HomebodiesChapter 13 free porn video

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Medic Fling Yazzer, who was slated to arrive from Australia Main to replace Gath as the fourth medic at CVS, never did show up. It seemed that the “good spaceborn ... fully in favor of the concluding resolution”, as Colonel Lister put it, changed his mind and declared opposition. This kept Gath at CVS another two days while Lister tried to find another replacement. When he was unsuccessful in this endeavor, at least on an emergency fill basis, he decided to simply send Gath out anyway and leave his base a medic short. After all, CVS could operate with only three medics—it had done so before. The sooner he could get that pastry-puff trouble making groundie off his base, the better.

The orders came to Gath by way of Weasel, who personally carried them all the way from his office to the clinic—a trip of less than twenty meters that, nevertheless, slightly winded him.

“You are to leave as soon as you can gather your belongings and report to the hangar,” he told Gath triumphantly. “You are booked on the 1320 local flight from NAWM to Homeport Ground.”

Gath looked at the time display, doing some quick mental arithmetic. It was 0905 currently. The flight to NAWM by hover took a little more than ninety local minutes. He had to be present and ready to board by 1300 at the absolute latest. That gave him about two local hours he could safely remain at CVS—plenty of time to set the plan into motion.

“Sounds good, Coolio,” Gath told him. “I’ll call the OD adjunct when I’m ready to fly.”

“I expect that to be within the next thirty minutes,” Weasel told him, using his authoritative voice.

Gath simply shook his head. “Sorry, hume,” he told him. “That’s not going to happen.”

“What do you mean it’s not going to happen?”

“I mean I got a lot of slag that needs to be packed up.”

“You haven’t packed your belongings yet?” Weasel demanded.

“I didn’t know when they were shipping me out,” Gath said with a shrug. “Now that I know, it’s going to take me a little bit to stow everything.” This was not the least bit true. Gath had had his few belongings ready to move out ever since his two guests had moved in, but he needed an excuse to stall for time.

“Well ... how much time could it possibly take to pack your belongings?” Weasel demanded.

“At least an hour,” Gath told him.

“An hour? But...”

“And then I have to go say goodbye to a few humes.”


“Goodbye,” Gath said. “You know? Stop by, see them, tell them it was nice serving with them? After all, I’m probably never going to see anyone on this base again, right?”

“Well ... I suppose,” Weasel allowed.

“Don’t worry,” Gath assured him. “I’ll make my connection at NAWM. I guarantee it.”

“You’d better!” Weasel said, using the threatening voice again. He then stormed back to his office to do whatever it was he did in there.

Bong and Rif, the respective Medic and med tech for the day, had watched the whole scene silently. Now, both got up from their chairs and walked over to Gath.

“You’re really going,” Bong said with a sigh.

“I’m really going,” he confirmed.

She threw her arms around him, drawing him into a tight bear hug, her breasts grinding into his chest. Her voice, choked with emotion, told him how much she was going to miss him.

“It’s okay, Bong,” he told her, returning her embrace, patting her back. “Don’t write me out of this place just yet. I have every intention of making my way back here when this is all said and done.”

“I’m sure you will,” she said, obviously not believing it.

When she was done hugging him, Rif gave him the old friends who are parting and probably will never see each other again shake, which consisted of three elbow bumps of the right arm and then a loose embrace with two pats on the back followed by two slow hand slaps.

“I know we don’t see eye to eye on this concluding resolution ratslag,” Rif told him, “but you’re a damn good medic and I have nothing but respect for you. I’m sorry you’re getting slagger-torked like this.”

“Slag happens,” Gath told him. “And I’ll always remember you, Rif. You’re the hume who lit me up with TOB when the Norcals blew out my leg. A man doesn’t forget slag like that.”

“I’ll always remember you too,” Rif promised. “Say hello to Taz for me—if you see her, that is.”

Taz had been transferred out of CVS two days before, shortly after declaring her opposition to the concluding resolution and asking specifically for a transfer to Mars. It was a request that Colonel Lister had no trouble granting. At this moment Taz was on an orbital lifter out of Homeport Ground headed for Topside. Her departure was no coincidence. She wanted to go on the mission that Gath and Ox were planning even if it meant going AWOL. Neither Gath nor Ox had really wanted her to risk her career like that—she was not really necessary for the plan to work—but she had insisted. Gath was glad he would be able to continue seeing her—assuming they could pull this off—but he was anticipating a certain amount of awkwardness when it came to sharing a small ship with both Taz and her husband.

“If I see her, I’ll surely do that,” Gath promised.

He made his leave from the clinic, promising he would stop in one last time before he headed to the hangar. He then went directly to the OD adjunct’s office.

“My orders are here,” Gath told Sparky. “I’m to leave as soon as possible and catch the 1320 from NAWM to Homeport Ground.”

“All right then,” Sparky said with a slight smile. “Let’s get this ship out of space dock then.” His face was strained from dealing with the stress he had been under—stress from being removed from his command and stress from participating in something that might ultimately be ruled a mutiny. He did not back down, however. Sparky was an honorable hume.

He opened his holo screen and started manipulating things. His part of the plan took about ten local minutes to accomplish. Gath watched him as he worked, keeping his mouth shut so the lieutenant could concentrate.

“Done,” Sparky told him.

“Just like that, huh?” Gath asked.

“It’s as official as I can make it,” Sparky told him. “I have Private Gulch assigned to fly you and your two friends to NAWM. He is one of my people, loyal to me and opposed to the resolution. He does not know why you are taking two homers out of CVS, but he does know it is not authorized officially. He will ask no questions. Tell him no lies.”

“Got it.”

“All you have to do is get those two homers to the flight line and into the hover without anyone noticing.”

“We’re going to use the same ploy as before,” Gath said. “Hide in plain sight. I’ll dress them in the armor and walk them into the AVTOL like it’s just another mission. Once we’re in the hover, I’ll have them take off the armor and we’ll send it back with Gulch.”

Sparky nodded. “Once you arrive at NAWM, you should be good to go. I’ve put in an entry about how two homers have requested asylum on Mars. I put in their names and a quick briefing on their story. I’ve got their fingerprints and voiceprints on file so they’ll be able to enter and exit the various vessels you’ll be riding on. I have you listed as their escort. The problem will come if someone decides to open the file and see what the two homers are all about. If they do that, they’ll find no cultural anthropology report, no detailed mission briefs, no detailed homer debriefs, and no official declaration of granted asylum from a command rank marine officer.”

“In other words,” Gath translated, “the entire scheme will fall apart like a torkin’ comet in a gravity well.”

“Correct,” Sparky said. “If that happens, you and I will probably be arrested and scheduled for courts martial. Your two friends will probably be sent back to their homes.”

“Let’s hope no one gets to curious about them then,” Gath said.

“Yeah,” Sparky said dryly.

“I appreciate you hanging your slagger out in the wind like this, Sparky,” Gath told him.

Sparky, by now, had been around Gath long enough to have picked up on his groundie analogies. He nodded solemnly. “Can’t say I like it hanging out there,” he replied, “but it’s the right thing to do. You just pull this mission off.”

“I’m sure as tork going to try,” Gath assured him.

Gath really did spend the better part of an hour saying goodbye to people. This was partially to keep up appearances for the plan, but mostly because he really did have a lot of friends at CVS and it was entirely possible he would not be seeing them again. He exchanged many parting friend handshakes and received many hugs. Even those in favor of the resolution were, for the most part, sorry to see Gath go. He had earned their respect as a medic—despite his groundie heritage—long before the concluding resolution became a topic.

Once the goodbyes were done, he walked back to his quarters where Fears No Darkness and Catches No Fish had been staying since their arrival four local days before. The two Modoc warriors had not enjoyed their stay much, finding their isolation to be quite claustrophobic, though they were slowly getting used to it. Gath had taught them how to access the holo stage for entertainment and research purposes but their fascination with this had only lasted long enough for their marvel over the three-dimensional pictures that were not really there to diminish. They found most of the entertainment programs incomprehensible as they did not understand most of the cultural references or situations upon which they were based. As for the research database, their lack of literacy kept them from fully appreciating the wealth of information they had at their voice command and they quickly grew bored—even after Gath taught them how to get the holo to read aloud the textual pieces. They certainly did not enjoy the food he brought them. They could hardly eat anything at all out of the roach pit, so bland was the cuisine, and even when Gath prepared their meals fresh, they could not get over the fact that the meat they were consuming was not really meat, but processed plant protein. Both had learned the use of the shitter quite well as the food caused them to spend a lot of time in there with stress and digestive induced diarrhea. Both refused any medications from him to help alleviate their symptoms.

“All right, humes,” he told them now. “It looks like we’re on.”

“On?” asked Fears No Darkness, confused. “What are we on?”

“Sorry,” Gath said. “I mean it’s time to go. We have a scramjet to catch.”

“Why did you not just say that then?” asked Catches No Fish.

Gath nodded. “Good point,” he said, looking them over. They were dressed in fresh shorts and pullover shirts and both were clean and freshly showered. About the only thing they really liked about living in Gath’s room was the shower and its endless spray of clean, warm water. Both took at least three showers a day. “Let’s get you back into the armor.”

“Do we need to get naked again?” asked Fears No Darkness.

“No,” Gath said. “We won’t put on the under-armor layer. Just pull the pieces on over your clothes. You’ll get a little warm without the circulation system, but you’ll only have them on until we get to the hover.”

The two men nodded wisely, as if they had the slightest idea what he was talking about, and then set about doing as they were told, picking up the pieces of the armor from the edge of Gath’s bed and putting them on one by one.

“Tell me again how fast this scramjet of yours travels,” said Catches No Fish. He was clearly not enthusiastic about the coming travel itinerary.

“About five thousand meters per second,” Gath told him.

“Per second?”

“Per second,” Gath confirmed. “Don’t worry though, you’ll hardly feel the acceleration at all.”

“Because of the artificial gravity?” Catches No Fish said. They had been over this more than a few times.

“Correct,” Gath said.

“How is artificial gravity produced?” asked Fears No Darkness.

“I don’t have the slightest idea,” Gath admitted.

This did not serve to comfort the two warriors. “You do not?” Fears No Darkness said.

“It’s a complicated and highly technical aspect of physics,” Gath said. “It has something to do with magnetism and particle physics ... I think.”

“You think?” Fears No Darkness said.

“I think,” Gath confirmed. “Don’t worry though. The engineers understand it and it does work. I can attest to that, and on a cargo scrammer there are most likely no viewscreens to the outside. You’ll hardly even know we’re moving.”

“Wonderful,” Fears No Darkness said. He had learned sarcasm during his stay with Gath. He returned to his task of putting on the armor. He asked no further questions.

Once they were dressed and disguised, Gath picked up his transport bag that contained all of the belongings he would be taking with him. He then directed Catches No Fish to pick up a box that contained all the cooking machines he had collected since his arrival. The box was heavy, but the warrior had no problems with it. Gath then directed Fears No Darkness to pick up the case that held his acoustic guitar—which he had only played two or three times in his entire stay.

“All right,” he told his charges, “the same plan as before. We walk to the hangar just like we have every right to be doing so. You two don’t talk to anyone, even if they talk to you. If anyone asks, I’ll tell them you’re rolling on a mission and volunteered to help me carry my slag to the hover. Understood?”

They indicated that they understood.

“Fair enough,” Gath said. “Let’s do this thing.”

As before, it was absurdly easy. They passed three people during the trip, only one of whom acknowledged them in any way. That had been Corporal Bingbutt, who stopped Gath long enough to tell him goodbye and exchange the parting shake with him. She did not ask who the armored people were or where they were going. She hardly even glanced at them.

Upon arrival in the hangar, Gath led his two friends quickly around the perimeter of the building to the departure area, where a hover was sitting with its rear ramp down. They walked up the ramp and into the interior of the aircraft. An armored figure was sitting in the cockpit seat. The moment they were inside he told the Flyer to close the ramp.

“That you, Gooey?” Gath asked, using the common name for Private Gulch.

“The one and only,” Gooey replied.

“Thanks for doing this for me,” Gath told him.

“Thank me once we pull it off,” he returned. “Now how about we make like a Fluxarian Navy ship and get the tork out of here?”

“Let’s do it,” Gath said. He turned to the warriors. “Go ahead and get out of the armor. Just pile it there behind Gooey.”

They did as they were told while Gooey told Flyer to proceed with the engine start sequence. By the time they were back down to shorts, shirts and moccs, the hangar door was open and they were taxiing out.

“Go ahead and grab a seat, humes,” Gath told him. He then sat down himself, eschewing the seat next to Gooey so his guests would be more comfortable.

Less than three local minutes later they took off, the two warriors once again grasping desperately at the hand holds as they watched the ground drop away beneath them. Once airborne, however, their fascination with the sights took hold and Gath played tour guide for them again.

“Those are the Sierra Nevada Mountains,” he explained as they climbed up to 3500 meters to clear the higher peaks in their path. “On the other side of them is the high desert of Nevada region. As we get further south we’ll be over the Mojave Desert (he pronounced it “mo-jave”, not knowing or caring about the old Spanish language’s nuances of pronunciation). That’s where we’re going on this leg. North American West Main base is near what used to be the city of Las Vegas. Have you heard of it?”

“A center of gambling and sexual decadence, the tales of old tell,” said Fears No Darkness.

“That is what our tales tell as well,” Gath said. “These days, no one lives in the city. The pre-collapse structures are still there but have already been stripped of the recoverable water and conduit pipes that the gathering class like to trade in. Apparently, it’s too hot for any group to settle there.”

“We always wondered why anyone built a city in a desert in the first place,” said Catches No Fish.

“You never can tell what idiocies white people will do,” said Fears No Darkness.

“I guess I can’t argue with that,” Gath told them.

They landed on time and without incident or challenge, touching down on the tarmac and taxiing to the edge of the scramjet terminal. One of the flying wing scrammers was parked in the loading area already, undoubtedly their ride.

“Is that the machine we’re going to be flying on?” asked Fears No Darkness, his dark eyes looking at it nervously.

“I’m pretty sure that’s the one,” Gath confirmed.

Both warriors continued to stare at it as Gath led them along a yellow line painted on the ground to the terminal doors. Only when they entered the air-conditioned building did they return their eyes to the task of navigation.

A marine corporal wearing shorts and a duty shirt manned a security desk just inside the doors. He looked at the trio carefully, his eyes flitting mostly between the two warriors, who were quite obviously natives. Having refugees pass through this point was not an unheard of event by any means, but it was not an everyday event either.

“Welcome to NAWM, humes,” he said. “Catching a scrammer to Homeport Ground?”

“Indeed, we are,” Gath replied. “I’m Medic Stoner escorting these natives to the Mars colony. This is Fears No Darkness and Catches No Fish from the northeastern California region.”

“Demonic names,” the corporal commented. “If you’ll all lay some derm for me?”

“Absolutely,” Gath said, going first. He put his index finger on the screen and the corporal looked at the text that popped up on his holo display.

“Okay,” he said, nodding. “Your orders are confirmed, Medic Stoner.” He looked at the warriors. “Next?”

Gath looked at Fears No Darkness and gave him a nod. The quarterback stepped forward and put his finger on the screen.

I hope you know what you’re doing, Sparky, Gath thought nervously, keeping his face carefully neutral.

Sparky did. The text appeared and, after reading it for a moment, the corporal gave a nod. “Fears No Darkness,” he said. “You are confirmed on the 1320 as well.”

The quarterback nodded and stood aside, allowing Catches No Fish to step up. His fingerprint cleared as well.

“All right, Stoner,” the corporal told him. “You want to take your friends over to gate 11. Through the door behind me, hang a left, and follow the signs. You’ll be boarding within the hour.”

“Thank you, corporal,” Gath said. He looked at his two charges. “Shall we?”

Gath would suspect, but never fully appreciate just how much terror Fears No Darkness and Catches No Fish were choking back over the next six hours. They had lived their entire lives on the ground, in a known and familiar environment, and now, suddenly, they found themselves in the midst of hundreds upon hundreds of star people and facing the prospect of flying in their machines at unfathomable speeds so they might leave the very planet and go into the vacuum of outer space.

Why did I agree to this madness? Fears No Darkness asked himself as he walked through the narrow doorway and entered the cramped passenger area of the scramjet. He felt immediately claustrophobic. The ceiling was low and the smell was of stale air and human sweat. There was no view to the outside, only the gray curving walls. There were five rows of seats, each with six seats across. Perhaps ten of the seats were taken up with other star people—all but a few wearing the same clothing as the soldiers on the base he had just left. Marines, Gath called them, though that word, to his people, meant something mated to the sea.

Gath led them to the back row and indicated for them to have a seat. They did so, finding the chairs to be comfortable.

“You say we are on the tip of the wing of this machine?” Fears No Darkness asked.

“Well, the entire thing is a wing,” Gath said, “but yes, we’re on the right tip of it. This is primarily a cargo carrying aircraft and most of the space is allotted for that purpose. There are passenger carrying compartments on each tip, however.”

“What sort of cargo are we carrying?” Fears No Darkness asked, curiosity fighting a bit through the fear.

“Probably nothing,” Gath replied. “The cargo is carried from Homeport Ground to here for distribution to the secondary bases by smaller aircraft. There is usually nothing going in the other direction except passengers.”

“I see,” the warrior replied.

A few more passengers arrived and found seats, none of them near their group. Fears No Darkness was almost starting to relax a bit when the entire vehicle suddenly shuddered and a loud noise—a mechanical whine—began to fill the cramped confines. He, like Catches No Fish, instinctively grasped the armrests as adrenaline flooded into him.

“It’s okay,” Gath told him soothingly. “It’s just the engines starting.”

“It’s so loud,” Fears No Darkness said.

“It’ll get louder,” Gath told him. “Military cargo craft aren’t known for the quality of their sound insulation.”

Soon the engine noise increased a bit and the vehicle began to bump and shudder.

“Rolling toward the runway,” Gath explained. “We’ll be taking off in a few minutes. You’ll know when the engine noise really starts screaming.”

Fears No Darkness only nodded, his hands still gripping the armrests.

“Shouldn’t there be some kind of restraint harness in here?” asked Catches No Fish.

Gath simply shook his head. “These things never crash,” he assured him. “But if they did ... well ... a restraint harness wouldn’t help anything.”

“That is comforting,” Fears No Darkness told him, again employing his new gift of sarcasm.

The bumping and shuddering came to a halt a few minutes later and then the true terror began as the whining of the engines wound up to full. The aircraft shuddered and bumped again and the sound of something rattling reached his ears as well. Aside from that, however, there was no sensation of movement. Though the noise was loud enough to hamper conversation in the cabin, he took a little comfort from the fact that none of the other human passengers sharing the ride with him seemed the least bit concerned. Several, in fact, seemed to be dozing off.

The bumping, rattling, and shuddering suddenly stopped and all became smooth, though the whine of the engines still screamed and there was a curious, almost uncomfortable sensation of vertigo spinning in his head.

“We’re in the air now,” Gath said into his ear. “The bumpiness was from the wheels rolling on the ground.”

Fears No Darkness nodded, picturing the aircraft climbing into the sky but unable to feel it or see it. Another, lower pitched whine sounded from beneath them.

“Landing gear coming up,” Gath told him. “We’re accelerating now to scrammer speed. Once we’re at about twenty thousand meters altitude and moving faster than sound, the scramjet will kick in and things will quiet down.”

“How long for that?” Fears No Darkness asked him.

“About the time it takes to clean ten fish,” Gath assured him.

“So ... about twenty minutes?” Fears No Darkness asked. He had learned a few things over the past few days.

“Exactly,” Gath said with a smile. “Just sit back and enjoy the ride.”

“Unlikely,” the quarterback replied. He just wanted it to be over so the next, even more terrifying ride could begin.

Sure enough, in approximately ten fish cleanings the whine of the engines disappeared and was replaced by another noise, a rhythmic whooshing that occurred every two seconds or so, a sound that was gentle, almost soothing in nature. Fears No Darkness was not soothed much, however. The sensation of vertigo returned, a little stronger this time. It peaked at just below the point where he thought he might vomit in a few minutes and then gradually faded away and disappeared.

“That’s the conflict between the actual acceleration and the artificial gravity that is countering it,” Gath explained to him. “Even with all our technology, we’ve never quite been able to cancel out the difference in the two completely. Your inner ear notices the difference and the conflict between what your eyes are seeing and those sensations causes the vertigo and the nausea. Now that we’re at cruising speed, there isn’t much of a conflict.”

“Your people have to deal with this every time they fly in one of these machines?”

“You get used to it the more you do it,” Gath told him. “For instance, flying on the scrammer or the surface to orbit doesn’t bother me a bit. The actual space vessels though ... well ... the sensation is considerably stronger there.”

“It is?” he asked, not relishing the thought at all.

“Only when the engines are burning,” Gath qualified. “Once we reach cruising speed, we’re coasting. You’ve heard of Newtonian principals?”

“Not by that name,” Fears No Darkness said, “but I believe you’re referring to the idea that an object in motion remains in motion unless there is something to slow it down or stop it?”

“Exactly,” Gath said, obviously pleased by his knowledge.

“I’ve never quite believed in that idea,” put in Catches No Fish. “If true, why do your aircraft have to remain constantly under power to keep moving?”

“Because they’re in the atmosphere and the atmosphere causes drag—friction that slows the aircraft down. Once in space, there is no atmosphere—none to speak of anyway. No atmosphere means no drag. We accelerate to our cruising speed and just coast until it’s time to turn around and slow down with another burn.”

“Ahh ... I see,” said Catches No Fish. “At least I think I do.”

“All of this requires a great deal of mathematics, correct?” asked Fears No Darkness. “Mathematics to figure out how fast to go, how long to run your engines, when to turn around, what direction to point in?”

“It does,” Gath confirmed, “although truthfully, the computer pretty much figures all that out for us these days.”

“Again, comforting,” the quarterback observed.

Perhaps one and a half telling’s of a fireside story by Runs From Snakes later, the rhythmic pulsing of the scramjet engines suddenly ceased, bringing almost complete silence to the passenger area. An engine malfunction? Fears No Darkness thought, a fresh burst of adrenaline rushing into his bloodstream. Was a crash imminent? How long would it take to fall from thirty thousand meters in the sky? Again, however, the warrior took comfort in the observation that no one seemed alarmed by this.

“The engines have stopped?” he asked Gath, feigning calmness—and doing a pretty good job of it at that.

“They have,” Gath said. “We’re beginning our descent. Atmospheric friction will start to slow us down in a few minutes. The vertigo sensation may return when that happens.”

Fears No Darkness nodded, bracing himself. Sure enough, Gath was right. About ten fish cleanings later, he began to hear bumps and creaks that Gath explained was turbulence from the thickening air. At the same time, the vertigo returned, barely noticeable at first, but gradually increasing as the shudders, shakes, and creaks increased. This went on for the better part of a fireside story by Runs From Snakes—again, almost to the point where he feared vomiting—and then it suddenly eased up. The whine of the engines came into being again, though it was gentler now, not nearly as loud as before.

“We’re back on the turbine engines,” Gath explained. “That means we’re subsonic again and coming in for approach to Homeport Ground. We’ll be landing in another ten fish cleanings or so.”

“How far did we come?” Catches No Fish asked.

“From NAWM to the Galapagos on the equator,” Gath said, pondering. “I think it’s about seven thousand kilometers, give or take a couple hundred.”

“Seven thousand? Kilometers?” asked Catches No Fish, in awe.

“Give or take,” Gath confirmed.

“And we traveled that distance in under two of your hours?”

“We did.”

“Amazing,” the warrior said.

Fears No Darkness was equally impressed, but he kept his thoughts to himself.

The landing came as scheduled and involved another frightening sequence of strange noises and sensations—machinery grinding, engines whining in various pitches, a few bumps and bounces, vertigo that came and went, seemingly at random, and, finally, a thump from beneath them followed by the terrifying roar of the engines screaming at nearly full power.

“We’re down,” Gath assured the warriors. “That’s the engines using reverse thrust to slow us.”

A few fish cleanings later, the engines wound down and fell silent. The door at the front of the passenger compartment opened and the passengers all stood and began to shuffle toward it. Gath kept them in the rear of the crowd and they were the last ones to exit the aircraft. He led them down a long, enclosed tube and into a cavernous room filled with dozens—perhaps hundreds—of other star people, men and women both, most wearing the clothing of marines, but a few dressed in different clothing. It was by far the most crowded place the two warriors had been in so far on their strange adventure and the sheer amount of star people made them extremely nervous.

Same as Homebodies
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I had to go to my kids’ school and just as I was about to leave, one of the young teachers, a gorgeous Asian girl, who was wearing a pleated skirt, walked past and around a corner. She had a beautiful face, almond eyes and luscious lips in a sensuous bow-shape. Her hair was raven-coloured and long. When I had first started lusting after her she was a couple of years younger and fuller-figured, but it was clear that she had since been working out, her physique toned, and lean, but still...

2 years ago
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cousin part II

Part 2.After having a flashing session with my 36 year old female cousin at my parents Cabin. Things had been normal. I was spending more and more time with my cousin and her 7 year old son.One day I told her I was planning to go visit my parents and take in the towns annual festival. She said it sounded fun and that she had that weekend free. So The three of us drove the 4 hours to my folks place.Everything was normal with us and we were trying hard to act as cousins. One evening in particular...

4 years ago
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Violation of Privacy

by bistander A bar of light cutting across the dark hallway suggested someone might already be in the bathroom, but I didn’t wait by my bedroom door. Did I hope to see something or someone? No, I told myself, I would only get close enough to know for sure. If the door was ajar, it was unlikely anyone would be in there, not in the middle of the night. They certainly wouldn’t be doing something they didn’t want me to see. I got close enough to hear a...

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Their StoriesChapter 3 Alines Story

When I awakened Saturday morning it was to realize that I had slept until almost noon. I stretched and it felt good except that it signaled some tenderness in my crotch. Then my mind flashed back to last night and all the things that had happened; the sexual orgy I had participated in and my first thoughts were how could I have done those things. On second thought I realized that as outrageous as what I had done had been, I had been consumed with lust to do them and now the next day and...

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Tarak Mehta Ka Sexy Chashmah

1st update Hi,friends my name is Harsh Parmar and I wanna want to say about the story of tarak mehta mehta ka ooltah chashmah as a adult story. Gokuldham society subah ke 8.00 baje jethalal ka ghar,jethalal palang par soya hua tha or babuji bahar hall me paper padh rahe the tapu school chala gaya tha or daya bathroom me naha rahi thi chalo ab hum bathroom ke andar jaakar dekhte hai ohho yeh kya yaha to daya apni kal raat ki hui chudai ko yaad karke fingering kar rahi hai or siskariyan le rahi...

4 years ago
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The War with the GodsPart 1

South of my hometown of Buya, just inside the Wilderness, was a small waterfall, picturesque and remote. It would have been a popular getaway for vacationers from the city, if it weren't so close to the entrance to a mutant lobster cave. Of course, this didn't worry me much, as the lobsters and I had an understanding: if they didn't bother me, I didn't kill them in great numbers. Still, we occasionally had our misunderstandings. It was almost noon, which meant stopping my work for more...

2 years ago
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Tales of a HustlerSnot Puke and other Bugs

Tales of a Hustler----Snot, Puke, and other BugsSo it's a typical Saturday. Im chillin on the couch, playing with the remote. Tommy keeps pacing back and forth, and jumping up and down, with his hands down his pants. 'What the fuck is he doing” I thinks to myself. I hear a couple coughing, and sneezing in the background. One of the newer bois walks to the kitchen, holding his forehead with his hand. He gets a glass of ice-water. 'Ice” ?? 'Really' ?? Phone rings---it's Cole saying Cody just took...

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A Better WorldChapter 8 Dr Marsha Savage Chemical Dependency Rehab Project

Hey! A new day. Joe, wake up. You and I have KP. I am going to need help this morning. I did something last night that may affect us all. Joe arose like a shot. "Oh! What a great sleep. Now what did you do?" I connected my first person. It was Adam's girl friend Katie Bowman. Who is she? Well, Adam was lonely and wanted some one to snuggle and do other things with. I told him that all of the women here were attached. I thought that maybe working his steps might help. So I had him make...

2 years ago
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The Sleepover Pt4

I feel like I'm dreaming as I watch Kristina wrap one hand around my cock and raise up on her knees. I'm lying flat on my back on Lauren's bed and Kristina is kneeling between my legs. Locking eyes with me, she lifts my cock and slowly licks the underside of it from the base to the tip. Her eyes are sparkling with mischief as she teases me mercilessly."Oh fuck!" I moan. "That feels so fucking good, Kristina!" The compliment educes an absolutely radiant smile from her and she repeats the lick...

3 years ago
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Kiss Me Bianca 3

"Good news, everyone," the Assistant Director stood in front of the cast and held up a text on his cell phone to show everyone, "the air conditioning will be back on tomorrow. I'm sorry for the heat today, but you all did a great job, regardless. Ms Weldon is giving notes to the other cast, but she'll be in to talk to you all as soon as she's done in there. Having said that, I have a few notes of my own..." John, Rose and Gloria shared a bench in the parking lot. They'd all moved...

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Kissing Cassandra Ch 00

Author’s note: I would like to thank my editor, honeywldcat, for all her help and advice! Check out her submissions! Kissing Cassandra Prologue Present Day Korey heard his doorbell ring. He muted the TV and moved his laptop onto the coffee table. He guessed it was going to be a sales person, probably inquiring about shampooing carpet or some sort of solicitation. As the door opened, his suspicion escalated to confused anger. Bethany. He moved to shut the door in her face, but she stopped...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 15 Isekai Life Snake Dissection

From there it was easy to find the site of the temple dedicated to Yphion. It was the huge, burnt-out husk right next to the Islingquet, was a pair of morose-looking acolytes picking through the wreckage. Our quartet was just one of several lookie-loos peering over the husk of the temple, but a pair of city guards were on hand to prevent people from swarming the site. “The two guards are men, I’ll handle this,” Katriana said, and drifted away from the party, “Why don’t you look for what...

2 years ago
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The Coffeehouse Quintet Book 2 Lessons InfidelityChapter 2

Day 2 The next morning, Ben woke up and ate some cereal. Ellen was still passed out from their activities the night before and he didn't want to wake her just so she could make him breakfast. He was reading the paper and on his second bowl when she came in the kitchen. Ellen was still naked and her hair was knotted up behind her head. "Morning, sleepyhead." She mumbled in response. Even though she was five years younger, Ben had always been the better morning person. "Have some...

3 years ago
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N goes to the Glory Holes

N goes to the Glory Holes We retired to the hotel for rest and relaxation. N was very tired but the excitement wouldn’t allow her to rest.   She kept talking about the big Swede’s cock and how it filled up her pussy.   The DP was a first time experience and she liked the simultaneity of my prick sawing in and out of her ass while he filled her pussy. I fixed her a stiff drink which she gulped down.   With the second she was starting to fade as we climbed into the king size bed.   She was too...

Group Sex
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Masishen StrandedChapter 13

Belief and Flight "I suppose I could ask you what all of that was about, but I'm not sure I would get an answer that I'd understand." Steve stared at Mike for a long moment. He had been holding his tongue, trying to sort out a mass of confused emotions and some disturbing implications. They sat on a small hill overlooking the Wapato cabin. The valley, its scattered meadows and timber stands, and the tawny, rolling hills lay beyond. "I can try to explain. I'm not so worried about you...

4 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 16 Thursday

Today it’s just Anna and me again. Don’t get greedy, okay? We’ve decided to let master clock be in charge today. Specifically, we pick some torment for Anna, and we set a time limit, and then my sister has to suffer that torment for the entire time until the clock runs out. No breaks, no quits, no going-easy. Neat, huh? Sometimes I wonder how I manage to talk my sister into these things... We start out with clothes pins on her tits for five minutes. Of course, I try to fit as many pins...

3 years ago
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A simple smile

 "Almost there guys," I said as I looked into the back seat. My two Malamute dogs looked back at me. I hated seeing them like this, cooped up in the back seat of my SUV. "I'm sorry," I said as a single tear traced down my face. I wiped it away and shook my head. "Enough of that," I cursed myself. I had cried enough on this long drive. Texas was a long way behind me now, so was a great life that I had left behind. Georgia was going to my new home, a small town I had never heard about...

4 years ago
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The CoachChapter 4

Ted thought that his being married to Marcia now for four years were the best years of his life. Things were going good and he appreciated that Marcia was a joy to be with in more ways than one. Besides being a good lover who had an ever increasing appetite to make love, she also had a great personality and was equally concerned about Ted happiness. Their wedding was small and was limited to relatives and a few friends. Ted was a little concerned on how Parker, Marcia son would react to Ted...

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Completely Utterly Totally

The large TV screen was showing some dubious sports celebrity recently caught in flagrante delicto   by the world’s press.   His distraught trophy wife had been left at home while she thought he was off at some training camp.   Now said celebrity was apologising to his sponsors, the sport organisers, his team mates, the media, and anybody else who cared to listen.   “Do I care?   Not one jot!   Am I interested?   No!   Do I believe ...”   “Hey, easy there.   The guy’s only...

2 years ago
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DDFBusty Bridgette B Big Black Cock Makes Her Wet

That big black cock of Jonjon makes Bridgette B wet instantly. The blonde babe with green eyes and absolutely breath-taking 34DDD/E / 75G tits can’t wait to seduce him in the living room for some absolutely epic hardcore fun! Watch her big tits unveiled and see him suck her big nipples before she bends over to give that dark-skinned stud a blowjob. Jonjon can’t wait to dip his tongue deep into that blondie’s dripping wet cunny and licks her tasty pussy before sliding his...

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First Time Foursome

In the mid 80's my wife and I lived in Germany while I was in the forces out there. We had a small flat in a private block and had a pretty good time and life was good.Unlike back home porn was easily available and we watched many videos and fucked a lot.Next door to us was a German man in his 50's and we got on well with him. A few months after we moved in he met a new girlfriend who was around 30 while we were in our mid 20's. She was lovely, very pretty and Sarah said she was gorgeous and he...

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Twos Company but three can be more fun

It was late Saturday night and I couldn’t sleep, going downstairs I gravitated to the computer and turned it on. Mind wandering around I clicked around to my favourite porn site. “May as well knock one off, might make me sleepy” I thought. Clicking on a random video I began to stroke myself. The video contained two reasonably athletic and well endowed guys and a blonde chick with a nice ass and big boobs, nice boobs not fake. The video progressed past the undressing and into the foreplay...

3 years ago
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Uniform Ass Play

I rang the doorbell again. What was taking him so long? I was desperate to get inside - I couldn’t stand the embarrassment of being caught by a stranger, standing at Mark’s door in my old field hockey uniform.Mark had texted me an hour earlier. His message was straight to the point:Mark: Come over at 7:00 pm. Wear that old uniform you were talking about and a pair of white panties. Put your hair in a ponytail. Don’t be late, slut.I blushed when I read it. Mark and I had only been screwing for a...

4 years ago
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Escort Tales Ch 04

Chapter 4: DP Kobi While Antonella was busy getting fucked by her first black man, Kobi was getting put through the ringer. On the other side of town, Kobi’s two clients, Bill and Lance, weren’t wasting anytime. She was already on her knees with one cock in one hand, and another cock in her mouth. Her dress pulled down around her waist, and her stockings and heels still on. Kobi sucked as fast as she could, while jerking the other guy off. Every thirty seconds, she would switch cocks,...

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Night Skies Hotel Peter And Dash

Author's note: This story was written with permission from Solari, the creator of the wonderful Night Skies Hotel universe. Night Skies Hotel: Peter and Dash By Wolverine CHAPTER I: TWO DAYS EARLIER Shane was in heaven. Ever since he had arrived at the Night Skies Hotel a few hours ago he had been surrounded by beautiful raven-haired women with green eyes. They were perfect in every physical way and every last one of them, even the maids, moved seductively at all times. It...

4 years ago
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Spacetran Part 4 and 5

Spacetran By Beverly Chapter 4 I turned angrily upon the crowd of gaping crewmen and snapped out an order. "What are you all bloody gawking at? - And leave that container alone." The only sound was the stuttering wind stumbling around the flight deck as the ship increased speed and steered to rejoin the rest of the fleet. Suddenly I was doused by a spraying 'cats-paw' and I realized my lightweight summer frock had become transparent. If I had given the...

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The Paperboy1

Okay, let me set the scene. I'm out of college and living on my own in a medium sized town. I teach journalism at the local high school. That's what I said, I teach! This story will be about a young boy, Sammy, that I helped through the difficult stages of puberty. I got to know Sammy, or Sam as he preferred, because he had been my paperboy for about a year. This story starts when Sam was 11 years old. It was a crisp Saturday morning in late September and I had just got up and was on my...

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A Super Heros Slut Ch 05

At two in the morning Peter left a softly snoring Mary Jane and went out for his nightly swing around the city. It was a pretty slow night considering. He interrupted a jewelry story robbery, two guys had broken the front window and were throwing the display merchandise in a bag when he webbed them and left them for the cops. He left one man swinging upside down from a lamppost after catching the guy trying to boost a radio from a parked car. And then he embarrassed himself. He saw three men...

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Leos Life Part 10

Leonardo Luchiano Height: 6’2” Weight: 243lbs Bench: 375lbs Squat: 520lbs Power Clean: 350lbs Vertical: 38.7in 40 yard dash: 4.55sec I pulled out my phone and took a picture to go show my mom later, figured she’d be proud. You’re probably thinking why I wouldn’t show my father before my mother and that’s because he died. When I was 10 years old, I’m now 17, we were riding some of our old 4-wheelers when he tried to do a trick and ended up over the bars and being crushed to death by...

2 years ago
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Ma Intlo Addeku Unde Amai Tho

Hi friend’s idi na life lo jarigina real story 1year back jargindi inka kathaloki velthe. Na peru Ravi B.Tech aypoindi nenu hyd lo job chestunanu. Na age 26 years 5’10 wel built personality and handsome ga untanu na modda size 8″ inches evarina girls or aunties from hyderabad or AP na story nachinaka meeku interest vunte Maku own house undi dilshuknagar lo andulo oka 2rooms rent ki ichamu andulo iddaru amailu unde valu oka ammaye degree third year, inka inko ammayi vala akka tanu MBA complete...

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My Double Penetration Fantasy Comes True

Last Saturday afternoon I finally experienced something I have always wanted to try but could never find the right two men I was comfortable doing it with until just the other day. I have always wanted to be double penetrated by two men. I have done it often to myself using sex toys and it turns me on so much. I love the feeling of being so filled up like that, and I enjoy anal sex enough to know that being doubly penetrated would just drive me wild. Finally it happened! If I have my way,...

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Church Parking Lot

Introduction: A young girl is violently raped, but her prayers are answers when her knight in shining armor whisks her away and hides her from the world. Sara was an average fourteen year old, she was about 5 foot 4 with dirty blonde hair that hung around her shoulder blades and piercing blue/grey eyes. Her skin was snow white, and her hair kept darkening with age. She was very slender with curves that were FINALLY developing and a 32 B cup on her chest. She tapped her knee impatiently in the...

3 years ago
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Family Affairs Ch 38

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter thirty-eight Mary, totally nude, sat at her dressing table, combing and blow-drying her hair after her delightful shower with Matt. Her young lover, also nude, was wandering around the bedroom behind her. He paused in front of her open lingerie drawer. ‘The stuff in this drawer is really neat!’ he commented. He reached in and touched the dainty under things. ‘You have some really sexy stuff.’ Mary felt herself blushing. ‘I…I bought those...

4 years ago
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Carol was drunk, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t her fault—a bottle of Chardonnay and two rum cocktails did that to a girl. Jack and Gary promised it wouldn’t turn into a business dinner—but that’s what they always said. Carol usually spent dinner gossiping with Gary’s wife, Tina. But the babysitter had cancelled at the last second, and Tina stayed home instead. So Carol was all alone with two would-be global tycoons. Who could blame her for drinking a bit more than usual? “If we go for...

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Daddy makes daughter a woman

I'd always been close to be Dad. But since my Mum died when I was 14 we’d become even closer. I’d started doing the household chores and really enjoyed my role of home maker. I loved my Dad and just wanted to make him happy.My Dad had become quite protective of me and I had quite a strict upbringing. We went to church each Sunday. But outside that I didn’t really socialise much. I wasn’t allowed boy friends but that didn’t really bother me much, I wasn’t really interested in them. Due to my...

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The Glory Hole

You follow dutifully behind your Mistress through the long narrow passageway leading to the Mistress's Dungeon. Concrete walls flank both sides of the passageway, with oil lamps hanging at regular intervals providing the only light, meager though it is. As you walk in and out of the shadows, you watch her hips sway beneath the short black leather skirt, her black heels making a staccato sound in the empty hallway. A series of chains crisscross her back, and you remember how her breasts looked...

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The Player Plays OnChapter 4

Chrissie was a little late to serve dinner that evening and looked a little flushed, but she seemed alright. It wasn't until I was stroking HL's expanding bump that the story came out. I was quite right, she did know more about Annabelle than she let on. She was well aware that she could be a problem, but with her usual weakness for wounded animals, had taken her on, reckoning that I would probably sort it out. Although how she had supposed I was going to do that was beyond me. All the...

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Fucked Avantika And Her Bhabhi Awesome Threesome

Hello, I am Avtansh Kundra again.Those who don’t know me can read my last story.I am from Ghaziabad. Please, send me your feedbacks . Girls interested for sex chats can also contact me. Do mention that you are ISS reader when you message. This time it is my fantasy. I and Avantika were discussing sex and during roleplay this scene happened. I am going to share this with you all. It’s just a fantasy this time. So let’s start with the story:   It was a long time after our foursome. She wanted...

2 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 41

Brody checked the lasagna while he waited for Ryan. He hoped she hadn’t gotten stuck in traffic, although he figured she’d call if something like that happened. It seemed strange that the six weeks were over. The only thing wrong was that he wasn’t still playing hockey. Not that he would be even if the team was still in the playoffs. He was improving and would try skating again the next week. Still, he chafed at the restrictions. The knock at the door jerked him out of his thoughts and he...

4 years ago
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SeleneChapter 5

Selene was asleep in her bed. We still had a couple of hours before we had to meet the ladies at the mall, so I let her sleep. I'd bathed her, stripping her clothes off her body, and changing her and her bed, I laid her down in it. She was asleep before her head touched the pillow. I was feeling washed out. Without thinking, as I sat on the couch, a hot steaming coffee on the table in front of me, I picked up the phone, and dialled Katrina's number. After four or five rings, she...

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Donnas gyno exam

Donna rolled over in bed, her alarm rudely awakening her from sleep. Having just turned 18, Donna's mother had advised her to schedule an appointment with her physician for a complete exam. Wanting to get the appointment over with as quickly as possible, Donna had accepted the first appointment the receptionist offered, at 7 a.m.Running her fingers up and down her toned stomach, Donna cursed herself for making such an early appointment. Donna's hands squeezed her sort of large but firm breasts,...

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Devlins StoryChapter 34

They used the last condom in the morning. There was something sweet about doing it with the early morning light slanting through the windows and the sound of waves in the distance. Afterwards, with the warm light of the morning leaving bars of light across the bed, Devlin ran her hands across John's firm body. He was just a little taller than she, with dark hair, and a lean, serious-looking face. There wasn't that much fat on him, but he didn't come across as over-muscled, either. She...

4 years ago
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Lady CharlotteChapter 10

The dinner started off tense, Lady Charlotte first meeting the men that were important in her daughter’s lives. Lord Michael had tried to explain them to Lady Charlotte, but she had a hard time grasping the reality that her young daughters were now women. This at a time when she was still trying to fathom and find the boundaries of her relationship with Lord Michael. Lady Charlotte scanned the men, starting with Lord Roger Bigod. His family was one of the richest and most powerful. Lord...

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Off the Planet Sexxxxxx

One if the hottest things I've ever seen was watching my girlfriend cuMMmmmmmm for the first time ...with a big black cock dildo!!! We had been exxxxploring the fantasy...she being a southern girl...a Sunday School teacher...Mother of 3 and kinda shy....had always dismissed it...swore to me she was a "good girl" and never had those thoughts...but over a few weeks...of subtle whispers....sending her pics of black cock in her email....sending a few selective IR vids here and there to open her...

3 years ago
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Strangers In A Strange Place part one

Belinda was my wife for fifteen years. We married when I was twenty-five years old and she was twenty-three. She was the first woman I ever made love to. I started late. She had been married for a year before she married me, from the age of twenty to twenty-one.  Actually, I had known her in college when she was a freshman of eighteen, but I had never made a move. Our paths crossed often at a coffeehouse just off campus that was run by a local church. It was their student out-reach program. The...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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The WaifsChapter 14

The most dangerous part of any illegal activity was getting paid. Sean leaned against the shuttle wall as the two buyers examined the crates. They were not actually opening them, naturally. The shielding on the uranium was best not disturbed out here, especially by those who were just middlemen. Sean had no idea who these people were, or what eventual destination they had in mind for the glowing rocks. Nor did he care. All he wanted was payment, and to get the dangerous stuff as far away as...

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VacationChapter 75

Day Seventy-five - Friday My face was between two wonderfully full breasts. If there was a problem, it would be that it is impossible to get air when your face is being hugged into Sue's chest. I pulled loose to move up to be able to kiss her. As soon as I kissed her, she pulled my face back down to her breasts. This time I caught a taught nipple in my mouth and sucked, causing a loud groan from Sue. Sue's nipples were like those big hanging controls for the doors at the shop. You pushed...

4 years ago
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One Magical Evening

I have always liked mature gentlemen. They treat me better, their conversations are more interesting, and they have more of an air of mystery about them. But I never thought Paul would respond to me the way he did. Paul is a 50 year-old VP in my company, ultimately my boss. He seemed conservative, married with a family, but even so I was attracted to him from the day we met. I flirted with him lightly, by text messages and in person, and he responded, but not eagerly. I’m half his age,...

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Photographers dream assignment part 1

It was my first home assignment of the Summer, since placing my new advert for female amateur models in the Midlands Model Guide.I arrived well in advance of my appointment time and sat outside Jessy's house, nervously anticipating the day ahead. After a few messages and a couple of chats we had arrange a day-long shoot, chronicling "A day in the life of 'Miss'" for this hot young school teacher. Having seen a few pictures from various holiday and home shoots she had done it was my turn to...

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Serpents Head

I looked at the four men that shoved the door open and walked in as if they owned the tavern. I sighed and glanced at the man behind the bar who shook his head. I watched the men as they picked a table close to the fire while yelling for ale. Gloria came out of the back and glanced at the table before filling four tankards. The others in the tavern had glanced at the men before they ignored them. I began to move as Gloria reached the table and one of the men reached for her. She struggled and...

2 years ago
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To meet or Not to meet that is the Question

Well I have not writen for a while because most people don't seam to even read what is told in the stories that are posted. Even when there true stories about peoples sex lives most don't even seam to care.I'm also very dissapointed as I have been making arrangements to meet up with people form this site and then they either don't turn up, ignore you or play some silly game and never intend to meet. So I'm visiting other sites that seam to have more genuin people on them. I did make...

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To Hell And Back Again CH 11

“Karen?” Logan gathered her gently into his arms. “Karen, can you hear me?”Her dark eyes fluttered open. “I don’t feel right,” she whispered. “Hurts.”“You’re going to be fine.”He pressed a wad of bandage against the bullet wound in her belly. There was, of course, no blood to soak up. Mist continued to seep out around the edges. Did first aid even work on damned souls? He had no clue.“You can’t die, my girl. You know why?”“No, why?”“Because you are already dead, silly.” Logan forced a smile...


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