Devlin's StoryChapter 34 free porn video

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They used the last condom in the morning. There was something sweet about doing it with the early morning light slanting through the windows and the sound of waves in the distance. Afterwards, with the warm light of the morning leaving bars of light across the bed, Devlin ran her hands across John's firm body.

He was just a little taller than she, with dark hair, and a lean, serious-looking face. There wasn't that much fat on him, but he didn't come across as over-muscled, either. She rather liked his looks, and briefly fantasized about him throwing her over his shoulder and whisking her away to some private retreat where they'd spend the rest of their days in bed.

"You certainly know how to show a girl a good time," she murmured when he finally woke up. She was still feeling the aftermath of her last climax, that warm glow that filled her completely.

John smiled, his sleepy eyes sparkling. "I think you plum wore it out, girl."

"Yeah, but it labored in a good cause." She snuggled into his arms. "If I knew how to purr you'd be hearing me right about now."

He ran his hand across her hip and splayed his fingers out on her tummy. "You didn't tell me you had a snapper."

She shrugged slightly. "That's just good muscle tone."

He chuckled. "No, that's great muscle tone." He kissed her neck just below her ear. "We are going to have to get together again."

"I won't say no." Devlin twisted around slightly and dropped a kiss on his lips. "In fact I'll look forward to it."

"Ready for some breakfast? I could use some coffee."

"I noticed you didn't say you were 'up' for breakfast."

"Girl, I don't think I could get anything up right now if my life depended on it."

She giggled. "You say the sweetest things." She sat up on the edge of the bed and stretched. "But, yeah, I could use something to eat. You need to keep your strength up. I don't want to have to be told we can't get together again because you died from terminal sexual exhaustion."

He ran his hand across her back before slipping it around to cup her breast. "I'd die happy, but I'd miss out on some of the better things in life."

"Flattery will get you most anywhere," she said, laughing. She took her wrap from the top of the dresser and tied it about her waist. That was as much as she felt like dressing, at least for right now.

"I just wouldn't get to follow up properly." John pulled on his shorts, and spent a couple of minutes collecting the used condoms and the packets that had held them.

Devlin watched his back and bottom as he hunted for the condoms. He had to have one of the cuter behinds that she'd ever grabbed and held on to. There was something inherently exciting about a feeling a tight pair of buns moving under her fingers. Even if every other guy this week turned out to be a dud, spending the night with him had been worth the trip.

She glanced at her hair in the mirror: it was a tangled mess--probably every other gal had the same complaint this morning--but she managed to beat it into shape with her brush. She finally slipped on her sandals and gave John a smile.

"I'm ready."

He offered her his arm, and they headed into the morning.

The patio was nearly empty; there were two other couples eating. But judging from the amount of trash, almost everyone had probably been and gone already. John brought her a cup of coffee, and they relaxed together, just absorbing the feel of the morning.

"We got up later than I thought we would," Devlin finally said.

"It was when we woke each other up in the middle of the night that did it," John replied.

"I think that was more me than you. You were still asleep when I had to get up to use the potty."

"Well, waking up to oral sex was kind of special. I'd really hesitate to awaken a woman that way."

She laughed. "I imagine some of us could be rather grumpy if you did that." She twisted around. "What time is it?"

"Barely 9:30."

"Ah, I was afraid it was later." She got herself a bowl of fruit slices, offering some to him. "So what do you do in New Jersey?"

"I'm a mechanic," he said.

"Ah, that explains why you're good with your hands."

"Only in part. "I take it you're a college student."

"Business Major."

He looked at her in surprise. "Are you sure your looks, and your figure, won't get in your way?"

"You're one of the first guys who have ever asked me that."

He shrugged. "What can I say? My sister wanted to major in Business, but her advisor told her to forget it. With her looks she'd always be considered a bimbo or a secretary, not someone with a brain."

"That sounds pretty harsh for an advisor. I take it he said this because she's pretty."

"She. Her advisor was a woman."

"Um, still, that seems a bit harsh."

"My sister works as a model to help pay for college. You could say she's pretty, a lot of people do."

"My first advisor told me much the same thing," Devlin said. "I told him that a company was paying half my tuition, and that I was guaranteed a job there upon graduation. He didn't believe me, at least at first, until I mentioned that we made bras, and everyone there was a woman. He conceded I probably didn't have to worry about it, and signed my papers."

His eyes fell to her breasts. "When my grandmother was young I understand she was about as large as you are, and she told how this one time she had to put her hands behind her neck and walk up to a wall; if her elbows touched first she didn't get the job."

"That's so..." Devlin shook her head. "That's just so unfair. Guys don't get hired based on their looks."

"Yeah, but they used to do all of the hiring, and women were only judged on their bodies. At least it's changed."


He raised an eyebrow. "Mostly?"

"There's still some of that chauvinism and sexism around. It crops up in the unlikeliest places." She gestured at her chest. "People think a girl with these is only good for gracing naked photo shoots and things like that."

"Well, they are striking. A guy I know once got hit by a stripper's boobs at a bachelor party. It almost knocked him out."

"... knocked him out? How?"

He twisted back and forth. "She kind of swung sideways at him. I wasn't there, I only heard about it the next day. Apparently all of that mass hit him and knocked him out of his chair."

Devlin laughed. "Yeah, I could see that. I once had my boobs weighed. About 10% of my weight is in my boobs. It's murder on my back. I hope you guys don't mind, but I will probably wear a halter most of the time here. I need the support."

He chuckled. "Guys don't think of things like that." He fondled her breasts. "I know I wouldn't."

Devlin's nipples perked up at the attention. "Don't start something you won't be able to finish," she said, feeling how her nipples were tightening up. She really wanted him to suck them, but she also knew he wouldn't be good for much more than that, not after what they'd done this morning. Speaking of which...

"You know, you should probably get some rest." She patted his arm. "I'm sure some other lucky gal is going to want to keep you up most of the night."

John laughed. "No doubt." He brushed her cheek with his lips. "I think I'm going to go get a shower."

Devlin plucked at her hair. "Yeah, I will, too. Plus I need to change the sheets."

"I'll mess some up with you any time."

She waved as he left. She finished her coffee and headed back to the cabin. She had to go find another bathing suit; she didn't want to wear the really skimpy one for Evan, and she wasn't going to be seen in the same one two days in a row.

She showered and dressed quickly. Humming to herself, Devlin walked across the bridge and headed into town. She knew she could make a day long expedition out of searching for a new bathing suit, but she just wanted something that fit and looked nice. That shouldn't be too hard, should it?

Evidently it was. She spent two hours shopping for a suit; most were too small, and the two that fit were just plain ugly. Finally the sales clerk disappeared into the backroom, emerging with a couple of dusty boxes. Devlin held them up against her and studied herself in the mirror; the first one was a dark green, the second was the ever-popular black. The tops appeared to be large enough for her boobs, and small enough to fit her back. She wanted to try them on, but that meant she'd have to buy them first.

"I guess I'll take the green one," she said, handing the clerk her credit card.

"You're sure. We could--"

"I've already looked at everything else." Devlin pointed at a black one-piece that had been the closest fit. "I'll take that one, too."

She glanced at the time as she drove back to the parking lot. It was just after 11:30, more than enough time to get some lunch before meeting Evan.

She was on the patio when a tall guy with dark hair and a thick matt of chest hair caught her eye. "Did you have anything planned for this afternoon?" he asked, coming over.

"As a matter of fact, I do." She could feel the heat radiating from his body. "Sorry."

He looked a little disappointed, but after a second brightened up. "Are you leaving right away? Or would a quick little tongue work, as a promise of, say, this evening be appropriate."

"I really hadn't planned on this, at least right now," she said, glancing at the time. It wasn't even noon. She saw how tight his buns looked, and the long bulge in the front of his thong. "But you make a pretty compelling argument."

She gave him her hand and he escorted her to the deck of the pool, and its chaise lounges spread out beneath the umbrellas. She figured she'd have plenty of time to suck each other off and still get to the clubhouse in time.

"Let me undress," she said as she reached the chaise. She'd worn shorts and a tank top, and piled them and her underwear on a table next to a chaise lounge, and then lay back, running her hand up and down his legs. "Um, nice and strong. I take it you work out."

"A little," he said, moving between her legs. He dropped a kiss on her thighs. "You taste nice." He kissed her legs again just a couple of inches farther up than his first kisses.

She opened her legs a little more, sighing as he kissed her inner thighs. One of the things she liked about oral sex, receiving, not giving, was that she really didn't have to do anything. All she had to do was lie back and enjoy.

"By the way, I'm Cliff." He rested his chin on her pubic hair, smiling.

She smiled back. This wasn't the first time she'd met a guy this way, and it probably wouldn't be the last. "I'm Devlin."

"I saw you last night at the party." He paused to flick his tongue lightly over her clit, sending a warm shiver through her. "But somebody else hooked up with you first."

"Well, now's the time to make up for lost time."

He took the hint and buried his face against her sex. She sighed again as the feelings washed over her.

Somewhere in the process, she wasn't exactly sure when, she extracted his cock from his thong. He had a nice taste, and though his cock bent a little to the left, it was a nice length. She sucked his balls for a bit, but lost interest as he pushed her closer to her climax.

Afterwards, as she drifted down from those moments of pure bliss, it somehow seemed natural for him to join her, sliding his cock into her depths. She shifted to accommodate his weight, and then began moving against him. His body was rock-hard, and she loved trying to pull all of that hardness into her.

Her second climax was one of those toes-curling, legs drawing up, back-arching screamers that swept her away in one long, glorious moment. They came down slowly; she had her arms around him holding him against her. She could feel his cock, he had obviously cum and it had slipped out of her and was lying against her leg.

She wanted to drift for a while, holding him, being held by him, but she happened to glance at her watch: 12:45.

"My God!" She pushed him away and rolled off the chaise. She had to meet Evan in less than 15 minutes, and she still had to clean up. The last thing she wanted to do was meet him smelling of sweat and sex.

"What's wrong?" Cliff asked as he slid his hand up her back.

"I'm meeting a friend in a few minutes for lunch." She snatched up her clothes and started for her cabin.

"Here? Or... ?"

"No, at the clubhouse. I'll see you later."

She stopped at the door; Krissi was in bed with somebody. She could hear the sounds of passion all too clearly. She headed back to the pool. There wasn't really time for a shower, but maybe she could take a quick wade in the pool and rinse off.

She only went waist-deep in the pool, and gave herself a quick rub between her legs. She dried herself quickly and pulled on her clothes. She knew she was going to be late, but maybe only by a couple of minutes. At least her hair was in reasonable shape.

"Self-control," she muttered as she hurried across the bridge. "When will I learn some self-control?" She could feel the crotch of her shorts brushing her sex, giving her little jolts of feeling. She could feel moisture on her thighs, and she could feel the sun and breeze on her skin. She glanced down; her nipples were still taut, leaving little nubs on the front of her blouse.

"Damn," she muttered when she saw that. Her body had that liquid-feel she'd experienced a few times at Emma's; it was ready for sex and sending every cue it could. She just hoped it wouldn't show. No wonder she didn't have any self-control. Her body got turned on by any guy in reach, and stayed that way.

Evan was standing in front of the clubhouse when she appeared. He saw her as she came around the bend in the path and smiled. "You look radiant," he said, noticeably looking at her face and not what she was doing to the front of her blouse.

"Oh, this," she said, touching her cheek to keep his attention there. "I was rushing." Over his shoulder she could see the clock in the lobby of the clubhouse. She'd made it with a minute to spare. It was hard to believe that just over 15 minutes ago she and Cliff had been involved with each other on that chaise. It reminded her of that first date with Jeff, and how she'd been in the middle of a climax when he'd shown up at the door.

She stifled that memory. Evan wasn't anything like Jeff; she'd have to quiz him cautiously to make sure he didn't belong to some religious group or something, but as far as she could tell, he and Jeff were worlds apart.

"Eaten yet?" Evan asked as they walked slowly toward the parking lot.

"I had a few bites," she said. She wasn't hungry at the moment, though she knew she needed to eat more than a few fruit slices today. "How about you?"

"I'm fine. I ate after my work-out."

"What did you have in mind for this afternoon?" she asked. "I brought a bathing suit just in case it involved water."

"I had something in mind," he said. "Am I right: you haven't been down to the Caribbean before?"

"Until I landed in Miami a couple of days ago, the farthest south I'd ever been was St. Louis."

"Ah, well there are a lot of things to show you here in the Conch Republic."

"Conch Republic?"

Evan grinned as he opened the door of his car for her. "It's a famous story, at least among the locals. Several years ago the INS blocked the only road off the Keys, up on Key Largo. The next day the Mayor of Key West seceded from the Union, declared war, and promptly surrendered, demanding rehabilitation like the US gave Germany and Japan after WW2."

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The Cessna 182 seemed to slide almost frictionless through the grey cloud. Every direction the pilots looked there was only a light gray. There was no sense of speed or motion, because all the visual cues that would suggest that were gone. There were only grey and tiny droplets of water bouncing around on some of the windows. Even the sense of being in a cloud was missing. The fog over the coast was thick extending from a couple of hundred feet above the Gulf Coast up to about two thousand...

1 year ago
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ZebraGirls Alina Ali Jessie Saint Nicole Kitt 03062021

Nicole has been going to massage school and since it is close to their final exams she invites a couple of fellow students over to her place to practice their techniques. Jessie and Alina have been checking out Nicole’s tits ever since the class started and are finally given the opportunity to see them up close. First they get to work on her shoulders, legs and back. Covered in oil they start to rub her plump butt. Nicole is getting excited as the girls really work her creases. Arched up...

2 years ago
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My Sexy StepMom With Added Flavor 8211 Part 3

In a few minutes, I reached home (my biological mom’s home). Since I had keys, I opened the door and dared to get inside. Natasha was nowhere downstairs, so I went upstairs to check her out. I called her name but no answer! So I knocked on the bedroom door and made my entry. She was not there either. But as soon as I opened the washroom door to check, I heard the sound of water as she was taking a bath. Since she did not know about my arrival I took advantage, peeping into the washroom where...

4 years ago
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Omnipotent love

You are given the power to have anyone of the opposite sex fall in love with you, but only through thinking about them sexually they will become unimaginably in love with you, they will deny you nothing, they will even know where you are and how to get to you, even the fictional one, but if they do not have that power well they won't reach you unless they have portal powers or if they know how to build a machine. You can also change how they look want them to look like an anime character in the...

4 years ago
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The Game Of Sex 8211 Part III

This is continuation of my story please read first part I and II. Aise hi khelte khelte sab decide ho gaya tha ab bari thi practical ki tab usne apne room ke kubod me se kuch ajeeb sa jo uske hat me tha le kar mere pass aya aur bola is chus chus kar chikna kar do wo dekhne me lund jaisa hi tha 6 inch lamba aur 3inch mota tha mene uske kehne ke hisab se kiya aur use chat chat kar chikna kar diya aur usne fir le kar mujhe kutya ki tarha khada hone ko kaha mujhe laga shayad wo meri chut Marne ke...

1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 16

Edited by: oldfart and 2muchdiggity ‘Let her in, Kal,’ came the thought from Kuto. “Why the hell would I do that?” said Kal aloud. The last few minutes he had been talking the frozen harpy through the more panic-inducing parts of her stasis, such as no longer breathing or having a heartbeat. The bird-girl’s hysteria faded quickly as the mage shared images and feelings from his own experience. Knowing that she would be okay once the gorgon’s petrification ran its course did a lot to dispel...

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Adventures of Flint Hardwood Bounty Hunter

Winter 1862 I looked out the window of the stage coach as the snow started to fall, the first snows of winter feeling a little sorry for the driver. I hated the damn snow. After this job was done I take my money and head west, California maybe. There sure as hell wasn’t anything left for me back home after the war. The snow sent a chill down my spine but luckily I had two lovely ladies to keep me company. I glanced down at them. A French lady from and her daughter. I had paid their way in...

Group Sex
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Amnesty Program Ch 05

Nathan sat in a booth across from Emily in the warm dimness of a local pub and smiled at her. She scowled back. "If you were expecting to fuck me tonight, you can forget it." She was wearing a black leather jacket over a red and white striped tank top and frayed denim shorts. The jacket had slipped off her right shoulder. She left it that way."What I expect," he said, his smile only fading a little, "is an intelligent conversation," He took a sip of his beer, "I was only hoping to fuck...

First Time
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A Night with Daddy

I was little nervous but everything was ready. I had a blunt rolled and an assortment of alcohol ready for Daddy when he arrived, I love to please and everything should be perfect when my man comes to visit. I spent the afternoon pampering myself in preparation as well, every inch of my body smelled like roses, every nook and cranny ready in case a tongue came to visit or hands ventured to explore. I decided to wear something simple but sexy, my sparkly red top and tights to show off my booty,...

2 years ago
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Dinner Plans

You and I had plans to grab some dinner. I had a place down in the city. So we were close enough to walk to dinner.You stopped over my place after work. You said you wanted to freshen up before we went out. So you cleaned up, changed into a skirt, and we headed out the door. It was about 6:30 at night, in the middle of rush hour, and the sun had just started going down. I made sure I kept you tight against me. I couldn't let my Babygirl get to close to the traffic.We stopped to cross at a busy...

4 years ago
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The Chase

The moonlight flickered softly across the lake, a reflection cast upon the still water as you walked hand in hand alongside the water’s edge. A soft gentle breeze ruffled the loose strands of your hair, enough to soften and cool the humid air of a late summer’s night. A quietness having descended, so peaceful and tranquil, the only sounds those of nocturnal nature. With each step upon the soft grass you felt the warm glow in your heart unable to stop the radiating smile etched across your...

Love Stories
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Sex out on the patio

This is from a few years back but it's all true ......It was a beautiful Midwestern summers day and I decided to relax out on the patio in back of our house .  We have a U shaped ranch house with , pretty much , all glass sliding doors across the back and a private patio running the width of the house . Surrounded almost completely with six foot shrubs with only a walk thru opening at each end .I grabbed a beer and some swimming trunks and yelled to my wife that I was going out . The previous...

1 year ago
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An evening out at sex cinema hopefully alone Why

I wanted to have an evening of excitement in a sex cinema. I was hoping no one noticed how nervous I was and that my stomach was turning and at the same time filled with butterflies hoping that no one realizes under my jogging pants i was wearing strapless black fishnetz stockings,a small red thong, and a really short, tight black skirt. Although I'm straight man, for some reason over the past 6 months i have been dreaming about and now I am fantasizing daily over Crossdressing and being...

3 years ago
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Glory Hole

I've told you in the past the great times I've had a the local porn shop.Sucking and being sucked.Well yesterday I went there and started off watching the videos and playing with my cock. The guy in the booth next to me invited my cock. He was sucking me off and it was great. All of sudden he gave up, just when I was going to cum in his mouth. What a disapointment. He left and a new guy showed up. This time he must have looked at me jerking my cock and invited me to stick my cock through...

3 years ago
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Morgana Part 1

MORGANA BY MAGGIE FINSON CHAPTER 1 The Prisoner I first saw her in chains. Oh, not the old fashioned linked kind that you see in period pieces and historical tales on the Vid. These chains were pure energy, connected to slender cuffs on her wrists, ankles, and a silvery belt around her waist. At least technology in 3251 Old Count, 1244 New Terran relieved her of the ignominy bearing clanking and clashing chains would have caused. Her dignity in captivity was...

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Mature Mom starts New Life

I'm a 49 year old Mom of three. My husband left me with them for a younger woman 12 years ago. This changed my life and turned it up site down, I was alone to raise the 3 k**s. My life consisted of work then tending to all the c***dren's needs. I was now at the point in my life where the k**s were all gone from home I sold the house moved into a condo, but I wanted more of what I had missed and sacrificed. I did have a couple boyfriends over the years but nothing ever got serious, I was just...

3 years ago
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Linda The 1st time I Crossdressed

When I was 18years old, (you have to remember this was 1975) a female work colleague (Kath)came to me and said I dare you to go to Mawer and Collingham (a local posh store)and go and buy her Black Stockings, Suspenders, Knickers, Bra and garter.Well I wasn't going to turn down a dare, so off I went with the list and money, later got back and passing over the sexy goods I said that was so simple, you can do better than that surely.Hang on a minute she said, I have got a dare you won't find as...

2 years ago
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RomanceChapter 12

Romance: Another country heard from:12. Rather than spend hours hoping to sell another knife, Kevin Pipes and John Parker loaded everything back up into their old U Haul van and followed us back to Frogmorton. "I had no idea this place was here," Kevin said. "I've seen the house on the hill when I was hiking the Trail ... but ... never ... I mean never knew there was a village here ... and there's a bank. You mean your check would have been good?" Sultry nodded. John added, as he...

3 years ago
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A Naughty Evening Part Three

After I took the pill, I felt a lot better. I just knew that it would take care of everything and I would not be pregnant by my stepbrother. This was what I was hoping anyway. I hurried home because I knew Mark would be waiting for me. I will say that I’m enjoying being with him. I know I'm a little difficult, but only because I don’t want him to get his way all the time. I was enjoying his cock though. My boyfriend has a much smaller cock and is not as experienced as my stepbrother. I'm...

1 year ago
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Wife Slave

“I know you will,” I said then kissed him again more deeply. As he got ready to go, I got ready to stay in. I decided to watch my movie in our bedroom, because we would both end up there anyways. I picked out a comedy on the pay preview, and then went to the kitchen for my wine and something to eat. As I was finishing up in the kitchen, Ben came in kissed me goodbye as you rubbed his thumb across my nipple, and said he would be home by midnight. Giggling, I locked the door behind him and...

2 years ago
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Because of the Night Ch 08

Laurie slipped into Sir Glen’s dark rooms and into his arms. ‘How is Taylor?’ he asked. She had not been surprised finding him naked in the dark standing by the window over looking the conclave. ‘Asleep.’ Laurie tipped her head up intent on finding out what had occurred. ‘No Laurie. Just make sure Taylor returns to Mr. Leif in the morning. We’ll leave these demons be.’ Reluctantly, she turned the covers back on Sir Glen’s bed, and he followed pulling her to him and stroking her hair. In a...

4 years ago
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Take Me AwayChapter 3

Lil stayed for quite a bit longer than just the couple of hours she originally planned, the three friends having entirely too much fun catching up and reminiscing about old times. When Lillian wearily wandered home, it was all Ari and Amos could do to crawl into bed. When the sun rose in the morning, Amos got up from the bed and hung a sheet over the window, blocking out the light, and immediately crawled back into bed. Arilee laughed quietly, but leaned up against her man and drifted back...

3 years ago
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For the last half an hour I have been sat here looking at this single point on the wall. No, looking is the wrong description as it would suggest that I was seeing and the truth is that I have witnessed nothing at all. The noise of the children arguing downstairs washes over me like as though some audible tide is forever on the turn. Only the slam of the front door as it settles back in its frame after the children have exploded out of it does my attention re-focus to the room. I walk languidly...

1 year ago
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B6 Chapter 12 Barocca Duz Rhiannon

Chapter 12: Barocca Duz Rhiannon After the events of the banquet, Rhiannon and Barocca were among the first to leave to explore each other's bodies in private. They strolled through the corridors until they found quarters that Barocca were unoccupied. Barocca unlocked the door, and they were inside. "I've been looking forward to this, since I saw you with your hard-on at the table," said Rhiannon, as she licked her lips, while she looked at Barocca. "The feeling's mutual," said Barocca,...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Bridgette B Horny Milf8217s Ass Fucking Adventure

Grab your cumrag and cum along for the ride with curvy assed Spanish stunner Bridgette B. who has coerced her step-son Tyler Nixon into getting kinky with her while his Dad is away on business. It would be impossible to resist this curvy temptress and Tyler is only human, so when the horny Milf makes her dirty proposition he would be a fool to turn his opportunity to ass fuck the big assed babe. Tune in to this 4K Hands On Hardcore premium porn scene to see the hot anal sex action play out when...

4 years ago
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Kolkata Business Trip Part II

Read part I here ........After the long session of sex we ordered food. I was sitting there on the sofa sipping my drink and having a smoke wearing my padded bra n lace panty only. Saurabh was lying on the bed nude and facing me. We were chatting and then he told me he is a sports trainer and works out. Thats where he got his stamina i guess. The room service told us that food will take about 20 mins so we were watching tv and after i finished my smoke i got upme- i should change to normal, the...

1 year ago
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fantasys can come true

20 YEAR OLD FANTASY COMES TRUEI was heading up to my grand-fathers cabin and decided I'd spend the night but I had to stop for some groceries on the way. A little country store was my only choice so I pulled in. While gathering some steaks and goods to go with it , from 3 isles over someone called out my name. I looked up to see my cousin Deb who was as surprised as I was. What are you doing here"? She said. I'm heading to grandpa's cabin I replied. So am I. How I asked, my car is the only one...

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I asked first, "truth or dare" I asked Anna, she said truth, so I asked if she had ever kissed a boy, she said no. now it was her turn, "truth or dare' she asked her brother, Mike responding "dare!" "I dare you to show us your underwear" so he did. Now it was his turn and he asked Anna again and this time she picked dare. and Mike told her to kiss me! she very hesitantly got up and sat next to me, leaned in and we kissed! her wet soft lips felt so amazing on mine! and she liked it...

1 year ago
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Moving into a new life Part 2

Chapter 2 Later that night. Mark retreated into his bedroom on the second floor and stared out the window at the lights of the houses. He contemplated the evenings events. He had to admit some kind of love for Valentina. It couldn't be romantic,though. They had different places in life. There was no way that could work. It definitely was her choice he admitted to himself. He pondered his own actions and knew that he had not tried to influence her, seduce her, or manipulate...

3 years ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 36 The Public Whip Master

One Friday morning I was again summoned with Jeremy to Bud Williamson's office for a conference about Rachel Green. I knew that our agency had the previous week received the official assignment from the Court to protect Rachel. "Stephanie", Bud began, "yesterday Rachel turned herself in at the courthouse as directed for her whipping. By this evening she will have been transported to 'Morrison Whip Masters Ltd', where there is to be a large well advertised public whipping of several...

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