Who Am I
- 4 years ago
- 19
- 0
Belief and Flight
"I suppose I could ask you what all of that was about, but I'm not sure I would get an answer that I'd understand." Steve stared at Mike for a long moment. He had been holding his tongue, trying to sort out a mass of confused emotions and some disturbing implications.
They sat on a small hill overlooking the Wapato cabin. The valley, its scattered meadows and timber stands, and the tawny, rolling hills lay beyond.
"I can try to explain. I'm not so worried about you understanding it, as I am about you believing it. But, considering the fact that you saw what you did last night, and you haven't yet arrested the whole lot of us, or run down the mountain screaming in terror—that seems to say a lot for your trust in yourself, trusting what you've seen—and giving yourself time to sort it out for yourself."
"Yeh, well, don't give me too much credit just yet. I'm liable to decide that I'm in way over my head. I may find myself doing something irrational before I get myself under control. But, I'll try to give you fair warning before that happens. Now, how do we want to do this? Would you like to start from the beginning, or shall I drag it out of you piece by piece, and hope it comes together in something that doesn't seem like a pulp fiction novel?"
"However you'd like to start, Steve. Perhaps you'd better ask your most immediate questions first, and we'll see how it goes from there?"
"Alright. First, that scene last night. Was it real?"
"Yes, as real as it gets."
"Do you know who they were, and do you have any idea what it means?"
"I know one ... the angel. I assume the other was Marie Wapato, or at least her as a representative of her people ... or of all of us, as humanity. What it means? I'm pretty sure it was a 'meet and greet' thing. But you have to understand that the angel is not really an angel as you'd think of a religious object. And that angel is not human. She—and her people—are not from here. From earth, I mean. They're travelers from another world, and they're stranded here."
Steve sat stern-faced, scowling, for a long moment. "You know her, this angel, this alien... ?"
"Yes. She appeared to me when I nearly died in that antarctic camp, stranded there on the ice. Not physically, but as a dream, a vision. They are ... we'd call it telepathic, but it's really more than that. It's difficult to explain something we don't, normally cannot, do ourselves. But we can ... we could, I guess ... we're latent I think. It's an ability that can develop. It did with me. She helped, opened my ability, like opening my eyes."
"Slow down, Mike. Give me a minute to get this straight in my mind. You saw her, met her, in Antarctica?"
"In a manner of speaking, yes. Not physically, as in face to face. They cannot. They're trapped in their ship, locked in the ice there on Siple Island. That's the object the agency has been seeing shadows of, and is anxious about. They've been stranded there for two millennia."
"My God, man! Dammit, your answers are running me off a cliff, here. Each answer you give me brings up more questions than answers!"
"Sorry! That's the problem with trying to lay it out for you all at once, I guess. Look, let me give you a quick rundown, and if you'll hold your questions until I finish, then we'll try to fill out a complete picture ... okay?"
"Sure, we've got nothing better to do but sit here in the sunshine for the next couple of hours. Have at it!"
Mike gave Steve a full briefing, starting with his first dream meeting with Dee'rah, up through his most recent ability to commune and communicate with her during waking moments. This quickly led to more specific questions.
"Oh, man, if word of this conversation gets out you realize neither one of us will ever see the outside of a mental institution again, don't you? More likely we'll never get into one. The agency will have us three hundred feet underground in tiny white rooms. We'll be the subject of endless mind-dumps to extract every last shred of whatever they're afraid we've discovered." Steve sat squirming, staring at the far hills, clearly uncomfortable with what he'd heard.
"Well, I've come too far to back out now. I can't forget what I've learned. Now tell me how the hell something can be as huge as that shadow we think we see under the ice down there. Sixteen miles long? Two miles wide? How the hell can it be that big?"
"It's not. Not really. That's just its shadow, or field of influence if you will. It's actually much smaller. Only about three miles long and something less than a half mile wide. As I understand it, there's a sort of shield that covers and protects and extends as far as the shadow indicates. Also, you've got to realize, they ... the Masi'shen, that's what they call their race ... they've been there a long time. They have habitat, areas that extend well beyond the boundaries of the ship. They come from an ice planet originally, and they were equipped to burrow and survive into the ice where they chose to set the ship down in an emergency landing."
"Three miles long? Damn, Mike! That's still pretty huge!"
"Yes, I agree. Actually, I've seen it before it was damaged. Dee'rah took me flying to show me their journey, their space voyage, and their ship. She showed me an image of the strike that damaged their ship, killed a third of their people, and forced them to land on earth. It's huge, alright, but taken in context of such long voyages and the needs of a full crew, it's appropriately sized. It's just so far beyond our frame of reference. It's pretty hard to accept."
"Alright, Mike. You keep talking about her as if you go face to face, or she takes your hand and you go flying around worlds and stars, and the next minute she's coming up out of your body—you sitting there half-petrified in front of a campfire—so she can do a firesmoke dance as an angel all wrapped up with a raven woman. So what's the deal here? How's this working?"
"That's the hardest part to understand. It's metaphysical. They are physical beings, but not like us. They have bodies, very similar to us. I guess if you saw one of them walking down the street, you'd not notice that much difference. But they have so much energy or life force, that's all I can call it. They can use it. They do use it, in two major ways. First, they evolved to be able to assume various useful shapes. It's not an instant process, but it doesn't take all that long, either. Think of it like a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Same creature, two forms. Except they do it much faster, and it can be reversed at will. Butterfly can become caterpillar again, or something similar but different."
"So let me guess," Steve interrupted. "That penguin that flopped into that woman's raft and dropped the message in a tube, that was one of your shape-shifter friends?"
"Had to be. Only way they could do it. Actually, there's a lot of them, and please remember again, their home world is an ice planet with huge oceans. They take an aquatic form to work the oceans. Stranded here, I guess they found it easy to assume the shape of emperor penguins. They are compact, powerful swimmers, and a perfect disguise. Apparently many of them use that form as sea workers to harvest what they need for the others, who retain their terrestrial form to work in their habitat under the ice. If a sea worker chooses, they can pupate back into a terrestrial form. It takes a short time, a couple of days, and a fair amount of energy. So they don't do it as a spur of the moment thing, but they can easily enough, when they want to."
"So, what's with all those penguins running around on the ice, and standing through the winter hatching eggs, and getting eaten by seals and orca, and feeding their chicks with regurgitated fish gruel?"
"That's our earth creatures. They were the model for an outside disguise. I don't know what form was used before men started arriving in sailing ships down there—the whalers and the explorers—but after humans intruded, the Masi'shen adopted the penguin form for any work outside their ship and habitat."
"So how come they don't get caught and eaten like the other ... no, not other, because they're not really penguins, are they? How come they, looking like penguins, don't get caught and eaten? There are some formidable predators looking to make a meal of them."
"Telepathy, you'd call it; maybe mind meld if you like the Star Trek approach, except no touchy-feely is involved. The Orca are incredibly intelligent, and the Masi'shen communicate with them. We've suspected that intelligent communication goes on among the cetaceans, the orca and whales, but we've never been able to do much more than some primitive interpretation. Turns out we've been chasing the wrong paradigm. Those squeaks and squeals are songs, alright, and it's useful for staying in touch, like you shouting hellooo! from across the meadow to another hiker. But their real communication is by mind energy, telepathy, a metaphysical link. Our cetaceans have it, and the Masi'shen, who evolved as sea people, have it.
"So it's like humans don't eat each other, and the Orca don't eat Masi'shen. As for the leopard seals, the lesser creatures, the Masi'shen can outswim them and defend themselves quite nicely. If a persistent seal doesn't get the message, an Orca will swoop in to set things straight!"
Another long silence passed while Steve absorbed and pondered. It all made sense, once his mind accepted the concepts. Humans are terrestrial beings; these Masi'shen are sea creatures who evolved to live in the sea, and then under the ice that was a huge part of their home world. Somehow they developed technology and science and made the leap into space. He lay back in the soft grass and stared up at the passing clouds, looking like so many sailing ships transiting a deep blue ocean of sky.
"So, what's with the angel thing then? Why does she ... this Dee'rah of yours, why does she take that angel form?"
"Pretty easy, really. It's not physical. It's her spirit projection. It's all energy and intelligence. It's her dream shape if you want to think of it like that. Really, we don't give dreams enough credit for what they really are. Ours are so confused and haphazard and random that we don't credit them as anything much more than our minds running loose and wild like school children during recess. But it's far more than that when one's mind is focused, when its latent abilities are exercised and developed.
"Let me give you an example. In some dreams you visit places and see people you've never experienced during your waking life. Or, you read of some place that fascinates you, and you may have a dream where you go there, see things, interact with people. Or you fly, or go into space, or do all sorts of things your physical body has not or cannot do. We pass it off as aberrations or subconscious stress relief. The way we do it, that's mostly true. But there are too many historical examples where it's been far more significant.
"People had dreams that foretold the future, that warned of some life or world-altering event. Others dreamed of a magnificent destiny for their child that came true. The father of a boy who grew to found a major world faith dreamed of his son's future. Others dream dire warnings. They ignore the warning and fulfill the terrible prediction. These things are too powerful to ignore, but we haven't really been able to grasp the reality of it; to understand it, to shape or use it."
"The Masi'shen—more advanced with an immense life energy and spiritual component as essential elements of their being—they use a form of dream projection to reach out beyond themselves, to see, to communicate, to travel and learn. Problem is, the distance is limited. They cannot go beyond our local galaxy, as an example. It's too limited for them to phone home for help."
Steve sat bolt upright and stared at Mike: "Too limited!? No farther than our galaxy!? Jeezus, man, I'd hate to see your definition of unlimited! They can assume a body ... an energy body, and go flitting around the galaxy for a Sunday drive? Do you have any idea how nuts that sounds?"
Mike stood, stretched his numb legs, feeling the ache and stiffness from his recently healed wounds. He took a few short steps back and forth, did a few simple leg stretches, arched his back and did a couple of easy body movements. As he felt his muscles warm and respond, and the blood flowing through his stiff leg again, he turned back to Steve.
"Hell yes, I know how nuts that sounds! Here's the even nuttier part. I went with her. Or should I say, she took me along with her. My body stayed behind, asleep and safely tucked in my sleeping bags. My essence, if you want to call it that, went with her. Imagine yourself in a really vivid dream. You float, move, touch, see and talk, hear and sense that you are altogether yourself, but you're not heavy and gravity-bound as you normally feel. So imagine yourself as a dream traveller and you'll get the idea. She and I went flying off to have a look-see in space, way out beyond our normal limits, but still within our galaxy. I think she took me somewhere near the outer limits, but how the hell should I know? I didn't have a road map with me.
"Here's the kicker. She also projected her vision of historical events. We went back two thousand years and she showed me, like I was there when it happened, what destroyed a big part of their ship and forced them to land here. They had no choice. It was pure chance and good fortune that earth was a suitable long-term refuge for them. They chose the south polar cap for a good reason. It's a solid continent, covered with deep ice, surrounded by the greatest expanse of ocean on our planet. For them, it was perfect. Habitat, seclusion, resources, and survival. Except we've become a threat. We humans are becoming too advanced with technology but we are too retarded spiritually.
"At best we humans, as a race, are savages. Some of us are better, some worse. Somehow, they've accepted that I'm different, a high spirit she calls me; Michael-mine she says. They don't kill. It's anathema to them. If we attacked them, the thought of them using deadly force in defense is unthinkable. It's a concept as foreign to them as eating our own children would be to us. She tells me that to their knowledge, we are alone in the known universe that way.
"They've encountered numerous other races, aliens, and without exception all of them are non-violent. Space-faring people must shun violence. Those who don't evolve beyond aggression and wars always perish before they get off their rock. They inevitably turn their technology against themselves. If they don't control their aggressions, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's like our nuclear weapons. If we don't advance spiritually enough to absolutely guarantee to ourselves that such terrible devices will be shunned and destroyed, then we'll certainly destroy ourselves. One day we'll go poof! No galaxy-hopping for us. We'd never give ourselves a chance."
"Okay, Mike, I get it. But you do realize that you're sounding like a raving pacifist, right?"
"Sure. Why not? What the hell is the alternative—mutually assured destruction? Is that our future? Our leaders walk around with their fingers on a trigger until some inevitable day a lunatic among them starts a chain reaction of total destruction? And that is supposed to be rational for God's sake? Get realistic for a minute. Forget the damned conventional thinking. One terrorist suitcase nuke gets exploded and takes out a city. You think it will stop there? Hell no! The nearby survivors, choking on the smoke and dying from radiation, will demand that somebody must be punished, and soon there's another smoking crater. Missiles fly. Neighbors strike back and our planet gets well and truly pooched! Steve, that's the future if we don't stop thinking that this insanity is rational!"
"No, Mike, it's not rational. To a madman, maybe, but we've accommodated ourselves to it and learned not to think about it too much. And it's sure as hell not a popular discussion on the political circuit or around the banquet table. We're ostriches, I admit, but we haven't got our heads stuck in the sand. We've got 'em well and truly up our own backsides. But it's nothing we can change at the moment. So, what's the deal now with Dee'rah and her people, the Masi'shen, you say. What now?"
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Ashley was a thin Latina with long blonde highlighted brown hair, and she was tall for her age. She wore glasses, and even though she still had braces, she had an infectious smile with big lips. Ashley was very young, but she really had a great figure, and looked great in jeans. As the time went on, my feeling for her grew and being that she was kind of tall, I tried to justify my feeling subconsciously for her but, deep down I knew she was too young to pursue. As I said, she wasn’t in...
Have you ever had a roommate that was having a bad day!?!? There are a few ways to cheer them up, but nothing like good old fashioned sex. Johnny Goodluck, Silvia Siage and Jessica Jaymes have a little menage a trois…..you know…..just to cheer each other up. Johnny pays special attention to these ladies, while they return the favor. Not to mention, paying attention to each other. He plays with their big titties, and they are very pleased to also play with each other’s kitties....
xmoviesforyouWell, that was quite a confession and soul searching from Jan. The sex wasn’t bad either, laughing to himself. That’s the woman he loves and married. Probably better to just let the “Susan” saga die right here in Tennessee. No good can come from pouring salt in the wound by telling her about those four days. He looked over at her, peacefully sleeping against the door of my truck with her casted leg in my lap while driving home. God, she’s a beautiful woman and she’s mine. I gently touched her...
Brunette bombshells Anissa Kate and Kitana Lure are ecstatic when they arrive at the massage parlor and find out that two black guys will be servicing them. When the first part of the message is finished and both girls are naked and oiled up, they decide to keep the pleasure going. They start by licking and fingering each others pussies, before pulling out the toys. Anissa is slamming her friends box with a purple dildo when, to their surprise, the two masseuses come back in the room. From...
xmoviesforyouVirgina is my cousin wife she have 2 small k**s her husband works on ship. it was summer time i all ways liked virgina to see in summer she looked very hot as she used to were transparent clothe to fell cool i could all ways see her black bra & underwear her body had a great shape.one day while i was walking by her house i saw her father-in-law & mother-in-law living the house with big bags i went to them and asked them were r you going and they answered we are going to euro trip fore...
Its been a while since I have posted a story, though that hasnt meant my thoughts of late have been any less interesting. Like everyone out there, there are a variety of reasons which bring about sexual thoughts with each of us differing in this respect. For me, some of these reasons are more constant than others. One such is the fact I will often enjoy thoughts about my son in law. Younger than myself by a good few years, hes been a particularly good catch for my daughter, whilst for me, hes...
Introduction: I get myself a best friend Sometimes, it takes time to realize what we have really been through, and acknowledge how it could forever be a part of our lives. This story is a continuation of Part 10, and as always, I recommend you read my previous stories to fully grasp what is going on at this point of my life. I laid in bed that night, listening to my mom moaning and screaming in her room, getting fucked by Bill, and some other guy I didnt know. I was too tired to try watching...
My business trips to Atlanta were always enjoyable. Having lived there previously, I knew the nice places in midtown and Buckhead to just sit back and relax. Sometimes, my schedule would work out where I would meet up with Henri and Joan, or sometimes just one of them. They were both hot in bed. This trip I was on my own, as our calendars did not match up even though I was going to be there for a whole week. A long day at the office meant I needed time at the hotel bar for dinner and a few...
BisexualAnna woke up and looked around. She saw a man standing in front of the mirror. He looked, at the same time, both familiar and different. It was David, but a David with wider shoulders. "David? Is that you?" David turned back to her, and smiled. "He" then shifted into the form of Nicole. "It's just me. I was just wondering what David might look like with a few little differences. Bigger shoulders, bigger... equipment." "You're not satisfied with David as he is?" "Of course I am,...
“This is a big problem in the house. My husband never likes anything that I cook. Every night while serving dinner, he says I ate outside.” “Try one special masala. It’s my mother’s recipe, it will make the food tastier.” “Doesn’t matter. Even if I serve him food worth gold, he will still find faults in it.” It was evening time and two women were chatting in the balcony, just outside their room doors, in a chawl. One of them was Pramila while the other was her neighbor, Shobha. “Okay fine....
The next 2 weeks went by quickly. School was starting to get to the point where you're busy doing homework or studying for the next test. Work was also getting quite busy as well. One of the guys was going on vacation leaving us a person short. It did serve to distract me and let the guilt lessen most of the time. I couldn't feel guilty when I didn't have time to think about what happened. Melanie's strange hours were helping that as well. I was barely seeing her most of the time. I...
This story grew out of the desire to write a story about an imagined first sexual encounter, yet have a little something in it for others. None of the characters are real, none of the events happened to me or anyone I knew, this is a total fabrication. Love to hear comments.“What a long day,” I said out loud as I unlocked the front door of my parent’s house, walked in and stopped before throwing the keys on the floor where the hall table had been a few days before.I began my day began...
The restaurant was very nice, the kind with dim lighting and nice linen table cloths and napkins. We were seated at a booth at the back of the restaurant. I was told to slide in and then he slid in beside me. I was told to go without panties for the night. I had obeyed but as we slid in, I was sure my partner would check it out, he did not disappoint me when he told me to raise my skirt and allow him to feel his property. I did as I was told laying the napkin in my lap and his hand...
This was so unexpected. We had dozed off on the picnic table after pleasing each other. We awoke to giggles and voices nearby, but out of sight.Silently searching- we discovered two lovers in the woods. These two lovers locked eyes and looked deep into each other's souls. And in that most precious of locations, these two knew that this must be fate. No words needed to be expressed. Everything was expressed through emotion, just the raw feeling of desire.He wanted her. She felt it. She wanted...
My name is Tom. I'm a 24 years old, well built, tall, handsome guy. If we ever met in real life you'd think I'm a real alpha male. I have a good sense of humour and I act confident in nearly all situations. The truth is that most of the time I'm just faking it... In reality I'm very submissive and quiet. The lack of speech can be seen as a way of confidence with my manly appearance and people often feel intimitated because of my slilence. If they knew I just can't speak to them they would laugh...
Codey Steele’s new stepsister, Madison Summers, just loves to tease him. Today, Madison has decided to bring her yoga equipment into the living room because she knows Codey will be there and it’ll make him uncomfortable. When Codey gets nervous, Madison escalates the situation by pointing it out to him. She doesn’t let Codey off easily by allowing him to leave, either. Instead, she insists that Codey help her out with additional positions that are increasingly sexual in...
xmoviesforyouI walk out into the waiting room to find you as my next client. I smile and call you into the room. “Well you know the routine, strip and lay face down on the table with the towel.” I told you with a smile. You smiled back as I left the room so that you can change. When I return to the room, I see you sitting up on your elbows waiting for me to come back in. I turn on some soft music and get my favorite lotion out of the cabinet. I look over my shoulder to find you staring at my ass. I...
She knew only what she had picked up from fragments of conversation that she had overheard when her parents didn't know she was listening. Apparently it was a gift from her father to her mother, who had some kind of medical condition that neither of them wanted their daughter to know about. They had apparently gone to see some kind of specialist, who had recommended this object, probably some kind of medical device. One day, her dad had installed a lock on the door to the walk-in closet...
Dick Dangler I met him @ a PC convention and he showed me how to navigate etc. As he leaned over me he touched my shoulder & stroked my arm when I got things right on the computer. He was handsome tall & black but he smelled so good. As he was touching me I felt my cock begin to swell so much so that it was becoming uncomfortable. Sure enough he noticed my embarrassment although he didn’t take any further at that time. He suggested we adjourn to the bar & we spent the evening getting to know...
Princess Annabelle of England sat in her bed chamber one evening in late 1871 and watched as super classed snobs arrived at the palace ready to eat her food, drink her wine from the window. They made her sick. The door opened and her busty French maid called Marie stepped in. ‘Marie, how many times do I have to tell you,’ Princess Annabelle said, irritably. ‘Always knock before you come in.’ The French maid curtsed, ‘Sorry, your highness, but a gentleman wishes to see you,’ she said, her French...
The first of the Mastiffs, wanted a second go at me but I gave a subtle shake of the head and Arek immediately shepherded the five dogs out of the cage. How he communicated with them by not being able to speak, onlyt by a grunt and finger gestures was a marvel and I told myself I would have to find out. The dogs obeyed him immediately. This Dane was the biggest one and he was in no great hurry to claim his bitch. He had already done that and the way he looked at me and sort of swaggered...
"A Charlotte Belle" PART 1: GOING HOME The flight home from my grandfather's funeral seemed like eternity as a sat in my seat, peering out the window into the darkness. Occasional dots of patterned light would pass below us every five minutes or so, signaling the small towns of the American south. As I reclined in my seat I thought of him and the bittersweet days following his death. My mother's family had not been together as a whole in over 15 years; Aunts, Uncles, cousins seeing...
Hello, guys this is rishab again with my second story in iss.I never thought I would write another story on iss.So yes it has happened to me again and trust me guys ladies crave for sex more than guys do when they want it to happen. So the ones who doesn’t know me I am from Hyderabad, doing my btech from one of the good institutions of the city and the heroine of the story is my cousin sister Sanjana (name changed) for obvious reasons she 5’7 in height, aged 24 and her stats I didn’t measure...