SeleneChapter 5 free porn video

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Selene was asleep in her bed. We still had a couple of hours before we had to meet the ladies at the mall, so I let her sleep. I'd bathed her, stripping her clothes off her body, and changing her and her bed, I laid her down in it. She was asleep before her head touched the pillow.

I was feeling washed out. Without thinking, as I sat on the couch, a hot steaming coffee on the table in front of me, I picked up the phone, and dialled Katrina's number. After four or five rings, she answered.

'Hello? Katrina Meadows speaking!'

I went tongue-tied for a second, and then I said, 'Hello, Katrina? Robert here.'

'Oh, hi, Robert!' she said, 'What's up? Are we still on for shopping later?'

'We are, ' I hastened to assure her. 'I just needed someone to talk to, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you.'

'Not at all, Robert, ' she said. 'How can I help? What's happened? Is Selene okay?'

I went silent, and then I told Katrina what had happened, leaving nothing out. I needed to hear her voice, I needed to hear what she would say, what she might have done in my situation.

Katrina listened silently as I spoke, giving soft murmurs of sympathy as I emptied myself of all the pain and anger I felt.

Katrina stopped me talking, saying firmly, 'Don't move, Robert. I'm coming straight over. I'll bring Kasey with me. We'll be there soon!'

'You don't have to, ' I said. 'We'll meet you at the mall later. I want to let Selene sleep for another hour, and then we'll get ready.'

'Nonsense, ' she replied. 'We are coming over! See you soon!'

To forestall any more arguments from me, she hung up.

When Katrina and Kasey walked in the door, Katrina came straight to my arms and held me in a gentle hug, while Kasey rested her hand on my arm briefly before walking past us to enter Selene's room. Kasey's face was sombre and worried. She had only thoughts for the child asleep in her room.

We heard a murmur, and then there was a heart-breaking wailing sob as Selene woke to find Kasey in her room.

I heard Selene sobbing before her door shut. Then making herself a coffee, and filling my cup from the percolator, Katrina came to join me on the couch.

'Kasey really cares for Selene, ' Katrina told me, holding her cup in both hands, her legs tucked under herself as she sat beside me.

'My sister has a very calming and compassionate influence, when she wants to show it.'

Katrina looked at her cup, and in a quiet voice, she said, 'You said she called you 'daddy'. Was that the first time she's ever called you that?'

'Yes, ' I replied. 'But, ' I frowned, 'I don't know whether she was seeing me standing there, or her real father, Trevor.'

'In her fear, she may have just seen her father, your brother. But, ' she pressed, 'what were you two doing when she called you 'Dad' or 'daddy' the first time? Think back, Robert. This may be important!'

I had to think. My thoughts chased themselves around my head, refusing to be still. I was worried about Selene, I wanted to get up and see how she was, to hold her, to tell her everything was alright now.

'Let's see, ' I said, concentrating.

'Selene was tearing her room apart, looking for clothes to wear tonight, even though I'd told her that we were dressing casual. Then she wanted to know what Kasey would be wearing. It was just before I teased her, and she hit me.'

'That sounded painful, when you told me about it, ' Katrina said, taking a sip from her cup.

'I was more in shock than anything, ' I told her. 'It wasn't until I went to straighten up that it really hurt!'

'Now that I remember, it was just after I told her we were dressing casual. She said, 'Dad, this is Kasey we're talking about!' Selene really wanted to make an impression on her, to dress for her benefit.'

'Yes, Kasey has that effect on the young girls who fall in love with her!'

Katrina thought for a moment, and then said, 'She could have just had a slip of the tongue, Robert, or, she could be starting to see you as her father now.'

I looked at her in surprise.

'Lord knows, ' Katrina said, waving a hand, 'if anybody, you're the only one to have shown the poor girl any love and proper attention in her life! It would be the most natural thing, for her to see you in that light! You have been a father to her, Robert, despite your physical relationship!'

I had to sit back and digest that. 'Uncle Robert' had just become 'Dad.' Or did he? I had to talk to the young girl to really find out for sure.

The bedroom door opened, and Selene came out, hesitantly. Kasey shooed her along, taking her into the bathroom to get herself together. We heard the toilet flush, and then the bathroom sink tap going. Not long after that, both girls stood before me.

Kasey had her arm around Selene's shoulders, the girl standing slightly behind the taller, older girl. Kasey half-turned, and putting her hands on Selene's shoulders, she steered the young girl toward me, making her stand before me.

'Tell him, ' Kasey murmured. 'Talk to him, it's okay, he loves you, he won't hurt you.'

Kasey was now standing behind Selene, and the older girl's eyes bored into mine.

Her fingers flexed, she was just as nervous as the younger girl standing before her.

'Da ... Uncle Robert, I'm really sorry I hit you! Please, I ... I'm sorry!'

I stood up, and Selene's eyes went round and large. Her ice-blue eyes were still frightened. I stepped up to the girl, my niece, and wrapped her in my arms, kissing the top of her head, smoothing her hair down her back.

'It's okay, honey, ' I told her. 'It's okay, really.'

'No-one's going to hurt you, Selene, ' I told her gently. 'You took me by surprise, that's all. I think my pride hurts worse than your fist!'

Then holding her away from me, I asked, 'Where the hell did you learn to hit like that? Damn, girl, that punch was a fucking beauty!'

I laughed, and slowly, a tentative smile creased her face.

'I had to fight off a couple of guys who thought they could take me by force. After that guy beat the crap out of me, I decided that no-one was ever going to do that to me again!'

Katrina was looking at Selene with a worried frown. Kasey, however, was livid.

'Someone tried to take you by force? Who was it? Where is he? Tell me who he is, I'll kill the bastard!'

Selene gave her a sad look, and said, 'It's okay, Kasey. The cops did that for you. Those guys are gone, now.'

'Selene, you and I have to have a very long talk!' the young woman growled.

Selene grinned, and gave Kasey a hug, squeezing her tightly. Her head was resting on her breasts, and inhaling deeply, she said, 'Mmmm! Kasey, you smell wonderful, and you really do have wonderful tits!'

Kasey was momentarily at a loss for words, and then hugging Selene back, she laughed.

'So do you, squirt!' she chuckled.

I sat back down, and Selene sat on my lap. She snuggled in, with Kasey sitting next to me on my right, Katrina on my left. Kasey began to finger-comb Selene's hair, more as a gesture of support than anything. Every so often, she'd brush the backs of her fingers against Selene's cheek softly. Katrina inched closer, and put rested her hand on Selene's knee. I had my arms around her waist.

'Why did you hit me?' I enquired.

My lovely little eleven year old looked off into space, thought a moment, then said, 'I was so upset, Uncle Robert. I couldn't find anything to wear! Everything I pulled out was horrible! I couldn't let Kasey see me in my 'little girl's' clothes! I wanted something, I don't know, grown-up, I suppose! I was panicking so much! I lost it when you started teasing me!'

Selene looked down at her hands, wringing them in her lap.

'When you teased me, I knew you were just having fun, that you didn't mean anything by it, but suddenly, you were like, my father, you know, standing there. He used to tease me too, but in a nasty way.'

'I hated you! It was like, all-of-a-sudden, everything came out of me, I couldn't stop it, I had to hurt you! I wanted to kill you for everything, the rapes, the beatings, the shit that Trevor did to me, because just then, I didn't see you, I saw him!'

Selene twisted in my lap, wrapped her arms around my neck, and began to sob again. Her body shook as she cried into my shoulder. She had so much grief, I was sure that it was going to take years for her to finally get it all out of her system, if at all.

Many long minutes later, she hiccupped, and sitting up, she wiped her tears away with the heels of her hands. Katrina and Kasey had leaned forward, and sat very close, petting her, stroking the sniffing girl, their eyes wet with tears, soft words and sounds in their mouths.

'When we were standing in the shower, I sort of came to myself. I was wondering why we were in the shower, with our clothes on! Why were we, anyway?'

I looked at Katrina. She nodded, glancing at the girl.

I took a deep breath, unwilling to tell her, knowing that if I did, she might or would be extremely embarrassed.

'Because, ah, because you had wet yourself, Selene. You were so afraid, when you thought I was going to hurt you, that you wet yourself. You did it again when I had taken you to the bathroom, and I was carrying you.'

Selene 's face went white with mortification. She looked at Katrina, who nodded, and then she whipped her head around, seeing the confirmation in Kasey's eyes that her idol, her crush, knew all about her humiliation.

Selene wailed in extreme shame, wanting to flee the room in disgrace. She tried to bolt, but Kasey grabbed her, and held her tightly until the girl stopped fighting to get away. Fresh tears burst from Selene's eyes as she wept bitterly.

Kasey held her head firmly against Selene's, her eye scrunched shut, tears coursing down her cheeks. Her mouth was open, and she panted, trying not to cry as well.

'It's okay, baby!' she said, over and again. 'It's okay, it's okay.'

Kasey rocked Selene, until finally, the girl calmed down. At first, I thought that Selene had gone to sleep again, but she said quietly and weakly, 'You don't hate me, Kasey?'

The young woman leaned back, and asked in confusion, 'Hate you, darling? What for? Why should I hate you?'

Selene's eyes were showing how much she was suffering. Blushing a deep red, she whispered, 'Because I pissed my pants?'

She looked up at the young woman holding her, and said in abject sorrow, 'I pissed my pants like a baby! I wish I could die!'

Her eyes still streaming tears, Kasey kissed Selene, on the cheek, on her forehead, on her lips.

'I could never hate you, my darling, ' she said, stroking her face, 'I love you! I don't, ' she struggled for words, 'I can never, ever hate you!'

Selene looked at Kasey, and in a small hopeful voice, she said in amazement, 'You love me?'

A look of joy came over her, and with a happy cry, she threw herself into the older girl's arms, hugging her tightly.

Leaning back, Selene looked at us 'older' people, and sitting up straight, she sniffed, and said, 'Hey? I thought we were going shopping!'

'Well, that's definitely a good way to cheer a girl up!' Katrina said blandly, her eyes dancing with mischief.

We all had a blast at the mall that night. We sought after, and found, the 'perfect' couch for the office. It was deep and comfortable, long enough for me to lie down on, and as I lay there trying it out, I didn't want to get back up again. The women grabbed my hands, however, and pulled me away from it.

Katrina had measured the doors it had to go through, and with a bit of wiggling and shoving, we managed to have it situated into the spot picked out for it. The moving guys were very patient!

That night, after our trip to the mall, we sat around the living room. The girls had gone off and done some 'other' shopping as well, leaving me to my own devices, and were now sitting in a huddle, on the floor. I have a soft carpet, and our shoes were left at the door.

They had their bags beside them, clothes and shoes the main articles they were pulling out and showing off and comparing. Then the lingerie came out, and they laughed loudly in mock outrage as they waved those scraps of silk, satin, and cotton about, grinning in delicious devilment.

The girls put their heads together, and shooting sly looks at me, delved into their respective piles, and grabbing a set each, they went into Selene's bedroom, giggling and tittering coyly.

I had bought four pairs of silk boxer shorts, two red, two black. They were open at the fly, held closed by a small button. While the girls were in the room getting changed, I stripped off, and put a pair of red boxers on. Then I sat back down and waited to see what they had picked out and would wear what when they came back into the room.

The girls came out of the bathroom in single file, walking softly into the living room. Selene first, Kasey second, with Katrina bringing up the rear. They were visions of adorable loveliness. I sat there, breathless and lost for words. All were silent, standing there tall, proud, and beautiful.

They'd brushed their hair, and added a touch of make-up. The level of excitement in the air rose as they saw what I was wearing, or lack of it, and as their eyes went to the boxers I was wearing, they all watched in fascination as my shorts tented with my burgeoning erection.

Katrina nodded slightly in approval.

Even though Katrina and her sister were wearing lingerie, this was the first time I'd seen them without clothes on. Not counting when Kasey had exited Selene's room that time. I had other things on my mind, just then. I had only noticed her bare upper body in passing. Katrina's body drew my eyes, and my appreciative gaze. Her body was, oh my God, it was perfect! Slim, with small rounded breasts. Her waist had the classical curve at the waist, her hips slightly more flared than the other two girls.

A memory came to me then, making me flush. I had a memory of my father lewdly commenting on a woman who had hips like Katrina's. He pointed to her, and said, 'Look, boy! She's got good child-bearing hips! Not like your skinny fucking mother!'

Same as Selene
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Dana’s turn: Early on a Wednesday morning, and Ed was about to leave for work when my phone buzzed. Caller ID said “Auburn Soccer”, which made no sense to me, but I punched the speaker button and answered: “Dana Allen here. Good morning.” The response: “Dana, thank you for taking my call. Ruth Blackwell here, and you may recall that I’m coaching the women’s soccer team.” Pause and a sigh. Desperation. “Dana, you’ll remember that we invited you to join us last year, and you declined. I find...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Love

"I hope this guy isn't some crazy old fat guy like most professors!" Jenna exclaimed as her and her best friend Haley left their apartment to the one and only class they had together."I know. That prof. we had last term for Statistics was awful!"Haley shook her head as a group of guys whistled at her while they walked down the hall. Jenna felt a pang of jealousy. Her best friend was pretty enough to be a model. Actually, she had been for a few years during their senior year of high school. She...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Lauren Phillips The Hostile Takeover

The mob has taken hostage somebody very near and dear to Bill Bailey. They’ll let her go if Bill gets Lauren Phillips to sign her company over to them. Bill pays a visit to Lauren at her office to tell her to sign all of the papers but she refuses and tells Bill to,”maker her”. Bill grabs her by the hair and unzips her top, making her big tits spill out of her shirt. He lifts her matching skirt and slaps her ass hard, just before dragging her naked into another room. Bill has...

2 years ago
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My Faire LadyChapter 3

When we got back to the horse box we found Deke had been busy, he had borrowed some poles and canvas screen from our neighbours which he used to construct an enclosure besides the truck. This screen allowed me to get organised without having to take Spirit back up into the horse box. Much easier... !! First things first, once Laura had released my wrists I scooted inside to undress and use the toilet, not sexy, but very important. Belly riders soon learn that a full bladder or bowel is not a...

3 years ago
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The back story comes from an author "Changes". The premise started by Changes is that Pleasure Island is a place for singles or couples to go where many pleasures can be indulged and almost anything is possible. On the Island is a pool where you are to meet your girlfriend for drinks for the evening. Unfortunately, it's a poolside bar and you have to be dressed appropriately to enter. Not to worry though, the bartender is all too helpful and has the lost and found box with swim...

4 years ago
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Indecent Exposure

I first noticed how much Casey, the girl next door had changed. Her freshman year at Harvard had ended and she was home for the summer. One morning as I walked to my car, I heard, “Good morning, Officer Hunter.”I looked over, saw her standing there holding the morning paper in her hand. She was wearing a pair of very short shorts and a bikini top that revealed just enough to stir one’s fertile imagination. “Good morning, Casey,” I replied as I opened the car door.This was the routine for a...

3 years ago
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City for Rape

Welcome to Marison City, a glowing gem of a city with a thriving night life and infinite possiblities for a young woman out to advance her career and have fun in life. However, underneath this glimmering exterior, a dark problem infects an otherwise perfect place - the city is known to have the highest rape assaults in the country. Will you fall victim? Characters: Victoria - an up and coming 22 year old girl, shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, recently moved to the city to begin her new...

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Betty Part Two

I stood up, and reached down, to pull up the undergarment and bathing suit bottom. As I did, I looked over at Betty, climbing the ladder out of the shallow end. Her bathing suit gapped forward slightly, and I could see faint stretch marks at the top of her breasts. She looked at me, and caught me trying to peek down her bathing suit. “Having a liitle look, are we?” she asked, smiling up at me. “Guilty as charged, Your Honor,” I replied with a grin. “Well, Dearie, hold your horses; you’ll see...

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Best Friends Forever IV SixtyNine

Best Friends Forever IV: Sixty-Nine Alexa and Amanda had spent the night together in bed, after a wild first night of a little fingering in the pool naked, as well as her best friend tasting and eating Alexa’s pussy also, to their first real experience of grinding their naked pussies together on a bed and having wonderful orgasms. The two fell asleep in each other’s arms, as the night drew in. Alexa was the first to awaken, to the soft sounds of birds chirping their morning tune. As she opened...

4 years ago
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The Party FavorChapter 4

They lay, face to face, her breasts touching his chest, and talked. Occasionally they kissed. Twice he rolled away from her, just so he could look at her breasts. The first time he said "Beautiful." The second he said "So beautiful." She found herself telling him, somehow, of how lifeless her marriage was, of the disappointment she felt for herself for raising her daughter to be a selfish little bitch. He argued with her, and said she hadn't set that example. She had to agree with him...

2 years ago
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My trust was broken as well as my world. The worst thing was that I hadn't suspected a thing. I had trusted Chris with my life. He had fathered my only child. Chris had had an affair. Although he claims it was a drunken one night stand with a hooker who was milling about outside a hotel where he was staying while out on work. In short - it was a terrible mistake and everyone deserves a second chance. The problem is, he often stays away from home. So one prostitute could easily be ten or more....

1 year ago
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Day Strip Chapter 02 At the Beach

It had been a kind of surreal day. After what had happened in the car on the way down, stripping off down to just my panties and throwing my bra out of the window, it seemed like anything could happen – but I didn't know if I wanted it too. Cherry and Sharon went topless from the start even though no one else on the beach was. We went up in the sand dunes so as not to be near families or be really obvious. Some people did stumble across us; we had a few stares but no comments. I was not sure...

3 years ago
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It Started Under The Stars

Hello, everyone. This is ‘the average Delhi guy’ again. I am from Delhi as you can tell. I got a couple of responses for my pervious story. Thank you for all the readers and I really hoped u enjoyed it. So, coming to myself, I am an average looking guy. I have an average sized dick, I have not measured it hence I cant tell you the size. But, girls have never complained about it. Well coming to the story, this happened recently with me. I was on an official trip to Dehradun. It’s a small...

3 years ago
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Ana in the back of the van

Ana in the back of the van I came very tired from office, but my sweet Ana was waiting for me at home with a very nice dinner.Later on, while I was sipping a perfect glass of scotch, she came by me and told me she was real horny and she needed a good hard dick inside her. Ana also told me she knew I was very tired to fuck her that night; so, she wanted my permission to find out a man who could calm her down…My sweet Ana added she wanted me nearby to watch…She wanted me watching at her spreading...

3 years ago
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Mixing a Teen Potion

This is a rewrite on the original story, there are a few more thousand words, lots of spelling correction, and so forth. I hope it adds to the enjoyment of the tail. More Mana Industries and their potion stories, things are not going well, a little more details on the overall story. This one is about William, who has a short coming and he tries to fix the problem with magic. Things do not work out. This is the first week of his new life. I have more planned for William and his...

2 years ago
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An Animal HeatChapter 4

Totally naked and unashamed, Kitty rode the back of Duke through cloudless skies over the gentle rolling hills by her sister's home toward some unknown destination. As the dog galloped through the azure sky, Kitty could feel the delightful sensations of having his soft, furry back rub against her sensitive cuntal lips, and with each mounting stride the animal took, she came closer and closer to orgasm. "Kitty!" she heard some far off voice call, "Kitty! Are you coming? Come on, Sis, time...

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The Letter

I hurried to get to Georges house. I looked at my watch and sighed in relief as I was 7 minutes early. I had an easy gait and was soon unlocking the door and made my way to the kitchen to put away what groceries I had bought. I cocked my head as I thought I heard a noise coming from the bedroom. I took my top off as I assumed it was George so I tiptoed to the door and flung it open and went “ TAA DAA “ then immediately covered my breast and asked Geoff what he was doing in Georges bedroom. He...

1 year ago
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Weakened and Taken

It started simply enough. I see an attractive woman at the hotel bar and offer her a drink. She accepts and we converse. Soon, we are laughing and joking like intimate friends. She recommends that we take the conversation and drinks to her room, and I agree. I allow her to walk ahead, not only to lead the way, but also so I can admire the extreme curves of her ass. The sight of their provocative sway entices me, and I feel myself harden. She stops at her door, and with a sensual glance, opens...

She Males
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A Voyeurs Life

I know I shouldn't really have married Kathy. All my friends told me not to - most of the male ones already had intimate knowledge of her! - She was a complete slut, there's no doubt about that, and she still is. When I met her, she was stripping in a sleazy bar on the wrong side of town. All the guys there loved her because she would always go much further than any of the other girls. Most of them would just get naked and prance around for a few minutes flashing their tits and pussy for the...

2 years ago
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The first time i realised i was going to be troubl

Pondering where to begin, I thought a suitable point was to go back to the first time that my increasing libido landed me in trouble! Growing up my life was cliché after cliché. Educationally over achieving, not exactly a teacher’s pet but definitely in a very close relationship with the library! At the same time I was trying desperately to fit in with my peers – a tough balancing act. Anyway, while a few of my friends were starting to get giggly over the tall, handsome P.E teacher or the...

1 year ago
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Young Black Cock Slut Part 2

It's been a couple weeks since I First was Fucked by Henry my ex friend Hanna's brother. I couldn't stay away from his Big Black Cock we Fucked every chance we got. I would skip class to run over to meet him, he would pound my Pussy then off I would go. One night he was working afternoon shift I borrowed my dad's car drove over to his work place, his lunch time was 9 pm. I picked him up, we drove to a secluded area in the industrial park. It was hot I was wearing a light yellow summer dress...

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Stuck in Amber

STUCK IN AMBER (complete) Copyright P326R1, 2019 CHAPTER 1: HOW IT STARTED My wife Emily and I have an extremely beautiful friend named Amber. She works as a waitress at a restaurant we frequent. One evening, we're having dinner when a crazy guy walks in with a gun and just starts shooting up the place! He's yelling a bunch of stuff that no one can hear over the deafening pop of what looks like a 9mm. I have no idea what this guy's problem is, but he seems intent on...

1 year ago
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To The End Game Part 3

I fucked Jenny my best friend's (john) girl last week. It was really good. I took pictures of her. I had just finished blurring her face on the computer and putting it up on a website for men to ogle on. I just sent her the link. I know she's with John now. Maybe he's fucking her. I'll pay her a visit soon. I knock on her apartment door. She opened the door wearing a nice pair of jeans and a tight fitting blouse looking surprised to see me. "What do you want. Last week was a mistake." "Did you...

Cheating Wifes
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Ill Dance at Your Wedding Revised

Thanks to DragonsWeb, OldFart, RastaDevil, WanderingScot and Sweet Sue for their innumerable edits to this gentle revision of an older story! I knew now that she was the one and only true love of my life. I'd fondly remembered Linda Monroe throughout the years, but it wasn't until I unexpectedly saw her again nearly twenty years later at a wedding reception that my heart reminded me with a loud thump just exactly what I had been missing. Mercifully, it wasn't her wedding, or even mine....

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In the Sound Booth with Kathy

Kathy and I both have daughters involved in theatre and often perform in the same productions. My ten year old daughter loves to act and sing. The good parent I am, I attend each practice, help build sets, and attend all of her performances. Kathy, who is in her early thirties, is the family soccer mom and takes her nine year old daughter and seven year old son to everything from theatre to pee wee football. Her husband is usually too busy with his job to attend his kid’s activities and my...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 2 Ebony Jordan Part

Chapter 2: Ebony & Jordan Part 1Jordan stopped by briefly at her quarters to change into a light green, one-piece workout suit. It covered her from mid thigh, and fitted over her shoulders like a tank top. While not nearly as skimpy and revealing as the bikini, it still emphasized Jordan's figure nicely. Jordan then went to the gym where Ebony held her conditioning class, and took part in the aerobics and other workout exercises with both the new girls to the Island, as well as some of...

3 years ago
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Massage Leads To Cuckold Gangbang

Hello sexy indian sex stories dot net readers. This is my first story on ISS and its all about of wife wanting hardcore sex and making her cuckold husband watch it all as its their fantasy. Name changed in the story to maintain the privacy of the couple. I had recieved a mail from a bhabhi named neha and she wanted to get massaged by me as one of her friends had suggested my name to her for massage . THe appointment was fixed for friday evening and i had to reach her home by 7 p.m and i the...

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Teenage Adventures Chapter 5 Ms Alsovers

Ms. Alsover and Timothy were having breakfast in bed when the doorbell rang."Who could that be?", Ms. Alsover wondered aloud, as Maria had spent the previous evening with them, and was known to sleep-in.Ms. Alsover grabbed her nightgown, and left to open the door."Oh, hi Cindy, what a pleasant surprise!", she exclaimed, as her granddaughter stepped in and hugged her.While she walked into the living room with Cindy, Timothy quickly got dressed and came out of Ms. Alsover's bedroom with a piece...

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