thought you said she’s incapable of emotional commitment.”

“That’s still true.”

“It’s about to be untrue.” Wendy shook her head, muttering, “It’s like a virus. A disease. Kathryn is Patient Zero, and now it’s spreading.”


“Liz — no-commitment, fun-loving, used to be more than you could handle, screws her way through the known universe with no regrets — is halfway to moving in with you. Oh, she won’t make it formal and neither will you. And she’s still her, so you’ll be able to fuck anyone else you want, with or without her involved ... which is the best of all possible worlds, isn’t it? Except she’ll never love you, and you’ll never love her. You’ll both kinda half-feel it, and then you’ll be stuck.” She leaned over the bar. “She’s your replacement. You’re setting up the exact same scenario you had with Kathryn, except now you’re in the driver’s seat and there’s no risk or pain, because your connection only goes so far. But the moment your crimson unicorn calls, you’ll go running and Liz will be ... well, what will she be? Hurt?

“I don’t know, and I think you’re being a little unfair. She’s free with her body, yeah, but she’s the most honest person I’ve ever known, and she’s really quite kind. We even...”

“You’re white knighting all over my bar. It’s worse than jizz. Stop it before I have to get a rag. She’s not devoid of emotions, dumbass. No one is. You get deep enough inside her — I don’t mean her pussy, though that’s probably the easiest path — and she’ll have some. For you. And maybe you’ll have some for her. But she’ll never be more than a substitute for what you really want. Even then, she’ll never actually be second on your list, will she? She’s trying to be, though. You have to turn this volume down, and you have to do it now.”

“Weren’t you the one who was encouraging me to get laid?”

“Yes, and I still am. You absolutely shouldn’t stop with Liz. Just cool it down a little. And for the love of all that’s unholy, go fuck someone else. Any candidates?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe.”

“Good. Let me know if you need a wingwoman. Experience demonstrates that I’m skilled at getting you comprehensively laid. Now, are you ready to drink non-alcoholic beverages while I vent months of accumulated rage at you?”

“I doubt it, but I’ll persevere under one condition.”

“Which is?”

“Any more dates?”

To his surprise, Wendy blushed. “Yes.”

“You realize my condition doesn’t end there.”

She sighed. “Fine. Two more, and another one scheduled. Yes, we had sex both times, sorta. I met Sasha. She didn’t hate me as much as I thought she would, and the feeling was surprisingly mutual. Satisfied?”

He leaned back. “Very.”

“Good. Now, listen carefully you stupid son of a bitch...”

“I’ll have the Division Gamay Noir.”

“Of course, and thank you. Because I just won.”


“I bet Greg you’d order that.”

“I guess I’m predictable. Is he here?”

“He might be there, actually. Division, I mean. He’s on a research trip to Oregon.”

“A wine-soaked junket, you mean? Drooling over Kate?”

“Isn’t that what I said? You know as well as I do how drool-worthy she is.” Terrence, the only bartender at Caveau that he knew by name, grinned and walked away, returning a few moments later with an extremely generous pour.

“I’m sorry, Terrence, but I actually meant the bottle. Not that you didn’t just give me about half of it.”

“I know you did. But even though he’s not here, Greg has plans for you.”

“Oh no.”

“You’re right to be worried. Though for what it’s worth, I don’t think he’s the only one with plans.”

“What do you... ?” His question trailed off as Terrence smirked, turned, and escaped to the other end of the bar.

“Hey, stranger.” The faintly accented voice was directly behind him. “It’s been a while.”

“It hasn’t been that long,” he responded, turning to face her. “And until my last visit, you didn’t even know who I was.”

“Oh, but you’re wrong about that. I asked about you every time you came in. I’m pretty sure that’s why I was assigned to your table.”

“Really? Why?”

“Really.” She said it with a half-purr, moving a little closer than was strictly acceptable between staff and a patron. “As for why, surely I don’t have to explain that.”

“Then why didn’t you... ?”

“Strongly discouraged by management, and difficult to hide when I had no reason to be chatting up people at the bar, which is the only place you ever sat. Plus, your last visit didn’t exactly seem like an opportunity, though if I’d only known ... anyway, Greg’s not here right now, is he?”

“So I’m told. Olivia, you’re looking very well. It’s really nice to see you again.”

“You’re looking solo, Mr. Bronson. I haven’t been on the floor very much tonight, but I didn’t see your lady come in, and if she is here, she still hasn’t commandeered a table or a bar seat. Anything happening in the alley that I should know about, or better yet join?”

He smiled, though it was fraught and she quite obviously noticed. “I can’t speak with any sort of authority about the alley, but she’s not here ... and, unfortunately, she’s not my lady.”

“But I thought...” She gestured at her neck, her eyes full of questions. He lifted his left hand and pointed at his unadorned ring finger. “Ah. So you two were being even naughtier than I realized.” She turned her head to scan the room for urgent needs, then returned her attention to him. “Why are you here, Mr. Bronson?”

“Call me Luke, please. Even my dad doesn’t respond to Mr. Bronson. I’m here to enjoy some nice wine and food, to get away from some things that need getting away from, and to see someone I was eager to see again.”

“Is that so?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “Well, don’t hurry through our wine list. Who knows what might happen later?”

They were in her small apartment, a few subway stops from the restaurant, in a relatively quiet residential area. It was messy — she’d made him wait in the hallway while she frantically cleared a place for him to sit — and pointedly youthful; the longer he stayed, the more he felt like he was cradle-robbing, even though she wasn’t that much younger than him. At the moment, she was issuing her fourth apology for the low quality of the wine she was pouring into his glass.

“Olivia, stop. Though I’m immensely grateful for the hospitality, I’m not here to judge your wine selection.”

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The Tip

Tip By Not My Story Amber ordered the pizza as soon as she got home from work. Tim her six yearold son went into his room and grabbed a few toys. He asked her if he couldto go to his friend's house to play. "Wait just a few minutes honey Mommyis going to take a shower first. I am going to put some money on the counterif the pizza guy gets her give it to him and get the change back. Okay tellhim I'll give him the tip." She said remembering the last time Tim paidfor the pizza not getting any...

2 years ago
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Experience With Savita In Bus

Hi all this is Chirag again with a great experience with my girlfriend Savita while going to Goa I was going to Goa for some work so I requested Savita my girlfriend to join me so that we can have good fun for which she agreed at on shot and we booked the last row tickets and I informed her to come to Dadar at 9.00pm as bus was leaving at 10 I asked her to wear loose shirt and skirt so that I will be fun for which she blushed and said of and I was in a short shirt And shorts we met at Dadar...

2 years ago
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Hot for Teacher Part I

Christopher walked down the path from the school and by Ms. Palmer's house for the first time in what was almost 10 years. There she was, sitting on her back porch, smiling and enjoying her manicured yard filled with wild flowers and blossoming trees. Christopher passed the bushes that he once ducked between and instead opted for the side gate. She greeted him with her usual smile and a bottle of water.There weren't many things Christopher cared to remember at the 10 year reunion, but Ms....

1 year ago
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When Seduction is Done Right

Her breasts moved to the rhythm of her hips. Even her long, dark hair danced to the same drumbeat. His younger self would have gawked, but experience tempered him. There were other beautiful women. But she had sass. He liked sass. The game was afoot. This would be fun... The rain came down in buckets, and it was near opening time at Fascination in Seoul. The other girls stood around the front in a small group. Laura felt they were a good group for the most part. Half were foreigners like her...

3 years ago
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Fun With Aunties In Nagpur

Hello, everyone. This is Pravin from Nagpur. I recently shifted to Nagpur from my town as I got a job in a company here. Initially, I stayed in a friends apartment till I found my own flat. I searched a lot but could not find a good flat as I wanted. Finally, I got this flat in the outskirts which was quite far but was good and in quiet surroundings. Let me tell you about myself. I did my engineering and got a job in a software company in Nagpur. I am about six feet tall, wheatish complexion...

4 years ago
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Valkyries Lust Series Chapter 4

Autumn had come and the light in their eyes was even brighter. Their sex life kept getting better from day to day, and so they decided to look for an apartment together.They started checking apartments in different parts of the town, but found that they were either too small, too expensive or one of them just didn’t like it.“How about this one?” The landlord asked as they were visiting. The apartment was empty, but it managed to feel bright, spacious and inviting.“I like this one, baby,” she...

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Mother in law 8211 2

The next morning, as usual, Hansa was up early making tea, and she sat with Ravi, as he read the paper. She, like her mother, had long, shapely legs, a thin waist, over a fully ample bottom and melon sized breasts, firm to the touch, yet soft enough to bury your face. “I hope you weren’t too hard on Mom last night”, she began with an edge to her voice that Ravi did not like. “Nothing Sumitra didn’t need” He responded curtly. She knew that he did not like to be interrupted early in the morning....

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All in Her Mind CCs Story

Edited by Barney R. Tweaked by me. All errors are mine. CC’s side of the story I woke up fully dressed on my bed next to my sister-in-law. I had a drum and bugle corps wearing steel soled boots marching through my head. I also thought they had walked through a pile of dog crap before they walked through my mouth to my brain. Jane and I had gotten drunk at the party last night and had a great time talking trash about the gorgeous model, Jerrod Clousen, I am working with. Now the pain was...

3 years ago
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Last Frontier IChapter 8

(Crazy Moose Saloon, Anchorage) Ember was a 5-foot-ten "sandy" blonde, including her now exposed, and neatly trimmed bush. She had C-cup size breasts with nipples that stuck out as if to say "in your wildest dreams". Ember had come from one of the Dallas clubs during the summer, and was now working out her contract so she could leave and go home. She had just three more weeks to go. The money was good, in fact the best she ever dreamed of working as an exotic dancer, but the talent...

2 years ago
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Seducing Silvio

- s.k.s. I looked around and laughed as Silvio yelled to me to check out his new trailer... complete with clothesline, barrel hottub, and outhouse, it was a riot. I agreed that it was totally pimped out, and climbed the rickety front steps; immediately inside the door was a half-circle kitchen table where he sat opposite me. He looked up and grinned, a pile of half broken up weed and a blunt wrap in front of him, and gestured for me to sit down. I climbed around the other side of...

4 years ago
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in a bar where i live

She was not like the rest of the girls i had ever hired her name was Serenity B. she was out going right from the start and without knowing or even trying she knew how to get me turned on we never hooked up till her 4th night it was a Saturday night my tiny bar was over crowed she said its time in a certain voice the bar was empty just her and i turned around she was smiling as she reached over and rubbed on my cock as she began to kiss me that night we fucked on the pool table on top of...

2 years ago
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Problems and SolutionsChapter 34

Samuel’s first Christmas passed quite peacefully: at six weeks, he paid it no heed. Nor did the New Year’s fireworks have any effect. His grandparents bombarded Rachel and Patrick with excessive gifts. He also acquired some distant admirers. A Pitjantjatjara tapping stick, which Samuel would soon use to assail the slats of his crib; an oystershell ornament; a container decorated with meat ant and emu dreaming from Yuendumu, northwest of the Alice. The bands were showing respect for a new...

3 years ago
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Oh What an Incredible Summer Part One

I guess it would be wise to first tell you about the farm and my uncle and aunt. The farm was small, but typical of the family farms in the Carolina piedmont during the 60s and 70s. In those days, before the considerable attack on the tobacco industry, the growing of bright leaf tobacco, rotated with soybeans and other crops was particularly important to the economy in that rural county. In addition to tobacco, Uncle Bill grew wheat, oats, and forage for the livestock, as well as...

2 years ago
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Three Nights That Changed Everything Part One

ThursdayI know this is going to sound crazy, but…That was the line that started all of this, just over a month ago.I still can’t believe that I found the nerve to ask him. I’m normally so cautious, so unsure of myself when asking anything of another person. And to be fair, this was a pretty huge thing to ask for.I’m smiling as I stand at the luggage carousel, remembering the sizeable knot that had appeared in my stomach as I waited for his reply. I was sure he would say no and would’ve more...

Straight Sex
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memories of a friend

there was one in particular that loved to expose himself to me. he'd started when we were in grade school. i was the oldest of 3 girls, my sisters one and two years behind me, and i WAS the target of most of the boys in that neighborhood. i'm not going to name names or cite ages, but my friend taught me about the male anatomy, and i taught him about the female anatomy. okay, okay, so i was a nasty girl!.....i prefer to think i was curious beyond my years. my friend and i...

4 years ago
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A Tale of Two Long Time Friends

This is a story of two long time friends sharing more of each other after years of friendship. Sara and I had grown up together. We played together even before kindergarten. She lived in the house that adjoined our backyard. We were best friends, then and now. We shared everything with each other. Well, almost everything. Nothing sexual ever happened between us. Sure, we talked about sex, but never considered anything between us. At least I hadn’t. When we were in eight grade, my parents...

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Spring Break By Accident

The wife and I had just about enough of the cold winter and crap that accompanies it. We were both stir crazy, overworked, and totally in need of a bit of fun and sunshine. So I decided to be romantic and surprised her with a last minute trip to an all inclusive in Cancun. She was so excited when I told her to pack her bags, and just like that we were off on our adventure. When we arrived at the resort (which was adults only), my wife immediately pointed something out to me. We were definitely...

2 years ago
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Wife impregnated by Horny Old Man

My 35 year old wife had started to take classes in bellydancing. It is perfect for her, as she is very dark considering she is Swedish - 39c 29 39 - has nice round breasts, broad hips and a beautiful full, rounded belly delightfully centred with a deep dark navel. I had been looking for a present for her for Christmas and came across an oriental goods shop. I went inside the dark and actually, quite dirty little shop to find an old man of middle eastern appearence sitting behind the counter....

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The Cuckold As Eunuch

[ For all cuckolds everywhere, here's a take on the cuckold lifestyle I hope generates some thoughtful reflection! ]Though I still had my testicles, unlike the eunuch's of old, I might as well not have had them. I'd married my wife three years earlier, and though I loved her very much, our relationship had never centered around sex (or, at least, sex had rarely been a part of our life together, before, or after we'd married). Even before I married my wife (who was a few years younger than I) I...

3 years ago
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Blindfolds Can Bring a lot of New Surprises

I was so glad it was finally Friday! All my kids, still young school age, and very energetic, were going to friends’ houses for the night. I was making my husband take me out to eat a meal that I didn’t have to cook myself. He wouldn’t be home for an hour, but I needed to get in the shower now so he could shower while I was getting ready. I want to get him a little buzzed tonight because I love drunk sex, it’s way more brave and uninhibited. We change things up in bed a lot and he makes me...

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Pas De DeuxChapter 4

Sir Henry caught me a few days later. "Ah! Simon. I have heard back from Miss Berwick and she has agreed to dance for us. I have invited her here tomorrow afternoon so that she can see what we are trying to do. Would you be available to show her round?" "Well, yes. But I would have thought that you could do that better than me." He nodded in agreement. "I just thought that as you and she are old friends it would be less formal. Shelley will be with you, it will help Miss Berwick feel...

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Dalias Story

Dalia's Story, Part 1 By Cindi Johnson of Dallas, Texas CAUTION!!! This story has explicit sexual content. If you are under the age of 21, DO NOT CONTINUE! Or if stories involving forced crossdressing offend you, do not continue. Two years ago I married Kimberly. She was younger than me by two years and she was beautiful. Slender, 5'4'' tall, curvy but not in the exaggerated sense. Most would say her breasts were small, almost childlike, but to me they perfectly...

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Foster Family Chapter 102

I want to express, again, that this story is 100% fiction. If the ideas in the story aren't for you, then please don't read. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 10 Kyle slowly woke up after having finally fallen asleep to the feeling of Sean slipping back into bed behind him. He then opened his eyes to see Sean’s cock pointing in his face. “Hang on,” Kyle thought, “If that’s Sean behind me…” he refocused his eyes...

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StepSiblings Skyla Sun Willow Ryder Anything For The Prize

Twin-like gals Skyla and Willow find out their stepbro James asked both to wear the same hot basketball costume for tonight’s Halloween contest. To settle who should go to the competition, James suggests a basketball game, a great occasion to worship the girls’ stunning asses while playing. Without any result, Skyla and Willow decide to try a different approach: whoever makes the other cum first can go to the party! The curly-haired vixens use a dildo to do the trick until James steps in, eager...

4 years ago
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Looking back I see it so clearly now , the longing the lust the total slut , I craved to be started the minute you walked past me heading out to lunch never seeing me as you passed by. I saw everything about you your height   6 ft 2 or 3 weight maybe 210 your eyes hypnotic   and clear your shoulder’ s were broad your arms massive hands and fingers long and clean manicured your waist narrow you butt tight and very firm long legs and you walked with a strong stride. Your aftershave smelled manly...

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A brother sister 2

Steve was mesmerised. There they were, his sister's breasts, perfect in every way. He tentatively reached out his hands to cup the two delightful orbs. His hands were more than filled and he marvelled at how they could be so soft and yet so firm at the same time. The nipples were like little nuggets in his palms. He squeezed the two breasts, one in each hand, then pushed them together, playing with them and exploring the reactions he could get from his sister as he manipulated them. He pulled...

4 years ago
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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 3

The deep blue Summer sky stretched to the far horizon without a cloud in sight as we made our way along the boardwalk enjoying the soft swoosh of each gentle wave as it broke upon the shoreline. It was Sunday morning. The day after the day before. Mom had her arm through mine as she lifted her face to the Sun, closed her eyes, and let the sea breeze blow away the cares of the day.Yesterday had been quite the day by the time it had ended.  I glanced down at my Mother wondering what she was...

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Lovers ShadowChapter 2

I crawled into Elk’s lap, wrapping my arms around him with my tits snug against his chest. He responded with excitement, his arms petting the smooth skin of my back. “Your clothes are in the way,” I said. He nodded. I removed his pants and then straddled his lap facing him. I unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his coat of thick chest and body hair. With delight, I pressed my nakedness against him as I ran my hands through his hair. Sometimes opening to a lover you’ve just met is difficult....

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 53 Just a Song Before I Go

June 9, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, I have Katya Sergeyevna for you,” Lucas said. “I’ll take it in the ‘Hull’ room,” I said. I walked down the hall to the ‘Hull’ room to take the call. “What do you have for me?” I asked. “Unfortunately, not much. I only found one item, and that is that Mr. Littleton represented Mr. Scuderi in a civil suit.” “What kind of suit?” “Mr. Scuderi sued one of his neighbors because a fence was over the property line.” “When was the suit?” “Sorry, I...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Sixteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 16 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

2 years ago
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Crazy but so right

They could not be together, every odd was stacked against them. They had met online by chance, and what started as a casual conversation became infatuation, and then love. They had never met in person, but they both knew what they had was the real thing, it was crazy but so right.She was at the time in her life where she was ready to be a Mother, yet she had no one to give her a baby. She found her carnal urges increasingly hard to deal with. Her sensibilities told her that she should be...

Love Stories
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Chapter Thirteen Sex at camp sue moves out

I rolled off her held her close to me passionately kissing her it was two thirty Sunday morning today they would all leave . I hate to see them go but they have finals and well summers just around the corner and who knows what's next ? Chapter Thirteen Sex at Camp A few week's have passed it’s the middle of may June is just around the corner sue is rounding out nicely I'm think it's a girl . She is Carrying the baby low I am beginning to think April's a little jealous she does...

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Fucked And Married My Hungry Mom 8211 Part 2

Hi, this is rajesh again, meeting you after a long back. This is the next part of my story. The first part is in this blog is mentioned above. In the first part, I told how I fucked my mom. In this story, I will tell the other experience I had. On the other day after the tired fucking, I found myself on the bed covered with blanket. Mom was already woke and she forgot her bra in my room. I went to pee, wore my shorts and t-shirt and went down to hall. I found dad reading the newspaper, I went...

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Texas Freeze Part 2

I could taste my own sex on Vic's cock as I took him in my mouth. While he was fucking my mouth, Veronica slithered out of all her clothes and came around to my side of the table. She pushed some dishes back and sat on the edge with her legs apart. It was the first time I'd had a good look at her cleanly shaved, rather plump pussy. I reached over to play there with my fingers, but Vic pulled out of my mouth and moved between her legs. He took his cock in his hand and held it at her opening....

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My Wife wants to Cheat

My Wife wants to Cheat *Ill keep the truth of this story to myself. Ill let the readers decide for themselves. I have to hand it to my wife, shes honest. This all started when the wife was young. Her and her sisters all got horny over their male cousin. He was a tall, dark haired guy. A wonderful personality. The outgoing life of family gatherings. He was charming to all the ladys and was just a handsome guy. My wife told me about him and how her, and her sisters had the hots for the guy. She...

4 years ago
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a bad snow storm

The traffik stopped nothing was moving, it was a fucking mess , around 200 cars stranded and i was listening to the radio for news or anything of help, calling the authorities only to be ask to stay put and wait for it to clear , emergency would be there soonit wasnt going to work i had not much gaz and it had to move quick i had to stop stressing out and roll myself one, i did not had smoke half of it my window was knocked on hard, the trucker to my left wanted to smoke too, being all caught...

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The Cabin

Sweat trickled down my forehead as I stood beside the truck with my suitcase. It was incredibly hot, and my eyes were now stinging from the harsh rays of sunlight. We had travelled across country in a small pick up truck where the leather seats felt as though they were burning your skin off, the air conditioner was broken forcing you into a predicament of winding the windows down, causing unwanted bugs to fly in or leaving the windows up and suffocating in the heat, and where the old engine...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 30 Declarations of Love Part I

February 1978 I awoke long before the alarm on Monday. I lay in bed a bit and considered everything that was going on with Becky and Jennifer. I was going to have to resolve the Becky and Jennifer - or was that really the Becky OR Jennifer - situation somehow. If things progressed to me making love with Becky, something would have to give. And things were progressing. No, I thought, they weren’t progressing. I was pushing them forward. I actually wanted it to happen. But I didn’t want to...

2 years ago
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Being Watched

I was fresh out of high school at the ripe age of eighteen, working as a telemarketer and starting college in the spring. My parents had given me some money to help me get on my feet so I moved in with a couple of girlfriends. There was three of us living in a three bedroom, two and a half bath house. They both had boyfriends at the time so I was usually spending time as a fifth wheel or listening to them have bang offs. I didn't really mind because after some drama in high school, I wasn't...

3 years ago
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Taken. I remember seeing his still lifeless face as he lay there in the coffin,I peered inside and tried to catch a glimpse of the man I once knew, my motherwas crying uncontrollably and when I went to comfort her she pushed me away. I remember waving to her as the train pulled away and watching as she slowlydisappeared into oblivion. I can still see the blue sash around her waist ripplingslightly in the updraft of the train. I think back at my first glimpse of the ship and the noise of the...

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Exposing Cindy Cuffed with no key Chapter 3 Curtis wants to enter me now

Chapter 3: Curtis wants to enter me now! The story begins when my husband, Jim, and I host a BBQ party at our home. A co-worker, Linda, sneaks up and handcuffs my boss and me together as a gag. However, the joke turns out to be anything but funny when Linda realizes she did not bring the correct key to unlock the handcuffs. Linda has to travel back across town (from the Woodlands – north of Houston- to Sugarland) to get the right key, which will take her more than 2 hours round trip. (To...

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What the girls from the bar never knew

Sloppy Seconds…AKA: What the girls from the bar never knew. ( Well, one of the things anyway! ) So if you’ve watched my videos or read any of my stories, you know I was a freak in bed. I fucked and sucked, and mostly ass fucked my way through at least 18 girls over the course of 2 years or so back in the early 90’s as a bartender. At some point pretty early on in this, and due to an accident with Laura the MILF, I became obsessed with each of these girls getting a “taste” of each other. This...

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Jakes Magic Remote Part I The Accident

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of time stop, non-consent/reluctance, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.This is the first chapter of what will become (hopefully) a long story. I'm open to feedback, suggestions, and requests!---ONE---Jacob Stevens was a pretty average guy. 6 feet...

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Intriguing Marshall PT3

He felt good. Yes he did. Smiling as he rode away he knew he felt very good indeed. All his body felt good as saw her beneath him as he “wailed” away at the woman and saw her screaming for more and more. That is until both came. Yes, that is until both came, and he knew she had seeing as her body shook and countered multiple times as it never once repulsed as the two unfamiliar parties fornicated dramatically until the very end. As he rode away he could “feel” her all over him. As he rode away...

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The Beginning of Summer Made to Cuck

Suddenly I felt a vibration in my pocket, it was my mobile phone. As soon as I was free, I sneaked a peek being as I was still at work. Damn! It was the wife telling me she would be working late again, then going on to the gym. That damn gym was taking over her life, she was now training every day. I wouldn’t have minded that, but when she got home she would grab some food then head for bed. Even if I followed her up, the moment I would try to get her in the mood she would turn her back on me...

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The New Guy Chapter 6

It was Wednesday, and most everyone in the office had gone to a luncheon. Jennifer had chosen to stay back and do some paperwork. She wanted to get a head start on polishing her portfolio to be the first to submit it for consideration as the team lead. Her goal was to have it completed and given to Roger before she left on Friday. As she worked, she was glad she had decided to bring it out to the desk in the lobby area. There was room to spread out her papers to regroup them more effectively....

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JapanHDV Ami Oya Ami Oya and her neighbor go into the bedroom to spend the afternoon fucking

Ami Oya is a hot sexy teen that has had a thing for her neighbor since she was younger. She has always thought about him as an older brother type of guy and she always thought he was very cute. Since she was younger she never thought he would pay attention to her. It has been her fantasy to get to know him some in a close setting and see what would happen. Since Ami still lives at home she is somewhat restrained from doing much as it would be awkward to have him over for the afternoon with her...

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Girls Gone Wild with a Twist

He watched her dance from the side of the stage, watched her whirl and grind to the music. He smiled. She was young, first year of college and knew just how hot she was. She turned around again, throwing her weight into the move, hips gyrating, hands rubbing down her own torso. Her breasts weren't large, but bobbed tantalizingly beneath the scant cover her red and white flowered bikini top afforded. He nodded. Yes, she would most certainly do. The lights glinted off of...

3 years ago
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My Stepsister Fulfilled My Fantasy

I was at the doorway of my stepsister’s room. There was enough light so I could see that she was sleeping. I slowly crept in her room, and found what I was after. On the floor was a pair of her panties. I kept my eyes on her as I leaned down and picked them up. I brought them to my nose and inhaled deeply. Then I slowly backed out of there and made my way back to my room. A few months after I turned sixteen, Jessica had her eighteenth birthday. She drank too much and undressed in the bathroom...

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Me and Maria Part 1

I used to be so convinced that I was completely straight, "all beef and no sushi". This was my mindset when I was a teen. However, as most girls going through or who have gone through puberty can tell you, I sometimes had lesbian thoughts about my friends, especially my friend Maria. So a couple years ago, when I was 17, me and Maria (17 years old at the time, Latina, perfect ass, 36b size breasts) were hanging out at her house, on the couch, in her living room. We had on sweatpants and tank...

2 years ago
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My Misunderstood Father The Conclusion

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indian sex stories dot net Hello and welcome back dear readers of Indian sex stories. I hope that you all are having a great time reading my stories. Read all my previous stories to catch up with this. So, this is the final and the concluding part of my Revenge on Bullies saga. But I will continue to pen down different storylines with new plots. So, without wasting much time, let’s start with Finale! My revenge was now full circle and complete. I,...

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Real Men Dont Get Vasectomies

There are some things in this world which one simply doesn’t understand. Like why do some men decide to get Vasectomies. In one’s sincere opinion, that’s one of the worst things a man can ever allow to be done to himself. Seriously. Rather than allow himself to be neutered just because his nagging wife or girlfriend said so, why doesn’t the guy just castrate himself? It’s an even surer method of birth control. When will men learn to say no? It’s bad enough that so many men seem to think...

1 year ago
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Unbelievable Summer day

100% fictional First let me tell you a little about myself.. I am 18 years old, just graduated from highschool. I'm around 6'1 with a well built, athletic body. My last summer at home before college was guarenteed to be crazy, but I had no idea what was about to happen. It all started on a hot July day when one of my buddys I played hockey with asked me to hang out. I had nothing planned for the day so I decided to go over his house. He was a rich kid, his dad owned a family business and they...


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