After The Divorce Male Multiple Orgasms
- 3 years ago
- 34
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(This is the penultimate chapter for this series. Enjoy!)
That week, I just couldn’t help myself and took a daily pilgrimage to the link displaying Dad’s debaucherous video. Each time, I was greeted by the sight of my mother ... the woman who had loved and nurtured me ... being thoroughly ravaged, and finally bred, by Dad’s well-hung companion. And each time, the viewing experience had the same explosive effect on both my psyche and my loins.
It made me recall the similar scene five months prior at my parents’ house, when I’d watched Dad do virtually the same thing right in front of me. With each viewing, I was re-immersed into the vivid sensory soup of that event ... the musky smell of sex ... the aural cacophony of voiced pleasure ... the tactile feel of warm, slick flesh ... and the ever-present emotional conflict suppressed by lustful desires.
“Who is more depraved,” I thought, as I pleasured myself while watching for the fourth time, “my perverted cuckold father or me ... his lecherous son?”
No correspondence passed between us that fateful week, even though I felt the need to respond to the “reward” he had bestowed. What could I even say? What he had given was more like poisoned candy ... so enticing, yet ultimately deadly after consumption. The longer I waited to respond, the more guilt I imagined him feeling at having shared that video with me. Could he have thought, perhaps, that I wouldn’t want to talk with him ever again?
Halfway into the second week of the silence between us, I received an email with is familiar return address. My heart pounded seeing it in my inbox, but I resisted opening it until later that night, in the comfort of my apartment.
With a glass of wine to take the edge off a hard day at work, I was finally ready to face whatever Dad had to say and clicked on his message.
Hey Charlie,
How’s everything going? It’s been a while since I heard from you. Guess you’ve been busy ... or something. Look, I was just wondering if that last email is the reason I haven’t heard from you this past week. If so, then maybe we should talk about it. Could you give me a call after you read this?
I sat back and took a big gulp from my glass. “Maybe I should let him stew a bit more,” I thought to myself, as I decided whether or not to put off my reply for one more day. However, it only took a minute to select the righteous path of open communication, and before I knew it, I was hearing the familiar beeps and tones of a Skype call being placed.
“Hey there!” he exclaimed, as soon as his glowing face filled the screen.
“Hey,” I answered back coldly.
He saw that my mood was far less jovial than his and adjusted his disposition accordingly.
“Soooo ... I guess you took a look at that video I sent you, eh?”
“I’m guessing that wasn’t the best judgment, now was it?”
“The act itself ... or sending the video of it to me?” I asked spitefully.
He looked down bashfully, which was a look rarely, if ever, seen on my father’s face.
“Look ... you have every reason to be upset, but just hear me out ... To answer your first question ... Am I sorry about the act itself? ... It may surprise you, but both your mother and I would have to answer that with a resounding ‘No’.
“As I told you before, Charlie, I’ve never strayed from that beautiful woman in all our years of marriage ... so for us to do what we did with Jack and Kitty ... well, you should damn well know that it wasn’t something we took lightly ... It didn’t just ‘happen’. We talked about all the implications before actually deciding to go through with it ... together.”
As he spoke, I was completely taken aback by his honesty and sincerity. The baton of embarrassed humility had passed to me.
“And to be completely honest ... you may not believe it, but your old Dad here was the one with cold feet. Your sweet mother had to coax me into it, because frankly ... frankly, I’ve always been jealous of Jack Reynolds and that lady killer hanging between his legs ... Having your Mom as my own has been the one thing I’ve had over him all these years ... So to allow him to have his way with her ... well, that just wasn’t something I was willing to do. So, I guess that day was when the excitement of fantasy and the consequences of reality came to a crashing head for me.”
“So why did you change your mind? ... Why did you go through with it?”
“Well, like I told you ... Your mother and I talked ... We talked a lot about it, and I told her all the things I’m telling you now ... The fear I had of losing something ... Maybe losing her.
“She understood completely, but then she reminded me how our experiences with you and Erika had only brought us closer together ... Through that experience, we were able to lose an inhibition that we had clung to for so long, and it helped us to be freer and more open with each other, both sexually and non-sexually.
“Truth be told ... she also knew that I had been admiring Ms. Kitty from afar for all these years, and knowing that we aren’t getting any younger, she didn’t want me to have any regrets later on ... She was giving me permission to go out and play, as it were.”
“She also confided in me about that day at Clausen Bend, when she and Kitty played around with Jack before we were married. She confirmed that she didn’t go all the way with him ... but she also confessed that she’d thought about it all these years ... Then seeing him on the nude beach in all his glory rekindled something deep inside her ... So I guess I only have myself to blame for making that happen, eh?
“Anyway, I admired her honesty ... I mean, why is OK for guys to lust, but not for gals ... they have desires of the flesh, too, right?”
“Sure do ... even though we like to think they don’t,” I chimed in.
“Exactly! So, having talked about those desires and the fears associated with them, we decided to go through with it, enjoy it without reservation, and then talk honestly about it afterward to see how we felt about it.”
“Wow ... I didn’t know my parents were such liberal, free-lovin’ hippies!” I joked, trying to release some of the tension that had built up in our pretty heavy conversation ... even though that was usually Dad’s job.
“Yeah, you might say that,” he chuckled loudly. “Soooo ... we did the deed, and we both learned, as we had learned with you and Erika ... it can be a pretty fucking exciting experience! No regrets for either of us.”
“Wow ... more power to ya!” I retorted, surprised by it all.
“Now, to answer your second question ... about sending the video to you ... Well ... truth is...” he began slowly, “I had just finished reading your latest chapter ... with a full glass of bourbon ... and the testosterone was just rushing all through me ... and I thought, “Hey, instead of me TELLING Charlie about our time with Jack and Kitty, let me do something better ... let me SHOW him what went on.” And with a push of a button, off it went.”
Knowing full well how thoroughly the male hormone coupled with alcohol can corrupt the decision-making process, and how we had confided so much in each other the past few months, I completely understood the reason behind his rash action. I also came to the realization that I was partially to blame for it, seeing as how my writing is what got him all riled up in the first place. Still, I decided to make him stew in his guilt a bit more.
“Didn’t you think it was the least bit fucked up that you encouraged me to watch my own mother getting laid by another guy?”
“I know ... I know ... It was a bad decision,” he finally admitted. “You probably weren’t prepared for that ... but in my testosterone-and-alcohol-fueled haze, it seemed to make perfect sense to share it, especially since I know you have an Oedipus thing going...”
“Well, it’s true! And since the main theme of our story is the taboo of having another man lay your wife with your permission, I thought it would be fine ... I mean, for God’s sake ... you had already watched ME breed your momma...”
I flushed bright red and felt a surge down below at his blunt comment.
“Of course, as they say ... hindsight is 20/20. If I knew you’d be upset, I wouldn’t have sent it.”
“Weeeellll ... I guess I’d have to say it made me more conflicted than upset,” I explained. “I mean, it sure didn’t LOOK like you had cold feet in the video,” I bristled. “You were egging them both on pretty good.”
“Sure,” he conceded, “once things started up, we were all in a lust-driven frenzy ... maybe me more than anyone ... But I guess it really hit home when I saw Jack ... you know ... finish inside her.”
I recalled those final moments in the video, and how Dad had become strangely silent when he caught that instant with the camera.
“Yeah ... it may be crude, but I’m just gonna say it ... seeing his seed dripping from the place that was mine and mine alone ... and knowing that it could never be undone ... well, I won’t lie ... some regret did creep in.”
“Well, how was Mom afterwards?”
“I’d say It was just like after we got together with you guys ... she was practically glowing. For the next few days, there was definitely a spring in her step and a constant smile on her face.”
“Well, maybe having that intimate attention from another fella made her feel like a more desirable woman,” I ventured.
“Yeah, I’d definitely say that’s what it was ... Let me tell you, since then ... she’s been even more frisky than usual,” he confessed with a smile returning to his face. “She’s been wanting it everywhere ... the kitchen table ... outside by the barn ... in the truck ... You can be sure, I sure ain’t complaining about that!” he admitted. I could see that he needed to adjust himself just thinking about their recent illicit adventures.
“I bet not!” I replied, hoping the conversation would continue in this more “positive” direction.
“So I have to ask...” he began, “how many times did you watch it?”
My face reddened, and now it was my turn to adjust my plumping cock. “At least eight,” I replied honestly.
Dad smiled knowingly. “Your mother was a thing of beauty, wasn’t she?”
I could tell he was probing ... seeing what would slip from my mouth. “Sure was ... she handled him like a pro.”
“Sure did...” he said trailing off. “You know, I probably shouldn’t tell you this ... but Jack kept raving about how tight she was ... just kept going on and on about it afterwards ... Have to say, for some reason, that made me feel proud.”
I felt a droplet of warm wetness escape me upon hearing that information. “Well, from the look of things ... he didn’t leave her that way after he finished,” I retorted bluntly, baiting Dad for more details about the encounter.
Dad smiled wickedly at my completely inappropriate observation. “Yeah ... well, when I slid in there after him, there was definitely more wiggle room than I’m accustomed to,” he smirked. “Stayed like that for a couple of days, actually, before things got back to normal. I joked with Jack later that he had ruined it for me. Let me tell you ... that sure boosted his ego.” he chuckled.
The last of Dad’s words were lost in a fog as the image of his uncut cock sliding easily into Mom’s foreignly-seeded snatch took precedence in my mind.
“As someone with zero experience, myself ... how was your first time with sloppy seconds?” I blurted out, apropos of nothing.
The conversation was definitely taking on a bluer tone more in line with the narrative of our co-constructed story.
“Well...” he smiled, recollecting the experience and trying to verbalize it accurately, “it definitely was a unique feeling ... gliding through another man’s spunk ... but I have to admit, it added another taboo layer to the whole experience ... I mean, I guess it all goes back to the primal aspect of breeding we’re focusing on in our story. At that moment, we were just two cum-drunk old bulls driven by lustful chemicals to mate the fair lady we were with ... knowing full well that our ministrations weren’t going to be bringing any newborn life into the world ... but still enjoying the thrill and bravado of pretending.”
He paused, contemplating something before continuing. “Again, maybe I shouldn’t be telling you this ... but afterwards, your Mom and I were talking, and she said being double dipped for the first time was a VERY exciting experience for her, too...” He paused again, looking conflicted. “She’d kill me if she knew I told you this, but ... she said that having those two loads dripping from her afterwards made her feel like a $10 hooker ... and she liked it...”
My heart immediately started thumping in my throat hearing Dad’s confession.
“Wow! Pretty powerful stuff...” was all I could muster after that.
Dad laughed, reading my face like a book. “Is that old Oedipus complex eating away at you, Charlie? ... Don’t worry, every guy has been through mommy lust ... Nothing to be ashamed of ... Well, at least we can explore that in our little story now, eh?” Dad said matter-of-factly. “By the way, I’ll be shooting off the next chapter in the next day or two.”
I laughed at his unintentional pun.
“Yeah ... I’ll probably be shooting off something else after this call, too,” he chuckled, quickly catching his double entendre.
“You and me both,” I replied honestly, looking down to see a growing wet spot on my trousers.
“Hey, sorry again for throwing that video curve ball at you. Are we square with that?”
“Yeah, we’re square ... only if you write a damn good next part to our story, old man.”
“Oh ... you’ve got my word on that!” he assured me.
“Hey, by the way...” I interjected before concluding the call, “why haven’t I heard a word about your exploits with Ms. Kitty during your little swinging experience?”
Dad laughed and shook his head. “The reason is because Ms. Kitty is a terrible fuck!”
“Yeah ... Jack talks a good game about how sexy she is, and how they do this and that ... but when I was with her, she was about as animated as a dead fish. And those big tits I’ve been been admiring all these years ... well, I found out first hand they’re mostly silicon now. And the real kicker for me ... Jack’s gapped her so much that I hardly felt a thing.”
“Wow ... sounds pretty awful ... No wonder you kept things to yourself.”
“Yeah ... I won’t be doing that again,” he chuckled, “and your Mom about killed herself laughing after I told her what I just told you ... Now she doesn’t feel the least bit threatened by Kitty ... and for good reason! Anyway, I learned my lesson ... be careful what you wish for ... it may come true!...”
We both had a big laugh over that one.
“Well, I’d better let you go, Charlie. Like I said, you should be getting my next masterpiece soon.”
Sure enough, the next day, an attachment arrived.
The Breeding of Erika: Ninth Chapter
“You were marvelous darling,” whispered Mom in my ear as she cradled my spent testes in her soft, warm hand. I turned my head and she planted a small kiss on my cheek. “I could’ve watched these big balls slap her ass all day,” she purred, giving them a firm, but gentle, squeeze.
“Glad you liked the show,” I stuttered, giving Dad a pair of raised eyebrows.
He stared back sporting a big knowing smile. “Sounds like you have a fan.”
“Just being a supportive mother,” she replied with a grin and wink of her own.
“Well, I hope you soaked that little egg good,” Dad replied. “Why don’t you back out and let your Mom clean you up. She’s got a real talent for that,” he winked.
“Come on dear,” she cooed, ringing her fingers around the base of my cum-slick sack and gently pulling backward. I followed her lead and slowly dislodged my sperm-spent cock from Erika’s “hopefully” fertilized depths with a muffled “SLURP”. Remnants of my fresh, warm load puddled at the entrance to her well-fucked quim, but Dad was careful not to let it spill.
“Whoa ho! Looks like you topped her off pretty good there with that world-famous Evans cream,” observed Dad proudly. He quickly balled Erika up until her bonne-bouche was pointing skyward to avoid spillage. Then, to my surprise, he was then able to gather her hips to his chest in an embrace and slowly, carefully pick her up, so that she was upside down in a kind of standing 69.
“Need to let gravity help us out,” he huffed, “Get that big load to settle in her womb.”
He then proceeded to walk her over to the couch across the room in that position, like a leopard stealing away his prey from the rest of the prowl. Once he had reached the couch, he squatted down. But instead of placing her on the couch, as I had expected, he gently placing her head and shoulders on the floor, and rested her back up against the front of the couch, so that her beautiful ass formed a peak and her legs dangled on either side of her head below.
Without skipping a beat, he knelt down, straddling Erika’s flushed face once again, so that his turgid cock hung an inch above her mouth. To my surprise, she wasted no time raising her head to suckle his foreskin-covered tip. He sighed deeply, then spread his legs wide to give her a chance to rest her head on the floor as she devoured him.
“Thatta girl,” he complemented, “You sure know how to treat your Papa right.” Then he slowly flexed his ass and leaned in. I watched spellbound as more of his thick shaft smoothly disappeared into my wife’s welcoming throat. A deep, satisfied moan rumbled in his chest.
As all this was transpiring, I slowly raised myself off my knees and stretched my back as Dad had done earlier. Mom wasted no time kneeling in front of me, briefly admiring the glistening mess of juices and sweat coating my floppy cock.
“That’s my boy!” she said proudly. “You ready for me to get him nice and clean?”
“It would be a wish come true,” I sighed honestly.
She smiled, then put her hands on my thighs and leaned in a fraction of an inch from my cock, inhaling the aroma of the rich mixture. As she did, my cock twitched and bumped her nose unexpectedly.
“Oh!” she exclaimed, and recoiled a bit in surprise. Her surprise soon turned to laughter at her own reaction.
“Sorry about that,” I said, unable to hold back a laugh of my own.
“Looks like he’s still kicking,” she replied giggling. “I, of all people, should’ve known it’s hard to keep an Evans cock down ... especially a healthy young one like this.”
The twitch had caused the last milky droplet of cream to emerge from my slit. It began to grow and dangle from my tip.
“At least I get a present out of it,” she said with a tinge of huskiness in her voice, obviously mesmerized and anxious to sample my wares for the first time.
“May I?...” she asked, looking up at me.
“You may,” I said with a somewhat dominant tone.
I could tell she appreciated it. With a wicked smile, she quickly leaned in and positioned her tongue under the dangling droplet. She waited there as it slowly descended to rest on the blade of her pink tongue. She held it there, briefly displaying what she had collected, before taking it into her mouth ... her first taste of me.
She smiled broadly. “Mmmm ... It was definitely worth the wait,” she finally cooed after savoring it a bit.
The scene was intoxicating. So much so that I began to feel lightheaded.
Without skipping a beat, she leaned in, parted her mouth, and cradled the head of my cut cock gingerly between her warm lips. Ever so slowly I could feel the tip of her tongue delicately probe my slit, searching for more of my ejaculate. Still sensitive from my orgasm, the stimulation took my breath away, and my tired knees buckled a bit as she kept her sensuous eyes on me. Then, like a boa devouring its prey, her mouth slowly enveloped my head, locking her lips behind my flared corona. Her tongue began swirling earnestly over each of the sensitive nerve-endings in my tip, careful to target those bundled on the underside cleft near the slit.
I was in heaven and instinctively tangled my fingers in her hair, desperate to keep her there as long as I could. Knowing that my limp cock would soon be returning to life, she worked her lips past my circumcision scar and up the shaft until they found the base of my cock. She closed her eyes and began nursing earnestly on my limp manhood like a newborn calf on its mothers teat. I couldn’t help but gasp at the intense suction and sensations she generated, and held her head as my tool began to grow inside her. At that moment, I longed to remain as deep in my mother’s warm mouth as I could.
Looking over his shoulder, Dad watched me being serviced. “She sure cleans up well, doesn’t she.”
I looked down into her smiling eyes. “Yeah, I’m guessing you’ve had her practicing quite a bit, eh.”
“Well, since Erika here gave her that training, she’s been on my cock like a fly to honey.”
“Speaking of my girl ... how’s she doing over there?” I inquired, finding it hard to focus on holding a simple conversation as Mom sucked me deep.
“Oh, she’s doing just fine, ain’t ya, darlin’?” he crowed. With her mouth stuffed with cock, all she could do was give me a thumbs up. “There you go ... She’s giving my old dog a mighty fine tour of her velvet throat over here. And while we let this fresh load of yours settle a little more...” he said, patting her upturned ass, “ ... let me go ahead and do some housecleaning of my own. I’m curious how this creampie of yours stacks up against your old man’s.”
I watched in amazement as he used his thumbs to pull apart Erika’s dark, swollen petals with a muted “click”. He took time to admire the erotic beauty of her seeded furrow before bringing his face close and inhaling deeply. “Nice bouquet you’ve got there,” he called back. With that, he brought his tongue to her unhooded clit and wiggled it around. A muffled squeal emanated from between his legs where Erika was worshipping diligently.
With the broad blade of his tongue, he wasted no time excavating her hot, slick trough ... slowly at first, but then with long lapping strokes. Erika’s hips undulated with each cleansing pass.
He finally covered her quim completely with his mouth and ate her properly, causing her legs to kick and quiver involuntarily. As he feasted, I could see his muscled haunches flexing rhythmically ... fucking her moaning mouth with his pistoning tool. He finally came up for air with a loud “SMACK,” and her labia glistening with nary a trace of my wayward cum.
He looked back at me, his grinning mouth glistened with a mixture of my juices and hers. “A little on the light side, if I do say so myself,” he joked, belittling the quality of my ejaculate, “but hopefully your swimmers can get the job done.” As he spoke, I watched his ass continue to flex methodically ... nonchalantly stuffing his meaty stalk down my wife’s throat again and again. A muted “glug, glug” emanated from her mouth. He must have known that the sight of his swollen testes slowly slapping against her face was driving me over the edge.
“Ohh darlin’ ... You got a mouth that just won’t quit, now don’t ya,” he hissed, reaching back between his legs and stroking her black hair. “Charlie, I ain’t gonna lie ... I sure wish I could plant my load in this beautiful mouth and get her pregnant that way ... but I think we all know a much better place for it,” he concluded.
Grabbing the back of her neck, he slowly unsheathed his engorged tusk from her talented orifice until it hovered just above her mouth. It was positively dripping with a sloppy coating of her spit and his precum.
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Crack my whip went across his fingers. ‘I told you to do what I said. If you break the rules you will be punished.’ We were at the movies and I brought my slave. I told her that she would get a treat today, half way through the movie. I put her collar on and her leash, I made her hike up her denim mini skirt it barely covered her shaved pussy. Her 36DD chest was bulging out of her tight shirt, she had no bra on either. I began to play with her pussy. I saw the guy in front of us look back. I...
About one thing, we must be absolutely clear. The club was not Becky's idea. She had lost a bet with some of the girls in her dorm, and the price was that the loser had to visit this club and gamble at least $100. To be honest, she couldn't even remember what the bet was about anymore. All she could remember was feeling like she couldn't let those bitches win, so she went.Becky was shocked at the sight as she entered. There were people there in clothes she had only read about on the internet on...
Shego smiles a nasty little smile before answering “Of course I did, though I don’t know what you would want a dried up old mummified arm for.” She said, tossing the arm towards Dr. Drakken. Drakken sneers, “You don’t need to know, with this I’ll bring Middleton to its knees.” He said as he grabs the mummified arm. “Now all I have to do is place the arm in the center of the altar and read the ancient runes carved on it.” “Yeah…right this will turn out good, just like all your other...
I am 40 years old and my wife is at 35 now. I am working in a private company. This incidence is almost one year back. There was one man prem of around 45 years old working under me but he was much senior to me in this company. I found some fraud in his records and according to rules of the company i suspended him after issuing show cause notice. Prem was very fat heavy built and it was heard he was criminal type. Many times he has gone to jail also for fighting with his neighbors. After...
The only one who was not nervous at Cowboy Stadium was Erin Gibson. As an unknown, she had everything to gain and nothing to lose. She still planned on working at Shelly's whether she hit it big or was a big bust! The Rolling Stones and their entourage didn't pay her any attention when they arrived. They quickly looked over the platform and went to their dressing rooms, not bothering even to say hello to her or her band. It was if Erin and her group didn't exist in their eyes. Erin wore a...
It was the next morning, after everyone else had left the house, when I asked Eddie to join me in my home office. From the way she had already been waiting for me in the living room, I assumed that Joyce and Dale had alerted her to the fact that I was planning on having a talk with her. "Eddie, Joyce and I were talking about some things last night. Joyce thinks that you and I needed to have another talk about what your plans are for the future." Eddie seemed worried about something. Just...
By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 Chapter 1 Who am I? Well, I’m a Dad with three beautiful daughters. They are: Jane-22, Jill-20, and my baby Jesse (18 as of yesterday). I have been doing my best trying to raise them, provide them a safe home, and instruct them as best I can. My wife of 23 years passed away a couple of years ago. She was beautiful. A free-spirit who, in my opinion, was way out of my league. I never understood what she saw in a blue-collar guy like me. Janice was my dream...
I awoke in my favorite position, with my wife in my arms cupping her breast. I had no idea what time it was and didn’t care. This is our vacation. Lying there listening to Ann purr, I thought about our first day of the cruise and how that all transpired. It was almost bizarre the way we ended up swapping wives without a word being said about it. There was definitely some chemistry there, some unspoken language. The gentle rocking of the ship gave us a real sound sleep even though the...
Tammy tossed and turned on the small cot. It had been a frightful night. "Damn," she muttered under her breath. She kicked off the covers. Moonlight lit up the bedroom. A quick glance across the room told her Tammy was sleeping peacefully. She frowned and silently slipped her panties off. Deft fingers combed through the curly brown hair of her cunt. She moaned, riding a quick surge toward orgasm. It eluded her. "Damn," she hissed. She climbed out of bed as quietly as possible. Having...
Barry clapped his hand on my office door, snapping me out of my funk. “Conference call, five minutes.” He sauntered off, clueless to the divinely filthy thoughts he had interrupted. Nicole’s dress was off the second we had walked through the door. She ran to the living room and threw herself into my easy chair, spreading her legs wide. I fell to my knees in front of her in a worshipful pose of lascivious intent. I took things slower, making love to my daughter’s pussy with my mouth. I...
Sometimes things happen that can shatter the image you have of who you are. Given the proper motivation, the right incentive any man will give in. It may not be his fault but sometimes, thick, brown, smelly shit just happens. About 2 months ago it happened to me. It ruined my life. My therapist thought it would help if I wrote it all down. Here is a list of things that John Pressman never thought he would do. See a Therapist. Talk about personal feelings. Cry like a bitch Seriously...
"You found your mother?" "Yep. She's at the top of the dead oak down by the lake. She's fucking the gray hawk that nests there. She saw me. 'Tell your Dad, ' she goes, 'That though my cock has no cock, still he's a better fuck than your Dad and his prize cock." "She's still mad." "She did catch us." "What did she expect? I was a stag and you were the sweetest smelling doe in the herd. It was fall. It's never bothered her before." "I think she wanted to fuck me herself....
One of my hidden obsessions was to finally meet Miss Peggy Shippen, the Tory inclined socialite that shaped poor General Arnold’s fall from grace with General George Washington and the entire Continental Congress. Of course, the history books had drawings of her and she was described as a great beauty but I wondered where reality took hold and fantasies became the stuff of fairy tales. The General and Miss Shippen only had a pen-pal relationship at that point in time but I knew that things...
Jason knows that he’s supposed to go to a family reunion with his dad and stepmom, Casca Akashova. He tires to ask Casca to get out of it, but she reminds him that he knows he has to go. Changing tactics, Jason tell Casca that he’s run out of toothpaste and asks if he can go into her bathroom to get some. When he gets permission, he actually borrows one of his dad’s dick pills so he can have a good time before the reunion. Jason is in his bed jacking off when Casca comes in to...
xmoviesforyouHlw frnds, m sachin ek bar phir apke sb k bich, ek nai kahani k sath aya hu. Meri family me 3 log h, m, meri ma & papa. Ma aur papa ghr me rhte h, aur m dusre city me padhai krta hu. M be k student hu, aur ek room leke rhta hu. Meri ma k age 45 hogi, but wo ek gadrai hui mal lgti h, unka figure 38’32’40 h. Papa k dost jb bhi ghr ate h, ma se khub majak aur double meaning bate krte h. Kuch to akele me muth bhi marte honge. Phle m apne ma se bhut darta tha, but maine unko itni bar chudte huye...
"They killed her, Brian. What am I going to do? They killed her!" "Hang in there, Josh. Hang in there. We're on our way." I hung up the phone and turned back to the table. The girls were all looking at me, waiting to find out what was going on. "Josh is in the hospital," I said. "Denise..." It was like someone sucker-punched me in the solar plexus. I doubled over and heaved. Then I heaved again before the girls could even respond. I dropped to my knees. "She's dead." Rose...
The Confederate Army was only two days away traveling on foot. Several aircraft had already attempted to bomb the entrance to Solar City, but Béla and Lisa had teleported their bombs elsewhere. Tabatha stood guard outside the time-shielded entrance into the mountain, listening with her mind for any intruders. She couldn’t feel anything and informed her team members that the community was safe from ground attack – at least for now. But there was another formation of bombers coming. Tanya...
Revenge, Inc. Danny Jenkins. a loving wife can be a goose to be plucked By H20wader * * * * * the ravings of a lunatic. Copyright by h20wader my editor is out of town so I to blame for all errors. * * * * * Harold Stasson was always the first in the office. He placed the bagels he had pick up on his way to the office. He liked the calm and the quiet. He had just made the morning coffee when he heard the buzzer from the front door. Probably Judith, she would want coffee too. The button was...
I was traveling to Mexico with my parents and after several days of laying out on the beach, etc. I was getting tired of hanging out with them so I sneeked out of the resort and even though I was u******e, grabbed a taxi cab and went into this little town. I was trying to score some weed that I could sneak back into the resort and use after my parents had turned in for the night.I asked the taxi driver where I might get some and he took me to the shitty looking little bar out on a dirt road. I...
Slots by Julie O It started out with all the ingredients for an incredible time, a hot car, a pocket full of cash and a long weekend off. I hit the road to Vegas immediately as I got off from work. I figured I would be in "Lost Wages" by midnight and that I would be drinking, gambling and hopefully getting laid shortly thereafter. The initial part of the trip was uneventful. I missed the worse of the traffic around LA and stopped at some little town for gas and a burger....
Myself is Kamal, I'm a 50yrs YOUNG SINGLE GUY ;-) Average looks... Average height 5ft8...Average 6 inches long Tool but bit thicker... that's what all the ladies have said ;-) Slim Built (likes to keep fit) Average job & Average wages. Only one thing is not Average about me.... I'm always Craving for SEX ;-)This is my another SEXIDENT... I'm taking you 30yrs back...It was a nice cloudy Summer Morning... I left home for College about 9am. Bus stop is like 15mnts walk from home. Bus stop was...
The Class Project By Janice Dreamer Chapter 9 "Brad?" Robyn asked, feeling a little thrill course through her heart. She fought to dispel her sleepiness. "Yep, it's me," he replied. "How're you doing, Sweets? I hope I didn't wake you." She shifted in bed slightly, moving the phone to her other ear. "No, you didn't wake me," she lied, "I was just lying here resting my tired feet. Cathy took me shopping and nearly walked me to death." "Are you too tired to come over," he...
One night while Kate was at work Mike decided to go out for a drink with his friends. He met up at the bar with his usual fellas but there was this new guy John who happen to be a mutual friend of someone else. Everyone was laughing drinking and having a good time, but as it got later people were leaving until it was just Mike and John left. Mike asked John if he would like to come over for a few more drinks and to keep talking. John was down with the idea but was way too drunk to drive, and so...
In high school I was quite popular and had a lot of friends. I danced and because of my dancing my ass was tight and round and all the boys could not keep their eyes off of it. My names Bailey, I have long brown curly hair, unique one brown eye and one green eye, i’m 5’6 and 115 pounds with full C breasts. As I was saying, I had lots of friends in high school but I had my best friend, Layla… Laya was so sexy. And everyone knew it, especially her. She’s 5’8 120 pounds with sexy blonde hair and...
Saturday morning as usual, they were up out of bed and had breakfast. This would be their last day at home before leaving for college on Sunday. Clara called to invite Joan and Eric for lunch. They knew the desert in the afternoon would be very erotic. As far as Eric’s parents knew, it would be for lunch and conversation. John served wine while Clara and Joan did the finishing touches in getting lunch ready. Clara said, ‘We’ve have just a light lunch so that we won’t be feel drugged and...
448 Mallow Manor Part 6 The following Tuesday the ladies forwent the afternoon together it being Marys wedding, as was the local custom a wedding meant a drink or three for the villagers most of whom worked for or were linked to the manor directly or indirectly in some way, so after a simple ceremony in the afternoon, attended by the few who were not busy working, the couple returned to the manor, as man and wife to dine royally at the manor table, a rare privilege, After the evening meal the...
Hi dosto, mera naam aditya hai, aur main gurgaon me job karta hun. Ye kahani meri aur mere pados wali bhabhi ki hai. Bhabhi to naam ki hai vo asal me to sex ki goddess hai. Bhabhi ka naam akansha hai aur unki shadi ko 2 saal hue hai, unki figure 34-24-32 hai, Lambi height aur ek alag hi attitude hai unka. Ab story pe aata hun. Baat yaha se shuru hui ki jab meri job gurgaon ki ek mnc me lagi to maine gurgaon me hi ek ghar lene ka socha. hum 2 dosto ne milke Gurgaon ke saste area me ghar liya...
Ms. White is definitely one of the hottest teachers on campus and she has heard it all during her time. From all the comments from the male students about how they have fucked so and so and how much they want to fuck her. She’s heard it all. Today may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back as she has a couple of students staying after to work on an assignment when the older one on the stay in school forever plan starts giving advice to a brand new 18 year old freshman....
xmoviesforyouHe heard a car door slam and he opened his front door just in time to see her bounding up the stairs, suitcase in hand. She had been gone just over three weeks for a conference and he had been counting the hours till she returned. She grinned as she reached the top of the stairs, unable to control herself just seeing him again. He returned the grin sheepishly as he held out his hand for her suitcase. He was always a gentleman and deemed high priority to always be polite. Shaking her head,...
Tyananter aakha aathavada kaka botivar jaaiparyanta aamhi sarvajan diwas raatra zavat hoto.Shevti kaka botivar nighun gele ani aamcha haidos thandavla.Mi tar gharaat aaichi kinvaa maavshichi panty ghalunach firat ase.Ani aai maavshi maatra somavar te shanivaar fakta sakaalychyaa bra ani panty ghalun gharaat firat asat.sandhyakalchya ani ravivaari maatra sadimadhe asat.sandhyakaali ani ravivaarcha ghari koni na koni yet ase na tyaamule aamhaala aamcha nanga naach thambvavaa laage.Kaka botivar...
I'll relate the following events, with an emphasis on accuracy and detail! I hope you enjoy! Being a healthy, horny-all-the-time MAN as I am, I often engage in good hearted banter with male coworkers. If men aren't talking about football or baseball, they're definitely talking about pussy! And since football and baseball hold no particular passion for me, you can guess what I like to talk about! I have a very nice job and make good money. My wife Kristin has one too and is often on the road...
Taylor is sound asleep. Chris slowly opens and locks the door. Taylor still sleeping just whimpers and rolls to the side. Chris making sure she's completely out rolls her on her back. Chris pulls down the covers, he takes off her night pants, he then took out his dick and sat it on top of her pussy. He began rubbing her up and down on his dick, he did this until he was completely rock hard. Taylor began to fluster, she awoke. 'What are you--' Taylor was cut off by Chris covering her...
Oh, I'm just so nervous!" Rachel shouted to Monica from inside the shower. Monica was sitting on the toilet with the lid down, working on a TV guide crossword puzzle (addressed to Ms. Chanandler Bong".)"Sweetie, you're only going to a movie. There's nothing to be nervous about. You've been doing this since high school.""I know, but I really like him. What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm too... Oh, I don't know... too fragrant?""If men didn't like the smell of perfume, they wouldn't...
Good Neighbors, Part 2 *** This story picks up in the middle of Stacey's recollections of how she came into her current situation. Please see Part 1 for the back story. *** "Listen, I can explain," I started to say. He cut me off. "No," he said simply. I saw an unmistakable glint in his eye as his next words seared into my brain. "You won't be able to explain anything with your mouth full of my cock." "Excuse me? I'm not...." "I know, not gay. But you are...
Cleo headed out side. She knew what she had to do. She had to have mind blowing sex with a man, any man, and prove to herself she had no hang ups about the rape. Dean was out of the question. Too much involved with him. Flo simply wasn't a man. It had to be a man. Who? Cleo walked with purpose towards the pool. Surely someone was hanging around there. Yup. The place was crowded. It was hot and the afternoon was just starting. Nearly nude bodies were everywhere. Cleo couldn't help but feel...
I came home from riding my bike in the scorching midday sun, feeling heated and a little dehydrated. It was my own fault; with temperatures reaching over 100 degrees, it might not have been the most ideal time of day for outdoor exercise, but I was a bit pressed for time. I was supposed to enter a race next week, and as I was still recovering from a mild case of the flu, I had taken out my bike and made a fifty-mile practice round in the hills to see if I was up for it. I was worn-out and a bit...
Interesting times on the way to Montreal. As soon as the FedA Border Patrol realized that detaining the Flintkotes meant the birth of a NEW child and therefore ‘citizen’ they couldn’t get rid of them fast enough. Besides, the USA had ... not pardoned the kids ... exactly ... just had no reason to hold them ... and Tyche Selene was ... precocious ... and a lot of ... trouble ... and ... too damn clever for the ranking officers... “Move ‘em on. They’re harmless.” HA! It wasn’t until...
Thanks guys for reading and leaving me messages! As promised, here's the 2nd part to the bunch of firsts I had.After the events of that day in the library, I barely could sleep a wink that night. Flashes of her lips on mine, the words she said ringing in my ears, the feeling on being in her acting like small electric pulses on my manhood.. I toss and turn til the sunlight broke the horizon and cracking through my window. I took a cold shower hoping it would snap me out of my trance, and headed...
THE HOMELESS GIRLI was quite free on that day, no lingering memories of the nightmare I had endured in the previous night or for the past two years ever since my beloved wife had passed away. As I strolled down the streets of my beautiful neighbourhood, I thought I saw a figure huddled in the shadows of the night. My curiosity was suddenly piqued. Being part of the neighbourhood watch and all I immediately changed course and drew near that location. As I approached, something moved slightly...
This is a sequel to Swim Lessons Get Sexy (linked below). I suggest you read the first one before reading this one. Enjoy. “I said. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” Jason was stuck frozen to his spot. There he stood naked on the edge of the pool deck. To his left knelt an equally naked and very hot Aubrey Jones, the mother of a student in his swim class. The spotlight twinkled on Aubrey’s large breasts where a small bit of Jason’s cum still lay. Across from him stood Jason’s friend and coworker...
My brother is about five years older than I. I was not sure why he still lived at home with us at twenty one years. He caught me wanking several times so he asked me to come with him to meet this woman named Helen. I did not know why. She was an older woman, around sixty, not bad looking and married. The three of us talked for a while over tea. Several weeks later my brother came in and told me I had been accepted and I should go with him tomorrow. I asked him accepted to what and he said I had...