The Strawberry Patch Book 2: Lost And FoundChapter 41: Bonus Chapter - Blossom’s Birthday free porn video

She was a sight. Her belly had become noticeable, it seemed, overnight. In the blink of an eye my little Latina had become my visibly pregnant Latina. She was so hot. Now her birthday was coming, and I had to come up with something that would truly celebrate her first pregnant birthday.
I talked to her mom and dad. They were their normal cheery helpful selves.
“Son, whatever you think of I’m sure it will be fine. She loves you so much, it won’t matter.”
Great! Thanks mom!
“Son, is there anywhere on the property that you haven’t christened? You and the wives should take her there and rock her world for a few hours.”
Yup, dad was a guy.
I had the germ of a thought and so I got mom and dad and Erin and Lynn together and put forth my idea.
“I want to do some sort of a fiesta and birthday festival. What do you think?”
“That sounds like fun. We can all wear dresses that hide our baby bumps!”
“What about me?” Mom asked.
“You can hide yours too mom.”
Bill blew his iced tea out of his nose.
“Meeting adjourned!”
We all laughed until it hurt and then it hurt even more when Blossom appeared at the kitchen door and we had to try to hold it in.
“Alright family. What is going on?”
“We just had a meeting to talk about your birthday and how we should honor it. Bill thinks we should find a place we haven’t christened yet and have the family bang you there for hours.”
“Oh, ok! Should I get my hair done?”
God, I love her.
“No, we actually came up with an even better idea, but it is going to be a surprise.”
“A surprise birthday party, that I know is coming. That IS surprising!”
I kissed her and patted her little butt as I passed her going back into the house. Have I mentioned how much I love Blossom’s butt? I just noticed the other day that her hips had begun to react to being pregnant, and the effect was that her bottom was a little wider. The length of the vertical crack between her little brown cheeks was the same, but each cheek had broadened slightly. Glorious.
With the help of our other two devious wives and Blossom’s parents, my plan came together over the next week. Lynn had all of the decorations ready to go. She had them stored in a neighbor’s garage. The neighbor had an open side of her garage since she threw her boyfriend out after our Halloween party. We could break them down and set them up in our yard in less than an hour. Gwen and Erin had the food all lined up and would have it delivered at the same time as we set up the decorations.
Bill kept walking through the house and property looking for a new place for the spouses to ravish Blossom. Gwen told him to do it to keep him out of the way and in a happy frame of mind. I mean, when your whole job for the day is to find a new place to make love, what wouldn’t make a guy, like Bill, with a great imagination, happy.
My job was to take Blossom out and buy her something expensive. Well actually it was actually to get her out of the house for several hours. She knew why, but it didn’t stop her from pestering me for details. To keep her quiet, I took her to the movies. It was a love story, and it didn’t take long before the seat arm between us was up and we were cuddling and necking.
We did not do anything sexual, which, in a way, made it very intimate. I leaned over to kiss her neck and she dropped her head forward and offered me the back of her neck. I kissed up and down the back of her neck and she shuddered and shivered. After the movie we sat for a few minutes waiting for the crowd to leave.
“My nipples are hard as a rock and my panties are soaked. Will I be able to get some relief before the party?”
“Baby, it is your birthday. I will make sure that you are well relieved before and after the party.”
“I love you, Terry.”
It always took me by surprise when she called me by my amnesiac name.
“I fell in love with a guy named Terry and he was more than everything I had ever dreamed of. I still love him with my whole soul. I can’t imagine my life without him. I hope you don’t mind. Erin and Lynn each have special things that are just between each of them and you. You and Lynn are always touching each other’s butts. Erin slaps her ass and you stare at her boobs in the most obvious way. Erin and Lynn look at each other a certain way and lick their lips. I want to call you Terry, in intimate moments, not all the time.”
“Baby, thank you. That is the most wonderful thing you could have said. Now I have to come up with something for you.”
“For me, or to me?”
“Well, I am always ready to do things for you. And right now I want to do it to you. Let’s go across the parking lot.”
“What is across the parking lot?”
“A Hampton Inn.”
“Oh Terry!”
She gave me a kiss and we stood and left as the kids came in to clean the theater before the next showing. We started walked across the parking lot, when I stopped us.
“Let’s drive over there.”
“Why, Terry, it’s a short walk.”
“Because we both may be walking funny afterwards.”
“Oh, Terry.”
We drove over to the Inn and got a room. We made love once and then we fucked for another hour. After showering and after I brushed Blossom’s hair while she manned the blow drier. We walked back to the car. Blossom made me laugh by walking alike a 10 month pregnant woman with an overused pussy. We spoke only a bit on the way home. Blossom had her arm wrapped around mine.
“I still need to find something to for you.”
“You already do, Terry. Now that is funny! You do something that shows me so much love and you don’t even know that you do it. Wow!”
“Are you going to clue me in?”
“No! You will figure it out. Just knowing that you do it without thinking means you love me without having to think about it. That means so much to me.”
She kissed me and we walked into the house hand in hand.
The house was all set up. The ballroom was all lit up and had been converted into a Spanish hacienda. You see, somewhere along the way I had been corrected by Bill. He informed me that they were of Spanish descent and not Mexican. That made a huge difference in the menu for the dinner. The primary protein for dinner was shrimp and there was bread instead of tortillas. We also had a rich gazpacho and a wonderful rice-based pudding for dessert. Bill was impressed. Lynn was very proud of herself. She was made happier when Blossom promised her a special thank you later. For most of the meal we took the food outside onto the deck and since it was all family, the girls were out running around naked, with Taylor leading the Herd as usual.
“You and Erin and Lynn have made some beautiful babies. Those girls are going to be killers when they begin to mature.”
“Blossom, they will indeed, but my money is on our babies. They are going to be compact little sex bombs, like their mother.”
“Oh Terry! You ARE a silver tongued devil.”
“My tongue is going to be covered in more than silver later.”
She stuck out her tongue, and I kissed it.
When it came time for the gifts, we let the girls go first and each of the older girls gave Blossom Mom a hand-made card and a hand-made necklace with little cube beads that spelled out their name. We made a game of teaching them to spell their names as a part of our in-house reading lessons.
Blossom’s mom and dad gave her a beautiful Spanish styled skirt and blouse set that would look great, once she lost her belly! Erin and Lynn gave her a coupon for 50 pussy licks in a public place. Erin also got her a beautiful bra and panty set. Lynn gave her an absolutely fabulous, sheer black peignoir that seemed to be long enough to reach the floor. My gift to her was her very own, personalized, replica of my erect penis, just like the one that Erin and Lynn had made for themselves. I also gave her a small vial of her favorite perfume.
We went back inside towards evening as the temperatures outside dipped back down into the 40’s and took up places in the ballroom. Before I could take Blossom into my arms and sit down with her on my lap, she took off with Gwen to bring down the babies and their nursing slings. Soon four breasts were hard at work with Bill checking out each baby to make sure they were latched on correctly.

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